#Jared wants anything fried
Us: *Jam packed into the front, rapid switching, blurry af*
Stomach: *growls* 🥺🥺
Us: *freezes*....oh no
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xo-hugs-n-kisses-ox · 25 days
(v.) to think about [something] deeply
After Edward left her, Bella Swan fell apart. Desperate to try and save his eldest daughter, Charlie brings his youngest daughter to Forks to see if she can bring her sister out of her depression.
Now, y/n must try to help her sister find her way back to the light while also trying to navigate her Junior year of high school in the odd town of Forks.
Chapter Five: Protection
Now Playing: 15 Step by Radiohead
Warnings: cursing, Paul being an asshole, Paul being a bit controlling, uhhh I think that’s it
When I woke up, I got dressed quickly and ate a quick breakfast. Bella and I would be taking separate trips to Emily’s house, I would go alone with Sam and Paul trailing my truck, and Bella would go with Jacob.
Never had I ever been more thankful for spring break.
I turn onto the road to the Reservation, a thud coming from the back of my truck. In a panic, I look up at the rearview mirror, only to see Sam and Paul sitting in the bed of my truck. I sigh, relief spreading through my chest.
I glance back at them again, and Paul’s laughing at my reaction. I flip him off, and he only laughs more.
Sam and Paul stick around the house, and I busy myself by helping Emily start lunch for everyone. The two of us work as an assembly line for sandwiches, and when Bella and Jacob get here with the others, I hand out platters of food to each of them.
As everyone is eating, I start asking my questions from last night and this morning.
“So, my first question is if there’s any way that we can disguise mine and Bella’s scent, since that’s how Laurent found us.” I said, adding, “Like, maybe we could hide some of our clothes around the town to misdirect her, and hide some stuff from each of you around the town and our house too?”
Sam considered it as the rest ate, nodding slowly, “It might work. Wouldn’t hurt to try it, at the very least.”
I nodded, “Also, what’s the difference from then versus now? Like, all of you are a lot taller and stuff, and your physiology has changed, but is there anything else?”
“My sight’s better than anyone else’s,” Jared offered in between bites of food, “And we can all generally see, hear, and smell things better.”
“It’s how we know where the vampire’s been,” Paul clarified, fending off his last sandwich from Embry with an elbow to his chest.
“That sounds like an adjustment,” I mutter, then ask, “Does it hurt when you change?”
Again, Paul answered me, “Does the first time, you get used to it after a while. Kinda like popping joints.”
I nod, taking a bite of my sandwich and thinking.
“Can you still eat chocolate?”
There’s a prolonged pause, and Embry looks distraught.
“I haven’t eaten it since I turned…” he said slowly, and the others think with various expressions of confusion and concentration.
“I’m assuming yes, since I’ve seen Paul, Jared, and Sam tear up a triple chocolate pie at Roy’s.” I say, and there’s various expression of relief on each of their faces.
“Any other questions?” Jacob asks, and I shake my head.
“Not that I can think of right now.” I answer, and he nods.
I eat the rest of my fries, but not the other half of my second sandwich. I open my mouth to offer it to anyone who wants it, but before I can speak, Paul grabs it and dumps the rest of his fries onto my plate as compensation. I smile, eating the rest of the fries as he takes large bites of the rest of my sandwich.
Emily sets Bella and I up in the spare room, and I shower and go to bed early.
When I wake up, I slowly make my way out of the room and into the kitchen where Emily is already up and making breakfast.
I glance over at the living room and see Jacob crammed into a chair, asleep. Paul has taken a monopoly over the fold out couch-bed, his calves hanging off the bottom and his wide shoulders taking up most of the space as he presses his face into a pillow. I assume Jared, Sam, and Embry are out patrolling.
“Morning,” I say softly, rubbing my eyes as I make my way to stand beside Emily. She smiles at me, greeting me back.
“I see that Jacob wasn’t exaggerating when he said you and your sister had bedhead,” she teases, and I laugh a bit.
“Yeah, we get it from Renee, our Mom. I move around a lot, but Bella’s restless and kicks.” I say, adding, “Can I help you with anything?”
“Sure,” Emily agrees, “Do you want to make the bacon and sausage, or eggs and toast?”
“Bacon and sausage is good,” I say, trading places with her at the stove so she can mix together the eggs, milk, pepper, and salt.
It takes a while to make everything, since we have to make enough food for five boys with black hole stomachs and ourselves, but we get it done easily enough. Emily and I talk quietly as we make the food, listening to the radio.
When I’m done with the bacon and sausage, I plate them and add eggs as Emily finished with them. As soon as the toast pops, I put it on the plate also, setting everything down on the table as we wait.
“If you want to get Bella, I’ll wake up the boys.” Emily suggests, and I nod. I go get my sister and bring her out to the kitchen, sitting her down beside Jacob as I take my seat across from her, beside Paul.
The rest of the day passed relatively easily. Sam, Emily, Jacob, Bella, and I sat around the fire pit as Sam told stories.
I was starting to nod off after a while, the warmth of the fire and the chill in the air making me tired. I was about to drift off when something sat down beside me, and I rested my head against it.
When I felt fur against my cheek, I peeled my eyes open enough to see who it was. When I saw dark silver fur, I knew it was Paul. I closed my eyes again, settling more comfortable against his side.
School had started again, much to my displeasure. One of the only good things about it, though, was that Jacob and Paul would pick us up from the school and we would drive in Bella’s truck to Emily’s house.
Charlie was just grateful that Bella was back to normal now, and let us hang out with our friends as much as we wanted.
Bella would play games or watch TV with whichever of the boys was at the house, and I would help Emily make dinner or clean up after the very messy teenage boys that came and went from her home.
There was a new boy in my class, he had moved from one of the neighboring towns. I had been tasked with helping him around the school
The boy, Max, was nice enough. He was charming and friendly, and he was eager to help with any homework, so I valued his friendship.
Some people seemed less inclined to accept him.
Bella was afraid that he would be caught in the middle of our mess with Victoria, and Paul just didn’t like the kid.
At the end of the day, I was talking with Max at the side of the school. He was asking about a due date, and I was trying to explain it when I heard footsteps behind me.
Paul came up beside me, his heavy hand resting lightly on my shoulder.
“Y/n, we need to go soon.” He said as I turned to look at him, and I watched his gaze flick to Max coldly, “You’ll have to catch up with your friend later, you and I have stuff to do.”
“I know, I know, I’m coming,” I agreed, turning back to Max, “I’ll explain it tomorrow, okay?”
He opened his mouth to say something, but Paul had already slipped his hand into mine to pull me away. When he opened the door to the truck for me, he flicked his gaze back towards Max. I didn’t catch the odd look Jacob had given him, nor did I catch the look he had pinned to me.
The next day, Max cornered me at lunch.
“Who was that guy yesterday?” He asked casually, “He looked like, twenty five.”
I laughed, “That’s Paul, and he’s the same age as us, Max. He’s just tall, it makes him look imposing and older.”
Max shrugged, and didn’t say anything else about it for the rest of the day.
“I don’t like that kid.” Paul said, sitting on my bed as I applied moisturizer to my face. I rolled my eyes.
“Not this again,” I muttered, “Why not? He’s a only good friend, Paul.”
“Does he know that?” He muttered, and I turned to look at him.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, my brows drawn together as I frown at him.
“Nothing, Y/n.” He grumbled, “Nothing at all.”
“Don’t get pissy with me because you think he’s in love with me or something, Paul. He’s a friend only.”
I sighed, “Besides, I don’t really care to go on dates when Bella and I are being hunted by some psycho killer vampire.”
“All I’m saying is, Y/n, don’t be surprised when he tries his luck with you.” He said, laying back onto my pillows, “And don’t be upset when I beat his ass for it.”
I roll my eyes, snapping back with, “Well than, you don’t be surprised when you’re wrong. I know it’s not something you’re particularly used to, oh all-knowing Paul, but it can happen from time to time.”
He rolls his eyes at me, huffing.
“I don’t think that your friend likes me much,” Max said, glancing behind me at where Jacob and Paul stood waiting with Bella.
I sigh, “That’s just his face, sorry.”
“I’m not so sure, Y/n,” he said slowly, “It’s not his face when he looks at you, or at that other kid, or your sister.”
“Yeah, but it’s his face towards anyone but us.” I say, not so keen to be having this conversation, “Anyway, I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay,” Max sighs, watching as I turn and go back to Bella’s truck.
Paul puts a hefty arm around my shoulders when I get close enough, pulling me into a hug and smooshing my face against his chest. I laugh, trying to push away from him as Jake chuckles.
We go back to Emily’s, and I work on homework as she prepares dinner.
After everyone eats, we all go to the backyard. Jacob and Paul and fending off their leftovers from Embry, who’s in wolf form. In an attempt to keep him from getting to Jacob and the leftover food, Paul grabs Embry around the middle and hefts him up into his arms and tosses him away.
It’s obvious that it takes effort for him to do that, but the sheer fact that Paul could is astounding.
A few days pass, and Paul’s dislike of Max only seems to grow.
After a while, I notice that Sam and the others are giving him odd, knowing looks. In return, he gives them all vicious glares. I try not to pay much mind to their odd behavior, but it’s slowly gnawing at the back of my mind.
“I don’t want you hanging out with that kid anymore, Y/n,” Paul says as I drive us to the Rez.
“What?” I ask, baffled, “Look, I know you don’t like him, but—”
He rolls his eyes, “Y/n, there’s no buts about it. I’m supposed to protect you, and I’m doing that by telling you to stay away from him.”
“Jake has no problem with him!” I scoff, “You’re the only one who doesn’t like him!”
“Jake’s too busy fawning over your sister to care about that kid—”
“His name is Max.” I tell him sharply, “And he’s my friend, so I’d like if you used his name.”
Paul turns his face away from me, scoffing.
The rest of the night is quiet between the two of us.
“Are you kidding me, Paul?” I demand, storming into my room and seeing him already there, sitting in my desk chair.
“What?” He asks defensively, and I glare at him.
“What do you mean, ‘what’!” I shout, pushing an accusatory finger into his chest, “Did you seriously tell Max to stay away from me? Are you kidding me?”
Paul rolls his eyes, “I’m looking out for you, Y/n, and I’m trying to save your little boy toy from being caught in the crossfire of Victoria hunting you and Bella.“
“No,” I counter, “You’re trying to get rid of him because you don’t like him!”
He shrugs, “It’s a bonus, sure—”
I scoff, “You pretend you’re all high and mighty, doing things for me, but you’re only being a selfish asshole!”
He stands, his imposing figure seeming to tower over me.
“I’m trying to make sure he doesn’t get killed because you want to bring human boys into our world, Y/n.” He says, his eyes glinting and his face pinched in anger, “Unless you’re the selfish one and want to get Max killed because you were lonely.”
Before I can stop myself, I slap him.
The sound is loud and my palm stings because of it.
“Get out of my house!” I yell at him, throwing my hand towards the door. “You’re such an asshole, I don’t know how anyone puts up with your piss-poor attitude! I’m not surprised that the only people who can deal with you are the pack!”
“Yeah?” He asks, “Well you’re no picnic either, Y/n, you know that? Maybe it’s no wonder why the only people who’re friends with you are the ones who have to protect you.”
By now, Jacob and Bella have come into the room.
“Hey, now, none of that—” Jacob starts, and I shoot a vicious glare at him.
“Butt out, Jacob, this doesn’t concern you.” Paul snarls, his eyes still fixed on me.
“You think you’re big and bad, don’t you?” I demand, “Run back to Sam like the bitch you are, and butt out of my life if you’re so unhappy being in it!”
“Maybe I will,” He spits, “It’s better than having to babysit your sorry ass all day!”
I scream at him to get out, and he does, stomping out the front door and slamming it shut.
I shove Bella and Jacob out of my room, locking myself inside and crying.
Days pass without Paul speaking or even looking at me. My anger burns too brightly for me to care.
Max knows something’s wrong, but I snap at him anytime he mentions it.
Bella’s mad at Paul too, but she seemed to give up on it pretty quickly.
Any time he and I are in the same room, it’s either icy silence or burning insults, and I know it’s taking a toll on the others. I’ve started to just stay away. Now, I’m either at school or I’m at work, and if it’s neither of those, I’m at home.
Sooo what do we think so far ??
Trying to incorporate a little more of Paul being an asshole, but I wanted to be brought out in a specific way bc obvi there would be a lot of stress in this situation
Anyway, I’m curious to see what you think is the root of his asshole-ness now so lmk if you feel so inclined 😋
Also the next chapter will be dedicated like exclusively to reader interacting with Paul and them butting heads + Quil turning into a werewolf and all that jazz so stay tuned for when I drop that some time in the afternoon 😘
Ps if there’s anything yall would want me to write either in my series or on the side lmk!! Im open to requests ☺️ kk bye pookies ✌️
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winchesterwild78 · 3 months
Behind the Scenes pt 5
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Master List 
Minors DNI 18+
Warnings: Tension, FLUF, pregnancy hormones, insecurities. 
A/N: You are newly hired on Supernatural. Your character was supposed to be one and done but the fans loved you so they wrote you in the story. You were supposed to play Sam’s love interest, but things get complicated when you fall for someone behind the scenes. This is a work of fiction. No disrespect to Jensen or Jared or their families. *kinda a long chapter, with a slight time jump
I edited this fast- please forgive any mistakes 
This is my original work, do not take it. 
The meeting with the producers and executives went better than expected. They were very understanding and even decided to write the pregnancy into the show. They thought it would benefit the show. Especially since your character was already loved by the fans. The idea of Sam being a father had them practically salivating. They also agreed to work around appointments and any pregnancy side effects, like nausea and fatigue. You and Jensen agreed and left the meeting in high spirits. 
You were starving at this point and Jensen told you to pick whatever you wanted to eat. He didn’t realize but his hand kept cradling your belly. It made you smile and your heart fluttered. The two of you ran into Misha and Jared on your way to eat. Misha smiled and pulled you in for a hug. “Congratulations you two. I’m so happy for you.” You smiled and looked at Jared. “Sorry I was too excited not to tell him. I told Gen too.” He looked down sheepishly. “It’s okay. We talked to everyone and they are writing the pregnancy into the show. I want to see a doctor before we announce anything, so let’s keep this between us for now.” You asked. They both nodded in agreement. 
“We can definitely keep it to ourselves, but Jensen might have a problem with that.” They chuckled as they motioned towards his hand placed softly on your belly. Jensen smiled, “yeah, I guess I have to be careful doing that.” You placed your hand over his and kissed his lips. “Okay, I’m starving, let's go eat.” You told him. The two of you left to get some lunch. 
Once at the restaurant everything seemed delicious. You ended up getting a chicken sandwich, french fries, and a salad. Jensen got a steak and sides. He kept staring at you smiling and when you noticed you blushed. “What are you staring at, Jensen?” “You, my beautiful girlfriend who is having my baby.” He smiled as he took your hand. “Babe, not so loud. We don’t want people to hear you.” You said softly. The two of you were enjoying your lunch and quiet conversation when a few fans took notice of Jensen and you. They approached and asked if they could get a picture and you agreed. Your waitress took the pictures of all of you and then just Jensen and them. You wondered what life was going to be like when the baby arrived. You softly touched your belly without realizing it. The waitress saw you and gasped. You looked at her and followed her eyes to you and quickly moved your hand. 
You pleaded with your eyes for her to keep it to herself. She smiled softly. When the fans were gone you sat down and told Jensen what happened. He told you when the waitress came back the two of you would talk to her. You nodded and took a deep breath. You knew your pregnancy was going to get out, but you and Jensen wanted to announce it on your own time. Not because you were rushed to do it. 
The waitress came back with a slice of apple pie and ice cream with two spoons. “Um, ma’am, we didn’t order this.” You politely told her. She smiled and looked at you and Jensen then said “Your secret is safe with me, and it’s on the house.” Tears filled your eyes and you stood hugging her. “Thank you!” You told her. Jensen stood and hugged her too. “Thank you. We just found out and aren’t ready to say anything yet.” She smiled and nodded. 
Leaving the restaurant you told Jensen both of you needed to be careful with touching your belly in public. At least until you announce it. He agreed. You called your doctor to schedule an appointment and was surprised they could get you in in two days. Jensen told you he would be there with you every appointment. You smiled and kissed his lips. 
*Time Jump 3 months*
Jensen had been incredible the past few months. Going to every doctor's appointment and getting anything you needed or wanted. The writers wrote your pregnancy into the story but you hadn’t announced it publicly yet. You and Jensen had decided to wait until you knew what you were having. Of course your families knew and they were so excited. The fans responded amazingly to the story and were excited about Sam and Lilah being parents. There was speculation online that you were really pregnant but most people dismissed it.
The season filming was coming to an end and you were excited for the break. You were almost 5 months pregnant now and always tired. The baby was growing and the pregnancy was going smoothly. You were getting ready for your doctor's appointment when Jensen came in your trailer. He looked exhausted. He walked in, kicked off his shoes, and gave you a kiss. He laid down on the couch and closed his eyes. You looked a little confused but continued getting ready. 
Walking back into the living room you heard soft snores and smiled. Jensen had fallen asleep. You walked over and leaned down “Jens, time to wake up. We’ve got to go to the doctor’s appointment.” He groaned and rolled over with his back now facing you. “Jensen, honey, I have to leave to get to the appointment on time. Come on baby.” You shook him. He groaned and said “Let me sleep, please. I’m exhausted baby.” You sighed and stood up. Grabbing your stuff you headed out the door. 
Tears pricked your eyes as you got to the car. Clif was waiting “hey, mama. Where’s J?” A tear slipped out and you quickly wiped it away. “Um, he’s not coming this time. It’s okay he’s exhausted. I understand.” Clif nodded and helped you in the car. He drove you to the doctor’s office and helped you out. He told you he’d be back in about an hour to pick you up. He knew this appointment was going to take awhile. You nodded and hugged his neck. “Thank you, Clif.” 
You walked in the office and checked in. You sat in the waiting room trying to hold back tears. Jensen should be here with you. Your heart was broken. Today you were supposed to find out the sex of the baby. Filming takes a lot out of everyone, especially the end of the season, but he promised he’d be there. 
As soon as Clif dropped you off he tried to call Jensen. He didn’t answer. Clif got to your trailer and went inside, finding Jensen asleep on the couch. “J, man wake up!” Clif’s voice boomed and startled him awake. “Whoa, what’s wrong Clif?” Jensen asked groggily. “Oh nothing. I just took your very pregnant girlfriend to her doctor’s appointment alone and in tears.” He said. Jensen shot up on the couch. “What?!?! She had an appointment. Oh shit! I forgot and then came here and fell asleep. Damn. Man, I need you to take me to her.” Jensen scrambled around getting ready. 
He and Clif ran to the SUV and hopped in. Jensen tried to call you but you didn’t answer. “Damn. She’s probably already back there. She’s not answering.” Jensen told Clif. Clif drove fast. He didn’t care if he got a ticket. When he pulled up in front of the office Jensen jumped out thanking Clif. Jensen went inside and told the receptionist who he was there for. She had a nurse walk him to the room you were in. When he walked in, his heart broke. You were sitting on the exam table crying. “Oh baby. I am so sorry. I’m here.” He said running over to you and pulling you into a hug. “Oh Jensen, I understand you’re tired. I just wanted you here. Thank you for coming. I love you.” “I love you too, sweetheart.” He said as he held you tight. 
The doctor came in and saw you two and smiled. “Okay mom and dad, are you two ready to see your baby?” You both smiled and nodded. Jensen helped you lay back on the table and the doctor started the ultrasound machine. She put gel on your belly and Jensen held your hand. He leaned down and kissed your forehead. “Okay, the baby is measuring on target and looks healthy. Are we finding out what we are having?” You both said “yes”. 
A few more movements of the wand and the doctor was taking pictures. “Okay, looks like you are having a boy.” She said. You smiled at Jensen who was smiling ear to ear. He leaned down and kissed your lips. “We’re having a boy, sweetheart. Thank you.” He kissed you again. You started crying happy tears “Oh mommy loves you sweet boy.” 
Clif was waiting for you and Jensen to come out. You hugged him when you saw him “Thank you Clif.” He smiled and nodded “Couldn’t let him miss the appointment. Love you kid.” Jensen helped you in the car and showed Clif the sonogram. “Look at my son, Clif.” Jensen beamed. Clif smiled and hugged Jensen. Jensen was so excited you were having a son. You were sure he would have been happy with either, but what man doesn’t want a son. “Guess we should tell our families. When do you want to go public? Whenever you’re ready. I want this to be your decision, Y/N.” You smiled and nodded. 
“We have convention season coming up soon. It’s not like I can hide my pregnancy during panels. Why don’t we announce it at the first convention? We will have to miss the ones later in the season due to the birth. What do you think?” You asked Jensen. “I think that’s a wonderful idea. The fans already know your character is pregnant and suspect you are. What better way to let them know then at a convention. I love the idea.” He kissed your head.
*Time Jump 2 months-Convention Season*
“Jensen, honey where are my fuzzy slippers? I can’t go if I can’t find them. I need them. My feet are already so swollen and they hurt.” You said as tears fell from your eyes. Jensen chuckled and brought your slippers into you. “Here you go baby. They were downstairs.” He kissed your head and wiped your tears. You were now 7 months pregnant and very emotional. Jensen was so sweet about it and would often dry your tears. You cried harder when you realized just how silly crying was. “I’m sorry Jens. I can’t help it.” Jensen wrapped his arms around you and hugged you. “It’s okay baby, you’re fine. Why don’t you sit and rest while I finish packing us up.” He guided you to sit down on the bed. You sniffled and watched this incredible man move around the room effortlessly packing for both of you. 
You held your belly feeling your son kick and move wildly. Anytime he heard Jensen’s voice he would get more active. You smiled looking down at your belly. Jensen stopped packing and watched you and smiled. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have fallen in love with an incredible woman who is now giving him a son. A son who he could teach so many things to, a son who will add something special to this world, a son who would carry on his name.   
Jensen walked over to you and kneeled beside you. He placed his hands on your growing belly and kissed it. “Hey baby boy. I need you to be good to your mama. She’s an amazing woman and is doing an incredible job helping you grow.” You smiled as your son responded to his father’s voice. Jensen felt his son move wildly and smiled as a tear slipped from his eye. “He always does that when he hears you.” You smiled.
Jensen stood up and pulled you into his arms. He kissed your lips “Thank you for having my baby. I love you so much. I’ve never loved someone as much as I love you.” He softly kissed your lips and as he deepened the kiss you moaned. Since you’ve been pregnant, you’re more emotional, but you’ve found that you get turned on more too. You can’t seem to keep your hands off of Jensen. His kiss lit a fire and you tried to remove his shirt. He chuckled “Baby, as much as I want to, we need to get to the airport. We don’t want to miss our flight.” You whined and stuck your bottom lip out pouting. Jensen chuckled and kissed your forehead walking away. 
He grabbed the bags and headed downstairs. You slowly walked behind him. You wanted him, but knew he was right. Clif was waiting to head to the airport and he helped Jensen load the SUV. Clif saw you and smiled softly “hey beautiful. How are you and the little man doing?” You smiled at Clif and gave him a hug “We are okay. He’s always moving and I’m always cranky.” You both laughed. 
A few hours later the three of you were pulling up to the hotel you were staying in. Jensen wanted to stay in the hotel that was hosting the convention. He wanted you to be able to rest in a bed when you needed to, and he wanted you close by. You were cleared by your doctor to go to the conventions for a little bit, but she wanted you to rest as much as possible. The hotel staff was very accommodating and had the three of you come in on the service side so you weren’t seen and you could make it safely through the crowds. The hotel staff were required to sign NDAs by the convention company anyway, so you weren’t worried about any of them outing your pregnancy. 
Jensen and Clif carried the bags in and you walked beside Jensen. Once in the suite you laid down on the bed. Jensen asked to arrive on Thursday so you had plenty of time to rest and be ready for Saturday. You didn’t realize how exhausted you were until Jensen was waking you up a few hours later for dinner. “Hey sweetheart, let’s get some food for you. You’ve been sleeping for about 3 hours.” You stretched and yawned. Jensen helped you up and to the table. 
“So what is the plan for Friday?” You asked as you ate. “Well I figured I’d make an appearance at the karaoke party and sing a few songs. You’re welcome to come hang out in the green room if you want. You might be more comfortable here though. “I’ll think about it. I don’t want to chance someone seeing me before we have an opportunity to announce it  together.” “Yeah, I agree. So I was thinking about that. Maybe you come out during mine and Jared’s Gold panel. I’m sure someone is bound to bring up the show and how you’re pregnant in the show and the rumors that you really are.”Jensen suggested. “I like that idea. I was thinking something along the same lines.” You told him. 
Saturday morning came faster than you thought it would. The anticipation in the air was thick. Jensen was pacing around the room waiting for the convention staff to arrive. “Jens, you’re going to wear a hole in the carpet if you keep pacing. What’s going on? Why are you so nervous?” You questioned. “I’m just worried about you and the baby. I don’t want anyone to say anything hurtful to you.” He kneeled down touching your belly. You cupped his face “Jens, look at me. Everything will be fine. The fans are incredible and have already been welcoming to me and my character. I know they will be thrilled we are having a baby together. There might be some who aren’t, but who cares. You, me and this baby are going to build an incredible life together.” You kissed his lips. He smiled and nodded in agreement. 
There was a knock on the door and Jensen got up. “Honey, it’s time to go. Are you ready?” He questioned. You nodded and he walked over helping you up. The young woman who was in charge of escorting the two of you saw your belly and smiled softly. “Congratulations, Ms. Y/L/N, and Mr. Ackles. You’re absolutely glowing, ma’am.” You smiled and thanked her. Jensen thanked her too. They helped you settle in the green room. You had drinks, snacks and a tv to watch the panel. Clif stayed with you in case you needed anything, and let’s be honest, to help you up when it was time. 
The boys were having a great time, laughing, joking around, talking to the fans. Then like clockwork someone brought you up. “So my question is for Jensen. There are rumors that Y/N is really pregnant, but neither of you have confirmed anything. I adore her character, Lilah and I’m so excited that she and Sam are having a baby. My question is, is Y/N pregnant and if so how far along is she?” The fan smiled with anticipation and you could have heard a pin drop in the room. Clif helped you up so you could get ready to go on stage. 
Jared and Jensen looked at each other and smiled. Jensen spoke up and said “Well, first of all. Thank you for your question. We are thrilled you all like Y/N’s character and it’s been fun seeing her character evolve and live.” (everyone erupted in laughter) “As far as Y/N, she is here this weekend and will be doing some panels and photo-ops. You never know what will happen at one of these conventions.” Jensen smiled. The fan looked at Jensen and smirked “Well I’m glad she’s here, but you still didn’t answer my question.” Jared erupted with laughter. 
Jensen started laughing “I’ll be right back.” he said as he walked off stage. He took your hand “You ready sweetheart?” You smiled and nodded. As Jensen pulled you on stage and you came into view the audience let out a gasp. Applause, yelling, whistling, you name it erupted in the ballroom. Jared stood and hugged you. 
They brought a chair for you to sit on and Jensen helped you sit. The audience swooned. You were handed a microphone. “Hello everyone. How are all of ya’ll today? Seems like Jensen and I have been keeping a little secret from you.” You smiled as you touched your belly. “Jensen and I would like to officially announce that we are expecting a baby boy in about 2 months.” You grabbed his hand and he leaned over and kissed your head. The rest of the panel was filled with questions about how you’re feeling, how’s the baby and if Jensen is ready to be a dad. It was time for the final question and as always they brought the person on stage. She was so nervous she was shaking. You placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled. She took a deep breath. “My question is, Are there any plans for marriage between you two?” She blushed and Jared said “That’s a great question. Jensen, inquiring minds what to know if you and Y/N are going to get married? Jensen and you smiled at the girl. “Well, I haven’t asked her yet. I would love to marry her, but I haven’t asked yet, so at this time I can say we haven’t made any plans yet” Jensen answered graciously. She smiled and nodded. They hugged her and took a selfie with her. 
Jensen helped you off stage and back to the green room. “I thought that went really well, what did you think Y/N?” “Yeah I think it did too.” You sat down on the couch and sighed a little. “Hey, are you okay?” Jensen asked. “Yeah, just thinking about that last question.” You told him. He cupped your face and made you look at him. “Baby, I want to marry you. I’ve wanted to marry you since the day I met you. I just don’t want to rush into anything.” He told you. 
You gasped softly and tears pricked your eyes. “I understand, Jensen.” You quickly wiped a tear away, but he saw it. You started to stand and he tried to help you but you brushed him off. “Clif how long do I have before the next thing on my agenda?” You asked him as you stood. “You have photo ops in about 2 hours. Do you need anything sweet pea?” “Um, can you walk me up to the room? I’m feeling a bit tired and my back is hurting. I want to lay down.” You spoke softly. Everyone in the room had felt the mood change. Clif looked at Jensen and Jared and they all exchanged a concerned look. “Do you want me to take you up there, baby?” Jensen offered. “No, I’ll be fine.” You kept your head down. 
Clif walked you to the elevator and when you got on you let the tears fall. He grabbed you into a hug and rubbed your back. “Shhh it’s okay Y/N, what’s really going on?” He asked softly. “Jensen said he wants to marry me but doesn’t want to rush anything. I think we’re way past rushing things don’t you think?” You asked as you cradled your belly. Clif rubbed your back and said “I agree. You have to know Jensen really loves you. He really has loved you since the day he met you. Just talk to him and tell him how you’re feeling. I bet he didn’t realize what he said.” You nodded in agreement and when the elevator stopped you got off and walked to your room. You hugged Clif’s neck and asked him to wake you up in about an hour so you could be ready for your photo-op. He agreed and kissed the top of your head. You went in the room, kicked off your shoes, and climbed in the bed. Falling fast asleep. 
Tags: @nescaveckdaily  @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter
@xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373 @cheynovak @jassackles  @chriszgirl92
@suckitands33 @arcannaa @n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 @smoothdogsgirl
@hobby27 @manicjk @stoneyggirl2 @stoneyggirl2
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The fattest Warden Of Superjail (Request for an anonymous user)
“What a day of running over Superjail” The Warden said as he stretched and sat on his chair and slump on the table. he was tired from all the hard work he did all day, from commanding Jared to watching the prisoners of Superjail getting killed in a gorey fashion. “Also it seems like my stomach is wanting food or more like it’s been days that I havent eaten anything, Oh Jailbot” He summons Jailbot and right on time, Jailbot brought him a tray of the finest spaghetti covered in thick tomato sauce and parsley. “Why thank you jailbot”. The floating robot beeped saying “you’re welcome”. “Also can you please give me more for my empty stomach?” Jailbot then leave which leaves the Warden enjoying his spaghetti, minutes went by and jailbot brought a cart with loads of deserts and delicious food, like from sushi, roast beef, pot pie, ramen noodles, French fries, burgers, pizza and tacos to brownies, chocolate cake, s’mores, vanilla crème brûlée, Spanish flan, cookies of all flavors and sizes, all types of pie, ice cream and the whole list goes on that it will fill out many pages and the whole story will be too long, anyways it’s seems like not only Jailbot brought a ton of food, more like he got the entire Golden Correl buffet along with him. excitedly, The Warden didn’t know what choose, by going on eating most of the food, first, he wolfed down on the sushi, then he hogged all the cookies, he dine on the roast beef, hours went by and jailbot brought more of the tastiest food you can imagine and The Warden who greedily eats like a pig, there’s something different about him, he’s starting to look chubby, and his cheeks looks slightly swollen, but he didn’t even bother and kept on eating the cooked steak, he swallows up the crème filled donuts, he munch on the burgers, and he is starting to gain some weight to the point where his bare belly is poking out of his garments. He look swollen, including his arms and legs and it gets to the point where his clothes are staring to get tight. Hours went by and all of the all of the food is now left by crumbs, and the table looks like a huge mess, And now all that is left The Warden Himself, he has now become obese due to committing the sin of gluttony, smears of food that he ate where stained from his mouth and shirt, his clothes are extendted and to tight for his huge body and now he looks like a pig with a huge belly that he ate and the chair he is sitting the whole time started creeking. “Oh my *Burp*, goodness, I-I - I looked like a slob! *Uuuuurp*, J-Jailbot? Do you mind helping *belch* me please?” The Jailbot gave a annoyed look at Warden as if he was saying “Of how big and heavy you are look like a huge pig? and eating since past 7 hours? And now I’m going to carry you?” “Look Jailbot, just carry me, look how fucking huge my legs are now too pudgy to walk” As the Warden said that, the chair broke due to his weight, leave the fatty Warden sitting on the floor. Jailbot extends some robotic arms and lift up the fat pig and send him away to his room.
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I posted 94 times in 2022
That's 58 more posts than 2021!
17 posts created (18%)
77 posts reblogged (82%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 66 of my posts in 2022
Only 30% of my posts had no tags
#sam winchester - 20 posts
#dean winchester - 18 posts
#supernatural - 14 posts
#spn - 9 posts
#sam x reader - 9 posts
#jared padalecki - 9 posts
#personal - 9 posts
#dean x reader - 8 posts
#spn fanfic - 7 posts
#jensen ackles - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 67 characters
#she’s going to think you don’t feel anything towards her at all now
My Top Posts in 2022:
A/N: Jared is single.
Jensen and the kids were heading to your house for a mini getaway while Dee was off filming her latest gig.
While Jensen may have been a superhero to his children and you alike, the idea of three children to one deterred him from making the trip alone.
Which meant you had to make up the extra spare room for an unexpected guest.
A large, athletic, almost too perfect looking giant of a man-guest.
No one knew you and Jared had been sneaking around since your appearance in Season 14; no one knew. And you wanted to keep it that way.
Being in the spotlight wasn’t something you were accustomed to; your guest appearance of a rogue Angel went over a little too well, and between the hype that followed Alex Calvert and Misha’s uncanny resemblance, adding you to the mix threw the fandom into a frenzy.
Jared would sneak his fingers into yours under the table during a reading. He would toe your thighs with his massive foot. He would squeeze your fleshy sides in a side hug just long enough to breathe you in, but short enough no one was the wiser.
These touches, these brief encounters thrilled you. The secretiveness of the relationship, if that’s what you were calling it, thrilled you.
What if that’s all it was?
A thrill, a fling, a tryst. What if you lost that feeling of warmth and unbearable heat that would flood your senses?
Were you willing to lose that? Were you willing to let the world know that you were his and he was yours and without the shroud of secrecy?
You didn’t have time to think as you moved some items of yours from the spare, spare room into your basement studio. Your sound machine, a few candles, a favorite pillow and blanket, were carted to your new space, while fresh linens were placed in Jared’s room.
Jensen and the kids would have the master, the king sized bed was roomy enough for all. You spent more time in your studio writing and painting than you did in your master bedroom anyway.
Plus, being this detached, from the first floor, would allow just enough distance from Jared.
This would be fine.
This was not fine.
After hugs and kisses from the mini monsters you loved so much, a few beers and dinner thrown back with the men you adored, you were all making your way to your respective spaces, the dusk settling in your bones, the drive settling in Jensen’s. A second too long of an embrace from Jared, you felt your feet lead you away faster than your heart was beating.
See the full post
25 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
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After your shower, you acted like everything was copacetic, joking with the guys, drinking some beers, while chowing down on Dean’s infamous burgers. Extra bacon, a fried egg, and some hot sauce, Dean knew the way to your heart. ‘If only that asshole did’, you thought to yourself.
Truth was, the Winchesters could read you like a tome. The small scrunching of your nose like you just smelled sulfur, the furrowing of your brow when something was amiss, the absentminded way you would chew on your bottom lip. In between the banter, there were tells. Poker was never your card game of choice.
Dean and Sam continued to joke along with you, telling you stories from their most recent hunts, throwing back ale and swallowing bites of burger, with laughter, but they had their tells too. The way Dean would cover his mouth with his fingers, almost wiping away the murderous thoughts, his index finger rubbing his upper lip raw. Sam too had his tells. He’d fidget with the label on his beer bottle, seemingly caressing the neck, but catching himself as he began to choke the neck of said bottle.
“Some’n should really teach’m a lesson,” you slurred, looking at Dean, snapping your fingers at him.
“Really dink Rowena could spell a spare?”
Sam guffawed at your inebriation and Dean chuckled, “okay Sweetheart, you’re cut off.”
“Mm not drunk,” you smacked his hand away from taking your bottle, “just pissed.” You pouted.
“Same, Princess,” Dean grumbled and Sam quirked an eyebrow, the brothers secretly mind melding on a similar thought. You missed it of course, as Sam pocket dialed, but you did catch Dean’s cell chirp.
Grabbing the phone, Dean made quick conversation, emphatically nodding, “Yeah, uh, Jody, shoot me the coordinates I could be there by morning.”
“Lemme grab my bag,” you shot up from your chair, your legs buckling.
“Yeah, that’s a hard no, Y/N,” Dean quirked, “Sammy will get you to bed,” with a nod to his brother, Sam agreed.
“Come on, lightweight,” Sam lifted you bridal style.
“Text you when I get there,” Dean collected the empty bottles and headed towards the kitchen before making his way to the garage. “Should be a cake walk.”
“Sham,” you patted his chest, “now’s your chance,” you attempted to raise your eyebrows in a failed attempt at flirtation; you did always have a thing for the tallest Winchester.
“I, uh, umm I’m flattered, Y/N,” he stuttered and was about to tell you that he rather not take advantage while you were under the influence, small snores began to reverberate off his chest.
Sam’s cheeks reddened at his embarrassment, “that was close.”
Tags: @princessmisery666 @manawhaat @mrswhozeewhatsis @iwantthedean @d-s-winchester @crashdevlin @pinknerdpanda @wheresthekillswitch
39 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
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You had locked yourself inside your old room at the bunker, for what seemed like forever, but was really only going on for less than a week. The brothers didn’t know what to do, the Angel didn’t know how to ask, and you didn’t offer an explanation.
You had driven two days, 18 hours, and 45 minutes, state lines blurring as the sky opened up. You stopped twice to use a bathroom and gas up, mainlining caffeine and salt and vinegar chips. You pulled up to the bunker, left your car idling, pounded on the door, and waited.
Dean was the first to greet you, a gun pointed at your chest, his anticipatory greeting for unexpected guests, while Sam rounded his six, back up gun at the ready. One look at your face, the streaks of day old mascara leaving tiny rivulets on your pale face, bags heavy under your eye, the slight quiver in your lips, their guns lowered, their arms relaxed.
The door swung open wider to let you in, the slam of the metal locking into place, made you jump. Dean’s hand found itself resting atop your shoulder, while Sam held you at arm’s length.
“Y/N,” Sam’s voice full of urgency and concern, “what happened?”
Tears slowly fell from your eyes, the ache in your chest, tightening at the loss of words choking their way to your lips. With a shake of your head, you whispered, “Not now, Sammy.”
“Who do we have to kill?” Dean growled.
A slight chuckle broke through your sobs, your bones finally at rest, as you dropped your duffel with finality, “Thanks for the offer, Dean,” your lip turned up slightly in amusement, “but I’m too tired to take you up on it at the moment.”
“But we do get to give someone a whole lotta hurt?” He countered.
“Damn straight you do,” you patted him on the chest, “but first sleep.”
“Then you can go punch and kick until he’s blue in the face or dead,” you mumbled down the long hallway to the room you abandoned a few years back to live a normal life.
“We’ll be here when you’re rested up, Y/N,” Sam pulled you into his chest, placing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Thanks, Sam,” you pecked him on the cheek, about to close the door over, but Dean stuck his foot out, jamming it ajar, “we’re just down that’a’way,” he jutted his thumb, “if you need us.”
“I’ll find ya in the morning,” you promised.
Tags: @mrswhozeewhatsis @manawhaat @wheresthekillswitch @pinknerdpanda @rizlowwritessortof @impala-dreamer @impalaimagining @crashdevlin @saxxxology @thorne93 @mamaredd123 @d-s-winchester @teamfreewill-imagine
57 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
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“Cas, can’t you just, you know,” Dean flaps his arms, “pop in there and check on Y/N?”
Cas gives the brothers a look that could either be described as annoyance or skepticism, but with a tilt of his head, he looks towards the bunker’s room where you’ve not emerged and closes his eyes. A minute, no less, goes by, his blue eyes pop open, a frown graces his features.
“She’s ‘fine’,” Cas mimes air quotes.
“Yeah, Cas, we kinda knew that already,” Dean grumbles, instead turns to his brother, maybe he’ll have a better idea.
“No, don’t look at me, Dean,” Sam puts his hands up in surrender, “last time I tried, she threw her boot at my head.”
“This ends now,” Dean pushes off the bunker wall, storming towards Y/N’s room. He suggests they rock, paper, scissor, it, but instead they both enter your room.
It’s pitch black, sans for the dim hallway light, but they can see you; you’re a lump, curled into yourself on the bed. Dean nearly trips over something, bends to retrieve it, and holds up your letter biker boot.
“That’s the one,” Sam absentmindedly rubs his head.
“Guys, I’m fi-,” you begin to mumble from under the covers, but Dean cuts you off, and on go the lights.
“Damnit, YN, if you say fine one more time,” Dean sits himself on the edge of your bed, while Sam stands awkwardly at the end; probably afraid of what else you have in your arsenal of items to chuck at their heads.
“YN,” Sam urges, “come on, you can talk to us.”
“That’s rich,” you snark, but hiccup as a sob threatens to escape. Dean pulls back your covers, revealing your bloodshot and swollen eyes.
“He cheated on me,” you shuffle yourself into a sitting position, giving Sam the side eye, “again,” you find yourself patting the mattress for him to sit. “I thought maybe he was really going to change,” you huff, “I thought we were past all this.”
“I gave him a second chance,” you looked Dean in the eyes, searching for the anger you were feeling, finding it in the sparks of amber in his emerald orbs. “I gave him everything.”
“That son’of’a’bitch,” Dean runs a hand through his hair, “I’ll kill ‘im!”
“Killin’ him isn’t going to change the fact that I love…loved him,” you set your jaw, correcting yourself.
“I’m so sorry, YN,” Sam grabs your hand, his own enveloping yours and rubs his thumb across your knuckles, “you don’t deserve this.”
“He doesn’t deserve you,” Dean adds.
“What does he deserve then,” you counter. You’d love for them to beat him until he was hurting in the outside like you were aching on the inside.
“I thought after everything we’ve faced,” you shook your head in denial, “vamps, rugaroo, shifters, hellhounds, shit, even Michael,” your breath hitches as the name strikes a nerve in Dean, “I never thought the real monster was the one I was sleeping with.”
“Maybe Rowena has something,” Dean suggests, to which you and Sam look on with shock.
“What?” Dean shrugs, “if we can’t kill the asshole, maybe we could have a little fun instead!”
“I broke his nose,” you laughed, “and I may or may not have keyed his car.”
“How’s that for fun,” you thought to yourself.
“Ouch, YN,” Dean puts a hand to his heart, “you don’t mess with a man’s car.”
“Dean!” You shout.
Sam shoves his brother, “Dude, seriously?”
“You don’t mess with this bitch’s heart,” you throw the covers off your legs and push past the brothers.
“Enough of this rom com bullshit,” you grab a few things from your duffel, “I’m going to take a shower,” you point at Dean, “you make me one of your infamous burgers,” making your way towards the hall to the shared bathroom, calling over your shoulder, “Sammy let’s get hammered!”
Dean slaps his brother on the back, “you heard the woman!”
See the full post
69 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Dean drove one day, twenty odd minutes, which was less than it took you to get to the bunker, by the way, breaking more than enough traffic violations to make it to your ex’s house and back to the bunker before you woke from what he could only imagine was a well needed, but awful hangover.
He picked the back door’s lock with finesse and made his way, in the dark, to the sounds of an infomercial on the sixty inch television set. The amount of money this douchebag put into his record collection and gaming systems, you’d think he’s spring for a top of the line security system.
“That’s what YN was for,” Dean grumbled, knowing very well if anyone or anything dared to break into your house, you’d kick its ass to Sunday.
Dean found him with his nose in his cell phone, scrolling through what looked like a dating app, “wasting no time you son of a bitch?” Dean startled him. Your ex’s phone landed with a crack, a high pitched “what the fuck, man!“ escaped his lips, and his eyes found Dean’s.
“Oh, come on,” he scoffed, “Of course it’d be one of you here instead of her to fight her battles.” His breath reeked of Pabst and his tall figure stumbled a second before righting himself. He raised his hands up defensively, his karate teacher would have been so proud to see his form…until Dean’s fist collided with his nose, knocking your ex onto his poor ass.
“She gave you everything,” Dean straddled him landing one punch to his face after another, “she gave,” punch, “up the life,” thwack, “for you!”
Your ex was sniveling, hands blocking his face from the assault, begging Dean, “stop, please, no more man, no more.”
“You broke her heart,” Dean’s knuckles were raw, bleeding, and his fists ached, but he had a smirk on his face, “I heard she broke your nose,” Dean landed one more for prosperity, the deafening crack of another broken nose, was satisfying all the same.
“Just wanted to make sure it stayed that way,”Dean left him wallowing in his own tears, snot, blood, and, “is this piss?” Dean hollered. “Son of a bitch peed on me.”
Dean exited through the front door, wiped his boots on the welcome mat, and whistled, “worth it.”
Turning the engine over, Dean shot Sam a quick text that he was headed back to the bunker and that the hunt he was on ended a-lot earlier than he thought. Sam’s phone chirped, and he chuckled, as he typed out a reply.
“Hope you broke his face.”
Tagging: @mrswhozeewhatsis @crashdevlin @princessmisery666 @manawhaat @wheresthekillswitch @pinknerdpanda @arryn-nyxx @hannahindie @iwantthedean @d-s-winchester @hiddenwritingsintheworld @lastcallatrockysbar
Thank you to @princessmisery666 for gifting me with the gif ✌🏻
80 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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keefwho · 10 months
December 07 - 2023 Thursday
This morning I made corned beef hash with onions, bell peppers, an egg, and a side of oat cereal. I also went to the store to pick up drinks, it was short and sweet. I did warmups off stream because I wanted to focus on drawing something for Daisy since she wasn't feeling very happy. In stream I finished a commission and made good progress on another. We couldn't watch shows because my internet was super bad this morning. After stream I did a little cleaning and found out what I want to get Jared for Christmas. For lunch I made another massive turkey sandwich the same way I did yesterday but I fried the onions and bell peppers in soy sauce, which was my first time cooking with that sauce. This afternoon I spent a little time in Ena's server which wasn't as engaging as I'd hope while I worked on a Venus redraw. When that was done I did a few Craig of the Creek sketches so I can start learning the style a little. When work was done I tuned into the game awards which I was supposed to watch with Daisy but she took a hard nap after her work party. She wasn't too late and didn't miss much. We watched that while I made dinner and she crocheted. There wasn't anything too crazy announced to me and I've never really cared about awards of any kind but it was fun to watch. I played more Neopets for Daisy tonight and found out I sort of sequence broke the game but I think it's okay.
0 notes
smallestapplin · 2 years
What if the s/o before dating either twin just randomly tells them that their pretty. Like the s/o hasn't slept in a few days and just looks at them for a good moment before smiling and saying "wow...you're pretty...can I keep you?... imma call you fluffy/sparky" before passing out completely oblivious to the twins reationc
Bless thee with the fluffiness!!
Asks are open
Ingo knew he had to bad for you, but your health and safety came first. When he got home and saw you, he was happy.
Ingo is glad he asked you to house sit for him while he had a long two day meeting to deal with out of town.
But when you greeted him you sounded tired.
“Welcome back Ingo!”
He has to hold himself up to stop from melting to the floor.
“Glad to be back, I take it everything is in order?”
“Of course it is, I wouldn’t let anything happen here, anyways how was the meeting?”
And he proceeded to tell you all about it while hanging up hit hat and coat, talking about how Jared messed it all up by clicking the wrong PowerPoint which he apparently lets his kids use and everyone got to learn about which anime boy tops or bottoms.
“So that’s why it lasted a day longer than it was suppose to.”
He feels so happy and content, it’s almost like you’re his spouse. That thought makes his face burn bright and he tries to clear his thoughts.
When he looks over at you. You’re still on your spot on the couch almost like you’re sinking in it, but you’re looking at him.
Oh no you must’ve seen his blush! Or how embarrassing he-
“You’re so pretty.”
The subway boss chokes on air.
“Very pretty….I wanna keep you….mmm fluffy.” You gave him a lazy smile before falling asleep.
Leaving a stunned and very flushed Ingo in your slumber.
His heart is pounding, hands clammy, he has so many questions and the only person with answers is asleep on his couch.
Should he move you? Would you wake up if he did? Did you mean what you said?
Oh please send help his brain is fried.
You two were having a sleep over marathon. He finally took some time off work and you two spent it playing video games, watching tv, and when Ingo came over and Elesa you guys would play uno or any friendship ending board game that ended with screaming, insults, and lots of ‘I want a divorce and I’m taking the kids-‘
Over all he was having a blast! And so were you, but you yourself haven’t slept in 48 hours. You found it hard to sleep when your crush was right next to you holding you like a plushie.
Emmet however found sleep came much easier when he was with you! Your scent, warmth, and presence is comforting.
He swore tomorrow he’d confess to you.
So imagine his surprise when you’re dozing off and fighting sleep.
“Darling if you’re tired just head to bed, I don’t mind.” He chuckles softly at your mumbled words.
“You’re so pretty…very pretty man.”
Emmet squeaks, body jolting like he’d been bit. Staring at you with his face changing from pink to red.
“Mm haha…sparky.” And your head tilted down and you were out.
Emmet needed a moment. Standing up he walks to his bed room, flipping down on it holding the large joltik plushie you bought to his face before rolling around and screaming into it.
“They said I was pretty! Verrrrry pretty!”
He needs to let out all his joyous energy before he moves you, he can’t believe you think about him like that!
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laf-outloud · 3 years
Jared Padalecki - Solo Panel Denver Con 2021 Favorite Bits - Part I
kay, I know I said I wasn't going to because I didn't particularly like most of the questions, but I can still find some favorite bits!
Nice jump at the beginning! Glad he didn't hurt anything!
And he's back, sitting backwards on the chair!
Ooh, we get to see some Pad'ankle'lecki! And his sheer thrill at getting rimshots! (And keeping count score between him and the audience!)
Preening at "You're so pretty!"
Jared quickly agreeing to share the sex of a baby and then joking about it ("a girl and two boys").
He may have shorter hair, but he keeps running his hands through it. I'm okay with that.
So proud of Genevieve and showing her off!
They lost Shep during the premiere of Walker. Found him behind a tree crying, asking if Daddy was the producer why he wanted to kill Mom.
Making a joke about a fan having the last name Bytheway (she didn't). It's extra funny to me because I have a few books from a John Bytheway.
Sam and Dean were respectful with women (but of course she'd be interested in Sam). And he'd take her out for Sweet Potato Fries (which is what he did with Gen on their first date).
Fan says he brought her back to life, he thinks she brought herself back to life and it's her strength.
How close was French Connection to his real life? Not at all.
Alpaca story - (they have an Alpaca wrangler on Walker). They're billionaires pets due to their expense.
He took the Sam Winchester riding a horse picture and it's in the garage with the Impala.
Practical weapons aren't used because Sam and Dean love a challenge!
His laugh!!!
Love Garth who took a poll and realized he tased people more than any other person (because he's so slight) whereas Sam and Dean get tossed around because they're bigger "and it looks cool".
No plans to address Stella's car crash on Walker (maybe season 9 or 10 - and yes, please, let's get that many seasons!!!)
Jared insisting that 20 is really young! (When you're nearly 40, yes, 20 is young, LOL!).
Love how Jared leans forward when listening to each question.
Aww! When talking about kids being ready for certain media, Tom's older and okay with Gen's death, but Shep's "a 7-year old emotional kid, much like his Daddy, who's also a middle child, or his Uncle Jensen, who's also a middle child." ***J2 ALERT - Did everyone else miss this? He still refers to him as Uncle Jensen!!!***
They watched Lord of the Rings over the pandemic and Odette is such a funny kid. She can't sleep at night because she doesn't want Gollum to get her, but during the day goes around impersonating Gollum. Jared wants her to "make a choice. You're 4."
Western movies watched as inspiration for Walker - (Jared mentions watching with his Daddy). So both Jensen and Jared mentioned Daddy in the con!
But he likes Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Han Solo-esque characters.
They want to make Walker timeless, but tell a story about Texas that the world can enjoy.
He worked on a ranch during high school, rode horses, and gardened.
He also has a director coming in that wants horseback riding (referencing Jensen with a wink!)
Favorite episode season 15 - The one he'll watch the least, the finale. He's lived with Sam and Dean for 15 years, and every day "the show was an honor and a privilege to do".
He and Ackles were given a huge responsibility for the finale. (Compared it to climbing Everest). Having the fans behind them helped.
The show will stay with him the deepest. He then asks the fan their favorite, which is The Last Holiday leading to the Cake story!
They had multiple cakes for multiple takes and Jared was still doing marathon training - he kept eating the cake between the scenes and ended up taking a whole one home and eating it within 36 hours.
Jared had to be one of the employers so he could be employable after SPN (jokingly).
They were hesitant about leaving the SPN family and going to other projects that weren't like a family and knew each other so well. (It would be a great question for Ackles. Jared will ask and report back). But he's glad Walker has become like a family.
Question about Gabriel being on S15. Jared made a joke about SPN being a "band of brothers", but talks about making "Naked Supernatural, not naked, but Naked Gun style of Supernatural" Ultimately, Gabriel would have helped the boys. But better or worse, now he has him as a director.
"Feels like yesterday and a lifetime ago."
Jared introduces himself to the next fan! (We know who you are, Jared).
Favorite paranormal shows: Twilight Zone, X-Files (shout out and impression to Mitch Pileggi), Firefly (YES!!!), Original Star Trek.
He really only watches animated shows with his kids. (Fish Talk - that's paranormal).
Jared being worried about a possible favor. It's just a birthday shout-out.
First thing he ever remembers: "I was swimming in a race against millions." Rimshot! (I'll admit, I don't get the reference). Remembers his sister being in a crib (around age 3). LOL! He totally lost his train of thought and got so flustered getting it back.
How's it being so tall? "It's warm up here!" Another rimshot! He gets a good look at everyone's dandruff (or lack thereof).
This got a lot longer than I anticipated since Jared had so many short-answer questions (as opposed to Jensen's thoughtful long-answer questions) so I've split it into two parts. Click here for Part II.
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moosekateer13 · 2 years
Chapter 9: Learn my Lesson
Sunshine Diner
As I dip my fries in my milkshake at our favourite Vancouver diner. I see a familiar brunette make her way over to me. Oh no, it’s one of the last faces I’d ever want to see again. What the heck is Sonya Bartlett doing here?
Not even asking if she could sit down, she pulls a chair over to our booth.
"Hey Jen, long time no see. So I've got a proposal for you, a project I want to work on with you." Sonya said.
" Whatever it is, you can cram it, Sonya. I have no interest in working on anything with you." I replied dismissively.
“Not even if it's our pilot you wrote for our final school project?” Sonya asked.
I channel a bit of my character to muster up the courage for words that I've been holding in a long time.
“After you ghosted me when I needed you? No, thank you. I have no interest in someone's support that is as flaky as pastry.” I replied with conviction.
Sonya gets up and walks away in a huff. I would not allow her to walk over. That was the old me. Besides, I knew she was just using me because of my fame now.
Jared raises an eyebrow at the exchange that just happened.
" What was that all about, darlin? Who is Sonya?" Jared asked.
He looks at me, concerned. Jared knows I shouldn't have extra stress since I am pregnant.
“I know I've never mentioned her because it's part of my life I'd rather forget. Sonya was my best friend in college. When I was barely holding myself above water in our final year. When I needed her. She ghosted me and was never there when I needed her. It was a blessing in disguise. Both Chelsea and her sister were there when I needed someone besides my parents. They've been by my side ever since.��� I replied.
Jared doesn't say a word. He just comes over to my side of the booth and sets me in his lap. Then he wraps his arms around me. 
"I am sorry, darlin, you had to deal with that. I am glad you had the support you needed. If we knew each other back then. I'd have been there too." Jared murmured into my hair.
" Thanks, love, and I know you would've been. There's no doubt about it." I replied.
The situation with Sonya rattles me, but being in Jared's arms soothes me right away. He always knows what to do. I don't even have to ask. One of the many things I love about him. His caring nature.
I mulled it over during the weekend and thought it was best to talk to Kripke about my situation with Sonya's project proposition.
I walk up to Kripke and pull him aside to talk to him.
" So Eric, I had a tense talk with an ex-friend. She wanted to work on the project we did in college. I flat out told Sonya no, given how our friendship ended." I said.
"I sense you feel guilty, but if it ended badly, there is no reason to work with her. It's not healthy to work with someone you can't get along with. You did the right thing, Jen." Eric replied.
Before I can say anything else, I see Sonya walk up to us. She looks angry.
“So you won't work with me, but you gossip about me with your boss. How dare you?” Sonya growled.
"I was asking for his opinion on the situation, not gossiping," I replied.
"Miss, if you are going to cause a scene. You may not be here. Now go away." Eric said as he pointed her towards the exit.
She doesn't say another word. Sonya just leaves.
" My apologies for that scene back there. I didn’t know she’d come here." I said.
Eric places a comforting hand on my shoulder.
“It's not your fault you can't control people's actions. I'll make sure we ban her from the set. Let's just go get the day started.” Eric replied.
We exchange thank yous and your welcomes before he heads to his office.
Chapter 10:
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
Everything's Bigger In Texas
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Summary: You decide to drive up to Dallas to surprise your old high school buddy, Jared, while he’s there for a convention.
Pairing: Jared x Reader Rating: 18+ Tags: J2 convention hilarity, dick jokes, only one bed, high school friends, spooning, size kink Word Count: 3,504 Bingo Squares: @spnkinkbingo - Size Kink
A/N: Not set around any particular season. For the purpose of this story, Jared and Jensen are both single, non-fathers.
Commissioned by: @jbbarnesgirl She had a great prompt that this has now spawned a sequel (which will be a member exclusive on my website)! Thanks for letting my mind run wild on this one babe ❤️
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You pull into the parking space the valet wrote on your ticket and park with a dramatic exhale of relief. You’ve actually gone through with it and made the three hour drive up to Dallas to surprise Jared at his convention this weekend.
It had been years since your last high school reunion in Austin when you’d run into each other and wound up drunk in a Waffle House at three in the morning, stuffing your faces with bacon and french fries. You and he were the kind of friends that were awful at keeping in touch but time traveled straight back to junior year anytime you ran into each other. You’ve always been able to talk and laugh like only a weekend had passed between visits instead of years.
You hope Jared’s happy to see you, because you’ve been bursting at the seams with excitement since you came up with your ‘surprise’ plan.
The hotel lobby is swarming with fans and you wonder how on earth you’re going to find Jared in all the bustle. Your plan is to find someone who looks like they’re working the convention and ask for directions to Jared and Jensen’s bodyguard, Clif, who you hope to God remembers dropping your drunk ass off at your apartment after the Waffle House incident. It’s not a very elegant plan but it’s all you’ve got. You spot someone with a lanyard and a walkie-talkie and beeline toward them, fingers crossed in your pocket.
Twenty minutes and several tiers up the convention staff hierarchy later you’re finally led to a service hallway and ushered towards a door, Clif standing guard stoically outside it. The employee escorting you speaks quietly to Clif while you stand there awkwardly, rocking back and forth, toes to heel, in an effort to contain your nervous energy. A look of recognition slowly dawns across the bodyguard’s face as he takes another look at you.
“Austin, a couple years ago?” he asks to confirm.
“High school reunion,” you nod in affirmation, relieved he actually does remember you.
“No getting Jared drunk until after the panel,” Clif admonishes, aiming a thick finger menacingly at your face, and you nod gravely before his face cracks into a grin and he swings the door behind him back on its hinges.
“Y/N?!” Jared’s facing the door and spots you immediately, his face breaking into a wide smile. The anxiety that had solidified in your chest with each passing mile on your way here disintegrates, carrying the tension out of your body as it melts away.
“Hey there, Hot Shot.”
Jared bounds forward and wraps you tightly in a hug, the muscles in his arms visibly bulging the sleeves of his t-shirt as he squeezes you against him, which you can’t help but notice because your eye level is at his bicep. You hug him back as tightly as you can manage, pressing your cheek into his chest.
“How ya doin’, squirt?” Jared grabs your shoulders and manhandles you away from him so he can get a better look at you, his eyes racing up and down your figure. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, Dallas is only a three hour drive,” you shrug. It’s no big deal really, you’d just wanted to see him. “Plus my mom cancelled our girls’ weekend, so I had nothing better to do,” you grin, your eyes twinkling up at him wryly. Behind you, you hear Jensen snort with laughter. Jared turns to his friend, giving him a withering look and Jensen chokes back another laugh, unable to hide his amusement.
“Dude, you were her back-up plan after her mom?”
“Shut up,” Jared rolls his eyes but you join in Jensen’s giggles.
“I’m Jensen, by the way,” the man in question raises a hand in greeting, and you smile back.
“Y/N,” you wave. “Went to high school with this nut case,” you jerk your thumb towards Jared.
“Feels like I do too,” Jensen laughs. “He still acts like he’s fourteen most of the time.”
“Hey!” Jared points an accusing finger at Jensen, “at least fifteen, thank you very much.”
“And what exactly is the distinction between fourteen and fifteen here, Jay?” he asks.
“He doesn’t pop a boner every time he talks to a girl anymore?” you offer, snickering. Jensen bursts out laughing, a full bellied, joyous sound that fills out every corner of the room. Jared is rolling his eyes again, but you spy the faint blush that’s started to creep up his neck, and based on the smirk Jensen’s wearing, you think he’s spotted it too.
“So,” Jared draws out the syllable, trying to change the topic. “Are you staying for the convention then?”
“Got my ticket and everything,” you wave your pass in the air. “But mainly I just wanted to see you, it’s been way too long.”
“Yeah, it has,” Jared squeezes your arm affectionately. “Where’s your seat? I think we’re getting called out soon.”
“Oh I’m with the plebs at the back, standing room. Seeing your ass is only worth so much money,” you tease.
“You’re standing?” Jared’s brow shoots up. “You won’t be able to see a damn thing,” he laughs.
“You’re tall enough to see from space, Bigfoot,” you try to hit him on the head but he easily stretches his neck so you can’t reach, illustrating your point.
“She’s gotcha there, J-Rod,” Jensen agrees, strolling forwards and smacking Jared on the back of the head for you, since your attempt was foiled. “But you don’t have to stand all the way back there, sweetheart,” Jensen adds. “Come out with us, we’ll have someone put you at the side of the stage.”
“Oh, no, it’s fine. I really don’t mind standing,” you protest. You didn’t want to take space away from the fans who had paid for the close seats. You’re only a casual watcher of the show anyways, ghosts and monsters aren’t so much your thing, you just watch it because of Jared.
“Nah, c’mon,” Jared ignores your protest, striding back towards the door and popping his head out to talk to Clif. “Can you have them slap an extra chair on the side of the stage? Y/N’s gonna stick around for the panel.”
“Sure thing,” Clif nods, and radioes a volunteer to get it done.
“Jared,” you roll your eyes at your friend.
“Too late,” he taunts. “You’re stuck with the fangirls now.”
“Just keep in mind all the shit I could tell them,” you threaten jokingly.
“Nah, you won’t do that.” Jared’s entirely unconcerned.
“Why not?”
“Because then I won’t pay for our drinks tab later,” he smirks.
You mime turning a lock and throwing away the key. “My lips are sealed.”
“You better tell me later though, sweetheart,” Jensen ducks his head to whisper in your ear as they usher you out the door.
“Buy me a couple cosmos, you can know anything you want,” you smirk, and let Jensen and Jared guide you out to the convention hall for their panel.
“I will definitely take you up on that,” Jensen’s breath ghosts ticklishly over your ear. He shoots you a wink as he ducks behind a dividing curtain and you wave back giggling, and make your way to the seat Clif is pointing you towards.
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The panel is a whole lot of fun, and you have to admit it’s definitely better sitting up front than it would have been fighting to stay standing in the sea of hormones jostling at the back. This close up, you can see Jared and Jensen’s reactions much more clearly, too; every secretive grin between them, every twitching laugh line, every aborted glance back in your direction. Laughter rings through the crowd and you refocus your attention on the questions.
“Which one of us is the biggest what?” Jensen speaks into his mic, asking the girl on the opposite side of the stage to you to repeat her question.
“Well I’m the biggest,” Jared cuts in smirking, and the audience cheers and giggles. Jared flashes them a bright, goofy smile.
“Well, that depends on what she’s asking,” Jensen smacks Jared on the arm. The girl tries to ask her question again but she’s laughing through it and the words come out garbled again.
“Which one of us has the biggest pants?” Jared’s brow raises as he incorrectly repeats the question again. You know there’s no way that’s what the girl asked. “That’s still me darlin’.” He turns to your side of the stage goddamn winks, and you flush just as deeply as the girl asking her question. You roll your eyes at him, glad that he probably can’t see you very clearly due to the stage lights shining in his eyes.
“That topic is still up for debate, actually,” Jensen protests seriously.
“No it’s not,” Jared scoffs.
“Uh, yeah, it is.” Jensen’s not backing down. “Costume department compared our measurements bro, they’re the same.”
“You and I both know that didn’t include the measurement they’re talking about,” Jared glares jokingly out at the audience.
There’s wolf whistles and shrieks of delight from the crowd and Jensen bursts out laughing. “You’re gonna give them all aneurysms, man.”
You certainly feel like you might be having an aneurysm. Your blood is pumping hot and hard through your veins. You can actually hear it swirling around your body, leaking out into your capillaries, carrying burning embarrassment and desire to the tips of each vessel.
It’s a running joke, the size difference between you and Jared. He towers over most of the people he meets, so it’s not unsurprising that he towers over you as well. He’s called you ‘squirt’ as long as you can remember knowing him, and you’ve called him every name you can dream up, from ‘sasquatch’ to ‘jolly green giant’.
As you both grew older, and Jared’s physique caught up to his height, and your mind started to take up a more permanent residence in…ahem… lower places than it had inhabited in your youth, you began to wonder just how big Jared would be if you ever… You imagine big. Proportional, at the very least. Though, Jared has always been an overachiever, you imagine it might extend to this measurement as well. You secretly hope, anyway.
You gulp nervously. There’s a reason you and Jared had gotten so trashed the last time you’d hung out, and that was so you could drown your burgeoning crush in some socially acceptable poison and hope it didn’t break its head through the surface. Jared looks back at you and flashes you a smile, probably in relation to whatever he’d just said but you hadn’t been listening, mind too preoccupied thinking about the size of your friend’s dick. You let out a sigh of resignation – you were going to have to get smashed tonight, too.
“Oh,” Jensen’s voice rings through the auditorium as he finally understands the question. “Which one of us did the biggest prank?”
“Uh, Jensen,” Jared answers after a moment of dramatised consideration, “just now when he told you all he has a bigger dick than me.”
There’s an echoing thud as Jensen smacks Jared’s head with his microphone and Jared and Jensen both double up laughing, covering their mics so it doesn’t reverberate around the room. When things settle down after a minute you see Jensen lean towards Jared to say something privately. The mics don’t pick it up, but you’re close enough that you think you hear him say, “later tonight, we’re getting out the ruler.”
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The hotel bar is basically empty, but you and Jared are still in a private room at the back so he doesn’t get mobbed by fans if they do happen to wander in. Jensen had joined you for a drink earlier, but he had to leave to perform at the Saturday night concert for the convention.
“Do you ever perform on Saturdays?” you poked at Jared, and both he and Jensen laughed wildly.
“Never in a million years,” Jared shook his head. “I just watch this guy give everyone in the room phantom orgasms all night.”
“Gross, dude,” Jensen shuddered as Jared guffawed but you had to agree, Jensen’s voice was orgasmic.
“Have fun with your ménage a several hundreds,” you waved Jensen off with a giggle.
��You’ll have to join in sometime,” Jensen backed out of the room with a wicked grin, wiggling his eyebrows ridiculously and leaving you and Jared laughing behind him.
“You want another one?” Jared asks, pointing at your nearly empty glass.
“If I have any more I’ll have to crawl back to Austin,” you hiccup, the alcohol making you giggle-y and unsteady despite your seated state.
“You’re not goin’ back to Austin, squirt,” Jared protests, drowning the remainder of his own glass.
“Am I being kidnapped?”
“Damn straight. You’re not driving anywhere tonight, don’t be stupid.”
“I was gonna dry out a little first,” you defend yourself. Of course you weren’t planning to drive home drunk.
“By the time you sober up it will be way too late to go back. Just stay the night here,” Jared shrugs, indicating it’s no big deal for you to crash. You think about it for a moment and then agree that staying over is a better plan. Besides, Jared will have a big fancy room since the convention is paying for them to stay here – he’ll have plenty of space for you.
“Fine,” you sigh dramatically but you aren’t all that perturbed, and Jared knows it too. “Thank you.”
“What are friends for?” Jared grins. “C’mon, I’ll grab a bottle from the bar and let’s go upstairs. I don’t want to get caught in the crowd after the concert finishes.” You also don’t want to be mobbed by hundreds of concert goers, so you happily follow Jared out of the bar and up to his hotel room.
Jared flops dramatically onto his bed when you get inside, but you stand by the door, taking in your surroundings. As you’d imagined, the room is lavish. Every piece of furniture is accented with metallics, and every soft surface is heaped with pillows, including the bed Jared is now snuggling back onto. But, you note with a bit of surprise, there is only one bed.
Apparently fancy doesn’t automatically come with multiple beds – and why should it? Jared hadn’t expected anybody to stay the night, he’d only needed the one bed. Had he known there was only one bed when he offered you a place to crash for the night? Or had someone else brought up the luggage that you could see piled at the foot of the bed, meaning he wouldn’t have known what the exact sleeping situation would turn out to be? You’re jolted out of your frenzied contemplation when Jared throws a pillow at your head, though it narrowly misses and hits the door behind you.
“Are you just gonna stand there all night?” he laughs, eyes crinkling.
“Uh, no, course not,” you scoff, hoping Jared assumes the flush creeping over your skin is from alcohol, and not embarrassment. Jared scoots over to one side of the bed and pats the empty space he’s just created. The bottle of whiskey he’d brought from the bar downstairs is propped next to him on the pillows and it bounces as you settle yourself on top of the covers. You reach for it and peel back the foil cap, pulling the cork free with a pop.
“Wanna watch something?” Jared rifles on the side of the bed, digging for his laptop in the bag on the floor.
“Whatever you want,” you shrug.
You inwardly hope watching something might help you control your drunk chatter. Your mind has been wandering to one specific place since the panel this afternoon and you’re hyper aware that when you get tipsy, your filter becomes non existent. You do not want to give Jared an unsolicited insight into your horribly inappropriate mind.
Your eyes shift from the bottle in your hands to Jared’s laptop, now open and sitting on his thighs while he surfs through movie options online. His hands overwhelm the breadth of the keyboard, the pads of each long finger almost bigger than the letter keys they’re hovering over. How far could those fingers reach if they were… No. You curtail that course of thought with a swig of whiskey straight from the bottle and flick your eyes away from his hands.
Jared’s legs are pressed together, gangly limbs and knees scrunched up and pushing the fabric at his hips into ripples. An unmissable bulge sits at the apex of his thighs, distending the denim so it’s stretched tightly across his cock while it’s bunched and wrinkled everywhere else. You swallow hard and tear your gaze away, forcing yourself to look back at Jared’s laptop. He’s stopped scrolling now, and after a moment you realise he’s asking you if the movie he’s hovering over is an okay choice. You nod mutely and take another drink.
“Woah there darlin’, save some for the rest of us,” he laughs, grabbing the bottle from your hands, fingertips brushing over yours as he wraps them around the green glass. You wonder if Jared feels the same pang of electricity that you do when you touch. He’s evidently curious as to why you recoiled so quickly, because he’s now carefully studying your hand and the fingers that had just brushed against his.
Your moment of thick silence is interrupted by the fanfare of opening credits as the movie begins to play, startling you. Jared smooshes himself further back into the feather pillows on the unfairly comfy bed and stretches his arms wide, patting the pillow he’s using as an armrest to summon you to him.
Nervous and giddy all at once, you tuck yourself into the crook of his arm, curling up against his side. Even laying down he feels so much bigger than you. Your eyes drop again, unbidden, to his lap and you rip your gaze away quickly. The whiskey must be settling in now, because you start to feel sleepy and because, for just a second, you think that the bulge in Jared’s crotch looks even larger than it had a few minutes earlier.
Jared pulls you close against him, offering you the whiskey bottle again, and you take it happily. The two of you lazily glug more booze and laugh along with whatever comedy is on the laptop, and you’re utterly content. At some point in time your neck loses its ability to support your head and you topple it sideways onto Jared’s shoulder.
“You comfy there, Y/N?”
“Mm-hmm,” you hum sleepily, snuggling even deeper into Jared’s chest, your arm winding itself around his waist of its own accord, and Jared squeezes you against him, laughing softly into your hair.
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You aren’t sure when you fell asleep – you don’t remember the end of the movie at all. You don’t even remember how you’d wound up under the covers, cradled snugly in the bend of Jared’s body. Wiggling a little to reintroduce feeling into your left arm, you shift backwards into his chest, secretly hoping the arm currently resting on top of the covers might drop around your waist as you continue to sleep.
Arching out to stretch your legs a little, you wind up nudging your hips back into Jared’s and you freeze in shock. Here, pressed close beneath the confines of cotton-swaddled feathers, you feel it… and you can tell – Jared hadn’t been kidding at the panel earlier. He must be bigger than Jensen, because there’s no way anyone could be physically larger than what you feel pressing into the curve of your ass right now.
Your whole body flushes, but you’re too scared to move away lest you wake Jared, so you stay. You try to breathe, systematically unclenching the muscles in your body from head to toe and allowing yourself to relax against your bed companion. Darkness settles around you when your eyes drift shut again but the light from Jared’s laptop still casts a faint blue tint against your eyelids.
That comforting blue morphs into a shocking orange, and your eyes squint against the unexpected source of light now coming from the open door. Seconds later it’s even brighter as the lights in the room are switched on to reveal Jensen leaning casually against the back of the door, smirking in the direction of the bed. Behind you, Jared has jolted awake, sitting up and pitching you forward into the mattress with the force of his disturbance.
“Jay?” he asks blearily, yawning through the word.
“Why did I have a feeling this is what I’d be walking into tonight?” Jensen answers with a laugh and a kind roll of his eyes. You look sleepily between both of the men, confused as all hell.
Finally, it occurs to you why Jensen must be in the room – and why there had only been one bed.
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Part 2 now up as an exclusive commission on my website!
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We’re All Mads Here: @vulgar-library @tintentrinkerin @negans-lucille-tblr @fandomfic-galore @petitgateau911 @schaefchenherde @kickingitwithkirk @little-diable @laxe-chester67 @kassyscarlett @austin-winchester67 @flamencodiva @katbratsupernaturalwhore
All SPN: @cemini-winchester @akshi8278 @stoneyggirl @deandreamernp @lyarr24 @lovealways-j @slamminmine @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @eddiesgirl @raidens-realm @tatted-trina6 @defenderrosetyler @delightfullykrispypeach @05supernatural20 @sams-sass @calaofnoldor @thinkinghardhardlythinking
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stilemawillow · 3 years
MTIJ | Ch.11 Don’t You Dare Touch Or You’ll Experience Death At My Hands
|mtij masterlist|
pairing: levi ackerman x reader (eren jaeger x reader)
word count: 10k
summary: a girl with a variety of hidden complexes has to live with a french asshole for nine months. easy? on the surface. problematic? definitely. romantic? not too much, or at least they’d make it a point to say so everytime when asked. the end? please, their dynamic isn’t as simple as that.
warning: physical assault; sexual harrassment; semi-graphic violence
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"Do you think your father will be fine with this?" Eren questioned as we seated ourselves at a table outside Burger King. He opened his hamburger and squeezed a whole packet of mayonnaise atop the meat as I sipped on my Cola and put some more salt on my fries. I waved a dismissive hand for my boyfriend to see, then he kept panicking, as was the norm. "What if your relatives see us?" He put the hamburger's bun where it belonged, squeezed the unhealthy sandwich together and bit into it, teal eyes frantically scanning our surroundings.
"Impossible. You know how they are. My aunt's too self-indulgent and fickle to come round a Burger King, George is always at her heel and uncle Jared would much rather stay home." Eren nodded along with my explanation, acknowledging the fact his worry lacked foundation. Everything I'd said hadn't been just to reassure him: Petunia really thought herself too high-class to visit a shop that charged anything less than 100$, George was textbook momma's boy and Jared, albeit the greatest, most cunning uncle ever, preferred his own company more to the noise of crowds. "We're not in danger, babe. Chill." 
"Fine then." Eren rolled his eyes before sighing and settling, quite reluctantly, to keep calm and enjoy our date. He munched on his burger as I inhaled fry after fry but then his brows furrowed once more and I patiently waited for him to finish chewing, knowing very well he had another question on the way. "What happened with Levi? You never told me." With my straight A's and perfectly dysfunctional family, I was well-prepared to answer.
"My father grounded me for the cheating thing, the intern brought me dinner, and we somehow ended up arguing." My jaw was tight, my fingers were fidgeting and my shoulders had tensed defensively in recollection. Eren's hand grasped mine over the table and made me look up from the cheeseburger I'd been glaring a hole into. "Neither of us was polite, but he was just--- (terrible, so fucking terrible, it almost hurt) way meaner than he'd been before." I omitted the spiteful insults and the fact I'd followed in my boyfriend's footsteps in sophomore year by beating the shit out of my pillow afterwards but Eren knew me a bit too well not to acknowledge it hadn't been a field of daisies. It kept amazing me, over and over again, how I'd tried to be tough in front of him at all times, and he still knew I wasn't tough at all. He knew also to keep my pride intact by never stating it aloud.
"I support you and I'm pissed off at him for being mean to you, but I think there are no one-sided arguments. Fault's always distributed both ways." His smile was sheepish and just a bit strained. It was a bit weird how he tended to be just a smidge patronizing sometimes and still do it so subtly it wasn't even offensive. "Is this why you'll be apologising?" His brows twitched in mild confusion and my smile melted off into a straight line as I nodded. I didn't fancy the idea of apologising for something I wasn't at fault for but I'd told myself I'd fix this. Not just myself, I'd told father I would - and I'd keep my word, no matter how aggravating the circumstances surrounding it were.
"I promised father I'd fix all this. So that means acting like an actual fiancé. I don't want to apologise for a quarrel I didn't even start, but," I took a deep breath and sighed as my fingers squeezed Eren's palm, "that's what I've said I'll do, so I'll do it." I shrugged and he chuckled, then I blew a stray (h/c) strand of hair out of my face and watched the brunet's contented exterior fade into something I liked to call the first hints of jealousy.
"Pretending to be an actual fiancé wouldn't happen to include anything physical, right?" Yep, first came the suspicion, then the doubts would follow and, finally, he would combust in flames because there was another male in close proximity to me. And, if our communication wasn't top-notch, I'd actually be insulted by the fact he'd even gotten suspicious at all, taking into account we'd been together for about five years and (with only a single stupidly rash exception) always monogamous. His eyes were a dark shade of forest green, his hamburger was forgotten and I was selfish enough to realise I'd promised my father I'd be selling the "regretful fiancé" look, which, in a relatively conservative package, came with hand-holding on the low-key end and, unfortunately, maybe a peck on the lips in a dire situation.
"Of course, not." I might've sometimes enjoyed lying. This wasn't one of those times. "Not if I have a say in it." My grin was bright but my eyes were bitter; thankfully, Eren's tense gaze was directed at the table - not at me. Maybe I was hoping for a miracle but I prayed he'd ignore the lack of a promise in my words. Because I didn't want to promise anything I couldn't achieve and I certainly didn't want to face the consequences of possibly breaking a promise. I knew how my thoughts sounded - like I was making excuses on the topic of cheating on my actual significant other but that could easily be justified by the fact I was a Raven. Why? Because our morals had never been anything short of questionable.
"Glad to hear it. I wouldn't enjoy fighting him." His smile was only half-genuine but oh so soft and, what was more, absolutely endearing. I loved that smile like I loved every single smile of his. Which was why I put a hand to his cheek and suggested not thinking about that - it only made him snort. "Sure, I'm getting ticked off just picturing it." He was probably imagining the aforementioned fight, that, admittedly, would surely end in despair - if not for either participant's bloodied face, then at least for poor little me, having to bear the guilt of indirectly causing it.
My mind, on the other hand, had decided to busy itself conjuring up a picture of the physical aspect of our play my boyfriend feared so much. It was a nice picture in a strictly visual manner but nothing too pleasant for my conscience. Don't get me wrong, I'd fantasised before, quite often at that, and mostly when I had nothing else to do. In line for the ATM, at the bus stop, at a red light, at school or anytime really - I'd just imagined Eren all those times and now that I was imagining my father's intern in front of Eren... it was obvious that was messed up, very wrong, very nasty and immediately needed to get out of my head.
"To make you even more ticked off, I suggest taking out your notebook and copying the notes I diligently took for you." I gave an angelic smile and bit into my cheeseburger at last, listening to my boyfriend draw back against his chair with a groan like a snail with a poked eye. He tried his puppy eyes on me but I didn't budge, only kept chewing on the five dollars I'd given for this menu until he finally gave up and pushed his tray to the side, only to replace it with the English notebooks he'd fished from our backpacks.
It was about an hour later when we'd already finished our food and he was almost done with copying my notes when I realised I'd spent a lot of time staring at my boyfriend thoughtfully. His long lashes and his bright teal eyes, his big hands, with calluses on the palm from his boxing career and small whitish scars on his knuckles - from one too many fights. I watched the one minuscule beauty spot on the edge of his jaw, and the messy strings of his chocolate locks be constantly pushed back from his face because they weren't yet long enough to keep behind his ears. The conclusion I drew was one - Eren was handsome and, unlike the opinion of the mass, he was ridden with details that separated his features from his life. Like the scars, like the way he wrote because his parents had tried to make him into a left-handed person, like the minimal arch in his nose because he'd broken it in middle school, like the way he pursed his lips into a thin line when he wrote because he'd been taught that talking and writing were a no-no combination.
And I'd watched him grow. I'd seen him before and after the scars, before and after the broken nose, before and after his habitual tics, before and after most of his conscious life. I wanted to keep watching him grow. I didn't know if that was weird but I wondered, after time, if he would have long hair, or new scars, or a new habit (maybe like peacefully taking off his shoes instead of kicking them away every time). I wanted to see that. Which, taken off its abstract pedestal, featured mostly practicalities that I usually found a bit depressing. Like a college we could attend together. Eren had, for about three years now, decided that he wanted to become a Marine Biologist and I had, for the first time in my left, kept my own aspirations a secret from everybody.
How stupid is it that I want to write? The question rang inside my head, and the intrusive harsh voice spoke up: Taking into account your father wants you to take after him and your mother hasn't spoken against that yet, it's very stupid that you even think of doing something as reckless as scribbling bullshit on paper for money you're not even sure you'll get. My lips pursed and I reconsidered but, maybe, this was what I really wanted to do. I'd always had a latent wish to do it. So I would pursue it - and it would shock everybody because they all thought differently of my wishes.
"By the way," Eren was shaking off the sore fingers he'd gotten from too much writing and I drew a deep breath after being snapping back to reality, "do you still love me?" The question left me stunned for a second - because my boyfriend was so dumb and insecure sometimes, because that made him very cute and endearing, and because, for some reason, I acknowledged I couldn't say no. I could never say no because I was so used to loving him I didn't know what I'd be without it.
"Of course, babe." I held back a chuckle and sipped on the remaining Cola in my carton cup as he hummed and asked yet another question, this time it was "how much?". I mustered the serenity to maintain a serious expression, then caught his hand over the table. "How much. I guess I love you so much I'd step on a Lego for you... twice." My sombreness made him snort with laughter, then just as it started fading and I thought we'd go back to idle chatting, he stood from his seat and his knee hit the pavement.
"Marry me." His request was straightforward and his smile was crooked as he fished a thin plastic green ring from his pocket. I gave a chuckle, only to realise people were staring because, would you look at that, it wasn't every day that teenagers performed engagements at Burger King in front of them. The feeling of it, despite being an obvious joke, was rather overwhelming. Because, frankly, this had been something I'd taken the time to ponder and imagine before. To the point that, well, let's say I had wedding Pinterest boards at the ready.
"Sure." I gave a nonchalant response, he slipped the ring on my finger with a giant grin and we could both hear the people around us coo. My boyfriend returned to his seat and held my hand, then a skinny boy with a Burger King uniform brought us a pair of vanilla ice creams. I looked up at him in confusion and promptly beat Eren to speaking. "We didn't order these." The sun was shining, the employee was clearing his throat with a smile and the couple on the neighbouring table could be heard arguing because, in the girl's point of view, her boyfriend couldn't do something as romantic as this, and this wasn't even romantic.
"It's on the house," the skinny kid explained, "congratulations on your engagement." He left after Eren thanked him, then we exchanged looks after glancing at the cones. We were speechless, that was for sure. Then, just as wordlessly, we raised our hands and high-fived prior to grabbing the icy treats. 
"I know this was a joke, but thanks for accepting." The brunet had vanilla smeared at the corner of his mouth and I wiped it with my thumb, licked it off and stated plainly enough that I would accept a real proposal, too. It obviously shocked him, because he paused long enough for the ice cream to drip over his fingers. "Really?" Typically his style to think I wouldn't. Just like he was surprised I went out on a first official date with him, that I agreed to be his girlfriend and that I actually wanted to have sex with him and it was just my vow that stopped me from acting on it. He'd always thought, weirdly enough, that he didn't deserve me. What he didn't know was I thought the same about him.
"You seriously think I'd say no after spending half my life with you?" I returned, half-joking and half-serious, and he frantically waved his hands around as to get his point across before he'd even spoken. It was weird we were this committed to each other but he was still surprised I was ready for the long run. I guessed now really wasn't the time for it, seeing as we'd be going off to college in a few months and it would be controversial to have a wedding before we'd even turned nineteen, but I fancied that we might as well marry after graduating. Three years didn't sound like much of a wait when we'd already been together for five.
"No, I mean, I want to marry you for real," he cleared his throat in mind discomfort as my gaze bore into his teal hues, "but I didn't expect you to have considered it in the first place. After all, we're still in high school and you're yet to turn eighteen." I smiled and intertwined our fingers on top of the table after he'd finished. His eyes were big and honest and just a bit shy which wasn't really a typical quality of his. Still, in these small moments when he revealed to me things he considered private and intimate, I got to see that spark of bashfulness flicker.
"Please, age is just a number. We have time to do whatever we want to. Also, I've thought about it. I've thought about it nearly as much as I've thought about that stupid shelf I want to install in my room." He chuckled and the sound rang in the air as we finished up our ice creams wordlessly. There was no need for profound long speeches; we both seemed overly content by the notion of having all the time in the world and that was good because we really did. We had prom and graduation, all summer, then three more years to be together and very stressed and then, well, then we'd act on signing documents that would bind us forever.
"Hey," he muttered as to attract my attention and I hummed inquisitively whilst licking my lips, "marry me one day?" His voice was so innocent and soft I didn't realise my hand had tightened its hold on his. The teal in his eyes shone so brightly for a second it was like it had reflected the sun itself. Golden specks and miracles, and I had the absolute best boyfriend in the world. My lips pursed into a small smile and my chest swelled with warmth. And when I nodded, the small smile couldn't help but stretch into a wide grin. This, I was sure, was what happiness felt like.
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About three hours later, I drove the Jaguar home and parked it in the garage, then locked the garage from the outside, seeing as I had to take a quick stroll to the supermarket in order to buy the intern the flowers I'd promised him an as apology. I checked my phone on the way there to find, to my surprise, that I had two missed calls from the ebony-haired male and one from my mother. Seeing as I'd prefer her nagging over his patronising speeches, I dialled her and had to wait only three beeps before she picked up with an amicable "hello".
"What do you need, mom?" I knew she'd never call me simply to check on me. She was kind despite being a generally work-absorbed person but that didn't mean she'd concern herself with me too often if it wasn't urgent. I learned pretty soon after turning fourteen that her ID on my screen meant I'd be doing her a favour or that she'd be serving me important news, mostly unpleasant. This case, unsurprisingly, was no different.
"The fridge is empty, sweetie. Would you mind shopping so I can cook something nice for your uncle tonight?" Notice how she didn't include aunt Petunia and George in the equation - that was mostly because they would judge the food no matter what was cooked. Uncle Jared was the only one we had to woo. Also the only one we had to trick into thinking our stage performance was reality. I quickly voiced my confirmation and she wasted no time in listing everything she'd need. "We need fruits, yoghurt, milk, cheese, pasta, chicken breasts, sweets for your aunt, beer for your uncle and whatever you want to treat yourself with."
"Got it." I stated after having repeated them inside my head two more times. "When will you be coming home?" I was making my way down the street, listening to the background noise on the other end of the line - clicking, voices, shuffling of papers - and wondering briefly if my mother could hear the cars at the traffic light on my end.
"Five." Her answer was preceded by a long thoughtful hum and a whisper, probably toward her coworker, then I nodded in spite of the fact she wouldn't be able to see me and just as I was about to bid her goodbye, she gasped and spoke again: "Your father wanted me to tell you Levi will be home around four so expect him at the house when you get back." A red car sped past me just as the tips of my shoes stood at the edge of the pavement, forcing me to take a step back and inwardly curse the stupid driver.
"... sure, thanks, mom. Bye." I crossed the street when the benevolent green allowed me so, hanging up on my mother after hearing her reciprocate the goodbye and furrowing my brows at the thought of not having any more time or excuses to avoid the intern and our supposed relationship. To distract myself from the thought of the inevitable, I hastened to check my balance, seeing as I hadn't been exactly saving up these past few days. Alas, tis was the luckiest of days for the Raven household's fridge, because I had a fifty dollar bill tucked neatly into the hidden compartment of my wallet.
I made my way into the supermarket with a sigh and made it a point not to think of my father's intern while I was shopping. Without my earphones, it was a bit harder to achieve. Luckily, the mainstream pop on the speakers wasn't half bad - it kept my head bobbing along but didn't prevent me from keeping my mother's shopping list intact. I grabbed a cart from the entrance and strolled through the fruit and vegetable section in rhythm with Charlie Puth, switched to Dua Lipa as I was picking the three ingredients a lactose-intolerant person considered the forbidden fruit and was humming along to Bruno Mars whilst snatching chocolate chip cookies for my aunt.
"'Scuse me." Somebody bumped into my shoulder and I flinched, turning back to maybe glare him down for being rude and stopping with my mouth open. "I just needed the thing." He was tall, with black hair in an undercut, broad shoulders, a Sabaton hoodie and a pair of thin-rimmed glasses hanging off his long nose. And his hand was holding, lo and behold, a premade brownie in a box. His big brown eyes were staring at me boredly, then his pale fingers waved themselves in front of my frozen face. "You okay?" I blinked at the hand, then the owner before nodding and turning back to my cart. When I tell you I paced out of that aisle as fast as fucking possible---
He looked so much like the intern, am I right? The stupid voice that began pestering me a few days ago piped as I was making a turn for a bag of chips, to which I only pursed my lips in annoyance. No. Responding to the voice inside my head was a bit weird but obviously, it wasn't for her, or me, because the debate kept going. He did, though. Oh, look, another pale guy with black hair. How about that? Are you going to make a fool of yourself in front of him, too? My shoulders slumped and I groaned, making an old lady peruse me from her spot by the tea bags.
I made the rest of the shopping into a race. Get to the pasta before the chorus of Look What You Made Me Do ends, grab beer before The Weeknd sings the word “call”, get meat by the end of the instrumental part of the song playing, find a fine assortment of cheap flowers before the end of the verse and, finally, rush to the cash register before my brain goes crazy. If I got home before the intern did, I could lock myself in my room, say I wasn’t feeling too well and avoid confrontations of any kind. My parents wouldn’t buy it but they also wouldn’t risk being too forceful in front of the intern. My mind took a detour after polishing my escape plan in order to spy on the cashier scanning and bagging my purchases.
Fine arms. They were tan and freckled, and quite dexterous. His hair’s really nice, too. I eyed the ebony locks tied in a messy bun and then his blue orbs settled on mine. Oh shit. I was caught staring. I panicked internally and then the very snarky voice in my head butted in. No, honey, I think he’s just waiting for you to pay up. Would it be weird if I called her an alter ego of sorts? The mental repercussion made me fumble with my wallet as I handed him the fifty dollars and he returned my change, watching with a hint of a smirk on his thin lips how I hastened to leave the register before the impatient line began complaining. I nodded at him and took the bags, and caught him flash a small smile in my direction prior to beginning to scan the next client’s items.
I shook my head on my way out, sighing right after the automatic doors closed behind my back and thus marking the end of the circular composition of my adventure in the supermarket. My fingers were already strained from handling the plastic bags and the flowers tucked under my arm weren’t helping. But my thoughts were frantic and, frankly, nonsensical. I spitefully realised (without my mean alter ego reminding me) that I’d compared the cashier to my father’s intern. That I compared anybody who held semblance to him with him actually. The semi-nice things we’d admitted to each other on the day of our pretend engagement obviously meant nothing to him, so they had to mean nothing to me either. Forget all about maybe becoming friends, we only had to tolerate each other. I would say I disliked him but that would be a lie. I would also say I hated him but--- not in the normal way. Not with passion or anger or anything of the sort. This was a kind of cold hatred I wasn’t used to.
Because he came along and changed stuff. Suddenly the room next to mine wasn’t empty. Suddenly I needed to feed an additional mouth. Suddenly his name was all that popped up in conversations. Suddenly I was being called a princess. Suddenly there was a new toothbrush in the bathroom, and a new bottle of lavender shampoo, and a new shower gel. Suddenly my dates were no longer supposed to be priority number one. Suddenly I had a new housemate – a nagging persistent presence that was, in my opinion, unwelcome. I hated him for that, stumbling into the house with an insult and an otherwise silent frown. I hated him for being there in that moment because it made my father drag us into becoming non-paid actors.
That’s just it. I hate him. And I’m indifferent towards it. I sighed whilst crossing the street and then the other voice made an appearance I would’ve been better off without. You’re thinking about him non-stop, though. Careful how you thread, the line between hate and love is pretty thin. I scoffed at that and rolled my eyes, concluding, rightfully so, that my alter ego maybe didn’t know me as well as I’d thought it would. Here’s a deal. When pigs start flying, I’ll fall in love with him. I felt, if the other voice had a physical body, it would be smirking right now. Seeing as it didn’t and it was quite weird of me to lead a debate club in my head, I decided to focus on my surroundings.
Streets and sky and houses and the symmetrical pavement under my feet with the upheaved block by the corner that had been like that since the dawn of time. Trees and the sounds of cars driving down the boulevard, and birds chirping for the first time since last autumn and---
Footsteps? I blinked ahead in confusion, picking up a distinct pair of feet strolling some distance behind me. I shook my head, deeming myself paranoid – something I took from my mother – and hastening to turn the corner into my street, only to hear the footsteps keep up and make the turn as well. Alright, I’m getting creeped out. I took a deep breath and clutched the bags tighter whilst staring at the closed garage door ahead. I’m almost there, I’ll open the door and look back and the person will be a harmless old lady going about on her business---
“Hello, sugar. How about some fun?” A big hand fell on my shoulder. Its owner’s voice was raspy and deep, like somebody who hadn’t drunk water in a decade. I shut my eyes and felt the first drops of sweat make their way down my temples. My hands were clammy and my mind was full of incoherent curses. It was funny because the front door was no less than ten feet away. I could hit the guy and make a run for it, except my hands were full. Maybe I could kick him instead. I turned around and eyed him – a regular man in his forties, with shabby clothes and a stubble. And small rat-like eyes. “So?” His smile was unnerving. My stomach took an unpleasant turn. “What do you say, sugar?”
“No thank you.” My voice was quiet but harsh. I clenched the bags tighter and aimed a swift kick at his crotch – except he bent his leg and it hit him in the shin. My expression was probably the equivalent of “oh shit” as I watched him look down and grin even wider whilst grabbing both my shoulders and slamming my body into the garage door. The clangour that produced wasn’t exactly something that could be easily ignored. Worst case scenario, if I didn’t manage to fight him off, somebody would have heard it. But then again, hoping for the best in these situations was never the smart thing to do.
“Oh, she’s a princess. Don’t worry, I can have my fun without your consent.” His hands smelled of onions and, at the sound of the word “princess”, I could feel my cheeseburger crawling up my throat. His grip was tight and unpleasant and I was completely frozen, physically sick and tense like a taut guitar string. Might just bounce off if one of his paws laid off the harassment. “It will be easier if you cooperated.” He stated it in such a negotiatory manner it made me stare at him in disbelief contrary to horror. I decided, at that moment, that I wouldn’t be cooperating at all.
“Hel---“ My voice couldn’t even reach full capacity of volume before his hand slapped itself over my mouth, making my nose scrunch up as I tried to bite him, except he was obviously way too experienced not to expect it – which just ended up in me chomping down on air as he pulled a pair of scissors from his pocket. “Don’t fucking touch me.” I hissed through gritted teeth, feeling the absence of my helpless tears and instead the very hopeless presence of my lunch at the back of my throat. Weird how such things could happen in the middle of the day. Even weirder how the cops were never nearby, too. When the man laughed, I felt similarly to how I’d felt when Hitch had smiled at me after kissing Eren today. Another weird thing – I was really good at making really bad decisions. But they suited me.
I sacrificed one of the plastic bags and cursed him for making me bend the flowers I’d bought then my knuckles were colliding with his face. The rustle of the bag was heard, along with the fruits and the pasta hitting the ground, the scumbag’s laughter halted and, would you look at that, he wasn’t smiling when he looked back at me. The scissors were still in his hold and so was I. My knees almost gave out when I tried to move but then I saw his hand closing in. It happened fast. The street spun, my head hurt and my cheek was burning like he’d poured hot oil over it. My left ear was ringing as I realised he’d slapped me so hard I’d slammed my head into the garage door. I thought I could taste blood but I didn’t have the time to overthink it too much because I could hear my T-shirt rip.
I didn’t have the energy to turn and look at him, then I realised I’d dropped the other bag and the flowers, too. The world was pulsating and the harsh hand on my shoulder was pushing me to the right, pushing me toward the small space where we collected our trash cans. It was funny because I could hear myself muttering “no” over and over again, yet my body turned out to be way more limp and gullible than I’d thought it’d be. I barely raised my hand and my vision was blurry but I could feel his knuckles scrape past my chest as he cut my shirt in half. My mouth opened and I was sure I’d vomit on the spot but then there was a sickening crack and, vertigo or not, I knew it didn’t come from me.
The hands disappeared and I went slack against the edge of the garage door, the corner dug into my spine and my knees finally decided it was their moment to shine – by buckling. I looked up and blinked at the sight presented like an owl. My father’s intern was there, grabbing the man’s hand and snapping it back with an unpleasant pop. There was blood dripping down the creep’s chin and I flinched when the scissors hit the pavement. Another funny thing – I was dizzy as hell but the expression on the ebony-haired adolescent’s face made me sober up in milliseconds. I barely pushed myself off the ground when the man aimed a fist in the intern’s direction, the latter dodged with ease and I didn’t catch the sequence of actions he performed next – all I knew was the way my shoulders shrunk at the sound of a second body hitting the garage door. My father would kill me if there was a dent.
I glanced down at the bags and the flowers, then the sound of choking made a shiver go down my spine as I witnessed Levi’s hand clutch the creep’s throat so hard the latter couldn’t breathe. He tried to fight back but his strength was leaving him and I curiously watched the blue forming on his cheekbone – I’d done that. The small rat-like eyes were pinned to the intern’s face before they moved to look at me pleadingly because his opponent was just too horrifying.  I knew I’d compared him to the Grim Reaper before but this was different. He looked so calm it was scary. But that was because I couldn’t see the signs. I couldn’t see the storm clouds in his eyes, or the dangerous crease between his brows, or the tension lining his jaw. I couldn’t see any of it. Not just yet.
“Don’t even fucking look at her.” His voice was deep, hoarse, almost a growl, almost a hiss. “I’ll kill you if you look at her.” My burning cheek was forgotten but my fingers were twitching. The intern watched the creep’s callused hands cling to his pale wrist as he nodded his head, trying, very desperately, to voice a bargain or a plea. It was in vain. “Go inside, (Y/N).” Hearing my name snapped me out of the daze. It made me shudder as the man lost consciousness and the intern finally removed his hand from his throat. I watched his hands go limp and his knees give out, then he was sliding down the garage door and finally, swaying to the left and keeping his lifeless stance. The raven looked down at him for a bit, then grabbed the scissors off the ground and tossed them across the street.
His eyes were back to the usual grey when his gaze met mine. His lips pursed and the murderous intent was gone from the air surrounding him but I still had my doubts when he stepped toward me. He was taking off his dress suit and I was rushing to pick up the messy flowers off the sidewalk, then he sighed just barely whilst throwing the jacket over my shoulders and buttoning it in the front. That was probably the moment I realised he’d seen my bra for the second time in less than a single week. This was the slutty purple one, too. I felt heat creep up my neck, then I wordlessly watched him pick up the bags and join my side so we could enter the house. I didn’t comment when he used his heel to kick the unconscious form by the garage.
The intern walked in front of me and uncle Jared was on the couch in the living room, watching cartoons with a can of beer. He turned back to greet us then the words got stuck in his throat as he watched me just barely cower behind the ebony-haired male. He questioned if something was wrong and I shook my head, informing him that all was good and we had to change clothes. He turned back around and it was then the intern made a quick trip to the kitchen to leave the groceries before joining my side and leading the way up the stairs.
“Sorry.” I muttered once we’d entered my room and remembered that I was still holding the flowers. I brought them up between our bodies and met his gaze with a small insecure furrow of my brows. “For cheating or however my father wants to call it. Also for last night. Won’t flatter myself by saying you were the only one at fault. I don’t want forgiveness. I want a truce.” Rambling helped get my mind off the bruise forming on my cheek and the fact I had just lived quite the traumatic moment.
“You get both.” He was back to being cold and composed, and frowning. I gave no answer, thinking, naively enough, that this had solved all our problems. “You’re still shaking.” His comment made my shoulders shrink as I remembered I was still wearing his jacket. “Why didn’t you fight him?” Came the question. I flinched away from him after noticing he’d stepped closer to me. The look in his eyes was clouded but sharp and his lips stood in a taut straight line, strict and reprimanding almost as much as his voice was. “Who knows what would’ve happened if I hadn’t shown up. We’d probably find you by the trash cans. And you might’ve been unconscious but you could’ve also---“
“I know, alright?!” I exploded, throwing my hands around and almost hitting the flowers he’d taken from me. I was furious and that wasn’t something becoming of a Raven member. So I took a deep breath and glared at the silent raven. “I know. I’m sorry for trying and not succeeding. I’m sorry I had three layers of clothes on me and he still thought me attractive enough to attack. I’m sorry I hit him and it landed me a bruise. I’m sorry I needed a man to save me from another man. You feel good about making me learn my lesson?” This was it. The spite. The hatred. And above all else, the shame. I wasn’t proud of being harassed, I wasn’t proud of not being able to protect myself and I wasn’t proud of the fact he’d had to swoop in like a knight in shining armour. And, as I’d already established, pride was what I treasured above everything else.
“No. I don’t feel good at all.” He was watching me explode and recompose myself and then crack again. It wasn’t nice. But his tone spoke of tons of regret but when he looked at me it was almost like he couldn’t see me at all, like he was seeing something completely different. Maybe somebody. I gulped down another round of babbling and sighed, then one of his hands reached out, slowly, warily, to touch mine. I realised then it had formed a fist. “It’s not your fault. I’m glad I was there before anything else could happen. I won’t---“ He cut himself off with a click of his tongue and I blinked at him in confusion, almost aching to hear what he would’ve said. But he never finished that thought.
“Thanks for that.” I spoke instead, forcing my eyes off his once I noticed he was looking at the bruise forming on my cheek. I had to cover that up. I’d rather keep it a secret and trust he wouldn’t tell either than add one more thing to the pile of shit this past week had been. “Now I have to change clothes.” His fingers were warm but I couldn’t help imagining them gripping the man’s throat till his face went blue. So I pulled my hand back and forced a smile whilst taking the jacket off. “You go wash your hands.” I handed him the jacket and watched him retreat, closing the door with a quiet click and leaving me to fish out the year-old concealer and the small mirror I had in the second drawer of my nightstand. I was about to get to work when I saw the silver ring on top.
Shiny and simple. Good for a fake engagement. My mean alter ego commented, making me snort. Funny how it was the perfect vision I had for an engagement ring anyway. My father obviously had taste. Or he just knew me well. Or he was a cheap bastard. Either way, I had to wear it. Do you feel like a future bride yet? Another annoying chirp inside my head and another snort past my lips. I shook my head and got to masking the redness on my cheek, and the ring kept me company with its cold touch.
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"So about your argument..." Uncle Jared’s eyes followed me around the kitchen as I unpacked the purchases and stored the plastic bags in the small drawer next to the sink. I was thinking how I should respond. He obviously wanted to hear whether there was progress or not. There was. I gave him the flowers and he settled with forgiving and forgetting, which was something. That didn’t erase the fact he never apologised and that kept his indifferent attitude in place. I glanced at the raven and decided, for the better of our play, not to let him speak first. Not that seemed to want that.
"We’re better now. He did agree to sleep with me again. Right, hun?” I opened the fridge and put the cheese, milk and yoghurt inside. There was no need for me to throw sharp looks at him, the emphasis I put on the pet name was enough to make him understand that objecting right now wasn’t the preferred course of action I’d have him take. Thankfully, he was aware of the fact my uncle was somebody we should be pretending in front of. The flowers I’d given him were set up in a small vase in the middle of the counter. Some of their stems were bent and some had let their petals scatter across the marble.
"Right, princess." He checked my reaction but I just smiled whilst sticking the beer in the freezer – I was sure uncle Jared would volunteer to have a drink in no time. The elder Raven brother’s eyes narrowed at my smug expression and I held back the urge to reach up and cover the left side of my face. Back in my room, it had only been a reddened patch of skin that I covered with concealer and foundation but my uncle’s probing gaze made me feel like it was a five-inch blue bump. Turned out he was only scanning my visage for any signs of deceit because he quickly transferred his attention to the intern. 
“I have a question for you, kid.” I was struggling to stuff the pack of chocolate chip cookies in the upper cupboard when the statement sounded. I thought I was its intended recipient, thus why I whipped back with a response at the ready only to witness the intense staring contest between the two males. Uncle Jared’s broad shoulders were slumped and his posture was casual, so casual, in fact, his wife would probably reprimand him for sitting like a mannerless teenager. My father’s intern, in contrast, was tense and organised, still in his suit, straight shoulders, tipped chin, closed legs and crossed arms. “Do you love my niece?” His statement was straightforward but there was doubt in his hues. Oh, boy, he was testing him. That included body language and tone and--- I had to intervene before my uncle caught a red flag.
“Yes, I do.” The raven beat me to answering as his jaw tensed. His face was calm, the frown was still and unperturbed. His crossed arms didn’t twitch for a second. He didn’t avoid my uncle’s gaze either. It was astounding but there was something. Something lost, not missing. Almost like he was elsewhere again, like he was seeing something else, like he was thinking about something else. My uncle didn’t catch that but I did – because I’d bore witness to it a few minutes ago, too.
“Congratulations, cupcake. You’ve got a keeper.” Uncle Jared’s grin was contagious and his words were light-hearted when he looked back at me. The panic inside gave way to relief and I smiled back with a chirpy “I know”, to which he laughed and got up from his seat, sauntering back towards the couch and plopping down across from the cartoons playing. “So when am I getting my beer?” He called from his spot of comfort, to which I only snorted. Of course, he’d utilise the fact he was a guest in our house to have me serve him. I had no problem with that, seeing as he’d spent a generous amount of my childhood babysitting me, thus making him into my only parental figure at the time, since mine didn’t volunteer to take that spot.
“In a second, uncle!” I called back, quickly stuffing the chicken breasts in the fridge and hastening to take the beer out of the freezer. “Can you please put these in the bowl over there?” I gestured towards the fruits and the intern only sighed before getting to work. I was a sight to behold whilst opening the beer, standing as far from it as possible, having put it in the sink and praying to a non-existent deity for its earlier fall not to make it explode in my face. Except it kind of did. I yelped, the cap slipped away from my fingers and I clamped my mouth shut in shame when the short presence behind my foam-sprinkled form handed me a napkin. “No need, thank you.” I muttered without looking at him and was about to reach for a glass when I felt him wiping the beer off my chin. How uncharacteristically kind.
“Your uncle’s watching.” The bored whisper by my ear made me hum. Of course, how could I even begin to think he might be acting kindly without a reason? I sighed and screwed the cap back on, rinsed the bottle along with my hands in the sink and reached for the glass afterwards. The raven patted the foam away from my face and nose and neck in the meantime. The one on my T-shirt, I was sure, would dry soon enough. I thanked him loudly enough for my eavesdropping relative to hear, then poured a glass and left it on the counter. I watched the ebony-haired male go back to assembling the apples, oranges and bananas in the bowl with the concentration of an interior decorator. It was almost funny. The contrast between him a while ago and currently was vast and intimidating, and quite unforeseen.
“Hey,” I propped my elbows on the counter and watched him squint somberly at the fruits prior to humming at me questioningly, which I took as a green light to keep talking, “don’t worry about the acting. Leave everything to me and focus on your internship. I’ll make sure you don’t get any more uncomfortable questions.” He knew which question I meant. I didn’t make a promise, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to keep it because I knew my family well enough to know there’d be a thorough interrogation before they were satisfied with our pretence. Putting some effort into diverting the questions from him wouldn’t be too hard, though. It would lessen our interaction, too.
And, maybe, by the time summer came round, we’d ignore each other around the house like ghosts. I had no real way of knowing back then that reality would be way different than that. I watched his fingers freeze, his eyes kept still and his frown was motionless but there was that clench of his jaw again. He didn’t thank, agree, object or speak at all. Only huffed and went back to his task. I shook my head with a sigh and grabbed the beer off the counter, almost jumping at the clink my hand made prior to remembering I was wearing a ring now. I served my uncle his drink and asked him where aunt Petunia and George were, then watched him sigh in repressed annoyance whilst running a hand through his silver-stained dark locks.
"Your aunt decided she wanted to go shopping and took the pipsqueak with her.” The explanation sounded almost like aunt Petunia’s actions had drained him of his purpose to live. I questioned whether that was bad and he snorted whilst gulping down some of the beer. The Power Puff girls were on the screen across from us. “We’ve been married a long time now and she hasn’t grown. We visit the parents thrice a year and she still feels that’s a lot. I can’t go see my brother on my own but when she’s here all she does is whine or compare George to you. It’s tiring how childish she is when it comes to family matters.” My lips pursed at his words and I put a hand to his shoulder, then he scoffed and smiled, wiping the dejection from his face and urging me to sit next to him. “Cupcake, I want to talk to you.”
“What’s the matter, uncle?” I took a seat and watched his feet leave the coffee table as he met my gaze and briefly gestured with his chin towards the kitchen over my shoulder. My father’s intern stood there, still wondering whether to balance the bananas on top of the oranges or use them as foundation to stack the apples over. His architecture skills, it seemed, equalled his cooking skills. Still, it was suspicious how hardworking he was despite his inability to get it right the first time – with no instructions, too.
“I’m hoping,” uncle Jared’s voice drew my attention away from the raven-haired male and I realised I’d been very close to admitting his diligence was worthy of respect, “this isn’t one of Rol’s tricks.” My lips pursed and I was screaming on the inside. I wondered briefly, besides the complete and utter lack of chemistry, what had made my ever so observant uncle conclude this might be a clever scheme. We were wearing the rings, we called each other the pet names and we… well, we looked normal enough to pass as a couple. I guessed that was exactly it. There was no love in normal. There was no love in just calling somebody “darling” or “princess”.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, uncle.” I feigned bafflement and he snorted, clapping his hands together and deciding that he’d need a booster for the speech he was about to give. He took a big gulp of beer and I was going through different tactics that would throw him off. I couldn’t go up to my father’s intern and kiss him on the mouth this very moment and it wouldn’t be wise for my behaviour to bear a visible change right after we’d been accused of faking it. What I could do was outsmart my uncle. Except he was in Top 3 Best Lawyers in Pennsylvania, so, as to how I’d manage to do that, I had no idea. After all, he’d taught me all about manipulation I knew.
“That’s what the kid always said when I talked to him. Fret not, I’m not threatening you, cupcake. I just want to discuss things.” I nodded in acknowledgement and watched him snort at my deadpan. This was the exact poker face he’d made me practice once upon a time. “A display of evidence might be appropriate. Things that lean in favour of this being a farce are: your cheating accident, the suspicious lack of physical contact and the initial absence of your rings. That would be more than enough for me to build a case.” I put a hand over the silver band I’d slipped onto my finger mere minutes ago and he only smiled. “But I won’t.” How generous of him. “See, it’s interesting how caring this boy is. Caring enough to always defend you, except when you’re in the room. I’m wondering why that is. He goes out of his way for you. A lot.” My eyes narrowed and my uncle grinned. “But, of course, you already knew that. After all, you’ve been engaged for how long now?” Another test.
“Few months.” I didn’t know how long we’d been engaged. We hadn’t had the time to create a backstory and my father hadn’t provided us with a script. That was another plot hole we had to fill in case more questions arose. “Levi is very caring. And very diligent, extremely hardworking and logical to the bone. He’s a good guy.” Unconfirmed, truth, truth, truth, unconfirmed. Circular composition again. My uncle’s brows furrowed as I gave an angelic smile. “Now, my case. Your points are valid. But they prove my stupidity, not that we aren’t together. As to your tests, I’m thinking maybe tone it down. I see through you, uncle, and I love you, but Levi isn’t used to the Ravens and I don’t want you to antagonise him just because you can’t trust your brother.” He shook his head and I glared at him. “I hope I made myself clear.” I stood up without waiting for his response and my knees wobbled as I headed to the kitchen.
Jared Raven is officially disarmed. And to think the day would come when I’d actually have the last word against him. I was ecstatic. Literally ecstatic. My brain was like the 4th of July, all fireworks and pride. And to think you’d use the cute little intern as a weapon. You’re doing the same as your father. The mean alter ego made an appearance with her smug voice and I scoffed, beginning, quite uselessly, to defend myself against her. Well, it worked, didn’t it? Uncle Jared won’t be pursuing him anymore, which means he can stay out of this. I act in everybody’s interest. The justification obviously wasn’t enough for her. Big words from a girl who digs her grave with lies.
Then she went radio silent and I sat across the intern, who puffed out his chest and looked down at his genius creation. Admittedly, I’d never seen such a fragile yet stable tower of fruits. If we’d been friends, I would've congratulated him on it. If I hated him with passion, I’d make it fall over. I didn’t know exactly what we were and I knew I hated him but I couldn’t force myself to spite him on purpose, mostly when he’d done this as a favour I’d asked of him. He met my gaze and furrowed his brows – I didn’t know whether that meant attentiveness, confusion, or hostility; so I gave a weak smile and scanned his deadpan for any signs of emotion, only to drop the ambitious project no less than three seconds later. This guy was an impenetrable fortress. I couldn’t read him, couldn’t understand him, couldn’t reason with him either. 
“Something wrong, princess?” There was no mockery in his voice, just flat politeness. I guessed the nickname was there to spite me and the question wasn’t really meant to be answered. After all, we were just strangers who lived together – I couldn’t pinpoint how him caring about my feelings would be beneficial for him. And, stupid as I was sometimes, this guy wasn’t a textbook Prince Charming. He was my father’s intern. Funny how I perceived him more like a nuisance in a meat suit than a human being with a life.
“You’re like a statue.” My statement evoked no changes in his expression. His frown stayed put, so did the knitted brows, and the narrowed eyes, and the resting lips. “You barely talk sometimes. Barely look alive, too. I don’t get you and, far as I care, I don’t want to get you.” No changes still. And here I was, trying to provoke out of him an emotion. Insults wouldn’t do it. “Anyways. My uncle won’t be bothering you anymore. Privately or publicly.” Now that was a twitch. He wouldn’t tell me even if I asked, though. “Can you show emotion at all?” I was smiling curiously and he was leaning against the counter with his hands, his ring clicked against the marble and I glanced down at it. His shoulders looked tense but he didn’t make a sound. There was something bluish in his eyes. Must’ve been the light. “Guess not.” I gave a strained smile, he was looking at my lips, and I stood up.
I realised once I’d closed the door of my safe haven behind me that the flower petals had been cleaned. He was almost looking at me with that lost expression again. Something snapped him back in, and then back out. His knuckles had been white when I’d glanced at them. Did that mean anger? Frustration? Coincidence? Was I mistaken or had his lips pursed further when I’d mocked him? They were super thin anyway. And he probably put on Vaseline every day to make them seem that soft. Were they soft? I could bet they’d be soft.
Wouldn’t you like to know? The mean voice returned and my shoulders jumped as I approached my bed, not realising that I’d gotten lost in a kind of inappropriate thoughts. Eren wouldn’t feel good if you went ahead and checked, you know. I knew. I didn’t want to check. The intern was attractive, fine, but acknowledging he was attractive wasn’t cheating and it didn’t mean I was in love with him. It just meant I could think stupid stuff if I forgot he was an unemotional dick. Yeah, but, you know, thoughts still count if they’re not about a fictional guy. In this case, they’re about a guy who lives in your house. Who, by the way, you know nothing about. Just his name and that he’s twenty. He knows a lot about you, though. The parents, the boyfriend, the school, the insecurities. Just saying. Maybe put up a wall and keep hating him. Or be stupid and hope that you can be friends.
Her laughter was different from mine – obnoxiously loud and ringing, going up and down, and up again, and not halting once. I would compare it to the cackling of a cartoon villain but that would be too dramatic. Still, she was my cartoon villain. The bad side. The Palpatine to my Anakin, if you will. And, taking that into account, and the toxic relationship I would soon assume with myself, I might as well give her a name. Not a pretty name, though. An ugly name? But I’d probably use it to refer to her from time to time. Maybe instead of thinking up a name for the rude voice in my head, I had to steal some money from my father’s piggy bank and pay up for a therapy session. Or not. I was sure everybody sometimes narrated their life or debated with themselves on the inside. Completely normal and not disturbing in the least.
Correct, so let’s proceed - the intern. You need strategy and contact. You also need to get rid of your thirst, if you know what I mean. Can’t blame you – he is hot, but, as he likes to point out, more often than yourself actually, you’re supposed to be taken. I was and I would keep being. Her monologuing made me scoff as I plopped down on my bed and began texting my best friend because she was the only distraction I had that wouldn’t make me aggressive right now. I didn’t exactly want to debate whether the stupid asshole was hot or not with myself. Do you think big cunning uncle’s right? Does the asshole actually go out of his way for us? And what’s with the defending you part? When has he ever said something to deflect blame or insults from you? Not really, no. But my uncle did say it was when I wasn’t present. Even today he’d told the creep he’d kill him, but still--- He doesn’t care enough to do that, you know. You’re a nuisance to him and he’s a nuisance to you. He doesn’t care. The voice sounded like me but the words it said might as well have been all Hitch Richards. What an unpleasant realisation.
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tag list: @unloved-cadillac​
16 notes · View notes
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meets this
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and their lives are changed forever. Because Jensen’s taking a gap year that turned into three, just drifting and not sure what he wants to do so he works as a waiter in a crappy chain restaurant and gets high with his friends after work, watches them going through college and making plans to move forward. 
And Jared’s a single dad, recently divorced and recently out to both himself and the world at large, and he feels like a failure for hurting his ex-wife and breaking his family but living the lie had been slowly killing him. His seven-year-old’s favorite restaurant is one of those chain places where the food is all frozen and microwaved, but Jared will go there every week to make his kid smile.
So Jensen starts noticing the older man with sad eyes that light up when his son babbles about his school day, sneaks extra fries onto the plate because damn, that man needs to eat more (and he always knew he’d turn into his mom someday but he didn’t think it’d be so soon), learns that their names are Jared and Nicky, learns that Nicky is outgoing and talkative and thinks that everyone is his friend. Learns that Jared doesn’t talk much, and that “mommy moved away and lives with her friend Scott now,” learns that Jared winces whenever the subject of Nicky’s mom comes up and add in the pale band where a ring used to be and it’s not hard for Jensen to figure it out.
Jared doesn’t want to notice the waiter who always seems to be serving their table, but how could he not when the guy is so handsome. And at first he thinks the friendliness is just the kid angling for a bigger tip, but Jensen seems to have infinite patience with Nicky and doesn’t try to hurry them along when Nicky’s obviously just toying with the remains of his dessert. Jensen’s not the first guy Jared’s ever noticed, but it’s the first guy he’s ever let his thoughts linger on... even if it feels ridiculous to be falling for a guy almost half his age. A guy he doesn’t know anything about.
159 notes · View notes
protego-et-servio · 4 years
((Not created by me. Copy-pasted, in case it gets taken down from Google Docs. Not linking to keep original safe.))
Reply to this tweet if I am missing anything
Re: the man who maced a young girl at the Seattle protest
Jared Campbell #8470
Office of police accountability: (206) 684-8797 [email protected]
Chief: Carmen Best
File an anonymous complaint
Re: the woman who drove over a pedestrian during a peaceful protest in Denver
Jennifer Watson
Owner of JP Watson Interiors
Denver sheriff: (720) 337-0194
Hate crime hotline: (720) 913-6458
Re: Trump supporters who ran over protesters
Jacob Robles (jacob_robles98) and Dylan Mota (@dylan_mota_)
Also in the car: Alyssa Mackovitch (@alyssa_mackovitch)
Re: cop responsible for telling others to turn off their body cameras
Tobias Raya
(310) 253-6318
*The White House has a history of giving vague, unhelpful responses or ignoring these petitions but I’d still suggest signing and making your voices as loud as possible. It can’t hurt to try.
@icatboy on Twitter: “you guys don’t sign those white house petitions sadly they don’t do shit, those were only effective under obama’s administration and mean nothing in 7rump’s term. they aren’t obligated to give us a statement after 100k signature sadly”
I still have them linked below in the petitions section for those who want to sign
Stop sharing videos of Black people being murdered. “Seeing all sides” doesn’t mean watching someone’s murder. Believe Black people. It’s gratuitous and exploitative. Imagine being his kin right now.
BLM carrd
BLM doc
If you live internationally and cannot sign petitions without an american postal code feel free to use any of these:
90015 - Los Angeles, California
10001 - New York City, New York
75001 - Dallas, Texas
More resources for international people
*Do not donate to change.org
Text FLOYD to 55156 OR sign the petition here: Color of Change - #JusticeforFloyd: Demand the officers who killed George Floyd are charged with murder.
Color of Change - #JusticeforBre: Police officers who killed Breonna Taylor must be FIRED.
Color of Change - #JusticeforAhmaud
change.org - Justice for George Floyd
change.org - The Minneapolis Police Officers to be charged for murder after killing innocent black man
change.org - Justice for George Floyd
change.org - Justice for George Floyd
change.org - Justice for Breonna Taylor
change.org - Julius Jones is innocent. Don't let him be executed by the state of Oklahoma.
Justice for Julius (more info with how to help and where to send emails)
change.org - Prosecute the murderers who killed George Floyd
change.org - Justice for Belly Mujinga
change.org - Justice For Tony McDade
change.org - Hands Up Act
change.org - Justice For Joāo Pedro
change.org - Willie Simmons has served 38 years for a $9 robbery
change.org - Disbarment of George E. Barnhill
change.org - Justice for Regis Korchinski-Paquet
change.org - Justice for Ahmaud Arbery- Pass Georgia Hate Crime Bill
change.org - Free Anthony Wint
change.org - After The Smoke Clears... Arrest Juan DelaCruz for the MURDER of Pamela Turner RIGHT NOW
change.org - #freejeffersonelie
change.org - Exoneration of Albert Wilson
change.org - Justice for Sean
change.org - Reopen Kendrick Johnson's Case #J4Kendrick
change.org - Justice For Tamir Rice
change.org - Justice for Tamir Rice 2
change.org - Censorship of Police Brutality in France
change.org - Fire Racist Criminal Michael J Reynolds from the NYPD
change.org - Mandatory Life Sentence for Police Brutality
change.org - Criminal Charges for Travis & Greg McMichael in the murder of Black Jogger Ahmaud Arbery
change.org - Justice for Alejandro Vargas Martinez
change.org - Make false 911 calls a criminal offense
‪change.org - RAISE THE DEGREE
change.org - Free Siyanda
change.org - Jennifer Jeffley
change.org - Fire Racist Criminal Michael J Reynolds from the NYPD
change.org - Justice for Darrius Stewart
change.org - Justice for Amiya Braxton
change.org - Justice for Dion Johnson
change.org - Justice for Emerald Black
change.org - Junk the Anti-Terrorism Bill and Uphold Human Rights
change.org - Skip to main content    Drop All Charges Against Incarcerated Trafficking Survivor Chrystul Kizer
change.org - Justice for Crystal Mason
change.org - Stop hit and run drivers who kill Innocent people from receiving bond in North Carolina
change.org - Justice for Tete
change.org - Justice for Sean Reed
text “JUSTICE” to 668366
moveon - #JusticeforBre: Police officers who killed Breonna Taylor must be FIRED
moveon - We want justice for 19 year old Darrius Stewart gunned down by a white police officer on last Fri...
Organize For - Take the Pledge: We Are the Movement for Black Lives
Text “ENOUGH” to 55156 - demand justice for Breonna Taylor
Text “JUSTICE” to 55156 - demand DA George Barnhill and Jackie Johnson are removed from office
We the People - Justice for George Floyd Make sure you confirm you signature by checking your email immediately after
We the People - Raise the Degree
We the People - Arrest the Other Three
People's Budget LA Tell your Council Member to reject Mayor Eric Garcetti's proposal to spend 54% of the general fund on the LAPD
reclaim the block - Tell MPLS City Council to Defund the Police
*Do not donate to any fundraisers hosted by Shaun King - he has an extensive history of collecting funds for pro-Black movements which have disappeared - deleted all petitions by The Action Pac because he is affiliated with them
*Need a Venmo to donate to Minneapolis activists? Donate via Venmo to the Femme Empowerment Project. Be sure to set your donation to "private." You can even specify how you want your donation to be used-- medic training, medic gear, or jail support.
Spreadsheet with places to donate to
gofundme.com - Official George Floyd Memorial Fund (this is the only legitimate gofundme to donate directly to George Floyd’s family)
gofundme - Justice for Kenneth Walker (for his legal representation supporting Breonna Taylor)
gofundme - I Run With Maud
gofundme - Help Coach Steve Parker Get Back in the Game
gofundme - Support Roy Stoddart’s Family
gofundme - Help a front line nurse and baby get proper care
gofundme - COVID19 testing, advocacy & education
gofundme - Jessica Mahone
gofundme - Comfort and Support for the Moncrease Family
gofundme - The Heart of a Chef
gofundme - Marcus Jackson Medical Funds
gofundme - COVID-19 Survivor, Ron's Road to Recovery
gofundme - Greene Family Fire Relief
gofundme - Justice for Regis
This is the only donation page approved by Regis’ mother: gofundme - Justice for Regis
gofundme - RIP Belly Mujinga
gofundme - Homeless Black Trans Women Fund
gofundme - Nadarrius Lundy (Nada) Memorial Fund
gofundme - Destiny Harrison's Legacy (organized by her mother)
Twitter thread full of gofundme’s (most of them were just listed but continue checking in case the thread has been updated)
@theysbianism on Twitter: please retweet! help my girlfriend, a Black trans woman, support her family and get her brother out of prison. the family collectively has been able to get $485 and only $200 more is needed. please boost and donate if you can!
Venmo: @celestialmadonna
Cashapp: $celestialmaddona
the action network - Demand justice for Tony McDade
Donate to Black Lives Matter
Donate to the Northstar Health Fund (medical supplies)
Sybrina Fulton's Campaign (Trayvon Martin’s mother is running for office in FL)
Donate to Reclaim the Block MPLS organization that invests in their community’s safety and fights against the police union
Donate to Black Visions Collective
Know Your Rights Camp their Legal Defense Initiative will pay for legal assistance for people protesting in MPLS + Kaepernick’s charity is funding the project
Oakland Anti Police Terror Project
South Minneapolis food shelves
MN Bail Fund and Relief List
Twitter thread of bail funds
Another twitter thread of bail funds
Pro bono representation of Houston protestors
Minnesota Freedom Fund (on-the-ground bail fund)
Louisville Bail Fund
Brooklyn Bail Fund
The Bronx Bail Fund
Atlanta Bail Fund (atl solidarity fund)
Atlanta Bail Fund (the action network)
LA Bail Fund
Columbus Bail Fund
Philadelphia Bail Fund (philly bail fund)
Philadelphia Bail Fund (philly bailout)
Detroit Bail Fund
Milwaukee Bail Fund
Charlotte Bail Fund: $WereStillHere OR venmo: ResistanceisBeautiful
Silicon Valley Bail Fund
Louisville Bail Fund
Chicago Bail Fund
National Revolving Bail Fund
Gas Mask Fund:
Venmo: @Isak-Douah
Cashapp: $Isakdouah
Black owned businesses
Support small online Black owned businesses
Google doc of Black owned businesses
Twitter thread: "here’s a thread of black small businesses that were destroyed that you can donate to to help rebuild"
Donate to the following groups
Support protesters
For their safety, do not post pictures or videos of their faces
How to properly treat someone who has been tear gassed
Tips for protesters
More tips
More tips
How to extinguish tear gas
How to treat a bullet wound
Disable tanks
Delete your digital footprint
Disable tanks
Twitter thread masterlist of safety tips for protesting
Protester safety tips
Support the woman pushed by the cop at Barclays $Dounyazayer
Thread of Homeland Security words being monitored on social media sites
Twitter thread: Know Your Rights
Location safety thread
Twitter thread: "how to identify an undercover cop"
If you are arrested for protesting in Minneapolis, call (612) 444-2654 and they will bail you out
Legal Rts Ctr: (612) 337-0030
If you are arrested in NYC call The National Lawyers Guild hotline with name and arrest location: (212) 679-6018
Legal Aid Society: (212) 577-3300
Atlanta jail support: (404) 689-1519
Louisville jail support: (502) 705- 0081
The Bail Project: 1 (833) 425-6827
National Lawyers Guild LA - Legal Defense Hotline: (310) 313-3700
Pro Bono Legal Representation doc
Drop Off Sites in MPLS (as of 5/29)
Epworth United Methodist Church, 3207 37th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55406
MN Youth Collective Office, 2161 University Ave W. Suite 100
2161 University Ave is taking a pause on accepting donations - overflowing
CTUL- CENTRO DE TRABAJADORES UNIDOS EN LA LUCHA - 3715 Chicago Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55407
The Coven (Downtown/North Loop MPLS) - 30 N 1st St, Minneapolis, MN 55401
Bethlehem Lutheran Church - 436 Roy St St. Paul, MN (NOTE POLICE PRESENCE OBSERVED)
Please donate and drop off First Aid, Physical Safety, Covid Precaution and Nourishment Supplies
Educate yourselves
Anti-racism resources
Learn about Black history and activism
Books by Black Activists
Books: how to be actively antiracist
Learn about unconscious bias
Twitter thread of mental health resources for Black people
Twitter thread on why protesters attacked Target in MN
Being Black and LGBTQ
Twitter thread of documentaries
Open Yale course - African American History: From Emancipation to the Present
ALEC Exposed
MPLS Protests
JACOB PEDERSON of the St. Paul PD is widely believed to have been the undercover cop vandalizing stores and starting fires during protests.
Report: What Does it Take to Embed a Racial Equity & Inclusion Lens?
Twitter thread of misinformation
Twitter thread: "how can i help from the uk?"
Contact Officials
GEORGE FLOYD is the name of the man who was murdered by DEREK CHAUVIN (badge 1087), TOU THAO (badge 7162), Thomas Lane, and J Alexander Kueng. If you truly care about getting justice, make phone calls to these numbers and express your anger. We cannot let another killer cop walk free.
UPDATE: As of May 29, Chauvin has been charged for third-degree murder. Continue pressuring officials for harsher charges because what he did was clearly not an accident. Also continue pushing for the other cops who were at the scene to be charged.
Contact Outline and Info
International Affairs Division
City Hall, Room 112
350 South 5th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55415
(612) 673-3074
Velma J. Korbel, Director
Department of Civil Rights
City Hall, Room 239
350 South 5th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55415
(612) 673-3012
Mayer Jacob Frey
(612) 673-2100
Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman
C-2000 Government Center
300 South Sixth Street
Minneapolis, MN 55487
(612) 348-5550
MPLS FBI field office
(763) 569-8000
MPD 3rd Precinct
(612) 673-5703
MN Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
(651) 793-7000
Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis
(612) 788-8444
Louisville Mayor (demand justice for Breonna Taylor)
(502) 753-1784
MN Precinct Inspector
Commander of Training Unit
City Councillor Gord Perks - Parkdale - High Park
(416) 392-7919
MPP Bhutilla Karpoche - Parkdale - High Park
(416) 763-5630
MP Arif Virani - Parkdale - High Park
(416) 769-5072
Mayor of Toronto John Tory
(416) 397-2489
Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders
(416) 808-2222
Solicitor General - Minister Sylvia Jones
(416) 325-0408
(519) 941-7751
Attorney General of Ontario Doug Downey
(416) 326-2220
(705) 726-5538
Urge the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) for transparency and accountability in handling her case
1 (800) 787-8529 OR (416) 622-0748
Address concerns to SIU Director Joseph Martino
Sample Email:
Hello [recipient],
I am writing to you in regards to the incident that occurred at 100 High Park Avenue on May 27th, 2020. A 29 year-old Black woman, Regis, has died after allegedly falling off her balcony, despite police being present.
As a concerned citizen, I am very upset and disturbed at the events that took place and the allegations that this caused on the part of the police. I am demanding justice and answers as to the death of Regis Korchinski-Paquet.
A complete and transparent public and independent investigation needs to take place. Charges need to be brought to all the officers involved, as well as all information and evidence should be made available to the public.
[your name]
Murdered by Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankison, and Myles Cosgrove
Louisville Metro PD
(502) 574-7111
Louisville Mayor Office
(502) 574-2003
Tallahassee Police dept
Tallahassee Mayor John Dailey
Commissioner Jeremy Matlow https://www.talgov.com/Main/email.aspx?emailto=jeremy.matlow
Officer Kevin Bradshaw - Officer on Tony's case
(850) 556-1726
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vclyrias · 3 years
Tag 9 people you want to know better/catch up with 💕
i was tagged by @softironman, thank yeww 💜
Favorite color: right now i’m vibing a lot w forest green and lilac
last song: stfu! by rina sawayama 😌
last movie: skyfall lol. The scenes near the end with the burning field.... *chef’s kiss* roger deakins (the cinematographer) never fails to exude major bde
currently reading: nothing :-) i’m jared 19
currently watching: castlevania (although i’m taking a short break) and haikyuu! also on the lookout for more shows i can hyperfixate on
sweet, spicy or savoury?: not to enforce stereotypes or anything but i’m a white northern european and so cannot stand spicy stuff in any shape or form, so def sweet!
craving: sleep and strawberries 😡
three favorite foods: sushi, chocolate cheesecake and fried kale w salt (lol ITS TASTY OK)
last thing i googled: ”pcos symptoms” lol pray for me lads
time: exactly 4.30pm
dream trip: i visited lisbon, portugal a couple of years ago and it was one of my favourite trips ever! it was really lovely and i have great memories from there
tagging: @visenyatargaryen @theeladydisdain @hifftn @theemightypen @thcrin @jaeausten @halfagod @caffeinosis @oliviasrcdrigo 🌸
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Lost In Translation - 2
Summary - Jensen comes to India and falls in love with a fan who accidentally sees him while he's lost and saves him cause she knows Hindi.
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x Indian!Reader
Warning - Fluff, fluff and fluff.
Word Count - 2.4k+
Square filled - Date Night ( @spndeanbingo )
A/N 1 - I finally decided to add a second part to this fic! I had fun writing in Hindi and English in Indian dialect and I am incredibly happy at how the fic turned out.
Spn divider by the talented @talesmaniac89
A/N 2- For all the non-Indian readers, a little info on some of the food names used in the story -
Rosogolla - It is also called Rasgulla. It's a famous sweet of India which is a speciality of Kolkata (West Bengal). It's a spongy, white, ball shaped dumplings made from chhena (An Indian cottage cheese)
Pulao - It is a famous one pot rice dish made by cooking fragrant basmati rice with aromatic spices, herbs and sometimes stocks.
Butter Chicken - It is an Indian dish made by marinating a chicken overnight in a yoghurt and spice mixture. The chicken is then roasted or baked. A sauce is made from butter, tomatoes, almonds and various spices, usually including the famous tandoori masala spice mix, and sometimes cream.
Vada Pav - Vada pav, alternatively spelt vada pao is a vegetarian fast food dish native to the state of Maharashtra. The dish consists of a deep fried potato dumpling placed inside a bread bun (pav) sliced almost in half through the middle.
Part 1
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“Y/N! Listen to me, beta!” your mom exclaimed over the phone.(child)
“What is it, Ma? You know I can't cancel the date with him,” you told your mother, as you gave your makeup some final touches.
“Aise kaise tu us ladke ke saath ja rahi hai? Acche se pehchanta hai usko? How come you are going on a date with an absolute stranger?” your mother asked. (How are you going out with that boy? Do you even know him properly?)
“Ma, he is a really good man. Stop worrying about me now,” you tried to assure her.
“Lekin tere baba ko kaun samjhayega? It doesn't feel safe. What if he is a-” (Who will convince your father?)
“Ma! You know what, I will call you later! I am getting late and I don't want to keep Jensen waiting,” you said and went to your room to get your purse.
“Just call me when you get home. Call me if anything suspicious happens. Call me-”
“Ma!” You let out a defeated sigh, “Bye!” You said and disconnected the call. You shook your head at your mother's outburst even though you knew she would behave like that but you weren't going to cancel on Jensen just because your Mom didn't agree. You weren't a little girl anymore who needed her mother's permission for every single matter.
You groaned when you felt your phone buzzing again in your hands, interrupting your train of thoughts. You didn't want to talk to your mother again but you looked at your phone only to see Jensen calling you.
“Hey sweetheart,” your heart fluttered in your chest as soon as you heard his voice.
“Hey,” you greeted, “I am waiting for my Uber and-”
“No uhm..I'll pick you up,” he said.
“You don't know my address.”
“Uh-yeah,” he chuckled, “you can text me your address and Clif will drive over and I can pick you up.”
“It's okay, Jensen. I know my way-”
“No, just text me the damn address, y/n,” he said and you heard a muffled voice over the phone.
“Okay, if you insist,” you said, making him chuckle.
“I insist, sweetheart,” he chuckled, “see you in a little while.”
You disconnected the call. Texting him your address, you hoped that he doesn't get lost.
You spent the next hour checking your makeup and dress, trying to look perfect and occasionally going through your phone. You smiled as you saw the pictures from the con, as you scrolled through the gallery of your phone. You thought back to the day before the con, when out of pure luck Jensen had bumped into you, looking like a lost puppy. Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of your doorbell. You walked towards the door and opened it.
“I thought you got lost,” you giggled, “again.”
“That was one time,” Jensen groaned, making you laugh.
“You look beautiful, sweetheart,” he said, flashing you his signature smile.
“Thanks. You don't look bad yourself,” you blushed.
“Ready to go?” He asked.
“Haan, one minute,” you said. (Yes, one minute) You went back inside and retrieved your purse and phone and approached the front door again. You stepped out of the door and felt Jensen hands snaking across your waist. Biting your lower lip, you locked the door to your house.
“After you,” he whispered and guided you to his car. He opened the door to his car and you slipped inside it, Jensen climbing into the seat beside you.
“Where to, Miss-” Clif asked, trailing off at the end.
“Call me Y/N,” you said and told him the name of the restaurant as he set the GPS.
You looked to your side and saw Jensen watching you with a soft smile on his face. Your breathing hitched as he entangled his fingers with you. The car ride was filled with a comfortable silence only to be broken by Clif’s voice as he pulled the car to the side, announcing that you had arrived.
Jensen climbed out of the car, and waited as you got out of the car. He took your hands into his and started walking towards the restaurant.
“Table for two,” you said and the waiter guided you both over to a table.
“About that sudden change in plans,” Jensen said, as you both took a seat at the table, “Jared insisted that I take Clif with me because he was worried that I-”
“You would get lost again?” You giggled.
“....not really.” He cast his eyes down, as he spoke softly.
“What is it?” You asked.
“Jared-he is….uhm-he's a little wary about you, it's nothing, he is just looking out for me….you know,” the actor hesitated.
“I-I totally understand,” you said, making him look up to you, “I do. He doesn't know me, you are in an unknown country. I would feel the same too but I won't kidnap you.”
“I was hoping you would,” Jensen tsked, a smile slowly spreading on his face.
“I can but who will finish the show then?” you smirked.
“Now I think you only agreed to go on a date with me because of the show,” He feigned hurt.
“What can I say? I need to know what happens to a certain hunter.”
“A certain hunter, huh?” He smirked, as a waiter approached your table handing you guys a couple of menus.
“Yeah.” You saw his smile getting bigger, “those luscious locks of hair of Jared are really captivating and his hazel eyes.” You saw as his smile dropped and you couldn't help yourself as you laughed but he quickly recovered.
“Well I can't really blame you, I also tend to get lost in those eyes,” he joked, making you laugh harder.
“If I'm not wrong, this is your first time in India. Are you enjoying yourself?” You asked.
“Not gonna lie, I'm slowly starting to fall in love with India,” he replied.
“She is beautiful,” you remarked, and looked down to see the menu in front of you.
“Beautiful indeed,” Jensen said, only for you to look up to see him staring at you with fondness in his eyes. Your cheeks turned pink under his gaze and you gave him a soft smile. He dropped his gaze and started to skim through the menu.
“Considering this is my first time here, what Indian cuisine is a must have for me?” He asked.
“I like it that you are willing to try an Indian cuisine,” you smirked.
“When in India, do as the Indians do,” the actor said.
“Okay but do you think you can handle the spice?” You smirked.
“Are you challenging me sweetheart?”
“I'm not but I don't think you can handle our spicy dishes,” you said, raising an eyebrow.
“Bring it on. How spicy can it be?”
“Oh you have no idea but I'll go easy on this one with you and I would suggest you order Pulao which is a rice dish and Chicken Tikka Masala,” you said as he nodded.
“Have you ever been to the US?”
“Nope.” You shook your head, “But I want to. I really want to see the Grand Canyon.”
“That's a good choice,” he said.
“And maybe catch a show on Broadway-” your words were cut off as a waiter approached the table and you had to give him your food orders.
“I would gladly be your tour guide when you come to the US with a special tour around Texas,” he winked, making you smile.
“Maybe I'll call you up when I visit the US."
“I do want to ask you one thing. A lot of fans here recommended me something….a sweet, maybe-uh….something called Ros-roso-”
“Rosogolla. It's a sweet which is a specialty of my state. You have to try it. Tell me something, did you try the Vada Pav, considering you had a con in Mumbai?”
“Vada Pav. You didn't try that? Really? Not even Jared?”
“No because we were always on the go go go and finally tonight we got some time off since Kolkata is our last pit stop before I have to fly back to Texas,” Jensen replied.
The night went on as you two got to know each other better. Your cheeks had started to hurt by how much you were smiling at his words. You were quite surprised at how well Jensen handled the food at first but you completely lost when he reached for the glass of water as soon as he had taken one bite of the chicken dish.
“Son of a bitch, why is this so damn spicy?” He jad exclaimed, making you burst out in laughter.
The rest of the night was filled with conversations about casual subjects about friends, family and work life. You didn't even realise how the time flew by and the time with him came to an end. As you two were leaving the restaurant, Jensen took your hand into his, entangling your fingers with his.
The car ride was filled with silence except the occasional small talk between you and Jensen. After sometime, the car came to a halt in front of your house.
“I am flying back tomorrow morning,” he whispered as you approached your house.
“I enjoyed a lot tonight Jensen. Thank you.”
“No thank you. You made this weekend a really special one,” he smiled, making you blush and look down to the ground. He put a finger under your chin, prompting you to look up at him.
“Can I?” He asked and you nodded.
He cupped your face with his hands and tilted his head, slowly leaning into you. He pressed his lips onto yours. The kiss was slow and passionate and he took his sweet time to explore your mouth. You gripped onto his biceps to keep yourself steady. You closed your eyes, feeling yourself get lost in the kiss. Growing up in an Indian household meant you had strict parents and a nonexistent dating life. You always used to dream about that perfect man in your life, the perfect date, the perfect kiss - would it it be like the scene from your favourite Bollywood movie “Jab We Met” when Geet realises her love for Aditya and runs after him to profess her love or would it be like the last scene from “Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge” where Simran gets the happy ending with Raj?
But that moment, at your doorstep, when your lips met with Jensen's, all those thoughts had left your mind because now you knew everything - the perfect man, the perfect date and the perfect kiss.
“Hi,” you said as he finally let go of your lips. Caressing your cheek with his thumb, he placed a kiss to your forehead.
“I want to make this work, Y/N/N,” Jensen spoke, his voice barely a whisper.
“But you will be in Texas and Vancouver, I will be in India. How- ”
“Long distance sucks but….come to the US with me,” he said.
“W-what?” You asked, slightly surprised at his wish, “I have my whole life here, Jay. I can't move to the US just like that. It's not a change between two cities. It's literally a change between two countries.”
“Yeah, yeah I get it. I-I shouldn't have made such a stupid suggestion.”
“No. It's not stupid. I just need some time before I move to America. I can't move there immediately.” You said.
“Till then we will try to make this long distance thing work. I am willing to try if you are, sweetheart,” he said.
“I am,” you said and gave him a chaste kiss on his cheek.
“Come to the airport with me tomorrow. I wanna see you again before I fly back,” he said, “I'll pick you up on the way to the airport.”
“Okay but-”
“I was gonna say what will happen if you get lost on the way to your airport?” You asked with a straight face.
“I am never gonna live that one down, am I?” Jensen grumbled before laughing loudly.
“Nope,” you giggled.
“I am kinda glad I got lost. I found you,” he said, dipping his head to kiss you again.
“I think you should go now. You have an early flight. I don't want you to miss it,” you mumbled.
“What if I want to miss it?” The actor asked.
“Jay,” you frowned.
“Fine. I just don't want to let go of….this moment.”
“Hey you said it yourself. We'll work through this,” you tried to assure even though your own heart was breaking at the thought of him flying back to Texas. He gave you a quick kiss before making his way back to the car, leaving you standing at your doorstep. You stood there till you couldn't see the car anymore. You felt your phone buzz in your hand and you saw a text from Jensen about when he would pick you up the next day and a good night.
You felt yourself getting teared up. Being in a long distance relationship sucks. It was going to be a tough thing for both of you but you were both willing to work through it and maybe it wouldn't prove to be so hard.
“We'll make it work,” you whispered to yourself while standing at the doorstep like a mantra just like you whispered to Jensen the next day at the airport, as he kissed you one last time.
“I think I'm falling for you,” he whispered back, bumping his nose with yours.
“I am falling for you too, Jay,” you said, your hand fondling his shirt collar.
“Ackles!” The said man looked up and saw his best friend, Jared beckoning to him.
“Call me when you reach Texas,” you said.
“I will,” he said, “Goodbye, sweetheart.”
“Goodbye, Jay,” you said, your voice strained as you tried to keep your tears at bay. You watched as he walked with the other actors, glancing back at you one last time. You smiled at him and waved him a goodbye.
“I think I love you,” you whispered, sighing aloud as he turned around the corner and disappeared. You knew the con weekend would be the best experience in your life but you could have never guessed that it would change your life entirely. Life surely is unpredictable, isn't it?
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Let me know how you liked this fic!
Feedback is appreciated!
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moosekateer13 · 3 years
Chapter 1 The Good Life:
Today is the day. I am nervous as hell. Can’t believe I am finally meeting Jared in person.
I hope this black and red body con dress looks okay. I picked it special just for today.
This entire weekend has been wonderful. I really needed something to look forward to. After I caught my now former boyfriend cheating on me, I've been down in the dumps. I've been burying myself in work at the production company I own. This is the first weekend I've had off in a while. I look up at the line for the photo. I am next. Damn, does he ever look good in that black shirt and blue jeans?
With no warning, Jared picks me up in his arms for the op. Jared smiles at the sound of my squeak when he picks me up. Before I know it, the op is taken, and I am set back on my feet. I say thank you to Jared before I take my leave. I slowly make my way out of there thinking what was with that scene with Jared. I know one of the con rules is that he isn't supposed to pick fans up.
No time to think now I've got to get back to my seat.
It's not gold but copper, so I am not far back. I feel the excitement flowing through me at the thought of watching my first panel in person. I am still running on high after my op with Jared. Love watching J2 on stage. It's a little hard to concentrate since fans are murmuring about Jared picking up a fan for a photo op. Little do they know it's me. Before I know the panel is over and it's time for me to go for dinner before the duo op.
I made my way to the hotel restaurant, not wanting to go from the hotel.
I order a burger and fries with a Dr.Pepper to drink. It's such a relaxing atmosphere here. I am glad I chose the hotel and not a local fast-food joint. So much for peace. Seriously, why are people still whispering about me? Damn sensitive hearing. I ignored some looks people gave after I paid for my meal and left the restaurant.
Time to head back to the room to wait for my number to be called for the duo.
It doesn't take too long for them to call me to head down to the photo op room. I showed them the pic for the pose. So nervous about this one. It turned out better than I expected. The pic I chose was for me letting Jensen's hand walk over to Jared. Yet again, he surprises me. He puts my hand on his shoulder. It feels like time has stopped when I go to look up into his multi-spectrum eyes. I reluctantly let go when Chris tells us he got the shot. I slowly leave, having trouble staying steady on my 2-inch heeled boots. I quickly made my way to the shop in the hotel to buy a Dr. Pepper. The drink has always been a comfort to me. Jared's extra flirty behaviour caught me off guard today. I wonder what is up with him.
Finally finished with my drink, I head back to my hotel room.
I see a familiar figure standing by my room.
What the hell is he doing here?
"Jared, what the hell are you doing here? I asked.
" I don't normally do this darlin’ but Y/N, I've been quite fascinated with you since I met you in the photo op room. I'd like to discuss this further in your room if you don't mind." Jared said.
I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks in response to his remark.
"Umm, sure I squeaked out.
Still, one other thing is on my mind. Who told him about my room?
It must have been the workers at creation and the hotel staff.
As soon as I close the door to my room, the atmosphere changes.
Jared's lips soon find me, and we start tugging at each other's clothes.
"Y/N last chance to stop this. If you don't want this, you'll have to let me know." Jared said. His multi-spectrum lust hazel eyes bore into my Y/E/C, eagerly awaiting my confirmation.
"I've never been more sure of anything in my life," I replied.
At my ultimate confirmation, we finished removing all of each other's clothes. I lick my lips at the sight of being completely naked. Damn, he's sculpted like a god.
Jared grips onto me as tight as possible while sucking a mark into my neck. I clawed at his back as he slowly pushed himself into me. Completely and utterly full of a fullness I've never experienced in my life.
Things quickly take a more heated turn with our first orgasms of the night course through us. He growls into my ear for the rest of the night in between the heated kisses we share. I've lost count of how many orgasms we've had, but hours must have passed by now because I wake up in his arms covered in sweat and cum dripping down my thighs. I make my way to the shower to clean up.
After my shower, after getting dressed. I grab my things. I've got to head back to Canada to run my company. This weekend was just a one-time trip to Texas. I can't afford to get attached to anybody, not after all I've been through. I doubt Jared is ready for a relationship, either. He just recently divorced this year. I take one last look at his sleeping form before I exit. I know this night will be something I'd never forget.
All I want
Is a little of the good life
All I need
Is to have a good time
The good life
All I want
Is a little of the good life
Chapter 2
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