#Journey to the West: Demon Chapter
the-monkey-ruler · 5 months
Journey to the West: The Demons Strike Back (2017) 西游伏妖篇
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Director: Tsui Hark Screenwriter: Stephen Chow / Li Sizhen / Tsu Hark Starring: Wu Yifan / Lin Gengxin / Yao Chen / Lin Yun / Bao Beier / Battle / Yang Yiwei / Dapeng / Wang Likun / Wang Duo / Zhang Mei'e Genre: Comedy / Action / Fantasy / Costume Country/Region of Production: Mainland China / Hong Kong, China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2017-01-28 (Mainland China) Duration: 108 minutes Also known as: Journey to the West: Demon Chapter 2 / Journey to the West: Demon Chapter / 伏妖篇 / 西游降魔篇2 / 西游·降魔篇2 / 西游·降魔2 IMDb: tt5273624 Type: Reimanging
The monk Tang Sanzang finds himself as a giant in a city in India. His master congratulates him on reaching India and retrieving the Sutras, and gives him a halo as a reward. The halo, however, malfunctions and Tang awakes from his dream to find himself in an alley in a village of circus performers with his three disciples: Sun Wukong; Zhu Bajie; and Sha Wujing. Tang encourages Sun Wukong to perform for the villagers, but the disciple refuses. Angered by this stubbornness, Tang provokes Sun Wukong by calling him a "bad monkey", which causes Sun Wukong to smash the village and damage the villagers' homes in his temper. The terrified villagers present the group with money and food for their travels, but Sun Wukong continues wreaking havoc, sending Zhu Bajie and Tang flying through the air. That night, Tang whips Sun Wukong for his disobedience.
The next morning, Tang goes to find water for their breakfast congee and comes across a house. Its host, a beautiful woman in a splendid outfit, welcomes them all in for breakfast with her companions. Sun Wukong, however, sees through their disguises as spider demons; he purposely provokes them until she and the others show their true form. During the subsequent battle, the demons come together to form one huge spider. After being poisoned by the spider, Sha Wujing falls ill and slowly bloats into a fish-like creature. Sun Wukong defeats the spider and Tang attempts to exorcise her, but Sun Wukong smashes in the demon's head with one blow. Once more, Tang is annoyed at Sun Wukong's disobedience and whips him again that evening. Later that night, the enraged Sun Wukong discusses with the other disciples his plans to kill Tang, but the others fear Tang's mighty Buddha Palm powers. Tang overhears this conversation and prays to Buddha to help him and also confesses that he actually does not know, or have, Buddha Palm powers. Zhu Bajie overhears this admission and tells Sun Wukong, who challenges Tang to a fight. Just as Sun Wukong is about to strike, a blinding ray of light shines from the heavens and he retreats.
The next day, the group pass into the capital city of the Biqiu Kingdom and a minister comes out to greet them and bring them to see the king: an immature and childlike man who likes to play games. The king orders Tang to perform for him but the monk does not have anything to showcase. Sun Wukong therefore pastes an "obedience sticker" on Tang allowing Tang to copy his actions and perform stunts for the king. Sun Wukong, however, goes too far and makes Tang slap the king continuously, who throws them all out. Tang orders Sun Wukong to return and apologize, but it is revealed that Sun Wukong purposely provoked the king to make him reveal his form as the demon Red Boy. They fight and Sun Wukong defeats Red Boy, also freeing the true king of Biqiu from his cage under the throne. As a reward for helping him, the king presents them with a beautiful girl, Felicity, to accompany them on their travels. As Felicity dances for them, Tang is reminded of his deceased lover, Duan.
The group set off and on the way, Sun Wukong realizes that Felicity is actually a demon. In the meantime, Felicity takes out the nose plugs on Sha Wujing, allowing him to sneeze out the poison and turn him back into his human form. Tang, however, does not believe him, so they set off to visit Felicity's home village. Sun Wukong becomes enraged with Tang's lack of trust in him and that night he destroys the whole village, killing everyone. Tang stops him from killing Felicity, further angering Sun Wukong, who attacks Tang, but Felicity finally confesses that she is actually the demon White Bone Spirit and that the whole village was an illusion conjured by her. Sun Wukong flares up and turns into a giant Monkey King demon and swallows Tang. At that moment, the minister and Red Boy arrive and see Sun Wukong has fallen for their trick.
They had deliberately sent Felicity with the group to cause strife between Tang and Sun Wukong, so Sun Wukong would kill his master. Sun Wukong spits Tang out, however, as they had known this all the while; they only played along so that the minister would reveal her true form. They battle and the minister creates an illusion of Buddhas surrounding Sun Wukong, using them to fight him. The real Buddha, however, uses his giant palm to destroy the false Buddhas and reveals the minister's real identity as the Immortal Golden Vulture.
After the battle, Tang heads back to find a dying Felicity. He has no choice but to free her soul as there is too much demon in her. Before she dies, Felicity asks Tang if he loves her. Tang replies that he has only one person in his heart. The animosity between Tang and Sun Wukong has finally dissolved; together with Sha Wujing and Zhu Bajie, they continue their journey to the West through a desert.
In a post-credits scene, breaking of the fourth wall is invoked with the appearance of a modern movie theater, where theater employees tell both the viewer and the in-story audience that it’s time to leave and there is no post-credits scene
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journey_to_the_West:_The_Demons_Strike_Back
Link: https://ww5.0123movie.net/movie/journey-to-the-west-the-demons-strike-back-19438.html?play=1
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pagangamer9 · 9 months
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I like the puppets 🎭
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pompomqt · 6 months
Journey to the West Chapter 32
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In this chapter of Journey to the West with @journeythroughjourneytothewest the pilgrimage is back together and ready to head west once again. So let's get into it shall we?
So the group has been traveling for quite a while when they run into yet another scary mountain. Tripitaka is scared of tigers or wolves attacking them and warns his disciples to be careful. Monkey however reassures him, that he'll be just fine since he has Monkey. So Monkey is able to persaude Tripitaka to keep going and soon enough they run into an elderly woodcutter. Place your bets people, is this old person A) A deity of some kind. B) A demon or monster that wants to eat them. C) A normal human. Let's find out shall we?
So the Woodcutter calls out to them and warns them that there are a bucnh of evil demon's here who eat travelers who travel from east to west. Which is a pretty specific diet plan. This causes Tripitaka to freak out, but Monkey decides to question the Woodcutter more thoroughly. Interestingly, Monkey refers to the Woodcutter as 'Big Brother' usually he seems to take pride in being older then most people and calls himself 'ancestor'. Anyways, Monkey explains about their mission and asks the Woodcutter to tell him about the monsters so he can get the proper authorities to arrest them. After all whether they be demons of heaven or of earth, or dragons, or ghosts or ogres, Sun Wukong is on a first name basis with all of their managers.
Anyways the Woodcutter explains that the demons here are specifically after the Tang Monk and wants to eat Tripitaka and his associates. Monkey thinks this is great! And even asks how they will eat them, after all, being eaten head first is much preferable to being eaten feet first! Monkey is even happier to find out that they'll just be steamed and eaten whole instead. The Woodcutter warns Monkey that he shouldn't be so sassy, because these demons have five powerful treasures.
Anyways after this conversation Monkey is feeling plenty confident to conquer this mountain and leaves the woodcutter to return to Tripitaka. Monkey assures Tripitaka that this mountain is nothing to worry about, and that the people here are just wimps. As they proceed though they notice that the woodcutter has suddenly vanished. Pigsy thinks it's a ghost, but Monkey just takes a look around, until he spots the Day Sentinel. So Monkey immediately chases the god down, and demands to know what's up with all the disguises instead of just saying something to his face. The god begs him not to take offense and warns him once again to be cautious, and utilize his intelligence and cleverness in order to protect Tripitaka.
Now that Monkey knows the warning is coming from a god instead of a normal human, he is a bit more wary now. He's worried that if he tells Tripitaka about the warning, it'll freak him out and make leading him forward more difficult, but if he doesn't warn him and he get's kidnapped, it'll be a pain in the neck to rescue him. So he decides he'll throw Pigsy at the demon's first to see how strong they really are. If Pigsy wins, good for Pigsy, if not, then Monkey can just rescue him later.
He'll have to use a bit of trickery for this however, since Pigsy would never volunteer to do anything, and Tripitaka coddles him. So Monkey returns back to the group with fake tears in his eyes, which makes Pigsy immediately want to pack their stuff and have everyone go their separate ways. After all, anything that could make the Great Sage cry has got to be really bad news. Tripitaka just tells him to calm down and that he'll talk to Wukong.
So Tripitaka asks Wukong why he's crying, and Monkey explains that the woodcutter was actually the Day Sentinel. He tells him that the Day Sentinel says that the monsters here are truly vicious and that there's no way they can pass through as things are now. After all, Monkey is powerful, but (ignoring his cloning ability) is just one guy, how could he possibly be expected to handle so many demon's by himself? Tripitaka however gives Monkey just the answer he was hoping for when he points out that Monkey isn't alone, they also have Sandy and Pigsy! And if it will get them through this mountain unharmed, then Monkey is free to use them however he see's fit.
Having gotten the response he was aiming for, Monkey immediately wipes away his tears and says that in order to proceed, Pigsy will have to do two things. Pigsy tries to refuse right out the gate, but Tripitaka persuades him to hear him out. So Monkey says the first thing is to look after Tripitaka, and the second is to patrol the mountain. Pigsy complains that he can't do both of those things at once, and Monkey explains that he doesn't have to, he only has to pick one to do.
So Pigsy asks what the two tasks entails and Monkey gladly explains. First, looking after Tripitaka means taking care of his every need, but if he slips up in caring for Tripitaka even slightly then Monkey will beat his ass. The second mission just involves seeing how many monsters there are, and what kind of cave and mountain this is. Pigsy decides to take the choice that has the less likely chance of him getting beaten up by Monkey and chooses to patrol the mountain.
As soon as Pigsy leaves Monkey bursts into laughter, which Tripitaka scolds him for. After all despite being his older brother, Monkey doesn't show Pigsy any sympathy or kindness, and the two are constantly envious of each other. And now that he's tricked Pigsy into patrolling the mountain, he's mocking him by laughing at him! Monkey however assures Tripitaka that's not why he's laughing. He tells Tripitaka that Pigsy has no intention of actually patrolling the mountain or fighting demons, and is probably instead just going to take a nap somewhere and lie to them later. He'll even prove it by following Pigsy. So Tripitaka let's Monkey follow after Pigsy after telling him not to play any tricks on him.
So Monkey transforms into a mole cricket in order to tail him. And sure enough as soon as Pigsy is presumably out of earshot he begins to verbally abuse the others and complains about being made to do patrol the mountain. Having gotten all of that out of his system, Pigsy then finds somewhere comfortable and settles in for a nap. Monkey of course heard every word however and decides to harass Pigsy a bit, so he transforms into a woodpecker and gives Pigsy a bite to the face.
The bite definitely serves the purpose of waking Pigsy up, and after harassing him a bit more as a bird, Pigsy finally gets moving again. Be he's not going to patrol the mountain, instead he finds some rocks and uses them to practice the lie he's going to tell the others when he gets back on. Monkey sticks around long enough to hear the cover story that Pigsy comes up with, before flying back ahead of him in order to tattle to Tripitaka.
So Monkey tells Tripitaka about what Pigsy is going to say. And sure enough once Pigsy arrives back to the group, Monkey prompts him to give the cover story he just told Tripitaka. So Monkey scolds him that this is an important area and that he should have patrolled properly. So he threatens to give Pigsy five good smacks with his staff as punishment. Terrified of this, Pigsy begs Tripitaka to intercede on his behalf... however Tripitaka also isn't to happy with Pigsy for lying. Luckily for Pigsy though, they can't afford to be down a man at the moment, so Tripitaka suggests Monkey save his punishment for later.
So Monkey says he won't beat him for now, but warns him he will if he botches this again. And with that Pigsy is once again sent out to patrol the mountain. So Pigsy heads out once again, incredibly paranoid that every little thing is actually Sun Wukong following him again, despite the fact that Monkey actually decided to hang back with the others this time.
Meanwhile we get introduced to our monsters of the week, the Great King Golden Horn and the Great King Silver Horn, and they are hungry for monk. For Tang Monk specifically, because Tripitaka is the golden cicada reincarnated, and eating him will make them immortal. So the Golden Demon has wanted posters made of Tripitaka and his disciples made, and sends out the Silver Demon and some minions with them in order to find the pilgrimage party.
Soon enough this gaggle of demons comes across Pigsy. When the demons confront him, Pigsy sticks his snout into his shirt and tries to just pass himself off as an ordinary traveler, but is soon found out. So the Demon attacks Pigsy, and although Pigsy is able to fend of the Silver Demon easily enough, he gets intimidated by sheer numbers when the Silver Demons also has his minions attack. So Pigsy tries to flee, but trips and falls and gets captured.
Current Sun Wukong Stats: Names/Titles: Monkey, The Stone Monkey, The Handsome Monkey King, Sun Wukong (Monkey awakened to the void), Bimawen (Banhorseplague), The Great Sage Equal To Heaven and Pilgrim Sun. Immortality: 5 + 94,000 years. Weapon: The Compliant Golden Hooped Rod Abilities: 72 Transformations, Cloud-Somersault, Ability to transform his individual hairs, super strength, Ability to Summon Wind, Water restriction charm, and the ability to change into a huge war form, ability to duplicate his staff, ability to immobilize others, the ability to put others to sleep, and the Fiery eyes and Diamond Pupils, intimidating horses, churning large bodies of water, sleeplessness, seizing the wind, enhanced smell, discerning good and evil within a thousand miles, Spirit Summoning, lock picking, object transformation and distance reduction. Demon Kill Count: 5+ Unknown Number of Minions Human Kill Count: 1006 God's Defeated: 20 + Unknown number Defeats: 3 Crime List: Robbery, Murder, Mass Murder, Arson, Theft, Coercion, Threatening a Government Official, Resisting Arrest, Assault, Forgery, Employee Theft, False Imprisonment, Impersonating a Government Official, Treason, attempted murder, failure to control or report a dangerous fire, desecrating a corpse, breaking and entering, trespassing, violating Tree Law and looting corpses. Cry Count: 4 + 2 fake cries Mountains Trapped Under: 1
Current Tang Sanzang stats: Names/Titles: River Float, Xuanzang, Tang Sanzang, Tripitaka Abilities: Curing Blindness, making branches point a certain direction (allegedly), reciting sutras, pretty privilege, memorization and Heart Sutra. Cry Count: 16 Tight Fillet Spell Uses: 27 Paralyzed by fear: 5 Bandit Problems: 2 Kidnapped by demons: 3 Falling Off Horses: 6
Current Bai Long Ma Stats: Names/Titles: Bai Long Ma (White Dragon Horse), Prince of the Western Ocean, and third prince jade dragon of the dragon king Aorun Abilities: Transforming into a human, a water snake, and a horse, eating a horse in one bite, flight, Magic of Water Restriction, Singing, and Sword Dancing. Cry Count: 1 Crime List: Arson, and Grave Disobedience. Contributions to the plot: 2
Current Zhu Wuneng Stats: Names/Titles: The Marshal of the Heavenly Reeds, Zhu Wuneng (Pig who is aware of ability), Zhu Ganglie, Pigsy, Idiot and Eight Rules. Weapon: Rake Abilities: 36 Transformations, parting water, fighting underwater, cloud soaring and size enhancement Demon Kill Count/Kill steals: 1 Kidnapped by Demons: 1 Human Kill Count: 1 Failed Flirtation/romances Attempts: 3 Cry Count: 1 Crime List: Sexual Harassment, Murder, Kidnapping and arson.
Current Sha Wujing Stats: Names/Titles: The Curtain-Raising General, Sha Wujing (Sand Aware of Purity), Sandy and Sha Monk Weapon: Monster Taming Staff Abilities: Fighting underwater and Cloud soaring. Kidnapped by Demons: 1 Human Kill Count: 1 Crime List: Breaking a Crystal Cup, murder, and desecration of a human corpse.
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Chapter Recap: Chapter 20: At Yellow Wind Ridge the Tang Monk meets adversity; In mid-mountain, Eight Rules strives to be first
This chapter beings with Xuanzang, that “master of law,” reciting a gatha (Sanskrit for “song” or “verse”) he had composed after mastering the Heart Sutra, and through it he had “broken through the gate of his understanding.” And at this point the seasons have turned to summer. They have been camping outside for a few days since they left Gao Village until late one day the spot a hamlet. Tripitaka suggests that they ask for lodging there for the night, Zhu Bajie says they should also beg for food, as the pig yaoguai, unlike Sun Wukong, “can’t imbibe the wind and exhale the mist.” The Monkey King calls Zhu Wuneng a “family-hugging devil” on hearing this, and Tang Sanzang tells his second disciple that if his heart “still clings to the family, you are not the kind of person who wants to leave it. You may as well turn back!” This so shakes Zhu Bajie that he “fell on his knees and said, ‘Master, please do not listen to the words of Elder Brother. He loves to put blame on others: I haven’t made any complaint, but he said that I was complaining. I’m only an honest moron…What do you mean, I’m not willing to leave the family?” Tripitaka tells the pig yaoguai that if that’s the case he can get up.
Still muttering, Zhu Bajie had “no choice but to follow his companions with complete determination up to the door.” Tripitaka takes point on begging for shelter, and looking in the door of the hamlet sees “an old man reclining on a bamboo bed and softly reciting the name of Buddha.” Tang Sanzang gives the old man a greeting, tells him his situation, and requests shelter for the night. The old man expresses doubt that the Tang monk would be able to make it to the Western Heaven, embarrassing Tripitaka so much that he’s unable to reply. But Sun Wukong, “who had always been impulsive and mischievous,” strides forward and loudly chides the old man for “trying to intimidate us with discouraging words.” There’s the usual exchange about how hideous the Monkey King is with his “pointed chin, shriveled cheeks, a thunder-god mouth, and blood-red eyes,” with the monkey replying that he’s a person with the “passable” abilities of being able to “apprehend monsters, subdue demons, tame tigers, capture demons—in sum, I know a little about all the matters that a person needs to know to go up to Heaven or to descend into Earth.” The old man “roared with laughter” on hearing Sun Wukong’s speech, but he tells the pilgrims that they may rest in his hut. He agrees to this even after seeing Zhu Bajie, all while remarking that they are “One monk uglier than another!” Though the pig yaoguai notes that they “may be ugly, but we are all useful.”
As this groups is speaking, a group consisting of two young men, an old woman, and several young children arrive, all returning “after a day’s planting of young shoots of grain.” They’re all briefly scared off by the sight of Zhu Bajie, but are quickly calmed down by Tripitaka and the old man. Sun Wukong tells the pig yaoguai to “fix your ugliness, and while being chided by Tripitaka for his words the monkey then suggests that the junior disciple “Take that rakelike snout…put it in your bosom, and don’t take it out. And stick your rush-leaf-fan ears to the back of your head, and don’t shake them. That’s fixing it.” Zhu Bajie does so, and everyone is mollified.
The pilgrims are served tea and a vegetarian meal, and only then does Tang Sanzang ask what their patron’s surname is. He discovers the old man is Wang, who has two sons, three grandchildren, and is now sixty-one years old. Wang also tells the Tang monk that while the scriptures “are not hard to get…the journey there is filled with hazards and difficulties.” He then warns the pilgrimage that some “thirty miles west of us there is a mountain called the Yellow Wind Ridge of Eight Hundred Miles” which is infested with monsters. Yet both he and Sun Wukong agree that since “this little priest [the Monkey King] claims that he has many abilities…you may perhaps proceed after all.” Sun Wukong even boasts that with “old Monkey and his younger brother around, we’ll never be touched, no matter what kind of monster we meet.” They then have their meal—with Zhu Bajie eating “all the rice in that household, and then he said he was only half full,” before everyone goes to bed.
The pilgrims depart early the next morning, and after they had traveled for half a day “they did indeed come upon a tall mountain, exceedingly rugged.” As they’re carefully navigating their way through this mountain, a sudden violent whirlwind arises. It alarms Tripitaka, and despite Sun Wukong’s assurances the monk insists that there’s something frightening about it. Zhu Bajie also insists that they shelter until the wind has died down. The Monkey King tells them all to settle down and let him “seize the wind and smell it.” And since he has the power to do so, the monkey is able to tell that it’s not a good wind, “for it smells like a tiger or else like a monster.”
No sooner had he finished this sentence “when from over a hump of the mountain a fierce striped tiger with a whiplike tail and powerful limbs appeared.” Tripitaka immediately falls of his horse and “lay beside the road, half out of his wits.” Zhu Bajie runs to confront it, and the tiger stands up on its hind legs and strips off his own skin, revealing his true “hideous form.” He then announces himself as the “vanguard of the forces commanded by the Great King Yellow Wind,” and that he’s on patrol to “catch a few mortals to be used as hors d’oeuves for him.” Perhaps foolishly, Zhu Bajie tells the tiger yaoguai that they are “the disciples of Tripitaka…who by imperial decree is journeying to the Western Heaven to seek scriptures from the Buddha.” Yet the pig is able to put up a good fight, and chases the tiger vanguard away from Tang Sanzang. After settling his shifu back on the horse Sun Wukong likewise joins the battle against the tiger yaoguai, leaving Tripitaka “trembling all over” and reciting the Heart Sutra.
Now pursued by two ferocious yaoguai, the tiger vanguard, in a panic, eventually throws his tiger skin over a large rock “while his true form changed into a violent gust of wind heading back the way he had come.” Finding Tang Sanzang unprotected, the tiger yaoguai snatches him away and immediately takes him to the cave of the Yellow Wind Monster. The Tiger Vanguard presents the monk to this Cave Master “for your culinary pleasure.”
The Yellow Wind Monster, however, is startled rather than pleased with this news. For he had heard the rumor that the Tang monk was accompanied by “a disciple whose name is Pilgrim Sun and who possesses tremendous magical powers and prodigious intelligence.” He thus decides that Tripitaka won’t be devoured just yet, for while “There’s nothing wrong with eating him…I’m afraid his two disciples may come to our door and argue with us.” The Cave Master decides that the monk will be tied to a post in their rear garden for three or four days, and if no one shows up to claim him, then “we can do what we want with him, whether we wish him boiled, steamed, friend, or sautéed; we can take our time to enjoy him.” The Tiger Vanguard is pleased with this assessment, and other yaoguai firmly bind Tripitaka in ropes before taking him away. The monk can do nothing but cry and wish his disciples would find him.
Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, having realized how they were tricked, quickly discover that Tripitaka has been spirited away. The Monkey King bellows “like thunder” while Zhu Wuneng cries, but soon enough Sun Wukong states that they “have to be somewhere in this mountain” and that they should be able to find their missing shifu. And sure enough, after traveling and searching for a long time, they find a formidable cave. Sun Wukong instructs Zhu Bajie to hide their luggage and go graze the horse, while “old Monkey” goes to fight with the monster. He doesn’t have to tell the pig yaoguai twice. Rushing up to the cave, Sun Wukong sees a sign designating it as the “Yellow Wind Cave, Yellow Wind Peak,” and cries out at the kidnappers to return his shifu, “lest I overturn your den and level your dwelling!”
Every one of the little yaoguai of this cave are left panic-stricken, and rush to the Yellow Wind Monster to report that “a monk with a thunder-god mouth and hairy face” is “demanding the return of his master.” Now somewhat fearful, the Cave Master chides the Tiger Vanguard for bringing the Tang monk to their cave. The tiger yaoguai, however, tells his king not to worry, for he will lead fifty soldiers to battle the Monkey King and “bring in that so-called Pilgrim Sun as a condiment for your meal.” The Yellow Wind Monster lets the Tiger Vanguard know that if he succeeds he’ll make him his bond brother, but that he mustn’t blame his king if he gets hurt.
The Tiger Vanguard selects “fifty of the toughest little demons,” and taking up his two bronze scimitars leaps out of the cave to confront Sun Wukong. After exchanging insults, the Monkey King leaps at the Tiger Vanguard with “grinding teeth and fiery eyes all ablaze,” and the two engage in a ferocious battle. Yet the Tiger Vanguard is no match for Sun Wukong, and, because he “dared not go back to the cave” after making his boast, flees towards the mountain slope. The Monkey King relentlessly chases the tiger yaoguai until they reach the fold of the mountain, where Zhu Bajie is grazing the horse. Joining in the fight, the pig yaoguai brings his rake down hard on the side of the Tiger Vanguard’s head, a blow which “produced nine holes, from which fresh blood spurted out, and the brains of the monster’s whole head ran dry!” Zhu Bajie hits him once more for good measure on the spine, which pleases Sun Wukong greatly.
The pig and monkey yaoguai then catch up, with the Monkey King concluding that the death of the Tiger Vanguard is to Zhu Bajie’s merit. He then gives his junior disciple the option of remaining behind to guard the horse and luggage “and let me drag this dead monster back to the mouth of the cave to provoke battle again.” Zhu Bajie agrees, and also tells Sun Wukong to drive the head monster his way to “let old Hog intercept and kill him.” So holding his as-you-will cudgel in one hand and dragging the tiger’s corpse with the other, the Monkey King returns to the Yellow Wind Cave. And here is where the chapter ends.
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astronomical-bagel · 1 year
how many fucking rivers does china have
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swagginmun · 11 months
LEGO: Monkie Kid - Forged Faith Masterpost
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LEGO: Monkie Kid Forged Faith is an AU / Canon-Divergent story that follows the Monkie Kids after the catastrophic loss to The Lady Bone Demon by the end of Season 2. With the aid of unlikely allies, the Monkie Kids take their very own Journey to the West!
[ Prologue ] Your Scar Is Sorry: Never Again Cover [ Chapter 1 ] Regroup & Rebound [ Chapter 2 ] Tactical Infiltration [ Chapter 3 ] ??? [ Ideation Complete ] [ Chapter 4 ] ??? [ Ideation Complete ] [ Chapter 5 ] ??? [ Ideation Complete ] [ Chapter 6 ] ??? [ Chapter 7 ] ??? [ Chapter 8 ] ??? [ Ideation Complete ] [ Chapter 9 ] ??? [ Ideation Complete ] [ Chapter 10 ] ??? Epilogue- ???
| Side Stories | For any new doodle comics, I make canon alongside the main comics story!
Forged Faith Fanart is the Art Tags for other's work inspired by the comic!
[ Comic Dubs ] Spanish - Prologue
[ Translations ] Russian [ VK ]
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cherllyio · 6 months
Could Wukong use his "golden eyes of truth" to see MK's monkey form? - a theory
This little theory started out, when i remembered a chapter from "Journey to the west".
In the chapter where they meet The Lady Bone Demon, or "The White Bone Demon", as she is originally called, she uses a disguse to try and fool the pilgrims. Yet Wukong realises this pretty quickly because of his "golden eyes of truth".
So, in other words he can see when "demons" are disgusing as "humans".
Now where have i seen that before....
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So my theory is:
Wukong didnt know that MK came from a stone egg like him, which is mentioned by one of the creators of Monkey Kid, David Breen:
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That would mean he didnt MK was a Monkey, untill he met him for the first time, which would maybe be here(or probaly earlier)?:
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Wukong might just have been out patrolling or something, when he suddenly saw this silly noddle delivery boy. But quickly realised, with the help of his "golden eyes of truth", that this "noddle boy" was a monkey like him.
This then would lead to him "watching him", like Wukong mentions in the pilot, untill he figured out what he could with this new information.
Conclusion: When others see a silly noodle delivery boy, Wukong sees someone who could kill GODS.
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sugar-plum-writer · 8 months
A Heian Era Affair
Paring: GojoSatrou!ModernEra x FemReader!HeianEra! Tags: Fem!Reader; Gojo!imagines; slight!mention of violence; 18+ as more chapters come; slow burn [I want to have a good build up~ just like my Sukuna series fic~]; An ancient Japan romance through time with reader Text: Gojo ends up in the Heian Era through unknown reason (will be reveled later on) and meets reader and hence journey begins both of adventure and romance~ [If you all like it, please heart and reblog the post! to know you want to read more~ and follow for chapter updates! or leave a comment to tag you when I put out new chapters~ I will do my best to roll out UPDATES ASAP!]
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The bamboo trees rustled as the cool wind blew, almost hauntingly as if carrying a message from another side of the world. Wiping your sweat with a ragged cloth, you stumbled and walked while carrying a bucket of water to your old wooden house.
It was hard to make a living, the minister of your area was evil, exploiting the people to death, and raising taxes beyond what people could pay. It was a nightmare- no worse at least you could wake up from nightmares but what about reality? can you wake up from it?
Sometimes you wanted to barge in and rip his head off. Too bad you could not, the guards were too strong, and with your strength you doubt you could ever survive.
Sighing, you returned to the river to fill your bucket again.
You had just bent over when a strong gust of wind started blowing out from nowhere, the trees shrieked as the water rippled- throwing you back 10 feet away with a slam- making you hit a tree. The sharp pain made your back go numb. As you tried to get up staggering- the wind kicked up a notch increasing it's speed and power like a cyclone. Your eyes widened in horror as you looked at what was happening- a big black hole appeared in the middle of the river; with water distorting around it and floating up defying gravity.
"What on-"
Before your brain could comprehend what just happened, a white-haired man flew out of the hole towards you, slamming into you-
Opening your eyes, you tried to get up, but- found the man on top of you, your legs intertwined together, he groaned as he tried to stand
His voice was deep causing you to freeze a moment, but you came back to your senses and pushed him off
"Who are you!? You demon!" you screamed as you looked at him
"Me? Ah I am Gojo Satoru and no I am no demon, it's the first someone has called me a demon! sure I might be tall but it does not mean I am a demon haha~" he smiled as he looked at you helping you stand up
"What-!? but you j-"
"Do you know where this is? I am a bit in a hurry"
"This is Mizushima village…."
He paused
"What?…. since when did we have a Mizushima village in Japan? Isn't Mizushima an Island!? which prefecture even is this?"
"Prefecture? Our village is part of the Minamoto Clan on the West side"
He paused longer this time
"Minamoto Clan?…"
"eh?" he froze as he cocked his head to the side
"For real?"
"I….what-what era is this?" his voice trembled a bit
"This is the Heian Era…the year is 1185…" You looked at him as he stood grounded on the spot contemplating the meaning of his life
Now that you observed him, he was wearing weird clothing the fabric was also very different from what you had ever seen, it was so smooth and very different from cotton- almost otherworldly
"Is he a noble? from Heian-kyo?", you thought to yourself and backed away a bit
"I am…1000 years in the past oh shit"
"Shit? What does it mean? which part are you from? your Japanese is very weird" You looked at him even more confused, even his accent was weird and some words he used were different
"Ah…." he looked at you struggling to explain
"You see…I am from the future more than 1000 years from the future, I know it sounds absurd but..it is the truth" he looked at you seriously meaning every word he said
"Huh? What-what bullshit are you saying? Are you a psycho? possessed?" you looked at him bewildered
"What is bullshit?" he looked at you confused
"I-I am leaving; good day to you, to ask what bullshit means I- you should find a priest" Picking up your bucket you hurried away wondering why you always met weirdos
"Wait-!" he yelled but you turned deaf to his words and ran as fast as your feet allowed you to.
You ran as fast as you could but he appeared in front of you almost like magic
"Please listen to me! I am not lying!!" he grabbed you by the shoulders frantically
"I really am from the future!"
"You freak let go of me!! AHHHHH!" you punched him doing little to no damage and screaming
This continued for some time, you running and him teleporting wherever you were it went on for a few hours and soon both of you sat panting on the ground
"Man…you sure got some stamina.." he wiped the sweat off his forehead simultaneously removing the blindfold
You froze- his eyes- were breathtaking; looking into them your heart exploded like fireworks, so serene, it felt like you were looking at the sky itself. You had never seen such eyes ever
How can someone be this good-looking?
"What? too captive by my looks~ Ah I guess even in the Heian Era I am attractive~" he leaned in with a smirk causing you to look away blushing crimson
"Who would!? you demon! Get away!"
He pouted a bit disappointed
"H…How do I believe you are from the future? And your powers? What are you?"
"I am a sorcerer from the Gojo Clan and…as for how I am from the future…" he scratched his head
"Got it!"
He smirked and took out a weird looking box and opened it
"Here try some, I bet you have never eaten something like this! It is a cheesecake that too from a very famous shop"
With swift movement from his hands, he put the cake in your hands, its scent was sweet, it was jiggly- even a bit liquid-y making you wonder if it was poison
"You...you sure humans can eat this?" your hands trembled as you held the plate
"Yes, it is! here~" he took the fork in his hands and ate a small bite of the cake- grinning
"Ah it really is good~"
Seeing him eat it and look so elated you also wanted a bite- how bad could it be? with a gulp and sharp breath you took a bite- a bite so good it made your eyes light up-
The flavor was exploding in your mouth, it had a rich and creamy flavor with a slightly tangy and sweet taste. The texture was smooth and dense melting in your mouth it felt like heaven.
"It must be so expensive....even in death I doubt I could eat something like this.."
He paused for a moment but then a smile crept up his lips
"Eh it was nothing just enjoy~" he winked
"You should see your reaction~ now that's a nice expression! It makes me wonder what other reactions you can make if I gave you other things~" smirking he leaned in his breath inches away from yours
"So...Do you believe me now?"
"....Yeah" nodding you took another bite
"Yay! Thank you~ please look after me from now on~"
[Link to my master list~ enjoy!]
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orviposition · 2 months
the new side story chapter 😭😭😭
"why is yoo joonghyuk expressing so much aggression right now? is it because he saw his weapon in someone else's hands? or is it because he saw my unconscious incarnation body with a wound on his stomach and thought he can no longer use me?"
lee hakhyun threw unbroken fate at 41 yoo joonghyuk and he fought using that sword with the divinity attribute
after the fight was over:
yoo joonghyuk: you're alive
lee hakhyun, grinning like a fool: did you wish i were dead?
(theyre doing this on purpose)
then yoo joonghyuk tossed him a murim-gained golden pill that would heal his stomach wound.. says "because of you i wasted energy" 😭😭 very reminiscent of the journey to the west moment
lee hakhyun leaves ji eunyu with yoo joonghyuk and jung heewon and runs in the forest where he feels the energy of a demon king, his sponsor, his brother whose face they both share.
the demon king of salvation
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aerkame · 17 days
Demon King AU
I'm very tired right now, but I'm also in a creative mood. I'll keep writing for a few chapters on some fanfictions, but I wanted to share this AU I made. It's free to use for anyone or for anyone to add their own twist. This character of Sun Wukong is based on the Journey to The West books.
Demon King au:
Prompt was: What if Sun Wukong was unable to be stopped and never went on the journey?
General idea: Sun Wukong was never stopped and became the Jade Emperor (as he threatened before in the book) for a short while before returning back to his own home, allowing the original JE to take back his place. Wukong however, decided to expand his own kingdom to keep Heaven under his control or to keep them in check in case they tried anything. So he went from the Monkey King to the Demon King as he added various yaoguai to his kingdom. (I guess it's technically Yaoguai King, but Demon King sounds cooler)
I would imagine he probably also found more ways to become stronger knowing his character in the book. he probably looks more different by the time he's the Demon King too, maybe still monkey, but more so beastly? Demony? I'll make designs later...
Sun Wukong doesn't strike me as a character that would become evil though, but I don't think he would be a very friendly person to most outside his kingdom in this kind of setting. (I still feel like he would love his little suns and grandkids regardless) He'd probably kill a lot though since he never went on the journey and didn't learn to change. Not the innocent, I don't think any version of him would do such a thing (at least the book version of him wouldn't), but he'd defiantly be impulsive and would kill on sight if someone became a problem.
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gxthicupid · 6 months
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I know this theory has been talked about a lot, but I would like to put my own thoughts and opinions about Ne Zha’s age. Of course, Ne Zha died at the age of 12, yet in the series; considered to be a somewhat spin-off/sequel to the Journey to the West novel, he appears to be physically an adult.
Understandably, some people wanted to defend the idea of Ne Zha physically and mentally grown since Journey to the West by using other country’s beliefs of Ne Zha depicted as an adult, however, other countries still depict Ne Zha as a child, and the crew for LEGO Monkie Kid revealed he was canonically a child during Season 4, Episode 5 “The Court of the Yellow-Robed Demon”. This leaves to the question of how he managed to appear older. 
I have been pondering on the idea for quite some time, and while going through several posts of people’s headcanons, references from other media depicting the other characters from Journey to the West, I have come to a conclusion. 
To support this theory, I will be using Macaque as an example to answer the mystery behind Ne Zha’s sudden ageing in LEGO Monkie Kid. It has become abundantly clear Macaque has a missing eye, and in the Season 3, Episode 8, “Benched”, while trying to retrieve the third Samadhi Ring from Tang, for a split second, the tip of his tail becomes slightly white. 
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While going through fanart, people often depict Macaque, having glamorised his looks in order to hide his features (i.e., his scarred eye). Saying that, I believe Ne Zha has adapted to glamorise his child form into an adult form, possibly from wanting to fit his mental age physically and feel comfortable. Macaque so far, hasn’t shown his true form for a prologue time, I believe Nezha can hold his adult form without any difficulty. 
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Season 5 of LEGO Monkie Kid is bound to show Nuwa, or MK’s supposed mother, on the show. Most people are wanting Nuwa to be a loving and caring mother, however, I do not believe that will be the case considering the direction the show is taking on MK’s backstory.
In the Season 4 special “Emperor’s Wrath”, the Kings of Hell in the Underworld are shown to be devising a plan for the upcoming events for Season 5, and personally, I believe Nuwa will be some sort of secondary villain associated with the main plot in Season 5. 
I am predicting that Nuwa has some strong connections, or at the very least, is acquainted with the Kings of Hell. Perhaps in the past, the Kings of Hell held a grudge against Sun Wukong after erasing his name from the Book of the Dead.
They weren’t able to change the pages since the paper magically link to the people whose names are written, and possibly, recreating a new set of paper will negatively affect the other people’s mortality; which the Kings of Hell are not willing to risk. 
Leading to the Kings of Hell requesting the aid of the creator of humans, Nuwa, since the residents of the Celestial Realm are not going to approve such a dire plan without the approval of the Jade Emperor.
Maybe the Kings of Hell gained Nuwa’s interest throughout a promise with a type of reward at the end of deal, and making her create a lifeform with equal or stronger power than Sun Wukong.
From the flashback in Season 4 Episode 6, “Show Me The Monster'', there were several stone statues of various animals before the creation of MK (hinting there were several attempts to create the perfect lifeform). 
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The idea of creating MK as a mystic monkey probably links to the Journey to the West novel, in the chapter where Macaque shapeshifted into the Monkey King and deceives the other pilgrims; and before the reveal of the Six-Eared Macaque, it was stated that the imposter was close to Sun Wukong’s power level, which, I’m assuming, Nuwa took note.  
Since Season 4 has hinted that Sun Wukong had some sort of connection with MK before he was created, I am predicting that he possibly knew Nuwa as a friend before she became an acquaintance with the Kings of Hell. Nuwa used that relationship as an advantage to analyse his skills and powers, while discussing using Sun Wukong as a pawn to help MK to be trained by the Monkey King, in order for MK to unlock his powers later in life. 
Reasoning why I believe Sun Wukong isn’t aware of Nuwa is supported in the Season 4 special, “Emperor’s Wrath”, when Azure Lion was defeated, Sun Wukong questioned him who set him free from the Scroll of Memory, and Azure Lion had no recollection.
Supporting this theory, judging the age of MK when he first met Pigsy in Season 4, Episode 6, “Show Me The Monster”, he seemed to be around the age of 5 years old, which when he should some remembered of Nuwa or Sun Wukong to some degree, but it’s possibly she must have erased MK’s memories. This might be an ability that she might use in Season 5.  
Nuwa must have deceived Sun Wukong somehow to convince him to protect MK when he proves himself to have potential to become Sun Wukong’s successor, not only to allow MK’s abilities to develop and become stronger, but she might also use MK to spy on the Monkey King from afar.  
To support this theory, I will use the 5th Anniversary LEGO set of Monkie Kid, as Nuwa is seen to be in disguise while running a jade shop in Megapolis. Perhaps she purposely dropped MK off at Pisgy’s Noodles and lived around the city to observe MK and waited until he was ready to wield the staff. Sun Wukong must have done the same, but without the knowledge of Nuwa’s plan with the Kings of Hell (To learn Sun Wukong’s weaknesses for the sake of devising a plan).  
In the pilot episode of LEGO Monkie Kid, “A Hero is Born”, MK needed to deliver some noodles to a customer, but ended up dealing with the Demon Bull Family. Perhaps Nuwa also purposely made MK make the trip so that he can find Monkey King’s staff and allow MK to meet Sun Wukong and start training because Nuwa might have a deadline to finish her end of the deal, before the Kings of Hell will take action in Season 5.
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Connecting to the last theory, I believe there will be a likely chance that Season 5 will introduce the other mystic monkeys from the Journey to the West novel. Judging from the direction of the LEGO Monkie Kid series, there will be new characters introduced other than Nuwa, considering that Season 5 will focus more on MK’s past, and him learning how to control his monkey powers.
For those who aren’t aware, in the Journey to the West novel, it is canon that there are a total of four mystic monkeys, which includes Sun Wukong (Spirit Intelligent Stone Monkey) and Macaque (Six-Eared Macaque Monkey). 
The other two are known as the Red Butt Horse Monkey and the Pass through Arm Ape Monkey (using the translated names from the Chinese characters).
Since the series does slightly alternate the Journey to the West lore, perhaps the Red Butt Horse Monkey and Pass through Arm Ape Monkey were created before Sun Wukong and Macaque, and the idea of MK being a new mystic monkey existing in the LEGO Monkie Kid show does bring their attention and they will contribute to the main conflict of Season 5 (Perhaps they know much more about the upcoming conflict with the Kings of Hell and MK’s monkey power awakening).
This prediction might be a bit of a stretch, but since MK’s monkey powers will most likely be one of the main focuses for the plot of Season 5, I believe these two monkeys are willing to become an influence; both negatively and positively.
Reasoning for this prediction is connected to the fact that the Red Butt Horse Monkey is known to have the ability to avoid death and lengthen its life, which I believe might lead the show to make an alliance with Nuwa and the Kings of Hell. 
Meanwhile, the Pass through Arm Ape Monkey might be helping MK through his glitching when it comes to his monkey form, and might have more knowledge about dealing with  MK’s problem than Monkey King.
To support this theory, in Season 4, Episode 7, “Pitiful Creatures”, when Wukong first sees MK’s glitching, he looks like he doesn’t look like he know how to deal this side-effect of unlocking the monkey powers, considering that Sun Wukong and Macaque were already created as monkeys and were able control their powers. 
The Pass through Arm Ape Monkey might have known of MK’s existence through the battle against Azure Lion in the Season 4 special, “Emperor’s Wrath”, as the sky and the whole world was breaking apart, and since the Pass through Arm Ape Monkey can manipulate the moon and stars.
It could be the reason why the Red Butt Horse Monkey told Nuwa and the Kings of Hell about MK’s powers.  
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I don’t have anything else to say about this theory/prediction. However, if the series doesn’t show them, there HAS to be some influence, Easter eggs, etc. connecting to these mystic monkeys.
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Aside from Sun Wukong and Macaque having their pasts explored, the series does have the Demon Bull King appearance in these flashbacks since he was once a member of the Brotherhood, first revealed in Season 4, Episode 2, “New Adventures”, as everyone is discussing who will be the next Jade Emperor after overthrowing the current one.
From this single flashback alone, DBK was shown to be a good guy, fighting alongside his sworn brothers for they thought was right, and it does beg the question: What made him change his morality from good to bad?
In the pilot, Season 1, “A Hero is Born”, he is first introduced as the main antagonist whose goal is to conquer the world, and suddenly Sun Wukong traps him under a mountain despite DBK being his sworn brother. This minor detail is very unusual considering that in Season 3, Episode 10 “The Samadhi Fire”, showcases Sun Wukong, Demon Bull King and Ne Zha helping to separate the Samadhi Fire from Redson as a child.
Judging from this scene, the event must have taken place post to the Journey to the West, as the Monkey King isn’t wearing the circlet, as most of the flashbacks which are taking place in the Journey to the West shows him wearing the circlet given from Tang Sanzang. The pilot does show Sun Wukong wearing the same suit of armour as in Season 3, Episode 10 “The Samadhi Fire”, and it's strange how the Monkey King went from helping the Demon Bull King to fighting him. 
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Either something happened between the events of removing of the Samadhi Fire and the events occurred in the pilot, or off-screen there was some conflict between the two, but set a temporary truce to help Redson with the Samadhi Fire.
The most assumed event that could pinpoint the morality change of the Demon Bull King would be when he and Princess Iron Fan met during the battle against Heaven. However, I highly doubt that. Since this event took place before the birth of Redson, and if Demon Bull King and Sun Wukong didn’t have conflict during this time period, then this accusation would be inaccurate. 
This wasn’t a theory or a prediction, however, I REALLY do feel like talking about this since it’s been bugging me for quite some time. I hope that Season 5 will be able to resolve this plot hole and perhaps it might correlate with the main plot of the next.
While I do hope, I also doubt it since the Demon Bull Family has not had much screen time in recent seasons. But simultaneously, I bet there will be a chance since the new 5th Anniversary LEGO set does display Redson working at the BBQ restaurant in Megapolis, so maybe a slim chance. 
I was going to talk about Peng and Erlang working together in Season 5, considering the current conflict with the Monkie Gang and Peng, and due to the fact that Erlang is a cousin? Brother? Or a family member of the Jade Emperor according to the Journey to the West novel, and wanted to avenge his death.
(Probably ignore this one, this was a last minute theory)
But I didn’t know what else to talk about and it does seem like the two will be working on their own.  
Anyways, I hope you all enjoy the theories that I have come up with. I haven’t gotten the chance to re-watch all of the episodes of LEGO Monkie Kid, so I mostly relied on my memory. Leave some comments about your thoughts and theories of the series or what will happen in Season 5.    
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the-monkey-ruler · 6 months
A Chinese Odyssey: Pandora's Box (1995) 大话西游之月光宝盒
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Director: Liu Zhenwei Screenwriter: Liu Zhenwei / Wu Chengen Starring: Stephen Chow / Ng Mang-tat / Luo Jiaying / Lam Jieying / Karen Mok / Jiang Yuecheng / Luk Shuming / Liu Chunwei / Zhu Yin / Li Jianyan / Li Baolong Genre: Comedy / Romance / Fantasy / Costume Country/Region of Production: Hong Kong, China/Mainland China Language: Cantonese / Mandarin Chinese Date: 2014-10-24 (Mainland China) / 1995-01-21 (Hong Kong, China) Duration: 88 minutes Also known as: Journey to the West 101 Chapters Moonlight Treasure Box/ Monkey King's Journey to the East/ A Chinese Odyssey Part 1 / 西游记101回月光宝盒 / 齐天大圣东游记 / 大话东游之一 / A Chinese Odyssey Part One - Pandora's Box / 西遊記第壹佰零壹回之月光寶盒 / 大話西遊 IMDb: tt0112778 Type: Reimanging
Sun Wukong (Stephen Chow) escorted Tang Sanzang (Luo Jiaying) to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures. On the way, he conspired with the Bull Demon King to kill Tang Sanzang and stole the Moonlight Treasure Box. This move made Guanyin want to eradicate him. Despite Tang Sanzang's request, Sun Wukong was sentenced to death. Five hundred years later, he was reincarnated as a human being to atone for his sins.
Five hundred years later, Sun Wukong transformed into the robber leader Supreme Treasure /Joker. When he met the monster sisters Spider Jingchun Sansanniang (Lan Jieying) and the Bone Demon Bai Jingjing (Mok Wenwei) who planned to eat Tang Monk's flesh, because Sun Wukong had a relationship with Bai Jingjing five hundred years ago, Joker fell in love with her at first sight, but due to the old Bodhi Zu told the identity of the two monsters, and Zhizunbao still led the bandits to start dealing with the two monsters.
In the process, Bai Jingjing injured Chun Sananniang to save Joker, and she was also poisoned and injured. In order to save Bai Jingjing, Joker went to find Chun Sanniang was misunderstood by Bai Jingjing and committed suicide in despair. Joker began to use the Moonlight Box in the hope of turning back time.
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/1299398/
Link: https://kissasian.ac/Drama/A-Chinese-Odyssey-1-Pandora-s-Box/Movie?id=19927&s=oserver
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
I just had a thought about your Taken Abroad story, what is demon child reader depicted like in the Journey To The West Story in LMK modern times? Like what would their reputation be?
I have a feeling that a certain Monke would be keeping them safe at Flower Fruit Mountain after he “vanished” (and probably longer before tbh)
I like to think that historical reviews of Y/N’s character are rather… divided. It’s agreed that Sun Wukong, for example, is an analogy for the human mind, creative, powerful, but utterly uncontrollable all the same.
It’s a little more complex for the child.
Some people think of Y/N’s journey as a metaphor for the human capacity to heal- they’re taken as a child from a barbed forest full of monsters and brought to civilization, taught to live and love and be better. The road is hellish and paved with difficulties, but things can get better. People argue that the shift from wild to tame represents the mending of trauma.
Those who disagree might say that, no, Y/N is a historical representation for adoption. They get pulled from an “awful, dangerous” home and put with a doting band of “brothers, and even a father” and gets raised properly by those who actually care about them, not just surrounded by mindless tromping monsters. (Which are interpreted as callous and uncaring parents.)
Others still view the demon child as an analogy for humanity’s ancient affinity for animals and their constant meddling with the lives of fauna. So many of Y/N’s chapters and passages in the book are dedicated to them sympathizing with caged beasts and freeing them, or getting into trouble to save an animal in need.
I like to think that they’re worshipped as a minor deity of animals and beasts, statues displayed prominently at zoos and sanctuaries. In some places, it’s customary to give those statues a pat on the head to bless yourself with good luck and a kind day.
I like to the think that by the present day, Y/N is still only a teenager. They hole up with Wukong and tend to the mountain with him, occasionally heading back to the Emerald Grove to ward off any loggers and poachers- non-lethally, this time.
But mostly…
“Playing something fun?,” the Great Sage asks, ruffling your hair as he leans over your shoulder. “You’ve had that game set aside for a while now, bud.”
“I was saving it for a week like this.” Is your placid return, laying on your back with a veritable storm of monkeys cuddling up to you. Each one is cozily sleeping, sucking up all the warmth they can from your resting form. “Rain’s not gonna clear up for a while.”
“Aww. Is it one of your ‘making friends with monsters’ games, huh?”
“Can it, Wukong… but yeah, it is.”
“Don’t ever change, kiddo. Also, scoot over.”
And then “Brother Wukong” is squishing in beside you, the monkeys shifting their heated puddle to accommodate their beloved king. It leaves you both of you trapped in a storm of fluffy white fur.
“Tell me about your little game,” he says, inviting you to infodump your way through another bleary rainstorm.
For now… things are good. Maybe not always, but at least for today.
And you’re happy.
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pompomqt · 7 months
Journey to the West Chapter 27
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Ooooh I've heard a lot about this particular story line, and it sounds exciting! This chapter of Journey to the West with @journeythroughjourneytothewest we get to see how Sun Wukong deals with the Lady Bone Demon, so lets get into it shall we?
So we start off this chapter with the gang taking their leave of The Immortal who they managed to become good friends with. However before long they come across yet another scary mountain, that is steep and rugged and Tripitaka has concerns that the horse may not be able to make it up it. Shame that the horse couldn't... oh I don't know... turn into a dragon or something and just fly past it. But alas. Sun Wukong however isn't concerned and easily scares off all the frightening wildlife.
However while they are in the middle of nowhere wilderness, Tripitaka starts getting hungry and asks Monkey to get him some food. Monkey tries to tell him that there really isn't anyone nearby to get any food from. Tripitaka however must be feeling pretty hangry because he snaps at Monkey, reminding him that he is the one who freed him from his mountain prison, so why does he have to be so lazy? Monkey thinks it's rather unfair to be called lazy, but decides to cut his losses and go get some food before Tripitaka starts reciting the tight fillet spell.
So Sun Wukong takes a look around, and spots some peaches in the far off distance, so he takes off to go get some for Tripitaka, disturbing the local mountain demon on his way. This demon immediately clocks Tripitaka as a Tang Monk who they can become immortal if they eat. She's just about to go for it, when she spots Pigsy and Sandy, and while they aren't as scary as Monkey they are still ex heavenly officials, so she resolves to be sneakier about this.
So the Demon disguises herself as a beautiful young girl and makes a beeline straight for the monk. Tripitaka is rather surprised to see the girl since Monkey had told him earlier that this place was uninhabited, so he has Pigsy go and investigate. However sending Pigsy to go and investigate a pretty girl was never going to end well, and indeed he takes one look at her and fawns all over her, not recognizing her for the demon she is. So the girl tells him she has some lovely rice and would love to full fill her vow of feeding monks. Pigsy is of course ecstatic by both the pretty girl and food, his two favorite things, and runs back to Tripitaka to tell him about it.
Tripitaka can't recognize her as a demon either but at least he is still more cautious then Pigsy and asks her about her background and why she's here. So the demon spins him a tale about how her elderly parents have a tendency to feed any monks that pass by, and how they wanted to marry her off to a good family but because of their age they instead took in a son in law so they can be cared for in their old age.
Tripitaka still finds this suspicious however since if the girl has a husband, why is she the one wandering a dangerous mountain looking for monks to feed without even so much as an attendant? Shouldn't he be the one doing that? The girl tries to placate him by saying her husband is out working fields somewhere, and so she was taking his lunch to him when she spotted them. This however makes Tripitaka even more determined not to eat it, even as the girl tries to convince him it's totally fine and her husband would love for them to have it instead. Meanwhile Pigsy is getting very irritated by Tripitaka's refusal to eat, and decides he'll just start digging into the rice himself.
However just in the nick of time, Sun Wukong returns with the peaches. And unlike the other members of his party, he is able to recognize the girl as the monster she is. And he immediately tries to deal with her the way he deals with all monsters- by hitting her with his stick. Tripitaka however is horrified that Monkey is just seemingly about to murder some innocent girl, and stops him.
Monkey tells him that the girl is a monster in disguise, and Tripitaka despite KNOWING ABOUT WUKONG'S ABILITY TO SEE THROUGH MONSTER DISGUISES doesn't believe him, insisting that she's a good person who came to give them rice. Monkey meanwhile tells himself that disguising themselves as something desirable is like people eating demon 101. He even admits that he did similar things back in the day whenever he had the munchies for human. Wonderful. And you know- I thought for sure I could add a crime to his list for that one- but it turns out eating human flesh isn't actually illegal, at least in the United States. And I already got him down for murder so... surprisingly he gets a pass for this without adding anything new to his rap sheet. Huh.
Anyways when Monkey realizes his little tale about eating humans failed to persuade Tripitaka, he switches tactics and decides to try and embarrass him. So Monkey says, if Tripitaka thinks she's so hot, they'll build them a cabin to consummate their affair right here, and give up this task of delivering scriptures. While Tripitaka is busy blushing about this, Monkey takes the opportunity to whack the demon. Unluckily for Monkey however the Demon has a few tricks up her sleeves, and drops the body right when Monkey was about to kill her. Tripitaka is horrified that Monkey just killed some innocent girl, but Monkey points out the rice she had brought had all turned to maggots.
So Tripitaka is about ready to believe Monkey, when of course Pigsy, disgruntled by the loss of good food and ability to score throws a hissy fit. So Pigsy accuses Monkey of just wanting to kill people, but not wanting to face the consequences of Tripitaka using the tight fillet spell- so he used his magic to try and trick Tripitaka. So it's Monkey's word against Pigsy's, and like a complete idiot, Tripitaka believes Pigsy and begins to recite the Tight Fillet Spell.
Monkey starts begging him to stop and just say what he wants to say instead of resorting to that spell. Tripitaka however asks what he has to say. After all Monks are supposed to cherish life, but Monkey knows nothing but killing and just beat an innocent girl to death, so he might as well leave since the scriptures wouldn't do someone like him any good anyways. With all that said Tripitaka tells him he no longer wants him as a disciple. Monkey however begs him to reconsider and says he'll never make it on the journey without him. However Tripitaka says his life is in heavens hands, and if he's fated to be some monsters dinner, then so be it. So Monkey decides on another approach and tells Tripitaka he has yet to repay him for freeing him from this mountain. And as we have seen previously, repaying his debts has always been something rather important to Sun Wukong.
Seeing this, Tripitaka decides to give Monkey one last chance but warns him not to pull another stunt like this again, otherwise he'll recite the tight fillet spell twenty times. Monkey tells him he can go ahead and recite it thirty times! He won't hit anyone again. So the two make up and have some of the peaches Monkey brought back and continue on their way.
Unfortunately for Monkey's bold promise of not killing humans anymore, the demon isn't dead, and decides to give it another go on her kidnapping Tripitaka plan. This time she disguises herself as an elderly old woman walking the road and weeping. Unfortunately Pigsy spots her first and starts spinning his own narrative about how this elderly woman is clearly the mother of the girl that Monkey killed earlier! Monkey tells him to stop talking nonsense, this woman is about eighty while the girl was about eighteen, how could this woman had born a child at the age of sixty? Clearly she's a fake. So Monkey goes to investigate, and seeing her as the monster she is, once again tries to kill her, only for the demon to once again drop the body.
This horrifies Tripitaka so much he falls off the horse and immediately begins reciting the tight fillet spell- twenty times just like he promised. And hey, at least he didn't take Monkey's suggestion of doing it thirty times since the twenty times deforms monkey's head into an hourglass shape. Yikes. So Monkey once again begs for him to stop and just say what he wants to say. But what is there to say! Despite Tripitaka doing his best to teach him, he just killed yet another innocent commoner! Monkey tells him she was a monster, but Tripitaka doesn't believe him and once again tries to kick him out of the group.
This time Monkey agrees to go but says he has one last request. Pigsy jumps in accusing Monkey that he wants them to split their luggage with him! Monkey is really upset by this accusation crying that he embraced the teachings of poverty and no greed or envy and doesn't want their stuff! Instead what he wants is to just be free from the golden fillet, otherwise how will he be able to face the others back home? However it turns out that even Tripitaka doesn't know how to get rid of the fillet, he was just told by Guanyin the tight fillet spell, not anything else. Since Tripitaka is unable to grant this last request of Monkey's he agrees to forgive him one last time, and the group continues on their way.
Unfortunately the monster still isn't dead, and decides to give deceiving them another try, this time by disguising herself as an old man. And once again Pigsy takes the opportunity to pre-blame Monkey, by saying clearly this is the patriarch of the family that Monkey killed! And Monkey is going to use his magic to escape the consequences and allow Tripitaka to be executed, Pigsy to be drafted into the army and Sandy to be sentenced to hard labor! I guess the horse will also get off scott free in this scenario. Lucky horse.
So Monkey once again goes off to investigate, and lets the demon tell their tale about how they are looking for their wife and daughter and sure hope that nothing terrible has happened to them. Monkey is just about ready to strike, but worries that if he does Tripitaka will recite the spell again, but if he doesn't kill the demon, then the demon will just kidnap Tripitaka and he will have to go through all that effort to save him. In the end he decides to go for it, and that he will just convince Tripitaka that it really is a demon. In order to make sure the demon doesn't escape again however he summons the local spirits and have them stand guard in the air to cut off her escape route. With that taken care of, Monkey kills the demon easily, and this time he finishes the job.
Tripitaka is horrified by this, but Monkey rushes to him before he can start reciting the spell and shows him how the body turned into a skeleton as soon as he killed them. There is even writing on the body's spine that says 'Lady White Bone'. This almost manages to convince Tripitaka, but once again, Pigsy cuts in. He accuses Monkey of just making the corpse look like a monster so that he could get away with murder without having Tripitaka recite the spell. Sadly Tripitaka chooses Pigsy to believe and begins to recite the spell once again while Monkey begs him to stop and use his words- words that aren't the tight fillet spell.
So Tripitaka and Monkey once again get into a heated argument and it gets pretty ugly. Tripitaka accuses him of killing and practicing evil just because there is no one who can stop him. But what would happen if he started killing people in a crowded city? If that happened he would be the one who would take the fall for Monkey, so it's better if Monkey just leaves now. Monkey however says it is Tripitaka who is wronging him, he was just protecting him from a monster that wanted to harm him but Tripitaka is to blind to see it. Instead he chooses to believe the words of Pigsy of all people and he's had enough of it. He'll gladly leave! It's Tripitaka who needs him not the other way around, since Monkey will be just fine if he leaves, but Tripitaka will have no one to protect him. Tripitaka however points out that he still has Wuneng and Wujing for protection. This remark cuts Wukong deep, and he reminds Tripitaka that he was his first companion! In fact Wuneng and Wujing are only here at all because Wukong was the one to subdue them first!
Having aired their grievances, Tripitaka says there is just one more matter to settle, the fillet. So Tripitaka says he won't recite it again. Monkey however just says that the next time Tripitaka gets into trouble and Wuneng and Wujing can't save him, he'll recite the spell to force Monkey to come and rescue him, so he might as well just keep him as a disciple and save them both the time. Incensed by this, Tripitaka gets off the horse and has Wujing get him a paper and brush. Using this he writes Wukong an official letter of banishment. And tells him to take it as proof that he will never want Sun Wukong as a disciple again, and if he ever consents to see him again, let him fall into Hell!
Sun Wukong hastily tells him there is no need to swear, and that he will take his leave. So Wukong takes the letter but has one last request of Tripitaka. At Guanyin's instruction he has followed him all this way but now has to leave midway through and will not attain the fruit of enlightenment. So he requests that Tripitaka accept his bows so he may leave in peace.
Tripitaka however refuses saying that he is a good priest and won't take the salutation of an evil man like him! Seeing his refusal, Wukong resorts to his magic of duplication. He creates three copies and they surround Tripitaka on all sides, so that he will be forced to face one of them and receive his bow.
That done, Monkey retrieves the hairs and gives some parting words to Sandy. He tells him that he is a good man, and not to listen to Pigsy's nonsense. He also tells him to be careful on the journey and if a monster catches hold of Tripitaka, tell them that Sun Wukong is his senior disciple, and surely they will leave him alone when they learn of Wukong's abilities. Which I think is very sweet of Wukong, he has no skin in this game anymore, but he still wants Tripitaka safe, and gives them permission to use his name as a shield to continue protecting Tripitaka. Tripitaka however refuses to use the name of an evil man like Wukong and tells him to leave.
With that said, Sun Wukong takes his leave for flower fruit mountain. On his way however he hears the sound of water and see's that it is the Great Eastern Ocean. This sight makes him think of the Tang Monk, and so as tears begin to roll down his face, he stays there for a long while before finally proceeding on his way...
Current Sun Wukong Stats: Names/Titles: Monkey, The Stone Monkey, The Handsome Monkey King, Sun Wukong (Monkey awakened to the void), Bimawen (Banhorseplague), The Great Sage Equal To Heaven and Pilgrim Sun. Immortality: 5 + 94,000 years. Weapon: The Compliant Golden Hooped Rod Abilities: 72 Transformations, Cloud-Somersault, Ability to transform his individual hairs, super strength, Ability to Summon Wind, Water restriction charm, and the ability to change into a huge war form, ability to duplicate his staff, ability to immobilize others, the ability to put others to sleep, and the Fiery eyes and Diamond Pupils, intimidating horses, churning large bodies of water, sleeplessness, seizing the wind, enhanced smell, discerning good and evil within a thousand miles, Spirit Summoning, lock picking, and object transformation. Demon Kill Count: 5+ Unknown Number of Minions Human Kill Count: 6 God's Defeated: 19 + Unknown number Defeats: 3 Crime List: Robbery, Murder, Mass Murder, Arson, Theft, Coercion, Threatening a Government Official, Resisting Arrest, Assault, Forgery, Employee Theft, False Imprisonment, Impersonating a Government Official, Treason, attempted murder, failure to control or report a dangerous fire, desecrating a corpse, breaking and entering, trespassing and violating Tree Law. Cry Count: 4 Mountains Trapped Under: 1
Current Tang Sanzang stats: Names/Titles: River Float, Xuanzang, Tang Sanzang, Tripitaka Abilities: Curing Blindness, making branches point a certain direction (allegedly), reciting sutras, pretty privilege, memorization and Heart Sutra. Cry Count: 15 Tight Fillet Spell Uses: 27 Paralyzed by fear: 4 Bandit Problems: 2 Kidnapped by demons: 2 Falling Off Horses: 6
Current Bai Long Ma Stats: Names/Titles: Bai Long Ma (White Dragon Horse), Prince of the Western Ocean, and third prince jade dragon of the dragon king Aorun Abilities: Transforming into a human, a water snake, and a horse, eating a horse in one bite, and flight. Crime List: Arson, and Grave Disobedience. Contributions to the plot: 1
Current Zhu Wuneng Stats: Names/Titles: The Marshal of the Heavenly Reeds, Zhu Wuneng (Pig who is aware of ability), Zhu Ganglie, Pigsy, Idiot and Eight Rules. Weapon: Rake Abilities: 36 Transformations, parting water, fighting underwater and cloud soaring. Demon Kill Count/Kill steals: 1 Failed Flirtation/romances Attempts: 3 Cry Count: 1 Crime List: Sexual Harassment, Murder, Kidnapping and arson.
Current Sha Wujing Stats: Names/Titles: The Curtain-Raising General, Sha Wujing (Sand Aware of Purity), Sandy and Sha Monk Weapon: Monster Taming Staff Abilities: Fighting underwater Crime List: Breaking a Crystal Cup, murder, and desecration of a human corpse.
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googleitlol · 6 months
No, I did not jump to the pregnancy chapter. The title is misleading, and I apologize for that.
Dove Masterlist:
The gentle breeze brushes through the air, accompanying the sun westward as it carries on its descent toward the horizon. Golden hour approaches with pheasants flying overhead, returning to their nests. Clouds grazing the mountaintops are soft shades of pink and orange. The mountain itself is littered in dashes of colour from a thousand flowers and a vibrant green from the lush grass coating its earthy base. The world feels as though it is in blossom, though it might help that your group is spending the night at a temple in the Abbey of Five Villages. 
While away for the night, the Abbey is home to a daoist known as the Lord Equal to Earth, Zhenyuan. You’ve never met him, but know enough from the occasional gossip in the Jade Palace that he is a respected figure. Already aware that your companions would be arriving, he had two of his disciples stay behind to host. While the others settled in, you accompanied Sandy in making sure the horse was properly fed. It also gave an excuse for you to gaze out over the beautiful land of the Abbey.
It also helps that you find Sha Wujing the easiest to get along with out of Tripitaka’s disciples. He’s much less boorish, more open to peaceful conversation without jabs or insults. Though, you suppose you were no better at times. “I have to admit, it is nice being off the road, even if it is only for tonight.” The sand demon hums as he guides the horse to his meal.
You nod with a smile, your sight trained on the beauty of land before you. “I agree. If we were not on our journey, it would be nice to stay longer. Looking at this view, I’m reminded of home.”
At this, the buddhist turns to you. “Where is it you come from, little soother?”
The two of you begin to head back inside the temple. “I’ve lived most of my life on the Potalaka Mountain with my master, Guan Yin. There’s a village not far from her home I would visit quite frequently.”
“Is that where you are from?” He questions, and you shake your head.
“No, my first home was burnt down when I was only a child. My master found me in the wreckage of my family’s home and gifted me with a second chance.” You explain, your companion humming in acknowledgement.
“That is a beautiful story.” He smiles, which affirms his friendly nature, despite the sharpened teeth.
You walk through the silent halls together, your steps echoing through empty halls. “Indeed, I owe everything to her.” The talk reminds you of how much you missed her, and everyone from before your trip to the heavens. Guan Yin, Moksa, all of those from the village who have now passed. But there was no point in dwelling on it. What’s past is past, and now you have but one goal. Get the Tang Monk to the west.
A blur of ochre flashes down the hall ahead, quickly returning to reveal itself as Sun Wukong. His face brightens up at the sight of his brother disciple, the stone monkey approaching rapidly once catching sight of Wujing. “Sandy, I’ve been looking for you!”
“Hello, Sun Pilgrim.” The man greets him. Monkey looks as though he’s about to say something, but stops himself when he glances at you. The bright look in his eye is quickly snuffed out and replaced by a rather bored look.
“I need to speak with my fellow disciple. Alone.” Your eyes roll, unsure of what you were actually expecting. “Go ahead. I’ll talk to you later, Wujing.” Not having to be told twice, you say your goodbyes to the sand demon and continue through the halls of the temple on your own. 
“Of course, thank you for your help.” He calls back before you disappear around the corner Monkey came from. Whatever he needed to talk to Wujing about, you can’t find it in yourself to care. As long as they don’t cause a disturbance, it should be fine. Besides, Sandy seems quite reasonable, you doubt he’d go along with anything Sun Wukong suggests.
You soon find yourself in the main hall, Tripitaka sitting at one of the tables ahead of you. He’s massaging his temples, his eyes wide and confused until they notice your presence. “Ah! There you are! You won’t believe what just happened.” He quickly rises from his seat as you approach.
It’s rare to see the monk so highly energetic, it’s as though he’s bursting at the seams. It’d be a lie to say you aren’t curious over what could make him react in such a way. “What is it?”
As you reach the man, his hands clutch onto your arms. “Our hosts tried to feed me infants!”
You pause, the statement taking a moment for you to process. Is this some jest? “Infants? As in, human children?”
“They could not have been more than three days old!” He exclaims as you sit him back down at the table, joining him as he continues to hold onto your arms in disbelief.
Offering a buddhist monk a child to eat? Surely they haven’t mistaken Tripitaka to be some demon like his disciples, even they follow a strictly vegetarian diet. “What did you say?”
“I told them to bring the children back to their parents, what else could I have said in that situation?!” He asks. “‘Mm, how delicious, two babies?’”
Despite the distress in his voice, you can’t help but let a chuckle escape. “Surely they would not expect that of you.”
“They insisted they were grown on trees!” Yes, that does sound odd. However, the description does scratch at a particular itch in your head. You’re certain this sounds like something you’ve heard of before, but the answer escapes you in the moment.
“Perhaps I could ask the two to explain themselves?” You shrug, the monk finally releasing you from his grip.
He releases a drawn-out sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. “It’s alright, I can ask myself when we gather for the rice. After everything we’ve experienced on the road, I was just looking forward to some normalcy for the night. It only took me by surprise, that is all.”
You place your hand on his shoulder in comfort, offering up a smile. “I’m not sure I would act any different if I were in your shoes.” You let out a soft laugh before looking around the space. A thought strikes you at that moment. “Where’s Bajie? I haven’t seen him since we arrived.”
The monk hums for a moment in thought. “The last I saw him, he was in a hurry to find Wukong.” Oh, really?
A sinking feeling worms its way into your gut. Should you have been more worried about Monkey and Sandy? What does Pigsy need that ape for? Something feels off. “I should go ahead and make sure they’re not getting into any trouble.”
You rise to leave and the monk shakes his head. “I’m sure they’ll be fine. My disciples should know not to cause any disturbances while we’re here.” He reassures you, but it doesn’t help the worry settle in your stomach
“I will feel better once I check for myself.” You quickly nod to Tripitaka before leaving the main hall.
You head towards the area you left Wujing and Wukong at last, mentally preparing yourself for whatever you may find. They can’t have gotten into too much trouble, right? It’s only been a few hours since your group has been here, they can’t have done anything too outlandish. Not yet, at least.
It takes some time before you are able to find them, the three demons huddled together at the end of a hall. They talk to one another in hushed whispers, like children plotting with one another. The sight did little to comfort your concerns.
Monkey is the first to notice your presence, his back straightening before turning to face you. “Hello, Dove.” His tone is casual, contrasting heavily against the wide-eyed faces behind him.
“Wukong.” The two on either side of him straighten up as well, turning to address you like their elder brother. You eye each of them in suspicion, it looks like you were right to be worried after all. “What have you three been up to?”
The stone demon shrugs casually, his posture relaxed despite the sharp look in his eyes. “Not much, we just returned from marvelling at the beautiful gardens they have here. You should go see for yourself.”
How stupid does he think you are? Or maybe he just doesn’t care enough to properly lie. “Oh, I suppose I could later. I just wanted to make sure the three of you weren’t getting into any trouble.” Your eyes shoot to Bajie, then Wujing, neither offering you eye contact.
“Trouble?” Wukong laughs, drawing your attention back to him. “Of what kind?”
Even you had to admit, it was impressive just how smarmy this man can get. Nevertheless, you play along. If he wants to play this game, you’ll play. Stepping closer, you narrow the gap between the two of you, a smirk finding its way on your face. “I wouldn’t know. But someone ought to remind you that your actions here reflect on Tripitaka. So if you mess anything up,” grabbing onto his shirt, you tug him close enough for you to whisper, “you will have a lot more to worry about than that gold around your head.” You almost miss the wide-eyed look of shock on his face before masking it with a grin of his own. “I’m impressed, Dove. Trying to threaten an immortal being, with what? Your pointy little sticks?” He laughs, his voice low.
The assumption makes your smirk drop. “I’m not threatening you with pain.” Your eyes narrow as he does the same. “It’s a warning. This temple belongs to Zhenyuan, and I’ve heard enough about how he carries out justice on those who have done wrong unto him.”
“You think some immortal scares me? Don’t forget, woman, I’ve taken on entire armies single-handed.” A single brow raises as he gloats, and you let out a huff of air at his words.
There truly is nobody as self-absorbed as the Monkey King. “Then you shouldn’t forget what I said. Your actions reflect on Tripitaka. Whether or not you can take punishment won’t matter if the monk is the one in the crossfire.” You warn, and for a moment you see his prideful facade falter.
With the message thoroughly received, you release the demon from your hold. Your graceful smile returns as you look back to Pigsy and Sandy. “Now, I think I will take a look around those gardens you speak so highly of. I’m glad we’ve come to an understanding.” With everything that needed to be said now dealt with you turn to leave.
That is, until Sandy clears his throat.
“Little Soother… say something has already happened.” Your head whips around at that, and you see Wukong has done the same, his hands moving frantically in a motion to stop.
You knew it. “Like what?” “Disciples!”
Tripitaka’s voice carries through the halls, your face dropping as you realise whatever they’ve done has already reached its way to their master– and likely, your hosts.
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Hello and Welcome!
This is a blog dedicated to Journey to the West, where anyone interested may join in and follow along in a journey through Wu Cheng’en’s classic. This reading group will be focused on the Anthony C. Yu English translation, which the ever-interesting @journeytothewestresearch has helped provide completely free to download and read as pdfs! The link can be found below:
In full awareness that everyone has their own busy lives and differing schedules, this reading group is working off of a “do-as-you-want” model. Everyone is welcome to submit their analysis, art, reactions, memes, criticisms, additions of context, etc. as we make our way through the journey, but there is no pressure but to have fun with the work!
That said, there is a reading schedule. This reading group has now made it through Volumes 1 and 2 of this classic, and will start up Volume 3 on September 15, 2024. The reading schedule encourages all interested to read one JTTW chapter per week. This group then "meets" every Sunday, which is be the day participants are encouraged to finish that week's chapter and/or submit their creative/analytical pieces about it. Sunday will also be the day where I will give a quick recap of that week's chapter, and will mass reblog anything participants submitted to have that work in the archive. Again, this blog has now made it through Volumes 1 and 2, and will start keeping to the reading schedule for Volume 3 starting September 15, so please have read “Chapter 51: Mind Monkey in Vain Uses a Thousand Tricks; Futile Water and Fire Make It Hard to Smelt Demons,” by then. You’ll find the reading schedule for Volume 3 below, and while not necessary I do encourage everyone to give a look at Yu’s introduction to this text in Volume 1 as well.
I want to end by stressing that it is completely understandable that new members would be concerned about joining after the reading schedule has officially started, and indeed after we have made it through the first volume. As such, I want to confirm that while this group encourages people to send in their submissions on Sunday for the chapter covered that week, you should feel completely free to both submit your stuff on any day of the week that’s best for you, as well as to send in art, memes, analysis, commentary, etc. for every chapter that has already been covered according to the reading schedule. In other words, all I’m going to ask is that your “late” submissions are in line with what happens in Volumes 1 and 2 and/or chapters in Volume 3 that the group has already read as laid out in the reading schedule below. So for example you should feel free to submit the sketches you made about Chapters 47, 48, 49, 50, and 51 on the Monday-Saturday of the week following the Sunday this book club finished Chapter 51, but please save your meme about Chapter 52 for the Sunday that chapter was scheduled to be read. So start, read, and submit as you can!
Thank you and thank you again to anyone who wants to participate anfd to everyone who has already expressed so much enthusiasm and contributed so much to this reading group! I’m very happy and excited to continue this literary pilgrimage with you all.
Journey to the West Volume 3 Reading Schedule
September 15-Chapter 51: Mind Monkey in vain uses a thousand tricks; Futile water and fire makes it hard to smelt demons
September 22-Chapter 52: Wukong greatly disturbed the Golden Helmet Cave; Tathagata reveals in secret the true master
September 29-Chapter 53: Imbibing, the Chan Lord conceives a ghostly child; Yellow Dame brings water to end the weird fetus
October 6-Chapter 54: Dharma-nature, going west, reaches the Women State; Mind Monkey makes a plan to flee the fair sex
October 13-Chapter 55: Deviant form makes lustful play for Tripitaka Tang; Upright nature safeguards the untainted self
October 20-Chapter 56: Wild Spirit slays brutish bandits; Wayward Way sets loose Mind Monkey
October 27-Chapter 57: True Pilgrim lays bare his woes at Mount Potalaka; False Monkey King transcribes texts at Water-Curtain Cave
November 3-Chapter 58: Two Minds cause disorder in the great Cosmos; It's hard for one body to realize true Nirvana
November 10-Chapter 59: Tripitaka Tang's path is blocked at Mountain of Flames; Pilgrim Sun baits for the first time the palm-leaf fan
November 17-Chapter 60: Bull Demon King stops fighting to attend a lavish feast; Pilgrim Sun baits for the second time the palm-leaf fan
November 24-Chapter 61: Zhu Eight Rules assists in deafeating the demon king; Pilgrim Sun baits for the third time the palm-leaf fan
December 1-Chapter 62: To wash off filth, to bate the mind, just sweep a pagoda; To bind demons and return to the lord is self-cultivation
December 8-Chapter 63: Two monks, quelling fiends, disturb the dragon palace; The sages, destroying deviates, acquire the treasures
December 15-Chapter 64: At Bramble Ride Wuneng exerted great effort; At Shrine of Sylvan Immortals Tripitaka discusses poetry
December 22-Chapter 65: Fiends set up falsely the Small Thunderclap; The four pilgrims all meet a great ordeal
December 29-Chapter 66: Many gods meet injury; Maitreya binds a fiend
January 5-Chapter 67: Having rescued Tuoluo, Chan nature is secure; Escaping filthiness, the Mind of Dao is pure
January 12-Chapter 68: At Scarlet-Purple Kingdom the Tang Monk speaks of past eras; Pilgrim Sun performs on an arm broken in three places
January 19-Chapter 69: At night the Lord of the Mind refines medicines; At a banquet the king speaks of the perverse fiend
January 26-Chapter 70: The monstrous demon's treasures release smoke, sand, and fire; Wukong by stratagem steals the purple-gold bells
February 2-Chapter 71: By a false name Pilgrim defeats the fiendish wolf; In epiphany Guanyin subdues the monster-king
February 9-Chapter 72: At Cobweb Cave Seven Passions delude the Origin; At Purgation Spring Eight Rules forgets all manners
February 16-Chapter 73: Passions, because of old enmity, beget calamity; Demon-trapped, the Mind Lord with luck breaks the light
February 22-Chapter 74: Long Life reports how vicious the demons are; Pilgrim displays his transformation power
March 2-Chapter 75: Mind Monkey drills through the yin-yang body; Demon lords return to the true great Way
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