#Jack bolton
spicymalepolls · 4 months
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🔞 18 + Content Ahead 🔞
Coach Jack Bolton:
Joseph Christiansen:
Image #1
Image #2 (Rule 34)
Image #3 (Rule 34)
Image #4 (Rule 34)
Image #5 (Rule 34 Paheal)
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dorizardthewizard · 1 month
HSM (2006) rewatch pt 8
8: Secret practice, missing practice
It’s kind of weird hearing the score being so prominent in this segment where they're secretly practicing singing, I usually never notice it in this movie if it’s there at all
Our first glimpse at Breaking Free!
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Why are they even practicing- sorry, rehearsing - during school hours, wouldn’t it be easier to just do it after school or something?
Also respect to Kelsi for helping them while also managing to keep the secret. And look, they’re practicing and putting a lot of effort in! Screw you people who say Sharpay was the victim because Troy and Gabriella didn't actually care about musical theatre and everything fell in their laps. That's literally just... completely untrue!
What are Troy and Gabriella even jamming to? It looks so stupid lol
Oh he actually missed practice without telling anyone? Last time it was a free period at least, and here he's just helping out paint sets – something he didn’t really need to do unless he just wanted to hang out with Gabriella. I kind of get the team's worry if he skips an actual practice so close to a big game, but also he wouldn’t be so secretive about it all if they were more accepting. But also he could be balancing things better, which kind of carries on in the second movie. There’s layers, is all I’m saying
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Damn Mr Bolton so rude, she’s a student. Troy looks so offended on her behalf
YOU'RE NOT JUST A GUY, TROY! Ah, tying into Troy's line during the rooftop conversation
What Troy does affects the entire school? Geez that’s a bit much, come on Bolton just because you peaked in high school doesn’t mean everyone views things that way. Also they are putting way too much importance on Troy it kind of doesn't make sense, like are they really gonna lose if his head isn’t in the game? Maybe if he were like, the setter in a volleyball game but basketball? Eh...
This whole convo... the mounting pressure on Troy, the disbelieving “please don’t be gay” delivery on the “you’re not a singer” line, Troy saying maybe he could be both... Cinema 👌
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My favorite post-canon HSM thought is also my most delusional one.
I sometimes like to imagine that Troy and Gabriella broke up a few years after they got into college. During this time, Troy's parent's also decide to get divorced.
Years later after it all, Gabriella decides that that she wants to be with Troy's dad. They break the news to Troy during the NBA's off season, but Troy is actually fine with this development, in part because he's found a new love of his own.
Troy's new love is none other than his long term female bestie, Kelsi Nielsen.
Throughout the years, Troy and Kelsi have kept in touch, even with living on opposite coasts at times.
Troy always makes sure to save tickets to his NBA games for Kelsi, and Kelsi asks Troy to come with her to her musical events whenever she doesn't have anybody else to go with.
In general, they are always there to support each other anyway, even if they hadn't offically invited each other to their events. <3
Everyone ends up happy with how things have turned out, even though it isn't exactly the life they imagined for themselves all those years ago, back when they were deep within the culture of high school.
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synkverv · 3 months
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this is my vendetta.
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vinnianlovesdinosaurs · 2 months
House of the Dragon Hot Take except I don't care what number I'm on because this is a more important post than usual.
I feel like the majority of GOT/HOTD/ASOIAF fans see this post as "common sense" but a lot of you don't act on it so I'm just going to say it anyway. Stop threatening the actors. Stop bullying the actors. Stop threatening people that have different opinions then you (i'm SPECIFICALLY looking at toxic team green and team black stans right now.) I have seen people like Iwan Rheon, Carice van Houten, Jack Gleason, Sophie Turner, Kit Harington, Emilia Clarke, Tom Glynn-Carney, and Matt Smith get treated like absolute SHIT because of their characters, their appearance, their gender, and their acting. It is truly disgusting and dehumanizing to go on social media and see people sending death threats to actors and actresses because people don't like their character. I'll give examples on what I mean:
Iwan Rheon - Has been harassed for playing Ramsay.
Jack Gleason - Got sent death threats for playing Joffrey.
Kit Harington - Got sexually harassed in public numerous times and I believe threatened at least once for playing Jon. He also gets made fun of for wanting to be seen as more than a pretty face and body. He also got ridiculed for saying being randomly touched in public and having people practically harassing him about his appearance makes him reasonably upset.
Matt Smith - People bully him for his appearance, harassed him AND his MOTHER on twitter, and people accuse him of supporting abuse towards women because he plays Daemon.
Carice van Houten - Got sent death threats for playing Melisandre.
Sophie Turner - Got bullied off of almost every social media at some point for playing Sansa. She's also the victim of almost every misogynist GOT fan on the internet all for playing Sansa.
Emilia Clarke - Has been sexually harassed in public and gets bullied online for being a "terrible actress" for doing what the script and director tells her because she played Daenerys.
Tom Glynn-Carney - Got rape allegations put against him on twitter because of the episode where Aegon rapes Dyana. They said that because Aegon is a rapist Tom is too.
I have said this time and time again, you guys are fucking EMBARRASSING!! Get a god damn grip on yourselves and instead of acting like morons who can't separate character from actor/actress go outside and breathe in some fresh fucking air.
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uh-ohspaghettio · 6 months
If Jack Kline was real I’d make him watch all the high school musical movies. Would he enjoy it? That’s not important he needs to understand the cultural significance
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pedroam-bang · 3 months
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Dunkirk (2017)
“We shall never surrender.”
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squidprince420 · 3 months
Does anyone know of any characters in TV (or movies) that have a similar dynamic to Jamie Fraser and Jack Randall from Outlander and Theon Greyjoy and Ramsay Bolton from Got? Both storylines in these two shows are so similar and both were so very intriguing to watch, and I'm desperately looking for another show and another set of characters to latch on to right now lmao
I've tried to rewatch TWD as I remember Darryl and Negan having a kinda similar relationship but I couldn't really get into it at all, so I was wondering if anyone knew any shows with similar character dynamics they could recommend?🙏😭
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borglizard · 2 months
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wilhelminacisse · 3 months
Holly Gibney is THE final girl ever
She was figuring that shit out even if she sounded fuking crazy like sure yea obviously this guy is stealing faces and mind controlling people with a sunburn why wouldn’t you believe that
Girl did her research!!! And she was not about to be bested by her lil meat puppet friend
And YES she is a final girl her boyfriend died!!
Now they almost got me with the “who’s terry” but I will not be fooled she’s just funny like that her comedic timing is simply impeccable and she did NOT get scratched bc that wasn’t Jack’s thing and she beat the shit outta not-Claude before he could even try it
She stays winning
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myvinylplaylist · 2 months
Blackjack: Blackjack (1979)
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Gimmick sleeve resembles a playing card box.
Polydor Records
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dorizardthewizard · 27 days
HSM (2006) rewatch pt 10
10: In which I do a strange amount of maths for a DCOM commentary
Chad: Hey. Look, we need to talk Taylor: Go.
You know for someone whose first lines in the whole movie are making fun of jocks and insulting Chad's intelligence, she listens to him real quick. Perhaps... she already had a bit of a crush on him but covered it up with insults to stick to the status quo? Also what happened between her last convo with Gabriella and now that made her suddenly want to break them up?
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Hkjfdkf the way Taylor looks so baffled and then goes “whatever” at Chad’s watch thing. He’s a dork really
You want to be one of Charlie’s Angels Chad? Ok
If I were an East High student I would hate the basketball team so much, like wtf is all this Wildcat shit everywhere I don’t even know those guys fuck off
Ahh the intervention. I kinda wanted Zeke to be a bit more sympathetic to Troy, maybe be more reluctant to take part in this plan or actually not take part at all? Idk just to show some more nuance within these groups, although I guess baking is different and doesn’t interfere with basketball, Chad probably convinced him that this was necessary
Chad: Who was the first sophomore ever to make starting varsity? Wildcats: TROY! Chad: So who voted him our team captain this year? Wildcats: US! Chad: And who is gonna get their sorry butts kicked in Friday's championship game if Troy's worried about an audition? Wildcats: We are...
They sound so dejected on that last bit FSJDKKD
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EXACTLY. WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING. Also this scene is where the contrast between Troy's blue outfit and the Wildcat red is most obvious, and Gabriella's in blue too. Costume symbolism!
Chad: I think you're forgetting about one very important 13th member of our squad. Troy: My dad. Chad: Yes, Troy. Wildcat basketball champion, class of 1981.
Wow Chad really played the dad card, huh. Guys it's not that big of a flex to be a champion at high school basketball 20 years ago, you don't need to look up to a guy that peaked in high school and seemingly never left.
Wait let me do the maths... so if Jack Bolton was class of 1981, i.e. 18 years old then, and Troy turned 17 in 2006 so was born in 1989, that means Mr Bolton was 26 when he became a father and 43 at the time of the fist movie.
There was a tiktok recently that the actor reacted to, where the person theorised that Mr Bolton had Troy at 18 and that's why he pressures Troy so much to go make a life for himself. Except they used the actor's age which is a bit silly, so that was my debunk. He was 26. Mystery solved that didn't need solving.
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Ah, the “why do athletes get paid that much” debate
Taylor’s being so dramatic maybe SHE should join the drama club? In comparison to Troy's intervention where they actually bring out stuff that's important to him, this one's got a lot of waffle haha
Side note Taylor's fit is quite nice though
“I thought that you’re my friends. Win together, lose together, teammates” SO TRUE. GET 'EM.
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Obsessed with this video player screen and how the word “receiving” is misspelt. How are they even livestreaming this to her when it just looks like a normal video player hahaha
This is actually so mean wtf 😭 You made her cry! And Taylor’s reaction is terrible, just casually inviting her to the decathlon and lunch straight after
Why wouldn't Gabriella question this whole setup anyway? They were clearly planning for Troy to say this since they were ready with the webcam. Wouldn't she recognise that this was engineered on purpose? I guess it doesn't matter to her either way, as he still said those things.
OKAY to be fair they were trying to get Troy to quit the callbacks, it didn’t necessarily have to result in Troy dumping Gabriella (well they’re not dating but still) but it was Troy who took it to that level, even if he didn’t mean any of it.
This also shows a flaw of Troy’s and that's that he’s a bit of a people pleaser – he DOES argue with the Wildcats when he says he thought they were his friends, Chad doesn’t even offer a rebuttal, and instead of putting his foot down, in the same breath Troy dismisses the singing and Gabriella. Yeah his friends may still not have listened, but the right thing to do would be to draw his line in the sand and say they can't be friends if they won't support him. Because yeah they're being really mean about this! It's interesting because comparatively, Gabriella is better at setting boundaries and we'll see more of this in the second movie.
What is this random Wildcats gathering
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stephstars08 · 5 months
Is it weird that I want Jack to be my Troy Bolton?🤭🤔🥺
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mipeltaja · 10 months
Ah, the twitter lookalike dashboard has finally hit me, and while I suppose it doesn't ultimately matter where the buttons are, I do instictively and vehemently hate it. It makes the actual dashboard content look cramped.
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Last Train to Christmas (2021) Review
Last Train to Christmas (2021) Review
Tony Towers was somewhat of a local celebrity, a successful nightclub manager and is currently engaged to a younger woman named Sue. When they get on a train to Nottingham for a Christmas family reunion everything is about to get a little strange when he moves between the train carriages. ⭐️⭐️ (more…)
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haydenshashbrown · 5 days
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My best friend and I decided that we were only going to date men over the age of 89 moving forward so now we have to listen to Michael Bolton
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That’s why it’s a woman’s choice
A child needs and needs until titty stops
Truck them into childbirth
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Not retarded but not great. The MDs : “oops, we are inferior.”
Yes. You are
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