#Jordan Reagan
dandylion240 · 1 year
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Jordan decided to grill some chicken for his guests instead of subjecting them to eating fruitcake.
(love that sims can grill without a fridge or cooler on the lot but the downside is they waste a lot of food because it spoils just the same)
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tomorrowusa · 1 month
Jordan Klepper is doing a special next week on how the Party of Reagan became the Party of Putin.
He spoke about it with CNN's Abby Phillip.
Here is what Ronald Reagan was saying about the Evil Empire in 1981 when Vladimir V. Putin was an officer in the Soviet secret police there.
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Change a few words and it could sound like Reagan is describing today's MAGA Republican Party.
So fast forward about 40 years and this is what some people are wearing to Trump rallies.
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Anti-vax nut Aaron Rogers, in that clip at the top, praised Putin for the way he "talked about the history of his country". Rogers apparently doesn't know the difference between history and disinformation. Rogers wants people to think he's really bright but he demonstrates again what a brainless dupe of Putin he really is.
The US Embassy in Kyiv published this funny but historically accurate meme which people should keep in mind when Putin claims that Russia is historically the mother (or whatever) of Ukraine.
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sorry guys... it's Carol and her fiancé Nathan and their bf Hal...
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beautyinsteadofashes · 3 months
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Auckland, NZ 07.03.24
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meep-meep-richie · 4 days
❛ 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘦'𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵, 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 ❜ A Devoted Father || George Cooper
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the-angelic-court · 4 months
i’ve been in a drawing mood since nobody else has been doing it recently so here’s another drawing
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it’s reagan this time
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Sent by anonymous
'This might be a very stupid pet peeve, but I really dislike it when choices books have non-LI characters whose gender depends on the LI (Radiance from TCH, Robin and Jordan from TNA, ex spouse from SR etc.). Like maybe I just want all characters in my playthrough to be messy bisexuals. The option is already there anyway, so why not let the player decide?'
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bittcrsuite · 25 days
tag dump (cont.) !
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alethianightsong · 2 months
Ranting on "The People Under the Stairs" for no reason
The antagonists are a brutal parody of Ronald and Nancy Reagan. They're a pair of insane, sociopathic incestuous siblings who want to build the perfect nuclear family & have kidnapped and mutilated dozens of boys to do it. Being landlords, they hoard wealth while draining their tenants dry.
Their house, a stand-in for the US, looks perfect and pristine but is full of traps and death. Fool and Roach, who represent the black & white sides of the disenfranchised, are in mortal danger when in the brightly lit halls and are only mildly safe when they hide in the walls, symbolizing how the underprivileged in America have to hide and skulk to survive, denied the right to live safely in the open. Hell, "Daddy" (Ronald Reagan expie) goes on hunting sprees inside the walls, an extreme metaphor for how authorities force their way into minorities' neighborhoods to harass and kill them. Alice, the most privileged of the protagonists being a lil white girl, is still a victim of the system as she gets abused and beaten when she does not play the part of the perfect "daughter."
PS: the antagonists are cannibals. They're the rich who literally eat the poor.
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dandylion240 · 1 year
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Feeling sorry for himself Jordan spent what little money he had on drinking.
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Instead of making himself feel better he's now feeling kind of sick.
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And when he received this call from his least favorite sibling I think he told her to go for it. He just wanted to get rid of her so he told her what she wanted to hear.
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Jordan: I don't think I should have done that.
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stargazer-sims · 2 years
Unconventional Sunday Dinner
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Jordan made choripán for dinner. He’s a great cook. Koichi is impressed with his culinary skills. Mochi is impressed that he didn’t catch the grill on fire.
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They decided to eat dinner outside, since the weather was warm and sunny.
Koichi and Justice had to bring some camp chairs up from the basement to make enough spots at the table for everyone. The boys are watching Yuki again today, and of course Ariya wanted to join the conversation even though he doesn’t need to eat.
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Jordan may not have caught the grill on fire, but he seems to have started a fire somewhere else…
The flirting went on all through dinner (a lot of it autonomously), and it was as if Jordan and Koichi thought there was no one at the table except them.
Not everyone was happy about this development, though.
Justice: Yeah, I’m out. Just gonna go wash the dishes. By myself.
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Yuki: Excuse me. Excuse me! What do you think you’re doing?!
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Yuki shouted some forbidden words at Jordan.
Koichi: Yuki! What would your father think if he heard you say that? Tell Jordan you’re sorry, please.
Yuki: I won’t! He’s messing up everything.
Jordan: I’m sorry! You were really serious the other night, weren’t you?
Koichi: Serious about what?
Jordan: You know what? Maybe you and Shirayuki should talk it over.
Yuki: You may address me as Miss Okamoto, thank you very much.
Jordan: Uh… my apologies, Okamoto-san.
Yuki: That’s better.
Koichi: What’s going on, Yuki-chan? Why are you so upset?
Yuki: As if you don’t know!
Koichi: I actually don’t know. That’s why I’m asking.
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Yuki: it’s because of him! How could you…? You hardly even know him!
Koichi: That’s not—
Yuki: You’ll probably take him to the museum and buy him ice cream too, won’t you? And… and you’ll let him wear your sweater! If that’s is how it’s going to be, I’m never letting you take me on another date again, Koichi Shiba!
Koichi: …
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Meanwhile, Justice was feeling sorry for himself.
Justice: Man… a few days ago, Jordan was flirting with me. I really thought we had something going there for a minute. I guess Mochi was right. I’m just too nice, and I’m destined to be friend-zoned by everybody. Ugh… why are the moody ones like Koichi so attractive? What’s he got that I don’t?
The drama is getting real around here, @dandylion240 😆
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mceproductions · 7 months
Best of 2023 TV Shows: Runners Up
The TV Runners Up include a wide array of options.
Tomo-Chan is A Girl (CRUNCHYROLL): A Tomboy longs for her neighbor to see her beyond being a best bud with the help of two very close friends.
Oshi no Ko (Hi-Dive): A doctor and a terminal hospital patient become reborn as the twin children of a major celebrity. Fame is definitely unexpectedly brutal.
The Walking Dead: Dead City and Daryl Dixon (AMC): Twin spin-offs send Maggie and Negan to Manhattan for a rescue operation. Along with Daryl washing ashore in France where the virus unexpectedly originated.
Young Sheldon (CBS): As Sheldon nears 14, the rest of the Cooper family goes through major upheaval. Regan Revord and Montana Jordan are the standouts.
Jimmy Kimmel Live (ABC): Now the old veteran on the late night mountain, Jimmy Kimmel had himself an eventful 20th year with the Coldplay performance dazzling.
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anarchywoofwoof · 6 months
do u have posts where you talk abt prison abolition and alternatives to police? that'd be nice
so i've actually tried to approach abolition before multiple times and quite frankly, there are so many incredibly valuable insights provided by POC (People Of Color) and lifelong abolitionists that exist on the internet, it would be a tremendous disservice for my pasty white ass to sit here and try and educate anyone on this topic alone.
the last time i had this ask come up (you can find that post here), i deferred to FD Signifier for my thoughts on police abolition. i will do so again here for maximum visibility because he deserves it far more than i do. it is close to 2 hours long, but easily the best explanation or breakdown you'll find in such a relatively short time frame.
i'll expand on this by offering some of the more popular works that i'm aware of and a few works that i've read regarding abolition.
"invisible no more" by andrea j. ritchie provides an examination of how Black women, indigenous women, and women of color experience racial profiling, police brutality, and immigration enforcement. it aims to contextualize individual stories within the broader system of police violence and mass incarceration, calling for a radical shift in the way that we look at public safety.
"policing the planet" edited by jordan t. camp and christina heatherton combines firsthand accounts from activists with research from scholars and artistic reflections. it aims to trace back the global spread of the broken-windows policing strategy and its wide-ranging effects.
"our enemies in blue: police and power in america" by kristian williams addresses the history of policing in the united states, arguing that police brutality is intrinsic to law enforcement. it explores the relationship you've probably heard before between police and power from the era of slave patrols to modern times.
"the new jim crow" by michelle alexander extremely influential, you've probably heard of this one. it goes over how the u.s. criminal justice system functions as a system of racial control, particularly through the failed war on drugs, disproportionately targeting Black men and devastating communities of color (obligatory fuck nixon and reagan)
"violence work: state power and the limits of police" by micol siegel offers a new perspective on the police as the embodiment of state power, interconnected with the state and global capital. this one gives a unique examination of the u.s. state department's office of public safety and its influence on international police training.
"chokehold: policing Black men" by paul butler, who is a former federal prosecutor, examines the laws and practices that systematically target Black men, perpetuating institutional violence and societal fear.
"no more police: a case for abolition" by mariame kaba and andrea ritchie presents a comprehensive and practical plan for police abolition. it addresses current concerns while envisioning a future of reduced violence and enhanced justice. this is a cornerstone work and it's been lauded in many circles as being a definitive text on police abolition.
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angrybell · 8 months
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The West - including the Biden Administration, the United Nations, the EU, and a host of “liberal” democracies - put the gun in the hand of the Hamas terrorist who killed her. They have excused, ignored, and funded Hamas and PA. They do this under the guise of “humanitarian” donations.
All those donations have done have ensured that something which should have been settled in one war in 1949 continues to this day. No other nation on this planet has had to deal with a situation like this. No other set of “refugees” are treated like the Arabs who fled during the 1948 - 1949 Israeli War of Independence.
Gina is dead because the rest of the world never said “enough”, the matter has been decided and moved on. They never required the Egyptians, Jordanians, Syrians, and Lebanese to end the apartheid practices, practices which deny basic liberties to people who are born with their borders from attaining, among other things, citizenship, employment in their chosen professions, ownership of land, and host of other things that reduced the Arabs to islands of concentration refugee camps in Arab countries.
Egypt and Jordan bear particular blame. Both controlled sections of occupied Israel, sections that they cynically renamed as colonizers do. Changing the Judea and Samaria into “The West Bank” while Egypt kept the Gaza Strip. Both had the power to establish a “Palestinian State”. Neither did. Rather they incorporated the land into their countries but denied the people living there full citizenship. They keep the camps quiet by promising them that they would eventually help them establish a “Palestinian” state once Israel had been eradicated.
And the West allowed this status quo to remain. They allowed and funded a network of refugee camps to exist. They turned a blind eye when they were transformed into cesspools of hate, preaching revenge against an enemy that had the temerity to not roll over and die. UNWRA schools for generations have taught antisemitism that even Hitler would say was over the top.
So, financed by the west, with no incentive to do anything but remain obdurate and unwilling to compromise, fermented terror groups, each more extreme than the other, sometimes only distinguished by whether they were Marxist in their ideology or whether they were Islamist.
No matter what atrocity, the money never stopped flowing to the Arabs. Raid across the border? Here’s your money. Smash the head of a baby open with a Kalashnikov becuase you don’t think the Jewish baby is worth the cost of a bullet? Here’s money to pay for more. They always claim that the money is subject to oversight, to make sure what it is not spent on anything but “humanitarian” goods. But the fact of the matter remains that every dollar, pound, duetschmark, and euro that the Arabs don;t have to have to spend on infrastructure is one that they can spend on the next bomb, suicide attacker, rocket, or rifle.
And, for all the “humanitarian” supplies that are purchased with the West’s money, does it make it to the, supposedly, innocent Gazans? Most of it doesn’t. Hams doesn’t even try to hide it. They released a video showing how they took pipes meant for Gaza’s water infrastructure and turned them into rockets. What did the west do? Protested Israel’s attempt to deprive Hamas of more materials to built rockets and tunnels.
And is Hamas ever held accountable for what it does? Have the Bow Street runners ever tried to serve a warrant on one of theirs when they visit the UK?
Instead they target, harass, and hold back Israel. When Israel had the gall to destroy the nuclear weapons facility at Osirak, was it congratulated? No. Reagan with held weapons supplies.
Has Biden ever turned off the funds to Hamas prior to the most recent attack? I can’t find any evidence of that. Actually, we may still be funding the UNWRA camps right now. The progressive do a good show of commiserating with Israel and the Jews when Hamas kills Jews. Personally, I think they like seeing dead Jews. I think it allows the progressives show some moral outrage.
But is it followed up by anything concrete? Not really. They say “oh we’re sorry your people died. … But no, you can’t go in and finish off the people who kill your people. You have to follow all the rules that the terrorists brazenly ignore or we will sick the ICC - which admits it has no jurisdiction but is willing to say it does have jurisdiction despite its own rules - on you so that your people will be subject to arrest if they travel anywhere.
Is that unfair? I don’t really care.
Progressives/Liberals, whatever they are called, don’t care about Jews unless its how much the Jews are donating to their campaigns. The fact that Reform Judaism does not recognize this is as serious a lapse as when the American Jewish community gave FDR a pass for not calling out Hitler’s treatment of the Jews prior to and during the war. We as a Jewish community in the US and the world need to recognize that blind obedience to leftist groups is not something we should be doing, and quite frankly, is not something we will survive given the bigotry festering those parties which is becoming more and more mainstream.
Don’t believe me? Ilham Omar and Rashida Tlaib are congresswomen who have repeatedly made it clear they hate the Jews. And they have been barely censured. They have been funded by the Democratic Party and suffered no lack of support in primary season.
The argument is always that Israel hasn’t gone far enough to appease the Arabs. What more did Israel have to do to show they would appease them than when they put Jerusalem on the table back during the Clinton Administration’s brokered talks. Arafat rejected it because it wasn’t enough. He wanted an undefined more.
And the argument is even more ridiculous when it comes to Hamas. Hamas’ charter and statements are clear: they will not negotiate any settlement with Israel. Their goal is the destruction of the Jewish state and the removal or death of all Jews between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Incidentally, for those who don’t know, that is exactly what the various terror groups mean when they say “From the River to the Sea, Palestine shall be free.” Its is a statement of intent to commit genocide.
But the West keeps trying to a force a settlement where the PA and Hamas do not want a settlement. Only Israel does. That has been the same story since 1947 when the UN tried to create two states and failed. It failed, not because the Jewish yishuv rejected the plan. They accepted the plan even though it would mean the loss of Jersusalem and a small country bisected in part by an Arab state filled with people who had demonstrated history of trying to kill them. No, the Arabs rejected the proposal.
A Hamas coward killed her. But the West handed him the loaded weapon.
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intomusings · 2 years
﹒﹒  unisex   names   masterlist     !
back  again  with  another  masterlist  for  u  all  after  receiving  some  anon  suggestions  .  here's  250+  unisex  first  names  for  ur  next  character  ,  these  come  from  various  influence  points  but  some  of  them  really  are  just  pulled  from  thin  air  .  the  names  are  sorted  by  first  letter  but  not  alphabetically  within  each  letter  !  if  u  found  this  useful  ,  feel  free  to  like  or  reblog  to  boost  this  .
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A : ashtyn , avery , adrian , anderson , abbott , aaren , aki , alix , amari , aden , arden , addison , angel , arizona , armani , ayla , austen , avani , august , ajay . 
B : bailey , beck , bellamy , blaine , blake , brooks , bryce , bodhi , beverly , boston , boyd , benz , banks .
C : cameron , camden , carter , casey , charlie , chicago , carson , courtney .
D : dakota , dallas , delaney , denver , dylan , drew , dua .
E : eden , eli , elliot , emerson , emery , erin , evan , everest , ezra .
F : fallon , finley , finn , forest , foster , finnick , frankie .
G : gem , gabe , gray , genesis , garnet , greer .
H : hale , harley , harlow , harper , haven , hayden , hayes , hunter , hero , holland , hollis , hudson , honey .
I : indy , indiana , isa .
J : jace , jack , jade , jamie , jay , joey , jordan , jude , juniper , julian , jagger , journey .
K : kali , keegan , kelan , kendal , kenzie , kieran , kit , knox , kyle , kaiden , karsyn , kourtney .
L : lake , laurence , lennon , lennox , landry , levi , logan , london , luca , lux , lyric , love , link , lincoln .
M : maddox , madison , manning , manny , marlow , marley , mason , max , morgan , montana , milo , michi , memphis , milan , mica .
N : nevada , nicky , noah , nye , nova , nash , nyjah .
O : ollie , ozzy , orion , onyx , oakley , owen , oliver , ocean , opal , otto , orlando , odelia .
P : paris , pratt , parker , pascal , pax , paxton , paxon , penn , peyton , phoenix , presley , psalm , pearl .
Q : quincy , quinn , quentin .
R : rae , ryan , reagan , reed , reece , rei , rem , riley , river , robin , rocky , rory , royal , rowan , ryder , ryker , reign , rue .
S : sean , sacha , sailor , salem , sam , sawyer , scout , shiloh , skye , skyler , sloane , sol , spencer , stevie , sutton , sydney , storm , sab , seven , saint , sage , shelby , silver .
T : tai , teagan , torrence , tyler , tristan , trevor , tove , toni , tommy , theo , terry , tatum , tanner , tate , tayler , taryn , tris .
U : uma .
V : val , vesper , vega , vaughn , vince , venus , vinny .
W : waverly , wade , whitney , winnie , willy , wylie , wren , wyatt , winter , winslow , wolfe , west , weston .
X : xio , xyla , xashary .
Y : yael , yves , yara , yensi , yale .
Z : zane , zuri , zoe , zion , zayden , zero .
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