#Jaune is salem’s descendent
novankenn · 13 days
You look... Familiar...
Salem is sitting upon her throne, looking down upon the lone interloper that has dared to defile her inner sanctum. In the distance the sounds of a pitched battle could be heard echoing through the massive castle.
Jaune: I will not let you continue in your quest of destruction!
Salem: Do you REALLY think you can stop me?
Jaune: I won't know unless I try!
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Salem: Oh how cute you brought a sword...
Salem suddenly vanishes from her throne and reappears right in front of Jaune her pale fingers digging into the sides of his throat.
Jaune: URK!
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Salem: Such a young heroic fool... pity... you have power inside you... such a waste...
Jaune gags and chokes as Salem's grip tightens. Dropping Crocea Mors he grabs at her wrist in a vain attempt to pry her from his throat. Her grasp faulters as an image appears unbidden in her mind...
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Salem: No... no... it... it... can't be!
Jaune: *Hacking and coughing on his knees*
Salem suddenly reaches down and tilts Jaune's head back... peering directly into his eyes...
Salem: You family line! What is it! Tell me know!
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Jaune: *hoarse whisper* I am Jaune Arc...
Salem: *growls* Who is progenitor of your family! ANSWER ME!
Jaune: Joan... Joan D'Arc... the maiden of...
Salem: It's not possible... is it?
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howlingday · 6 months
Emerald: Geez, you people have issues!
Jaune: Of course I have issues! (Points)
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brokentrafficknight · 8 months
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I wish they didn't get cold feet about this theory
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falleri-salvatore · 11 months
How I would write Papa Arc explaining to Jaune the Arc Family history, and the reason as to why he didn't want to train him.
Papa Arc: *sigh* sit down, boy. It's clear that I should have explained this years ago before you went and foolishly stole Crocea and joined Oz in his pointless war. Papa Arc: You said that you wished to become a Hero *insert sneer of disdain*; just like my father, my grandfather, my great-grandfather and all of the others before them. But answer me this, Jaune; Just what is a hero, exactly? Just what is it the Arc family is so highly lauded and esteemed for? Papa Arc: Here is the truth about "Heroes", they are simply monsters and killers who happened to be at the right side of history and thus were lauded as champions. The Arc family is legendary for one simple fact: we produce natural killers; cold-minded and highly-analytical prodigies with an uncanny affinity for the arts of war. Papa Arc: Do you remember our family values, Jaune? Not just "An Arc never goes back on their word", but also: "An Arc shall never raise their blade nor their fist without due cause", "An Arc shall always strive for excellence; both of character and in aptitude" and "An Arc shall always endeavour to do good works". This is not out of virtue, this is out of self-restraint. Papa Arc: Arcs are aggressive warriors by their nature, it is in our very blood but we must also integrate ourselves into a civilized society and thus we restrain our worst impulses by imposing upon ourselves a code of ethics to live by. Papa Arc: But you were different Jaune, and your sisters as well, if to a lesser extent. While your sisters still retain the assertiveness of an Arc in their character, you were born gentle in every way. Yet your Grandfather and eventually, even I, could feel it; your innate talent and potential as a Warrior far eclipsed your sisters' and any other Arc before you, but you lacked the disposition to truly harness it.
Papa Arc: Rather than an Arc, you took after your mother *sees Jaune about to protest at that and raises hand before Jaune could speak* that is NOT a bad thing, quite the opposite. In you I saw a bright future, a future in which our family's cursed legacy could finally be purified; a future in which we were no longer known for savagery but rather for gentleness and kindness. Papa Arc: And also, the path of a hero, as you yourself found out painfully, is nothing but loss, torment and eventually, a meaningless and pointless death. It is a path that I, as a father, absolutely refused to let you OR your sisters go through. And when you asked me to train you; to teach you how to plan, how to organize, how to analyze and manipulate your enemies, and eventually, how to mutilate them in the most efficient manner possible... Papa Arc: ...I admit it, I was terrified; terrified of the very idea of my gentle son being forced to go through that path, repulsed, as a father, at the very thought of training my own son in how to kill his own gentle heart so that he could hunt and kill others without remorse. And because of those feelings, I reacted in anger, I called you weak; because your heart was too gentle to kill and your sanity would not last the moment you would be forced to spill your first blood, to take your first life. Papa Arc: So there you have it son. It was never a lack of belief in your talent and potential that made us expect you to fail Beacon, it was the fact that the moment you were forced to see the ugly side of the path you chose, the moment you were forced to discard your morals for the sake of "the greater good"; we expected you to leave Beacon out of disgust and horror. Papa Arc: But of course *shakes head while chuckling wryly*, you just had to make me look foolish. I kept focusing on your gentleness, that I completely forgot that you also inherited my stubbornness.
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The Descendant
The Descendant needed Someone yet was shunned, The Vessel Needed someone and was surronded by Love,
The Descendent Lost Everything He Ever Loved, The Vessel Had Her Love Ones Alive, Why Did The World Hate The Descendant? Is It Because he was related to the Dark one?,
but there was no one there to hear it, he was alone again, no one to love as they were dead, no one to talk to as he was shunned, no one to rely to, as no one wanted to get close to the descendant. Yet all he ever asked for in the world was to be a knight was that so hard? why why was the world so cruel to him?With The Vessel And Light Shunning him out as he was the descendant of the Dark One He followed one path the path Many before him took
the path to Darkness
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 months
~Rooster Teeth is shutting down~
Ruby: This doesn't look too good Jaune ...
Jaune: You mean we're not gonna Get the Relic, Save the world, And Stop Salem?
Ruby: I don't even think we're gonna be able to ourselves or our teams buddy ...
Jaune: *Gives Ruby a hug*
Ruby: Thanks ...
Jaune: Don't mention it.
Ruby: I guess what everyone said about us was true Jaune.
Jaune: You mean that we're attractive?
Ruby: No. That we're just a poorly written protaganist and a Self-Insert. A couple of characters in way over our heads. We were doomed from the start. I mean look at us! We didn't come close to stopping Salem. We let Everybody down. We failed.
Jaune: Evernight Castle...
Ruby: Yeah buddy. We never made it to Evernight Castle.
Jaune: Evernight Castle ...
Ruby: Exactly Buddy, yeah. The place we never got to.
Jaune: Evernight Castle ...
Ruby: Okay, now you're starting to bum me out Jaune.
Jaune: No! Look at that sign! Evernight Castle! Remnant Gifts and Sundries!
Ruby: Evernight Castle is a gift Shop? But if this is Evernight Castle then where's the ...
*The Relics Gleam off on a stand*
R+J: ... Relics ...
Ruby: The Relics they stole! This is Evernight Castle!
Ruby: Jaune! We did make it!
Jaune: Yeah! We did ...
Ruby: *Crying* I guess we did all right for a couple of goofballs ...
Jaune: *Crying with Ruby*
R+J: *Voices fading* YELLOW BE-AUTY BURNS ... Gold ...
FNDM Members: *Crying, Weeping, Shaking in Fear*
Other FNDM members: *Wiping tears from it's eyes* That's It! That's THe end of RWBY!
Twitter: *Squawks* Shut up and watch the Feed!
Other Other FNDM Members: The Bird's RiGHT! It'd Be the Care CRWBY has for the Show!
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The FNDM: *Raucous, Uninhibited Cheering, more tears but this time of joy*
Jaune: Now let's go get those Relics!
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pilot-boi · 11 months
palette swap of Salem ( the grimmified version) and jaune. I wanna see the dark knight boy
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Salem Descendant truthers come get y’all food
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ficretus · 3 months
*Jaune gets cornered by Salem*
Salem: There is no escape, don't make me destroy you. Jaune, you do not realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your Semblance. Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength we can overthrow the Gods and bring order to the world.
Jaune: I'll never join you!
Salem: If only you knew power you could have. Ozma never told you what happened to your ancestor. Jaune: What? That's very random, I don't even remember aski... Salem: No, I am your ancestor. Jaune: What does that have to do with anyt... Salem: Search your feelings, you know it to be true! Jaune: *confused* Salem: You do not believe me? Fine. *pulls out a massive family tree* Salem: See, here is me at the top and you right there at the bottom. Now let us continue. *clears throat* Salem: Join me, and together, we can rule the world as ancestor and descendant! Jaune: I understand that, but what does that have to do with anything? Look at that family tree, there are several thousand people at the bottom. At this point,every fifth person in Vale is probably your descendant. This doesn't make me special. *looks closely at the family tree* Jaune: Half of people I know from Beacon are your descendants, why are you bothering me? Salem: I have a thing for blondes. Jaune: Sigh... I'm not doing this. *jumps into the pit*
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howi99 · 7 months
Grim arc.
Salem your reaction to jaune. Calling you mom.or have you met his actual bio mother yet?
Jaune: *just after finishing one of his training with Cinder* So, Cinder, i was interested in knowing who your family was. You don't really talk about them.
Cinder: Well... I am, no, i was an orphan who got adopted by... Not the greatest people. I left, of course, but i never really got to have a mom or a dad you know?
Jaune: But what about that woman, the one that keeps calling us every time we go to train together?
Cinder: Oh her? *A bit louder since she knows Salem can hear and see everything Jaune can hear and see* She is an annoying boss who should stop pestering me about my social life every time i am with you.
Jaune: *laughing* God, sounds like my mom every time i brought a friend home! Since when are you working for her?
Cinder: since i was 13? Maybe 14? She took me in when i was in a bad spot and helped me out.
Jaune: Guess she was still a better parental figure then your old family. It's good that you found someone to help you out-
Cinder phone ringing
Jaune: Speaking of the devil
Cinder: *Answering the phone* What is it now?
Salem: Marry this man.
Cinder: W-what?!
Salem: I said marry him. You can forget the relics, i'll work on that next century.
Cinder: B-but-
Salem: Oh and Since he is technically my descendant, i bless the marriage. And tell him his mom says hi. We were having tea. *Hang-up*
Cinder: ....
Jaune: What happened?
Cinder: I uh... Hm... I might need to talk with the headmaster, nothing bad but... A-anyway, we should get back to our dorm!
Jaune: *shrugging* If you say so.
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nightmare-foundation · 4 months
I have been TELLING people that students Don't Fucking Die during initiation and now I see ppl are surprised that that's not canon (this).
Anyways I highly doubt students have ever died during initiation. It's shown that Ozpin and Glynda are watching over the students, and Miles confirmed he was especially watching Jaune due to his inexperience. If ANYTHING went wrong, Oz and Glynda would've stepped in. They'd know it too because of the cameras in the Emerald Forest.
There's absolutely nothing to imply that students die during initiation. It's stated in After The Fall that there's no waiver they have to sign, and I'm pretty sure Coco figures out that what Ozpin says about dying and there being no help was just to scare them. Which, yknow, tracks considering his teaching methods and his overall personality.
This obviously also applies to training missions. It's pretty clear that the students are supervised during missions, and can pull out and call for help at any time. Port had an airship ready when After The Fall showed what happened during CFVYs mission. Of course, sometimes shit happens and things go wrong (Gretchen's death), but I highly doubt it's incredibly normal for students to die.
On the other side of that Cameo- I like how Miles talks about Salem. It's interesting that Salem doesn't see herself as human anymore, that she only sees people as tools to use. She's so far removed from humanity that she no longer grieves for her children and wouldn't care if there was a descendant still alive. It's interesting to toss around, but tbh I have few thoughts on this lol.
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bestworstcase · 5 months
@sailorb00 tags here
#i was also on the fence about the EA siblings and Theodore being related by looks alone (#... and the alice + dorothy comparison#mostly chalked it up to coincidence but now that they're conf. to be from Vacuo it's looking less like coincidence fsdf#then is the girl on the desk photograph Alyx before she and Lewis found the EA?#And Theodore juat inherited it? He grew up on his great-great grandfather/uncle/who know's stories about the EA being real?#Maybe in hopes that one day his sister would return and be welcomed by family? even if they're generations apart#if Lewis's pseudonym is Theodore Im gonna lose it#I mean we dont know his or the EA siblings' surnames.#IS THAT WHY THEODORE DOESNT GO BY HIS SURNAME#BC OF THE FAMILY LEGACY???#ok imma go sit down now before i hurt myself w/ speculation fsdf
YEAH SAME on the being like Doubt.jpg about a relation between theodore and lewis on the basis of… skin color, basically, but the minute i heard “i couldn’t believe they were from vacuo,” that’s a deliberate choice to link these kids to the setting for the next major story arc, and that’s happening in conjunction with several developments in the 9.11 animatic that suggest history is about to become very important (soaring popular support for the crown—probable mountain glenn history-repeating-itself theme with salem razing vale—oscar mentioning vacuo’s history of colonization—plus the great war having ended with ozma’s use of the sword in vacuo).
it’s very. raises eyebrow. alrighty then!
so whatever lewis did after coming home, other than writing tgwfttw, probably has some narrative relevance—might be as small as something jaune needs to find closure, or it might be bigger than that, who knows, but if it was a hundred and fifty years ago and it matters enough to be in the story, then the story needs a vehicle to deliver this information in a manner that feels naturalistic and non-arbitrary. (jaune-stumbles-across-loved-one’s-memorial-statue-by-chance once is a believable happenstance; twice, a cheap contrivance.)
the simplest way to do that is to introduce a vacuan character with some connection to lewis, and the obvious choice there is a descendent, because lewis lived a long enough time ago that family lineage is kind of the only plausible reason for a living character in the present to have a meaningful personal connection to lewis.
(and it can’t be oz, because oz had no idea the ever after existed.)
this descendent-character also ideally should be prominent enough in the story to matter for reasons unrelated to their relation to lewis, to avoid feeling shoehorned in. and they are probably human, given the apparent rarity of interracial human/faunus couples.
that pretty much narrows it down to theodore, or the asturias twins. NOW hysterical as it would be for jax and gillian to be descended from lewis, finn asturias is obsessed with “the old stories about [his] family” and yet doesn’t drop even a single hint about the ever after, so i think we can rule that out.
which leaves theodore. hmm.
that picture in his office:
She still remembered that her attention had been drawn to one photo in particular: a black-and-white picture of a young girl in pigtails and a checkered dress with a small black dog. She hadn’t mustered the courage to ask who she was to Theodore. A daughter? A sister? Whoever she was, Velvet could see the resemblance.
plainly evokes dorothy, and even bearing in mind that there may be discrepancies (theodore is described as blue-eyed in the book but has brown eyes in beyond, for example)… there’s nothing in this photo to suggest a resemblance to alyx beyond ‘young girl.’ alyx doesn’t wear her hair in pigtails, nor does she have checkered patterns anywhere in her design, nor does she have a little black dog. so i doubt it’s her.
but black-and-white does suggest it’s old. ‘sister’ seems a lot more plausible than ‘daughter’ for that reason, and ‘mother or aunt’ even more likely than either of those.
(the other thing about a young girl with a small black dog in This story, is.
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it’s a symbol for the deaths of the ozlem girls and the inescapable grief that underlies the whole conflict between ozma and salem—there’s a reason she sends a giant monstrous hound to capture oz and then huddles in the shadows miserably looking at conjured images of her daughters until oscar wakes up; the black dog reappears as this terrifying monster in conjunction with the surfacing of all this pain.
so the question is to what extent this small black dog in the photograph is Just Toto, and whether the specific narrative symbolism is or isn’t in play here; Did This Girl Die? that would preclude her being theodore’s mother but she could well be an aunt or great-aunt.)
of course the point of drawing attention to this photograph might be as simple as hinting at theodore’s quote-unquote real ozian allusion; not dorothy but the silver shoes lost in the desert. which is an interesting angle to consider with regard to this possibility of lewis being his ancestor, because on the one hand there’s the silver shoes carrying dorothy home yet becoming irretrievably lost themselves in doing so, and on the other there’s alyx, the white rabbit, guiding people home yet never able to return home herself. see the rhyme?
in a sense jaune and team rwby bring alyx home with them, in that they know what happened to her and if there are descendants of lewis still living in vacuo then the question of why she never came home can finally be answered. and if the descendent is theodore, then the intertextual confluence between him and alyx is more resonant than the surface dorothy-and-alice comparison; the silver shoes are the home the white rabbit returns to, as a memory, a hundred and fifty-odd years late. and it matters.
but also i have a little hamster wheel churning at all times in the back of my mind and right now it’s churning around: sixty, seventy years before the great war began, vacuo was a colonial territory of mistral—before the great war, it had no formal government, it wasn’t a state, and oscar references the history of colonization in the 9.11 animatic. so that history and the history of the great war—which was for vacuo a war for independence—is narratively salient. lewis was a child who grew up in vacuo during the fractious decades preceding the great war; he gives a face to this period in history.
and jaune told lewis and alyx not only that he was from remnant but that he was from more than a century in their future; he and lewis “compared notes on remnant.” jaune couldn’t believe they were from vacuo, “back before the war, before huntsmen.”
they compared notes.
jaune’s grandfather fought in the great war.
so lewis went back home to colonial vacuo fifty, sixty, seventy years before the great war knowing that the great war was going to happen. knowing that within his lifetime vacuo would fight for its independence and win. knowing that there would be peace in the end. according to what blake says in 9.2, in the book, alyx “didn’t know [afteran] customs and started a war between the townsfolk” and that takes on a really different subtext now that we know the story’s author was a man who grew up in colonial vacuo knowing that the great war was coming.
either lewis and alyx were vacuan, or they were mistrali but born in vacuo; either way the tenor of the girl who fell through the world suggests that lewis’ sympathies lay with vacuo. both options stand to be compelling if he acted upon this knowledge more directly than writing anti-colonial themes into his children’s book. or books. there is also the boy who fell from the sky, mentioned in after the fall, and alice’s adventures in wonderland does have a somewhat lesser-known sequel.
i doubt lewis fought in the great war himself—he was probably in his seventies or older by then—but if he had children they would have been of an age to fight for vacuo, and if lewis had passed down to them the stories he knew of what remnant would be like after…
y’see how lewis could have ended up playing a really important role in vacuo’s side of the great war, if he’d decided not to leave matters in the hands of fate? jaune told him about what the world would be like after the great war, but lewis also figured out that jaune knew more than he let on, figured out that jaune remembered a story lewis hadn’t written down yet. he knew that knowledge of the future could shape the future, because if it hadn’t been for jaune and jaune’s foreknowledge of his book, he might not have written it the way he did, as a guide for how to get out of the ever after.
so he goes home, knowing the great war will happen and what the outcome will be—or else knowing that it might happen that way. who did he become with that knowledge? what did he choose to do with what he knew? the one thing we know is he became a storyteller, and “storytellers have great power” is a prominent narrative theme.
salem inspired the world to rebel against the brothers by telling the story of what they had done to her, and speaking of her vision of a time when humanity could be free.
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novankenn · 12 days
So do you have a plan with the Jaune being Salem's descended or was that a one shot?
Answer: I don't have plans per-say, but considering you took the time to ask... the at least I can do is expand on the original. I will say this... when I started the original and then this, I am not picturing Salem as suddenly giving up on her eons old grudge.
Original Post : You Look... Familiar...
You look... Familiar... Confirmations?
Salem: I need to know for certain...
Jaune: ARRGGG.... ACK!
Salem clamped her hand down on the back of Jaune's neck, pulled him up and then started to drag him a cross the floor of her expansive throne room.
Salem: They all died. I saw it. I know it.
Jaune did his best to keep up with the immortal evil incarnate woman. He squeezed his own powerful hands about her slender wrist to no effect... aside from slightly easing the pressure she was exerting upon his flesh and bones.
Salem: If she survived... what of the others? Could... no I must be positive in this vision... I must know.
Grimm raced past the pair as Salem continued to drag the struggling form of Jaune deeper into her ominous abode. Through the grand corridors and nearly barren rooms the sounds of conflict echoed, but Salem paid none of it the slightest bit of attention.
Salem: This can not be possible. The powers we unleashed upon each other... they could not have...
Summoning a shadow hand, the door before her was wrenched open. Inside shelves cluttered with books, and tables covered in archaic instruments. Tightening her grip upon Jaune's neck she lifted him from the floor.
Jaune: AHHHH!!!
Salem: I will discover the truth of your ancestry... I refuse to accept someone as weak as you shares an ounce of my blood...
With a shove Jaune was sent stumbling through the door way, crashing face first upon the stone-work floor. Even hurting Jaune wasn't about to give up, so scampered to his feet and rounded on Salem.
Jaune: Omph! Unn!
Salem: Heroic fool.
Jaune looked up from the floor upon which he was laying. A single backhanded blow from Salem having floored him, instantly.
Salem: You have no chance against me, and despite you faith in your friends they will fair no better... but first.
Jaune tried to scamper to his feet, as Salem picked up a wicked looking dagger, and a strange bowl from a nearby table.
Jaune: Argh!
Jaune once again found himself on the floor. His vision swam from the impact of the shadow hand that slammed him into the stone-work floor.
Salem: You are rather dim witted aren't you. You can not escape me. You can not evade me, and you will never be able to defeat me!
Jaune: I'll... I'll... nev... URK!
Salem: Silence!
Jaune's head thrashed about as a shadow hand clamped down over his mouth cutting off his voice. His eyes grew wide as he watched Salem draw the sharp blade along the pale flesh of her palm. Black blood welled up from the wound. Thick and viscous it dripped into the bowl.
Salem: With in my blood, resides the key to accessing powers far greater than your pathetic semblances and useless technology.
The wound upon her palm closed without an indication that the pale flesh had ever been slit open. With a cruel and malicious grin curling her lips, Salem picked up the bowl.
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Salem: If you are of my line... you should survive this... though if you survive or not... it will be a rather agony filled experience for you...
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howlingday · 3 months
Close For Discomfort
A Knightfall Parody
Jaune: (In bed, Stretches) Morning, babe~.
Cinder: (Yawns) Morning, blue eyes~.
Salem: (Nude) Speaking of blue eyes, I'm making blueberry pancakes! Y'all want any?
Jaune: AGH! Grandma! For Brother's sakes, put on some clothes! Please!
Salem: Clothes ruin my morning flow! You know that! Now, you want blueberry or chocolate chip? (Walking away) Because spoiler alert, the chocolate chips are HELLA PACKED with THC!
Jaune: ...
Cinder: We need to move out.
Jaune: What?!
Cinder: NOW!
Jaune: Wh- I- B- Cindy, we've got free room and board, a literal castle with protection from Grimm attacks and... all the pancakes we could ever want~!
Cinder: Wonderful, but do you have any idea how obnoxious your grandmother has gotten since we started dating? THREE YEARS AGO?
Cinder: (Doing laundry, Rolls eyes at Salem's "Death To All Faunus" shirt)
Cinder: (Turns over, Sees "And Humans, Too") Oh... That's... better?
Cinder: And then there was my birthday last month.
Ruby: Happy birthday, Cinder~!
Cinder: Thank you, Re- Er, Ruby.
Salem: Time for presents~! (Hands over gift) Here you go, Cindy~!
Cinder: (Flatly) Oh, good, I wonder what this is- Oh, look, it's a crotchless panties and a nippleless bra. Who would've guessed?
Jaune: Hey, I remember those! I wonder if mine still fit...
Cinder: ...
Ruby: ...
Cinder: And that's NOTHING compared to the bullshit she pulled last week!
Cinder: (On Jaune, Drags fingers down chest)
Jaune: (Saucily chuckles, Rubs arm)
Cinder: (Leans down, Stops) Is that a fucking camera?!
Jaune: (Holding "Grimm Pictures Presents: Fallen Knights of Passion " CD) In her defense, the production value on this was... incredible~!
Cinder: (Takes CD, Melts it)
Jaune: AW~! I was really good in that one...
Cinder: Yes, you were. Not the point!
Jaune: Mm... I'm not sure how we'd move in the first place. Can't exactly just buy a house as "enemies of humanity".
Cinder: Well, who's to say we have to buy or rent anything? I'm sure we could easily steal a house on the shore.
Jaune: Cinder! You promised!
Cinder: I'm kidding! I'm kidding! ...Mostly.
Jaune: What about Ruby? I'm sure she could vouch for us now that Salem's gone straight.
Cinder: We could... but I don't think she'd be interested in anything I have to say...
Ruby: Cinder, what the fuck?!
Cinder: (Via scroll) You asked, I delivered.
Ruby: I asked for Sonic merch for my birthday, not for you to kidnap another Sonic character!
Big: I'm Big~!
Ruby: He's Big! ...Wait, is that your name?
Big: Yuh-huh~!
Cinder: Well, I'm glad you're enjoying him~.
Jaune: Hm... Well, we could always ask for a trial by combat. I'm already good friends with most huntsmen, so all I'd have to do is ask for the next availability. Not to mention they also pay huge, and we're probably going to win anyways because the only people who could beat either of us that aren't our friends are dead! Oh, I made myself feel bad.
Cinder: And this "next availability" would be when?
Jaune: Let's see, according to the schedule, it is... SIX YEARS?!
Cinder: Fuck that! You need a job!
Jaune: Also gonna be hard since I'm blacklisted as a huntsman and my resume aside from that is just... kid who's related to the woman who tried to wipe out humanity.
Cinder: I don't have a formal education, either. The only thing I learned growing up was the best ways to kill a woman and how to scrub week-old cum off decades-old wood.
Salem: (Pops in) Oh, now that takes me back~...
Cinder: (Hurls fireball) EAT SHIT, YOU OLD HAG!
Salem: (Walks downstairs) Oh, you know I was talking about dick...
Jaune: Okay, okay! Uh... We could do manual labor! I've been training to fight the Grimm since I was a teenager, so I can still do other work that requires muscle! We could probably build our own house and a whole neighborhood in, like, a week!
Cinder: I... I don't think I could be doing any physical labor.
Jaune: Why not? You pick ME up and toss me into bed real easy when you're feeling frisky. (Come hithers)
Cinder: (Sighs) That's not what I mean.
Jaune: I know, but I mean... I think you'd be great at it! You're smart, you're driven, you're WAY stronger than me without your maiden powers, and you're-
Cinder: PREGNANT~!
Jaune: ...Wha?
Cinder: And, yeah, I know I can still work, but I think it's really awkward to tell your boss, "Hey, I know I just started, but I'm going to need maternity leave really soon!" It just seems like a clusterfu-
Jaune: (Grabs her) You're pregnant?!
Cinder: Yeah... It's why I didn't ask for any chocolate chips.
Jaune: How... How long?
Cinder: Pregnant? About a month, but I only found out a few days ago! I didn't know how to tell you. We have something good already and everything just sort of happened and I have no idea what happens next or even if you want to-
Jaune: Cinder! (Takes her hands) You... You have made me the happiest man in the entire world. No one has ever made me feel this happy before, except you, and you somehow just keep making me happier.
Cinder: (Eyes watering)
Jaune: I... I love you. And I love our baby.
Cinder: (Hugs him) I love you, too~!
Salem: (Leaning against the wall) So, how much longer until your belly gets bigger? It's been a few centuries since my time, so I'm not sure what the standard is now. And I'd like to know before the next video.
Cinder: If our baby is a girl and we're not out of this house by the time she hits puberty, I WILL murder Salem!
Salem: Tch! Good luck! (Slurps pancake)
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the-wayward-arc · 1 year
Mor Primarch au facts
Konrad Curze is not allowed on Remnant after what he did to numerous Whitefang hold outs.
Another reason why The relics were separated because Jaune learned that they can call the brothers back.
Salem's followers were hunted down and most were killed. Watts however managed to negotiate himself off Remnant in the service of a far off noble house.
Cinder has vanished off world, but she is relentlessly hunted by Remnant Knights and Thousand sons. Her maiden powers however were taken back from her in due part to a Ritual Magnus did. She has yet to be found.
Emerald was given a pardon due to her being crucial in Salem's downfall. As such, she has had her records cleared and given a new identity.
Mercury was taken to be trained by the Officio Assassinorum due to his skills. He didn't willfully go.
The white Fang extremists are gone. Every member killed or imprisoned by the enforcers of the Primarch's laws. Fulgrim himself led such a strike against them while Konrad Simply mopped what remained.
The academies are now strictly a place of learning, due to the need for hunters no longer required per the Emperor's orders. Mostly Due to their Pysker powers.
Jaune still has hunters trained however, despite his father's wishes. Hunters are the specialized units within the Remnant Military that only answer to the Primarch and Legion alone. Plus, Grimm are still a thing while not as prominent are still a nuisance.
The Thousand sons have an abundance of libraries and academies on Remnant while Remnant does the same on Prospero. A type of culture exchange
A grand library was created by Jaune, Magnus, Perturabo, and Fulgrim. Here all the knowledge gathered from conquered worlds is kept, copied, and cataloged for future generations. It was kept on Prospero, it was named the Library of Wonders.
Jaune had plans for after the Crusade, to create a garden world filled with every known flower, a gift to Pyrrha and place for their descendents to enjoy.
Remnant is a trading power house due in thanks to Weiss and her family. However, despite her protests, Jaune has regulated all trading onto a planet outside their the cosmic cloud barrier that surrounds Remnant.
No Imperial is allowed on Remnant, only those from Legion homeworlds are allowed and even some of those are banned.
The citizens that are from the homeworlds of Leman Russ, Konrad Curze, Ferrus Manus, Lorgar, Angron, and Mortarion are banned due to various reasons and incidents that Have almost resulted in loss of life.
Nobles have tried to strong arm their way onto Remnant due to the status of it being a civilized world and almost considered a paradise world where the humans don't have to worry about much. Plus the "exotic beauties" on the world.
None have succeeded, the last one nearly killed by Jaune himself.
Jaune has tasked a special science division to find a way to not only close existing routes within the cosmic cloud at will but to effectively control it defensively.
Jaune is somewhat paranoid, another reason for the creation of the Iron Dragons was so they could combat the space wolves due to what happened to the 2nd primarch as Russ's hands. Infact, Jaune has started to ensure his marines can fight against other marines effectively. Though this is simply considered an unconfirmed rumor.
Jaune does the war games between legions not only to hopefully foster good relationships but to learn each Legions tactics. Even memorizing various battle plans and strategies used by the others. This hasn't gone unnoticed by Horus or Guilliman.
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falleri-salvatore · 8 months
RWBY AU Prompt:
--There are Four Foundational Families (one in each: Vale, Mistral, Mantle/Atlas and Vacuo) that can be considered Primarchical Royal Families (that is to say: they are Ozlem descendants. This fact is VERY hidden knowledge; so hidden in fact that neither Salem nor Ozpin knew until later on). --The Four Foundational Families share the following characteristics: Incredibly powerful and versatile (as well as hereditary) Semblances, immensely potent and dense Aura (not always vast, this depends on the individual), incredible life force (that is to say, they age slowly, seldom get ill and have much larger than average lifespan), and recessive yet highly persistent Silver Eyes AND Black Blood genes (rarely, some descendants are born with either one or both of these traits being dominant at random). The Schnee and Pendragon (now Arc) families are two confirmed families out of the four. --The Schnee and the Arc families have a longtime friendship with each other (which leads to the Schneeblings and the Arc Siblings being childhood friends). --Cinder was found and adopted by Qrow. Because of the series of events that unfolded prior to this, Qrow was ALMOST persona-non-grata in Atlas (Ironwood, Willow and Ozpin had to call in on a LOT of favors for the "Almost" part). --Weiss (and by extension Winter and Whitley) are childhood friends with Jaune (and his sisters). However, whereas Weiss enrolled in Atlas Prep to follow her sister's footsteps, Jaune studied in Shade Academy, where he met and befriended Pyrrha Nikos (and became her first and best friend, as well as her first love and her friendliest rival). --Saphron, Winter, Cinder and Terra studied in Beacon (Saphron, Winter and Terra came from Atlas Prep, where as Cinder came from Signal) and were on the same team (Team ASBT/Asbestos). Saphron was the leader, Saphron and Terra were partners while Winter and Cinder were partnered. --Winter and Cinder got along like cat-and-dog/ice-and-fire, with Cinder goading and taunting Winter every chance she could and Winter inevitably losing her temper (think of Qrow and Winter's canon dynamic). Cinder disdained Winter (at first) because she thought of her as a spoiled Atlesian princess (and Cinder hated anything to do with Atlas) while Winter detested being compared to a vapid socialite that was common for an Atlesian lady of her age (it was the reason she chose to come to Beacon after all, with Ironwood's endorsement no less, to get away from it all).
--Saphron Arc was pretty much the "Summer Rose/Glynda Goodwitch/Pyrrha Nikos" of her generation; that is to say, she was an unparalleled prodigy among her peers (shame that she, along with Terra, retire from being huntsmen early on). --Because of the different circumstances, Cinder Branwen was made the Fall Maiden instead of Amber (originally, Saphron was the one planned to be made the maiden; however, she declined). Amber, instead, is one of Cinder's bodyguards. --During their time in Beacon: Weiss and Pyrrha are fierce rivals in both love (over Jaune) and combat, and every time they fight, they never fail to destroy the arena. It has gotten to the point that Glynda prohibits them from fighting each other during Combat Class because she dreads having to clean up the mess. --Ozpin and Qrow can't help but reminisce over the fact that Pyrrha's and Weiss' rivalry was like a mix between Summer's and Raven's (fighting over Tai), and Winter's and Cinder's (fundamentally so very very similar that they can't help BUT clash).
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
What are those AU, you know I find it pretty ironic that Jaune is a dragon Faunus but is still training to be a knight, because in fairy tales it’s always the knight that slays the big bad dragon, but since Jaune is both it makes me wonder just what kind of big bad Jaune will need to overcome.
It’s Just His Nature
The Grimm Lands.
Salems castle was under attack by a combined force of Hunters from across the world along with the might of the, Atlas Army along with several high ranking, and highly skilled members of the, White Fang.
They were here to finish the centuries long shadow war between the witch, and the wizard, and upon this day the war would finally come to an end.
Just not how any of them expected it to end.
Ozpin: Come on! We’ve nearly won this war!
Dozens hunters,and soldiers ran to doors leading to, Salem’s throne room, but before they entered, Headmaster Ozpin of Beacon Academy stood before them all to given them a final speech before the upcoming battle.
Ozpin: We are here, just beyond these doors lay our dreaded foe! From here on out we will fight out enemy, and we will…?!
: Oh shut up will ya!
The fellow who interrupted, Ozpin’s little speech stared at, Ozpin with a highly annoyed glare with his sharp deep blue eyes. His gold hair was flanked by a matching pair off-white horns that ran up the side of his head, peaking into a crown of three points that bore a golden hue. Giving this rather extraordinary faunas his own natural golden crown.
For he was a king. For before, Ozpin stood, King Jaune Arc, Dragon King of the Faunas. And, he was not amused.
Jaune: You’ve given over a dozen speeches for every five meters we’ve manage to take. If I have to listen to one more long winded speech I’m going to take my forces, and leave you here. But, not before I cut up your face to the point that it makes an, Apathy look handsome!
Jaune flexed his hand letting his claws flash threatening before, Ozpin’s face. With a threatening glint in his eyes as he dared anyone to face him.
It had been years since, Jaune graduated from, Beacon Academy, and even longer since he was inducted into, Ozpin’s little cabal. He had long since lost his willings to deal with, Ozpin, and his bullshit as a result of it.
And, all, Ozpin could do was gulp nervously as a series of eyes belonging to the, King’s Guard agree with their, King, and glared dangerously at the old man.
Ozpin: …
Ozpin: Okay then…
The doors to, Salem’s throne room exploded open as several individuals came rushing in to find the Queen of the Grimm sitting upon her throne looking at the intruders as if they had just come in, and served her cold tea.
Salem: Ozma… I see you’ve finally grown a spine, and decided to take the battle to my door step. How kind of you…
Ozpin: Enough, Salem! You reign of tyranny ends now! Surrender, or face our wrath!
Salem laughed hauntingly echoed throughout the hall as she rose to her feet, and descended from her throne crystal throne. Her blood red eyes stared at, Ozpin’s as an amused smile spread across her face.
Salem: And, how do you plan to do that? You know I’m immortal; You can decapitate me, crush me, incinerate me, and so many other colourful ways you could kill a person, and I would simply shrug it off as a mild inconvenience. So, what could you possibly do to stop me?
Ozpin: I will trap you in a hell that you fear more than any other.
Salem: I’m a immortal who has lived for thousands of years; I have lived through a hell unlike any other! What kind of hell do you possibly think could be worse than the life I was forced to endure?!
Ozpin: Back to where I should have left you… Back to your cage in the high tower!
Salem’s eyes widened in pure fear. A emotion that she had not yet felt in millennia. Ozpin’s threat was one that struck at the heart of her. For how better to wound her more than she already was, but to be trapped in the cage she longed to be freed from, by the very man who once set her free. And, that thought stroked the flames of rage within, Salem unlike ever before felt.
Salem: You dare…? You dare…?! You dare to threaten me! Threaten me to lock me in a tower away for all time, and eternity?!! You will die a thousand deaths, this world would burn a thousand times over before I let you imprison me once again!!! I swear you will, Ozma!!!!
Ozpin: Bring it you foul fiend for I will…?!
Jaune: Hold up! Hold up now… Before we begin I have some questions I’d like some answers too.
The Dragon king walked between the quarrying couple with his hands out stretched in a non-threatening posture as he addressed the pair.
Ozpin: Mr. Arc?! What the hell are you doing?!
Jaune: You shut up, or I’ll gouge out your eyes.
Jaune glared threateningly at, Ozpin before he turned to address, Salem.
Jaune: Okay, Ozpin told me about your past relationship. Of which I blame, Ozpin, and the Gods for most of your problems…
Ozpin: E-Excuse me?!
Jaune: But: ‘Locked away in a tower?’ What is that all about? Ozpin told me most of the world’s fairytales were made by him, so would that mean that you are, ‘The Princess in the High Tower?’ Or, ‘The Girl in the High Tower,’ which ever title you prefer. The fairytale is a title of a difference.
Salem rage faded just ever so slightly as she gazed at the rather curious looking faunas before her.
Salem: Yes… Yes I am… Was! I was, ‘The Princess of the High Tower.’ Why does that matter? Who I was back then no longer matters; that life has long since been dead, and buried. It doesn’t matter anymore…
Jaune: I can gather that, but, Ozpin… Ozpin, was the knight who saved you from the tower…?
Salem: He was the one who saved me.
Jaune: I see…
A devious smile spread across, Jaune’s face as something, some deep unknown switch in his mind was flipped on.
Ozpin: Mr. Arc… Why are you smiling about…?
Jaune: Oh… Just realizing how many many stereotypes I tend to inhabit… Seemingly out of nature, and desire than anything else. Hmmph… Ain’t that a weird thought?
Ozpin: W-What are you talking about?
Jaune: Well, since I can’t be the knight who saves the princess, I’ll just be the dragon who steals the princess instead~!
Ozpin: What the hell are you talking about?!
Jaune: This~!
Ozpin: OH GODS?!!
Salem: Ohhh… His next reincarnation is going to feel that~!
After, Jaune’s swift, and incapacitating kick to, Ozpins nuts, in the blink of an eye, Jaune ran over, and picked up, Salem who gave a startled shriek as, Jaune ran for the door.
Salem: W-What?! Hey! Put me done this instant!
Jaune: She’s mine! She mine: She minnnne~!
As, Jaune bolted out the door, his royal guard quickly followed after him, throwing a smoke grenade behind the to hide their presence as they disappeared. By the time Ozpin, and his combined forces could give chase, Jaune’s forces had sabotaged all of their aircraft engines, and made their escape.
And, as, Ozpin watched, Jaune Arc, and his forces make their escape with the, Queen of the Grimm, he made the one thought on his mind vocal for all to hear.
Ozpin: …
Ozpin: What the fuck just happened…?
One Year Later.
In the hills of, Menagerie, over looking the town of, Kuo Kuana, lay the castle, Ásgeirr, home of the Dragon King, and his brood.
And, the one place in all of, Remnant, Ozpin so desperately wanted to get into. But, considering the ever so watchful guards, Ozpin had not been able to get close in the slightest. And, fear from an uprising of the faunas population across the four kingdoms, Ozpin couldn’t persuade them for an all out attack. And, many of his students tended to come from, Menagire, and benefited greatly from the, Dragon King’s rule so it was impossible for him to have his students help him. So, he would have to brave this alone. And, this time, this time he would get into Arc’s castle!
And, he would!
Only he was bound, sorely beaten, dragged into the castle.
It wasn’t how he would have preferred to get into the castle, but it worked.
He was dragged up to a balcony that over looked the city of, Kuo Kuana. Standing on the edge was the, Dragon King looking over his domain. He stood there for a moment before looking down at the intruder that dared threaten his kingdom, and his family with his shear presence.
Jaune: You know… If you wanted to see me, you could have just scheduled an appointment. That would have been far easier to do compared to everything else you have been trying to do.
Ozpin: How could I trust you to let me in?! The last time I saw you, you kicked me in the balls, picked up, Salem, and ran away with her. I fail to see how, asking you politely if I could come in to see you would have worked!
Jaune: Mmm… Fair, fair. Sometimes I just lose my mind when what one would see as a dragon stereotypes comes into play.
Ozpin: And, that’s why you kidnapped, Salem?
Jaune: The Princess, and the Dragon tropes; Yeah, that’s pretty much why I did it.
Ozpin: And, then you refused to let anyone see her! Much less know what you did with her! Do you think that helped you win any battles!
Jaune: Well, actually she didn’t want to see you, or anyone else for that matter. And, she likes her privacy, so why should I tell you what we’ve been up to. Besides I was keeping you safe by keeping you away from her.
Ozpin: I can handle her, you didn’t need to concern yourself with that!
Jaune: No, I was keeping you safe from me.
Ozpin: Safe from you? Why?!
Jaune: I’ll put it to you simply; You so much as breath on her, and I will hunt your reincarnations down for the rest of my life. And, the only thing I would ever regret is that no matter how many times I could kill you, you would eventually get away, because you would outlive me.
Ozpin: What are you talking about?
Jaune nodded his head behind him, and Ozpin’s turned, and saw Salem resting comfortably in a fainting couch. A cool drink lay in her hand as she basked in the warm sun, and the cool sea breeze. She smile softly as she waved to, Ozpin. Her smile only growing as she saw his eyes widen in shock as he noticed the noticeable bump on her stomach.
Ozpin: Salem?! You’re pregnant?!
Salem: Quite an astute observation from you, Ozma. I’m impressed.
Ozpin: W-What… But, how?!
Jaune: Considering you were a father multiple times, Ozpin, one would think you would understand how it works.
Ozpin: Not that. How did you two get together?
Jaune: Well, while the urge to grab her, and run like hell was certainly something dragon faunas related, unlike you I knew what, Salem’s greatest pain was.
Ozpin: Her greatest pain.
Jaune: Yes. Salem’s greatest pain she ever had to endure : Loneliness.
Ozpin: Loneliness…?
Jaune: Yes, loneliness.
Salem: A pain that I never even fully knew I suffered under. Until my darling King pointed it out to me.
Ozpin: Why was that your greatest pain?
Jaune: Think, Ozpin think! She was trapped all alone in that towers for years. Then one day she is freed from her life of solitude, then you died, and she was all alone again. She fought the gods to have you back, but they refused, then they cursed her to live forever, alone. Years passed, and you finally came back, only to betray her, and leave her all alone once more. Salem’s life has been one of sadness born of loneliness, rage born from betrayal, and unjust punishment. And, pain from unobtainable dreams through no fault of her own. And, now I will right the wrongs that, Salem has been forced to endure. Not because I believe I must do so for the good of the world, or some other bullshit like that. But, because I love her, and I want her to be happy.
Salem shed a few tears of joy as her beloved husband came over, and gave her a passionate kiss filled with love, and compassion for such a broken soul.
Ozpin: But, she is still her, Grimmified version of herself! What is to stop her from becoming evil once more!
Jaune: Her family.
Ozpin: Family…?
Jaune: Me, my sisters, my mother, and my father. My many wives, and their children, and the child that grows within her. Salem will have a family that loves her, and even if I die before her, she will never be left alone ever again.
Salem: Oh, Jaune…
Jaune: My Queen.
The pair shared another kiss before, Jaune turned to face the dumbstruck, Ozpin as he stared, at the, Dragon King, and one of his many beloved wives, The Grimm Queen.
Jaune: So, Ozpin. Now that you’ve seen her, what will you do now?
Ozpin eyes fell to the floor, his mind lost deep in thought until he let loose a deep sigh before addressing the happy couple.
Ozpin: It appears I was never a good husband, much less a good father was I?
Salem: Considering what happened to our first born. You… No. We… We were not good parents. But, this time, this time I will be better, but can the same be said of you, Ozma?
Ozpin: Only time will tell. May I have your permission to leave your, Grace? I have much work to do back at, Beacon.
Jaune: You have my permission.
Ozpin:Thank you, your Grace. Goodbye, Salem. I wish you well.
Salem: Goodbye, Ozpin. It was… interesting seeing you again.
Ozpin smiled as he, and his guard detail took him away from the loving couple. The only words they heard from him, was him complaining that the were restraints still necessary.
Salem: You know… I never thought I would experience such joy as I do now. I am at peace with, Ozpin. And, I have a chance to have a new life with my family. This is perfect. Thank you, my King.
Jaune: Anything for you, my Queen.
Salem: Oh really? In that case, I want to break mom’s record of how many kids she had…
Jaune: Why does everyone want to do that?
Salem: And, the next time we do it: Can we have someone else join us? My hip’s can’t handle you all on my own.
Jaune: Ha… That would be my extreme pleasure, my dear~!
While there is a chronological order to my stories. This was just one I couldn’t pass up on.
I’m just going to mark it differently on the, Master Post.
Do Enjoy~!
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