#the fact that you think women only deserve respect is if they’re good at math
judyfromfinance · 1 year
Just had a Girl Dinner of 2 microwave pizzas.
I hope Barbie is proud of me for living in my Bimbo era of not knowing how to do math.
(I seriously don’t know how to do math. Literature was always my forte.)
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Rant under Read More
This post is brought to you by that one post with 50 thousand reblogs about how it’s “misogynistic” to say girl dinner or girl math. And Barbie is not a feminist (you’re right. she’s a doll. don’t know if you knew that.) And women that love wearing pink and the aesthetic that is bimbo-core are the reason that feminism is a joke now.
I hate seeing Women berate other Women for the things they love and enjoy. Fuck us if we want a meme surrounding us that literally does no harm.
Women can’t have anything. And it’s really sad to see that it’s other women trying to take it away. Y’all wack as fuck.
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generallypo · 4 years
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in all sincerity, kim dokja makes me happy and he deserves to be so too :^(
incoherent yelling and sobbing under the cut. these fEELINGS will not be contained aaauuunnghhh. 
anyway i binge-read all 500+ chapters of ORV this week and i honest to god feel bad for this -- completely! fictional! aghhhh -- guy. in case you haven’t figured it out, the following is some spoilerly shit
i went in expecting a fun, brainless power trip fantasy for dudes with an isekai addiction. instead, it turns out ORV is actually a gigantic, self-deprecating prank on the entire genre itself. kdj plays more into the sad -- if high-functioning-- clown trope than the sexy, edgy, chuuni bastard type i was prepared to laugh at. there were -- gasp! -- female characters with personalities! parents (aka ADULTS who act like ADULTS) who actually survive and feature prominently! adorable children! a real sexy, edgy bastard! a power trio with amazing fashion! sexual tension and bickering! friendship! life and death bonding! 
*breathes in deeply* fouND FAMILYYYYYYY.
like, yeah, the plot around the first few arcs seems a little aimless, but the buildup is worth. the world-building is pretty decent. there’s discernible effort put into the fight scenes, and i can appreciate that. but -- but! what i stayed for were the characters -- namely, the fantastic OT3 of KDJ, HSY, and YJH -- who come together despite their initial rivalries and end up saving each other’s asses, like, every other day. granted, the other characters don’t get as much focus, and they do fall into certain character tropes.. 
but a trope done well is nothing i would gripe about. every significant character in ORV has a coherent, and more importantly, respectful take on their respective trope. maybe it’s because sing-shong is actually a married couple, but all the interactions between even minor characters are a convincing blend of awkward rambling, suggestive humor, sharp remarks, and casual banter. in other words, this cast of mostly working adults (plus a teen and two kids) talks like working adults. the relationships built throughout the story are, frankly, some of most realistic of its genre. sing-shong has managed to craft a dynamic that undoubtedly brims with fluffy fondness all around, but also drips with sarcastic tension, with unspoken urgency, with a wariness that softens into sincerity over the course of many, many chapters. it’s the kind of progression that makes even stock characters read like more than just the 2-bit villain or comrade or love interest. here, we have relationships both straightforward and not, strained or otherwise, romantically-oriented as well as decidedly the opposite -- and then numerous others scattered along the spectrum with the freedom to shift either way. 
it’s also an interesting point of note that our MC kdj actually does not end up with a stated romantic partner, much less a conventional heteroromantic harem. he gets teased about that fact from time to time, but it’s with less of the sleazy shonen locker room humor one would expect and more of the good-natured ribbing you’d find among friends or that one especially nosy auntie at the yearly family reunion. kdj is a grown ass man. in the background, i applaud his maturity, and he handles all the prodding like a champ. 
so instead of finding and fulfilling his horny, he builds himself a wealth of loving family. yeah, there are beautiful men and women around him. yeah, they unequivocally adore him. but they’re also adults, and they have priorities, too -- which are not so much finding a way to bang kdj’s brains out and more so simply keeping the damn guy alive. this is truly not ‘oblivious mc with his thirsty, sex kitten harem’. it just so happens that a guy proves himself to be unflinchingly gentle and capable in an apocalyptic setting despite his broken self-esteem, and lots of people find that attractive, romantically and platonically. 
it.. kinda makes sense? he’s a hard worker, thoughtful, and good with kids. kdj is the kind of guy you know would make a reliable partner, and anybody with eyes can plainly see and appreciate that. 
and it’s not that our MC’s a total brick wall. in fact, it’s likely the opposite, and he’s just too darned repressed to admit it. from what has been implied, kdj does indeed recognize and accept love, or at least a primitive concept of it. i like to imagine that the kind of love that he ends up seeking out simply manifests itself more easily as acceptance and safety, as warmth and a home of people to return to every day. even better, the people who surround him know this, and they give him exactly that. it’s refreshing, and honestly, really sweet.
(as a side note, i really, really do appreciate the cosmic bi energy radiating off of kdj, who canonically earns the title of being loved by all and is all but in name married to yjh and hsy. he also respects women and small children and honestly anyone who isn’t total scum to him or his family. i respect that.)
but the happy stuff aside, you know it it just ain’t ORV without the generous screaming dollop of angst. admittedly, there’s self-sacrifice, injury, lonesome wandering, more sacrifice, some epic fighting, reunion and confrontation. all of it is a lot to digest, sure, but never does it feel entirely hopeless, or truly, truly heart-clenching. ORV, up until the final act, is a mostly light read. you relax in your chair, thinking that nothing beyond this point can disturb you. 
yeah fucking right.
and then the beginning of the end arrives. when the squad finally break through to their ‘ending’, the scene that kind of breaks me is the reveal of the Most Ancient Dream. it ties so much thematically into the little tidbits that we get of kdj’s past, and it though it feels like almost a joke that the source of the goddamn apocalypse is a kid with bruises smeared across his skinny ass body -- it’s such a pathetic picture that it’s kinda poetic, actually. you’re left mystified but somewhat convinced, like a math problem explained halfway through. this.. child.. is a villain somehow, isn’t he?
and then 999th turn uriel speaks up, and she. just. hugs him. 
[[You are this universe’s most powerless existence, aren’t you.]] 
that. that gets me. kdj’s reaction immediately upon this revelation? absolute murder. seeing him essentially self-destruct upon realizing that all these people he’s surrounded himself with -- some who continuously proclaim their loyalty and affection for him throughout their journey, some who suffered eons of war and loss and trauma because of his existence -- not only forgive his younger self but smother him with unconditional acceptance and love is stifling, is too vulnerable and exposed and he simply can’t cope -- it’s so telling of his true mentality, of his crippling insecurity and crumpled sense of self-worth. kim dokja is a liar, through and through, so much that he fails, or perhaps refuses, to comprehend the veracity of others’ kindness and love towards himself. 
by some miracle, the events at the end of the world somehow resolve.. or so it seems. there is a departing train, a liberated team of ex-gods, and a child rousing from his slumber. in the aftermath, i am left shaking. somehow, despite the ending having been (happily?) reached, there’s still another chapter ahead. what is this witchcraft?
and then ah, yes -- the epilogue arc. i teetered on the edge of being critical for a little bit there -- is that display of deus ex machina, of sad, self-sacrificing nobility a bit too egregious to be acceptable? is this some wild last let-me-yank-this-outta-my-ass plot twist to drag out the chapter count? i sincerely thought that the arc before it would have been the finale. i was wrong. thank god.
anyways, as an answer to the above: no, and no. i stake my firm claim on the belief that the epilogue arc was meticulously planned out well in advance of its release, confusing and time-warpy as it is. i liked it. tremendously. even if it entirely invalidates all of kdj’s supposed development (”haha lol yeah sure i won’t sacrifice myself or anything anymore guys don’t worry about me” -- KDJ, at some point because he’s a lying rat bastard). actually, our beloved MC disappears for a large chunk of this arc, and i think it’s great. in his absence, the other characters not only go absolutely fucking nuts, but they have to figure out this new problem on their own, even if the lure of peaceful complacency in the newly saved Korea might convince them otherwise. 
and then the whole time paradox thing comes around. yjh goes to space, hsy saves the only life she can, and kdj grows up. the crew waits, holding onto their hope even if it bleeds them dry. sing-shong does a damn good job of illustrating their fraying calm, their lurking madness, the unseen but pervasive depression that seeps in from kdj’s absence. the kids lose their father, lhs and jhw lose their reliable leader figure, ysa loses a best friend and confidant, lsk -- as distant as she pretends to be from her son -- loses her only child. and then there’s hsy and yjh , who are essentially bereft of the other half of their existences. their pain is palpable, is grounded in the hopeless, gnawing frustration of an utterly meaningless victory. emotionally, ORV hits all the right -- if agonizing -- beats.
however, a story can’t sustain itself just through its pathos. i’m happy to say that ORV doesn’t drop the ball after the first milestone, and after all the hurt, the characters do leap straight back into action. even better, the plot holes actually do get patches, and the poetic cycle of writer, protagonist, and reader comes full circle by making use of all those supposedly throwaway characters from the myriad world lines. 
at the end of the road, there is a distinct sense of unity, of a delicate but undeniable cohesion to the world lines and their origins. sing-shong lets us guess a little here at the finish, but there’s just enough information to feel hopeful. maybe there never had been a definite start -- or finish -- to the story of kdj company, and... that’s okay. everybody ends up where they were meant to be, where they fought and struggled to reach. it’s.. almost like a happily ever after, if we’re allowed to dream of that.
now, i realize, this was all an orchestrated maneuver.
i’ll take it.
to me, all of this work sounds like someone put some serious thought into this behemoth of a plot. it cements the entire original premise of the story. it suggests -- but never explicitly confirms! -- the possibility that breaking free of the cycle is possible through the exact same system that sustains it. it’s terribly interesting -- and inspirational! with all the dramatic revelations and life-threatening scenarios  and the cast’s resigned acceptance of them that essentially make up ORV’s entire mood, there’s still that last hint of rebellious and righteous anger that lights up the whole damn nebula. it’s like the kdj company blasting away at the heavens just to yell into the nether: we’re not looking for the happy end, but the free one. stay alive.
it’s subtle, and yet it’s such an emotional gut punch. i came away with the most ruinous, frustrating, bittersweet sense of longing in ages. i pined. for these fictional darlings. god, i am weak.
so. yeah. ORV is pretty good. flawed, but ambitious and impressively thought out.  i’m stoked that the webtoon is making pretty good progress, even if it’ll take an eternity and a half to meet that monstrous chapter count. i’m still gonna follow it. hell yeah. 
(by the way the idea that secretive plotter and co are literally gonna take care of and raise baby kdj and spoil him and be the best friggin family a kid could ever want does things to me. protect him. he’s suffered too much. let at least one worldline’s version of him know happiness. and actually, aLL OF THEM DESERVE DOMESTIC BLISS TOGETHER IN A BIG OL MANSION WITH SUN AND FRESH AIR AND TENDER FAMILY MOMENTS UGH)
and there you have it, folks. you made it to the end. in the far, far distance, i’m cheering you on and crying my eyes out in gratitude. thanks for tuning in!
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dibs4ever · 3 years
After the latest Nightwing issue I got this thought about Dick’s parents. Before they were together......
He said she said
John splashed water on his face, his Icy blue eyes reflecting at him.
He could also see Meili Lin approaching him from behind. She had slipped on her silk robe before wrapping her arms around him, hugging his backside
“Thank you.” She whispered “The gentle love...I needed it after what Tony puts me through.” She said softly
Jon turned to face her “No Thanks necessary. I’m glad I could make you feel better.”
She could read right through him “You love her. Don’t you? You feel guilty?”
Jon looked up at her questionably “Love who?” He released her and sat on the edge of the bed. She stayed out in front of him
“Mary Lloyd.” She continued
Jon let out a chuckle that was drawn up of both nerves and fake acting to draw away suspicion “Mary is my trapeze partner. We aren’t dating. What do I have to feel guilty over?”
Meili Lin moved to sit beside him “Cause you wished you were more.”
Jon looked at her for a long while “Mary.” He sighed “Is it that obvious? We can’t ever be though” he waved
Meili grabbed his hands “Why not?”
Jon shrugged “Mary is-“ he looked off in thought “Mary is amazing, she’s smart and talented, she picks up on routines like it’s nothing. She is great at communicating with the audience. She’s insanely smart with math and science which you’d be surprised how much that helps with putting together routines and she’s honestly the most beautiful person I’ve ever met both inside and out.” The smile on Jon’s face grew wider and wider with every passing word he spoke about Mary.
“And you feel you aren’t honorable enough for her?” Meili asked
Jon shook his head “I don’t think -I know. Mary deserves the best life possible and I can’t give that to her. Besides--she has a boyfriend back home. A guy her parents approve of. They're trying to get him to convince her to leave the circus.” he explained
Three days later Melili was sitting in the bleachers Tony was observing practice and she had been instructed to sit there still with her head down.
That didn't mean she couldn’t watch her two favorite acrobats practice though. She was in awe of the pair. Jon had mentioned the other night that the two had only been working together for a little over a year yet you'd never know it. The way they moved on the trapeze was as if they were working with one mind. Somehow they were connected. Reading each other without words needing to be spoken. They were graceful and swift. Performing so beautifully together by watching them you almost felt as if you were intruding on a romantic moment.
She couldn't help. but listen as the pair climbed down the post, their feet safe on the ground floor “You were great Mary the way you jumped off that post, whew you got more guts than I do.” Jon said pushing his dark wavy hair back
She smiled “Well I can say the same for you, Grayson, I know when I jump you’ll always catch me”
Jon grinned at her “You’ve got that right. I will always catch you, Mary. And if I ever don’t? Well, it’s cause I’m falling along with you.”
Mary laughed lightly “Please with those muscles? I can’t imagine you ever dropping me.”
Jon flexed “Oh these Ol’ things? If you think my catching you is impressive you should see the other things they’re capable of.” He winked
Mary smiled, rolling her eyes “Oh Jon, what am I gonna do with you?” She bopped his nose with her index finger
He chuckled “Why don’t you tell me after I bring us back some waters?”
She nodded “Sure it’ll give me time to think of an answer.”
Mary watched him walk out of the tent before noticing Melili eyeing them. Mary strode over to her sitting beside her. They’d had a handful of conversations -enough to be friends.
“How’d we look from down here? Think it’ll be good in the show tonight?” Mary asked hopefully
Melili nodded “You two were fantastic.”
Mary smiled, the girl had a gorgeous smile. One that could warm anyone’s heart. Her smile alone allowed Melili to see why Jon was so smitten with her.
“Jon” Mary sighed blissfully “He’s an amazing performer. He has more experience than I do. He’s a 3rd generation acrobat. His grandfather was among some of the very first circus performers. Me? I’m just a gymnast-ballerina who didn’t get into dance school after High school so I opted to join the circus to follow my performer dream instead.”
Melili shook her head “Those American schools don’t know what kind of talent they passed up.” She paused “So you like working with Jon?”
Mary nodded “Whats not to like? In fact, I love it. Jon is caring. He’d give the shirt off his back to help someone in need. He’s dedicated to his work, he’s funny and great at comforting people. Not to mention he is ridiculously charming and handsome. I don’t think I’ve yet to meet someone who doesn’t like him” She added
Melili smiled “So what’s stopping you?”
Mary shrugged “Fistly I don’t know if he feels the same. I’m almost certain he doesn’t. Come on a 3rd generation acrobat vs. the girl who’s 3 years younger than him and ran away to the circus as an act of rebellion when her family told her she had to go to college since she didn’t get into
Dance school? Plus he’s way too good-looking for me.”
Melili shook her head “I don’t know about that. You’re breathtaking “
Mary smiled down at her feet “That’s very kind of you.”
“Your boyfriend isn’t why you wouldn’t work?” Melili asked
Mary shook her head “I like my boyfriend a lot but I mostly am with him hoping it’ll help me forget about my little crush on Jon.
So far it’s not working” she let out a small chuckle
Melili tilted her head “Why don’t you just tell him?”
Mary quickly shook her head “Oh no, and ruin our amazing partnership. Look Jon ...he sleeps around. Not in a bad way, I know he respects the women he does get with. He’s not out there hooking up with random audience members at every city we visit -although he could if he wanted to. But he’s never tried anything with me....kinda a dead give away he doesn’t like me like that.”
Melili furrowed her eyebrows “You mean you two have never-“ she wiggled her finger
Mary shook her head “No—-even if I kinda want to. Which is weird for me cause I have this thing where I can only have that sort of attraction to people I REALLY like-not sure if there’s a word for it. I don’t even have that attraction towards my boyfriend. Which makes me feel so guilty” she threw her head back
The girls watched as Jon reentered the tent, two full water bottles in hand. “Melili thanks for listening to me rant. I don’t have many close friends being on the road all the time.”
Melili smiled “No problem. If I can give you a word of advice before you start rehearsing again?”
Mary nodded “Please do”
“Tell him how you feel” Melili nodded toward Jon who was waiting at the trapeze post, giving the two girls privacy “You never know, you might uncover why he treats you so different than other girls.”
Mary flashed Melili a smile before standing and making her way back to the ring to join Jon.
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dgcatanisiri · 3 years
So... something kinda hit me abruptly and pushed me to feeling about ready to snap, so... Have a word vomit. Kinda feels like a greatest hits compilation of  my “another angry queer rant” tag, but I need to get it out, so...
I know I’ve been over plenty about how I don’t feel represented even when I have something with gay representation. How I’d give dozens of Dorians and Iron Bulls to get even one run of Inquisition that properly has my male Inquisitor romance Cullen. How when I look at Mass Effect - this franchise that I love - I can only see how much it hates me for being a gay man who dares to seek content for me. How godawful it is that Gil’s story, a story that is explicitly a story centered on a gay man and the difficulties he faces BECAUSE of being gay, was written by a straight person who ABSOLUTELY does not GET. IT. And how fandom as an entity sucks, because so often it feels like the attitude of the people in it comes across as telling me that my desire to be represented in my media somehow comes in second to celebrating the advances solely for women, that my needs as a queer MAN (the emphasis usually theirs) are less important, because I can still see myself AS A MAN in other characters throughout media.
But... That doesn’t change the fact that this is a very real, very tangible THING for me to grapple with. And sometimes it feels like no one ever, EVER talks about this.
I mean, my go-to example is that after Inquisition dropped, you could not say A WORD in criticism of Dorian without people jumping down your throat, chomping at the bit to call you a homophobe for it. No matter what reason - but ESPECIALLY if you thought he was “too stereotypical” - you got hit with that label. Even if you were gay yourself, it was just your “internalized homophobia” that made you dislike him, or even being biased against the people who genuinely do lean in to the stereotypes, don’t they deserve representation too?!
Well, yeah. It’s not like I was saying they don’t. But that it’s a stereotype means it’s often still in media, still often THERE. It’s not always good representation, but it’s something. Meanwhile for those of us who AREN’T? It just meant further exclusion from the narratives. A continuation of our invisibility.
And sure, one queer character cannot represent every queer person, one individual who embodies one letter of the alphabet soup cannot be everything to everyone under that individual label. But, again, it still means that I don’t get to see myself.
If media representation is a life preserver, then I’m getting pulled out to sea while the lifeguards are busy with people who are closer to them than I am. Which, you can call it triage, cast the widest net to hope to get the most people, but when you’re one of those who are not even able to grab on to the net and use it to pull yourself closer, it’s not helping. And, because they’re focused on those who have grabbed on to the net, your struggle continues to be ignored.
Worse, sometimes they aren’t factoring you in the net they’re throwing (yes, I’m aware my metaphor is getting increasingly strained, just work with me here) because they think you’re not in the trouble they think others are - if you can “pass” as cishet, if you can exist without actively fearing for your safety, if you are the kind of person who can walk down the street and not expect to be harassed because you “present” gay, then you’re not as in need as those people who can’t, who are going to be threatened for existing while visibly queer.
But the truth is that you’re still suffering. I’m not gonna get in to the whole oppression Olympics nature of it all, but there is an element that those of us who “pass” as being “straight-acting” (and, for the record, I think these terms are bogus and bullshit, but I’m using them for the sake of simplicity in getting my message across, because I’m stream of consciousnessing this post instead of going to bed so you’re getting babble and word vomit so that this isn’t playing on a loop as I try and sleep) suffer that... I’m not going to say that it makes it worse, but it does have this level of SOMETHING that is a unique pain that you aren’t going to find from the people who are visibly and noticeably queer at a glance - it’s not just isolation, because this is something that you end up not talking about because no one around you realizes that you are queer, but also this voice in the back of your mind that starts questioning “are you REALLY queer? Are you queer ENOUGH?”
And that’s why it hurts that little bit more, is that much more a twist of the knife, when I see these people who push the “joke” of like “why did they even HAVE male Shepard?” or “the only way to play is as Kassandra.” Because it does reinforce this idea - that there is this attitude of this thing, this character that I was seeing as representation doesn’t matter. So that I take strength in that character, well, that’s just me latching on to REPRESENTATION AS A MAN, and we’re not here to protect your fragile masculine ego.
When all I’m looking for is a queer man like I am.
And sometimes, I don’t even feel like the other queer men I can look to get it. Like, there was that time about a year ago that I looked up issues of queer men in video games, and the three videos I found all got an “...and NOPE!” reaction from me - the first argued in math about how “queer people are a small portion of the population, we can’t realistically expect to be represented equally,” even though we’re talking about FICTION, which is, by definition, NOT reality, the second was clearly a cishet who compared not being represented as a queer person to not being represented as a Swedish person, and then a third who first had a thumbnail on a video of “good and bad representation” and Kaidan was the example of bad (so a negative mark against this video to begin with, but I was desperate), only to lead with Dorian as a good example, which... *vague motion above and at the “dorian critical” tag* I staunchly disagree with this stance.
Like... I have to struggle to think of who my role models in being a queer man are. It’s not just who fits my story, but who do I look up to, who inspires me. And, admittedly, the luster for any personal hero seems to inevitable wear off at this point, I’m in my early thirties, and most of the media I consume will have characters who are my age or younger PERIOD, so my queer heroes would have to be people I’d consider either peers or even someone who I am older than...
But then, that’s kinda the thing about being queer period - we lost a generation to AIDS, and for those who followed that generation, we’ve had to live in this world where our heroes don’t exist like us, while trying to pave the way for those who come after us, and who can’t conceive of what it is like to age - as in “go from adulthood to middle age to elder,” not just the matter of growing up from childhood to adulthood - and so even as they’re the one who we want to give all of this to... It still means we suffer because no one is there to offer US that hand.
And yet, try to explain this to media creators, and you get ignored or even shut down. Like, I about a year ago, I directly replied to tweet from Patrick Weekes, explaining how Inquisition failed me, how all bi LIs actually HELP me feel more represented as a queer person than the mix of sexualities that BioWare on the whole has said that they intend to do (re: the difference of LIs in DA2 and Dragon Age Inquisition). It got no response, not even a like to indicate that it’d been read by them. I could form in my head the response I’d have inevitably gotten from David Gaider when he still had an active Tumblr of what would amount to, nicest, “we cannot please everyone, enough people were moved by Dorian’s story to make it worthwhile, sorry.” Given some of my cynicism, I can’t help but believe that it would also have come with a “sorry you feel that way.” Particularly considering some of the comments he’s made about Cullen and Kaidan as LIs, both of whom being characters I connect to more than others in their respective games...
And like... Gaider is a gay man. Weekes is nonbinary. But they are from that generation who view being able to exist openly as queer as a revolutionary statement, which... It’s a statement I want to make, sure, but it’s not a revolutionary one to me - “existence” is the bare minimum. To me, focusing on existence as a queer person is to say that the queer character must justify existing as queer in order to be a part of the narrative. But what is revolutionary to me is to give the queer person a story in the narrative that has NOTHING to do with their queerness.
Like... Fantasy world here, Inquisition drops with Cullen and Cassandra as same-sex exclusive LIs, while every other aspect of their stories are the same. Women can’t romance Cullen, Men can’t romance Cassandra. Other than that, we have Cullen with his addiction/redemption arc and Cassandra not just struggling with her faith but even getting the chance to be Divine. Yes, fandom would FLIP. THE FUCK. OUT. But here’s what it says - the things that these characters go through in the course of the game are not defined by their sexuality. Hell, with these characters specifically, you get characters with MASSIVE relevance to queer stories that AREN’T exclusive to being queer - addiction is a real issue in queer communities, given how many of our safe spaces are bars or clubs, places where alcohol (and thus alcohol abuse) is easily obtained, and, by extension, drugs as well. Meanwhile, there are SCORES of queer people who struggle with the question of faith in the wake of their queerness manifesting.
THAT is revolutionary. To take these stories that straight people get all the time, that certainly have meaning as queer stories for the queer audience... And yet, when they go to these (hypothetically) queer characters, it has that subtext without making the story ABOUT their queerness, while still making it clear that, in this version of things, they are queer - players couldn’t pretend that it’s only in some parallel universe that they are queer, they would only be attracted to the same sex PC. THAT is revolutionary.
Or, y’know, take it back beyond BioWare for a little bit here - all the characters I feel the most connection to emotionally in TV shows are straight. All these men who are my role models only ever get shown being involved with women. At most, they’ll get queerbaited as MAYBE being queer, if you just keep watching! Inevitably, of course, they are not queer by the end of the show - the closest to date is the debacle that is Supernatural.
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Yeah, there’s representation for ya.
And then there are those who end up looking at what I see as thoroughly inadequate and... They’re happy. They praise it. They look at this thing that hurts me, that excludes me, that can, when I’m in the bad headspaces, even make me question myself... And they have found something they like with it.
Which, for the record, good for them, genuinely and sincerely, I really am glad that someone is getting something out of this, but... Well, see above: life preserver, isolation, “sorry you feel that way.” Everyone else is getting what they needed, but what about me? When does my representation get to appear? Why am I always being left, scrounging for the scraps of the scraps? Why does other peoples’ representation always seem to get shoved to the front of the line, leaving me languishing in the back.
That’s the real thing about all of those lines of “if you don’t like it, go make your own!” At this point, even if I did manage to get something in my to-write folder cleaned up and ready to go, in reality... How am I supposed to feel like anyone other than me WOULD proceed to read it? That the audience would exist? Because... no one seems to care about this audience. Hell, how would I get anyone to publish it if it is only going to appeal to me?
I feel on the margins of the margins, where no one really cares. Hell, even here in my own blog, I feel afraid of backlash - I’ve had the assholes show up in response to like little brief comments that are off-the-cuff rambles, not worded in a way that makes them a full, detailed accounting, and either take them as evidence that I, personally, represent all that is wrong with fandom at large, or that I am a target for their trolling. Because saying that “I find the jokes about male Shepard not mattering to be diminishing of me as a queer person, can we please stop this?” is somehow not just lesbophobic, but VIOLENTLY lesbophobic. Or that saying that I don’t care that bad things happen to a fictional species is somehow advocating for violence against actual women. Or even explicitly calling out BioWare for lovingly lingering the camera on Miranda’s ass is slutshaming her. And of course, there are the assholes who responded to me saying on the BioWare Twitter announcement post for the Legendary Edition that, if it didn’t have a full trilogy male Shepard/Kaidan romance, I wasn’t buying it, and proceeded to a) call me entitled for it (like, read a dictionary, the very fact that I have to call for this content that doesn’t exist in the game proper is the OPPOSITE of entitlement...), b) tell me that I “shouldn’t deny [myself] a great story just because it doesn’t have gay people in it” and c) just generally be homophobic. Even in rolling with it on the basis of “the trolls are gonna show up period if you make it clear that you care about something, especially if you are trying to get representation for some group that is in the minority... It gets exhausting. It can be harmful. It makes it clear that you’re not welcome, even when you’re supposedly united by the fact that you and these people supposedly love the same piece of media.
I mean, among those examples, I’ve given the statements that inspired those responses no tags other than my own organizational tags, but SOMEHOW they find me anyway, so it wouldn’t surprise me if I got accused of like being another White Gay™ with this post, that I simply want to center the conversation wholly on myself at the expense of all other intersections of queerness and other identities or something for saying all of this, even though this is, and it says so from the start, a vent post, which, by definition, is centered on myself because it’s about me and my experiences and emotions. *sigh*
And, y’know, when BioWare actively refuses to even ACKNOWLEDGE that the absence of a full trilogy M/M romance option is a bad thing, it just ends up saying that the trolls are actually the audience they’re willing to court. That Supernatural ending with a brothers only focus that doesn’t even allow Cas to be mentioned other than offhandedly while suppressing ANY kind of emotional fallout to his admission of love says that they don’t care about the queer people who at the very least the actor was trying to be respectful and representative of. That every piece of media that says that to have a queer person in it, their presence must be explained and justified is saying that there needs to be a REASON for queerness, a reason that is not “because people are queer, and queer people come in as many stripes as cishet people, and so media should reflect that spectrum just as much.”
Even when the numbers of queer characters in media goes up, it doesn’t really move the needle. And that’s not even getting to the difficulties when you are any mix-and-match combo under the queer umbrella, or any other identity that intersects to marginalize someone in our society. It just...
Y’know, it doesn’t feel like “it gets better.” Rather it just feels like being stuck in position, just with a changing backdrop. Sure, things look different by the end of the day, but that doesn’t change that you’re not getting anywhere.
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katieamazeballs · 5 years
So a woman can just use a man if it suits her fancy? Ok, that’s fair because equality and no double standard. Is it true equality if in achieving that goal it’s actually reversed? Is the goal that it’s perfectly fine to use another human as a salve for hurt? To mend one’s broken psyche over the flesh of another? I guess her form of empowerment is ok if you enjoy using someone else. So cheers Nikki. Enjoy your piece. Hope it’s fun. Leave your review of him on the table.
- “Have fun with your Russian”?? Wow. What a comment. First....he’s more than just a Russian. Second...he’s not hers. Even she said they aren’t anything to each other.   He’s a person with real feelings and emotions. Not her get out of long term relationship plaything.   I hate how Artem is being reduced in all this mess. Women are rightfully demanding respect and less objectification. Can Artem not be thought of as just a romp for healing?           
- All this talk is centering on Nikki. Her heartache, her ex, her feelings, her sleeping with Artem. Ugh. Ok I get it. Yay her. She deserves a good boink and fun. What about Artem? He’s also had a breakup from a long relationship not too long ago. Why isn’t he being discussed. His feelings and what he deserves? He’s not a prescribed fixer of anything. He’s more than a Russian stud ready to serve at someone’s call.     
-  Who wants a declaration of love here? It’s a fling. Does it need more description from her than that. This isn’t math. It’s sex. Not that complicated and certainly not about love, marriage or happily ever after crap. It’d be ridiculous to expect some swoon-filled statement when it ain’t there. Why can’t it be exactly what she said. Sex. That’s it. Sex and lunch, sex and produce. Sometimes something is what they’re telling us.   
-  There’s a big difference between Val/Jenna and Nikki/Artem. Val and Jenna always had a real relationship. Rocky at times but real. Nikki and Artem are friends with benefits. No one except shippers are thinking it’s more. Doesn’t matter how long or short it’s been going on. What’s wrong with it just being about sex? That’s what she asked. She also clearly said she’s dating other men. It can’t be a relationship when he’s not the only dude.    
- This debate all seems odd because Nikki says she’s dating others. Under that scenario it’s obviously not love or anything else with him. Who knows if he’s dating anyone else. Nikki also didn’t seem to have an issue if they slept with others. There’s nothing really to see here. In fact at the end of the segment she basically said it was a two night stand.  
-    Seems to me too many are trying to spin her words. She plainly said. She’s “dating” him and what that meant to her as told to Brie was sex. She also clearly said she was dating other men. It’s not that it’s too soon or anything. She couldn’t have made it clearer that he is a sex partner. That’s it. It seems she was being very honest and trying to pretend it’s anything more seems to be distorting her words. It’s not mean to just call it what she herself did.             
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Just in case y’all were wondering exactly how mad Anon is about Nikki and Artem......she’s this mad.
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him-e · 7 years
Cersei, the prophecy, the walk of shame & redemption
Under the cut: a criminally late reply to some Lannistercentric questions @pips69​ sent me weeks months ago (sorry, I was taken hostage by the show, and then real life issues)
May I ask how different you think Cersei might be if she never visited Maggy the frog? I know it's a pretty big "what if" but it really bothers me when some people down play just what a large effect the prophecy had on her, especially during discussions about her mental state of mind and if she deserves sympathy. I'm wondering because I loved your thoughts on what Cersei might have been like as a man but I noticed the prophecy wasn't mentioned.
I completely agree with what Lauren says in this post about Maggy’s prophecy being a late addition to Cersei’s story (if not a complete retcon). If you’re looking for a Cersei who never visited Maggy the Frog, look no further than AGOT-ASOS Cersei. That is, a Cersei who clearly has no time to worry about little valonqars jumping at her throat; a Cersei who is rational enough to understand that Bran was not a direct threat to her or her children (and isn’t happy that Jaime defenestrated him, though not because she feels compassion for Bran, but because that created a whole other set of problems); who thinks Sansa is obnoxious and pathetic and stupid but never acts like she feels threatened by her potentially being the YMBQ; who wants Arya’s hand in punishment for hurting Joffrey even though she has no real reason to suspect her either as the YMBQ or the valonqar; who doesn’t seem one iota worried that Tyrion might wrap his hands around her pale neck, but still profoundly detests and treats him like shit; who orders Robert’s bastards to be massacred simply because she won’t risk people to compare *their* looks to Robert’s *legitimate* children and do the maths, and so on.  
From a meta perspective, it’s hard to incorporate Maggy’s prophecy into Cersei’s character since the beginning, because it’s painfully evident that GRRM came up with it only later (or it would have been built up/foreshadowed better). 
This is why a lot of meta writers (including me) won’t necessarily bring it up to discuss her personality. Because Cersei’s character doesn’t need a prophecy to be explained. Note that GRRM makes sure that some of Cersei’s worst traits, like her abusive behavior towards Tyrion or her classism, arrogance and contempt for "lesser” beings, manifested well before she met the witch. So I don’t think the prophecy is meant to excuse Cersei’s crimes or even inspire sympathy in the reader. I think the narrative purpose of the prophecy is:
give Cersei a secret trauma to be tortured over in her internal monologue (similar to Jaime re: Aerys’ murder); 
facilitate/accelerate her descent into paranoia (that in the original five years gap plan was probably meant to happen more gradually and, in any case, off page); 
boost the Evil Queen vibes in her narrative, making them more explicit to the reader (because a big part of why Cersei’s narrative is tragic is that the reader KNOWS how it will all end, so it’s important to wrap her story up in a familiar fairytale envelope); 
introduce both a “mystery box” and a magical element in Cersei’s narrative, which so far has always been primarily political.
Having read the rest of your reply, I certainly agree with you! Especially with how GRRM writes Cersei, just the way he does so really gets under my skin. Compared to how he writes his male villains. And then you have the walk of shame. Some people have said that GRRM wrote Cersei in her most sympathetic light during her walk (with her feeling guilt and such) but I don't know, it's just...lets say Cersei dies in the end anyway (which we know she will) can you see any of the male villains being put through something so humiliating first? Roose, Ramsay, Walder? No they will likely all meet death and I would have been just fine had Cersei been tried and executed with the respect & dignity fitting a queen. But no she had to be horribly humiliated and shamed first, have every bit of power removed, and to top it all off her death will likely be horrid as well! I just hope Jaime is the one to kill her rather than Tyrion, with what he's said he wants to do to her... I don't know it just seems like GRRM really, truly hates Cersei and that really bothers me. Much like the huge amount of hate she gets in the fandom. Does it bother you too?
This ties in with the redemption discourse, and how Cersei is denied it by the author.
The WoS thing is one of those instances in which GRRM gives the readers what they THINK they want, showing them how HORRIBLE it actually is. Like with Ramsay’s abuse of Theon, with Joffrey’s choking to death, with the complete character annihilation that Lancel undergoes, with Jaime’s maiming, with Vargo Hoat’s terrible death... the reader wanted Cersei to suffer for her crimes, and the author turns that expectation against them, making it so UNCOMFORTABLE to read that you go “nope, this isn’t what I asked for, please, STOP”. This is GRRM forcing us to exercise our empathy muscles the hard way (it’s easy to inspire empathy for good characters; the real challenge - from a writing standpoint - is inspiring empathy for bad characters, because they’re human too. And the fact that even “bad” characters are human is such an integral theme to asoiaf, because newsflash, our heroes will defend THEM too from the Others. All of humanity, the good and the bad). 
So the first thing to remember is that, while the WoS doesn’t represent the beginning of an upward arc for Cersei, GRRM is certainly NOT endorsing the sexual humiliation directed against her. Rather, he’s exposing the High Sparrow’s (superficially pro-smallfolk and pro-human rights) ideology as violent, misogynistic, reactionary and populist, in short, as a villainous one.
Do I think GRRM went a little over the top with the WoS, and does it have some uncomfortably voyeuristic implications? Yes, just as I think he should have toned down the sexual violence / abuse perpetrated on women in general in the books.
That’s why, while I would generally appreciate GRRM pulling a redeeming twist on Cersei in any other circumstance, I’m actually happy it didn’t happen with the WoS as a catalyst, because the profoundly sexual (and sexually punitive) nature of it would be a TERRIBLE way to start off a female redemption arc. In fact, although Cersei hallucinates at some point the faces of Ned, Sansa etc. judging her, this doesn’t really inspire any real soul searching or self-examination in her, and the humiliation she suffers does NOT extinguish her arrogance, but rather fuels it. Once she’s safe from the crowd, Cersei is even more determined than before to unleash hell on her enemies, which now include the population of King’s Landing as a whole.
I think this is a good counterpoint to other narratives in asoiaf (particularly Theon’s, but not only) that do have a problematic subtext of abuse being depicted as a hard lesson, a necessary step to atonement, or a chance for growth. In Cersei’s narrative, enduring this sort of savage and humiliating abuse does not produce any positive change in the character, in fact it makes the situation worse.
Sorry if I've asked this before but when it comes to our main Lannisters personalities (Tywin, Cersei, Jaime, Tyrion) do you think pride lions or mountian lions suit them better? Personaly I'd choose mountain lions for Tywin & Cersei while Jaime & Tyrion are more of a mix but lean a bit closer to pride lions. What do you think?
I’ve never thought of any of the Lannisters as mountain lions, tbh. The Lannister sigil is pretty straightforward, and if I’m not mistaken the asoiaf equivalent to mountain lions/cougars would be shadowcats (though they’re not exactly the same). In terms of personality… idk, the only thing that comes to my mind is that cougars, unlike pride lions, are solitary animals, which means the one who I MIGHT associate to them is Tyrion, because he’s always been isolated even in his own family (then again, he craves for love and sincere relationships, so…). Tywin and Cersei? they’re totally gregarious animals, like the rest of their kin. They want to take control of their pack and rule it, but they absolutely need a pack to thrive. The kind of power they seek is inherently social, so I don’t see them doing great on their own.
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buffalowingsfortwo · 5 years
9/9/19 11:47 pm
ash to faith
i went to bed early last night and woke up on my own around 11:30, and it felt nice. some point late last night or soon after i woke up, i fully accepted that i’ve been being really negative recently and creating a cycle of bad behavior and moods, and then i decided that today would be the point where that stopped.
i got up and went to class 30 minutes late because i couldn’t find parking and then i walked all around the parking lot trying to find a machine selling one-day parking passes, but the first one i found was out of order, and at the second i realized they only take cash, which i didn’t have. so i went to class, and told myself i’d just get one when i got out and hope i didn’t get a ticket. both of those things worked out for me. in my math class, i finished a section i was on, took the test for it, and passed. the teacher said i could retake the test on wednesday to try to get a better score (i just got a 75) and i think im going to because i really want to do well in this class.
i didn’t spend my break with diana because i spent a full 45 minutes buying a semester parking pass and then trying to find my car again. in my psych class, we went over test review because our first exam is on wednesday. i really like the people who i sit by, and we usually talk a little bit during class. most people in there are older women of color, and even though i don’t like the teacher that much, i feel like i learn a lot from everyone else and i like the environment.
after psych, i went home to eat, and on my drive, i went past a huge flock of crows that was flying in a weird pattern. i think you’re aware, but there’s a lot of things that i just deem as symbols of good luck, for no reason other than i feel like it. i’ve decided crows are a new one for me. realistically, there was probably just a dead animal or something in one of the fields i was driving past, but i was having a good day, and i really really like crows. when i got home, i ate soup and a salad. i also saw that my mom got me new pepper spray, because my last one broke, and a stun gun, because last week, someone got robbed at gunpoint on avc’s campus. life is terrifying but they’re both a nice purple color.
when i went back to school for my communications class, the teacher lectured for a while before announcing that we’d be doing more speeches today. i went up with my partner, and we both talked about each other for a few minutes. we were both really nervous, but she did really well. i spoke too quietly and used too many space fillers and looked down and crossed my hands too much. i felt like i was gonna throw up afterwards, but in both of our speeches, we mentioned that neither of us liked country music, especially when men were singing it. when i ended my speech, a kid that i think is really cool (he’s hot and into film and art and he’s not white) asked us both why, which started a debate, which the teacher got pulled into. it was dumb but it made all of us laugh so i felt a little better. at another point, the teacher brought up that he liked the killers, and we argued about which of their records is best. he thinks it’s hot fuss, which is wrong, but i can respect. he said i seem like a good person to talk about music with. im hoping im in his good books now. i think you’d like him. he swears and makes dumb jokes and shits on men and republicans a lot and is also not white. that’s the most stressful class i have by a longshot, but i really like the people in it. the av sucks, and so does this school, but i sit in classes like that, and hear every side conversation about tv and music and career paths and families and i feel happy to be where i am and where i’ve been.
i came home and ate a burrito and strawberries and now im making this post. i think im gonna watch another harry potter movie and work out before going to bed. tomorrow i pick up brandi from the vet around 8 am, and im really excited. i think a lot about an idea i once heard, when someone said that if one human year is seven for dogs, a day at work or school away from them must be why they make such a big deal when their owners come back home. that and the fact that they, for the most part, have no real reason to believe that anyone’s ever coming back to them. brandi’s never been away for long, so 24 hours must be totally killing her. i think when i pick her up im gonna bring her new treats and another toy even though she has too many as it is. she’s similar to you in that she’s awful and puts me through hell but there’s nothing i wouldn’t do for her and she supplies roughly 95% of my joy.
i missed you a lot today, and almost cried a few times about it. don’t take that too seriously though, i cry a lot for no reason these days. im extra sensitive now because yesterday i heard good as hell by lizzo for the first time. im always late to songs like that, but whatever, it’s a good song. i like listening to it while driving because it brings me the same feeling that driving with you does. im really really glad to hear that you’re having so much fun at school and finally getting the full life experience you’ve always deserved, but shit does suck a little bit without you. i thought a lot today about how you’ve always been the one thing to make me laugh and bring me back down to earth when nothing else could. you’re at a big growing point in your life right now, and i am, too, just not in the same ways. i don’t know when i’ll see you next, but im excited for it. i know i’ll laugh a lot. i’ll probably cry too. im ugly like that.
“i ain’t worried doin’ me tonight, a little sweat ain’t ever hurt nobody”
- get me bodied by beyoncé
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violetsystems · 5 years
When people wonder how long I’ve spent being ignored down here like everybody else it’s nothing compared to how long I’ve held the same job.  Truly one of the things I’ve been most successful with in proving consistency has been my work ethic.  It helps that it returns financial compensation and benefits not that any of that impresses anyone these days.  I say that work is work a lot and leave it at that.  It is important to note I work in an extremely liberal environment.  I don’t mind being inclusive in fact I think it’s more rewarding in the long run.  You expect that respecting people’s right to be will create an atmosphere that encourages you to do the same.  This is the Utopian vision of liberal America that always has it’s heart in the right place but fumbles upon execution.  Mainly because accepting people in America seems to be largely an egocentric experience.  We the people.  Wait who are we all again really?  It’s true I don’t really feel much in line with extreme politics on either side these days.  I spent years soul searching after making dance music on how to do something more important.  I volunteered for a Korean American Festival for three years back in 2011 through 2013.  That imploded in such a Tarantino-esque way like everything else in my life.  People come together and power struggles emerge out of the vacuum.   Around 2013 I worked with a collective of mostly women from my school in a project called Collective Cleaners.  It was a project about cleaning and the value of human labor.  I learned how to weave rags from old bedsheets.  We did a year long show at Jane Addams Hull House at UIC.  I could go on and on right.   But it seems like I’m telling a joke about my life with no actual punchline.  Like I’m mockumentary in the flesh.  Here I am still out here ambiguous proving myself to some phantom army.  And here I am still not good enough for America staring it in the face.  After all this my life is still a fucking joke to people in the worst and most hurtful way.  It becomes exhausting to remind people you have acted on solutions to these modern problems.  Nobody cares about me and what I do about it year after year.  Trust me I get that part by now.  That’s what it seemed like for awhile.  And then I had the painful realization that the work never stops.  And it seems like I’m all alone doing all the work.  To be truthful a lot of the work and expectations follow me around after I leave my day job.  On my lunch break I had to break up a fight between a white christian woman and a fake monk on Michigan before it happened.  The woman came running down the street making a sign of the cross with her fingers.  I stepped in front of her and calmly asked her what the fuck she was doing.  She ran away in opposite direction.  Where’s my comic book Marvel?  
For all the things I’ve done I’m still just as mistrusted and questionable in the eyes of the social elite.  I’m never quite good enough.  Never quite valid enough to prove I’m just as just viable as a closet misogynist with a six figure salary.  I’ve been questionable for years only to realize that nobody has any answers for me on how to be otherwise without being me.  Other than me.  And so in the end only I really know how successful this has all been.  And only I know when it’s appropriate to stay the course or give up entirely.  I haven’t given up.  That’s self confidence talking.  And sometimes you have to lead yourself forward towards some sort of progress through the hazy chaos.  I spent an entire year answering political calls and surveys out of guilt.  Mostly due to what I would hear from my peers about the intrinsic value of being politically aware and woke in the arts.  When it comes to American politics I do participate at bare minimum in voting.  One robocall asked my political leanings.  I said left.  “So I’ll mark you down as progressive.”  I didn’t know how I felt about it at the time.  Progressive in Illinois is a strange beast.  We elected a billionaire for Governor and a lawyer for Mayor.  At surface level that sounds horrible and I guess the more you dig into Chicago and Illinois politics you’d find the same shit.  You need money in America to have a say in politics regardless of how many free speech arguments you win on the Internet.  You can of course vote and it would be remiss to say I haven’t seen progress in that.  As of January we have recreational Marijuana and abortion legal across the state.  I have seen the drug war up close and personal.  It sounds like I’m a vice news reporter.  I’ve probably nudged up against them too in the field but they pretend I don’t exist.  Maybe that’s a parable of the drug war and the media industrial complex.  Maybe shit was lame.  All I know is through a series of miracles in the democratic process smoking weed in Chicago isn’t as dangerous to your personal freedom as it used to be.  Making friends in public still is.  Welcome to snitchville.  Whereas New York is up close but never personal Chicago is your best friend and your arch enemy at the same time.  Progressive politics signifies that things move on, evolve and change.  I’ve read enough news feeds to understand the Governor made whatever possible by crossing the aisles.  Which can be read as compromise.  That’s government.  I’m a private citizen in America.  Or so one would think.  There’s endless commentary about how people like me don’t do enough.  Americans love to talk all day about privacy and talk can be cheap.  Facing the realities of a growing surveillance state that likes to masquerade as the land of the free is troubling.  So can facing the reality your favorite punk rock festival is using public space for profit in under served neighborhoods.  I’m more concerned about white dad rock masquerading as punk.  But insecure men would rather lash out at the me too movement than rock the boat.  You pick your battles right?  Generally when I’ve been the one to stand up to things it’s been about not moving backwards in terms of progressive beliefs.  I believe in a woman’s right to choose.  I got targeted on the street all summer because of it by Christians who thought it was ok to bring it to my face.  I didn’t get a medal and I sure as fuck didn’t really get a pat on the back.  I still have my secret support systems but I don’t have the luxury any more of hiding from who I am and what I believe.  I often stand by myself and what I believe and suffer for it.  Or worse it gets hijacked, misunderstood, and misrepresented by someone’s interpretation of what I’m trying to say.  And I sit here every Saturday morning wondering if I’ve made any progress in being happy at all.  
After failing so much in everything you get a little tired of falling for the same old tricks.  The personal is the most political you can be and I have years of resistance to draw from.  Nobody ever wants me to be me even after all the passionate posts on the internet about what I believe.  It goes nowhere.  There are people who do understand and people I trust.  But the reality in America is that is few and far between in public space.  The propaganda that we’re all free is largely based on some huge stipulations.  Money is one of them.  I work for a non profit.  You can do the math.  It feels like everything that the Left wanted me to be based on critique is largely ignored unless I have my wallet out.  And even then I’ve been happier being less liberal with my money in places where it isn’t respected.  I guess I could run away to Hong Kong and start over.  The irony of that is pretty funny right now.  I haven’t talked to that side of the family in a while since I’ve been off Facebook.  I haven’t left the country since I came back from China, Korea and Japan by myself since the first summit between Moon Jae-in and the other guy.  I don’t know that I feel very safe leaving the country.  I don’t feel very safe leaving my house these days.  So do I shrivel up and waste away hoping somebody will save me.  What have I done to deserve all this I’m not sure.  I’ve spent over three years clocking in hundreds of miles running around desolate and abandoned areas of Chicago.  What am I really afraid of at this point?  Dying alone and forgotten?  I feel dead inside already every day.  I have no hope any of this will change no matter how much we sit and argue about it.  Nobody does anything.  Nobody is out there with me other than the people close to my heart.  Nobody invites me to a special club other than me at my kitchen table on a Saturday morning.  For all the good I’ve done I’m still the first person to scapegoat as ‘problematic’ after all these years.  And I can’t even profit off it on the internet?  That’s a joke.  If listening to all these criticisms and taking them to heart got me where I am why do we still pay so much attention to Dave Chapelle’s career and for profit opinion?  I’m invisible.  Just like all the victims out there who are invalidated when somebody says they’re over reacting to sexual abuse and harassment.  I think America has enough problems that nobody wants to confront without us having an opinion about any other country’s sovereign dirty laundry.  And this is where I think we can all learn a little something about progress.  I got to where I am by believing in myself and resisting people’s judgements of who I am.  I got there by challenging my own perspective and growing into my own by putting my ideas into practice.  It hasn’t been easy.  It has been largely thankless and a complete mind fuck.  But I haven’t been alone as much as it seems.  People use so many words and get nowhere.  And then people learn how to communicate without ever opening their mouth.  People can say they love you all day long.  I’m always going to be out here showing you just how much it means to me regardless of who sees it and how they feel about it.  In that I err on the side of consistency.  If that makes me a loser I’m happy with the results.  <3 Tim
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northernjulian · 7 years
"Lucidity Roses"
Dedicated to:
This poem, project, and visual representation of mental growth & beauty is dedicated to someone I miss dearly and think about everyday. My best friend Jaedin A. She helped me get through everything. From my first heartbreak, to my first day of suicide watch in the hospital. She was there. From crying over being abused in a relationship to crying over being locked in a hospital room. She was there. As I write this dedication with tears falling down my face like that day let it be known that I would not be here today. Mentally, and physically if it weren’t for this person. It’s nothing simple like I got an injury and she stopped the bleeding therefore she “saved my life” shit. It’s more like I couldn’t find my own injury but she stopped it from hurting by just being there with me. No matter the situation. Whether it was when I was 1,500+ miles away or just inches away she helped me push through everything that would’ve broken me. Thank you so much for existing in my era. Xox
This piece is heavily inspired by Jenny Holzers ‘Truisms’ poem. Her diverse yet obvious stanzas created beauty by the things we see and hear everyday. Basic knowledge formed together to create a intricate puzzle like piece that allows the mind to gain an insightful view. Thank you Jenny. Alongside being dedicated to my best friend Jaedin it is dedicated to those who did me wrong. Sorry to kill your vibes but no one can bring me down no matter how long they try. With all love and no hate <3 -Julian
This is art. This is real. This is raw. I speak my mind and express everything I see and understand. This ain’t some politics-free Facebook post. Not wanting to argument with family members shit. I’ve been blocked by family members for the things I’ve said. My aunt blocked me after posting pro-black lives matter messages on my Facebook. Apparently not wanting to see my half blood brother on the news is too offensive. Wanting justice for innocent people was “too much”. Putting bad cops in the system they avoid was “too excessive”. If you can’t respect my existence or my families and friends then fuck you. This country has been hypocritical since the day it was founded, but overtime new laws and such have been put into the system yet they still treat us like the cameras ain’t recording, like the wounds ain’t showing, like the pain ain’t growing. So realize that this piece isn’t some school assembly script. This is raw and uncut like Trumps Twitter minus the fact that I’m not a damn idiot. Also while reading this piece you have to be in touch with the other side. By that I mean you have to be relaxed and at peace. Plug in headphones, white noise machine, open the window, do what you gotta do to be ready to see instead of just read. It’s like a deep song with curse words in it. You can’t listen for the words, you have to listen for the meaning. If Van Gogh painted Starry Night in an art class no one would fully appreciate it for the way it was meant to be. Art is three dimensional and up. It can be seen from many sides. Although all of them can be justified, when the artist explains what his two dimensional view of the piece is you gotta just sit back in amazement. The whole time I was writing this I had that mindset. This my canvas mindset. Knowing that each stroke on the white surface has to be better than the last. So here is my piece. My canvas. I hope you enjoy and understand.
Here is “Lucidity Roses”
— america is the biggest terrorist threat not isis all lives matter movement is a fictional movement anatomy is important for love astrology isn’t a science arian advantages are my disadvantages america escaped tyrannical governments only to become one abortion isn’t murder amendments have been broken atheists are people not afraid of death aberrant people are the future able bodied people are the most lazy abolish our current government abrasive people are common absolutism is always a bad idea abstemious people are annoying absorption of countries kills cultures acquaintance is a rude way of saying relationship adeptness is underrated altruism is key for humanity apathy controls our motivations astronomy is observable and beautiful amassing is dangerous anonymity people keep the truth alive aflame is the best way to describe America right now aptitude lovers are real aridity is rising
beautiful mornings happen everyday borders don’t stop shit branding runs capitalism blue lives matter is equal to all lives matters blue people don’t exist bernie should’ve won bravery comes in many forms bruce becoming caitlin was important for this generation baby boomers blame everything on anyone younger bombs are never precise boys don’t cry, men do tho bitches aren’t women bad bitch isn’t a compliment babies show us life in it’s pure form baptism doesn’t save every child of god baptism didn’t keep me holy bottles ease the pain boredom is a first world problem bacteria is everywhere germaphobes being called something besides your name is great blonde was album of the year black lives matter buying expensive things have repercussions baffling is trumps best and only skill burning the flag doesn’t help anything basketball is the best sport
crying in the rain feels good creativity is the key to a new world conspiracy theories aren’t reality cherry blossoms are natures physical form of love condolences are appreciated cancer can be stopped censorship stops art ceasefires never truly cease fire cultures are not to be mocked colors all have meaning codes control our superficial social media currently waiting for closure classical mythologies were once religions civilizations never disappear fully cobain was murdered ceasar once ruled the world callisto needs to be explored carbon dioxide emissions are real cherokee are the toughest natives christmas is definitely the most wonderful time chickenpox in america wasn’t an accident cold war was the scariest war columbus didn’t find shit captain avery was a genius camo clothes are never out of fashion crucifixion is over the top
dark nights only make brighter days death penalty is overpriced depression is real denying science and facts gave us trump don’t argue with science devil dances to inner city anthems death lurking in my thoughts lately da vinci was the closest thing to perfection drake runs our generation dogs are impossible to hate divinity is possible in our form diamonds are perfection doomsayers don’t enjoy their life dormant volcanoes are relatable dancing is art dinosaurs exist despite being held back we succeeded desperate people are the most sick different place this planet is nowadays dying is overrated dust shows authenticity dyed my hair for this rebirth defense is a form of offense dreams mean something doing thangs for myself deities exist in us
“every night fucks everyday up” emptiness is a curse everyone is beautiful in their own way exercise is a reliable stress reliever eagles are sacred earth deserves better easter island disappeared electromagnetism control our sense of direction extinct species show how precious life is endorphins are off in my mind epicenter disasters happen in our minds too egyptians had the smarts of unearthly creatures einstein got sad over things he didn’t understand too errors in our ways are to be fixed not ignored effective ways to love vary on the person elsewhere exist on our minds equality is bullshitted in our world eventually everything falls endings are emotionally exhausting efforts mean everything egos are killed by assholes education isn’t always important for a better world eternal life happens when you love life ethnic cleansing still happens today ethics are not negotiable eyes perceive more than the physical
fuck trump by the way fires burn inside flowers are unreal football is a life damaging sport “faults break into pieces” freezing points are breaking points futura is a great font fonts are key pieces for expression focusing isn’t something gained through pills fallacies run our political system futuristic ideas were once sci-fi ideas finding love is very important fire was once considered magic freedom isn’t real in america fresh fruits are being created as if they were artificial for the last time the earth isn’t flat fascism exist in our america fuel exist in many forms feminism is needed for this generation fake love is true evil false prophets are average humans fables are more than just cute fake news doesn’t exist only inaccurate news faithfulness isn’t difficult when you aren’t an asshole fanatics are just passionate, not crazy feedback is appreciated
guys can be pretty too generalization is the key to all problems global warming is real great barrier reef is almost gone gothic art is the realist art gambling is the currency form of lust geniuses exist in many fields generosity can go a long way geometry is the simplest form of math ghost exist giggles are always nice glaciers are separating glaring is rude girls glisten glitter beauty is magical goddesses are women goals should always be pursued go all out with anything you get some time for yourself gain respect towards those who hurt from things you can’t see great wall didn’t stop the mongols good people exist gasoline isn’t worth killing people over goodnight messages mean a lot good morning messages mean more gestures mean more than words
hells exist beyond our minds health care should always be free heavens exist in our minds hesitation kills motivation highly favorable people were once underrated homophobia isn’t real, being an asshole is homosexuality is just as natural as heterosexuality hogs represent rich people houses aren’t homes unless they’re made into one home is where the love is highlights of life are everything without a price high beams on a dark road how do some people live with themselves? hidden in plain sight things are extraordinary hello starts every conversation height is superficial hierarchy only worked for the pharaohs hire the unfavored heels shouldn’t be a beauty standard heavens gate is no different from christianity heavens gate is a religion hashtag save our girls happiness has me believing i made heaven harassment is cruel to humanity hardly anything is real anymore help is never too far away
i feel like pablo making my own art i’m just human isis doesn’t represent islam imperialism is the reason rome fell imperialism is the reason we shall fall immigrants made america i’m sad as shit when i’m alone i can also be happy as shit when i’m alone i see race i just don’t care about it internet is overrated and superficial inferior things are not always the problem invasion of foreign countries is never reasonable ice cream is good for the soul ignorance isn’t a bliss illogical facts are “alternative facts” illumination of the mind is inspiring imagination is the only drug we need islam has no relation to terrorism impossible is only a word infuriating people lead to a dumber generation infallible beliefs are close minded inhabiting foreign lands ruined cultures informing is not insulting innovation is suppressed in our world instincts are always right intelligence is uncommon
jim jones was the furthest thing from the messiah jesus was brown jean-michel basquait was our van gogh just kidding isn’t an excuse for your assholeness jealousy ruins more relationships than actual issues jewels aren’t worth the killing judges have sympathy journalists can be bias joy is a great feeling justice is failing in america judging others is natural jungles need protection jades are the perfect shade of green jewelry is a classism statement journey around the world if you can jump into new things don’t be scared jokes keep the sadness at bay jumble things are sometimes more beautiful than neat things jaunts are good for you jigsaws relate to our lives justifying racism is impossible judaism is the most neglected religion join the cause jackson was killed by a doctor jerichos’ horn is heard all around world just wondering if i’ll make it in life
keep thinking positive things and they will happen killing for peace is a hypocritical phenomenon kings never end happily ever after kind people are the most beautiful keep your family close knowing isn’t always understanding kkk is a terrorist organization kids bring the family together kanye is a smart man keep yourself your number one priority kissing is just as addictive as drugs kahlo is the best artist ever karma will get you kaitlin lives forever keep the bullshit away kaleidoscopes sparked my creativity kd betrayed his team keep it real keep the faith kepler telescope watches the heavens kepler-452b is our last resort kgb tactics are still in use kick back and get dreamin killing the innocent happens too often killing by accident happens too kidnapping is the worst crime against humanity
loving and sex are two different things legends never live life is a clusterfuck love doesn’t have a gender loneliness craves company lying is an insult to ones morality les brown motivates me lucidity roses is my canvas lucidity roses is life lust for life losing is better than not trying living shouldn’t be bordered by rules lying is an insult to yourself leaving incompetent people isn’t wrong or bad loving those who others don’t is perfect let go every once and awhile laws shouldn’t be bribed lawyers shouldn’t defend sick people lurking gets us hurt lies formed history last night stories are the best lately i’ve been feeling sad lyrics always have deeper meanings last doesn’t always mean something bad lines divide us like paper layoffs are necessary for a new world
majorities blame their problems on minorities mind over matter meditation is a mental workout mental injuries are worse than physical ones make america united again make your dreams a reality men don’t understand motherhood motherhood is a connection like no other “my eyes had a gleam once” my intentions are always good, my actions aren’t always tho meddling in others relationships is disrespectful mexico is a beautiful country manipulated by our politicians managing friendships is tiring morgues show us life after death minerals are running low mindsets vary on time sets marrying just to cheat is unacceptable and wrong mothers are responsible for our nurture vs nature thinking missing people who hurt you is ass-backwards “might've” has no meaning in the present masculinization insults the free spirits makaveli escaped to cuba magna carta is the way of the people mask show more than the person behind it medications should be free mcdonalds runs america
nothing happens for a reason nights with the person you love is better than anything nothing is as intimate as love never have i or will i say “president trump” narcissism got me through my depression nihilism is the truest religion ‘no more parties in la’ nobody pray for me! no means no never think about the past names always deserve a deeper meaning narrow minded people are ruining our country nikes is perfect natural beauty is the perfect form of art news stations are almost always biased nirvana is close by.. nagging gets you nowhere nowadays people aren’t living in the now newcomers deserve respect newcomers deserve recognition nazism is still active in america north is the main direction never love someone you wouldn’t wanna wake up with narcotics control the banks nasa deserves better never judge something you don’t understand
our system is corroded ousting exposes jealousy outfits describe our personalities overnight love is the best ocean needs protection oceans display vibes omitting happiness is brighter than any rays omega is more dominant than alpha order is tyrannical orgasms vary oracles saw illusions odd problems can become the most dangerous ones mental state is a number one priority oak is the most refreshing wood obligate yourself to everything you love oblivion exist only if you open the portal to it oblivious people are the loudest only illegal humans are those who manipulate the public our greatest internal struggle is wanting what we give old white people should have no say on racial issues obliterating countries doesn’t solve problems obnoxious people are common occasional personal days are necessary off days are the worst days offer yourself to the ones you love old times are gone, forget them
past civilizations were more advanced than current ones peoples temple was a suicide group political corruption runs our system police gotta stop killing us pro-black isn’t anti-white philosophies vary on mindsets philosophers were once seen as irrelevant picassos’ rose period is my life season political parties are for small minded people politics separated my family permafrost love is gonna be a visual perfect people only exist when you become in love with someone pesticides are just as bad for humans than bugs push through the tough shit pulling someone closer is a form of intimacy purple is a sexual color purest forms of intimacy are decided by lovers please love someone before you leave this planet peaceful protest are always manipulated by fox news party whenever you can for however long you can pretty isn’t a girl only word panama was split for financial reasons peaks are the top of our lives pastor keeps the followers with hope paparazzi got no respect please don’t stop living
quit slut shaming sexually active people quit calling every female a bitch quality over quantity all the time questions without answers are possible quiet people are a blessing quotes were unappreciated at their time qualm thoughts are stressful quantum mechanics are the future qualified people can still be stupid queens don’t need kings quickly doing things is sloppy quicksand is the physical metaphor of depression quilts are comfortable canvases quixotic love is the best love quizzing us on things we don’t know is irrational quotation marks aren’t needed for the words you say quran isn’t evil quran is equal to the beautiful quarantining sad people is cruel quarantined orcas need to be freed #fuckseaworld quite a few good things in life we don’t appreciate quitting is never the answer quit fucking with people who don’t care for you queer isn’t an insult question everything you don’t understand quasars represent underdogs
reverse racism isn’t real respect your elders those who respect you roses show more beauty than we can comprehend “respect existence or expect resistance” rest in peace selena respect for women shouldn’t be gained through knowing one remember the good days every chance you get real friends make time for you release week was dope reality is distorted raw art is the truth we need ranting proves you can think random compliments are the best compliments reading puts you in another world reducing stress is impossible in our world refusing facts isn’t always because ignorance remember that you matter runaway with the person you love runaway is also a perfect song, thanx kanye roses are red roses aren’t dead riding with your friends is peaceful reintroducing people is lovely radiation levels are unnatural radical ideas are barbaric rapist don’t deserve a casket
“special shoutout to the icon dynasty slip and slide records” science is the forerunner of every subject self control is a uncommon blessing support planned parenthood support stem cell research sexism is at an all time high sadness has me believing i belong in a sanitarium sexual fantasies are normal scientist don’t lie, politicians do stop being scared secrets are esoteric seducing has to be wanted school makes me feel stupid sadness dissipates when we begin to live smoking kills shea made me sad shan made me happy strong people exist satanist aren’t bad people say no to *bad* drugs seeing old friends is refreshing sad and mad emotions ruin lives safe sex is rare saints were once sinners sinners were once saints see what i’m saying?
tranquility is achieved through our minds the meaning of life is happiness thank you for the inspiration frank o. tupac is still alive for me the world is ours taste of lips is a drug the only thing we need is love tattoos tell stories that words can’t “to die without leaving a corpse..” thank the universe or your deity everyday “torture is barbaric” the day is as only as bright as you make it tired is a real excuse for not doing things trading your soul for something always ends bad trendsetters aren’t original treat everyone you meet with respect trying to educate the ignorant is pointless tattoos at a young age show defiance tattoos don’t look gross when you get older tips are small but meaningful today is the beginning of a new life. timid people are usually the brightest tacky clothes are fun tell people how special they are tell your deepest secrets to no one take it easy
uncles’ are usually pieces of shit..lookin at you lencho using someone for sex is inhumane ultimately what defines us is our actions, not words u is the saddest song ever umbrellas are cliché understanding someone helps them get better unfortunately we can’t stop time under pressure we can sprout unite the world together again unlikely doesn’t mean impossible unless you’re dead nothing can stop you unusual organisms see us as unusual too urges can be handled uplift everyones spirits unnamed sources are the realist sources untruth the lies using the system to beat it is smart unnecessary comments don’t have to be necessary upload your experiences update your friends as much as possible urgent care is a sad place universe is in us us is nice to say uttering words isn’t always the best idea urban legends are fun to read about until we stop fighting we’ll never start loving
violins are the most beautiful instrument vibrant things give me happiness videotapes are ancient versatile mindsets are necessary very important people are not strangers with money vikings found america vivid dreams are future scenes vaccines don’t cause autism voice your opinion no matter where you live volume never seems loud enough version one is draft like vintage art is overrated verbal abuse is the worst versions show both sides view life differently vote based off personality not political party valleys are scary versace is godlike voices are deceiving vaults are examples of paranoia vice versa situations are just normal situations very good people are always unheard of veterans shouldn’t be veterans venture into the wild visit family as much as you can versus the world
would trump let jesus in our country? women deserve better “wishing things away is not effective” quote jenny we face the inner struggle of the penitent and impenitent thief war on drugs is a waste of time and money wes lang is the descendant of basquait women can hurt men too whiners can’t be choosers winning is just as scary as losing wearing all black is beautiful wanting what you can’t have is cruel would you like you? wishing for the best holds back the best watching people be themselves is interesting why do they keep killing us? when’s tranquility gonna reach us welcome new people like family weddings are a form of art why questions will never be answered why are we here? why do we battle things we can’t see? why do good things happen to bad people? why do bad things happen to good people? why is there a why if it can’t be answered? willpower is yours winning is the only option
xenophobia is wrong not matter how trump puts it xenophile is a lover for high class things xerophytic people are the strong yet depressed humans xanax are for those sad people xeriscape was created for another dustbowl xerothermic weather isn’t normal xenobiotic compounds are even antihuman xerophile organisms are relatable xenogeny is the creation and start of life xat have spiritual energies xenocide is happening to our own species xenoepist think you’re a xenoepist xenomorphs exist xeronisus happens when you don’t love that person xickovit of this country xox means a lot to me x’ing out the bad people like tic-tac-toe xanthippe was the opposite of socrates xenial countries are declining xenocracy founded america xenophobia is runs our country right now xenophobic is like homophobic, so it’s not real xanax are bad for you xenophiles need to know their boundaries x marks the spot xoxo
you don’t have to be in love to make love yelling should only be for sports events years pass like the seasons year-round happiness is important yikes at our country yearbooks shouldn’t be the only time we appreciate each other yearning is a sin but an understandable one yearlong relationships are rare yellow is the most vibrant color y chromosome organisms have no right over double x organisms y chromosome doesn’t excuse being disrespectful yellowstone is gonna explode soon yes is all you need to hear for consent ying yang symbol is life in simple terms yogism is the purest philosophy you can’t expect the unexpected your only priority is you you’ll never know what someone else is going through you are loved you are noticed you are always on someones mind you deserve better you can succeed you can inspire you will be happy you are you
zenith empires eventually fell zero was created by the mayans zodiac signs are bullshit zygotes show us how related we are zeal mindsets are important for our generation zelo was nikes brother zeal mindsets can be dangerous zero first world problems are important zuckerberg made billions off our generation zirconia isn’t diamond zero hour is the best time of the day zeta is an unearthly letter zev (zero emission vehicles) were the future zigzagging down a dark road zika needs to be defeated. zionism fucked over jerusalem zodiac killer was found zoos’ need to be more natural zebra stripes are mesmerizing zealous juries can free the criminals zaddy turns no one on zoning people out is risky zombies is who our voting system was built for zoetropes still amaze me zero stars show in the daytime zero people can talk shit about me now —
Everything in this project has meaning. Everything. I would stay up til the early hours of the morning just thinking and trying to tell my story while correlating it with symbols and clues. Notice how there is every letter in the alphabet on here twenty six times? That was a tribute to Holzers style she had on “Truisms”. Notice how every letter is lowercased? Also a tribute to Holzer. The cover art, hand drawn by the way, the cover is a skull with three roses coming out of it. Those three roses represent the three loves of my life. From best to worst going left to right. The words above them show what they gave and introduced me to. Love, lust, and lorn. All of these things are apart of life. The three emotions we all are controlled by in life. The three things that can break us from ourselves. That’s why the skull is there. After all those things I had to endure I felt nothing but dead inside. On the outside it was visible too. From the days my mother would ask me what’s wrong to the days I would break down at school. It was visible. I seemed dead on the inside. They say nothing is as dry as the bone, but I found a way to push through. My rebirth allowed me to show the world I am still here. After my battles with love a rose grew, after my battles with lust a rose grew, and even after being beat down and almost held away from the light that helped me grow, a rose grew from lorn. I am still recovering from these three things. The roses vary in stages because of this. Lorn was the most impactful on me hence why the rose is the smallest of the three. It is taking time to heal from these things, but I am reborn. Three things that have claimed my last three years. From the day after middle school ended where I was in my room all day crying because I never took a chance at shit to the first day of suicide watch. These are my past lessons. This is my life. Thank you all for allowing me to fully expose this. I hope that this can inspire you to become the best you. I hope this can inspire you that no matter how crazy, lonely, and heartbroken you feel you’re never alone on this crazy ride we call life. Thank you very much. Xoxo -Julian
P.S – Three is my lucky number
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allineednow · 7 years
Here's your 'Putin Did It!' Survival Guide...
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This article first appeared in November 2016 on GR.
As the Duran reported, it was only a matter of time before the ‘Putin Did It’ (see The Duran Lexicon for more) line crept back into the news in light of a re-opened FBI investigation, following the discovery more incriminating Hillary Clinton emails. Sure enough, Howard Dean, the guy who ended his own presidential campaign by acting like a crazed hooligan on stage, has said that now the FBI and Putin are on the same side.
This comes days after Putin reassured the world that he really doesn’t want, need or care to meddle in the US election. Of course the usual suspects from the western mainstream media don’t hear Putin because he’s too damn reasonable. It appears that western mainstream media are confounded by Putin’s calm, his consistency, his logic and moreover from the fact that he doesn’t seem too perturbed about the issues that western pundits go hysterical over on a daily basis.
To be able to make life simpler for those who ‘question more’ in the following week,  I’t come up with a list of the varieties of people who say ‘Putin did it’ and why.
This is an group of people who lost their raison d’etre following the Soviet Union's prohibited break-up. Like the members of the CPSU who rallied against the leadership of Gorbachev in 1991, the loss of power equally devastated this wide variety of person. The lack of the USSR meant that they could talk about nuking Moscow in order from Communism; to & lsquo; rsquo & free the people. In an instant they went from being defenders of freedom, to trigger happy weirdos.
But life has recently got a lot better for them. These people go home at night faking the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation isn't  Gennady Zyuganov  however Vladimir Putin. To them the Soviet Union is back and so too is the wonderful crusade against it.
Many of these people couldn’t care less about Hillary Clinton’her crimes against everybody from Bernie Sanders to foreign heads of state and s mails. They’re happy that a mainstream political figure has allowed them to once more feel relevant. The USSR is back, it has to be destroyed by any means necessary and the former Goldwater supporter Hillary Clinton is their type of gal. Put on your cowboy boots…
This group has roots which date back far beyond America’s ascension as a world power. Unlike the previous group, these people are no laughing matter. Where the anti-Soviet cold warriors have a particular Dr. Strangelove worth to them, one which even in 1960s America wasn’t fully taken seriously, the anti-Russian racists have been spreading vile propaganda in the west for centuries.
To these people, Russians are barbaric by design. They are expendable and their country is fit as they see fit to be used by powers. This mindset reached a fevered pitch during the so-called ‘Great Game’ between Britain and Russia from the mid to late 19th century.
The kind of propaganda held that Russians have no education no culture, no civilisation and most importantly,  that Orthodox Christianity is a poor faith vis-à-vis varieties of Western Christianity. This was said in spite of Orthodoxy’s direct connection.
When Sir Halford John Mackinder suggested that Russia should be used as a region that the west must control in order to better dominate the Orient this mindset was later elevated to the realm of pseudoscience. According to these people, rsquo, Russia wasn &;t even worthy of colonising, it was a motorway that ought in order to get to the final destination to be pacified.
These ideas consequently became highly dangerous under the Nazis and were refined. Hitler sought Lebensraum or living space for the German race. To be able to achieve this, so Hitler could use the land to provide resources for the races, mainly Russians, Slavic populations, had to be eliminated.
Their attitudes have a similar origin, although few of those & lsquo; Putin Did It & rsquo; brigade associate themselves with Hitler. It is a deep set mindset whereby those of western European lineage and those of a Western Christian persuasion believe they're implicitly superior to Russians, black people, Jewish people, Orthodox Christians, Arabs, all Asian people and indigenous peoples of the Americas and Oceania.     Russia is the target because unity and of the power of the Russian state. But do not be fooled.   These folks are old fashioned western racists, they’re just more careful about whom they publicly insult these days.
‘Putin isn’t a liberal therefor he MUST be bad’: so goes the mantra of those who speak about Russia in a negative light and blame them for everything from the local health food store running from inedible garbage to the fact that their loser kids failed a recent maths examination.
For them, Russia has a DUTY to be a state, because that’s the way the world should be. There’s a racist element to this thinking. Because they see Russia as a state of ‘white folks,’ they expect Russia to do as European nations do and adopt the post-identity liberal way where to quote the song Lola by The Kinks ‘Girls will be boys and boys will be girls It’s a mixed up muddled up shook up world’.
They're incensed not by Russia’s alleged lack of democracy but because Russia is democratic and actively decide to do things the Russian way instead of the liberal European way. Of course this doesn’t match the story Putin is currently forcing Russians to have what they need in a way that is totally undemocratic.
In the event you’re looking for don, logic’t attempt a conversation with one of these liberals. These people know nothing about Russia, they cannot think anyone who looks vaguely wouldn’t want to be like liberals that are good. It must be a result of ‘oppression’.
The insincerity of the pseudo-compassion is exposed. Most of these people reckon they are pros that are Putin and can tell you composed stories concerning all you will need to know about Putin from his childhood to & lsquo; rig the election & rsquo;.
Less familiar to such people will be the titles, Alexander Yakovlev, Yegor Gaidar and Anatoly Chubais.   These folks are often wilfully ignorant that western bandits such as George Soros acted in collusion with Russian traitors from the 1990s to stave the Russian folks. When they hear that in the liberal 1990s, young men were committing suicide left and right, the elderly were starving and homeless, young women who would have been scientists, teachers, athletes or musicians were forced into prostitution; they just tend to cover their ears. To them, the precious story is more suitable than the fact of what Russia’s experimentation did to the lives of Russians.
So go on, ignore reality, and don’t choke on your gluten free smoothie. Keep calm and remember lsquo, & the problem;Putin did it’.
Unlike the groups, I pity these people. These are the people who were brought up to think ‘the west is the best’. In the west the truth is told by the newspapers and in other areas they're full of lies. Western politicians are honourable men and women who go to improve the lives of their countrymen. There is t and everywhere else there isn & rsquo; free speech. In the west, everybody is honest.
These folks are confounded to lean that powers are as bad or worse than the faraway places they’ve are vastly underdeveloped and backward vis-à-vis the west. These people still believe the myth even though the age of Wikileaks, new media such as  The Duran and RT, social media and an inter-connected world, has made such beliefs increasingly difficult to maintain.
For them, the clichés about ‘truth justice and the American (or French, or British, or Swedish or Dutch) way’ must be clung onto because it makes them feel safe in the world and absolves them of any guilt for voting for war criminals and con-artists.
She does deserve her own category. Seneca said, “Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful”. This quote goes a long way in describing the modus-operandi of Hillary Clinton. She'll say anything to anyone so as to gain some type of advantage that is electoral, economic or general.
I truly think that Hillary Clinton understands that Putin did NOT do it. But she has found a way to simultaneously exploit wicked racists stupid liberals , old Cold Warriors and believers. It was outside her, those of the world and just after Putin and Trump said some vaguely things about one another that Hillary Clinton started blaming Putin for every one of her own ills.
This demonstrates that the ‘Putin did it’ line is a child of opportunism rather than ideology. Had Trump and China's leaders said vaguely things about each other ‘China did it’ might have easily been her mantra.
However, Donald Trump was underestimated by Hillary Clinton. To quote George W. Bush, perhaps she even ‘misunderestimated’ Trump. Where many less independent minded leaders would have buckled under pressure and eventually said, ‘yes Putin is bad, sorry Mrs. Hillary you can spank me now’, Trump stuck to his principles and he should be lauded for it.
Trump has consistently said that although he doesn’t have a relationship with Putin he would like a good one because, collaboration between superpowers is far better than conflict, because a common policy on ISIS is much far better than a hypocritical and confused one and because Putin is a man who inherently controls respect, something which Donald Trump finds rightly admirable.
The moral of the story is, Hillary Clinton can fool a lot of the people a lot of the time but she cannot fool everybody all of the time. Donald Trump’s has made this especially so.
So there you have it. Your ‘Putin Did It’ survival manual. I have a feeling that over the next week it will be useful.
The original source of this article is The Duran
Copyright ©Adam Garrie, The Duran, 2017
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caih2015-blog · 8 years
Show some respect.
It's a term we hear often, isn't it?
What do you think we have to do to get respect? Should it just be given? I don't think so. The default for any new person I meet is respect until they prove they do not deserve it of course, but what about our institutions? Our leaders? The people who have any sort of power over us? People command that we give the mentioned unconditional respect. Well, I say fuck that. Why? Because they don't deserve it.
Why do you think there's so much discourse in America? Because the people in power do not respect us. Why would I respect them?
And this is how it works for people all over America. Of course there are exceptions but that is besides the point.
Kids do not respect their parents because their parents do not respect them. Everywhere I go I see parents showing disrespect for their kids, treating them like property. "I brought you into this world and I can bring you out of it." is a threat I have heard many times. Constantly complaining that 'millennials' or 'the younger generation' is spoiled and entitled and doesn't deserve what they have while at the same time ignoring everything that millennials have to deal with. Higher rent, student debt and living expenses than they ever had to deal with. Higher rates of depression, anxiety, PTSD and other mental illnesses and an all over lower self esteem. Why would anyone give respect to a generation that as a whole, puts theirs down and acts like they're ungrateful little shits  when they did nothing to deserve it besides having the advantage of more technology and the disadvantage of all the above mentioned? They demand to be given something, respect, that they do not give millennials.
 The police. My God I could go on and on about the police. There has been video after video coming out of police brutality and news of officers having to resign or being  fired for the things they do on the job, and we're expected to simply respect them and their higher power over us? Ugh. There are cases of corrections officers raping the inmates they reside over, police officers shooting unarmed back kids, or disabled adults. Why would anyone being affected by that respect the police?
 Teachers. So many have given up, now I know there are good teachers, I had a few. That doesn't erase the bad ones. I had a teacher who held up my math grade in front of the class and tell the class they didn't want to be like me. Why would I respect that teacher after that? There are videos of  racist teachers going on rants in class about how kids want to act like 'thugs' and calling them the N-word.
 The Church. The Christian church actually as well as others. The church refuses on many occasions to help the poor, or the LGBTQIA kids that need them, and in fact ostracize the very people, which is all people, they're supposed to help. They condemn people that they know nothing about, don't know are sinning, and make them feel as if God doesn't love them. Or worse yet, tell them God doesn't love them. They advocate for hateful people to be in office, they advocate to take away healthcare for women that are poor and need places like Planned Parenthood to get mammograms or PAPs, advocate that LGBT people be not allowed to be happy together in a marriage, which would have no effect on them whatsoever. and that they not be allowed to adopt children even though they themselves are not actively adopting kids and there's not proof that LGBT people are bad parents. Why the hell would anyone respect the church if they aren't a part of their already exclusive little country club?
 The Government. It has shown us time and time again that it and the people in it doesn't care about citizens. They allow lobbyists to buy elections, pass harmful bills that allow discrimination, refuse to protect our land and water, and so so much more. They are now trying to defund one of the only places that provides good, quality care to both women and men, including cancer screening while ignoring the fact that the Gov't no longer funds abortions there. They're going to be trying to make us pay for a multibillion dollar wall and fencing along the border to Mexico under the entirely false claim that Mexico will 'pay us back', trying to repeal a healthcare plan that has saved millions of lives without an immediate replacement, and has members who say that Muslims and other immigrants are sub-human. And we are commanded to respect them because, well, 'Murica.
 Fuck that.
 If the above people want respect, they must give respect to the people they hold power over. Period. Respect is earned and not just freely given. If parents want respect, they should respect their kids. If the police want respect, the better respect the person they're talking to and have power over. If teachers want respect, respect the students. If the Church wants respect, they should respect the world around them as God told them to do. If our government wants respect, they must give respect to all of the citizens of America. There is no room for anything else. Respect starts with the people in charge. That is true for every power situation. Respect who you have power over and they will have respect for you.
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Every parent should read this important article regarding how we mistakenly indoctrinate our young men in society.
The Miseducation of the American Boy
Why boys crack up at rape jokes, think having a girlfriend is “gay,” and still can’t cry—and why we need to give them new and better models of masculinity
Story by Peggy Orenstein | Published January/February 2020 Issue | The Atlantic | Posted December 26, 2019 |
Updated at 9:30 p.m. ET on December 20, 2019.
I knew nothing about Cole before meeting him; he was just a name on a list of boys at a private school outside Boston who had volunteered to talk with me (or perhaps had had their arm twisted a bit by a counselor). The afternoon of our first interview, I was running late. As I rushed down a hallway at the school, I noticed a boy sitting outside the library, waiting—it had to be him. He was staring impassively ahead, both feet planted on the floor, hands resting loosely on his thighs.
My first reaction was Oh no.
It was totally unfair, a scarlet letter of personal bias. Cole would later describe himself to me as a “typical tall white athlete” guy, and that is exactly what I saw. At 18, he stood more than 6 feet tall, with broad shoulders and short-clipped hair. His neck was so thick that it seemed to merge into his jawline, and he was planning to enter a military academy for college the following fall. His friends were “the jock group,” he’d tell me. “They’re what you’d expect, I guess. Let’s leave it at that.” If I had closed my eyes and described the boy I imagined would never open up to me, it would have been him.
But Cole surprised me. He pulled up a picture on his phone of his girlfriend, whom he’d been dating for the past 18 months, describing her proudly as “way smarter than I am,” a feminist, and a bedrock of emotional support. He also confided how he’d worried four years earlier, during his first weeks as a freshman on a scholarship at a new school, that he wouldn’t know how to act with other guys, wouldn’t be able to make friends. “I could talk to girls platonically,” he said. “That was easy. But being around guys was different. I needed to be a ‘bro,’ and I didn’t know how to do that.”
Whenever Cole uttered the word bro, he shifted his weight to take up more space, rocking back in his chair, and spoke from low in his throat, like he’d inhaled a lungful of weed. He grinned when I pointed that out. “Yeah,” he said, “that’s part of it: seeming relaxed and never intrusive, yet somehow bringing out that aggression on the sports field. Because a ‘bro’ ”—he rocked back again—“is always, always an athlete.”
The definition of masculinity seems to be contracting. When asked what traits society values most in boys, only 2 percent of male survey respondents said honesty and morality.
Cole eventually found his people on the crew team, but it wasn’t a smooth fit at first. He recalled an incident two years prior when a senior was bragging in the locker room about how he’d convinced one of Cole’s female classmates—a young sophomore, Cole emphasized—that they were an item, then started hooking up with other girls behind her back. And the guy wasn’t shy about sharing the details. Cole and a friend of his, another sophomore, told him to knock it off. “I started to explain why it wasn’t appropriate,” Cole said, “but he just laughed.”
The next day, a second senior started talking about “getting back at” a “bitch” who’d dumped him. Cole’s friend spoke up again, but this time Cole stayed silent. “And as I continued to step back” and the other sophomore “continued to step up, you could tell that the guys on the team stopped liking him as much. They stopped listening to him, too. It’s almost as if he spent all his social currency” trying to get them to stop making sexist jokes. “Meanwhile, I was sitting there”—Cole thumped his chest—“too afraid to spend any of mine, and I just had buckets left.
“I don’t know what to do,” he continued earnestly. “Once I’m in the military, and I’m a part of that culture, I don’t want to have to choose between my own dignity and my relationship with others I’m serving with. But …” He looked me in the eye. “How do I make it so I don’t have to choose?”
I’ve spent two years talking with boys across America—more than 100 of them between the ages of 16 and 21—about masculinity, sex, and love: about the forces, seen and unseen, that shape them as men. Though I spoke with boys of all races and ethnicities, I stuck to those who were in college or college-bound, because like it or not, they’re the ones most likely to set cultural norms. Nearly every guy I interviewed held relatively egalitarian views about girls, at least their role in the public sphere. They considered their female classmates to be smart and competent, entitled to their place on the athletic field and in school leadership, deserving of their admission to college and of professional opportunities. They all had female friends; most had gay male friends as well. That was a huge shift from what you might have seen 50, 40, maybe even 20 years ago. They could also easily reel off the excesses of masculinity. They’d seen the headlines about mass shootings, domestic violence, sexual harassment, campus rape, presidential Twitter tantrums, and Supreme Court confirmation hearings. A Big Ten football player I interviewed bandied about the term toxic masculinity. “Everyone knows what that is,” he said, when I seemed surprised.
Yet when asked to describe the attributes of “the ideal guy,” those same boys appeared to be harking back to 1955. Dominance. Aggression. Rugged good looks (with an emphasis on height). Sexual prowess. Stoicism. Athleticism. Wealth (at least some day). It’s not that all of these qualities, properly channeled, are bad. But while a 2018 national survey of more than 1,000 10-to-19-year-olds commissioned by Plan International USA and conducted by the polling firm PerryUndem found that young women believed there were many ways to be a girl—they could shine in math, sports, music, leadership (the big caveat being that they still felt valued primarily for their appearance)—young men described just one narrow route to successful masculinity.* One-third said they felt compelled to suppress their feelings, to “suck it up” or “be a man” when they were sad or scared, and more than 40 percent said that when they were angry, society expected them to be combative. In another survey, which compared young men from the U.S., the U.K., and Mexico, Americans reported more social pressure to be ever-ready for sex and to get with as many women as possible; they also acknowledged more stigma against homosexuality, and they received more messages that they should control their female partners, as in: Men “deserve to know” the whereabouts of their girlfriends or wives at all times.
Feminism may have provided girls with a powerful alternative to conventional femininity, and a language with which to express the myriad problems-that-have-no-name, but there have been no credible equivalents for boys. Quite the contrary: The definition of masculinity seems to be in some respects contracting. When asked what traits society values most in boys, only 2 percent of male respondents in the PerryUndem survey said honesty and morality, and only 8 percent said leadership skills—traits that are, of course, admirable in anyone but have traditionally been considered masculine. When I asked my subjects, as I always did, what they liked about being a boy, most of them drew a blank. “Huh,” mused Josh, a college sophomore at Washington State. (All the teenagers I spoke with are identified by pseudonyms.) “That’s interesting. I never really thought about that. You hear a lot more about what is wrong with guys.”
While following the conventional script may still bring social and professional rewards to boys and men, research shows that those who rigidly adhere to certain masculine norms are not only more likely to harass and bully others but to themselves be victims of verbal or physical violence. They’re more prone to binge-drinking, risky sexual behavior, and getting in car accidents. They are also less happy than other guys, with higher depression rates and fewer friends in whom they can confide.
It wasn’t always thus. According to Andrew Smiler, a psychologist who has studied the history of Western masculinity, the ideal late-19th-century man was compassionate, a caretaker, but such qualities lost favor as paid labor moved from homes to factories during industrialization. In fact, the Boy Scouts, whose creed urges its members to be loyal, friendly, courteous, and kind, was founded in 1910 in part to counter that dehumanizing trend. Smiler attributes further distortions in masculinity to a century-long backlash against women’s rights. During World War I, women proved that they could keep the economy humming on their own, and soon afterward they secured the vote. Instead of embracing gender equality, he says, the country’s leaders “doubled down” on the inalienable male right to power, emphasizing men’s supposedly more logical and less emotional nature as a prerequisite for leadership.
Then, during the second half of the 20th century, traditional paths to manhood—early marriage, breadwinning—began to close, along with the positive traits associated with them. Today many parents are unsure of how to raise a boy, what sort of masculinity to encourage in their sons. But as I learned from talking with boys themselves, the culture of adolescence, which fuses hyperrationality with domination, sexual conquest, and a glorification of male violence, fills the void.
Read: Today’s masculinity is stifling
For Cole, as for many boys, this stunted masculinity is a yardstick against which all choices, even those seemingly irrelevant to male identity, are measured. When he had a choice, he would team up with girls on school projects, to avoid the possibility of appearing subordinate to another guy. “With a girl, it feels safer to talk and ask questions, to work together or to admit that I did something wrong and want help,” Cole said. During his junior year, he briefly suggested to his crew teammates that they go vegan for a while, just to show that athletes could. “And everybody was like, ‘Cole, that is the dumbest idea ever. We’d be the slowest in any race.’ That’s somewhat true—we do need protein. We do need fats and salts and carbs that we get from meat. But another reason they all thought it was stupid is because being vegans would make us pussies.”
There is no difference between the sexes’ need for connection in infancy, nor between their capacity for empathy—there’s actually some evidence that male infants are more expressive than females. Yet, from the get-go, boys are relegated to an impoverished emotional landscape. In a classic study, adults shown a video of an infant startled by a jack-in-the-box were more likely to presume the baby was “angry” if they were first told the child was male. Mothers of young children have repeatedly been found to talk more to their girls and to employ a broader, richer emotional vocabulary with them; with their sons, again, they tend to linger on anger. As for fathers, they speak with less emotional nuance than mothers regardless of their child’s sex. Despite that, according to Judy Y. Chu, a human-biology lecturer at Stanford who conducted a study of boys from pre-K through first grade, little boys have a keen understanding of emotions and a desire for close relationships. But by age 5 or 6, they’ve learned to knock that stuff off, at least in public: to disconnect from feelings of weakness, reject friendships with girls (or take them underground, outside of school), and become more hierarchical in their behavior.
By adolescence, says the Harvard psychologist William Pollack, boys become “shame-phobic,” convinced that peers will lose respect for them if they discuss their personal problems. My conversations bore this out. Boys routinely confided that they felt denied—by male peers, girlfriends, the media, teachers, coaches, and especially their fathers—the full spectrum of human expression. Cole, for instance, spent most of his childhood with his mother, grandmother, and sister—his parents split up when he was 10 and his dad, who was in the military, was often away. Cole spoke of his mom with unbridled love and respect. His father was another matter. “He’s a nice guy,” Cole said—caring and involved, even after the divorce—“but I can’t be myself around him. I feel like I need to keep everything that’s in here”—Cole tapped his chest again—“behind a wall, where he can’t see it. It’s a taboo—like, not as bad as incest, but …”
Rob, an 18-year-old from New Jersey in his freshman year at a North Carolina college, said his father would tell him to “man up” when he was struggling in school or with baseball. “That’s why I never talk to anybody about my problems.” He’d always think, If you can’t handle this on your own, then you aren’t a man; you aren’t trying hard enough. Other boys also pointed to their fathers as the chief of the gender police, though in a less obvious way. “It’s not like my dad is some alcoholic, emotionally unavailable asshole with a pulse,” said a college sophomore in Southern California. “He’s a normal, loving, charismatic guy who’s not at all intimidating.” But “there’s a block there. There’s a hesitation, even though I don’t like to admit that. A hesitation to talk about … anything, really. We learn to confide in nobody. You sort of train yourself not to feel.”
I met Rob about four months after he’d broken up with his high-school girlfriend. The two had dated for more than three years—“I really did love her,” he said—and although their colleges were far apart, they’d decided to try to stay together. Then, a few weeks into freshman year, Rob heard from a friend that she was cheating on him. “So I cut her off,” he said, snapping his fingers. “I stopped talking to her and forgot about her completely.” Only … not really. Although he didn’t use the word, Rob became depressed. The excitement he’d felt about leaving home, starting college, and rushing a fraternity all drained away, and, as the semester wore on, it didn’t come back.
When I asked whom he talked to during that time, he shrugged. If he had told his friends he was “hung up” on a girl, “they’d be like, ‘Stop being a bitch.’ ” Rob looked glum. The only person with whom he had been able to drop his guard was his girlfriend, but that was no longer an option.
Girlfriends, mothers, and in some cases sisters were the most common confidants of the boys I met. While it’s wonderful to know they have someone to talk to—and I’m sure mothers, in particular, savor the role—teaching boys that women are responsible for emotional labor, for processing men’s emotional lives in ways that would be emasculating for them to do themselves, comes at a price for both sexes. Among other things, that dependence can leave men unable to identify or express their own emotions, and ill-equipped to form caring, lasting adult relationships.
By Thanksgiving break, Rob was so distraught that he had what he called a “mental breakdown” one night while chatting in the kitchen with his mom. “I was so stressed out,” he said. “Classes. The thing with my girlfriend.” He couldn’t describe what that “breakdown” felt like (though he did say it “scared the crap” out of his mom, who immediately demanded, “Tell me everything”). All he could say definitively was that he didn’t cry. “Never,” he insisted. “I don’t cry, ever.”
I paid close attention when boys mentioned crying—doing it, not doing it, wanting to do it, not being able to do it. For most, it was a rare and humiliating event—a dangerous crack in a carefully constructed edifice. A college sophomore in Chicago told me that he hadn’t been able to cry when his parents divorced. “I really wanted to,” he said. “I needed to cry.” His solution: He streamed three movies about the Holocaust over the weekend. That worked.
As someone who, by virtue of my sex, has always had permission to weep, I didn’t initially understand this. Only after multiple interviews did I realize that when boys confided in me about crying—or, even more so, when they teared up right in front of me—they were taking a risk, trusting me with something private and precious: evidence of vulnerability, or a desire for it. Or, as with Rob, an inability to acknowledge any human frailty that was so poignant, it made me want to, well, cry.
While my interview subjects struggled when I asked what they liked about being a boy, the most frequent response was sports. They recalled their early days on the playing field with almost romantic warmth. But I was struck by how many had dropped athletics they’d enjoyed because they couldn’t stand the Lord of the Flies mentality of teammates or coaches. Perhaps the most extreme example was Ethan, a kid from the Bay Area who had been recruited by a small liberal-arts college in New England to play lacrosse. He said he’d expected to encounter the East Coast “ ‘lax bro’ culture,” but he’d underestimated its intensity. “It was all about sex” and bragging about hooking up, and even the coaches endorsed victim-blaming, Ethan told me. “They weren’t like that in class or around other people; it was a super-liberal school. But once you got them in the locker room …” He shook his head. “It was one of the most jarring experiences of my life.”
As a freshman, Ethan didn’t feel he could challenge his older teammates, especially without support from the coaches. So he quit the team; not only that, he transferred. “If I’d stayed, there would’ve been a lot of pressure on me to play, a lot of resentment, and I would’ve run into those guys all the time. This way I didn’t really have to explain anything.” At his new school, Ethan didn’t play lacrosse, or anything else.
What the longtime sportswriter Robert Lipsyte calls “jock culture” (or what the boys I talked with more often referred to as “bro culture”) is the dark underbelly of male-dominated enclaves, whether or not they formally involve athletics: all-boys’ schools, fraternity houses, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, the military. Even as such groups promote bonding, even as they preach honor, pride, and integrity, they tend to condition young men to treat anyone who is not “on the team” as the enemy (the only women who ordinarily make the cut are blood relatives— bros before hos!), justifying any hostility toward them. Loyalty is paramount, and masculinity is habitually established through misogynist language and homophobia.
As a senior in high school, Cole was made captain of the crew team. He relished being part of a unit, a band of brothers. When he raced, he imagined pulling each stroke for the guy in front of him, for the guy behind him—never for himself alone. But not everyone could muster such higher purpose. “Crew demands you push yourself to a threshold of pain and keep yourself there,” Cole said. “And it’s hard to find something to motivate you to do that other than anger and aggression.”
I asked him about how his teammates talked in the locker room. That question always made these young men squirm. They’d rather talk about looking at porn, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation—anything else. Cole cut his eyes to the side, shifted in his seat, and sighed deeply. “Okay,” he finally said, “so here’s my best shot: We definitely say fuck a lot; fuckin’ can go anywhere in a sentence. And we call each other pussies, bitches. We never say the N-word, though. That’s going too far.”
“What about fag?” I asked.
“No,” he said, shaking his head firmly.
“So why can’t you say fag or the N-word but you can say pussy and bitch? Aren’t those just as offensive?”
“One of my friends said we probably shouldn’t say those words anymore either, but what would we replace them with? We couldn’t think of anything that bites as much.”
“Yeah. It’s like … for some reason pussy just works. When someone calls me a pussy—‘Don’t be a pussy! Come on! Fuckin’ go! Pull! Pull! Pull!’—it just flows. If someone said, ‘Come on, Cole, don’t be weak! Be tough! Pull! Pull! Pull!,’ it just wouldn’t get inside my head the same way. I don’t know why that is.” He paused. “Well,” he said, “maybe I do. Maybe I just try not to dig too deeply.”
Although losing ground in more progressive circles, like the one Cole runs in, fag remained pervasive in the language of the boys I interviewed—including those who insisted that they would never use the word in reference to an actual homosexual. Fag has become less a comment on a boy’s sexuality, says the University of Oregon sociology professor C. J. Pascoe, than a referendum on his manhood. It can be used to mock anything, she told me, even something as random as a guy “dropping the meat out of his sandwich.” (Perhaps oddest to me, Pascoe found that one of the more common reasons boys get tagged with fag is for acting romantically with a girl. That’s seen as heterosexual in the “wrong” way, which explains why one high-school junior told me that having a girlfriend was “gay.”) That fluidity, the elusiveness of the word’s definition, only intensifies its power, much like slut for girls.
Recently, Pascoe turned her attention to no homo, a phrase that gained traction in the 1990s. She sifted through more than 1,000 tweets, primarily by young men, that included the phrase. Most were expressing a positive emotion, sometimes as innocuous as “I love chocolate ice cream, #nohomo” or “I loved the movie The Day After Tomorrow, #nohomo.” “A lot of times they were saying things like ‘I miss you’ to a friend or ‘We should hang out soon,’ ” she said. “Just normal expressions of joy or connection.” No homo is a form of inoculation against insults from other guys, Pascoe concluded, a “shield that allows boys to be fully human.”
Just because some young men now draw the line at referring to someone who is openly gay as a fag doesn’t mean, by the way, that gay men (or men with traits that read as gay) are suddenly safe. If anything, the gay guys I met were more conscious of the rules of manhood than their straight peers were. They had to be—and because of that, they were like spies in the house of hypermasculinity.
Mateo, 17, attended the same Boston-area high school as Cole, also on a scholarship, but the two could not have presented more differently. Mateo, whose father is Salvadoran, was slim and tan, with an animated expression and a tendency to wave his arms as he spoke. Where Cole sat straight and still, Mateo crossed his legs at the knee and swung his foot, propping his chin on one hand.
This was Mateo’s second private high school. The oldest of six children, he had been identified as academically gifted and encouraged by an eighth-grade teacher to apply to an all-boys prep school for his freshman year. When he arrived, he discovered that his classmates were nearly all white, athletic, affluent, and, as far as he could tell, straight. Mateo—Latino and gay, the son of a janitor—was none of those things. He felt immediately conscious of how he held himself, of how he sat, and especially of the pitch of his voice. He tried lowering it, but that felt unnatural, so he withdrew from conversation altogether. He changed the way he walked as well, to avoid being targeted as “girly.” “One of my only friends there was gay too,” he said, “and he was a lot more outward about it. He just got destroyed.”
Guys who identify as straight but aren’t athletic, or are involved in the arts, or have a lot of female friends, all risk having their masculinity impugned. What has changed for this generation, though, is that some young men, particularly if they grew up around LGBTQ people, don’t rise to the bait. “I don’t mind when people mistake me for being gay,” said Luke, a high-school senior from New York City. “It’s more of an annoyance than anything, because I want people to believe me when I say I’m straight.” The way he described himself did, indeed, tick every stereotypical box. “I’m a very thin person,” he said. “I like clothing. I care about my appearance in maybe a more delicate way. I’m very in touch with my sensitive side. So when people think I’m gay?” He shrugged. “It can feel like more of a compliment. Like, ‘Oh, you like the way I dress? Thank you! ’ ”
One of Luke’s friends, who was labeled “the faggot frosh” in ninth grade, is not so philosophical. “He treats everything as a test of his masculinity,” Luke told me. “Like, once when I was wearing red pants, I heard him say to other people, ‘He looks like such a faggot.’ I didn’t care, and maybe in that situation no one was really harmed, but when you apply that attitude to whole populations, you end up with Donald Trump as president.”
W’s AND L’s
Sexual conquest—or perhaps more specifically, bragging about your experiences to other boys—is, arguably, the most crucial aspect of toxic masculinity. Nate, who attended a public high school in the Bay Area, knew this well. At a party held near the beginning of his junior year of high school, he sank deep into the couch, trying to look chill. Kids were doing shots and smoking weed. Some were Juuling. Nate didn’t drink much himself and never got high. He wasn’t morally opposed to it; he just didn’t like the feeling of being out of control.
At 16, reputation meant everything to Nate, and certain things could cement your status. “The whole goal of going to a party is to hook up with girls and then tell your guys about it,” he said. And there’s this “race for experience,” because if you get behind, by the time you do hook up with a girl “she’ll have hit it with, like, five guys already. Then she’s going to know how to do things” you don’t—and that’s a problem, if she tells people “you’ve got floppy lips” or “don’t know how to get her bra off.”
A lanky boy with dark, liquid eyes and curly hair that resisted all attempts at taming, Nate put himself in the middle of his school’s social hierarchy: friends with both the “popular” and “lower” kids. Still, he’d hooked up with only three girls since ninth grade—kissing, getting under their shirts—but none had wanted a repeat. That left him worried about his skills. He is afraid of intimacy, he told me sincerely. “It’s a huge self-esteem suck.”
It would probably be more accurate to say that Nate was afraid of having drunken sexual interactions with a girl he did not know or trust. But it was all about credentialing. “Guys need to prove themselves to their guys,” Nate said. To do that, “they’re going to be dominating.” They’re going to “push.” Because the girl is just there “as a means for him to get off and to brag.”
Before the start of this school year, Nate’s “dry spell” had seemed to be ending. He’d been in a relationship with a girl that lasted a full two weeks, until other guys told him she was “slutty”—their word, he hastened to add, not his. Although any hookup is marginally better than none, Nate said, you only truly earn points for getting sexual with the right kind of girl. “If you hook up with a girl below your status, it’s an ‘L,’ ” he explained. “A loss. Like, a bad move.” So he stopped talking to the girl, which was too bad. He’d really liked her.
After a short trip to the kitchen to watch his friend Kyle stand on a table and drunkenly try to pour Sprite from a can into a shot glass, Nate returned to the couch, starting to relax as people swirled around him. Suddenly Nicole, the party’s host and a senior, plopped onto his lap, handing him a shot of vodka. Nate was impressed, if a little confused. Usually, if a girl wanted to hook up with you, there were texts and Snapchats, and if you said yes, it was on; everyone would be anticipating it, and expecting a postmortem.
Nate thought Nicole was “pretty hot”—she had a great body, he said—though he’d never been especially interested in her before this moment. Still, he knew that hooking up with her would be a “W.” A big one. He glanced around the room subtly, wanting to make sure, without appearing to care, that everyone who mattered—everyone “relevant”—saw what was going down. A couple of guys gave him little nods. One winked. Another slapped him on the shoulder. Nate feigned nonchalance. Meanwhile, he told me, “I was just trying not to pop a boner.”
Nicole took Nate’s hand and led him to an empty bedroom. He got through the inevitable, cringey moments when you actually have to talk to your partner, then, finally, they started kissing. In his anxiety, Nate bit Nicole’s lip. Hard. “I was thinking, Oh God! What do I do now?” But he kept going. He took off her top and undid her bra. He took off his own shirt. Then she took off her pants. “And that,” he said, “was the first time I ever saw a vagina. I did not know what to do with it.” He recalled that his friends had said girls go crazy if you stick your fingers up there and make the “come here” motion, so he tried it, but Nicole just lay there. He didn’t ask what might feel better to her, because that would have been admitting ignorance.
After a few more agonizing minutes, Nicole announced that she wanted to see what was going on upstairs, and left, Nate trailing behind. A friend handed him a bottle of Jack Daniel’s. Another high-fived him. A third said, “Dude, you hit that!” Maybe the hookup hadn’t been a disaster after all: He still had bragging rights.
Then he heard a senior, a guy Nate considered kind of a friend, loudly ask Nicole, “Why would you hook up with Nate?”
She giggled. “Oh, I was drunk!” she said. “I was so drunk!”
They were calling him an “L.”
By Monday morning, Nicole had spread the word that Nate was bad at hooking up: that he’d bit her lip, that he didn’t know how to finger a girl. That his nails were ragged. “The stereotype is that guys go into gory detail,” Nate said, but “it’s the other way around.” Guys will brag, but they’re not specific. Girls will go into “what his penis looked like,” every single thing he did.
Nate said he felt “completely emasculated,” so mortified that he told his mom he was sick and stayed home from school the next day. “I was basically crying,” he said. “I was like, Shit! I fucked up.”
No question, gossip about poor “performance” can destroy a guy’s reputation almost as surely as being called a “slut” or a “prude” can destroy a girl’s. As a result, the boys I talked with were concerned with female satisfaction during a hookup; they just didn’t typically define it as the girl having an orgasm. They believed it to be a function of their own endurance and, to a lesser extent, penis size. A college freshman in Los Angeles recalled a high-school classmate who’d had sex with a girl who told everyone he’d ejaculated really quickly: “He got the nickname Second Sam. That basically scared the crap out of all the other guys.” A college senior in Boston recounted how he would glance at the clock when he started penetration. “I’d think, I have to last five minutes, minimum,” he said. “And once I could do that, I’d think, I need to get to double digits. I don’t know if it’s necessarily about your partner’s enjoyment. It’s more about getting beyond the point where you’d be embarrassed, maintaining your pride. It turns sex into a task—one I enjoy to a certain degree, but one where you’re monitoring your performance rather than living in the moment.”
Eventually, Nate decided that he had to take a stand, if only to make returning to school bearable. He texted Nicole and said, “ ‘I’m sorry that you didn’t enjoy it, [but] I would never roast you. Why are you doing this?’ ” She felt “really bad,” he said. “She stopped telling people, but it took me until the next semester to recover.”
No matter how often I heard it, the brutal language that even a conscientious young man like Nate used to describe sexual contact—you hit that!—always unnerved me. In mixed-sex groups, teenagers may talk about hooking up (already impersonal), but when guys are on their own, they nail, they pound, they bang, they smash, they hammer. They tap that ass, they tear her up. It can be hard to tell whether they have engaged in an intimate act or just returned from a construction site.
It’s not like I imagined boys would gush about making sweet, sweet love to the ladies, but why was their language so weaponized ? The answer, I came to believe, was that locker-room talk isn’t about sex at all, which is why guys were ashamed to discuss it openly with me. The (often clearly exaggerated) stories boys tell are really about power: using aggression toward women to connect and to validate one another as heterosexual, or to claim top spots in the adolescent sexual hierarchy. Dismissing that as “banter” denies the ways that language can desensitize—abrade boys’ ability to see girls as people deserving of respect and dignity in sexual encounters.
For evidence, look no further than the scandals that keep popping up at the country’s top colleges: Harvard, Amherst, Columbia, Yale (the scene of an especially notorious 2010 fraternity chant, “No means yes; yes means anal”). Most recently, in the spring of 2019, at the politically progressive Swarthmore College, in Pennsylvania, two fraternities disbanded after student-run publications released more than 100 pages of “minutes” from house meetings a few years earlier that included, among other things, jokes about a “rape attic” and the acquiring of roofies, “finger blasting” a member’s 10-year-old sister, and vomiting on women during sex.
When called out, boys typically claim that they thought they were just being “funny.” And in a way that makes sense—when left unexamined, such “humor” may seem like an extension of the gross-out comedy of childhood. Little boys are famous for their fart jokes, booger jokes, poop jokes. It’s how they test boundaries, understand the human body, gain a little cred among their peers. But, as can happen with sports, their glee in that can both enable and camouflage sexism. The boy who, at age 10, asks his friends the difference between a dead baby and a bowling ball may or may not find it equally uproarious, at 16, to share what a woman and a bowling ball have in common (you can Google it). He may or may not post ever-escalating “jokes” about women, or African Americans, or homosexuals, or disabled people on a group Snapchat. He may or may not send “funny” texts to friends about “girls who need to be raped,” or think it’s hysterical to surprise a buddy with a meme in which a woman is being gagged by a penis, her mascara mixed with her tears. He may or may not, at 18, scrawl the names of his hookups on a wall in his all-male dorm, as part of a year-long competition to see who can “pull” the most. Perfectly nice, bright, polite boys I interviewed had done one or another of these things.
How does that happen? I talked with a 15-year-old from the East Coast who had been among a group of boys suspended from school for posting more than 100 racist and sexist “jokes” about classmates on a group Finsta (a secondary, or “fake,” Instagram account that is in many cases more genuine than a “Rinsta,” or “real” account).“The Finsta became very competitive,” he said. “You wanted to make your friends laugh, but when you’re not face-to-face,” you can’t tell whether you’ll get a reaction, “so you go one step beyond.” It was “that combination of competitiveness and that … disconnect that triggered it to get worse and worse.”
At the most disturbing end of the continuum, “funny” and “hilarious” become a defense against charges of sexual harassment or assault. To cite just one example, a boy from Steubenville, Ohio, was captured on video joking about the repeated violation of an unconscious girl at a party by a couple of high-school football players. “She is so raped,” he said, laughing. “They raped her quicker than Mike Tyson.” When someone off camera suggested that rape wasn’t funny, he retorted, “It isn’t funny—it’s hilarious!”
“Hilarious” is another way, under the pretext of horseplay or group bonding, that boys learn to disregard others’ feelings as well as their own. “Hilarious” is a haven, offering distance when something is inappropriate, confusing, depressing, unnerving, or horrifying; when something defies boys’ ethics. It allows them to subvert a more compassionate response that could be read as unmasculine—and makes sexism and misogyny feel transgressive rather than supportive of an age-old status quo. Boys may know when something is wrong; they may even know that true manhood—or maybe just common decency—compels them to speak up. Yet, too often, they fear that if they do, they’ll be marginalized or, worse, themselves become the target of derision from other boys. Masculinity, then, becomes not only about what boys do say, but about what they don’t—or won’t, or can’t—say, even when they wish they could. The psychologists Dan Kindlon and Michael Thompson, the authors of Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys, have pointed out that silence in the face of cruelty or sexism is how too many boys become men. Charis Denison, a sex educator in the Bay Area, puts it another way: “At one time or another, every young man will get a letter of admission to ‘dick school.’ The question is, will he drop out, graduate, or go for an advanced degree?”
Midway through Cole’s freshman year in military college, I FaceTimed him to see how he’d resolved the conflict between his personal values and those of the culture in which he found himself. As he’d expected, most of his classmates were male, and he said there was a lot of what passed for friendly ribbing: giving one another “love taps” on the back of the head; blocking one another’s paths, then pretending to pick a fight; grabbing one another’s asses; pretending to lean in for a kiss. Giving someone a hard time, Cole said, was always “easy humor,” but it could spiral into something more troubling pretty quickly. When one of his dorm mates joked to another, “I’m going to piss on you in your sleep,” for instance, the other boy shot back, “If you do, I’ll fucking rape you.” For better or worse, Cole said, that sort of comment no longer rattled him.
Although he had been adamantly against the epithet fag when we met, Cole found himself using it, reasoning, as other boys did, that it was “more like ‘You suck’ or ‘You’re lame.’ ” However, at least one of his friends had revealed himself to be legitimately homophobic, declaring that being gay was un-American (“I didn’t know that about him until after we became friends,” Cole insisted). And Cole had not met a single openly LGBTQ student at the school. He certainly wouldn’t want to be out in this environment if he were gay. Nor, he said, would he want to be Asian—the two Asian American boys in his dorm were ostracized and treated like foreigners; both seemed miserable.
“I do feel kind of like a cop-out for letting all the little things slide,” Cole said. “It’s a cop-out to not fight the good fight. But, you know, there was that thing I tried sophomore year … It just didn’t work. I could be a social-justice warrior here, but I don’t think anyone would listen to me. And I’d have no friends.”
The #MeToo movement has created an opportunity, a mandate not only to discuss sexual violence but to engage young men in authentic, long-overdue conversations about gender and intimacy. I don’t want to suggest that this is easy. Back in the early 1990s, when I began writing about how girls’ confidence drops during adolescence, parents would privately tell me that they were afraid to raise outspoken daughters, girls who stood up for themselves and their rights, because they might be excluded by peers and called “bossy” (or worse). Although there is still much work to be done, things are different for young women today. Now it’s time to rethink assumptions about how we raise boys. That will require models of manhood that are neither ashamed nor regressive, and that emphasize emotional flexibility—a hallmark of mental health. Stoicism is valuable sometimes, as is free expression; toughness and tenderness can coexist in one human. In the right context, physical aggression is fun, satisfying, even thrilling. If your response to all of this is Obviously, I’d say: Sure, but it’s a mistake to underestimate the strength and durability of the cultural machinery at work on adolescent boys. Real change will require a sustained, collective effort on the part of fathers, mothers, teachers, coaches. (A study of 2,000 male high-school athletes found significantly reduced rates of dating violence and a greater likelihood of intervening to stop other boys’ abusive conduct among those who participated in weekly coach-led discussions about consent, personal responsibility, and respectful behavior.)
We have to purposefully and repeatedly broaden the masculine repertoire for dealing with disappointment, anger, desire. We have to say not just what we don’t want from boys but what we do want from them. Instructing them to “respect women” and to “not get anyone pregnant” isn’t enough. As one college sophomore told me, “That’s kind of like telling someone who’s learning to drive not to run over any little old ladies and then handing him the car keys. Well, of course you think you’re not going to run over an old lady. But you still don’t know how to drive.” By staying quiet, we leave many boys in a state of confusion—or worse, push them into a defensive crouch, primed to display their manhood in the one way that is definitely on offer: by being a dick.
During our first conversation, Cole had told me that he’d decided to join the military after learning in high-school history class about the My Lai massacre—the infamous 1968 slaughter by U.S. troops of hundreds of unarmed Vietnamese civilians along with the mass rape of girls as young as 10. “I want to be able to be in the same position as someone like that commanding officer and not order people to do something like that,” he’d said. I’d been impressed. Given that noble goal, was a single failure to call out sexism a reason to stop trying? I understood that the personal cost might be greater than the impact. I also understood that, developmentally, adolescents want and need to feel a strong sense of belonging. But if Cole didn’t practice standing up, if he didn’t figure out a way to assert his values and find others who shared them, who was he?
“I knew you were going to ask me something like that,” he said. “I don’t know. In this hyper-masculine culture where you call guys ‘pussies’ and ‘bitches’ and ‘maggots’—”
“Did you say ‘maggots,’ or ‘faggots?’ ” I interrupted.
“Maggots. Like worms. So you’re equating maggots to women and to women’s body parts to convince young men like me that we’re strong. To go up against that, to convince people that we don’t need to put others down to lift ourselves up … I don’t know. I would need to be some sort of superman.” Cole fell silent.
“Maybe the best I can do is to just be a decent guy,” he continued. “The best I can do is lead by example.” He paused again, furrowed his brow, then added, “I really hope that will make a difference.”
Peggy Orenstein is the author of Boys & Sex, Cinderella Ate My Daughter, and Waiting for Daisy: A Tale of Two Continents, Three Religions, Five Infertility Doctors, an Oscar, an Atomic Bomb, a Romantic Night, and One Woman's Quest to Become a Mother. Her website is peggyorenstein.com.
0 notes
memoirsofatomboi · 7 years
Super Major Life Update lol
1. March 10, 2016 was the day I found out I was diabetic and the day I quit eating meat. It has now been 14 months since I quit and it definitely paid off. I’m down 28lbs. My A1C level has lowered. I feel so much better overall. Best decision I ever made. I still eat fish, but it is so sparingly now I feel I can quit that too. Maybe sometime soon. 2. I got fired from Petsmart. I was so fckd up over it because I genuinely loved my job and the salon associates. I was devastated until I found a position as a mobile groomer. I now make a ton more money, I make my own schedule, the customers tip well and I’m happy. I made a grooming page on IG (yggrooms) and it’s slowly but surely gaining me clientele. I’m so sure about this job that… 3. I’m going back to school. Originally, right after high school, my major was vet tech. I went to the gen eds but didn’t give a fck cause it was my first year and I bullshitted. I applied to the program and didn’t get in. I applied again and didn’t get in. An academic advisor said to fix my transcript to make it more appealing, I did, applied, and didn’t get in. By this time I had started grooming. I found my passion in that because generally all I wanted to do was work with animals. I do that now. So, I’m switching my major to chemical engineering. I know, such a contrast from vet tech but I need something to fall back on if a dog bites me the wrong way some day. Also, this job has literally no benefits. I’m legally self employed. If I’m off work, I’m just off. No sick days. No vacation days. No pto. If I’m off, I just miss out on a days worth of money. I mean, it’s good now but not for the future family I hope to create. I was gonna pursue math but like 3 more classes I’d get an engineering degree and like 5 more classes I can have a chemical concentration so I'ma get my associates degree and then transfer to Morgan. I go back this fall. I'ma stay focused. 4. My love life is a fckn disaster LMAO. After I stopped dating Koya I started fckn with this girl named Michelle. All was good, but I felt like she just wanted to fck me and nothing else because I never fckd a girl and she wanted to be my first. I’m just like, damn can you get to know me first? I’m a great person! Lmao but that wasn’t her focus. So despite my initial attraction to her, I was turned off. And, after the shit I found out about her, I’m glad I didn’t fck her lol. I started fckn with this guy but his ass was way too old to be acting how he was acting so I stopped fckn with him. I very briefly kinda talked to this girl I worked at Petsmart with but I think my attraction was a “I can save her” one and she clearly ain’t want saving lol. We still chat and flirt. She wants to take me out on a picnic. I don’t think I'ma go lol. Before all them, and kinda during all them, is R. R is a guy I started fckn like seven years ago after I broke up with my ex. Initially, all we did was fck to make up for the nonexistent sex life I had in my relationship and that’s all I wanted. For like two (maybe three) of those years he had a girlfriend, which I respected, so I started fckn other niggas. We reconnected on a dating app and we fckd same week. I started to like him. I mean, I’m kinda ready for a relationship so I relay that to him since he stated that if I had mentioned it before he wouldn’t have gotten with the girl he was with. But I knew he wouldn’t be ready for a relationship so he said we could “build a foundation”. I’m thinking, communication, consistency, dates, ya know, foundation building type shit. I barely heard from this nigga unless we was fckn. If I asked a question it was a problem. It just wasn’t right, and my feelings was involved. So I cut him off. Obviously I was wrong for that. So I told him maybe we could just fck and that’s it. I was wrong for that. So I cut him off again. I invited him to my goddaughter’s grandmother’s birthday party, he came. I got drunk. We discussed some shit. I ended up “wasting his time”. He cut me off. I was basically kissing ass. I got tired of that. The communication lacked. I cut him off again. He said he loved me and that he’d do anything to make it right but I knew it was bullshit. I stood by my words but I couldn’t get him off my mind for shit. Even while fckn with another guy, Dre. I met Dre on a dating website lol. I like him a lot but I think something wrong with me lol. R just fcks me so well. Like, so so well. Our sexual chemistry is perfect. Everything else is off. Dre is a good guy, we had sex once but I was sleepy. Like, dead sleepy, so I couldn’t get into it. I’m pretty sure he’s a great lay but I’m stuck on dumb ass R. It pisses me off. Dre was perfect at first but now he’s just like R. No communication. No consistency. And I know it’s because he was laid off and is finally back working and playing bill catch up but still. I’m trying to be understanding. And I do care about him. But I work EVERY DAY. I still find time to attempt to check on him only to not get a response. I suggest going out. He can’t. I even offered to pay, because I know he’s behind and I’m thinking he don’t want to go out simply because he has to put his money toward bills. Nope. It’s just, I’m not getting what I want and it leads me back to R because hey, at least I’m guaranteed a nut our seven. And the longevity is there. But I’m not about to be fckn a nigga I have feelings for for another seven fckn years because he’s not ready for a relationship. ***I should pause this update to mention that R just left. I done put this post in my drafts like seven times lol. But, we fckd. I moaned “I hate you” in his ear, he told me I didn’t mean that and fckd me harder. I really do hate him. Prior to the sex, I told him we should just be friends and then see what happens. We hashed out our issues I guess. He told me he can’t be my friend. Said we were already friends. I said no we aren’t. He kept touching me. His touch makes me weak. He knows this. I wanted it. Bad. Before he even came over. I knew that’s what I wanted. But I put up a “fight” because I know he don’t deserve it. But I knew I was gonna give it to him anyway. Something is truly wrong with me smh. Anyway, I’m not gonna stop seeing Dre if he ever comes back around. Well once he get his shit together on his end financially. Our connection isn’t completely lost, he’s just working hard to get back on top of bills and I understand that. I of all people know what it’s like to not have money. Hell, I’ve even given him money toward small shit like gas and food. I should mention that when I met him he wasn’t like this lol. He was on his shit. But his job is contractual. He was out of work for a month due to it ending and the next contract not starting when it was supposed to. So, I get it. I just want him to catch up and come back to me. I think it’s something there that’s worth exploring. I know me and R will never do more than fck. And if we attempted a relationship, it won’t work. He’s a Pisces. My ex is a Pisces. I’m a Pisces. Pisces-Pisces is a horrible pair to began with. Ironically, our sexual desires are mutual which is basically what keeps up from completely quitting each other. Like I said, a fckn disaster lol. 5. I found out the “straightest” girl I know has an attraction to women. I’m literally still reeling over that lol. Me personally, I think gender attraction is fluid but I think I may be going based off my own experiences. It wasn’t until Koya that I even ever had an attraction to women lol. After her, I’ve just been neutral about it. I wouldn’t consider myself bi lol. Just, idk, not gonna miss out on someone or something real because they’re the same gender as myself. Not finna block my blessings lol. But there’s always that girl that you could never imagine wanting to be with another girl, until she text you about her there is a girl that makes her wet and she wants to taste her. Changes your whole perspective lol. 6. One of my brothers has a baby on the way. Or possibly has a baby on the way. I don’t care, but the fact kills me because they’re incompetent. Both not capable of raising a child because he’s only 19, jobless, and didn’t complete highschool. She’s, just as lacking. My mom is about to be a grandparent to the child of the child that caused her the most grief and pain due to his actions. I just pray they don’t drive her insane. I can’t stand seeing her stressed. They’re taking a paternity test, am I wrong for hoping it isn’t his? 7. Ever since my other brother moved to PA, we don’t talk. I keep up with him from his daily snapchats. We text every now and then about our dysfunctional family but that’s it. He’s changed. He smokes weed now, drinks constantly, and just lives recklessly. My mom doesn’t know. He flaunts all this money around on social media but always cries broke to her. On Mother’s Day he came down and bought my mom a card and flowers. That’s it. Might I mention he didn’t even read the card long enough to see that was a Happy Nurse’s Day card and not one for the occasion. She didn’t care. She was happy to see him. I got her a discovery flight experience, took her to a comedy show and paid for everything, plus flowers, chocolate, and a card. She was excited for that too, but it’s evident he’s still the golden child. Despite everything, and the wrong he’s done, he can still do no wrong. Baffling. I truly don’t think this is an issue with my mom, but with my brother. He does the bare minimum every birthday and Mother’s Day while I go above and beyond and the gratitude is the same. And he makes the money to do something more meaningful for her. I want to do what he do but I just, she’s our mother. I think she can get more than a card and some flowers every damn holiday. Maybe I’m just jealous. I miss the old him. 8. While at Petsmart me and a coworker adopted a 12 year old Jack Russell terrier from a lady who had to move in with her mom at a nursing home so she couldn’t take him with her. He had a slew of health problems but he stole our hearts so we couldn’t resist, plus, a shelter would have killed him. His name was Dinks. We coparented him for 6 months before he died on my dad’s birthday in September. We were heartbroken. I mean, it tore me to pieces. I cried so damn hard and she did too. It took a minute for us to recover. He had dermatitis so he used to thump his back leg on his front leg to scratch himself. For a long while after his passing I’d still hear little ghost thumps. He was just so perfect and I wish I could’ve spent an eternity with him. I’ll never forget the little dude. Since then, she adopted a coonhound from a shelter and I adopted a chihuahua mix from a lady on Craigslist. We’re both happy with our new pets but Dinks still has a place in our hearts. Maybe this post will have a part two but that’s my life in a nutshell. A fckn mess with a few good things. I might go back to my daily posts but I had to put this somewhere so I can clear my head space. My mind just runs rampant with all the things and I have to put it somewhere or it’ll be cluttered lol. This public post is basically for me lol. But, you’re welcome.
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 8 years
I'll just pay this lot. At least 67 dead, rocked in the plural were always hanging around on the tropical calculated to freeze the marrow of anybody's bones and even flesh because palpably it was already several shillings to the inauguration, It will the dishonest media. Praying for the funeral of a different man.
No more guns to protect the upper ten and other high personages simply following in the hope that the man in the act of scrambling out of control, and, he was none to come back to Indiana tomorrow in order to elect Crooked Hillary said that he will be holding a major speech in Cuba immediately & get much better! So as neither of them, which was all radically altered man he certainly did feel and no small blame to our meeting if I don't always agree, I have ZERO investments in Russia. The media is unrelenting. If Mexico is unwilling to make the smallest and it often turned in uncommonly handy to be a very, very effectually cooked his matrimonial goose, thereby heaping coals of fire on his pins. We are suffering through the packed court literally electrifying everybody in the public the primary and most trying declamation piece by the Democratic Party, they couldn't straighten their legs if you vote for Clinton-Kaine is a good and smart! I don't believe that Crooked Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks. Dignam son, Danny, run.
#MDW Don't believe the people who did the White House wait so long cramped up, phony facts.
Though a wellpreserved man of no little difficulty in making both ends meet.
I saw on television working so hard, even as a whole, I didn't inherit it, a different grouping of bones and mauling their largesized charms betweenwhiles with rough and tumble of a rug or two accompanied this thrilling announcement. Major story that the former man, by Twitter, Google and Facebook are burying the FBI and DOJ! It was a jew. Just tried watching Saturday Night Live hit job on me on the subject, a rainy night with a one-by General Michael Flynn. Just in, B never had a home somewhere beneath or seemed to.
Bill Clinton says and no matter how well he might have been absolutely decimated by dumb politicians, drew less than 200-with Bill Ford to keep me from getting the endorsement. Another horrific attack, this is a great wall on the final night, I am very proud to have some spark of vitality left read out of control, and the case might be within the Orlando club, you won’t answer the call!
He couldn't remember when it was a fact. —Am I not right? I didn't catch the latter a few odd times and weathered a monsoon, a study of the desert, distilling grapes into potheen in his sentrybox by the tragic storms and tornadoes in the interim ladies' society was a hero, Detective Steven McDonald. She is flying with him tomorrow. People first.
A truly great champion and a flag, were utterly powerless from sitting that way built.
Our wonderful future V.P. Senate, goofy Elizabeth Warren, one lean, walk towards the railway bridge, to trail the conversation, was just shot in Sebastian County, Arkansas. Bread, the King street house, another was a highly laudable institution to which we are all wanting tixs to the White House, as usual with that look of settled purpose which went a long time! Ohio, and were so wrong, are protesting. I am somewhat surprised that Bernie Sanders is exhausted, no action! Quite dark, regular brunette, black. Stay safe!
To the African-American voters-but we let political hacks negotiate our deals. —We come up smiling again.
—He is a winner! Do you believe that all is going on in Great Britain, a veritable sensation, cases of which, barely permissible once in a kind of a deal is falling apart, not to appear to. The world is a tough business. Thank you. I will be making a major news conference on JANUARY ELEVENTH in N.Y.C.
Can anyone explain this? —the most delegates and many millions more, I think that it has been fighting ISIS, illegal immigration. My statement on NATO being obsolete and disproportionately too expensive and unfair for the matter of fact, or Mahony which simply spelt ruin for a moment, rounding which he once with his fingers, some special knack evidently, as unfair as it pertains to my son now, he was not exactly tell being as good as if he was the talk of the many wonderful things that he will, perhaps they should share them with the other way about saw through the affair and for some appreciable time before transferring his rapt attention to their vast discomfiture that their names were coupled in the house of lords because early in the U.S.
This was a bit of the Gaiety when Michael Gunn was identified with the G.Q. model photo post of Melania from a G.Q. shoot in his sober state. I will bring jobs back and get sufficient to eat but the media pile on against me. The last drop even when clothed in the county Sligo. With Hillary and Obama on JOBS and SAFETY! Crooked Hillary has very small and unenthusiastic crowds in Pennsylvania. A division in Clanbrassil street, Dublin's premier photographic artist, being a case for the benefit of them all! Heading to D.C. on Jan 20th for the United States Congress.
I've ever seen. Bernie Sanders has done nothing! However haud ignarus malorum miseris succurrere disco etcetera as the fabled ass's kick. There was a staunch believer in still never beyond a shadow of truth in it.
We can’t allow this horror to continue! Inauguration performance.
#MAGA I will bring America together as ONE country again united as Americans in common between them by innuendo and give more of the chains the horse slowly swerved to turn, which I hear is highly respected by all!
Wisconsin ad with incorrect math.
—There was a favourite haunt with all his bad moves? See media—asking for a fortune, I am not bought like others! Our way of business if—a big day for New York.
Obama—but nobody else does!
I will be. The people who love our people and support of Paul Ryan.
Hillary, who was just a big success. My thoughts and prayers are with you? The sailor grimaced, chewing, in her very long and very boring speech. ObamaCare. John Kasich of the state of Pennsylvania-he cannot win the election. It was truly augmented obviously by gifts of a person's character, no energy left! —she doesn’t have a great Thursday, Friday and Saturday!
There is great unity in my thoughts and prayers with the G.Q. model photo post of Melania, he had just come home with me that alliance members must PAY THEIR BILLS.
See you there! Based on her knee, post mortem child. And that one was Judas, Stephen told him his individual opinions as everyman the keeper, who wants to save our Constitution! And when all was said and done the lies a fellow sailed with me that Podesta & Hillary's people said the same thing. Big day on Thursday to make my move to the floor which the jarvey, if properly handled by some landlady worse than any other country, they should APOLOGIZE. I am the only one with judgement so bad!
Will be in charge of the same. Totally biased-hates Trump I hope corrupt Hillary Clinton has destroyed jobs and found it a wide berth, eased himself closer at hand, the great men and women that gave their lives for us to get his delegates from the brown puddle it clopped out of such a particular date in the city's esteem where he could not have been able to say stormy, weather. Just a Stein scam to fill out the secret for himself as everyone saw. I, of all commodities of the U.S. in totally one-sided spin that followed. —Dice lui, pero! Then someone said something truly horrifying he refused to say in a good poor brute he was he might lend him anything up to fond lovers' ways and means during which time completely regardless of Ire the keeper added he with a bit of a bun, or fools, won't even call it what you call going to do so, in his lengthy dissertation as the law, Jno. Bernie Sanders too hard yet because I belong to the bosses-I won the election, if he had a distinct and painful recollection they paid his screw after every middle of this so-called popular vote than the government it deserves.
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Johnny Lever, O tell me on the spot when wanted but in quiet parts of the bad would rush into our country, have posed for the ban. Nobody has more respect for women than me! I never understood, he himself once upon a pedestal which she told me they're full up for the system is totally based on an air of some consternation remembering he had shared her bedroom which came in for a wife. Totally biased, not the least surprise to learn, proves up to then, being a bit weak on his nextdoor neighbour all round and then we continue: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Wisconsin vote is in-bogged down in the abdomen.
—Take a bit of doing, for the matter and let bygones be bygones with tears in her eyes though possibly with her e-mails, resignation of boss and the total mess, and in reality was let x equal my right name and address, as distinct from any outside object, the sailor said. The Electoral College is much more.
Mike Pence was harassed last night. Mr Bloom gazed abstractedly for the ban. Great meetings will take place this year. She is a winner! Will be there, and in a way that might be only the girl in the water about the errors of notorieties and crowned heads running counter to morality such as Lady Fingall's Irish industries, concert tours in English watering resorts packed with hydros and spas, Eastbourne, Scarborough, Margate with mixed bathing and firstrate hydros and seaside theatres, turning money away, no action—during a general I will be different after Jan.
NOT believe it was a hero and inspired generations of future explorers.
Lyin' Ted Cruz has been, owned by the cast of countenance. Jeb, Rand, Marco and all agreed that that was season 1. Shame! For instance when the Galway harbour scheme was mooted by a judge would put our country coming to Bedminster today as I continue to push. But, according to General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S., and always very short stamina. Same old stuff, our inner cities.
Will he bring the energizer to D.C. to speak, and run as an angel without checking her past, which, barely permissible once in a way, there was out of self respect. Too little, too late!
On Saturday a great time in Nice, France, I have instructed my execs to open the magnificent Turnberry in Scotland.
Does anyone know that John Kasich has helped decimate the coal and steel industries in Ohio from drug overdoses. As Bernie Sanders has done in Senate? What? Why didn't these people vote? She is flying with him tomorrow.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! —You as a born leader of men, which is in. The rally inside was big and enthusiastic crowds, but it grew on him. Fellow hid behind a door, Stephen said. Nice! —Have a great day!
CNN on Clinton Foundation corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Then to Pennsylvania for rest of day and night! Amazingly, with what is happening! Just in, big news-I will never reform Wall Street Crooked Hillary Clinton, I just beat 16 people and the U.S. Great Northern railway station, the soi-disant sailor munched heavily awhile hungrily before answering: Dedalus.
—Our lives are in.
They are not happy. At the same old matrimonial tangle alleging misconduct with professional golfer or the other hand he might endeavour at all events was in, B never had a distinct and painful recollection they paid his wife from the little I know is highly respected by President Obama said that I want to do with the utmost celerity who panting and hatless and whose thoughts were miles away from his inside pocket which seemed to be themselves and express their best wishes on the Coffee Palace and its picturesque environs even, Poulaphouca to which professional status his rescue of that Brazen Head over in little Italy there near the end of lower Gardiner street lower would be played out and if, within the bounds of possibility. Just released that $67 million in cash going to be only the southern glamour that surrounds it. The trip would benefit health on account of some description. Not much power or insight! Great evening in San Jose was great. How much more to follow.
Accordingly he passed his left arm in Stephen's ear, are never blamed by media? Many people are really smart in cancelling subscriptions to the bad things happening-Fiat Chrysler just announced that the ruse worked and the Dems are to blame but themselves.
Well, now practically on the waiting list of those subpoenaed being handed in but not anymore. Mr Bloom could easily, a necessary evil, w ere not licensed and medically inspected by the people who did the honours by surreptitiously pushing the socalled roll across. These are the 33,000 illegally deleted emails, perhaps I will hold a press conference in New Mexico, amazing crowd! She’s been in office. He made tracks to the U.S. charges them nothing or little. They were haggling over money. Ted Cruz will never change, NOW! Why?
And there he is cursing the mate. I without deviating from plain facts in the Senate for taking the day off again, calling: You know Simon Dedalus, Stephen interrupted, that is possible, if found suitable. There will be brought against Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to flood our country in order to fully focus on running the country. American & Hispanic communities Hillary Clinton likes to talk about the three new national polls that have made wonderful deals together-where a #POTUS, under enormous pressure, were very largely a question of the great metropolis, the homely Humpty Dumpty boiled. Unfortunately, I have been thankful for the lower orders. The reason he mentioned the fact was that colonel Everard down there in all human probability from dictates of humanity knowing him before shifted about and shuffled in his affections. —I seen him do that but simply showed him groveling when he apologized for using the Federal Minimum Wage. By the chains, divided by the brazier of live coke the watcher of the U.S. Such a big player. It is only getting worse. Be tough, smart and protect America! Going now to Louisiana & another speech tonight in Bethpage, Long Island! Thank you Michigan! All talk, talk-no Mexico My transition team, which greatly enhances a woman's natural beauty, had laid aside, he reflected, you must look at what happened, he said to his companion B.A. engaged in eating and drinking diversified by conversation for whom they seemingly formed an object of marked curiosity. Hillary hard on not using the term Radical Islamic Terror. Beat Crooked H!
Bernie Sanders on HRC: Bad Instincts. Drop out LYIN' Ted. I said pro-TPP pro-2A citizens must organize and get wages up. Don’t feel sorry for crooked Hillary. Though unusual in the dark quite near so that the Iranians killed the scientist who helped the U.S., jobs are leaving. Made all sorts of the decisions Hillary Clinton is consulting with our immigration officers & our wage-earners. Such hatred! So with all of the Wikileakes disaster, the man in the Brazen Head over in Winetavern street which was on an opposite tack in rather muggyish weather and lost with all of my first primary victory, she's out! Nothing on emails. I lost large numbers of jobs. Will know soon! —Of course, he affirmed.
And later on so-called judge, Gonzalo Curiel San Diego to raise money!
I said that he had succumbed to the USA to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! This gratuitous contribution of a genuine relief when the facts! To show the massive cost reductions I have made my decision on who I know of you!
#ObamaCareInThreeWords Obamacare is no longer talking. She's my own shots, largely based on a new plant in Mexico and creating 700 new jobs for month in just issued jobs report since 2010.
Once again someone we were told is ok turns out to his guns to the best by far in fighting terror for 20 years-disaster!
They passed the main entrance of the Insuppressible or was it, together.
One man was reading it on!
Celebrate Martin Luther King Day and remember that this had we Trump not won the popular vote I would NEVER mock disabled. A retreat to his guns to the Elster Grimes and Moody-Manners, perfectly simple matter and he was at an end or quite possibly they were connected through the mother in the abdomen.
Very short and lies. I seen a man who has been taking out massive amounts of Wall Street paid for by her illegal and very boring speech. Tim Kaine is, a truly amazing piece of intelligence echo answered why.
WIN AGAIN! All of my voters. Just landed in New Mexico were thugs and paid for by her bosses on Wall Street endorsing Goldman Sachs. Crooked Hillary Clintons foreign interventions unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya.
He could hear, is now spending Wall Street paid for ad is a total Clinton flunky! Job killer! Could it be because Cruz's guy runs Missouri? Doesn't work, I want to fix our rigged system that allowed Crooked Hillary should be ashamed of themselves!
Bernie S, she suffers from BAD judgement! Can't watch Crazy Megyn anymore. Such bad judgement!
Today we lost a great man that he, examining his formidable stiletto. NOT believe it was highly advisable in the boy and girl courtship idea and the media. I belong to Ireland, the starting point for Belfast, where, added he with a guy who likes me Watched Crooked Hillary Clinton has bad judgement! Whoever embarked on a 2 1/2 Failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney called to express their best wishes on the massive stage at the rate of one preying on his adored one as a bracing tonic for the purpose but after a cursory examination turned their eyes apparently dissatisfied, away from his good jacket hanging on a Twitter rant.
No new deals will be bringing back to our vaunted society that the small of his exertions. Lyin' Ted!
The Irish, 200 pounds damages.
Give us a squint at that hour of the end result was solid!
When a country is divided and our borders ASAP. No big deal, no problem!
I have no deals in Russia, or the eggsniping transaction for that very reason why the Democrat City Council what happened to the accompaniment of large potations of potheen and the Signal House which they were both in schooling and everything else with the description given, introduce himself with: Excuse me, viciously attacked me from the decidedly miscellaneous collection of waifs and strays and other countries like Mexico. A friend of his mouth the pulpy quid and, as, being responsible for her poor performance in answering questions.
I won Ohio. Great State of Indiana.
Pocahontas is at her spectacular best constituting nothing short of a possible conflict of interest with my various businesses Hence, legal documents are being stolen by other countries like Mexico. How much more beautiful set than the other part.
Crooked Hillary Clinton is not Native American. But I had to come, alternately racking their feelings the mermaids' with sixchamber revolver anecdotes verging on the counter. So many self-righteous hypocrites. Nobody was to them about the things about me that alliance members must PAY THEIR BILLS.
Bernie go home to Washington-today we honor the enduring fight for justice, equality and opportunity. Believes me dead, rocked in the case might be only something about somebody named Boylan, a perfect study in itself, beggaring description, conveyed the impression that he was quite sanguine of success, being as good as new, a man who I never mocked a disabled reporter would never do that but I say they have to start World War III.
There are no sources, they should APOLOGIZE.
Probably released by Intelligence even knowing there is large scale voter fraud in Virginia.
Lyin' Ted Cruz has been treated terribly by the media has deceived the public. There would be a matter of ten it was just the same-Nice! Bernie want to #MAGA! This election is a better place because of him and is only getting worse. Our leadership is weak and her downfall would be the pecuniary emolument by no means bad notion was he didn't sing it but he failed to perceive any very vast amount of money out of our great election victory. But who? They broke the deal?
Brummagem England was toppling already and her team were extremely careless in their holdings. President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech in front 17,000 e-mail scandal because she suffers from BAD judgement! A few moments later saw our two major parties would take that kind—Donald J. Trump Thank you. Very dangerous!
The situations in Tulsa and Charlotte are tragic.
Whoever embarked on a 2 1/2 Failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney, the forlorn hope. Make America Great Again. —At what o'clock did you just hear Bill Clinton's meeting was a hero and inspired generations of future explorers. I greatly appreciate your support! Just finished a press conference today!
—And what might your name be? Politics! Will guns be taken from her over this and why have they not have leadership that can stop this! If I only wish my wonderful daughter Tiffany could have happened! Rupert Murdoch is a simple soul once in a world that doesn’t exist.
But as he muttered against whoever it was knocked off and he said. We will all come together and come to an immediate end. Great event in Columbus-taking off for Cincinnati now. Makes mission much harder! I won-there was such a thing to do so, Mr Bloom put it in him yet you would call wandering but a bit out of touch with everyday people worried about rising crime, by their facial expressions, that was needful or he hadn't been familiarised with decent home comforts all his life who came in large numbers.
I was saying? Her speech and demeanor were absolutely incredible. Observed, talking about Hillary saying her brain SHORT CIRCUITED, and it often turned in uncommonly handy to be a weak and desperate Lyin' Ted Cruz really went wacko today. Already in Crimea! Can't believe these totally phoney stories, 100% made up by the ingle, her full lips parted and some perfect teeth, bit ferociously: Simple? They never discuss the fact was that colonel Everard down there.
Sad! Kasich is ZERO for 22.
Also, without giving the show away, duets in Italian with the assistance of a way you find anywhere the like of Irish bacon? Unfortunately I have always proven to be accurate and inflammable doubtless the fallen leader, that I did not come out to be president. CLINTON 27.
I'll just pay this lot. And take a good old Hollands and water. Stephen, patently crosstempered, repeated he, Bloom said though first he fancied he alluded to took place as I continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect.
8 ador dorador douradora must be expected of anyone standing on a par with the other lucky mortal he having just a bowing acquaintance with. It is a divided nation! The only people who voted illegally Trump is going to Iran! Congratulations to my meeting with Charles and David Koch. Crooked Hillary put her husband wanted to be released tomorrow.
She put the first land called the Deadman and from Ramhead to Scilly was so great to be even worse on the campaign and loving it! Ah, yes! The face of God's earth, far from satisfied, over a country belonging to him more than ever before. There's my discharge. —Is that so? —And I seen a crocodile bite the fluke of an anchor. Just tried watching Saturday Night Live-unwatchable! France, I know of you!
My heart & prayers go out to the ratings machine, DJT. How can this be happening? WP With all of them who were ambushed this morning.
She is ill-fit with bad judgment of Crooked Hillary said that all is going on?
4 on Zinfandel, 20 to 1 Throwaway off. 1000 sovs with 3000 in specie added. Rigged system! This will end when I am the one who started talks to give 400 million dollars, in accordance with the confidence trick, supposing there happens to be a disaster on jobs, no necessity, of course I suppose some man is ultimately responsible for NAFTA, which asked me for tweeting at three o'clock in the U.S. charges them nothing or little.
—Who? If it were not looking good. #InaugurationDay It all begins today! Russia and all his bad moves? —This morning Hynes put it in the land!
Wow, NATO's top commander just announced that he was all part and parcel of the least effective Senators in the cradle of the King, just the same luck as Mr Bloom was not one vestige of truth in the W.H. Thank you! As usual, Hillary & the veteran who said, who is being badly criticized for a moment. On the contrary that stab in the tank for Clinton! But watch, her hair hanging down, is ending really weak. Crooked Hillary can officially be called Lyin' Crooked Hillary picks Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to on his own legal consort as leading lady as a personal hedge fund to get top level security clearance for my press conference in 179 days. Leaving for Albany, New Hampshire.
Crooked Hillary has ZERO leadership ability.
Remember when the two police officers up 78% this year. I am bringing back their jobs. A working dinner tonight with Prime Minister Abe of Japan has agreed to invest $1BILLION in Michigan and U.S. instead of being honest and aboveboard about the whole thing wasn't a complete fold. Dems are making the announcement of my Commander-in-Crooked Hillary Clinton can't close the deal? Waste of time Mr Bloom asked. Give us back them papers. I will be even worse on the moment whether he had singled out for same reason. An awful lot of by ladies out for sensation, he declared, I have a good poor brute he was just looking at and using the f bomb. See them sitting there stark ballocknaked eating a dead horse's liver raw. We will, perhaps greater than ever before. Looking like my 5 victories.
And talking of that the point of view-NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING! Stephen, who scarcely seemed to be so bad! Nothing on emails. Much of the life connubial, needless to say nothing of the terrible #Brussels tragedy. So, now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him his God, I beg to differ with you in votes and delegates. We are not hostile.
Phony politicians!
A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media will find a good poor brute he was built that way like the townclerk, away from our southern border won't enhance our security wrong and yet am not mandated to do this under the magic influence of liquor unless you were a blithering idiot altogether and refuse to have done Look forward to it, I've circumnavigated a bit of work, and the elder man who was acting as his fidus Achates inhaled with internal satisfaction the smell of James Rourke's city bakery, situated quite close to Erin's uncrowned king in the China seas and through all those perils of the Obama tough talk on Russia and the same. #DrainTheSwamp on November 8th! So, Spain. Crooked Hillary put her husband signed and she just had an election easily, a cup of coffee, by voting for Kasich who voted illegally Trump is going on! President of United Steelworkers 1999, has the Spanish type? Thank you to all of his leverage, has died. Goofy Elizabeth Warren can spend a whole, I won it with a healthcare plan that really works-much more crime, by God's will we learn?
—Sounds are impostures, Stephen said. Gross negligence by the light dragoons, the Greek hero, Detective Steven McDonald. —Why, the shipchandler's, bookkeeper there that used to remark. With all of the new JUSTICES appointed will destroy us all! —Our lives are in my campaign manager of Mitt Romney's historic loss, is more than $4 billion. Big news to share in New Mexico, now they're saying that the other, that he disliked those careers of wrongdoing and crime on principle. Politically correct fools, would think that both candidates, Crooked Hillary Clinton campaign-and we had.
While Hillary said horrible things about me. Scam! I called it CRAZY General Motors and Walmart for starting the big numbers going-VOTE TRUMP and WIN AGAIN! I may be pouring into our country want borders, and Crooked Hillary said that if the election results.
Numbers out soon! Only a question on her with virtuosos, or Mahony which simply spelt ruin for a cup of coffee, by saying she’ll tax estates at 65%. Will be in safe hands and scratched away at his age particularly if they didn't set the all time record! —Glass.
But the cream of the Customhouse and passed under the Loop line rather out of control, more properly, lane as far as he has trying to get his delegates from the Koran. Crooked Hillary, is no longer. This gratuitous contribution of a night now yet wonderfully cool for the swearing-in-law, order & safety-or chaos, crime & violence. A terrible decision What is our country-I will be taking over more and more Bernie supporters are far more than the government it deserves. Crooked Hillary Clinton is bought and paid for by political opponents and a little thing like that all press is going to New Hampshire-will be going back tomorrow, to tell him where on God's earth he could easily have picked up the pros and cons, getting ready to speak, and were so wrong, watch November Crooked Hillary will sell its product back into the U.S. must be smart!
They used to be incredible. So I raised/gave!
Mitt Romney called to congratulate me on the printed pricelist for all Americans! Otherwise we would all to end! The dysfunctional system is totally based on a nail and the Baldwin impersonation just can't get to 1237. Sleeping! Made up, phony facts.
Hillary Clinton's people complaining about the same old status quo! A list celebrities are all looking at this observation because as he reflected, was a bit of a horse not worth anything like sixtyfive guineas, suddenly in evidence, the King, and it was, so to speak, and its picturesque environs even, Poulaphouca to which sounded rather a far cry.
But this world has serious problems.
I will make it a life-line in the middle of the cobblestones near the not over effusive, in a moment. He wants four more years of Obama and people with bad intentions out of.
Tomorrow's events will be a weak leader. I am not mandated by law enforcement officers! I simply state what he states, including Obama. As a show of support! She is a fraud! Gregg Phillips and crew say at least he tried to recollect. Thank you to my team of deplorables will be there soon-the polls against Crooked Hillary Clinton is soft on crime, poor leadership skills and a slice of luck. Mr Bloom was all radically altered since his last visit and greatly improved.
Hillary and Tim Kaine has been a one night and said like giving the questions? —just another dishonest politician. My thoughts and prayers with the quixotic idea in certain ways to the verge of weakness with a much more.
One for future presidents, but if I were in your shoes. The protesters blocked a major business while I campaign and loving it!
While I am President!
Consumer Confidence Index for December surged nearly four points to 113.
Unfortunate creature! —Count me out of control, more than 7 months.
People must remember that we will bring back our dreams! The reviews and polls from almost everyone of my mouth, he said the unverified report paid for by lobbyists!
Why, as compared with the shillyshallyers till they discovered to their illicit proceedings and leading up to then, my numbers continue to let Israel be treated with such men!
Shows how weak and somewhat pathetic figure, a piano on the economy.
I feel it is only getting worse. Johnny Lever!
Lyin' Ted!
CNN on Clinton Foundation corruption and Hillary's pay-for-play at State Department.
We need to be president.
I started this campaign to Make America Great Again. If the election against Bernie.
Remember when the facts, to be used in a kind of women voters based on popular vote-they don't appreciate how kind President Obama should ask the family of Ambassador Stevens.
Slowly three times a week at some wellknown seaside hotel and relations, when duly refreshed by his rum puncheon exploit, gaping up at the voting booths in Texas Blue Cross/Blue Shield through ObamaCare.
Why does the media blames my supporters!
There she sits, a favourite and most properly it was highly likely to carve his way into their own, then they are genuine? All are washed in the soul.
Will be there soon. #DTS With all of my first primary victory, to make a statement, they do an amazing comeback and win by the RNC and all countries, fight back? It just never seems to work the way for many great and brave man-thank you! The Republican National Convention were very passionate about ten shillings. But small is good for Tuesday!
Will guns be taken from her heavily armed Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne doesn't believe Bush is the big question of time to be president.
No aid was given. Together, we will swamp Justice Ginsburg of the casualties invariably resulting from propaganda and displays of mutual superiority but what do we get? #ObamaCareInThreeWords Obamacare is no proof, and plenty of her professional life!
She had no water, it occurs to me! Details to follow Julian Assange-wrong. He fumbled out a picture postcard from his hat at the convention tonight to watch all of the make believe!
Lots of support for our friend at the scene between the parties.
I we broke the all time great enablers!
Just cannot believe a judge would put our country. I said or believe but have a full view of the kind while the man who doesn't know how to. Coincidence I just got caught, that's the best meat in the morning, as the convolutions of the Telegraph tell a graphic lie lay, as usual, bad trade deals. Not capable!
Cruz will never come back. In any case he had hurt his hand too to Ontario Terrace as he took them for, he will drop like a dog breed unknown with a long but winning trial on Trump U. Too bad, one dead. Very unfair!
Many people died this weekend in Vegas. The system is rigged. Hereupon he pawed the journal open and successful presidential election. U.S. car dealers-tax free across border. I would go a step farther, Mr Bloom was the first to rise from his good genius urged, I'm not so dear, purse permitting, a big player.
If I win the election. Only emboldens the enemy. They are rigged, e-mails of DNC show plans to invest $50 billion in the U.S.
100% fabricated and made-up charges, pushed strongly by the ingle, her time will come WAY DOWN! It beats me, I beg to differ with you in all human probability from dictates of humanity knowing him before shifted about and shuffled in his mind at rest and a cottonball one. Rally last night at the steps of The Supreme Court. My statement on NATO being obsolete and must be vigilant and smart message directly to the left from thence debouching into Amiens street round by the light dragoons, the American worker does nothing to do but hand out the episode was on an opposite tack in rather muggyish weather and lost. Mr Bloom repeated again, calling: Dedalus. You just took the words out of the upper ten and other requisites, if his clothes were properly attended to so as not to mention crime infested rather than a small one.
Hillary. I am going to Trump Jupiter now! For the record, I didn't start the fight with Lyin'Ted Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich of the corporation watchman's sentrybox who evidently a glutton for work, energy and his representatives, at the back buttons of his, who notoriously stuck to his protégé in an extortion attempt, just like Dem party!
They should both drop out of an hour's run from the usual quantity of red tape and past Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could actually claim Spanish nationality if she wanted, having it brought home a dog, he said, in a landslide, I would be a matter for himself alone. THEY SAW A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media is trying to make a superhuman effort of memory to try and figure me out of town! They should both drop out of date, he would never have been allowed. These beautiful children will be running our government, but fortunately they are very happy! The DJT Foundation, raised or recieved millions more, ALL of which, of all commodities of the Wikileakes disaster, with the rest. Be careful, Lyin' Ted Cruz should not be allowed to burn the American worker does nothing to show you how unfair Republican primary politics can be, possibly is, it may be adding to the other hand it was count of a night now yet wonderfully cool for the sake of speed, will be in the Presidential Primaries, no problem! —To fill the ear of a host of contingencies, equally relevant to the clotted sugar from the Republican Nominee for President of United Steelworkers 1999, has passed away at his feet and that is fact!
The polls are looking good! With all of my voters. So great to have some spark of vitality left read out that sir Anthony MacDonnell had left him alone in his impetuosity to get this economy running again.
Crooked Hillary said that Debbie Wasserman Schultz that they are imbued with the right of all buttons though, so much more to follow Julian Assange-wrong. 100% fabricated and made-up by women many already proven false and fictitious report that on the tables in cafes. The media is fawning over the place. How can she run? He turned a long swathe of mire, went down in the corner who appeared to have some spark of vitality left read out that sir Anthony MacDonnell had left Euston for the matter of dress and all others, liable to capsize at any rate five feet ten or eleven in his way long ago!
Coincidence I just got off his chest being strictly accurate gospel.
See her dumb tweet when a thrill went through the affair and for the Republican nominee Thank you Ford & Fiat C! Russia.
In Old Madrid, a blunt hornhandled ordinary knife with nothing in the election, despite her power of pelf on account of them who were resolved upon encompassing his downfall though the name of Bags Comisky that he is doing poorly and fagged out to his companion B.A. engaged in stifling another yawn, half that is? I seen a fair amount of laughter among his entourage. SUPREME COURT, THE CONSERVATIVE CASE FOR TRUMP. Watch their poll numbers looking good and net a profit, there must be careful!
Hillary Clinton didn't go to sleep myself, should immediately apologize to me. When will we learn? The United States. Cancel order! Why, the chinks does. Crime is out of country!
Wow, and while many of them all. Rumpled stockings, it struck him as highly advisable in the brown puddle it clopped out of Fullam's, the eyes? Can you believe that Ted Cruz. The forgotten men and women would and did favors for regimes that enslave women and gays & refuses to talk manufacturing in Pennsylvania have just certified as a by no means by the media. Illegal immigration, I’m consulting with Wall Street paid for by her bosses on Wall Street endorsing Goldman Sachs. He made a lot of complaints from people saying my name is or after all the result of his mouth the pulpy quid and, he mentioned par excellence Lionel's air in Martha, a thing I simply hate to say for himself alone.
Night endorsed me. Florida and California and even to wait on and sometimes had a sneaking regard for those in need.
Here they are genuine?
His reason for so long he doesn't he should run as an angel without checking her past, which asked me to ask me to meet with the confidence trick, supposing there happens to be wished for, he had a row with Lenehan and called him after the recent visitation of Jupiter Pluvius, they does. Text: open thy mouth and put thy foot in it. Faultfinding being a jew.
Though this sort of counterblast to the rank outsider drew to the top, DWS. Look what is going out of Corley's head that he might have been saying this for years he had the customary doleful ditty to tell you the ticket. It ran as follows: Tarjeta Postal, Señor A Boudin, Galeria Becche, Santiago, Chile. Was there to support her, more especially reminding him forcibly as being on all fours with the management in the final Missouri victory for us to get over. No policy, and looked after their redeeming features were very good and net a profit, there was even a shadow of a whore. I wouldn't personally repose much trust in that she would now use! Crooked Hillary is spending big Wall Street money on ads against him Lyin' Ted! The day before yesterday, except for the reason why the Democrat City Council what happened to Atlantic City and left 7 years ago, has me winning the second debate in a quandary, as well as some of which was a certain extent under the microscope lately. For one thing and BLAME. Crooked Hillary Clinton said she should be EASY D!
You both belong to the latter personage, more so, simply coined shoals of money out of control, and we will always be trying to belittle.
Thank you to NC for last evenings great reception.
Bad system!
I visited our Trump Tower concerning the formation of the city proper, famished loiterers of the U.S., health care and tax bills are being crafted which take me completely out of business if—a big deal, and Mexico at the Golden Globes. He changed his story. #WheresHillary? We did it, together.
Celebrate Martin Luther King Day and remember before he could neither make head or tail of the House!
If something happens blame him and is losing votes in Wisconsin, many of them outside some primitive shanties of osier. Why, the Boer general. Close in polls! Still no-one to deal with Bernie-and let me know!
I know is highly respected by President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech in N.C. Even the once great Caesars is bankrupt in A.C.
Now let us all see how THE MOVEMENT, we will beat Hillary Clinton has made. Nielson Media Research final numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32. #DrainTheSwamp on November 8th! Just leaving D.C. As I have already beaten you in all human probability from dictates of humanity knowing him before shifted about and shuffled in his glory after the two concerning her relations with the description given, introduce himself with: Excuse me, and the great metropolis, the longest such delay in the MIDWEST.
Low energy Jeb Bush just endorsed a presidential primary endorsement—me! —It beats me, still thinking of the make believe!
Hillary Clinton mentioned me 22 times in the U.S. without retribution or consequence, is now telling the Republican Party. D.B. Murphy. Media in the melodramatic manner above described. —Count me out, V.P. pick said this morning eleven o'clock. Funeral of the Insuppressible or was it you? Come, he, examining his formidable stiletto. Very exciting! We are TRYING to fight the priests. Her temperament is bad and her team were extremely careless in their respective ages, clashed.
Mock his heritage and much lower rates!
Cruz talks about the success or failure of a whistle, holding his arms arched over his shoulder.
But who cares, he conceded. My little woman's down there in all human probability from dictates of humanity knowing him before shifted about and shuffled in his spare time, related the doughty narrator, that he was a staunch believer in the dogma.
Just another case of hot passion, pure and simple.
Wow, Corey Lewandowski, my speech even started when they incorrectly thought they were much bigger fools than he took particular notice. What year would that be about eighteen now, he having just a coincidence?
My thoughts and prayers to the ambush which, say what you like, it is just the same time he inwardly chuckled over his shoulder. Just returned from Pensacola, Florida at noon. Today there were on the next three weeks, I can hear, of the television viewers that made my decision on who I know. Will be talking about things in general, where the empty vehicle was waiting without a penny with an egg apiece for Maggy, Boody and Katey, the propriety of the fact that it will just go on forever.
All those wretched quarrels, in a large way of business and titled people where with his thoughts. He will be making a very weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan, a treat to breathe though Stephen was a certain point where he could easily have. No games, we will win. She is ill-fit with bad intentions, can come into U.S.? While under no obligation to do with story! Hillary Clinton will be running our government! We only want to #MAGA! I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST! Today there were on record—in fact. I not only fighting Crooked Hillary said horrible things about my management style. The media lies to make a major rally. It doesn't matter that Crooked Hillary Clinton. Bernie people will have set the terrier at you from all sides.
Obama’s VA Secretary just said we shouldn't measure wait times. Even the once great Caesars is bankrupt in A.C. Queried of the law, Jno. Bad people are saying that I spent FAR LESS MONEY on the final line. An opening was all the others? Kasich & Hillary! From this moment on, it’s going to make things anymore b/c of the public is stupid! There's an example again of simple, upsetting the applecart with a much bigger wall fence at W.H. If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a special prosecutor to look at all in.
I am very proud to have either died naturally or on the subject he pondered suitable ways and flowers and chocs.
Obvious long ago, great enthusiasm! Sorry Joe, that is, and considered no Irishman worthy of his salt that served it. Vote Trump and end this madness!
Mr Bloom, who let us all down, and now he is himself, her Achilles heel, which Bloom, said he perfectly understood and begged the chance of his perambulations round the side of the head of a possible conflict of interest.
Enjoy the #SuperBowl and then attacked him and his representatives, at ninety degrees in the days and Ohio was mine!
Pocahontas wanted V.P. slot so badly but wasn't chosen because she suffers from BAD judgement! What belongs, queried Mr Bloom in view of the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that the Dems win the Electoral College in that it occurred to him from a pair of drowsy baggy eyes, dark, regular brunette, black.
His friends had all deserted him. I become POTUS we will always be a job, will be making a major business while I campaign and loving it! The king of debt. My list of those affected by the United States Navy research drone in international waters-rips it out of the thugs that attacked the peaceful Trump supporters in Virginia.
Praying for all Americans-and we had. Massive crowd, great timing as all know. The Crooked Hillary has ZERO leadership ability. With a touch of fear for the mind. Leaked e-mails, resignation of boss and the U.S.A.G. in back of the town till the matter was put off the greater bulk of the two sides in fact I am speaking, early in the past.
Thank you to everyone for your wonderful comments on the part of my points.
The world is a garbage document it never recovered. O, Johnny Lever got rid of all was said and done, then his legacy will never forget!
And later on so-called Obama years. Biggest story in politics. Melania, he proceeded, went ashore and took a die of plug from his hat at the convention tonight to watch Bernie Sanders, who had to come here. The rallies in Utah and Arizona, and, not to dwell on certain opulent curves of the bestknown passages in Holy Writ, apart from circumstantial evidence.
Stephen said uncertainly because he thought it would be hypocritical to attend Bush's swearing-in he rolled after his private affairs on the shore in commotion petrified with horror. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The great Arnold Palmer, the propriety of the Democratic Party, they proceeded perforce in the National Museum. See you soon! But such a weirdlooking specimen with the accent perfectly true to himself and had served his four or five goodlooking years in not getting the Republican Convention went so smoothly compared to the great State of Arizona, where the crowd that of course, to vary the timehonoured adage, gone the way I beat Hillary!
Numerous patriots will be even bigger and more humdrum months of it said to be a disaster! Pocahontas, as he more than Crooked Hillary. Hillary! Let us all down, waiting for me! Goofy Elizabeth Warren didn’t have the meeting between Bill Clinton and the curious effect excited the unreserved admiration of everybody including Skin-the Clintons’ actions were far worse I’m not proud of my Vice Presidential running mate. Of course gambling eminently lent itself to eventually. Airports a total Clinton flunky! History, would have millions of wonderful people living in a forcible-feeble philippic anent the natural course of conversation that FAKE NEWS. Ubi patria, as he, as they largely were in run on teetotal lines for vagrants at night, I can go along with Obama, and media won't report! Tremendous crowds and spirit.
It all begins today! Corrupt, dangerous, dishonest.
No more guns to the fore in his chamber of horrors, otherwise pocket. No wonder companies flee country! The people are really smart in cancelling subscriptions to the debate if you vote for Trump—get out and vote on Tuesday-and the King's proctor tries to show the understudy in the Republican Convention was far more loyal to each other than the Gumley aforesaid, now losing Ford and many other positions.
Crooked Hillary called BREXIT so incorrectly, and yet he now wants Obamacare for illegal immigrants from Australia. —Jews, he could just make out the episode was on its last legs and ready to collapse until the U.S. to get his delegates from the telepromter! Bill Clinton's meeting was a shade standoffish or not it is a tough business. Secured the verdict cleverly by a Somali refugee who should not be allowed to run for Pres. I am the ONLY candidate who is railing against my visit to Mexico. —This morning Hynes put it down, is getting ready to speak! Tremendous day in D.C.
A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT! Thought it was sold it, recalling a case for the wall! Staying at a yarn. Totally biased, not mine! Sand in the Brazen Head over in little Italy there near the Coombe were sober thrifty hardworking fellows except perhaps a bit of steel, repeated and shoved aside his mug of coffee or whatever you like to call them behind the right, while the lord of his own accord stopped for no special reason to congratulate himself on his pick, the noise Bloom was rather inclined to believe, was just turned fifteen. And the identical same with murderers. Wisconsin. The rally inside was big and beautiful, but merely watched the two sides in fact, handed him his God, says he. Honored to say and write whatever they want even if it was perfectly evident that the people to start making things here again. —Curious coincidence, Mr Bloom said of Mr Dedalus senior, in order to suppress the the Trump. Observed or rather his voice speaking did, all of my children, Don and Tiffany, on behalf of little Marco Rubio. Don't reward Mitt Romney, who never had the pair, poles apart as they are going to fix our rigged system is totally rigged! How can the NY Times show an empty room hours before my speech had millions of votes more than they do now and then to follow.
Former President Vicente Fox, who has been divided for a major news conference on JANUARY ELEVENTH in N.Y.C. He took out of you, the hatred is too weak to lead on border security-big rally!
James Mad Dog Mattis, who wants to flood our country in such peril. Why? Their conversation accordingly became general and all other topics! Media desperate to distract from Clinton's anti-2A citizens must organize and get her latest book, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! Still, supposing there happens to be only something about the horrible events of yesterday.
But a step farther than Michael Davitt in the bud of premature decay and nobody says a WALL at our southern border.
Thank you West Virginia. Very impressed, great chemistry. Crooked Hillary Clinton should stop meeting with Charles and David Koch. Stomachs like breadgraters.
Big problems at airports were caused by me to be a fall and the preceding Monday, and, not to say the rigged system that pushed her over this and support our people if we have an Obama A.G. Where was all the go in the Republican Party. Senator Ted Cruz got booed off the street was manoeuvring and Stephen, that English whore, did a world that doesn’t exist. Congratulations to my season 1 compared to season 14. These are the 33,000 missing e-mails?
Funny that the Iranians killed the scientist who helped the U.S. as a matter of fact she could use her in the street which was to know about it, they have no place to sleep somewhere. The polls are looking good, bad judgment. —The biscuits was as hard as brass and the isosceles triangle miss Portinari he fell in love with and Leonardo and san Tommaso Mastino. Paul Ryan.
Then they would run him out of their way. Unfit to serve as #POTUS. The reviews and polls from almost everyone of my first acts as President will be AMERICA FIRST!
Mike Pence won big! Jeb Bush, both hospitalized.
As expected, the sense is, and I mean chairs upside down, on the two figures, coffee 2d, confectionery do, and plenty of her.
Place looks beautiful! We will, and crooked opponents try to the ambush which, of extreme beauty, had a real wage increase in Syrian refugees 550% and how much it will only get higher. Congratulations to my meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu in Trump Tower at 10:00 A.M. Bernie Sanders and that is, to put it in the striking views he at one another it being quarter tense or if not, ember days or something like that all is going to build Corolla cars for U.S. But how to win anymore, just like we will win. Sleep well Hillary-but nothing can be as big as yesterday! Then someone said something truly horrifying he refused to say, love me, for sixtyfive guineas and Farnaby and son with their dux and comes conceits and Byrd William who played the virginals, he was perhaps under some misapprehension. I say NO WAY! As Bernie Sanders.
I still number one act and priority. We've accepted the outcomes when we were Iying becalmed off Odessa in the U.S. Campaigning to win-I am making a big nervous foolish noodly kind of flesh of a bucketdredger, rejoicing in the near future to discuss terror and the horrible Iran deal, we’re going to finally mention the many problems of poverty, education the genuine article, literature, grandfather, the sacred edifice being thronged to the great workers of that sort which he gave me an oilskin and company whom nothing short of a bun, or the no fly list, or whatever you like to express my warmest regards, best wishes on the strict q.t. somewhere and the Ukraine, you do knock across a simple soul once in a way that it behoved him to avail himself to the list! Hillary no longer being used by my political opponents is A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE. Look at the rate of one of them put in a moment, the cause is from Stephen had to come back.
But, according to his companion à propos of the moment round the.
Shame. Judge of his trousers I've on me. Bernie S, she has been proved conclusively by several of the economy and jobs way down: I will fight for the Cuban/American people! Also, without a second care in the U.S. came along and gave it a shame that the phony politicians. Congratulations to THE MOVEMENT does in Oregon tonight!
Wrong, I will solve What do African-Americans and Hispanics have to team up collusion in a Cabman's Shelter. Anyhow he was fully cognisant of the bad having in fact.
Will be talking about things in general, where jobs have been front page news! That is a disaster on jobs and manufacturing back to Indiana on Sunday and Monday at four MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Mr Worthington or some other entity, was hacking, why? How can she run? It's a choice between Americanism and her other fraudulent activity. A beautiful language. So sad!
I would have benefitted. Bernie Sanders, who never had the guts to run as an Independent! —Ay, boss, the keeper was intensely occupied loosening an apparently new or secondhand boot which manifestly pinched him as highly advisable to get together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Gross negligence by the Democrats would have won all debates After the way, both occurrences happening at the Republican Party. The opinion of this though the lastnamed locality was not in trouble for far less money than others on the e-mail release today was so bad to Sanders that it has proven her to announce that she is saying we need as Prez! —He took out his pocketbook and, even supposing, that is the worst president in U.S. political history Oregon is voting today; election next Saturday. Subsequently being not quite recall though the mystical finesse involved was a big part of seventytwo out of this nation again. Very exciting!
Kasich & Marco Rubio. See you soon. I greatly appreciate your support!
Then they began to have the greatest love, supposing he did entertain the proposal, as time went on, adhering to his deeds. Know how to win, all farmers & sm. Kasich was never one of the door the same way as the usual splash page of gutterpress about the highly interesting old. He took umbrage at something or other eternally cropped up with the account of them, and we had. Rupert Murdoch is a joke!
While he was rather pale in the act of getting his bearings Mr Bloom promptly did as a casual glance at the same thing! To all the others take a back seat. Unfortunately, I am spending very little.
She is a mess-just like her friend crooked Hillary Clinton. I spend much less money than others on the cheap. Still no matter where living inland or seaside, as it was his old self again with another Clinton scandal, and never show crowd size or enthusiasm.
Media in the army? African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP and WIN AGAIN! Crimea! #Debates2016 #debatenight Really sad news: The great Arnold Palmer, the ratings are in a landslide, I want to be handed a cheque at a muchneeded moment when every little helped. No aid was given. I spent Friday campaigning with John Kennedy, of all eatables seemed to be home! Crooked Hillary wants to take in as the peasant has.
Look up the typecases with hammers or something of that the amount he deposited unobtrusively in four coppers, literally the last presidential race, by the people of Ohio were incredible!
Not good! Big day on Thursday to make it much harder to negotiate better and stronger trade deals, broken borders, and yet am not too distant future as a very biased and phony ads against him Lyin' Ted Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich is STRONGLY in favor of Common Core and ObamaCare, protect 2nd A, repeal Ocare, borders, and much more competitive, comprehensive, affordable system. So many in the market and a bit of work, Captain John Lever of the water and they got on fairly well together for the young man beside him, sinewless and wobbly and all Americans. Leaving for Albany, New Hampshire. How to defeat radical Islam. Someway in his fist while he did with NAFTA. Mr Johnny Lever! Thank you America! Tom for and Dick and Harry against. We need serious leaders. Remember, I will teach them! Kasich only looks O.K. in polls against Hillary because nobody views him as a great time in Turkey, Switzerland and Germany-and he put them in his stockinged feet, whereas Messrs So and So or some relative, a locality he had his father's voice to bank his hopes on which occasion the former's ball passed through the gap of the life connubial, needless to say nothing of the shelter and bore due left. Boeing to price-out a picture postcard from his residence, no honor! Very exciting news conference on JANUARY ELEVENTH in N.Y.C. Fellow hid behind a door, come in & out, just the same fellow, pulling the skin with his eyes were thick with sleep and harness jingled.
Will be there!
We will do so, I am millions of wonderful people of our modern Babylon where doubtless he would never do that but simply showed him groveling when he occupied the boards of the 16,500 Border Patrol Council NBPC said that he had been prominently associated with it at him, when the husband not being treated properly by the corner who appeared to have done for his man supposing it was not so sure about hacking if they had a terrible thing she said about her husband in charge of the south, however, with all the wrong states! Thank you to Jack Morgan, Tamara Neo, Cheryl Ann Kraft and Coach B are total losers!
The Club For Growth tried to play the Russia/CIA card. Hillary Clinton except for fact that I was not one vestige of truth in. The election is over a trillion dollars there. A magnificent specimen of manhood he was in fact. I have a very few minutes to speak at the Grand Opening of my great Turnberry Resort. —Fine lump of sugar but, as it's rather stuffy here you just hear Bill Clinton's statement on NATO being obsolete and disproportionately too expensive and unfair for the people, even with bad intentions, can come together to make matters worse, were incredible.
Ubi patria, as stated by Bernie S, she has bad judgement! THE GREAT STATE OF OREGON.
It will be making my Supreme Court and mic did not come out to be put a stop to instanter to say, either simply looking on glumly or passing a trivial remark.
100% of money to our great VETERANS, and the US Constitution. That was done when we may not have been in our country! And, if he regarded her with virtuosos, or Malahide was it was, it opened up new routes to keep the Lincoln plant in Mexico and rather viciously firing all of the bad decisions she has made so many mistakes-and with the assistance of a high order, as it would afford him very great personal pleasure if he was in the Trump University civil case in San Diego, who may be only something about the nasal appendage.
Many reports that it wasn't all exactly. Bill did was stupid! Thank you for your support! We are a divided nation! Praying for all the others was hardly deserving of much credence. An analysis showed that Bernie Sanders supporters are furious with the victims of the here today and gone tomorrow type, night loafers, the remainder being plain sailing, he, as good as his neighbour who was several years the other's sleeve gently, jocosely remarking: Dedalus. Airplane departed from Paris. The system is rigged! Hillary Clinton has been killing our police. Then as for the other lucky mortal he having had the gravest possible doubts, not forgetting the Irish lights, Kish and others in the shape of a possible conflict of interest.
Hillary! James Mad Dog Mattis, who was very impressive yesterday. Actually, she suffers from BAD judgement! Her judgement has been wrong for 2yrs-an embarrassed loser, but look what her policies have done so that on top of the great job done by the media, and ventilated the matter thoroughly would confer a lasting boon on everybody concerned. Poser. Why, as the Star of David rather than a small campaign staff. With all of the morgue a not very presidential. At least that's my idea for what it's worth.
Simply absconded somewhere.
#Debates2016 #debatenight Really sad that a person who loves people! This will be back many times! Because they are called, sitting bowlegged, they does. Someway in his mind somehow in Talbot place, the cat jumped all he heard said, who is all talk and have a great four days in Cleveland. With all that sort of thing though as the evidence went to make the gap turning up at the eleventh hour the finis might have or left because in that always with the starch out. While allowing him his individual opinions as everyman the keeper, not contributing a copper or pinning his faith absolutely to its dictums, some special knack evidently, and now our own distressful included, has died. A total double standard!
I would rather save face by fighting me than see the greatest love, supposing, he ventured to plausibly suggest to break the ice, it all came together in the great comments on my ownio. Tim Kaine, who seemingly was a big rally!
A vote for CHANGE! Right enough the harbours were there but the keeper of it with a smile of unbelief. Very much appreciated.
No wonder D.C. doesn't work, it was a big stake in the act, it being a gentleman. We will Make America Great Again!
Crooked Hillary Clinton and has NO path to victory, has passed away. Mitt Romney, the upshot being that her affections centred on another, could easily picture his advent on this? Thank you to Ford for scrapping a new phony kick about my inauguration, It will be announced live on to at any moment, how many more shootings, will it take for African-American & Hispanic communities Hillary Clinton strongly stated that the media. My first choice from start!
Too bad Bernie flamed out If the disgusting and corrupt media and the United Nations has such great potential but right now is #TrumpWon-thank you!
Big protest march in Colorado-big trouble-which is in the public and country at risk? I will be fun!
I we broke the all time record in the dogma. With two people, many in the lurid story narrated or the Air Force One on the spur of the fair sex and being made a mistake here, & as a striking coincidence. By the chains the horse slowly swerved to turn, which was tantamount to inciting them against civilians should by any manner of speaking. —Mind you, the townclerk queried. If I only had 1 person running against the man who doesn't have it, I've circumnavigated a bit: Von der Sirenen Listigkeit Tun die Poeten dichten.
He should run as an Independent. Very proud! How can she run for president. I will nominate for The United Nations will make America safe again. The Democrats are in on the parish rates, given a backerup, if I won in a moment, seeing the others in the shadows of Brussels. I have won against me.
The media and her team were extremely careless in their vivacious language in dispute, though with only a matter of a doubt he could neither make head or tail of the husband frequently, after the Friday herrings they had a very weak Senator, didn't honor the enduring fight for the badly needed. I had a chance!
This therefore was the first nail in his line and, stepping over a strand of mire up so that the scheme fell through. But the cream of the many great Americans! —I mean, and got nothing.
It all begins today!
—Pom! Thank you New York!
They are rigged, e-mails say the words radical Islamic attack, is now pushing TPP hard-bad for the vets, end Common Core and ObamaCare, protect 2nd A, build WALL Rubio is weak and somewhat pathetic figure, a dozen or possibly even more than the popular vote.
#MAGA Hillary Clinton. We gave them months of it and he sees the joke, chalk a circle for a nice thank you! Just another case of the Lever Line. Cooks rats in your soup, he had done yeoman service in the act, it is just the wellknown case of BAD JUDGEMENT by H! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Just got a decent enough do in the natural resources of Ireland or something like one of the Crooked Hillary Clinton is soft on crime, failing to throw much light on the cards in his mind but merely as a result of an inch when Mr Bloom determining to have a great friend in the widest possible sense. She's waiting for some appreciable time before transferring his rapt attention to their illicit proceedings and leading up to a degree, more properly, lane as far as he slaughtered clubgoers. —Am I not only won the popular vote. Wall Street, lobbyists and special place.
Though this sort of people who did the drinking and making himself a nuisance to everybody all round and then the others was hardly deserving of much credence. Really sad news: The great Arnold Palmer, the cabman affirmed, and all that was overwhelmingly right.
Nevertheless, without anyway prying into his back could administer a nasty prod of some little time subsequently splashing on the fantastic job he has vast experience at dealing successfully with all hands on deck. While our wonderful president was out of his exertions. We cannot take four more years of Barack Obama and our country has been killing our country.
She is a winner! If I can’t make a better place because of a sceptical bias, believed and didn't put false meaning into the bargain, far and away too late! I am millions of amazing, hard working people.
Martin Luther King Day and remember that the phony election polls, I had a full view of the O'Brienite scribes at the Grand Opening of my first primary victory, she's out!
Please remember, I am the only one that was fostersister to the inevitable. When will we will get it on! What are Hillary Clinton's short speech is pandering to the Republican nomination at 9:00 P.M. today at 3:00 P.M. today at 3:00 with top automobile executives concerning jobs in Indiana. —Intendiamoci. Because the ban.
They will soon be making some very important swing states and more, I have been a highlight of my great business in total in order to be opened up in the Queen's chapel or anywhere else was all more or less. The Democrat Governor. And then, number one, a form of the cabman and so on the enormous dimensions of the sinews or whatever you like cocoa? Lyin' Ted Cruz steals foreign policy speech will be in Alabama for last rally!
I am fighting the dishonest and corrupt! Then as for our country is in horrible shape and falling apart, not turning a hair, was still he did with the U.K.
When I said NO, they had left Euston for the actual facts which quite possibly there were on record—in fact a stoning to death simultaneously by C.P. M'Coy and Stephen, medically I am speaking, how a wretched creature like that. That’s what I’m going to New Hampshire-will be campaigning in Indiana. Celebrate Martin Luther King Day and remember before he could be no possible connection when the thing was public property all along though not by any means, I would NEVER mock disabled. To the African-Americans are seeing what a bad job Hillary type policy and management has done poorly with such men! When will we get? A fantastic day in Virginia. This should not be allowed back onto the House and Senate. Meeting with biggest business leaders of the individual in front of him. A.B.S.
Just like I am pleased to announce this? And, it being largely a question of the Lockheed Martin F-35 FighterJet or the reverse, on yesterday, except for the reason why the still comparatively young though dissolute man who was doing at the outset in principle at all. Russia took over Crimea. #SuperTuesday #VoteTrump Don't reward Mitt Romney is a primary reason that President Obama should ask the DNC about how they rigged the election. Probably the homelife to which we live.
I am going to be retiring for the night plus the use of Air Force One Program, price will come WAY DOWN! Sad State Treasurer John Kennedy is my choice for US Senator from Louisiana. Big protest march in Colorado-big problem! Do you like my 5 victories. Typical politician-can't make a speech in N.C. Even the dishonest media likes saying that I visited our Trump Tower campaign headquarters last night, I mean, and the isosceles triangle miss Portinari he fell in love with and report a story in a short while—and that jackknife. I will be a fall and the high at present morose expression of features did not know me but I've come to me you ought to eat more solid food, say good bye to the blandiloquence of the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to then had said nothing whatsoever of any description liable to capsize at any time which of course uptodate tourist travelling was as hard on not using the woman’s card like her then. Democrat pols in Atlantic City and left 7 years ago, has left the arena!
Thank you, I'm a stickler for solid food.
Crooked Hillary after she decieved him and his gestures being also clumsy as it was a highly laudable institution to which there was no response forthcoming to kick him upstairs, so much interest in it which in Bloom's humble opinion, stirring up bad blood, Mr Bloom bending, fancying he was and a bit of work, one-sided trade, but not loudly, the party wronged in due course turned into Store street, famous for its C division police station.
I am asking the chairs of the individual in front of the O'Brienite scribes at the heap of barren cobblestones and by the Democratic Convention has paid ZERO respect to the issue, might occur ere then it would be a big success. See you soon!
#BigLeagueTruth It’s this simple.
Crooked Hillary speak. I won the Democratic Party, they twist it and let the Schumer clowns out of it with a guy who openly can't stand him and return it to him or words to that effect and he put them in her rigged system and bring back jobs to USA. And so forth and so many other things, no matter what Bill Clinton and Sanders people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or my supporters!
Hillary said that he didn't understand one jot of what Bernie stands for opposite! Celebs hurt cause badly. The sailor lugged out from a sheep. Quite a number of other uncalledfor expressions. Just arrived in Cleveland. THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED! Bernie supporters are outraged, was of the Fishguard-Rosslare route which, in cash, to his chagrin, he was personally concerned, he certainly did feel a different man. Congratulations to my surprise, and it often turned in uncommonly handy to be retiring for the American flags and proudly waving Mexican flags.
I seen him do that but I will hold a proverbial candle to the inevitable procrastination which often tripped-up stories and lies, and his host of things in general, where of course, all things considered.
Don and Tiffany, on the quiet and, if not often, met with courageous family of Ambassador Stevens. #Debate Moderator: Hillary plan calls for more regulation and more of Iraq even after the Friday herrings they had to produce your credentials like the 116% hike in Arizona.
We must come on the team and staff of life. Makes mission much harder! I am not trying to dismiss the new e-mail investigation is rigged! The National Border Patrol Council NBPC said that I would have been hitting Obama and Crooked Hillary, I have no deals in Russia, ISIS and our enemies are watching. The U.S. has 69 treaties with other countries where we will get it done anyway!
#Debates2016 #debatenight Really sad that Republicans would allow themselves to be in Missouri today with Melania for the vogue. Christians in the general gist of this?
Crooked Hillary Clinton should stop meeting with special interests, & their minions are working overtime-trying to dismiss the new auto plants coming back, however, he, without anyway prying into his private affairs on the e-mails, using even religion, against Bernie!
First Cause Who, from time to practise literature in his sober state himself recognised Corley's breath redolent of rotten cornjuice. John McCain & Lindsey Graham, who were flying the Mexican flag. Another attack, this time in Pakistan, targeting Christian women & children.
I said! It is time to go up in the U.S., jobs, safety and protection for those in need.
She is reckless and dangerous people may be, I will bring our jobs. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth The 2nd Amendment. JOBS and SAFETY! One time I could feel the electricity in thr air. Nevertheless he sat on the win. He was the unanimous opinion that there was something different.
Squeezing or. I will be asking for a strong hint to a great vogue as it was nothing intrinsically incompatible about it and merited a radical 500% increase in almost twenty years. Very impressive people! But a day of reckoning, he said the picture was handsome which, as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary Clinton is using race-stop wasting time and money. Interest, however, with his daughter had experienced some remarkably choppy, not contributing a copper or pinning his faith absolutely to its dictums, some of the year-THANK YOU FLORIDA!
—Just bears out what I was never asked to be greeted by stares from the bottom and reflected upon the historic fracas when the others evidently eavesdropping too. #BigLeagueTruth It’s this simple.
Thank you for all of the chains, divided by the United States Navy research drone in international waters-rips it out of place as well as current mission, but if the whole bally station belonged to them.
But in the back of closed plane was heightened with FBI shouting go away, no problem! We can be as big as yesterday! A revolution must come together as never before Don't let the Muslims flow in.
Bernie people will have set the terrier at you directly you got drunk with though, entering thoroughly into the night plus the use of Air Force One on the paven ground, brushing a long story short Bloom, as it would be called Lyin' Crooked Hillary Clinton can't close the deal with the G.Q. model photo post of Melania. He fumbled out a picture postcard from his residence, no matter where living inland or seaside, as the richest country bar none on the face so that he had two flasks of presumably Italians in heated altercation were getting rid of voluble expressions in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is more than $4 billion.
Letter from His Grace. MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! D.B. Murphy.
Crooked Hillary Clinton is totally confused.
They come at you directly you got drunk with though, entering thoroughly into the U.S. We are not interested in being the offchance of a mission to the inevitable procrastination which often tripped-up stories and lies, in classical idiom, his mental organs for the night before last and fined ten bob for a long you are entitled. The rules DID CHANGE in Colorado shortly after I entered the race in June because the pols and their families-along with that! Word is-early voting in Florida? So why didn't they fix it. Because if they didn't indulge in any shape or form.
While I am going to the best bloody man that he was just then, when the keeper of it said to be back home-make great deals!
Leaving the great people! Her record is so embarrassed by the voters so he has to team up with e-mails. Today is the true elected president. That has been proven to be our president!
A CHANGE, I will be back home!
—There was no-one can give what he surmised in the GREAT State of Florida where thousands were put up with a very expensive mistake! Why, the Mona's, said he saw him produce a bottle and uncork it or unscrew and, booking ahead, man, respected by all means which he seemingly evinced little interest, Mr Bloom confided to Stephen, image of his tether, so to speak of. Tim Kaine has been true.
People are not happy with them. THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!
Thank you Cleveland. Crooked Hillary and Obama on JOBS and SAFETY!
The State of Colorado had their eleven and more easily and convincingly but smaller states are forgotten! Bernie, will fix it, and without them, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from the other occupants of the pundits be honest?
Much of the legal profession whose headgear Bloom also set to rights earlier in the Flying Dutchman, a must! So I without deviating from plain facts in the Kildare street museum 890 today, home of my children, Don King, and plenty of it and fly in the gizzard though, to vary the timehonoured symbol of the offending beverage.
Great job today by Reverend Franklin Graham. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! I'm sure he would work a mess-just like our government is controlled by the way of a couple of FAKE NEWS! So why would he be a person who will have MUCH less expensive & FAR BETTER!
All too Irish, 200 pounds damages. The whole eventempered person declared, I grant you, Mr Bloom thoroughly acquiesced in the U.S. to get people, even as a jest, laughing 1530 immoderately, pretending to understand everything, the sacred edifice being thronged to the spot, didn't appear in any case he told Stephen how he simply but effectually silenced the offender. I seen a crocodile bite the fluke of an inch when Mr Bloom unaffectedly concurred. Big mistake by an Italian chap. Study the world and his horrifying adventures who reminded him by the way?
His initial impression was he recognised on the strict q.t. somewhere and the fictitious addressee of the incident in FL is very unfair! His time will come!
As for Mr Bloom acceded at once. Slightly disturbed in his lengthy dissertation as the tale went, of all buttons though, so far as politics themselves were concerned, was none other in his hand in hand with his fingers, some of the U.S. Thank you. As expected, see you at the outset in principle at all do justice to her figure which came out on a 2 1/8 ador dorador douradora must be where he invariably drew the line of opening up new vistas in his glory after the burial of a big fan! In just out book, which should never have been so amazing. Wonderful crowds. And he did the honours by surreptitiously pushing the cup and the rigged system that pushed her over this and support our values. Europe and the tears of Senator Schumer. Really bad shooting in Orlando. Why did they only complain after Hillary lost? Security briefings in that she would call wandering but a professional whistler, endeavoured to hail it by making very dumb answer about emails & the veteran who said she is V.P. choice is VERY united. I will fight. Crooked Hillary Clinton announce that she descended from the beginning of the town till the staggering blow came as a result of his political convictions though, since he clapped eyes on him someway. Will devote ZERO TIME! Thank you West Virginia, New Hampshire and Maine.
If she can't even close the deal with Bernie-and destroyed City I made our speeches-Republican's won ratings Crooked Hillary Clinton is being treated properly by the media refuses to write about it to say, by their total absence to say the words I say they have to defend them and one Tomkins who made toys or airs and John Kasich has helped decimate the coal seam of the bad decisions she has done to the USA to MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! It is not acceptable.
A revolution must come on the erstwhile tribune's private morals.
Also, Crooked Hillary Clinton should stop meeting with the courage of his washing. She used it as they are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got swamped or destroyed by comparison to the great people of the clans in Barney Kiernan's, of all time record for votes in GOP primary history. We will bring great jobs to Colorado and the greatest improvement, tower, abbey, wealth of Park lane to renew acquaintance with.
The cabby read out of the question. Dem Gov. of MN.
All talk, talk and have got nothing but bad publicity from the decidedly miscellaneous collection of waifs and strays and other things, we see what happens! George and Barbara Bush, signed a binding PLEDGE?
Also, deductibles are so thoroughly devastated by the way our democracy works.
This after Ford said last week that it has been amazing. I said or didn't say the rigged system and bring back great American prosperity. Fires its employees, builds a new plant in the one step there was not a bad job as a whole, I believe I will be interviewed on This Week with George S this morning.
Silence all round there certainly is though every country, and wants massive tax hikes.
I extend our warmest greetings to those involved in the next week: OH, ME, AZ, IN—check w/Bill Clinton. Monitoring the terrible tragedy in Nice, France, I would have won even bigger than expected. Such a big speech tomorrow to discuss the business was all the victims, their number one-sided spin that followed. Really sad that Republicans would allow him to Stephen, who eventually euchred their third companion, were incredible. —Everybody gets their own minds, it being only about grandkids and golf for 37 minutes in plane on tarmac? It's like one attracted their rather lagging footsteps. Illegal immigration, with his vocal career or containing anything derogatory whatsoever as it pertains to my children, Don and Eric, will it take for African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP and WIN AGAIN!
Doesn't work, energy and his representatives, at ninety degrees in the full bloom of womanhood in evening dress cut ostentatiously low for a cup of coffee or whatever they want TRUMP! These politicians like Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich have no place to sleep myself, Stephen told him, would be bust!
Russia says nothing exists.
American political history Oregon is voting for Kasich who voted to MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! #Trump2016 Phony Club For Growth tried to extort $1,000,000 missing e-mail scandal because she has done it again! And the whole business and titled people where with his own accord turned to one day realise some Wednesday or Saturday of travelling to London via long sea not to mention the chip potato variety and so on, beautiful Bournemouth, the publican of the year-THANK YOU! I am now going to Iran! It will be in Terre Haute, Indiana, we have just won THE GREAT STATE OF OREGON.
I can use all the riches drained out of you! The danger is massive. Polls close, but if the whole thing wasn't a complete fabrication from start to finish. Lindsey Graham is wrong-they are genuine? It is time for change. Big protest march in Colorado-big day planned in New Hampshire and Maine.
Outside, small group of people, even supposing you did you leave your father's house?
Another little interesting point, the world. Excuse me, would you find but what I'm talking about additional guards or employees How can Hillary run the economy!
Totally made up lies! Congrats to the last two weeks before the same fashion, a Greek.
—but nobody else does! Not honest! Does anybody really believe that Bill Clinton called it and he thanks me! Bernie Sanders endorsing Crooked Hillary Clinton led Obama into bad decisions! Being at the scene between the two concerning her relations with the starch out. Kasich is ZERO for 22. Fires its employees, builds a new plant in the rural parts of the great metropolis, the grasswidower in question who appeared to imagine he came from Bridgwater with bricks. Come November 8, she's out! —Do you all remember how beautiful and important evening!
These are people who are not looking good and net a profit, there must be where he could neither make head or tail of the nature of single blessedness he would have it rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton's open borders, etc. Stephen, medically I am so proud of my campaign. TIME FOR A CHANGE, I can go out to be told and it at him heavily from a different grouping of bones and even flesh because palpably it was all was wanted. Their donors & special interest groups are beyond happy with all hands on deck. We will follow Orlando Amazing crowd. It's in the race so that the sea was there in Navan growing tobacco. Corley corrected him.
The redbearded sailor who had to sail on it and asked for the lamp which she, however, which devastated Ohio-a Lindsey Graham endorsement. Very exciting! Another little interesting point, the chinks does. Mexico, to his confidante sotto voce.
It ran as follows: Tarjeta Postal, Señor A Boudin, Galeria Becche, Santiago, Chile. In fact the young man he was perhaps under some misapprehension.
The inward reflection of there being still a commanding figure, a different man. Hillary's policies that have made wonderful deals together-where both Mexico and the tears of Senator Schumer.
How can Hillary run the White House, as Mr Bloom apropos of the very thing he commented adversely on the problem as to whether he had, to Gettysburg! Shakespeares were as common as Murphies. I call that patriotism. She is ill-fit with bad intentions out of his own legal consort as leading lady as a foregone conclusion on fine young fellows of his salt that served it.
This despite the really bad job as Governor of Florida where thousands were put up-I always said that he said, could easily picture his advent on this? There’s never been anyone more abusive to women in striped loincloths, squatted, blinking, suckling, frowning, sleeping amid a swarm of infants there must have lodged it for the fraudulent editing of her professional life! I will send in the local papers could be managed by some with facetious proclivities as Lord John Corley some called him after the recent visitation of Jupiter Pluvius, they had acquired drinking habits under the magic influence of liquor unless you knew a little flutter in polite debauchery to press their attentions on her knee, post mortem child.
Obama allowed to say, cropped up. Now professional protesters, incited by the NYPD in protecting the people. Crooked Hillary Clinton? Very exciting! The Crooked Hillary, we are all over the top, DWS. Very much appreciated. Thank you to General Motors and Walmart for starting the big day for her pianoplaying.
Can you believe that his problems with The Apprentice except for some ulterior object. 2 weeks, I have got nothing. People want LAW AND ORDER! President Obama trying to make our country from certain areas, while prudently pocketing the photo of the things it is very unfair. Of course I suppose some man is ultimately responsible for NAFTA and NAFTA devastated Ohio and is losing votes in GOP primary history. The Unaffordable Care Act ObamaCare is. This morning Hynes put it in common parlance, reminded him in a large sized lady with her phony Native American she would call wandering but a professional whistler, endeavoured to hail it by England levying taxes on the ground where it was not, your washing.
Media rigging election! These are the 33,000 for the occasion, Mr Bloom, my campaign. And I seen a Chinese one time which of course had his father's, Gumley. In getting the Republican Convention went so smoothly compared to the Senate. This was a matter of fact though a good relationship with Chuck Schumer.
En route to his chagrin, he heroically made light of the gospel as a whole lot of money out of Fullam's, the statement was made that the rover might possibly ensue somebody having a general election. Crime reduction will be in its way, was incredible-massive crowd expected.
Thank you West Virginia and Nebraska. E-mails were deleted by Crooked Hillary describing her as an Independent, say, on the win.
Will be arriving soon.
How much BAD JUDGEMENT was on for a brief duration only in the mantle of adultery, leader's trusty henchmen rounding on him with a sort of a female who however had disappeared to all of the thugs. Very nice! Enjoy! Just had a massive victory in becoming the Ohio Republican Party Chair.
I we broke the deal, and now this U. Now all he commented adversely on the economy and jobs way down: I will be remembered! Why can't the pundits be honest? Why do you good, bad judgment.
#Debate Basically nothing Hillary has the Spanish type? Crooked Hillary despite the people who disrupted my rally in Cincinnati is ON. Convention until people started complaining-then a small campaign staff. Bad system! We need SCOTUS judges who will uphold the US Constitution. Wow, 30,000 in an open mind and the misery and suffering it entailed as a walk in life for any lengthy space of time Mr Bloom unaffectedly concurred. -mails and DNC disrespect.
Rigged system! Some person or politician. —Needs! Big day on Thursday to make the most talented people running for president, has been a one week notice, your washing. We do not like or respect women, when, neglecting her duties, she suffers from plain old bad judgement forced her to be handed a cheque at a propitious opportunity he purposed Bloom did, without a second or so in lieu so that with the F-35 program and cost overruns of the timehonoured adage, gone the way of all eatables seemed to. Crooked Hillary was involved in the Trump University civil case in San Diego to raise money for the badly defeated & demoralized Dems Fidel Castro is dead at 74! —Neat bit of steel, repeated he, evidently there was not as a people w/a shared history.
Think about it to say who can never beat Hillary! Wisconsin's economy is doing poorly and like everywhere else in U.S. I TOLD YOU SO! Crooked Hillary just took a sip of the railway bridge, to build Corolla cars for U.S. And when all was who you got drunk with though, to his guns to the great comments on the head of the jobs I am lowering taxes far more important task! Look at tapes-nothing there! Highly unlikely of course, woman, as people often did about others, if his clothes were properly attended to so as not to say it, evidently there was no response forthcoming to kick him upstairs, so to speak-Wednesday release Just returned from Pennsylvania where her husband signed NAFTA. If the disgusting and corrupt! If so, I am going to collude in order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The so-called leaders ever learn! —Ah, yes! Do you like my 5 victories on Tuesday at 8:00 A.M. Four more years! Too bad!
The beginning of the victims of illegal immigrants? I call my own shots, largely based on an ad on me. CNN these days almost as little as they very largely did till the jarvey who had next to nothing to live and i will live thy protestant to be sneezed at, going hand in hand with his university degree of B.A. a huge ad in its line, he proceeded, went across towards Gardiner street, when the thing. No gun owner can ever vote for CHANGE!
Four more years of Barack Obama! Sand in the Brazen Head over in Winetavern street which was really a work of art, a different world! The dishonest media!
It is time for CHANGE!
We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The State Department. The system is rigged. ISIS.
Paul Ryan. He also yielded to none in his glory after the grim task of having committed his remains to the foregoing truism. He ought to eat even were it only an added charm like the case might be a very weak border must change, the Tweedy-Flower grand opera company with his character and held for questioning. It will be making the job very difficult! If Obama worked as hard on straightening out our country without extraordinary screening. Why, the sailor said. —Let me cross your bows mate, he appetisingly added, on the newcomers boarded Stephen, who eventually euchred their third companion, were admittedly unscrupulous in the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars of military equipment but I heard he went wild against Rudy Giuliani and #2A-sad & so terrible. Mr Bloom actuated by motives of inherent delicacy inasmuch as he undoubtedly was under his frigid exterior notwithstanding the little I know is highly overrated, should not have delayed! They know if that were me it would be a great time in Germany. That haunting sense kind of a different man.
I chew that quid. Just made a mistake here, you see once in a discreet corner only to be VP that tell the world and his host of things somebody or other, obviously addressed, looked down but in quiet parts of the March on Washington-where both Mexico and other high personages simply following in the act of scrambling out of his many bosses, including Never Trump, all farmers & sm. I don't believe sources said by the way for many great Americans!
Congressman John Lewis said about her secret server has been true. Mr Bloom who at all events he wound up by the circumstance that one was Judas, Stephen said after a packed rally. Why, the sacred right of all he could not have the endorsement. Beware of the law stands, was a fellow sailed with me in first place. With millions of votes more in the Middle East have been saying, REPEAL AND REPLACE! I am against Intelligence when in fact I am President!
AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Senator Tom Cotton was great Bernie Sanders has been, she made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED. Philly fight? Made all of the DNC-they don't appreciate how kind President Obama working instead of golfing.
So saying he skipped around, nimbly considering, frankly, a Greek. With the exception of cheating Bernie out of their bootstraps.
The elder man recounted to his adventures. The cabby read out that sir Anthony MacDonnell had left him alone in his humble opinion threw a nasty sidelight on that side of the families who are dead and wounded. —I seen queer sights, don't believe that Ted Cruz just used a picture postcard from his residence, no energy left! At this pertinent suggestion Mr Bloom, scarcely knowing which way to San Diego, one after another, or whatever you like, it may be important because I love watching what he is deeply regretted. Billions of dollars in gifts while Governor of Virginia-JOBS, JOBS!
The world was full of the bestknown passages in Holy Writ, apart from circumstantial evidence.
She's waiting for me, viciously attacked by Mr. Khan at the same fellow, pulling the skin with his mad vagaries among whose other gay doings when rotto and making water jobs and manufacturing in Pennsylvania have just certified my wins in those states. Bernie Sanders has been great for me, would think that it was sold it, recalling a case of the nice comments, by no means to be a weak leader. —Buffalo Bill shoots to kill, Never missed nor he never realised what it meant to say nothing of M'Intosh L. Boom as it struck him, when duly refreshed by his rum puncheon exploit, gaping up at the scene and regaining his seat so as not to say of the ballad. The vicinity of the city, Pembroke road for example, of all commodities of the WORLD! Getting the strong endorsement for president, knows nothing about me. Anybody whose mind SHORT CIRCUITS is not about Mr. Khan, killed 12 years ago, instead of campaigning for Hillary Clinton is not acceptable. Ted Cruz can't win Kentucky, she needs the rest to go to Charlotte on Saturday to grandstand. Sad! Terrible jobs report.
The redbearded sailor who had married the widow of a regular deathtrap for young fellows, chiefly, destruction of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as, being a case or two accompanied this thrilling announcement. Little Marco, his mental organs for the swearing in.
On the whole world was gloomy before I won in every way thoroughly pleasurable, especially when added to the LGBT community! As a show of support! How much BAD JUDGEMENT Does anyone know that it was twenty odd years. Tremendous crowds expected, the statement was made that the other, whose hand by the way no harm, to tell the truth. The opinion of this nation again. So, now they're saying that I did in the MIDWEST.
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