#Judy talks Finance (not really)
judyfromfinance · 1 year
You know the dumbest shit I’ve seen is “spam like = blocked”.
I never understood it. If somebody likes your work and you block them for it? Why even post it? I know it has something to do with like algorithms and some dumb shit but that just proves to me you care more about “analytics” and “trying to get popular” off your work. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but it doesn’t help your cause to look like cunt to people that like your art.
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throw back to when you said richard was smarter than henry. im not disagreeing w you but i /gen wanna know why you think that. bc most people in the fandom would say henry (mostly i think because his aesthetic). i personally have never really thought about it.
anon MULTIPLE reasons. MuLTiPlE-
richard was naturally smarter because he attended high school. why is that? henry dropped out in junior year i believe and that year is so darn crucial, you make most of your friends in that time, you become comfortable in your class, with your teachers and within your family at that point. like your real personality and image starts forming in that year. junior year defines your social status and even tho henry was richer, richard still attended high school which means he was just that more emotionally intelligent than henry.
henry was apolitical and socially unaware. richard being from the suburbs had really been a part of the world and not just been a passive observer, unbothered by shit going sideways around himself because his daddy had money. he is canonically a socialist in 80's capitalist usa that's insane, that means he had an understanding of finance and floating monetary systems which was basically being revolutionized in the 80's. the structure of the us economy was changing, there were socio-cultural revolutions going on, feminism, the end of the black panther party, marxist-leninism, over-consumerism, hippie culture, fucked up geopolitics and the sins of the american government, i could seriously go on about how politics must have fascinated him at that time.
also, can i just say that although he dropped out, richard did about a year and a half (i think?) of pre med, that means he had stem related aps in high school and he must've scored well in them as well as his sat to actually land a pre med college.
richard was actually good at greek, that was actually why julian let him in the class besides the fact that he was prettier than all them pretty bois in hampden.
he's actually the only person amidst all of them who realises that they are going insane.
he didn't want this life, he actually wanted to be successful in his life but every twenty-something person makes bad decisions.
he's not completely innocent, nope, but he's incredibly inquisitive and he has a way with people. like all of them tell him something that they wouldn't tell anyone had they not been like him. and yeah most of the fandom still thinks that they were trying to set him up for their crimes but there's a separate explanation for why i think that's not actually true and it's voiced by someone else i'll try to link that here.
richard is also indeniably loyal yet extremely shrewd. as i said earlier, he has a way with people and that's because he understands them and unconsciously his attitude changes towards them, making them naturally trust him. like judy and sophie instantly just trusted him to do shit for them and talked to him. like it was the 80's, every other normal guy was a serial killer but they never really gave a second thought about it. same was the case with francis. like ik francis can be a bit of a dummy but he sure as hell fell for richard's- idk- richard-ness.
he was kinda like this weird glue between the nerds and the rest of the college. like soon after richard joins college, the greek class starts interacting with people outside the group, like, sophie, judy, cloke, bram, jack, spike, laforgue, roland. like idt that they would've ever interacted with anyone but each other had richard not come into the picture and that just makes him like a little bit more of the human element in the group and i believe that indeed does make him smarter than not only henry but the rest of the class as well.
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teenmomcentral · 1 year
Catelynn Lowell‘s family feud rages on!
Just a week or so after Catelynn blasted her mom April, teen brother Nick and grandma Judi on social media, Nick released a new video directly addressing his sister— and revealing why he dislikes Cate’s husband, Tyler Baltierra.
Nick’s new video— which was posted to his YouTube channel on Wednesday— also defends April, and doubles down on the accusations he made last week about Ty and Cate taking their kids’ money, and about Tyler’s sexuality. 
“Last week my family— and all of our problems— went viral on social media after my sister leaked screenshots out of context, that [were] posted to her Instagram with nearly 5 million followers,” Nick begins his video.
He states that he said some things about his sister’s finances and about Catelynn’s husband Tyler Baltierra that he regrets. (Nick basically stated that Cate and Ty took money from their kids’ bank accounts to pay off their nearly $1 million tax debt. He also stated that Tyler has a boyfriend in Arizona.) 
While Nick said he regrets making those statements, he insists he was telling the truth.
“While I maintain that the things that I said were true, it wasn’t my place to talk about, so I wanted to start off this video by apologizing to my sister,” Nick said. 
Here’s a breakdown of some of the other topics Nick discussed in his video.
On why he doesn’t like Tyler & the person he says Catelynn’s become because of Tyler:
“I love my sister. I just don’t like who she’s become over the years, and I don’t blame her,” he said. “I want to make that very clear. The problem isn’t my sister, it’s the person she’s married to.”
“I used to love Tyler, but I feel like Tyler doesn’t like us and he’s never really tried to hide that. Recently, my feelings toward Tyler have changed. I don’t like Tyler because of the way he treats my sister.”
Nick then placed a few quick clips of Tyler insulting Catelynn’s weight (including the infamous “I don’t want no heifer for a wife” scene.) 
“I can’t and won’t respect a man who tells my sister that he’ll love her no matter what, then proceeds to call her a heifer; a person who says he doesn’t care how she feels, a person who would constantly drag her down about her weight, and make her cry herself to sleep,” Nick said. 
“She couldn’t even slice a pizza without Tyler telling her he’s afraid of how big she’ll get,” Nick said, adding that Tyler has allegedly made comments about how people with weight problems “disgust him.” 
“If he can say these things in front of MTV cameras, what does he say behind closed doors?”
“The truth is, I miss my sister. Well, the person that she used to be,” Nick added.
On fans’ claims that Nick & April use Catelynn for her money: 
Cate has banked literally millions in ‘Teen Mom’ cash over the years, but Nick insisted that, despite what people say, their family feud has nothing to do with money. 
“My mother and I have made our own money off of MTV and ‘Teen Mom’ and we have never, and will never, need her money,” Nick said. 
On Catelynn’s relationship with April:
Nick stated that the majority of the family’s issues are between Catelynn and April. (As The Ashley previously reported, Catelynn was angry last week that April drank while she was with Cate and Ty on their recent visit with their biological daughter, Carly. April’s drinking has caused a lot of problems between her and Cate over the years.) 
“I don’t like our mom being vilified when she had one beer when everyone else around her was drinking, which you know is a trigger for her,” Nick said. “Mom loves you, and your children. She even babysits them whenever you want her to. All she asks in return is for you to not vilify her on TV or social media. 
“She has done everything that she can to repair the relationship she once had with you that was ruined because of TV.”
“I love my mom and I’m so proud of all the progress she’s made over the years,” Nick said. “Was she a perfect mom? No. Does she have a lot of regrets when it comes to her children? Of course.”
Nick went on to say that, because she’s been on ‘Teen Mom’ for so long, it’s easy for fans to “villify” April without really knowing her.
“My mother used to struggle with mental health and depression. She has since pulled herself away from that,” he said. “So whenever I see someone trying to bully her, I take offense to that. My mom is literally my best friend, and I’ll go toe-to-toe with anybody for her, because she’s not the person that social media thinks she is. I wish you guys knew that.”
On Catelynn & Tyler’s claims that he stole from them:
At this point in the video, things get a bit weird.
Nick addresses Catelynn’s claim that Nick stole from her and Tyler. He states that he has never stolen from them, and that the item that was allegedly stolen from the Baltierra home was some sort of microphone.
Nick goes on to claim that he’s “95 percent innocent” of the theft crimes he’s been accused of. (Um…?) He then claims that he was “threatened by the person who stole it” at knifepoint (as you are…)
“I was told that if I ever told anybody about it, he would un-alive me,” Nick said. “He then forced me to text this guy and mess with him for about a month, which I stupidly did.”
“But when they accused me, I tried to tell them what actually happened, and even went out of my way to prove my innocence,” Nick continued. 
While he doesn’t reveal who the knife-threatening thief is, he does state that he’s allegedly someone who is related to Tyler.
Nick’s story gets wild, bringing in fake cops and lie-detector tests, naturally.
“[Tyler] convinced [Catelynn] that I was lying, and even went out of his way to make me look guilty,” Nick said. “First, a friend of theirs even impersonated a cop and interrogated me over the phone. And then they went out of their way to pay for a lie-detector test that came out inconclusive.” 
(Last week, Nick showed screenshots of texts allegedly between him and Catelynn that talked about the lie-detector test.) 
“I’ve never lied to my sister and I’ve never stole from her. To have something like this hanging over us to a degree where I’m not allowed to see my own niece hurts more than anything Tyler could say about me.”
Nick claimed he only made the video because he wanted Catelynn to see it, and she has blocked him from communicating with her other ways.
Cate and Ty have yet to publicly respond to Nick’s new video.
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trauma-express · 3 years
The Twin Tapes
Min and Ryan’s lifelong friendship and creative partnership disintegrates.
Alright first ep! Thoughts below:
This ep is mostly flashback, but I will try to see what I can pull from it.
Awww, Ryan and Min-Gi knew each other since they were kids!
The scene with little Ryan and Min-Gi trying to put on a concert... very relatable tbh, as someone with a big (extended) family it can be hard to get people to pay attention.
Gotta agree with Min-Gi though, Chicken Choice Judy is an odd name for a band. Wasn’t it a group writer Lindsay Katai was in though?
So Ryan and Min-Gi both wanted to go touring when they were younger... but it seems Min-Gi changed his mind and Ryan did not pick up on that. He just assumed that’s what Min-Gi still wanted. I don’t know if they just didn’t talk about it or Min-Gi didn’t want to tell him otherwise.
The scene where Min-Gi runs from the battle of the bands, I felt bad for both of them honestly. (And I saw Min-Gi’s blush at Ryan’s hug).
And then the parts where the tapes diverge was cool. I liked the effect of the road map and the diner door as they leave and come back together.
I wonder if Min-Gi is at all interested in  finance, or that is just what his parents want? We’ll see.
And Ryan... at least one break-up, although I don’t know about the first two girls. Issues similar to his relationship with Min-Gi? or maybe comphet? (I like the idea of him being bi)
I thought it was odd Ryan didn’t know about Min-Gi’s job, but it seems he was gone for... at least the majority of the summer if Min-Gi hadn’t left for Uni yet.
And the clip they aired, nothing new to say there really, they got on the Train.
But they got their number together and were in the same pod! Makes sense.
And hello young Amelia! This is a prequel after all! I guess she didn’t make her way to the engine with the idea of getting One-One’s spot and resurrecting Alrick, as it seems we see the seeds planted in this scene.
And  Jerk One theory confirmed! He really did say “grow or die”, huh
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booksandwords · 3 years
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall
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Read Time: 3 Days Rating: 4/5
The quote: "Oh Luc"—she gazed at me in disappointment—"you are so narrow-minded. Judy is my best friend. And when you have lived the kind of life have, you realise that the big sexy love is not the kind that really matters. Besides, I'm an older French lady If I want to get laid, I can." "Please stop. Just stop." "You were the one who wanted to know if you grew up in a secret lesbian fuck palace" — Oldie and Lucian O'Connell
Warnings: emotional abuse and some casually presented homophobia
I quite enjoyed this. I have always been a fan of the fake dating trope in fiction, the enemies-to-lovers with a twist helped too. The characters are wonderful and feel so, so real. They are human and flawed and don't behave in a way that is truly outrageous. The leading men Luc and Oliver are the sorts of complementary messed up people that you want them to work out. I will warn people though there are some moments of emotional abuse and some casually presented homophobia. This is directed at one of the protagonists (but not by the other protagonist). My sole complaint is in the ending. It ends in a really odd place. Like the author either wasn't entirely sure how to end it or maybe intended to write an epilogue and never got around to it.
It is worth noting that this is written in a single perspective, Luc's. At 28 Lucian O'Connell has lived his life in the spotlight, the son a reclusive songstress and a has-been from the 80s. It has taken a toll on his ability to cope with well everything. He works as a fundraiser for an obscure charity. Oliver Blackwell is a defence barrister. He's a vegetarian and an idealist. He comes across as cold and almost pretentiously intelligent at times. His family was more average than Luc's.  We are never in Oliver's head. They are both in need of partners in the short term. Luc needs to clean up his image to regain the respect and finances of high-end doners, Oliver needs a date for his parents' wedding anniversary. Luc is coded as gay, that is how he identifies. Oliver also identifies as gay, but if one wants to read it as such he could be read as a gay demiromantic of a form. Their relationship is set up by a mutual friend the slightly chaotic Bridget. The relationship is messy and in constant flux which is effective. The milestones in the relationship are not triggered by the moments I would have necessarily expected. There is a bigger focus on intimacy into a romantic connection rather than a sexual connection.
The support characters are made up of the work colleagues, friends and family of Luc and some of Oliver's connections. Each group has a totally different feel. Even Bridget who crosses between two groups while having the same character in both is different dynamically. Bridget is a maelstrom personified. But she is the best friend a person could ask for, she is loyal and will have an extended conversation at 2 am because of a personal crisis. I adored her. Miffy and Alex are just bizarre, I couldn't follow their thoughts most of the time. As is the point, they are shall we say unique. Oldie is Luc's mother a popular singer in the 80s she now lives in the town she raised Luc in really talking only to her best friend. Half French, half Irish she is hilarious. Due to her upbringing, speaking Gaelic and French, she sometimes struggles with her tenses and word choices. But other than that she is is funny anyway. The best minor cameo is undoubtedly Mia, she is so endearing. Not saying anything else because spoilers. All the characters feel distinct. Which is appealing in a book.
The random a note dump of randomness.
One of the recurring words is verisimilitude which I had never heard. The meaning: "the appearance or semblance of truth; likelihood; probability"
Some pop culture references the tumblr blog exists (but is not used for what it should be), Welcome to Nightvale, A Song of Achilles.
The term enfolding is such a visual word for a hug from behind.
"A lifetime of manipulating bullshit had taught me how exactly how I was supposed to behave here. I was allowed a brief flash of anger, then I'd cry, then he'd cry, then we'd hug, then the camera would pan out and all would be forgiven." (Lucian O'Connell, p73) — This is just a fantastic point we are all heavily manipulated by the media we consume.
Omg the ongoing Dick pic joke. It's unexpected and so good.
Luc and Oliver's first time is so well time and so well written. So much is felt to the imagination, as is only right. And Luc's take on it is perfect. But I think their first kiss may have been even better.
"Probably the most impressive thing I'd seen Oliver do that evening was look in no way surprised that Barbara Clench's husband was a six-foot, golden-haired Adonis, about ten years her junior, who seemed genuinely and mythically in love with her. It made no sense. She wasn't rich. But, y'know, what? Fair fucking play to her." (Lucian O'Connell, p340) — I laughed harder at this than was probably fair. Good for her.
Does submerging in bacon actually help it go crispy?
"Useful, dear, is for dogs and crescent wrenches. Friends and lovers should care for you even when your not a blind bit of good to anybody." (Sophie, p343) — This is a really pleasing statement. Friendship show be unconditional to a degree,
All the discussion about law at the dinner party.
Luc's trying to convince Sophie to donate to the charity was genius.
I can see why so many people who enjoy Red White and Royal Blue also enjoy this. There is something about their connections and character types that are just reminiscent. It feels like a new adult novel rather than an adult or young adult, it's definitely in that bridge area. The characters are nice, the plot is enjoyable. Even the problematic elements, which are in no way signposted, are used effectively in context. The writing just works. The dynamics between characters are truly enjoyable, with no two being the same. It is amusing at points and emotional at others always in the right places. But when it really comes down to it is what it says on the package, if that appeals to you, you likely won't be disappointed. My star rating drop is due to untagged triggering moments.
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thejoshuaglenn-blog · 3 years
You're a Good Boy, Charlie Brown
The key purpose of a Tumblr blog here is really a brain dump: logging thoughts, feelings, narrative and such is easier in long form than via a brief Facebook post that generates half a dozen "oh no, what happened" comments. As I'm writing this, most of it seems like bullet points and organized timelines. If you're looking for a TL;DR or current state of thoughts, it's the last section titled The Day After, and the Day After That.
A few days ago, Niko and I said goodbye to our first dog, Charlie Brown.
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I'm not keen to chat about it a lot. There's more to process than I have time to type; most of it centers around being fair to myself and to Niko, taking the time to appreciate his life without beating ourselves up, and avoiding the overwhelming mire that grief can become.
Joining the Family
CB was a rescue, a hapless victim of the 2016 Louisiana floods and a happy-go-lucky participant in a "dog for a day" event hosted by a local shelter. I fully expected to rent him out for a day, give him a few great experiences, and return him. For myriad reasons, we never did bring him back to Pet Rescue by Judy, and he's been with us ever since.
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At adoption, he was estimated to be around 4-8 years old. With a kicked-in shoulder that offset his collarbone and ribcage, some assorted dental issues, and other little signs of damage (cigarette burns, what the heck is wrong with people), it was tough to really gauge his age. That means he left this world at the ripe old age of something like 9-13, which isn't terrible considering all he'd been through.
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Charlie Brown was the iconic good boy. He seldom barked, he never licked or jumped, and just wanted to be in the same room as his favorite people. He had a few toys that he cherished, never ripping them up, just carrying them with him from room to room and whining a bit, unsure of where he could store them for safekeeping. Apart from some separation anxiety issues and an occasional urge to bolt out the door and book it as far as he could, CB was by all accounts an easy first dog: more like a low-effort cat than anything else.
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Slowly Falling Apart
Over time, the health issues increased. Intermittent but predictably regular upset tummy. Bad gums, bad teeth. Random gooey skin lesion. Eye ulcers. Since October, we've been averaging 2-3 unplanned vet visits a month — many incurring some hefty bills. We'd take out another credit card, find another financing plan, but it adds up. So does the emotional toil on the family; so does the anxiety toll on the dog.
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You start to think about quality of life for the dog, you know? He'd had a few teeth removed to sew up his gums after they kinda detached and fell apart from his jawbone — so he couldn't chew anything hard. Couldn't even chew a tennis ball, which was the only toy he took interest in anymore. Couldn't have any fun treats like peanut butter or other soft chews, as his tummy would have bad flare-ups that usually ended up with him attached to an IV bag. After finally settling in and learning to play well with Atlas, Charlie Brown started to get pretty irritable whenever Atlas got frisky.
He still loved running around outdoors, and was in otherwise great health.
I can't tell you how guilty that makes me feel, even now.
Moving to Waltham
Before we left Orlando, there were so many crisis moments in emergency vet offices where Niko and I talked about how long he could ride this roller coaster. CB obviously was not a fan of vet visits: loved the staff, but was notably anxious and panicky when separated from us, and he had grown very loathe to the process of poking, prodding, and whatnot.
Shortly after moving to Waltham (he was a champ in the U-Haul), Charlie Brown had a severe colitis flare-up. He was losing so much fluid and was growing very lethargic over the day. Vets are hard to get into these days: with the sweep of "pandemic puppy" adoptions, the vet industry as a whole is saturated with demand, and practices are responding as best they can. There were just no emergency clinics available to us within 20 miles, except one that noted "we have no availability, but you can come and wait, and we might be able to see you in 4 or 5 hours." So we did.
It was a very late night. Charlie Brown came home with us with another round of the same antibiotics he'd been taking almost regularly since December for his assorted ailments, and some probiotics. The next day, CB seemed a bit better and brighter, and Niko and I went into the city for part of the day. We came home to find he'd had an accident, but it was just... blood. So so much. And he looked so in pain, so ashamed, so guilty, so anxious.
So we went back to the vet ER. It was another very late night. I didn't know how many of these late nights we could afford; neither of us knew how many of these late nights it was fair to expect Charlie Brown to endure.
Do you plan on letting a pet go after an extended crisis visit? Do you plan on letting a pet go in a time of relative peace?
Camping Analogy, and a Best Last Day
When you're off on a long hike, and you see daylight start to fade as the sun begins to set, you begin to think about finding a good place to set up camp for the night. It's abysmal to do this after the sun has already gone down: where you could have had preparation and structure, you have chaos by flashlight.
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A dog's life is in your hands. You're his whole world: all food, adventure, pampering, challenge, treatment, and care come from you. More than anything, we wanted Charlie Brown to have a peaceful, restful life. Now that we started thinking about it, we wanted to be able to give him a peaceful, restful passing as well: not as the climax of another overnight crisis with injections and yelps and beeps and cowering and anxiety and fear, but in the still quiet of familiar sounds and smells.
His very last day was a great one. Fresh Pond in Cambridge: a massive stroll around a colossal lake with an absurd bounty of new smells, kind people, happy dogs, and a brisk New England breeze. He got to swim in a little side pond — that boy lived for jumping into random lakes. He ran around the broad field that is Kingsley Bowl, chasing a thrown ball the very very farthest his sad pop could throw it — and he brought it back. We bought him a steak. We told him how much he brought to our lives.
And then we waited.
Lap of Love is a sort of home delivery service of dignified passing for pets. There's more to say on that hour than I care to pen, but throughout the procedure, we never left him. Charlie Brown passed enveloped in our arms and laps and sobs and hugs.
The Day After, and the Day After That
The rest is just thoughts. Your head starts to feel like a coffee shop where your grief comes in, sits at a table with you, and unloads. You nod, listen, and wish them well. I hope I can keep processing this way — I find it helpful, and less overwhelming.
I wish he had been able to play with his tennis ball more. Since his jaw surgery — even out on Kingsley Bowl, nearly a month and a half after he should have been fully healed — any kind of chewing would cause renewed bleeding and pain.
I wish we had hugged him more. But truth be told, he didn't like hugs. They made him uncomfortable. So we gave him a hand to lay his head on, or a knee for him to pop his head upon, as often as he liked.
There were so many times I felt inconvenienced by owning a dog at all. They weren't the majority, but... now each remembered time feels like a splinter of selfishness.
I miss how familiar the back of his neck felt under my hand, just behind the ears, where the waves of fur meet and crash and make a long cowlick of foof and fluff.
His happy smile and his stressed smile were very similar, but you could still tell which was which.
I loved being there for him in thunderstorms.
When you think about it, we sort of were hospice care for him. We weren't his original owners; we just wanted the rest of his life to be painless and fulfilling. He had so many trust issues when he first came to us. And in the end, he loved anyone he met.
I miss feeling around with my feet to make sure I don't step on him on my way to bed. I miss setting my feet on the floor as I wake, stooping down, and giving his head a good squishy rub.
He never did get to see Boston snow. I mean... thousands of dogs never get to see snow. But I was really looking forward to sharing that experience with him.
I wanted so badly to bring him to a point of health, and then say goodbye when he was feeling well. Seeing him have his Best Last Day, part of me whispered "murderer" with cold accuracy, and I have a hard time shaking it. He was so happy — but between jaw bleeding after playing with a tennis ball, seeing him scratch his eyes that were starting to ache with ulcers again... I know the unbridled happiness came with the reality of his declining health.
Atlas was the best thing that ever happened to that boy. I know Charlie Brown was at least a little disgruntled that his easy-going day-to-day had been interrupted by a chompy puppy, but Atlas brought out the young pup in CB: ripping palm fronds to shreds, playing tug, playing tag, meeting new dogs with confidence and assurance.
I used to get so mad at my mother-in-law for feeding Charlie Brown cinnamon donuts. I wish I'd given him more. Heck, I wish I'd given him more peanut butter. I'm frankly surprised he hadn't died of peanut butter overdose years ago.
Where Charlie's health had limits, we kept going with Atlas. That might mean taking Atlas out to play with a ball or a tug toy, because CB couldn't. It breaks my heart now to think of Charlie at the glass door just watching it happen, all because he physically couldn't play the same. I know he didn't understand that.
We took him out to Park Ave maybe once or twice. I wish it had been more. Truth be told, it was the same as the dog park, though: he was kind of a loner. Loads of people or dogs made him anxious. So while I might idealize the past and wish he had sat at our legs for lunch after lunch at an outdoor thoroughfare, ... I think he would have been miserable. I think he would have rather just curled up at the base of the couch and dozed while we watched a show.
He was so trusting. I could just drag him onto his back and onto my lap for cuddles and a good tummy rub. No complaints.
He looked so gaunt these past few months. I keep looking at earlier photos, and I really didn't realize just how grizzly and drawn he had become lately.
I miss seeing him randomly waiting for me outside the bathroom door — or curled up on the bath mat while I was in the shower, having sneakily nosed the door open and wanting my company while I was rinsing.
For his first few years with us, he was incredibly playful. I've been going through old videos — it's like going outside just blew his mind, and toys were either for cherishing daintily, or thrashing about and throwing to oneself and gnawing. He lost that after a time. He regained it a bit when Atlas joined the party. But it still faded. I'm sure that's inevitable, but it makes me sad to see the early vibrant puppy in those old recordings, and how different he had been in recent months.
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judyfromfinance · 11 months
Question for the people that follow me and like me at least a little.
If I post some of my clay art would you guys
1) Like it
2) Be willing to buy it
Money is hard to come by and I need all the help I can get. So just let me know if you’d like to see that sorta thing from my blog on your dash and I guess we’ll go from there?
Maybe I should make an Etsy but I have no idea how to start. 😭
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection - 17
108: Nov 5
MM ANON …… A prospective congressional candidate ……caLiforniA voting …… bankrolled by Bubba…… 🎼” ain’t nobody Straight in LA”🎼…… Nov.14th , liftoff !! …… “ don’t come back, general consensus ma’am”. //… “ William’ you’ll love the break darling “…… “ 🦄can I come daddy, pleeeeeez!!”…… “bring me back a 🦎”…… “ Well, rather you than me squidgy” …… “ I’m reading these balcony jokes old thing” ……” 🤣🤣 Philip, look at this one ‘ wicked!!”… “make it there problem, it’s her decision “ … “Ad Nauseam.
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
November 5/2019 Riddle #108 1050 hrs CST
A prospective congressional candidate
Rumours abound of madam seeking elected office in America once she leaves the U.K. Isn’t this marvellous, we are at the point of realistically talking about her being gone!!🤣🤣🤣😂😂😁😁😁😁🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😁😁😊😊😊😊!
She certainly has the nonsense speak to be a politician. However, in this digital age, this madam has more secrets hidden that anyone else that l 🔒 🔐 can think of. In America there is no relationship between the media and elected officials to embargo news or comply with the request of the Palace to not run certain stories. At least l don’t think there are. Every little inconsequential and massively consequential behaviour, hobbies, financial “borrowing “ from foundations allegedly, charging for appearances, not reporting income to the IRS, the Internal Revenue Service THAT oversees the tax system in America. Good luck Rachel! Oh yes, ah, there is that pesky little matter of manipulation to marriage allegedly, ⚖️ Treasonous crimes, allegedly, violating the “of the body”law allegedly and a long long list of other possible illegalities, ALLEGEDLY!!
caLiforniA voting
LA, Los Angeles, California is where madam allegedly hails from. Might this be where she has voted, or has she ever even voted? I wonder if she ever has because that would entail her having to think about something and someone other than herself. If she does run for Congress, seems that would be where. The left leaning celebrity driven politics in that state are in her wheelhouse. We have had celebrities, public allegedly lie for and about her. EDG talked about visiting the Sussexes at FC, feeding baby Archie and how much red hair he has, SERIOUSLY PINOCCHIO??SERIOUSLY?? You going to stick with that story??🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🧐🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥, GC, OW , HRC all chimed in.
bankrolled by Bubba
On twitter, archificial is bubs or bubba but a doll cannot bankroll anything. Bubba is Bill Clinton’s nickname. Are we to surmise, MM ANON, that she will be a paid candidate on behalf of the Clintons. This is unbelievable! But London Scoop warned two years ago, down is up, up is down, wet is dry, dry is wet. Her backers are very very obvious now in who they are! Get rid of any conservative Christian values, let the top 1% keep their trillions and manage the worlds money. The Commonwealth is quite a spanner in the mix isn’t it? This is scary stuff kids!!
🎼” ain’t nobody Straight in LA”🎼
Song by The Miracles, content of the lyrics is all about the prevalence of homosexuality in Los Angeles. Who is this referring? Doria?? I know she has a partner, but l don’t know if male or female. Is this pornography? Has madam done videos of this nature? Might this be the excuse she uses to leave the marriage, that she finally has “woke” to who she really is as a woman and is gay? I hope none of this comes across as homophobic, that’s is not my intention💜. Madam just poisons anything and everything!
Nov.14th , liftoff !!
Liftoff usually means a 🚁 helicopter or a spaceship 🚀 taking off! I am spinning that around! BIG TIME! Is November 14th the day the palace will liftoff the hold on the media 📰 and tell them go ahead DM print that million dollar dossier you have been sitting on for two years. Let the media explode the headlines with each and every bit of alleged filth, evidence, alleged misdeeds, financial and others!
“ don’t come back, general consensus ma’am”. //
LG telling HMTQ, if/when madam goes to L.A. or wherever for her six week break/ American Thanksgiving, the consensus, the agreement or majority opinion is she SHOULD NEVER COME BACK!!! All in favour, raise your hand!!!! Oh l see some people raising both hands, up that’s ok😁😁😁😁😁😁
“ William’ you’ll love the break darling ““ 🦄can I come daddy, pleeeeeez!!””bring me back a 🦎”
I have not read this or heard but l am going to suggest something. Prince Harry will have six weeks leave after RS, madam will be going to America, or so it seems just now, l don’t know where archificial will be. I wonder if the brothers are going somewhere to be together, spend time, talk over the horrors of the past two years. Maybe to Balmoral, hunting, fishing, drinking 🍺, just 😎 chilling out!! Prince William is going to Kuwait and Oman December 1 - 4/2019, the first week in December. I can hardly see this as a break but it will be away from the stress and truly with as it seems madam has been all but dealt with and contained, it would be a break! Sounds like our shy, 😁quiet😁 Princess Charlotte🤣🤣😂😂🤣, wants to go along! Prince George continues his love of all things reptilian 🦎 and wants a reptile brought back as a souvenir.
“ Well, rather you than me squidgy”
Way back when, there were the squidgy tapes. Anybody remember those? Anybody remember cassette tapes even??🤣🤣😂😂. Secret recordings privacy of Princess Diana and her lover who referred to her by that name. Squidgy can also mean soft, wet, something that when you squeeze it, it can change shape, like play-doh. According to the urban dictionary has a meaning that l refuse to type or share! I think this is Prince Charles and Camilla discussing her appearance on the 7th of November with Prince Harry YES HE IS ROYAL NOT NOT NOT A COMMONER🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 and madam. The Duchess of Cornwall is the Patron of The Poppy Factory . They will visit The Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey. It will be very very interesting if madam shows and what she wears and how she behaves, or make that, misbehaves. We know she has no respect for The Fallen or anyone else except SELF!! Charles is joking with her saying better you than me having to spend time with madam!! I LOVE visualizing these conversations!
“ I’m reading these balcony jokes old thing” 🤣🤣 Philip, look at this one ‘ wicked!!”
My favourite it is, but you are all tired of it by now but, 🔥 firelight, relaxing clothes, 📺 on, cocktails 🍸, relaxing time talking. PP is very much enjoy the lampooning nature of the political comics with various drawings of madam and how she will look 👀 in a cartoon version on the balcony🤣🤣🤣😂😂. Don’t you just love political cartoons? At one time, a cartoonist was murdered when he did a cartoon of a head of a certain religion, so there is a limit on what’s prudent. He points out one, l think l saw one similar, of madam portrayed as a witch! Wicked is a stage play about the witch characters from the classic film, with the gorgeous Judy Garland, The Wizard of Oz!
“make it there problem, it’s her decision “
Regarding having a VISA to return to England, l know you have to return to your home country every certain number of months, l have no idea what or where her VISA status is at. So if she goes to America, will she be allowed to return? Sounding like they are letting the staff at the airport deal with her. It’s also her decision if she wants to return to the U.K.
“Ad Nauseam.
Ad nauseam from the Latin, means one is repeated something verbally or by action, like pounding a door, so often that it has become endlessly annoying or tiresome.
Madam making endless demands over and over and over. Pleads over and over and over. Don’t make me attend anything public, l can’t do it please, please, please. Ad Nauseam. I think the phrase Ad Nauseam perfectly describes the general feeling towards madam just now, although l would argue there are stronger adjectives some would use.
November 5/2019 1210 hrs CST
What fun…..thank you dear PG…so appreciated…..😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Skippy submission
109: Nov 6
MM ANON ………” the pest is fleeing the rented nest” SO-HO HO HO !!!………”🎼” don’t give me that do goody good bullshit”🎼…… I’ll catch him , you talk him round” …… “ don’t be naive, it’ll be longer than 6weeks.”……… “I’ve got a cunning plan”………… Mmmm’ money but NOT title!!…… “ the Privy Purse won’t finance that”. …… “ I’ll have a chat with the LCJ, ol’ Netty will fix it.”…… “ done and dusted darling”. …… 🎼” we’ve already said “ so long”🎼………🎼” With a Little help from my friends”🎼. Amen!!
November 6/2019 1115 hrs CST Riddle #109
” the pest is fleeing the rented nest” SO-HO HO HO !!!
Well, madam is done, leaving. She has been kipping at SoHo, probably worn out her welcome!😁🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 Never to return!! The Ho stayed at SoHo🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣! This is bloody fan-diddly-tastic!!!😁
”🎼” don’t give me that do goody good bullshit”🎼
MM ANON taking us back to Money Pink Floyd! Yep all about money, living the highlife, not having done anything of consequence for it, except wrong things, violence even. Madam is DEFINITELY not a goody good! I am so excited, l am trying to type so fast! Forgive any of my usual typing errors!
I’ll catch him , you talk him round” “ don’t be naive, it’ll be longer than 6weeks.”“I’ve got a cunning plan”
Like William and Catherine, maybe more intimate family discussing rehab for Harry after this horrific tour of duty of unprecedented nature and length of time. Sounds like they will have him come for that tagliatelle recipe of Catherine’s. I wonder if l could be invited? Anyhow, the length if time in rehab varies, depending on any medical issues and what substances need to be weaned off of. It’s harrowing. After medically stable, 90 days is a usual. They have a plan, all done out of love. Harry has PTSD from losing his mum, his military service and worst of all, this assault on him and his body, mind and soul. He is going to need a lot of love and l know he has that in spades. Harry, l never doubted you, NOT ONE SECOND!! You have been daily in my prayers 🙏🏻, it will continue as you rehab, recover, get your bearings back and start a whole new wonderful life!
Mmmm’ money but NOT title!!
So dealio here is, she will get some sort of financial settlement in the divorce but NO MORE HRH , NO MORE DUCHESS! She can return to her title of evil succubus! Anything to be rid of her and no title!I LOVE THIS! Guys, this is REALLY HAPPENING!! After RD she is gone, and the shit will hit the fan when the media starts printing all their dossiers that they have sat on for TWO YEARS!! Next week is going to be AWESOME!!! God bless you LG and your entire team!!
“ the Privy Purse won’t finance that”
Prince Charles is in charge of doling out money to various royal family members. It’s called the Privy Purse. So they won’t finance any settlement?? Her private jet? I think to be rid of her likely yes. Maybe it’s her divorce lawyers fees? Or some stupid demand she’s making, never ending yammering woman!
“ I’ll have a chat with the LCJ, ol’ Netty will fix it.”…
PP is long long time friends with the LCJ, Lord Chief Justice, Ian Barrett, Baron Burnett of Maldon. This was in a riddle a long time ago. Sounds like PP will speak with him and sort out this aggressive attack against the palace by ABC regarding PA. PP will set things to order with Netty aka Baron Burnett
“ done and dusted darling”.
Done and dusted, meaning everything is done, sorted, over and out, sayanora, goodbye, move along folks nothing to see here, you get the idea!🤣🤣🤣😂😂 l am giddy l am so happy about this!!😁😁😁😁😁😁🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 prayers answered, thank you dear Heavenly Father🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. Madam is done, her stranglehold is no more! Two more appearances, tomorrow and RS, if she shows! Then forever out , she will NEVER EVER EVER BE ALLOWED ENTRY IN THE U.K. AGAIN EVER!! She will be on a watchlist so she cannot sneak back for whatever nefarious reason she might have!
🎼” we’ve already said “ so long”🎼
Closing song from the Carol Burnett show, remember that? I’m so glad we had this time together, just to share a laugh and sing a song, seems we just got started and before you know it, it’s time to say so long. The only lyrics that apply are so long, but l was singing as l was typing. Remember she dressed up as a frumpy maid with the mop and bucket as she sang? Oh l am over the moon excited! HMTQ looked STUNNING today in the bright ROYAL PURPLE and gorgeous brooch. She was DEFINITELY sending a message, l am the Queen, l Reign and the Crown has won! 🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻 GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
…🎼” With a Little help from my friends”🎼. Amen!!
I love this song, l’ll get by with a little help, this is our Harry. He will and is surrounded by loving family, can reconnect with all his close mates that he was forced to shut out. He will be just fine, in face more than fine. He is so well loved and everyone will be so glad to see that woman gone! As we used to say, let the door know hit you where the good Lord split you🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂 BYE RACHEL!!!
November 6/2019
1200 hrs CST
This sounds great! Exciting days ahead….I have more I would love to say, it can’t because don’t want her to know….thank you PG this is great! Thank you for doing this much appreciated….and you MM Anon thank you for sending in these fantastic riddles! 😊💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
110: Nov 7
MM ANON …… Royal blue class…… navy blue @ss……… royal winning ……… smug grinning …… “ a quiet word in your shell-like Harry, she embarrassed you”…… “Sunday night ma’am, alone!!”…… Royal Trinity …… 🎼” leaving on a jet plane , don’t know “🎼……… “Exeter airport, not far from Babington ma’am”……”What!! a brotherly tour LG?”…… SANDRINGHAM sand pit…”one disaster at a time,old thing”……” Melania has royal discretion Philip”…… “ God knows Philip, money?”…… “whatever’ but not in bloody black and white “
Prayers for mr🐼 and our dear 🐼🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
November 7/2019 2250 hrs CST Riddle #110
Royal blue class…… navy blue @ss……… royal winning ……… smug grinning
Appearances today at various Remembrance ceremonies. Catherine looked stunning in her Royal blue. Might l suspect a pregnancy just based oh how very tired she looked or is it just all the crap with madam etc, plus having three children. She looked every bit the Royal Duchess and future Queen she is. She carries herself with this innate elegance, you cannot buy nor fake it. She was, as always, stunningly beautiful.
Madam on the other hand, oh where do l start. Copycat massive wig, trying to match Catherine’s gorgeous hair. Coat half open, a coat not fit for the occasion. Fake hair covering the poppy. Boots?? Really?? And that constant blanking smug look and emu attitude, this too one cannot buy, it’s her innate sense of entitlement. She’s just so inappropriate!!
“ a quiet word in your shell-like Harry, she embarrassed you”
Someone offering Harry support for the way madam behaved today. He even had to tell madam, or rather signal to her to close her legs as she was again standing as if she were going to straddle something! Poor Harry. Harry had to quietly signal this to her. He looked so official and outstanding in his dress uniform!, doing his duty today, ignoring her keeping focused yet a side eye monitoring her behaviour. He was in his own shell, focusing on the solemnity of the occasion and sick and tired of being tethered to her. Almost done Harry, Sunday she’s gone!!
“Sunday night ma’am, alone!!”
Madam will get on the plane and leave the U.K. FINALLY AND PERMANENTLY! Pending possible alleged treason or charges. No RPO, no security, no one to carry her bags, ALONE!!!😁
Royal Trinity
Without a doubt, Prince William, Duchess Catherine and Prince Harry. They will resume where they were before madam came onto the scene. Harry will need time to recover but getting back to being Royal and amongst people who love him will go great lengths. The people will be so glad to see madam gone, Harry will soar in popularity, the love for him will soar.
🎼” leaving on a jet plane , don’t know “🎼……… “Exeter airport, not far from Babington ma’am”
Great old song, l used to play this on the piano and sing a lot. Don’t know when I’ll be back again, oh babe l hate to go, YEAH RIGHT RACHEL! You’re happy as a pug in a sty to be getting out of England! Exeter is a city east if London l think, sounds like her alleged private jet to L.A. will be leaving from there.
”What!! a brotherly tour LG?”
Sounds like, remember a previous riddle where l interpreted William and Harry may take some time at Balmoral to hunt, fish etc, celebrate madam being gone. The. Cambridge children wanted to go, remember? Well it sounds like LG has a smashing idea to show the solidity of the brothers relationship and help Harry readjust, the two boys, l call them goys in my head, the two Princes May do a few appearances/occasions together. Banner idea LG, banner l say!!!!
Sandringham is where the Royal family goes to enjoy their family Christmas time. Catherine, despite having been with William for years was not invited until after they married. Somehow, and it perplexed many of us, madam was included before she and Harry wed. Sand pit can be a sand pit to play in or it can be a metaphor for sink ing in quicksand, burying things in a sandpit, keep things buried like secrets etc. I wonder what madam did there, did she go in areas she wasn’t meant to? What is the secret from the sandpit there?
”one disaster at a time,old thing”” Melania has royal discretion Philip”“ God knows Philip, money?”…… “whatever’ but not in bloody black and white “
HMTQ and PP, gorgeous relaxing evening clothes, today l picture her in velvet of a purple colour, and a lovely throw over her knees of a lovely plaid wool. The 🔥 fireplace is full, warm and crackling, can you feel it? So cosy and warm. PP is wearing black, cozy wooden sweater. Sharing cocktails 🍸, maybe some cream caramel for PP. he was hankering first some the other night. Close time, talking over the concerns they share. PP is reassuring her, one crisis at a time, madam and yet another attack on the royal family through PA. I truly think that was the original plot but the backers couldn’t get through.This is a decade or more long plot to destroy the Monarchy. This is only what we know, IMAGINE all that has happened that is top secret!!! As earlier riddle said Melania Trump has had foul things printed about her that were lies, she sued and won! So seating her next the Harry at the NATO banquet will be very appropriate!
They are talking about something madam has done or will be doing, possibly politics and pondering if her motifs money. Well that’s her motive for every filthy thing she has ever done so…,likely YES!
Talking about a family portrait for Christmas, again mantis previous riddle. PP funny, a blithe attitude but tired of madams black and white photos, 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂, only colour portrait!
November 7/2019 2345 hrs
I absolutely love how you turn the riddle into exciting tales! One can so easily visualize the scenario. Thank you so much, so appreciated….good times are coming!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy
111: Nov 9
MM Anon
MM ANON … beyond the bathrobe..…hit the spot(not)…never on a Sunday …… 🎼Sun-day my Prince will come🎼…LA Confidential …… morning TV. …… The Late shows …… “And now a surprise guest ‘Princess Megan and Prince Archie”…… “And now a word from her sponsor”…… A Meg-a endorsement … “you can have my jet”…… please!! a little decorum”…… Who’me
November 9/2019 1630 hrs CST, Riddle #111
beyond the bathrobe
Well madam attended the The Poppy Factory Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey with Harry on Thursday , Camilla was dr ordered to bed with a chest infection. Now that was odd because Wednesday she had an appearance and tonight she was there. I think she just was not well enough to deal with the unpredictable madam!! She wore a boucle fabric coat by her favourite, Canadian company Sentaler, boy l bet they wish she would STOP!! The nature of the fabric and style of the coat really had the appearance of a cozy bathrobe, certainly nothing near appropriate for such a solemn occasion. As a matter of fact, the hooker boots, massive amount of makeup, FALSE eyelashes, weird belt etc etc shall l go on? I think we all agree! For the longest time she has loaded on the bronzer especially in Africa. We have been told repeatedly she likes the natural look and her freckles aka she doesn’t have any decent makeup nor money to buy. Wow was she decked out on Thursday! I just cannot get over false eyelashes which l don’t fancy anyway, but the smug face at this solemn occasion, she never fails to fail. That cross of hers was like a child had stamped it, VERY clear which two were royal and hers was not. Then there were the games of her not standing where she was directed too, at one point Harry had to motion to her and at another point she stood so close that HE had to move to take the salute at last post. If he hadn’t moved his elbow would have smashed her in the face. Wow did he look and do well. I love how the papers said he was so protective of her🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. Watching her was more like it, so she would behave! Huge wig, l could go on and on.
hit the spot(not)
As above, l should have included this, she was told where to stand, then moved, Harry had to signal to her. After she put her cross in, she returned standing too close et etc etc. Never hit the spot she was meant to be standing. Surely madam would not purposely do that would she???🙄🙄🙄🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
.never on a Sunday
Old song called never ever on a Sunday, Petula Clark. I always thought she was the prettiest girl ever. This song is all about loving, no loving on a Sunday because that’s her day of rest, used to be Sunday was the day of rest, was it really? For some l guess, farmers never, nurses, ambulance, firefighters, police, factory works and on and on. Well Sunday is madams last royal performance, off to America after that! Hallelujah?? No loving for her tomorrow, or any other day. People just are so beyond sick of her and her behaviour. Tomorrow bye bye Rachel. Get on that sweet old airliner and fly to L.A. l have no doubt Justice will catch up. BUT at least with her gone, the Royal family especially Harry is done with her filthy smug presence.
🎼Sun-day my Prince will come🎼
The Sun, what will they be printing in tomorrow’s edition??? This song is from Disneys animated classic Snow White. Someday my prince will come, she sings it awaiting her true love, as all the old Disney cartoons ended. Sunday is madams last day for an appearance with Harry!!! My he has conducted himself so well at these services!! I am still waiting madly for liftoff day, the 14th!! I used to tell this lame joke, all my jokes are lame🤣🤣🤣😂😂 but here it is. What did Snow White do while waiting for her pictures to be developed?(oh you have to be old enough to remember when we had to mail our thingy from the camera to process our film and a week or two later we got our photos! Does anyone else remember that?) Anyhow back to Snow White, whilst waiting she sings SOMEDAY MY PRINTS WILL COME,,🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣Lame, l told you😁
LA Confidential
This is a fantastic modern, well 90’s version of a classic film noir, excellent movie. More to the point here, it is a magazine about the goings on in L.A. etc. Has madam got a tell all interview planned for her return home? I wonder how much she is going to charge for that? Lies, lies, and more lies. Lies infinity!
morning TV. …… The Late shows …… “And now a surprise guest ‘Princess Megan and Prince Archie”…
Yes, l have no doubt she will be raking in the money making appearances. Probably GK morning show, plus ABC morning show that attacked Prince George for taking ballet and the Palace, madam will be going for the jugular. She will be on home turf, and she will lie more than you have seen up till now! There are a bunch of late night chat shows in America, l am certain she will do the rounds. Introducing herself as Princess🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮, how is she going to come up with Archie??? That should be very very interesting. We KNOW she will be on EDG (Ellen de Generes )show, liar also.
And now a word from her sponsor”
This in old time radio and tv, is how they used to announce the ads, usually the radio shows had one sponsor. This may mean madam will be do some adverts. I think more likely, some big name ie GC, AC, BC, HRC, OW etc etc will come crawling out of the woodwork, supporting her publicly and quite like financially as well. People at this level could make all her IRS problems disappear!!
A Meg-a endorsement
Mega means huge! Meg is short for madam.So l am assuming or interpreting that BO, MO, HRC, BC, one or all will raise from the swamps and announce an endorsement of her for some sort of political office. This is far far FAR FROM OVER kids!
“you can have my jet”
Someone is giving her their jet. Is this just to get her out of England? I don’t think so. I think this is one of her backers, in this scheme, who will now switch to backing her us U.S. politics giving her their jet to use to travel about, make appearances, politic nature and likely endorse her as well. I sure hope Lady Justice wins here because if she is swimming politically with these big fish, she’s untouchable! How scary is this? I have contemplated writing your president because he will definitely be attacked by this cabal and her! Of this l have no doubt!
please!! a little decorum”…… Who’me
The dress she wore tonight was a repeat of the red/auberguine she wore at OYW at Windsor Castle. Huge open neck, barely a spot to pin her poppy, not that she cared. That dress was so unflattering. Decorum and madam do not go hand in hand. She has no manners, respect, elegance etc. Then when challenged she bats her false eyelashes who me??🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄. No respect for the fallen, none. The amount of time she kept her head sort of bowed after she placed her cross was so fast, if you blinked, you would have missed it! But kids let’s take heart she will be gone. Don’t watch American news, l really pray ⚖️ is done.
November 9/02019 1745 hrs. CST
Thank you! Looks like she thinks she will be successful in the US! Oh her backers have an agenda…..I am so relieved she is moving on….don’t fret US….she will face justice….she just doesn’t believe it. Thank you so much PG! Awesome job once again.😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Skippy submission
112: Nov 10
MM ANON …… game,set and lies…… “ that royal DR conversation actually took place “……… game, set And Siberia …… William isn’t enamoured …… “Bare legs, ever ready Rachel “🤣🤣🤣🤣………”So-Ho hook-up?? really”……… “the RPO HAS to keep quiet!!! …… “ a scandal to far old thing “…… “ pray it stays!!”…… “extra protection , NO , let her pay!!”……… “ her little friends ‘ it’s a called a sleepover William “ …… “Yes,Edward and Sophie “…… “wheels up ma’am ,… thank god LG
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
November 10/2019 Riddle #111 1320 hrs CST
May I first say how gorgeous HMTQ, Catherine, Sophie all of them, the boys in their dress uniforms, amazing! Tears from HMTQ we’re for a multitude of reasons and to see Catherine lean in , l assume to ask if she was alright was the most amazing photo!
game,set and lies
Game, set, lies, in tennis it’s game set, match. Everything throughout this entire ordeal with this woman has been a game and full of lies. I do not think she would know what truth is, if she spoke it or lived it she might self-combust!
“ that royal DR conversation actually took place “
DR could be dining room, Doris Ragland, Divorce rules, . A royal conversation could mean a heated conversation or quite literally involving royalty. I know last Christmas there were rumours that Doria Ragland was invited to Sandringham for Christmas, but she did not attend. Then it was put down as gossip. Is this what MM ANON is referring to? But why now?
game, set And Siberia
Games on the balcony, remember TTC??? Well madam was on a separate balcony at the Foreign and Commonwealth Trade building today called the Siberian balcony. Actually quite funny, but not. In Russia, or the previous USSR, people who were unliked for various reasons, protesting or various other political reasons were sent to the gulags in Siberia. It’s the harshest, coldest environment. So appropriate that symbolically, HMTQ ha her be on the Siberian balcony!
William isn’t enamoured
What is this regarding the sleepover that Princess Charlotte wants? It’s not next to that clue, so l think it’s something else.
Well he obviously has never been enamoured with madam, does he have concerns about how she left? This clue confuses me in that there are so many possibles. Maybe he thinks madam should have flown commercial, but the private jet was part of the negotiation to get rid of her.
“Bare legs, ever ready Rachel “🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wore boots on Thursday even though she was told to wear tights/pantyhose. Naked legs at the dress evening last night and l am assuming a repeat today. Continues her big finger up to HMTQ. Why be different now?
”So-Ho hook-up?? really “the RPO HAS to keep quiet!!! …… “ a scandal to far old thing ““ pray it stays!!”
My goodness who did she hook up with? The RPO knows, saw all and must be kept quiet. Must be something huge if it’s a scandal too far and must be kept quiet. Good heavens, might explain where her new clothes have come from. Whoever she hooked up with, must be very wealthy, famous and something that must be kept quiet! Wow madam never misses a chance to sin does she? I am not going to say who l think it might be but l certainly have a very strong suspicion!
“extra protection , NO , let her pay!!”
No protection, she can pay for her own after the ceremonies today. No RPO to go with her to America. She will have to look after herself but l am quite certain she already has that handled. Wild cats like her know how to scrape and scratch for what they want. HMTQ is very clear in what she is saying, refusing extra protection and that she can pay for any regular protection out there in the big bad world.
“ her little friends ‘ it’s a called a sleepover William “
Sounds like little Princess Charlotte and her friends are keen to have a sleepover! Oh those were such fun! I would love to be a fly on the wall. I know how my six year old niece runs her family🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. Little girls with strong personalities have a way of doing that. I love it!!
“Yes,Edward and Sophie “…… “wheels up ma’am ,… thank god LG
Countess Sophie was previously scheduled to visit New York and Toronto this week, solo. Now l wonder if Edward will fly with her and madam will be supervised by them to make sure she deplanes in New York! What a rude awakening that will be. No security, on her own, unless whoever the nig wig she hooked up with at SoHo is footing her bills. Madam is very adept at that. Wheels up, means the jet has taken off. SHE IS GONE!!! Thank God LG, HMTQ very relieved.
Now l picture, the family, in their own ways celebrating that this day has finally come! HMTQ and PP, we look in, again we see, the 🔥 blazing, warm and crackling, the scent and feel of the flames instant comfort. Lovely evening dress, pondering the memories revisited today, intertwined with the hell of the war with madam and her backers. Suddenly cream caramel for two arrives along with special cocktails 🍸. They toast one another to have survival yet another war. 🥂 Cheers to you both! God bless you both.
November 10/2019 1415 hrs CST
I thought this day would never come. Congratulations and a million thanks to LG and his team!!
Thank you dear PG….I wonder when the articles coming out will start saying she is in the US? Or will she continue to play…gaslighting is her favourite PR strategy….but we know…she is gone. Thank you PG great job….always appreciated…🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜
113: Nov 11
MM ANON …… “H’ phone Oprah , NOW!!…… “ we’ll stay with SW for a while”…… “ my mother’s already here”. ……… “ Lottie’ tell your little friends to stop jumping on the bed.” …… BREAKFAST!!…… “ OK’ who’s for sticky maple syrup and waffles?”…… Charlotte!!!! behave. …… “ We’re outnumbered George!!”……”NANNY HELP!, …… “Wait and see,ma’am, wait and see!!”…… “yes, my friends in the service!!”… The banquet would be a good time. ……Embroil him in duties to his regiment ……’seven for a secret never to be told
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
MADAM IS GONE!, Riddle #113 1250 hrs CST
November 11/2019 l took the morning to remember the fallen as today is Remembrance Day in 🇨🇦🙏🏻 LEST WE FORGET
“H’ phone Oprah , NOW!!
Prince Harry has been involved in a Mental Health initiative with Oprah for Apple TV. I do not know how much they have done of it or even started, however sounds like he is meant to call her and back out of it.
However, there is only ONE IDIOT IN THE WORLD THAT CALLS HIM H!! and orders him around like that!!! I hope he changes his phone number M! Madam is barely out of the country and she’s yammering for him to find her a place to stay or wanting something from OW! Good God Harry CHANGE YOUR MOBILE!!!!! ASAP
“ we’ll stay with SW for a while”…… “ my mother’s already here”.
As l had proposed yesterday in the riddle, a wild cat like madam finds soft cushions. Well, it does not get any softer that a billionaire like SW and her husband is worth more than that, who we KNOW has been a backer and obviously STILL IS! Now we know where Doria has been kipping to avoid SPLASH news that they hired😂😂😂🤣🤣😂😂 paparazzi and why Doria needs an assistant l I couldn’t get that last week when a photo of her ‘assistant ‘ walking her dogs made the rounds. I was saying in a riddle then, why does she need an assistant.This might also explain why she has eight million dollars in her bank account! So this is where madam will have ‘Family Thanksgiving’,OW BO MO HRC BC, the whole entire “family”. How precious, l almost shed a tear NOT,🤢🤢🤮
“ Lottie’ tell your little friends to stop jumping on the bed.” …… BREAKFAST!!…… “ OK’ who’s for sticky maple syrup and waffles?”…… Charlotte!!!! behave. …… “ We’re outnumbered George!!”……”NANNY HELP!, ……
Well little Princess Charlotte had her sleepover. I assumed it would be at KP due to security issues. Waffles, giggly girls, William seeking solace in George, little Louis is too young yet😂😂🤣🤣. William screaming jokingly for Nanny Maria Borollos, but she likely is with Prince Louis. I would love to have been a fly on the wall, l know l say that in every riddle but it’s true each time l say it!By the way William, l am still waiting for my waffles!😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😁😁
“Wait and see,ma’am, wait and see!!”“yes, my friends in the service!!”
LG in conversation with HMTQ. She is wondering or commenting on media release of info date LIFTOFF!!!!NOVEMBER 14 according to a previous MM ANON riddle! How will things be released, all at once? LG supportively saying just wait and see, excitedly by the exclamation marks. I am sure after all this waiting the press has done, sitting on all this golden horrible but news breaking secrets of madam, it’s going to be brilliant! I am certain LG has been involved.
HMTQ also voicing concern over madams next move, as obviously once a narcissist always a narcissist, and even though madam never LIVED with the a Royal family she was privy to many events including Sandringham. I have no doubt throughout this entire ordeal the family, spoke to her only as politeness would require and never ever EVER shared information. Nonetheless, she was in the palace, observed how they do things, etc, she holds a lot of information and l don’t know what her departure agreement included but l definitely see fee doing the tv rounds, magazines, PR will continue and a book of my life if she was a duchess or some such garbage!
As we know LG has many connections in the world on intelligence, all over the world. He will be in touch with some of these individuals and keep track of what madam gets up to. I am certain President Trump who brought such valuable intel on his state visit last time, that he has has his homeland security department monitoring her and her backers!!!
The banquet would be a good time.
The NATO banquet is December 4/2019. HMTQ will host NATO leaders, it will be an all out elegant affair. I can hardly wait for the photos. This would be a good time to what. Perhaps put out a notice of formal separation on the day if the banquet? I cannot see HMTQ doing anything to overshadow such an event. I wonder if , as has been mentioned twice in riddles, that Prince Harry will be seated next to Mrs. Melania Trump for the evening. Perhaps some announcement may be made that day about a position for Harry to serve in the military. A huge part of me would love a formal announcement of separation, but that’s unlikely but l still want it, hey maybe annulment? Something!!!
Embroil him in duties to his regiment
HMTQ is pondering how best to have Harry era climate to his life now that madam is gone. How glorious. The public will want to see him and know he is finally regaining his health and happiness. Sounds like involving him in his past military career is the answer. Given his Invictus Games and involvement in mental health issues and his own, this is a phenomenal idea. I do believe it will be a bespoke role, created especially for him, non-combat of course. He has so much experience and it will help him rebuild his confidence tremendously. I can foresee a number of roles for him. This is fantastic!
…’seven for a secret never to be told
This is from an old rhyme about magpies. Great big beasts of a bird, black and white, they extremely loud and eat others eggs etc. I remember one Sunday afternoon a friend of mine and her husband live on a farm and she has a bunch of us for dinner. We got talking, they were saying how many magpies they had and the great annoyance they are. Well right after dinner, out came the rifles and we all spent a good few hours riding them of the problem. It was marvellous. DONT JUDGE until you have lived on a farm and had these massive rats with wings stopping at your or your children’s heads!! They remind me of ravens, always made me think of Poe, Edgar Allen Poe. The Raven, read it! Wow sorry kids, l REALKY DIGRESSED there, but l think you like my elaborative writing!
Anyone, back to the clue, the nursery rhyme is below.
One for sorrow,
Two for joy,
Three for a girl,
Four for a boy,
Five for silver
Six for gold,
Seven for a secret,
Never to be told.
Eight for a wish,
Nine for a kiss,
Ten for a bird,
You must not miss.
Seven for a secret never to be told. This was in yesterday’s riddle. HMTQ feels imperative, RPO MUST KEEP SCHTUM(quiet), the manner of how Prince Harry Met madam, as MM ANON put it yesterday in PP words, a’a scandal beyond a scandal’.
What hell hath this succubus wrought on or beloved Queen and Prince Harry, the entire royal family, England, the U.K. and our beloved Commonwealth. We have many many friends in other countries who share the horror with us as faithful friends and we so love them for it!!
November 11/2019 1350 hrs CST LEST WE FORGET
Thank you dear PG! Fantastic read once again….your personality shines through, and I love that…interesting days ahead! Thank you🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
114: Nov 13
MM ANON ……… 🎼” let the Sunshine”🎼…… who pulled the short straw?……… palm trees at Sandringham …… “ pass the Dorito’s darling “……… Sophie’s surprise ……“ I love the belt sweetie”. … Preg-nont…… “ I love the belt sweetie” ……… “yes , smile and serve them gru-el”…… Christmas?” Musical chairs old thing” ……… more of a 12 by 6 ……… small expectations …… Kate’s red carpet …… “ bet she goes for the lovers knot.” …… Hobson choice.
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜THANK YOU MM ANON LOTS OF 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜
November 13/2019 1730 hrs CST , RIDDLE#114
🎼” let the Sunshine”🎼
Old song let the sunshine in, face it with a grin smilers never lose and frowned s never win. Also from the age of Aquarius. Either way SS, Sunshine Sachs, madams PR agency, one of them known for using ‘dark arts’, deeply dark things. They have in overdrive going back and forth with the Palace today is battling statements. They have absolutely NO IDEA WHO THEY ARE DEALING WITH RIGHT LG????
who pulled the short straw?
Usually when there is a task needing done and no one wants to do it, tour draw straws and one straw is shorter and THAT person gets or has to do the thing no one wants. What might this be. RPO babysitting madam? Royal sitting next to madam at the Christmas? Who knows where Christmas will be, but this is involving madam for sure and no one wants to do what needs done! Maybe it’s who sits next to a Doria at a Christmas!
palm trees at Sandringham
Rumours of madam on the beach in the Caribbean. Are they going to put some pal trees in so madam feels like she is in L.A. when she is there for Christmas??? This is so ridiculous!!
pass the Dorito’s darling “
Oh, is Doria coming for crimbo too?? Oh dear, Dorito has been the way madams is referred to by many. Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla are dining and Camilla, l can see her all dressed for dinner, making this cheeky comment to Charles, and Charles’ red face getting redder as a broad smile and chuckle ensues. By the way, l am NOT joking at his red face, l have several times here written my concern about that along with his red and swollen hands. His birthday is tomorrow let’s remember! He is on tour in India now.
Sophie’s surprise
Sophie was meant to fly to NYC with madam. Something happened and madam didn’t show up for the flight. I looked online earlier l could find nothing about Sophie in NYC. She is also due in Toronto for a women’s empowerment conference/anniversary.
“ I love the belt sweetie”
Madam wore a Gucci belt on RS , worth a few months rent! Is this a catty comment or a genuine from MA or the crying makeup artist? Most public comments were scathing and many think she is trying to look like she’s pregnant or let people think she may be.
Madam has been wearing her belts very high, tight clothes etc. The last few days PR talking about a second child and she was seen holding her tummy at Royal Hall for RD evening service. Yes yes games games games .
“yes , smile and serve them gru-el”
Another SS doozy PR crap, madam volunteering🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 at a homeless shelter near Frogmore, millionaires homeless now!??🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 on Thanksgiving, in a country that doesn’t celebrate it🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. Sorry you just cannot make this garbage up. It’s like they have a room full of zoo animals pressing buttons for ideas! No offence to zoo animals! Gruel is slop, if you ever read a Dickens that’s what they fed the children in Oliver, tastes terrible but enough to keep you alive,
GRU or GRU is the name for the former USSR KGB secret police. Surely GRU is not at play here?!
Christmas?” Musical chairs old thing”
Madam for Christmas?,Doria for Christmas?, lots of moving around so everyone takes a turn politely talking to Doria and madam. Oh come on, MM ANON, we all know THERE US NO POSSIBLE WAY they are going to be there! I have explained the game of musical chairs in a previous riddle.
more of a 12 by 6
💜💜💜💜This, l firmly believe, is where madam is. Contained , either by bars or in a psychiatric a facility, her mind having fractured and split apart by the stress all of her own doing. Good luck to all those minding her!!!💜💜💜💜
small expectations
Great Expectations, by a Charles Dickens about the French Revolution…it was the best of times, it was the worst of times…..explains everything happening in England/the U.K. now. Here we have small expectations, that is what we have or of madam and she is cornered yet her OR is working overtime and each time today BP has countered played the PR. This is a public game of chess with someone who cannot even play checkers!
Kate’s red carpet …… “ bet she goes for the lovers knot.”
This is a reference to the NATO gala banquet that HMTQ is hosting. Catherine, as usual will wear The Lovers Knot Tiara, l hope she wears a red or green Christmasy gown. I can hardly wait for the photos!!!
Hobson choice.
This goes way way back, even a film made. I haven’t seen it though The phrase is said to have begun with a livery stable owner, Thomas Hobson in the 1700’s England, who offered customers the choice of either taking the horse in his stall nearest to the door or taking none at all. A Hobson’s choice is a freely made choice only one thing is offered. Because a person may refuse to accept what is offered, the two options are taking it or taking nothing. In other words, one may “take it or leave it”.
Madam is in a pickle, so to speak, a tight sour situation. She, wherever she is, although l have a confident idea exactly where she is, is cornered with only one choice and she loathes to accept it! TICK TOCK🕰 TICKITY TOCK RACHEL! THE BELL HAS ALREADY TOLLED FOR THEE!!
November 13/2019 1820 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG…much appreciated….🙏🏻💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
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sketchbookautodesk · 2 years
Will they really go the bookstore looking for your book?
What audiences want what you have? Who will let go of their hard-earned money to buy your book? Remember that women buy 78 percent of all trade books. Keep their picture by your workstation. These techniques make it easy for your reader to understand. 4. Passion helps you be a titillating radio or teleclass guest. You can maintain all of the parts to writing a book much better if you know a little and want to know more about your subject. And, it's free with a short learning curve. Have a format plan that includes headlines throughout to organize your chapter so well; your reader can't put it down. Think a shorter first book, maybe 30-90 pages. 
Use the "fast-forward" writing technique in chapter seven of the book "How to Write your eBook or Other Short Book--Fast!" Each chapter must answer all of your readers' questions.Commit to a regular writing schedule. Remember, you can write a short book (25-90 pages) your first time.Top Ten Ways to Write a Book That Sells Judy Cullins  You will then answer these questions, thus fulfilling your need to benefit your audience.Prepare for each chapter before you write.  Your subject must benefit your audience or they won't buy your book. Make your chapters shorter too. Lackadaisical or non-focused efforts fail. If your book is an extension of you, you'll be more willing to do the work involved. Think first, "What's the purpose of my book?" Think about your audience and your fame. 10. Dong it all at once dilutes your efforts. 6. Ask your book or Internet marketing coach.5.Put your book into your readers’ hands. 
If you answer 4 questions about one chapter topic, you will create a four-page chapter. Write your audience profile first to include their sex, their top interest, what they spend money on, their Internet savvy, what books they want and need. So start early and take a teleclass or read a book on how a non-techie can sell a book Online through free articles and other free, easy ways.Is there a book inside of you? Yes? Then why don't you write it? Or, if you've already written a book, wouldn't you like to sell more? So many of you have a great idea for a book, even a dynamite title, but much more is needed to write a book that sells. 2. Even if you are one of the chosen 1-2% an agent or publisher accepts, if you are an unknown, they will provide little marketing.Write what's interesting to you and what will still interest you in two plus years. 
Today, people are busy. Is your subject narrow enough? 8.Have passion about your topic.Make things happen. Think about your circumstances. To avoid a thin chapter list questions and facts that relate only to the one chapter and thesis you work on at a time. Here's the top ten ways to write a book that sells:1. While writing a novel may draw you, start with the moneymaking book first, so you can finance your other efforts. Write your non-fiction, self-help book first. Just how much time can you put into this effort with all of your other priorities? Take a custom printed spiral notebooks factory minute and decide to let go of something not as compelling for the moment.Market your book as your write each chapter. 9. A book doesn't finish itself. Today it is easy with the number one way to promote--Online.
 Will they really go the bookstore looking for your book? Since distributors often go broke, think about distributing your book yourself.Write fast so you can produce chapters fast enough to get published sooner to get the cash flow going faster. All non-fiction chapters have a similar length because their format is the same.Know your audience before your write your book to keep it organized, flowing, and compelling. 2004 All Rights Reserved. They want information fast and easy. You'll need sustained passion to develop talks, seminars, articles or consulting services. A page a day equals a book a year. Know and write such essential "hot-selling points" as your 60-second "tell and sell," your specific audience, your sparkling introduction that is a mini sales letter, and your back cover or Web sales letter for each book you write.com. After a book tour and placing your book on the bookstore shelves for three months, you'll have to pick up the talon and lead your own marketing efforts. 7. 3
0 notes
Union - the 2nd Time Around
My buddy sent me a wonderful image of him along with also his girl friend at an official dinner over a latest railroad they'd shot. I instantly text and said,"hello, did you have married, so that is clearly a significant film?" He reacted immediately saying his very first spouse had awakened up him so awful he was not likely to produce that error . Twenty and years of union and 3 children later on, he'd become sour and tempered with his own marriage. Wow, the number of times I've heard such a response in men that are currently"gun-shy" because of having an unsuccessful first union.
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 Only a concise desktop, due to the fact I am obviously an alternative state of mind. I feel that God as our Creator, developed us relationships. So exceptional because we all have been, like Noah's Ark,'' he's trained us to become paired together with all our partner. He says in the Bible book of Genesis,"that it isn't fantastic for man to be lonely " Well this really does not mean, either shacking upward or alive with them. This indicates people as adult males want life spouses - wives. I did not wed before my thirty's and suffered a very disappointing and challenging union for just fifteen decades ago If that union ended in divorce,'' I chose to focus . Acknowledging it required the 2 folks wreck this item, '' I could not put all of the blame in her own feet. Therefore, I lasted using counseling, covering places in my personal own life which could make me a excellent candidate to get the second spouse. Yes, even I always understood there are no upcoming Mrs. within my own life. I started to get ready yourself by asking issues I would desire adequate replies to. I retained my heart available and open, perhaps not becoming scrutinized or sour based in the neglected practical experience. After all, dang, everybody cares in a certain location or the other. Jordan has overlooked a game tying or winning jump shooter. The optimal/optimally quarterback in soccer yells in complete in your event. I am no more fighter wins each and every struggle . Thus, a divorce wasn't the ending of the world like I recognized it. This had been a chance to choose what I've observed and heard and also make my second and past union the maximum thing . Therefore when my cousin exclaims he could be"gun-shy" that I am aware there are areas within my entire own life along with also his girl friend's life they aren't inclined to handle to create this trip farther down the aisle. Way of thinking, in everything you're confronting is massive. It can pick lose or win. In this phase of the game known as existence, '' I really don't have to miss. Make an agenda, abide by it, then implement it and also take pleasure in the spoils of triumph Indian matrimony .
 But, you will find a number of severe things to think about whenever you're determining to wed the next time approximately. The Following are Just Two or Three Essential Details:
 Inch. Is there any minor kids concerned? Inside my circumstance I had just two kiddies. One-over age of 18 and outside, but the moment a teen aged boy that chose to reside together with me whole moment. Thus, when studying the long run Mrs., imagine when she gets kiddies? Just how many kiddies? Exactly what will be those ages? Can we enjoy every other kiddies? Imagine should the youngsters do not enjoy me or her? WOW!
 2. Where your home is or might really like to reside Are you currently flexible in proceeding or moving? I've got a companion who's remodeled his home and also appreciates the relaxation of this and can't view himself living somewhere else. His girl friend resides about 1.5 hrs off, comes with a gorgeous household and can't imagine living out there. He explained personally,"I am not leaving my home plus that I convinced is not leaving hers, therefore we have been kinda trapped " Yes, even I'd say . Do you believe that this?
 3. The degree of engagement in one's prior wife or husband - In certain regions, that really is named,"Baby Momma Drama." Much decide Judy has chased this term one or two times on her television series, soliciting laughs by the crowd mainly because she regularly times would be that the epitome of the"square" as it regards by using such a lingo. Nevertheless, will the prior spouse B-ring or make"created for television play?" No additional potential wife will need to handle that kind of behaviour to become using a person. Effectively, no actual fantastic second and past wife . As my daughter regularly claims,"ai not everyone got enough time for it know more! "
 4. Finances - Tremendous, as the divorce are you regained financially at which you aren't going to have an encumbrance over the following Mrs.? In case that has been an subject of concern, why have these are as given that been tackled satisfactorily? Just take a close look in finances, the next time round you are interested in being on business floor. Perhaps not attempting to re build out of scratch. But in the event that you're in scratch, then be certain that you convey it to another location Mrs., do not attempt in order to avert, hide or directly up lie in your fiscal circumstance. It might subsequently come to be a"deal-breaker."
 The above mentioned listed aspects of fear may break or make up a union independently, aside from some of these combined jointly. Since you regard union the 2nd time round, contemplate those regions of significant maintenance as well as consideration. After I badly contemplated quitting another Mrs., we carried each of the difficulties and spoke them through over and repeatedly. Until finally we attained substantial arrangement in not exactly 95 percent of the regions that involved us those are as we believed compelled our previous unions to crumble. As we switched this corner, then I hurried off into this courthouse and also found I had wed my best good friend. Discussing most of the regions of worry (our flaws ) subjected us into a another to this sort of amounts we had not experienced previously. Aside from my advisor and yet one truly dear and close buddy, my upcoming wife realized more concerning my defects and fractures compared to anybody else on Earth. From the moment we married, she understood me far better than that I realized myself and that there is not anything that I had been unsure or fearful to talk together with her. We eventually became exposed to another. Trusting eachother having matters that we mightn't dare talk with anybody. I had been risk-free, '' she had been safe and sound. FinallyI really could expect her with my own heart. This delicate and sensitive and painful item we all struggle so difficult to safeguard, shield and shield. I can trust , she can expect in me. Practically nothing left to express"I Would."
0 notes
ramajmedia · 5 years
Tim Baltz The Righteous Gemstones Interview | Screen Rant
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Tim Baltz chats with Screen Rant about his character on HBO’s new comedy The Righteous Gemstones, and what it’s like being a counterpoint to chaos. Fans of comedy are likely familiar with Baltz, whether they know it or not. The Chicago iO Theater and Second City-trained funnyman has a long list of roles from Better Call Saul to The Opposition with Jordan Klepper to Bajillion Dollar Propertie$, Fresh Off the Boat, Drunk History, and more. He’s also the creator, executive producer, writer, and star of the absurdly entertaining and criminally underseen comedy series Shrink (which can and should be streamed via the NBC app), which was part of the now-defunct OTT subscription service Seeso. 
Right now, Baltz is regularly popping up as B.J., the somewhat innocent and eager-to-please finance of Judy Gemstone (Edi Patterson) on HBO’s latest dark comedy from Danny McBride and Jody Hill (Eastbound and Down, Vice Principals), where he is regularly upbraided by members of the Gemstone clan, including John Goodman and Adam Devine. And while it may seem that B.J. exists solely to be a doormat on which the Gemstone’s frequently wipe their soiled soles, Baltz sees his character as a necessary contradiction to the disorder caused by Jesse (McBride), Judy, and Kelvin (Devine). 
More: Fall 2019 TV Premiere Dates: All The New & Returning Shows To Watch
In speaking with Screen Rant about his work on The Righteous Gemstones, Baltz discussed what B.J. is meant to represent, and he also went into detail on what it’s like working opposite a talented improv comedian like Patterson, and how their collaboration has resulted in one of the funniest (and, despite how deliberately absurd it sometimes can be, oddly believable) relationships on TV at the moment. Check out Screen Rant’s interview with Tim Baltz below:
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Tell me about how you came to be on the show and what working on the first season was like for you? 
It was incredible. I auditioned for Vice Principals many years ago with Bialy/Thomas Casting, who I auditioned with many times. They booked me for Better Call Saul. They're really incredible among my peers and friends who audition a lot. They're very prestigious and always have the best projects and great taste. It was an honor just to get called in for that. 
And obviously I didn't get it, but my reps were like, 'No, it's okay. They're introducing you to the world.' And then when this came along, I read the script and I thought, 'Man, I gotta really take a solid shot at this.' It's in the wheelhouse of characters that I play often. And I grew up in Illinois so I'm no stranger to ... Illinois has all kinds of accents. I'm no stranger to that Southern accent. I toured the Southeast side of the city a lot. 
So, I went in, auditioned, felt good about it, didn't really think about it - which to me is always a good sign. It means I either did really terribly or really well. And they called me and said, 'Yeah, we need you to fly to LA and test for it in front of, you know, HBO and the whole Rough House team.' 
Danny and Edi was there. Edi, I had only known in passing. I met her once at Groundlings. We were supposed to do a show together at one point - just a little improv show but we didn't. I just really, really trust and appreciate her improv skills. She's brilliant and she's super easy to play with. And when I found out that I was reading with her, I was like, 'Oh, no matter what, I'm going to have a really good time.'
Rough House [Pictures] runs such an amazing ship. Their cast and crews are always perfectly selected. Everyone is really excited to be there. They believe in the project. And there's just this, I don't know... it's like every good set feels like a summer camp. You see this glee about being able to do something like this and get paid for it. And that fun feels like the fun that you had when you were first discovering [acting] as a kid or your teens or twenties when you're doing it for free. So that's always a great time. 
But then, you know, they're also film school nerds. And I mean that in the most complimentary way. So, you know [the project is] going to be richly textured and come with all the knowledge that they bring to the table, which is a huge privilege to get to work on a set like that. And HBO, you know, they're prestige TV. So it was very, very, very exciting and welcoming and a little nerve wracking because all of a sudden you're walking in and John Goodman is there and he's like, 'Hello. Looking forward to this?' 
And you're like, 'Yeah, I mean I'm definitely looking forward to this. You're John Goodman.' But he couldn't be nicer and sweeter. And everyone from the top of our cast list on down is a pleasure to work with. 
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One of the things I found so funny about your character and your performance is the degree to which BJ is something of a nonentity. His very obvious plainness drives so much of what's funny about him. How do you see the character and what do you think is the source of the humor he brings to the show?
Well, he's very ... Like he means so well, you know? And I think that in the midst of all this drama, like the family tragedy and corruption and the really, really high stakes that are behind it, B.J. stands apart from all of those stakes as someone who just genuinely deeply loves his fiancée. And I think that he does have - as we see in the pilot - a little bit of insecurity about fitting in when it comes to some of the materialistic ideals or glamour. I feel it's the reason why he gets a nose job. It is absurd, but he means so well that he's a nice counterpoint to all of that drama and chaos. 
And he really does say what he means, which isn't necessarily the case with any of the other family members, especially not when they're talking among themselves and they're feeling themselves out when it comes to, you know, the conflict in the first couple of episodes. So he's definitely a change of pace. 
Danny [McBride], when we first sat down, when we went to Charleston to film the pilot, he told me B.J., in a way, is the voice of the audience. He's looking at this family and he's probably more open-minded about giving them the benefit of the doubt than the audience. But we still see B.J. reacting to them and meekly speaking his mind when he disagrees with something. And the audience is going to relate to that. And that's how I feel about this crazy family, too. 
Mostly, I tried to go into it by reminding myself that [B.J. doesn't] know any of the drama that's happening. All I know is that I love Judy so much and I want to not only be the best fiance for her possible, but also give her the boost that I think she deserves. Because I look at the family and I know how much Judy works. I know what she deserves and she's not getting it. It's really fun to play because he has a naivete to him, but he's also mostly naive to just in the circumstances, which means that I get to play very emotionally with Judy. And Edi is just, she's such a joy to act and improvise with. Especially as the season progresses, you'll see where the two of them are headed and I think it's very unique. 
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Speaking of working with Edi. What's it like working opposite her? How does  your process work with hers, in terms of playing your comedic styles and sensibilities off one another? 
Well and it starts with the scripts, which are great. Every single one that rolled in, I just kind of would shake my head at and laugh out loud, which is rare when you're reading a script alone. Those are kind of baseline. David Gordon Green, Jody Hill, Danny, whoever was directing, they cast ... I think that the cast so well and specifically across all their projects and the history of their work and careers, that I think they trust the people to go off the page when they want. 
I think the scripts are great, and I always want to get what's on the page first. And Edi wrote on the show, so I'm sure she agrees, too. But Edi and I ... we've been studying improv for over 20 years, independent from each other. And when we first started talking during the pilot about what our approaches were, just to get a sense of each other I really, really respected her take on it. 
I was trained at iO in Chicago at Second City. I toured and did three shows there on the stages. I played at the Annoyance once it reopened in Chicago. And then I moved to LA in 2014 and I played, you know, various theaters out here. But a very broad range of improv education. And she has a very similar broad range. She's part of the Improv theater and Groundlings here, which are two very different things. And she studied all over and studied theater in college and she had as as wide of an appreciation for all these different sub genres of it and all of these approaches. And so it was very easy to almost like ... I don't want to be someone who likens improv to jazz, but it kind of is like that. You're making an offer and have to trust that your scene partner is going to recognize what that offer is, right? And you trust they will respond with a note that corresponds or compliments what you did. And so it is musical to a certain degree. And with Edi, I always trust that she's going to recognize exactly what my offer is and I try to return that to her. 
For me, especially if you're improvising around a script on camera, it's different than on stage, in the sense that the scene has a function within the script and episode itself. And so there are some parameters that you have to work within. And in order to make the improv ... to maximize its potential for actually getting in and past the editor and into the episode, you're always keeping in mind what your character's emotion and knowledge to this other character and what that dynamic is and what the scene needs for the episode itself. Then you can maximize the number of improv takes that are useful to the editors and the producers when they're looking at it in post. 
And whether I've ever verbalized that to Edi or not, she plays it that way and it makes it really seamless. And then, you know, you do anywhere from three to six takes and it's done and you're like, 'Oh, dammit. We could have gone forever.'
More: Carnival Row Review: Amazon’s Victorian Fantasy Wants To Be Your Next Genre Obsession
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Can you, without giving anything away, what can audiences expect from BJ as the season rolls along? 
Well, they can expect him to be by Judy's side as she deals with all the family chaos and still continue to be, you know, a nice blend of naive, supportive, and caring. But he's on Judy's side before anybody else. And I think the audience is going to have a good time seeing where the line is for what he'll put up with and what he won't put up with. And when he discovers that line, I hope that it's as enjoyable for the audience as it was for us. 
In what way is  The Righteous Gemstones different from your experience on Shrink. Is it a little difficult moving away from something where you have more creative control or is that something that you like to have a mix of when you're working?
I mean, well, Shrink was...it was really difficult. You know, it was about 8 85-90 hour weeks in a row. And that was after two months of writing where we wrote eight episodes in eight weeks, which is breakneck speed.
It really, it was a great acting challenge. And I do think that I rose to the occasion. I had a great team around me. We went through a gauntlet and I'm super proud of what we came out with. Improv wise, I'd worked on Bajillion, which was based off an outline curve style. And I went into that knowing, okay that we have scripts, but we had about a quarter of it improvised. So we were improvising probably a good two to four hours a day, which is hard to yield a lot of material when you're working that way.
But I was really proud of how seamlessly integrated all the improv. And then the show came out, my dad was sick. My dad ended up passing away from ALS in November of 2017.
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 When Seeso went under, we knew about it a few months early, so I took this job in New York because I came up with Jordan Klepper in Chicago and I think the world of him. And I was like, al lright, so Shrink isn't getting a season two, Seeso is going under, my dad's going to pass away. I want to keep working but I can't be in charge. I don't have the bandwidth.
I went to New York and I worked for Jordan, but I was away from home. I was all the way across the country and it was brutal. So, to slide into something as seamless and as already figured out as Righteous Gemstones, as the Rough House world, it's been a since such a welcoming change of pace, and I'm so, so grateful. I'll get back to developing and running my own thing and being an EP or whatever it is or lead of something at some point. But for the break from that to include a project like this, I'm the luckiest luckiest guy. So giving this everything that I have is, it feels like I've trained at 10 times gravity and I show up here and I'm like, 'Yeah, you just want me to emote and love this character and think that her family treats her poorly? Oh, my God, I'll put 100 percent into this. of course.'
It's a real privilege. Every character's storyline is great to me. I'm so excited for everyone to see  episodes six, seven, eight, and nine. 
Next: The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Review: Adult Nostalgia Gets Its Very Own Puppet Show
The Righteous Gemstones episode 3, 'They Are Weak, But He is Strong' is streaming early on HBO Go and HBO Now.
source https://screenrant.com/the-righteous-gemstones-interview-comedian-tim-baltz-hbo-shrink/
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halloweendailynews · 7 years
As we predicted, the highly anticipated new Halloween movie, to be executive produced by John Carpenter and arriving in theaters in October 2018, will ignore everything that happened in all of the franchise films after the original 1978 classic, according to recent statements from Carpenter himself.
In a new interview, John Carpenter tells Stereogum, “I may do the music for the new Halloween movie. That would be pretty easy to do… I’d like to do it. I’ve worked with them a little bit on the script. I’m just around to be a cheerleader for everybody.”
When asked about getting Jamie Lee Curtis back in the role of Laurie Strode, Carpenter says, “She talked to the director. Her part was written into the script and they had this idea — it’s kind of a… I don’t know how to describe it. It’s almost an alternative reality. It picks up after the first one and it pretends that none of the other [sequels] were made. It’s gonna be fun. There’s a really talented director and it was well-written. I’m impressed.”
I tweeted a few weeks ago that I think the new film will ignore everything after Part 1. Laurie is the new Loomis, claiming for 40 years He’s coming back. Then He does.
Judy Greer is currently in talks to play Karen Strode, who is Laurie Strode’s daughter in the new film.
As we recently reported, Halloween 2018 will begin filming at the end of October in Charleston, South Carolina.
Jamie Lee Curtis returns to her iconic role as Laurie Strode, who comes to her final confrontation with Michael Myers, the masked figure who has haunted her since she narrowly escaped his killing spree on Halloween night four decades ago.
Master of horror John Carpenter will executive produce and serve as creative consultant on this film, joining forces with cinema’s current leading producer of horror, Jason Blum (Get Out, Split, The Purge, Paranormal Activity). Inspired by Carpenter’s classic, filmmakers David Gordon Green and Danny McBride crafted a story that carves a new path from the events in the landmark 1978 film, and Green also directs.
HALLOWEEN will be produced by Malek Akkad, whose Trancas International Films has produced the HALLOWEEN series since its inception. Green and McBride will executive produce under their Rough House Pictures banner.
HALLOWEEN will be distributed worldwide by Universal Pictures.
David Gordon Green (Stronger, Our Brand Is Crisis, Joe, Pineapple Express) will direct the new Halloween from a screenplay by he and Danny McBride (Alien: Covenant, Eastbound & Down, Vice Principals).
John Carpenter will executive produce and may also score the film, with Malek Akkad producing for Trancas and Jason Blum producing for Blumhouse. Green and McBride will also executive produce under their Rough House Pictures banner. Zanne Devine and David Thwaites will oversee for Miramax, which is co-financing with Blumhouse.
You can read everything we know so far about Halloween 2018 here.
As I’m sure you are well aware, 2018 marks the 40th anniversary of the release of John Carpenter’s original 1978 Halloween. It is also worth noting that the film’s release date also happens to be Michael Myers’ birthday (in 1957), according to the original franchise canon.
The new Halloween arrives in theaters on October 19, 2018.
Keep watching this site for updates on the return of Michael Myers and all the latest news on the next Halloween movie!
I think the new film will ignore everything after Part 1. Laurie is the new Loomis, claiming for 40 years He’s coming back. Then He does.
— Halloween Daily News (@HalloweenDaily) September 17, 2017
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Jamie Lee Curtis returns as Laurie Strode in ‘Halloween’ 2018!
Read all of our HALLOWEEN 2018 coverage here!
For more Halloween news, follow @HalloweenDaily.
Happy #MichaelMyersMonday! John Carpenter Confirms 'Halloween' 2018 Ignores All Sequels (Told ya!) As we predicted, the highly anticipated new Halloween movie, to be executive produced by John Carpenter and arriving in theaters in October 2018, will ignore everything that happened in all of the franchise films after the original 1978 classic, according to recent statements from Carpenter himself.
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judyfromfinance · 1 year
Just had a Girl Dinner of 2 microwave pizzas.
I hope Barbie is proud of me for living in my Bimbo era of not knowing how to do math.
(I seriously don’t know how to do math. Literature was always my forte.)
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Rant under Read More
This post is brought to you by that one post with 50 thousand reblogs about how it’s “misogynistic” to say girl dinner or girl math. And Barbie is not a feminist (you’re right. she’s a doll. don’t know if you knew that.) And women that love wearing pink and the aesthetic that is bimbo-core are the reason that feminism is a joke now.
I hate seeing Women berate other Women for the things they love and enjoy. Fuck us if we want a meme surrounding us that literally does no harm.
Women can’t have anything. And it’s really sad to see that it’s other women trying to take it away. Y’all wack as fuck.
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zooptoopfanworks · 8 years
False, Fatal Motif, Pt 2
I posted this to AO3 already, but I compeletely forgot to post it here! Don’t forget to leave some feedback!
One sleepless night later, Judy called in sick for the first time of her career. Not just because she wasn’t motivated to don her police uniform once again, bus also because she felt physically sick. Her heart pounded wildly as she replayed the events of last night in her head over and over again. And every time, once she turned her back on Nick, her stomach somersaulted and threatened to empty its contents. Luckily for her, she hadn’t eaten anything since last night. When she called the chief to inform him, there was a moment of surprise in between. I took the seasoned buffalo a good few seconds to recover from that. Their conversation was brief as he was met with a call on another line. She set her cell phone back on her windowsill and just laid down there. She didn’t move at all, except to use the bathroom and to get a bag of banana chips when she finally caved into her growling stomach. She only ate three chips and left the opened bag on her nightstand.
Her sleep was sporadic and restless, at best. Once her alarm clock sounded off again, she didn’t feel much better than the day before. She convinced herself that calling in sick a second day when she wasn’t really sick would leave a blemish on her reputation, and so found the strength to slip on her police gear and take the train down to the station. She would have to face Nick sooner or later, and it was better it happen sooner than later, where she expected him to be, rather than on the street, where she would be caught unprepared.
“Judy! You must be feeling better!” Clawhauser gleefully squealed when she saw her saunter up to the front desk. His smile faded as she approached. “Whoa, maybe I spoke too soon.”
“I’m fine, Clawhauser.” She mustered the strength to shoot Clawhauser the best fake smile she could manage. “Just... going through some stuff.”
“Anything you want to talk about?” The cheetah tilted his head curiously.
Judy shook her head. “It’s not that important.” She lied, and shuffled off to the bullpen before he could ask any more questions.
Other officers were scattered in their own seats in the bullpen when Judy walked in. A few smiled and nodded their heads politely to acknowledge her, which she returned as enthusiastically as she could. She hesitated when she stood in front of her chair. The chair that she and Nick always shared in the mornings, since that spare chair that was supposed to come in to accommodate for another cop never came in. Not that either of them complained. She took a deep breath and hoisted herself up to the chair and stood up, her eyes gazing down on the empty table to look busy. One by one the other cops came, and Judy’s eyes would always dart to the footpaws of whoever came in. Surprisingly, that morning, Nick’s never entered her view.
Amidst Bogo’s droning off on the morning announcements, something about the company picnic and laying off some officers until finances improve, Judy paid attention long enough to hear she was to work on the case that she and Nick had been working on for the past month, to which she headed back to her desk after Bogo closed his speech. Judy shared a cubicle space with Nick, with her desk facing one wall with his facing the other. Her eyes fell upon Nick’s desk, and it was exactly the way it was last time she saw it. Despite it’s relative disorganization, Judy keenly observed that not a single paper had moved since she last saw his desk. Even the fern, which occupied its own little corner, had its soil dried out.
Nick wasn’t at work either yesterday Judy thought to herself. Hm. I guess I can’t blame him. I called in sick yesterday too. With that she plopped herself down at her own desk and observed the case files closely, keeping her own emotions and memories of last night locked in the back of her mind as best she could. Although multiple times, she caught herself glancing back at his desk to check for that orange fuzzy tail swishing back and forth behind the desk chair, revealing that Nick had snuck into work.
Every time she checked, the desk remained empty.
*  *  *  
Nick’s desk hadn’t changed the next day either. Or the day after that. Or the day after that.
Soon, days turned into weeks, and their case load started to weigh her down. On multiple occasions, Judy considered calling Nick to see why he hasn’t shown up for work. Something about how he still has a job to do, and how both of them can be professional in the workplace. But she never could. Maybe he ran off, maybe he was with that husky, maybe hearing his voice would cause her to lose all composure. Whatever the reason, Judy decided to simply buck up and muscle through it.
Almost a month after her sick day, after a long day of patrolling and reviewing case notes, she heaved a heavy sigh as she pushed the revolving door of the police station. Clawhauser’s cheerful voice usually welcomed her, but this time his voice came in the form of a lowered conversational tone as he was helping another mammal that evening. Judy glanced up to greet Clawhauser, when all of a sudden she froze in her tracks.
It was the husky. The same husky who was with Nick in the photographs. She was a little shorter than Nick’s height. She had gray fur that coated her back with creamy white fur decorating her front. The gray at the top of her head and face contrasted nicely with her icy blue eyes and off white fur. She wore a simple purple dress and a denim jacket that stopped above her stomach, and as much as Judy hated to admit it, she was beautiful, with the kind of body you only see in magazines. She leaned in to talk with Clawhauser.
“I’m just not sure if this is the kind of thing that I should be coming to the police about.” She said. “I don’t want to lead you on a wild goose chase or anything.”
“Not a problem, Miss Fusco.” Clawhauser replied with a smile. “We leave no stone unturned.” He flagged down Judy. “Hey, Judy! Have enough energy to do one last thing for me?”
“Sure. What is it?” Her eyes darted back and forth from the husky to Clawhauser.
“Everyone else is out in the field, and Miss Fusco wants to report something. Ideally, after the day you’ve had, I’d ask someone else, but... Well, there’s no one else. Would you mind, Judy!”
Judy forced herself a smile and shook her head. “No big deal. I got this one.” She turned to the husky. “Follow me, please.”
The pair walked past several empty cubicles before arriving at her own desk, the whole time asking herself what kind of questions she would ask her so she would finally get some answers herself.
She slid Nick’s chair over next to his. “Sit down please.”
She hopped in her own chair and logged in to her computer. “Name, please?”
“Sarah Fusco.” Sarah replied.
Judy tapped away on her keyboard. “I’m sorry...” Sarah smiled warmly, “You’re Judy Hopps, aren’t you?”
She cringed when she heard her say her name, but nodded past that. “Yes, I am.”
She seemed relieved. “My friend Nick told me all about you. He says you’re his partner. ‘In more ways than one.’ His words, not mine.”
“Not so sure about that now...”
“He had nothing bad to say about you, and he absolutely loved...” She beamed.
“Mmmhmm...So you knew about me then?” Judy interrupted, her eyes still not breaking from the screen.
Sarah blinked, confused. “Well... yeah. He told me everything”
“And you still went after him?” Judy’s pent up rage started to crack the dam she built. “Knowing that he was seeing someone else?”
Sarah chuckled uneasily. “Officer, I’m not sure I understand.”
“Then let me put it this way.” She pushed past her desk so her chair spun to face her directly, glaring into the Husky’s eyes. “Stop me if any of this in incorrect. You and Nick are friends. Probably even close friends, the kind you tell things you never tell anyone else. You meet for coffee one day, and before long it becomes a normal thing. The more times you meet, the more you realize that you’re starting to see the fox in front of you as something more than a friend.”
Sarah furrowed her brow. “Now wait just a second...”
Judy remained vigilant. “The same fox tells you all about his life. His childhood, work... you even find out that he’s seeing someone that’s not you.”
Sarah sighed and shook her head. “That’s not...”
“Now, usually, the other party would stave off on the pursuing until either she finds someone else or he becomes available. But not you. You want him, and nothing’s gonna stand in your way.”
Sarah stared at Judy, bewildered, eyes burrowed and teeth bared.
“So tell me, who locked lips with who when it finally happened?”
“Officer, are you accusing me of seducing Nick Wilde?”
“Of course I am!” She screamed, her amethyst eyes burning holes through the husky. “Give me one good reason why that doesn’t make sense!”
“I’m gay, Officer!” Sarah fired back with rage equal to Judy’s.
Whatever anger Judy held, whether it be toward Nick or Sarah in that moment, dissipated, and was replaced with utter shock. “Wait, you...”
“Nick isn’t my type.” Sarah replied, calmer this time, as the corners of her mouth slowly relaxed.”It’s not exactly something I like to broadcast.” She chuckled to herself lightly before muttering, “Didn’t take you for the jealous type.”
Judy plopped down in the chair in front of Sarah, still too bewildered to say anything. Sarah went on.
“If you must know, Nick and I go way back. I first came out in high school. Not of my own choosing, but because someone found out. They bullied me. Relentlessly. Verbally at first… then they spray painted “queer” on my locker… Then it got physical.I would’ve slit my wrists if it weren’t for Nick. He came to me when no one else would. He let me vent, he listened… He was my best friend all throughout high school.We just reconnected a bit ago, but a few weeks, I saw something was bothering him.”
She twiddled with her thumbs a bit. “He never gave me details, but all he would say that his life was falling apart faster than he could mend it back together. I haven’t seen him since, and I’m genuinely concerned for him now. He’s not even answering his phone anymore, and I’ve never been to his place, so I can’t check up on him. Judy, please. Find him and make sure he’s okay.”
Judy nodded silently, then got up. “Excuse me for a moment.” She quickly walked up the stairs to Bogo’s office and rapped her paw on the frosted glass.
“Come in.” Bogo’s voice called from the other side.
His door opened with a creak, and Judy’s feet pattered lightly against the carpet as she made her way inside. Bogo looked up and pursed his lips at her once she made it in. “Hopps. What can I do for you?”
Judy hopped up on one of the chairs in front of Bogo’s desk. “Sir, how many more sick days does Nick have left? I need a gauge as to the next time I see him.”
Bogo glanced up at Judy, brow furrowed, confused. “Sick days? Technically, he has until these budget cuts stop.”
Judy’s ears rose in intrigue. “I’m sorry, sir, I don’t understand…”
Bogo stopped writing and set his pen down and removed his glasses to look at her directly. “Hopps, Wilde was one of the cops I had to lay off. I thought you knew that.”
Judy’s ears shot up as she leaned on his desk. “Nick was laid off?!?” She gasped.
Bogo nodded slowly. “I announced that we had to lay some mammals off because of budget cuts a few weeks ago. You were there.”
Judy shook her head violently. “Not exactly there, sir.”
“He took the news surprisingly well. Said he needed some time to think anyways.”
“Why is that?”
“Don’t you read the newspaper, Hopps?”
Bogo dug in his desk and pulled out one of the newspapers from several weeks ago. He flipped to the obituaries and plopped it in front of Judy, so she could read it clearly.
Marian Wilde, a long time resident at Willow Apartments and Suites, passed away in her apartment complex last wednesday. Her body was not found until several days later, as she lived alone and no one knew until then...
“Nick… lost his mother?” Judy gasped.
Bogo nodded silently. “It hit him hard. Since he found out, he hasn’t been himself.”
“Sir, I need his address.”
“How come?”
“I messed up. Big time. Again.”
“You know I can’t hand out personal information like that. Even if it was to another cop.”
Judy sighed defeatedly and plopped down on her chair, glancing off to the side sadly.
After a while, Bogo spoke up again. “The mammal downstairs… the husky… Why was she here?”
Judy looked up at her chief, puzzled. “She wanted to file a missing mammal’s report.”
“And shouldn’t you look into that?” Bogo probed. “The first place you would look would be the mammal’s residence. And any registered mammal should already be in our system…”
Judy’s eyes lit up and she smiled for the first time in a while. “Of course! Thank you sir!” She had sped out of his office before Bogo could properly respond.
*   *   *   
Judy typed madly on her keyboard until Nick’s info finally came up. Sarah looked over her shoulder, curious.
“That’s the place?” Sarah asked, curiously.
Judy nodded. “Seems like it.”
Sarah shook her head. “That can’t be. That building’s scheduled for demolition soon.”
Judy’s eyes shot toward Sarah. “You’re kidding.”
“Nope.” Sarah confirmed. “Scheduled for about a week from now.” She checked her watch. “I’m way over my break. Please, reach out to me as soon as you find something out about him.” She left her card on Judy’s desk as she left. “Oh, one more thing. Once this whole thing blows over… Could you and me start over? You seem like a really cool person, and I’d hate to be friends with Nick but mortal enemies with his girlfriend.”
Judy chuckled lightly and smiled back at Sarah, sincerely this time. “I should be the one asking you that. But yeah, let’s do that. The three of us will get coffee one day.”
Sarah nodded. “I’d like that. A lot.” With that, she turned down the hallway back toward reception.
Shortly after, Judy ran so fast that she actually passed Sarah coming down the hallway. She had the address, now she needed to get to Nick. She condemned herself for letting her tendency to jump to conclusions cloud her judgement yet again, and she ran through every possible scenario in her head. Finally, She arrived to some form of organized plan that she would follow. She would apologize her butt off. Just like back under the bridge. Then beg for a second chance. Or rather a third chance this time. Not much of a plan, but it was all she had. She hurt him. Again. Arguably worse than she did the first time. It would ultimately be up to him if he still wanted her in his life.
The tires screeched as she stopped in front of the building. It was nearly falling apart. The stone outside was weathered and littered with graffiti, several of the windows were broken, and a putrid scent filled the air. How Nick allowed himself to live here was a mystery to her. Once this was over, she’d help him find a better place. Even if that meant digging into her own pocket.
The door, surprisingly, was unlocked, and she quickly bounded up the steps to Nick’s apartment. She nearly walked right past it because the door was littered with eviction notices, dating back to several months ago. She pounded her fist on the door.
“Nick! Nick, it’s me. I need to talk to you!”
“Nick, please! I realize I was wrong. I jumped to a conclusion, even after I promised I’d never do it again! And now it hurt you, at what I now realize could be the crappiest time of your life.” She pounded her fist again. “Let me apologise to your face, you dumb fox! There’s so much more I have to say, and you need to see me so you know it’s sincere!”
More silence.
Judy sighed exasperatedly and flipped the welcome mat over, glad to see that he kept a key under the mat like every other mammal.
“Nick, I’m coming in.”
She twisted the doorknob and crept inside. The apartment itself was as crappy as the outside. It was all one room, leaky ceilings, exposed pipes and wires everywhere… The used to be furniture, as the little dents in the carpet made out, but now it was nearly empty. All except for a moldy mattress, with a familiar body seated on top of it.
“Nick, I know you’re hearing me.” Judy said as she approached. “Wake u….”
Her words were cut short once she got a closer look at the body. Nick lay against the wall, mouth agape, eyes glazed and nearly shut, clad only in boxer shorts, his breathing slow but raggedy. In one hand he held a forty ounce bottle of liquor. It was the other paw, however, that made Judy freeze and her heart sink.
Nick’s fingers barely clenched the empty orange plastic container.
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memozing · 4 years
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brentrogers · 5 years
Podcast: Panicked Over Finances? Why Money Influences our Mental Health
The rent is due tomorrow; but then you’ll be left with only $10 for the week’s groceries. What do you do? Many people panic over money (or the lack of it), but for those of us with mental illness, it can feel like a life or death situation: It can trigger an even greater anxiety attack and/or depression. Or it may mean not being able to afford the medication that keeps you well enough to work. What can be done?
In this Not Crazy episode, Gabe and Jackie discuss how you can gain a sense of control in these situations, and Jackie shares her own big money scare.
(Transcript Available Below)
About The Not Crazy Podcast Hosts
Gabe Howard is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar disorder. He is the author of the popular book, Mental Illness is an Asshole and other Observations, available from Amazon; signed copies are also available directly from Gabe Howard. To learn more, please visit his website, gabehoward.com.
        Jackie Zimmerman has been in the patient advocacy game for over a decade and has established herself as an authority on chronic illness, patient-centric healthcare, and patient community building. She lives with multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, and depression.
You can find her online at JackieZimmerman.co, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
    Computer Generated Transcript for “Panicked Over Money” Episode
Editor’s Note: Please be mindful that this transcript has been computer generated and therefore may contain inaccuracies and grammar errors. Thank you.
Announcer: You’re listening to Not Crazy, a Psych Central podcast. And here are your hosts, Jackie Zimmerman and Gabe Howard.
Gabe: Hey, everyone, and welcome to this week’s episode of the Not Crazy podcast. I would like to introduce my co-host, Jackie Zimmerman, who lives with major depression and anxiety disorders.
Jackie: And you know this guy, Gabe Howard, who lives with bipolar disorder.
Gabe: Jackie, we’ve been friends for a while now, we’ve been doing this show for several months and I decided that I want to risk all of that by talking about the one subject that causes more fights than any other subject known to man.
Jackie: And what would that be?
Gabe: Money. I want to talk about money.
Jackie: Money, money, money.
Gabe: So in a recent poll, the three things that married couples fight about more than anything else are family, religion and money. And I would argue that money is at the top because nobody is taking people like onto the People’s Court or Judge Judy to sue over political and religious differences. Money is everywhere. If you talk to anybody, literally just go grab a stranger on the street. Be like, hey, you ever lost a friend over $10? Almost everybody will have a story of a friendship that just imploded over what we would consider a small amount of money. Money just creates an intense amount of anxiety in our society.
Jackie: And the thing that I think is unique about money and anxiety is that it’s something that I would assume everybody experiences, not just people who are prone to anxiety, not just people who live with mental illness, but everyone has had some kind of issue with money that has given them anxiety.
Gabe: When I was younger, I used to watch golf with my grandfather and, you know, they always do these expose on the multi-millionaire golfers, and they were interviewing one of them and they said, hey, when you have a putt and if you make the putt, you win $100,000 and if you don’t make it, you lose $100,000, does that cause you anxiety? Does that make you nervous? And the guy said, you know, the most nervous I’ve ever been playing golf is when I bet another golfer a hundred dollars that I could make this putt and I didn’t have the hundred dollars in my pocket. That really spoke to me because it wasn’t the amount of money anymore. It was the awkwardness of discussing the money, finding the money, figuring out the money like this is what gave this guy anxiety. And again, he’s famous. I don’t know, maybe it was just a cute story he was telling, but that makes sense to me. You ever been in line and been a dollar short? Like, how embarrassing is that when you thinking that everybody in the store is like over on register five, there’s a tall, fat redhead that does not have one dollar to pay for his groceries.
Jackie: I can feel that because if you’ve ever had your credit card declined for any reason, your debit card and you want to justify it. I know there’s money on there. That’s so weird. I just used it like I just got paid. I swear I’m not a poor person. There’s this like panic where you just want to justify why it didn’t work. And my assumption is all of this comes from the scarcity model, right? We’re all afraid of not having enough. What happens when we don’t have enough? So how hard do we have to work to get enough? What if we’re working really hard and we still don’t have enough? And the anxiety around all of that of how much do you have? What happens when it’s gone? I think is something that is underlying in our society and in everybody but amplified for those who live with any kind of illness. Because for me specifically, when I worked at a big, fat corporate job and I made all kinds of money, all I thought to myself was, I’m staying here forever. So that way I make so much money that I never have to worry about what happens if I actually can’t work again because I will just bank so much money. I’ll have so much. I’ll always pay my health insurance. I’ll always have all of this stuff. And spoiler alert, I don’t work there anymore. I didn’t bank any money when I did work there. But when you have an illness, whatever kind it is, you’re worried about money not just because of normal reasons, but you’re worried about like, what if I can’t work forever? What if I can’t pay my health insurance? What if I can’t afford to be healthy?
Gabe: There’s a meme that works its way around the Internet that always says that we’re all three bad months away from being homeless. I don’t know if that’s true for all of us, but that really spoke to me because it took about three bad months to really put me in a bad way where I started to need help. On an interesting side note, none of us are three months away from being millionaires. So I think that we need to take that into account when we’re determining how to like maybe, you know, structure our health insurance and things like that. But but wrong. Wrong show. We’ll just put that aside for a moment. But think about this. The whole world is discussing being three bad months away from homelessness. Whether or not that holds up is really irrelevant. I think that does speak to the majority of people. Now, let’s apply that to people living with mental illness, people managing a life long and chronic disorder, because I know that if I couldn’t afford my medication, if I couldn’t afford therapy, if I couldn’t have afforded hospitalizations and on and on and on. Gabe Howard would not be sitting here. That’s just a hard fact. Yes, I worked hard. Yes, I have a loving family. But you know what really saved me? Resources and that resource all boiled down to hundred dollar bills. And that’s sad.
Jackie: The catalyst for this specific episode was from about a week ago, I sent Gabe a text and basically I had a full blown anxiety meltdown because my husband had called me and said, oh my God, our health insurance doubled on my last paycheck. And I said, wait, what do you mean it doubled? They didn’t tell us that. Like, they obviously would communicate that because that’s what normal people think happens in the world. But they didn’t. They just took it out of his check and it was doubled. And I panicked. And I have not had an actual panic attack in, I can’t tell you how long, but I felt it. It was the heart racing, soul crushing. Can’t breathe like, oh, my God, what are we going to do? Because we are people right now who are living pretty paycheck to paycheck. And that is even questionable because I don’t know when my paychecks are coming in, because I work for myself and I don’t have regular paychecks. And my husband took a pay cut a year ago to take the job he’s at now. So all of this is spiraling around my head and I’m like, how are we gonna do this? This is $400 we didn’t know we needed and I could just work harder. But where am I going to find the clients? Just, you know, anxiety spiral talk in your head. And I reached out to Gabe because we were already talking. I said, hey, I know you’re telling me something important right now, but I’m not really listening honestly, because I’m worried about this health insurance thing. And I realized in that moment how money is something that can cause high anxiety. And within a split second, like he sent me that text about our health insurance doubling. And almost immediately I was in a full blown panic about it.
Gabe: There’s so many directions that we can take this, and that makes me excited. I love it when Jackie, says, oh my God, X, and I’m like, Oh my God, we can do y z bat symbol. So we might have to create multiple timelines. And let me ask you multiple questions about this, because the first question that I’m going to ask you is if your health insurance would have doubled and you had a million dollars in the bank, would it have bothered you at all?
Jackie: Me today thinks no, but I also think that people who have a million dollars in the bank are really good about money and any sort of unexpected expense that comes up, they’re upset about it also.
Gabe: I understand what you’re saying because paying attention to our resources is a vital part of money management. But a year ago I was sitting on my couch at like 2:00 in the morning and it was storming and I felt a drop of water on my head. And I looked up and the roof was leaking like leaking a lot. And I saw all of this damage. And I thought, oh, well, that’s a bummer. And I went to bed. I just went to bed. That’s it. There was nothing I could do about it. I couldn’t stop the rain. I don’t know how to fix a roof. I don’t know how to fix a ceiling. But the reason that I didn’t freak out and panic is because I had the money. I flat out had the money. I knew that I could afford to fix it. There was nothing I could do. And I slept well. And I think about this because I think about Gabe when he was in the little six hundred square foot apartment living paycheck to paycheck with a thirty five hundred dollar deductible. And anytime my car made a noise, I just white knuckled because I couldn’t afford it. When oil change time came around, I thought, shoot. Where am I gonna get 30 bucks? Because it was hard. It was so hard. And I want to point out and this is where I want to go back to the timeline again. You were perfectly healthy. You weren’t having a medical problem. This was just an expense that rose in price. Right?
Jackie: Correct.
Gabe: So now imagine if the text message you got was from your doctor that you needed to go on a different medication that wasn’t on generic and therefore cost five hundred dollars a month versus the $10 co-pay. Or imagine if you were just diagnosed with bipolar disorder, major depression, schizophrenia, psychosis, and they were recommending an outpatient treatment program where the deductible was thirty five hundred dollars. And I can’t help but notice in all of these scenarios where we get diagnosed with all of these awful things, we all have health insurance. Some of the health insurance are better than others, but health insurance is always present. Now, imagine that you get diagnosed with a serious mental illness or I don’t know, is there such a thing as not a serious mental illness? And you have no health insurance? Because I know that my inpatient hospitalization. What, 17 years ago cost like $80,000. It didn’t cost me because I had health insurance. And I thought that was normal.
Jackie: I think this is a good time to point out, Gabe and I, we both understand our privilege in this conversation. You know, like I can make my bills and I do have health insurance. Gabe, same for him. And I can only imagine what it’s like in this moment where you’re choosing between paying for health insurance and feeding your kids or one of those other really intensely awful choices you have to make in terms of what to do with this small amount of money that you make. Granted, if our health insurance. Rewinding for a minute, our health insurance didn’t double. They just had an error on his paycheck, which is like makes me want to write them a heavily-worded note about how rude and anxiety-causing that was. However, if it did double, we would have to make some really, really difficult changes. Not difficult in which kid to feed? Kind of difficult. But where do we rearrange money? The reality is we probably could have found it, but it would have changed the way we live our lives. It would have changed what we do with our time and our energy. And I would have honestly had to work a lot harder to make up for that money. I would’ve had to find more clients. But it’s not lost on me that that is an option that I have is to go find more work. So I want to be cognizant of that in this conversation that Gabe and I both have the ability to figure it out pretty flawlessly in these situations for the people who don’t have the ability to figure it out or they can’t or they’re already working their ass off so hard that making more money is just not an option right now. Like I see you, I have no advice for you. None whatsoever. But I recognize that money and anxiety is significantly more prominent when you don’t have the ability to just get more money.
Gabe: And this is the multiple time line that I want to reconnect back to the beginning. So Jackie, finds out that her bills go up and she freaks out and things. OK, how am I going to find more money? But ultimately, I can do it. If it happened to me and it went up, I’d be like, well, that sucks. I would rather spend the money on something else. But ultimately, I have excess income. I’m fortunate I have more budget, so I’ll just bitch about it to my friends that, ugh, the cost of health insurance is ridiculous and not lose an iota of sleep. Somebody else is like you have health insurance that can go up top. How lucky are you? I would kill to have health insurance at all, let alone have it doubled. And then other people are just so rich that they’re like, I don’t have health insurance. I just pay for everything in cash, because I’m Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos’ lovechild that gets one hundred and eighty five billion dollars allowance a day. And then there’s people that are I don’t even know what the right word is for it.
Gabe: They have a level of financial insecurity that I can’t even adequately explain. And any explanation that I gave would just make me an asshole. There’s really no other way that I can put it. They don’t have a six month wait for a psychiatrist. They’re not even they don’t even have enough money to make the list. And all of us. And this is the takeaway. We’re all fighting each other. We all have mental illness. We all have mental health problems. We’re all trying to figure out how to make it through. And instead of figuring out how to make resources more abundant and accessible for all of us, we’re all like Jackie, she got health insurance complaining about the price. Or, well, she’s so rich, it doesn’t matter. Oh, well, he said he doesn’t even care if his roof falls and he just goes to bed. And that becomes the talking point. I really think that we need to come together on this one and find out why it is not accessible regardless of your socioeconomic status.
Jackie: I don’t know that I totally agree with you. And that’s because I think that if you’re somebody listening to this podcast and you’re going, wow, that asshole is complaining that their health insurance went up and I don’t even have health insurance. Honestly, I don’t think they’re that worried about me and judging me. I think they’re going. I don’t have fucking health insurance and I don’t know how I’m going to make things happen. I agree that obviously we should find a way to like pool resources or ideas and make things happen together. But my assumption and if you are a if you’re that wealthy listener, please sponsor us. We really could use your help right now. But if you’re not that wealthy person and you’re everybody else listening, I don’t think people are necessarily holding grudges against other people in this space. I think everybody’s just trying to survive.
Gabe: That’s a really good point, Jackie. But what bothers me is that what we all have in common is that we’re all fighting really, really hard to survive. And I do think that we determine how much effort the person is putting into survival based on the resources at their disposal. And that’s what I would like to remove. I don’t know that I worked any harder to survive because I had a lot of resources. I just think I didn’t have to work as hard. And I think that society judges people on the lower end of the socio economic status very, very harshly. They say things like, well, why don’t you have savings? Why didn’t you save for a rainy day? Because that’s not an option. That’s really not an option. They say things like, why won’t you be med compliant or why won’t you go see your doctor? They are trying to see a doctor. They’re on a 12 month waiting list for the free clinic. They can’t afford their medications because medications can cost thousands of dollars a year. And they’re choosing between eating, being homeless. And this goes back to something that we really need to discuss. And I’d really like your opinion on it. Jackie, sincerely if you, Jackie Zimmerman, had a choice between paying for safe housing, a safe place to live and food or your mental health care, which would you choose?
Jackie: I would choose a safe place to live. Hands down.
Gabe: And I think that most people would. And I think that we need to understand that many people are in this position.
Jackie: We’ll be right back after these messages.
Gabe: We’re back discussing money and anxiety.
Jackie: Gabe, you’re not wrong. Right? Like, these are all really good points that we need better access to health care. We need a better support system. We need all of these things. But if you’re somebody who doesn’t have any money right now, today, like, for example, I got a stat for you. We know that I love stats. There was a stat by the Royal College of Physicians, whoever the hell that is, that said that half of people with anxiety also have a problem with debt. So are you predisposed to one or the other? That’s not even talking about medical debt. That’s just talking about debt in general. So how do you get out of this kind of debt? How do you save if you’re not making any money? You can’t even pay your bills. How are you going to save these things?
Gabe: I’m not sure that there is an answer that doesn’t involve like high-level advocacy work and this is where I get stuck, Jackie. It really is where I get stuck. I you know, I don’t know. Marry well?
Jackie: That is one of the crux is of talking, is the plural of crux cruxes? I don’t know. That is a crux, we’ll say, of talking about money in general is that there is no one size fits. All right. Yes. Save more, make more done. Easy. But that is literally not an option for most people.
Gabe: Spend within your means, I love that one.
Jackie: Right? All that bullshit.
Gabe: Live within your means is the phrase that everybody uses, and depending on where you are on the socioeconomic ladder, that might mean to move down. You don’t need four Disney vacations a year. You don’t need a new car every year. Like that’s understandable, right? This could be really good advice for some people. We’re not saying that it’s not.
Jackie: I think it’s bullshit.
Gabe: We can all save a little more and clip another coupon. And we all don’t need to buy the biggest house that we can find. But like you said, it’s bullshit for a lot of people. It’s bullshit for a lot of people. They can’t. There’s no money to save. What do you have to say to those people? How are we going to relieve those folks’ anxiety, Jackie? I am afraid that somebody is going to listen to this and be like Gabe and Jackie said that I’m fucked. Their conclusion was I am fucked and I don’t know what to say to folks. And whenever we talk about money and anxiety and anxiety and money and driving it together, I think that people don’t want to dive deep into this. So they say platitudes like save for a rainy day. You don’t have to get dessert. Clip coupons. I use an app that tells me if Amazon has better prices. I’m not saying that any of these are bad ideas. But does it solve the big problem? For real, what is your coping mechanism for this, therapy guru Jackie.
Jackie: Well, for me personally, I use spreadsheets. I love a good spreadsheet one, because I am terrible with math and the spreadsheet will do math for me. So the way that I handle this is seeing all of the money and I won’t lie. Sometimes when you look at all of the money and all the way it’s being spent and how little money you actually have. It feels worse because you’re like, wow, I really have nothing. But then at least I know what I’m working with. I think in a lot of these situations, people don’t know actually what their overhead is in their life. Right? If you’re living outside your means, how do you know that if you don’t know what your actual means are? So I don’t have any great tips on how to get out of this situation, how to make more money, save more money. If I knew that, I’d be doing it myself. I don’t have that. But what I can say is for me, looking over it does help. Like pretending like it’s not there doesn’t help. Some people, I think, just go. I know that I can’t afford these things, so I just don’t think about it and then pretend it’s gonna go away. And I’m not going to say that’s a bad idea. If that helps you and you can get through your day by just not thinking about it. Maybe that’s the right choice for you.
Gabe: I am going to hardcore disagree with that. I see that as a short term solution.
Jackie: Oh, for sure.
Gabe: It sort of reminds me of, don’t open your bills on the weekends. I dig that. I dig that advice. It was it was advice that my grandmother had. She’s like, look, I don’t bank on the weekends. Weekends are for my family. I don’t open my credit card bills on the weekends. I didn’t want to tell her that, you know, now credit card bills or text messages where they send you every second of every day and maybe that has something to do with it. Maybe there’s a token of good advice in the advice that I just called bad. Which is that you need to have a time and place. Now is the time to manage money and now is the time to be present in other areas.
Jackie: Well, yes, obviously, I didn’t mean ignore it forever. That doesn’t solve anything, but like compartmentalizing what you’re doing with your money.
Gabe: I think that that is really, really good advice. I can get on board with that. Some other hints and tips that I want to give to people are self-advocacy is real advocacy. So often we have this desire to help other people that we don’t help ourselves. And you’re probably thinking, well, how can I help myself? And here’s how. Ask your doctor if they have a sliding scale. Ask your doctor if they have a zero interest payment plan. Google the medicines that you’re being prescribed and see if they have a prescription card that offers a discount. Many of the newer medications do, and it will reduce your co-pay in some cases from $300 all the way down to $10, but almost always by at least 50 percent. And this can make medications more affordable. Google free clinics. You may have to wait longer in the waiting room. In fact, you probably will have to wait longer in the waiting room. And that makes it not available to everybody. But if it is available to you, use it. There are ways that you can lower health care costs or get a payment plan that’s not at 29% interest or 22% interest. Like if you put it on a credit card, you do have to ask. They’re not offering it to people. I believe like Jackie, that taking control lowers anxiety because even if the thing around the corner is bad. I myself am less anxious if I know that it’s around the corner. It’s the things that pop out of the shadow at the last minute and go Boo! Those are the things that scare me the most. And finally, I don’t mean to steal Jackie’s thunder, but I kind of want to. Talk about your money anxiety in therapy. People don’t want to talk about money. Tell the people in your life that you’re anxious about money. Tell your therapist that you’re anxious about money. There is nothing wrong with being anxious about money.
Jackie: Thunder stolen 100%. I did talk about money in therapy last Friday, but I agree wholeheartedly. The idea of asking for help. Nobody is going to help you if you don’t ask for it in terms of reduced rates. I once got a $8,000 MRI for $10 because I asked for help. And then telling people, like Gabe said. I mean Gabe and I got together a couple of weeks ago and had a pretty in-depth conversation about money and he gave me some cool ideas I hadn’t thought about. I probably gave him zero ideas. But it was one of those things where just having a dialogue about money made it less scary to talk about money.
Gabe: We’re taught in our society not to discuss money. I don’t believe in this at all. I discuss money constantly. I discuss money with my family. I discuss money with my friends. And I believe this is why I have a different, and I’m going to say healthier relationship, with my finances. It’s also why I never pay too much for a car, because I know what all of my friends and family paid for their cars. I know the horror. But listen, your family may work differently, but your friends might not. And the Internet absolutely does not. Google the average cost of things. Google places that offer discount cards or lower end solutions. I am as shocked as anybody that I have gotten medical care at Wal-Mart, but I’m not going to lie. I’ve gotten medical care at Wal-Mart. The clinic there is fantastic. And it’s set up for people who need to pay less. And it helped me a lot when I needed help. There are lots and lots of those options. You just have to look around for them because they’re not the popular ones. They’re not the hospitals. They’re not the doctors. They’re not the ones that people commonly think about. All of these things can give you more control. Remember, having more control does not mean that negative consequences aren’t coming your way. It just means that you’re out in front of them. I believe that that’s empowering. I believe that matters. I believe that that will put you in a better position to deal with it. But most importantly, I believe that you’ll feel better when it’s all over. At least the negative thing didn’t get the satisfaction of yelling boo and scaring the shit out of you. And I think I really believe that from a personal empowerment perspective that has just a tremendous amount of value. Yes, the bad thing happened, but at least it didn’t trick you.
Jackie: And I believe circling back to the beginning that this is not going to be the last panic attack I have about money. But to Gabe’s point, I do try to get in front of it. I know what’s happening, which is why the unexpected cost made me lose my shit. But there is something to be said about being in control of it. And much like we’ve said about being a patient in general, nobody is going to advocate for you except for you. So this stands for how you handle your money, how you ask for help when you can’t cover your bills and how you move forward if you’re somebody who is in a position who literally cannot make any more money than they are currently making.
Gabe: Jackie, I couldn’t agree more, did discussing money with me make you anxious?
Jackie: I do not find discussing money with you to be anxiety-causing. And maybe it’s because we’ve developed a rapport based on brutal honesty. But I think this is one of those simple ways to take away the power that money has over us is just to talk about it.
Gabe: Listen up, everybody, we have some favors to ask of you, and don’t worry, it won’t cost you a dime. Wherever you downloaded this podcast, please subscribe, rank and review. Share us on social media. And when you do, tell people why they should listen. And if you have buddies and friends, email it to them. Tell them what to do. You know what? You should make it a full time career promoting the Not Crazy podcast. Jackie and I would love that. Stay tuned after the credits because hey, there’s outtakes and Jackie and I, we mess up a lot and we’ll see everybody next Monday.
Jackie: Have a great week.
Podcast: Panicked Over Finances? Why Money Influences our Mental Health syndicated from
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