#Just pray she lives for the entire season
vampirestookmydoubts · 4 months
can i request a bridgerton sister one with violet bridgerton! maybe we're the sister is dying or i'll? prompt #24 "You're too good for this world." and #38 - "Hey. Hey! What did I just say? Keep your eyes open!”
A/N: thank you for the request! absolutely love writing for bridgerton, especially because I'm currently rewatching every season! I was in a writers slump forever, hope you like it!
Characters: bridgerton!sister, Violet Bridgerton, Bridgerton siblings
Warnings: life-threatening illness
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In the heart of Grosvenor Square, the Bridgerton household, usually bustling with laughter and lively conversations, was subdued. The shadows seemed longer, the rooms quieter. You, one of the youngest Bridgerton, laid in your bed, your face pale and body weak from a relentless illness that had struck you with cruel suddenness mere days ago. The entire family was ensnared in a web of fear and hope, each of them dealing with the anguish in their own way.
Your mother, Violet sat by your bedside, caring for you the way only a loving mother could.
She had not left your side for days, her eyes red-rimmed from sleepless nights filled with fear and silent prayers. Her hands, usually steady and composed, trembled as she applied a cool cloth to your feverish forehead. You sighed in relief as it soothed your headache and fever for a moment.
"You're too good for this world," Violet whispered, her voice cracking under the weight of her emotions as she caressed your cheek. Tears welled in her eyes, but she blinked them back, determined to stay strong. "My darling girl, you must fight. We all need you."
Your eyes fluttered open, your gaze still unfocused but filled with a flicker of recognition at the sight of your mother. "Mama," you murmured, your voice a faint whisper.
"Shh, save your strength," Violet replied, brushing a stray lock of hair from your face. "You will get through this. The best doctors are tending to you, and your brothers and sisters are all praying for you."
As if on cue, Anthony, the eldest of your siblings, entered the room. His usual stoic demeanor was replaced by a mask of worry, his eyes revealing the depth of his concern. He walked around your bed, taking the opposite side from your mother and squeezed your hand gently.
"Hey, Y/N," he said softly, his voice uncharacteristically tender. "How are you feeling today? Kate told the servants to prepare a special tea for you.” You turned your head to look at him, answering him by squeezing his hand back. “You're a fighter. You've always been. Remember when you climbed that tree and refused to come down until you saw the sunset? You were only five, and you had more determination than any of us."
You managed a weak smile, the memory flickering faintly in the back of your dazed mind. "I remember," you whispered.
"That's the spirit," Anthony encouraged with a bright smile. "Hold on to that. For all of us."
Hours turned into days as the Bridgerton siblings took turns at your bedside, each sharing stories, memories, and words of encouragement. Benedict brought his sketchbook and regaled you with tales of his latest artistic adventures. Colin read aloud from your favorite books, his voice a soothing balm in all this craze. Daphne and Eloise sat close, holding your hands while sharing stories of Daphne’s children and the happenings at the latest ball.
Francesca and even your youngest siblings Gregory, and Hyacinth, did their best to bring cheer to the somber room. They sang songs, recited poems, and brought in fresh flowers from the garden, filling the air with a sweet fragrance and brightening your mood.
But as the days wore on, your condition seemed to worsen albeit the frequent visits from doctors and drinking all the special teas your sister-in-law had prepared.
It became harder for you to breathe, your moments of consciousness seemingly more fleeting than before.
One evening, as a storm raged outside and the rain was drumming against the windows of your bedroom, Violet noticed your faint breathing and your eyes beginning to close. Panic surged through your mother abruptly, and she leaned closer to you, her voice urgent.
"Hey. Hey! What did I just say? Keep your eyes open!" She gently shook your shoulders, her voice cracking with desperation. "Please, Y/N. Stay with me."
Your eyes fluttered open once more, the effort exhausting you more than you thought.
"I'm so tired, Mama," you whispered, tears slipping down your pale cheeks in desperation. Closing your eyes, just for a moment to forget your aching body and dazed mind, seemed way too tempting. Why wouldn’t she let you have that moment of rest?
"I know, my love. I know," Violet said, her own tears finally breaking free. Softly cradling you in her arms, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "But you have to stay with us. You have to keep fighting."
The room was silent except for the sound of your labored breathing and the quiet sobs of your mother. In that moment, it felt as if time had stopped, the world outside the walls of the Bridgerton home ceasing to exist.
That day as night gave way to dawn and the storm passed, a change seemed to come over you. Although your breath was still shallow, it seemed to become steadier every passing hour. Your fever began to break, and a hint of color returned to your pale cheeks. Violet watched with bated breath, hope blossoming in her heart. "You're doing it, my love. You're coming back to us," she whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of relief and wonder.
Your eyes met your mother's, a faint but unmistakable spark of life coming back to you. "I'm trying, Mama."
"And you're succeeding," Violet replied, tears of relief streaming down her face. "You're succeeding, my love."
Violet knew the road to recovery would be long, but in that moment, she dared to hope again.
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m4tthewmurd0ck · 2 months
stand and fight
── jacaerys velaryon x fem!targaryen reader
surprise i can’t contain myself so this is a series shdbxndjfvnsj
little a/n before we begin ── CHANGING AGES!! jace is only 13 when aegon is crowned king but in this, you and he are both 18. as with my aegon piece, i know everyone’s long names and titles but for the sake of not typing it out each time i use first names (i.e. criston instead of ser criston cole). reader is alicent and viserys’ child, but is living with rhaenyra and her family because she was always of the opinion that her father wanted rhaenyra to be queen. even once aegon was crowned, she refused to refer to him as king. as a result this caused a huge feud with reader against alicent, aegon, and aemond and she was all but banished from her home. about 2 weeks after aegon is crowned, reader and dragon (stormfyre) ran away and have been with rhaenyra and fam ever since. of everyone on team black, you’re closest with jace. everyone suspects something romantic between you both, but nothing has happened as of the start of this. takes place before, and during season 2 episode 4. you’ve been warned
wc: 1.6k (future chapters will be much longer and feature a lot more of jace, promise!)
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Your relationship with Jacaerys (not that you could really call it a relationship), wasn’t always how it is now. He wasn’t the one you sought out when you wanted quiet but not alone time, and you weren’t the first person he searched for when he entered the room. Certainly not when you first arrived and Rhaenyra announced that you’d be staying with them.
In fact, in the beginning, you were sure he hated you.
Being on opposing sides of this ‘war’, part of the reason why he took such a strong disliking to you was because he thought he had to. You, on the other hand, were the complete opposite. You’d long since grown tired of hating people simply because you were told to.
On the evening you and Stormfyre ran away, the entire time you were flying was spent worrying and just praying to the Gods that you wouldn’t be turned away, or killed.
Rhaenyra was there to greet you when Stormfyre finally landed, and once you told her how bad things had gotten at home and that you didn’t know where else to go, she immediately offered you a room. Though you were Alicent’s daughter, you were still her half sister and had always been kind to her and her children. She knew you wanted no part in this feud, that you and Helaena were innocent in all of it.
After you wrote a note and Rhaenyra sent a raven to deliver it to Alicent, she informed you that they were just about to sit down and have dinner and she’d love for you to join them.
The first thing you noticed as you took your seat across from Lucerys, was how Jacaerys was glaring at you.
No one had taken more than a few bites before he put his fork down and loudly stood up.
“Why is she here?” He pointed at you, not even bothering to hide his anger.
“Jacaerys sit down,” Rhaenyra shook her head. “You know as well as I do that she is innocent in all of this. I have invited her—”
“To stay with us? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, she’s one of them! How do you know—”
Hearing that last part, Rhaenyra pushed her chair back and stood up. “Do not speak to me in that way, I will not tolerate it. I have invited her to stay for as long as she’d like and that is final. Now sit down.”
“Yes Your Grace.” The sarcasm was loud and clear, but Rhaenyra opted to ignore it since he did in fact sit down again.
You had your worries, but this confirmed it. You couldn’t stay. On the way over you told yourself that if anyone showed hesitation or anger at you being there, you’d leave as soon as you felt safe to do so. To live in a place where you were in fear of saying the wrong thing or suddenly being asked to leave, was no different than if you’d remained at home.
“Your Grace, I am a bit tired. Thank you for the lovely meal but if it’s alright I’d like to retire for the evening.”
Jacaerys once again didn’t even attempt to hide his anger. He rolled his eyes as he continued to eat.
“Of course, please don’t hesitate to ask if there’s anything you need.” She gave you a small smile, and as soon as you turned the corner you could hear her beginning to bicker with her eldest son.
After you’d been in your room about an hour, there was a series of soft knocks at your door. If you’d been doing anything other than laying in bed, you probably wouldn’t have heard.
When you opened the door and were greeted by Lucerys, to say you were surprised was an understatement.
“My Prince, I —”
He gave you that look, the I’m a kid please don’t use my title it’s weird look, and when you tried again and called him by his first name, he smiled. His hands had previously been behind his back and when he brought them forward, in each was a small plate with what appeared to be some sort of cake.
“Jace was rude and I know that’s why you didn’t finish dinner,” he said simply.
You opened your mouth to say that wasn’t true, but when he gave you that look again you couldn’t help but laugh.
“For being so young, you’re quite perceptive.”
He nodded as he sat down and handed you a plate. “Mom says I’m good at reading people. I forgot forks so we’ll have to use our hands.”
“You wish to stay and eat with me?”
Again, the young boy nodded. “It’s not fun to eat alone.”
The first few minutes, the 2 of you simply enjoyed the desserts in silence. You were relieved to find that it was a comfortable silence. When you were both finished, Lucerys, who insisted you call him Luke, took the plates and said he’d be right back. When he returned only a moment later, his first question surprised you.
“Why did you run away?”
“I — it’s complicated. Since Aegon was crowned king, there have been a lot of… fights.”
“You don’t think he should be king?”
You wondered how much to tell him, seeing as he was only 11. “No,” you decided to just tell the truth. “I think your mom should be.”
“She’s your… half sister, right?”
You nodded. “Yes, she’s my half sister. The same way that Aegon, Helaena, and Aemond are her other half siblings.”
“Do you not like them?”
“My other siblings?”
He nodded.
“I’m using this word too much, but it’s complicated. My relationship with each of them is different. Or was, before things went bad. Aegon and I used to be inseparable when we were really little. Everyone used to joke that we were twins. Though I’m a year older than Aemond, I always looked up to him. He’s the one who taught me how to use a sword, and I will always be grateful for that. Helaena and I are still close, she understands why I left. In fact that reminds me I need to ask your mom if I may send a raven to her tomorrow.”
“Even if you don’t think he should be king, why did you leave? Did they hurt you?”
“No, not yet anyway,” you gave a sad smile. “But it wasn’t just them that made me fearful. Other people haven’t been so kind. It’s why I’m so grateful that I’m allowed to be here, even if it’s only temporary.”
Luke looked surprised, as if it hadn’t occurred to him that you’d leave. “But you’ll stay with us for a while right? I’ll talk to Jace, I swear it.”
You quickly wiped a tear and smiled at the young boy in front of you. “That means a lot to me, truly. But please don’t talk to your brother on my behalf. He has made it clear I’m unwelcome and I fear that anything you say will make him angry with you as well.”
“If you don’t stay, will you have to return home?”
That was something you hadn’t even thought about. Initially while flying you feared being rejected. But even if that did happen, what would your plan have been?
“Possibly. I do not know where else I would go.”
“Jacer— there you are, you’ve had us searching everywhere,” Rhaenyra smiling as she saw how comfortable her son was around you. “Why don’t you let her get some sleep, hmm? You can see her in the morning.”
He groaned, but Luke did give you a hug and a “goodnight” before heading out of your room.
Rhaenyra turned to follow her son, then turned back around to face you again as she thought of something she wanted to say.
“I’d just like to apologize for my older son. I do not know what has gotten into him as of late but he had no right to speak to or about you that way. I will see to it that he—”
“Please, Your Grace—” she gives you that same look that Luke did, and you smile at how similar they look. “Rhaenyra, you and he have nothing to apologize for. I am technically one of them, and I’m intruding on your home.”
She is quick to shake her head. “You’re not intruding. I know what it can be like over there, and for your wellbeing I am glad that you felt safe enough to come here. We will think of next steps for tomorrow, although I really do hope you’ll stay a while. It seems Luke does too. I’ll let you get some rest now.”
“Thank you, I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you,” you get off of the bed and embrace your sister for the first time in who knows how long. She rubs circles on your back and it brings tears to your eyes, your own mom wouldn’t ever embrace you like this.
Rhaenyra leaves a few minutes later, and you finally crawl into bed.
As you lay there and wait for sleep to come, you think about the events of today. And you can’t help it, eventually your mind drifts to the boy who sat across from you.
With the dirty looks he gave you, how he spoke about you as if you weren’t there, there’s no doubt in your mind that he hates you.
It’s hard to believe that if Aegon weren’t crowned King, and Rhaenyra held her place on the iron throne, that Jacaerys would’ve been the next heir.
Even harder to believe is that to ensure both families remained united, you and he would’ve already gotten married.
You finally start to feel sleepy, and just before you drift off, your final thoughts are of Jacerys. If you do end up staying, you wonder if things will always be like this.
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totothewolff · 9 months
📁 Masterlist > My Toto Wolff & Sewis fics └👤 Other profiles: AO3 / Discord / Wattpad
[📚Multichapter][⏳Long read]
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Season of Love
[🗯+18][👩‍❤️‍👨Toto x reader(fem team principal)][💘Romance][🥵Smut][😂Comedy][😪Drama][🏎F1 World/Races/Teams/Paddock][✍️WIP]
Summary: One night on a pier in Monaco, while admiring the sea under the night skies, you tell Toto: "I came to the conclusion that love is simply not meant for me." That's the answer to a question you have been asking yourself for the longest time. But what if he proved you wrong? Author's note: This is a multichapter Toto Wolff x team principal reader fic set along a season of F1. It's a very immersive story full of drivers, team dynamics, races, mystery, and smut. You just bought the Williams team, but nobody really knows who you truly are. 📁 Masterlist: └📁 Dances with Wolff Arc └📁 1 Engines on and hearts off! └📁 2 Lights out, and away your feelings go! └📁 3 Can you feel the traction? └📁 4 No brakes, just love! └📁 5 Cold tires, warm heart └📁 6 Collision at Turn "Your Heart" └📁 The Color of Truth is Blue Arc └📁 7 Red flagsss └📁 8 Safety car needed └📁 The Sebaffäre Arc └📁 9 Coming soon... └📁 10 Coming soon... └📁 Love Lies, Miss Normani Arc └📁 11 Coming soon... └📁 Dances with Wolff Arc └📁 12 Coming soon... └📁 13 Coming soon... └📁 14 Coming soon...
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Chemtrails Over the Yacht Club Collection
[🗯+18][👩‍❤️‍👨 Toto x reader(fem service staff)][💘 Romance][🥵Smut][🎀 Age-gap][❤️‍🔥Daddy Kink][🛳Yacht Culture][✍️WIP]
Summary: Toto Wolff is a name often mentioned at the Yacht Club, where you work after classes. For some reason, you have always pictured him as an old crank like the usual members, not this foxy man who arrives at the reception making your knees quiver.  The entire staff goes frenetic as he, one of the Club's most important clients, chooses to spend his spring break there without previous notice. You pray to the Gods that you don't cross lines with him since your entire livehood depends on this job, and you really want to graduate college. 📁 Collection: └📁 1 Dark But Just A Game └📁 2 Breaking Up Slowly └📁 3 Not All Who Wander Are Lost └📁 4 Dance Till We Die └📁 5 White Dress └📁 6 Let Me Love You Like a Woman
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Grand Prix Elite Academy
[🗯+18][👩‍❤️‍👨 Toto(professor) x reader(student, future F1 driver)][👨‍❤️‍👨Lewis x Seb][💘Romance][🥵Smut][🎀Age-gap][❤️‍🔥Wild parties][🏫College AU][🌈Queer/Fem Seb][✍️WIP]
Summary: Your life turns 180 degrees after receiving your acceptance letter for the Grand Prix Elite Academy, the most exclusive and prestigious Formula One College, designed to shape the future drivers of the motorsport world. You will try to navigate your new life among the Monaco elites, survive the campus dynamics and rivalries between the faculties, and try to win this year's Elite Cup to beat an undefeated Mercedes, all while befriending your eclectic classmates, join the wild parties, have a couple of make-outs under the racing circuit benches, lose your v-card and get over that stupid crush you have on professor Toto. Will you make it alive to graduation? Race to Greatness! Author's note: This is a Formula One college AU fic set in an elite academy in Monaco, where the F1 Teams are Faculties, their Team Principals are professors, the FIA is the college board, and all the grid drivers are your classmates. You are accepted under a scholarship program called WomenOne and have lots to catch on to after years of putting your racing dreams on hold. Becoming the outcast new girl is always challenging, especially when all of you live on one campus. 📁 Masterlist: └📁 1 Hi, Society! └📁 2 Gone With The Wolff └📁 3 Know Your Frenemies └📁 4 The Kids Are Not Alright └📁 5 The Twat and the Furious └📁 6 Panic Roomate └📁 7 Easy Y/N └📁 8 War of the Rosbergs └📁 9 …Baby? One More Time! └📁 10 She Wolff
[📚One-shots][⏳Long read]
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I'll Be Home for Christmas
[🗯+18][👩‍❤️‍👨 Toto x reader][🥵Smut][❤️‍🔥Mild BDSM][👄Dom/Sub][🎄Christmas]
Summary: Toto asks you in between ravenous kisses if you truly want him, even with his busy schedule, fast-paced life, countless nights miles away, and his dominant trait, the one you love to be submissive to, by saying yes you didn't expect it to be this hard! This particular season felt eternal, and you only desire to have him back, wrapped as the world's most alluring Christmas gift on your bed if possible. └📁 One-shot
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Sparks Fly
[🗯+18][👩‍❤️‍👨 Toto x reader][🥵Smut][❤️‍🔥Daddy Kink][🎆New Years]
Summary: Toto is ready to leave his shitty 2023 behind and start 2024 in the best way possible, and you don't want to spend another New Year's Eve all by yourself; it's like destiny and the universe conspired to bring you two together. └📁 One-shot
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The Lonely Hearts Party
[👩‍❤️‍👨Toto(boss) x reader(fem merc employee)][💘Romance][😊Fluff] [😂Comedy][🗄Corporate Mercedes][💝Valentine's Day]
Summary: For weeks now, you have been receiving the most gorgeous flowers every Wednesday morning at your desk at the Brackley Headquarters, as a mysterious admirer seems so in love with you. The entire factory, your besties at work, and you all wonder who he is. Could it be the one you truly wish for? └📁 One-shot
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The Big Slip
[🗯+18][👩‍❤️‍👨Toto x reader (fem middle class artist)][💘Romance][🥵Smut][😪Drama][🕵️‍♂️Secret Identity][💸Social gap][🪐AU]
Summary: Your life as a struggling arts graduate in Monaco, coming from a working-class family who lives on the outskirts, is about to change. Toto Wolff enters your life not only by giving you the best sex ever but also by making you love somebody for the first time. Arranged marriages, a horrible breakup, and an induced coma, plus his terrible parents, were a complete surprise. └📁 One-shot
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The Speed Game of Love
[👩‍❤️‍👨Toto x reader(fem contestant)][💘Romance][😂Comedy][🪐AU][🤪Crack humor][🌈RuPaul's Drag Race][💫Short read]
Summary: Three fierce queens will race for your love, but only one will win your heart. Could it be the spicy Carla LaTurbo Slayz, the fierce Adore D. Hammer, or the queen of England herself, GiGi Reigns? Or maybe that sexy host could get some! Hosted by the hot and only Toto Wolff. └📁 One-shot
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Daddy's Little Pet
[🗯+18][👩‍❤️‍👨 Toto x reader(journalist)][🥵Smut][❤️‍🔥Daddy Kink][🎀Size Kink][👄Power play]
Summary: You had come to Brackley expecting a generic interview, not a deep dive into Toto's lovemaking life. └📁 One-shot
[🚎Coming soon...][✍️WIPs]
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Join us at The Wolff Pack Discord Server > https://discord.com/invite/tpgArxqbfd
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It’s Murder on the Garagefloor
boss!Toto x reader Merc!employee | crack au (Clue bang), comedy, romance and mystery.
Summary: His wife, one of his drivers, an engineer, his mentor, and you (Toto's assistant) all look at the body on the floor. Is the boss really gone? Loose inside this locked garage is the murderer. Who of you killed Toto Wolff? And why?!
└📁 Coming soon...
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A mile-an-hour
Boss!Toto x reader merc!employee | comedy, crack (the office bang), romance, fluff.
Summary: Getting hired on the Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 Team from the thousands of applicants seemed like the pinnacle of your career and a privilege. Such a prestigious and life-changing opportunity until you arrive there… Smoke is flooding the garage, Lewis is dressed exactly like George in casual clothing for some reason, and Niki plays sad Taylor Swift songs on the piano. At the same time, engineers try to catch a loose Roscoe throwing stuff everywhere. Why is even a piano in here?! Oh! And you almost forgot, Toto Wolff is crying inside his office.
└📁 Coming soon...
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Fast Car
driver!Toto x driver reader | teammates dynamic, past lovers, young toto, drama, romance.
There was a time when he used to be your everything. Since childhood, you two shared a dream of one day becoming F1 drivers. Miles away from your families, you grew up only having each other, racing and experiencing life side by side. The short step from friends to lovers left natural, but the following step from F1 drivers to becoming enemies deeply scarred you. When your ambitious team offers Toto the open seat, well aware of his reckless and wild reputation, you wonder if the sweet guy you fell in love with is still hiding inside that ruthless, don juan, cold-hearted two-time world champion. It's going to be a hell of a season for you.
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Cursed to Love
+18 | Lewis Hamilton x Sebastian Vettel, sewis | fantasy, witchcraft, lore, period, drama, romance, smut, pinning, epic, war, violence.
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ppersonalsspace · 3 months
The thing about season 8 is that they were clearly trying to make Destiel happen. There is no other way to take in the events of that ENTIRE season without going- oh yeah Dean is queer and also pining for the angel. The CW clearly did not like that and shot that storyline down, but COME ON…
- Dean spent a year in Purgatory by CHOICE bc he wouldn’t leave Cas
- love triangles! Dean/Benny/Cas vs Sam/Amelia/her husband
- Benny saved Dean in Purgatory vs Amelia saved Sam from his grief/hunting
- Dean being a huge dick about Amelia, Sam being a huge dick about Benny
- Salmon Dean both going through a “break-up” in Larp after they chose to stick together rather than keep Amelia/Benny in their lives
- Literally every conversation between Dean and Benny is so sexually charged it’s stupid.
- Benny was down bad for Dean… he DIED for him when he knew he couldn’t be a part of Dean’s life topside.
- Dean was so fucked up at the thought Cas would CHOOSE to stay behind his brain altered his memory. No magic here, folks. Just a desperate broken heart.
- After Cas ditched him, again, Dean was so eager to do the trials so he could die for the cause. Cas left him so he wanted to DIE. Girl, get a grip.
- He was so fucked up in fact, he turned down a one-night stand with one of the coolest and hottest women they’ve met. He really tried to say “i want to just nows not a good time” and she said “no you really dont” translation GAY.
- and then after that 1st trial Dean praying to, I’m sorry, “begging” Cas to come back.
- Then the crypt! WHAT THE FUCK.
- You are telling me we were supposed to watch brainwashed Cas kill hindreds of DEANS and accept it was a hetero connection
- “What broke the connection?” genuinely shut the fuck up
I could obviously go on, but my hand is tired of typing on my phone.
Oh- side note- it was only a few months after S8 finished airing that Misha tweeted “youre not crazy” so… I mean I AM. But. It was there. Textually. And they gaslit us into thinking it was subtext or fan fetishization so much that we have been feral posting for years and years, defending what we saw happening on our screens.
I hate Supernatural. It’s my favorite show.
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respectthepetty · 5 months
This is gonna sound very weird but I hope as we go on with the show you won't stop making posts about how much you love Ming's toxic ass cause they make me laugh and I'll need them when in the future I'll feel the urge to somehow strangle Ming through the screen. No pressure but please help a girl in need if you can!
You're writing to the person who is openly praying that Ming gets worse (amen), so I am not one to call others weird.
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Something about those who live in a glass house shouldn't throw stones, you know?
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Because, once again, I want Ming to be awful to Joe, and only Joe, which I know is kind of weird of me, but I'm just too happy to care.
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A few people have commented that Ming will get worse, and I'm giddy from the mere thought of it, so I'll be here all season being unhealthy about Ming's behavior.
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Because in the first episode, he was awful, which I LOVED, and I don't think some people really see just how bad he was simply because he is being played by Up, which was a brilliant move by casting, so I love that the show directly told us he is a nightmare, and we could judge all his actions accordingly.
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Regardless of Tong's fake personality, Ming just showed up at the set without any warning and ambushed Tong at his job
Ming only wants to eat alone with Tong, and it's of course because he likes Tong, but he even hung up on his sister mid-conversation after she threw him a little welcome back surprise (sidenote: I think he and his sister might be similar personality-wise because her call while Tong was eating with Ming was convenient)
Ming doesn't tell Joe his name or how he got Joe's number
He called Joe drunk and obviously pissed off, then snapped at the staff for being shocked by his behavior
He doesn't tell Joe he thinks of him, but instead reversed Joe's statement to point out that Joe thinks of him
He doesn't compromise
And none of these have to do with sex and Ming wanting to fuck Joe because he looks like Tong because Ming's toxicity isn't just about sex.
This is about how meek Ming is around Tong
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Compared to how aggressive he is with Joe.
Pushing Joe down and standing over him, which in the heat of the moment doesn't seem like much.
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But Joe took Ming to his house because Ming told him to. Joe doesn't eat instead opting to watch Ming eat. Joe lets Ming spend the night because Ming asked. Joe gets on the bed because Ming tells him to. Joe goes to Ming when called. Joe bottoms because Ming wants him to. Joe does everything Ming wants.
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With Tong, Ming can't control anything, but with Joe . . .
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Ming's gonna control everything.
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Or at least that's what I'm hoping!
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So I'll be here all season, cheering every single time Ming does something truly fucked up because he is going about his issues in the worst way by trying to exert dominance on a stand-in of Tong since he is weak for the real Tong until he ends up regretting it once he loses Joe and tries to replace old Joe with new Jo which restarts the vicious cycle that began this entire shit show in the first place! *deep breath*
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God, I'm so happy!
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babiebom · 1 year
When You Fall (i)
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A/N: My first full fic on this blog! Thank you to everyone who voted! I will try my hardest to write and upload quickly, though I am not going to promise anything seeing as I have a job interview this Friday that I'm writing this(already passed by the time this is uploaded) and if I get it I'll be working more often. Though again thank you for voting and I hope you enjoy! Also a bit of a warning, some things from the game are obviously changed to make sense irl, like instead of there just being seasons there are actual months!(pictures not mine.)
Next Masterlist
TW: death, self harm in the form of overworking, cursing, depression, negative thoughts, funerals. Etc just sad
Genres: angst, potential happy ending, romance, some fluff. Multichapter Fic
WC: 4k
You hear your name being called, the voice is quiet under the ringing of your ears.
You attempt to force your eyes to adjust on the person, head and neck snapping quickly to face towards them. "Huh"?
"I asked if you were going to be alright getting to the graveyard alone…?"
You nod, swallowing even though your mouth and throat were dry. The funeral home was almost empty now; only you, your aunt and uncle, and a few friends that knew both of your parents and/or grandfather. Standing up straighter, you try to fix your face subtly, trying to act as if you weren't out of it for the entire funeral. "Yeah…yeah, I'll be fine. I promise." You clear your throat and offer her a smile.
She hesitates, lips trembling before she slowly gives you a hug. "Your uncle and I are here for you".
"I know".
As the two leave, as well as the rest of the stragglers, it's only you left with the bodies of your parents and grandfather. A sour laugh leaves your lips, tears kissing the corners of your eyes as you drag your feet closer to their caskets. To keep from crying you clench your jaw and curl your lips inward, slowly becoming overwhelmed with the idea of never seeing any of these three people again. If you would've known this was going to happen, you would've visited more, called more. If you would've known…well it doesn't matter anymore because you didn't know, and now you can't do any of those things. 
Slowly and one by one you press a kiss to each of their foreheads, letting your own head rest on top of theirs for just a moment before moving on, hoping the warmth from you would cure the cold coming from them. You stayed there for so long the funeral director had to escort you out, reminding you that they needed to be buried. 
Slowly you got into your car, remembering that everyone was probably on their way or already waiting for you and the bodies to show up. They were all going to be buried in Pelican Town, the same place your father had grown up, the same place you spent your summers during your childhood. 
Entering Pelican Town, nothing had changed since your childhood, and that made everything worse. Things hadn't changed for the town, and yet it wasn't the same for you. Everything has changed for you. The only difference was a couple new headstones, the graveyard now housing your mother, father, and grandfather; though you had noticed the additions of some that weren't there when you had last been here. The mayor was standing next to the open graves, making your heart clench at the finality of it all; the second they were filled with dirt would mark the last time you ever got to see their faces. 
Instead of standing with the rest of the crowd, you stand off to the side, crying silently as you watch the mayor pray over their bodies before they get lowered into the ground. You have to fight yourself to keep from yelling out, knowing that making a scene, making this whole process longer would affect everyone around you. It’s the middle of winter after all, everyone probably wanted to hurry and get back to their regular lives. Swallowing harshley, you only step forward when it's time for all of the guests to throw some dirt on top of the caskets. 
“I love you,” you whisper into the air, clenching your eyes closed and tossing the dirt in. A soft thump is all you get in response, the dirt scattering over the caskets. Your mother and father are sharing a grave, and your grandfather was being buried with your grandmother, the two finally being reunited after a decade and some change of being apart. 
You move backwards again, allowing the others who had arrived to say their final goodbyes. Avoiding looking at what was happening, you focused on the scenery instead. Pelican Town had always been nice, and being covered by snow it was no different. Everything had sort of a Christmas-y vibe to it, but that only made you feel worse. Letting your eyes continue to roam, you spot some of the towns-people walking around, obviously trying to get a glimpse of what was happening. They were walking far too slow to actually be trying to get somewhere, or maybe the calmness of a small town allowed them to take it easy even when they had errands to run. Your eyes connect with a woman with orange hair, her eyes growing wide the second yours stopped on her. She hurried away as soon as she realized she had been caught watching, moving from the large tree that she was under to presumably hide somewhere else. You scoff and turn your head to watch someone else, not really offended but somewhat annoyed that the public can watch as your normal life is ripped away from you. Bitterly, you wondered when the last time this town had held a funeral, or had even had someone die. 
Everything looked peaceful, your presence disrupting the environment and if that woman with the orange hair was anything to go by, this funeral was something that shook the small town that probably knew your grandfather better than you did. You wonder why none of them showed up to the funeral or to this burial. Your thoughts are disrupted by everyone bustling around you, hands on your shoulders words spoken to you, you figure out that the burial is finished by the people moving around you back towards the way you came.
The second you fully realize that the burial had ended, you race out towards your car, not wanting to stop and talk to anyone, not wanting to cry on someone’s shoulders. You decide then that the best course of action would be to throw yourself into your work. So, without another glance back, you drive away from Pelican Town, hoping you would never have to return to the place again.
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Scrunching up your nose and frowning, you slam the drawer to your desk harder than you need to, ignoring the sound of the contents inside spilling and moving around. The sound of typing overwhelms your senses, and unlike the persona you’ve put on for the past couple of months, you get up and stalk towards the bathrooms. As you pass the other cubicles, the oncoming anxiety attack immediately takes over your being. 
You push open the bathroom door, wheezing and trying to suck in as much breath as you can. Yet it still feels like you’re drowning, as if every breath you suck in is instead water, and it’s impossible for you to come up to the surface. You fall onto the sink, leaning over it and heaving. Your legs threatened to give out, not wanting to hold you up any longer. Giving in, you allow yourself to sink to the dirty bathroom floor, dragging yourself in between the sinks and the wall, the gross overhead light giving you a headache. 
Your body shakes, still struggling to breathe. As you close your eyes, flashes of the funeral and the last time you saw each of them alive consume you. The second your ears start to ring, you realize that you’re already too far gone, and any of your attempts to self soothe were now made in vain because you couldn’t calm down. You needed help, but at the same time that was the last thing that you wanted. You can feel yourself shake, violently, and your head falls back and forth as you shake, and in the madness you realize that someone was shaking you, it wasn’t you yourself. “Please!” you heard someone plead, yet they sounded too far away from you. 
You open your mouth to reply, but nothing comes out of it, you want them to go away, and to leave you spiraling here on the ground, and in the back of your cloudy mind you hope that you still get paid for having this breakdown during work hours. Joja Co. wouldn’t take away your wages for this, right? You’re shaken again, this time rougher and your eyes begin to focus on someone kneeling in front of you. The ugliness that was Joja blue assaulting your eyes. You groan, and as you feel yourself begin to surface, realize that you had been screaming. Your throat now raw and hoarse as you begin to calm. 
The woman in front of you is someone you recognize, though you couldn’t recall her name. You only knew her as your supervisor that you rarely actually saw in the office, and behind her were two coworkers looking absolutely frightened and worried for you. Swallowing, you shake your head and haul yourself off of the ground, muttering a ‘sorry’ and pushing your way out of the bathroom. It was painful, the walk back to your cubicle, everyone was simultaneously watching you, but still not really looking at you. As if they wanted to pretend that your breakdown didn’t happen, and you are all too aware of how insane you probably looked, coming out of the bathroom with puffy red eyes, and messed up hair. 
It wasn’t uncommon for someone to have a breakdown at work, the expectations of your superiors and the company itself were always too much for some people to handle, yet you realized that you probably looked different than them, having run all the way to the bathroom, and not out the doors to the elevators. After a breakdown, the person always quits, yet here you are, sitting silently in your cubicle, brushing your hair out of your face as if everything was normal. 
Again you open the drawer and look at the letter that had arrived on your desk weeks ago.
Dear, Y/N
If you’re reading this, you must be in dire need of a change.
The same thing happened to me, long ago.
I’d lost sight of what mattered most in life…real connections with other people and nature. So I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong.
I’ve enclosed the deed to that place…my pride and joy: New Hope Farm. It’s located in Stardew Valley, on the southern coast. It’s the perfect place to start your new life.
This was my most precious gift of all, and now it’s yours. I know you’ll honor the family name, my grandchild.
Good luck.
Love, Grandpa.
P.S. If Lewis is still alive, say hi to the old guy for me, will ya?
Taking in a breath, you laugh quietly to yourself. Your face still wet from your tears. It was ridiculous, hilarious even, that the very place you wanted to return to ends up the very place you flee in order to get back to yourself. 
You can hear clacks of shoes nearing you, coming from the direction of the same bathroom you just fled from. The woman stops in front of the opening to your cubicle. Staring down at you in your seat with aggravated eyes. The lack of concern annoys you to your very core, and with the least amount of emotion you can muster, you stare back up at her, the letter wrinkled in your hand.
"That little breakdown you had there was very disruptive," she shifts her weight, "now you're one of your best workers, so we'll give you another chance, but next time something this unprofessional happens we'll have to let you go."
"Right," you swallow harshly, "about that, I need to take time off."
"Time off? Why do you need to take time off?" She asks loudly. You can see the people across from you look over with wide eyes. Vacations were never accepted, and were more likely to be taken as an insult. 
"Well, half of my family has just died...and I don't think I have a good enough mental state to-"
"We gave you time off already, we let you go to the funeral and have an extended weekend. How much more time do you need?" 
You scoff in disbelief, the woman staring at you with all seriousness of a person who has just been told the worst joke in the world. Did she not just witness the breakdown you just had? You sit back roughly in your chair, running a hand through your hair. Your patience started to run thin with the woman, and so in a huff you slam down the letter rather roughly before looking back up at her.
"Can I take a vacation or not?"
She gasps before angling her body back, now glaring daggers at you. "I am the boss, you do what I say. You've already taken time off, so you don't need any more. I'm really very disappointed in you-"
"-and I don't think you realize just how lucky you are to be working for Joja Corporation. There's no other job as liberating and rewarding than working for and growing the Joja family."
You make a noise of indignation, completely taken aback with how she had decided to handle this situation, especially after seeing you in the worst state you've ever been in. "You know what?" You slam your hand on your desk, letting out a huff of air through your nose, now staring at the place your hand had settled. "I quit!"
You turn to watch her face as your words sink in. She splutters and takes in breaths as she struggles to come up with something to say as a retort. Laughing loudly in her face, you stand and push past her, going straight towards the supply closet, where you know there are extra boxes. Picking up the smallest that could fit all of your things, you completely ignore your now ex-supervisors desperate pleas. "You have to put in a 2 week notice!"
"Nah, no I don't." You shake your head, now filling the box with all of your things. You'd rather die than leave any of your cute cubicle things behind for them to throw away. Smirking, you carefully place the last plant you had on top of the other knick knacks you had, looking over to the angry woman with the best shit eating grin you could muster.
"I would say it was a pleasure to work with you, but that would be a lie."
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The time taken to get back to Pelican Town was doubled due to you selling your car and opting to take the bus instead, and in that time you started to rethink your plan of starting anew without any backup plan. Everyone else that was riding with you had gotten off long ago, and you were left with those who were just along for the ride, having nothing else to do but stay until they were kicked off. 
You were grateful for the emptiness though, no one spoke a word on the way there; they simply allowed you to exist among them, thinking your thoughts without interruption. 
You grunt in pain as you're launched out of your seat, suitcases toppling over loudly. Embarrassed, you scramble to get up, hoping no one was secretly laughing at you because it would honestly cause another breakdown. The bus driver shouted out your arrival, staring at you specifically through the rear view mirror. Sniffing, you grab your suitcases and hurry off of the bus, squinting from the change of lighting.
"Hello! You must be Y/N" an orange haired woman standing waiting at the bus stop, friendly looking and sweaty. "I'm Robin, the local carpenter. Mayor Lewis sent me here to fetch you and show you the way to your new home. He's there now, tidying things up for your arrival."
You stare at her before taking her hand in a firm shake. She's pretty, and young looking but from the look at her hands she had to be older than you think. Her grip takes you off guard only slightly, rough calluses coming in contact with your own soft skin. You nod and grab your things again, wanting to get out from under the sun. There was a cool breeze cooling your skin, but just having been on a musty bus for the past couple of hours made you feel grosser than you normally would've. 
 "The farm's right over here, if you'll follow me" 
You want to tell her that you already know the way, that you've been here multiple times in your childhood, but you stay quiet not wanting to bring up memories that will just hurt you. You think staying silent is an even better idea when she takes two of your suitcases and heads down the road. 
Walking in silence is awkward for the first minute, and so you begin a conversation that you already regret happening the moment the first syllable leaves your mouth. "So," you swallow thickly, "how long have you been waiting out here?" 
She shakes her head and scrunches her nose. "Not long, maybe 15 minutes? First day of Spring is always brutal with the weather change."
You nod and keep walking, wanting to ask her more questions, yet you know that it would only serve to make everything more awkward. "Do you want something to drink? I have like a spare Gatorade if you're thirsty."
She makes a noise of acceptance and takes the drink from you, gulping it down quickly. The walk takes about 5 more minutes before you make it to a broken down fence.
"This is New Hope Farm."
You gasp loudly, a choked noise forcing its way out of your throat at the look of it. Grass overgrown, trees everywhere, boulders. It looked as if the place had been abandoned for years, and maybe it has been. Your grandfather must've been too old to continue the last couple of years, having been bedridden the months before his passing.  The air smells fresh, though, fresher than you've ever smelled it before, at least since you've grown up. A sense of calm settles over your being, just over the hurt and anxiety. At least you're okay for now. 
"What's the matter? Sure it's a bit overgrown, but there's some good soil underneath that mess! With a little dedication you'll have it cleaned up in no time." 
You smile at her as you open the gate for you both, entering the messy fields. It's another minute and a half before you actually make it to the farmhouse, "and here we are, your new home". 
You raise your eyebrows at the look of your grandfather's old cottage, it being slightly run down since you had seen it last. Your heart clenched at the sight, realizing that everything did in fact get old without you, or maybe alongside you. Taking in a deep breath, you jump as the door to the house opens loudly. A man, shortish and white haired leaves out of it. He looks slightly familiar, but obviously older. 
"Ah, the new farmer! Welcome I'm Lewis, Mayor of Pelican Town." You wait for him to descend the steps, stopping in front of you. You faintly remember him, with less whites in his head and a smaller mustache. His old hat on top of his head is the same from when you were little. You shake his hand, reminding him that you had met him before. 
"Ah, my apologies!"
You shake your head with a small smile, slowly getting tired of pleasantries. "It's fine I was like…maybe 9 the last time I saw you."
The conversation staggers a bit before Lewis sucks in a breath.
"You know, everyone's been asking about you. It's not every day that someone new moves in. It's quite a big deal!" He looks around, a flicker of sadness in his eyes causing you to wonder how close he and your grandfather were. 
"So...you're moving into your grandfather's old cottage. It's a good house…very 'rustic'." You raise an eyebrow at his words, it was obvious that the house had seen better days.
"Rustic? That's one way to put it. 'Crusty' might be a little more apt though." Robin remarks, looking around.
"Rude!" Lewis gasps, whirling around to stare at Robin in shock. You guess it's the fastest he's moved in a while because his hands grasp at his knees for a split second.
The woman lets out a laugh, slapping a hand over her lips in amusement. You let out a snort, silently agreeing with her.
"Don't listen to her, Y/N. She's just trying to make you dissatisfied so that you buy one of her house upgrades." Lewis says, sending the woman a glare. Robin, in turn, gasps in shock, her eyes darting between you two before frowning and huffing. Maybe she was trying to get you to buy an upgrade. 
"Anyway…you must be tired from the long journey. You should get some rest. Tomorrow you ought to explore the town a bit and introduce yourself. The townspeople would appreciate that." You nodded to him, but refused in your mind, not wanting to go parading around town introducing yourself to the villagers like some happy-go-lucky extroverted tv character. Lewis begins to leave, but stops a couple feet, maybe even a yard away. He has to yell in order to speak to you, and you sort of understand when you would rather not have to walk all the way back just to leave again. 
"Oh I almost forgot. If you have anything to sell just place it in this box here. I'll come by during the night to collect it. Well…good luck!" His voice is strained, when he shouts. You smile and wave, saying a goodbye to Robin as she walks after him. Turning to the cottage, you feel a sense of overwhelming sadness, your chest growing tight. You know that grieving is a process, and that healing isn’t a linear path, but a thought pops into your mind that this was a bad idea. How are you meant to process, heal, and move on when you’re surrounded by things that make you want to tear your hair out? Sighing, you head inside, setting your things down and snatching an axe off of the wall. 
You think to yourself that the healing can come later, preferably after you demolish the trees taking over the land, at least you’ll be able to see far enough to farm. Stepping back out into the sun, you get to work swinging the axe over your head as well as you can. The thump of the axe embedding itself into the tree sends vibrations up into your bones, yet the pain and unfamiliarity of the feeling makes you feel lighter than you had in weeks. Maybe you just had anger issues. But, chasing that feeling you swing again, and again, and again until both the tree and it’s stump has been reduced to logs that you could pick up. 
You leave the logs on the ground and move on to the next tree, and then the next, and you keep going until you can feel the sweat drip down your back, pooling around the edge of your jeans and your hips. Your breaths come in short, you huffing as you try to bring the axe overhead once more. Your chest is tight, and your head feels as if it’s not screwed all the way on. ‘One more time.’ You think to yourself, bringing the axe upwards. You can tell that the tree was close to being fully chopped down, and so with the last of your energy, you force yourself to at least complete it. Telling yourself that it was more about clearing everything quickly, you knew deep down that you just wanted to feel something other than sorrow. Your arms shake as the tool almost slips out of your grasp above your head. Arms burning, you force them forwards as you swing down, you hear the thump of the axe in the wood, and you fall over ears ringing, your vision fading to black.
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thefearedashantis · 8 months
Part Time Cupid (pt.1)
Part Time Cupid (Pt .1)
Pairing: Roommate! Sirius Black x Fem! Reader
Summary: When Reader's attempts at finding love fall short, she turns to her roommate, Sirius Black, for assistance. As Sirius offers his unique perspective and charm to help her navigate the complexities of romance, unexpected feelings begin to emerge between them, blurring the lines between friendship and something more.
Word count: 2.2K
Warnings: possibly body shaming
It’s freezing outside.  Meandering somewhere below twenty, but not enough bite to be single digits. Despite the frosty breeze that slithers through your coat, you’re sweating. Feet cemented to the worn welcome mat in front of your apartment door. Forehead smushed against said doors wooden surface, hand still raised and poised to slot your key into the lock.
That was before your remaining dregs of energy sputtered out, forcing you to stop and take a quick moment to collect yourself. Allow the sweaty sheen glistening over every inch of your skin to dry before going inside where you could make out the muddled noises of your roommate and his friends in the kitchen. Well, they were your friends as well you suppose. But they’ll always be more so his.
If you went in the way you were now they’d be quick to realize you’d walked home. A good twenty minutes scurrying along streets in the part of town you were least familiar with. Looking over your shoulder at every little noise.
When you went inside, you’d have to relinquish your sadness. Split it up and dole it out in sizeable portions for each to carry for you. Which seemed sweet in theory, that the boys would be so willing to shoulder your burdens with you, but not this time. You wanted to hoard this particular melancholy to yourself. Just stew in it for a few minutes longer as if your walk hadn’t allowed for enough self-pity.
You’d never regarded yourself as a particularly interesting person. Not exceptionally pretty nor smart nor charming. You enjoyed staying home on weekends with a good book. Brewing pots of tea around the clock. Binge watching shows with entirely too many seasons and napping when the weather was poorly. You collected special additions of Oscar Wilde' works. Liked baking cookies at three in the morning when the city was asleep. Disliked doctors’ appointments. Unremarkable people get used to fading into the background. It’s how you went nearly your entire school career without much complaint on your lack of new relationships. Platonic and romantic alike.
The only reason you knew the people you did were through childhood connections. Being neighbours’ way back when. Having your parents arrange playdates for you despite knowing you’d scare the other children off. Brandishing bugs from your garden, showing off your double joints or ignoring them entirely. Only one had stood the test of your disposition and had rung you into his circle ever since. You never felt inclined to leave it. Why sit alone every day when you could plop quietly between people who shone brighter than you could ever hope for. Though you didn’t earn them yourself you cherished them as if you had. Prayed even a smidge of their polish would rub off on you in some way. To prove yourself deserving. And here you were six years after graduation living with that steadfast friend. Two next door and another only a block away. Still utterly dull.
This had been your first date in ages. Not for lack of trying. You just simply had no natural gravitation when it came to people. It took five times the average effort on your part to catch someone’s attention let alone keep it. You’d even taken a word of advice and downloaded a few dating apps. Conversations were so much easier to start and carry online, people in the comments vowed. You made your first match. A guy named Frank. Talked with him for a few weeks. Allowed your stomach to flip when he finally asked you on a date. A date you took great care in preparing for. Buying a new dress, religiously watching makeup tutorials, shaving, plucking, buffing. Practicing questions in case conversation slowed. Even eating less the days leading up to save your appetite.
All for it to turn out like this.
You should’ve known better when he was an hour late. The shame you’d felt sitting there waiting while the server cast you pitiful looks still had you clinching your jaw 'til you tasted copper. When he came bustling in wearing attire far too casual for the lavish restaurant he had been adamant on going to. No apology or excuse given.
Still, you smiled it off. At least he’d shown up at all. You’ve been stood up on numerous occasions. Everything was fine for a while after that. Nice even. When he made you laugh with a clever quip or had your heart skipping a beat when his leg brushed yours under the table.
Until it was time to order and he was placing one in your stead before you could even pick up the menu. A salad, dressing on the side, with lemon water. A well-done steak for him, rum and coke. If he wasn’t texting, he was talking about himself. A completely one-sided rant you had no space to interject. When he did rope you in it was to comment on your appearance. You didn’t look how he was expecting, profile photo a tad misleading.
Sure, the picture was a year old. Your hair was dyed but that was the only change as far as you could tell. It was your favourite picture of yourself. One of very few. 
You’d picked at your salad. Ordered no dessert despite desperately wanting to. Fished out your card when asked to split the bill. He’d tried to kiss you on the way out, lead you to his car, but you’d breezed by him and started your trek home.
Could that have possibly been the same person you’ve been texting? The one who would send you photos of his cat and reply attentively while you talked about your day even if you’d done absolutely nothing.
Now here you were, frozen to the door. Enjoying your sorrow to the staticky crackle of the overhead lighting. Fighting back the burn in your throat when your heeled feet begin to ache. The style of your hair yanking on your nerves. Dress constricting, makeup like cake smeared on your face.
You’re so hungry.
“Oh, you’re back earlier than expected!”
Without missing a beat you’re straightening up, shoving down your blues and twirling around with a smile.
It’s James, ambling up the stairs with pizza boxes under his arm. Apparently, he’d run out to grab them not too long ago because it’s faster than delivery.
He’s crowding you immediately. Squeezing you in a quick side hug as was his customary greeting, no matter how little time you’d been apart. All height and curls and warmth. He doesn’t seem to notice anything amiss and makes use of your key abandoned in the lock. Shoving the door open and ushering you inside. “Look who I found!”
You were half right at least. Remus and Sirius are in the kitchen, seated at the table with bits of a puzzle strewn out before them.
Remus looks up with a grin “Little early for you, no?”
The clock above the fridge reads half past nine. How long were they expecting you to be out?
“What did you guys get up to?” you ask, evading the question. You step out of your heels and almost whine at the feeling of cool tile.
Your roommate, Sirius, drags his attention from the pastime then. His wavy pitch hair is pulled up into a tuff on top of his head.  His chin nestled into the palm of his hand while long pale fingers tap away aimlessly at a lightly freckled cheek. Nails neatly trimmed and painted a shimmery black polish.
He crinkles his nose at you “Well, I wanted to do a puzzle, but Moonie and Prongs were against it.”
James steps around you to put the pizzas on the kitchen counter and fish out some plates. “We’re doing your stupid puzzle are we not?”
“Yet you’ve spent more time complaining than actually finding pieces.”
Remus shakes his head with a heavy sigh “You always get annoyed if we don’t start with the edges.”
 Sirius ignores this, “How was your date? What was his name again?”
“Francis?” Remus supplies.
 “No, no, I think it was Farley.”
You’ve hung up your coat, moving to the table. There are no more seats and you don’t want to steal James’ so you hop up onto the cabinet behind Sirius instead. Still close enough for you to press your squashed toes into the base of his spine. Also strategically chosen so he couldn’t see your face throughout their interrogation. “Frank, his name was Frank. And it was good. He was really nice.”
“When’s the next?”
There would be no next.
You force a breezy laugh, “I don’t wanna get too ahead of myself.”
“Ahead of yourself. Did you look in the mirror before walking out that door?” Sirius chides, rummaging through some flipped pieces.
“You did look beautiful.” Remus has gotten up to inspect the pizzas. One Hawaiian, one Meat lovers from the looks of it. He opts for meat lovers, taking a plate from James’ extended hand and unabashedly piling on slices. “I wouldn’t have been able to wait till the end of the date before asking when I could see you again.” 
“You okay?”
You hadn’t noticed when Sirius turned around. But here he is. Face mere inches from your bare thighs as he gazes up at you with a notch between his brows. Did you not look okay?
You smooth the wrinkle out with your thumb “Yeah just a little tired.”
He relaxes a tad, but the concern is still evident at the edges of the dazzling smile he bestows you with “You can tell us about it tomorrow if you want. We’ll be quiet so you can sleep”
James glances over with a look that screams ‘no promises’, red sauce rimming his lips.
“No, its fine. I want to sit with you all for a while.”
“You sure?” And it’s only when he takes your hand and lowers his voice to barely a whisper that you realize you are shaking a little. A minute tremble that racks your entire form “Your hands are cold.”
“Sorry” You don’t know what you’re apologizing for.
Sirius is frowning now. Alarm bells probably ringing off in his head despite your best effort to act normal. You were never a very good liar. “Do you want a slice love?” he asks. The question echoes where he speaks it into your cupped hands. Blowing warm breath onto them and rubbing furiously 'til they tingle.
You do, but the mere idea of having to bite, chew and swallow is exhausting. You just want to curl up in your bed and sleep. The faster you shut your eyes the sooner Franks voice would stop swirling around in your head. 
“No thank you.”
Sirius opens his mouth to speak again when your bubble of quiet is suddenly broken by James’ excited cheer “Corner piece!” He all but slams the bit into its slot.
Remus reminds the other boy to use his inside voice with a fond chuckle. Then his attention is back on you “Where’d he take you?”
You pull your hands away from Sirius, pointedly avoiding his gaze until he turned back to the table “That fancy place in the square where all the waiters have the same haircut.” 
“No way, they’re so expensive! Lily and I have been wanting to go for ages.” James again, speaking as if you weren’t mere inches away from him.
“You guys would enjoy it. They have a four-page dessert menu”
It takes two hours to finish the puzzle. James and Remus more so joking around while you and Sirius pour over it. They grill you for more details on your outing to which you reply with the vaguest yet most upbeat answers you could manage.  The boys stick around for a little while longer discussing some horror movie they wanted to see in theatres before returning to their own apartment unit slightly after midnight. A feeling of relief floods your chest when you shut and lock the door behind them. Finally free to retire from this day after you help Sirius clean up. The two of you make quick work. Wiping the counters. Packing away the puzzle. Washing the dishes and dumping the empty pizza boxes.
You turn to go to your room with a mumbled goodnight but your roommate has other ideas. Tears prickle your eyes when a firm grasp wraps around your wrist, stopping you in your tracks.  Sirius guides you back gently into his body, trapping your head under his chin when you shudder. His skin is scolding against yours, rubbing clumsily up and down your spine.
“I’ve known you before you could pronounce your r’s properly,” he mutters into your hair “I’m sorry it didn’t go how you wanted.”
You try to pull away but he won’t allow it. Exasperated by his persistence you grab hold of his sides, gripping them tighter than necessary “It was fine Siri.”
He holds you hostage there in the dark kitchen until your heartrate begins to slow and your eyes begin to droop, slouching more of your weight onto him with every passing second. He guides you to your bedroom and leaves you to your own devices with another quick squeeze.
You slump into bed without changing or removing your makeup. Something you’ll probably regret later. Sleep evades you however. Instead, you lay there staring at your profile photo. Analysing it. Looking for the differences. When the sun begins to peek through your blinds come morning you finally reach the conclusion that maybe you’ve put on a little weight.
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lxvemaze · 1 month
彡in the end, it's you
pairing' cha eunwoo x reader
genre' hurt/comfort
wc' 3.5k
warnings' childhood best friends to lovers, miscommunication at its finest, angst angsty angsty, i cried, happy ending tho
song rec' always you by astro
a/n' no notes, i'm just sad
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You couldn’t escape him. You saw him every single day without fail. His face was everywhere. You two had been friends all throughout your childhood, you grew up together, spent every day of summer break together, had each other's backs all throughout elementary and middle school. When the two of you were fourteen, he got scouted by an agent from an entertainment company who asked him to come audition to be a trainee. You were so excited for him, you knew he’d be a fantastic entertainer, so when he asked you what he should do, you told him to go for it.
And so he did.
And then he never spoke to you again.
You saw him on TV a few years later, he had debuted with a boy group as a vocalist. You almost couldn’t believe it when you saw him, he had debuted under a new name, so you thought it might’ve been another boy that just looked like him. But there was no one else in the world that looked like Lee Dongmin.
You were more than a little bitter about it, you two had been the best of friends throughout your entire lives until he got scouted, and then as soon as he got accepted as a trainee, he completely ghosted you. Not even his parents or brother could tell you why he didn’t ever text you, apparently he refused to tell them.
So now here you are, nearly a decade after he ditched you, a year after you graduated college, and working at your friends cafe because you decided to major in a degree that was nearly impossible to get a job in.
In the years since Dongmin’s debut, he’s only gotten more and more famous. He’s gotten huge acting roles, become an ambassador for some of the biggest brands on the planet, and the entire country was in love with him. It seemed like every single time you opened your phone or turned on your computer, you saw some headline about him like;“The Most Handsome Man In Korea; Cha Eunwoo”, “Cha Eunwoo: Face Genius”, “Cha Eunwoo Dating Rumors”, it was exhausting.
You lived close enough to the cafe to walk to work, and much to your chagrin, it seemed like your old friend was the face of every brand ever. You saw posters of him, billboards, screens playing his ads, coffee cups with his face on them. You couldn’t escape him. The memory of the boy you had grown up with followed you everywhere.
During exam season, your friend liked to keep the cafe open 24/7 on weekend nights, so students could have a place to get coffee and relax for a minute before getting back to studying. Tonight was one of those nights.
None of your coworkers liked the overnight shifts, but you didn’t mind them. They were slow and peaceful. About once an hour, a teenager with dark circles under their eyes would come in for a pick-me-up, and leave as soon as the drink was in their hand. So you always offered to take the overnight shifts by yourself.
It was 3 a.m., and no one had come in for almost two hours. After an hour of experimenting with the different syrup flavors and making what was quite possibly the most foul drink to have ever existed, you resorted to scrolling on your phone while sitting on the stool behind the register. You were tired, the blue light of your screen burning into your eyes. You had half a mind to just close the shop and go home, and pray that your friend wouldn’t murder you when she found out.
You didn’t even notice when the bell on the door rang as it opened until the person was standing right in front of the register.
“I am so sorry,” You apologized, quickly setting your phone beneath the counter and looking up at the man in front of you “What can I get-”
You stopped in your tracks as you observed the stranger in front of you. He was tall, and wearing a mask, glasses, and a beanie pulled down to his eyebrows, but there was something familiar about his eyes, and with the way he was looking down at you, you could tell he thought the same about you.
The two of you maintained eye contact for what anyone outside would have thought was an uncomfortable amount of time. You knew this man somehow, how somewhere. But where? Where could you have-?
It hit you like a semi-truck going 50 over the speed limit on the highway- It was him. The man that had haunted what felt like your every waking moment of the past decade.
It was Dongmin. Your Dongmin.
A shocked “Holy shit.” left your mouth.
You thought there was no way he would recognize you. He’d probably have worked with thousands of people over the past ten years, his world a constant loop of meetings, rehearsals, photoshoots, recordings, and performance. When he left, he cut you off completely, he probably wanted to forget his life before fame, he probably wanted to forget you.
At least that was what you thought until he pulled his mask from his mouth and breathed out your name.
“Uh…” You stuttered for a moment, your brain scrambling to think of something to say, should you confront him? Ask him why he never called or visited? Instead, what left your mouth was a lame, “You want coffee?”
You could’ve sworn you saw his face fall for a second before he nodded. “Yeah, just…Just an Iced Americano, I guess.”
The two of you were silent as you made his drink. Your mind was racing. He recognized you. He recognized you, and you kind of blew it? Why did you just ask him if he wanted a coffee? Are you stupid? Well, sure, maybe a little bit. You have to say something else to him. But what? What could you possibly-?
“So…How’ve you been?” His question stopped you before you could hand him his finished drink. How’ve you been? How. Have. You. Been?
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” The question left your mouth before you could stop it, stunning the both of you. But still, you continued. “We haven’t seen each other for like, an entire fucking decade, and you’re asking me how I’ve been? You completely stopped talking to me after you got accepted into your company. Do you know how many all-nighters I pulled after you left, hoping that you would send me a message? Do you know how many times I went over to your moms house to ask about how you’ve been, only to find out that you wouldn’t even tell your own family why you wouldn’t talk to me? I see your face every fucking day. Everywhere I go, you’re there. On every fucking poster, every billboard, every magazine. Hell, every time I open my goddamn phone, your name is in every damn article I see. Every day, I have to wonder why you ghosted me like that, why you just pretended I didn’t exist, and went on with your life. I’ve had to watch as you’ve become one of the most famous men in the entire country, while I slogged through school to get a degree that just led to me working in a fucking coffee shop. And you’re asking me how I’ve been. What the fuck?”
You took a breath, letting everything you just said sink in. You couldn’t have stopped yourself if you tried. All your frustration about him over the past decade had just come tumbling out of your mouth in rapid succession. You realized you were still gripping Dongmin’s coffee and set it down on the counter in front of you. Dongmin’s expression hadn’t changed much, other than the furrow that had formed between his brows.
The two of you stood in silence for what felt like an eternity. You were still fuming, and Dongmin was still practically expression-less.
“I’m sorry.” Was all he said before grabbing his Americano, tossing the cash for his drink onto the counter, and quickly exiting the cafe.
You were left shocked. All your questions unanswered. You stared at the wall for the next three hours until the crew for the morning shift came in. You were in a haze the whole walk home. You had finally seen the man that had been on your mind constantly for the past several years, told him what his absence in your life had done to you, and all he could say was “I’m sorry.”
You didn’t know whether to cry, scream, or stare at the wall in silence. So you just went to sleep.
You slept for an almost inordinate amount of time- 15 hours. It was already almost time for you to go back to the cafe for another overnight shift. You got ready with your mind still in a furious fog, the thought of your best friend as a kid- really, your only friend as a kid going out and living a successful life made you what others would probably say was unreasonably mad. Even your own mom thought your grudge against him was a little much. She didn’t understand. She didn’t understand what his actions had done to you.
It was a much busier night at the cafe, students and businessmen alike all coming in for a dose of caffeine to get themselves through the busy season. The cafe didn’t calm down until almost 4 a.m., and at long last, you were finally left by yourself in peace and quiet.
Maybe ten minutes after the last customer had left the store, you were drying out a froth pitcher when the bell above the door dinged again, alerting you to another customer.
You were still turned around facing the sink when you heard his voice.
“I swear I can explain.”
You whipped around so fast, you could’ve gotten whiplash. Once you saw him standing there looking so perfect and handsome in his long tailored black coat, expensive glasses, and designer shirt, you had half a mind to throw the small metal pitcher in your hand at his head. He raised his hands as if he could see the wheels turning in your brain. He looked around for a second before pulling out a chair at one of the small tables in the cafe and sitting down. You stared at him for a moment, wondering what the hell he was doing before he gestured at the seat in front of him, motioning for you to sit down.
You contemplated just leaving. Leaving the store unattended with Dongmin sitting alone at that little table and then never coming back again. Maybe you’d just walk out and keep walking and walking and walking until you dropped dead. But in the end, you decided that wasn’t a feasible option, so you set down your rag and pitcher, and slowly moved to sit down in front of him.
“So…Go ahead. You said you were gonna explain. So explain.”
He remained silent for a moment, his eyes scanning your face intensely, as if trying to find something that wasn’t there. He sighed and took off his glasses, placing them on the table. He rubbed the corners of his eyes, and folded his hands on top of the table, right next to where he sat his glasses before meeting your gaze.
“It’s not as simple as you think it is.”
You opened your mouth to argue, but he silenced you with a raise of his hand. “Please…Just let me talk. I know you’re angry, I know you’re frustrated, I know you’ve had a really hard time these past few years. But please…For the love of God…Let me say my piece before you say anything. When I’m done, you can yell and scream and call me names and tell me how shitty your life has been. But let me finish first.”
You closed your mouth and slumped back in your chair, watching curiously as Dongmin twiddled his thumbs for a moment before speaking again.
“I didn’t really…Have a choice. When I was accepted into the company, they told me that I couldn’t do anything that might damage my reputation in the future. They asked me if I had any female friends, so of course, I told them about my best friend; you. I told them about how we spent every day together, how we took all the same classes, how our families knew each other, how close we were. And they told me that wouldn’t do. They told me that if I stayed friends with you, that you could hurt my career.”
You almost opened your mouth again to speak, and he could tell, as he stopped and put his hand up again.
“I know. Okay? I told them that you wouldn’t do anything, that you were my best friend and only wanted good things for me, and you would never say or do anything to hurt my career. But they didn’t know you. So they didn’t believe me. They took my phone and blocked your contact, and told me to forget about you. To never mention you again to anyone. And if anyone tried to bring you up, to shut it down immediately and change the topic. I never wanted to hurt you. I never wanted to abandon you. You were the most important person in my life. It was so hard to imagine you at home by yourself, wondering why I was ignoring you. I cried every night at the thought that I would never see you again. I hoped and prayed that we would see each other again, that you would be waiting for me, because I-”
Dongmin was cut off by the bell above the door dinging. You quickly stood up and saw a teenager standing in the door, obviously startled by your quick movement. “We’re closed.” You lied, ushering the teen out the door before closing the blinds and turning off the “Open” sign in the window. You turned around to see Dongmin still seated in his chair, facing the one you were sat in just a moment ago, fiddling with a string on his ripped jeans that probably cost more than your rent.
You sat across from him again, but this time he was determinedly avoiding making eye contact with you.
“Are you finished?”
He nodded his head slowly, his gaze returning to yours. “Do you…Wanna say anything? Now that you know?”
Your mind was a mess. You were still mad- you didn’t really know why, but you were. You finally had a reason, a pretty good reason, for why he did what he did. But you were still…Really fucking mad.
“Why…Didn’t you contact me? Like, after you debuted, after you started acting, after all that…Why did you never reach out? Hell, you could’ve had your mom or your brother deliver a message to me or something. If I was really important, if you really cared about me to the point where you were crying over me every night, why haven’t I heard from you until now?”
His head hung low and a long quiet sigh escaped his lips as he rubbed his eyes again. 
“I really don’t know. I think I was scared. Scared to see you, or scared that you would be mad at me, scared that you wouldn’t want to hear me out.” He looked back up at you, this time his eyes welled with tears. “I missed you. So much. More than I missed anyone else. It hurt so much, and I really wasn’t okay. So after a while, I did try to forget you. But it didn’t work.”
Your eyes were welling with tears of your own, and you weren’t even sure why. You choked them back and stared at the table for a second, gathering your thoughts before looking back up to him. “Didn’t you have…I don’t know, other friends or maybe like… I don’t know, girlfriends or something? I mean, your life is so…Insane. Why couldn’t you forget me? When you really think about it, I was kind of only a small part of your life.”
He let out a teary chuckle and your heart ached as you saw his real smile for the first time in years. He wiped the tears from his eyes with his sleeve and attempted to compose himself.
“Of course I have friends, come on. But really, I don’t…I never…Really had any girlfriends.” His head ducked again in what you could only assume was embarrassment. “And you…You were never a small part of my life. You were everything to me. The thought of being able to see you again after I debuted was basically the only thing that kept me going as a trainee. I could never forget about you. I tried, but I just…Couldn’t. You were my reason for going on. My reason for…Everything.”
You quickly looked away from him, your cheeks reddening for an indecipherable reason. You took a second to regain your composure, eyes wandering around the cafe before landing on the table. “So…Why didn’t you have any girlfriends?”
He chuckled again, and your heart once again tightened at the sight. His teeth were a little different, you noticed. But his smile still met his eyes the same way you remember it doing all those years ago. He scratched his chin and his eyes darted around the room, looking anywhere but you. He stared at the ceiling for a second, his smile slowly lessening before he looked back down at the table between you.
“Every time I tried to…Go out, or even just…Spend time with a girl…” He brought his hands to his face, groaning into them before finally looking back up at you. “I could only really think about you.”
His words took you off guard, and it took you a minute to process what he was saying. Your anger at him had long since worn off, and instead, you were left with a feeling of guilt. He had spent so many years working completely non-stop with people- management and fans alike- watching his every move. And any time he tried to stop and enjoy life like a normal human being, he couldn’t. Because he was thinking of you.
He smiled gently at you, like he was waiting for you to realize the answer yourself before he said it, “Because. It was always you. Since the beginning, it was you. You were all I could think of before I went to sleep, all I could think of anytime I tried to enjoy myself. I wasn’t complete without you. From the beginning, and in the end, it’s you. And I think that’s the real reason I tried to forget you.”
The sunrise started to creep through the blinds as your mind was reeling, trying to make sense of what Dongmin was saying. It’s you. What? You stared at him blankly, unable to form a coherent thought or sentence. After all this time, the reason he had never called, never messaged, never tried to find you, the reason that he had spent the past decade of his life trying to forget about you was because he…You couldn’t even bring yourself to think of that dangerous word.
The smile had long since faded from Dongmin’s face as he carefully watched your reaction. He pushed back his seat, and adjusted his jacket. “I should probably go. Your coworkers are going to be here soon.”
He stood from his seat, your eyes trained on him as he slowly made his way to the door. Suddenly, something in your mind clicked, and you rushed forward to grab his arm just as his other hand reached for the door handle. He looked down at you, his brow furrowed as you looked up at him. Now that you had him, you weren’t really sure what to say, so instead of thinking, you just let the words flow out.
“I think I know the reason I never got over you leaving. I think I loved you- love you. I love you so much that you leaving and blocking me without warning hurt so bad, and then I kept seeing your face everywhere, and in every picture you just looked so happy, the sadness that I felt just turned into hate. I hated you for being happy without me, I hated you for being successful without me, I hated you for the fact that everyone in the country loves you. But I don’t hate you, I never hated you. I love you. I love you.”
Both of you stood in shocked silence at your words, neither of you moving, neither of you breathing, neither of you blinking. You just stood there, looking at each other. You couldn’t tell how long the two of you had been motionless until Dongmin’s face broke into a soft smile, and he gently removed your hand from his arm and held it in his own.
“I love you, too. I always have. It’s always, always been you.”
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neo-zone · 2 months
New 8-minutes Recap and Early Released Scenes of Sweet Home 3
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Full un-cut version
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Cut into parts version
Alright, let's get started
First is some kind of recap with old scenes from the previous two seasons and some parts of the official teaser and trailer clips. I guess I don't have to explain this one
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Sang-won attacking Sergeant Tak scene is done right in front of all the attending stadium residents. While the rest of the residents are understandably freaking out, girlie is unflinching coz "duh monsters are my friend, this is just my daily life". Sang-won approaching her and then dun dun dun.... He knows she's his daughter! And he's smiling so gentle and proud to her, saying he's been waiting for so long. I guess he better pay the child support now after being a fucking deadbeat dad for almost an entire year leaving her to Hyun-su and her mom 🙄
Also confused seeing some people on twt calling girlie Ai. Is that like her actual name revealed on s3 or is it actually a simplified/romanized ahyi (Korean for daughter) that people mistook as her name?
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The scene of Kim getting jumpscared by Eun-hyeok while investigating inside a church is followed by Kim asking some questions and Eun-hyeok answering while explaining some stuffs about his new identity. There's also a monster praying there before leaving
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Eun-hyeok went with Kim after that church scene, it seems? They are passing by Chan-young and Eun-yu. Pretty sure Chan-young immediately connect the dots that Eun-hyeok is what Eun-yu been searching for all this time
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The extended long awaited Hyun-su vs Eun-hyeok is here. Monster Hyun-su (I just realized it from the close-up on his eyes) just done fighting with the Neohuman that attacked Seok-chan in the last episode of season 2 (that burning wing still-cut is from this scene) before being hit hard and thrown straight inside an abandoned bus by the previous military jeep. I don't know if it's Kim or Eun-hyeok's idea, but there's this gut feeling that it might be Eun-hyeok's idea all along (also I noticed Kim unconscious inside the jeep if my eyes didn't fool me, apparently from the harsh crash)
How monster Hyun-su acted during the fight is exactly what I predicted what type of character he is from his appearance on the last episode of season 2. He is more collected and subtle compared to Hyun-su, there's more anger and bitterness beneath his calm and controlled demeanor. Because if it's the real Hyun-su himself seeing Eun-hyeok alive or if that sight reminded him of what happened to Sang-wook's corpse, he would show more aggressions and facial expressions out of strong emotions, like how he reacted to Sang-won's "teasings" back in episode 1 and 3 of season 2. You could see and feel so much sexual tension from them, as expected 👀 Hyun-su really being here having romantic and sexual tension with both Lee siblings, huh?
So, what a plot twist, girlie is the one "creating" the next protein monster that Hyun-su fought on the official teaser clip, with Sang-won watching the whole process (the still-cut of Sang-won and the girl at some outside setting with clear sky is from this scene). Although this one is clearly different than the previous protein monster. Apparently she can now make monster out of non-living thing too?
Another rehashed scenes from official teaser and trailer then done
Please correct me if I'm wrong and don't hesitate to tell me what I missed on the reply section. Thank you
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esther-dot · 10 months
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A Besotted Fool 1k by @sibyldisobedience
He scrubbed his hand down his face and found his attention drawn to the fluttering lace in one of the upper windows of the house. Suddenly there she was, his radiant girl; a soft, inscrutable expression gracing her lovely features. She nodded to him with a stately little dip of her chin, and he waved back at her, like some kind of overly eager green boy. He cringed inwardly and cursed himself for a fool. A pathetic, besotted fool.
Aunt Lysa Settles the Question 5k by @sibyldisobedience
"But tell me now child, and be quick about it, who is this young man and what reason does he have to be alone with you in the parlour?” Sansa bristled at being called ‘child’, she was seventeen and had just received her first proposal of marriage for goodness sake! She turned to Mr. Snow, the poor man looked as though he wished the floor might open up and swallow him whole. “This is Father’s friend, Mr. Jon Snow.” “Snow? What Snow? Do you mean that boy’s tutor?” Lysa looked Jon up and down, and grimaced. She then turned the full force of her ire on Sansa, who could only wring her hands. “And what pray tell has Father’s friend been saying to make you look like a peony?” Before Sansa could begin to think of what to say in reply, for it really wasn’t any of the old fussbudget’s business, Jon cleared his throat.
Married Life 10k by @sibyldisobedience
Sansa and Jon settled into married life very easily. The Dovecote was small, to be sure, less than a third of the size of Winterfell, but the lovers relished their proximity to one another. How wonderful it was to be so close — in constant contact — when during their three year engagement, they had been apart longer than they had been together. After one entire week of blissful seclusion, the couple had to concede that they could not live on love alone. So Jon returned to work, and some gentle ribbing from his co-workers, and Sansa took up her housewifely duties.  As the young couple established a routine, they found that even after a few months, once the initial novelty of “playing house” had worn off, they were just as blissfully happy as they had been that first week. Sansa was as breathtakingly lovely as ever in her faded wrapper, beaming at him from behind the familiar coffee pot. And Jon’s deep Northern brogue never failed to send shivers down her spine, even when he was simply following up his parting kiss with the tender inquiry, "Shall I send home mutton or beef for dinner tonight?" 
(the above are all in the 14 part series Little Women of Winterfell)
marriage is an economic proposition 3k
Sansa meets her childhood friend Jon Targaryen while traveling with Aunt Lysa in the capital.
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peachysunrize · 1 month
One thing that I find really wasteful is how they basically threw the Prince Regent storyline down the drain. If their intention was to show Aemond’s descent into pure evil, they could have at least given us something. Like, shown him wearing a crown, sitting on the Iron Throne, holding court. All the Dark Prince vibes. But what does he actually do? He leads a couple of council meetings while Alicent has her Eat, pray, love moment. He orders to remove the rat catchers (thank goodness, since them being hung was haunting the narrative more than poor Jaehaerys’ death), fires Alicent (a wise decision, given her selling them all out in the season finale), calls Larys a toad (iconic), and tried to single-handedly run a war that is putting his entire family’s life at risk but that no one except Cole and Gwayne seem to care about. So what did he do that was so bad, considering the context of the world the series is set in and the fact that they're at war? The people blame him for the blockade that Nyra has put in place (the scene with the food boats, Hunger Games’ sponsors style is RIDICULOUS). The fact that he doesn't treat Helaena like she's made of glass and thinks she wants to fight, since she's a rider despite what Nyra says, and considering her son was slaughtered, makes perfect sense. The only two times Aemond actually acts as a villain is towards Aegon and when he burns the village. I don't excuse his behavior towards Aegon, but as for the village the writers didn't bother to give us any context. But, assuming the village was actively helping Nyra, well… it’s gone, cry me a river. This a medieval civil war and the lives of everyone in Aemond's family are at stake. The fact that the narrative continues to cast Nyra as a literal saint because she keeps procrastinating (even though she does want to put her ass on the throne) and everything she does is a whoopsie daisy, while Aemond is the boogieman because his actions make sense in the context of the war is just bad writing.
End of rant. Sorry, but all the antis in Aemond's tag who see Daemon as a hero and can't wait for him to kill him pissed me off 😭
Oh no lovey it’s okay!!! Rant all you want here<33
I totally understand that!!! I’ve been saying this since the whole “Aemond is a dark ass villain” hate train started and it’s still pisses me off because this “villain” people are hating on hasn’t done anything?? Like NOTHING?? I’m not excusing his actions towards Aegon but if we got him doing something pure evil FOR HIS PLEASURE AND SATISFACTION then I’d be more than willing to call him a villain
But now he’s burnt a village with no context, we don’t know what he thinks, we just know he is “evil and sick” for not treating Helaena like a child and actually sees potential in her.
Like bffr writers! How am I and other Aemond wives to hate on him when we don’t know ANYTHING about him??? How can I hate him when he is the only one alongside Daeron, Cole & Gwayne that wants to survive this war!!!??? He said it himself it’s not about the throne anymore it’s their lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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retro-stars · 2 months
What. What if Voltron legendary defender and Rottmnt crossover?
Listen, I have a vision: A younger Lance ran into Leo April-style and he as the reason why Leo originally started learning Spanish
He makes good friends with the turtles and co, acting as something of a fun cousin since he's not in New York consistently and absolutely refuses any Donnie upgrades to his tech when he goes off to the Garrison about a month before the season one plot gets rolling since he wants to be an awesome pilot the fair way or something like that
They talk constantly over message and call, giving updates back and forth. They even manage some in person meet-ups for a while once Leo got the hang of consistent long-distance teleportation before Lance ended up in space
Hunk knows them fairly well (the consequences of being a childhood friend of one Lance McClain, you end up knowing a lot of random people through the weirdest circumstances), but they've only met really online or over the phone with the exception of April He's taken to exchanging recipes with Mikey and talking engineering and biochem with Donnie and giving Leo advice. His default talking buddy is Raph through and through though
Pidge didn't get a chance to meet them but she does hear of them, so they're unaware of the whole mutant thing and also that the fellow rogue hacker she sometimes finds digging through the Garrison databases and the super-smart-and-obnoxious-about-it Donnie she reminds Lance of are in fact the same person. Donnie doesn't tell Lance that he's pretty sure Pidge is in fact one teenaged Katie Holt tricking the entirety of the US military and government because he thinks it's funny and wants to see how long it takes Lance to notice the literal fucking soap opera going on around him. Lance has some suspicions as to how legitimate Pidge's identity is anyway since Donnie is horrid at hiding how he's a little too curious about her, though he never gets a confirmation up until Pidge actually tells the team
The Garrison Trio's disappearance happens literally like. right before the events of the movie. The timing of those two things just generally ended up really unfortunate, 'cause Lance got into the fighter pilot course and started dealing with some serious issues with his self-esteem and peers as well as the additional stress of the bigger workload right as the team dynamics with turtles started getting really bad
And when he disappeared they didn't get a chance to act on their suspicions due to the whole Kraang situation and after that it was mostly rebuilding and recovery and just hoping and praying Lance returned at some point because all of them were too scared of asking Casey jr. about his future for fear of the answer
Meanwhile Lance is dramatizing his reactions to the whole space thing despite it honestly not being that much of a shift to his worldview after the whole "oh yeah there's magic and a whole bunch of different races living underneath New York that all share the common trait that they lowkey hate/fear humans" thing The whole Galra Keith thing comes out and Lance is just chilling and waiting to ask if he can get tested for anything off with his DNA too since he's not entirely sure how mystic energy works and if it can rub off on someone or like. unlock some secret abilities or something so at this point it's better safe than sorry
When they come back to Earth the first words out of Lance's mouth are just the dawning horror of "I'm gonna die, aren't I?" because he knows that Donnie has been digging around the Garrison classified files since he applied to the academy and there is no way he hasn't broken in and seen the video/warning they sent to Earth already and he is most definitely going to be absolutely pissed Lance didn't at least try and send them a message letting them know he was alive at the very least
The team is just staring in confusion as Lance's face slowly goes through the five stages of grief before settling on the expression of a man facing his execution. Except for Hunk. Hunk took a second but as soon as he got it he was full belly laughing as Lance's expense (or at least until Lance reminds him that they're gonna kill him too since he didn't contact them either. Then he's just scared.)
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danytherelentless · 1 year
Through the Eyes of the Owl
Jon Snow x fem!reader
request: Hi there! Could you write a angsty Jon snow x female reader where she gets killed alongside him in the season 5 finale?
summary: Visiting the wall hopeful for an alliance with the last known living son of Eddard Stark, you end up stopped by their own politics.
warnings: major character death, murder, mentions to sexual assault (does not happen, just worried that it will)
notes: this is some weird mash up of show and book, so if it doesn't make sense to you, that's why. In the books Sansa is not given to the Bolton's, it's another girl called Jeyne Poole who they say is Arya.
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The wall was an unfriendly place, especially for you as a woman. Part of you regrets coming here, but you can’t bring yourself to wholly feel so. What lies in the rest of the North is worse, being controlled by the treacherous Bolton's in the pockets of the Lannister's.
Here you are, however, with hope on your side that Jon Snow will listen. He has sworn his vows of course, he is the Lord Commander too, but this is for the sake of the entire North. For the revenge of his slaughtered family; for your own butchered kin. To save little Arya.
You are not the only one with such an idea, you know. Lord Manderly is good at pretending, but he told you enough of the truth for you to understand: the North remembers. Lord Bolton knows this, you do not doubt. House Stark and House Bolton have had wars in the past, but the North knows where it's true loyalties lie.
You sit nursing you ale feeling some pity for the brothers for having such awful drink, when the boy rushes in.
"My Lord! Your uncle! Lord Benjen's here."
Lord Commander jolts upright, "where?"
You don't have time to tell him it sounds strange to your ears, that no horn had been blown to signal the arrival of any rangers. You follow after him as he makes haste from his solar after the boy. You can't quite remember his name, but you remember his rage. The rage at him allowing the wildlings past, which you can empathize with having lost family to the raiders yourself, but understanding of it's necessity. He was but a child, how could he understand? You doubt you would be very understanding had your own kin been slaughtered like pigs before your own eyes. You were here seeking vengeance for that very reason, actually. Lord Jon, however, had been able to make a difficult decision which led to such burning hatred by his own men that you have to admire him for it. A good strong leader with the good of the people in his mind, in his every action. Son of Ned Stark indeed.
You follow his rushed steps into the courtyard and to where a group of black brother's are waiting, and you feel your stomach drop. Your owl swoops ahead, landing with a hoot, and you try to grab the Lord commanders arm, but he merely drags you through the huddle with him.
Your unease amounts, surrounded by men of the worst ilk with only one on your side and no sword at your hip. You wouldn't even go down swinging if they attacked you.
"Commander..." you try, but you see the lettered etched into the wooden cross as he does.
T R A I T O R .
He has turned to look as his men, but you still look to him at his side, frozen in fear. You pray that this is quick, the only fear on your mind rape, you would die with your dignity in tact if you could help it.
But you cannot. You know you are going to die, but the thought itself does not strike you with fear. You merely wish it wouldn't be here. Not here, not for another's political fallout. You are supposed to gain his support so that he will march back South and retake Winterfell with your house's backing and with that of other loyal men and women of the North. If you were to die here, it would have no meaning. None at all. Just another nameless corpse to be burned. To be forgotten.
You watched as the knife pierces his chest, as he lurches and lets out a choked sound.
Then you feel the first going into you. Then the second then the third. The pain is bright and burning and sudden. The last word on your lips is that of your owl's name as you slip into darkness, so quickly, you haven't realized that you are dead.
The next time that you open your eyes, you see your own corpse lying face down in snow next to the Lord Commander from eyes perched above.
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I hope this is what you wanted
comments are greatly appreciated :)
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Dear all,
I've been watching Netflix's BLUE EYE SAMURAI and I'm in love! And I know we are going to get a season two and that Mizu's origins will probably be explained much more but I wanted to give you some headcanon already. Here's how I think Mizu came to be. ________________________________________
Mizu's mother knew she was damned from the moment she laid eyes on the handsome foreigner.
Later, when it all went to hell, she'd often wondered why she fell for him so swiftly, so loudly. She cursed herself for not being able to control herself, but deep down, she knew why.
Those blue eyes.
All of her friends and suitors had dark eyes, nearly black. Her people, from lowly farmers to extravagant prostitutes, had eyes like the night. Eyes that could hide so much.
Once, left unattended, she had wandered the halls of her family urban estate, ventured beyond the walls of their dwelling at night. There was a large party going on in the town square, her parents were in attendance. She easily slipped the mind of her supervisor, an old woman that didn't dare tell her parents she was becoming too blind to take care of a six-year old.
From the shadows, a beggar had emerged, eager to take a hostage, already spending the money he'd get from her ransom.
His brown eyes had been filled with darkness.
She still remembered the panic, running away from him. He caught her all the same. What chance did a six year old have against a grown man?
She could fell his bad breath on her face as he squeezed her against his torso uncomfortably.
"I'm going to make a lot of money from you, little girl."
She screamed.
Then she felt blood splattering on her face as a samurai cut down her attacker.
"What were you doing out on your own?" he asked, kneeling down to meet her eyes. His blade was still wet with blood.
"I just wanted to... see the party..." she stammered,
"You can't!" The man sheated his sword. "Danger is everywhere for a girl like you. Do not forget that."
Her parents didn't let her go out much after that. The old lady was fired, the samurai promoted.
She'd never forgotten those dark dark eyes. But she hadn't stopped wandering, either.
Growing up a noble was quite boring. Other children could play; she had lessons in kaligraphy, weaving, economics. She was taught to read and write, how to ride horses. She snuck into the library often, reading the mightiest tales of adventure.
"A lady must know how to sew" a younger copy of the blind woman told her, when she pricked herself with a needle again. Her hair was raven black still, her hands steady.
"You are of an age to be wed now, miss. You need to be careful."
Angry, she'd stormed off to the library.
The samurai, who was now much older, gray showing in his beard, her father's most trusted advisor and most important bureaucrat, had found her there an hour later sitting on the floor reading a book.
"What are you doing in here?"
"I don't want to marry."
"You will have to. Not long from now, too"
"Spare me the lecture on duty. I'm not in the mood. "
He crouched down, looked somber. "You will have to get better at getting in the mood, then. There are few choices for a lady like you, unfortunately."
She sneered. "So I just do whatever my dad wants. Marry whoever he chooses?"
The old man shook his head. "I'm sorry. Love is not in the cards for you, milady. That's the way it is."
The young girl turned her head, refusing to look him in the eye. "You're no better than the man you saved me from, all those years ago."
The old man sighed, then stood up.
"You know nothing of suffering, milady. You've lived your entire life with food in your stomach, servants to satisfy your every whim. I pray you will learn to appreciate what you have."
"I will appreciate marrying a powerful man for my dad's influence, sure."
"Just promise me one thing."
She looked at him.
"Do not forget danger."
"I promise, wise one."
He rolled his eyes, turned around. Then he walked away. It was the last time she saw him.
And despite his warning, despite her reassurance to heed danger, she'd forgotten to do just that.
During a long boring night of trying to find a suitor, half a week later, Mizu's mother slipped out of the estate, made her way to the town square.
Her supervisor, younger this time, didn't know the estate like she did, found her attention elsewhere and then couldn't find the girl once refocussed.
She went to the town square once again. This time, there was no samurai to save her. He'd been called away, there was conflict somewhere.
She took a cup of strong liquor out of someone's hands, danced. The village was watching in disgust. A lady shouldn't behave like that. The noblemen weren't even near the dancing crowd.
In Japan, modesty was virtue.
But the man she danced with that night wasn't Japanese.
He was loud and brazen and blue-eyed. He knew he wanted her the second he saw her.
"How are you tonight, lady?" he asked her, elegantly adjusting to her rhythm.
He was a foreigner, but she didn't care much about that. His Japanese was heavy, each word pronounced with a heavy drawl. His hands were strong.
"I'm doing well, lord."
"Could I have this dance?" he asked.
Bold. Foreign.
She looked into his eyes. In the dim light, they seemed to shine.
She gave him her hand.
They danced and danced and then she found herself underneath him. He made her see stars. She was never allowed to watch those, back home. He was a powerful man, that she knew from the clothes she tore off his body, but he was kind.
When they were lying on the bed afterwards, her slowly drawing circles on his chest, she asked him what he did for a living.
He smiled. "I trade."
Suddenly, all the alarm bells were ringing. White traders in Japan were normally not smooth-skinned talkers like this. They were criminals, trading drugs and weapons.
And flesh.
"I need to leave" she said, attempting to get out of the bed.
His hands pressed down on her slightly, but commanding. "I don't think you do."
His eyes, warm hours before, were cold now. Not sea, but sheets of ice.
She didn't escape his grasp again. No samurai, no mentor, no one to save her, nor the baby that was developing in her belly.
For 4 years, she was taken around Japan. She was beautiful, yes, and young. She found ways to make herself... "useful". Her parents had stopped looking for her. The old samurai died in his bed, wondering where she was.
She and her child were neglected, but not starved. She lived a life in a cage on the second floors of large castles while her white devil traded lives, drugs and guns. While he terrorized Japan. Her only contact was with a woman of old age.
A woman of her age, she corrected. She wasn't young anymore. Not like she used to be. A kind woman, doing her best to take care of the mother and daughter.
This was not the life she wished on her child. Mizu, she'd named her. Water. After the ocean in her eyes.
One faithful day, she saw her white captor come home with another girl. She knew it wouldn't be long before she'd fall for him too.
Before her and her little baby were no longer kept around for entertainment. She needed to act, and needed to act now.
Before he decided to turn her into one of the trophies she saw hanging on the wall.
She knew of a village, by the sea. Far away from Edo, out of reach for the white bastard. Best fish in the area. She'd been there, once.
She also knew that the front door was locked with a large key only the white devil had access to.
She knew he liked it ugly. She knew where he kept his stash of ryu.
One day, when the woman came to take care of her, she made her case.
"Please help us get out of here" she begged the lady. But she shook her head.
"I can't. He'll kill me, and there is nowhere we can go. "
"Please! Haven't you seen what he does to the other kids once they are old enough to talk?"
The woman nodded. His other bastard children lived in cages, three levels lower, or were sold into slavery once they were old enough. Mizu, a pretty and blue-eyed Japanese girl, would earn the white devil a fortune.
"I'll think about it."
For two weeks, the servant struggled. It was the right thing to do, right?. But it could get her killed. She twisted and turned in her bed. Those blue eyes...
After two weeks she'd made up her mind.
"I can't help you. I'm sorry."
"Please. You have to. He'll kill us."
"I can't take you both!" She screamed. Too scared, too cowardly. Too weak to carry the woman.
"Please, at least take her. Take her and go far from here." Her mother pleaded. "I'll pay you to take care of her. "He keeps his money.."
"I know where he keeps his money!" The lady screamed. "Don't you think I want to get out of here too?"
The mother's voice broke. "Please. I'll do anything. I don't want this life for Mizu."
She took off her necklace. Expensive. Gold.
"Here. Sell this. I'll distract him so you can get to the key. But please, take care of Mizu."
The caretaker looked at the jewelry. It was refined gold, a large gem in the middle. She'd be able to sell that for a lot of money. Live in the countryside with a child, the one thing life had denied her.
"What about you?"
The woman smiled. She lifted the hem of her shirt. A large black spot showed, just below her ribcage. Red streaks were already creeping up her arms.
"He hit me three days ago. Had all his rings on. Broke the skin, and he didn't clean his hands after trading opium."
The older woman looked, in shock. "What... what does.."
"I'll be dead soon. Too weak to make an escape myself. But I'll distract the white devil. Just promise me she will be safe."
The old woman nodded, pocketed the necklace. "I promise."
"His gold is in a locker. 5.000 ryu. You'll need to bribe the guard and get passage away from here."
She nodded, planning her escape. The two women looked at each other. About the same age, one weakened by sepsis, the other terrified of the life ahead of her.
"Thank you"
They nodded to each other.
Three hours later, she sat nearly naked at the dinner table, hands shaking. Mizu was with the other woman, ready to run.
When the white man came in, fresh from the port, he looked suprised. But then he grinned, slid his hands over her exposed shoulders. "What are you doing, darling?."
She shivered. It wasn't cold. "I want to please you, lord."
He lifted her out of her seat, her breast pressing against his chest as she messed with his belt. Her hands were shaking so bad she couldn't get it open.
"You Japanese woman are all the same. Whores for white cock."
The other woman snuck into the bedroom as the white man had his way with her on the table.
She lifted the key off the hinges, hid the baby in her robes, took the gold.
She disappeared like a thief in the night.
"WHERE IS MY GOLD!?" the white man thundered the day after. The sound boomed through the castle, reached the woman in her cell, woke her up.
He stormed in, smacked her in the face. "Where!?"
She smiled at him. She had a high fever, could feel death approaching. She would soon meet her old samurai again. "You'll never find it. "
The white man pulled a knife. His blue eyes were cold as ice. "Where is the kid, then? The blue eyed bastard?"
"She'll never be a slave. And you won't sell her."
She felt the tip of his blade open the skin of her throat. "Tell me!" he commanded.
"You'll never find her, and I won't tell you."
He let her go, roared.
When the blade came down, she was smiling.
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writingisartdarling · 3 months
Here's a little snippet from my "Chelsie going another way" fic idea that I have started working on but one that is still in a very early stage. It's bound to change in one way or another but here's something to keep you on your toes in the meantime because I couldn't wait to share some of it with you!
I had toyed with the idea of telling their story of the present as in the actual series and then filling in the cracks by chapters from the past. Then I thought that perhaps their lovely past deserves to be written out entirely and not in small glimpses into the past, and discarded the idea, meaning we'd start all the way in the beginning and slowly make our way to the time of the actual series...But I would love to hear what you think! Anyways, the snippet I was talking about...
They meet during the London season of 1901. She working for her mistress to earn a living for her mother and mentally ill sister, he singing and dancing on the halls because he wanted more from life than the grim halls of Downton Abbey. Despite forbidding himself to ever fall in love with anyone ever again after he had had his heart broken by a woman to whom he had not been enough, he feels himself quite drawn to this beautiful stranger and can't resist from praying he meets her again. It seems fate smiles upon him when she comes to look for him weeks later because she's not been able to tear him from her mind nor her heart, just like him. From that day onward 'him' and 'her' were replaced with 'them'. What the stages of the theater had brought him could never come even close to comparing to having found her. Then, she was quite willing to go to the ends of Earth just to remain by his side, after all. And quite justly so, they became Mr and Mrs.
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yandere-wishes · 5 days
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Just finished Star Wars Rebuild the Galaxy!!! Omg I'm in LOVE!! Sig absolutely owns my heart!! He's such a well rounded hero and (if you want to get poetic) a deeply traumatized kid who's realizing there's no way to return to the life and people he knew and loved. Him becoming Jedi Bob's padawan was so heart wrenching 😭💞😭💞 cause here you have two guys sharing the exact same burden and trauma trying to live with the guilt and protect their mistakes !!
And don't get me started on DARTH DEV!! If He wasn't a Lego figure, I would be writing so much yancore content for him!! He's so perfect!! His speech about the galaxy breaking him was good and understandable!! Not to mention the whole lightside vs. darkside, brother vs. brother is UTTERLY EPIC!!! Sig still can't believe his brother (in any galaxy) is pure evil, and Dev is so eager at the thought of having someone love him, but he just doesn't know how!! Just imagining him forcing his darling to come with him killing anyone who stands between the two of them, need her wholly for himself cause she's the only one who's ever made him feel wanted. 😍😍
DESPERATELY PRAYING FOR SEASON 2!! I NEED Jedi Vader and Maul to interact!! I need Maul's entire backstory rn!! Was he a jedi who left (like ashoka in the og timeline)? Did Palpatine raise him? So many questions!!
Side note: did anyone else see the show? Would you guys like some yandere hc about the charcters??
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