#Jumbo Skip Bags
megabag · 9 months
0 notes
Flirty!MultiVillains x Clueless!Reader || Excerpts / Reactions
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Plot: The friendzone is a many splendored thing... not. (You friendzone them) Includes: Candy Pop, Dark Link, Inkubus, Long John Silver, and Oogie Boogie. Warnings: Sexual references!! Derogatory and degrading statements!! These are mostly from the villain’s point of view. Feminine pet names used (Especially in Silver's. He consistently uses 'lass'). Oh also Inkubus may have some sinister intentions... but they are not disclosed and honestly what do we expect. Unedited as of yet. Tagging: @asperol-with-izzy , @disney-android-foundation , @lady-love88 , @marinerainbow , @masqueradeball , @miss_understood , @moxiiscool , @ryantryan6969 , @spookiifi , @thecourtofgraywaves , @yesthetrashbin , and @your-mxnd-is-mxne . Hi all! ^^ Please head the warnings, its meant to be comedic, but Candy Pop and Dark both make some very gross comments 😅 Hope y'all enjoy and have a great day ^^
Candy Pop:
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You walk away quickly after that, giving him that sweet kiss on the cheek and saying he’s such a lovely friend to you, and he wonders for a split second whether that was on purpose. “-Excuse me?!?” Surely you know that he wants his hand down your pants? “Hooooold on hold on hold on- “ You can’t be this dumb. Surely! Almost immediately Candy Pop whips around and follows you right down the hall- quickly catching up to you and skipping ahead, walking backwards in front of you, making you smile. “Love! Love, love- what was that last part??”
“I’m glad to have you, Pop.” You grin back, giggling at the befuddled look on his face. It does not clear up.
“Uhuh… as??... “He prompts you carefully, waiving his hand in a ‘go on’ sort of gesture.
“A friend! A wonderful friend.”  
“… hah, sorry, again? I just can’t wrap my head around those words. Must be our language barrier.”
Adorably confused, you tilt your little idiot head at him; Eyebrows knitted together. Oh god, he thinks. Are you not joking after all? “Candy Pop, you’re English.”
… Right… okay- “Yes, well, English used to be quite different in my time, right??” Yeah, that’ll do for an excuse. Sure. “Anyway- again?? You love me… as??”
Sighing, you stop walking and reach out to put a hand on his arm; Making him stop, too, and guiding him towards you. Theirs a gentle, concerned look on your face and your touch makes him feel weak, makes the skin under your fingers light on fire, and he just wants to shove you against the wall and taste you under his tongue. All over. But- “Candy Pop. Whatever you’re thinking… stop.” Holy shit you’re not joking!! You’re truly a dumbass!! What is he going to do!?? He wants to shove his tongue in your asshole, so this- he can’t- this won’t- this is just not going to work!?? “You are lovely- to me, at least.” You give a giggle, and its enchanting, you’re enchanting, but he has never wanted to squeeze you more then right now. Even with your pretty hand on his arm and your pretty eyes on him and your pretty voice in his ears. “and I do love you. Believe it, bud.”
Then you give him another soft, maddening kiss on his painted cheek, and leave again. This time he does not follow. This time he’s too gobsmacked.
Slowly he brings a hand up to his mouth, chewing on his nails and staring at the floor… oh my this is a disaster.
Dark Link:
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“Mmm, y’know Y/N,” As the movie begins the play, after you’ve opened your jumbo bag of doritos and settled down beside Dark on his bed, he takes the opportunity to throw an arm over you. He’s close, now, just like he likes it, and he can see you stuff your face with artificial cheese in detail, sure, but eh- you’re a cute pig. You pull it off. Good on you. “This is a pretty freaky flick… if you get scared, be free to get cozy with me… BEN’s not gonna be here, tonight.”
At least he better not; Dark paid the little weasel handsomely in Hostess cakes and threatened his little man if he did show up. Tonight is the night Dark makes his damn move on you. A real move. One you won’t be able to write off a joke or just friendly. You’re obtuse, but you’ll get it this time. He’s sure.
… because honestly if you don’t, he’s going to lose what’s left of his ever-loving mind. He may have to fuck BEN, or Jeff, if you don’t get it this time. Any dank, warm hole will do but he hopes it’ll be yours. He’s going insane using his hand and wishing it was you. This trying to fuck you thing, has been an ordeal. He’s actually exhausted. You’re dumb as a box of rocks and he wants to feel you so bad. It’s killing him.
You’re killing him.
“Oh,” You pop a dorito in your mouth, looking at him with those pretty (clueless) eyes. “Where’s he gonna be?”
“Don’t know, don’t care. Anyway- “
“That’s a shame.”
“Yeah whatever. So like I was saying- “
“Are you sure he’s not coming around?? I’ll wait- “
“New conversation babe. Stay with me. I just want- “
“I have a bit of a crush on him… “You confess then, awkwardly, a nervous look on your face- but also relieved, like you’ve been wanting so badly to tell him this for a while.
… And Dark sputters, losing his entire train of thought entirely and just staring at you; Under his arm, looking adorable and shy, picking at one of the corners of your dorito bag and telling him… what!? The sound of blood curdling screams erupt from the horror movie then, which is fitting. “… C- Uh, c- come again please?”
You look bashful, before groaning and hiding your face in your hands. Dark follows your face with his eyes, not moving because he’s in shock. “You couldn’t tell?? Aghhh, I feel like I act like a total loony tune around him.”
“… Nope, baby, I couldn’t tell… “
“Oh you’re just saying that!”
“No, babydoll, I promise I am not.” … I guess I’m fucking Jeff tonight then. Goddamnit.
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… He feels like he’s being filmed. Leaning back suddenly, Inkubus brushes a few leaf’s from your annoying pot plant aside and glances behind it. Camera crew?? Secret hidden videographers?? Hello??
He looks swiftly back to you, and you’re still gushing! And yes, you are gushing, right now. To him. That is how he would describe it because that is the correct word. You’re positively glowing, right now, and you certainly don’t notice how disorientated he has gotten- almost feeling dizzy, of all the pathetic human ailments, because this has never happened before, things have never gone this horribly wrong-  
“- oh sorry!! I’m talking too much, aren’t I??” Inkubus watches you tuck hair nervously behind your ear, as innocent as ever, and barely restrains the urge to roll his eyes- or snarl. You’re still completely what he wants, still clean and pure and perfect for his needs. Just your scent puts a sweet taste on his tongue. He can’t… he has to have you. “You don’t want to hear about this… hahah… “
He absolutely can’t believe it. … what are you? If you’re human, which he’s sure that you are, then you shouldn’t be immune to his charm’s. You should be physically compelled. And even if he wasn’t using his powers, you still shouldn’t be able to resist him. He has had a long time to perfect his act, and women - as well men, and everyone else, anyone he wants, - usually fall at his feet. It’s just… the way that it is! Si... What- What- What!?-
But you’re completely in love with someone else. That’s clear.
… But he wants you.
… Taking a deep breath in and rolling his shoulders gracefully, almost totally inconspicuously, forcing himself to calm down, Inkubus pastes a smile onto his face. “No,” He shrugs. “I don’t mind at all- tell me more.” Eugh. “Maybe we can come up with a solution together, hm? Be free to tell me everything… “
It’s been a few centuries since he has played the long game… but here we go~
Ugh… quaint. Truly.  
Long John Silver:
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... Just shoot me. Put me out of my misery, please. Morphie, pal-
The little traitor just jiggles and bubbles in the air behind the lass's head, silently laughing his bleeding backside off after the mortifying kick in the pants that Silver just received from you. Silver glares at the creature, but quickly smoothens his face back out again when you look back at him.
Agh... just keep smilin'. Jussttt keep smilin'... dont be a sore git about this... it was worth a shot at least, it was.
"Y'know lass," Silver finally manages to speak, hating what he has to say. "I didn't know y'had a lad, back home... Y'never mentioned 'im, before now. Promse ya, I wouldnta asked-... well, I cant say that. Lets just say I wouldnt've come on quite so strong, eh? If I'd known." He gives a playful wink, brushing off the awkward moment for your sake. Its not yer fault you aint got room in your life for an old pirate like him!
"Oh, hah. Didnt I?"
No, ya sure didn't. He'd've remembered. "Nope, but that's okay lass... I'm just gonna be a splash heartbroke, now. Probably cry meself to sleep fer a couple nights..." He jokes, rubbing the skin over his heart and watching you cover your face, in sweet sheepishness. Oh, you're cute. Very cute. Whoever's got ya is one lucky bastard. "... But I'll get over it, promise ya."
"Ohhhh," Bashful and sweet as all hell, you peak out from your hand and look all-guilty up at him. Damn, you are a lovely thing you are. "I'm so sorry... "
"Don't even think on it, love. Now- "Clearing his throat, Silver picks up the huge, heavy stew pot in his two strong hands. "lets get the grub out there for those men, unless we want a mutiny on our hands."
Oogie Boogie:
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"Wha- Friend!???" Oogie immediately throws his body dramatically backwards, hearing that; A hand to his chest. "You see me as a friend!???"
"Well... "Nodding your head, all-wholesome (Blegh), you confirm his suspicion, making the bugs in his stomach absolutely roll. "Yeah, Boogie!- "
"Friend!???" If he had a heart, he would seize it. My god, wasn't he clear?? What does a guy haveta do around here to get some pretty little tail??? The hell is this 'friend' crap!?
"Yes, Boogie!"
"How doya figure that!?"
"Well... " Now you're starting to look kind of hurt. You?? You hurt??? He's the one who's hurtin' now, doll!! What the heck is goin' on here??? "I- I- I mean, I thought so- "
"Pumpkin! I do like ya- but I don't think ya get what's happenin', here!" When you just tilt your head to the side, like a damn puppy dog (Disgustingly sweet), Oogie facepalms. Satan gimmie strength! "... do I have to be painfully clear with you, sweetbean??~~ "
"... Hm?"
"Oh- " Huff "fine." Suddenly Oogie slips in close to you again, curling an arm sneakily around your waist and yanking you against his front. A dirty old smirk tears across his face as he leans into yours. "... this'll be fun, anyway~ Hehehe... Hold on tight to me gorgeous, we're goin for a ride~ And its all or nothin', so keep ya wits aboutcha okay doll?"
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hannahssimblr · 5 months
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The letters are there when I get home from school one Friday. Three of them among a pile, innocuous white envelopes with my name printed behind the little plastic window. I snatch them from the floor as Ivy squeezes past me into the hallway and dumps her school bag right by the stairs. 
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“Hey,” I scold her absently, “bring your bag into the kitchen and finish your homework.” I turn the little stack in my hands, running my thumb over a logo in the corner of the top one, in case it’s a trick of the light, something I can brush away, but it’s real. From Amsterdam University of the Arts.
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“I finished it at Ella’s house.”
I flip to another. Paris College of Art.
“You didn’t, Trisha told me you still have to finish that thing about… um…”
The third, Berlin University of the Arts. 
My stomach does a flip. 
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Ivy heaves out the jaded sigh of an eighty year old and drags her feet back to her school bag, “It’s just a stupid thing, it will take five minutes.”
“Well then take five minutes, I’m going to go upstairs for a minute, and, um,” It’s hard to talk to my sister when I feel as though these envelopes are burning through my palm, “When I come back down you have to be done because we’ll need to go out.”
“Yeah,” I’m already halfway up the stairs, “I’ll tell you in a second.”
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I boot the door shut behind me and tear into the letters like a starving beast. All restraint is gone now as pieces of the envelopes fly across the wrinkled sheets of my bed. 
I seize the first one in a frenzy, Amsterdam. I impatiently skip the blocks of text to get to the good stuff. 
....has approved your application...
I toss it aside.
...of your acceptance to our art program...
...our great pleasure to notify you officially of your admission...
My hands are trembling, and with a steadying breath I force myself to slow down and read it this time.
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Dear Jude Turner,  It is our great pleasure to notify you officially of your admission to Berlin university of the Arts for the Autumn semester of 2010. We thank you for having chosen our program, and we are confident that you will have a wonderful experience in Germany’s dynamic capital city.  Please read this letter carefully; it contains vital information on your course and housing placements! Information on payment procedures and schedules compiled for you in-
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Okay, boring. I fold it up and shove it, along with the other two letters, into my blazer pocket and spring to attention. Do I need anything? I don’t think so. I burst into the hallway and down the stairs, through to the kitchen where Ivy looks up from her homework in alarm as I rifle through the kitchen cupboards. 
“What are you doing?”
“Just getting something,” I shove a bag of pasta out of the way and seize the jumbo bar of chocolate stashed in the back. 
“What? We have chocolate?”
“Yeah but not for you.”
“You hide it from me?” 
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“Yeah I’m supposed to. Come on, have you finished your thing?”
“Who cares, let’s go.”
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I grab her hand and lead her out of the kitchen and down the hallway where I undo the latch and put her standing outside while I lock up. 
She looks stunned, “Don’t I need a jacket?”
I glance up at the ominous grey clouds moving in over the sea, “No, I think it’s fine. Come on.” 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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lazybutsmexy · 2 years
Bird hunting
Ghost x fem!reader x Soap
Chapter 7: Distress
Ch. 6 < Series Masterlist > Ch. 8
Warnings: NON-CON. It doesnt go all the way, but if you'd rather avoid it, skip the section between these lines **********
Summary: Canary gets a taste of what's coming to her if she doesn't find a way out.
Do not read if you're under 18. This work contains mature and triggering themes.
Word count: 3100~
Canary began stirring awake soon after they had arrived at the new location. Her sight was blurry and her head pounded like she had stuck her head in front of a jumbo jet turbine at full speed. She was swinging a little as she was being carried like a sack of potatoes, the smell of fresh, open air a short blessing before being replaced by the musty, woody smell of her new enclosure. Judging by the ground both outside and inside the building, and the strong scent of the forest permeating everything, she guessed it was a log cabin, somewhere in the woods. 
When she was finally laid down, her head started spinning again, and a weak groan escaped her lips in complaint. Her stomach felt like it had melted along with the rest of her inner organs, and everything inside of her was just a slush waiting to be expelled.She was laying on her side, and when she tried to shift, she found her body stiff as a rock, and the familiar sensation that it didn’t belong to her. 
She tried looking at the space around her, but it all looked like muddy colors to her. She still managed to see that they were in a single-room cabin, with one door at the front and one at the back, which she supposed was the bathroom. There was a window above the bed she was laying on, and a kitchenette opposite her. 
The dizziness eventually became too much for her and she shut her eyes tightly. She tried to take deeper breaths to keep her nausea at bay, swallowing a whimper at her aching lungs. She focused her drowsy senses into the sounds, trying to piece together her current situation. 
As soon as Charlie had set her down in the bed, he grabbed a chair at the foot of the bed and sat on it, lighting a cigarette and casting a glance at her feet. He realized that the burns he had made before were healing faster than he expected, and would soon have to refresh them. They couldn't take chances on her trying to run away until the transaction had been completed. 
Alan stood by the door, staring at Canary for a bit longer, before turning back and walking to the van, where Luke still sat. 
"Get a new vehicle, and get rid of this one," he instructed, his voice much calmer than the previous day. Luke nodded slowly, noticing the bags under his eyes. Alan searched into his wallet and handed him a handful of bills, "then stop by a gas station or a convenience store, get us some food and water."
"For the girl too?" Luke raised his eyebrow, stuffing the bills in the inside pocket of his jacket.
"Yeah," Alan sighed and licked his lips, and Luke unknowingly imitated him licking his own, "we have to at least keep her alive, and she hasn't eaten or drank anything since we picked her up. Make sure her meal is tightly packed, she looks smart enough to not eat anything she suspects was tampered with."
Luke nodded and started the engine again, the van rumbling to life. He leaned his arm on the open window, and almost flinched when Alan placed his hand on his forearm, leaning closer to the door. Luke looked at him expectantly, hoping the flush in his cheekbones could pass for a reaction to the early morning chill. 
"Be very careful, Luke," Alan grumbled, his eyes boring into the driver's. 
Luke let out a shaky breath as he placed his other hand on top of Alan's, giving his knuckles a discreet stroke. "I will, don't worry." He shot him a dazzling smile, and Alan stood there for a couple more seconds than necessary staring at it before squeezing his arm and finally letting go. 
From where Charlie was sitting, he had a direct view of the two men outside. He noticed how closely they talked to each other, and a chuckle rumbled in his chest as he told a slow drag of his cig. "...Those two should just kiss already." He said to no one in particular, shaking his head with a fond smile on his lips. 
He watched as the van left down the rocky road, and Alan walked back into the cabin and shut the door behind himself. He looked exhausted, and Charlie couldn't really blame him. Nothing he had planned had gone according to plan. He felt a pang of guilt in his gut, knowing that it was partially his fault. Alan had always been the one to plan their operations, and so far he had managed to keep them out of trouble. 
But now they were, and all because he lost a stupid dart. 
Charlie extended his arm to Alan, silently offering him the cigarette pack. Alan took it immediately, lighting a stick before handing him the pack again. This alarmed Charlie even more - Alan rarely ever smoked. He watched as the taller man took a slow drag of his cig before clearing his throat. “So, now what?”
Alan leaned back his head, staring at the ceiling as the cigarette dangled dangerously in his long fingers. There had been too many setbacks in this operation, and he wondered if he had been losing his touch. The fact that Charlie was still asking him what to do brought a glimmer of hope, knowing that the man still trusted his judgment. He pondered for a few more seconds, before taking his phone and glancing at something on the screen. 
“Well, we won’t have time to make a video,” he finally spoke, sounding more tired than he intended, “we’ll have to do with a few photos once the sun comes out - the lighting here is shit.” He shook the ash from his cigarette before taking another slow drag, “I’ll have to walk back to the road to send it, I barely have any service here. And once Luke is back and we’ve eaten something, I’ll go again and wait for a confirmation from our buyer.”
Charlie nodded and stared at Alan, as he leaned his head back again against the wall and shut his eyes. Charlie had managed to nod off during the trip while he was in the back of the van, but Alan and Luke hadn’t had that luxury. He licked his chapped lips in thought, before breaking the silence once again, “You should try and get some sleep,” Alan made a noncommittal grunt, and Charlie continued, “both Luke and I need you and your brain fresh and rested, after all.”
Alan couldn’t help but snort a laugh - Charlie was concerned for him? Now that was news. He finished his cigarette and stomped on the stub, before getting more comfortable on his chair. “...Wake me when the sun comes out.”
Charlie smirked and took a drag of his almost forgotten cig, “You got it, boss.” She glanced over at the woman sleeping on the bed, taking a long look at the curves of her body. Her clothed breasts, half-squished against the mattress. Perhaps if he was quiet…
Canary found the silence unnerving, as the minutes slowly passed after Blondie had apparently fallen asleep. She tried not to think too much of her thundering heart as she processed the information she had just learned. 
They had a buyer for whom they created videos or photographs, as a catalog, and later would sell the girls to. And she was their newly acquired product. 
A chill ran down her spine, knowing that it would be only a matter of time until she had no chance of escaping at all. She suppressed a nauseous shiver while wishing there was a way to wrest the effects of the drug away from her mind and body. 
Her eyes slowly peeled open, and she noticed Blondie dozing off on the chair across from her. She wondered where Baldie was, when a calloused hand clamped down on her mouth, effectively muffling her and filling her with terror at the same time. A sharp edge pressed against her throat, making her freeze in her struggle. 
“If you’re a good girl and stay quiet,” Charlie growled in her ear, licking her earlobe in the process, “you won’t get hurt at all.” 
Bullshit, Canary thought, and weighed her options in her mind. If she tried to take a bite of his hand, he could use the knife against her throat. And he had apparently killed another woman before her. She wouldn’t be able to fight him, given the fact that the drug still ran through her veins and he was - at the moment - much stronger than her physically. Her arms - which were still tied up behind her back - and legs felt like they were filled with lead, and even if she somehow managed to push him off, she wouldn’t be able to get away quickly enough. Besides, any struggle could wake Blondie up, and he may decide to join Baldie. 
With the sudden realization that there was no way out, the weight of her powerlessness hurt in her chest. She tried to blink away the angry tears pooling in her eyes, as she felt Baldie’s body pressure against her and manhandling her until she was laying flat on her stomach. The hand that was once on her mouth moved to the back of her head, fisting the roots of her hair in a tight grip and pushing her face into the mattress. 
The new pressure on her face, added to the stiffness of her diaphragm due to the drugs, and the terror of the situation she was in, carried her into hyperventilation, trying to get any amount of oxygen into her system to keep her mind awake. Her chest heaved under her as her tears streamed freely out of her eyes, feeling the dangerous pressure of the knife slowly move from the side of her neck to the back. 
Baldie playfully ran the hilt of the knife over the skin of her nape and the prominence caused by her column, enjoying the fearful shiver that produced in the woman beneath him. He hooked the knife under the neck of her sweatshirt and hoodie, pulling back and tearing the clothes, exposing her back now only covered by her sports bra. 
He felt himself grow hard at the sight of the expanse of skin before his eyes, and he pressed his clothed erection against her ass, relishing on the way she tensed up at the contact. “Such a pretty thing,” he grumbled, leaning down once again and licking a long stripe from the top of her bra to her nape, finally moving to the juncture between her neck and shoulder, biting down with a growl, “and all mine,” he gripped her hair tighter as she tried to shake him off, the mattress muffling her whimpers, “for now, at least.”
He let out a dark chuckle, as the hand that previously held the knife left it aside and stroked her back. She flinched at the contact, her panting growing heavier in her panic as it slid down her side and snuck under her bra, groping her breast harshly. 
Canary’s face scrunched up, her entire nerves fraying at the constant mixture of disgust, fear, and rage swirling through her. Her thoughts swam in all directions as she felt that she was losing a battle she had never had a chance to win in the beginning. 
“Charlie,” Alan’s voice was stern and throaty, and Charlie stopped touching her with a startle, yet Canary couldn’t relax, still squirming under the man, “I told you to wake me when the sun came out.” 
Charlie looked up to the window, seeing that the sun had indeed come up. He leaned away from the woman, still holding her head down into the mattress as he threw a little grin at the other man, “Sorry, got distracted.”
“Yeah, I can see that,” Alan grumbled as he stretched his arms over his head with a grunt, and took his smartphone to open the camera feature, “sit her up, I’ll take some photos.”
Charlie smirked and pulled her up by her hair, chuckling at the little yelp she couldn’t hold back. She tried to jerk her head away but he held her tightly in place. He manhandled her into sitting up, the bedsheets wrinkling beneath her as she struggled - and failed - to make her legs move. 
Alan stepped closer, focusing the phone on her face. He couldn’t help but chuckle at the hateful glare she sent him, with her swollen eyes and her face red from shame, anger, and the friction against the mattress. She was still panting and shivering, but he had a feeling that if she were in any better condition, she would go for his throat. “Smile, sweetheart,” he cooed as the flash from the camera blinded her momentarily. He took a couple more photos, before pocketing his phone and heading to the door. “I’m going to send the photos to the buyer and be right back. Make yourself useful and get us something to eat ready,” and with that, he left, shutting the door behind him.
Charlie grumbled something under his breath and let Canary flop back down on the bed, and walked towards the small kitchenette, searching through the cabinets for something that was hopefully not expired.  
The cabin was left silent except for his rummaging and Canary’s heaving sounds, as she focused on keeping her sobs in - she would not give that man the satisfaction of breaking down any further. She forced herself to lay on her side, keeping her exposed back out of his sight and closer to the wall behind her. It may have been just willful thinking, but the feeling of the wall behind her gave her security, and little by little her panting slowed down. 
As she settled again and her panicked state subsided, she noticed a hardness under the wrinkled sheets, digging into her waist from beneath her. Slowly, she wiggled herself until her fingers brushed against the object, and after a few seconds, her eyes widened in recognition. 
The knife. 
Officer Ryan Johansson was off duty, and he hated every minute of it. He despised himself for having pulled an extra shift the previous day to get a day off that day. He would have a lunch date with his fianceé's parents later that day, and so he had arranged with another officer to switch shifts. 
He loved Darla with his whole heart, marrying her was possibly the best thing that would ever happen to him in his life. But Melanie Kirk had been his best friend since the academy. Losing her in such a violent way left a mark in the entire station, but it left an abyss in him. A dull emptiness that he knew would hardly ever be filled with something else. 
Ryan had been at the crash site, but was not allowed to get any close to the car - although everyone knew they were two peas in a pod, him getting close would have only interfered with everyone else’s job. He had also offered himself to go with detective Hartford to visit her family to deliver the news. He was a familiar face to the couple just like the detective, and he held Melanie’s sister, Ruth, while she crumbled in her grief. 
His double shift had ended at midnight, but only once he had gotten home to Darla and shared the news with her he allowed himself to break down. She comforted him through the night, and even offered to reschedule the lunch with her parents. But Ryan had already gotten the word from higher up that he would not be given more shifts until the next day. 
The fact that he would not be able to participate in the search for the van and the men who killed his best friend for a whole day drove him crazy. His blood boiled at the thought that Melanie had attempted to aid in the rescue of a woman who was in grave danger, and was killed for it. 
He still remembered the way he had teased her when she had joined the evidence department instead of the active patrol like him.
“Well, since evidence guys don't tend to get in the line of fire, I won’t have to worry about your safety, Mels.”
Utter. Fucking. Bullshit. 
As the sun rose in the horizon, and he hadn’t been able to sleep a wink, too deep in his thoughts, he decided to go for a ride to clear his mind. His body was still pumping angry adrenaline, and he desperately needed a release. 
He was never one for speeding, as it didn’t tickle his brain like a long ride. Riding his bike had always been therapeutic for him. His biggest decisions were thought over and over during long rides through the forests or the countryside. On his bike he had decided to join the police instead of studying finance. On his bike he had pumped himself up before asking Darla on a date. On his bike he had decided to finally cut contact with his childhood friend. 
The rumbling of his bike as it took him through the mostly empty streets brought him to a state of calmness he hadn’t felt in hours. Deeply inhaling the early morning chilly air, Ryan was able to empty his mind and feel the mental exhaustion slowly drift away. The rage he felt hours prior was replaced with determination. 
Ryan silently promised Melanie he would do his very best to help solve her murder.
He took a turn to head back to the suburbs, eager to get home and get at least a few hours of sleep, when he noticed something that made the hairs at the back of his neck stand up.
A gray van with the license plate he had memorized the day prior was driving right in front of him, just a few meters away.
His heart pounded wildly against his ribcage and his mouth dried up. A feeble thought assaulted him, grateful for not having his reglementary weapon on him - he was ready to commit murder himself. He was sure Darla would forgive him. But it would not help Melanie, or the missing woman if he just went and killed whoever was in that van. 
Instead, Ryan stilled himself with a deep breath, and spoke loudly into his earpiece. 
“Siri, call ‘police dispatcher’”. 
A/N: I wish I could tell you that Canary's suffering ends here...
Taglist: @died-in-a-field-of-flowers @rafaelacallinybbay @namenotimportant1373 @ragingbookdragon @zinfairy @scrumplump @speckel @omgitstatertot @fullmoon-94 @kalamataolivesssss @embers-of-alluring @warenai @frazie99 @kee-0-kee @littlezarp @scaredknight @tapioca-marzipan @kendahl757 @sweetybuzz25 @cumbersome-robes @carlyi @oyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoya @scarletbandit @twistytimesandthoughts
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schquillzzz · 3 months
yo, yo, intro post!
ooc info:
i truly cannot think of a better name so call me bv, the unfortunate initials of the main blog this account is attached to :) she/her, 17, awst/utc+8 but i can and will have a wonderfully whack sleep schedule. blame kevin. he haunts me in my dreams.
this is a sideblog so i can neither follow people nor send asks but mentally i am following every mean girls blog ever and abusing the anonymous asks function 25/7.
fc is kabir bery aka national tour 1 kevin. ask me about national tour 1 and i will be indebted to you forever.
very new to roleplay but willing to learn through asks, reblogs, whatever! lowkey (highkey) just here to annoy the bff @/a-a-ron-samuels.
out-of-character posts start with // and are tagged #ooc while in-character posts are tagged #kevin yaps. so sorry but he uses gen alpha slang like his life depends on it. which leads us to...
ic info:
youngest child in a nuclear family liable to experience fission at any moment. by the time his parents had bought his bassinet, his two siblings were either finishing their bachelor of science in betterthanyou-ology or getting married with a chern medal around their neck. totally not why he latches onto anyone who'll so much as move their lips when he makes one of his many, many stupid jokes.
skipped seventh grade. such is why he has the filter of a waterfall untouched by civilization. joined the north shore mathletes as soon as he could. got rejected from show choir and dance team for attempting to do a hamilton number as every principal character and the ensemble at the same time.
socially transitioned around high school, hence ms norbury calling him karnapriya on the musical's first day of school. he says the clothing he hasn't donated yet belonged to an ex-girlfriend currently braving the canadian wilderness. nobody is spared from his industrial-factory-corny level flirting, though.
at least level 100 on every riot game in existence. physically can't fall below platinum rank. that being said his fave game is geometry dash and most of his screen time is spent on checking whether he's gotten more followers on soundcloud. sometimes he has, but they're just marwan's alts.
does not have the attention span for actual sports. not even chess. he can, however, do the mental gymnastics requisite to acquire as much slang as he has stuffed in his brain. this boy is saying cheugy and skibidi without a hint of irony.
has no sense of moderation. ask him one question? you're getting the answer to a hundred. ask him to finish your fries? he's ordering an extra jumbo bag. ask him to shut up? as if.
he also gets way too attached to acquaintances and will endure any amount of insults as long as you keep hanging out with him. is this healthy? people, he's a mathlete. healthy left the station several millennia ago.
may add to this as i go or make a more cohesive writing post about my kevin thoughts and link it here! in conclusion he's a loser. have fun (re)learning this fact.
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Home At Last | Bob Saginowski x gn!reader
anonymous asked: Bob Saginowski Hiya! Hope all is good 🖤. May I please request something using the following prompts for Bob Saginowski X non-binary, male, or gn!Reader: "Get a glass out"
summary: the best place for you to be is home, where you belong.
tws: swearing
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
Bob had been at work all evening, and although he wasn't on his best form, he managed to get through his shift without much trouble; it was mostly regulars anyway and they didn't mind that he was a little slow with serving them.
He was thankful for that, really, as he was sure that things would not be the same if he was on a busy shift; but when he locked the bar for the night after everyone had gone home early, he breathed out a sigh of relief. Deciding there was nothing better, Bob headed to the local takeaway on his way home; one extra large pizza, two energy drinks, one large bag of chips, and for Rocco, a jumbo sausage.
He was happy as he carried the boxes and bag home, nearly skipping as he unlocked the door; but all was quiet. Bob was a little confused as he set the food down on the counter, but when he heard snoring, he made his way to the bedroom with careful steps.
There, on his bed, you were sound asleep with Rocco cuddled into your chest; the sound was coming from the medium sized dog, whose tail was smashing against the mattress as it wagged. For a moment, Bob leaned against the door frame and watched with a smile on his face; you had been through a shit time lately.
When you showed up on his doorstep not even a day ago, you were terrified and anxious. Scared and worried. Pleading with him for a place to stay; of course Bob opened his home to you. He loved you.
You were so scared, but now you were snuggled into his dog like a big teddy bear, sound asleep and gone to the world; he smiled, thankful that you finally didn't feel so scared.
But he cleared his throat, and slowly walked over to the bed before sitting down beside you and gently nudging you.
Rocco didn't stir, only rolled onto his back and let his lips fall down, exposing those sharp little needle teeth that had scarred Bob's hands plenty of times during play. The dog let out a snorting, pig-like, snore and Bob almost laughed out loud until you grumbled and slowly sat upright.
"You're back… sorry, I know I said I'd sleep on the sofa and-"
"You shouldn't," he told you gently. "We've been together for so long, you shouldn't sleep on the sofa… I got pizza and chips, though."
"Let me transfer you the money and-"
"No, no," Bob tutted, shaking his head. "My treat for my partner."
You felt guilty for it, of course you did; you and Bob had had the agreement for years that if you stayed the night with each other, then you would take turns paying for treats and takeaways.
But Bob had paid twice in a row, and you felt awful for it; you wanted to give him the cash, but when you reached for your wallet, he tutted and forced your hand away from your pocket gently as he shook his head disapprovingly.
Rocco still didn't stir, but spread his legs out as if he had no shame, which made both of you giggle a little bit. Gently, Bob reached to the dog's mouth, and hooked his finger around a particularly long tooth, softly shaking the dog's mouth to wake him up; upon seeing his master, Rocco jumped up with a wagging tail. Bombarding Bob with licks to the face and yaps in his ear.
"Yeah, yeah, I got you something, too," Bob grinned, gathering the dog in his arms as he stood up. "C'mon, get a glass out, I got drinks, too."
You wanted to argue, to tell Bob that it didn't matter, but you couldn't; you could only follow him from the bedroom to the kitchen, grabbing the food and then heading to the living room. Bob set Rocco down on the floor, and passed the jumbo sausage to him before he stretched out on the sofa with you.
You nodded, opening the pizza box and sighing. "You got my favourite?"
He nodded back, reaching for the remote and turning the television on. "Always."
You wanted to hate him for it, really, you wanted to scorn him and tell him that he never should have done such a thing; but you were ravenous, starving… and Bob was sweet enough to have made sure that you didn't need to worry about food for once.
So you swallowed thickly, sighing heavily as you leaned against him slightly, trying to relax; Bob put his arm around you, flinching when the film started to play. You couldn't help it, laughing softly under your breath. He almost grinned.
Bob didn't want to say it, but he really was worried; you weren't your usual self, and he knew it. But he guessed that he should have known that something was up and wrong a while ago; he knew you were safe, and you weren't as scared and terrified and anxious and worried as you had been when you first arrived.
He could relax slightly knowing that. In Bob's mind, if you were safe and warm and dry and fed, and you felt secure, then he didn't really mind much else; everything else would fall into place in its own time, he knew that.
"I, uhm," he cleared his throat, daring to smile a little. "I put Cannibal Holocaust on - I know how much you like it."
Finally, you smiled; Bob breathed out a sigh of relief upon seeing it from the corner of his eye. Everything else would fall into place in its own time. You dared to kiss his cheek, making him blush slightly as he bit back the urge to giggle; tension leaving his body as he signed and nodded slowly to himself.
You were home. You knew that as well as he did; you were in the best place for you. You were loved, supported, safe, secure, protected. You didn't need to worry about food or being warm and dry on the stormy nights. Bob was happy to provide the best he could.
You were home.
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A disgruntled cab driver shouts profanities at the Doctor as he exits the Tardis. And he waves at him, carelessly, obliviously. He’s parked in the middle of the road.Again.
People stare as he licks his finger then checks the air. “Oh. Don’t tell me. Don’t tell me,” he says, approaching a less than enthused couple walking the pavement. “New York”—and a car honks furiously as it's forced to maneuver around the Tardis—“City. Manhattan.” The man shoves him; the woman clutches her purse. They speed off, and the Doctor moves onto the next person: an elderly woman with a lumpy tote bag. He sniffs the air. “Ooh, New Year's Eve. What fun!” She hits him with her bag. He recovers, easily, and dances onto the next person waking past, a teenage boy with ripped jeans and a mullet. “1987! Wonderful!”
He spots River smirking at him in the distance, her diary in hand. She tried to kill Hitler and nearly succeeded in ending his own life last he saw her, and now she’s here undoubtedly causing chaos in New York. Her eyes brighten as he approaches; she’s still so new. She doesn’t know him yet. Not really. “Hello sweetie,” she greets in her usual way.
She moves in for a kiss and he nearly gives in before memories of their last encounter come flooding back to him. Poison. Regeneration. All that Time Lord mumbo-jumbo. He slides a finger in between their lips to stop the motion. And they stand like that, frozen in time as New Yorkers shove past them uncaring. River’s brow furrows in confusion. But he’s already moving on, his attention now on the cold wind blowing around them. “Thursday. 7PM.” He skips away, giddy. “Oh, wonderful. Just wonderful!”
She frowns, following. “What is?”
“Oh, nothing,” he says as he begins to hop, having been distracted by a smeared hopscotch chalk drawing along the path. “Just the end of the world is all. I’ll get to it eventually.”
She stops. “Eventually?”
He waves it off, uncaring. “Yeah. I’m handling it.”
She opens her mouth to protest. He kisses her so there’s no lecture. Oh, how he hates lectures. River melts in his arms and suddenly all he cares about is how perfectly well they fit together, her hands on his cheeks, his arms wrapped around her waist. They’re the only people in this universe—
“Coming through!” And they break apart quickly as some pink blob skateboards pass them. It’s a girl. A young one at that. Younger than his usual crowd, which is odd. She holds up the Doctor’s psychic paper as people frantically jump out of her way. “Don’t wanna die? Move out of my way!”
The Doctor laughs, pointing at the girl. “See, I told you I was handling it.”
“Who was that?”
“I haven’t the faintest idea.”
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theworstbiscet · 2 years
Grian (patches) ref sheet
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"I think we should have code names!" Xisuma blurted into the dark of the convince store, grian only hummed back not looking up from the snack ail.
Xisuma looked down for a minute knowing if he didn't space out his words he'd end up on grians 'canvas'. "Maybe like I'll be shashwam and you could be... patches" grian looked up then stuffing a bag of trail mix in his pocket"...Patches, may I ask why?" Xisuma could feel the sweat beginning to soak his suit "Uh well, like- your Patch" he stuttered pointing at the orange stained patch stitched hazardly to the shorters jumper.
A skip, a jump, and a trip led them down into the pile of leaves that freaked of mold, grian kept a hand to his mouth. The brass knuckle pinching his lips as he tryed to slow down his breathing. A sharp hiss echoed from the rode above.
"I know you Loved these so-" xisuma watched in awe as grian spewed like a fountain to the lanky mutant ,like a man stranded on an island and just found a phone. It was both heart warming and terrifying, who ever jumbo was before must have been either crazy or an introvert to get grian to like them.
"what are those?" Xisuma asked watching grian pull out what looked to be screw's, grian didn't answer only lifted his brass knuckle (now that im was thinking about it i didn't think he's taken them off this entire time, they must start to blister eventually right?) Looking back grian was screwing in little brass hooks (claws) into the dents of the weapon.
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calmdownandcook · 3 months
Calm Down and Cook Deviled Eggs
A blank palette.
I used to hate deviled eggs. I think they were one of the rare things my Mom wasn’t good at making. They were too soft, squishy and had an unappealing texture. We ate them in the summer when we’d have a cold plate for dinner (a plate of things like a scoop of tuna salad, sliced tomatoes, and cucumbers). I could throw a deviled egg down chased by a glass of milk without it ever touching the inside of my mouth (fun fact: I would do the same with liver). Let me begin with the world’s most basic Deviled Egg Recipe. All you have to do is boil an egg, and then you can open yourself up to imagination and desires. Think about what you are in the mood for. What is the flavor profile you are going for? Think about getting comfortable using “flavor profile” in everyday conversation. Consider who you might be bringing this plate of deviled eggs to and do you want to impress them?
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The Deviled Egg
8 large or extra large eggs
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard (or any mustard you like)
½ teaspoon of salt
¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
Paprika, for garnish
Ask a dozen cooks how to boil eggs and you’ll get 12 different answers, this is mine. It makes 12 deviled egg halves but as you can see, my ingredients call for 8 eggs. You can adapt any recipe to the profile you like best and I like a generous yolky filling, so the extra two eggs are for two extra yolks. That will make a fuller egg in the end. (Wrap up the leftover whites for later and add them to a salad or sandwich.)
Now, eggs that are added to a pot of boiling water are easier to peel than eggs that start in cold water and slowly come to a boil. Gently lower the eggs into boiling water and then lower the high heat to a gentle simmer. You don't want the eggs to bounce around in the pot. Set a timer for 10-12 minutes (small eggs 10 and extra large/jumbo eggs will be 12 minutes).  Drain, and transfer to a bowl of ice water until they are cool enough to handle, then peel. Peeling them quickly seems to make the process easier. I like to peel them under running water for some random reason, but that’s not 100% necessary. Put in the refrigerator to cool completely for about 15 minutes.
Cut each egg in half the long way, and gently scoop the yoke into a bowl (including those extra 2). At this point, I add in the mustard, salt, pepper, and mayonnaise. Stir and mash the egg yolks and spices with a fork until evenly combined and neatly divide and scoop the filling back into the 12 waiting white halves. If you want to get fancy (you know you do) you can put the yoke mixture into a pastry bag or a ziplock baggie. Snip the tip off about ½ inch and fill the egg whites like this. It is much tidier. You can go full fancy and slide in a star or rosette pastry tip if you have one on hand. To quote my friend, Frank, “There should never be anything that could block my rosette tip.” So if you plan to pipe from a bag make sure your yoke filling is smooth and there are no chunks of things crab or feta to clog the tip. Once you have filled the whites, sprinkle with a little paprika and you are good to go, a classic deviled egg, and a canvas for you to paint on.
The key to customizing the egg is the yolk mixture. Flavor it with whatever appeals to you. A deviled egg can be flavored with anything you have enthusiasm for but here are some jumping-off points for you to start with and then you can find your path. Often a good way to add flavor is swapping out some (1 tablespoon) of the mayonnaise for some other flavor but you do you. If you love mustard, use it to swap out some of the mayonnaise. If you hate mustard swap some out with more mayonnaise or skip it and try something else altogether.
Here are just a few combinations to give you a jumping-off point.
Celery Seed, Paprika, Slice of Green Olive with pimento (This was my Mom’s trick) Add ½ teaspoon of celery seed to the yolk mixture and fill the whites. Sprinkle with paprika and top each egg individually with a ½ slice of a pimento-stuffed green olive. This has a very 1950s retro feel to it.
Ripe Avocado
When you are mashing the yolk mixture include ½ of a ripe avocado and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. This will give you plenty of filling so don’t be shy when stuffing the whites. This will also fill those extra 4 egg white halves. You could dust the tops of each egg with a little bit of chili powder or Tajin (a Mexican spice mix made from a blend of dried and ground red chilies, sea salt, and lime juice). 
Hot Sauce and Blue Cheese
Evoke the fire and brimstone with Buffalo a Wing Deviled Egg. Reduce your mayonnaise to 1 tablespoon and about 1 tablespoon of Frank’s Hot Sauce to your egg yolk mixture. More or less depending on your tolerance for spicy food. Top each egg half with a couple of crumbles of blue cheese. Go crazy and serve with celery sticks.
When mashing the yolk mixture, add 1/2  teaspoon of lime zest and fill as normal. Top each egg half with a slice of jalapeno. You might want to taste-test the jalapeno pepper beforehand. Cut a slice from the center. Lately, it feels they can be as mild as a sweet pepper or basically on fire. If it is very hot, cut it very thinly. If you need to tame it a little more remove the seed from each slice.
Horseradish and Dill 
Reduce the Mayonnaise to 2 tablespoons and add 1 tablespoon of Horseradish. Sprinkle chopped fresh, or dried dill on top.
Curry and Green Olives
1 teaspoon of curry powder is added to the yolk mixture along with 1 teaspoon of very finely chopped chives, an easy boost. Top each half with a green olive. This is kind of fun because the curry makes the yolk a beautiful color.
Tiny Baby Shrimp
“Tiny Baby Shrimp” are the shrimp you get in a can that is usually in the tuna aisle of the grocery store. This makes the eggs more of a mini-meal than a random snack you pop in your mouth. Mix 1 drained, 4-ounce can in with the yolk mixture. Chopped parsley on top is a nice addition.
Old Bay and Crab
Canned Crab comes in many different levels of quality. If you have to be frugal and get an inexpensive one, pick through your crab to make sure there are no pieces of shells or fin, other than that, no big deal. Mix one drained, 6-ounce can with the yolk filling and top, generously or sparingly with Old Bay Seasoning.
Miso, Lemon, and Chives
Adding ½ to 1 teaspoon of miso is a good amount to play with. You can adjust this depending on your taste. Mix the miso with the yolk mixture and ½ teaspoon of lemon zest. Top the filled eggs with chopped chives.
People are discovering that Kimchi can be mixed with anything. Drain and pat dry some kimchi and chop very finely to make 2 tablespoons. Add in the yolk mixture and fill the egg white halves. Dust the tops with a tiny amount of cayenne if you are feeling brave.
Reduce the amount of Mayonnaise to 1 tablespoon and add 2 tablespoons of prepared pesto. It's that simple. If you want to make it beautiful, top each egg half with a small basil leaf.
Cracked Pepper and Crumbled Bacon
Add ½  teaspoon of cracked pepper to the yolk mixture. If you don’t have a pepper mill, you can buy disposable ones in the spice aisle. I have had good luck with them. Sprinkle the top with crumbled bacon. The amount of bacon you cook and use will depend on how generous of spirit you’re feeling.
Goat Cheese
Reduce mayonnaise to 1 tablespoon. Mash 2 ounces of goat cheese into the yolk mixture. Don’t stress out if you can’t get it perfectly smooth. Once you have a deviled egg with this you can top it with any chopped herbs you have on hand or even a sliver of pimento. I bet there’s something fun in your refrigerator right now that wants to sit on top of this egg. A paper-thin slice of a radish, maybe?
Greek Salad
Reduce mayonnaise to 1 tablespoon. Just like the goat cheese route, you can mash in 2 ounces of feta cheese into the yolk mixture. You can top it with ½ of a Greek olive and a slice of a cherry tomato. Slicing the cherry tomato is a little fussy but totally worth it.
Anchovies are gross, that’s just a fact. But my husband loves them and I’m sure you have someone who loves them too. Take a whole anchovy and cut it in half longways. Make a cross on top of the basic deviled egg. You will be someone’s hero.
Deviled eggs are just waiting to be customized. My flavor profile tends to lean towards the curried version. Deviled eggs are no longer the slimy gloppy mouthfuls of my youth. What do you like? A tiny spoon of caviar? Where does your taste lie? Figure that out and then make them that way. There are no rules.
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megabag · 1 year
While having a cleanup of the property, one might think about hiring a waste management company. If you feel the same, you can choose between hiring a skip bin or skip bag. Confused, which is best? We outline the pros and cons in this blog.
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cbdskipbins · 2 years
Skip Bin Hire For Offices
With the help of a dependable skip bin hire, you can get rid of the accumulated waste in your office. Hiring a professional company will not only save you time and money, but will also improve your business and office standards. Your clients will not be distracted by an untidy office. They will be impressed with the neat and well-maintained office, which will ultimately lead to more projects and sales. To get a free quote, contact a company that specializes in skip bin hire for offices.
Mini skips
Moving house or office can be messy. A mini skip bin for office hire in LONDON can make the process more convenient and organized. It can help you sort out your belongings and dispose of unwanted trash. When you move out of your house or office, you can discard old furniture, electronic equipment, and any other items that are no longer needed. Mini skips also help you manage your waste removal and dispose of any trash that is not appropriate for your new home.
Jumbo residential skips
If you have a large office or home, a Jumbo residential skip is perfect for your needs. These skips can hold up to 120 bin bags of waste, making them perfect for large projects. They can be used for a variety of materials, including construction and demolition waste. However, you should be aware that this type of skip is not recommended for heavy loads as it can become too heavy to lift. To avoid this problem, consider hiring a smaller skip instead.
Cost of hiring a skip bin
If you want to get rid of unwanted rubbish from your office, the first thing that you should know is the cost of hiring a skip bin. This cost is highly dependent on the types of waste you have and how much of it you need. Some providers will accept certain types of waste while others will not, a practice that could incur fines if it is not handled properly. Hazardous and non-biodegradable throwaways will incur higher costs.
Placement of a mini skip
If you’re looking for a waste removal service to provide you with a mini skip bin for your office space, you should first consider location. Your chosen location must be easily accessible by trucks. The location should also be free of obstacles, such as buildings and landscaping. If your skip bin will be placed on a public road, you must ensure that it won’t block the access lane or make it impossible for trucks to access it.
Cost of hiring a jumbo residential skip
If you have recently bought a property and are considering hiring a jumbo residential skip bin, it’s worth considering the price. The cost will vary depending on the size and location of the property. Most councils only issue permits for fourteen days to a month, so the longer your hire period, the more expensive it will be. Even if the skip is empty and you don’t have a lot of waste, you can often get a cheaper price by booking the bin for a short period of time.
Placement of a mini residential skip on private property
If you are a resident of Queensland, it is not necessary to obtain a skip permit to place a mini residential bin on your property. In fact, it is even allowed in some cases. In WA, however, you must get a permit from your local council first. Luckily, skip bin operators are more than willing to assist you with the necessary paperwork. If you are in Perth, you will need to get a council permit if you plan to use a mini residential skip on public property.
Location of a mini residential skip
Getting a mini residential skip bin for your office or home is easy, fast, and affordable. If you’re in need of a bin for some junk removal, you can hire one from a company that has been in the business for years. They can come to your site, load it, and leave it for up to five days. If you need a larger one, you can even choose to hire two or three.
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comm-caribou · 2 years
Undercover Errands:
Word count: 804
Summary: Juliette, Cooper, Mirage, and Boomerang go to a grocery store in civilian clothes to get some supplies, but during their shopping trip become distracted.
Warning: fluff
Besides the fact their General wasn’t a Jedi, Cooper could think of other reasons why his General was an odd one.
While his opinion of her could be a bit harsh, he did enjoy this goofball Hardwire picked off the streets.
Cooper overlooked the list in his hand, “you know, usually we’re supplied with the materials we need.”
“I know,” Juliette hung off the front of the shopping cart, “but Keks likes cookies, and Fang wants to learn how to cook and bake. How can I say no?”
“Easy. You do it like this,” Cooper fixed her a stern look, “no.”
Juliette giggled, “you’re funny, Cooper.”
Cooper sighed, pushing the cart forward towards the bakery aisle.
“You look good in civilian clothes,” Juliette hopped off the cart, “how does it feel being out of the uniform.”
“Vulnerable,” Cooper picked up a box of brown sugar, “I’m trying not to think about it.”
“Okay,” Juliette went quiet, looking at the different types of chocolate chips.
Cooper put the sugar in the cart, going around her to look for the flour.
“Cooper?” Juliette finally spoke, “how come you like me one day and then are cold the next?”
Cooper shrugged, kneeling down to read the labels.
“It’s just,” Juliette knelt down, “did I do something wrong to upset you?”
“No,” Cooper picked up two bags, “although I wish you took your job more seriously.”
“I do,” she argued, “I just try to make it not as dreary.”
“War is dreary,” Cooper stood up, offering her a hand.
“Can’t I try to make you happy too?” She took his hand, “even if it’s making cookies between missions?”
“I suppose,” he sighed, “but seems kind of silly considering the enemy probably doesn’t goof off between battles.”
“To be fair,” Juliette grinned, “droids aren’t as much fun.”
Cooper rolled his eyes, “har har.”
He placed the flour in the cart, and began pushing again with her skipping beside him down the aisle.
“We need eggs and milk,” Cooper told her.
“To the dairy aisle then,” she smiled.
Cooper snickered, “we also have to find where Mirage and Boomerang disappeared to.”
“I told them they can each pick out a bag of candy,” Juliette smiled.
“Of course you did,” Cooper shook his head, “you spoil us to much.”
“I love my troops,” Juliette hugged his arm.
Before Cooper could remind her he’s not fond of hugs—or any kind of physical touch—a little, innocent laugh caught his ear.
He froze, “did you hear that?”
Juliette’s face lit up, smiling, “I did.”
Cooper and her quickened their pace, detouring down the cleaning supply aisle.
Next to the products of refresher and kitchen cleaning bottles, a twi-lek mother stood with her back to them and baby in her arms.
Juliette squeezed Cooper’s arm, “so cute.”
“We need to go on more relief missions,” Cooper waved his fingers at the baby. “I miss interacting with the little ones.”
The tot laughed, waving his hand.
“Ohhhhh,” Juliette gushed, “I want one.”
Cooper snorted, picturing the absolute panic on Fang’s face if he heard her say that.
The mother turned her head, catching them idling at the paper towels.
She smiled, cooing at her happy child, “are you making friends?”
The baby smiled a gummy smile, babbling.
Cooper dragged Juliette along, nodding to the mother, “your baby is adorable, ma’am.”
“Thank you,” she smiled, “you and your wife are too sweet.”
Cooper didn’t correct her, he just smiled.
Juliette smiled up at him, “honey, when can we have a baby?”
Cooper laughed, patting her hand still on his arm, “soon, my dear.”
The twi-lek giggled, raising her baby’s balled up fist, “say bye-bye. Bye-bye.”
Cooper waved his hand, “bye, little one.”
“Bye,” Juliette’s gaze lingered on the baby, longingly.
As they rounded the corner into the dairy aisle, they both laughed.
“I’m telling Fang,” Cooper teased.
“Don’t you dare,” Juliette swatted his arm.
Two jumbo sized bags of candy dropped into their cart, taking up most of the big basket.
Boomerang smiled, “that counts as one each, right?”
Cooper fixed him a look, “put it back.”
“Nuh uh,” Mirage shook his head. “She said we get one each.”
“Please, Juliette?” Boomerang held his fists under his chin.
She let out a defeated sigh, “only if you share with your brothers.”
“Yes!” Mirage high-fived Boomerang.
Boomerang gave her a hug, “you’re the best!”
Cooper gave her a look, “you got to learn to say no.”
“But look at how happy they are!” She gestured to their smiling faces, “how can I say no?”
Cooper sighed, pushing the heavy cart along, “do I need to demonstrate again?”
She fixed him a stern look, “no.”
Cooper smirked, “funny, funny girl.”
She giggled, hugging his arm again.
Cooper just accept the touch.
He couldn’t tell her no.
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alltimefail-sims · 2 years
More Alexander Goth hcs please 🤲
This has been in my inbox for a few days because I kept thinking of new things to add, but I’m cutting myself off! Some of these are fun, some are serious, some are really long... but because you asked for it dear anon, here are some *drumroll*
Alexander Goth HCs:
He has a lot of tattoo ideas, but is a self-proclaimed "needle weenie," so he’s not sure if he’ll ever actually get one.
He is a surprisingly good dancer, but he never dances seriously in front of other people. Every now and again, Cheryl will beg him to learn Tik-Tok dances with her. He always ends up giving in, so long as she doesn’t post the videos. (She posts the videos anyway lol.)
He is always offering his friends food. Coming over his house to hang out? Here’s some food. You’re skipping lunch? Not on his watch! Just not hungry? Well, let me put out some cheese and fruit anyway...just in case! It’s something instinctual - he does it without thinking. (I would consider this a love language of sorts.)
Alexander does not sleep very well - the boy is operating on 2-3 hours of sleep (or less) on any given day.
Aside from his many fish, Alexander is the family guard dog’s chosen “person.” Even though he bickers with their dog quite often, somehow the dog is still closest with Alexander. Alexander named him Cerberus; a nod to the three headed dog that guards the underworld. (5 year old Alexander thought this was very clever).
He carries around a (well-loved) copy of his favorite childhood book everywhere he goes. Whenever he feels anxious, sad, or even just bored, he’ll reach into his bag or guitar case and reread his favorite parts.
Even though he’s a musician, he actually ends up getting a degree in physics. He’s really interested in archeology and geology as well! Basically, he thinks the universe is endlessly fascinating.
His favorite color is yellow, much to most people’s surprise!
Alexander, like his sister, can be a bit melancholy - but he’s always been so sweet. Because of his shy and insecure nature, he had a hard time making friends when he was little. He is also quite a worrier - all the adults said he was “old and wise in spirit.” In my mind, I can just imagine Bella pinching his little toddler cheeks and telling him not to carry the world’s troubles on his shoulders. I also can imagine that the stories of Winnie the Pooh had an impact on him as a child, and he was the kind of toddler to spill something or trip or forget to tie his shoes and he’d just be like, “Oh dear, oh bother...”
His neighbor and friend, Olivia Kim-Lewis, calls him “X.”
Alexander didn’t actually move into the attic until he was about 11. One of the largest factors for relocating was that he hated being forced to socialize/schmooze at his parent’s (many) parties - the attic was farthest away from the action as possible. Plus, he likes that he can climb out his window and sit on the roof whenever he wants to think, stargaze, or have some alone time.
His favorite food is arepas con queso because they’re comforting to him. This was one of the first dishes he learned to make on his own, and he loves to eat them with barbacoa/carnitas/or even eggs sometimes (with breakfast).
That being said, anything that reminds Alexander of his family or his childhood is going to be meaningful to him. He is highly sentimental and values quality time with the people he loves.
Alexander hates coffee. Absolutely haaaaaates it.
He does not like scary movies, he does not like haunted houses, he does not like being scared (he’s very easy to frighten lol)!! His big sister definitely took advantage of this information while they lived under the same roof...😂
He definitely enjoys comics and ”nerdy” stuff, but isn’t super into the whole Disney-Marvel-cash-cow movie industry mumbo-jumbo. He does like Vision, however. But he’d much rather binge a tv series or listen to music than sit through a whole movie.
OKAY, I’m done for now! If you are also an Alexander Goth stan, dear anon, please feel free to come off anon so we can love our pixel child together.
Also, shameless plug: you can peep my Alexander Goth lookbook HERE.
Thank you for your ask! <3
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I’m just gonna be doctor who trash for the next few weeks I guess
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A disgruntled cab driver shouts profanities at the Doctor as he exits the Tardis. And he waves, completely oblivious. He’s parked in the middle of the street.
People stare as he licks his finger to check the air. “Oh. Don’t tell me. Don’t tell me,” he says, approaching a less than enthused couple walking the pavement. “New York”—and a car honks furiously as it's forced to maneuver around the Tardis—“City. Manhattan.” The man shoves him; the woman clutches her purse. They speed off, and the Doctor moves on to the next person: an elderly woman with a lumpy tote bag. He sniffs the air around her. “Ooh, New Year's Eve. What fun!” She hits him with her bag. He recovers, easily, and dances on to observe the next person waking past, a teenage boy with ripped jeans and a mullet. “1987! Wonderful!”
He spots River smirking at him in the distance, her diary in hand. She tried to kill Hitler and nearly succeeded in ending his own life last he saw of her, and now she’s here causing chaos in New York. Her eyes brighten as he approaches; she’s still so new. She doesn’t know him yet. Not really. “Hello sweetie,” she greets in her usual way.
She moves in for a kiss and he nearly gives in before memories of their last encounter come flooding back to him. Poison. Regeneration. All that Time Lord mumbo-jumbo. He slides a finger in between their lips to stop the motion. And they stand like that, frozen in time as New Yorkers shove past them uncaring. River’s brow furrows in confusion. But he’s already moving on, his attention now on the cold wind blowing around them. “Thursday. 10 PM.” He skips away, giddy. “Oh, wonderful. Just wonderful!”
She frowns, following. “What is?”
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m0e-ru · 3 years
why is there a girl in my cell
A little excerpt of something I won't actually finish. Dabbles on 3/20 where Marie phases in and out of the currently merging realities and ends up in Adachi's cell.
The girl rose from the futon and held her head. After checking the sky outside (if he could even see anything outside) and hearing her groan, Adachi sat down in front of her, squinting his eyes in a similar fashion to hers. There was a memory that tickled the back of his head, like he had seen her before. A girl in those same punk clothes, just now with a deep blue that adorned her as a cap and a bag he set aside after she collapsed.
The fog reached high above his window and now some girl he vaguely recognized knocked out in his own jail cell? Well, it's not as if he had recently seen anything just as strange.
He felt the girl look at him, an almost a piercing sensation, before quickly looking back down and adjusting herself.
"So," he started while scratching his neck, "Are you...okay?" skipping the part where he asks if she's related to all the magical mumbo jumbo that's been plaguing Inaba for who knows how long. He was too tired to ask. Got his own memories taken from him and just got them back--probably. Besides, that Seta kid would be handling all of this himself with his wannabe detective friends. The man's already in confinement so why bother doing more legwork after being stripped of his actual detective duty? Just laze around and hope some kids could save the world.
But deep down, he really
"...You're that..." the girl looked up and started to mumble.
"That loose-lipped disgrace of a police detective who was behind all the gruesome serial killings? Kid, you're in his cell. How--"
"Dumb idiot."
He'd already suspected her of being one of those "tsunderes" but he recoiled as if he was more offended at the awfully abrupt statement than in shock that some kid (who has worse bangs than him, he thinks) collapsed into his cell.
"'Police detective'...Yeah, you're 'mister detective.' And you call your friend 'dumb idiot,' too." She kept looking at him and lowered her hand from her head, "--You guys are friends, right?"
The former detective crossed his arms and briefly glanced at the teru teru bozu charm he hung by the window. He was made fun of for doing arts and crafts in the interrogation rooms after being left alone for too long that one time, but he was allowed to keep it since they thought it was funny. Being a clown had its perks.
He looked down, but before he could speak (not like he wanted to answer), the girl started talking again.
“Yeah…you guys are really friends,” as she held her neck. Now that he thought about it, didn’t she have a collar? The girl averted her eyes and a tinge of pink appeared on her cheeks for a split second. She wondered if someone looked through her memories, they’d also see a single person so prominent in her mind.
“Whatever,” she said while shaking her head. “I need you to save him.”
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wonderland-irwin · 3 years
Lost In Japan popped on shuffle, and I totally forgot that song was on my playlist and the fact it’s solely there because it reminds me of the MMVAs.
I usually skip it, like it’s a good song but I’m always skipping through songs on this playlist, but it came on after a song I was actually listening to, and I was flashed back to standing in the middle of the road behind some barricades, and there were a few of us (my friends, my sister, and strangers), and behind the barriers was Shawn Mendes sound checking, and I think it was that song tbh.
Anyways, a few moments from that night day I forget about:
Being tucked away on a scary side street in the city and my anxiety going out of whack.
A girl behind us in line having gone to the bathroom and hearing 5SOS sound checking.
My sister lending me her iPod because I was slowly losing it and eating skittles out of my bag.
She Looks So Perfect playing as we entered the venue.
The Youngblood colours video playing and watching 5SOS “arrive” on the red carpet behind us on a jumbo screen.
The presenters being like “5SOS will be out soon!” (What a fitting word now I look back on it)
Wondering the whole night if i was in the right spot for their performance as there were three stages they could have been on.
Listening to fans around me talk a bit of shit about them and the anxiety surrounding that
Ashton and Michael, then Calum and Luke finally walking on stage, and literally everything stopped. They were so quiet. Fans weren’t reacting that were up on risers and could see behind the wall. My heart basically exploded.
And then you guys know most of what happened after. I screamed at Andy. We waved at each other and he took some pictures. Aquafina spoke forever, and I have a good minute of wall content. Then it rose and 5SOS were there under freaking smoke and … the rest is history, I guess.
I bet they were at the hotel before I even left that parking lot. And I have my suspicions on where they were, actually. It’s too convenient not for them to be there.
Anyways. Enjoy whatever this was.
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