#Jason Momoa fluff
funnyexel · 2 years
Til’ Sea Do Us Part
Arthur Curry (Aquaman) x Black Female Reader
Summary: After being in a complicated fling with Arthur, you take a much needed vacation to clear your head. But when your vacation uncovers an unexpected surprise, what will you do once confronted?
Warning(s): L Bombs, Hair pulling, Smut, Degrading, Praise
Word Count: 4.7k
Grabbing a shirt from the big pile of clothes on your bed, you fold it up and place it in your suitcase. Packing had to be the worst part of going on any vacation, your room would always be left in a total wreck afterwards.
“Knock knock.”
You sigh, already knowing who would have the nerve to knock on your door and actually say the words 'knock, knock'.
You say, knowing who was at your door before you ever opened it because there’s only one person who knocks like that.
“Am I disturbing you.” He pushes past you and goes to your kitchen.
“Actually, yes. You are.” He rolls his shoulders as he cracks a beer he got from your fridge.
“Too bad. What are you doing anyway.” He leans over, seeing the tornado in your room. Going in it, he immediately sees the suitcase.
“You’re leaving?” A serious statement finally leaves his mouth.
“Yeah?” You go back to folding and packing.
“Where are you going.”
He crosses his arms, demanding a response.
“Wow. You never listen to me.” You huff, being more aggressive with your clothes.
“What do you mean. Yeah I do, all the time unfortunately.” You roll your eyes, walking up to him and his arms relax at his sides.
“If you did you would know where I am going.” You shove a pair of pants into his chest, pointing to your dresser.
“Third drawer.”
“Don’t do this to me now. It had to be a while ago.”
He chugs his beer and quickly throws it away. Well to be fair, you did tell him around a month and a half ago so it has been a minute.
“A cruise. I’m going away on a cruise, Arthur.”
Done with the outfits you start packing panties and bras.
“Yeah, with your best friend. See, I do listen.” You chuckle in the slightest.
“Whatever you say.”
You take a few from your drawer and place them in two piles.
“Woah! What are you planning to do with those panties?” He points to a dark green lace panties you have in your hands.
“I’m a grown woman, Arthur.” He shakes his head and snatches your underwear.
“I’m gonna need you to keep it pg on this cruise.” He says stretching his arm up so its impossible for you to reach your underwear.
“Stop being a child and give me that.” You hold out your hand and he stares down at you not letting up.
“Come on! I don’t have time to play around, the boat is leaving this evening.”
You reach up, putting your hand on his shoulder, “Please,” You plead, he sighs and finally hands it to you.
Zipping up your suitcase, you roll it in the hallway by the front door. You shove him out your room, “Aria will literally kill me if I’m late.”
“It won’t be the end of the world.” He tries to persuade you to let him stay but you are relentless.
“No. But it will be the end of our vacation.” He turns to you in your doorway, towering over you.
“A moment can’t hurt…come on.”
He leans down mere centimeters from your lips. Temptation calls out to you, just one moment won’t hurt. You put your lips against his. A peck is all that could be managed with how fast you pulled away.
“Arthur, I can’t do this.” You keep your distance with your hand on his chest.
“What do you mean? Its a kiss.” He bites his lip, thinking about that teasing peck.
“A kiss that turns into touching, that turns into sex, that turns into you…not wanting a relationship after you rocked my world the night before,” You see the guilt in his eye,
“We tried that whole thing and it didn’t work. I know what I want and I’m not settling for less.” He runs his fingers through his hair.
“I rocked your world, huh?” He smugly says, but the unamused look on your face says that this isn’t the time to joke.
“Bottom line is, you’re not ready for commitment.” You take a deep breath, slowly closing the door on him.
“So I’m going to pack matching lace sets, short dresses and swimsuits that shouldn’t be labeled as such because I’m not casual sex, I am a person that deserves to be valued and not seen as a personal fuck toy.”
You closed the door on him, not letting him issue a response. It needs to sink in for him. You met up with Aria and got on the cruise, as soon as you both got your bags sent to your room you changed into swimsuits and lounged on the top deck by the pool.
“and I told him, I’m not casual sex, I deserve to be valued as a woman.” You tell her, taking a sip of your margarita.
“I know thats right. It was long overdue. You let him get away with too much shit.”
You take out the straw and down the drink, sighing.
“He fucks so good.” She laughs at your blunt words.
“And he can be sweet from time to time. He checks off all the boxes and I mean all.”
She opens her mouth to ask you further questions but ultimately takes you word for it. Continuing to listen you ramble on.
“He just can’t commit. Its always something and its always me!” A worker picks up your empty glass and asks if you want another.
“Pina colada with extra vodka please.” They nod to you.
“Darling, that’s just men. There’s always something wrong when you find the “perfect” guy. Whether that be snoring or in-laws. Sometimes I wonder if life was easier when we were dating women.”
She puts on her shades.
“For now lets tan or get darker in our case and we’ll continue this conversation in the room. I can feel the conservative stares.”
You chuckle at her and smile closing your eyes.A few days in and your battling a crazy hangover. You were in the Bahamas for two days, Aria had family there so she spent time with them while you recovered. You got food and everything but you stayed in the room.
“When you see him after the cruise, tell him how you feel and if he isn’t honest with you then forget him for wasting your time.”
Her words repeated in your head, thats one thing you could depend on her for. Telling you what you needed to hear, no matter how much you hated it. Looking out on the balcony from the comfort of your bed, the sun was long gone and the moon shined on the ocean. You contemplated going out to the deck party but you didn’t want to push your luck, you were convinced you were one shot away from throwing up if you didn’t recover properly.
“I guess drinking my problems away only does so much.” You smack your pillow over your face.
A banging was irritating you and the tv wasn’t doing enough. Getting out the bed you drink some water from the fridge and the banging continues, at this point it wasn’t in your head. Looking around, you figured that it was coming from the balcony door. Opening the locked door, you’re immediately backed into the room.
“I can handle those little outfits you wear but body shots is where I draw the line.” He says as he locks the door behind him.
“How did you get here?” You ask, jaw dropped.
“And you saw my story?” He looks at you from head to toe and shifts his stance.
“Of course I saw it. Me and 600 other people.” You nod.
“Why are you here? Did you get so horny, you had to track me down?” You cross your arms over your chest.
“No, don’t be ridiculous. Thats not the reason I came. I came because-“
“-Let me stop you right there. You came all this way somehow. Cut to the chase.” You tell him sternly with your finger placed against his lips, having a strong feeling he was on the verge of ranting.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks, not making any moves yet.
“No, you cannot.”
Who were you kidding of course you wanted to kiss him, honestly kissing barely touched the surface of what you wanted him to do to you.
“I understand. My life was a mess the week you were away. I found out I was a potential royal air to Atlantis, my half brother reeked havoc on the surface, tried to kill me in a duel, I found my mom, became king and I had a few near death experiences on the way.”
That is hard to follow up. Staring at him, your jaw slightly drops to his summary.
“This all happened in a week?” You exclaim in clear bewilderment. Processing everything he said to you, you smile to him.
“You found your mom.”
He smirks, you know how much it means to him to finally be with his mom. He always talked about how he wanted to at least have a conversation with her, he wanted her to see his growth and now he finally has that.
“So you’re a king?” He hums to your question, “Hopefully they know what they’re in for,” He nudges you, chuckling at your remark. Noticing how close you are to him, your breathing slows.
“I thought about what you said and is that really what you think? I see you as a sex toy?” You take a steady step back, your mind sways in distaste at those words leaving his mouth.
“You can reassure me all you want but your actions say so much.”
The eye contact was intense, he was looking for a lie something that told him you were lying but there was nothing. You were telling the truth. At this he practically collapsed on the bed, his hands stabilizing himself on his knees.
“Y/n, I don’t know what to say. What can I say?” He laughs sarcastically to himself.
“I don’t see you as a sex toy. I never did. Ever. I just…I have issues and I know you deserve way better than what I have to give you. But I want you. I always did, still do and I tried to stop, move on but that didn’t work.”
He says pouring out his truth to you. You know exactly what he’s talking about. That long night you two shared together, he lost his restraint? Pushing his hair back, he watches as your face goes through so much realization at once.
“I can work on my commitment issues. I can grow, I can mature. I will do whatever I possibly can to be a fraction of the man you need.”
You’ve never heard him speak about his feelings and issues so much. When you tried he would always change the subject but he was facing it head on. Whatever he’s been through definitely changed him for the better.
His name lingers on your lips as you move closer, standing directly in front of him. Doing your best to hold back tears, you take a breath.
“I-I…” The words couldn’t manifest on your tongue as you burst into tears. Wiping the tears away, you see him staring at you and embarrassment fills your whole being.
“I’m sorry. I need a moment.” You go to the bathroom in a rush.
Looking in the mirror, you shake your head. Crying in front of him had to be a new low. In the two years, you’ve cried over the whole mess of a relationship you both had, if you can even call it that, but you never cried in front of him. At all. He sat in shock. What did he say? Did he say the wrong things? His mother told him to speak from the heart and thats what he did. The whole thing is so overwhelming. When you saw him, you were determined to break things off but now you can’t bring yourself to do it. As corny as it might sound, it would feel like a piece of you was taken if you were to do it. Pulling yourself together, you grab a tissue, open the door and there he was ready to knock.
“I’m at a lost for words,” You sniffle, blowing your nose, “I was holding onto this for two years, just to hear you say that as I was ready to break this off.” He backs up as you get out the bathroom. His face visually drained, the optimism he had before now disappeared.
“Do you mean it?” You hiccup and he perks up, “I don’t want you saying all this to get in my pants.” You point to him and he puts his hands up, shaking his head.
“I mean it. I do. Sex didn’t even cross my mind.” You grace him with a small smile, complimented with puff eyes and tear stains.
Slowly he cups your cheeks, wiping your face with his thumbs. Leaning into you, he kisses the top of your head and hugs you. Rapping your arms under his arms, he holds you tightly and close to his chest. Stroking your head.
“I’m so glad you’re safe.” He mutters into your bonnet. The embrace was loving as if he was deathly afraid of losing you.
“I don’t want you to keep crying so let's stop talking about feelings for now.” You chuckle into his chest, looking up to him.
“I agree.”
You both figured things out yet tension was still in the air. Jealousy was somehow in the air. Shifting his head down, he kisses you. It’s no mediocre or shy kiss it was demanding and wanting. He was fully in the moment and so were you. Moving your arms up, you hooked them around his neck and he moved his down to your waist. Forcing his tongue in your mouth, he takes a breath through his nose. Drinking you in, squeezing your waist to make sure this moment is real. He went through so much just to recognize a great woman like you and understand not to let you go. This is the perfect moment. The moment for him to prove himself to you in this new relationship. Breaking away from the kiss, you hum as you lean your head back.
His kisses trail down your neck. Erratic patterns all over it, with the way he’s moving you know the hickeys will be more than visible even with your melanin skin. His touch is burning on your cold skin, you’re convinced steam is radiating off you with every touch and kiss.
“mm, arthur.”
You breathe out, sigh of relief leaving your lips as your shorts slide down your legs. He stops briefly, making sure you want this. Looking down to you, tenderness is seen in his eyes.
“touch me arthur.” You strip your skimpy shirt, revealing the matching set he was teasing you about.
“Keep talking to me like that and you might not like what I do.” He smiles, gripping you by the thighs and dumping you on the bed.
“This is your favorite color isn’t it?” You tempt him, the green lace on your body the physical representation of temptation.
The amount of wetness piling up in your underwear clearly amusing and exciting him as you hear a grunt rumble from his chest. Eyeing your body with a burning flame and pouncing on you, crawling on top of you. The bikini line that shows under your bra, your brown skin turning a shade darker from the sun, your tired hungover gaze and your curves. The dips on either side of your hips, the little chub on your stomach thats perfectly proportionate to your thighs and your soft shiny skin.
He notices everything, the inside of your thighs were calling to him, blinding him with the sparkly trail of wetness that left your cunt, your cute aching cunt. He shouldn’t be rewarding you, he thought, he should be punishing you for leaving him with a painful boner every time he saw you. But punishing is for another day, tonight is all about making everything up to you. Goodness are you attractive, your beauty alone makes him forget about every problem, every responsibility he has. All he thinks about is you when you’re in his view. He ran his hands over your body, soft touches from your knees to the inside of your thighs to tight squeezes at the sides of your stomach to light rubbing on your arms.
Reaching behind your back, he unclips your bra taking a good look at your breasts as he throws the clothing to the side. His hands cup your chest and you roll your eyes, slapping your hands on top of his to ensure he doesn’t move them. A cocky smirk plays at his lips as he leans down into your ear.
“tell me what you want,” he breaths lowly against your cheek, a moan falling from your lips as his knee nudges your clit.
“I want you to fuck me. Fuck me into the sheets. Please, please, pretty please.”
Your desperation meets no ends as you immediately beg him, you’ve experienced his strokes before, you know what you’re in for and thats what makes this even more of a tease.
"I guess I should give you what you want. Since you asked so nicely.”
You nod repeatedly as finger plays with the hem of your underwear. Yanking them down your legs, you kick them down, flinging them off them bed. You make things too easy for him, who needs foreplay when you’re so wet. Pushing a finger in your tight hole, its goes in without a problem. Unbuckling his pants, he takes them off and pushes them to the floor. Cock on full display for you, rubbing his soaked finger on the head of his dick, his breath shuddered. Pumping his dick a few times, he makes sure he’s his hardest for you before lining up with your hole.
You tap your stomach in anticipation, waiting patiently to be filled up with his big cock. Pushing through your squeezing he groans, halfway through he stops to take a few deep breaths.
“I missed your hole.” He grunts lowly, sounding pussy drunk when not even his tip is inside.
“Your pretty little pussy.”
His hand reaches down rubbing your clit as he hastily bullies his way inside your gummy walls. Your toes curl at the stretch and you feel the coil in your tummy winding up with each moment he's inside you.
“no one...m'..can fuck- fuck me like you.”
You gasp as he leans down, moving out of you and pushing in, he smirks. You’ve been craving this even if you never wanted to admit it out loud, you were singing like a canary for him and he couldn’t have loved it more.
“miss me, baby?” His hips pulled back and snapped forward, finally finding a sinful stroke.
He was knocking into you like he didn’t travel thousands of miles to see you on this boat. Speaking of, the rough currents of the deepest waters couldn’t touch the way he thirstily thrusted into you. The hangover will be the least of your worries later. Tightening your legs around his waist, your nails move across his back, threatening to break the skin barrier, shortened moans leaving your lips as wind is knocked out of your lungs with every move of his hips. He was determined to fuck that bonnet off your head so he can pull on your braids, making you tell him you love him, he knows you do. Why would you put so much effort into a person and relationship if you didn’t, but he was executing this step by step.
“w-wow.. A-arthur.” Your core was twisting and churning, your fingers could not match up to the climax you’re about to get from this man. His words are now registering to you.
“I did…m-miss you. Oh fuck. Yes! I did.” You whine in his arms, his hand tries pushing your legs down, all you can do is smile as he looks you in the eyes. Trapping him in a tight hold, your cunt soaks his dick, his tip curving and scraping the top of your g spot. Your nails scratched down his entire back as you came down from your high, moaning.
Prying your legs off him, he sits up, resting them on his shoulders. All the while watching as your face twists up from the sensitivity, the skin slapping matched with his balls hitting your ass over and over makes you want to stay on this boat forever.
“You’re so tight. Loosen up a little.” He asks as his movements slow down, he knows you’re doing it on purpose now.
“I don’t want to hurt you.” He says referring to him getting lost in you, shaking your head you grab his hand and interlock your fingers.
“its okay…” You smile to him and your hooded eyes gave away how dick drunk you are but if you say you’re okay then you’re okay. Keeping the slow pace, he pounds into you. The position mocked missionary and your soul honestly can’t take anymore of him staring into you with his piercing eyes. His other hand made its way to your head as he flipped you into another position, pulling off your bonnet and he holds onto your braids.
“Arthur!” You wince, head being pulled back and your back forced to arch, he had you on all fours. Right where he wanted you.
“do you have to be…this rough?” You whine and grunt as he holds your braids tighter. He’s considerate of where to pull your hair, so he doesn’t yank out your braids.
“What makes you think you don’t deserve it? I could do much worse. If you want that.” He says to you in between pants, his voice hitting a dangerous low in your ear. The promising opportunity leaving a smirk on your lips. Hitting your high once again, your body tingles all over, it felt like butterflies but more intense. Its confusing, isn’t it a tad bit too late for butterflies at this rate? he’s literally inside you.
“Tell me something.” He gathers your attention, pulling you completely out of your bliss and thoughts as his pace reaches a halt.
“And don’t lie to me.” He speaks deeply into your right ear, a message only meant for you to hear as his hand goes down and cups your mound.
“Do you love me?”
You bite your tongue, wincing at the pain. Out of all the things he could say…he said that.
“Is now really the time-“ You turn your head to the side, able to see him out the corner of your eye.
“Yes. Now is the time.” His expression is neutral, no joking or anything of the sorts, he is 100% looking for a truthful answer. You sigh.
“I do love you.”
The silence consumed the both of you as you stood on the bed in fucking position. Was that the answer he’s looking for?
“Say it again.”
He demands, rubbing on your clit as he grips your hair tightly.
“I love you.”
You bite back moaning the words, your fingers tangling in the sheets more and more.
Your legs cross at the ankles as you forcefully squeeze him in you, his fingers on your clit isn’t nearly enough.
“I love you, Arthur.” You exclaim, swallowing heavily and he shifts forward, his beard tickling your shoulder and cheek.
“I love you too.” He says in your ear, a smirk painted on his lips, as he kisses your cheek, neck and shoulder. Taking in a deep breath, you grin.
⋆﹥━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ﹤⋆
Breathing in and out, you sniffle at the hair that went up your nostril. Moving the hair out your face, you shift on the pillow, basically hiding your face in it. Nothing registered for you yet, for all you care its a regular morning in bed. A slight chill on your neck causes you to shrug and blink your eyes open, turning over your eyes focus on the surroundings.
“Look who’s finally awake.” She says in an sarcastic tone, looking up from scrolling on her phone.
“when did you get back?” You ask in a whisper, your throat sore as hell.
“Last night, although I had to take a detour because of all the ruckus you were making in here.”
She was definitely waiting for you to wake up to tease you. Letting out a short embarrassed giggle, you wave her off.
“you sound like an old lady.” She chuckles at your comment and sighs.
“could you pass me a shirt, I’m pretty naked.” Aria throws a shirt at your head, slipping it on, you sit up and look next to you. Arthur is passed out cold with a raging case of bedhead, the sight is one to be photographed and framed. Stretching and rolling your shoulders, you blink slowly as if your brain is still mush.
“Never thought I’d see the day where an underwear would be flung on my bed.”
You laugh, holding your stomach as she points to the panties she placed on the table in-between both beds.
“So thats where I kicked it.” Getting out the bed, you grab the underwear and put it with your dirty stuff, putting on new undies.
“What time is it?” You ask, picking up the clothes on the floor, folding his up nicely and placing them on the foot of the bed.
“11:42” You nod, stifling a yawn as you scratch your head.
“What on earth did you do to him?”
She utters, genuinely concerned as she stands over him, eyeing the visible hickeys, bites and marks all over him.
“Someone was hungry.”
“Do you ever get tired of teasing me.”
You ask, half rhetorical and half serious. Lifting up to stretch your stiff limbs as you watch her movements.
“Nope, you know what else I never get tired of?”
“Wine.” Your tired voice mixed with her joyous voice in a harmonious yet comedic way.
“So if you’ll excuse me, I have a wine tasting to get to.”
She grabs her purse and waves you off as she leaves the room. A sharp pain hits you in your bladder and you run to the bathroom. As you use the toilet, the pain leaves your stomach and you go back into the room.
“Good morning.” His raspy morning voice just makes you want to crawl under his skin.
“Good morning.” You shoot him a warm smile as he motions you to come closer. Standing by the bed, he reaches up and traces your jawline, rubbing your chin with his finger tips.
Pulling you down to his level to kiss you tenderly, a low moan leaving your lips, his hand moving up underneath your shirt to squeeze your hip.
“How are you feeling?” He breaks the kiss, sits up and off the bed in his boxers.
“I’m good, my stomach is hurting a bit but I’ll live.”
“Where is it hurting?” He helps you lift up your shirt and watches as you point to the area below your belly button.
“Somewhere here.” You grunt softly, accidentally touching the sore spot.
You shake your head.
You see what he’s doing, one hand trying to point out the problem and the other caressing your back, making its way to your butt.
He stares at your stomach, glancing at you for a moment, making you chuckle and utter a no. Your eyes go wide as he gropes your ass, playfully grabbing his wrist, you shake your head.
“You’re not slick.” You chuckle with him.
“Relax, I’m trying to assess your situation, so be a good patient and stay still.” He cackles mid sentence and finds his composure.
“The whore is jumping out, Arthur.” He bursts out laughing as you reach up to fix his hair, pulling down your shirt, you put on your shorts and point to his clothes.
“Let’s get some breakfast, I’m hungry.”
You tell him as your stomach rumbles. Putting on his clothes from last night, he turns to you as he messes with his hair.
“I’ll have to leave soon.” He warns you and you nod.
“Time is money then.” You grin, grabbing your phone and walking to the door with him close behind, before you open the door he spins you around.
“I love you.”
He gives you a kiss on the cheek and one on your lips.
“I love you too.”
You kiss him back several times as if you weren’t sure the others were up to par.
“Alright now we can go.” He says while opening the door for you and putting on some shades.
“Is that mine?” You ask as you walk through the hallway to the elevators, fingers interlocked.
writing list
802 notes · View notes
morgandr · 2 months
Having a beautiful and adventurous life with your husband Jason.
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(Jason Momoa X Reader)
16 notes · View notes
caramelcleopatraa · 9 months
happy holidays lovelies 🫶🏾
i know i haven’t been posting as much as i should be, i’m so sorry about that 😭 i’ve just been taking some time to chill and relax. buuuut that doesn’t mean that i’m slacking! like i always say, i do be posting on @/fentyromxn on tiktok. here is a list of the things that are currently in the works right now <3
- SUIT & TIE PT.2 & PT.3
- Suguru Geto fluff imagine
- Pole dancer!Reader x Roman Reigns Smut
- Jason Momoa imagine ( haven’t decided if it was going to be smut or fluff )
- Baki Hanma imagine ( haven’t decided if it was going to be smut or fluff )
i’m not gonna promise that they’ll be out tomorrow but after i post this, i’m going straight to work! thank you all so much for enjoying these pieces that i’ve been writing 🫶🏾
~ your hippie author
30 notes · View notes
The Kidnapper PT 2
pairing: Austin Butler x Reader
Austin Butler as Joseph Anderson (30 y/o)
Y/N as Madison Hart (17 y/o)
Corbyn Besson as Markson Jackson (17 y/o)
Rudy Pankow as Michael Hart (19 y/o)
Olivia DeJonge as Ally Russel (17 y/o)
Tanner Buchanan as Christopher Jenkins (19 y/o)
Kevin Quinn as James Raven (18 y/o)
Jason Momoa as Jefferson Hart (47 y/o)
Kate Hudson as Melissa Hart (45 y/o)
WARNING: rape, swearing, sexual assault, underage drinking.
PT 1
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Madison’s POV
I wake up in a, basement? Where am I? I try to lift my arms and feel chains on my wrists, what the hell is going on? I hear footsteps and I see a figure, who is this? “Who are you?” I question. No answer. “Why am I here?” Again, no answer. “Who the fuck are you?” I said louder. “Princess, enough with these questions.” The voice said in the darkness. “Don’t call me that.” I get uncomfortable by this guy. I try to sit up straight and asked, “What’s your name?” I hear movement. “I’m Joseph and I know who you are.” “I don’t understand.” “Let me spell it for you, TikTok.” He’s seen my videos? I feel disgusting. He turns the lights to make me see him, he looks messy and gross. “H-how did you discover me?” “Your ‘Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’’ video.” I did a dance like, a year ago and it I danced to Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ by Michael Jackson because I thought it would be so much fun to put it on my social medias. Now I just want to delete my socials completely. “So you want to kidnap me for that?” He comes close to me but I try to scoot backwards but I couldn’t go any further, “I think you should dance for me.” I slap him in the face. “I think you should go fuck yourself!” I yelled. He feels his face and I see redness on his left cheek. He starts to choke me, I start to gasp for air and started to grab his wrists so he could let me go, “You’re going to stay here for a long time Princess.” He lets go of me, I start coughing, he walks back to the stairs where, I bet where his kitchen is at. He’s fucking crazy! “YOURE A CRAZY SON OF A BITCH YOU KNOW THAT!” I screamed. He stops in his tracks and looks at me and says, “I’m not the one who dresses like a whore.” He walks upstairs and I hear a door open and scream “GO FUCK YOURSELF!” The door slams and locks. I curl up in a ball and start to cry. ‘I need to get out of here.’ I thought.
Michael’s POV
How could this happen, my baby sister got kidnapped, I’m going to kill whoever has her. “Michael!” I looked around and it’s my dad. “We need to go to police station.” “Okay.” I get my phone and went to my dad’s car.
“Now why are you guys here?” One police officer said.
“We’re here for a investigation of kidnapping.” “What’s the person’s name you’re talking about?” “Madison Hart, and here’s a picture of her.” My dad gives to the police.
The news showed Madison and we had to do a lot of interviews, really stressful but we need to find her. We went to the police station to do an interview, I kinda went over the edge.
“Listen we’re trying to help your family son, we’re trying our best here.” one police officer said.
“I just want my sister back, I don’t care how long it’ll take I JUST WANT MADDIE BACK!” I cracked. I start to cry, my dad rubs on my back and says “It’s been hard for the last several weeks we just miss our Maddie.” “Who was the last person with Madison?” A detective says. I look up and say “Markson Jackson.”
The detectives made us leave and had Mark come in. We watched Mark in the viewing room. “What were you and Madison doing before she went missing?” Detective says. Markson looks nervous, “We went into a classroom that we actually met in because tomorrow is our anniversary and I wanted to surprise her with a necklace that she really wanted a few months back.” “Do you have it with you?” “I do.” Mark gets something out of his pants and it’s the necklace, Mads talked about that one time but I never realized how much she wanted it.
Madison’s POV
I’m starving, I’m hungry, I feel weak. I hear footsteps coming downstairs it’s Joseph with food and a water bottle. He sits down in front of me and sets the food in front of me I grab it and start to eat. The food surprisingly taste good. “How’s the food Madison?” “It’s so good.” I drink the water bottle it kinda tastes different. “How’s the drink?” “Uh, what’s the drink?” “It’s water.” “No it, it-“ I faint.
I weakly wake up and feel someone or something touching me, I can’t move. I feel pain in my vagina, what’s going on? I try to move my body but I feel someone keeping me at the place I’m at. I don’t know where I’m at. I try to fight, I start to kick and I hit something, I hear a groan. Who did I hit? I fell asleep. What just happened?
10 minutes later
I wake up and look down at my crouch, it’s bloody. What’s going on? I look around and see the water bottle and I pick it up and smell it, was it drugged? I got raped! Why I know, my parents told me about it a few months ago because of a documentary showed a woman getting raped and she told her kids about it. “Fuck you Joseph.” I thought. I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!
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firemenenthusiast · 3 months
holy shit imagine teaching kofun how to eat a pussy GOD HE'D BE SO GOOD AT IT
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inexperienced! kofun x fem!reader
summary: trying to walk on such predatory post apocalyptic world with different abilities than others reaps the enjoyment in living, so you try to make the best out of it
warnings: 18+, smut haha 😔, unprotected p in v (please wrap it), cunnilingus, creampie, overstimulation, inexperienced!kofun, cringiness, reference to early episodes
a/n: guys i let delusions take over the best of me so this is extra delusional. i tried to make the plot as accurate as i could also thank you anon for the request !
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between being born into and growing up in a family of warriors, your childhood was nothing short of epic. as early as you’ve gotten the ability to walk on this earth your parents made sure to let you explore as much as there is to explore, handing you miniature models of weapons before you could even form coherent sentences so that you’ll be able to fit into the bloodline. you picked your first weapon at 2, though non-fighters of the village thought it was too early, and far too dangerous.
it’s a family tradition, and it’s so that you’ll be able to grow into it. your family believes that weapons and fighters are one, and you’ve grown to embrace the world you grew up in, making sure you live up to the cavernous expectations, no matter how different you actually are apart from everyone. no one knows, except your parents. you’ve been living with a mouth half shut, a heart less full because of the secret that you’ve kept all your lives.
it wasn’t until the twins were born, not long after you were that your parents find out that you’re not the only one. they weren’t sure of how it was possible, no one in your family were given the gift of sight either. but they believe your near relatives somewhere, are also able to see. the twins and you didn’t quite understand that the three of you carry a powerful ability when you were little, it was just the way you were born. sometimes you feel like it’s a curse, with how you have to live a life half a lie, and how you have to be hidden like you’ve killed a bunch and kept the blade.
it’s still fresh in your memory, the moment baba voss came joining you on your daily training in the woods, bringing together haniwa and kofun. you were 5, and so were they. you’re older just by a couple months. it amazed you just how clever they are, and how haniwa is basically another copy of you, with how invested she is in the art of combat. kofun on the other hand, he was quiet. every time baba would bring them along he’d refuse to follow and learn. instead, you’d catch him staring at you before he’d immediately chase away his gaze. one wouldn’t exactly say kofun is shy but he’s definitely quiet most of the times, in contrary to his sister.
the three of you had grown up together, but you evidently spend more time with haniwa, given your shared interests. she’s observant, and incredibly brave, she’s grown to be an amazing fighter, sometimes even surpassing you who grew up with fighters. you learn a lot from her, especially about the real world. you learn a lot from kofun too, particularly on how to read people, especially him who acts less significant than anyone you’ve ever met. sometimes he makes you wonder if he dislikes your presence with how timid he is around you compared to everyone else. he’d voice out his stand and disagree with haniwa any time but will fall quiet the moment you side with her.
part of the village might have found out about the twins’ ability by now but your parents had asked baba voss and paris to refrain from mentioning you. they respect their requests, so it’s just a few of you who knows, less people to worry about snitching when the witch hunter comes for a scavenge. it’s become worse now that the twins are all grown up, and the elderly couldn’t do much anymore in making sure they’re not exposed to threat.
especially with haniwa’s curiosity and kofun’s, well. kofun’s empathy to go help out literally anyone without thinking about his own safety. when the family came back from their trip you’ve heard from your parents about what had happened to kofun, and how his life flashed before his eyes. though the image stroke fear inside you, it was intriguing, and you wanted to listen about it from himself.
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“so how did you escape ?” you’d asked him, his eyes were set on the pebbles scattering the ground, something inside him tells that he should be embarrassed with how he ended up being saved by baba voss. he wished he would have fought them on his own, so that he has something to use to impress you when he got back. he’s been on a pursuit of something great ever since he first saw you, something he could be proud of, something he could impress you with, something that he could do together with you but he’d realised long ago that you’re more similar to his sister than him.
his fingers traced along the assortment of tiny rocks from the riverside, picking one up before throwing it into the flowing water. “baba showed up” he quietly answered, his eyes tried to follow the movement of the pebble though it’s disappeared long ago. he looked nothing different than usual, you still find it difficult to tell what he may be feeling.
“that’s a relief ! he’s an incredible warrior” you nudged his left shoulder with your right one, a grin creeping onto your face trying to light up the moment. “wh- no, what ? no it’s not” he snapped, his eyebrows a tight knit while his head turn towards you. his reaction took you a bit by suprise. now you can tell that he’s irritated, yet you can’t figure out why. the sound of the flowing water suffocates the tension between the two of you before you break the momentarily silence, “what do you mean ?”.
shaking his head slightly, he let out a dragged out sigh as the water surface got broken into again by another throw of his hand. “you don’t get it. and so does haniwa it seems” the pebbles on the ground seem to really pique his interests now, with how much he’s doing with them. your eyes follow his movements along the marbled surface, he had some of them balled into his fists, his knuckles white from the hold. “will you do me a favor ?” he continued, still keeping his head down, if not facing towards the stream. you eagerly nodded, though confusion engulfed through rest of you.
“you have to train me” taken aback by his request, you eyes tracked his down as he searched into your eyes. for a few seconds you struggled to react, dancing around the thought on whether he’s being serious. before you knew it your lips are pursed and you’re letting out a chortle.
“so that’s what this is about ?” you asked him within the remainder of your laugh before he frowned, round eyes roam aimlessly across your face, seeking for comfort.
“what ?” a small pout accompanied his frown.
“-because you couldn’t fight for yourself ?” you couldn’t contain your crooked smile before you continue,
“you know, you’re not that bad of a fighter if it wasn’t for your sulky face” you reassured him, if that even counts as reassurance. for the record your intentions were pure.
“sulk- no i’m not ?” he quickly protested, making you laugh harder
“there !” as the realisation hits he turned his head away from you, warmth growing on his cheeks before he planted his feet firm on the ground, threatening to leave you who’s still giggling.
“okay! okay- kofun stop, fine i’ll train you- we’ll train together” you offered, fixing the last bit of your sentence to accommodate his exasperation. he glanced at you from the corner of his eyes before raising his head to look around
“that’s more like it” he responded, though the organ in his chest is pounding hard against the flesh, the heat on his cheeks that never left, now becoming warmer. the cold weather almost froze both your skin off, making the tinge of red across his cheeks visible. you smiled at him, as you reached over to grab his wrist and hold it up against the sky.
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since he’d asked you to train him nothing really changed, it’s not like he hasn’t been training at all. just the fact that before, he didn’t take training seriously, he used to take one wrongful step and decided that he’s done for the day. if you didn’t know any better he just looks like he’s easily given up, and that he didn’t care. in fact, he does care, but now even more so than before with the change of his training partner. you hear the heavy axe slice through thin air landing at the wooden target. “nice, kofun !” you yelp from behind him, excited to see his first bullseye. it’s just the two of you today, haniwa said she was joining the two of you yesterday but found out that baba was gonna go into the woods. you’d told her to listen and not follow behind but you know how she is, jumping at any chance for an adventure.
kofun looks as if he’s maintaining his stance, pulling out an arrow from the leather quiver strapped across his broad back before crossing it with his bow. he’s attempting to match the bullseye he just landed with his arrow this time. with one swift draw of the string, the arrow lands right beside the spiked axe. “it worked !” he exclaims, before turning around to find your reaction to what he just did. “i told you” you respond, referring to the knowledge you shared with him, which was telling him to lock his thumb over his curled fingers when aiming.
you’ve always done it like that, so you showed him how when he quipped about your precise shots. now that he’s getting better at this stuff, he’s becoming more eager to try the things he never bothered about. you picked out the foreign lint sticking on your fur collar before fixing your quiver strap. “what do you wanna do now?” you ask, your hands resting on your waist as you watch him walk over you standing on the flat surface at the side, leaping over some forest bushes.
he looks at you, one hand keeping his bow steady against himself, “one on one” he suggests, his face dripping with amusement and what looks like adrenaline filled excitement to you. beaming, your eyebrows raise slightly as you watch him carefully adjust his stance, hands hooked on the holster decorating his body armour. his legs are planted precisely on the dewy forest ground, ready to take you on. mirroring his actions, you get into your position before falling still as your eyes gleam onto his. he gives you a look of approval before you strike your first move, landing before his shoulder. as you try to read his movements your hand dip towards your holster to pull out the trenchant dagger by its wrapped handle.
“oh we’re using weapons ?” he sneers, eyes sharp as his hand roam over his waist to pull out his own. “don’t worry kofun i’m not gonna poke you” you joke at him, making fun of the fact that he believes that you might thrust the sharp end into his flesh. “i’m not worried” he responds before striking his next move, landing a contact of his flattened palm firm on your side. he got you with that move, as you failed to predict it. he offers you a smirk, fail to mask his obvious pride of landing a contact after sessions of trying to do so. you waste no time taking the opportunity to attack his exposed chest, much to his dismay. his face scrunches up from the slight pain of the strike as his body’s forced backwards a few steps.
shaking his head, he immediately return the attack with his blade bearing hand, swiftly swinging it low. the swing strikes your thigh, slicing open the fibres of your pants with the sharp end dipping just slightly beneath your skin. you let out a yelp out of shock, wincing at the sudden sting on your thigh, you immediately crouch down to press on it, incase the cut is deep. you raise a palm towards kofun who’s taken aback by what just happened, his eyes shoots open as they refuse to register that he just hurt you. “fuck, are you okay ?” he panics, seeing as you’re still pressing down, the pain still circulating the cut for you to remove your hand.
he crouches down before you, his fingers carefully hover over your slightly trembling ones. small droplets of tears start appearing at the corner of your eyes before his large hand cup your smaller ones, soothing the shock you just had. his eyes sharply set on the cut as you begin to remove your fingers, revealing traces of smeared red. the dagger that sliced through your skin has been shoved away by him long ago, too cautious to keep it near you for now.
he reaches into the small pouch at the backside of his belt to pull out a roll of fabric that looks like gauze before wasting no time to spread it over the small cut and wrapping it around your thigh. “you’re okay- you’re gonna be fine” he quickly reassures when he notices your trembling fingers. swallowing the heavy lump in your throat you catch yourself slowly nodding at him, as you purse your lips. your eyes carefully trail along his working fingers, slender and calloused, he looks like he knows what he’s doing.
as he tilt his head up to look at you his eyes are met with your already gleaming ones, trying to blink the moisture away. seeing the eyes he steals glances from daily, the orbs he longs for staring into his deep brown ones sends shiver down his spine. the familiar tinge of red decorating his cheeks. “haniwa always come home with scratches all over her” he explains, trying to distract you from the vanishing pain and his pounding chest.
you nod at him, the mental image of him tending to haniwa’s wounds plays into your mind. the love that the twin has for each other is truly unmatched. his fingers soothe over the wrapped gauze on your thigh before getting up and settling himself. he helps you get up from your position though the pain has started to fade away, and you’re just as good as new. you follow his steps towards the miniature hut both your parents had built for the purpose of storing training equipments and as a shelter. as he settles you down a heavy sigh escapes his lips. the sound jerks your head towards him, who’s pulling a sturdy covered basket before he sits facing you.
“i’m sorry-“ he begins, his head droops low as the obvious dejected aura seeps out of him. “i don’t know what happened it was all so fast-“ before he could spew out more ramblings you stop him, “you don’t have to be sorry kofun, it’s part of the practice. plus i get injured all the time” you assure him, a soft smile peeking from the corner of your lips. he looks at you with beady eyes before shaking his head again.
“yea, but i don’t wanna be the one to hurt you” he lets out softly, almost under his breath yet you’re still able to catch it. your eyes glint at his words, no words are coming out of your mouth, as if you’re tongue tied. “it’s fine, look- it doesn’t even hurt anymore” you chirp out, showing off to him that you’re able to bounce your leg, and that the cut didn’t do anything to actually stop you from being able to move. seeing your smiley face and gleaming eyes staring at him he couldn’t help the chuckle escaping his lips, that soon turns into small laughter.
“guess i just wanted to impress you so much” he starts amongst his laughs before turning his head to stare across the hut. “you don’t have to” your response is playing games with his mind, maybe it’s the training wearing him out but it’s definitely making him lightheaded
“you’re enough as you are kofun” the fingers that were playing on your lap reach over for his large ones, delicately hooking the indexes. he swears he could hear the sound of his heart pounding in his chest, a faint fear creeping into his head that you might hear it too.
struggling to keep his eyes on yours, “you’re perfect” he confesses, a heavy sigh falls from his lips. though the sudden confession is quite odd to you, you’re eager to know the reason he might think so
“what makes you think that ?” you ask
“well,” he starts, letting out a heavy breath
the sudden movement of his fingers on yours makes you dart your eyes towards them
“-you never complain. all i can see you do after failing is get right back up again” his explanation earns a hum from you, his index finger curling around yours. he struggles to wrap his head around the moment you two are having, having only dreamt about this ever at night.
“why do you want to impress people so much ?” you ask him as your eyes roam across his tilted face.
“not people, you.” his short answer ends with an emphasised ‘you’, pushing your shoulders back consequently.
you’re not sure what’s driving your thoughts in returning a response but you feel as if this is the only thing you wanna do at the moment. dipping your head near his face, you cup his jaw with your free hand to tilt it upwards, your eyes inches away from his before closing in the distance between your lips. you feel his tongue poking out past his lips against yours as you feel him lick his upper lips. his tiny action making you curl the corners of your mouth in amusement, a deep sigh falling out of you. your lips dance softly against him, who’s trying his best to return the kiss without making it awkward.
everything’s still too new for him, yet he’s willing to take the chance with you. he’s wanted to for years and the moment finally came. his fingers that were gently hooking your smaller ones grasp slightly harder, before you know it your fingers are intertwined with his, sharing the lingering warmth. the kiss started out slow and pure, as he’s still scared that he might do something to scare you away. he’s pouring all the pent up feeling he’s had for you for the last couple of years into the warm embrace of his lips against yours, allowing the both of you to mould into each other.
you’ve never thought about how soft his lips actually are, but he definitely has about yours. the fingers that were curling into his large ones reach up to the side of his face, your fingertips grazing along his cheeks. you could hear small whimpers escaping his lips as he struggles to breathe with your lips pushing against his. a gentle swipe of your tongue across his plump lips makes him hesitate, as his lips stop chasing yours for a moment. you glance across his face to catch the sight of his long lashes, blinking away at you. hot breath fan against your swollen lips before he connects the both of you in another longing kiss.
as he feels your hands tug at his body armour he hesitantly untie them, before taking it off, temporarily breaking off the kiss. your hands resumes the tugging on his collar this time, as the kiss starts to get heavier and deeper. a quiet moan escapes your lips before his lips trail away from yours, kissing at your jawline, and working its way towards your earlobe. he’s not entirely sure if he’s doing it right but all he wants is to kiss you all over.
starting from your jawline, he continues to kiss the side of your neck, delicately grazing his teeth across the skin and smoothing his tongue over it. his eager lips are nearing your sternum as he makes sure to leave tight trail of kisses, careful to not leave any unkissed spot. he halts the movements of his lips for a moment to catch his breath before leaning forward to kiss your lips again, drinking in your essence.
his hands were roaming across every inch of your body he could reach, kissing you like his life depended on it. you start to untie the training garment wrapped around your body, wasting no time to take off the fabrics and leather that are strapped on you before the session. you’re both now left with your woven shirts on, acting as the base for all the training belts and armours now discarded away. eagerness taking over your conscience as you tug the hem of your shirt over your head, exposing your upper body to him, who’s very much has been struck with a spell upon the view before him. his eyes try to look at everywhere but your exposed breasts, earning a soft chuckle from you.
“you can look, kofun”
his eyes set on yours, struggling to maintain eye contact before you grab his large calloused hands, lifting them from the side of your knees to gently place them on your chest. you can see his adam’s apple visibly bob in his throat as his fingers start to slowly knead and pinch on the sensitive nubs experimentally. his cold hands send shivers down your spine as a gasp escape past your lips from his touch. nothing could prepare him for the sudden confidence washing over him as he bends down to latch his mouth onto one of your tits, his tongue licking the flesh and flicking over the sensitive nub, earning an audible gasp from you. “s’pretty” he murmurs against your skin, as your fingers run across his braided locs. he takes that as a good sign before resuming to suck on your other tit and kissing along the lines of your mound, making you moan as he kisses your under boob.
you try to grab his hands to hold onto them before he snakes them himself and tangle your fingers in between his. he lets his hands go to graze his fingers across the skin of your back and trail along your spine with ghostly touch starting from the bottom to the top. his large hands roam lower at your back, settling them on your waist, just above your butt. his trailing kisses now moving towards your navel, nose nuzzling closely into the flesh of your stomach, eyebrows knitted like he’s concentrating.
stopping just above the drawstrings of your pants, he tilts his chin towards your face, his eyes gleaming with pure adoration. “am i doing it right ?” he asks you innocently, your hands now playing with the tight braids in his hair. “do you wanna go further ?” you respond to him with another question as he nods immediately. “i’ll talk you through” you hear him let out a faint ‘okay’ before you undo the tie on your pants and shimmy out of them with the help of his fingers.
he’s now kneeling before you, his fingers slowly smooth along the skin of your thigh, tracing the gauze he’d wrapped around you earlier. nuzzling his face against your thigh, his eyes hadn’t quite set upon your gleaming core. taking in your scent, he opens his eyes as his body tells him to kiss at your exposed folds. looking at him, he looks like he’s just served with the meal of his life, his eyes drip with anticipation. “you’re so pretty” he lets out as he moves his face further before his lips are met with the soft sensitive flesh of your folds, making him kiss all over them.
the nudge of his nose against your sensitive bud makes you let out a sharp moan, jerking his head away from your core. “what’s wrong ?” he asks worriedly, to which you shake your head and scratch at the hair on his temple. he continues his peppering kisses along your folds before he starts kitten licking at where he just kissed. the sensation leaves your lips falling apart, the soft moans from them increasing in volume.
“so good, kofun” your words guide him on what feels good, so he tries to suck on your dripping folds next, earning another moan of pleasure from you. he takes a mental note on the things that emit good response from you before combining them all in a much increased pace. his assault on your pussy makes your hips buck against his face, to which he pushes your back so your pussy’s planted further into his face.
“mm- that’s good kofun, oh” you let him know
“yeah ?” he asks innocently, to make sure he’s on the right track but his little action turns you on like hell
“is this okay ?” pulling his mouth away from your pussy, he asks to confirm but the loss of pressure against your wet cunt making you whine. you nod your head vigorously as your hand pushes the back of his head back to your aching core.
he resumes his sucking on your clit, the sensitive spot making your hips buck into his face, involuntarily earning a low groan from him. the vibration from his groan feels electric against your pussy before his mouth start to slowly travel towards your clenching hole. he gives the rim experimental licks which receive a whine from you. “more, please- kofun” your pleas sound heavenly in his ears especially how his name flows out of your lips, sending blood rushing to his hardening length. your sounds stimulates him to try sucking on your hole this time, slurping up the wetness oozing out of it. the tip of his nose is now grazing along your wet folds, the pleasure making you arch your back into him.
“need more, please-” you beg. he’s determined to please you, his hands pushing hard against your lower back so your pussy is slotted up his face. “need your tongue inside” with your final guide, he pokes his tongue into your hole, flicking the tip around the walls, earning loud moans and hard tugs on his hair from you. now that he knows the spots most pleasurable for you, he does it all over again with the indication from your whines and moans.
just as he start to suck from your hole up towards your clit, he feels your hips bucking for the last time before high pitched moans spill from your lips. your pretty sounds alone are enough to make him cum right there and then. your hands frantically push his head away as he continued his licks after your orgasm, not knowing that you might be too sensitive. he just thought that it felt good.
he immediately raises his head to look at you, his mouth and nose are covered in your wetness, glinting in your essence. “why- did i do something wrong ?” he asks, to which you cup your hands on his cheeks while shaking your head. “m’ sensitive” you respond, making him fall quiet as his eyes take in all your pretty fucked out features from the orgasm. he gently smoothes his fingers along your thighs as he waits for you to settle down, eager to go again. “you’re so so pretty” he admits to your face, making your cheeks heat up and your insides tingly. he’s adorable, you think. his words almost make your stomach flip inside out, you’re in peace with the sudden overwhelming feeling you have for him.
“can i go again ?” as you seem to have picked yourself up he asks politely, large hands settling on your ass from the spot you’re sitting. you’re taken aback by his question, thinking that you’ve definitely worn him out from the previous orgasm yet you find yourself nodding your head, giving him the green light. with his nose and mouth still covered in your cum from before he dives back into your folds, repeating a similar pattern as before from what he’d learned. it’s not long until the second wave crashes down and you’re cumming again on his face. strike two.
as much as he wants to eat out your pussy forever the strain in his woven pants is starting to hurt, and he can feel his tip getting more and more sensitive by the second. fear stalks his entire being that he might cum in his pants. you notice him twitching around in his position before you look down to see the huge bulge that has formed in his thin pants. he’s kissing up your thigh at the moment, still wanting to go at your pussy again but you want him to feel good too. you begin to move against his kisses to get up from your position and pulling him from the ground. his knees are getting sore from the kneeling yet he doesn’t even realise.
“why ?” he asks
“wanna make you feel good too”
“you were making me feel good” he responds, it’s true, he was having the time of his life in between your thighs. if only he knew what’s in for him
switching your places with him, he’s now seated at the spot you were in earlier, confusion visible in his face yet he’s waiting for your next move patiently. the bulging tent in his pants is accompanied with a wet spot at where the tip’s supposed to be, as you can see it jumping slightly. heat creeps onto his face from you seeing him like this before he purses his lips. pulling at the drawstrings slowly, his eyes follow your every movements closely, occasionally wincing when the friction rubs against the sensitive tip. his hands rest obediently on his sides, not knowing what to do with them as you carefully pull his pants down, pooling at his ankle. “you okay ?” you ask him to make sure, to which he nods his head
his hardened length bounces against his navel when it’s released, his raging red tip glistening with precum. the sudden cold air hitting his hard on making him wince and throw his head back. he lets out a breath but it comes out shuddered, his thigh sit stiffly trying not to move the heavy length of his cock. you eye his shaft from the base, his balls heavy and full, his length girthy with a prominent vein travelling along the base to the top. at the end is his sensitive tip, raging with the prettiest shade of pink and a bead of precum threatening to spill. he lets out a small whimper as he patiently waits for you to do something, his fingers itching to wrap around his length but something tells him not to. “please do something please” his turn to spread his pleas around, his chest heaves with shuddering breaths.
you place your thumb and index finger on his tip, feeling the sticky substance oozing out of it, the contact making him moan. the skin on his length looks as if it’s gonna hurt if you just touch it so you follow your instincts to let a glob of spit fall onto your hand, before immediately spreading it along the hard shaft. kofun’s trying his very best to conceal his loud moans from the pleasure and from the fact that your fingers are wrapped around his cock. his face contorts in pleasure, his eyebrows a tight knit with his mouth agape. the attempts at concealing his moans making them turn into whimpers instead, something you’re not complaining about.
you give him an experimental pump down his shaft, earning a twitch of his thigh. seeing as the one pump is good, you start to jerk him off, your arms settled on his lap. hearing him wince, “s’cold” he lets out slowly. your first thought and reaction to his complain is to sink your face down his cock, keeping the shaft warm with your mouth. he couldn’t see your actions coming, making his thigh jump and his hips buck into your mouth. “sorry” he immediately apologises before you take your mouth off his cock and get up. you mentally agree that you’re ready to take him before settling your legs in between his, you hover your pussy over his hard cock before sinking on it. the tight wet warmth of your walls around his length earning loud moans from the both of you, the pleasure unmatched with anything you’ve done before.
“fuck” you hear him mutter under his breath, he’s struggling to maintain his composure. his hands are now settled on your waist, you’re fully sitting on him now, your legs bent and feet settled on his thighs. the both of you bask in the silence and pleasure for a moment, trying to adjust with the all new feeling. “should i move ?” you begins, as he slowly nods, his palm guiding you on his cock. his length a perfect fit in your pussy, with his tip protruding against your sensitive spots every now and then. the stretch is definitely something new to you, but the pleasure takes over any other sense. his cock moves snuggly in and out of your hole, stretching your walls at every second possible. his heavy balls slap against your ass, the sound of skin slapping erupting through the depth of the forest.
as you bounce on his hard cock you pray for everyone to be too busy with their own stuff to realise that you and kofun has been gone for longer than you should. his gleaming eyes are set on yours, admiring your pretty orbs like he always does in secret. mouth agape, he looks as fucked out as he’s ever been, letting his cock thrust in and out of your cunt. his cheeks look flushed, his lips swollen from kissing and from eating you out. reaching down, you rest your forehead against his before connecting your lips once again, as he shuts his eyes in contentment. your lips move as if they’ve missed each other, moulding against the curves of each of your lips.
pullng away from the kiss, you rest your temple against his, skin moist from all the steam and sweat. wrapping your arms around his neck, you try to steady your bounces on his lap as he rests his chin on your shoulder, his mouth agape trying to catch his breath. his fingers roam against the skin of your ass, before grabbing at them and slamming them down against his cock, making both you and him moan. you hear him groan lowly into your ears, before his thighs start twitching and his hands on your ass no longer slamming on a regular pace. the pleasure starts to cloud his mind as he shuts his eyes, staggering groans escaping his lips. before you know it his cum starts shooting and painting your clenching walls, warm spurts of white threatening to seep out from the side of his cock out of your pussy.
you’ve stopped bouncing, and now both of you are catching your breaths, limbs tangled against each other. you offer him a droopy smile, to which he pulls you in for a deepened kiss, swiping his tongue across the swollen flesh. “are you okay ?” is his first question after pulling away, his fingers moving the strands of hair sticking onto your face to the side. you return him a look, seeing his flushed cheeks and beads of sweat decorating his temple. nodding your head to reassure him, “im okay, are you ?” he nods as a response, “mh-mm” he confirms.
“i think this is more workout than the training we did today” you start, a chuckle escapes your lips. he offers you a meek smile before also chuckling to himself. he stares at the door of the hut, before his eyes turn to search into yours.
“thank you for believing in me” he chirps out, his voice quiet, almost like a whisper
you both sit in silence for a moment catching your breaths, and taking in the realisation of what just happened. you feel his fingers around your waist fiddling around, fingertips softly grazing against the skin. as you feel settled, his hands roam around your waist before wrapping his fingers around it. your hands settle on his shoulder as he hoists you up, guiding your hips before settling you down beside him. small drops of cum trickling down your thighs from the friction. the loss of contact and warmth makes him wince before letting out a low groan. now that you’re seated beside each other, skin sticky from all the sweat, he leans down to reach the the hem of his pants to pull it up his legs. he reaches over for your pants that’s laying on his side before helping you get them on. you tie the drawstrings carefully before taking your shirt from his hand.
“why me ?” you start, breaking off the silence
“huh ?” he quips, fingers busy adjusting the strings on his collar
“do you like me kofun ?” you ask him, he knows well that you don’t mean as friends.
he turns his resting head towards you, his fingers fiddling with the hem of his shirt.
“i do” he answers shortly. the quick response from him is enough for you, so you nod in return.
he sucks in a deep breath before starting to talk
“—whenever you’d come by our tent to get haniwa i catch myself staring at you. i should be ashamed,” stopping halfway through, he continues-
“—im glad you haven’t realised that i’m always somewhere at the corner when you train with her, watching you while struggling to keep my heart from pounding out of my chest-” your ears perk up, tilting your head down to look at your fingers
“—cause that would’ve been embarrassing”
“it’s embarrassing how often i try to figure out ways to get closer to you-”
“—so is the fact that no matter how many times i try to convince myself that the feelings are just my mind playing games with me, i catch myself thinking about you instead”
“i know it sounds crazy but everything seems to move slower when i look at you-”
“—and when it’s your turn to look at me i pray that i look the best i could” just as his words start to trail off, his head tilts down. his heart is still pounding like it always does when he’s near you, but he pushes through the feeling.
your silence is agonising, anticipation slowly piercing into him. reaching your hand out towards his lap, you gently spread your fingers into his large palm, warmth radiating into yours. “you’re dramatic” you comment, turning your head to face him. the comment makes him let out a chuckle, heat splaying across his cheeks from embarrassment. you take a deep breath beside him, your shoulders raising before you continue, “i like you” your beady eyes gleam onto his temple, as he turn his head to meet yours with his glossy ones.
as the both of you sit there chuckling to yourselves you find yourself resting your temple on his shoulder. letting out a sigh, you glance outside, noticing that the sun’s starting to set and the sky’s dimming.
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the gang: @radioloom @love-me-pls @juniperhasfallen @luckystrikerealness @imjustheretoreadsmuthaha @r4vn @khxna @themoonchildwhofell @fuckshitslover
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prettybrownelf · 2 months
Can ask for transmasc reader and Craig Cahn domestic fluff, like after the epilouge?- im so obsessed with this man and he has like no media its saddening 😭
Domestic Bliss
a/n- sorry for taking a random creative liberty with the readers job, i just thought it'd be cute if the reader was an athleisure designer cause Craig is a gym bro lol
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Pairings- Craig Cahn x FTM! Reader
Summary- Morning time with the family
Word Count- 473
Content Warnings- Mentions of Shots & Bruises
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"No, babe, I can’t get Jason Momoa in the shoot. Be serious!” You exclaim as you reach over Briar's head to reach a box of cheerios.
Craig’s raspy, morning chuckle is music to your ears. He squeezes past you and the twins to gently place River in her highchair. She coos happily as she runs her tiny hands across the flat surface in front of her in quiet curiosity.
“I'm just saying, having him model your stuff would work. TONS on gym dudes wanna be him. You put him in there and you'll be sold out.” Craig explains with a content smile in his face.
Briar and Hazel sit at the dining table with their bowls of cereal, whispering to each other as the daily news plays on the tv in the other room softly.
“Who’s Jason Momoa?” Briar asks. Hazel leans over slightly. “He’s AquaMan…i think.” Briar gives a small nod as she takes another bite of lucky charms.
River giggles as you sit in front of her, waving her arms wildly in excitement. “I told you! She likes waving!” Craig laughs. You roll your eyes at him and feed River her pumpkin baby food. “You treat her like an action figure, Craig.” You laugh.
Before Craig can respond, the distinct sound of the school bus coming down the street makes Hazel and Briar jump up, grabbing their backpacks as they rush out the door. They yell out quick “bye, i love you!”’s as they run out front.
As River takes another bite of her food, the familiar stinging pain of a bruise sends a shock through your upper thigh.
An audible hiss escapes your mouth, not unnoticed by Craig. “Everything alright?” He asks gently, his hand instinctively rubbing one of your shoulders in an attempt to comfort. You nod with a deep breath as Craig holds one of your arms to help you stand up.
“Yeah. got a bruise again.”
“From your shots or from River?” Craig creaks a cheeky smile at you. You playfully hit his chest despite the smile on your face. “Shut up and feed her for a second.”
Craig laughs to himself as he sits down in front of River.
You sigh deeply as you walk into the bathroom, scanning the medical cabinet. The angel of a tiny white bottle pokes out from behind different medicines and relievers.
The bathroom is peacefully quiet as you rub a small bit of bruise cream on your upper thigh. Craig and Rivers' combined laughter sends a rush of euphoria over your body as you cap the bottle and put it back.
Swaying back to the kitchen, you can't help but stand by the door for a second to watch as Craig makes exaggerated airplane noises as he brings a spoon of baby food to Rivers' already pumpkin covered face.
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saturnbumblebeez · 21 days
tbh if more enterprises want to make a videogame adaptation and make it 'irl characters go to videogame universe' they should at least make the videogame universe LOOK LIKE an actual videogame
make those minecraft creatures game accurate!! they dont necessarily need to make EVERYTHING realistic. some things need to look cartoony
for example lance slashblade from inside out 2
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he looked AND acted like a videogame character!! the polygons,, the flowing hair,, the dialogues,, etc. for the minecraft live action itd be fun to see live action human characters and game accurate animal designz
the realism isnt necessary for minecraft creatures or animals,, they can look like their game versions without that fluff or whatever that is that made tjem look so weird
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this couldve looked better if it was more in the minecraft game style bc with the realistic fluff n skin then. it'z just nightmare fuel
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n also not design related buuut jason momoa couldve been better for Steve if im honest,, i like jack black n all but hes just not the one to play Steve in my opinion
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pynkhues · 1 year
why do you think when theres been the recent live action adaptations of classic media, theres always a woman of colour paired with a white man? how to train your dragon, percy jackson, little mermaid, etc etc etc all follow this trend. obviously some exceptions but it seems like woman of color + white man lead/love interest is what hollywood execs have decided en masse. im not against diverse casting im just very curious why it always seems to be that specific formula is now the norm?
Yeah, it's an interesting trend in casting, isn't it? Not a bad one, necessarily - I love seeing more diverse casts for any and all projects - but I do think there's something to be said about how Hollywood views the interchangability of women's (and especially girls') experiences that erases the complexity of intersectional identities.
I was actually thinking about it a bit recently as I was getting excited watching the sneak peek for the new season of AMC's Interview with the Vampire, because that is one of the few shows that has cast a traditionally white character with a white love interest with a man of colour. Jacob Anderson is perfect as Louis, but he's also perfect because of the amount of work the writers put into adapting the story to make his race central to Louis' character's identity, his internal and external conflicts, and his relationships with others.
It really put into stark contrast for me how infrequently women characters get that same treatment. They might be recast with WOC - Hermione in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child for instance, or like you said, Ariel in The Little Mermaid, but their race becomes incidental instead of something that should be crucial to the adaptation of the story.
Because it's not just Interview with the Vampire that did it - Jason Momoa's casting in Aquaman absolutely utilised his Polynesian heritage to inform both character and story, and while I don't think it did a very good job of it, I do think the first season of Bridgerton was conscious of Simon's race moreso than it was Queen Charlotte's and Lady Danbury's, or even Kate, Mary and Edwina's in s2 (I do think they tried to fix this in the Queen Charlotte prequel to mixed results, but I do appreciate that they at least tried not to handwave it away).
I do think genre and audience demographic plays a role in this too. I don't think that it's a coincidence that we see this uptick in diverse casting with content aimed at children or young women, and I especially don't think it's a coincidence that a lot of these stories are fantasy or at least fantastical. Both I think offer writers an excuse to minimise racial identity in favour of fantastical ones - they can argue Hermione being a 'Mudblood' or Ariel being a mermaid is much more important 'in-universe' than either character being Black, and when that doesn't work, there's always the 'escapism' argument to fall back on.
Girls and women want fluff, they want escapism, they don't want stories of racism or racial trauma, which sure! Y'know! Often a lot of women don't! But race is more than that, it's culture and context and history, and to minimise it fails the character and as trends over the last decade have shown, usually results in failing the actress playing her. If you're not putting the effort into understanding how race informs this new imagining of the character, you're probably not putting the effort into understanding the position you're about to put the actress in either. Kelly Marie Tran in Star Wars or Candice Patton in The Flash both spring to mind in that sense (and god, as someone who's watched both, they're so talented and did the best with what they got, but man, they weren't given much).
It diminishes the nuance of womanhood, but that's kind of the point too, right? Hollywood's never understood the intersectionality that sits at the heart of every woman's identity, and the different aspects of her character and her resonances that builds her up or breaks her down, which is a part of why I think women characters, especially characters who are still girls, are seen as easy ways to create avenues to diversity in Hollywood.
After all, creating entry points for diverse casting for usually one (1) actress in existing IP allows studios to tick boxes and pat themselves on the back and say they're investing in diversity without actually investing in diverse stories or making space for diverse storytellers.
(I actually have a rant forever in the back of my mouth about how they're doing this to women's stories in general. After all, all these girlboss reboots of traditionally male franchises like Ghostbusters and Oceans 8, aren't telling women's stories, they're just putting lipstick on a man's).
But yes. I guess where I'm going with this particular point is that if you were to ask me point blank if I think that Hollywood wants to diversify, I'd actually say yeah, that I think they do. The problem is that no one wants to be out of the job or lose power, screen time, or representation, and given Hollywood is foundationally white, wealthy and patriarchal, those stories are always going to be repackaged in ways that centres white masculinity as something aspirational, heroic or crucial to a story, which leaves everyone else to shift roles or focus to prop them up.
Of course, in turn this does feed into the whole trend of pairing WOC and white men specifically, which is what you're actually asking, haha. And look! I do think interracial relationships in film have come a really long way in the last decade, but also still think they have a long way to go and in particular are a long way away from being able to have a non-white love interest. This by default means that if Hermione and Ariel and Iris are Black, Ron and Prince Eric and The Flash will be white, and I don't think the reverse is as 'acceptable' to studios due to the fact that the nature of both systemic and social racism means that white men are threatened by MOC dating white women, which further informs the way these relationships end up being drawn on screen.
(On a related note, there have been a few studies into interacial relationships recently, and they all tend to find that there's enormous social stigma for white women dating outside their race, particularly compared to white men dating outside of theirs, which this study links to white supremacy and incel culture.)
I think shifting beauty standards for women does contribute too, as well as - - y'know. Capitalism. After all, the avenues for merchandising particularly with childrens content (like, gosh, I love to see all the Black Ariel merch that's come out when I'm in the toy aisles shopping for my nephews, but it's also pretty impossible to deny that Disney saw a market there that they could cash-in on), and I do think all of that together probably paints a picture that can be boiled down to Hollywood execs seeing casting of MOC in these sorts of roles as limiting audience, and casting WOC as broadening it.
All of this isn't to say that I don't support these recastings - I do, very much so, but I do wish female characters were treated with more nuance in these contexts, and I especially wish we could get more diverse original stories as well as these recastings.
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alexagirlie · 8 months
😔🤌🏼💙🤯🍬🌋🏩 🐠 😈
Thank you!
😔 oneshot or chapters? This particular WIP is a one-shot for the Dune Fest Event I’m running featuring my OG boys, Paul and Duncan.
🤌🏼 what feels does it hit? Uh celebratory? Big part of it is a smut scene so hopefully sexi.
💙 song(s) inspiration? Not for this particular WIP
🤯 personal character hc in WIP? I always HC that Paul is a big simp for how much muscles Duncan has and loves to give head and I mean as Duncan is played by Jason Momoa.. uh same bro same.
🍬 a gif to describe cutest fluff scene? No fluff scene in this one.
🌋 percentage of being done and ready to post? I would say I am about 75% done? I have a little set up still needing to be edited and I have to finish writing the smut as well but I am a good way through.
🏩 is it gonna hurt the feels? Probably not, should hopefully do the opposite for people that are still sad over canon.
🐠 will we die after this WIP is posted and read? I hope so :D dies from the smexi
😈 next WIP after this one? Next WIP will be to finish InTheDark which is my jacaerys x cregan x reader sequel to LoveGame, my very first x reader fic :)
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kittenofdoomage · 2 years
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I posted 1,624 times in 2022
991 posts created (61%)
633 posts reblogged (39%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 306 of my posts in 2022
#comment reblog - 53 posts
#not mine - 46 posts
#fic rec - 45 posts
#fanfiction - 17 posts
#fanfic - 14 posts
#smut - 12 posts
#autumn falls series - 8 posts
#supernatural - 8 posts
#adult fiction - 8 posts
#timezone reblog - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#i've been thinking about the hug i gave one person who i didn't really know but i thought they were leaning into to hug so i hugged
My Top Posts in 2022:
The Night Before
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Summary: You need some Dutch courage to talk to Thor, though Asgardian courage might do the trick.
Pairing: Thor Odinson x female!enhanced!reader
Word Count: 2982
Warnings: drunken seduction, fluff, smut, I think this is the longest thing I’ve ever written for Thor so please be gentle and I have completely played fast and loose with canon 😅
Ao3 Link (most of my works can be found here)
Tumblr Masterlist (a small selection of fics posted here)
Patreon (early access and option to request fics)
See the full post
188 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
I don't know who decided to make Jason Momoa dirty and give him fucking FANGS but it is doing things for me...
211 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
The Hunk In Apartment Twenty-Two
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Summary: Your new neighbor is mysterious, rarely seen, quiet (mostly), and hot as all hell. A bad day gives you the chance to get to know him better, but will the truth make you run or make him even more alluring?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female!reader
Word Count: 6456
Warnings: Nightmares from Hydra, fluff, smidge of angst, smut, oral sex, overstimulation, sex w/o a condom
AO3 Link (the majority of my work is on AO3)
See the full post
374 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
Tight (Drabble)
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A few hundred words about taking Sam's humongous cock.
Pairing: Sam Winchester x female!reader
Warnings: smut (vaginal fingering, full penetrative sex)
Leave anonymous feedback on the Ao3 version.
See the full post
476 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Being a writer means you spend half your time daydreaming about your stories instead of writing them. I've played this scene out 2,493 times, but I still can't write it down, WTF?
1,031 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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spn-masquerade · 2 years
SPN Masquerade Rules and Guidelines
All kinks are a-okay, but we still all need to play by a few rules, so we can all have a good time.
A few quick details …
Kink = sexual practices, concepts, or fantasies; something that excites you
OP = original poster/prompter
Prompts = your kinky ideas to prompt a fic or art fill
Fill = fic or art posted to the prompt
Feedback = comments and kudos to the fill, sharing all the love and joy for what you love about it
What is the Masquerade?
A quick-fire comment meme where you can anonymously prompt, fill, and provide feedback on any and all varieties of kink. There are a variety of other kink-related events out there; the emphasis on ours is the anonymity (hiding behind our masks) and a short timeframe.
What’s in a Kink?
Anything and everything is welcome from extreme kinks of non-con, bondage, D/s, non-con and so on … all the way to soft, schmoopy fluff, like Castiel gets a cat and feels super smooshy when petting it, or J2 domesticity with cuddling and holding hands. All pairings are welcome, including het, slash, threesomes, moresomes, etc.
No Real Kids Allowed.
Using the real-life names/identities of any of the actors' children is forbidden. We'd prefer this particular fourth wall to remain intact. Any comments (prompts or fills) related to the real children will be deleted. Mentions/use of original character children are allowed.
No Judgment Allowed.
The primary purpose of this meme is to create an environment where writers, artists, readers, etc., are comfortable to indulge in any kinks they may otherwise avoid in their own namespace/LJ/tumblr/etc. For this to work, we must operate under the philosophy that anything is a kink and all kinks are welcome. Any comments judging/criticizing a kink in any way will be deleted.
User Discretion is Advised.
As this is a free-for-all, there may be content that some find discomforting or triggering. Use your discretion when reading prompts and fills. There is sure to be something here for everybody.
Anonymity is Key.
Prompts and fills are to remain anonymous – why else do we have all these beautiful masks at the masquerade? When providing feedback to fills, you may use your username or remain anonymous
Keep it in the Family.
Each prompt and fill must include at least one character from Supernatural canon or the cast. For example, Dean/Hannibal Lector is a-okay. Felicia Day/Jason Momoa is also fine. Hannibal Lecter/Jason Momoa is not. As the actors move on to new projects and characters, we understand the excitement, however, this is still a Supernatural prompt fest. So Soldier Boy/Jeffrey Dean Morgan or Cordell Walker/Rowena are okay, Soldier Boy/Cordell Walker doesn't fit into this particular sandbox.
This is a Spoiler-Free Zone.
All prompts and fills must include spoiler warnings for any unaired episodes. As Supernatural is now complete, this rule now applies to Walker and The Boys.
One Prompt Per Comment.
We get it: you’re excited (!!!) and you have a zillion prompts to share. We do, too! But each prompt must be posted in its own separate comment.
Fill to Your Heart’s Content.
There is no limit on the number (or length) of fills a person can make, nor is there a limit on the number of fills per prompt. The more kink the better! To this end, please do not claim prompts before posting the fill, as it might deter others from filling them. Also, we realize that there may often be similar themes or subjects in multiple prompts. Please refrain from posting the same fill to multiple prompts.
Subject Lines are Your Friends.
When prompting … Use the subject lines to list characters/pairings and kinks/warnings in your request.
When filling … include “FILLED” at the start of the subject line along with characters/pairings and kinks/warning (whether stated in original prompt or not). You can also call out specific warnings at the beginning of your fill.
How Specific is Your Prompt?
When prompting with your super excellent subject line after reading the above guideline, you can be as specific as you like in your prompt. Add in your preferred kinks, squicks, details of themes, and plot pieces. However, also understand that if you write a novel-length prompt then you may very well have just written the whole thing yourself and will scare away any fillers who fear they will not meet the excess of detail you ask for. So, we suggest, give enough to get your point across with boundaries if you are not comfortable with certain kinky situations, while also leaving room for the fillers to have fun.
Making Your Fill.
When leaving a written fill:
As noted above, post your fill in reply to the prompt and include “FILLED” at the start of the subject line.
As a kink free-for-all, we must also honor the tradition of warnings. We entrust the fillers to exercise proper judgment to warn of extreme or trigger kinks. This should include extreme kinks/traditionally unconventional sexual practices that are A) not included in the prompt and/or B) can be considered triggering to some readers (for example, but not limited to: D/s, abuse, suicide, non-con, etc.).
DW allows approximately 16,000 characters per comment. If you are worried about the length of your comment, DW will warn you if you are over and by how many characters, without posting the comment. This can help you fraction out your fill into the right number of comments.
If your fill is longer than one comment, it is encouraged to thread the comments – reply to the original prompt with the first part, then reply to your first part with the second part, third part reply to the second comment, and so on. It is also encouraged to use “Part 1, Part 2, Part 3” or “1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4” or some other counting structure to inform readers and the OP that the story continues in multiple comments. Threading also helps readers to follow the complete fill/links.
When leaving a an art fill:
As noted above, post your fill in reply to the prompt and include “FILLED” at the start of the subject line.
Do not directly embed art fills in comments. In the interest of keeping the meme relatively safe for work/wandering eyes, host any artwork on a third-party site such as http://postimage.org/ or http://imgur.com and comment with a link in your fill. Any art posted directly into/embedded into comments will be deleted.
As with written fills, list of all kinks/warnings of concern in your fill comment.
​Following the Fills.
We know it becomes overwhelming with the number of comments and pages full of prompts and fills, so we do our best to track and list all fills on the SPN_Masquerade Pinboard. This is also why we ask that fillers include FILLED in their subject line, so it is easier for the mods to find your fills and add them to the pinboard. Fills will be tagged with all appropriate pairings, kinks, media type, etc., including a tag for the round so you can easily follow what is new this round.
Leaving Feedback.
Replying to fills … be sure to share your excitement and appreciation for the fills and the creators’ hard work – without them, the masquerade couldn’t continue! You can remain anonymous in feedback comments at any time, or you can be open and obvious about who you are. (Anonymity only applies to prompts and fills.) Also keep in mind that this is not an exchange event; the prompts are there to get creators’ juices flowing and trying to fit their ideas to the prompts. If someone fills your prompt, be respectful and appreciative even if it’s not catered to your precise preferences.
Regarding replies to prompts … Keep ‘seconding’ comments to a minimum. This is when someone loves the prompt so much they reply ‘yes, seconding!’ or even thirding, fourthing, fifthing … you get the idea. We love the enthusiasm, but it also creates far too many comments on the meme and we want to be sure folks can find the prompts and fills as easily as possible.
​We Read Everything.
Seriously. We do. There are three of us mods and we will be scanning the prompts, fills, and comments to ensure this is a safe place for all to play (as well as tagging for the pinboard!). Any harmful, shaming, or otherwise derogatory comments will be deleted. We’re here to have fun, so play nice! As a general rule, if you see a prompt or fill you don’t like, scroll on by until you find something you love! If you spot something rude and harmful in comments that we have not yet addressed, please contact us on the mod account so we can handle it (or here on tumblr via anon ask if you don’t have DM account).
Keep it on the Meme.
DO NOT repost any anonymous fic OR artwork from the meme anywhere on the web and do not unmask any creators AT ANY TIME. This includes posting to tumblr, Twitter, or LiveJournal during or after this round (or any past round). It is the right of the artist or author to decide whether or not to claim their fanworks after the prompt fest ends and repost elsewhere themselves. However, you may still feel free to share/rec prompts or fills you love by linking back to the specific comments. We just ask that you maintain the anonymity of the participants in the event that you know/figured out who prompted or filled.
In short: sharing links and maintaining anonymity is cool! Reposting fills in their entirety to another platform/space is BAD.
Most Importantly ...
HAVE FUN!! Jump in and out of prompts and fills, play as much or as little as you can, and all around bask in the colorful glory of the Masquerade!
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morgandr · 3 months
While walking on the beach with the boy you mysteriously keep on running into, he ask you to go for a swim with him and he promises it will be fun.
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(Jason Momoa X Reader)
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lex-munro · 1 year
So I'm doing a combined workshop on portraiture and red carpet photography soon (combined as in I'm teaching people how to have their pictures taken while also teaching how to take those pictures), and while prepping, I realized I'd come up with the best bare-bones list of how to get better at having your picture taken.
So. Five free pro-tips for being the person getting your picture taken, from a person who professionally takes pictures of people.
1) Nothing straight-on. Straight-on is clinical and often lifeless, and deeply unforgiving in most cases. Straight-on is the least representative of what people see when they look at you, and can have an Uncanny Valley effect, which will make people vaguely uncomfortable when they look at the pic. If your body is pointed at the camera, turn or tilt your head; if your face is pointed at the camera, turn or tilt either the shoulders or hips. If it's a bust and you feel your face is best from head-on, tilt your head slightly in any direction (up emphasizes the nose and neck, and usually the lower lip; down emphasizes the forehead and brows, as well as the outline of the jaw, but can accidentally give you a double-chin unless you also lean your torso forward; tilting to either side will emphasize asymmetry, especially in jewelry, haircuts, and eye-shape). In full-body from the front, tilting your butt upward will de-emphasize your thighs; turning your shoulders to the side will de-emphasize them while head-on with a tilt will emphasize them; one leg forward and lax will lengthen your silhouette, while feet more than shoulder-width apart will shorten it.
2) Ideal camera height is lower than you think. Again, to best represent the experience of looking at you, make sure the central focus is higher than the camera--so when taking selfies, hold your phone with the camera at the bottom, aiming in the general direction of your mouth in order to avoid inflating either the brow or the chin. When someone else is holding the camera, don't try to lower yourself for fear you're not in the frame.
3) Holding still is stately and relaxed, moving is fun and energetic. Don't be afraid to twirl a little, or fluff your skirt or jacket. If you're always dancing, do a little dance. That's part of your energy, and part of what builds the memory others have of you. If you're the quiet, reserved type, don't hesitate to find a comfortable way to sit or stand still. For seated portraits especially, relaxing into the pose is very different from leaning forward or sitting ramrod-straight. Hands in your pockets can draw the eye down in a tight outfit, but it can also be a way to make space in a garment if you want your jacket to show less chest/stomach or your trousers to show less crotch. If you want to look sad, or thoughtful, or vampy, or high, or whatever, talk about that with your photographer so that they're ready to help you make the right face and pose.
4) Always ask for at least two shots. Not pose advice, I know, but still important. Try different smiles, different poses. Give yourself options. A good photographer will have been observing you carefully during the setup/consultation and will give you prompts they think will refine your pose to achieve your goals, and will usually be happy to show you the difference. "More teeth. Think about tap-dancing kittens. Chin down just a little. Pretend there's peanut butter on the back of your front teeth. And one with your mouth closed. Pretend you're showing a puppy your new ankle tattoo. Twirl. Maybe less twirl. Jason Momoa loves your manicure."
5) Be aware of how your clothes and/or makeup reflect light. Check yourself with warm and cool lights, fluorescent, daylight, etc.--if you'll be in a specific setting (taking company photos in the office, taking wedding photos in a Church, taking Easter photos in the park), try to mimic the lighting of that setting when you choose makeup and wardrobe. Intense spot lighting can wash out matte fabrics like chiffon or blow out the contrast on satins (one reason some photographers loathe other photographers at red carpet events). Translucent setting powders will typically lighten the face under flash photography, and can reveal texture irregularities. MAC is particularly nice on camera, which is a huge reason for its popularity in the film industry, but you can also get great results with photo-oriented cosmetics such as Revlon Photo-Ready.
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the-haylien · 2 years
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I'm reading too many books to be able to review them. That's what I do. That's why I have so many tsundoku piles. So I'm gonna stop that right now, and focus on ONE this weekend. In the meantime, I wanted to chat up some of the movies I've watched on Netflix. I recently cut down on video game playing, so I subconsciously used the movie escape route.
Slumberland with Jason Momoa, Marlow Barkley, and Pig, came out on November 18. I was too busy playing the just-released Pokemon Violet to watch it immediately. Later I thought, this looks like a kid's movie (although it is rated PG); I could use some fluff. And that looks like Jason Momoa. This could be fun.
And it was fun. Nemo, played by Marlow Barkley, goes on an adventure in Dream World in search of treasure, believing it will change her life. She takes Pig along with her, not quite ready to give up her stuffed toy, and she meets Flip in the dream world. When she figures out who Flip is, her goals change as she focuses on someone besides herself.
The movie also had some great themes in it, like don't judge, have patience, and the biggie: sometimes you get what you need, instead of what you wish for. You can watch this movie solely to go on a fun and exciting romp, just know that if you're sensitive to emotions you're gonna cry.
Barkley is a fantastic actor and outshines the adults in this movie--even Momoa. It's a wonderful movie. Don't miss it.
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worldlyso-imagines · 6 years
Better Than That
Jason Momoa X Reader Because what else would your best friend do on your work day other than anything to make you not work? Rating: F (Fluff)
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Jason: You gonna let me in, right? 1:17 PM
Jason: Hey. Stop ignoring me. 1:22 PM
Jason: You’re working too much! 1:23 PM
Jason: You’re literally being so rude right now. 1:27 PM
You: I am not being rude, I’m doing my job. Stop bothering me, Jason! 1:28 PM
Jason: Well stop doing your job and spend some time with me :) 1:28 PM
You: I am not going to spend time with you right now. I need to get this done and it’s already a pain in the ass. 1:29 PM
“Hey. You have someone here to see you. He said it was important.” A coworker stuck her head in my door. I looked up from my phone and nodded at her.
“I’ll be right out. Thank you.” I set my phone down on my office desk and shuffled around the structure, going out the door. Just as I opened the door, I bumped into someone. I looked up to apologize, but scowled when I saw who it was.
“Hello, beautiful! How’s work going?” Jason smirked, making himself at home inside my work space, sitting on the love seat against the wall.
“Like shit,” I huffed. “What are you doing here?” I closed the door behind me and sat back down at my desk.
“Came to see my favorite person,” Jason shrugged.
“Lisa is your favorite person. So is Emilia. And Ezra, since Justice League was filmed. I am just someone who lives down the road from you who you love to annoy while she works.” I glared at the famous and admired actor as I worked on finishing up the report. He only laughed and shook his head.
“I can have more than one favorite person.”
“You can only have one ‘number one’ favorite person.”
“Well, yeah. Obviously.”
“And that would be Lisa. I don’t have to ask you that.” I groaned as I hit the wrong key and backspaced on my keyboard. “I fucking hate this new keyboard. The keys are raised higher than I’m used to.” Shaking my head in frustration, I tried to block out my company’s laughter.
“You never even told me you got this new job,” he noted, looking around my personal office.
“Yeah. By the way, you just walked into my following question; who told you I worked here?”
“Your sister.”
“My sis-... Why are you talking to my sister?” I scoffed, folding my arms on my desk in front of my computer and looking at him.
“Because she’s a nice person and I enjoy conversating with her.”
“Jason, ‘conversating’ is not a word. The term you’re looking for is, ‘having conversations with’.” I turned back to my computer screen.
“Don’t correct my grammar, missy. I’ll talk how I want,” he chuckled, eyes still roaming my walls. They landed on a painting next to the door. “Hey. I remember you painting that.”
“Painting what?”
“The painting of the forest and the random train tracks. You and your weird train obsession,” he smiled.
“It’s not a weird obsession. I just like trains,” I chuckled. “I think you were in my room while I was working on it, actually. That’s why you remember it.”
“I was! I was there!” He proclaimed excitedly. We both laughed and he stood and moved behind my chair. “Whatcha doin’?”
“Work, which would be getting done a lot quicker if you weren’t in here with me.” Even with him behind me, I knew he knew I was smiling.
“Are you asking me to leave?” He asked, hurt.
“I’m not asking you to do anything.”
“Good. Then I’ll continue to keep you company.” He sat back on the couch and grinned at me, laughing when I rolled my eyes.
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 years
Summary: The House Atreides' time in Caladan is running short. With the bitter feeling of leaving home behind, and the need to make the most of the hours they have left together, Y/n and Duncan decide it's about time they stop dancing around their feelings for each other.
Pairing: Duncan Idaho x Reader
Genre: angst-fluff
Duncan Idaho: @whovianayesha
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @just-here-to-escape-from-reality
Warnings: language, make out, let me know if I'm missing on something
A/N: I'm testing the waters with this one-shot to see if Tumblr targets me again or if I can post the Duncan Idaho x Moritani!Reader multipart without being banned lmaoo.
Disclaimer! This is a work of fanfiction using characters from Dune, which belong to Frank Herbert. I do not own these characters.
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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I happened to be crossing the hangar on my way to the library —it was definitely not the shortest way in the Castle, but I was in desperate need for a walk—, when a voice I wasn't expecting to hear called my name.
"Hey, Y/n!" My heart skipped a beat when I looked over my shoulder and saw Duncan jogging in my direction.
I stopped walking and waited for him to reach me. "Idaho." I greeted him, spinning back once he was by my side. "I didn't know you were back."
"I just arrived." He responded, pointing at his ship, which we had left behind. "Is it true you're being sent to Arrakis?"
"I suppose so." Duncan furrowed his brows at my apathy while we walked out of the hangar. "Who told you?"
"Paul." I should have guessed it; that kid spoke to the swordmaster about everything. "You don't seem too happy," he observed. "Is everything okay?"
"You wouldn't be happy either if you were getting sent to that hellhole."
"I am getting sent to that hellhole."
I came to a halt in my walk due to his statement and rotated to him, dumbfounded. He, taken aback by my reaction, slowed down his stroll and waited for me to speak.
As the Duke's envoy, I had been given a list of names belonging to the people who would enter Arrakeen to secure it, and Duncan's name was not in there.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm leaving with the advance team tomorrow morning." He clarified, his brows furrowed at my lack of understanding.
"No, what— you're not on the list."
"What list?"
"The advance team." I grunted in frustration and, after peeking left and right, I pointed at the nearest door. Duncan understood what I was asking him to do and opened it for me.
Once we made sure it was empty, we both entered, partially closing the door to obtain some privacy without arising questions.
"Why the hell are you going to Arrakis?"
I quirked an eyebrow at him. "Don't lie to my face. I just said you're not on the list."
This time, he seemed to give it a thought before responding. "Diplomacy."
"Don't lie."
"I'm not lying."
"We can't both be going on diplomatic missions." A part of me, the minuscule part that wasn't stressed out, held some hope that perhaps, Duncan and I were going together. We wouldn't have to say goodbye just yet.
"Hold on," there was something similar to hope in his eyes too, swimming among the confusion. "you're going to Arrakis because of the Fremen too?"
"You said you were going on a diplomatic mission too." He came to the realization, probably by my expression, that I was in fact, not going because of the Fremen. "You're not. Okay what I just said was highly-"
"I'll pretend I didn't hear it." I responded, to which he muttered a quick 'thank you'.
"What about you?"
I toyed with the silver ring on my middle finger, an anxious habit I had acquired. "I am to meet the Judge of the Change."
"Well, that's not too bad." Duncan's hand slipped into my view, gently separating my hands to stop my fidgeting. "Why the long face, then?"
I sighed. "Doctor Kynes is supposed to take me to the Harkonnen."
It took Duncan a moment to process that, but as soon as he did, he dropped my hands, stepping back.
"What?!" I shushed him, pulling him further into the windowless storeroom for the passerbys not to eavesdrop through the ajar door. "Are you going unprotected?" I nodded, unable to meet his gaze, for some unknown reason. "No way— the Duke didn't just—"
"Send me to die?" I finished, piqued, looking up at him. Bewilderment and worry were mixed on his face. "We need to ensure we won't be attacked." I added, trying to justify Leto's choice for the sake of the Swordmaster.
"I can talk to him."
A frown of disbelief formed above my eyes. "No, you can't." He attempted to speak but I insisted. "You know you can't."
"They'll kill you to send him a message."
"Duncan." I raised my hands, signaling him to calm down.
"They're evil—"
"I'm the ducal envoy, it's my job."
"What? Dying?!"
"This is not my idea!"
A soldier opened the door, probably attracted by our yelling; we had drawn unwanted attention from outside.
"Is everything alright?" The man asked, his eyes going from Duncan to me, and back to Duncan. We both replied with a dry 'yes' and the soldier wearily left us alone.
We took that opportunity as a cue to head out too, considering the conversation closed. We were both exhausted —him due to the flight, and me due to the ceremony—, we didn't need to have a pointless argument.
We walked in silence until we reached the entrance of the meeting room, where we would part ways since he surely had to inform the Duke about his last mission.
"Are you coming to the banquet tonight?" He questioned before I headed off.
"Do I look like I'm in the mood to come to the banquet?" I sounded ruder than I had intended, but Duncan let it slip.
"I'll see you in the morning then." He gave me a small smile that I felt compelled to return, even if it was just due to the concern his own carried.
Knock knock knock
I would have loved to say that the knocking on my door woke me up, but sadly, it only interrupted my chaotic yet silent reflecting on my life in Caladan. The friends I made, the ones I lost; the turns my path took, the choices I made, the opportunities I turned down, and Duncan.
It always came back to Duncan.
"Coming!" I announced, getting up from my bed to answer the call. "bored of the banquet?" I questioned at the sight of a tired Duncan.
"Gurney's been playing the baliset for ages now." He looked over his shoulder, as if to make sure the Warmaster was not right behind him.
"Don't bitch about it," I warned. "he's really good."
"Not when he's drunk."
"Even when he's drunk." He quirked an eyebrow at me. "You're just jealous." I added with a snicker.
"Can I come in or not?" He inquired, already leaning into the room, balancing himself with one of his hands on the doorframe. "I brought ale." He half sung, lifting his other hand to show me a bottle.
I briefly pondered the request, and ended up finding a better option. "Actually—" I walked back into the room to put on a pair of boots and grab a jacket. "Let's head to the beach."
"You hate the beach." Duncan pointed out as I closed my room's door.
"Wrong," I replied, walking by his side through the halls. "I hate the rain."
"Bet it's raining." I could hear the cocky grin without looking at him.
"Bet it's not."
He tsked playfully. "You always back the wrong horse."
"Well if it's raining," I began, only to be cut off by him.
"We go back to your room?" I glared at him and he used the opportunity to wink at me.
"I'll use you as an umbrella." I corrected him.
Not only it was not raining, but the stars shone as bright as ever in the night, reflecting on the surprisingly calm waves of the sea.
We had installed ourselves with our backs resting on one of the beach's large rock formations. Us both had been sitting in peaceful silence for a while, sat on the cold sand, just enjoying each other's company.
Sometimes that's all we needed after a long day, just knowing that the other was there.
"I'm gonna miss this." I whispered.
"Me too." Duncan agreed before chugging on the remainings of alcohol left in the nearly bottle. "Maybe Arrakis won't be that bad." He added, his eyes fixed on the dark horizon, where the sea and the night sky seemed to meet.
"It'll be worse." He snorted at my response, starting a series of chuckles from us both. "I hope we see each other there to complain about the sun and the heat." My tone turned quieter and more serious.
I could feel his beautiful eyes sparing me a glance before he reassuringly stated, "I'm sure we will."
My head, which had been tilted up until now, facing the stars, shifted to meet his; like many other times previous to this one, I ended up being caught in the moment, mesmerized by the way he looked at me and through me.
If we locked our gazes for long enough, our orbs would inevitably fall on the other's lips, and that was the moment when we snapped out of it.
He was the one to avert his eyes, casting them down to examine the bottle resting between his spread legs, half buried in the sand due to his hand spinning it distractedly. "You think Kynes will be a good Judge Of The Change?"
I sighed, folding my arms over my chest while staring at my crossed feet. "I hope so."
"I wish I could go with you." He muttered, quickly adding a mildly anxious attempt of an explanation. "Not that I don't think you can't handle yourself—"
"I know what you mean." I interrupted him, a smile inevitably twisting up the corner of my mouth. "That's very sweet of you, but you have important matters to attend."
"Your safety is an important matter." He spoke those words like it meant something else, something more personal— and they did.
I stood up from my position and sat down right by his side, leaning on him, my head on his shoulder. Maybe it was the extra courage the booze had given me which made me do it, or maybe the fact that tomorrow we'd be leaving home forever with no promise of seeing each other again.
Instantly, his hand found mine to hold it, and his cheek fell on top of my crown.
We stayed like that, taking in the cold weather of Caladan for the last time, eyes closed and fingers intertwined, until a particularly cold blow of wind made us shiver.
"We should go inside" he whispered, to which I nodded, standing upright before getting up, this time to leave.
Duncan trailed after me, close enough for me to feel the warmth radiating from his body, and we walked through the dark halls of Castle Caladan.
We could hear the music, laughter and loud chatter coming from the Great Hall, even though we were far from the festivities.
The ambience had an ominous feeling to it, quite unsettling, but we both had resigned ourselves to it.
"I think I'm gonna head to the kitchens." Duncan mentioned.
"I'll come with you, I'm hungry." It wasn't a lie, but the sole reason for me to keep his company was the same he had; we were trying to make the most of it before the morning came.
We found our way to the kitchens, already empty with a single glowglobe floating in the middle, barely lighting up the quiet space, fuller with furniture and cooking utensils than with food.
"You know, when I was younger I used to sneak into the kitchens at night." I mentioned only loud enough for me to hear when we split to find sustenance of our liking. "One of the employees always caught me with my hands in the cookie jar— quite literally."
Duncan chuckled in amusement, our eyes briefly meeting through one of the pantry's empty shelves.
"Who would have thought." He began, circling an isle with a portion of pie on a plate. "Y/n Y/l/n, the diplomat, a thief."
"Shocking, I know."
"Now I understand why you have so easily stolen my heart."
I snorted at the comment, grabbing an apple and a spoon to pinch some of Duncan's pie. "That was sooo cheeky."
It was not the first time the Swordmaster made a comment like that, but I had never learned to control the shock that came with it, nor the butterflies in my stomach.
"You like cheeky." He declared with a playful grin, plopping down on a chair, and I had to resist the urge to respond 'no, I like you'.
"You can do much better than that." I said instead, sitting by his side.
"Not this late at night— hey!" He slapped the back of my hand with his spoon. "Go get your own piece of pie, thief." He snapped, moving his plate away from me when I went to grab a bite.
"You're a greedy fucker, you know that right?" I commented, my eyes squinted at him while I got up to do as he told me.
"And you" Duncan pointed at me menacingly with the spoon, his mouth stuffed with the pie. " Are a spoiled little shit." He riposted.
"My mom taught me sharing is caring." I countered, standing on my tiptoes to put down on the counter the pie's platter, which rested on the top of a shelf.
"I feel like your mother meant it for you to share." I heard Duncan's voice getting closer, and watched him lean against the counter with the corner of my eye while I chopped a slice of the dessert and put it on a separate plate.
"Who cares." I dismissed him with a wave of my hand, holding back a smile.
That kind of banter was nothing out of the usual; of course, it was always lighthearted, never malicious. We had crossed the line a couple of times, but it had been quickly followed by a genuine apology.
There was a brief silence that preceded a statement that would worsen the mood.
"I can't believe we're leaving." I left the spoon over the half eaten dessert and turned to Duncan, just to see him downhearted, his head casted down.
"Me neither." I gloomily replied, putting the plate aside, as I had lost all appetite.
I was about to add 'we'll come back one day', but fearing it coming off feigned, I took the way of actions instead of the way of words.
I pushed myself off the counter and walked to stand in front of him. I waited for his gaze to leave the floor and acknowledge me before wrapping my arms around him, pouring as much of my emotions as possible on that simple act.
His own arms wrapped around my waist, squeezing me tight and slightly lifting me up.
Once he let my feet come back to the kitchen's tiles, we pulled away, leaving an odd feeling floating in the air.
He sighed, gifting me one of those rare smiles of his, one that was not playful, cocky or teasing; one so soft and loving that would make anyone's heart melt, though it was stained with a bittersweet tinge that made me sad.
"We should go to sleep already." He stated, pushing himself off the counter.
I moved away so I wouldn't be blocking his way, but instead of following him, I stood in place, frozen by fear and heartbreak. The chance of seeing each other again felt slim, and that was scary.
We had been avoiding confronting our feelings for years now, years of friendship in which we both longed for more, but it had never been the right moment to act on it.
Thing is, there wouldn't be any right moments— in fact, there probably wouldn't be any moments at all.
"Y/n?" Duncan had come back into the kitchen, and he now stood near the door; I could feel his worry without even sparing him a look. "Is everything okay?"
I took a deep breath and stalked to the kitchen's entrance, shutting the door before taking a couple of steps back to be in front of him.
"This will haunt me if I don't do it." I stated, more to myself than to him, before gripping his shirt and pulling him down to me.
To my surprise, there was no hesitance from his side; on the contrary, he was the one closing the gap between our lips with a rushed, messy kiss.
I felt our teeth clashing while our hands impatiently pulled each other's clothes and arms in a panic-stricking, unthinking manner.
I unconsciously backed him until his back hit a shelf, making him grunt into the kiss.
"Sorry." I breathlessly mumbled between kisses.
" 'S fine." Duncan's hand patted my thigh, wordlessly asking me to raise it; I obliged, letting out a surprised gasp when he lifted me up, switching my mouth for my neck and collarbone, to plant open-mouthed kisses there.
My breathing turned heavy, my fingers tangling on his locks and my legs wrapped around his middle.
His lips came back to mines once he had sat me down on top of a counter; this time the kiss was less impatient, as we were relishing this little moment.
It was just the two of us; no leaving in the morning, no risky diplomatic missions, no saying goodbye.
But it couldn't last forever.
Slowly but surely, the heated kisses died down, leading to us reluctantly pulling away from each other ever so slightly.
"We should have done this earlier." I whispered, regret tinging my voice while my fingertips caressed their way down from his chest to his hands, resting on the counter at either side of me.
"Better late than never." He replied, flipping one of his hands to hold my own, resting on top of it.
Better late than never.
He, too, thought we wouldn't see each other again, and that took me into a whole new level of sadness— Duncan had always been the optimistic one.
"Hey," He called for my attention, softly bumping mi forehead with his. "It's just an expression." He cleared, almost as if he had read my mind. I looked up, staring at him through my lashes and I was met with that lovely smile again. "Once I find the Fremen, we'll meet in Arrakeen."
I nodded, letting a spark of hope bloom in my heart for the sake of us both. "We'll meet in Arrakeen."
"C'mon," Duncan pecked my lips and stood upright, pulling my hand for me to hop off the counter, which I did. "I'll walk you to your room."
"Didn't you want to stay in my room?" I teased, letting go of his hand to fix my clothes and hair.
He let out a shocked laugh. "Well I feel like we should get some sleep."
"Who said we're not sleeping, Idaho?" I gave him a side eye whilst walking to confirm that his cheeks had gone pink. "There'll be time for not sleeping once we meet again, right?"
He relaxed, a satisfied smile tugging on the corner of his lips. "Right." His fingers caught mines and intertwined with them as we found our way to my room.
We slept soundly that night, reassured by the thought that, even if we didn't meet in Arrakeen, we would know we had had the courage to act up before it was too late.
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