#Jensen's song watching over me
tachibanaloki · 2 years
Steve talking about jensen writing song <watching over me >
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insanesonofabitch · 8 months
You know what would be fucking awesome? If they reuse Cas’ (and Mary’s) “watch over you” line, but use it to refer to God instead of Cas, kind of like how Chuck already quoted Cas’ “gripped you tight and raised you from perdition” and Naomi’s “came off the line with a crack in your chassis”.
“Watching over you” and not in a wholesome comforting angelic protector Cas way, but in a horrifying still-stuck-in-the-narrative omnipresent god Chuck way.
They could have Dean say it, or God say it, but I think the one that would be best to say it is a random devout religious person with absolutely zero intention of harm or malice. Just good intentions and a given purpose from the One above.
“God is watching over you.”
Well that, or Jack.
“I’ll watch over you.”
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youchangedmedestiel · 9 months
The show ended and Destiel with it, so they decided to torture us in real life.
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arabella-s-arts · 7 months
I have listened to more country music in the last four days then I have in my entire life. And it's all Jensen Ackles' fault.
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spnbaby-67 · 1 year
Watching over me
Just something I came up with tonight while cleaning my apartment, I can use a hug from him right about now. This song is like my favorite of his. So don't come at me please :) jk,.. I hope you enjoy, its from "Watching Over Me,"
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Jensen had always been the silent protector, watching over Y/n from the shadows. Y/n was a force of nature, fierce and independent, but even she couldn't deny the times she'd faltered, stumbling through life's challenges.
One evening, as they sat on the porch of their rustic cabin deep in the woods, the stars shimmered above them. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves, and the crackling of the campfire filled the air. Jensen glanced at Y/n, their eyes locked in an unspoken connection.
"Lay it on," Y/n whispered softly, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability.
Jensen knew what she meant. He had seen her at her weakest, those moments when she couldn't bear to talk, when the weight of the world threatened to suffocate her. He had been there, offering his silent support, even when she couldn't see it.
"Now that I can see," he replied, his voice just as soft. He had always been there, even when she didn't realize it. He had watched her navigate life's storms, always ready to step in if she needed him.
Y/n continued, "Couldn't barely talk without the will to breathe."
Jensen nodded, understanding the struggle she had faced. There had been times when words failed her, when the pain was too much to bear, but he had been there to lend her strength.
"Didn't hear the strength within your words and what they mean," Y/n admitted, her eyes glistening with emotion.
Jensen reached out, gently taking her hand in his. "You were watching over me," he said, his gaze unwavering.
They sat there, under the starlit sky, two souls connected by an unbreakable bond. Jensen had always been her silent guardian, her protector, and Y/n had finally come to realize just how deep his love and support ran.
With the lyrics echoing in their hearts, they knew that they would face whatever challenges life threw their way together. Jensen would always watch over Y/n, their love stronger than any obstacle they encountered.
And as they sat there, hand in hand, they knew that they were each other's strength, always watching over one another through the crazy pain of life, the hurt, the struggles, and the love that bound them together.
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pumpkinhead666 · 7 months
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savingyou · 2 years
“The fantasy was far too real/and i let it slip away”
Okay jensen ackles tell us how you really feel about supernatural *cough cough CAS cough*
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angelsdean · 2 years
wait. that was a NEW radio company song in the bloopers vid?? still ramblin' ????? i litcherally was not even paying attention to the song i was just watching the cast be cute sjdkdfj
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bloodydeanwinchester · 7 months
i will never get over the fact that jensen wrote a song about castiel from dean’s pov. and he called it watching over me AND like…..it’s so fucking romantic????? i think that’s actually one of the most insane things (in a long list of really insane things) that’s happened post finale.
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shyshitter · 1 month
do you think steve carlson knew what he was getting into when he agreed to make music with the #1 most unhinged deangirl heller jensen ackles. like did anyone prepare him at all. when they were recording watching over me, did he know it was about castiel or did jensen use the dead friend excuse, leaving steve to find out about his contribution to the destiel community through convention leaks. do you think now he just assumes half of jensens songs are about spn or do you think he holds out hope his creative partner is somehow. normal
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markofcastiel · 1 month
Not Jensen Derangement Syndrome Ackles singing first "Every Light Before Me" (which is the Dean Winchester refusing Heaven song) and keeping a handkerchief hidden in his back pocket all throughout this song only to pull it out at the end and say:
"I used to get asked all the time why I keep a bandana in my back pocket. Now you know why..."
Not Jacking Joices Ackles wiping his face for plausible deniability then saying:
"Let me slow it down for ya"
Not Jensen Where's the Tapes Ackles following that up with the opening to "Watching Over Me" and changing the lyrics CHANGING THE FUCKIN LYRICS from
"Lay it on now that I can see"
"Lay it on now that YOU can see"
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youchangedmedestiel · 9 months
I recently learned that the guy let himself be choked on purpose for a scene (link here). So, no wonder that same guy wrote Destiel songS. His dedication is unmatched.
After this, I wouldn't even be surprised to learn that he has had a Destiel tattoo on his skin somewhere private this whole time.
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smollkittykat · 3 months
i am so fucking for real when I say "Watching Over Me" sung by Jensen Ross Ackles is my personal roman empire.
It's literally a destiel fan song? written and sung by the vessel himself?
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Anyway, "the fantasy was far too real" is Dean's realization that he wanted Cas as well, and you can take that take from my cold, dead hands. That happiness, for Dean means that he wants to have, that -just saying it- isn't enough.
"Oh, I let it slip away." is the lyrical parallel to shaking his head during Castiel's confession, unbelieving, desperately and utterly helpless.
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impala-dreamer · 2 months
I Ain't Ready To Go
A Short Story
"Some boundaries are hard not to cross..."
Jensen Ackles x F!Reader
3,426 Words
NSFW, Friends to Lovers, Infidelity, Passionate Love
For @jacklesversebingo - “An Agreement”
JacklesBingo Masterlist
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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Jensen fell face first onto the mattress without hesitation or warning, just plopping down as if his body had given out and he was done.
Y/N stood in the doorway watching his theatrical dive. A mostly empty bottle of bourbon hung in her left hand while she leaned against the pristine white wood.
The bedroom was dark but the suite behind her was bright and her curves were highlighted; her wild hair aglow. Jensen rolled onto his side and looked up at her. She was just as drunk, just as loose as he was, but he didn’t want the night to end.
Three hours post-concert, he was still riding high on the night. The thrill of the stage, the crowd's adulation- it was all pulsing through him like a drug he never wanted to wean off of.
Y/N took a deep breath and then a swig from the bottle. Jensen eyed her throat as she swallowed and he felt his focus shift. He popped up on his left arm and smiled.
“That was so fun,” he said. His voice was deep and hoarse, crackling around the edges.
“It was.” Y/N laughed. They’d been over it a thousand times since the curtain closed, stating the obvious again and again. It was fun. The band was on fire. He was perfect. She sang like an angel. He looked too good. She was too drunk. Way too drunk.
Y/N cleared her throat. “So, I’m gonna go. Thanks again for the- well, everything.”
She turned to leave and Jensen sprang up, teetering on the edge of the bed.
She looked back at him and Jensen’s breath fell away. He didn’t know what to say, or how to ask her to stay, he just knew he wasn’t ready to let her go.
“I really should get to bed,” she said softly. “My room is like ten floors down and halfway across the hotel. I gotta get out of the penthouse before they catch me.” She winked and Jensen shook his head.
“Don’t go yet.” Gently, he patted the bed beside him and looked up with a prayer in his green eyes.
Y/N balked, starting and then stopping on the plush carpet. Her mind sternly told her to leave, but her body and heart had other plans.
She sank down beside him and they lay on their backs staring at the dark ceiling.
It wasn’t the first time they’d found themselves in such a position. Over the last few months, the pair had become good friends. Meeting through a mutual friend, Jensen found himself smitten by Y/N’s voice and easy-going songwriting, and Y/N quickly fell into rhythm beside him and Steve, eventually working on their latest album. She sang backup and played the tambourine like a hippie chick from the seventies and Jensen loved every second of it. She added a lightness to the new songs that he couldn’t find by himself.
Y/N enjoyed his company and his amazing sense of storytelling. Conversation flowed easily over black coffee and the occasional cocktail; inside jokes were soon created, and their chemistry onstage was obvious. Didn’t hurt that he was gorgeous and his voice made her thighs clench.
Still, they were just friends.
It was a line they couldn’t cross, shouldn’t cross, wouldn’t cross.
“That afterparty was nuts, huh?” he laughed, settling down with a hand on his stomach.
Y/N nodded in the dark. “Yeah. I haven’t drunk this much in a while.” As if on cue, a hiccup rocked her body. “I really shouldn’t do shots. Like, ever.”
Jensen’s laugh shook the bed. “I don’t know, you didn’t need much pushing.”
“I said I shouldn’t do shots,” she laughed. “Not that I don’t want to.”
He turned to look at her and sighed. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
“I-” Her cheeks burned under his gaze. “Nah. You’re just drunk.”
“Maybe.” Again, he rolled onto his side and crooked his elbow beneath his head. “But you are.”
Embarrassed but floating on the excitement of the night and the tone in his voice, she rolled to face him, tucking her hands under her cheek. She looked up with innocent eyes. “Yeah?”
The flash of a soft smile, a peek at his pink tongue while sweeping across his bottom lip, wetting the cracked skin.
Y/N felt her breath catch deep in her chest. It swirled around her heart as it struggled to beat. “Well,” she whispered, barely able to move her drunken tongue, “if I am, you are… more so… or something better, even.”
Jensen laughed and the bed shook with his shoulders. “You’re pretty drunk, too.”
She bit her lip and shrugged. “Twins!”
He calmed and dropped his head, mirroring her pose. “Twins.”
If she stared any deeper into his emerald eyes, Y/N knew she’d never get out of there. She swallowed hard and worked up the will to push herself up.
It was better to go before anything happened; better to leave and dream forever about ‘what if’ than to stay and regret it.
He felt it, too. That draw, that pull, the internal tug that inched him ever closer to her. It had always been there, always hanging overhead like some invisible net about to drop and trap them together. Maybe the shots were a bad idea, but looking at her now, so soft, so beautiful, with lips waiting to be kissed and curves begging to be held, every idea seemed like a good one.
Jensen’s long exhale passed over her lips and any thought of decency or morals left her head.
He broke the stillness, words snaking from his lips to wind around her body like electrified tendrils.
“What would you do if I asked you to kiss me?”
Shock froze her brain and Y/N blinked at him, confused but absolutely certain.
“I would.”
His cheeks glowed like a rose.
Y/N dipped her chin and then looked up, coy but desperate. “Are you asking me?”
Another lick of his lips, a swift inhale.
“I am.”
Y/N kept her eyes open the whole time, holding her breath as she leaned in and pushed her lips gently against his. His eyes fell closed, long lashes brushing hers as he tipped his head to the side and parted his lips. Their tongues met and Jensen let out a moan that finally shut her eyes. She licked deep into his mouth and exhaled, breathing into him, giving everything she had.
His left hand hovered over her shoulder. Her fingers tentatively danced over the thick muscle of his throat. She shifted closer, scooting into him without thinking about it. When he broke the kiss to roll over her, she let out a whisper that broke his mind.
His hand slid down her body and locked around her knee, dragging it up as he slit his thick leg against her sex. She clenched down on the meat of his thigh and whimpered at the heat of him, the weight he let fall over her. She cupped his cheek and licked at his lips; clawed a hand through his hair when he sucked at her hungry mouth.
His moan made her shiver and Jensen rocked his entire body up into her, moving like a wave against a silken shore. When his palm fit over her breast, she arched her back, pressing harder against him.
His fingers closed around her budding nipple and Y/N dropped her hand to his jeans, spreading her fingers around his quickly growing erection.
He growled.
She moaned.
They froze.
Jensen pulled back, easing air back into the space between them. He shook his head gently to clear his salacious thoughts. “We… we shouldn’t.”
Y/N nodded, quickly agreeing. “I know.” She dropped her leg from his side and pushed herself back, sliding up on the mattress. “I um…”
“Yeah.” Jensen sighed and ran a hand down his face, symbolically brushing away the lust that refused to ease inside of him.
“I know we shouldn’t,” she confessed, staring at the wetness on his plump lips. “But… I’m not ready to go.”
Jensen sighed. In relief of frustration, he didn’t know. All he knew was that he wanted to rip her clothes off with his teeth and kiss every inch that he could reach. He wanted to drink her down like the bourbon they’d shared and seer the memory into his soul.
“Maybe…” He fell forward onto his hands and knees and crawled closer. “What if…” He caged her in with strong arms set beside her head and bowed legs hugging her hips. “Just one night,” he said, “just one kiss...”
Her heart raced; her pussy throbbed. “I don’t know.”
She was trembling and he could feel the fight inside of her.
“OK.” He smiled gently and rolled away, resuming his place by her side, looking up at the ceiling. “Then we can just lie here.” Gently, he took her hand and brought it to his lips. “I won’t do anything that you don’t ask me to do. Deal?”
Her breathing calmed. “Deal.”
A sweet kiss upon her knuckles; a gentle sigh.
He tried to drop her hand, but she held on, pushing her fingers through his until their palms were locked together and hanging between them. That was the space they couldn’t fill, the air they couldn’t share.
Y/N let out a heavy breath and clutched his hand tight.
Jensen swallowed hard and caressed her hand with his thumb.
“It really was a great show,” she said, clearing her throat and trying to move on.
He nodded. “Sure was. Well, there were a few spots I fucked up but-”
“No one noticed. Trust me.”
“You think?”
She laughed and rolled onto her side, dropping his hand to face him. “Jen- you could get up on that stage, singing off-key and farting into a bucket for an hour and they’d all still love you.”
“You saying I suck?”
Jensen turned and curled his arm under his head. “If they love me no matter what, how do you know I’m any good?”
His question was real, but there was a hint of a tease in his eye. He was shy, but his confidence was eternally growing.
“I know,” she explained, leaning closer, “because I have ears.” He licked his lips and her breath caught. “...And eyes…” His lips parted gently and the green she so loved glazed over with renewed lust. “And…” Her heart was pounding. The smell of him, the heat, the taste of him still on her lips- it was too much.
Her head was reeling. She closed her eyes.
“Kiss me.”
Jensen pulled in a deep breath. “What?”
“Kiss me,” she said again, whispering her plea into that forbidden space between them. “Please.”
He hesitated; fingers pulsing against his thigh. “Are you asking me?”
Beautiful eyes opened and Jensen sank into them. She smiled gently and nodded.
“I’m asking you- Jensen. Ross. Ackles- to kiss me.”
A wave of calmness washed over him and he cocked his head to the side. He cupped her cheek with tender adoration as he licked deep into her mouth. Y/N melted once more, feeling his fingers burn her skin and his tongue infect her with unrelenting desire. She leaned into him, pressing her body flat against his, and accepted each kiss like it would be the last.
“God, I love kissing you,” he whispered. His eyes were fluttering, his thoughts churning, trapping him somewhere between love and rigid lust.
She could only hum in response and let her lips run across his shadowed jaw. She licked at his ear, nibbled at his throat, sucked a hint of a mark on his collarbone. Jensen rolled his hips unconsciously, already aching and half-hard.
“Touch me,” she moaned, reaching for his empty hand. “Please…”
Another line was crossed; more permission was granted. Jensen obliged without hesitation. He set his hand on her hip and teased his fingers beneath her shirt, snaking his touch across her bare skin. She shivered and grabbed his wrist, dragging his palm up to her breast. He turned the cup of her bra down and plucked at her nipple, earning a heavy moan as a reward.
“Your hands are so warm…”
He smirked and buried his face in the crook of her neck, kissing the soft skin on her shoulder. “Because you got me all worked up.”
“I did nothing,” she teased, slipping a hand down his firm chest.
Before he could retort, she had popped the button on his jeans and tugged the zipper down. She struggled against the belt but decided to leave it alone, instead pushing her hand into the denim. She lay her hand flat against his cock and his entire body jolted with pleasure.
“You’re warm here too…”
Jensen bit his lip. “Yeah…”
She traced his length and hummed. “And… big.”
He stiffed instantly against her palm and Jensen returned to her mouth, kissing her deeper with each swipe of her palm over his erection.
“Want you so bad,” he mumbled, curling himself over to lift her shirt with his teeth. He licked a hot line across her chest, teasing the crest of each mountain before falling into the valley. Kisses marked his path and Y/N gasped in pure pleasure when he locked his mouth around her nipple.
His tongue swirled and she melted.
Her fingers curled and he moaned.
“Fuck, Y/N…”
She moaned in response, obsessed with the way her name poured from his slick lips. She stroked him harder, awkwardly trapped by his belt and the tight denim. “Take… take this off,” she begged.
He lingered for a moment before tearing himself away and rolling onto his back to shed his jeans.
Y/N took the break to do the same, yanking her clothes away until she was down to her bra and panties.
Jensen whistled when he saw her, barely able to pull his shirt over his head, afraid to lose a minute of her body. “Damn…”
Her cheeks burned. She shied away, wrapping her arms around her soft belly, but Jensen wouldn’t let her hide. He fell back to kissing her, gently lifting her hands off so he could adore every curve.
“Fucking beautiful,” he whispered, crawling down her body to peel the thin cotton from her hips.
He kissed her belly, nibbled on her hip, exhaled slowly against her aching pussy.
“I…” She twitched as his lips grazed her inner thigh. “Jensen…” He ran his tongue softly along the ridge of her sensitive lips. “Please…”
Green eyes lifted as he listened for his cue. “Yes?”
She trembled. “Lick me.”
A moan rumbled in the back of his throat and Jensen gave in to his hunger. He pressed his two fingers into her and set his thumb and pinky on either side of her clit, gently spreading her open. She whimpered at the feeling, gasped when his tongue flickered over her and clawed at his shoulders when he sucked.
Her hips jerked with every thrust of his thick wrist and the pleasure was overwhelming. She clenched down on his fingers, throbbing harder than she thought possible, and then shoved him away. She squirmed from his grasp and sat up, panting against the pillows.
Jensen watched her go with a glistening face and perfect, swollen lips. He crawled to her, hands and knees dipping into the mattress.
Y/N bit her lip and grabbed his shoulders, forcing him to take her place on the pillows. She licked at his lips and wrapped her small hand around his cock, marveling at the thickness. She stroked him a few times and watched his eyes roll back. His freckled face was washed in frustrated bliss and he dug his teeth into his lip, holding back a pathetic whimper.
“You’re fucking gorgeous,” she whispered.
He opened his eyes and took her in. “Need you.” His voice crackled and she shivered. “Please.”
Her mouth flooded with desire and Y/N dropped down to let it seep out over the tip of his cock. She wet her fist and stroked him slowly, guided by the tight-lipped moans he let slip. When she pushed her tongue flat against his vein, his entire body quaked and she hummed in awe.
“So hot, Jensen-”
His thighs trembled and she sealed her lips tight around him.
Her hot mouth pushed down his shaft; her tongue flicked against the sensitive patch of nerves beneath the tip. She swallowed hard and took him down her throat, gagging in the most beautiful way.
Jensen bucked his hips into her and slid a hand up her arm to tangle in her hair. She let him lead, keeping her mouth locked around him while he pulled her face up and down over his cock. Saliva poured from her mouth and she moaned against the wetness, slurping his delicious erection.
About to burst, Jensen released his hold and Y/N pulled back, crouching on her knees and squeezing a circle around the base of his cock.
Panting, he lifted his head, blinking at her. “Yes?”
Her entire body was throbbing; her blood screaming for him. She swallowed softly and whispered, “fuck me.”
There was no need to clarify this time; no checking to make sure she was serious.
Jensen was up and on her in a second, turning her onto her back with a thick kiss that made her body drop limply beneath him.
He lifted her right leg high, set it to rest on his muscular shoulder, and lightly held her hips. He stared into her eyes while he penetrated her sex; basking in the glow as her jaw dropped in a silent cry.
Every thrust was like magic that weaved golden fire through her system, sparking every nerve to stand on end, waiting for the inevitable. She held tight, digging her nails into his forearms; held her breath while he rolled his hips, clenched around him as she started to fall.
“That’s it,” he whispered, heart pounding away in his chest. “I can feel it…”
Y/N vibrated below him and let out a gasping cry as she came.
“There,” he grit, thrusting faster. “That’s it, baby. So. Fucking. Good.” Every word was struck through with a snap of his hips as he worked her through it, keeping the flame ablaze until she couldn’t take it any longer.
Out of breath and pulsing with bliss, Y/N lay a gentle hand over his heart and let his name slip from her lips.
His body curled inwards as he came; emptying into her with another brisk thrust. His grunt was deep and echoed through the silent room, filling their heads with guilt once the afterglow faded.
They lay tangled together, her hand on his heart, his arms tight around her. She kept her head on his shoulder, listening to his breath as it slowed. He smelled like whiskey and sex, sweat and faded cologne. She took a deep breath and sealed the essence of him away, tucking the memory behind her heart.
There was no discussion, no congratulatory pillow talk. Anything they could say would only make things worse.
“That was incredible.”
“I’ve wanted you for so fucking long.”
“I might be falling in love with you.”
Once more, they lay there staring at the ceiling. Twice, Jensen cleared his throat, desperate to break the silence, but there was nothing he could say that would come out right. No way to take back what they’d done, and the truth was- he didn’t want to. Damn the consequences, there was nowhere he’d rather be, no way he would ever regret what they’d done.
Y/N felt an old familiar pang in her chest and her eyes started to burn with tears. Before they fell, she sucked in a calming breath and pushed herself up.
“I gotta get going,” she said sadly. “It’s late.”
The look on her face nearly broke him. Jensen sat up on his elbows and shook his head. “Not yet.”
Desperate, he took her hand and placed it back over his heart. She could feel his ache. It was the same as hers, and she sighed.
Closing his eyes, he nodded solemnly. “I know I just- I’m not ready to let you go.”
A tear fell but he kissed it away.
His heart ached but she soothed him.
Another hour would do no harm.
Another night.
Another day.
Another secret to keep.
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fellshish · 8 months
Jensen ackles listening to watching over me, a song he wrote:
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i think at this point it's safe for me to assume that dean winchester wrote 'watching over me' in the supernatural universe after Cas' death. after all believes-he-is-dean-winchester jensen ackles wrote that song on this plane of existence without any concious effort made to make it about Cas
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