#Jason Momoa cute imagine
turndecassette2 · 4 months
Is it ok if i can ask you how do you go about studying/drawing Heads and faces? i know this is a very broad questions but lets say you were coming up with a character for a new comic, when you go about creating characters what do you pay attention to the most and spend your time thinking about and make soure you got it right?
i love the way you draw faces, it dosnt feel anime and i love the little lines under the eye tear duck :D
Hope this question make sense!
(sorry re-reading your question this answer might be too rambl-y & off the mark. but am leaving this up in case someone finds it helpful)
I have a terrible tendency to just design characters 'on the page' since when I have a perfect sketch I tend to lose that 'look' once I get to the actual comic. idk the 'drawing academy' in viborg had us do a lot of portraits of each-other (you can prob recruit friends/relatives for this if you have any) & when I have time I like to draw ppl at cafés and such, so I have a mental library of face shapes.
in general: like w everything else I think it's good to hoard reference eg models, sports guys etc that have fun faces. put them in a folder on your computer for when you need a nose, good set of eyebrows etc. I've had various folders like this that inevitably get lost when my computer dies ha ha
also just referencing for vibes:
tiger guy from 'world heist' was conceptualised as part corto maltese, part jason momoa as duncan idaho, or my mental image of what the latter would look like, + a vague memory of rob lucci the cat man from one piece (I can't believe I know the names of so many OP characters. or dune characters for that matter)
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but then in the end, he's just some guy, & he mostly looks good in profile
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drawing the same person several times is hard. I need to standardise his facial markings but no-one seems to care.
'task' meanwhile is kinda a flatmate I had in college but w hair that I wanted to feel a bit 'rey ayanami' but also whatever I imagine a 'hacker' looks like (the cute kind you get in movies, not irl). just messy (ignore my presence in the below photo)
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anyways if there's some trick to what I do it's having a wide range of influences
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new outlaw team!
this is the idea i had for jasons all girl/gay squad that i think he deserves, so! my oc outlaws team for jason i as follows: (it gets really long from here sorry)
a bue/green lantern (afab enby gothamite artist that doesn’t bind) that was inspired by red hood at the moment before their (almost) death and thus got both a green and blue power ring bc red hood gave them hope in their last moments and they found the will to survive. surprised the fuck out of everyone and when the green lanterns of earth told them they had to head to Oa and Odym to get their space sector they said nope! not being a space cop bc no.1 acab! and no.2 theres no pay? and no healthcare?! not in this economy! so they’ve been putting off going to Oa and talking to the gaurdians, instead hanging around red hood bc what else are they supposed to fucking do? does actually agree with jasons philosphy on how gotham doesn’t change and they should do something about that fucking clown, also happens to be half british and thats why their really creative in their rude insults, humongous balls, big enought to call batman a cunt to his face, and doesn’t tolerate conditional love (transphobic family probs) and! happens to have jasons dog from before, when asked why they said they found her on the streets and doesn’t know what happened to the previous owner. (jason knows, isabella got possessed by essence and then was never heard of again oops)
a speedster from the future (where else?) and is trying to stop the apocolypse. she’s kind of like her own red hood in terms of the speedster family, in which no one will take responsibility for the hurt they caused her and instead blame her for something that literally wasn’t her fault. (someone they love probably died and they couldn’t stop it, so blamed it on her for the shittiest of reasons), bc of this they exiled her from the city where the apocolypse begun (ground zero) and thus she could see the death cloud coming and managed to out run it into the past to try and stop it. i figured she would be massive adhd representation as well that goes undiagnosed for a long time bc they think its just how speedsters are (except her brain runs so much faster than the average speedster and therefore everyone thinks shes stupid bc she can’t catch her thoughts in time.) hella emotional bc of the adhd, a fucked up perception of time bc adhd and speedster, jesus its just the worst combination known to man. also imagine her with Lil Nas’ hair in that one pic (those cute ass fucking twists)
an atlantean that is basically female jason momoa, and really reminds jason of artemis to the point where the squad end up talking about how jason misses his amazon. Shes the tallest with tattoos all over her body, especially her giant beefy arms. she has atlantean magic and hydrokinesis, and even hydromancy (seing the future through water). shes a prodigy when it comes to atlantean magic, but in the middle of her 3rd year in magic school she had a traumatic exprience that fucked her up a lot. (person in authority abused their power i think you know where im going with this) bc of this she changed and her grades fell and she dropped out to escape her abusers watchful gaze and touch. when confronted about it she eventually broke down and told her mother, but that was the wrong thing to do. at first her mother told her that shes lying to escape trouble bc who would want her? shes too masculine to ever have someone want her. then she was told that she should be happy, somone finally wanted her. then she was told that it was her fault, she must have done something to lead on such a respected man, and that she was lying and she secretly wanted it. Bc of her masculine nature she faced a lot of misogyny and transphobia (from her mother) despite not being trans, bc terfs don’t care about masculine women, and reinforce the patriarchy throught their bullshit of thinking if women don’t fit in a perfect model of feminity then you are “as bad as men”. eventually she left atlantis and headed to the surface, bc mans world cant be worse than mothers world. She would understand what it’s like to be betrayed and failed by your parent same as jason, and i feel like those two are a “kill everyone if you die on me” kind of duo. is also a lightweight when it comes to human alcohol. very funny when she thinks she can drink everyone under the table bc she could jellyshot pretty heavy in atlantis and then procedes to get shit faced from a 5% wheat beer. on the floor crying after one drink lol.
the fourth and final member (excluding dog) would be a white martian that all four of them rescue. the speedster tracked the energy source of the apocolypse and discovered it was underwater, deep underwater. so redhood, lantern and speedster track down someone who can go that deep, our beloved atlantean. deciding to take the job (bc why not this shits interesting) the four of them head under, and going in blind, make an absolute mess. they have no blue print of the place, no clue what they are looking for or what to do with it if they find it. its possibly the end of the fucking world and they’re just bashing heads left and right, fighting goons all the way to the middle of this underwater base. and there, in the middle of a glass contanment cell, is a fucked up looking martian. Martian manhunter said all the white martians were gone, but clearly fucking not. none of them know about (white) martians or what they did, so they gladly rescue this fucker. not knowing what else to do, they bring the base down before fleeing with their prescious alien. (jason did do some hacking before they left and stole the data, but has yet to decode it) When the martian wakes up, it remembers literally nothing, and it becomes an entire plot point to figuring out how this sweet and confused creature could possibly end the world. and they are sweet! white martians have been written as villains for manhunter since the beginning (and there has only been one! white martian that has befriended manhunter, mad discrimination against an entire race), but this lil dude is just scared, and loves korean dramas. When manhunter discovers them, i think it would be justice league vs outlaws bc of the prejudice against our poor lil alien. they would probably be extremely genderfluid in the coolest way bc of shapeshifting, and also bc martian genders and sexes are a completely different binary to a humans gender binary, therefore wouldn’t fit on it all. would probably have a very feminine presentation though bc they are mostly surrounded by women and afabs, and are trying to fit in.
christ this got away from me. anyway, jason deserves women who understand him and can be his actual family. these girls and gays 100% convinced him to steal the batmobile and they wrecked his “memorial” in the batcave. ready to dunk on(fist fight and kill on a tuesday) Bman at a moments notice. jason’s polycule that call batman a bitchless furry to his face in front of the justice league. He is the only man and it makes him feel safe.
AND he has his dog!!! and she wont be named dog. she will be called michael bc its really funny to me. jason just turns to his dog in the car next to him and says “michael you seein this shit?” and its batman making out with catwoman. they boo at them.
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praphit · 1 year
FAST X: Pastor Dom
The world is a pie. It's been placed in the oven. It's got all kinds of goodness in it:
apples, what else do y'all like?... banana pudding? - sure, maybe some walnuts, of course the milk and eggs and stuff... what's that? - you like meat pies?... idk if that's gonna work... but sure, it doesn't matter, um... got some... BBQ pork up in there as well... imagine whatever goodness you want. We are all baking inside of this goodness pie at 350 D's. But, the main ingredients of this pie are pain and disappointment. What a twist, right?? Makes it kind of a crappy pie. Maybe there's literal crap in the pie as well.
That's what life can feel like at times though, right?? You walk outside and look at life, and say to yourself "Wow, there are a lot of sad and angry people out there." And perhaps more times than you're willing to admit, you're one of those sad and angry people.
But, FEAR NOT, there are plenty of ways to cope (and it's all about the coping) : faith in God, cute animals, booze, guns, strippers, pills, dark magic, robbery, murder, chocolate, etc.
But, one of the best ways I've found..... you guessed it -
Watching Fast & Furious movies.
This man, right here... my emotional anchor...
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There's something about him isn't there??
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Vin is rocking his most beloved character -  Dominic Torretto, leader of the... "FAST GANG". Is that what they're called? Doesn't matter. I love this guy! When I saw the trailer, I smiled big, and said "The bullshit IS BACK!" And I meant that in the best way.
It's been over 20 years of this nonsense. 20 years of fun, racing, ridiculous acts with cars, thievery, Coronas, and FAMILY.
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ANNND probably killing. No one ever wants to talk about this, but they've caused a lot of property damage haven't they? - and within that damage, there has more than likely been a rising body count. The damage alone may have ruined lives! BUT, they're such a cool group of people, and VIN... those flex poses?? - C'MON :) 
You can't help but love him.
This time around Dominic is seeing the end coming. He tells his lovely wife (Letty, played by Michelle Rodriguez):
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"How long can we keep doing this shit? We've got a kid. We've got a nice home. I'm making all of this Marvel Money ("I AM GROOT"), and dishing out hot singles “Feel like I Do”
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(real song - check it out).
We can get out. We don't have to live this life of sexy, dangerous racing anymore."
The problem is, when you've spent 20 years stealing, and probably killing, you make some enemies.
In walks Jason Momoa (Dante), dressed like Prince.
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He's our villain who doesn't just want to race Dom, doesn't just want to kill him, but wants to make him and his team (sorry, his FAMILY) suffer. This is why we need to chill and be kind to one another. There's already so much sadness and anger, then you add assholes to your life, like this... But, Momoa don't care, he wants revenge cuz Dom killed his daddy. To be fair, Dom didn't mean to kill him. He was driving 1000 miles down the highway, while stealing his daddy's money, and shit happened. Plus, Momoa's daddy was a criminal, so... you know... the real offender here is karma.
But, here we go anyway.
Jason Momoa had a blast making this movie. You can tell that he had a lot of fun. 
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Dante's a fun character, but also kinda confusing. Sometimes, he acts like The Joker, sometimes like a super villain from... a show like “The Power Puff Girls”, and sometimes he's serious gangster revenge guy. Idk. What in the world did the director whisper into Momoa's ear as motivation? If the director whispered the words "cartoonishly evil" , perhaps he nailed it.
The movie is pretty much Dante chasing Dom's family around with Looney Tunes gadgets, guns, and at one point a giant rolling bomb, that was on fire.
Now, I don't think this installment is as fun as some others, mainly cuz there's no real mission here. You normally get the vibes of Ocean's 11 meets The A-Team, but it feels more like Dom and the Family getting chased for 2 1/2 hours.... cuz that's what it is. Some actual acting star power up in here:
Brie Larson 
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and ONCE AGAIN, the underrated, yet GREAT Charlize Theron. 
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whom I still don't understand why she's a part of all of this (being a real actor), but she works. They finally got her hair right tho.
Trust me, that's an improvement.
  That's her not long after getting her ass BEAT, and she still looks amazing. Those UFC people must be doing something wrong.
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I love this franchise! I get it :)
It's just not quite as good. And the dialogue, which has always been bad, but... c'mon y'all. There's been talks within this current Writer's Strike of protection from writing scripts with AI action like “ChatGPT”. People will say "Well, that won't happen, and even if it did... it wouldn't be any good." And then I saw this movie.... Not only could AI have def written this film, but it would have been 10 times better! I'm not sure how the strike will affect the next movie or two that come out for this franchise, but... honestly, it might be an improvement.
Ludacris and Tyrese are old. 
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Not that they look old, but their act is old, you know?? Like, they're still cool for their age, I guess, but they're not "young people cool" anymore. Sorry, fellahs. It happens to everybody. Just part of the pie we're all baking in :)
BUT, all in all, lots of laughs (even though I was the only one in the theater laughing at the absurdities) Good, solid, destruction porn. An AWESOME fight scene between Michelle Rodriguez and Charlize Theron.
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And so much star power... though I think they might have to beef-up the villain star power in the next one.
Go after some other respected actors: see if Angela Bassett and Jake Gyllenhaal are doing anything.
Grade: C+
I really think that Dom would make a good pastor. 
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Perhaps once he's truly done with the stealing and killing.
He's good with people. Very accepting. He's always got that mood music in the bg; perfect for his sermons.
I feel like Vin could keep his congregation focused on the goodness in the pie, not just all of the crap. Plus, his churches would be filled with sexy people. Church is not all about sexy people, but it helps.
And the best part is, he can solve any of the world's sad/anger-inducing problems with racing.
Rising Homelessness - "Let's ride!"
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Climate Change - "Let's ride!"
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Crippling Depression - "Let's ride!"
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Sign me up for that church!!!
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covenlegacy · 2 years
Meaty like with strong, muscled ass, generally strong body structure, not looking skinny or petite. I have big ass and tights myself and I'm generally tick slim type of body and it would be just weird being fucked by guy who's smaller than me and I just like strong, big man. RM is the closest to my type in BTS because he's the most masculine and the tallest. This actor ,,The Rock" or Jason Momoa are also so fucking hot. I like watching male idols dancing, it's hot but they're usually not my type. That's kinda cute that they think they've became ,,big" after gaining more muscles on arms.
namjoon and masculinity... (no offense said 👀) we seem to be on opposite ends of this lol. but he has a really cool body. Well, what I can imagine, because we only see the arms and legs. cover everything else with a cloth.
Dwayne Johnson yes... he's good.
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hrexach · 2 years
My Momoa Monday Moment .... "Jason -- Awesome Puppy Interview .... "!!
My Momoa Monday Moment …. “Jason — Awesome Puppy Interview …. “!!
~~November 21, 2022~~ JASON AND PUPS It’s Monday … it’s my Momoa day and what an awesome video I found. Imagine — awesome Momoa and cute puppies. Take a look!! HortyRex© ======================================== Aloha! Jason Momoa (“Aquaman”, “Game of Thrones”) stopped by to talk about his new Netflix movie “Slumberland”, answer your fan questions, and of course, play with some pups! We…
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bloghrexach · 2 years
My Momoa Monday Moment .... "Jason -- Awesome Puppy Interview .... "!!
My Momoa Monday Moment …. “Jason — Awesome Puppy Interview …. “!!
~~November 21, 2022~~ JASON AND PUPS It’s Monday … it’s my Momoa day and what an awesome video I found. Imagine — awesome Momoa and cute puppies. Take a look!! HortyRex© ======================================== Aloha! Jason Momoa (“Aquaman”, “Game of Thrones”) stopped by to talk about his new Netflix movie “Slumberland”, answer your fan questions, and of course, play with some pups! We…
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worldlyso-imagines · 6 years
Better Than That
Jason Momoa X Reader Because what else would your best friend do on your work day other than anything to make you not work? Rating: F (Fluff)
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Jason: You gonna let me in, right? 1:17 PM
Jason: Hey. Stop ignoring me. 1:22 PM
Jason: You’re working too much! 1:23 PM
Jason: You’re literally being so rude right now. 1:27 PM
You: I am not being rude, I’m doing my job. Stop bothering me, Jason! 1:28 PM
Jason: Well stop doing your job and spend some time with me :) 1:28 PM
You: I am not going to spend time with you right now. I need to get this done and it’s already a pain in the ass. 1:29 PM
“Hey. You have someone here to see you. He said it was important.” A coworker stuck her head in my door. I looked up from my phone and nodded at her.
“I’ll be right out. Thank you.” I set my phone down on my office desk and shuffled around the structure, going out the door. Just as I opened the door, I bumped into someone. I looked up to apologize, but scowled when I saw who it was.
“Hello, beautiful! How’s work going?” Jason smirked, making himself at home inside my work space, sitting on the love seat against the wall.
“Like shit,” I huffed. “What are you doing here?” I closed the door behind me and sat back down at my desk.
“Came to see my favorite person,” Jason shrugged.
“Lisa is your favorite person. So is Emilia. And Ezra, since Justice League was filmed. I am just someone who lives down the road from you who you love to annoy while she works.” I glared at the famous and admired actor as I worked on finishing up the report. He only laughed and shook his head.
“I can have more than one favorite person.”
“You can only have one ‘number one’ favorite person.”
“Well, yeah. Obviously.”
“And that would be Lisa. I don’t have to ask you that.” I groaned as I hit the wrong key and backspaced on my keyboard. “I fucking hate this new keyboard. The keys are raised higher than I’m used to.” Shaking my head in frustration, I tried to block out my company’s laughter.
“You never even told me you got this new job,” he noted, looking around my personal office.
“Yeah. By the way, you just walked into my following question; who told you I worked here?”
“Your sister.”
“My sis-... Why are you talking to my sister?” I scoffed, folding my arms on my desk in front of my computer and looking at him.
“Because she’s a nice person and I enjoy conversating with her.”
“Jason, ‘conversating’ is not a word. The term you’re looking for is, ‘having conversations with’.” I turned back to my computer screen.
“Don’t correct my grammar, missy. I’ll talk how I want,” he chuckled, eyes still roaming my walls. They landed on a painting next to the door. “Hey. I remember you painting that.”
“Painting what?”
“The painting of the forest and the random train tracks. You and your weird train obsession,” he smiled.
“It’s not a weird obsession. I just like trains,” I chuckled. “I think you were in my room while I was working on it, actually. That’s why you remember it.”
“I was! I was there!” He proclaimed excitedly. We both laughed and he stood and moved behind my chair. “Whatcha doin’?”
“Work, which would be getting done a lot quicker if you weren’t in here with me.” Even with him behind me, I knew he knew I was smiling.
“Are you asking me to leave?” He asked, hurt.
“I’m not asking you to do anything.”
“Good. Then I’ll continue to keep you company.” He sat back on the couch and grinned at me, laughing when I rolled my eyes.
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Phillip was your best friend. You made a joke senior year that if you didn’t get married by 35 you’d marry each other. And this year, you turn 35. You have 2 dogs and 2 cats, Nora Buster Ambrose and Agatha. They’re your best friends. Most nights you spend at home, content with a young adult dystopian novel and a hot cup of tea. With a smile on your face, you curl into the couch with a little cupcake on the side table. A knock sounds at the door, eliciting a groan from you.
I just got comfy. This better be good.
You swing the door open to find a bouquet of roses on your porch and a little note.
It’s here. That year. That day. That time. A promise was made and I told you it would happen. Little did we know here we’d be. Actually doing it. <3
Sitting back for a moment, the memory washes over you. “No way.” You whisper, looking to street to see a 1996 Chevy truck parked at the end of your drive. Fairy lights draped around it, rose petals littered across the ground.
“Damn it, just hold on she’s coming out. No, stop.” You start down towards him.
“No fucking way.” You whisper, sprinting towards him. Phillip Kopus standing there dressed to the nines and a grin on his lips. He spins you around and drops you to your feet.
“I made a promise to you, sweet dove. I promised you I would marry you at 35. Well I’m 35, and you’re 35. So all systems are a go. You ready to get married?” He asks with a grin.
“Phillip John Kopus, you are not about to ask me that. No. Holy fuck. You are such a damn fool, I love you so much. Yes, of course yes!” You laugh and cry, tears of joy running down your face. You spent the first 20 years of your life with him, ten years without him, and here he was again. This was it this was the end game.
“Thank god, I was gonna strip and stalk you naked until you said yes.” He laughs, and so do you. Behind his truck was Marie, Junior, Jack, and Harold and his family. A little celebration. Just enough. It was beautiful.
“Here.” He holds out a ring to her. A dainty little ring with a little diamond in the center.
“It’s beautiful.” You smile.
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fangirltrash18 · 6 years
Little King (Arthur Curry x Reader)
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This is just a little something that came to mind that I threw together.<3
Rating- General Audiences
Warnings- Just loads of FLUFF!
Y/S/N- your son’s name
It was late, and you and Arthur were taking turns trying to calm down your wailing three month old baby boy.
 It seemed you had tried everything in the book. From trying to feed him, burping him, rolling him, changing him, swaddling him, to now walking around the room cooing at him. You were exhausted and felt like you were about to fall asleep standing up.
“Shh, shh, It’s all right, shh.” You whispered and bounce him a little as you walked. Arthur was it your shoulder, ready to take over as soon as you were ready to hand him over. “I don’t know what to do!” You said worriedly, turning the face your husband.
“Do you think he may be sick?“ He asked. 
“He didn’t have a fever when we checked so I highly doubt it.“ You sighed and rubbed a hand on your face. “God, I hate feeling so helpless!” You cried and leaned into Arthur. 
“Here love, let me take them.” He took the crying baby and adjusted him in his arms. “Go take a nap and rest a little, I got this.”  He pecked your lips before you could protest and turned his back to you. You sighed and did as told, walking to your bedroom you seem to hardly sleep in anymore. 
As soon as your head hit the pillow, you fell fast asleep 
 Silence. That’s all you heard, rather couldn’t hear when you opened your eyes. It was still dark out and you wondered how long you had been asleep. From what the clock said, it had been about an hour and a half. You sat up and put your feet on the floor, wanting to go check on Arthur and your son 
 As you slowly made your way to the nursery, you heard your husband’s deep voice softly talking. You peeked in through the door and noticed him sitting in the rocking chair with Y/S/N bundled in his arms. 
“- and there are so many colorful little fishies that you’ll absolutely love. There are tall, bright towers and old stone ones that are filled with things that’s will blow your tiny mind when you see them.” You smiled hearing Arthur tell your child about his kingdom. “And someday, when you’re old enough, I’ll teach you how to wield a trident. That way, you’ll be one step closer to being the greatest king Atlantis has ever seen.” Arthur’s voice was filled with excitement for his son’s future and all of them the adventures he had planned for the two of them. 
Y/S/N blubbered gibberish which made you higgle, giving away your presence. Arthur looked back at you and smiled. 
“Hey little mama, how was your nap?”  You smiled at his nickname and walked over to the rocking chair. 
“Very good.“ You said and lightly sat on the arm of the chair, wrapping your arm around Arthur’s shoulders it for support. “What did you do to make him stop crying?” You questioned and gently stroke your son soft cheek earning a small smile from him. 
“I just started rocking him and telling about his future kingdom and he stopped the waterworks.” Arthur shrugged and looked up at you.
“He will be a great little king!” You said and stared down at your beautiful baby. Arthur’s arm snaked around  your waist and pulled you into him, giving your temple a kiss. 
“Yes he will be.” 
 You both stared at your baby boy until he was fast asleep. Arthur slowly stood up and carried him to his crib, setting him in as gently as possible. 
“Good night my little prince.“ You  whispered and blew him a kiss. “Sleep well beautiful boy.” Arthur and you quietly walked out of the nursery and down the hall to your bedroom. You both flopped down on the bed, exhausted and ready for sleep. You crawled under the covers and Arthur did the same, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close to him. 
“I love you.” He said and pressed his lips onto the top of your head. You smiles at the gesture and closed your eyes. 
“I love you too my king.” 
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imaginealotofthings · 5 years
Updated Masterlist 
Check it out guys! 
*All of your favourite imagines in one place*
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deansapplepie · 2 years
Sir Phillip Crane from the Tv Show is cute and all, but now reading Eloise’s book I can just think that he would be perfect interpreted by men like those (to make it clear, it didn’t need to be this actors because I know most of them don’t even look like they have Sir Crane’s age, but they are good inspiration to imagine him):
Jason Momoa:
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Henry Cavil:
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Jared Padalecki:
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Michael B. Jordan:
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Chris Hemsworth:
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Sebastian Stan:
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I mean… all these men are huge, and can look rustic just like Sir Phillip Crane. What do you think? Do you know any other man that could possibly resemble him?
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enchantedblackrose · 3 years
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I posted 396 times in 2021
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#if you think jason momoa can appear on my dash without me reblogging
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•Jay Halstead/Partner Reader (these can be read alone or as a series. Listed in storyline chronological order)
The Meet Cute
Get You in the End
This Thing Between Us
Flesh Wounds and Somedays
•Jay Halstead/Reader
Like I Love You
•Antonio Dawson/Reader
No Teasing (NSFW)
With You (NSFW)
Safe Again
Break of Dawn (NSFW)
Shut Up (And Kiss Me Again)
♡ Summer Heat (NSFW) Reader ft Kelly Severide, Jay Halstead, Antonio Dawson
•Kelly Severide/Reader
What You Want
•Hank Voight/Reader
Slow Dancing
First Valentine's Day ft Adam, Kevin, and Jay
Harry Potter
•Sirius Black/Fem Reader
All the Pieces || Part 2 || Part 3|| || Part 4 ||End
We'll Be a Dream (Prequel to All the Pieces) Year 1|| Year 2|| Year 3|| Year 4|| Year 5|| Year 6|| Year 7
148 notes • Posted 2021-01-28 20:54:36 GMT
Summer Heat
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Original photos not mine, taken from Google Images. If you believe them to be yours and want credited or removed please lmk
Summer Heat
Description: Female reader imagines what being with some of Chicago's finest might look like. Kelly Severide. Jay Halstead. Antonio Dawson.
Warnings: 18+ only, oral sex (fem receiving), brief mention of spanking. Smut language?
If you read this and like it, please comment and reblog. Please.
Summer Heat
The Chicago summer air was heavy. Inside the 21st precinct was almost as stifling. Either the air conditioning can't keep up with the high temperature, or the outdated unit is on the fritz. You realize it quite possibly could be both. You suppose it doesn't matter as one point remains the same: there's no relief from the summer heat.
To make matters worse, things are unusually quiet for the Intelligence Unit. You and the team are stuck at your desks getting caught up on tedious paperwork.  Everyone is desperate for interruptions. 
Adam stands suddenly, volunteering to pick up lunch. Antonio tells him it's only nine and a disgruntled Adam sits back down in his chair.
The day drags on. So far you have attempted paperwork, rearranged the contents of your desk, made yourself appear busy without really doing anything, taken two bathroom breaks, and actually worked on your paperwork.
A sigh escapes you. You're bored and hot, itching for anything to break up the monotony of this day.
You catch a sudden movement from the corner of your eye and spot a familiar face.
Kelly Severide from Firehouse 51 is bouncing up the stairs. He nods in greeting to the others in the bullpen. Before you can get out the question as to what he's doing here, he shoots you a playful wink and heads straight into Voight's office, closing the door behind him.
Maybe it's the heat. Maybe it's due to boredom, but despite being at work you can't help but imagine Kelly giving you that same wink right before he brings his lips to your entrance planting a kiss right there. Then his mouth dips down, his tongue darts out licking at your folds. His stubble brushing against your sensitive skin and his tongue finding your sweetest spot, causing you to moan. Kelly wouldn't bother fighting back a chuckle. He'd slip a finger inside you and work it vigorously giving you immense pleasure. He'd continue to lick and suck at your clit, pausing only to say how good you taste. Another finger would slip inside you and Kelly wouldn't stop until you climaxed. He'd feel you start to shake and would encourage you to come with words and actions. Your hips would involuntarily buck against his mouth, but Kelly would be unbothered...
You cross your legs desperate to feel any friction. The door to the office swings open and you nearly jump. Kelly catches your eyes and you think you blush. 
"See ya around, y/n." He waves a hand bye to the others.
"Mhm," is all you manage to mumble before he disappears down the stairs.
Jay questionly looks at you from his desk. But you shake your head. You grab a hair tie from your wrist and grab your hair to put in a high ponytail desperate to keep it off your neck.
"You look like you could use this." You look to see Jay now standing at the side of your desk, offering you a cold bottle of water.
'Thanks," you smile as you reach for it. You place the bottle at the nape of your neck before cracking it open and taking a long sip.
Jay leans closer to you. Despite the heat, his hot breath tickles your skin. "Sure you're okay?"
"I'm fine,"  you lie. As Jay makes his way back to his desk your mind wanders again. This time to Jay.
His lips drop to the spot on your neck behind your ear as he presses a sensual kiss there. He's just told you how fucking beautiful you are and you can still feel his breath on your skin. His hands would roam your body. His calloused fingers feeling rough against your soft breasts but his touch would be gentle, cupping each one, massaging them and lightly pinching your nipples. A delighted moan would escape you and you would straddle him. You envision Jay helping you lower yourself onto him. As you adjust to his size, he sucks and nips at your neck and collarbone. Your hips would steadily rock against him. While you might be in control of the speed Jay would take advantage of the position. His hand and mouth are taking turns engulfing your breasts,fingers pinching your hardening nipples, tongue encircling the sensitive peaks. His actions eliciting more pleasurable moans from you. You would build a faster rhythm, almost aching with desire. His other hand makes its way to your ass, smacking it lightly. The stinging sensation would only turn you on more. Your hitched voice telling Jay you're about to cum would cause his light eyes to grow dark with lust. His hands urgently attach themselves to your hips as he helps you rock against him harder and faster until...
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198 notes • Posted 2021-03-12 21:32:35 GMT
The Meet Cute
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Pairing: Jay Halstead/Reader
Warnings: None. Just beware this is unedited
Summary: You meet your new partner for the first time.
Did I spend an obscene amount of time looking up Chicago locations of my favorite burger joint that I don't even mention by name? Yes, yes I did. Did I look at apartments, trying to figure out which location of said restaurant "you" would visit? Sure did. Am I insane? You decide.
The Meet Cute
With soft breezes and low humidity, today is a most welcomed break from the harsh summer heat. Looking out your apartment window, the sun, shining high in a bright blue sky, begs you to come outside.
A low rumble escapes your tummy. Immediately your hands fly to your stomach in hopes to quiet it. To be fair, it is lunchtime, and after having trouble falling asleep last night due to anxiety of starting your new job, you slept through breakfast. Though, you muse to yourself, being that you live alone, meal times are rather arbitrary.
Itching to be outside and eat, you have little choice. You tuck your phone safely inside your back pocket, slip on a pair of comfortable shoes and head out your door, making sure to have grabbed your keys.
Still relatively new to Chicago, you use your phone to look up nearby places to eat. You're delighted to find your favorite burger chain has a location several blocks over and you place an order through their website. You keep a casual pace as you walk through the city, though you're in full work mode, making plenty of mental notes and snapshots of your surroundings. It's hard for you to believe you're here; your promotion to detective still overwhelms you in the best way possible, but being transferred to Chicago's 21st to work Intelligence, knowing their prestigious reputation and accomplishments, has you feeling like you were dreaming. 
Even though you are well qualified and were highly recommended for this position, too much thinking about it, sends your stomach in knots. You remind yourself to breathe. To stay in this moment here. Your first day is tomorrow and you don't want to damper the rest of your last free day with anxiety, especially when there's a cheeseburger with quite literally your name on it.
You step into the restaurant and although its setup is somewhat different than the one in your hometown you used to frequent, it feels familiar. Comforting, even.
A frazzled young male worker behind the counter greets you. You smile kindly and tell him you're there to pick up an online order.
He glances behind him at the one line cook flipping burgers, then back at you. His smile is apologetic "We're a little behind and don't have your order ready just yet, ma'am. You're welcome to have a seat while you wait."
You visibly cringe at "ma'am" before remembering you probably have ten, possibly more, years on the kid. "Not a problem." You flash him a grin and notice how he lets out a sigh of relief. He offers you a medium sized cup for your fountain drink. You take it, thanking him, and fill it with your favorite carbonated beverage.
Sitting at a tiny table near a window, you patiently wait for your order number to be called. You absentmindedly sip your drink while your gaze falls to outside. You see a park and decide you'll have your lunch there.
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207 notes • Posted 2021-01-12 02:58:39 GMT
Flesh Wounds & Somedays
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Flesh Wounds & Somedays
Jay Halstead/Reader
¡!Warnings: Infant abduction/kidnapping. SIDS. Violence against women. Swearing. Fluffy ending.
Still unedited, hoping to have the nice version up soon. Sorry in advance! Happy New Year's Eve, everyone! Please be safe ❤
Upon exiting the very stereotypical "mom van" you're greeted with harsh Chicago air stinging your face and it instantly makes your eyes water. You hastily blink back the tears though it's fruitless. Instead you pull the knit hat you're wearing further down your head and pull your scarf tighter. You keep the door open, huddling near the inside of the vehicle. Anything to stay warm. You scan the parking lot for any sign of your suspect. Anxiety starts setting in. It doesn't matter how long you've been doing this. The moments leading up to a confrontation always send your stomach plummeting 
"Easy now," Jay, sporting the store employee smock, whispers as he rolls a grocery cart by, indicating to your foot mindlessly tapping against the cement. Immediately you stop. You give him a small smile. He winks in response. You pretend to dig around in your purse, anything to give the impression you're distracted when in reality all your senses are in overdrive. 
Voight's voice barks your last name through your strategically placed com. "Suspect approaching from the east. You know what to do. Everyone else, stand down for now! We don't wanna spook him."
You open the back passenger door before closing the driver's. Your fingers work quickly at unfastening the baby from the seat. You then drape a blanket over the baby for protection against the cruel elements.
It's subtle, but you cannot ignore the feeling you're being watched. The reality is you are. Your whole team is looking out for you. But this is something different entirely, something sinister. You suppress a shudder. Securing the blanket once more, you hoist the baby from the carseat and hold the infant against your chest. With a push of a button, the passenger door slides shut. You fiddle with the keys, making sure the van locks before tossing them in your purse. 
You coo at the little bundle snuggled against your chest. Your steps deliberately appear hurried.
And that's when he emerges from a dark blue conversion van parked one whole row over. You spot him out of the corner of your eye and he is unmistakably walking towards you. But you stick to the plan. Your pace slows just barely, not wanting your target to sense the change. You also don't want to actually reach the store entrance and potentially bring harm to the public even with Al and Ruzek inside.
He suddenly appears in front of you, eyes frantically dart around before resting on you. He's disheveled. clothes are wrinkled and slightly stained. His greasy, unwashed black hair is plastered to his head. He smiles which unnerves you. But you return it anyway. His grin disappears. "Give me that baby. And you won't get hurt...much" He removes his right hand from his coat pocket and you notice the blade he's gripping. That's new, you think to yourself. He's growing desperate. Still, you have to get him to attempt an attack or abduction.
"No!" You pull the baby impossibly closer to you. "Leave or I'm gonna yell for help." The threat is feeble on purpose but still seems to evoke rage inside the man.
He lunges at you. His body weight sends you stumbling but you remain on your feet. He wildly pulls at your arms and at the baby, trying to break your grasp. He swings his left arm and his fist perfectly catches your eye.
"Son of a bitch!" You cry. Your foot slams onto one of his and you use that moment to headbutt him square on his chin. He lets out a primal scream before sticking the blade into your upper thigh and you can't help but yelp in pain. He tugs the baby out of your arms. The blanket drops to the ground.
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210 notes • Posted 2021-01-01 00:05:44 GMT
Like I Love You
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Jay Halstead/Plus sized Reader
Summary: Jay arrives at your apartment to pick you up for a date, but you're filled with self doubt.
¡Warnings! This potentially could be triggering. Poor body image, possible body dysmorphia, specific mentions of feelings of not being enough because of physical appearance
<Please, please lmk if I need to add any warnings.>
Loosely inspired by One Direction's Little Things
Like I Love You 
Your head throbs as hot tears of frustration continue to fall from your eyes. 
It was absolutely ridiculous to be this upset trying to pick out a decent outfit. After all, you've been successfully dressing yourself since age three.
But you don't have the mindset of a toddler. You're a jaded young woman with society's disgusting definition of beauty constantly shoved in your face. 
Deep down you know better. You know that the numbers on the scale give no indication of your beauty nor do they dictate your worth.
Sighing and trying to remind yourself that you are pretty, you again glance in the full length mirror. Standing there in nothing more than a top and underwear, fresh tears immediately fill your eyes. You only see flaws. Resisting the urge to poke at the cellulite near your thighs, you focus on your shirt. But the sleeves are cutting into your arms making them look weird. No, not weird. Fat. The too tight sleeves cause your arms to bulge. And the material clings to your soft tummy. You pinch the excess belly fat between your thumbs and index fingers, wishing you could squeeze it away.
You feel so ugly and gross. Angrily you pull the shirt off and throw it clear across your bedroom, where it joins a pair of jeans you couldn't breathe in and numerous other offending articles of clothing. None of which you look good in either.
You find an oversize t-shirt and slip it on before you just collapse on that very spot of plush carpeting.
Tears still roll down your face. All you wanted was something cute to wear. To be pretty. And go out with your boyfriend for a date night. He's a detective for the Chicago police department. The hours are already long and sometimes abnormal, but this week he, and the rest of the special unit he's a part of,  were logging extra hours on a particular difficult case. You haven't seen much of each other recently so you were especially giddy when you received his text earlier in the day saying there had been a break in the case which meant he could swing by your place and take you out on a proper date. Your reply had been almost immediate, telling him how wonderful that sounded.
You were surprised to hear from him again, still promising to take you out, but proposing you both meet up with his coworkers after dinner for some drinks. He included "begging" and "puppy dog eyes" in the message. 
Though you wanted to, you couldn't exactly say no for several reasons. You had already agreed to the date, so he knew you were free. Part of you suspected that he had done it on purpose. You'd accuse your favorite detective of entrapment later. 
You also were fully aware how much Jay wanted to introduce you to the coworkers he considered friends, having been invited to go out with them several times before. You kept putting it off.
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215 notes • Posted 2021-02-11 21:50:27 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
Drink mixing with the tracks - Pt 2
Emilia Clarke x Male Reader
Request - And a sequel to drink mixing with the tracks Emilia Clarke imagine where it’s the final season of GOT and Emilia is pregnant please
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You just arrived home from being on tour. You have been away for a while and you are happy to be home. You look for Emilia and you find her crying in the bedroom.
”Emilia, what's wrong?”
You asked and sat next to her on the bed, you grabbed her hands. You wiped her was away
”Y/N, so happy you are home,” Emilia said.
She kissed you and hugged you.
”Babe, what happened,” You said.
”The show will end, I'm sad about that. But I knew eventually it was going to end, I'm ready to start new projects. How was the tour?” Emilia said.
She smiled.
” I can't believe the show will end. So you tell me what happens Dany? The tour was fine at first but we need a new drummer and bass guitar player, bastards ditched us in the middle of the tour” You said.
”Sorry about that, Love. Y/N there's something I want to tell you, but I didn't want to you over the phone” Emilia said.
”What is it?” You asked.
”Follow me, love” Emilia said.
You followed Emilia to the kitchen. Emilia loves to bake, she showed you, baby boy and girl cookies in different styles. You grabbed a cookie and ate it.
”Y/N, I'm pregnant” Emilia yelled with joy.
You start to choke on the cookie and she starts to pat your back. She gave you milk to drink and you're breathing hard.
”You are having a baby!?!?!?!?!” You yelled in shock.
”Yes!!” Emilia yelled back.
You hugged Emilia and she kissed you hard.
”We are going to have a baby,” You said softly.
”Yeah, we are going to have a baby,” Emilia said and smiled.
Your family and her family now know she is pregnant, everyone is happy about it.
✬ ✯ ✫ ✯
You couldn't sleep because you are feeling extremely happy that Emilia is pregnant. She is still sleeping and you quietly get out of bed. You walked to the basement to your music room. You grabbed the guitar and started to play. You take out your notebook and you started to lyrics, you start to sing but not too loud.
Emilia woke up and she noticed you're not in bed.
”Y/N?” Emilia said.
She can hear you singing, she gets out of bed and goes towards the basement. She watched you sing and you noticed her.
”Hope I didn't wake you up?” You said.
”Kinda but I'm not mad. Working on a song?” Emilia said.
”Yeah, but I'm kinda stuck. Remember before we made it, we would write songs in your cramped bedroom” You said.
She smiled and she starts to remember.
”Good times, Y/N. But I don't miss hiding from the landlord because we missed rent many times” Emilia said.
You and nod.
”Want to write a song with me?” You asked.
”Yes,” Emilia said.
She sits next to you and you show her what you have been working.
The past few weeks, Emilia has been having strange cravings. You get up in the middle of the night, to get what she wants. Her stomach is getting a little bit, sometimes you would talk to the baby with Emilia.
Today, you and Emilia go shopping got baby furniture. Anything is cute, you and Emilia would get it.
After a while shopping, you and Emilia go to a small restaurant to eat and rest. You and Emilia start to make a list of baby names.
Later, at home, you and Emilia start to work on the songs again. You and Emilia agreed to do an ep together, all night you and Emilia started to record the songs.
✬ ✯ ✫ ✯
Emilia’s stomach has been getting a little bigger. Her emotions go up and down, you and Emilia do argue but those are small arguments. You do wake up in the middle of the night when she has cravings, latest she wanted tacos and peanut butter. You and Emilia did release the ep album.
”Y/N, look we are getting good reviews on the album,” Emilia said, using her phone.
You are on the couch and she lies her head on your chest. So far the reviews are good, Emilia can't stop smiling.
”I had fun making the album with you,” You said.
She smiled and kissed your cheek.
”Me too, Y/N,” Emilia said.
You went to surprise Emilia at work. She has been crying all day, it's her last day on set, she hugged everyone then you hugged her.
”How are you feeling?” You asked.
”I have been crying all day. I told them I'm pregnant and they are happy for us” Emilia said.
You wipe her tears away and you kissed her forehead. You stayed on set for a little while and talked to her co-workers. Later, you and Emilia went out to celebrate with everyone.
✬ ✯ ✫ ✯
Emilia gave birth to a baby girl. You and Emilia are sleeping at 3:25 AM, your daughter starts to cry. You wake up and Emilia also starts to wake up.
”Go back to sleep, I will check on her” You yawned.
”Okay, Y/N,” Emilia said.
You yawned again, you get out of bed and went towards the baby room. You turned on the light and she is still crying, you picked her up and gently rub her back.
”You must be hungry,” You said.
She stopped crying and you go to the kitchen, to make a bottle. You start to feed her and you smiled at her.
”You definitely have her eyes,” You said to your daughter.
Emilia has always been close with Jason Momoa even when he wasn't on the show. He came by to visit you and Emilia, he even got bags of baby gifts. She lets, Jason hold her daughter and he tries to make her smile. He couldn't stay long he gave a big hug to you and Emilia, she was very happy to see him.
”How did you sleep?” Emilia asked.
”I slept a little bit. She cried again but I had to change her diaper then she slept all night. How are you feeling?” You said.
”Tired. I was happy to see him, I have missed him. Would you cook for me?” Emilia said.
You kissed her cheek.
”Of course, just tell me what you want,” You said.
Emilia is holding the baby and she told you what she wants to eat. Later, during the day you and Emilia started to decorate the Christmas tree. She always enjoys decorating the tree and the house for Christmas.
You and Emilia go to the Game of Thrones cast party, which the company is having. You and Emilia pose for the cameras and she answered a few questions. Emilia is happy to see everyone at the party
”Having fun?” Emilia said.
You nod.
”The food isn't bad plus it's a free bar. What about you? I know you have been feeling insecure” You said.
You hold her hand.
”You helping me, it means a lot to me. Y/N, I got the role for Last Christmas” Emilia said.
You and Emilia smiled and kissed each other.
”I’m so happy for you!” You said and kissed her again.
”Y/N, thank you for encouraging me to take the role when I thought to navigate of myself,” Emilia said.
”You are just an amazing person, babe,” You said.
”Let’s dance,” Emilia said.
”Okay, babe,” You said.
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years
Challenger Anon back with the challenge:
if a live action was ever made, which actors/actresses are handsome/beautiful enough to best pull off our Magic Knight Captains?
(I didn’t mean to cause a panic about it being a challenge though, I was just trying to make it sound funny. sorry🥲 @bowandcurtsey @thoughtfullyrainynightmare )
OHHHHHH. (´͈  ᵕ `͈ )HAHA! This is quite the cute challenge, but are we basing off hollywood actors / actresses? Okay I have to say I'm not very good with actors because I don't remember their names. LOL
Lemme see:
Yami Sukehiro - Dwayne Johnson Well, need I say more? But Dwayne Johnson would need a wig. HAHA (also I wanted to put Jason momoa but Dwayne's bigger so I think it portrays Yami better)
William Vangeance - Leonardo Dicarprio (young version) Doesn't he give off the william vibes when he was in titanic?
Nozel Silva - Keanu Reeves. I meannnn he's also a beautiful man with a few words. Also just imagine Keanu with a braid in front of his face.
Fuegoleon Vermillion - Chris Hemsworth (with his long hair) Because they are both B E A U T I F U L
Jack The Ripper - Johnny Depp (with heels) Cause Jack's too tall. But I feel Johnny Deep would portray this quirky and fun character well.
Rill boismortier - Tom Holland!! This is the first character that came to my mind when I saw this challenge!! EEK haha I mean they are exactly the same? COOTIES LIL POTATOIES .
Charlotte Roselei - Elizabeth Olsen Cause she's pretty and hot as hell at the same time hahaha!
Dorothy Unsworth - Margo Robbie Because thinking of her playing Harley quinn HAS ME SOLD.
Kaiser Granvorka - Jack Black It took me quite some time to decide on this one but, yeah they both give me the cute fatherly vibes LOL + the beard is so similar HAHA
Meoreoleona : MEGAN FOX Hot & Badass.
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imrandymeeks · 4 years
jesus, i see that the Snyder Cut of Justice League is available now from HBO... I'll admit I just want someone else to tell me if it's worth reactivating my HBO for it. I wanted to watch the movie when it came out (esp all the cute guys and Gal Gadot!) but... i got cringey cold feet. And I'm the guy who said thanks to you for the Supes/ HoloDad convo that was worth more than the movie itself. so.... i think I'm looking for justification to paw over Henry Cavill again?
I watched it and I, just, ugh, I mean, kudos to anyone who can vibe with this four hour monstrosity, but good god.
It looks better now, color grading is better and pacing is better, which is to say, it’s more coherent. Which in turn is to say it’s mostly the same muted ominous palette with occasional bursts of Amazon armor or Cyborg’s glowing LEDs, and a snappy energetic pace of a Bela Tarr movie about farmers in the 19th century slowly starving to death.
Overall, it’s kinda maybe an improvement over the theatrical cut, but mostly it’s a lateral move. Like, if you’re not particularly into DC film universe, Zack Snyder, filmmaking snafus, or Hollywood behind the scenes drama, you probably won’t be super entertained by a four hour epic with a story on par with the first Suicide Squad. Or maybe you will be. What do I know.
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Like, something is fundamentally fucked up with your movie if you need four hours to tell its pretty simple, formulaic story in a coherent way.
Things are wrong on a deeper level, be it misunderstanding of your own story, or misplaced ambitions, or the fact that this particular universe is simply not prepared to handle a team-up movie. Because see, if you have successfully established your characters in prior films, you can just do quick reintroductions for new people in the audience and move on to fun stuff (see: Avengers). And DC universe technically has prior films, but Justice League wastes like half of its runtime reestablishing who’s who, giving everyone full-fledged scenes, and those, while kinda all revolving around the same setup of a world without Superman, those don’t really connect all that well.
Also there are bits of backstory and such, and those are given the same weight as everything else, like, imagine watching The Fellowship of the Ring and not being able to tell if it’s a Frodo story or an Isildur story because they get the same runtime and attention. And everything has one monotonously foreboding pace and tone (again, imagine that Mordor and Shire hit the same). The death of Superman awakens the mother boxes (actual good scene! also ridiculously over the top! but in a good way!). The Icelandic women watch Jason Momoa take his shirt off and burst into a dirge. Men in funny hats talk in gravely tones to Connie Nielsen in a funny hat. It’s all grim.
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It’s kinda wild, really, the individual parts, but it would be cool if those were a tad betted stitched together. You end up watching a bunch of long, ponderous scenes which kinda make sense on their own, and are kinda all parts of this story, but don’t flow into one another whatsoever. For two hours. It’s kinda this movie’s first act.
(There are also super-nitpicky moments like Ma Kent and Lois sandwiched between Batman failing to recruit Aquaman and a Wonder Woman action scene. Like, I can see Martha and Lois mourning bits happening earlier right after Clark’s death, and then things kicking up a notch, Batman going on a mission, moving from Aquaman to another future member of JL pretty smoothly. Instead we go to Iceland, then watch Martha and her U-Haul being sad, then have a little Nick Cave as a treat in a Lois scene, and only then cut to Diana. Why. What kinda emotional trajectory is this bullshit.) 
And without a clear story or drama momentum propelling the whole thing forward, well, it’s kind of a slog. And some scenes are just gratuitous and should have been cut entirely, like Barry Allen’s introduction featuring what I can only describe as a Lindsay Ellis reference.
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Cyborg is more front and center this time, and while I actually liked him a lot in the theatrical cut, I kinda feel like expanding on his backstory does him a disservice maybe? Like, the backstory is textbook level superhero backstory 101. And it takes forever, like everything in this version. I dunno.
Everyone else is pretty much exactly where they were in the theater version. Steppenwolf gets a bit more motivation and backstory, but still is Steppenwolf. I’m not sure if he was the problem really. The team not feeling like a team coming together despite all odds was, and it still doesn’t feel like a team coming together despite all odds. We fixed the problem that wasn’t there, great.
Superman’s resurrection makes more sense now, because it looks like the theatrical version was not entirely reshot, but more like carved from whatever footage there was. So now the mother box on top of a cop car is justified better, Superman flying over his monument flows way more naturally, but what precedes it is the interminable scene of JL members arguing the logistics of resurrection, the Flash running, Cyborg doing sciency stuff, and it’s, like, I see why it’s there, but it shouldn’t be there. I see why it was cut, but also everything after it is tied directly into it, sooooo. It’s a mess.
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And Superman’s freakout is still not the most sense-making thing in the world. And collateral damage is higher this time I think? Which, great, didn’t have enough of that. Lois is there again being a sexy lamp tenuously tethering Superman to humanity.
(Those de-mustached scenes in the theatrical cut with Superman shot on a phone and cops fighting parademons themselves after Clark’s demise? Those were good scenes. They provided much needed context of Superman’s relation to mankind. Here we’re back to Lois shouldering that whole thing alone.)
Then the gang goes to fight a bunch of ZBrush CGI stuff in Russia or whatever, the end.
Look, it’s still basically the same movie you saw in theaters. It’s improved visually, if you’re into that Snyder doing his best Nolan impression style of prior DC movies, and it has fewer leaps of logic which came from tightening the whole thing, and there are some extra new bits here and there, but overall it’s the same story. Only longer. So, so much longer.
And it has an epilogue now, and it’s the worst.
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autisticzukka · 4 years
I just watched Aquaman and tried to figure out which atla character would fit into which aquaman character...
I guess
Mera needs to be Katara and I'd like Sokka to be Aquaman, but I don't like it because of the romance between Arthur and Mera. So maybe Aang could be Aquaman (both bridges between worlds - that could work)...
I didn’t watch Aquaman. The beginning and end of my thoughts on it are like, awoogah noise over Jason Momoa. thanks @klabautermanns for yellin a lil bit with me even though i
( thanks @klabautermanns​ for yellin a lil bit with me and i cordially invite you to yell on here as well)
Sokka: Rogue. cute gay lil gloves and shes my comfort character, thats the justification. also... can you imagine... sokka... not being able to touch anyone? that scene with suki where they almost kiss but he has to pull back because he doesn’t want to hurt her? the way yue could map onto rogues origin of accidentally coma-ing his crush? YUE COMING BACK AS A MUTANT EVENTUALLY BUT HIM STILL BEING TOO AFRAID TO TOUCH HER LEAVE ME ALOOONE GOD
Azula & Zuko: Wanda and Pietro.
Ozai: a new character, evil scientist who runs around trying to turn children into stronger mutants to build an army for Reasons. it’s xmen, he doesnt need more of a justification than Reasons. smth smth always jealous of his brother Iroh, who is charles xavier. maybe he’s a US senator.
Hama: Magneto. #TheyDidNothingWrong #SheShowedGirlPower!!!
Aang: Kurt. catholic erasure obviously. but he’s still kurt
Katara: Kitty Pride, vaguely. but also Sokka’s sister. when he ran away she followed him, and then she forced them both to enroll in school.
Jeong Jeong: Wolverine. courtesy of @vietzuko‘s big brain in the discord
Jet: Lance.
the brotherhood of evil now includes Mai & Ty Lee (azula’s exhausted emotional support squad, their childhood playmates who were also experimented on and escaped with them) and all of Jet’s Freedom Fighters. They came to Hama for love of the movement, basically.
Azula and Zuko are nominally in charge, but a lot of that is for Azula’s benefit rather than because everyone does what they say or agrees with them. growing up, ozai turned them on each other a lot, and the types of abuse they experienced were similar but different. Zuko particularly has a tendency to implode and react with defensive techniques (invisibility, calming, sending ppl to sleep, running away faster than light), while Azula tends to explode. Before Ozai realized he couldn’t control Azula and started to get nervous of her, he’d have them fight each other a lot :/ very gamora nebula tbh.
toph is one of the sewer kids, maybe. suki is a nonmutant who is inspired by the fictional figure batman and her ancestor, a mythically powerful mutant named Kyoshi who created an island and taught women how to protect themselves.
mystique is june, because they’re both hot. she is NOT aang’s mother.
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