#Jackson teen wolf
dcangel · 11 days
one thing I don’t understand abt jackson (whittemore) is that he’s supposedly gay but what was that thing with allison going on in the first season???
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ruru0803 · 15 days
Discovery: Stiles x Male Reader
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Wolf Moon
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⚠️Small instance of abuse in this chapter⚠️
You opened your eyes at the sound of knocking at your door. You were currently floating in the air, a red mist surrounded your body; your red eyes now looking at the door waiting for the person to enter your room.
Your mom entered a moment later dressed in a dark red Gothic dress. Her eyes shine with mischief as she taps her long black nails against the door.
"Hey, honey."
You dropped down to your bed, your eyes were now a normal color than blood red.
"Hey, what's up?"
Your mom shrugs as she walks into your room. She slowly looks around the room before picking up a picture of Danny.
"I miss this kid. Why don't you ever bring him around much anymore?"
You sigh at her question, she knew the reason.
"We broke up, Mom. I'm lucky enough to still be his friend."
Your mom places the photo down before picking up a drawing, this one was miniature versions of you and your friend, Stiles.
"Is there a reason you're here, Mom?"
"Right, Sorry."
Your mom places down the picture before walking over to your bed and sitting next to you with an excited look on her face.
"As you know the full moon is soon."
You nod your head along with her words.
"And your father and I were thinking, that this could be the perfect opportunity to train and level up your powers."
You stare at your mom for a moment before shaking your head 'No'. Your mom frowns at that.
"Why not? You never come hunting with us."
You roll your eyes as your mother begins to cross her arms and pout like a petulant child.
"I'm perfectly fine practicing in the comfort of my room."
She leers at you as you begin to float off of your bed, the red mist beginning to surround your body again.
"That's nothing. You'll never get your full Vampire powers staying in your room meditating and you know that."
You land your feet on the ground and cross your arms.
"And I've made peace with that. I don't want to go out and attack people to gain powers. I'm perfectly fine with my hospital blood."
Your mom stands up and grabs your arms before shaking you back and forth.
"This could be a real bonding experience for us."
"Can't we play board games and bond like a normal family?"
Your mom plants her face into your shoulder and continues to sulk. You sigh at her dramatics.
"What about the hunters? Don't they come out every time the full moon does? Don't you care about your safety?"
"What if I get staked in the heart? Would you want me dying knowing that it could have been our last night together?"
You sighed.
You found yourself walking behind your parents in the forest in the dead of night.
"Are you really gonna find people in the forest?"
Annoyance quickly seeping through your voice. Your father laughs.
"You'd be surprised about how many idiots find themselves outside at this hour."
"That's Ridic-"
All of a sudden the sound of light footsteps and crunched grass filled your ears. Your dad turned towards you with a wicked smirk upon his face.
"Would you look at that.."
Your face dropped at the prospect of actually witnessing your parents trying to kill someone. You start to run your hands on your pants, feeling nervous about what was going to happen.
"I-I don't know about this. M-maybe I jumped into this too quickly. I wanna go home."
Your father gives you a hard smack on the shoulder.
"It's fine Kiddo. You don't have to do a thing. Just watch and learn."
Your parents pushed you in the direction of the voices, both of which started to sound familiar the more your family got closer. You could hear one of them taking a sharp breath and the sound of an inhaler soon after. Why them?
You started to panic and pulled out of your parents grasp.
"Stop, Stop."
Your parents grew annoyed at your antics thinking it was because of your refusal to fully immerse yourself into becoming the vampire they wanted you to be.
Not even a moment later did a pair of teenage boys emerge from the trees and into the clearing of where your family stood. Your mother's eyes widened and the Male with buzz cut stared back in confusion.
You laugh awkwardly before sending him a small wave.
"Hey, Sti."
He turned to stare at his fluffy haired friend before turning back to you.
"What are you guys doing here?"
You turned to look at your parents hoping that they would give you some help but the two just stared off in different directions. You sigh before facing your friend, Stiles.
"This late?"
He crosses his arms as he stares into your eyes. You scoff before turning it back on him.
"What about you? Spying on your dad's jobs again?"
He eyes shift towards his friend, Scott and he gets a nervous look on his face like he had been caught doing something he shouldn't, which guessing from the way he was acting, it wasn't a totally off base assumption.
He turns towards you with an exaggerated smile on his face showing off his dimples and clasps his hand in yours.
"Y/N!! Buddy!!"
You smile at him.
"You didn't see me, I didn't see you."
You nod and shake his hand.
"Pleasure doing business with you."
You pull him into a quick hug waving at Scott behind his back as he does the same to your parents.
You pull away and pat his shoulders.
"See ya at school."
"Right back at ya."
You and your parents watch as the two scurry off to do who knows what. Your father sighs as he watches them disappear.
"No dinner tonight I guess."
You glare at him not noticing your mother staring off in the direction that your friends went.
Your mom walks into your room to find you asleep with your alarm clock going off. She walks up to your bed and shakes your leg to try and wake you up, you stir a little but otherwise you stay asleep. She tries again and still nothing so she walks up to your window and pulls open your curtain. You stir again uncomfortably this time, sweat starts to appear on your brow. Your mom stared at you as you tossed and turned before leaving, not even a moment later your scream fill the house.
You ran into the hall to get away from the light to find your father there looking like he was ready to kill. After he realizes nothing was after you he looks at you to find burned scars on your face. Panic fills his eyes and he speeds through the house before coming back and dabbing a wet towel on your wounds that were slowly healing. He leads you back into the room after closing the curtain.
"What have I told you about sleeping with your curtain open? You're thin-skinned, you aren't sun resistant like your mother and I."
"But I closed it last night. I don't know how it could-"
Your mom walks into the room and tosses a banana and some sunscreen on your bed.
"Good you're finally awake. Come on, we got places to be."
She walks out and your father follows her with a glare on his face.
"Honey, we need to talk."
You let out a sigh and closed the door giving yourself five minutes for your burn scar to heal. Luckily you woke up before it did too much damage otherwise it would have taken longer to heal. You put on the sunscreen and throw on your clothing finishing the look with a hoodie that looks baggy on you to protect yourself from the sun.
You grab your backpack as you leave the room finding your dad standing by the door with the keys instead of your mom.
"Where's Mom?"
You followed your dad to the car after he locked the door to the house.
"We decided that I was going to take you to school and drop her off later.''
'Code for your mom is in big trouble.'
You nod at your dad and hop into the car.
A short drive later you find yourself in the driveway of Beacon Hills High.
"Thanks for the ride."
Your dad ruffles your hair causing you to groan and pull your hoodie over it. Your dad laughs.
"Be safe, Kiddo."
You smile and send him a nod before heading out the door.
"Watch out for that sunlight.''
You look around to make sure no one heard him but everyone was in their own conversations.
"I will."
"I love you."
You roll your eyes playfully.
"Love you too Dad."
You close the door before he can say anything else and start to walk towards the school's entrance. You stop when you notice Scott and Stiles and decide to go up to them and say Hi before class.
"You look like you're gonna ignore me."
You start to laugh at Stiles failed attempts at winning Lydia's heart but the closer you get to the pair, a fury of rage starts to hit you. That only happened around certain creatures people. You looked around to see if you could spot a specific person but you didn't see him in the crowd.
You finally made it to the pair and quickly realized why you were feeling this way. Stiles instantly lights up at the sight of you and pulls you into a handshake. You end it with your fingers intertwined before Stiles pulls you into a side hug and pats your chest.
"Now this guy. This guy gets me cool points."
You were so fixated on Scott that you didn't really hear what Stiles was saying at the moment. There was a deep frown on your face you felt the need to protect Stiles from his friend even if he himself wouldn't know what you were protecting him from. Scott's eyes locked with yours, his brows furrowed also but for a different reason than you. You knew he felt what you did but he couldn't understand why he was feeling that way.
"Uh, are you guys okay?"
The two of you quickly snap out of it and turn your gaze on a confused Stiles.
"Uh, Yeah."
Scott sends you a nervous look as Stiles looks between the two of you.
"You sure? You two were just staring at each other..."
"It's nothing. Lets get you to class."
You smile at the boy. Wrapping an arm around him, you pull him into the school with a confused Scott following behind.
"As you all know, there was indeed a body found last night.''
You watched as Scott turned to look at Stiles who sat in front of you. The two gave each other a look that only the two of them shared when they were keeping secrets. You were close with Stiles, there were things that only the two of you knew about each other not including the fact that you weren't entirely human. Sometimes you envied his relationship with Scott though they were like brothers, you would usually never see one without the other, they had inside jokes, one look and they instantly knew what the other was thinking. You realized a long time ago that your bond with Stiles was different from his and Scotts. There was something unspoken between you that neither one of you acted on. The reason you and Danny broke up.
"But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk outlining this semester."
You sigh before glancing outside. The loud ringing of a phone filled your ears, you already knew where it was coming from because you were already looking at the culprit.
A brunette girl with pale skin, she wore a pale brown jacket, white blouse and blue jeans paired with some boots. You couldn't really see her face since she was looking down but by the sounds of it she was talking to her mother.
You turned your gaze over to Scott and found that he was also looking at the girl, his eyebrows were pinched together in confusion, he stared intensely at the girl as the principal came and took her. If you weren't sure about what he was before, the fact that he handed her a pen randomly when she entered the room confirmed it.
"We'll begin with Kafka's Metamorphosis on page 133."
The bell rings signaling the five minutes the students had to get to their next class. You walked up to your locker to grab your books for your next class, the same bubble of rage clouded you as Scott took his spot beside you.
He was staring at the new girl, you had caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of your eye. She was smiling at him well until Lydia came over and took her attention.
You could hear the conversation clearly, Lydia asking about her jacket, her explaining it and Lydia saying she was her new best friend. Then her saying hi to Jackson and giving him a wet kiss. You shivered as the sound rang in your ear.
Stiles found his way on the other side of you, now you were caged in between the two.
"Can someone tell me how new girl is here all of five minutes and she's already hanging out with Lydia's clique?"
A feminine voice said to you. You all turned in the direction of Lydia's group.
You used to be a part of Lydia's main group but after she started dating Jackson, you started to distance yourself since he was always around. You had a deep disdain for Jackson and couldn't stand how he treated Lydia. Though you couldn't stand to be in a room with Jackson, you were still friends with Lydia and would hang out with them occasionally.
"Because she's hot."
Stiles said in a breathless tremble.
"Beautiful people herd together."
You shrug not seeing the big deal.
"I hang out with them."
Stiles turns to look at you. You notice how his eyes slowly glanced over your body. He clears his throat as his eyes meet yours before turning his attention back to Lydia's group.
He whispers to himself but you most definitely heard it.
You also heard Lydia and Jackson inviting her to a party on Friday, the same party you were invited to but decided not to go to in favor of spending the night watching movies with Stiles. You smiled at the thought glancing at Stiles as he talked to the girl beside him in an animated like fashion.
Sometime later in the day you found yourself outside watching the lacrosse tryouts. You really didn't want to be at school longer than you had to but Stiles ever the persuader that he is, somehow convinced you to stay and watch him make the team again. Hopefully this time when he makes it he can actually play.
You covered your ears each time the coach would blow his whistle. This was becoming torturous. Lydia pulled you into a tight hug as she and the new girl sat next to you on the bench.
"I haven't seen you all day."
Lydia squealed before pulling away and gesturing to the new girl.
"This is Allison~"
Allison smiles shyly and tucks her hair behind her ear.
"Allison this is Y/n, my best guy friend."
You wave at Allison but notice how she's staring at Scott. Stiles instantly came and sat on the bench, you reached over to tap his shoulder making him turn to look at you. He smiles at you, his smile makes you feel so warm inside like the sun was shining a light on your soul.
"Are you gonna actually play this year?''
Stiles groans before motioning to Scott who was currently standing in front of the goal.
"Well thanks to Scott, I have to. I can't be shown up by my best friend, how else am I going to impress people?"
You send him a teasing smirk, nodding your head towards Lydia before whispering so that she couldn't hear.
"You mean Lydia?''
He groans at your teasing causing you to laugh. You could hear the girls talking about Scott. You looked over at him and the smile on your face disappeared completely.
You liked Scott you did but you know something happened to him. That he was different. Your frown deepens as you watch him grab his ears to try to block off the sound of the whistle. He was so distracted he had ended up getting hit in the face and fell into the goal.
"Hey, Stiles?"
Stiles let out a noise of acknowledgement, there was concern written across his face when the rest of the team including the coach started to laugh at Scott.
"There's something that's been on my mind..."
Stiles instantly turns to look at you.
"Did something happen last night...y'know with you and Scott?''
He shakes his head.
"Nah, my dad caught me so I ended up having to go home."
"Scott was by himself?"
"Yeah, he stayed behind, he said he ended up finding the body we were looking for."
"And Then?''
Stiles looks back at you. He raises an eyebrow and squints at you.
"And Then?"
"Did anything unordinary happen?"
He looks back at Scott trying to think back to the events of the night before.
Scott looked over at Stiles who made a face at him.
"He said he was scratched by a wolf."
You made a look of surprise, It was mostly just for show since you already felt the difference. Scott moved his eyes over to you and you looked back at him before he turned his attention back to the team.
This time when the ball came at him he ended up catching it. He was surprised for a second but that instantly turned into excitement.
The team all looked shocked including Stiles but he instantly started cheering for his friend.
Another ball came at him and he caught that too getting a louder cheer from Stiles.
His reflexes were kicking in and he blocked every ball that tried to get the goal. Allison was impressed, Lydia was shocked but also impressed, Coach was still surprised, Stiles was happy, and Scott happily hopped on his feet when he heard Allison's comment about him. Then came Jackson....
You instantly rolled your eyes, you could practically feel the anger coming from him with the way he was glaring at Scott.
He skipped the line you guessed to try to personally embarrass Scott, He ran at him before trying to shoot the ball and Scott ended up catching it. Stiles hopped on his feet cheering him on. And on a personal level you were happy for Scott. Stiles had always told you that Scott had always wanted to be a starter on the team, you just wish the metaphorical building wasn't going to crash down on him sooner rather than later.
Jackson glared at Lydia as she also cheered for Scott, She didn't really care though.
"You really aren't going to come see the body with us."
You sighed as you closed your locker and turned to look at Stiles, who was leaning against the locker beside yours giving you pleading eyes.
"Come on, it'll be so cool."
"I don't really find dead stuff cool, but you guys have fun with that."
You patted his shoulder and tried to walk away only to get pulled back.
"Come on, come hang out with us."
You sighed again.
"Stiles, I have to study."
Stiles groans.
"School just started, what could you possibly be studying for?"
"Defense against the dark arts?''
You winced at your statement before shrugging earning a glare from your friend.
You sigh.
"Okay, look. I just don't have the time today but I'll hang out with you tomorrow."
He groans again.
"The body won't be there tomorrow."
"That is a crazy line to say."
Scott walks up to the two of you.
"What's going on?"
"Y/n says he's too busy to come with us."
Scott looks confused.
"Well if he's busy then he just can't come. I don't see the problem."
Stiles looked betrayed.
"You're supposed to be on my side."
You ended laughing causing Stiles to roll his eyes but he ends up smiling because of it.
"Fine, you win. But please tell me we still have our movie night."
You nodded.
"For sure."
His smile widened before he turned and patted Scott on the shoulder.
"Lets go Scott, looks like we're on our own."
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pollsforpondering · 3 months
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knomelooking · 1 year
Teen wolf movie reminded me that in fact teen wolf was not great. But certain characters made it great.
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johnnyryall · 1 year
still the craziest thing to me about teen wolf is when jackson was snakemoding and he attacked a gay bar
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tylerposey · 1 year
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teen wolf: the movie + words they couldn't say on mtv
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filmgifs · 1 year
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#my two last braincells talking to each other
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gifpercabeth · 3 months
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PERCY JACKSON AND THE OLYMPIANS — 1.07 TEEN WOLF — 3.14 requested by @stydinskl
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spikeface · 3 months
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his cheekbones are aerodynamically suited for speed in water
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TEEN WOLF as movie posters | Season 01 |
Here you can find all the individual posts ✨
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st4rswrld · 5 months
sarcastic sassy men are going to do it for me every single fucking time.
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chimerazodiac · 2 months
What if Teen Wolf just replaced Scott's character with Danny? Like Danny goes wandering through the woods one night for whatever reason and gets bit. He doesn't want to go to Jackson because he's freaking out and it's Jackson so he goes to the one person that won't sent him to mental hospital after hearing the story of what happened in the woods. Stiles Stilinski, who he knows slightly better because Stiles' best friend, Scott is quickly getting more popular (and more distant) since he started dating the new girl, Allison (who is popular because she is also Lydia's new best friend). And since Scott is more distant now, Stiles quickly agrees and the two become friends.
(+ Danny teasing Stiles about Derek)
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Now correct me if I’m wrong, but as someone who’s thinking of watching Teen Wolf, from what I’ve seen it seems to be:
(Group of outcast teenagers have gotten themselves involved in deadly supernatural shenanigans)
Derek, standing there silently, unhelpfully:…
Stiles:…we don’t need an adult but if we did we would need an adultier adult
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voidstilesplease · 4 months
swearing is basic. at this point in my life, only a few things faze me anymore. "I hope that 200k, 55 chapters ongoing fic on AO3 that you're religiously waiting to update weekly gets abandoned by the author." LE GASP. you sorry exCUSE of a CUNT—
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davinaclaires · 1 year
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Colton Haynes as Jackson Whittemore — TEEN WOLF: THE MOVIE
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