#Katara is flipping Zuko off with her other hand
toph-bi-fong · 6 months
Zutaraang but in a Zukaang x Kataang, anti-Z/tar/a sort of way.
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bisexuallsokka · 2 years
what do you think about divorced zukka where izumi lives with sokka in the south pole but she visits zuko every winter in the fire nation where he is busy being the fire lord. but one day like 10 years after their divorce when izumi is in her teens, zuko comes to visit the south pole for diplomatic reasons and of course it falls on sokka and katara’s family to host him. so hakoda plans a casual sightseeing trip for all of them where zuko can try ice fishing and all that but then during their trip there’s a huge blizzard and they’re all cooped up in this remote village all stuck in the same building and while hakoda and katara are stressed about the blizzard and izumi is extremely weirded out by her dads being in the same place, zuko and sokka are flipping between bickering about the smallest things because they forgot how to talk to each other (and they want to, so they’re doing it the only way they know how) and staring longingly at each other from across the room…
um so what do you think about that
what do i think about that.....WHAT do i THINK about THAT.......
i think that sokka and zuko being forced together in stressful circumstances is absolutely perfect. i think they have been avoiding each other, both intentionally and unintentionally, for YEARS and that suddenly having no escape is just what they need. they need to be able to look at each other, not just in passing, and process how much time has passed and how much they both have changed. they need to see each other interact with their daughter and long for things to be different. they need to try to make small talk about the most mundane things (a la pretty clouds) and to make each other laugh and smile again and surprise one another with their honesty and try to be vulnerable again.
then they need the smallest thing to set them off, to make them start to put up their walls again, or they fall back to bickering because that is way less scary and way easier than whatever the fuck they are feeling at the moment. and then they need to notice izumi again and realize she doesn't deserve this and they should try for her if not anything else. they should try to be friendly, try to act like this is normal, try to """""act""""" like they really care about each other. and then izumi says loudly that zuko's hair is a mess, and sokka trips over himself to offer to braid it. and after he's done his hands are still shaking and zuko offers to warm them up even though they both know it's not from the cold.
so yeah that's what i think about that
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highfantasy-soul · 6 months
NATLA Episode 5 - Spirited Away (2/3)
[Masterlist of my NATLA thoughts]
An explanation of what I'm doing here and my history with ATLA.
Of course, full spoilers ahead.
Combining Zuko chasing Aang in part 2 of the winter solstice with Bato of the Water Tribe and The Blue Spirit was a good move: in only 8 episodes, too many near-misses for him catching Aang could get redundant, so getting June to track him to Roku's temple was a great merging of those lines. While I miss Zuko holding onto Katara's necklace, since Katara didn’t make it to the Avatar temple, it's an ok change for me. It's a convenient way to merge in The Blue Spirit and have Katara and Sokka MIA without them just randomly being sick - they're actually trapped in the spirit world, so their plot is still relevant rather than the 'we're doing nothing but dying of thirst' plot they got in The Blue Spirit episode. Honestly think the way the live-action puts Sokka and Katara on their own journeys during big plot arcs that focus on Aang was really really good. First with the Omashu (animated) episode where they got stuff to do in Into the Dark (live-action) and now here with the Blue Spirit storyline.
I could watch Zuko being horrendously awkward trying to get info in the covert and not screaming orders way for like, 6 episodes. That whole tavern scene was just so freaking hilarious with all the mentions of the side quests from pirates to canyon guides to stopping the volcano! It really felt pulled right from the animated show - paying homage but seeding the themes from those episodes into other part of this live-action story!! Love June's introduction - and I'm so happy they got rid of the weird Iroh and her stuff and just had her compliment him to throw the pair off balance.
So I guess I should address some of the issues people had with June's characterization: I don't think her telling Iroh he was cute (like with Suki and Sokka) was her suddenly simping for an older man and genuinely pursuing him. That is not how people flirt. Take Sokka and Suki - is that how they flirted? Sokka and Yue? Katara and Jet? Aang and Katara in the animated show? Mai and Zuko in the animated show? You know who did flirt like that in the animated show? Tylee with Sokka when they were fighting - only ever when they were fighting. Was that her actually wanting to have a relationship with Sokka - throw out all her own wants to just get with a man? No. It was a way to gain the upper hand in a fight and throw your opponent off balance. With Tylee, she's already a bubbly, cheerful, open person, so we can read that flirtation as flippant and thrown out there because she's confident and not concerned with putting a filter on. With June, she's also confident, but she also is a beautiful young woman bounty hunter who is in a (assumedly) predominantly male field and has to deal with a great deal of strong and dangerous men.
Being incredibly forward with an individual who wouldn't expect to be flirted with is a power move. It's a way for her to assert dominance immediately in the situation - to take the lead and knock them off balance before one of the two men makes an unwanted pass at her. I didn't read her flirtation with Iroh as genuine, or at least, not as her just getting all hot and bothered and rolling over for the pair based purely on the fact that she was attracted to Iroh. She probably is great at reading people and saw that Iroh was marginally decent, so would agree to work with them, but she still wanted the upper hand and control in the situation - she wanted to clearly define her role as someone who was choosing to let them employ her not as a servant to do their bidding. She placed herself firmly above them - there would be no subservience from her. This is also not making June a bad character - it's making her a strong character (strong as in she believes what she believes and is unapologetic about it) it's not 'flipping misogyny into misandry' or whatever, it's showing June has agency. Like with Suki, the live-action gave June an actual character instead of her just being a cardboard cut-out of a Dragon Lady.
Having the lesson being learned in the town be that Zuko needs to stop thinking so rigidly - be prepared to take the unexpected route - was a great story beat to introduce with June. Instead of the plot being straight forward of Zuko sees June = Zuko gets her to track the Avatar and switching it to Zuko being annoyed and insulted that she's a bounty hunter (just as he was insulted that fire nation operatives would fight behind masks and doesn't think his father would approve) and then having to be convinced by Iroh to learn new ways of doing things was a great character building addition.
It's funny to me when people complain 'Zuko didn't say honor ONCE!' when every single action Zuko did - every opinion he voiced - SCREAMED about his honor. What was that again about the live-action telling not showing, not trusting the audience to understand character motivations, and being flat in its characterizations? This very internal integrity - honor - that he has is what's leading him to uphold Fire Nation values and rules so strictly, but it's also the very core honor of his being that will help him turn against his father in the end. It's consistent characterization that's just so wonderful to play with - their core remains the same, but how they interpret it once they have more info changes. And I'm not just saying that because those are my favorite characters to play in DnD! This is a totally objective and unbiased analysis! I swear!
I really loved all the additions with Azula in this season. It really rounds out her character and we see WHY she's as driven as she is in season 2. Seeing her need for perfection, her needing to go above and beyond to do better, and the hint of her blue flame was great. Just like the animated series explores at the end of season 3, no one starts out a 'monster' - they're taught to be that way. I never liked the reduction a lot of the fandom did with Azula and Zuko where Zuko was the one 'born good' and 'like his good mother' while Azula was just 'born bad' because she was the one 'like her father'. People aren't so simple as just being 'born bad'. In the animated series, Azula gets 'humanized' at the very end of the series, but I think showing her striving for the approval of her father - that vulnerability - makes seeing where it takes her in her brutality that much more horrific. We see that she doesn't HAVE to be this way (same with Zuko), but she was pushed to it due to her upbringing - the same as with Ozai and Iroh before Iroh had his loss and change of heart.
I saw some complaints that the spirit world was too bright and cheery here - and uh, I don’t see it? It's super grayed out, misty, creepy af, and ominous. The ONLY time it's colorful and cheery is in Gyatzo's little hut which… yeah, he created that little bubble of happiness - the rest is very in line with its depiction in the animated series.  Obviously sans the giant wolf, but basically it's the same vibe - creepy, ominous, and a perturbed spirit warning them away.
In the animated series, Sokka wants to go out and physically fight Hei Bai and Katara has 100% faith that Aang will figure it out. When Aang is thrown back by the spirit, Sokka runs out to help him fight - something that he mirrors in the live-action as it goes after Katara and he draws its attention over to him. Due to them weaving several of Aang's plotlines together in this episode(s), Hei Bai doesn't get as much time to be the main antagonist which I think is a shame, but with them giving more development to Katara and Sokka during this episode, I think it's ok. If I had to choose between more angry spirit destroying a village and seeing the root of Katara and Sokka's character trauma, I'll choose the character trauma every time. I always did think it was a shame that Sokka spent a bunch of time in the spirit realm and we never got to see/hear anything at all about it - there's a lot to delve into there that the animated show just skipped over.
Love love love Yue in the spirit world as a three-tailed fox! And how she explains Hei Bai's pain - foreshadowing the pain of the ocean spirit after it loses the moon spirit - her small bit of dialogue really sets up a lot with Sokka's growth, the state of the world, and the pain of the spirits (and humans reacting when they go through painful things). So cool that the showrunners used this foray into the spirit world and the fog to do a rendition of The Swamp from season 2 - even down to Sokka seeing Yue! Yeah, it happens differently, but the swamp showed each of our protagonists things in their past - and Aang one of his future (though in this episode it GAVE Aang his future). Very well done, in my opinion.
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konggodzuko · 1 year
For the first time in a while, I wrote and published a new fic! In this one, taking place a few years post-war, Katara discovers one of teenaged Zuko's secrets and teases him for it
The pirate’s blade halted not a hands-breadth from Trang’s face with a sharp noise. There was a grunt from over her shoulder and her attacker was shoved away. He didn’t even need to speak for Trang to know who it was.
Captain Wong stepped in front of her, a smirk evident in his voice, “I’ll save you from the pirates.”
“Wait, what?” Katara yelled, lurching forwards in her seat to put her face closer to the book. The smell of river water suddenly arose from her memory, as she remembered a pair of callused hands catching her wrists and a raspy voice saying the same words that Captain Wong just had. It had to be a coincidence, right? But then… something itched at her brain, and she began flipping back through the story.
Katara, age twenty, had been serving as the Southern Water Tribe’s ambassador to the Fire Nation for the past two years. It was the sort of work she found fulfilling. Officially she negotiated on behalf of her people and provided aid to the few Tribespeople living in the Fire Nation. Unofficially, she was also one of Zuko’s closest advisors and participated in meetings with his cabinet.
In this capacity, she spearheaded multiple programs under Zuko’s “New Nation” policy that endeavored to entirely remake Fire Nation society into something far more equitable, and far less likely to be suckered into imperialistic fervor. (Her personal favorite, though perhaps not the most impactful, was the Public Art Project, which replaced public statues and murals of Ozai, Azulon, and Sozin with art depicting far kinder historical figures as well as important spirits).
As much as she found her work satisfying, she had to take a break sometimes, and she’d taken up reading as a hobby, usually raiding Zuko’s private library (he always acted exasperated at her stealing his books, but never really did anything to prevent it). This particular book, The Pirate, had captivated her for the last few days. It was the story of a young noblewoman getting shipwrecked, only to be rescued by a charming-yet-dangerous pirate captain. They initially bounced off each other, her finding him villainous, he finding her stuck up, but now two-thirds of the way through they were giving into their feelings for each other.
But all thought of plot had shot out of her head upon reading “I’ll save you from the pirates.” She suddenly didn’t care at all whether or not the leads would end up together, she just needed to find an earlier page—
“No way!” She gasped, finally locating the part.
Captain Wong sighed, and gently touched her chin, “Try to understand. I need to find the island to restore something I've lost. Perhaps in exchange I can restore something you've lost,” and with a flick of his wrist he was suddenly holding her hair comb.
Gaping surprise gave way to a wild and wicked smile. Oh. Oh. This was too good.
With the practiced ease of a seasoned multitasker, Zuko dipped his dumpling in soy sauce and took a bite all while studying a proposal for a bridge between Cherry Blossom Island and Black Sand Island (why Black Sand was named that he didn’t know, most sand in the Fire Nation was black). It made a lot of sense, they were really close together, the towns on them traded and traveled all the time. A bridge, one not even a half mile long at that could be —
His office door suddenly slammed open and Zuko dropped half a soy-sauce-covered-dumpling all over his paper, “Shoot! Who- K-Katara?” She was standing in his doorway, looking frazzled yet excited, breathing a bit heavy.
He dropped the paper and stood up to rush to her, “Are you okay, why—?”
She suddenly flipped open a book she’d had tucked under her arm, and Zuko’s heart nearly stopped as he recognized what book she was holding.
Oh no. Oh, no.
“‘Captain Wong sighed, and gently touched her chin,“Try to understand. I need to find the island to restore something I've lost. Perhaps in exchange I can restore something you've lost,”’” she then flipped forwards a few dozen pages, “‘Captain Wong stepped in front of her, a smirk evident in his voice, ‘I’ll save you from the pirates.’”” Her blue eyes, normally enchanting to Zuko, but now filled with mischief, met his, “Something you want to tell me, ‘Captain?’”
“Augh,” was all that Zuko could say, putting his hands over his face.
“Aww, Zuko,” Katara’s voice was teasing, and getting close, “You’re a nerd!”
“I thought I was a big fan of this book, but I wouldn’t have quoted it at someone in the middle of a fight.”
“I was a teenager! I thought I was being cool!” He groaned through his hands, “I thought you were…” his voice dropped off, and the last few words were muffled by his palms.
“I was…?” “Ugh. I thought you were my…” he let out a long, tortured sigh, “my, uh, fated rival. I saw a bender of the opposite element standing in my way and I’d spent the last few years reading books and plays in between the nothing of my search for ‘The Avatar’ so I was convinced you existed to oppose me, and I didn’t want to look silly so I…” he dragged a hand over his face, “I would practice lines from those stories to try and… look cool.”
“O-oh,” Katara’s eyes widened and she suddenly looked away, tugging on one of her braids, “I mean… it kinda worked.”
He blinked. Then blinked again. “What?”
“Well I kinda hated you but, you were kind of um, suave and I…” she trailed off and they stared at each other for a few long seconds, then she spun around and shuffled out, “Oh, um, I have to go uhhhh find something!”
“Yeah um, I have to… tax people, so uh bye!” “Yep, bye!” and she darted out the door.
Zuko lurched back to his chair and slumped into it. He was flushed, embarrassed, overwhelmed… but also smiling. His eyes trailed over to his bookshelf. Maybe… he could find some new lines.
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paramouradrift · 2 years
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Pairing: Zukka Modern AU in which Zuko is the captain of the fencing team
I've also posted this to AO3 here. Day 2 here we goooooo!
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Sokka was sitting on a cushioned cube in the student union cafe typing up an essay. Katara, Aang, and Suki sat around the same table, chatting while working on problem sets. Sokka wore a pair of glasses, which he pushed up his nose, glaring at a particular paragraph. He stuck out his tongue, fingers flying over the keyboard. A pair of hands landed on his shoulders without warning. He let out an undignified shriek and jumped three feet into the air. His spirit left his body. Behind him, his assailant chuckled, a low, gravelly sound that sent conflicted shivers down his spine. Zuko. “Sorry,” Zuko said, leaning over Sokka with a half-apologetic, half-shit-eating grin. The handsome bastard wasn't sorry at all. “Don’t scare me like that!” Sokka cried, adjusting his glasses. The others laughed at him, so he flipped them the bird. “Hi, Zuko!” Aang chirped. “We’re having a study party. Wanna join us?” “Sure,” Zuko said. “I have some reading I need to do for econ.” He dropped his backpack next to Sokka’s cube and proceeded to drape himself over Sokka like a smug, weighted blanket. Sokka made an irritated sound, but reached up to scratch the top of Zuko’s head. “What are you working on?” Zuko asked, humming in contentment. “I was working on this essay for Professor Long,” Sokka grumbled, turning his focus back on his laptop. “Before someone decided to send me to an early grave.” “Hey, I said I was sorry,” Zuko said, throwing his legs over the cube so he was sitting wrapped awkwardly around Sokka. Sokka budged up so that they could more comfortably sit together, Zuko’s arms wrapped around his waist and chin on his shoulder. Katara raised an eyebrow at them. “So, what’s going on here?” she asked, gesturing at them with her pencil. “Since when are you two joined at the hip?” “We’re not!” Sokka snapped defensively, flinching away from Zuko. Zuko loosened his hold. “Zuko’s just like this. I’ve given up telling him to stop.” “But didn’t you jump on him for a piggyback ride after fencing yesterday?” Aang asked, entirely without guile. Sokka both loved and hated that about him sometimes. “I remember that happening,” Suki said. “And I distinctly recall that you two held hands all through the Film Club screening of Hereditary last weekend.” “I hate supernatural horror,” Zuko said with a matter-of-fact shrug. “Sokka was just being a good friend.” Sokka winced, guilt gripping his insides. He typed and deleted random words, pretending to focus on his essay instead of the conversation around him. “I would’ve held your hand!” Aang objected. Zuko rolled his eyes at him. “You were already snuggled up with Katara,” he said. “I’m a coward, not a homewrecker.” “I think we would’ve made an exception for you, Zuko,” Katara said, winking at him slyly. Sokka grimaced, a spike of jealous anger supercharging his disgust at the sight of his sister flirting. Who did she think she was? But then, who did Sokka think he was pretending to be? Zuko's warm embrace was quickly becoming more and more uncomfortable. “Guys, can we stop?” he demanded, loudly. “I need to concentrate. Less talking, more study, please.” The others muttered abashed apologies and got back to work. Zuko gave him one last squeeze and left to buy drinks for the table. Sokka’s back felt cold without him there, and he didn’t fail to notice Zuko’s closed-off expression as he went to stand in line. His phone pinged, making him jump. Zuko: So are we not going to tell them? Sokka frowned, but replied quickly so he could put his phone away and get back to work. He had deadlines to meet, and that was more important than the ugly mass of shame churning his stomach and blocking his guts. When Zuko returned, he pulled up another chair and threw his legs over Sokka’s lap so he could get started on his reading. He didn’t try to get any closer. Sokka: not yet. sorry. i’m just not ready.
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dawnwriterimagines · 3 years
Wrong side, Losing side: Zuko x f!Reader
Summary: When (y/n) chooses to help the avatar escape and betray her boyfriend Zuko, she is instantly a traitor to her home country, the fire nation.
- - -
You kicked off the cliff side, vaulting your body into the air, a flame manifesting with a concentrated swirl from your ankle down to your boot heel, with a swift flip in the middle of Azula's blue flame, the fire dispersed into loose embers as you landed in a crouch between Azula and the Avatar. The smoke around you all quickly dispelled as you came into view, Katara and Aang letting out synchronized sighs of relief.
Aang smiling widely, his heart leaping, "(y/n)!"
You spared the Avatar a comforting glance behind you, "You both need to keep going, the Dai Li can't be far!"
Katara tensed in alarm, shaking her head. "Not without you!"
The fire nation princess straightened from her attack, her brows raising in mild surprise before narrowing with an angered glare, "So, you've chosen to remain a traitor to your nation, have you? I expected more from you, (y/n)," her eyes narrowed deeply to slits, "That was my first mistake," she sneered, before raising a fist that quickly launched a flame your way, "And it won't happen again!"
You dived to the side to avoid the blistering heat, rolling onto your side and lunging to your feet then sprinting forwards. "Aang, go now!" You warned, backhanding a stray fireball before it could make contact with your face, directing a fire ball of your own towards the princess.
Aang and Katara reluctantly keep moving, running further into the cavern, but they don't get far, Azula kicks her foot out in front of her, sending herself backwards while blasting a plume of blue flames towards you. You gasp before bringing your palms up, your own purple flames materializing and splitting the fire apart, the heat licking at your bare arm's, you let out a fiery breath before tearing your way through the wall of flames as they dispersed and running towards Azula, who jumped off the side of a boulder to hurl two balls of fire towards the Avatar and Katara.
Luckily they were able to water bend a covering from the lake surrounding the cavern, as Azula lands, she grimaces in annoyance as she glances behind her to see you as well, it was three against one now. She wouldn't stand a chance.
You gasped as a rope of red hot flames tore through the steely glare that you and Azula shared, your eye's widening as Zuko lands as few feet away from you, his hands closed into tight fists directed at two people, Azula and Aang. He takes a few steps to the side, an equal distance between his two targets, he seems to be deciding.
His eyes link with yours, he seems to pause, his fists tightening as his jaw clenched from the decision he was about to make, his eyes close briefly and suddenly you understand. His eyes open once again with a vengeance, a menacing determination you hadn't seen since he had first found out the avatar was alive.
"Zuko, no--!" But, he's made his choice.
He fires two separate balls of fire, the first going towards Aang, the other hurtling towards you. You leap to the side, skidding before flicking your wrist outwards to produce a rope of fire as Zuko unleashes a fiery assault on Aang. You waste no time in flicking the fire whip his way, but he hasn't forgotten about you, quick to turn and sidestep it before materializing one of his own.
"What do you think you're doing?!" You snap the whip towards him, only for him to counter as you demand his answer.
"I'm fulfilling my destiny," his gaze hardens, before his own whip meets yours, the flames canceling as embers fly. Using your free hand, you throw out a fire ball towards his feet, his eyes flicker downwards and he rolls to his side before standing as you run towards him.
Aang rejoins Katara to help against Azula, swinging full force a violent wind that causes her flames to lose course, she sneers bitterly before raising her arms up, a wall of fire following before she pushes it forwards towards the two.
"How could your destiny be getting rid of the world's last hope?!" You swung a fire ball his way, to which he raised a flaming hand to extinguish.
"You wouldn't understand!" He grimaced, he gives a violent wave that produces a massive twisted flame towards you, you flip backwards, landing on your feet before tearing your hands through the fire wall as Zuko prepares another blast from behind it. "You never have!"
As you part the fire with a force of your own, your eye's widen in horror to see a massive fire ball, spinning like a vortex, violently hurtling towards you. You pull your hands up, raising a fiery barrier between you and it, but you're not fast enough, the wall fizzles out with the red flames and the two colors mix together. You would've found the mix of blazing flames as beautiful as you had always did, if it weren't for it hitting you point blank and throwing you back into the crystal cavern's side wall.
You hit the solid, jagged wall with an pained yelp before crumbling to your knees and onto your side, your hands burning from the flames, while you curled into yourself, sinking your elbows to your belly to ease the agonizing burns across it. You hissed with a cry, beads of tears springing up from the feeling, your eye's flicker up to look at Zuko.
He's stunned, although he tries not to make it too obvious, his hands open and close, clenching forcefully and his nails dig into his palms wondering if he had actually caused you pain or if this wasn't real. But, when he finally felt the first string of blood fall from his fingertips, he knew he had done the unforgivable. "(Y-y/n)--" he stepped forwards, taking an unsteady, almost hesitant step as if he'd scare you and himself if he moved too fast. "I didn't--" he starts, his eyes follow the first tear that slips down your face as you drop your head down.
Fire rains down behind the two of you, illuminating the cavern once again, Azula kicks her foot out towards the Avatar and whips her head around to glare at her brother. "Zuko!"
He turns, before giving you one last look. "No, please," you beg, trying to stand, only to fall. "Please, Zuko, don't do this."
You've never seen him as conflicted as he was now, it was almost painful to see him tear every single option, every choice in his head until one remained. He turned his back on you, your eye's widening, hurt and disappointed, "I have to do this, (y/n)," he breathed, before running off towards his sister.
He split apart Katara's attack towards Azula, the water bender nearly succeeding in her assault, but cutting in, the prince faced the water tribe girl with new vigor, as she only glared his way. Azula smirked, straightening before running forwards to throw a ball of blue fire hurtling towards Aang, who quickly dodged it and sent an attack of his own.
"I thought you had changed!" Katara forced the water to crawl up her limbs and quickly formed two water whips around her arms, "I believed in you," she sneered before flicking her wrists and throwing her arms down along with the bending water to hit against Zuko's own fire whips. "(Y/n) believed in you! And you betrayed her!"
Zuko frowned, “I have changed.” He fires another blast to the waterbender.
You stand to your feet, your hands shaking in agony from the burns across your palms, your face wet with sad, pained tears as you stumble before letting your hands ignite with flames, this time red in color. Your eyes catch Aang’s form as he attacks Azula encased in crystal from the cavern, Katara holds her own with Zuko as the two elements clash with one another. 
You run over to Aang as he rushes Azula, but the seasoned warrior princess is ready, halting in her movements and using her firebending to break Aang’s crystal armor and sending the young Avatar flying to the back wall. “Aang!” You gasp before charging forwards, faster, jumping up and firing off two blasts of fire to the prideful Azula. 
She turns in surprise, instinctively covering herself from the flames with her own, narrowly avoiding being burned. She straightens with a sneer as you land in your own stance to face her, “You disappoint me. Truly, (y/n). How your family must feel to see such a seasoned warrior reduced to this. You were once a pride of mine,” your gaze hardened at the princess as she glared at you heatedly, “Now, look at you, a fugitive of your nation and after today, a prisoner,” Azula’s hands lit up with blue flames as she got into a stance of her own, “That I will leave to rot.”
“Promises, promises,” You speak, tiredly, snickering lightly as Azula’s eyes turn to slits.
You dodge a blast of fire aimed at your feet, skidding to the side to kick out a flame soaring towards her. She pushes it away to embers with her own flames and rushes towards you, blue flames blazing from her fingers like lightning, she collides with you, purple and blue flames swelling around one another. The both of you exchanging fiery blows, one after another, your stumble as you tiredly deliver another blow to the princess with a cry. She dodges easily, her feet kicking up to sweep your legs right from under you, you fall with a gasp, using your hands to catch yourself only to scream in agony at the reminder of the burns across them. Azula gives you no time to rest as she raises her leg to stomp you down, rolling from under her, you use both your feet to send a wave of flames right into her chest. 
She stumbles back with a gasp, flames shrouding her gaze, she aims a flame to her front but she's stunned to see you’ve already moved as the flames part. She releases an angered, “No!” As she turns to see you using both your hands to create a tidal wave of fire that crashes down and towards the princess. “AH!”
Your eyes linking with the princess as she raises her arms to counter the move, you’ve never truly looked Azula in the face before, always reminded of your place. And even now, that look never ceased as she remained as proud as ever, even with a smile, conniving and evil, despite the situation, your brows furrow at her look as your flames clash together and fight for dominance. 
But as you feel another set of flames headed down towards you, you move away quickly, red flames crash down into your previous spot, giving Azula time to unleash a set of her own onslaught onto you. 
Katara groans as she sits up from the position, her hair having come undone from its braid, her back aches from hitting the crystal wall. Her eyes looking up to see the Dai Li agents surrounding the cavern as they jump from the top to land and prepare their attack on the remaining three. 
Katara stands to her feet despite her limbs screaming in protest as she aches all over, her hands moving up in repetitive movements as water moves to circle at her feet rising to make octopus like tendrils around her, daring any Dai Li to step up. The waterbender looks around, her eyes catching on familiar attire beyond her group of Dai Li enemies, her eyes widening as Azula steps away from your slumped form against the crystal pillar, “(Y/N)!” She screams in worry, glaring angrily at Azula, “You’re a monster!”
“That’s a compliment where I come from,” Azula snickers as she steps over your leg to walk towards the avatar, who was just beginning to notice the Dai Li piling to face him. Zuko hesitantly follows, his worried gaze lingering too long on your still frame to not feel the immense guilt that flooded him. 
With the fire lord’s children staring him down, trained earthbending guards of the earth kingdom’s royal guard ready to throw everything they have, Aang was face with a final decision. Fulfilling his final chakra, and letting go of love, “I’m sorry, Katara,” he whispers, squeezing his eyes tight before turning his back on the benders to create the crystal barricade. 
Your eyes open with the rough haul into someone’s grip, your eyes flickering to the side before throwing your hands up to wave a flamed hand to ward them off. It does the trick but it also sends a ripple of agony through your shoulder, to which you notice the large burn across your shoulder to your back, it burns horribly and you can feel the tears that had already been shed for the pain on your cheeks. But you still had a fight to continue. The dozens of Dai Li agents went for you again, but you sucked in a breath, releasing a fiery burst of fire from your throat, spewing the purple flames like a dragon, an angry roar manifesting.
A bright light ignites the cave eliciting everyone's attention, you stumble a little as you pause in your onslaught, flames dying out as you watch the Avatar rise into the air within a pillar of white light. Your eyes widening in awe, smiling faintly as he rises higher to stop the fighting finally. 
But then the loud shock of thunder in the air and the piercing of lightning interrupts the glow of the Avatar and the feeling in your heart is indescribable when you see Aang fall, the avatar’s eyes close and his body falls limp against the sky. Tears fall down your cheeks. “AANG!”
You can hear the sound of a wave behind you flushing out all the Dai Li, but it doesn’t stop you from running forwards, propelling yourself upwards with a short burst of fire as Katara washes over the rest of the tyrants below. You roll down in front of the two as Katara lands before you, catching aang in time with hopeless, miserable tears in her eyes. 
You lean down, reaching out to the young boy sadly, your hands stopping inches from his cheek, before balling up sadly as you crumble to your knees, exhausted and defeated. Katara shares your tears and the two of you reach for the others hand, holding tight as you turn back to see the Dai Li, Azula and Zuko standing, soaked but ready.
"You didn't have too..." you sniffled, groaning as you placed your hand to the ground, only letting the tips of your fingers touch the soiled cement beneath you. Katara reluctantly lets your hand slip from hers as you rise to protect them, "You didn't have to do this...you could've just--talked to me," you pushed yourself up to your feet, whimpering lightly as you clutched your side with your other hand. Zuko reached out, you glared at him instantly, making him tense before shamefully remaining where he stood. "Azula isn't the answer. Neither is betraying me or your uncle," your gaze softened slightly. "You don't need anyone to give you your honor, Zuko. You never needed anyone but yourself."
Zuko looks away from you. "None of that matters now.”
You frown, sadly. “You’re right. Because I could never forgive you for this.”
Zuko’s gaze drifts back to you, lips parting mournfully, oh how he wanted to beg you to join him, maybe run away from this mess, but he was too deep in and he was so close to restoring his honor. So, he keeps his mouth shut, even as Azula and the Dai Li start advancing.
A line of fire blocks them, aiming at their feet. Iroh lands before them, in front of you and Katara. “Go!” He yells in warning, throwing flaming punches skillfully, “I’ll hold them off for as long as I can!”
You turn from Iroh sadly, nodding before spinning around quickly, “Come on!” You help get Katara to her feet with Aang in hand, she stands on shaking feet and begins to bend water to encircle you all when you step out as she begins to go up. 
She gasps, “What’re you doing?!” She can’t lose concentration unless they’ll drop, she yells to your worriedly. “You can still make it, come on, please!”
“Go, Katara!” You yell to her, throwing a fire ball at an approaching Dai Li agent, “Be safe! Save him.” You turn to her one last time as she tearfully look you in the eye, you’re smiling. Before bursting upwards in her spiral of water with Aang.
They disappear from view and Iroh is encased in crystal as his attacks settle upon ensuring the escape of the two. He looks at you as you look to him, confused. “You were supposed to go, lotus,” he says softly, almost sadly. 
You smile faintly, fists dropping as your flames subside. “I couldn’t let you be alone,” You hum, tiredly. Iroh’s eyes glow in their love but in their sadness as well, until they meet his nephew’s and they burn with sorrow. Your body quickly encasing in crystals as you both give up to the fire nation.
Carried off to become prisoners of the fire nation, your eyes can never meet Zuko’s consumed with sadness and anger, tears come to your eyes upon each time he comes to your cell to speak with you. Tears fall when he begs you to say something. And you sob when he leaves with angry screams of the choices he’s made and the things that's led him here.
Zuko wasn’t sure of it yet, but he picked the wrong side.
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lobster-tales · 2 years
Alternate Universe
Zutaraang Week 2022 Day 7 @zutaraangtastic
A/N: This is a SEQUEL chapter to my entry for the Zutaraang “Journeys” zine from last year. Chapter 1 is available HERE on AO3 :)
Summary: The morning after the party, Katara and Aang have a realization. Meanwhile, Zuko wants to get in contact. - Modern AU, Soulmate AU
This work is available here on AO3. 
Katara woke the next morning in Aang’s dorm room with a wicked hangover. She sat up against one of his thin pillows, startled to find herself wearing only underwear. Good thing Aang’s roommate had returned home for the weekend. Aang was sound asleep beside her, also shirtless. He had let her sleep against the wall while his arm dangled carelessly over the side of his high bunk.
As she crawled forward, her hands sunk into the soft comforter: her idea. If Aang was left to his own devices, he’d sleep on nothing but a tatami mat. Katara had spent too many years in the cold to accept such minimal sleeping conditions.
Aang, ever amiable, had let his roommate take the wall farthest from the entryway and against the window, which meant his bed was flush with the door. Katara peered over the foot of the bunk. Her otter penguin onesie lay crumpled like a black and white doormat. The groan of the bed’s ladder concealed her own as she descended: she was usually so tidy. Aang’s costume meanwhile was resting on the back of his chair, tucked along with his desk beneath the bed. Schoolwork was scattered there in disarray, and she fought back the urge to sort through the mess.
When she flipped the sink on, the water spurted from the old pipes. Her fingers glided, guiding the stream into a coffee maker.
Katara’s head rested on the cool desk while the coffee maker gurgled. She tried to gather her thoughts, remember the events of the night. Both Aang and she had ridden with her older brother, Sokka, along with his girlfriend, Suki, and one of Aang’s new classmates, Toph. The plan was to go to the Halloween party together as a group, then they would return to Sokka’s place and crash on his floor.
Clearly, something had not gone according to plan.
She remembered arriving at the party. Remembered the cavalcade of sorority girls in flawless makeup and the frat boys in sloppy togas. Anything after the first twenty minutes was a blur: Sokka arm wrestling someone, Aang entertaining everyone with his airbending tricks.
Too exhausted to lift the pot, Katara bent the coffee into a mug. She usually didn’t like to drink anything so bitter, but today she could make an exception. As she lifted the ceramic to her lips, the silver words of her soulmark glinted in the fluorescent light.
                                       I need to ask you something.
The words jarred a memory as she held out her left arm.
                                       I’ll save you from the pirates.
That’s right, the pirates. The two frat boys that actually attempted a costume.
At the party, Katara had wandered off while Aang dazzled the crowd. Drawn to the river, of course, as any waterbender would be. And the two dressed as pirates were there on the deck. Usually, she didn’t like to show anyone her ‘other’ soulmark: people always thought it was fake, claiming it was a tattoo. But, uninhibited by the alcohol, she was more than happy to flash her wrist at them, laughing at the absurdity of the situation. A charming coincidence, nothing more.
Then the cops showed up, and that was that. Her last memory: a scramble of bodies, the mad rush for the door.
“Mmm,” Aang murmured, stirred by the smell of coffee. The dangling arm reached for her, fingers pinching the air.
“Use your words,” Katara said, more playful than scolding.
He dropped his head over the edge of the bunk, his big, dopey grin upside down. “Coffee pleeeeeease?”
Katara only handed him a mug when he was upright, seated on the rug in the center of the room. “Aang?” she asked, “What happened last night?”
He perked up, though she didn’t know why. “Oh yeah…” Aang stretched his arms in front of him, flexing his muscles. “Well, I don’t mean to brag, but uh… someone found their other soulmate last night.”
Her jaw dropped. “What?!”
“Yup,” Aang said, sipping his coffee casually.
On instinct, Katara felt the prick of jealousy. She couldn’t figure out the source, though: was she jealous of this new person for sharing Aang’s attention, or jealous of Aang for finding his other soulmate?
When he didn’t offer any more information, Katara knelt in front of him. “What?” she repeated. “How? What happened? What does she… er, they… look like?”
“It’s a guy,” Aang clarified. “Kinda gothy. He’s got this cool scar on his eye.”
A memory stirred. Someone, a scar, seizing her wrist and dragging her away from the frat boys.
She must have been making a face, because Aang said, concerned, “Uh, you good, Kat?”
“... That guy? That’s your-” She forced herself to be calm. One bad interaction didn’t define a person. Maybe Aang’s first impression was more positive. “How-how did that go? What did he say to you?”
“Wait, I have it right here,” Aang joked, reading the soulmark on his arm. “His first words to me were, ‘You’re the airbender.’”
“No, I know that,” she said in a huff. While Katara normally adored Aang’s playfulness, she didn’t have the patience at this crucial moment. “But how? What else did he say?”
“He didn’t really get a chance before the cops showed up,” said Aang. “But I texted Suki about it, and she texted her friend that invited us, and the friend told her that he was trying to kick us out.”
Anger flared up inside of her, but she tamped the flames with confusion. “Wait, Suki?” Then, hurt, “Did you tell Suki about your new soulmate before you told me?”
“No!” He reached for her hand to comfort her. “No, of course I told you first. I told you on our walk back to the dorm.” At her blank expression, he asked, “Do you not remember?”
She didn’t. Not at all. It was only news now that they had walked back to the dorm instead of riding home with Sokka. Katara had so many burning questions, but all she managed was, “We walked?”
Aang finally understood the situation, letting out a breathy laugh. “Oh man, I didn’t realize you had that much to drink.”
“Shut up,” Katara muttered.
“But yeah, no,” Aang said. “When everyone scattered, we couldn’t find Sokka or Suki or Toph, and you were reeeeal wobbly, so I decided to bring you back here since it was only a few blocks away. It was kind of funny because, when I told you, I said, ‘I found my other soulmate,’ you kind of, like, growled at me? And you said, ‘Me too, that bastard.’”
The breath left her lungs. The shock of the words wasn’t nearly as bad as what followed. The night swam back through her mind, the vague fuzziness melting away. That guy grabbed her wrist and said it. Said the words on her arm, the ones she had been ashamed of for so long. They were engraved into her mind: given a pen and paper, she could have recreated them brushstroke by brushstroke. And he said them.
Then he dragged her away. And according to Suki’s friend, with the intent to kick them out. If that’s what he was doing, then he must have been the house bouncer or something. Some faceless frat meathead.
But he wasn’t faceless. In fact, she could see his face somewhat clearly in her mind, even though she had only gotten a brief glimpse. That scar, how could she forget?
Easily, it seemed, under the right influence.
“Our soulmate,” Katara murmured. Of course, she and Aang knew this was a possibility. They had discussed it at length, many times. But the opposite seemed more likely: Katara’s leading theory was that they would somehow lose the other and find new love, or perhaps take on second lovers and accept the situation. She was wrong, though. It was the same person. Their soulmate.
Yet… how could they be sure? Katara asked, “Did you get a look at his arms? Did he also have two soulmarks?”
Aang made an ‘I don’t know’ noise.
“Then we have to find him,” she said decisively. “That’s the only way we’ll know for sure.” Katara fussed around Aang’s desk, searching for a pen and paper. “Okay, what did you say to him?”
“Well,” said Aang. “He seemed like he was looking for me, so I said, ‘Looking for me?’”
The pen scribbled. “And I said…” What did she say? She closed her eyes, envisioned the exchange.
The words returned along with an icky feeling in the pit of her stomach. Katara leaned forward, color draining from her face.
“Katara?” Aang reached to support her. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” she groaned. “I just feel sick.”
                                                         ≈  ≈  ≈
Ty Lee: OMG hey Zuzu! \(^ヮ^)/ What’s up??
Zuko: i have a question. you know that friend of yours from Kyoshi Warriors club? the one that brought all those benders.
Ty Lee:
Oh nooooo I’m so sorry, Zuzu!! I didn’t realize they would cause so much trouble, Azula told me how they were ruining everything! I’m sorry you              had to kick them out :((((
Zuko: do you have her number?
Ty Lee: :O
Ty Lee: Zuzu, she has a boyfriend!! He was there last night!
Zuko: NO. not what I meant.
Zuko: I need her number because I need to find one of the benders.
Ty Lee: Ohhhhhhhh haha
Ty Lee: Wait. Which one and why?
Zuko: does it matter?
Ty Lee: I might be friends with them on social media! I’ll help you find them… if you tell    me which one you’re looking for and why (^ω~)
Ty Lee: Come on, Zuko, don’t ghost me! I promise I won��t tell Azula.
Ty Lee: Pleeeeease? (◕,◕)
Zuko: fine.
Zuko: it’s a couple. their costumes were otter penguins.
Ty Lee: Oh the airbender?? Ya his name’s Aang! He’s super cool. And I think that girl is    his girlfriend. I’ll send u a link to his profile.
Ty Lee: So??
Zuko: so what?
Ty Lee: Why do u need to talk to them??
Ty Lee: You’re not gonna go after them are you?? Srsly Zuko he’s just a freshman! Pls don’t try to beat him up (;*△*;)
Zuko: i’m not. long story. tell you later.
Ty Lee: Ugh fine…
Ty Lee: Here’s a link to his profile. PROMISE you’ll tell me later??
Zuko: if everything goes right, i promise.
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raewritez · 4 years
based on this request: hiiii can i request a zuko x earthbender!reader where they get along rlly well when he comes to the air temple and they slowly develop feelings and confess before the final battle? tyyyy ❤️
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       Silent tears streamed down your face as Katara held Aang tightly in her arms. You all sat upon Appa, the cool night breeze whipping your hair around as you grasped the sides of the saddle. Katara worked her magic on the lighting wound Azula had marked Aang with minutes ago while you and Sokka took Appa’s reins. You were so scared. You all were. Through her sobs, Katara had managed to explain what had just gone down; the Dai Li, Zuko siding with his sister, and Azula shooting Aang with lightning. You had never hated the Fire Nation Prince more than you did now, his actions filling you to the brim with loathing and animosity. You looked back at Katara’s tear-streaked face, Aang’s head pressed snugly into her neck. He’ll be ok, you assured yourself. He always is. 
“Hello, Zuko here.”
You stared in disbelief at the figure in front of you, his hair falling over his face and his arm raised in an awkward hello.
“I heard you guys flying around down there, so, I just thought I'd wait for you here.” 
If you weren't surprised before, you definitely were when Appa suddenly growled and opted to run his giant tongue along Zuko’s face. He explained why he was there, insisting he could teach Aang fire bending and that “he had changed”. You rolled your eyes at that, you’d heard that one before. 
After disclosing that he had sent a literal assassin after all of you, he was sent away, mainly by Katara who possessed no shortage of threats that you had no doubt she would carry through with. Really, who did he think he was?! He had spent months chasing you, there was no way you could trust him. Was there?
A couple weeks had passed from the whole Combustion Man incident, and, much to you and Katara’s annoyance, Zuko had been accepted into the group. You spent the first couple days sending him piercing glares and cold shoulders, but as time passed you reluctantly found yourself warming up to him. He wasn’t at all like you had pegged him as, in fact he was probably the biggest dork you knew, and with Sokka as one of your best friends that was saying something. Zuko had embarked on a couple “life changing field trips”, as Toph put it, and in his most recent escapade he and Katara had confronted her mother’s killer. Now, you found yourself standing at the shores of Ember Island, and while you could tell that the place held some painful memories for Zuko, you couldn’t help but enjoy the scenery.
“Y/n” you heard.
You turned around to see Zuko wading out to your spot amongst the shallow waves.
“What are you doing?” He chuckled with a slight smile on his face, one that only you could seem to coax out of him.
“Just enjoying the sunset,” You shrugged. “It’s nice to take a break, Toph has been working me to the ground.” Zuko snickered at that, he had seen how Toph acted as your teacher: yelling and ordering and enjoying her authority much too much for it to be anything less than irritating for you. Although you were a skilled earth bender, Toph was attempting to teach you Metalbending, and all you had managed to do was flip a coin. You loved her dearly, but that girl was pulling at your last nerve.
Zuko placed himself next to you, gazing fondly at your profile before switching his attention to the sky streaked with oranges and reds. “Yeah,” he said. “It’s pretty.”
You nodded you head before turning slightly to look at him. He looked more relaxed than he had in days, reminding you of the whispered conversations you had shared by the firelight when everyone else was asleep, his face free of the worry lines and scowl that deepened over the course of the day. You silently admitted to yourself that he was beautiful, his raven locks sweeping across his forehead and the crimson skin of his scar blending in with the ochre gloaming. His expression suddenly changed, his eyebrows furrowing and his mouth pressed into a thin line.
“Aang isn’t taking this seriously,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “He wants to spend his time goofing off when there’s a war, when he has to fight my father in a few days!”
He sounded exasperated, and you couldn’t blame him. He had taken another load to his shoulders, the stress of the upcoming fight against the Fire Lord weighing heavily on him.
“Hey,” you said softly, nudging his side you your arm. “It’s going to be fine. Aang’s just a kid, but he has the biggest and bravest heart of anyone I know. He’s an amazing fire bender now! He’ll be ready.” Zuko didn’t look convinced, but he sighed and slumped his head. “You’re probably right.” He turned to you and nudged his head in the crook of your neck, a familiar position for the two of you for when he would wake up from night terrors under the light of the moon. He would silently crawl over to your sleeping bag and lay down near, a respectable amount of space between the two of you, only for you to find yourselves clinging to each other by morning.
You had told yourself he was just a friend, that he was the prince of the Fire Nation and you were only an Earth Kingdom peasant. But in moments like these, when he bared the most vulnerable side of himself to you, it was hard to believe that. You played with the hair at the nape of his neck, his arms tenderly wrapped around your waist.
“Come on,” you spoke, lifting his head with your hand. “Let’s go back to the others. I heard Katara is making soup again.”
He perked up at that.
It had all happened so fast: Aang went missing, you got help from a cool lady with a shirshu, and you met up with the Order of the White Lotus. You and your friends sat around a campfire making small talk, when you noticed Zuko pacing frantically in front of the entrance to a tent. You stood up and walked over to him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder to stop him.
“Are you ok?” you asked softly.
“No, I'm not okay” he replied. “My uncle hates me, I know it. He loved and supported me in every way he could, and I still turned against him. How can I even face him?”
“Zuko, he loves you. And you’re sorry for what you did, right?” “More sorry than I've been about anything in my entire life.”
“Then he’ll forgive you,” you assured him. “He will.”
He nodded softly, building up his confidence. He gazed into your eyes and opened his mouth as to say something, “Y/n, I...” he trailed off and you looked at him curiously as a blush rose to his face. “I...um...thank you.” He rose to his feet and pushed the curtains apart, sparing you once last glance. 
You squirmed around in your sleeping bag, the confines of sleep seeming unbearable. Iroh had informed you all that you needed to split up, for each person to seek out their destiny. Your destiny lay with Sokka, Suki, and Toph; the four of you would depart to the skies at dawn to take down the Fire Nation airfleet. Zuko and Katara would fly to the palace, where Zuko would take down Azula to become Fire Lord. Fire Lord. Your Zuko.  
You shut your eyes tightly, seeking sanctuary from the thoughts raging in your head. You snuggled deeper into your sleeping bag, only for your eyes to snap open when you felt a hand softly shaking you. You glanced up to see Zuko’s face, his expression laced with urgency and something else you couldn’t place.
“I need to talk to you, Y/n” he breathed out.
You nodded and followed him as he lead you away from your sleeping friends. Once you had reached a small clearing, he turned to you and opened his mouth to speak.
“Y/n,” he breathed your name out like a prayer. “I-”
You furrowed your brows. “Zuko?” you questioned, confused about his behavior. He examined your face with such intensity that you were tempted to turn away but his eyes, warm and amber as ever, locked you in place.
His mouth opened and closed like a fish, gaping at you in a way you were unfamiliar with.
“Zuko, what’s-” you were cut off as a warm pair of lips pressed against your own. His hands tangled desperately into your hair, and after recovering from your initial shock you quickly snaked your arms around his neck. He kissed you like a starving man, clinging to you like you were the only thing keeping him from floating away. 
You reciprocated eagerly, his soft tresses gliding through your fingers as his lips molded with yours. You cupped his face so tenderly that it evoked a whimper from the back of his throat. Eventually you broke apart, thirsting for air, as he nuzzled his face farther into your palm. You glanced up at him, unsure for a moment before shy, soft smiles broke out across both your lips. He leaned forward once again and pressed a delicate kiss against you lips, conveying all the affection and adoration he held for you.
Katara found you the next morning, hand intertwined and relaxed expressions upon both your profiles. She hated to disturb the peace, but there were Fire Lords to make, destinies to actualize.
Later, between whispered goodbyes and tear-stained hugs, Zuko approached you again. He pressed his lips against your hair and leaned his forehead against yours. In his eyes gleamed a silent vow, a promise to return. As he and Katara rose up on Appa and you and your closest friends headed off to your futures, you knew it would be kept.
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smmushii · 3 years
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[ID: Digital artwork of Katara and Zuko leaning nonchalantly against a pool table. Katara wears a black dress with a slit that runs up her leg, showing a knife holster on her left thigh. She holds a martini glass in her right hand while staring off into the distance with a slight smile. Her hair is flipped mostly to her right side and falls around her shoulders, and she wears her mother’s blue necklace. Standing to her right, Zuko wears a white button up and a black tie along with a red suit jacket and black slacks. His hands are shoved in his pockets, and he looks off to his right with a neutral expression. An orangey light from above the pool table hits their back left sides while a bright blue light from a slot machine hits their front right sides. A bright yellow light from a liquor bar glows in the background. End ID]
drew this for the @zkbigbang fic “love came in a bottle with a twist off cap” by @likefirings (heed the tags) !! you can find the other piece by jo here :D
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beifongsss · 4 years
threatened by the blind bandit [zuko]
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Pairing: Zuko x Beifong!reader (also an earthbender)
Summary: requested by anon. “ hii 👉👈 could we get a nervous, flustered!zuko going to sokka for advice on how to get you to like him back?”. This also takes place during season three sometime during the Ember Island Players. I also made the reader Toph’s older sister because I thought it’d be interesting 🙊
i also kind of changed it a little too much so i hope you still enjoy it anon! <3 sorry :(
The first time Prince Zuko had seen you had been the time that Azula had been tracking you and the rest of the Gaang with her mysterious machine. You had gotten there along with your sister, bursting in to help Aang fight against the royal siblings. As Toph ran off to help fight against the princess, you had cornered the prince, a slightly crazed look present in your eyes due to your lack of sleep. He had exchanged glances with his uncle before Iroh stepped forward, his hands raised in surrender.
“We mean you and the avatar no harm,” Iroh had said softly. You had tilted your head to the side, glancing at him before making eye contact with Zuko. His eyes had widened as they met yours, a faint blush spreading up his neck that was only visible to Iroh. Your gaze had hardened as you looked at the prince, backing up slightly before speaking.
“If it were just you, I’d believe your words. But since he’s here, I’m not taking any chances,” you said sharply. Turning around, you waved your hand behind you, causing the ground underneath them to become uneven and send them stumbling against the wall behind them. With another wave, pieces of rock flew towards them, chaining their hands to the wall.
Zuko’s eyes didn’t leave your form as you jumped into battle, fighting his sister with a grace that admittedly made his stomach flip. He was so caught up in watching you that he didn’t realize that Iroh had freed himself until he spoke. “Maybe you should spend less time looking at the earthbender and more time trying to free yourself.”
Zuko scowled as he ripped his gaze from you, settling on shooting his uncle a glare. “Free me.”
Iroh chuckled at his nephew’s words but did as he said. Zuko wasted no time in going after Azula, trying not to get distracted by the way you made bending seem so easy. You didn’t notice him, too busy making sure that Sokka was safe from any stray fire or falling rocks.
Eventually, you became the last thing on his mind. Once Azula had attacked Iroh, his well-being became the only thing that mattered. When he screamed at the Gaang to leave him alone, he felt your gaze on him and he hesitantly glanced up, his vision blurred by the tears welling up in his eyes. You took a hesitant step forward, only stopping when Zuko flinched and looked away, his tears finally spilling.
“We have to go,” Toph exclaimed, grabbing onto your hand and pulling you towards Appa. “Now!”
You allowed your sister to pull you away, throwing one last glance behind you. You felt your heart clench at the sight of Zuko hugging Iroh. You climbed onto Appa and sat next to Sokka in silence as you flew away.
You didn’t see the prince again until Azula and her friends infiltrated Ba Sing Se. You and Katara had stayed behind to plan the invasion into the Fire Nation on the Day of Black Sun while Aang, Sokka, and Toph each embarked on their respective journeys.
“You’ve got company,” a Dai Li agent called out, tossing someone down next to you. You gasped quietly, turning away from the tunnel you had been creating for you and Katara to escape through.
“Zuko?” you questioned, exchanging an uncertain glance with Katara.
Katara stepped forward, an angry expression on her face. “Why did they throw you in here? Oh, wait, let me guess. It's a trap. So that when Aang shows up to help me, you can finally have him in your little Fire Nation clutches!”
The prince stayed silent as Katara continued her ranting. “You're a terrible person! You know that? Always following us! Hunting the Avatar! Trying to capture the world's last hope for peace! But what do you care? You're the Fire Lord's son. Spreading war and violence and hatred is in your blood!”
You ran in front of Katara, placing a hand on her arm as you noticed Zuko’s expression. “Katara maybe you should calm down.”
She looked at you incredulously before yanking her arm away from you. You flinched out of instinct, stumbling back and landing on your butt next to Zuko, who immediately helped you up and stood in front of you. “Don’t.”
Noticing the way her arm was raised, and how it had implied that she was going to strike you, Katara took a step back. She brought her arm back down to her side, shooting a worried glance at you. She was surprised at the prince’s actions; she had never seen him be that gentle, not even with Iroh. You kept your gaze down, admittedly feeling safe knowing that Zuko was standing in front of you.
“(Y/N),” Katara whispered. “You know I’d never-”
Her voice faded as she noticed Zuko’s fiery glare. Her tone changed as she addressed the prince. “I’m sorry for yelling at you.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Zuko said, his voice gruff and his eyes never leaving you. Katara opened her mouth to speak only to be interrupted by a loud boom coming from the tunnel you had begun earthbending.
“Aang!” you had exclaimed, running over to the avatar. “Where’s Toph?”
“She went to warn King Kuei about Azula. Sokka’s with her,” Aang replied. Your eyes widened before you began running back out through the tunnel.
“(Y/N)! Where are you going?” Katara asked, stumbling after you.
“To help my sister,” you replied fiercely. “And to make sure that Sokka doesn’t get injured!”
Katara tried to go after you only to be stopped by an enormous wall of crystal. Everyone in the catacombs stared after you as you ran away, amazed by what you had just done. Sure, they had known you were a talented earthbender, but this...this was raw power and it had shocked them into silence.
The silence was broken by Zuko, who was still staring wide-eyed at the tunnel you had escaped through. “Wow.”
Everyone else had turned to look at him, causing his cheeks to burn. Remembering his actions from earlier, Katara’s expression changed into a knowing one as she looked at the blushing prince. He avoided her gaze, instead looking at Aang, who’s face held a wide smile, before finally looking at his uncle, who couldn’t stay silent. “Staring at her again? Prince Zuko, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you are very enamored by the earthbender.”
Unfortunately, Zuko’s response was quickly ignored as Azula entered, two Dai Li agents at her side. Zuko got into a defensive position, forcing himself to stop thinking about the beautiful earthbender.
The third time you saw Zuko was when he finally joined the group at the Western Air Temple.
He had received a cold welcome from the group, you and Katara especially. After fleeing from Ba Sing Se, Katara had filled you in on what had happened after you left the catacombs, causing you to feel an ache in your chest for some unknown reason.
Maybe it was because you thought that there was no way Zuko could have been evil, not with the way he had shielded you when you thought Katara was about to strike you. Not with the way he threw himself over Iroh’s unconscious body when Azula has attacked, sobs racking his body. Or maybe, just maybe, it was because a part of you had felt your heart flutter when you noticed the soft way that Zuko had been looking at you in the catacombs.
But he was the prince of the Fire Nation, and you now knew that the Fire Nation could not be trusted. The only reason you were keeping him around was so that he could teach Aang firebending. Other than that, you were ready to throw him off a cliff, especially when you found out he had burned Toph’s feet.
You spent more time with the prince than you expected, especially after finding out that he was the only other bender that had any training in hand-to-hand combat. Before him, Sokka had been your sparring partner, but you were always hesitant to fight him because you were used to using your earthbending as an advantage and you didn’t want to hurt the nonbender. When you weren’t out sparring with Zuko, you spent your time with Sokka, ranting about said prince.
Sokka found the whole situation amusing. He could tell that Zuko had feelings for you. If the blush that coated his face every time you sparred wasn’t enough of an indicator, the way Zuko would stumble and stutter every time you addressed him was more than enough evidence. It also didn’t hurt that Toph could feel his heartbeat speed up whenever you were around him.
The water tribe boy leaned against a pillar as he watched the two of you spar, wincing slightly when you hesitated to strike and were hit with a fireball. Sokka’s lips twitched as you let out a hiss from where you were sitting, cradling your arm to your chest as you inspected the burn. Zuko ran forward, panic clear on his face as he took in the damage he had caused.
“(Y-Y/N), I-I’m so, so s-sorry,” Zuko stuttered out, crouching next to you as he reached for your arm. You glared at him, pulling your arm away from him as you rose to your feet. “I d-didn’t mean t-to.”
You didn’t say anything to him as you stalked away, deciding to find Katara so she could heal the burn. Once you were out of sight, Sokka stepped towards the prince, clapping slowly as Zuko scowled.
“You know, it’s pretty funny to watch you turn into a stuttering mess when you’re around her,” Sokka said, smiling widely. “I can help you with that.”
“Why would I accept any help from you,” Zuko replied rudely, turning to walk away.
“Because I’m her best friend,” came Sokka’s smug reply. “And trust me, if there’s anyone that knows how to deal with her anger, it’s me.”
Zuko paused, thinking over Sokka’s words before turning back around, a defeated look on his face. “Okay. Help me win her over. Please.”
Sokka did end up helping Zuko, to an extent. In return, Zuko had helped Sokka break his father and Suki out of the Boiling Rock. No matter how much the two boys would deny it, breaking in and out of the Boiling Rock had helped them grow closer together, something that annoyed you to no end.
Now, whenever you wanted to talk to Sokka, Zuko was right there next to him. It was like you could no longer avoid the prince no matter what you did.
After Zuko had helped Katara track down her mother’s murderer, she had finally forgiven him, leaving you as the only one who hadn’t welcomed him fully into the group. You did all you could to avoid him once the Gaang had reached Ember Island, spending most of your time with Appa.
“You have to get over it sometime,” Toph’s voice broke through the silence, startling you slightly as you turned to face her.
“What?” you asked, pretending to not know what she was talking about.
Toph remained silent as she stared at you, or at least as she stared at where she thought you were. In reality, she was staring at Appa as you stood off to the side. You tried your best to stifle a laugh.
“Why can’t you see he’s changed? Everyone else has, even the Sugar Queen,” Toph continued, crossing her arms. “Besides, I’m getting real tired of the way his heartbeat gets when you’re around. I swear you’re gonna kill that boy.”
You flushed at your sister’s words, opening your mouth to reply before you were interrupted by Sokka’s screaming.
“Let’s go see the play!”
“Look,” Toph said, beginning to walk away. “Just think about it okay?”
You stayed silent as you followed her, wondering when the hell she had grown up so much.
The play was set to start in a few minutes so you all decided to me your way to your seats. You were about to take a seat next to Toph when she pushed you away before pulling Katara down next to her. “Sorry this seat’s taken.”
You glared at your sister before sitting next to Katara, stiffening up when you looked next to you to see Zuko sitting there. The two of you blushed as you made eye contact.
“Toph’s a genius,” you heard Sokka snicker from behind you, causing you to sink down in your chair. The play began soon after and as far as plays go, this one was absolutely terrible. Hilarious, but terrible. You and Toph were having the time of your life laughing at the way everyone was being portrayed. You had no idea that the Zuko was paying a lot more attention to you than he was to the play.
Intermission came too soon (at least in your opinion) and you found yourself heading to the lobby to buy some fire flakes.
Back near the doors, Zuko was sitting down with his back against the wall and his head buried in his arms. He glanced up when he heard a set of footsteps approach him only to find Toph standing next to him. He put his head back down.
“You’re pathetic,” were the first words to come out of Toph’s mouth, causing Zuko to look up wildly, disbelief and offense visible on his face, not that Toph could see it.
“You heard me,” the Beifong girl stated. “I can’t believe you’re over here wallowing in your pity instead of confessing to my sister.”
Zuko opened his mouth to retort but was cut off by Toph. “Don’t deny it! In case you forgot, I can feel your heartbeat and I know that it goes crazy whenever you so much as think about her.”
Zuko’s face burned as he noticed the rest of the Gaang coming back.
“Just man up and tell her how you feel okay fire pants?” Toph spoke again before stomping back inside the theater.
Once everyone was settled back in their seats, the play began once again. After a shockingly accurate portrayal of you and the reveal of Toph as a buff man, the play finally got to when you had been trapped down in the crystal catacombs.
You and Katara shifted uneasily as Actress Katara raised her hand, causing Actor Zuko to step in front of Actress You and stop Actress Katara.
“Don’t you dare lay a hand on her,” Actor Zuko growled.
“What do you care?” Actress Katara replied. “This doesn’t concern you Zuko.”
“Yes it does!”
“Because I love her,” Actor Zuko roared. “Because I love her and I won’t let anyone hurt her.”
You tuned out the play when Actress You also professed her love for Actor Zuko, who then proceeded to kiss Actress You. You could feel Sokka’s stare burning into your head and you sunk low into your chair, turning to glance as Zuko only to find him already looking at you. You swallowed uneasily as you maintained eye contact only to break it when Aang spoke.
“Why are you all silent now?”
Katara glanced at the stage and then at the two of you as subtly as she could, not that you didn’t notice.
“Is it because of the confession?” Aang asked adorably. “It’s not like it’s weird, we already knew that Zuko liked (Y/N/N)!”
You heard Toph and Sokka try to stifle their laughs as you and Zuko sank impossibly low in your seats, flinching when you felt your arm rub against his.
~ It was dark out when you decided it was finally time to talk to Zuko. After searching for him in the house, you noticed flashes of light and you followed them to find Zuko firebending down at the beach.
You observed him for a while before deciding to speak up. “Zuko.”
Zuko flinched and whirled around, losing his footing when he saw you and toppling into the sand. “(Y-Y/N)!”
You smiled softly, offering him a hand. He took it, standing up and coming face-to-face with you.
“W-What are you d-doing out here?” Zuko asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I just thought I should tell you that I’m sorry for being so rude to you and not welcoming you into the group,” you whispered, your eyes never leaving his.
“You don’t h-have to apologize,” Zuko breathed, growing nervous under your soft gaze. “I d-deserved it, after everything I’ve done t-to you.”
“No. I was being unfair to you, even after you proved that you had finally changed,” you retorted, closing your eyes before continuing. “The truth is, I was upset that you had chosen Azula’s side because a part of me...a part of me has feelings for you, and I was angry with myself for letting myself fall for you.”
The silence that followed was deafening and you found yourself regretting your words. What if your sister and Sokka were wrong? What if they were just lying to you? There was no way that they could know how Zuko truly felt abou-
Your racing thoughts were silenced when you felt a pair of lips press against yours. Zuko’s hands trembled as they gripped your waist, pulling you closer to him. You returned the kiss, your hands weaving through his hair and your head spinning as you realized that you were kissing someone that had been considered your enemy for the longest time.
“I left the palace to train Aang,” Zuko said huskily, finally pulling away. His hands didn’t leave your waist. “But I know that I also left because I wanted to see you again and I wanted to prove to you that I wasn’t evil and that having feelings for someone as good as you wasn’t wrong.”
You stared at him before speaking once again. “I never thought you were evil.”
Zuko’s gaze changed to surprised before going back to the soft gaze he had been directing at you. Without saying anything, he pulled you into a hug breathing deeply at your words as a weight lifted off his chest.
“I never did,” you continued, clinging onto him. You stayed like that for a while before Zuko pulled back, staring at you for what felt like an eternity before stealing another kiss from you.
“I’m glad we finally talked,” he mumbled against your lips, causing you to chuckle.
“I can’t believe we have my sister to thank. She basically threatened me into talking to you,” you said, breaking the kiss.
Zuko’s eyes widened before he started laughing. Wrapping an arm around your shoulders, he began to guide you back to the vacation house, pressing a kiss to your temple as he smiled down at you.
“Funny. She threatened me too.”
hiiii i hope this was good i kind of struggled with how i wanted this to play out but i hope you enjoyed!!
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spicybadlucksav · 3 years
I’ve got a NSFW Zutara modern prompt request for you- they decide to go to a wedding together while dress shopping for Katara. He helps her with the zipper of one of the dresses and by the look he gives her he knows he’s done for and can’t keep his hands off of her in the dressing room and smut ensues and they don’t care who hears them ;)
Welcome to the Kink Parade
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Ooooh thank you so much for this! Sorry for the delay. I decided to hold off until Kinky Bingo from @atla-multishipping-bingo! I’m aiming for a blackout bingo so stay tuned!
NSFW below the cut ///
“Come on, babe,” Zuko grumbles from where he sits on a plush chair outside of the changing room. “How many more dresses are you going to try on?”
“As many as it takes!” Katara calls back. “This is your sister’s wedding. You know that it has to be perfect.”
Zuko rolls his eyes and huffs out a breath. He drops his head against the back of the chair, but he doesn’t protest further. He knows that she’s right. Azula is a perfectionist in every aspect of her life, and her wedding is no different. She’s been a true Bridezilla throughout the affair, and at this point, none of them want to tip her into a full-blown meltdown because the florist brought the wrong arrangements or because Katara’s dress is the wrong shade.
“I think this might be the winner,” she says, and Zuko swears he’s never heard sweeter words—they’ve been to three stores and through two dozen dresses by now.
“Finally,” he mutters beneath his breath.
“I need your help zipping it up though.”
“Okay, I’m coming.”
Zuko pushes himself to his feet and crosses to the dressing room door. He hears the lock click and the door opens half an inch. He pulls the door open the rest of the way, and he’s pretty sure that his jaw hits the floor.
Katara stands with her back to him, her supple skin exposed by the unzipped fabric of the pale pink dress she wears. Even unzipped, he can tell it has a tight bodice, and it hugs the curves of her ass in a way that has all of his blood rushing downwards.
She meets his gaze in the mirror attached to the stall wall. A smirk curves her lips, and the glint in her eyes tells him that she knew exactly what she was doing. The vixen.
“Zip me up?” Katara asks innocently.
Zuko steps into the dressing room. He closes the door behind him and flips the lock with one hand, his eyes never leaving hers in the mirror’s reflection. He moves to stand behind her, his eyes remaining fixed on hers as his hands come up to grab the zipper.
“I think this one is perfect,” he murmurs as he slowly drags the zipper up. “You look gorgeous, sexy….” He purses his lips. “On second thought, perhaps this isn’t the right one. Azula will kill you if you upstage her on her wedding day.”
Katara giggles as a blush rises in her cheeks. “I think your bias is showing.”
Zuko finishes zipping the dress before he trails his fingers down her back. He rests his hands on her hips and pulls her back against him, knowing that she can’t mistake the bulge in his pants.
Her eyes widen as her lips part in a silent gasp. Then a wicked grin curves her mouth. Katara turns towards him then and presses a hungry kiss to his lips. Before Zuko can say or do anything else, Katara drops gracefully to her knees and reaches for the zipper on his jeans.
Panic jolts through him—they’re in a fucking changing room, for fucks’ sake—and he grabs her wrists.
“What are you doing?” Zuko hisses, even as his traitorous cock twitches behind his zipper.
Katara peers up at him with a look that is somehow both devilish and innocent. “Don’t ask me. Ask your dick. I think it likes the dress.”
“Definitely,” Zuko rasps out. “But what if we get caught?”
“We’ll be quick then.”
He doesn’t protest further, and then Katara is making quick work of the button and zipper on his jeans. She tugs his pants and boxers down his hips, his hard cock jutting out from his body. Her hand wraps around the base of his member a moment later, and Zuko bites back a groan as she pumps his shaft.
He looks down at her. The sight of her on her knees, his cock in her hand and already leaking precum, has lust pooling in his belly. Then Katara wraps her lips around him and takes him into her mouth, and he’s done for.
His fingers tangle in her hair as she begins to bob her head, taking more of his length into her mouth until the tip of his cock is pressing against the back of her throat. Her hand pumps the length that doesn’t fit in her mouth, and the sounds she’s making are obscene and so fucking divine that he doesn’t give a shit if someone hears her.
“Fuck, baby, just like that,” Zuko groans as she sucks harder, her cheeks hollowed out. “Feels so good.”
Katara hums around him before she presses deeper, swallowing his entire length. His head tips back as white spots burst in his vision, and Zuko swears under his breath. Her mouth is so wet and warm wrapped around him, and he wonders what her pussy would feel like.
Katara withdraws until only the head remains in her mouth. Zuko looks down and sees her watching him, her pupils blown wide and her eyelids hooded. He gasps as her tongue traces the head of his cock before she opens her mouth further. Zuko groans as he traces the movement of her tongue with his eyes. She flicks her tongue over his slit, lapping up the precum beaded there as she lets out a soft moan.
“Spirits, the things you can do with that mouth,” he rasps out.
The corner of her lips twitch in a smirk before she takes him in her mouth again, pushing deeper until her lips brush against the sensitive skin between his hips. His cock throbs as he thrusts gently against her, and he can feel his climax building in his groin.
But he wants to fill that pretty pussy instead, wants to know that it’s dripping onto her underwear as they buy the dress he just fucked her in and go home.
“Come here,” he growls as he tugs gently on her hair.
Katara releases him with a wet pop, a string of saliva and precum running from the tip of his dick to her bottom lip. Her eyes are on him, hungry, wanting.
Zuko helps her to her feet before he grabs her hips and spins her around, hiking up the dress. The material is soft under his hands and threatens to slide back into place. Zuko bunches it up around her waist, exposing the lacy navy thong she wears and the perfect round mounds of her ass.
With a hand on the back of her neck, he bends her over, the mirror perfectly placed in front of them. Katara presses one hand flat against the wall—he’s glad it’s a solid one, so no one can see the walls shaking with the force of his thrusts—before he lines himself up to her opening. Zuko pulls her panties aside and runs a finger through her folds, catching her slick. Katara mashes her lips together to suppress a moan.
“Gotta be quiet, baby girl, or someone’s gonna hear us,” he murmurs.
Then he sinks into her. Her slick walls pull him in, and her eyes flutter shut as she hums out a moan. Zuko bottoms out with a second thrust, and for a moment they remain still. Zuko closes his eyes as he relishes the feeling of her tight pussy around his cock, her walls already twitching around his length.
“Fuck,” Katara whimpers softly. “I don’t know how quiet I can be. Your cock feels so good.”
Zuko gives a gentle roll of his hips and she mewls as she squeezes her eyes shut.
“Fuck,” she says again. “You asshole.”
He grins as he ruts into her again. “You started it. You knew exactly what you were doing.”
“I didn’t think about the minor details, okay? I just knew I wanted your cock in my mouth.”
Zuko bucks into her again, and she lets out a high-pitched sound that she muffles with her free hand. He adjusts his hold on her hips before he begins to fuck her. He keeps his thrusts slow and deep to prevent the sound of his hips slapping against hers from echoing in the changing area. Zuko knows that it won’t be long before someone else comes back here, wanting to use the dressing room, or before the helpful store clerk comes to check on them, but he intends to bring himself and Katara to climax before they’re done.
He watches Katara’s reflection in the mirror. A warm flush has risen in her cheeks and on her chest. Each thrust causes her full breasts to sway, the sight causes a shiver of lust to run down his spine. Her face is gorgeous, her eyes shut tightly in concentration as she presses her lips together to muffle the moans he can hear humming in her throat. Her ass bouncing back against his hips is even better.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he tells her as he keeps thrusting into her, aiming for that spot deep inside of her fluttering pussy that will make her spill all over his cock. “So quiet, too. Such a good girl for me. I’m gonna make you come for me.”
“Please!” she manages to say, her eyes opening briefly to meet his gaze in the mirror. “Your cock—feels so good—fuck me harder. Please.”
Zuko groans as his arousal winds tighter, but he gives her what she wants as he adjusts his legs. He brings her back towards him with each thrust, pistoling into her with deep, powerful thrusts. He can see her thighs shaking in the mirror, the tendons tight in her hand that’s pressed to the wall. Her other hand is a fist on her thigh.
“Touch yourself for me, baby,” Zuko grits out as he fights his own orgasm—he will be damned if he comes before she does.
Katara whines as she shoves her hand under the bunched skirt of the dress. Her mouth falls open as a low moan leaves her, her fingers circling her clit as he continues to pound into her.
“Fuck, I’m so close,” she whimpers.
“Let me see you come for me, baby,” Zuko encourages her. “You’ve been such a good girl. You took my cock in your mouth so well, and you’ve been nice and quiet. Just for me?”
“For you,” Katara breathes.
“Come for me, then.”
Zuko ruts deeper, harder, into her, his cock rubbing at her walls. He can feel her climax building, her walls tensing around him. Spots are bursting in his vision and he can feel the pressure building in his groin. He can’t hold on, any second now he’s going to burst, his orgasm milked from him by Katara’s tight, slick walls.
Then Katara throws her head back, her mouth open in a silent scream. Her back arches and her movements over her clit turn frantic. Her hips rock against him and he feels her walls clamp down around him, pulsating as her juices flood over his cock.
The sensations of her pussy fluttering around him draws his own climax out of him. Zuko clenches his teeth as he spills into her, his fingers digging hard into her hips. His thrusts stutter as he coats her walls with his cum until every last drop has been spent.
Zuko sags, his hold on her relaxing. Katara braces both hands on the wall. She lets out a satisfied sigh as leans forward bonelessly, her thighs trembling and her pussy quivering around him.
“That was good,” Katara comments breathlessly.
Zuko slowly pulls out of her with a groan. “That was hot.”
He spreads her cheeks for a moment, admiring the view of his cum pooling at her swollen opening. Zuko teases a finger over her clit, and her pussy clenches, pushing some of his cum from her.
“Fuck,” Katara whimpers.
“You’re so gorgeous like this,” he purrs. “But you should take off that dress before you make a mess in it.”
“Guess it’s a good thing we’re buying it then, hm?”
Katara pushes herself upright, the skirt falling back into place. She looks back at him from over her shoulder with a smirk.
“Unzip me?” she asks coquettishly.
Zuko chuckles as he grabs the zipper and pulls it back down. “Do you think we can try this again at Azula’s wedding?”
“Is it really a wedding if there isn’t a hookup or two?”
Katara carefully steps out of the dress and reaches for her own clothes. Zuko picks up the dress and puts it back on the hanger, giving it a quick once-over. Then suddenly, there’s a knock at the door.
“Excuse me, ma’am, did you need help with anything?” the store clerk calls.
Zuko and Katara look at each other. She stifles a laugh behind her hand.
“I’m fine,” she says, her humor barely contained. “I’ll be out in just a moment! I found the perfect dress.”
“I’m happy to hear that,” the clerk says. “I’ll be waiting for you at the register then.”
They listen to the sound of the clerk’s footsteps walking away before they burst out laughing. Zuko wraps his arm around her shoulders and pulls her to his chest before he drops a kiss on top of her head.
“We definitely need to do this again,” he says.
Katara smirks at him. “I agree.”
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headaching · 3 years
it's been like 4 hours and I'm only just seeing this, so zero pressure! but if you're still interested in the 100 ways to say I love you...... either 6 or 89 mayhaps?
💕💕💕💕💕💕 hope you're having a nice day so far!
89. “We can look out for each other."
RORY MY BELOVED 🥰 i hope you like this 🤲
The day they packed up their freshman dorm, Sokka and Zuko sat cross-legged next to each other on Sokka’s sheet-stripped mattress, their knees overlapping. After hardly speaking all morning, Zuko asked him, “How do you feel when you’re away?”
“Away from here?” Sokka clarified, and Zuko nodded.
“Do you ever get lonely?” Zuko bit his lip as he gauged Sokka’s response.
“Sometimes,” Sokka replied, and tried to pick his next words with sensitivity. “I mean, there’s Katara, but she mostly does her own thing.” Sokka chose not to mention his dad. “But yeah, I spend a lot of time alone during breaks, and it kinda makes the days run together, you know?”
Zuko took in a deep inhalation and tilted his head thoughtfully, then said, “For me, it’s the opposite. I spend so much time alone that a day can feel like a week.” Zuko’s voice was quiet, his eyes melancholy. Sokka’s urge to comfort Zuko won over his fear of touching him.
Slowly, Sokka reached for Zuko’s hand, and Zuko flipped his palm upward so Sokka’s could fit easily in his. Their fingers intertwined, and Sokka caressed the back of Zuko’s hand with his thumb. “That was before you had me,” Sokka replied, and Zuko’s eyes finally peered into his.
“You won’t be there,” Zuko noted with an air of skepticism. With his unoccupied hand, Sokka grabbed his cellphone and held it up.
“You haven’t heard? There’s this newfangled invention called a phone—”
“I get it,” Zuko cut him off wearing a smile that didn’t last. He squeezed Sokka’s hand so lightly, Sokka wasn’t sure if he imagined it. “Would you really do that for me?” It was vulnerable and unsure, and Sokka yearned to tell Zuko he would do anything for him.
Instead he went with, “Who says it’s for you? If I don’t have someone to talk to I’ll spontaneously combust.” Sokka grinned when it earned a genuine laugh from Zuko.
Barely contained, Zuko asked, “Is that, like, a medical condition?”
“Oh, yeah,” Sokka replied, feigning graveness, “and it’s terminal, obviously.”
When their laughter fizzled out, Zuko stared longingly at their still-interlaced fingers. “I’m gonna miss you,” Zuko said above a whisper, then traced his unoccupied index finger along the tendons of Sokka’s hand.
Despite the protest of rising color in his cheeks, Sokka’s free hand tilted Zuko’s face upward. To golden eyes, Sokka said, “I’m gonna miss you, too.” Sokka's fingers paused along Zuko’s jaw before retreating to his side. Zuko allowed his lips a brief smile, then his eyes were gone again, this time staring at his lap. From where Sokka was sitting, they looked closed.
“How often can we talk?” Zuko asked bashfully, and Sokka pursed his lips, stifling a grin.
“Every day, if you want,” Sokka said, and his heart beat quicker at the thought.
“Are you sure?”
“Zuko,” Sokka asserted gently, causing their eyes to meet again. “Yes. I want to talk to you every day.” Sokka was careful not to sound irritated or teasing, but affirming and safe, what Zuko needed. “We can look out for each other.”Another gentle grip of Sokka’s fingers around Zuko’s, and Zuko was squeezing back.
“Okay,” he agreed, and Sokka noticed a little tension melt away from his shoulders.
“Okay,” Sokka repeated, and an ecstatic smile dared to spread across his face. He hid it as soon as he could, but he knew Zuko saw it, because he smiling back. “You can call me tomorrow, after you’re settled?” Sokka prompted, and Zuko’s nod was enthusiastic.
“Yeah. I’d like that.”
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Apocalypse (Pt. 1)
Azula’s wailing and resistance against the chains seemed to thicken the tension in the air as Katara supported an injured Zuko through the sages, who parted to let them pass. In the palace, the servants did the same, standing like statues on both sides between them. Katara didn’t bother to look up, especially since Zuko’s heavy arm weighed her neck down. 
She couldn’t trust the sages nor the servants, so she listened to Zuko’s whispered directions to go to a specific room. Go left, he said, no, sorry, go right. He spoke so lowly, as if speaking any louder meant he’d be struck with agony. Their footsteps echoed through the halls of the palace like a awkward rhythm in the palace’s intimidating emptiness. As Zuko guided Katara, she still couldn’t shake off the feeling of being watched even though it was over. Her senses heightened and her heart quickened in anticipation to heal Zuko again.
After a short walk, Zuko and Katara eventually made it to the royal courtyard garden. As they crossed to the other side of it, they observed the garden engulfed by the crimson hue of Sozin’s comet. It made the central pond seem like it was filled with blood and caused all the flowers to appear as though they were withering away. 
They entered the other side and Zuko motioned her to the royal family’s own clinic, where Katara laid him down on a simple red bed in the corner. He hissed as he hit the soft mattress, putting a hand to his chest. Katara immediately sat by his side, drew water from her skin, and began healing Zuko’s star-shaped wound on his exposed chest. The water radiated bright white, illuminating both of their faces in the dim light of the torches.
Zuko did not say a single word, too exhausted from the pain. He slightly spasmed at times, as if the electricity still hadn’t quite left his his body. But Katara couldn’t bare to see him lay twitching anymore. She abruptly stood up and went to search the cabinets of the clinic to see if she could make a remedy to sooth his nerves. She found some ginseng, cloves, and a clay kettle and cups.
Tea it’ll be, she figured. 
On the bed-stove, Katara drew water into the kettle as Zuko watched her. She used a narrow wedge of water to quickly cut the ginseng and crushed the cloves with her hand and the kettle’s top. She’s so preoccupied that she doesn’t even notice Zuko slowly getting up and walking over to bend at the stove’s side.
“Zuko!” Katara calls out as he stares down at him. “Lay back down! You are in no condition to be moving around like that.”
“Calm down, Katara,” he croaked weakly, avoiding eye contact, “you can’t make tea without fire.”
Fire erupted from his open palm into the furnace, heating the entire stove. As Zuko stood back up, he shrieked and Katara was quickly at his side, letting him lean on her. She helped hm lay back down on the bed, her annoyed scolds going over his head.  The bed was warm now from the connected.
But soon enough the water boiled and the tea was ready. She got up to pour it out, handing it over to Zuko who slowly sat up to drink from the cup. 
Suddenly, the thick tension returned. As Zuko sipped, Katara turned to stare out the window, watching the comet blast through the raging red sky. She was grateful taking down Azula was over, but now all she could worry about was Aang and the rest of the gang. It seemed like no matter what progress was done, Katara still had that voice of doubt and anxiety in the back of her mind making her overthink. But how could she not stress when wasn’t even with Sokka or helping Aang? She felt defeated as she laid her arms on the sill and let out a big sigh.
“Don’t worry, Katara, they’ll be alright,” Zuko spoke, “we just have to stay put.”
“I guess so, we can’t do much now,” Katara utters out, tears stinging at her eyes.
“If you need someone to talk to, I’m here,” Zuko reminds her. 
Katara flips her head to look at him, nodding. His amber eyes full of concern and care, just as they were back in the crystal catacombs. Katara blinks her tears dry and turns away to close the window shutters and lock the doors. Despite there being on another bed on the other side of the stove, Katara lays with Zuko, who doesn’t mind but is flushed.
“What? No objection, your Royal Highness?” Katara jokes.
“Not really,” he coughs out, “I can’t sleep anyways.”
“Why? Do you need more tea?”
“No, it’s just the comet keeps me awake. Firebender stuff.”
“Oh, right… then will you keep watch?”
“Of course,” Zuko confirms, “I just know you want to be by my side in case I need help.”
Even though a fiery apocalypse was unfolding, Katara couldn’t help but feel safe. It was as though time had stopped and nothing existed outside the clinic walls. They were protected from the dystopian reality. Here, she and Zuko had created a new world where it was just them alone. All life was was contained within the four walls, nothing more and nothing less. It was like a blurry future that was once filled with despair  is now filled with a faraway hope.
Katara tried to fight sleep while healing Zuko once again.
“Get some rest, Katara,” Zuko advised, “without you, I can’t do anything.”
Katara hummed in approval, being lulled to sleep by Zuko’s heartbeat.
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goldrushzukka · 3 years
zukka + 46 my beloved 💙
kiss #46: a lingering kiss before a long trip apart.
"I am not bringing floss. It's two and a half weeks. You're insane."
"Okay, we'll circle back to that one. Meds?"
"Um - hold on - check, yeah."
"Good. Condoms?"
"Why would I need - you're not even coming with me!"
"You never know -"
"I think this is one of those things I do know, actually."
"Better take a picture, it'll be a while before we see another one of those." Katara stands in the doorway, grinning, and when Sokka and Zuko shoot her twin glares, she only grins wider.
She stalks over to the bed and sticks her hand out to Sokka. "Let me see that."
Sokka grumbles something about invasion of privacy and only child, but he hands the list over.
"You really wrote everything down," Katara remarks.
"It's so he can take it with him," Sokka says. "So he doesn't miss anything on the way back."
"Oh," Katara says. "That makes sense, I guess."
"It's sweet," Zuko corrects her, and yeah, okay, he's right, but she's not going to say that to Sokka's face. "Are we done here?"
"I kinda had more planned, but I don't think it's anything you'll want to do with my sister in the room," Sokka says.
"Gross," Katara says, because it must be said.
Sokka stands up from his spot on the bed, crosses the room to grab one of Zuko's bags. Zuko takes the other, and they troop out towards the front of their little house to the car, Katara still reading through Sokka's list as she follows them, keys in hand.
Then the car is loaded up, and Sokka's glancing at his watch, but Katara's still staring at the list.
"This last one's not checked off," she says, and Zuko comes to look over her shoulder. "What does that even say? Is that an S or a 5?"
"It's an S," Zuko says, and his voice is unbearably fond, which means it's something to do with Sokka, and that means Katara should probably get in the car before she has to see -
Too late. Zuko is gone from her side, and she finds him again the second she looks up, arms thrown around Sokka's neck and smiling into the most nauseating depiction of true love's kiss Katara thinks she's ever seen.
She loves them, she really does, and nothing in the world makes her happier than knowing that Sokka has found the great love of his life in his own best friend, but no one should have to see their brother be kissed with tongue as often as she has.
"This is why I hate coming here," Katara says.
Sokka spares a second to flip her off, and then his hand is right back where it was, bunched in the fabric of Zuko's jacket. Zuko hums, whispers something Katara knows she doesn't want to hear, and then he's changing the angle of his head and Sokka's hands are winding their way up to his hair, and -
Yeah. Katara gets in the car.
Zuko doesn't slide into the passenger seat for another five minutes, and when he does, he can't look her in the eye without turning a mortifying shade of pink.
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indigoideas · 2 years
random Princess Bride AU stuff cause it's my birthday and I want to post things
"You're doing quite well," the Blue Spirit remarks cheerfully. 
"Then why do you seem so happy?" Katara asks. 
"Because I know something you don't know." The Blue Spirit flips his sword to his other hand. "I am not right-handed." 
He is certainly a more formidable enemy when fighting with his dominant hand. But not formidable enough. Katara smirks. 
"Why are you smiling?" the Blue Spirit asks. 
"Because," Katara says, switching her sword to her left hand, "I'm not right-handed either!"
Azula scowls. The murderous bastard who killed her brother is still alive. "Ty Lee. Take him out."
Ty Lee nods, her face determined, and turns back. 
She will succeed, Azula is sure of it. Ty Lee's fighting style is rare. Very few people know how to counter it, and a lowlife pirate certainly wouldn't. 
"You killed my best friend and you expect me to come with you willingly?!" Mai shoves the Blue Spirit down the hill. 
He stumbles, losing his footing on the slope, and falls. He tucks his head and arms in to protect himself as he rolls, and screams back, "Why would I kill my fucking sister?!?!" 
Mai gasps. "Zuko!" She crouches at the top of the hill, hesitating, then glances back. Zhao is getting closer. She doesn't have long. 
She takes a deep breath and flings herself down the hill. 
"Aren't you worried about the ROUSs?" Aang asks. 
"What, Rodents Of Unusual Size?" Sokka says, brushing leaves off his shirt. "I don't believe they really exist." 
A rat the size of a pig skitters out of the underbrush. 
Suki draws her sword, dropping into a fighting stance. "Did you really have to say something?" 
"AAAUGH!" Hama clutches at her ears. "STOP, WITCH!" 
"I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!" The old woman turns to Katara. "Yagoda. Pleased to meet you, dearie." 
"Yagoda? The healer of the North?" Katara asks. 
"One and the same." 
"My grandmother told me about you!" 
Yagoda leans forward, raising an eyebrow. "Oh? Who's your grandmother?" 
"Her name is Kanna. Kanna of the Southern Water Tribe." 
Yagoda's face breaks into a grin. "You're Kanna's granddaughter! I suspected as much. I told you she was, didn't I Hama?" 
"You did." Hama frowns. 
"Now we have to help her!" Yagoda said, turning back to Katara. "Let's see that boy of yours." 
"So let me get this straight," the noblewoman says. "You need to get into the castle for this wedding?" 
Aang nods. "Yeah." 
"What for?" 
Sokka and Aang exchange a look. Can we trust her? 
"Oh, just, you know, need to see someone," Sokka says. "Nothing interesting." 
"That's a lie if I've ever heard one." She crosses her arms. "You want my help, tell me what's going on." 
When he still hesitates, she groans. "I promise not to tell anyone, okay?" 
"Okay, fine." Sokka sighs. "I'm looking for my sister. I think she's planning to sneak into the castle during the wedding, possibly to kill Zhao. I need to make sure she gets out alive and as unharmed as possible." 
The woman grins. "Count me in!" 
"Wait, really?" 
"Yeah! This is the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me, of course I want to be involved!" 
"You're fine with helping us help other people possibly stage a coup?" 
She waves a hand. "If anything, that's a bonus. Zhao sucks." 
"Oh. Okay." 
As they leave the alley, Sokka and Aang fall into step just behind the woman. She glances back at them. "I'm Toph, by the way. Toph Beifong." 
"Hello," Katara rasps, barely audible even to herself. She only knows she said it because her chest flares with pain from the effort. 
"I am Katara of the Southern Water Tribe," she says. "You killed my mother. Prepare to die." 
The six-fingered man lunges at her. She flicks his sword aside. He stares. 
"Hello." Katara pushes off of the wall. Her legs almost give out. "I am Katara of the Southern Water Tribe."
He stabs at her again. She parries. 
"You killed my mother," Katara says, advancing. "Prepare to die." 
"HELLO!" She goes on the offensive, aiming for his hands and arms. 
The six-fingered man stumbles back, desperately fending her off. 
He tries to parry her next blow. Her blade darts past his defense, slicing across his sword hand. His sword goes flying and lands with a clatter on the stone floor. 
"YOU KILLED MY MOTHER," she roars, furious as a typhoon. Her body feels distant, the physical pain drowned out by the emotional. 
He hits the wall. Her blade is at his throat. A drop of blood beads on his skin.
Her voice lowers, turning ice cold. "Prepare. To. Die." 
His face crumples. He raises his hands. "No, please. Have mercy." 
Katara's lip curls. He has the audacity to ask for mercy. He had no mercy for her father, and when her mother rose to defend him, none for her. 
She slashes his cheek. "Offer me money!" 
She slashes his other cheek. "Power, too." 
"Yes!" His eyes, still desperate, are hopeful. 
"Offer me all that I want and more." 
"Anything! If it is within my power to bring you, you shall have it!" He's smiling now, ready to bargain with her for his life. He has power, power he uses to hurt and destroy, and he wants to use that same killing power to save his own skin. 
Katara meets his eyes. "I want my mother back, you son of a bitch." 
His smile falls. She stabs him. 
Her blade slides in quickly, easily, missing every one of his ribs. His body sags, the life draining from his eyes. She steps back, letting him collapse on the floor. 
Katara thought she would enjoy this moment, when she finally rid the world of this monster. Or at least feel relieved. Instead, it feels like killing anyone else. Sickening. Too easy. 
Katara curls up against the wall. Her mother is never coming back. This man took her mother from her, and now he's dead and there's nothing else she can do, now that she's finally gotten revenge. 
Katara looks up. Her eyes are red and there are tear tracks on her face. And her shirt is dark with blood, too much to be from the corpse across the room. 
"Katara, please tell me that's not your blood," Sokka says, stopping in front of her. 
Katara pulls her hand away from her side. She stares at it like it's strange to her. Blood drips from her finger. "Not… all of it. Just most." 
Sokka crouches, offering Katara his hand. "We need to get you out of here." 
Katara nods, but doesn't reach for his hand. 
"How are you? What happened?" 
Katara finally meets Sokka's eyes. "I…" 
"Have you considered becoming a pirate?" Zuko asks. "You'd make a great captain. Or fleet leader." 
"Maybe," Katara says. "Do you have a code of conduct?" 
"Yes. The first Blue Spirit left behind a list of rules that everyone, from captains to cabin boys, follows." 
"Oh, I think I'd like to hear more about this."
Azula's coronation was a year later. The crowds spilled out of the palace walls into the surrounding fields. She was crowned at high noon, with no clouds visible in the sky. 
A year after that, she married. 
Mai did become queen after all. 
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tavern-aa · 4 years
hii !! i hope youre having a great day/night. 
can u do the prompts “Wow, i didn’t realize you were that…flexible.” and/or  “Do you think they can hear us through the tent?” “Yes we can.” for zuko atla ? maybe hes the firelord and they go on a trip to the woods with the rest of the gang ? male reader please.
A/N: Yo…Leviathan wrote this with the help of a friend. Teddy was gonna write this and then said, nah. Not my ZuZu so I was tasked with editing our friends draft and I…may have gone overboard and just like rewritten it even though I have a distaste for smut.
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Smut, +18, voyeurism, tons of subtle fire puns sue me
x Male Reader
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Smut Prompt: 63
“Wow, I didn’t realize you were that…flexible”
Smut Prompt: 110-111
“Do you think they can hear us through the tent?”
“Yes we can.”
They had travelled for hours to make it to the Western Air Temple, their feet heavy and their heads warry, and yet as soon as they set their belongings down, Aang suggested a sparing match. For fun of course, to blow off steam, get everyone a little sleepy so that they could rest a little easier that night. Zuko agreed, partnering up with the air bender whilst Sokka turned to Y/N, the only other non-bender in their group.
Y/N let out a hefty sigh at the look of tired determination on his friends face, “don’t go easy on him, Y/N,” he heard Katara call from where she was setting up the fire to cook for the Gaang’s dinner. Toph walked over to the side and stomped her foot on the ground erecting a tent of rock just large enough for her to fit inside.
Sokka huffed before approaching Y/N for their fight, both landing blows with fist and weapon though the two seemed evenly matched as usual. That changed the moment Y/N’s gaze drifted towards the other men’s fight, his eyes watching as Zuko moved unaware of his stare. Sokka took the opportunity of Y/N’s distraction to land a particularly hard blow to his friends leg swiping it out from under him.
“Point to Sokka!” He exclaimed in excitement as he danced around Y/N’s prone being.
“Shut it, boomerang boy. I was distracted,” Y/N pouted not having noticed the other two had finished their sparring match. Aang laughed loudly at the nickname for Sokka causing him to blush a deep red.
“Stop laughing, Aang! And it was fair, doesn’t matter if you were distracted or not!”
“Oh yeah?”
With that, Y/N used his leg to swipe Sokka’s feet out from under him before clambering over and holding the blade of his knife to the other man’s throat.
“How ‘bout that for fair?”
Sokka huffed before pushing the knife away with his finger, pushing Y/N off gently and getting up.
“Yeah yeah, your win again…I’m starving!”
Y/N watched Sokka run over to the camp fire and start bothering Katara before he too made his way closer to the others, grabbing his tent supplies to set up his and Zuko’s shared tent. The two were forced to share a tent due to lack of space; Sokka, Aang, and Katara were sharing the larger tent and Toph made her own so the other two males were left with the smaller tent.
The non-bender tried to set up the shelter as quick as possible, but we all know that tents are stupid and never want to be easy. His ear perked up as he heard the others laughing with eachother, but he paid no mind, instead keeping his focus on the task at hand.
A hand on his shoulder a moment later startled him out of his trance like state of trying to put the pole into the fabric.
“Sorry…I didn’t mean to startle you, it just looked like you needed help with the tent?”
Y/N’s heart hammered in his chest as his eyes turned to meet the other’s.
“Oh, uh…yeah, that would be great,” he muttered. It’s not like he was nervous around Zuko because he was a fire bender, no he was nervous for a much different reason. Zuko had been so kind to him ever since Y/N joined the Gaang, like sure he was close to everyone but Zuko was especially sweet to Y/N and the non-bender didn’t know why.
“Hey, are you feeling okay…by the way? I uh…I noticed you took a pretty hard fall earlier when sparring with Sokka,” Zuko questioned, raising his head momentarily to glance at the smaller male.
“Oh…ha, you saw that huh? Yeah I’m fine, a little sore, but I’m fine.”
“I could stretch you out if you want?”
Y/N’s face grew bright red, his grip on one of the poles turning white as his head snapped in Zuko’s direction.
“Huh?” He managed to squeak out in shock as Zuko looked up in confusion.
“What? Did I say somethi- oh…oh no that’s not- I-…” Zuko quickly cut himself off, his face also a deep crimson color from realization.
“No, no you’re fine, I’m sorry that was on me,” Y/N awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck before standing up from the now pitched tent.
“But I do think I’ll take you up on that offer, I have some really bad kinks in my neck and back.”
Zuko’s face turned a deeper red as he heard Y/N’s words leave his mouth this time causing the smaller man to sputter and stumble over his words.
“Wait- I- no…I just…”
“This is so awkward to watch…” Sokka commented from the campfire, a spoon being held in front of his mouth. Y/N immediately flipped him off in response, his eyes cast downwards in embarrassment.
“Come on Y/N…let’s just get in the tent and stretch your muscles,” Zuko suggested, gently guiding Y/N into the tent before he zipped up the entrance, “So just uh…take off your shirt and lay on your stomach I guess.”
Y/N’s face stayed the crimson color as his hands reached for the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head in a quick swipe. His hands shook as he tossed it to the side of the area before lowering himself onto one of the sleeping bags on the ground, shivering slightly as the cool material of the fabric.
After a few seconds of awkward silence, a pair of warm hands made contact with Y/N’s back.
“I’m gonna start now,” Zuko whispered as he slowly dug his fingers into the smaller males back. Y/N let out a soft gasp as he felt the man’s fingers press into the sore sports of his body.
“Tell me if it hurts okay?”
“Y-yeah, it feels nice so far.”
Zuko nodded in response though he realized a second later that Y/N could not see him and blushed in embarrassment. After working on his back for a few more minutes, he tapped on the boy’s side.
“Can you turn over, I’m gonna do your legs now.”
Y/N felt his face flush before he slowly nodded into the fabric of the sleeping bag rolling his body over to expose his bare chest to the older male. Zuko’s eyes immediately zeroed in on the pink nubs that stood erect on Y/N’s chest wanting nothing more than to reach out and grab them, play with them, and have them in his mouth, just to make the smaller boy squirm in pleasure.
He quickly shook the thought from his head as he let his gaze trail down towards the younger male’s legs, eyes pausing only momentarily to stare longingly at the bulge in Y/N’s pants.
“Can you uh…can you take your pants off too? So I can get to the skin! Not anything weird!”
Y/N let out a nervous giggle before sitting up slightly and tugging off his pants revealing his briefs.
“A-alright, thank you,” Zuko breathed, his eyes trailing along Y/N’s legs in awe of the color and how incredibly soft they looked. He gently placed his hand on one of the smaller boy’s legs, gently lifting it to get it into a position to stretch out the muscle. This particular stretch has Y/N’s leg up in the air with Zuko’s body directly pressed against it and situated between his legs. Zuko felt his heart start to hammer against his ribs as he began to push Y/N’s leg towards his torso causing a small whimper of pain to release from the smaller boy’s mouth.
“Was that too far?”
“N-no it felt good, keep going.”
Moving on, he continued to push Y/N’s leg all the way up to where the boy was almost doing the splits.
“Wow, I didn’t realize you were that…flexible,” Zuko gulped, his eyes staring directly into Y/N’s. Y/N blushed deeply as he raised his hands to hide his face from the other man.
“I was close friends with Ty Lee and her family growing up so…” the younger male stated, his body shaking in nervousness.
“You’re shaking,” Zuko observed, pulling back from the stretch but keeping the smaller boy’s leg propped over his shoulder, his finger’s slightly digging into the skin.
“A-am I? That-that’s strange, ahaha.” Y/N felt time stop as he watched the fire bender turn his head to look at the smaller boy’s leg before placing a gentle peck against the skin. Not to be cheesy, but the place where his lips touched felt like a flame had been placed and spread from there sending a heat to his stomach.
“Hm?” Zuko hummed in response, slowly leaving more burning kisses along the length of the smaller boy’s leg, “What is it, firefly?”
The was it, the straw that broke the camel’s back. Y/N was hard and obviously so especially since Zuko was still pressing his body against the non bender’s.
“Zuko…” Y/N breathed, an argument playing out within his head debating on whether or not to continue with the actions the two were about to partake in. There were so many possibilities that something could go wrong, but…he could be with Zuko finally. His head felt light as he weighed the options before he finally made up his mind.
Zuko watched slightly amused as Y/N dropped his hands from covering his crimson face and sat up so that their faces were centimeters apart.
“I want you.”
Zuko’s face flushed softly across his cheeks before he nodded slowly, using his free hand to cup the younger man’s face, bringing their lips together in a heated kiss. Y/N let his shaking hands slide into the silky hair of the Fire Lord. A grunt left Zuko’s throat as he adjusted his position, accidentally not so accidentally grinding his growing bulge into Y/N’s raging hard on.
Y/N’s lips parted in shock, a gasp escaping him before Zuko plunged his tongue into the younger man’s mouth. Their tongues seemed to wrestle for ages, but soon Zuko won out before he gently guided Y/n’s body back onto the sleeping bag.
They parted for a second to catch their breaths, Y/N’s entire being seemed disheveled, his hair was a mess, his clothes were missing, and his lips were glossy and swollen from their passionate kiss. All in all, Zuko was close to going feral over that sight alone.
Y/N’s hand reached out and gently stroked the scarred side of Zuko’s face before he pulled the older man back down to him to place a few soft kisses against the scar.
“You’re so handsome…” he whispered against Zuko’s skin causing the Fire Lord to shiver.
“I could say the same to you,” Zuko chuckled, his fingers gently tracing over the smaller mans face before he trailed his hand down towards Y/N’s exposed chest.
The non bender’s back arched into Zuko’s hand as soon as it made contact with the pink bud, a whimper leaving his lips, begging him to touch him properly. Zuko let a smirk cross his face as he took the bud between his fingers, gently tweaking it carefully and yet enough to make Y/N squirm, soft breathy moans escaping his lips.
“Zuko, take your clothes off too…” He whined, reaching up and tugging at the Fire Lord’s tunic. Zuko shook his head in amusement before he stopped his actions, letting Y/N’s leg fall beside him as he pulled his tunic over his head.
“You’re so cute, Firefly.”
Immediately, Zuko was back to attacking the smaller man’s nipples though this time he used his mouth, sucking and gently nipping at the hard buds. Small sounds of pleasure left Y/N’s mouth at the assault, his fingers gripping at Zuko’s hair. The taller man raised an eyebrow at the action, lifting his head slowly to gaze at his partner with a slight smirk.
“What is it now, hm Firefly?”
“I-I wanna touch you too…”
Zuko’s eyebrows raised higher in shock before his smirk grew exponentially.
“If you want to baby, I’m not gonna stop you,” he chuckled, sitting up slowly to allow the other man room to move if he so pleased. Y/N took the opportunity to sit up before switching up his position to be on his knees. He then crawled toward Zuko slowly before letting his hand rest just above the waistband of his pants.
Y/N looked up at the Fire Lord for any hesitation, seeing none, and then continuing to grab both the waistband of his pants and his boxers, slowly pulling them down to expose the older man’s length. The smaller boy felt his heart stop at the size. It wasn’t the longest he had seen but fuck, it was a girthy motherfucker. He swallowed harshly before taking it into his hands, slowly pumping the length of the shaft before leaning his head towards the tip.
His tongue slipped from between his lips, letting it kitten lick the very tip of Zuko’s cock before he slowly engulfed the head with his mouth. His head was spinning as he began to pump his head up and back down the shaft, though he couldn’t get very far seeing as his mouth was slightly small for the width of his cock. A few seconds into the endeavor, Y/N felt Zuko’s finger’s slide into his hair causing him to glance up at his partner.
Zuko’s eyes were glazed over in ecstasy as he stared down at the smaller man, his teeth harshly bit his lip as Y/N ran his tongue up the side of Zuko’s cock once more before traveling down to his balls. His mouth continued to roam the areas he knew were weak points, exploiting them and causing Zuko to groan a little too loudly.
Both males froze in sudden fear of their friends hearing them. They stayed frozen for a few seconds before Y/N looked up at Zuko with concern.
“Do you think they can hear us through the tent?
“Yes we can,” came Toph’s response causing both men’s faces to flush violently as they jumped away from each other.
“I-I’m so sorry!” Y/N squeaked out before sliding into his sleeping bag and hiding his face from Zuko. The taller male’s face was in no better shape than Y/N’s was but he let out a soft chuckle before crawling back over to Y/N.
“I didn’t get to finish,” he whispered in the smaller man’s ear causing him to tense, “What are you gonna do about it?”
The next morning, Zuko and Y/N woke to the bleary, dark circled eyes of their friends. 
“Good morning everyone,” Y/N chirped happily, his face seemed to be glowing after the previous night. The four people sat around the camp fire sent exasperated looked back at both him and Zuko who had just ducked out of the tent.
“Yeah, morning guys,” He stated before slinging his arm over Y/N’s shoulder nonchalantly.
“I hate you guys,” Sokka stated before turning back to his food.  
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