#Johnny the Homicidal Maniac fanfiction
snappedsky · 1 year
Fanatics 99.16
Squee vs an army of Irkens.
*Links to previous and next chapters in reblog*
The Greatest in the Galaxy Part 16
“What was all that commotion!” Red demands as he and Purple rush through the halls of the Irken tower.
“You made us get off our couch,” Purple whines.
“S-sirs,” an Irken soldier squeaks and many other soldiers jump out of their way as they burst into Rory’s room.
“Ror-what happened to the tower!” Red exclaims as he sees the opposite wall is completely gone.
Buildings quake and glass trembles as a giant robot walks through the city. It’s taller than most of the skyscrapers and made of seamless metal that glitters in the sunlight. It’s humanoid in form with two arms, two legs, and a head that has two round, glowing eyes and a rectangular shape for a mouth. One step covers a whole city block.
Inside its head is the control room. Consoles line both side walls and there’s another set in the middle. At the front of the room is a large display showing the view from the robot’s eyes. At the back is an elevator that opens up for Zim and Rory and his SIR units.
“This is amazing!” Zim cheers as he prances excitedly through the control room. “How did you find this, Kio?”
“These mechs are used for one of the few team games in the competition,” Kio explains, “I’ve only ever seen them used once. Every member of the team is required to pilot it.”
She motions to Dib and Tak at two of the middle consoles. “Dib is controlling the legs and Tak is controlling the arms.” She points to Pepito and Gaz at either side console. “Pepito and Gaz are on weapons. I’m controlling the torso and head, but I’d be willing to relinquish the head to you, Zim, if you’re willing.”
“Yes,” he demands and takes the third middle console while Kio remains at the fourth.
“There’s also a radar that I’m saving for Squee,” she adds.
“What should I do?” Rory asks.
“Your part in this plan has yet to come, Prince,” Kio replies, “you may sit and wait.”
Rory sits on a bench at the back of the room next to Shmoopy, who waves at him.
“Now that we’ve got the robot, Squee can meet back up with us, right?” Pepito asks.
“Yes,” Zim nods, “I’ll tell Gir to bring him to us.”
“I’ll tell Mimi too,” Tak adds, “since she’s more likely to do it.”
“You know, I don’t think I’ve heard an explosion for a while,” Dib muses, “I wonder how Squee’s doing.”
Meanwhile, on Earth, Johnny, Devi, Tenna, Skoodge, Colton, Carmen, and Maddie watch the television tensely. On the screen, they can see an aerial view of a street clogged with fully-armoured Irken soldiers. And in the middle of the army is Squee and Nimbel.
The army warily keep their distance from the pair, laser rifles primed and ready to fire. Squee and Nimbel stand back to back glaring at their assailants.
Squee sighs heavily as he removes his sunglasses, broken from their fall from the building, and tosses them aside.
“Can’t you, you know, blow them up or something?” Nimbel asks quietly.
“I can’t,” Squee replies, “they’re too far. Stupid Zinather had to go and figure out my limitations on galactic TV. Stupid freekin five feet...”
“And anyway,” he adds, “I’ve been blowing stuff up all afternoon and I haven’t eaten since breakfast, so I’m starting to feel pretty drained.”
“So you’re saying we’re screwed,” Nimbel clarifies.
“Yeah, we’re screwed.”
As if sensing their weakness, the Irkens press in a little more.
“This is all my fault,” Nimbel sighs, “I should’ve listened to you. I wouldn’t blame you if you abandoned me.”
“It’s tempting,” Squee admits.
“What?” she snaps, “you mean you can actually escape?”
“So why don’t you?”
“I find myself...conflicted...”
“Look, if you have some kind of escape plan, you should implement it,” Nimbel insists, “better that one of us survives than neither of us.”
“Yeah,” Squee sighs with defeat. “Alright.”
With a smooth, swift movement, Squee reaches into his sweater, pulls out a disc-like device, and slaps it onto Nimbel’s back. Before she can react, the disc folds outwards, attaching itself to her back with spider-like appendages as small rockets extend out.
“Wait, no!” she shouts as the rockets fire and she blasts off into the sky, Squee staring after her forlornly. The Irkens fire at her but she flies away too quickly and soon she disappears into the distance.
“Forget her!” an Irken captain barks and nods at Squee. “It’s him we want.”
Squee groans and rubs his head. “I blame Dib for making me heroic.”
“Give up quietly, Earthanoid,” the captain demands, “we know all about your mind powers. As long as we stay five feet away from you, you can’t hurt us.”
“Eh, truth be told, I couldn’t hurt you even if you were within five feet,” Squee shrugs, “I’m starting to get a real bad migraine.”
“Then you surrender.”
“Not a chance.”
“Then you die.”
“Also no.”
“Well, you have no hope of defeating us,” the captain points out incredulously. “Not without your mind powers.”
“My ‘mind powers’ aren’t my only weapon in my arsenal,” Squee replies, “sometimes, it’s best to go back to the basics.”
The Irkens ready their rifles as Squee reaches around his back. He grips the handles of two large knives and whips them out of their holsters.
“Fire!” the captain barks.
The soldiers fire their laser rifles but Squee’s no longer where he was standing. Faster than the blink of an eye, he’s on top of the captain, driving his blades through his helmet and into the Irken’s skull.
Before the body can even hit the ground, Squee slices his knives through the two adjacent Irkens’ necks and dives deeper into the group.
Back at the giant mech, an alert suddenly sounds from Kio’s tablet and she looks at it with surprise. “It’s Squee’s emergency escape plan.”
“What?” Pepito questions.
“It’s a mini jetpack I gave to him with his grappling cables, in case he had to make a quick getaway,” she explains, “he’ll be coming to us right away. Everyone turn right.”
Levers are pulled as the robot stops and turns right. In the distance they see something flying through the sky, quickly getting closer.
“Tak, can you catch him?” Kio asks.
“No problem,” Tak replies and works a joystick to lift the mech’s right hand and catch the flying object.
“Oof, that sounded painful,” Gaz comments at the loud bang that echoed from the hand.
“Transport him to the control room,” Kio orders.
“Already on it,” Tak replies as she pushes a couple buttons. A few seconds later the elevator opens to Nimbel, groaning and sprawled out on the floor.
“What!” everyone exclaims.
Nimbel flinches as they point their weapons at her.
“You!” Zim snaps, “you’re that Swif! What was your name? Bittle?”
“Nimbel,” she replies drily.
“What are you doing here?” Pepito demands, “where’s Squee?”
“He saved me!” Nimbel exclaims, “there were Irkens and we were gonna be captured and he put this jetpack thing on my back and-.”
“Squee’s been caught?” Dib exclaims.
“I-I don’t know,” she admits, “but they were definitely getting ready to attack.”
“Where is he?” Zim asks.
“I...don’t know,” Nimbel replies as she looks around at the room, suddenly noticing where she is. “I’m not even sure where I am.”
“We need a TV,” Zim orders.
“Does this thing have a TV on it?” Gaz asks.
“No, but we can use my tablet,” Kio replies as she detaches it from her belt and stands it up on the middle console. Everybody crowds together as she opens up the competition channel on it.
On screen, they see the cam-bot looking around frantically, but what it’s looking for is unclear. All they see is pink blood splattering uncontrollably as rifles are fired and Irkens cry out with anger or pain.
“What’s going on?” Gaz questions.
“This is terrible camera work,” Dib remarks.
“Irkens are being massacred!” Rory exclaims.
“Where’s Squee?” Pepito asks.
“I think...I think he’s there,” Zim replies, pointing at the screen as something too fast for the cam-bot to see slices a soldier’s neck.
Squee moves quickly and nimbly through the group, like a snake through grass. He swings his blades all around, each strike a fatal blow to every Irken he hits, as if they weren’t wearing armour at all, leaving pink blood and collapsing bodies in his path.
The remaining Irkens scream for his death. They fire their rifles in his general direction but can’t get a direct hit. He moves too quickly for them to aim.
“Evasive maneuvers!” one of the soldiers barks. All of their PAKs open up, releasing their spider legs that lift them up about seven feet into the air. Squee finally skids to a stop, panting slightly. Parts of his clothes have been singed where the laser fire grazed him.
“Not so tough now, are ya?” another soldier taunts. But as he laughs, Squee throws a smiley bomb at him. It blows up just in front of his face, taking out a couple of nearby Irkens in the blast.
“Fire!” another soldier orders and the others resume firing their rifles. Squee dances around the laser fire, narrowly dodging as he tosses up more smiley bombs, blowing up small groups of soldiers.
“He is still heavily outnumbered!” a soldier points out. “Box him in!”
The Irkens use their spider legs to keep Squee trapped in a circle. With less space to move, it gets harder for him dodge, and the lasers graze him closer and closer. He cries out in pain as they slice through the sides of his arms and legs.
“Squee!” his friends exclaim.
Squee growls angrily as purple-tinted smoke starts rising from his body.
“Fall back, fall back!” a soldier demands but it’s too late. Squee explodes, destroying the whole army of Irkens and nearly two city blocks. The only one who escapes is the cam-bot, who retreated just in time.
“Where’s Squee?” Pepito asks frantically. On screen, all they can see is dark smoke engulfing the streets. “Is he okay? What happened?”
Nobody can answer as they watch with worry. Then the cam-bot flinches as something flies by and grabs it.
Gir’s face suddenly takes up the whole screen as he smiles and shouts, “helloooo, TV land!”
In his other hand, he’s holding Squee’s right arm while Squee’s left arm is held by Mimi. Both robots fly him through the sky as Minimoose follows.
“You guys really like to cut it close,” Squee grunts exhaustedly.
His friends all sigh with relief.
“Gir finally found him,” Zim says.
“You mean Mimi found him,” Tak argues.
“They’ll catch up soon,” Kio states, “let’s keep moving.”
Everyone returns back to their post and the mech continues stomping through the city.
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leona-florianova · 8 months
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drew a fanart for delightfully fucked up JTHM/I Feel Sick fanfiction ANCILLARY AUXILIARY written by @red-dye40
*sooo many trigger warnings
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mint-hiddenite · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Death Note (Anime & Manga), Johnny the Homicidal Maniac Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Beyond Birthday/Johnny "Nny" C. Characters: Beyond Birthday, Johnny "Nny" C. Additional Tags: Fluff, Romance, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, (that damn orphanage), Beyond lives with Nny, still no beta. I've died and went to heaven... apparently Summary:
Johnny takes Beyond to see something special; Beyond tells Johnny that he likes him.
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mommafogerty · 3 months
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maniacjohnny · 1 year
sometimes i look at other fans of jthm and i have to wonder if we read the same comic… because WDYM TRIGGER WARNING FOR BLOOD (in art)???
how can you read the comics and not handle drawings with blood in them??? /genq
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I decided to turn one of my favorite parts of the latest chapter of my fanfic into a comic. It started as me just wanting to put something small together and turned into this eight page monster.
I’m actually really proud of this and I learned a lot about composition, lettering, and using references along the way. I hope you enjoy!
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newwwwusername · 1 year
Fanfic requests OPEN for the following comics/webcomics!!
I will write : Hurt/comfort, fluff, songfics, sickfics, AUs, canon divergence, any other trope or headcanon (so long as it doesn't go against the list of what I won't write), any ship (so long as it doesn't go against the list of what I won't write)
I won't write : Smut or fetish works, pedophilia (under 18 x over 18), incest (including adopted family and step family), beastiality (sentient/human x non-sentient/animal), necrophilia (alive x dead- not undead), OCs, crossovers, Y/N (character x reader), explicit depictions of suicide or self harm, explicit depictions of rape or noncon, drowning (personal trigger), werewolves (personal trigger)
Notes : I do not guarantee I will write every request I get. Sometimes requests will just not click with me, and sometimes I don’t feel qualified to fulfill it. I will try to write as many as I can, though ; Feel free to specify any headcanons you want. Keep in mind that, unless explicitly stated that you don't want them, other headcanons (usually trans or Autistic headcanons) may be shoved in without you asking
I will write fanfiction (oneshot or multi-chapter) request for the following comic or webcomic fandoms : - Johnny the Homicidal Maniac - Lumberjanes - Dog Man - School Bus Graveyard - Spicy Mints - Castle Swimmer - City of Blank - Boyfriends - With Great Abandon - Bardown (TooManyHockeySticks) - Sacribaro (TooManyHockeySticks) - Screwed Up - HAHA : Sad Clown Stories - Timeless : A Caveman Western
Where to submit requests : - My ask box here on Tumblr - My Google Form - My forum - My prompts collection on AO3
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ladyyatexel · 1 year
My cousin sent me a tiktok today about not taking people gay people to the gym and showed a person on a treadmill zooming in on a screen featuring Johnny the homicidal maniac fanfiction and him sending that to me not only came for my throat but like actively slit it and disemboweled me while it was in the area, I am bleeding out
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Even more Gen Z Billy and Stu headcanons I have
-Billy’s fyp page consists of horror movie cosplay accounts or Leon Kennedy thirst edits
-Stu was the weird Naruto kid who ran through the hallways and in gym class in middle school yes you’re picturing it right now
-Billy definitely read and wrote creepypasta x reader fanfiction usually of him and slender man and if you try to mention it he’ll kill you
-Billy was one of those emo kids who tried way too hard to be Johnny C from JTHM in middle school and yes did try the exact same haircut in the comics and has since burned the evidence
-Stu definitely still writes Sonic fanfic and sends them to his friends. They ask why he’s so cringe
-Billy will sometimes send the gc shit like “he’s/she’s so me” and it’s a picture of Tomie or Michael Myers
-One time in middle school Billy and Stu dared Sidney, Tatum and Randy to go on Omegle together after 12:00 pm. They still haven’t forgiven them for the trauma that site caused
-imagine how fucking smug they would get seeing people roleplay as ghostface on their fyp tho. Them just sending each other links on discord of hot people using the mask lol
-do not remind me of that trend under any circumstances
-OH MY GOD NOT THE CREEPYPASTA FANFIC........ He'd be a jeff the killer girlie just sayin
-Wow, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, I thought I'd never hear that name again. It's very on-brand for Billy. He'd definitely idolize the shit out of Johnny's violent tendencies and completely misunderstand the whole point of the story. The haircut though...........💀💀
-they're all afraid of opening the archives he sends on the gc now because it's probably just sonic x shadow gay sex. Again.
-He sends stu high voice messages at night sniffling and crying about how heath ledger joker and ryan gosling as a whole are literally him
-no......not omegle...... The trauma from unwillingly witnessing some dude's cock in 144p with dark ominous lighting is real lmfao Tatum def gave Stu a beating for that
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r4mmst3in · 2 years
Welcome to the blog of a 17 year old loser.
My name is Pelle, I’m a punk, emo, rocker. I write fanfiction and post about my daily life.
I’m Mexican, so a few of my stories will be targeted towards latino/hispanic readers.
(Also Polish so yeah lol)
Here are the things I write fanfiction for, including my masterlist:
slashers (specifically House Of Wax, but I can do others)
Bojack Horseman
Dominik Santorski
NBC Hannibal
Johnny The Homicidal Maniac
Marble Hornets(Both Separate and together with Creepypasta, just ask)
Regular Show
Midnight Mass
Sally Face
The Walking Dead
Jackass/Viva La Bam
The Crow
Interview With The Vampire(movie)
Thirty Seconds To Mars
I also play D&D, so if you ever want to message me or request anything with my characters, feel free to ask.
That’s about it, but there might be changes.
I have the right to deny any requests!
I speak English, polski, & español. So you can request in a different language, and I will respond in that language.
I wrote fanfiction for a while, yet I’m not very good, so please be patient with me.
I’m also a very busy man.
But please feel free to ask anything, I will get to it! I hope you enjoy your stay.
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snappedsky · 1 year
Fanatics 99.12
I’m back from holidays
and the final day of the competition begins.
*Links to previous and next chapters in reblog*
The Greatest in the Galaxy Part 12
“Johnny, calm down!”
Devi stands between Johnny and the television, trying to keep him from smashing it, while Colton, Carmen, and Maddie stay warily on the other side of the room. Tenna is the only one not bothered by the commotion and continues watching the screen.
“How can I calm down?” he barks, twitching with agitation like an angered cat. “Did you see Squee?”
“Of course I did!” Devi snaps, “but there’s nothing we can do! They’re in another galaxy, for fuck’s sake!”
“So, what, I’m just supposed to sit here and do nothing?”
“That’s what they’re doing,” Tenna points out, nodding at the screen.
Everyone looks at the TV showing the Battalion sitting quietly in their living room.
“Does Squee really think of Dib as his best friend?” Colton mutters.
“Is that really what you took from that,” Carmen grunts incredulously.
On Tourney, the Battalion have been waiting, patient and solemn, as Kio and Shmoopy work on Squee upstairs. It’s been over an hour since they got there, and they started cleaning him up even on the ride home.
“The non-injured guilt is strong,” Pepito remarks.
“What?” Dib questions.
“It’s something Squee came up with when you were injured.”
Finally, Kio and Shmoopy come downstairs and everyone jumps up.
“He’s stable,” Kio explains, “but still unconscious. I suspect he will wake up soon. We’ve fixed him up as much as we could for now, but he’s still too injured to take part in the final round tomorrow.” “That’s alright. I’m good to go,” Dib says.
“Pepito, you can go sit with him if you like,” Shmoopy suggests, “it’ll probably be better if he wakes up with someone.”
“Yeah, alright,” he nods and starts to head up the stairs.
“Just try not to be too alarmed when you see him,” she warns, “I promise, it looks much worse than it is.”
He nods nervously and continues upstairs. The cam-bot follows him, but he quickly shoves it away.
Pepito opens Squee’s door and hesitates briefly when he sees his boyfriend lying on the futon. His chest tightens and he swallows hard before going inside, sliding the door closed behind him.
Everyone else remains sitting quietly downstairs. Gaz turns on the TV to some kind of alien variety show to try and liven things up, but nobody pays attention. They don’t even want to try and check out any festivals this time.
Minutes pass slowly, feeling more like hours, before there’s a timid knock at the front door. Everyone glances at each other with confusion before Zim stands up and opens it.
“You?” he gasps and everyone else looks over him to see.
Nimbel stands in the door, nervously wringing her hands. Her cam-bot hovers behind her, watching her every move.
“What are you doing here?” Tak asks suspiciously.
“I um...I was just curious...if Squee is okay...” she admits.
“Why do you care?” Gaz asks.
“I don’t...or I-I shouldn’t,” she replies.
“You attacked him during the battle, didn’t you?” Dib questions.
“N-no! I mean, I did,” Nimbel stammers, “but I was just trying to keep him from fighting the Irken. He ended up...protecting me though...”
“And you won,” Zim points out, “so take the point and get out of here. If you’re feeling guilty about it, don’t. Squee didn’t care about the game in. He just wanted to take down Zinather.”
“But how-how is he?” she asks.
“That is none of your concern,” Zim says sternly, “now stop grovelling at the doorstep of your enemies, and show some pride for your planet.”
With that, he slams the door shut on her face.
“Weren’t you a bit too harsh?” Shmoopy suggests.
“We can’t go giving away our information to our opposing teams,” he insists, “our well-being is none of their concern.”
“Besides, anyone watching our team knows Squee is still unconscious,” Dib adds, pointing to the cam-bot. “That’s all they need to know for now.”
Upstairs, Pepito sits patiently beside Squee, watching him sleep. He feels like he might nod off soon too and rests his head against the wall.
Before he can fall asleep though, Squee wakes up. He groans uncomfortably, squirming beneath his blanket, as his eyes blink open.
“Squee!” Pepito gasps, immediately sitting up. “Try not to move!”
“Pepito?” Squee mumbles blearily. “What’s...where are we...?”
He lifts his hand to rub his head and notices bandages wrapped up his arm. He tries to sit up but pain stabs through his chest and he groans.
“Right, I remember now,” he mutters and looks at Pepito. “You got a mirror?”
Pepito grabs his phone and turns on the selfie camera, holding it out in front of Squee so he can see his face. His left eye is covered by a gauze pad, as are both of his ears. There are small burn marks scattered around the remainder of his face. He’s also shirtless with bandages wrapped around his chest and up his arms.
“Mummy,” Squee mumbles.
“Can you hear me?” Pepito asks.
“Yeah, a little,” he replies and sticks out his arm. “Help me sit up.”
Pepito carefully helps Squee sit up and props up his back with a pillow. “How do you feel?”
“Stiff mostly,” Squee replies, “how long was I out?”
“Just a couple hours.”
Squee clears his throat. “My throat is dry. Do I sound hoarse?”
“A little,” Pepito replies and hands him a glass of water. “Here, Shmoopy left that for you.”
“Thanks,” Squee says and takes a drink. It stings a little as he swallows.
Pepito watches him then sighs heavily. He leans forward, resting his head in the crook of Squee’s neck. “You...really scared me, you know...” Squee nuzzles his face against Pepito’s hair. “Sorry.”
“Thanks for defending my honour, though.”
They snuggle against each other, their faces brushing together as they close in.
“Squee?” Zim exclaims, throwing the door open. “I knew it, you are awake! I knew I heard you speaking!”
“Squee!” the others shout and race in.
Squee and Pepito glare at them before splitting apart. “Yeah, hey, guys,” Squee grunts then flinches with annoyance as the cam-bot zooms in on him.
On Earth, his friends sigh with relief.
“He’s okay,” Johnny says.
“He’s covered in bandages,” Tenna points out.
“He looks tired,” Devi observes.
“How do you feel?” Kio asks.
“Like a burn victim,” Squee replies.
“Well, you did blow yourself up,” Gaz points out.
“Any pain?” Shmoopy asks.
“A little, when I move,” Squee replies, “is it bad?”
“Not as bad as it was,” Shmoopy explains, “your eardrums received some damage, your ribs were cracked and you had large slashes across your chest, and you were covered in burns. We were able to fix up the majority of it. The bandages are mostly a precaution against infection and agitation, especially because human eyes and ears are so delicate.”
“Just my left eye?” Squee asks, poking the gauze pad.
“Compared to the rest of your face, the area around your left eye received the most damaged from the explosion,” she replies, “you’ll still be able to see though.”
“Okay. Well, thanks for the help.”
“Of course, it’s my pleasure,” she says, “I-I mean, not-not pleasure. But I’m happy to help...when you need it...”
“You’re not gonna be able to participate in tomorrow’s round though,” Kio points out.
“Yeah,” Squee grunts, “about that...”
He trails off and glares at the cam-bot hovering over them. Then he looks at Pepito. Pepito catches his eye and glances at the cam-bot before nodding.
“Private meeting,” Pepito growls before throwing the cam-bot out of the room and closing the door.
“Hey!” everyone on Earth whines.
“What’s up, Squee?” Dib asks.
“Keep your voices down,” Squee orders, “there’s something you guys need to know.”
“This whole competition...is rotten.”
“I’m sorry I can’t be there to support you in person,” Squee says as everyone gets ready to leave for the day.
“It’s better this way,” Kio points out, “the stadium is too loud for your injured ears.”
“And you can support us on the TV,” Dib adds.
“Will you be alright by yourself?” Shmoopy asks.
“I’m hardly alone,” Squee grunts as Minimoose lies on his head, Gir hangs off his shoulder, Mimi stands at-attention by his feet, and the cam-bot flies around them. “But yes, I’ll be fine.”
“Our ride is here,” Tak says, nodding to the front window.
“Make sure you cheer for us,” Zim orders as everyone heads for the door.
“And don’t take off those bandages,” Shmoopy demands.
Pepito gives Squee a kiss on the forehead before leaving and Squee waves after them. “You can do this!”
They close the door behind them, leaving Squee alone with the minions. He sighs heavily, hanging his head, and goes over to the kitchen. He digs around in fridge for a minute before grabbing the milk. After he puts together a bowl of cereal, he sits in front of the TV, wincing slightly. As he eats, he glares at the cam-bot hovering in front of him. “This good TV?”
On Earth, his friends watch him on the screen.
“I’ve watched worst,” Johnny comments.
“Can’t I change it to the stadium?” Devi asks, “we have to watch the final round.” “We can watch Squee watch the final round.”
“Johnny!” everyone snaps.
“Alright, fine,” he groans.
Devi uses the remote to change the view on screen to the stadium as the teams arrive to begin the final round.
“Welcome, audience and viewers, to the final day- the final round- of the competition! It all comes down to this! Who will win, and crown their planet as the greatest in the galaxy!”
The audience erupts into uproarious cheers.
“Now as you’ll recall, the battle yesterday was furious and left Zinather of team Irk and Squee of team Earth out of commission. But both teams are still raring to go! Will Earth be able to overtake Irk’s lead, or will Irk win yet another competition? Only one way to find out! Let’s begin!”
The holographic screen in the sky spins the wheel of games. All of the teams watch tensely from their balconies.
Squee watches too, with Gir, Minimoose, and Mimi on his lap, as he drinks his cereal milk. “Here we go...” Behind him, in the kitchen, in the fridge, tucked in the back behind the milk carton is a small, purple grenade. It suddenly lights up and begins flashing.
Squee sighs as he finishes his milk, lowering the bowl and standing up.
The games wheel lands on ‘Target Practice’.
“Target Prac-!”
The grenade in the fridge blows up, causing an explosion that erupts into the sky high enough to be seen and heard from the stadium. All cam-bots turn to look at the commotion and see a huge billow of smoke in the distance. They immediately take off for it.
“Uh um, I apologize for the interruption, folks, but something unprecedented seems to have occurred! It-it would seem that the Earth team’s house has...has blown up!”
“What!” the audience gasps.
“What!” the other teams gasps.
“What!” everyone on Earth exclaims.
“Change it back to Squee!” Johnny orders, waving frantically at Devi. “What the fuck happened?”
“Hang on, hang on,” she insists as she changes the channel. But when she gets to what should be Squee’s channel, it’s just a black screen. “There’s...there’s nothing!”
“Go back, go back!” Tenna demands, “what are the other cam-bots seeing?”
She changes to the next channel. The cam-bot is closing in on the Earth house, which looks to be nothing but a burning, smouldering wreck. But as it gets closer, it seems to lose control before the screen goes black.
“What?” Devi questions.
“What happened?” Colton asks.
“I don’t know,” she replies and changes it again. But the next screen is black too.
She rapidly changes the channels, but they are all black screens, and the ones that aren’t quickly turn black, as if something is happening to the cam-bots, one by one.
The all stare at the blank screen, flabbergasted.
“What the fuck is going on?” Devi asks.
Back in the stadium, the audience and team members are mumbling with confusion to each other as they also watch the cam-bots go out on the big screen.
“Um, audience- as we appear to have lost the viewers- I do apologize for these...technical difficulties. I assure you, we are working on righting this wrong as we speak and will have the cam-bots running properly again soon...as soon as we find them...”
In their sky box, the Tallest are pacing around angrily, snapping at their subordinates.
“What is going on?” Red demands, “what was that explosion?”
“We-we don’t know, sir,” an Irken servant says. “But-but we can confirm that the Earth team house has been destroyed.”
“But we didn’t do it,” Purple points out, “did we?”
“I don’t think so,” Red replies, “I don’t remember issuing an order to destroy their house.”
“Was anyone inside it?” Purple asks.
“It is too dangerous to send anyone to investigate yet,” another Irken servant replies.
“Well, get to it,” Red orders, “if there are bodies, I wanna see them!”
“There’s one more thing you should know, sirs,” the first servant says, “the Earth team seems to have...disappeared.”
“What?” the Tallest question and look out their window. From here, they can see all of the team balconies. They’re all full of the respective members, except for Earth’s- it’s empty.
“Where did they go?” Purple snaps.
“They must’ve slipped out during all of the commotion,” Red muses, “but why? Find them! Now!”
The two servants salute before rushing out. Red and Purple remain at the window, glaring out at the stadium.
“What on Irk is going on...”
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zlugbugs · 1 year
I may as well introduce myself as well, since I haven't made a proper introduction.
Hey!! My name is Maxim (pronounced max-um) or you can call me Max!!
I use he/him exclusively, please do not use they/them.
I am AroAce and Pan, but I am taken by my wonderful girlfriend @d00msdaydevice !! (She's very lovely, I suggest you drop by and tell her hi!! <3)
I'm a small, mainly traditional artist as well as a fanfiction writer!! And I mostly draw fanart, so don't expect much OC centered art.
- Feel free to make suggestions on what I should draw, but do not expect me to fulfill said suggestion. If you would like something drawn, feel free to take a look at my commission information on my carrd (which will be linked below). Also, please please PLEASE don't suggest any proship type shit, it makes me uncomfortable.
- Don't be weird. I'm a minor and I don't give a shit about your opinion on me, I'm just here to post art.
- Please don't repost my art without proper credit and/or trying to claim it as your own. Have some fuckin morals, please.
- Do not interact with my account if you are under thirteen, are an active Vivziepop fan, or publicly post and endorse proship. I have had a few terrible artists reblog my art, and it genuinely makes me uncomfortable that my art is on their profiles.
- Don't bargain my commission prices. Just don't. You're embarrassing yourself.
Undertale, Sparklecare Hospital, Welcome Home, Eddsworld, Homestuck, Steven Universe, Johnny The Homicidal Maniac, Invader Zim, and (some) Danganronpa.
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mint-hiddenite · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Death Note (Anime & Manga), Johnny the Homicidal Maniac Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Beyond Birthday/Johnny "Nny" C. Characters: Beyond Birthday, Johnny "Nny" C. Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Mentions of Death, Beyond is Afraid of Rejection, Beyond lives with Nny, Not really focused on the romance aspect but it's there, no beta we die like these two Summary:
Beyond and Johnny have gotten quite close to each other, but there's something B needs to tell him. But he's afraid this could lead to their friendship ending. After all, who could love a monster like him...
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scaredgirlsilly · 1 year
i think the problem with trying to get the same like greusome almost slapstick of jthm into words is like. with an image you just See it. If you want to focus on all of the visceral imagery you can look closer but if you dont you can get the basic gist of it with a glance. Oh johnny cut this guy in half, they stabbed this other guy un the eye. But to get the same feeling in text you (really its i im talking about me) you gotta like spend a fair amount of words describing the gore and its like. idk its fine if someone gets grossed out by it thats on them for reading johnny the homicidal maniac fanfiction but still it feels a lil weird. like the same type of humor doesnt transplant as easily as id hope. but thats ok it will still be fun ^u^
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zombified-queer · 4 months
3. Tell me about one of your fics you think is underrated/underappreciated.
I don’t think enough people know the Lore of SOOJIN SWEEP to be impressed and awed. But the context is we were watching live as Soojin Gloom got incinerated and I was like “hang on I’m gonna get food” and turned that fic around in like an hour.
9. Do you ever look at your stats on AO3?
Usually, when I look at stats, it's to gauge, like, how many femslash works I need to make or looking at the number of words I've posted. I don't really put too much stock into how many comments/kudos I get on a piece. (Comments do make me VERY very happy, though, and I will love you forever.)
11.Share a favorite comment a reader has left you.
It took a second to find this one but this is hands down the funniest, best, most memorable comment.
Tumblr media
- Comment on “Survival Cannibalism” The context for this joke is it’s the radio call you play in Metal Gear Solid 3 to call Para-Medic after eating a new food. On a fanfiction. About Cannibalism. Top tier comedy. Grade-A comment. Love it. I want it framed.
12 What was the first fandom your wrote for?
If we’re talking “what survived to see the Ao3 Era of Domination” then it’s Welcome to Night Vale. If we’re talking pre-internet age, then it was Johnny The Homicidal Maniac.
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Hi! So, here's a horny Johnny fic I co-authored with @cat-gwyn-gunn. Give it a try if you'd like!
In Another Time - deliciousflavor - Johnny the Homicidal Maniac [Archive of Our Own]
"Something you need, Johnny?"
For years, nobody could get under Johnny's skin past the superficial, and typically that ended in them being killed in most, if not all, circumstances. But there's something about Dwight that burrows into him, his arrogance and assurance that he gets whatever he wants whenever he wants it. The fact that Johnny answers to his beck and call is proof of such a thing.
The question makes him narrow his eyes.
"We've already been over this. I don't need anything."
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