#Katoonie (mention)
gffa · 2 years
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Hi! While you'll get some conflicting stuff in Legends (I think I remember a brief mention of it in The Approaching Storm which made me roll my eyes because it was Luminara thinking it and Luminara was wearing her own outfit with her own accessories already, in contrast you also have things like Obi-Wan’s river rock from Jedi Apprentice, which is a possession, so it was entirely dependent on which author you were reading) so it’s not totally coming out of nowhere, but it’s one of those things where it’s a random author from deep supplementary material because they just assume the Jedi can’t have possessions, but higher canon contradicts it. We see a handful of rooms in the Jedi Temple and they do tend to skew towards simple in decor (but you also have to consider that animation is HELLA expensive for something that’s only going to be used once, that’s why characters stay in the same clothes in animation so much of the time, because it costs a lot of money to design an outfit that can move around the way they need) but we can see Jedi possessions are not forbidden: - Anakin’s room is chock full of stuff:
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Barriss has her prayer statue that’s unique to her:
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Depa went all out in her room:
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Yoda has candles in his room as well:
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There’s a few quotes from Disney canon that says even Initiates have possessions:      “But this morning, [Qui-Gon had] had to pack his few possessions in a small bundle and leave the crèche where he’d lived as long as he could remember.“ [Master and Apprentice]     “So instead Obi-Wan trudged to his room. It was small and austere, but a shelf above his bed held a few treasures he had gathered. A rock from Ilum. A flower Siri had once tucked behind his ear as a joke. A shell Prie had given him that was probably from an unspeakably terrifying creature she adored. The spoon from their initiate days that Bolla had for some reason decided was his favorite, so they all made a game of stealing it. Obi-Wan had won, he supposed, since they were no longer younglings.”  [Padawan]     “Qui-Gon sat on the simple gray cushion he kept in place of more elaborate seating. He had never added furniture for hosting guests. Obi-Wan always felt like he was somehow intruding, like there really was no place for him in Qui-Gon’s life. He knew Siri’s master had a table for two in her living quarters where they took most meals together, and Prie’s had insisted on a Padawan room right next to his own so they could have easier access to each other when studying together.” [Padawan] (I don’t have the direct quote on hand, but in The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark, Katooni also has a poster of Ahsoka on her wall that she hung up.) Overall, I look at it this way, there are three things that are going into what we see with the Jedi: - Every single frame of animation costs money to make and TCW was not rich at the time it was made, so rooms are designed simply because it was cheaper - The Jedi have a touch of ascetism going on because they’re not super big into worldly possessions and they’re Buddhist monks - I think it works really well as a theme--most Jedi just don’t need stuff, they’re content as they are.  If they want some stuff, they’re perfectly fine to have it, not once does anyone give Anakin a bad time about all the stuff in his room, he openly displays it, it’s fine.  But as a theme, Anakin’s a character who clings onto things, who has trouble letting go, who wants to be surrounded by tangible things, rather than living in harmony with the transient nature of life. Jedi seem to naturally lean towards not having a lot of possessions, they just don’t seem to need them, but they are emphatically NOT forbidden from having them!  There’s nothing in canon that I’ve ever come across that says they’re frowned upon, either. It goes hand in hand with how Jedi are often seen wearing outfits from their birth cultures, like Shaak and Ahsoka with their headddresses, Luminara and Barriss with their head coverings and tattooss, things that are just theirs. So, you’ll see it come up in fic a lot and it’s not like it came out of nowhere, but primary canon does say, yeah, Jedi can have possessions, but they don’t really seem to want or need to have very many of them.
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blackkatmagic · 1 month
in Eastward and Moonwhite, is Tan’s Padawan Katooni?
It literally mentions her by name multiple times, so yes.
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lauransoverthinking · 2 years
I have so many thought about Hondo Ohnaka.
And the way I often see fandom portray him - hilarious inept friend.
And the way he portrays himself - best friend of a certain Jedi master who is always willing to help, for a price.
And the heinous acts he is able to get away with because of this Jack Sparrow like representation.
When we see him in Rebels, it is a glowing representation of him as a scoundrel.
He loves the Jedi
He and Ezra are adorable together
He misses his Jedi best friend.
When we meet him in The Clone Wars, he’s hilarious, mostly harmless, and pretty helpful
Captures Dooku, Anakin, and Obi-wan with the goal to ransom them back to the Republic. Yay, the good guys!
Takes weapons to Onderon. Yay! Overthrow the separatist oppressors
Tries to steal kyber crystals from younglings - that’s not great, but no one got hurt and he definitely thought they could just get more. No harm, no foul?
Attempts to sell a teenage girl…. *insert record scratch here*
Everyone, and I mean everyone, loves to gloss over that last part. Fans, the entirety of the rest of canon, hell even the end of that arc, love to gloss over the fact that THAT MAN TRIED TO SELL AHSOKA.
Not ransom her back to the Republic, not sell her to the separatists.
No, he captured a teenage girl and was going to sell her to someone who specifically wanted to buy a female Jedi.
He told us this!
The truth is, I have my sights set on more nefarious criminals than I, a businessman who will pay handsomely for a Jedi.
A female Jedi at that.
This is the last arc of The Clone Wars he is in.
Later, in this exact episode, he tells us he killed an entire circus troupe because he didn’t like their act!
I would hate to be forced to cut off their heads like I did to your last act.
You remember those guys.
You are a brave man to come before me again.
Where is my Jedi?
I would hate for her to miss the show
which I'm hoping will be better than last time.
We learn so much about Hondo in this episode and it all seems to be telling us the same thing - don’t forget this guy is a bad guy. Like a very bad guy.
He seems to like Anakin and Obi-wan, so they don’t get the worst of him.
Ahsoka does not have that luxury. He is going to sell her to the highest bidder. The type of scum to say they don’t just want to say they own a Jedi, they want to own a female Jedi. We all saw the Zyggeria arc. We all know what he is talking about.
And what is worse is Obi-wan doesn’t even think anything like this is a possibility! Because he and Hondo are friends or something.
Obi-wan: We shall deal with Hondo on Florrum.
Youngling: Will Ahsoka be all right?
Obi-wan: Hondo would be even more of a fool than I think he is to hurt her.
Guess what General - HE IS GOING TO SELL HER!
And he would have continued to try if Grievous hadn’t shown up to ruin his plans.
He did not see the light and change from his murdering of circus troupe and selling sentient beings ways, a bigger bad showed up and he allied himself with the person he just tried to sell because she is a Jedi and still believed his life was worth saving.
And yet this saving his own skin behavior seems to have completely wiped the stain of tried to sell a whole person off of him. Because it’s adorable how he immediately cared for Katooni and that is all people seem to remember from that arc.
No, it isn’t adorable. At all. If Katooni had been a few years older he would have looked at her and seen profits too.
If Ahsoka hadn’t been so concussed from Grievous throwing her around, she would have mentioned the whole trying to sell her thing to someone.
And that would have been the end of the Obi-wan and Hondo friendship, because of, you know, the horrible behavior.
Anyways, TLDR - Never forget that everyone’s favorite pirate with a heart of gold Hondo Ohnaka tried to sell Ahsoka and was only thwarted because Grievous came to attack him instead.
I would have loved to see Ezra tell Ahsoka about his new bestie Hondo. Kanan is over there with his hand over his face thinking ‘I don’t know how to convince him this guy shouldn’t be trusted’ and suddenly Ahsoka solves the problem for him like ‘oh I know Hondo, yeah, he tried to sell me when I was 16 because it would be *airquotes* profitable’.
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Submissions are officially closed!
Here are our challengers:
Korkie Kryze
Aayla Secura
Quinlan Vos
Roron Corobb
Honorable mentions:
Aurra Sing
(These guys were removed by random selection. Sorry!)
I'll start seeding the bracket and scouring wookiepedia for images. the rest of you, ready your propaganda!
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writingforfun0714 · 2 years
Spoilers for Bad Batch S2E6 Tribe!!!!
So I actually liked the latest Bad Batch episode (S2 E6–Tribe) a lot more than I thought I would.
Something about it was still…lacking…for me at least.
The 3rd ep this season (Solitary Clone) was still the best ep this season for me but I did enjoy Tribe a lot (and is def my 2nd favorite so far).
During the pawadan arc in Clone Wars, I was always the most interested in Gungi out of the group (though I still care about all of them and hope the rest of them are ok). And guys, the fucking music for this episode….it’s so good!!!! Like out of all the problems I have with Bad Batch, I’ve never had a problem with ost/music.
Also the animation is really good too. I almost can’t believe how far the og CW animation has come (especially watching Bad Batch then going to watch S1 of CW, even the youngling arc eps when Gungi is introduced looks different).
I honestly thought Rex was gonna have the Batch go rescue Gungi from the droids (based on the trailer) so I was a bit disappointed Omega just happened to see him while they were on a job for Cid.
Speaking of Omega, I’m not sure I like her reaction to Gungi using the Force and his lightsaber for the first time. I couldn’t tell if she was shocked because Gungi is a Jedi, or if it was because she’s never seen a Jedi. A lot of Omega is left up to interpretation so I felt like this was a missed opportunity to shed some light on her backstory. Had she seen a Jedi before? Did she know who they are? Had she seen the Force being used before? Or a lightsaber? Her reaction just felt like the answer could be yes and no. She was surprised, but not stunned/shocked.
I did like how they portrayed Gungi’s fear of clones because of O66. I felt so bad for him, especially when he was curled up on the Marauder.
It would’ve been the perfect time to find out what O66 was like from Omega’s perspective. Omega was on Kamino at the time. I believe Shaak Ti was sent off world (CW S7) so it would’ve been interesting to see.
Along with O66 from Omega’s perspective, we also could’ve gotten more of Hunter’s thoughts on Kanan and what happened.
Also since we’ve gotten Scorch in S1 in War Mantel, I really wanted Sev to be with the Wookies on Kashyyyk. Such a missed opportunity. Sev is separated from Delta Squad and presumed dead on Kashyyyk.
I also want to know what happened to the other padawans (Katooni, Ganodi, Zatt, Biff and Petro) but Gungi never brings them up.
So I guess that’s it. I was hoping Rex would’ve been involved (honestly I’m a bit surprised Echo never suggested they contact Rex), we’d get O66 from Omega’s perspective, more of Hunter’s thoughts on Kanan, mentioning the other padawans and Sev showing up.
But overall, I liked the ‘clone wars’-feel of this episode and hope the next episode continues the same way. I really hope Gungi shows up again along with the other padawans. I’d love to see them as well.
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minniethemoocherda · 3 years
The Life and Times of Hondo Ohnaka
When Ezra first got the invitation, he thought it was a joke. The legendary Hondo Ohnaka couldn’t be dead. It didn’t make any sense. The pirate had survived the clone wars, the rebellion and two Sith lords if his tales were to be believed. Honda had often bragged to Ezra about his plans to go out in a blaze of glory. Losing him to old age had seemed out of character for the infamous weequay. Yet the piece of flimsy in Ezra’s hand told him otherwise.
Ezra noticed that wasn’t he the only one who clutched to their piece of flismi with an expression of disbelief, as he arrived at the remains of old camp on the planet Florrum. Honda had often claimed to know everyone and their mother in the galaxy. Still Ezra was surprised to see the amount of people who had congregated there. He was even more surprised when he discovered that he recognised quite a few of the faces.
“Luke!” Ezra cried, when he spotted the blonde haired young man. Luke motioned for him to come over with a wave his dark cloak. Recently, Ezra had been avoiding the fellow jedi as every time they spoke, Luke tried to convince him to become a teacher at his new school. But Ezra wasn’t ready. Responsibility had never been his strongest attribute and he barely had any formal training to teach in the first place. Plus the fate of his mentor all those years ago, still haunted him. He did not want any protégé to go through what he once had. However, Ezra knew that Luke was too kind souled to ask anything of him at a funeral, so he wasted no time in heading over to ho him. There he also found Han and Chewie, the former dressed in the nicest suit Ezra had ever seen him in.
“I’m assuming you guys knew Hondo as well then?” Ezra asked.
“Did I know him?” Han scoffed. “That nerfhearder stole my ship!”
But Ezra could see the sadness in the former smuggler’s eyes that revealed he wasn’t as angry at the as he claimed to be.
“What about you? Ezra asked, turning to Luke.
Luke shook his head. “No but Old Ben did. He wanted me to come in his place so that he could pay his respects through me. And to claim the fifty credits Hondo owed him.”
Before Ezra could ask how Obi-Wan could ask Luke to come when he was dead, an old serving droid appeared from within the cavern of the camp.
“Welcome to the funeral of the greatest pirate to ever grace the galaxy. Please walk this way.”
Ezra followed the droid deeper into the cavern with a roll of his eyes. Luke, Han and the others weren’t far behind him. Eventually they came to a large opening where holes in the roof illuminated the room. An ornate coffin bedazzled with an almost tacky number of jewels, was at the centre on top of a mound of treasure. A grand painting of the pirate when he was in his prime stood in a gold casting to the left and a small stage was positioned at the right.
Ezra almost expected Hondo to jump out of the coffin with a laugh, holding his gun high as he announced he had tricked them all into coming here so that he could hold them for ransom. But as the minutes passed while the guests pilled into the room, there were no such surprises. And Ezra was suddenly hit with an almost overwhelming weight of acceptance that Honda was actually dead.
Once all the guests were inside, a woman walked onto the stage. She was short with bright orange skin and round eyes that bulged with all the wisdom held inside them,
“Hondo, you gave the best lay out of any being I’ve ever been with.” The woman stated.  
Beside Ezra, Han started choking on air. As Chewie smacked his friend on the back, Ezra continued to listen.
“I remember when you first came into my tavern, a scrapy young thing of nineteen who had just escaped enslavement of the Hutts. The first time I laid eyes on you, I knew that there was something special underneath that leathery yet silky skin.”
Ezra heard Han choke again.
“So, I directed you to a group of weequays from similar situation, leant you a ship, and sent you on your way. I lost track of the number of times we ended up crossing paths over the years. And for every time I wanted to give you a kick in the arse, there was another that I wanted to hold you close against my heart. In my thousands of years, I have seen many loved ones pass, but you Hondo, were the only one I though I could spend eternity with.”
The woman took a long look at the coffin, no doubt imagining what could have been before walking off the stage. Another woman soon took her place. This time, she was a Tholothian, whose dark mottled skin was covered by a strikingly red coat. At her presence, the force seemed to wrap around her, as though she was a black hole. Ezra shared a look with Luke and knew that the fellow jedi had felt it too. Whoever this woman was, she had blocked out the force. And only someone who was once a force wielder would have the power to do that.
“Hondo,” She started, staring out into the crowd with a hardened gaze. “You might not have been a good person. But you were good to me. You gave me the closest thing to a family that I ever had. Even before I lost everything. You took me in when I had nowhere else to go. You might not have taught me how to be good, but you did teach me how to survive. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be alive right now. I owe you everything. Which you already knew because you used to remind me every day. Now you will never know how truly grateful I am for that. And I know you told me never to call you father. But you also told me never to listen to anyone with authority. So, I am going to call you, my father. Because you were. You were my dad and I loved you so much!”
By the end of her speech, tears had begun to spill out of those once hardened eyes. It was as though decades of built-up walls had crumbled before them. The empty void surrounding her suddenly filled. Ezra was nearly stumbled over at the intensity of emotions flooded out of her back into the force. It was only Luke’s hand pressed against the small of his back in a grounding presence that kept him from falling over. After exchanging a thankful nod, Ezra turned his attention back to the stage to see that the woman had gone.
In her place, stood a man with a face so similar to Rex’s that it hurt to look at him, walked onto the stage. Besides the fact that he was obviously a clone, Ezra didn’t know who the man was. It was rare to find any clones still alive now, let alone one looking that young. Although Han and Luke seemed to be aware of who he was if the way the pair stiffened was anything to go by.
“Hondo, you taught me what it meant to be honourable. Which was ironic considering you were the least honourable person in the galaxy. You were the only person I refused to kill.”  
With that, the man walked off without another word. Apparently that last line was all he needed to say. Judging by the looks of shocked respect on his friends’ faces, Ezra guessed it was.
No one immediately took over his place on the stage. Whilst Ezra wondered who would be next, or if that had been the final speech, the droid from earlier appeared next to him.
“Hondo Ohnaka wished for you to be the last to speak.” The droid told him.
“Me?” Ezra asked in shock. “Why?”
“Because you were his favourite.”
Ezra couldn’t deny that he felt touched. Especially after seeing how many people the pirate had cared for.
“But I haven’t prepared anything.” He told the droid.
“Hondo assured me that as a Jedi you would be more than capable of making up speeches on the fly.”
Unable to argue with that, Ezra slowly made his way to the stage. Looking out at the sea of faces, Ezra could see tears in all of them. He even spotted them in the corner of Han’s. Although the pirate was gone, Ezra could feel his presence in the people in the crowd, in the way had had shaped each of them into the people they were today. Ezra took a deep breathe, controlling is voice before his sorrow threatened to take his voice away. “I’m not sure why Hondo asked me to be the last to talk at his funeral. I didn’t know him as well as a lot of you did. But I could have. If I had met him even just a year earlier, I probably would have joined his crew.”
Ezra glanced at the painting beside him. Even though the picture was old and captured a younger version of the pirate, that gleam for adventure in those painted eyes was instantly recognisable. It reminded Ezra that despite what the pirate may have claimed, he wasn’t always in it for the money. Most of the time, he acted out of a thrill of living.
“I sometimes wonder what kind of person I would have become if I had followed you down that path. I thought I might have become bad but now listening to the tales of the people who you loved and who loved you in return, I know now that I would have become a good person. Not perfect but good. The galaxy will be a dimmer place without the light you brought to it.”  
Ezra walked back over to the others, wiping away the tears he hadn’t been able to hold back. Han clasped him on the shoulder and Chewie gave his hair a comforting pet. As soon as the pair released him, Luke didn’t hesitate to hold him in a hug, wrapping the surrounding force with a wave of comfort.
“You did great.” Luke assured him. Ezra gave a squeeze of thanks before pulling back so that he could look the man in his round blue eyes.
“I’ve been thinking about your offer.” Ezra said cautiously, unable to stop the words now that they were out of his mouth. “And I’ve decided that I would like to come teach at your school. If you’ll still have me that is?”
“Of course! This is perfect! I just picked up a new student who you can teach! You are going to love this kid’s Dad. You still have a thing for Mandalorians right?” Luke exclaimed, beaming like the ray of sunshine he was. “What changed your mind?”
“Hondo.” Ezra told him. “Seeing all the people he had impacted. I want to be able to help those that need someone too look out for them, like he did for me. Plus if Hondo can be a good mentor, then anyone can.”
“He would have been proud of you.” Luke told him. Ezra allowed himself to believe those words.
Around them, guests started to mill out or reclaim their debts that the droid was distributing. Once Luke had collected his credits and they had dragged Han away from a potential altercation with the clone, the group headed out of the carven into the brightness of the planets’ sun, Ezra looked back at the painting of the former pirate. In the glint of the sun, Ezra would later swear he thought he saw the picture smirk in a line of bright blue light.
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iamanerd1 · 4 years
Random Star Wars Headcanons I WILL believe until they are disproved
Hera has to skip out of the battle of scarif early because her water broke while she was fighting (why we don’t see the ghost hyperspace jump out. )
Oh Boba Fett’s totally still alive after Jedi. (for context someone in the aftermath series of book is walking around on Tatooine wearing his armor, so AT LEAST his body made it out of the sarlacc pit)
Kallus and Han have had two fist fights on the Yavin 4 runway that needed to be broken up by Zeb and Chewie
Tam Ryvora is the sister of Finn. (I think it would be cool storytelling if Finn’s sister willingly joined the first order. And I do NOT want him to be related to Jannah or Lando.So, some point if Tam has to bloodwork or something an officer comes back to Commander Pyre and is like “We found something.”)
Ben Solo knows how to ‘navigate’ hyperspace in the Chiss sense of the term. And he kind of likes it because it’s one thing he didn’t learn from Luke
He also got the name “Kylo” from Chiss naming policies. I’m not sure how exactly it would fit, but because they don’t like boring single syllable names they rearranged it and mashed it up until the shortened version was “Kylo.” (Probably done by the navigators as a sort of hazing thing.)
Ciena Ree is wheelchair-bound after the battle of Jakku. Buckle up while in your escape pods kids!
Ben Solo also grew up wrestling Wookiees. Including Chewie’s son Lumpawaroo. There’s got to be a reason that that man is THAT big. 
Katooni survives order 66, but just barley. She’s doing fighter training while it happens and manages to jump to hyperspace to escape. But the ship is damaged/running out of oxygen quickly and the TRAUMA of feeling the loss of the entire Jedi order just breaks her. Eventually she is found by Hondo, but she doesn’t remember who she is or her connection to the force. Hondo raises her as his younger sister and teachers her how to be a pirate. Years later Ahsoka visits Hondo and sees her and thanks him. And also maybe breaks down because of it. (Less of a headcanon more of a fic I’m not sure i’ll ever work on. I am aware of the Katooni spaceship, whose to say she just doesn’t remember/use that name?)
Clone trooper Hunter is force sensitive, yeah I didn’t really by his whole “Ugh yeah I just have extra senses and can uhh.. hear the enemy.” And i’ve justified it to myself that there had to be AT LEAST one clone that’s force sensitive statistically in the GAR. 
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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but ''Petooni'' is a pedophilic ship and you probably shouldn't reblog it since it fetishizes literal children and that sort of content is used by pedophiles to groom minors.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m inclined to believe that shipping is not always meant to be inherently sexual. The art in question has the two of them holding hands. Original post here: [x]
Also, Petro and Katooni are around the same age. If there are people out there who are shipping them with the sole intention to depict them in sexual situations (even if they are aged up), then yeah, that’s wrong.
But this has definitely not been the case at all for any of the content I’ve reblogged and seen that ships them where they focus more on the development of their relationship.
That’s my take on it, at least. If anyone else wants to add in, please feel free.
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nny11writes · 7 years
Fictober 19- Order
Me desperately looking for the original prompt: It was here just a second ago, hang on, fffffff, what? Also Me: Oh hey look, that paragraph I never expanded on, I bet I can turn it into a SHORT fictober piece. Honestly, why do you people let me do this????????????? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It had been nearly a month since she’d taken Petro on as a Padawan, and Ahsoka was once again wondering if this was the best idea. They’d been granted temporary leave from the front lines for Petro to get signed up for his classes, and for the two of them to spend time actually working together. It was a new requirement as the war had begun to slow down, one meant to help normalize daily life for the Jedi still alive to appreciate the gesture. Ahsoka had taken several different classes about teaching, and had relied heavily on her fellow Knights and the Masters she knew, to help prepare herself before taking Petro on. By the time his trials had rolled around Ahsoka had been feeling at least confident on that side of things. She had pamphlets and emergency comms coded into her wrist unit, she had quizzed herself relentlessly and even practiced with a few Shinies who were willing to play along. Ahsoka had felt prepared. 
She was not prepared. 
It was a completely different responsibility to focus on this one person. To day in and day out work with him and try to not dictate everything at him. To let go of frustration when realizing that he had not put in the practice. To praise him for mastery without it sounding belittling. They worked well together despite the hiccups and a few arguments they’d already had. 
And they did seem to be having the standard arguments for a new training pair. If there was one thing younglings were taught at the temple it was to speak your mind. And Ahsoka had never had a problem with speaking her mind back.
So far it had mostly been morning grumpiness, hanger, and in one case of too much idleness. But Ahsoka partially chalked that up to Petro joining new classes and primarily being away from her. Not that she spent all day lounging around the apartment. Ahsoka found herself acting as something of a liaison to the Council, the GAR, and various Senators all while being consulted for strategy and being tapped to teach some of the younger initiates classes. If anything, Ahsoka was busier now that she was at the Temple then she ever was out in the field, so she at least aimed to get structure back. Another distinct benefit of the GAR was daily structure. Her and Petro had a morning meditation, light work out, and on occasion sparring. He left for classes while she was pulled in twelve directions, sometimes they had lunch together, they would spend the late afternoon working together on paperwork. Evening was spent with sparring, meditation, an hour to relax, and bed. Petro was sometimes excused from evening sparring or meditation if he needed more time for his class work or if he just needed a break.
Ahsoka found that she needed both meditation sessions every day just to work out her frustrations and concerns.And it was strange, because she’d always liked meditation but found it difficult to maintain for more than about twenty minutes. She’d used the time to just reconnect in the force, to check on herself, Anakin, her men. Mostly observing and floating. Now Ahsoka was more active in her meditations, and was finding herself sometimes meditating through her hour off. Ahsoka had help, plenty of advice from Jedi who had been Master’s longer than she had been alive. But the meditation helped more than she’d expected. It was really a time for her to reflect on the day, to see how her actions had moved her life forward, and now to see if she was doing right by Petro.
Who was, to his credit, not complaining about the schedule she’d set at all. He was improving in leaps and bounds in his lightsaber forms now that he had someone working with him daily. His schoolwork never needed assistance, but having time carved out daily for it had helped him stay on top of it. The only thing was getting him used to being away from his creche mates. It wasn’t that Ahsoka was trying to end those friendships, but it was just the natural order of things. It was part of learning about attachments and part of advancing as a Jedi. But that didn’t make it easier.
That had been one of their fights. Ahsoka didn’t know what was too much contact or not enough. Half of her clan had died in the field, and Ahsoka hadn’t spoken to a single one of her creche mates since she’d become a Padawan. Her experience had been forcibly learning how to let her friends go because she didn’t have a choice. Eventually the two of them figured out the problem, no one knew what the expectations were. So Ahsoka tried to compromise.
If they were going to actually focus and not cause a fuss, Ahsoka was fine with the younglings crowding into their quarters to do homework. Although the four seats they had simply weren’t enough for all of them. Ahsoka had gotten used to stepping over Ganodi as she lay on the floor, Zatt who always seemed to claim a spot on the mats or Petro’s bed, and twisting past Gungi who’d nearly doubled in height and weight. It was when she was trying to do her work and the whole gang was playing games that she had to either retreat to her room or be the Master and ask them to leave.
So Ahsoka had also gotten used to writing on her bed, with an ever expanding fan of pads and data sticks around her.
It was actually nice now that she was allowing it. The laughter and happiness from the group obvious. Ahsoka had been the last member of Clawmouse after doing a stint as a Clan Leader to all four of her clan mates. She had been assigned to sleep in a new set of dorms with other small clans but she’d been pretty much left alone or ignored. Too many silent afternoons wishing she could be with her friends. 
To be fair, Ahsoka was also feeling a bit lonely again herself. She’d made friends with as many Padawans as she’d been able to during her historically short time as one, but even they were unknowns. Her men were half a galaxy away with no reason to stop at Coruscant. Even if they had, she wasn’t allowed out with her men. Her Master was on missions, and everyone she normally would just spend time with were...just gone. 
She was homesick for the 501st. It was easy for her to pick that up even as she tried to concentrate on the living Force around her instead of her petty concerns. To let her worries and negative emotions go. Maybe she could put some of this paperwork off so she could try to meditate on it? Done and done, Ahsoka took a breath in and sunk into the living force around her.
It was the massive smashing sound that pulled Ahsoka out of her meditation fully, and into the main room. Gungi half lay on the floor dazed with Zatt and Petro literally clinging to each other with laughter, Katooni was staring at Ahsoka in worry and Ganodi was doubled over gasping for air. Ahsoka looked over to the somewhat oversized chair she’d chosen for herself, the idea having been that she was still growing and it would fit someday. Her former chair. Splinters of wood and upholstery were scattered around Gungi’s rump, and as he slowly stood up a few pieces clung to his fur prompting further laughter.
Ahsoka supposed she should have seen that coming, is this how Obi-Wan felt when she and Anakin destoryed things? This resigned amusement? “You are all helping me find something better, Gungi will carry it won’t you big guy?”
Gungi’s weak chuff of agreement only set his friends off worse.
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karlyanalora · 3 years
Commander Fox vs Determined Jedi Healer in Training
Prompt: Day 5 Recovery
Warnings: N/A
Characters: Commander Fox, Jedi Youngling Katooni, Anakin Skywalker, mentioned Captain Rex
Summary: Recovery, Fox is surprisingly bad at it.
Here are the rules Fox has been given by the Jedi Healers:
Drink eight glasses of water a day
Get eight hours of sleep minimum
Take naps when he feels tired
Lay down when he feels light headed
Report any and all pain
No strenuous activity
Eat three meals a day
And under no circumstances is he to do any work
Here are all the rules Fox has actually followed since waking up from surgery:
Note the empty list.
Now Jedi healers have a secret weapon the GAR medics do not. Namely, cute Jedi younglings like Katooni. This is an extremely effective weapon because Fox would actually feel bad hurting her in an attempt to get out of taking care of himself.
Apparently, the girl’s training to be a medic and she’s already got the signature stare down.
“Now, are you going to take your supplements or do I need to get my Wookie friend to sit on you?”
“No ma’am,” Fox replies submissively.
Katooni gives a sharp nod. “Good. Next, you can actually eat your dinner and go to bed. Then in the morning, you will return to the med bay to check for any other things you might have forgotten to tell us like, I don’t know, nearly passing out in the fresher.”
“How do you know about that?” Fox asked in horror.
“You nearly gave Petro a heart attack.”
Anakin keeps silently recording so he can send this to Rex later. It’s not every day a big tough commander of the GAR gets bossed around by a little girl.
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satingrove · 4 years
there is no maker
pairing: obi-wan kenobi x jedi!reader
summary: you secretly watch obi-wan teach a group of younglings. one senses his feelings of love, prompting you to leave. he seeks you out.
wc: 2.258k
warnings: some angst, sad and lonely obi-wan, fluff, RAIN
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“There is no emotion, there is…?” Obi-Wan Kenobi sits before a half-circle of younglings, waiting patiently for a signal and the completing word of the sentence. “Yes, go ahead Gungi.” He smiles warmly.
“There is peace?” Gungi watches the Jedi Master timidly, though he knows his answer is correct.
“Very good, little one.” Obi-Wan affirms the tentative reply from the Wookie, offering a second cozy grin in his direction. He recalls the repetition of the Code from his own youth, the endless chanting of the same words that deny the existence of emotion, ignorance, passion, chaos, and even the wicked hands of death. But it doesn’t hurt him to revisit it in the lesson he teaches now, with the bright and shining younglings of the next generation of Jedi.
Gungi’s sigh of relief does not go unnoticed, the sound of air pushing out of lungs prominent in the quiet Temple room. Continuing through the mantra, Obi-Wan recites the poetic form of the Jedi Code, leaving out words for the younglings to add in themselves, a symbol of their understanding.
They reach the final lines, There is no chaos, there is harmony, and he feels his chest swell with honour.
“Can I do the last line, Master Kenobi?” An enthusiastic Tholothian, Katooni, chimes in. Obi-Wan agrees, calmly but showing encouragement for her.
“There is no death, there is the Force.” She flutters her eyes closed as she delivers the line, a level voice and a sense of dignity.
As Katooni mentions the Force, an additional pair of robes sweep into the clear room, unrecognized by any of the members within. You watch, arms crossed against your chest, leaning against a large marble pillar.
It’s his fault, you think, watching Obi-Wan with the children. It’s his fault that they love him so dearly, that he looks much too fatherly with them not to be a father. It pulls at your heart so deeply, the patience he holds for those prone-to-trouble juniors.
“Lovely words, yes Katooni?” Obi-Wan questions with a raised eyebrow, making the little girl giggle and cover her mouth. His fault that they love him so dearly.
“Now, I’d like you all to try and reach out with your feelings. Tell me what you sense in my direction.” Obi-Wan instructs the younglings who sit cross legged with straight backs. All is still, no shifting or fidgeting. Their eyes are closed in profound concentration.
“Yes, concentrate and tell me what you feel.” His eyes flick to the source of the voice, and then land on what he knows are your robes, poking out from behind a pillar. Tilting his head in dazed fondness, the corner of his lips turning upwards, he lets his shields down.
“Well… it’s changed.” A puzzled Rodian speaks. “Before, it was just serenity, but now I sense…” Love? No, surely Master Kenobi wouldn’t feel such a passion as love. 
“Go on, Ganodi. There is no judgment here with your friends.” Obi-Wan assures, vaguely gesturing to the rest of the group, and turns his stare to the fabric looming behind the pillar next to the archway, chastising himself for his wavering focus.
“Love, Master. Passion…”
You take a step outwards. Love… for what? For who? It’s something you’d rather not know, and while the domestic sight of Obi-Wan with the children is exceptionally pleasant, you’d still prefer not to know.
The Master becomes frigid, only on the inside; his exterior shows poise. He’s aware of your quick exit, the speedy flash of a cloak whisking through the archway, and he’s not without cherry blossom blush upon his cheeks.
It’s morally wrong to deny the Rodian, who guessed truthfully. He knows that. It would merely cause confusion for the poor thing, but he also knows better than to let it be known, his love and passion aren’t information which can be relayed to anyone, save for himself. And so he does save himself, by doing neither.
A soft “aww” sound, the disappointed kind, echoes when the lesson is cut short. Gungi tugs on Obi-Wan’s sleeve.
“Please, Master Kenobi? I was finally getting the hang of it!” His pleading, furry face splashes a hint of guilt into Obi-Wan’s.
“Another time, Gungi. Another time.” Looking like a tired grandpa for a split-second, he manages a forced chuckle.
What? and who? sit aboard your clouded train of thought. The tracks are a circle and it rides full speed, fuming and steaming. Smoke rises in your head. The vast hallways of the Jedi Temple turn into the wide exit path, and then to the winding streets of Coruscant, where it rains angrily from the skies. You suppose it’s how you feel inside. Downcast. Sodden. But rain doesn’t feel confusion. In your frenzied state, you’re smart enough to remember that. The rest of common sense is drowned with the plummeting rainfall and you don’t know where you’re headed. You don’t know why you feel jealous. For who? For what?! The wet and cold stick your robes tightly to your skin. 
Passing through a small market sector, there’s the smell of blumfruit and something even sweeter. It’s soon forgotten as you weave through groups of species you’re not sure you’ve ever seen before. A few looks are tossed your way. Jedi. You’re no stranger to the apprehensive attitudes that some hold. 
As the looks are tossed, you pay no mind to throw them back. Your emotion makes for a brisk stride. There’s little manner down in the streets of this planet, only one or two polite people making way for your trek. It’s dirty and grey and exactly the colour of your useless longing. The Maker above is thanked in a whisper when you find a private spot, covered from the rain and up a fair amount of stairs.
At this moment, you don’t feel like a Jedi. At this moment, there is passion and chaos and a generous slab of envy. The kind that has long green vines that grow and encase your heart and shield it from the sun. It takes all the golden light for itself. And for now, so do the clouds in the atmosphere, that overlook a second Jedi roaming through the streets, following the traces of a Force Signature.
Obi-Wan’s hood is drawn over his head, his arms tightly wound across his chest. The rain does the same to him as it did to you, making his robes cling to his body. It’s not something he has the time to care for, but whether or not he could care, did not matter. Obi-Wan is one for stormy weather, lifting his face upwards to feel raindrops trickle upon his cheeks into his light-coloured beard. The chagrin of letting the younglings down in their excitement bites at him. His hood slips off from his tilted head. 
Your Force Signature is apparent; Obi-Wan knows your sign, the sensations and presence you leave behind to other Force users to pick up on. He figures he knows it the best of all. He hopes he does.
Tracing the loops through the same market, he becomes almost grumpy with the crowded spaces that are too dense to let him keep up the pace of his urgent march. The foot of the staircase, its metallic steps gleaming with the rain, shows itself to Obi-Wan by degrees, the lethargic gaggle of strangers finally dwindling away. The passion surges.
Obi-Wan doesn’t feel like a Jedi.
You sense him long before he appears in front of you, soaked through all layers. It’s at your bewilderment that he remembers - you didn’t know he caught you hiding behind the pillar, so to find him at the edge of the steps, despondent, tells you something about the “who?” question that crippled your thinking patterns remarkably. The realization paints across his face and makes him turn sheepish. A revelation that, in his own desperate madness, could have been kept under the wraps of his cloak had he not suffered a lack of wit to follow you.
The cloth sticks to his body in a way that is so modestly handsome, yet simple enough for Obi-Wan’s own looks to work their charm and make it appear ethereal.
He closes his lips tightly, nodding to you as a greeting, choosing to stay in the fall of rain. Rising, you walk to meet him from a foot apart. 
“Your younglings give you away, Obi-Wan.” You offer the start of conversation with the shyness that Obi-Wan found himself yearning to be met with.
“What were you doing in there?” He replies, an air of calm leaving with his words. His tone is quizzical, and it affirms all that you love about the Jedi.
The behaviour he administers standing there, displaying the utmost respect with which he regards all things, the softest touches of compassion and fortitude looming behind his barriers. His courage is in the face of adversity, your face, and he doesn’t know how to respond to it. Adversity, its misfortune, staring him in the face through the colour of your eyes and the curve of your lips. It smiles at him and he wants to kiss it.
The war he fights, to the far reaches of the outer rim, was enough for him before, yet he’s here now, damp and cold in the maze of Coruscant, with another war inside of himself. A heart duels with a brain.
“I like to watch you teach.” Your lips are wet.
“Is that so?” He answers fast enough, as if he already knew. There is a comfortable pause with the pitter-patter sounds of water. “What made you leave?” Obi-Wan asks this and he, in fact, did know the answer to that question.
Love. Passion. Before, it was serenity.
The present was serene, wasn’t it? Obi-Wan could think so.
“Felt like intrusion.”
“The younglings handled it well.” His lips work the sentence out, but the rest of his face says and you couldn’t? 
Except, it’s pained.
Except, it’s despairing and hopeless and all things that Obi-Wan refused to show to the world. And you wonder why. As grim as it may sound, he is beautiful. In his pain, he is beautiful. To you, to anyone who might see the way his hair is unkempt and falling into his face, the blue eyes looking fixedly, expectantly at their focus, his hands at his sides and his laboured breathing bringing his chest up and down, rhythmically. The only way he comes to that appearance is because he doesn’t care to fix it, because he’s too worried about fixing everything else. 
Then, you think of how much you hate seeing him like this, intimate and secret as it is. You figure you’re among a mere two or three who have seen him sad. He’s more beautiful when the sunshine peeks from his grin. That much is true. 
“Because you’ve taught them well.” Your compliment soothes him briefly, but he adopts that unhappy look that makes you think there’s no Maker above, although you’ve just thanked it, because no Maker would have let Obi-Wan Kenobi feel the way he does right now. Forlorn. Not like himself.
And, not like himself, he loses some of his reserve.
He makes the distance minuscule. A cautious hand reaches his face and brushes over his beard, your thumb brushing kindly back and forth across his cheek. Obi-Wan absent-mindedly leans into it and he thinks of how healing it feels when you touch him. How he longs for you to keep touching him. 
You catch the sun peeking through the crack of his lips as they smile.
All he knows is that it’s been lonely. The way you speak to him, touch him, feel him, tells him that the rough edges of life and war can be softened. They can be buffered. That he can love freely, and that he’s glad it’s you.
It’s impossible for either of you to get any more wet, and the thought of shelter, even now, is abandoned along with his fear of unrequited feelings.
Obi-Wan raises his hand through the misty air, letting it fall upon and envelope yours. He brings it close to his heart, and closes his other around it. Gentleness is about the only thing you can register -  his soft movements as he becomes himself are profound and calculated. The remnants of his loneliness that had come out of hiding are already disappearing, as if he breathes it out into the air to be lost, as he himself is found.
Your hand remains clasped by both of his when his lips touch your forehead, a pillowy kiss that says what he cannot. The sun shines within him, as if kissing the moon or the stars, his perfect counterpart.
The sun softly lights the moon, and what a comparison it is, because you know that Obi-Wan is golden as he takes you in his arms and you press against each other in a burst of rays. The kind that keep you warm through all the layers of drenched robes. His nose is pressed into your shoulder, your arms wind tight around his neck. A thought of his presses into your mind, spoken in his voice, be my comfort, I seek you everyday.
Passion is in the gestures and love is in the feelings shared, one Jedi to another. 
There is no passion, there is serenity.
It’s left up to the rain to convey the serene qualities in this exchange of two fond people, who look at each other the way that lovers do.
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blackkatmagic · 3 years
I’m glad that Trilla is safe and not spaced. Honestly, I can’t wait for the other Jedi to start rolling in. We’ve got Ferus, Jon and the other nomads, but I’m pumped to see the ones you put in the tag (and the ones you confirmed here but didn’t put in the tags). If I remember correctly, they should be breaking into the Spire soon, which means they’ll find Luminara.
Also: your ominous smiley faces whenever Katooni is mentioned make me nervous. For the sake of my nerves, I’m choosing to believe she’s a pirate on Hondo’s crew until you reveal her actual fate.
No one should take any threats to Katooni's safety seriously, coming from me, because I love her to death. But yes! Luminara will be the next Jedi appearing, and it will be immensely exciting. :)
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Can we all agree that the most powerful being in the universe isn't any of the Skywalkers, Palpatine or Adult Yoda, but the kid who was able to look at the Child's pleading eyes and still refused to share his cookies? I wonder how much of a problem cookie stealing was in the Jedi creche?
My headcanon is that this kid was Force-sensitive (no kidding, that was my very first thought) and could feel baby Yoda’s attempts at weaponizing his own cuteness. How that brave boy managed to resist the powerful mind-suggestion remains a mystery, but he’s definitely up there with the Bendu, the Father, Son and Daughter, the Force Priestesses, and other such Force-entities. (Speaking of which, if one of their ghosts could kindly drop a freaking boulder on Gideon’s head instead of practicing non-interference, that would be much appreciated.)
Cookie-stealing obviously didn’t work in the Jedi creche, because it would always devolve into cookie-Force-tug-of-war, which led to cookie-crumbling, and no-cookies-for-anyone. A great way to practice non-attachment, patience and discipline, on the one hand - but also, cookie crumbs and crying kids. 
Also, every single Jedi baby is far too precious and too adorable for the puppy eyes to work on each other, or the Masters. When you’ve got a gaggle of Baby-Wans and little ‘Sokas running around, not to mention Ganodi’s galaxy eyes, Cal and Zatt’s freckles, Caleb and Petro’s adorable pouty faces, Katooni’s little nose, and Byph and Gungi’s general preciousness, you have to adapt and come up with some serious defensive tactics. 
I’m betting only Miralukas with mind-shields of beskar and nerves of durasteel were allowed to hand out the cookies. 
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geodax · 4 years
Survivor’s Guilt
(warnings- mentions of character death)
“You should eat,” Katooni says.
Obi-wan raises his head off his sweat-soaked pillow and finds the Jedi youngling sitting against the wall. “I’m fine,” Obi-wan says, then rolls to his other side so he doesn’t have to see her. The last time he had seen her was in the Jedi Temple, after the end of the war, with a hole through her chest and her glazed eyes fixed on the ceiling. He doesn’t want to see her again.
Anakin had killed her. Anakin had killed her because Obi-wan had left him alone. He should have taken Anakin with him, or even asked someone else to deal with Grievous in his place. He should have talked to Anakin about Padme or tried to reach out even more. He should have found some way to pull Anakin away from Palpatine.
He should have died with the rest of them.
“You have to take care of yourself,” she says. “Luke needs you.”
Obi-wan sighs. Any other Jedi would have been a better choice to watch over Luke. Mace would have made a wonderful teacher for him. He wouldn’t have been so consumed by misery and sorrow as Obi-wan is. He should have gone to face Grievous. Obi-wan should have stayed behind and been killed. It would have been better.
A dozen names float through his head, Jedi that had more knowledge of the Order’s history and traditions, Jedi that lived to meditate and bring peace to those around them, Jedi that were far better Jedi than Obi-wan ever was. They should have been the ones to survive. Not him.
“Master Obi-wan,” Katooni says, but it’s not Katooni anymore. It’s Ahsoka, her eyes blank and a hole in her head. Rex was too good a soldier to let her live. And even if he had failed, Anakin would have hunted her down and killed her.
“You have to get up,” Ahsoka says.
Obi-wan sighs. He doesn’t exactly have a choice in the matter. Soon enough his sense of duty will override his sorrow and then he’ll drag himself out of bed, choke down some snake stew, and go check on Luke.
But not today.
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I don’t care that Katooni wasn’t mentioned in Rebels.  She totally survived order 66 and joined Hondo after going underground.
Hondo became her eccentric uncle/father figure and she’s fine!
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Chapters: 9/? Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2224 | Cody, Qui-Gon Jinn, Anakin Skywalker, CT-7567 | Rex, Mace Windu, Jango Fett, Padmé Amidala, Plo Koon, Katooni (Star Wars), Caleb Dume, Depa Billaba, Siri Tachi Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Fluff, Blind Obi-Wan Kenobi, Dead Body, Mandalore, Mentions of Violence, Past Violence, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Cody is so in love, Obi-Wan is so in love 
@ogjeems I hope this is alright lol
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