pilot-boi · 3 months
Could you see Jaune having trouble with meat going forward because he just spent decades where everything was potentially human levels of sentience.
Jaune is poking at his food.
Which Yang knows isn’t THAT strange, he’s never been good at feeding himself when he’s down (a certain week at Beacon with a certain asshole who shall remain unnamed comes to mind) and Jaune certainly has more than enough reason to be out of sorts these days. Being young then old then young again would do that to a guy.
But this is different than his normal lack of appetite. He’s not just pushing his food around; he’s actively picking over pieces of it, almost putting them in his mouth, and then putting the food back on the plate. There’s a certain green around the gills look on her friend’s face that Yang’s come to associate with airship travel.
Not that she can blame him. The food in Vacuo isn’t what she’d call normal or appetizing, but with supplies limited they can’t turn up their noses, especially since they didn’t exactly give Vacuo time to prepare for an influx of refuges.
Still, eating worms, bats, and lizards has taken some getting used to.
“Are you gonna invite me to sit down, or do I have to keep lurking?” Yang quips, plopping down next to her fellow blonde. He jumps, predictably, but his startle instinct is less than it was a week ago. Baby steps.
“Oh! Yeah uh… hey.” He smiles sideways at her. “Did you need something?”
“Nah, not really,” she shrugs. “Just saw you sitting all by your lonesome and thought I’d join you.” She pokes at his food. “You gonna eat that?”
Jaune drops his gaze back to his plate, and once again his expression turns queasy. Like a toddler faced with a plate full of vegetables. Strange, Yang never took Jaune for a picky eater, but then again he did eat almost exclusively dinosaur chicken nuggets back at Beacon.
“It’s looking at me,” he groans, poking at the side of a roasted lizard. It flops over and he shudders.
“So do fish,” Yang says bluntly, dropping an arm around his shoulders. “And I’ve seen Blake eat those heads and all.”
“You know shockingly you’re not helping.”
“Come on, this can’t be the weirdest thing you’ve eaten.” She leans in conspiratorially, lowers her voice. “I mean I was only in the Ever After for a day or two but that parfait-” Yang is fully about to launch into a tirade on the pros and cons of growgurt parfait, but something makes her pause.
The fork is rattling in his grip. Her eyes narrow. That’s not just nausea. A glass dropped in a kitchen miles away comes to mind.
“Jaune…” Yang trails off. Are you alright? What’s wrong? Do you need to talk? She can probably guess the answers to all three questions, but none really feel appropriate in the middle of a cafeteria.
So she draws on the only other well of experience she has. Being a big sister to a very picky eater.
“What’s wrong with the food?” Blunt, but sometimes it’s best to cut to the heart of the issue. “Is there something else you’d rather have?”
“Not meat,” Jaune replies without hesitation, and Yang is admittedly taken aback. He’s never been a carnivore by any means, but his aforementioned love of dino nuggets barred him from vegetarianism.
Yang looks back down at his plate. The lizard is still looking at them, and Jaune is very determinately not making eye contact. “If this is still about the eyes, I’m sure that-”
“No. No it’s not,” Jaune cuts her off, shaking his head. “Well I mean, a little bit, but.” He plops his head down in his hand. Glances sideways at her, and then away again. “Promise you won’t laugh?”
Yang is almost offended that he thinks SHE of all people might laugh at him for what is obviously a trauma response. Friendly negging, sure, but never laughter. She wouldn’t do that to anyone, let alone him. But then a certain magenta and cyan cat with a wicked grin and sharp tongue comes to mind, and she’s reminded that laughter in the face of pain is probably all he’s known for years.
She hates that fucking cat.
“I promise, Jaune. I won’t laugh.”
He studies her for more than a moment, searching her face for any hint of insincerity. Of course finding none, he sighs. “You remember Little?”
Yang blinks. Not where she thought this was going. Roll with the punches. “Yeah. Kinda hard to forget a talking mouse.”
“Right. Yeah, of course.” Jaune laughs weakly, running a hand through his hair. He scratches at the back of his neck, reaching for a ponytail that isn’t there. “Stupid of me.”
Yang grabs his hand, and he starts. “Hey. None of that,” she reprimands, stopping his downward spiral before it has time to start. Her thumb rubs a circle in his palm, and she can feel him untense. “What about Little?”
“They’re why I don’t wanna eat meat,” he admits. He's speaking quickly, like the words are being drawn out of him.
No laughing, not now, but Yang can’t help her skeptical look. Little, by their own admission, had never been away from home. And sure, Jaune was there for decades, but he didn’t seem to know the mouse.
Jaune sees her look and clarifies. “Well not them specifically, but like… the Afterans. Everything there was so… alive, they could talk, think for themselves. Everything. The mice, rabbits, deer, birds…”
His grip tightens on her hand. “I didn’t have a choice in the beginning. It wasn’t fun, but what else could I do? I had to eat, and after the clock fruit I didn’t trust the plants, so the animals…” Jaune swallows thickly. “The animals seemed like the safest bet.”
If her hand was flesh, she’s sure his nails would be biting into her skin. As it is, she can feel the way his hand is gripping hers like it’s the only thing keeping him from running. And it’s horrible, because Yang thinks she can see the end of the tunnel, the destination this story is going to.
“I knew how to do it. Hunt animals, I mean,” he says, his voice horribly detached. “I used to go hunting with my mom when the food stores were low. And in Mistral, with Ruby and Ren and Nora. So I knew how to catch an animal and skin it and cook it.”
Jaune laughs again. “It wasn’t pretty, Ren could definitely do a better job. So cooking and cleaning it wasn’t the worst part. The worst part…” He swallows thickly. “The worst part was killing it. It was alive, Yang. It was alive, and it was staring at me, and it didn’t want to die.” He stares down at the lizard on his plate. It stares back at him, accusing almost.
“How… how do you know it didn’t want to die?” Yang asks tentatively, even though she’s pretty sure she knows the answer.
“It told me.” His voice is horrible, wretched. The green is back in his cheeks and Yang hates that she now knows the reason why. “It told me! And I still killed it, and cooked it, and ate-” Jaune’s voice chokes off. The words seem to catch in his throat. “It was like… it was like eating…”
“Like eating a person,” Yang finishes, the train now having reached the horrible station. Jaune nods, horror stricken, and Yang trades which hand is holding his so she can rub circles into his back. He’s still just staring at his food. “Gods Jaune I… That’s so fucked, I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”
“I had to eat, or I’d die. And I couldn’t die because I had to wait for you all to arrive. So I had to eat.” The way he says it, so matter-of-fact, Yang can’t help but wonder what else he’s internalized as being what he had to do, no matter the harm it caused him.
She doesn’t know what to say. Picky eating, she could handle. Trauma, she could handle that, too. At least, to an extent. But sometimes it was just too much.
“How long?” Yang asks eventually. “You weren’t eating meat while we were there, how long did you have to do that?”
“A week. I think,” he responds. “Time was difficult.” And isn’t that the understatement of a century. “Once I found the Hunter Mice they showed me which plants were safe to eat. Some of them were hit and miss, but I was good from then on. Especially when I made it to the Market.”
The lizard stares up at them both. Yang glares back at it, as if the dead desert dweller was the one who sent Jaune back in time and made him so desperate to live that he was forced to… do that.
“So… no meat?”
“No meat,” Jaune confirms. “I could probably choke it down if needs must, but…”
“Not even dino nuggies?” she grins.
He barks out a laugh. “My only weakness. No, not yet.” Not yet. That was better than she was expecting. His cheeks are still a little green, but he’s not shaking anymore at least. “Maybe at some point, but not now. No meat.” He grimaces, poking at the lizard. “And especially none with eyes.”
“Well in that case, come on.” Yang stands. He finally pulls his eyes away from the plate, and blinks up at her. “Let’s go!”
“Go where?”
“To find you something to eat!” Hand still firmly clasped around his, she hauls him up and scoops the unwanted plate up in the other. “I’m sure Sun knows someplace around here that serves vegetarian options.”
“Oh you don’t have to do that,” Jaune protests. “I already ruined your whole lunch with this.” He gestures vaguely between himself and the plate.
“No way, you didn’t do anything.” Yang jabs a finger in his chest. “If you need an ear to listen, I’m happy to be there. You’re not imposing, you’re not too much, I’ve got you.” She doesn’t tell people that enough. A tea cup and a wooden tomb. She needs to tell people that more. “I’m buying you lunch. Veggies. Fruits. You name it, you get it.”
“You really don’t have to do that.”
“Oh, I really think I do.”
“I’m not going to change your mind about this, am I?” he smiled, allowing Yang to drag him from the cafeteria.
“No-sir-ee bob,” she said, swinging his hand back and forth. “You are not leaving my side until we get some desert fresh veggies in your stomach.” She passed the uneaten plate to a volunteer by the door. “My treat.”
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 9 months
Penny tries her hand at cooking for Jaune; flip a coin for if it goes well or not.
Penny: Good Morning Jaune! How did you sleep?
Jaune: I slept well? Did you make breakfast?
Penny: Yes! Blueberry Waffles, Scrambled Eggs, Buttered Toast, Sausage, Bacon, and French toast!
Jaune: Penny That's amazing! It smells incredible!
Penny: Thank you!
Jaune: I, uh, I don't think I can eat all of this alone, though. You made enough to feed two teams.
Penny: *Staring at the veritable Buffet she made* ... Oh.
Jaune: Yeah. Where'd you find the time to make all of this?
Penny: I began cooking at 0300 hours.
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epic-arc · 1 year
Lancaster Short 1: It's not your fault...
Team RWBY+J had defeated neo and the cat was near the door to go back to remmant but jaune was looking at the horizon looking at the whole island from above and ruby ​​approaches him hugged behind him caught in surprise.
Jaune: Ruby what are you doing...
Ruby: Stopped you from doing any idiotic action!
Jaune: You need to go to people who care about all of you and also that is the only place I can save people...
Ruby: Nope.
Jaune: Ruby i not joking right now..
Ruby: Nope.
Jaune: Ru-
Ruby: I promised myself I won't leave anyone behind! I already lost penny and almost lost my whole team and even myself and I don't want to lose someone dear to me again!
Jaune heard that and tears formed on his face and he fell to his knees crying and Ruby just approached and hugged him trying to calm him down.
Ruby: You are one of the people that I love the most jaune and I don't lose you..
Jaune: You forgive me even after what I've done…
Ruby:It wasn't your fault it was penny's choice and I will always forgive you and what good partners do we forgive who we love..
( @ruby-pine-rose @ftkicker98 @@supersagekurama)
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psynar · 6 years
So Ozpin, what have we learned about trying to bring the Arc kids into your twisted games?
“That I need better health insurance. Organ replacement is quite costly.” Ozpin winces every time he remembers. 
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lifewithost · 5 years
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@astralstarzero, @ftkicker98 and an Anon (War of roses) and @i-mika-i  (sunflakes)
Thanks to that one Anon who requested specifically asking for Ruby to be in the middle (I was going to place Weiss in the middle)
Far from done, but for now i rest. 
Set 4 - YangxMercury and Flynt and Weiss
Set 3 - Arkos and ArmoredDragon
Set 2 - WhiteKnight, Dragonslayer and Knightshade
Set 1 - Lancaster, Martial Arcs and Sunnybees
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teefa85 · 3 years
@ftkicker98 Triangle Strategy has a level cap of 50; once you reach that it doesn’t go any higher. I say hold off so you can gather up all the route specific characters and get more weapon upgrades though.
@umbrastar Imo 2nd playthrough is fine as you should have like 28/30 characters (only missing two of the 15s). And to make planning easier, Frederica and Benedict's are rout maps while Roland's is defeat boss.
@voltaicdragon I did the golden route as my first run because I accidentally stumbled into it. I was playing on Normal and I was fine, though of course I can't speak for NG+. One of the chapters is kind of hard, but doable (I could tell you which one but idk if you want to know) while the other two weren't so bad for me. Just make sure to have your characters all at the recommended level and go for it. Also remember to use your Quietus.
Thanks for all the tips.  With a level cap, and the fact that I can skip scenes I already saw (and avoid any green scenes I already saw) I might be able to squeeze in all the routes.  And I can use the easier difficulties to just blow on through gathering stuff and when I have time go on a Golden Route run on Normal (2022 Q1 is already turning out good for JRPGs so the fifth run for challenge won’t be till Summer most likely).
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hasbrobear · 6 years
We need Forgotten Love: Weiss edition
Sorry up to the votes on the discord Server. And currently it’s a battle between Yang and Vernal.
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pilot-boi · 11 months
palette swap of Salem ( the grimmified version) and jaune. I wanna see the dark knight boy
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Salem Descendant truthers come get y’all food
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pilot-boi · 3 months
So is Jeo mute as well?
Yes, all of Neo’s fusions are
Unrelated, but when I tell you I’ve been trying to think of characters whose names start with D so I can create Deo (pronounced DIO)
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pilot-boi · 10 months
Just saw the WK pic and that got me thinking; any kind of shovel talk Yang has with Weiss?
Gonna be honest, no. Mostly because I hate the whole concept of shovel talks
These guys trust each other with their lives, they know that any hurt they do to each other wouldn’t be with the intent to harm. Even when Ruby and Jaune were fighting it was only because THEY were hurting
So no. Yang doesn’t give Weiss a shovel talk
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pilot-boi · 10 months
Voices AU: how does that reunion with RWBY go once the CC shows up and Jaune knows what he did? Hard to play victim when Jaune’s kept company with the ghost of his victim?
Oh yeah it doesn’t go well at all
CC tries to get play the innocent card and Jaune just growls “Don’t try that, you killed Alyx! You PROBABLY killed Lewis!!”
They’re all confused for a moment because… Lewis? Who the heck is Lewis? But then RWBY realize that he hasn’t just been talking to Pyrrha when he’s been murmuring reassurances to nothing, at least not anymore
Jaune doesn’t know everything that went down, like the possession and broken promise and whatnot. Alyx is just a kid, and one with locked Aura at that. It’s only the magic of the Ever After that’s kept her “corporeal” for this long, let alone kept her speech understandable.
So he doesn’t know everything. But he knows that CC killed her
CC, of course, tries to convince RWBY that Jaune has just lost it after all his time here, tries to gaslight Jaune into thinking he’s hallucinating. And the worst part is, it almost works
At least, until Jaune recounts his story to Ruby and Weiss while they’re trapped in the Punderstorm. No way would he make up cradling a child’s corpse and sobbing over her body
Then they KNOW he’s telling the truth
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pilot-boi · 10 months
Voices AU: fair to assume Adam is still a creep even after dying?
I’ve wrote down some rules about how the ghosts work, and who actually comes back as a spirit because it’s not everyone, but I can’t find them :(
That being said, Adam certainly tries
However, he’s not the only ghost following them around. And if you think Pyrrha is going to let Adam continue to stalk Blake, even and especially without her friend being able to do anything about it, then you’ve got another thing coming
Adam wishes he was only dead by the time she’s done with him. He doesn’t even make it to Atlas. Asshole gets to the Cordovin mech fight, twin sword wounds in his chest, and Pyrrha obliterates him then and there
Because let us all remember, Adam isn’t actually that good of a fighter. He’s a coward who relies on his Semblance and intimidation tactics to abuse a child. He is no match for the Invincible Girl
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pilot-boi · 3 months
Okay but does Maiden!Jaune have a different name or perhaps even another character Lewis based on him due to the powers?
Yes, actually! He serves exactly the same role in the story as in canon, his title is just changed to the Burning Knight instead. Because of the flames from his eyes (also cough cough Joan of Arc)
Jaune does get better at using the Maiden powers, but he actually deliberately tries not to use them. Trauma and all that. He can’t stop the eye flames though, they’re based on emotion. And lord knows Jaune has a lot of emotion
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pilot-boi · 11 months
You ever think about how for a small amount of time, I’m guessing 30 min to an hour, Jaune was a paradox as two versions of himself existed at the same time in the same dimension. Do you think he ever debated just cutting the clockwork tree down?
I am constantly thinking about how for most of Jaune’s life there have been two versions of him alive at the same time, don’t you worry. That lives at the forefront of my mind at all times
Oh I’m sure he debated it, I’m sure he even tried to do it. But I doubt the Ever After would let him. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was never able to find the clockwork tree again
The Ever After is a storybook land through and through. And it doesn’t react kindly to people trying to stray from the path
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pilot-boi · 1 year
Loving the royalty au; what were Weiss and Pyrrha’s early interactions like?
Strictly professional
Weiss is cold towards Jaune because he represents the shackles her father is trying to put on her, but she doesn’t have any reason to dislike Pyrrha. Even when it becomes obvious that Jaune has a crush on her, Weiss doesn’t care that much because the marriage isn’t being arranged because of love
She recognizes that Pyrrha is a capable warrior, even going so far as to think that there’s probably much more important applications of her skills than protecting her idiot husband-to-be, but well…
Pyrrha isn’t a noble
Early Weiss is still very much influenced by her father’s thinking, unfortunately. She hates him, but there’s only so much you can do when you grow up so sheltered and closed off
Unlike Jacques, Weiss doesn’t think Pyrrha is less than her. She just doesn’t pay her much mind
Pyrrha actually gives Weiss a bit of a shovel talk in regards to Jaune, and that’s when our ice princess starts to take notice of her. Because in her kingdom not even NOBLES would dare talk to her like that
It’s… refreshing
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pilot-boi · 10 months
Voices AU: can Jaune share aura with the ghosts to strengthen them?
The ghosts don’t actually have physical strength, they (mostly) can’t actually interact with the real world. We’re not talking Poltergeist style of ghost activity, more like Sixth Sense
That being said, Aura is literally soul magic, and Jaune is an expert in that. So if he was able to boost a ghost, they might be able to interact with the physical world because their soul would be stronger
They might be able to talk through a radio or something, spirit box style. He couldn’t make their bodies appear, but he could “channel” their voices maybe, like Eleven from Stranger Things
It would be really taxing though, even after a lot of practice. After all he’d basically be feeding his Aura into nothing, just dumping it into a void instead of a living body with Aura of their own to help the process along
If anyone, Penny would definitely be the person to come up with this idea. After all she’s just about the closest thing we have to a purely Aura person, plus seeing right to the heart of things is sort of her specialty
Hmmm. Much to consider, much to think about
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