#Joe Hoe
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I’m going to the pool, I got space in the car, who else wants to join me??
@joes-sha-la-la-la-girl @stevesfuzzypinkslippers @elliotts-personal-property @steveinscarlet @rickallensbarefeet @jimmysdragonsuit13 @leppardcampbelllove @the80srewinders @appetite4savage @armageddonviv
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terrortwinsfav · 5 months
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some joe pics im crazy over lately, tight pants suit him so well🫣
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Happy 65th Birthday to the love of my life 🎉🎉
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redamancy6 · 5 months
The only appropriate Joe Alwyn Fandom name is ♡Joe Hoe♡ and nothing else!!!
Whereas, I do believe that 'alwyners' is good, but we have a chance to have one of the funnier names!!!
I don't understand how did it not pick up ?!?!
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quinn-joseph · 9 months
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for Behind the Blinds, photographed by Emilia Staugaard
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wmnylander · 7 months
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Feb 14, 2024
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palmtreesx3 · 11 months
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I fucking audibly gasped.
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terrortwinsfav · 4 months
Joe’s heart shirt❤️🤍
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A lot of Joe on here tonight and I’m here for it 💖🥵
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I live for Joe’s slutty outfits😩🙏
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balladofthe101st · 4 months
can't believe that they said bill and toye were besties in ep 7 and had them interact in only two episodes! i just know they caused trouble back in basic training and made a mess of london and paris with their weekend passes
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lambfromfield · 8 months
if aspec or aroace or something doesn’t trend on valentine’s day we collectively will have failed
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terrortwinsfav · 5 months
ello!! can you write an joe x reader fanfic where he meets rick savage's best friend and he feels an instant attraction to her?
thanks !
Here it is! This prompt has been on my mind constantly. I got a bit carried away and I will probably end up making a part two for this. Thanks for the request!
Love at First Sight, Lady Strange
word count: 3064
One day, while checking the mail, you noticed a letter from your childhood best friend, Rick Savage. You and Sav met in primary school and have been inseparable ever since. He was like a brother to you. During high school, you didn’t see him as frequently since you moved a bit too far away, and he started his band, Def Leppard. A few years later, the Lepps were touring the world, and you didn’t visit or hear much from him anymore, aside from the occasional letter.
Sav’s most recent letter informed you that he was back in Sheffield at his childhood home with the rest of his band. He wanted you to meet them and watch them play a few songs from their album, High 'N' Dry. He said to drop by any time. You were ecstatic! You were not only excited to see your best friend again but also to meet his band. You couldn’t believe that, despite how close you were, you never met the band. He was a very busy guy.
So that’s what led you to Sav’s doorstep later that very day you received the letter. You wore a form-fitting red shirt, small red running shorts to match, and white tennis shoes. Your hair was styled big and fluffy, similar to Sav’s. Quickly fixing a few pieces of your hair, you stood on his front porch after knocking. Almost a second later, the door flung open, and you were greeted by Sav and two unfamiliar faces.
“SAVVY!” You exclaimed and immediately went to hug him. He did the same. You paid no mind to the two guys next to him, who were now giggling.
“Sav, who is this? Your secret girlfriend? She’s certainly hot enough to be a rockstar’s girlfriend,” A guy with fluffy, shoulder-length brown hair asked in a teasing way. You and Sav both scrunched up your faces and shook your heads in sync.
“No! This is my childhood best friend, Y/N. I knew her long before I knew any of you, but our lives got busy and she moved away, so I couldn’t introduce you all.” He explained, looking at you.
“Yeah, I'm Y/N. I assume you’re Sav’s bandmates?” You smiled.
“Yeah, I’m Joe,” the brunette with longer hair explained, “and I’m Rick,” the guy with shorter brown hair chimed in. Before you could make a joke about two Ricks being in the band and anyone could say anything else, a loud electric noise ripped through the air, followed by some more. Somebody was playing guitar in the house.
“That’s Phil and Steve; let’s go in so I can introduce you!” Sav said excitedly and disappeared out of the doorway, leaving you, Joe, and Rick standing there. You all exchanged smiles and followed him a moment later. Joe's eyes seemed to linger, but you didn’t pay it any mind.
In the living room, there were two blonde men with guitars. They stopped playing when the rest of the group walked in.
“Woah, who’s that chick?” Said the shorter man, looking at you.
“This is my best friend, Y/N. A while ago, I invited her to come meet the band and hear us play.” Sav smiled, and so did you.
“Well, we’ve been playing for a while—why don’t we have a short break and make lunch before we play for Y/N? We need to decide on some songs too.” Sav proposed. Everyone thought it was a great idea, and the guys started scheming and giggling amongst themselves about what they should play. All of the guys were eyeing you.
"So, Y/N, what do you want to eat? I’m quite the cook, remember?” Sav smiled.
“Aw, there’s six of us here. If you start cooking, we’ll be in the kitchen all day! Let’s just make sandwiches. I’ll help you!” You said. The rest of the guys besides Joe were all messing around with their instruments and not paying attention, so you and Sav looked at Joe.
“Okay, that sounds good. Hey Joe, since you’re not doing anything, do you want to help us? We can surprise the rest of the guys; they’re not paying any attention right now. Besides, you’re the face of the band, and I want Y/N to meet you. She’s actually not familiar with our music.” Sav laughed.
“Sure, okay. Wow, you’re really his best friend, but you've never listened to any of our music? We’re on the radio and MTV, you know!” Joe said teasingly. He was so surprised that Sav had such a beautiful best friend that he had never heard about. Joe was still checking you out—something about that little red shirt and shorts distracted him so much. He was now glad that he was asked to help cook. The three of you went to the kitchen, and Sav pulled out all the ingredients.
“I mean, I’ve heard Bringin' On The Heartbreak, but not much else!!! You guys sounded fantastic on that, by the way, and I love your video!” You said to Joe, who was now smiling.
“Aw, ok, good. You’re not completely lost. Did I not look good in that video?” He said confidently, putting his hands on his hips and doing his big smile again. Sav shook his head and went back to getting ingredients while you laughed.
“Yeah, everyone looked great. You have a good voice too, Joe. You definitely make a great frontman; I’m excited to hear some of your other songs!” You said, unaware that he was fishing for attention from you. He smiled when you gave him that attention. Joe was always a bit of a player, but he felt something different towards you. It was almost like a schoolboy crush. Usually, girls in the crowds at his shows would throw themselves at him — and he sure did love it — but there was something so enticing about a girl who barely knew about him or his band. He wanted to steal all her attention.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” Joe responded with a sly smile, and before he could say anything else, protective Sav chimed in.
“Hey, what are you doing calling her 'sweetheart?!?’ This is my childhood best friend, not some groupie you can seduce! You’re flirting with someone who is basically my sister, you know." This made you laugh. Sav truly was the protective older brother you never had.
“Savvy, it’s okay. I’m sure he’s just joking around.” You put a hand on Joe's shoulder as you said that. Oh, but he wasn’t joking. You put him in a trance from the first second he saw you. With every passing second, he wished more and more that Sav had introduced you earlier. Your fingers on his shoulder felt electrifying to him.
“Hm, so what’s up with that nickname? Savvy, are you sure she isn’t your secret girlfriend?” Joe teased getting back at Sav. 
"Oh, good grief. Joe, she has called me that since we were 5 years old. Help me make sandwiches, or get out! Plus, we need to decide what to play. Get over here.” Sav said with a laugh. Joe approached him, and they started whispering. You watched, and they would occasionally look over at you. This made you smile. You did not mind the eager attention from Joe. The truth was, while you were getting ready to come over, you turned on the TV and had MTV playing in the background. Their video for Bringin' On The Heartbreak played, and that was the first time you saw Joe. The band caught your attention, and you thought Joe looked so passionate in the video. You wanted to know more about him.
While you were getting lost in thought, Sav and Joe were picking some songs.
“I want her to hear Lady Strange. We’ve got to play that one.” Joe whispered to Sav. He was planning something that Sav didn’t pick up on.
“Alright, sure. I know the guys would be down for that. Let’s also do Heartbreak and Switch 625 so she can see how awesome Steve and Phil are.” Sav replied. They both nodded at each other and then waved you over to help finish making the sandwiches.
After lunch
“That was good; thank you. Y'know, you two ought to ditch music, take Y/N, and open a restaurant.” Phil joked with Sav and Joe. Everyone laughed, but it was filling Joe's head with all sorts of domestic images. You two in your house, making breakfast or lunch together, to then go eat in bed. 
“Slow down, Joe, what’s gotten into you?” He thought to himself. He had never felt so interested in somebody so suddenly. He was actually a little disappointed that he couldn’t talk to you alone or actually get to know you without being teased since the guys were around, and Sav was so protective.
“Nah, don’t ditch music! I saw your guys’ music video earlier; it was so good. I’m dying to hear you play.” You said, and Joe snapped out of his trance.
“Right, me and Sav came up with a list of things we’re going to play for you. Come here, everyone, but not Y/N! This is a secret.” Joe looked at you and laughed. You smiled back, and he swore he felt fireworks go off inside him. The guys huddled up and discussed what they’d play. First, Bringin' on the Heartbreak, then Switch 625, and finally Lady Strange. He chose that last one on purpose: if he couldn’t tell you how much you entranced him directly, he’d express it with a song. 
Once they decided on the order of songs, they all went back out to the living room and got their instruments and positions prepared. Joe had instructed them to stand in a way that would imitate their position on stage, to make it better for you to watch, and *totally* not have him in the front and closest to you. He dimmed the lights, and you pulled up a single chair and faced them excitedly.
“Do your best, boys!” You said happily, your elbows resting against your knees and your chin resting in your hands admiringly. Joe took this as a challenge and flashed you a smile, and after Rick clicked his drumsticks together four times, Steve and Phil took it away with their beautiful guitar harmony. A smile instantly lit up on your face — it was the song you heard earlier!
As the guitars mellowed out, Joe joined in with his passion-filled voice. He gave it his all, just like he’d do on stage. You stared in awe, not being able to take her eyes off Joe. Sav noticed and smiled to himself; he knew you were star struck. You were so focused on Joe, you didn’t even realize your best friend was smiling at you. Once the song finished up, Joe gave you another smile. You clapped and gave much praise.
“You like it, huh?” Joe said with a little flirt in his voice, flashed a huge smile, and held his hands on his hips proudly. He couldn’t stop smiling. 
“Yes, that was perfect! Your voice is amazing, Joe; you sound just like you did in the actual recording! That’s enough to convince me to listen more. Sav, I can’t believe you never told me about the band or mailed me your albums!!!” You exclaimed and gave Sav a pouty look. All the guys laughed and accepted your praise. Joe was so focused on your expression and knew you were just joking, but it drove him crazy. How in just a few hours did he become so crazy about you?
“Aw, thank you. I know you like my voice, but I don’t really sing in this next one, so I’ll just sit and watch with you. He quickly pulled up another chair and sat next to you before giving his bandmates an encouraging look.
“Blow her away, guys!” He said, and in an instant, the bass started up, the guitars following, and then the drums. This time, all your attention was on Steve. He ripped through those guitar solos like they were nothing and looked otherworldly while doing it. You weren’t as distracted by Steve as you were by Joe, and you looked over at Joe to see his expression. You thought, “He’s usually up on stage with these guys. I bet he doesn’t get to be their audience very often.” When you looked over, he wasn’t watching the guys at all. His eyes were fixed on your face, taking in all of your reactions. He was obsessed with the way you watched the band. Her stares made him feel more giddy than any groupie ever did. When your eyes met again, both of you blushed slightly and quickly returned your eyes to the guys in front of you. It was like a grade school crush; you both felt it. Everyone else was so focused on playing that they didn’t catch it. The room was too dark for anyone to notice your blushes, regardless.
Once the song was over, you clapped again. Joe followed suit. Even though they were his bandmates, they really did blow him away.
“You guys are so talented! Steve, you’re a guitar god!” You were so busy fangirling that you didn’t even think of the possibility of them playing one more, until Joe patted you on the back and stood up, stealing all of your attention away. He was good at that.
“You’re going to love this next one. It’ll be the last one, for now.” He smiled and got back to his microphone. Your excitement never wavered, and the feeling of his fingers trailing off your back lingered. It felt so soft and foreign. You almost felt nervous, in a good way.
Rick clicked his drumsticks together again, and those familiar guitar harmonies filled the room again. You sat in anticipation, dying for Joe to start singing. 
Eventually, he chimed in with his strong, passionate voice.
“I never needed love before till I met you, girl,” he sang. He had his eyes on her the whole time, and her eyes were on him.
“A girl like you I have never seen..." You were adding new meaning to this song for him. He thought he had it all figured out when he wrote it, but he has to seriously rethink it now. You made him feel something completely new.
“You came into my life like a whirlwind, girl,”
“You let me know what loving really means.” While he sang, he shifted around slightly, like he did on stage or in one of his music videos. He gave it his all — he knew you two only met a few hours ago, but he wanted to show you that he felt love at first sight.
The band went on, and you kept your eyes on Joe's passionate expression and rhythmic movements. Your eyes were wide and doe-like like you were spaced out. That couldn’t have been farther than reality, though; you gave him her undivided attention.
“So let me know what loving really means, woman, please,” he sang. The song was coming to an end.
“Lady Strange, Lady Strange, I need you.” “I want you. I need you, yeah.” He looked directly into your eyes, and by that point, you felt whatever he was feeling too. To you, it seemed so personal, like he did all that just for you. That is exactly what he intended, and you got the message loud and clear. Once the song finished, he smiled and hopped over closer to you.
“What’d ya think?” He said nonchalantly, trying to play off his passionate performance.
“That was beautiful! I don’t even know what to say..." she said. The other guys had noticed how speechless she was and how eager Joe seemed to talk to you.
“Chill out, Joe; don’t fluster her like that. You know she doesn’t really listen to rock 'n' roll; it's new to her! Let her process all that!” Phil joked. The guys laughed, even Sav.
“No, really, you guys were so good, I don’t have any words to describe it. Please play some shows in Sheffield! I’ll be there! Front row!” You jumped up and down in excitement. Joe wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer. To anyone else, this would’ve just been seen as typical Joe behavior or a playful gesture, but he couldn’t handle not being close to you for another second.
"Aw, look at that. We got the girl hooked on rock ‘n’ roll. How’s it feel?” Joe turned his head to you and asked.
You tilted your head towards the taller man and said, "Oh, come on! It’s all new to me. Why don’t you show me some albums, since Sav clearly can’t!” You laughed again and rolled your eyes at him jokingly.
“Oh, I’ve got you covered. Y’know, my house is in Sheffield. While you’re here, you should stop by, and I can show you my record collection.” He said, utterly serious about his offer. The guys interpreted it differently and started snickering.
“Hey, don’t be so quick to take her home! I’ve seen how you looked at her. At least get to know her first.” Sav exclaimed like a protective brother. The other guys laughed, and Phil chimed out to you again.
“He tries to get into every girl's pants. You should see him hanging around our groupies after a show,” he laughed. Joe actually got flustered, with his cheeks now rosy — yours too.
“Listen, you’re not wrong, but I don’t mean it like that! I swear!” He was actually telling the truth. He didn’t want to rush into this more than he already did. You caught his attention like no other girl.
“Hm, well, I’ll take your offer up. But if what Phil said shows to be true, I’ll send Sav to teach you a lesson!” You said playfully. You were honestly so glad he offered. Earlier you started to get worried you’d never see him again outside of the Lepp’s music videos, but now your mind was at ease.
Joe was ecstatic, and he laughed along with you. The guys joined in. He’d prove to you and the guys that he wasn’t in it just for temporary satisfaction; he felt something real about this girl. You made him realize that love at first sight was real.
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foliejpg · 4 months
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i think i’m dyign
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