#Katherine is a cat
spoookytay · 8 months
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Vincent Valentine and Katherine DeLight!
I’ll color her later, I have no clue on what her color palette will be LOL
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“I DO WHAT YOU NAME?” I forgot I flipped the canvas
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leoparduscolocola · 1 year
it’s honestly scary seeing how popular raw feeding for cats and dogs is becoming. for so long dogs and cats weren’t coming down with nutrient deficiencies because of commercially available pet food and now they’re making a comeback, plus people have literally died from the diseases transferred by raw feeding… it’s not surprising, though, that raw feeding is growing in popularity considering how popular anti-science movements for humans are right now too. like you can literally go into a pet store and see signs plastered all over claiming that raw is the best when there’s not a shred of evidence for that. it’s so ironic that pet store employees will tell you that the eVil vEtS iN bEd WiTh BiG kiBbLe only recommend a certain food because they get paid to do so and then in the very next breath recommend an obscenely expensive raw food that obviously gives the store a pretty big profit margin. i get why people might not trust the pet food industry but you don’t have to feed raw, you can hire an actual veterinary nutritionist (not just some raw guru online with a “nutrition certificate”) to formulate a homecooked recipe for you
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ace-artemis-fanartist · 5 months
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Sad gay and grieving elf man feeding the stray cats every night.
aka Thara Celehar from The Witness for the Dead.
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mcyt-cats · 2 months
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Katherine's been fostering kittens that she found in her yard!! (She posted them on her youtube community page, she's also fostering their mom but she didn't post a picture of her)
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emotinalsupportturtle · 10 months
whenever I feel sad, overwhelmed, stressed or plain disgusted with life I watch some unhinged British TV (especially comedy panels and shows)
No cure like that
*warning - obsession with comedy shows has been revived
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ransiquack · 4 days
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having real fun with my art
go me!
(i will always love you chemical burns herbert and dan…)
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lilcaesarssuper · 1 year
Katherine had me blushing at that line🤭🤭
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It's over isn't it😔
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Do you want to kiss under the giant cat bridge i built and then moved to spawn after i found out the world was ending surrounded by cats that we bred together in hopes of living just a little longer in this world with people we’ve lived countless lives with while the world is closing in on us and our friends are dying and it feels so familiar because we’ve done this before but this time we could be together will you let me hold you this time as the world comes crashing down on us just like it has it the countless lives we’ve lived together before I built a butterfly garden in hopes you’d see yourself with me and you built mushrooms in your home and I can’t help but feel like I should be going home with you like we did once before like this should have been a world we could grow old together but the walls our closing in on us and the fates are separating us but could we hold hands as we go in a world where we should have been safe our friends are fighting to the death and you die and it’s not even in my arms and I’ve failed to keep you safe you root for me in life and then die trying to assist me in your final breath and I can’t even avenge you
I can only hope we will see each other in our next life
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wanderingeffigy · 4 months
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yvain · 1 year
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Keturah and Lord Death by Martine Leavitt
The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden
“Cecily Brown: Death and the Maid” by Johanna Fateman for The New Yorker
Lobsters, oysters, cherries and pearls (2020) by Cecily Brown
Till We Have Faces by C. S. Lewis
“A Myth of Innocence” from Averno by Louise Glück
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womeninfictionandirl · 10 months
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Kitty Pryde by Robbi Rodriguez
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omvimo · 1 year
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this out of context is SO funny to me
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otowaika · 7 months
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walkman-cat · 9 months
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newsies star trek au. you agree
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rockhousejai · 6 months
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Some Ocs drawings and Monster Toons AU Ortensia
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sirianasims · 9 months
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Chapter 27
Cover Me in Sunshine
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Had it been up to me, and me alone, I would have moved Cecilia in with me immediately. But I wanted to make sure Freya was on board with it. She had barely had time to get used to living with Conrad yet, and I didn’t want to spring yet another bonus parent on her without preparation.
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I still wanted them to at least meet as soon as possible, though. Cecilia and I had been spending every available weekend together, but I wanted her to be able to visit when Freya was here as well. Cecilia was excited to meet my daughter, and I hoped that they would get along.
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For their first meeting, I decided to take them both out to dinner. Neutral ground. It worked when introducing cats and dogs, so why not now? Cecilia was staying with me for the weekend as usual, but I asked her to go ahead and wait at the restaurant while I picked up Freya. Freya knew that we were going to meet my girlfriend, but I wanted a few minutes alone with her to make sure she was prepared.
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I didn’t have to worry. From the moment they met, Cecilia and Freya got along like a house on fire.
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I had of course proudly told Cecilia all about my daughter, and she immediately started asking Freya about her greatest interest, sports. Freya was ecstatic, and when Cecilia admitted that she had never played basketball, Freya solemnly promised to teach her how to play.
My plan had been to stay in the background to give them a chance to connect, but by the time our food arrived, they were so engrossed in a conversation about cats that I might as well not have been there at all.
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Freya was telling Cecilia about how we had found Zoe when Freya was very little. I couldn’t help but smile. I recognised my own words in the way she told it. There was no way she could remember the day that clearly, but I had often told her the story over the years.
She even told Cecilia how her comment about Zoe having green eyes like us had become an inside joke, and how we’d sometimes declare animals on tv as part of the family if they had green eyes. So far, our fictional television family consisted of many cats, a few panthers, one chameleon and a surprising amount of lemurs.
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She asked Cecilia about her tattoos, and Cecilia explained that the white cat on her shoulder was her first cat, Snowball, and the black one on her forearm was Mimi. She even talked about how she had come into my clinic by accident eight years ago to buy treats for them. Mimi was still a kitten back then, but she had lost Snowball to old age since.
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“So does that mean that Mimi is eight years old now, just like me?”
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“She is! And you know what? She also has green eyes, just like you!”
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As we were saying goodbye to Cecilia after dinner, she got down on one knee.
“Freya, I need to ask you a very important question. I love your daddy very much and I would really like to come and live with you guys. Would that be fine with you?”
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“Sure, then I can teach you how to play basketball! But why are you asking me? I mostly live with Mommy.”
“Because it’s your daddy and your house so I want to hear your opinion.”
“Oh, OK. Will Mimi come and live there too?”
“Of course! I want her to meet you, and she can play with Cooper and Zoe!”
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She hugged Cecilia, who almost fell over backwards.
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I looked at the two most important people in my world, and I wanted to cry with happiness.
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As we walked back to Conrad and Katherine, I asked Freya if she liked Cecilia.
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“She’s so cool! And she’s nice and funny and she has green eyes, and Mimi has green eyes, so they belong with us, like Zoe and grandpa! And Cooper, even if he doesn’t have green eyes, but we love him anyway because his eyes are brown like Mommy’s, right Daddy?”
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“That’s right, little monkey”, I said, staring across the harbour while trying not to tear up. For a moment we were both quiet. Then Freya started squirming.
“Daddy? If you and Cecilia had a baby, would the baby have green eyes?”
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“Oh… probably, although the baby could also get grandma Cora’s blue eyes or something from Cecilia’s family. You never know. But why are you asking about babies?”
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“Because I asked Mommy if I could have a little brother or sister and she said that she is too old and I should ask you instead.”
“I… see. Well, Cecilia is just going to move in for now, and maybe we will have a baby some day. But I can’t promise anything, maybe Cecilia doesn’t even want babies.”
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“I bet she does. Do you want me to ask her for you, Daddy?”
“Thanks, monkey, but I think I should ask her that myself. OK?”
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“OK. So when can I get a tattoo? I want one on the arm like Cecilia. Conrad has so many, they’re like everywhere, but he says they hurt to get so I only want a small one.”
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As I dropped Freya off, I quickly gave Katherine an update on how it went. She could hardly be against Cecilia moving in, seeing as she lived with Conrad now. She said she was happy for me.
I didn’t mention the thing with the babies.
beginning / previous / next
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