#Lucy wants sushi
Us: *Jam packed into the front, rapid switching, blurry af*
Stomach: *growls* 🥺🥺
Us: *freezes*....oh no
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wosoluver · 3 months
There's a place for you hc
Part 2
warning: kinda short
Claudia Pina Masterlist
Patri Guijarro Masterlist
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Table for three
"We're still going out for dinner tonight, right?" asked Pina putting her boots away.
"Of course. What time are you picking me up?"
"Around eight, can we go to that sushi place we usually go to?" asked Patri.
"No! We had agreed to going to the new italian place downtown." said Claudia.
"No I didn't." she said crossing her arms over her chest.
"Not you silly, Clau and I." you answered.
"But I really wanted to have sushi today." she said pouting.
"No..." "Nuh uh." you two answered in unison.
"You two are always teaming up on me.” she said in a slight disapproving tone.
“Don’t act like you don’t love it. See you two later." you said with a sly smile, walking to your car.
Pina stood there following you with her eyes, lips slightly parted.
Driving down the road back to her apartment, Patri felt her mind fall back into her thoughts.
At the constant tension she felt between the two of you.
You were friends, yeah. You were both attracted to girls, also yes.
But she was, differently from you, in a relationship.
Next to her was Claudia, who usually as shotgun, would be the dj for the ride.
But like the girl driving, her mind was playing with her.
Or maybe her heart was the one doing the tricks.
You had always been hard to ignore.
Not only to the ones crushing on you.
To everyone.
It was obvious to everyone, that one day, you and Pina or you and Patri would happen, eventually.
Some even bet on it. Cata, Ona and Lucy bet on Patri. Jana, Bruna and Vicky bet on Clau.
But you were just best friends doing best friend things, no?
Well, you weren't so harmless yourself. You had picked both on the tension Patri couldn't stop thinking about and on the loops your heart and mind seemed to go on, like Claudia.
And you bet a little on it, always keeping your flirty comments and actions sharp.
Whatever happened, happened.
To all your knowledge, you weren't committing any fouls by doing so.
The two had noticed that they weren't the only ones getting your attention. And weirdly enough they didn't mind.
"Good evening." you said getting into the car.
"You look nice!" said Patri.
"Don't I always?"
"Don't start, you know you look like a shabby teddy bear in the mornings." she bit back quickly.
Earning a slap in the arm from Pina.
"You two look good too." you say looking between them as Patri turned the engine once again. "But a better attitude would make you cuter." you said quietly looking at her. She only laughed and brushed off.
Dinner went as usual, a couple of laughs here and there, some wine tasting and stolen glances.
Posting the next part soon! 🩷
like & share & request!
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asagirisfavoritepen · 6 months
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In this pic, we have an 18 y/o Atsushi, who was kicked out of the orphanage 4 weeks ago. He's starving and he comes to the conclusion that, to survive, he'll have to to rob someone.
Of course, as we all know, he didn't want to do that. He didn't rob anyone. He joined the ADA instead and became "the light".
Everyone considers him a cinnamon roll, in the manga/anime and the fandom.
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In this pic, we have a 20 y/o Aku in Beast. 4 years ago his friends were killed and his sister was kidnapped. He's lived by himself for 4 years, taking care of himself and worrying about his sister. He, too, is starving. He's even on the same side of the river that Atsushi was on. And if you follow the timeline, the 2 pics take place at the same time, just in other circumstances.
Akutagawa has the power of Rashomon, so unlike Atsushi, if he tried he could definitely rob someone. But he doesn't. Instead, he finds an edible weed, that isn't even tasty (according to Google it's bitter).
Akutagawa (in the og timeline) is the most feared assassin of the Mafia. And Dazai didn't change his personality in Beast. Just the circumstances.
Do you see where I'm getting?
Atsushi the cutest cutie patootie that wouldn't even hurt a fly was ready to rob someone to survive.
The most feared Mafia assassin described by his friends and enemies (and part of the fandom) as emotionless preferred to eat some plant he found than attack and rob someone.
What I'm saying is that the fandom should really start looking at what the characters are doing and not just what's their trauma. Don't get me wrong, I too love our Sushi roll, but he's not as sweet as he seems. He almost killed Akutagwa so many times and he had no regret. He was ready to get Lucy to spend the rest of her life (probably a week) inside her ability.
And everyone who'd say that Akutagawa did that in Beast just because of Dazai should re-read both the main manga and Beast.
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I wish I was here
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Hi guys!
This is a new Luna's story. I got the idea during the awards evening by seeing the different comments under the photos posted by the official accounts. It tires me to see people shouting at the separation as soon as Lucy is less than a meter from Keira so I dare not imagine what can think Lucy and Ona x)
Also I don't know if Coco is a boy or a girl, sorry if I misgender this poor dog?
TW : Angst
Staying in Barcelona while her girlfriend participates in one of the most prestigious ceremonies for women’s football is no doubt a bit frustrating, but Ona try to look not upset when it was time to say goodbye to Lucy before she leaves for the airport. With their relationship still not officially confirmed by anyone, it was in Lucy’s apartment that the two young women said goodbye. As Keira is also on the trip, Ona must guard Narla, the dog that Keira and Lucy took together, in addition to her own dog Coco. Fortunately, the two dogs get along wonderfully and had the time of their lives during their trip to Andorra.
After getting the two dogs out, Ona returned to Lucy’s apartment. Coco having already come several times in Lucy's apartment, he knows it better than what Narla knows Ona's. And even if Ona also knows this apartment very well, she can’t help but feel a little alone tonight. Without the presence of her girlfriend, everything seems a little more sad and less interesting.
Sitting on the sofa much too big, even for a person accompanied by two dogs, Ona turns on the television and takes her phone to scroll on the various social networks. She responds to some messages and takes the opportunity to order food. If she likes to cook for or with Lucy, when she’s alone it’s a little different. But her diet is supposed to stay wise and followed, so she opts for sushi.
A few minutes later, her face glows with a big smile when she sees Lucy’s picture on her phone screen. The fullback asks her for a FaceTime and Ona doesn't hesitate a fraction of seconds before answering. Lucy’s face appears, already ready for the ceremony.
"Holà bonita!" says the happy English.
"Hello. How’s it going?" asks Ona while sitting cross-legged on the couch.
"Good! I’m a little late to be honest but I wanted to show you my outfit before you see it on social networks"
"Oh, a sneak peak just for me? I appreciate it" smiled Ona.
Lucy smirk at her answer and backs up the screen so that the youngest can see her entire outfit. And Ona feels her jaw fall. Of course, she’s the first to know how stunning her girlfriend is. But she honestly didn’t expect that.
"Oh fuck me" whispers Ona, her eyes sweeping Lucy’s outfit and body.
"Do you like it?" smiled Lucy as she carried the phone up her face, so that she could look at Ona.
"When are you coming home again?" asks Ona, the mind a little elsewhere.
"During the night" Lucy chuckles as she rolls her eyes, then turns around. "By the way, my parents and brother are here."
Lucy’s laughter extends to seeing that Ona blushed violently when hearing that her in-laws and her brother-in-law are also present. Had she known, perhaps she would have chosen other words to express her admiration.
"Hello Ona!" made Jorge with an amused smile, sticking his head to his sister to appear on the screen.
Despite her embarrassment, Ona managed to exchange a few words with Jorge and her in-laws, before the Bronze had to hang up to get to the party. If a smile remains on Ona’s face after the call, it fades little by little by seeing the different comments on the videos and photos circulating on the evening. Again, Lucy’s name is attached to Keira's, despite the many clues that the four (with Laura) left on social networks.
Seeing the hate that Laura received during her last post of the year, Keira even had to delete the comments section. This is largely what caused Lucy to post nothing at all on her side. But reading comments certifying that the former couple formed by Lucy and Keira is still current is harder to bear tonight. Probably because Lucy’s not with her.
Ona has never complained about this to Lucy, the Spanish knows perfectly well that her girlfriend has nothing to do with it and that she is far from asking for this situation. Ona also knows that this situation is burdensome for everyone and doesn't want to add difficulties by taking things too seriously.
Aitana being also at the party, Ona finally decides to call Salma to change her mind. The young attacker is also a close friend of Ona, despite their age difference. If Salma realizes that Ona doesn't seem particularly on a great mood, she doesn't make comments and is content to talk to her constantly, about everything and nothing. And Ona is extremely grateful.
After the phone call and her sushis, Ona takes the dogs out one last time before going to the bathroom to change. She follows the ceremony with her phone and if she realized that Lucy tried not to position herself next to Keira for the official photos, they were sitted next to eachother. That, too, should not bother her. But in truth, the Catalan would have liked to be able to accompany Lucy. Even if she is far from comfortable in this kind of ceremony, to which she has never been invited. (We will talk about the fact that Ona is cruelly underrated by everyone another time)
After a quick shower and brushing her teeth, Ona returns to the couch to launch Netflix. She sent two messages to Lucy to inform her of the progress of her evening and a photo of Narla and Coco sleeping on top of each other, but nothing more, not wanting to look too needy either.
It's late when Lucy calls Ona, but she doesn't sleep yet, waiting for news of her girlfriend.
"I wondered if you would answer" state Lucy.
"Why wouldn’t I?" Ona asks, frowning. "It’s late, I thought you might sleep" "I wanted to hear your voice" Ona confesses in a timid tone. Lucy thinks that it probably shouldn’t make her so happy, but it does. The rest of the conversation goes through Lucy who explains that they are already on their way to the airport and back to Barcelona. With Fifa having awarded them a private jet, they will be in Barcelona in a few hours and at home just as quickly. But as the conversation progresses, Lucy realizes that something is off with the Catalan. Her answers are brief, her tone evasive and she has a hard time giving her some laughs. "What’s going on, Bonita?" ended up asking Lucy "Nothing... I’m just tired" mumbles Ona, her fingers playing with her dog’s hair. "Are you sure?" "Mhm" replies distractedly the brunette "That’s not how I feel" Lucy distinctly hears Ona sigh softly, making her frown. Ona doesn't hesitate to talk to her about what she usually feels, both having discussed at the beginning of their relationship about the importance of communication in a couple. "It’s nothing Luce, it’s really stupid" "If it bothers you, it’s not stupid Onita" Lucy points out. Despite the fact that the discussion between the two young women isn't made out loud, Lucy is in the car with Aitana, Keira and Cata. It's therefore almost impossible that they don't hear it, despite the fact that they are all three discussing together. But Lucy’s worry drives her to keep trying to find out more. "There are comments that I saw on social media that bothered me a little, that’s all" ended up answering Ona. "Comments about what?" Lucy already knows the answer, but she nevertheless prefers to ask the question rather than assume things.
"You. And Keira. Your relationship, all that. There are those who say that if you were sitting next to Keira it’s because you’re together and if you stood away from her in the photos it’s to not attract attention. Those kind of things."
Lucy remains silent for a few moments, not really knowing what to answer. What she does know, however, is that she doesn't particularly like the turn this discussion is taking.
"Maybe you were right after all, it’s a bit stupid"
Lucy’s answer may be a little too abrupt, drawing Aitana’s curious gaze on her at the same time. Ona, meanwhile, answers nothing.
"You know very well that it's not true, Ona. I thought you were a little more mature and able to ignore these comments"
"I’m sorry" mumbles the Spanish woman rubbing her forehead, thinking that she shouldn't have talked about it and kept these confessions to herself.
A new silence is born between the two young women, however very different from those, comfortable, that they share while cuddling in front of the television or when they are in the car for the training.
"We are at the airport. I’ll write you when we take off" Lucy says.
"Ok. Have a safe flight" mumbles Ona, before hanging up.
Lucy remains silent after the phone call, not realizing that her three teammates exchange looks and communicate in this way. Unlike their arrival, their return isn't filmed and the different photographers or representatives aren't with them. There are only a few security guards in the van, but they are installed in front of and behind them. Jona and others members from the staff are in their own conversation behind them.
The Englishwoman still hasn’t said a word when she settles in the jet, with Aitana sitting beside her, Keira and Cata facing them.
"Everything's okay?" ended up asking Aitana.
"Yeah" Lucy groans as she looks out the window.
Deciding not to beat around the bush and waste their time in this conversation, Aitana decides to go straight to the point.
"I heard your conversation with Ona" begins the Ballon d'Or winner, attracting a new grunt from Lucy. "Did you argue?"
"Not really" ended up sighing Lucy leaving the window with her eyes to shift her attention to Aitana. "She mentioned comments from stupid fans"
When Aitana nods and the other two remain silent, it catches Lucy’s attention again. If she looks at the other two with a suspicious look, it's to Aitana that Lucy talks when she resumes speaking.
"What? Did she talk to you about it?"
"No" sincerely answers Aitana shaking her head. "But I know if she told you about it, it’s because it’s been working on her for a while, Lucy. I’ve known this girl since we started kicking a ball. She’s neither jealous nor possessive. If she told you, it must have been really hard for her at the time."
"You know how she is" adds Cata, sitting in front of Aitana. "She’s the kind of person who wants to deal with things on her own. She even tried to end a match with a concussion a few years ago."
Lucy makes a grimace, remembering the reflections she saw at the time. This dates back to a few years ago, when Ona played with Manchester United.
"I know" Lucy replies, not necessarily a fan of friends knowing more about her girlfriend than she does. "It’s just frustrating. These people don’t stop with these comments and I don’t know what to do to do well. If you post, there are hate comments. If you don’t post either."
With a compassionate smile, Aitana gently taps her on the knee, secretly happy not to be in this kind of situation.
"Weren’t you supposed to send her a message?" asks Cata
Lucy quickly grabs her phone to unlock it and write to Ona, while the flight crew seems to make the final preparations. The plane is already launched on the runway when she finishes.
"You know" said Keira after they took off "I don’t know if I could handle that, if I were in Ona’s place."
Interrupted again in her thoughts, Lucy reports a surprised look on her ex-girlfriend.
"What do you mean?"
"Every day she sees her girlfriend, you, talking to her ex, me. She herself has to bond with this ex, always me, and she does it very well. She has truly never been anything but adorable to me. She sees us talking everyday, because we still friends. And she must be constantly subjected to the headless theories of people who continue to hope for some reason that you and I are still together."
Lucy remains silent for a few seconds. She is obviously clear with all of this, but hearing it out loud and added side by side is different. Her eyebrows are frowned when Aitana speaks one last time.
"Would you see yourself playing on the same team as her ex? Watching her chat and laugh with Ona almost every day?"
"No" Lucy immediately says.
"You half murdered Feli when we played her and her team, and your relationship with Ona wasn’t even a few months old yet" smile Cata.
Lucy rolls with her eyes as she hears Cata’s amused tone, but her gaze shifts to the window once again. Cata is right, all she was able to think at this time is that Feli had Ona at one point in their life. Before her eyes there is only dark, the lights of London having disappeared long ago. She doesn't need more to realize that the other three are right and an intense sense of guilt seizes her. She should never have spoken to Ona the way she did. And her throat gets a little knotted thinking of the Catalan, alone in her apartment.
A few hours later, Lucy delicately opens the door of her apartment. Ona responded to her message saying that they were taking off, but didn't respond when she told her that they had landed. Lucy’s rational side makes her say that the Catalan is just asleep, but her brain hasn’t stopped working for three seconds since her conversation with her teammates and she can’t help but wonder if Ona is just mad at her.
After dropping off her things at the entrance, Lucy goes into the living room and feels her heart melt in front of the scene that takes place in front of her. Ona is lying on her tummy under a blanket on the couch, deeply asleep. Her long hair obscures part of her face and a very slight snoring escapes from her lips with each breath. Her face is illuminated by the lights of the television screen. Coco is tightly hugged, Ona’s face buried in the dog’s hair. Narla is lying on Ona’s legs.
Lucy laughs softly when she sees that new stones are on the coffee table, adding to the great collection of her dog. The sound wakes up Narla who stretches on Ona’s legs before rolling and changing sides to fall asleep again. The movement makes Ona moan gently in her sleep and pushes her to bury her face even more in Coco’s hair.
Delicately freeing Coco from Ona’s embrace, Lucy rests him on the couch alongside Narla before passing her two arms under Ona’s body to lift her from the couch.
"What’s going on?" mumbles the Spanish in a sleepy voice when Lucy puts her on her bed.
"Nothing Princesa, everything's fine" Lucy replies in return, kissing her forehead before gently covering her.
But when Lucy gets up to go to the bathroom, Ona gently grabs her arm.
"Can I have a hug please?"
Sleepy or tired Ona is particularly cuddly, which Lucy has always found adorable. But tonight, the English girl has the impression that there is a little more than that. The guilt at the memory of the tone she talked to her coming back in her mind, she hurries to lie beside Ona and wrap her arms around her.
She lays kisses on the head and the sleeping face of Ona, who smiles softly at this surge of affection. Ona closes her eyes and start to fall asleep again.
"I am so sorry" whispers Lucy, her lips pressed against Ona's temple after having observed the young woman for a long time.
Surprised in her phase of falling asleep, Ona opens her eyes again and slightly turns her head in Lucy's direction to observe her. She doesn't move an inch, keeping her face as close as possible to Ona’s.
"What are you talking about?"
A slight worry is audible in Ona’s tone and Lucy prefers not to wonder where the younger’s mind is running away. Instead, she responds directly, the things she wishes to tell her prepared for tens of minutes in her head.
"About what I told you on the phone and especially the way I told you"
"Oh" just mumbles Ona before shrugging her shoulders "It doesn’t matter. You’re right anyway"
"No Ona, I’m serious"
Lucy takes off from the Latin, causing her to pout and frown. Passing a finger between her eyebrows, Lucy applies herself to relax her skin before resuming speech.
"I shouldn’t have said that"
"It doesn’t matter, Luce, I swear-"
But Lucy interrupts her, putting a finger on her lips. Ona rolls on her back, still frowning.
"Let me speak" says the English woman "I should never have said that to you and told you like that. You have the right to have insecurities and even more need to talk about them. And if you need to talk about it, I want you to do it with me because I want to be there for you. I’m sorry I was so hard to you when you brought it up"
Still driven to silence by Lucy’s index finger on her lips, Ona listens wisely to what her girlfriend is saying to her. Yes, the dry tone that Lucy replied to her briefly squeezed her heart, before she tried to become rational again. Ona thought Lucy might be tired from her evening.
"I’m annoyed by these kinds of comments, and I think I reacted that way because I liked the idea that it doesn’t affect you. You’re important to me, Ona, you’re the most important. And I hate the idea that someone or something might hurt you."
Ona remains silent, always, eyes plunged into those of Lucy. She still remembers perfectly the first time their looks crossed, at the wedding of their common friend.
"But I thought a lot about what Keira and the girls told me on the way back and…"
"You talked about our relationship with Keira?"
The emotions on Ona’s face are hard to decipher, but the fact that she reacts about that before everything else catches Lucy’s attention.
"They more or less heard the conversation we had, I was in the car with them"
Ona groan softly, not really appreciating the idea that their couple problems can be discussed among other people. Even though she knows she can trust their discretion at least from Cata and Aitana. She wouldn't say that she's close to Keira, but she gets along well with her and has always managed to talk to her without any prejudice.
"The three of them defended you" Lucy quickly informs her, pressing her head on her hand, now that she is on her side while Ona is lying on her back. "And they were right. You seem to be living through this situation so well that I sometimes forget that it must not be easy every day for you. If there was one stupid thing tonight it was my behavior."
Rolling on her side, Ona thoughtfully bites her lip before answering her.
"I just want everything to be as easy as possible for everyone."
"I understand. But you must not forget yourself in the process"
Ona makes a famous pout of her composition for simple answer. And Lucy knows perfectly well what the brunette who faces her thinks. Sighing softly, she begins to draw the freckles on Ona’s face with her finger.
"This tendency to sacrifice yourself for others can be worrying, you know?"
"Only for those who deserve it" Ona replies, closing her eyes under Lucy’s caresses on her face. "The ones I love"
Her closed eyes prevent her from seeing Lucy break the existing centimeters between their faces to put her lips on hers, but this doesn't prevent her from smiling against her lips. A sigh of well-being escapes her and her hands attach to the fabric of the clothes that Lucy still wears, the same ones she wore for the ceremony.
"You’re the strongest person I know" Lucy whispers a few minutes later, her forehead leaning against her girlfriend’s.
"Let’s not exaggerate" laughs Ona gently, mixing her legs with Lucy’s.
"I’m serious. Do you know many people who would play on the same team as their girlfriend and ex at the same time? I wouldn’t be able to."
Surprised by this statement, the question can now be read in the chocolate eyes of Ona.
"If you kept talking to your ex, I’d have a hard time, but just imagine that you have to live next to her and talk to her every day… I think I would want to kill her, honestly."
"Are you jealous, Lucy Bronze?"
The surprise gradually gave way to the fun on Ona’s face and voice. This makes Lucy roll her eyes, even if she cannot retain a smile.
"Maybe" simply answers the English.
This seems to suit Ona, since she gets even closer to Lucy, sticking her entire body against the English’s. A silence passes, during which Ona takes the opportunity to soak up the smell and sensation of Lucy’s skin against hers.
"It’s easy because I trust you" Ona says. "You make me feel safe and cared. Tonight was a little more difficult because you were far from me. And I wish I had been with you"
"I wish you was here too" mumble Lucy before adding "At least you can admire me in my outfit anyway"
Ona laughs softly, running her hands over the fabric, soft and light under her fingers. She would have liked to see her put on these clothes, but to have her lying in front of her is not so bad.
"It’s even better in real life"
Lucy smiles again before pressing her lips against Ona's, holding her against her during the kiss that extends a little. Then, she gets up from the bed, causing the surprise of the youngest.
"Where are you going?" Ona asks while sitting on the bed.
"Undress and shower. Want to come help me?"
"We’re supposed to get up in four hours for training" Ona replies, looking at the time on her phone
"Your choice"
Shrugging, Lucy turns her heels to go to the bathroom. It doesn't take more to Ona to throw herself out of bed and almost run after her girlfriend.
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shiny-crocodile · 3 months
the best person i've ever met
lucy bronze x ona batlle
lucy and ona origin story; semi-slow burn, semi-quick; multi chapters that will get a little smutty
chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6, chapter 7, chapter 8, chapter 9, chapter 10
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Chapter summary: fluffier than fluff
Notes: shorter one and this is soppy but let me know if you like fluff, angst or smut more, i like a balance but will give the people what they want
“Just drop your stuff anywhere,” Ona said as they entered her flat. Lucy would describe the place as having ‘organised mess’, very clean and not dissimilar to her own place but maybe slightly less tidy.
Even though this was just a rental, Ona had definitely made the place her own with photos, posters and warm furnishings scattered around.
The younger girl marched straight to the fridge and put their new photos up under a magnet, knowing full well that visitors would see it.
“Nice place,” Lucy commented, putting her bag down and sliding her shoes off out of routine as she entered the open plan living room and kitchen, “might have to get rid of that though,” she said pointing to the big Man U cushion on the sofa.
“Noooo,” Ona protested, darting across the room to protect her favourite cushion, using her whole body to guard it from Lucy.
The older girl couldn’t help but laugh, making her way over to the sofa, “ok, ok, it can stay,” she said.
Ona turned around, feeling her cushion was safe from harm. Still sat on the sofa she reached out, using grabby hands to show Lucy she wanted her to come closer, who complied.
When she was in reaching distance, Ona grabbed Lucy by her hoodie and pulled her onto the sofa, using her surprising strength to reposition them so Lucy was pushed back against the sofa, the Spaniard straddling her.
Ona, keen to pick up where they left off in the booth, brought her head down to kiss Lucy passionately, both grabbing each other desperately.
The younger girl sat back, removing her jumper combined with her t-shirt, tugging at Lucy’s to try do the same. Lucy took the hint and pulled off both tops, leaving the girls both just in bras.
The shorter brunette audibly gasped as she took in the sight of Lucy’s abs for the first time. “Woah,” she said not being able to stop herself from stroking her hand across the English girl’s perfect stomach.
Lucy chuckled at the reaction, which wasn’t an uncommon one for her. “Woah to you too,” she said, making quick work of Ona’s bra so her chest fell loose. Lucy attached her mouth to Ona’s right boob, but she wasn’t having any of it.
“No, I’ve had my turn,” she said, pushing Lucy backwards. No way was she seeing those abs and not giving them all the attention they deserved.
She slowly licked up the crevice in the English girls 6 pack, loving the goosebumps she saw appearing from her touch.
She slowly undid Lucy’s trousers, excited to get her first taste of the girl beneath her. But her progress was interrupted by a rumble.
Ona looked up at Lucy’s face, who was looking down at her with so much lust and affection in her eyes it gave Ona all kinds of feelings.
“Was that your stomach?” Ona asked, seeing the funny side of the interruption.
“I’m sorry,” Lucy laughed, embarrassed, “it’s really betrayed me here.”
“Well we better not anger it further then,” Ona said, removing her hands from Lucy’s trousers and getting upright to look at her phone.
“You fucker,” Lucy muttered downwards to scold her stomach.
“Sushi first, then dessert,” Ona promised with a wink, not bothering to put her top back on while she chose their food, much to Lucy’s delight as she could sit there and admire the Spaniard, feeling lucky and blessed to be in her company.
They ate their food sat on the sofa with music playing at a low volume in the background. Ona had fiddled with the lighting to create a nice little vibe.
They sat with legs brushing against each other, occasionally intertwining, both feeling very happy and content, but there was a small thing playing on Lucy’s mind.
“What did you mean earlier,” Lucy said, toying with her chopsticks before picking up another piece of Sushi, “when you said about how you were trying to keep this friendly?”
“I guess just that. I’ve been trying to keep things on a friendly level… but obviously failed.”
“But why was that?” Lucy asked, feeling a little insecure. “Have you always been just trying to keep it friendly?”
The English girl paused to let the Spaniard answer but she just shoved another piece of sushi in her mouth, so Lucy continued.
“I guess I just wanna make sure I’m not forcing you or anything? I know I’ve been coming on quite strong and kind of thought you liked that, but I can tone it down if you don’t want that.”
Ona wanted to keep eating her sushi but knew it was time for her to reply, “You’re definitely not forcing me. I want this, I’m having a good time.” She hoped that would be the end of that, not wanting to have this conversation.
“So you want this now but didn’t want it before?” Lucy asked, not reading Ona’s tone well enough to know when to stop pushing.
Ona sighed, “Lucy, come on. I’m having a good time, hopefully you’re having a good time, let’s just leave it there.”
Lucy knew Ona was right, they were having a good time so she should let it go. However she couldn’t control the shift in her own body language. She stood up, removing the points of contact between them.
“Just getting some water, do you want some?” Lucy asked. Ona muffled out a no through her mouth full of sushi.
It was easy for the Spaniard to see Lucy’s change in demeanour, but she found it sweet that the older girl was still doting on her.
Lucy went to the toilet on her way, which delayed her return to the sofa.
She sat back down slightly further away from Ona now so their legs could no longer touch, which didn’t go unnoticed.
“Luuuuuucy,” Ona said, tilting her head to the side, pouting and fluttering her eyelashes.
“Onnnniiiiii,” Lucy responded, chucking a new nickname into the mix.
“You’re being weird,” Ona said, pointing out the obvious.
“I know, I’m sorry, I get a little in my head sometimes. I’ll snap out of it. Might go get changed, shall we put a movie on?”
Ona could sense from Lucy’s whole vibe right now that this meant they’d watch a movie and keep all touching PG.
In contrast to her mindset at the start of the day, there was no way Ona was going to let that happen.
“No, let’s talk, I don’t want this to be bothering you,” Ona said, “and I want hands all over me Lucy back, not pyjamas and movie Lucy.”
Lucy laughed, feeling lighter now jokes were being cracked.
Ona continued, “I wanted to keep it friendly today, and I’ve wanted to keep in friendly the last few weeks. It’s not because I don’t fancy you, like come on, I reeeeeeally fancy you.”
Lucy chuckled, Ona unintentionally sounding very Mancunian. “So how come then?”
“Well, if I’m being 100% honest, and I don’t want you to have to rehash stuff again and bring up this old trauma for you,” Ona took a deep brief, giving Lucy the opportunity to stop her but she didn’t. “I still felt a little worried about the whole Keira and Lola thing.”
Ona looked up at Lucy whose face was surprisingly calm, encouraging her to carry on and giving her time to speak.
“I think your reaction was completely understandable, and I’m happy you told me so I could understand better, but it’s still so fresh for you and I just don’t want you to rush into anything with me,” she took her eyes off Lucy and started toying with her napkin. “I trust that you wouldn’t intentionally hurt me but I know myself, I know how bad it would hurt if your mind was elsewhere and you were still carrying something for someone else. It was more of a need to protect myself.”
She looked back up to Lucy and was met with the warmest and most understanding look, which was needed after feeling a little vulnerable from revealing her worries.
Lucy knew this was her turn to speak, searching for the right thing to say. Not really knowing what she could say to put Ona’s mind at ease, until she had a thought.
“One second,” Lucy said, picking herself up off the sofa and leaving Ona more than a little surprised as she walked out the room.
Lucy walked back into the room a minute later, phone in hand as she held it out to Ona. “Read this conversation with Soph.”
Ona took the phone, it was a conversation between Lucy and her younger sister from after the first night they met at the wedding.
Lucy - this girl Soph! I swear to god I’m done for!
Soph - oh my god, at a wedding!! Who is sheeeee?
Lucy had sent a link to Ona’s instagram, giving her a follow at the same time.
Soph - she’s gorggg.
Soph - United player? Is this the first time you’ve met?
Lucy - tell me about it 🫠
Lucy - yeah first time properly. I think she might be the best person I’ve ever met
Soph - woah slow down, you met her like 5 hours ago!! 🤣
Lucy - sis I am gonna be in love with this girl by Easter I swear, something about her 😭
Soph - you must be drunk
Lucy - 😂
Lucy - a bit but this is sober thoughts, drunk honesty
Soph - why you messaging me then, go get your girl!!
Soph - nah but seriously, I’m buzzing for you
Soph - you deserve to feel like this more than anyone x
Lucy - love you, see you in a couple days x
Ona lifted her head up slowly to Lucy when she’d finished. It was only a short and drunken conversation but the way the sisters spoke to each other and the way Lucy spoke about her had her eyes brimming with tears. She wiped them away with her sleeve, sniffing as she smiled at the beautiful, kind, loving girl in front of her.
“No one has ever spoken about me like that,” Ona said between sniffs.
Lucy brought the Spaniards hand into hers, kissing it softly. “That isn’t even the half of it, you should hear my calls with my mum,” Lucy joked, “I didn’t want to come on even stronger than I already was with all this stuff, didn’t want to scare you off, but yeah. That’s how I felt after night 1, so I’ll leave it to your imagination for how I’m feeling now.”
This was everything Ona needed to here. She could put on a tough front but this had been playing on her mind for weeks and Lucy was able to put her at ease with a few words.
They lingered in the cuddle before Lucy pulled away, not done yet.
“And the Keira and Lola thing-“
“You don’t have to Luce,” Ona said, happy with the reassurance she’d been given and not wanting to make Lucy relive it.
“No, I’m good,” Lucy said calmly, “I went for coffee with Keira last week. She’d been chasing me around training trying to speak to me so I thought I’d give her the time of day.”
“What did she say?” Ona asked, playing with Lucy’s fingers.
“She admitted that the drunken Christmas kiss was not just a drunken Christmas kiss, they went back to our house, but it was just that night and she regretted it but was scared if she told me she would lose me.”
“Really? So what were they doing together in the restaurant then?” Ona asked, suddenly feeling a bit protective over Lucy, thinking Keira’s excuse for being dishonest was a bit pathetic.
Lucy played with Ona’s fingers as she said, “Lola has been offered a job at Barça.”
Ona dropped Lucy’s hand in shock. Eyes widening to search for more in the older girl’s face.
“She wanted to meet up with Keira to ask if she would be ok with her accepting it.”
“No way!”
“Keira said she would rather she didn’t.”
Ona went back to playing with Lucy’s hand, stroking it this time as she said, “kind of fucked that she’d even ask knowing that you play there though.”
“I guess,” Lucy said, not really thinking up till now about the fact that if Keira had said it was ok then Lucy would have to work in the same place as both of them.
“How are you feeling?” Ona asked. Lucy had stated the facts but not really shown much emotion or opinion.
“Honestly fine,” Lucy said, “obviously it’s not the nicest situation but the second Keira told me the truth it felt like a weight had lifted off of my shoulders.”
“Well that’s good,” Ona said, she could tell Lucy was being genuine, smiling at the difference from a month ago.
“Yeah, like zero anger, zero anything, it all just kind of went away. Can’t really explain it really, even surprised myself. We moved on from that conversation, started talking about Narla, and the whole thing hasn’t even crossed my mind till now.”
Ona cringed a bit, feeling responsible for making her think about it again, “sorry!”
“Don’t be,” Lucy reassured, gently stroking Ona’s cheek as she continued, “I just want you to know that you’re my priority, I know it’s still early days but all I care about is making sure you feel safe and secure and cared for. I swear the rest of the stuff is just background noise and it’s muted completely when I’m with you.”
Lucy brought her face closer to Ona’s, their lips meeting in the most gentle and loving way.
“Well, if you ever want your ego boosted in return, you let me know,” Ona joked as they pulled away, making Lucy laugh. “No but seriously, I felt the same as you after we first met and I feel it a million times more now. I’ve never experienced anything like this and I’m so thankful that you chased and that you’ve been so honest and caring with me. I feel so lucky.”
The Spaniard kissed Lucy again, stroking her hair before she started tugging at the older player’s t-shirt again.
“Ok, take your clothes off now. You may be better at saying how you feel but I know I’m better at showing it.”
“Game on, bonita.”
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just saw a fanart w/ kenji w/ chickens and i say by @meebssketches
i see ur ship fics where one of them turns into a cat and the other takes them in unknowingly and i raise u this
one day kenji comes to work and no ones around - suspicious but he thinks maybe today is a day off - he's bad with keeping up with the days - getting caught up in the excitement of today leaves less room to think about tomorrow
but to his delight, he may not see his friends, but he does see a chicken and many numerous baby chicks
he takes them all home
they remind him strangely of his friends and he happily names them after them, thinking about their reactions to his new friends
Po-kun (he hopes no one mistakes him for ranpo-san's friend poe tho - perhaps he should change the name to something else
its them theyre the chicken (dont ask how dazai got turned im sure theres a reason)
anyway kenji happily takes care of his very excited and loud friends but starts to get concerned when his human friends arent home or at work the next day or at home either
the next day he tries to wait it out but he's getting concerned and when he shares these concerns with his new friends they seem to oddly make him want to reach out - to whom tho he wonders
ango-san? who works w/ the government and is friends and not friends with dazai-san?
the cool hat guy from the mafia? who's always kind and acts tough but always listens to kenji?
the coat guy? who looks like he should be scary but is really good friends with atsushi and makes atsushi's face turn funny colors (red)?
the blonde lady who tired to kidnap atsushi?
katai-san? an ex-member of the ada and a good friend to kunikida-san?
lucy-san? who works in the cafe and used to be their enemy and is now their friend?
poe-san? ranpo-san's friend who likes to keep to himself but always helps out?
everyone he decides
and thats how kenji starts a wild goose hunt for the agency members through out yokohama which leads to multitude of cases of violence and property and peace destruction in search for the ada members, unaware that the members are actually with him the whole time
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linkemon · 1 year
Noctis Lucis Caelum x Reader (selship)
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Selfship made for xivia___ on Wattpad.
Friendly reminder that English is not my first languge. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
↠ Noctis met you when he started going to school like most people his age. You weren't very talkative. Neither was he. Maybe that's why he liked you. Unlike his peers, you didn't take the initiative to get to know him. You just existed somewhere, minding your own business.
↠ The prince was fed up with everything that surrounds him at times. At times like this, he was holed up on the roof. One time he found you there sleeping. He got confused and tried to pull back but that's when you woke up. You got shy. You gathered your things as fast as you could and got out of there. What you didn't know was that you forgot your game. Freshly bought, still in foil.
Noctis wondered if it wouldn't be better to just leave the box where it was but eventually the urge to talk about the game won out. He had just bought it and had a lot of thoughts about the plot and gameplay strategy. So the next day he found you in the hallway and gave you back. You two had a nice conversation so he walked you to your classroom at the other end of the building. That's how your friendship started.
↠ The boy heartily hated vegetables, so he kind of understood the problems with nutrition. He was a bit of a hypocrite in that regard, however, as he would remind you from time to time to eat right, even if he couldn't do it himself.
↠ You often had gaming sessions with Noctis and later Prompto as well. Mostly online but sometimes also on the couch in my apartment. Ignis was preparing only good delicacies then. Scientia scolded the boy if he misbehaved and these visits were one of the few times he really listened and obeyed him.
↠ As a friend of the prince, you managed to visit the palace. Your first visit was quite a disaster. First you broke an ancient vase, then you got lost between the long corridors and finally you ran into King Regis. You cried out of frustration. The prince found you laughing through tears in front of his father. A man tried to make you laugh by telling a childhood story about his son and it worked out quite well.
Noctis also took you to his training that day. Partly because he had to and partly to show off to you. His pride when you completely blew Gladion off and congratulated him was immense.
↠ Neither of you have confessed your feelings to the other in a typical way. Just one time, walking around the city at sunset, you held hands. And a few days later, the moment in the park was so magical that you had your first kiss. Being a couple came out without any formalities or announcements.
↠ Your dates weren't much different from what you used to do together. Gaming, shopping and trips to the city. The difference was that you went out without the boys, who sensed quite quickly that something was up.
You hid your relationship from your three friends for quite a long time. Your relationship back then was full of little touches of the hand, quick stolen kisses and unexpected truancy in the middle of the day.
↠ The prince got used to the fact that you were always sleepy. He didn't mind letting his arm be your pillow.
↠ It was you who came up with the idea to employ you in part-time work. That's how you ended up working in a sushi restaurant for a while. Since then, you can't look at such food anymore. But you had to admit that the boy was extremely caring. When he saw you weren't up to the task, he would send you on break and take over your tasks.
↠ Noctis tended to keep his feelings deep inside. If you wanted to get to know them in depth, you had to make a lot of effort. You also often told him how proud you were of him because trying to grow up to the role of a king gave him sleepless nights.
He, on the other hand, supported you more often with deeds than with words. For example, by coming to various school competitions or dealing with some issues that cause you problems. Including people who accused you of being with him for fame or profit. He had his ways with such people.
↠ Your relationship lasted quite a long time but the closer it got to marrying Lunafreya, the more Noctis considered breaking up with you. Duty won out and not wanting to hurt you later, he parted ways with you long before he left Insomnia. Still, he kept coming back to you. He has you especially on his mind now that news has reached him of the attack on the capital...
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makeitastrength · 10 months
“Ready for the movie?” Tim asks as Lucy emerges from the bathroom.
“Actually,” she hesitates, “I think I’m gonna head home.”
“Oh, uh, okay,” he manages, caught off guard by this sudden change of plans. He stands and makes his way across the room, coming to a stop in front of her. “Did I… do something wrong?”
“No,” Lucy answers quickly, reaching out to rest a hand on his forearm and squeezing gently. “I’m just not feeling that great.”
“It wasn’t the sushi, was it?” Tim asks.
Lucy shakes her head, hoping desperately that he’ll just drop it and let her go home, but knowing that he won’t because he’s Tim and her wellbeing matters to him.
“Are you coming down with something?” he asks, reaching out to place a hand on her forehead before seemingly coming to the conclusion that she doesn’t have a fever.
“I just got my period,” Lucy blurts, her cheeks flaming in embarrassment. Which only serves to heighten her embarrassment, because this is not something she should be embarrassed about. It’s not like Tim doesn’t know she has periods. It’s a normal biological function, and two years of riding together means there’s been more than one occasion where she’s mentioned things like having cramps or needing to change her tampon. But somehow, it seems so much more intimate to talk about her period now that they’re dating. Especially when they haven’t even slept together yet.
“Do you not have anything?” he asks, gesturing toward the door. “Because I can go get whatever you need.”
“I’m good,” she assures him. “I’m just starting to get cramps and I’m not in the mood for much of anything.”
“Okay,” Tim says gently, extending his arms in her direction. Lucy hesitates for a split second before stepping into them, and he enfolds her in his embrace, arms strong but gentle around her shoulders as hers curve around his lower back. “You know you can still stay though, right?”
“I know,” she answers, voice muffled by his shirt.
“Lucy.” Tim waits until she lifts her head to meet his gaze, and the uncertainty in her eyes confirms his suspicions. “If you’re leaving because you’d feel more comfortable at home or you just want to be alone, I get it,” he tells her. “But if you’re leaving because you think I don’t want you here when you’re not feeling well, you’re wrong.”
Read the rest on AO3
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ruanbaijie · 7 months
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🌌 art (part 1)
[x] i'm sorry. did i come too late? by @artofalassa
[x] tgcf ghost king playing cards by @crimson-chains
[x] tgcf silhouette locations by @crimson-chains
[x] mdzs collage by @crimson-chains
[x] vampire gojo by @rice5x
[x] boring hua cheng headshot no. 239084 by @meru90
[x] dongfang qingcang, xiao huayao and shangque by @clj-art-blog
[x] ghosts of the old valyria by @innavjuzhanina
[x] harvest moon by @gabrielleragusi
[x] hua cheng by @roremy
[x] taxian-jun and his concubine by @mondaijo
[x] freedom. by @kozukeneo
🌌 art (part 2)
[x] jujutsu kaisen sushi restaurant by @pocketleslie
[x] till death do us part by @hellinglaozu
[x] i really want to get lost in my dreams.. by @ysd-2-0
[x] aziracrow by @alexiphale
[x] year of the dragon by @yuumei-art
[x] destiny meeting at dusk. by @xieliancore
[x] kings of ghost city by @fmd-art
[x] my comfort by @stasyanarts
[x] hua cheng by @yannacchattamou
[x] the yiling patriarch by @alin-linlinlin
[x] bingqiu by @sadbugbois
[x] it's you and me by @mochipong
🌌 edits
[x] i will never let go of your hand. i promise. by @morkofday
[x] iwtv episode posters by @fayevalcntine
[x] i shrink the world, nothing left by @half-lightl
🌌 gifsets (part 1)
[x] yi bang won + villain by @seamayweed
[x] queen charlotte + some of my favourite lyrics off maisie peters' the good witch by @danburys
[x] i know. i know. i'm so blameless i'm choking on it. by @everelore
[x] spider-man: across the spider verse by @antoniosvivaldi
[x] the first-year trio by @cal-kestis
[x] hen & karen wilson by @maddiebuckley
[x] the questing trio + cards by @yenvengerberg
[x] the 4 bases of intimacy according to geralt & yennefer by @dadralt
[x] mulan by @gloriapritchetts
[x] narnia by @maliagf
[x] my demon by @chaeyoojung
[x] lucy gray baird by @userghouls
[x] 🧃 + anthony bridgerton by @jakeyp
[x] crowley and aziraphale + gold by @ughmerlin
[x] love between fairy and devil + shades of (team jasmine) yellow by @jiaoliqiao
🌌 gifsets (part 2)
[x] and so the devil fell in love with a human by @muldery
[x] rose tyler by @muldery
[x] (alleged) causes of lesbianism: a peggy carter case study by @margarethcarter
[x] every night, i save you by @spuffygifs
[x] castles crumbling by @laylaeelfaouly
[x] it's the things we love most that destroy us. by @onlyhereforangst
[x] didn't write it - just happened so. by @richardgrimes
[x] jujutsu kaisen + tarot cards by @simoneashley
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ladylooch · 1 year
Nico smut where you finally get intimate after having a baby? maybe reader is insecure about her body so Nico just worships her
A/N: Mmmm intimacy and sex. We love to see it ❤️ Thank you so much for this request. My heart was literally exploding and aching and bouncing with joy writing this. I love these type of requests that make you feel as a reader and a writer. Hope you enjoy it and thanks for being patient while waiting for this one!
Part of What My World Spins Around AU.
Reminder: although I am posting requests right now, they are closed. I am just getting caught up.
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: SMUT 18+ Content, Body image issues, swearing, drinking, babies/pregnancy talk.
Across the table, my husband is absolutely salivating. 
And it has little to do with the sushi rolls we are currently stuffing in our faces. After 9 looooooong months without my favorite cuisine, it was a relief when Nico suggested this restaurant for the second visit this week.
But, again, the look on his face is not because of food. It’s because of me.
“Nico.” I snort after taking a sip of my mango martini.
“Hm?” He asks, thumb stroking across the top of my hand that he holds in the center of the table.
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“Tone it down a bit.” 
“I can’t.” He shrugs. “I finally get to have you. And you’re just eating sushi over there like you’re not dying at the thought of feeling me between your thighs again.” 
“I’m still thinking about the other thing that was between my thighs 6 weeks ago.” I gesture with my other hand. “Ya know, our daughter.” His shoulders deflate a bit and I can tell I’ve bruised his ego. I bite my lip. I didn’t mean to do that, but it’s the truth. Birth is traumatic. A lot happens to your body before, during, and after. It’s a wild ride.
“I understand.” He nods, giving my hand a squeeze. “Sorry, I just assumed when they told you everything was okay today that you would… Yeah, that’s on me. I’m sorry. I should have-“
“Neeks, you’re absolutely fucking me tonight.” I cut him off. He visibly relaxes, happy grin stretching his lips.
“Okay.” We share a soft laugh, my cheeks tinting red at the obvious excitement returning to his face. He glances between me and my last piece of sushi.
“It’s been 8 weeks and 4 days since I’ve had you.” He blurts out. “And since you texted me the green flag earlier, I have been painfully hard.”
“It has not been that long since I helped you out.” He blinks at me, waiting for an elaboration. “I sucked you off in the kitchen the other day.”
“Oh I remember. Vividly. I just wanted you to say it out loud.”
“You’re such a slut, Hischier.”
“Only for you, Hischier.” He murmurs, gnawing on his bottom lip as the waitress comes to ask if we want anything else. “The check would be great.” Nico says without taking his eyes from me. I roll my eyes, hiding my smile with another sip of my drink.
When we get home, we both cross our fingers that our baby is asleep. Ryan Graves and his girlfriend, Clare, offered to watch Lucie so we could enjoy a night out. All three humans are passed out in the living room when we enter. 
“Gravy.” Nico snickers, poking the defenseman’s shoulder. He startles awake.
“Holy shit.” He mutters. “Sorry. This baby stuff is hard. I’m exhausted.”
“Welcome to the club.” I laugh, walking to Lucie and seeing her perfectly swaddled, on her back in her bassinet. 
“We just did the round of eating and changing, so she should be good for a bit.”
“Great.” I grin. “So you guys gonna have one?”
“Not yet.” Clare laughs honestly, but the look she gives to Ryan makes me think it isn’t too far off.
“When you’re ready, it’s literally the best thing.” Nico murmurs, coming to slide a hand around my waist. He presses his finger tips into my stomach, pulling me back to where he is rock hard against my butt.
“Well, we will get out of your hair. Gotta get my baby to bed.” Clare jokes, nudging Ryan towards the door.
“Why am I so tired? All I did was hold her?” Ryan mutters as they work towards the entry way. I follow, leaving my horny husband in the living room to cover his situation.
“Bye! Thanks again!” I wave to them, then shut the front door. The air in the house instantly changes when we are alone… with our sleeping baby.
I come back into the living room to find Nico staring at her. His brown eyes are absolute mush, taking in the center of his world. He brings his gaze to me. I lick my bottom lip then tuck it between my teeth. Nico begins to move towards me. I feel my breathing accelerate as he reaches for my hips. I toss my arms around his shoulders. Our mouths crash together, lips and tongues caressing each other shamelessly.
“I can’t wait anymore.” He whispers harshly against my mouth. “If you touch me, I’ll come in my pants.” I pull my head back to let out a loud laugh at his eagerness. Our baby startles in her crib. Both Nico and I hold our breath, clutching each other desperately, praying she settles herself back down. She stays asleep.
“We should leave this room.” I tell him. He nods, grabbing the portable baby monitor from the counter and hooking it to her bassinet. We both run up the hall as quietly and fast as possible.
When we get to the bedroom, all of my confidence begins to shatter. It starts when he brushes his hands innocently over my leftover baby pooch. I shiver, thinking of what that’s going to look like fully exposed. Then, his fingers run lovingly over my back, stroking a few bulges of pudge left there too. My eyes close, trying to enjoy his strokes on my ass, but I think of just a few inches forward, wondering if it’s all going to be the same for him. He’s been counting the days down; what if he’s disappointed in me now?
Nico kisses his way along my jaw. I squeeze my eyes shut as he works on the button on my jeans. I feel like every part of me is jiggling with his movement. HIs fingers brush against the baby pooch again. I react, gripping his wrist to halt his movements.
“What?” He asks, pulling back to look at me. My eyes are still shut.
“Can we turn the lights off?”
“Ah…” He chuckles. “I kinda wanna see you, babe. It’s been awhile.”
“Yeah I know. Um, and I’m different.” I say quietly. My eyes open to look at him. He wears an inquisitive look that stretches the corners of his lips into a deep frown. A wrinkle appears between his eyebrows. “I look different.” My voice is small as I reiterate what I know.
Nico steps away to take me in. I reach down to cover what is exposed of my abdomen.
“Put those hands down.” 
“Baby.” I feel my bottom lip wobble as I drop my hands. “Beautiful. I wish you could see what I do when I look at you. You’re stunning. I want to worship you. I want to kiss every single part of pregnancy left on your body.” He reaches for my hand. I weave our fingers together, looking at our feet. He steps closer, nudging my chin up to look at him. “You have given us the greatest gift. And I love every single reminder of that on you now.” His hand, linked with mine, comes up and runs along the stretch marks fanning across my lower abdomen. “I’m going to praise every bit of it on you for the rest of our lives, starting with tonight.”
“Ugh, you are so sweet.” I mumble, stepping forward to kiss him hard. His hands go around my hips, into my jeans, then to my bare ass cheeks. He squeezes them heftily, grinding me against his front. 
Together, we undress each other. Nico’s shirt get tossed. My jeans are pushed down. He kicks off his pants around his ankles and we are both left in our underwear. He nudges me back towards our bed, sitting me down on it. I work my way back, without letting our kiss break. When I’m flat, Nico arranges one of my legs around his waist so he can rub against my folds. I moan into his mouth. While still giving kisses, his hand works it’s way between our bodies, feeling at my entrance. I hold my breath, listening to the sound of me slick against him. Nico pulls roughly away, pausing. 
“I need a minute.” He laughs, looking up at the ceiling. I reach for him, seeing the wetness puddling on his gray, boxer briefs. I stroke at the wet spot, feeling his slit as Nico hisses. “No. Stop.” He says horsely, gripping my wrist. “I was serious about cumming in my pants.”
I sigh happily as I stare up at his chin from my back. A smile stretches my lips, thinking that there isn’t much sexier than an NHL captain needing to wait so he isn’t a two pump chump. I trail my finger nails along the ridges of his abdomen, admiring my red nails complimenting his muscles. It looks sexy with light, pink trails popping up after they pass over an area. Nico tilts his head down to watch too as the goosebumps dot his skin.
“Ready?” He asks me, sweet eyes watching every flicker on my face.
“Yes.” I stare as he pulls his underwear down, kicking it off to the floor. My heart begins to beat fast in my body as I lift my hips for him to do the same to me. He gently spreads my knees so he can drink in the view. He moans, immediately leaning down and placing his lips on my folds. He kisses all along them as my breath quivers. My eyebrows crinkle in need when his tongue snakes out. 
“Fuck.” I moan, whimpering at the end as he digs in deeper. He circles my entrance with his finger, working it in, sliding it in and out. “Nicooo.” It’s been so long since I’ve had any sort of an orgasm. Nico pulls it from me with a few more strokes. He kisses up my abdomen as I recover. He comes to my lips, hovering there to look into my eyes.
“Ive missed this side of you, babe.” He nuzzles my cheek with his nose, kissing along to my jaw, then to my throat. “Your sweet noises. The way you whisper my name before you come.” I feel him place himself against my entrance, slowly rolling in a circle to get me ready for him.
When he pushes in, he is affectionate, mindful of his size and my sensitivity. I bite my lip, trying not to wince as his head inches in. This is much more than a finger. I can’t help but tense in anticipation with each slow push forward.
“Relax, baby. I’m gonna take care of you.” He feathers kisses along my breasts. My nipples are a no-go right now, but his mouth on my swells are enough to make pleasure seep from between my lips. Once he feels me relax, he slides in the rest of the way. He stays right there, filling me, pulling back to watch my face. “I love you so much.” He nuzzles our noses together then presses his lips over mine. “You are perfect. So incredible.” I bring my hands to his back, stroking his skin.
“I love you.” I repeat to him, leaning up to connect our lips again. “I trust you.”
“Tell me when.” He pulls out again, then slowly eases in once more. This time feels better, a flicker of fire dashing up my body, making a noise spurt from my throat.
“I’m ready.” I whisper in his ear as he places his head down by mine to focus.
He begins to move in and out, tenderly, then builds to a tempo that has me wiggling beneath him. He props himself up on his arms, biceps flexing from his weight as he pumps his hips- all the way in then almost all the way out. My mouth falls into an “O” heavy breathing falling from my lips as my fingers grip him tighter. Nico groans in appreciation.
“That’s it, baby. Dig your finger nails into me… just… like.. that.” He murmurs as he hits that spot inside of me. “Fuck. I’m obsessed with how you feel.” He is moaning with me now, barely able to speak his words.
I run my fingers in opposite directions on his back. One goes to his ass, pushing his bare cheeks into me harder with each thrust. The other goes to his hair, gripping his long strands as he fucks me deeper. Everything else has disappeared except for the points we are connecting with each other. Nico’s hand comes to my clit, rubbing me in large, dainty circles, just enough to get me to shake against him. He turns down to watch my face. “You look so beautiful when I’m fucking you, baby.” He is grinning, teeth shinning as he watches my breathing shorten more, cheeks flush, eyes close.
“Holy… fucking.. fuck.” I sob to Nico as I come. He unleashes into me immediately after my first wave grips him. Swiss German spews from his lips aggressively as pulse after pulse passes through us. I cling to him, muscles spasming, hovering off the bed before collapsing back onto the mattress, breathing heavy, sporadic puffs. His hands go around me and he rolls us, so I collapse on top of his chest. He pants beneath my body weight, stroking his hand from my hair to my butt cheeks. 
We lay there there for several minutes, neither of us able to speak.
Nico’s fingers run through my hair, gripping the strands in his fist to list my face up towards his. It’s gentle, but the act has me imagining the nastier nights we’ve had. I push out a silent breath, lips forming a tight O. He registers the depth of my gaze, lost in our old memories, then grins devilishly at me.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fantastic.” I tell him, chuckling. “Can’t believe you lasted that long.”
“I was pulling out all the stops in my mind.” He shakes his head, eyes widening. “Almost didn’t make it to stroke four.” I press my mouth to the underside of his chin. “Mmm.” He grunts in appreciation.
“Thank you.” I whisper. “You always know what I need to feel loved. I… was so worried earlier and you made everything okay. You always do.”
“You know you’re all I need, babe. And if you’re happy, I’m happy.”
“I’m pretty content right now, but a bath with you would really seal the deal.” I admit to him. “Maybe rub some bubbles on some dirty places…” I trail off, meeting his gaze.
“Yes, please. Once wasn’t enough.” He maneuvers me off of him and onto my side after a slap on the ass.
He gives me a smooch before disappearing into our bathroom to set the stage for round 2.
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annalu86 · 1 year
I do details.
“What was yours and Isabel’s wedding like?” The question is so casual. The immediate response is a toothbrush clattering into the sink.
“What?” Lucy was ready for the level of surprise in Tim’s voice when he managed to reply.
“We were called to a fight at a wedding reception today, the father of the bride had had far too much to drink and got into a fist fight with the best man over some comments in his speech” Lucy was clearly enjoying recounting the drama “apparently the bride had dated a few of the grooms friends before they decided to settle down together and her father wasn’t happy with that being joked about!” Lucy looked at Tim but as always was disappointed that he wasn’t as invested as she was in the lives of complete strangers. “Anyway, it got me thinking. You’ve never mentioned your wedding, now I’m curious”
Tim was now stood in the doorway, eyebrows raised. He was ready for bed in an old T-shirt and shorts, bags under his eyes, very ready for their shared day off the next day.
“You’re surprised I haven’t told you about my wedding. To my ex-wife?” He remained in the door way, watching her sat on the bed rubbing in hand cream. She looked curious, but calm. He felt This could only go badly but he didn’t want to come across secretive.
“I’m just surprised I don’t know anything about it, other than your age. I don’t know the date, the location, the style. Anything!”
“And you want to know these things?” Tim really couldn’t understand why. Lucy had supported him through the very end of his marriage, she knew all about the toughest times they had been through but only a smattering of the good.
“I do” Lucy grinned at her own pun. Tim rolled his eyes.
“Ok. We got married in May, the exact day doesn’t matter. Near Isabel’s home town, a church and then an elderly relatives garden for the reception. Style? We were young, we didn’t want to spend much. It wasn’t fancy but it was..” he paused, was it wrong to say perfect. It had felt it at the time. Was it a disservice to describe it any other way, but how would Lucy feel?
“It sounds perfect” Lucy finished for him. He walked over and sat on his side of the bed, not getting under the covers, ready to answer more questions. “What was Isabel’s dress like?” She was smiling and he felt himself relax a little more.
“Traditional? Big, white and fluffy. I think Isabel would have like more of the glitz” he looked Lucy in the eye, knowingly “but that’s not really me.”
She laughed “no, it’s not”
Tim reached over and pulled Lucy, already dressed and ready for bed, over on top his side. Her head on his chest and his fingers tracing patterns onto her arm.
“What about you?” It was definitely easier to ask her this without her looking at him.
“What do you imagine your wedding will look like” he swallowed heavily.
“My wedding?” She turned her face to look up into his.
“If you could have anything you wanted” he gazed back down at her. Taking her hand in his and circling his long calloused fingers around her ring finger slowly.
“I’m not sure, it’s not something I dreamed about as a girl. I wouldn’t want a big wedding, I’d maybe be happy to elope” she glances up to see a slight look of surprise on his face “I’d want Tamara with me of course, she’d never forgive me. But I think I’d be ok to leave the drama of my mother behind” Tim kisses the top of her head as she continues. “A beach maybe, or even vegas! A dress with flowing sleeves, maybe some
Colour and sushi!” She was starting to enjoy this “we definitely have to have sushi. We could invite some of the guys from work Angela, of course, Nyla, Nolan. Genny and the boys.” She stopped suddenly. It had not escaped either Tim or Lucy that she has switched from ‘I’ to
‘We’. Tim had stopped moving his hand in hers.
To Lucy it felt like hours passed, she was just about to open her mouth to attempt some damage control when
“Nolan? I don’t dislike him but you want him at our wedding?”
“I thought I could have whatever I wanted?” She smiled against his chest
“But Nolan?”
They talked like this for a while longer, until Lucy heard Tim’s breathing start to slow, his hand dropped from her back where it had been drawing patterns.
“Tim?” She whispered. No response, instead of waking him she climbed off the bed and found a blanket to drape of his before climbing under the covers herself.
She felt proud of them. Their relationship was anything but traditional, they knew each other so well and their connection was so strong that when Tim had finally asked Lucy out it had felt like they had agreed to a
Whole life together. Not just a date. It was easy to just assume they were on the same page but tonight they had managed to confirm it.
As she was drifting off to sleep she smiled thinking about the last think he had said to her before falling asleep him self.
“I’d go to the court tomorrow, all That matters is you”
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12-seconds-to-live · 2 years
Sushi and Stolen Kisses
pairing - Yuki Tsunoda x fem!driver
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“So...I have to feed Yuki for a challenge”
“Yes, there’s going to be a few pieces of sushi and he has to guess each one. Look, he did it last year with Pierre” My PR hand me a phone where a video of Pierre feeding Yuki.
“Seems kinda fun, I guess”
I grab my phone and head out my motorhome to go to a similar spot where the challenge was recorded last year. A few people of the media team were waiting for us. I put my hair in a ponytail and wait for everything being set, Yuki was a bit late so we have time.
“Hello guys, hey y/n” Yuki arrived, when he saw the spot a smile show on his face. “Oh, I’m happy now” I laugh, the japanese was a different person with food around him.
“Ok, so y/n you start the video, the dynamic is the same and have fun. Yuki, you’re going to be blindfolded. In 3, 2, 1″
I smiled and look at the camera “Hi guys, y/n here with Yuki, no kid, the camera is right here” I move Yuki to the direction of the camera. “For this video, we’re going to remake the sushi taste taste with our food genious , Yukino. So, Yuki, please, seat here, thank you”
“I’m hungry y/n” I laugh at him “Plase and thank you”
“Food is coming kiddo” I decided to start with a tuna sushi “So, I saw that you prefer to smell first, so smell” I put the sushi near to his nose and then he grab it “You know what it is?” Yuki start talking with his momuth still full “don’t be disgusting, swallow first”
“Sorry, it’s tuna? yeah, tuna, easy one” I smiled to the camera
“Point for Yuki, next one” I show to the camera the dish, these are not yet mature soybeans, still in their pods  “I don’t even know what is this” I repeat the process and give Yuki the food
“Mmmm, there’s more of it?” I nod, well, he can’t see that, and give to him another piece of the dish. “Edamame, so nice” 
“Good, another point for Yukino. Onto the next one, I think this is the only japanese food that I would eat with any other think, so” I grab a piece of onigiri and extended to him
“Nice, onigiri. I think that I’m too good for this challenge” Everybody laughs and I thought that It would be a great idea to challenge him and maybe give him a hint.
 “Not too fast. Ok, I didn’t see this in the last video” Yuki started moving his nose to smell
“Smells like something fried, it is?” He moved his head like he were waiting for my answer
“I’m not gonnna tell you that, Eat!”
“Definitely fried, mmmm, it’s Tonkatsu? seems like it” I almost smile
“No Yuki, it’s...”
“Wait, no, I know”
“No, sorry, you only have one chance, and...”
“That’s not fair, let me say it”
“Why would I do that?” I asked with a side smile
“I want another point?” I laugh and a few of the media team too
“Not convincing, anyway, say it”
“It’s tempura”
“I hate you” Yuki laughs
“You don’t”
“Last but not least, this looks pretty amazing. I don’t know how to describe it, so, take a bite” I take a piece of omuraisu and he took it and suddenly take his time trying to guess the food
“You know, if there’s a bet for this type of challenges, you’re gonna lose all of them” 
“Said that again and I’m gonna hide your ps5″ Yuki gesture me a no with his head, he knows that I will definitely do that.
“So, there’s one more thing, this is an easy one, so, If you guess this I have to give you something but if I win, you have to train with me”
“What? You train at 6 AM, give me food, loser” Lucy, my PR give a weird face, there’s no more dishes on the table, so I smiled to the camera 
“Time to guess Yukino” Guess what, I kissed Yuki, a pretty shy kiss that last a couple of seconds. “So, what is it?”
“OMG, I KNEW IT” From the other side of the Paddock was Pierre screaming and a very astonishing Charles by his side
“OH, SHUT UP. So...?” Yuki takes out the abndana out of his eyes and look at me
“Did you...?”
“I did” I smile waiting for him to say something else
“I don’t know about you but I know that was a kiss, so for my prize I want to take you out to a really japanese restaurant I went last night”
“That would be great” We smiled at each other and I saw the red light coming from the came “Oh heck, well...what a challenge...Thank you for watching and bye” Yuki said bye with his hand and I start running out of the spot
Yuki screams “See you at 8?”
“Sure kid, bye!” Guess that this video is going to be viral for a very long time
I pass Charles and Pierre who were smiling at me
“Charles, you own me 30″
“I hate you so much”
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ghduck · 2 months
head canons for the kids??
Loves Sci-Fi and Action movies
Has a phobia of the dark and Mannequins
After the basement, he usually feels unmotivated in life and was heavily depressed for a long time (sadly)
Sushi is his comfort food
Is usually paranoid about summer, due to him getting mentally hurt during that season in the books
She sees Nicky as somewhat special to her, as they understand each other very well in the books, as well as having somewhat of a crush on him as well
Usually teases Enzo when he is "alone" with Trinity, casually joking that they are doing something "funny"
She became very introverted after she lost Lucy and Mya
She sees Trinity as an older sister to her, usually asking her for advice most of the time, and talks to Nicky about Mental heath related topics
Usually keeps track of how many exact days he has been with Trinity
Is unusually tall for his age
Wants to be a game developer when he grows up
That's all In have for now
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celebratinglucychen · 4 months
Oh! I have to disagree, I think Tim definitely knows how to use chopsticks. LA is such a hub for Asian food in the US, plus, I’m pretty sure we’ve seen him use them a few times in the show!
You’d be surprised how many people DON’T use them in LA lol. When I lived there I was often one of the only ones of my friends who did depending on the location or what food we ate! And like I said, in my head canon, sometime during season 1, Lucy and Tim get sushi for the first time and he *doesn’t* know how to use them yet and because of the dynamic of their relationship early on, he teaches himself! And then for the rest of series, what we see is Tim making a conscious choice to use chopsticks because he wants to get good at it because of Lucy.
Not saying Tim never had Chinese food before but my white guy friends in LA were definitely more inclined to use forks and spoons. In fact, most restaurants in LA will usually offer forks first! You gotta ask for chopsticks sometimes.
In my head canon, Lucy steers Tim away from the more chain-like or too hyped up Chinese places of LA, to more local places in neighborhoods like Monterey Park and Cerritos where a lot of Chinese immigrants settled.
But also, Tim is a local boy, so it’s entirely likely he could’ve had a place he’d been going for 20 years and used chopsticks for years ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
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One Love (5)
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Hi guys!
This is another part from my Luna's serie, One Love. It's from some request of some of them, please don't hesitate to ask me if you want something :)
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8)
“Are you writing to Lucy again?!”
Laia’s voice makes Ona almost jump, not expecting her best friend to be as close as she is right now. In fact, she’s sitting in the armchair next to Ona.
“What the hell Laia” Ona grumbles, not answering her question.
Because of course she was. Can anyone blame her? When she’s at home, she has her girlfriend next to her almost every second of the day. Now they are apart for more than ten days and it feels like hell.
“Of course she is” Salma grins, sitting on the other side of Ona.
Ona rolls her eyes, answering to Lucy’s text anyway, making the two other girls smile at each other. They both love Ona, they are actually very fond of seeing her friend as happy as Ona seems to be.
“And you just see how much she is writing to her. You don’t have her looking at Lucy with her heart eyes all day” Salma add.
She’s still smirking, laughing when Ona raises on her a dirty glare.
“I don’t have heart eyes for her all day.”
“Don’t worry, I think it’s cute. I’m sure Lucy thinks the same thing.”
Ona hit Salma’s shoulder this time. She wanted to go for her head, but the striker change wisely her position to be as far as Ona as possible.
“Don’t be like that, Onita. You know that we are actually very happy for you.”
Ona rolls her eyes one more time, unable to hide her smile. She is happy, she even said it in one interview the other day. She doesn’t like to talk about her private life and she didn’t gave any indication about her love for Lucy, but she still said that she is happy. Ona knows that Lucy had read the interview.
“I am happy” Ona mumbles, laying on Laia shoulder while sticking out her thong to Salma.
The younger woman snorts at Ona.
“You never fight?” Laia asks with curiosity.
Ona shakes her head honestly. She knows that only a few people would believe her, after all Lucy and her have both a strong head. But they decided very soon in her relationship to favor discussions.
“That’s true” says Salma. “I’ve never heard one of them talking bad at the other.”
“We only had one fight to be honest.” Ona says thoughtfully.
“What was it about?”
Ona doesn’t know how this fight has started, to be honest. They were at the game this afternoon, they won and even if Lucy received a yellow card, it was a good game. After the fans’ meeting and the shower, they went home. Ona was hopping to eat some sushi, cuddle with her girlfriend and their dogs before falling asleep in front of a movie they will take forever to choose.
But it seems like everything went wrong. Lucy was kind of moody when they left the stadium and even if Ona asked her several times what was happening, she only had the answer “I’m fine.”. But Lucy wasn’t, she kept looking right in front of her while driving, not even looking one time at her girlfriend.
The small talk that Ona tried to make wasn’t working either. She just putted some music on and kept looking by the window. Unlike she usually did, Lucy doesn’t open her the car door and even if Ona was saying at first that she can do it herself, she started liking when Lucy does it.
When Lucy plops on her sofa without looking at her, scrolling on her phone with a tightened jaw, it was too much for Ona. She hates fighting, she always tries to find a way to make things better for everyone without having a beef. But right now, it’s too much.
No answer.
Still no answer. And Ona takes a big breath before walking in her direction to snatch her phone from her hand.
“Can you at least answer me?!”
“Give me my phone back.”
Lucy’s tone is cold, and Ona hates it. But she stands her ground, hiding the phone behind her back. Of course, she knew that Lucy would get mad. But a least she maybe will tell her what the hell is happening.
“No. Talk to me, what’s happening?”
“Nothing Ona, for God’s sake! Give me my phone back!”
The English woman raise her voice and Ona flinch while the dogs hurry to leave the living room. Lucy doesn’t mean to snap at her girlfriend who only seems to want to make things better. But she’s stubborn, hate to talk about her feelings and she’s tired. And mad, but Ona still doesn’t know why.
“Stop acting like a moody teenager Lucy, talk to me please.”
But Lucy thought that it was too late. The fight has already started, Ona is already pissed and herself is already boiling inside. So, she gets up from the couch, passing next to her girlfriend to go to the kitchen.
“You know what? Go to hell.” she mumbles.
In a typical teenage fashion. Feeling that her composure is starting to break, Ona closes her eyes for some seconds and takes a big, silenced breath.
“I don’t understand what is happening, Luce.”
“Why don’t you go ask your best friend? Or is she already gone back to San Sebastian?”
The answer came but it’s nothing that Ona was thinking about. She needs some more seconds, but this time it was to figure out what it was about.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
Her best friend is Laia Aleixandri who is definitively at Manchester right now. So, there is no way that Lucy is talking about her and why the hell would Laia makes in their relationship problems? Her and Lucy went along great.
“Oh please.” Lucy is in the kitchen, looking at her through the opening of the door and she raises her voice again. “Don’t tell me it was nothing, I saw the way you hug each other. Everyone else saw it.”
Ona is so surprised that she wants to laugh. Thanks god, her rational part tells her that it’s maybe not the right thing to do.
“She’s a friend. We played together at la Misa when we were younger.”
Lucy snorts and answer something like “Yeah sure” and that makes Ona gone mad too. She knows that her girlfriend is mad, but her cockiness starts to get on her nerves. Especially when the English woman doesn’t make any move to try to make things better between them.
It was this time Ona’s turn to shout.
“Who do you think I am exactly? It was a damn hug Lucy, not a making out session!”
Lucy bites her tongue hard to not answer at that. She knows that otherwise; she will answer things that she doesn’t think and that she will hurt Ona. And even if she’s mad about that girl, the yellow card and almost everything, she doesn’t want to hurt the younger girl.
But Lucy’s silence wasn’t helping, and Ona assumes what everyone would assume.
“Glad to learn how you think about me.”
She was cold too, now hurt. She feels her tears coming and there is no way that Lucy sees her like this. Ona hates being angry because she always ends crying and losing all her credits. So she goes to the bathroom, slamming the door for good measure.
“Shit” sights Lucy, pinching her nose.
During the next hour, there is almost no sound in the flat. Ona stayed in the bathroom and then in the bedroom. She regrets her choice, because everything smells like Lucy and remember her their fight. This is their first real fight, they had misunderstood or disagreements, but never that way.
She cried a little (a lot) and after that she used some cold water to make her face a little less red and puffy. After that she was hopping to be able to have some cuddles with her dog, but Coco is nowhere to be found. She frowns when she calls him one time and a second without him coming running like crazy.
She hesitates to go find him, but after twenty minutes, she stands slowly from the bed. When she’s lying on it, he will run to her to cuddle with her. They make the dogs sleep in the living room so every second stolen with one of them on the bed is precious to him.
“Coco?” she calls again at the door of the room.
She waits and listen to any sound indicating the dog’s arrival, but still nothing. At first Ona thinks that he might be angry at her too and she almost cry again. But she thinks better and goes discreetly to the living room. She perks in the room carefully, not wanting for Lucy to see her. Narla is curling against her Mama’s tight, but there is no sight of Coco.
So she goes to the bathroom, to the entry, to the guest room and the kitchen. But still no Coco. And Ona starts to get really worried. Her last chance is the balcony, but she has to cross the living room to go to it. Sighing, she decided to ignore Lucy’s presence, still very mad at her. And hurt, too maybe. Anyway, she really doesn’t want to talk to her right now.
She feels Lucy gaze following her when she crosses the room but doesn’t look at her. Coco isn’t on the balcony and Ona isn’t far for a break down. She sniffs while closing the balcony’s door and that’s what alert Lucy.
“What are you looking for?”
Lucy’s voice returned to her normal tone and Ona takes a shacky breath before answering.
“I can’t find Coco” she mumbles without looking at her.
“What do you mean you can’t find Coco?” Lucy frowns.
“I can’t find Coco Lucy, what don’t you understand?” she shouts, losing it and turning to Lucy. “What do you want me to say? I enjoy touching other women in public and I’m not even able to take care the dog you offered me.”
Lucy has never seen Ona like this. Her red and puffy eyes are full of tears, some of them running freely on her cheeks. She’s shouting again, and Lucy feels her heart crack. She stands from the couch, Narla looking at them from it.
Coco is a gift from Lucy to Ona, that’s right. She gave him to Ona for their ten month’s anniversary  but it was honestly only a pretext. Ona had always told her how much she missed the dog she had when she was younger and that she never took another one because she wasn’t at home enough. And at Manchester it wouldn’t have made any sense because she was looking to come back to Barcelona soon.
“He can’t be far away.” she says, making Ona shrugs.
Lucy’s voice is soft now, she fully regrets the fight they had sooner, her behavior and the way she talked to Ona. She doesn’t know how the Spaniard would react to a physical touch from her, but she decides to try anyway. Fingers crossed, she softly takes Ona by the hand before taking her against her to hug her. She breaths again when Ona immediately cuddles against her, hiding her face in her neck.
“Come on. I’ll help you to look at him ok?”
The younger girl nod and follows Lucy in the same rooms that she was before. They finish by the bedroom, but Lucy has to admit that the dog isn’t here too.
“I’ll go take the biscuits” Ona mumbles.
Coco’s weakness. If the dog is in the flat, he will come running. Lucy sighs and sits on the bed, looking at the tissues Ona used to dry her tears with culpability. That’s when she hears a little sound, coming from under the bed. Frowning, she gets up from it to lay down on the floor and looking under the bed. She’s now facing Coco eyes, looking at her.
“Ona? He’s here”
Two seconds later, Ona is in the bedroom with the biscuits’ packet in her hand. With precaution she makes Coco get out from under the bed, before hugging him tight in her arms, her nose in his hairs.
“Why where you hiding here?” she whispers while to dog is licking at her hands.
He licks her face too, making her grimacing. Ona hates when he does it, but he loves it. Lucy can only smile in front of Ona’s face and the way Coco looks at the biscuits with interest. Ona gives him one and Coco takes it before leaving for the living room, leaving the two women alone.
Ona’s small smile fades and she gets up to follow her dog, but Lucy catches her hand before.
“Ona, wait please” the English woman says. “I’m sorry. I know you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. I was jealous, and stupid and I wasn’t thinking straight. Can you please forgive me?”
Ona rubs her eyes before sighing softy. She’s exhausted to be honest, there was a little too many emotions to deal with for only one night.
“Why in the world would I go for someone else in front of you?”
“I was jealous Ona, that’s all. It was stupid of myself. I’m really sorry.”
“But I don’t understand. We are together almost every second of the day and you know that it’s a torture when we are apart. Why are you jealous? I’m yours, no one else.”
Lucy sighs and sits on the bed, not really fond of the idea of having this discussion now, but she can’t escape it. Not when she had that kind of behavior, not answering wouldn’t be fair to Ona.
“I don’t know. She has your age, doesn’t have constant surgery to fix her knee and she will be playing as long as you. The life we have now won’t last forever, but it would be longer if I was younger.”
Frowning, Ona sits on the bed next to Lucy.
“I know it won’t last forever, but we will have other things to live together after that. I don’t care about your age Lucy, I never had. And I never will. I fell in love with Lucia, not Lucy Bronze the amazing football player.”
Lucy rolls her eyes with a smirk, but Ona’s answer is good to hear. Ona could literally have any other girl if she wanted to, it sometimes doesn’t make sense for the English woman that she chooses to stay with her.
“You didn’t answer me before…”
“About what?” Ona asks, tilting her head.
“Can you forgive me?”
She’s biting her bottom lip, looking at Ona with her eyes full of sincerity and somehow a little of fear? Ona isn’t sure but she only needs to look at her girlfriend for some seconds before answering.
“I forgive you. But you have to talk to me when something isn’t right, Love. I don’t want to fight like this again.”
“I promise” Lucy answers, reaching for her girlfriend.
Ona lean in and Lucy envelops her immediately with her arm. Closing her eyes, she breaths Ona’s sent before hiding her face in the younger one’s hair.
“I’m sorry I made you cry” Lucy mumble against Ona’s hair.
Ona hums softly, before looking up at her.
“Kiss me better?”
Lucy laughs, not regretting slightly having learned this expression to Ona in the beginning of their relationship. Ona knows when using it very well. The dark-haired woman kiss Ona’s lips softly several times, keeping her tight against her. She kisses her face soon after, very part of it, punctuating her kisses with “I love you”.
Some minutes after, she has a giggling Ona in her arms, and she feels her heart melt. Ona is her miracle, coming in her life when she felt like everything was falling apart. Ona flipped her world upside down, but everything makes sense since Her. She can’t lose her.
“Even your fights are cute. I’ve never felt so single in my life” Salma sighs, making the two others girl laughs.
A notification from her phone makes Ona’s hand vibrate and the Catalan girl looks at it. It’s a notification from Instagram, Lucy apparently just posted a picture.
“Holy fuck” Ona mumbles while looking at it.
Lucy, looking straight to the camera, her hair down and arm in full display. She knows very well what she’s doing, Ona mentioning yesterday night during their phone call how she’s still destabilized sometimes when Lucy looks at her so intensely. Without thinking, she likes the pictures and received a teasing text from Lucy almost right after.
“Such a tease” Ona mumbles to herself, before looking at her friends again. “Can I have your opinion about something?”
Lucy is taking her breakfast, like almost always with her headphones and her music on. Some girls say she is asocial, but she needs that to be in a good shape for the rest of the day. She was sipping at her coffee when she received a notification from Ona.
And she spits her coffee.
“What the hell mate?”
She raises her face on Lauren James in front of her, without answering anything and looks back at her phone. She doesn’t hear LJ groans something about being aggressive soon in the morning, only focused on Ona’s message. Or picture, she just sent her.
A mirror selfie isn’t something rare for Ona, but a mirror selfie with almost nothing on her, it’s like a first.
From Lucy What the hell You’re killing me
From Ona Just thought it would be fair to thanks you for you picture yesterday. Too bad it wasn’t only for me though.
Lucy answered something after that, but she doesn’t take her chance to answer her for now. It’s hard to say which one of the two really started this war, but it has been a ping pong of photos and video, by messages or Instagram sometimes. The fans don’t seem to understand what was really happening, but Lucy and Ona did. And they can say that they have fun.
Several days later, Lucy is waiting for Ona in their house. They came back from the camp, Lucy being earlier even if she was literally in another country. They have to take back their dogs from Ona’s parents, but they will go tomorrow. Right now, honestly, Lucy doesn’t want anything but cuddle with her girlfriend.
Ona arrives at the end of the afternoon, looking a little tired but the smile she puts on her face when she spots Lucy waiting for her in the entrance is beautiful. She lets her bags fall on the floor, raise her hand to put them around Lucy’s neck when she comes for her and let her hugs her. And make her levitate a little, making her giggle.
“I missed your laugh” Lucy smile against her neck, hugging her even harder. “I really missed you.”
“I missed you too” Ona mumble back.
Then Lucy puts her back on the ground and kisses her right on the lips, several time, before Ona tightens her hold around her neck to keep her against her. Lucy smiles against her lips but let her, letting herself enjoying their reunion.
“It’s great to have you in front of me for real and not in a teasing picture” Lucy smirks, some minutes later, when they are cuddling on their sofa.
“It was your fault. You started it” Ona rolls her eyes.
“Me?! I haven’t done anything! You started with your almost naked picture.”
Ona snorts and raise her eyebrow, making Lucy laughs slightly. But she doesn’t want to abdicate so soon, so she shrugs.
“I know what. You posted that amazing picture of yourself the day before that.”
“It was just a casual picture. Not my fault if you fancy me as much.”
The sassy comment makes Ona try to hit her, but Lucy is faster and grabs her hands. With it, she takes Ona closer to her, smirking again.
“I love that you fancy me, though.”
She tries to kiss her, but Ona turns her face to make her lips kiss her cheeks instead.
“Ona” Lucy frowns.
But it was Ona’s turn to be sassy, turning her head at the last moment when Lucy try to kiss her again and again.
“Come on, just kiss me” she whines at her fourth attempt.
“Who’s the one fancying the other now?” Ona smirks.
Lucy sighs excessively, knowing that she won’t have the last word this time. Rolling her eyes, she pouts while talking.
“Ok I fancy you too. And maybe I posted this picture to tease you. May I have my kiss now?”
“Yes, you can.”
Ona laughs, making Lucy smiles, before she leans in to kiss her. Lucy is right, after all the teasing and the being away thing, being together again is the best feeling ever.
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docholligay · 10 months
What I think about when I think abotu Scotland
“What was your favorite thing in Scotland?” she asked me, eyes wide. “I’ve always wanted to go.” 
She said something about the Royal Mile, and it’s true that there is a weight of history contained in hundreds of years in a very small area, though when i talk about it I mostly talk about the Lucy who taught me about scotch in a tourist trap, the way she pointed me across the map to things I now love with a smile and an exchange about Indian whiskeys. 
Yes, I nodded, I’ve seen the puffins in the Orkneys, and they were so cute. But what I’m thinking of is Emily in the bar who insisted the a hot toddy is a summer drink and i guess that fact that it was near freezing with a wind coming off the sea isn’t allowed to interfere with that. But she was sweet, and young, and gave me the hotel wifi password. 
Glasgow is worth seeing though no one ever suggests it, I told her, but what I didn’t tell her was about a man giving me his phone because mine couldn’t call a UK number, and trying to figure out what the Commonwelath actually was with a local, and the host in Mother Inida teasing me about not having a reservation but seating me at one of the coziest tables in the house. 
The highlands are beautiful, but can they meet the glory of sitting across from someone at an Indian restaurant, a cobra on my beer glass, and arguing, and laughing, and chatting, and feeling something deeper than experience, and more like awe? 
Everything I think about, everything I love, about Scotland, could have happened anywhere. And yet centuries of architecture and history could not manage to score up even a mark against the tiny, human moments that sharpened every jewel of that land. And so it has been everywhere. I think about terrible cream cheese sushi in germany and wandering down an alley in London and yelling about Eurovision in Estonia and watching Tv in Croatia and all of these things would never fit into a travel guide and yet are more than a human heart can hold. 
All my favorite places have always been a person.
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