#Padawan Petro
happydragon · 4 months
Please enjoy the update of this au that's been rotating in my mind like a microwave
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Bad Batch Spoilers: Episode 6
There’s only one sentence that can summarize this episode:
Fuck Palpatine.
Like Hunter is right. Gungi is still a CHILD. He’s not supposed to see such atrocities such as Order 66 or his own home-world of Kashyyyk being burned for resources.
Gungi is supposed to instead have fun with his Padawan friends and feel happy with his Jedi family. Like, the first time we meet Gungi, he was so happy being with his friends because they were on a road trip with Yoda to get their lightsabers, and then he goes on a bunch of crazy adventures with his friends because that’s what kids are supposed to do.
But he can’t do that anymore. He lost almost everything from Order 66 and almost became a slave, or worse. His trauma is to the point that he gets scared of the Batch the instant he saw Echo. The worst part is that we only see Gungi in this episode.
Just Gungi. Without his friends. No Petro, or Katooni, or Zatt, or Ganodi, or Byph. Just Gungi. Alone.
We could assume they also survived, but considering who lead the attack at Temple during Order 66… No. let’s just hope Gungi one day get his friends back.
And hope they can be friends with Omega too.
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bh-52 · 2 years
Galen Marek with his daughters, (which he adopted in my From Starkiller to Starbird fanfic) Omega and Katooni.
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Galen Marek with his first wife (Barriss,) and his Padawan (Katooni.)
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Galen hanging out with his first love (Ahsoka,) and Katooni.
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Galen with his adorable Padawan.
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Petro and Katooni being an awesome team.
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writingforfun0714 · 2 years
Hey everyone,
So I was going through a Bad Batch trailer analysis I had made before S2 premiered and saw something. The trailer is from about 8mo ago and I managed to get this screenshot.
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Omega is shown briefly with this boy, who appears to be about 3yrs older than her (anywhere from 2-4yrs older tbh). This is the only time we see him and the only convo/dialog we get is Omega telling him ‘let’s go’. I can’t tell what the light source is in the background, but they are clearly inside somewhere.
Here’s the same shot only I messed with it a bit in Procreate to try and make it brighter.
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There appears to be some kind of doorway or something behind Omega on the right, though it’s barely visible and I could totally be wrong. Despite the low quality we can see that the boy has a scarf, fingerless gloves and a casual tunic (nothing like what the rich/senators/powerful people wear). I haven’t really seen this kid discussed but I have 2 theories about who he could be.
**I HC the Clone War lasted about 4yrs. Idk how accurate/concrete the years are for SW**
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Theory 1–This boy is Petro, one of the padawans from Gungi’s group (the cocky kid). Considering we’ve seen Gungi already and knew for a fact he was gonna show up, it’s not entirely impossible that we’d run into the others. Personally, I was really sad we didn’t hear a thing about them from Gungi the whole ep (and that Echo didn’t even suggest contacting Rex?? Like yes Gungi belongs w/ his people, but Ahsoka!!! The others!!! I honestly thought that was how the padawans would tie into this season, though so far only Gungi is confirmed). While Petro is about 12 during the padawan/Hondo arc, this boy appears to be about 14/15, meaning about 2-3yrs of the war go by. If BB S2 is about 6mo after O66, that could work out (I think. Cuz Ahsoka would be about 15 during her time with the padawans and about 17/18 during O66). While Petro’s hair color is darker in CW, hair can change color over time. However, the texture of this boy’s hair is more wavy than Petro’s and his nose is straighter (Petro’s nose curves in). Yes we’ve seen Anakin’s straight golden hair turn to a long, curly chocolate brown, but usually facial features stay the same. All facial features ‘shrink’ as we age so yes, they do change in size, but they should still be the same shape, just proportionally smaller (unless surgery or something).
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Theory 2–This boy is Lux Bonteri. Lux is about Ahsoka’s age when they meet. Because CW is an anthology series, the only linear time progression we get is through Ahsoka aging (though there are some stories w/ out of order episodes). Since the padawan arc and Ahsoka training Lux happens in the same season, it’s possible that she met Lux after her time w/ the padawans. If so that’d put them both at about 15. As stated in Theory 1, this boy in the screenshot appears to be about 14/15 (Lux’s age in CW). Lux would be about 17ish in BB S2 which doesn’t really line up with the boy in the picture. However, we have already been introduced to Saw Gerrera in S1. It’s possible Lux returned to/stayed with Saw and the rebels on Onderon after Steela Gerrera’s death. That’d be a way to bring Saw back in since we just saw him that one time in S1E1. Also, Lux’s hair texture and color line up better with this boy and while his nose still has a bit of a button shape at the tip, the bridge of his nose is straighter than Petro’s. Only the ages don’t quite line up.
There’s also the possibility that we’ve never seen this boy/he is a new character. I could be totally wrong about my theories. We’ve gotten 2 new characters so far (Phee Genoa and Tawni Ames) so it’s not impossible to have another. I must admit that while both Lux and Petro check similar boxes to this mystery boy, neither match him completely. Lux would be almost an adult (17/18) while this boy looks to be 15 at the oldest (I HC Omega is 12 in S2) though his hair texture, color and nose shape matches this boy more than Petro. In contrast, Petro would be the right age (about 14/15 during BB) and we’ve already got confirmation that Gungi is alive.
I just wanted to bring this up cuz I rewatched S2E6 ‘Tribe’ and was going through some of my previous posts. Thanks for reading 💕
*Edit—I had a thought that it could be Kanan as well. We haven’t seen him since he ran off in S1E1 and because Omega knows Hera, she could set up their meeting. His nose shape and hair color are a match along with his age, though I think the hair texture is a bit different. However, given that he mistrusted CF99/Hunter the last time he saw them, I highly doubt he’d trust Hunter again.
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nny11writes · 6 years
My Padawan- Chapter 4
Ahsoka grinned as Petro burst out of his clan’s dorm room, a small pack on his back and bounced on the balls of his feet. “Good morning Master!”
“Good morning Padawan. Do you have all of your things?” Ahsoka glanced at the shut door behind him.
“Yes Master Tano!” Petro was ready, beyond ready, Ahsoka considered that they might need to do some physical training after getting him settled just to bleed out the energy.
“Excellent, let’s get you a few things and then you can get sorted at the apartment. Also, just so you know, I’m fine with you calling me Ahsoka when it’s just us. In front of others, Master Ahsoka or Master Tano is alright as well.” She spoke while they both walked towards the Commissar and Requisitions Office.
“Thank you Ahsoka.” Petro said her name as if he’d never heard it before, instead of having only called her that for literally as long as he’d known her.
“You’re welcome Petro. First stop is to get you some new clothes.” She could feel his confusion rolling off him and hurried to add on. “As a Padawan learner I want you to be able to express yourself in a way you haven’t had the chance to as an initiate. You can choose from a variety of colors and cuts, if there’s anything you want to add from your culture or symbols that are important to your heritage you are welcome to add them.”
She’d learned all about that trick from the Troopers. That shinies came with plain white armor and were allowed to paint it after their first engagement. It helped them to feel like they had accomplished more, grown, achieved something more than just a new rank. Padawans earned beads as they went, but here at the start getting new clothes might help him feel more comfortable.
Petro, still confused, looked at his own clothes as if they were suddenly going to change before his eyes. Initiates were allowed to have some individual aspects to their outfits and grooming, but it was heavily regulated. Ahsoka had been thrilled when Master Yoda explained to her that she could choose what felt like anything in the world. He’d given the go ahead for her to wear a more traditional hunting dress and commented that she would definitely feel cooler wearing that than her stuffy robes. Of course she’d changed her mind as the war dragged along, and had even recently change again for a sleeveless variant of the Jedi Knight tunics. Petro was still dressed in layers of tunics, a hint of Corellia’s green coming through, but otherwise it was identical to all the other humanoid initiates. It also looked really hot to her, but then again, species difference.
“Don’t overthink this, we can always come back if you decide you want something different. Besides, once you start growing we’ll have to get new clothes anyways. I’m pretty lax about dress, so you’re basically free to run wild. Maybe don’t do purple zig zag stripes and try to wear at least a loin cloth.” She grinned as his face turned a few shades.
Oh this was fun, the teasing Master role was definitely fun!
“I’ll try not to prance around looking like a dancer.” He muttered, face going a blazing red.
“Once we get you some clothes we’ll stop at the Commissary and get whatever products you need. I already got my personal grooming items, but I’m hoping we can pick out some furniture together for the main room.” She shrugged and let her embarrassment drift in the force. “I’m not really a decorator.”
Decorating together was an offer made in good faith, one hoping to show that communication was open. That their relationship was a partnership. That she valued his input.
It was, ultimately, a bit of a mistake.
It was three hours later and Ahsoka had to admit, her attention was lagging. Petro had gone through the clothing portion quickly enough, opting for a few more green accents and adding some inlay into his belts. It had been the rest of the shopping that was trying, and somewhat successfully, killing her via boredom. Having never been able to choose something as big as furniture or as varied as personal items before, Petro had been overwhelmed by the options. He’d smelled every bottle of shampoo, squished multiple sponges, sat on every chair, even hefted various curtains as he stared at everything. At first it had been endearing, but Ahsoka was honestly just hungry and bored at this point. She kept it behind her shields and smiled as he came up with options and questions for her. It wouldn’t due to be rude to him and it was probably very un-Knight like of her to boot.
She almost snorted as she tried to picture her and Anakin doing this on day one. That could have done them in!
She hadn’t had this experience at all. Ahsoka had literally been launched into battle on day one after she got one set of clothes made. She hadn’t even had quarters on the Resolute, she’d spent the first night on board in a Trooper bunk just to get some shut eye and had been shocked when they showed her a single room that was hers the next day. No sharing, but no choices either. Her shower had the GAR’s subtle touch; everything was done in stark gray and blue, and she’d only had to buy a few items at the Temple to properly care for her montrals. So Ahsoka’s default options even now were GAR soap, GAR scrubbers, GAR towels, GAR whatever. Made her easy to shop for if not very original with the men, but she’d often had other Jedi whip around on smelling the spicy soap looking for a Trooper in the Temple. Master Yoda had helped her with clothes, but had basically said ‘do what you want’ and ordered her about ten of them. Then she’d had Anakin who decided to help her half the time and prank her the other half when she needed requisition help. So she’d turned to Rex who usually just got her more GAR requisitions.
The boys had been rather thrilled that she was happy with anything they could actually get themselves. It had become normal for her to get back to her quarters only to find another lump the GAR considered a pillow or a new set of steel blue sheets in thanks for something. The most impressive one had been when the boys pooled together some favors and money to have a whole set sent to her quarters in the Temple. Ahsoka had nearly burst into tears looking at it and had promptly socked Anakin for scrunching up his nose at it.
Petro returned, breaking Ahsoka out of her thoughts, and smiled sheepishly as he put a voucher for bed sheets into their basket. He’d waffled on the make and color of those as well. Ahsoka had tried to make a few suggestions but he’d alternately found them bland or childish, so she eventually stopped and let him just bring the samples or point them out in a catalog. He cleared his throat before more asking than anything, “Ok, sorry, I think that’s it?”
Ahsoka smiled at him before opening the catalog again, to his moaning protest. There was something nice in knowing that his limits were being hit too.
“Well, I think I have some ideas for the main room at this point. We can have a two seater couch by the book shelf, I’m hoping to get a table with a few chairs like this, and I’d like to get some foam mats we can easily pack away for meditation and some light workouts in the morning. Put in a request for a holoscreen but I’m guessing we’ll get shot down.”
Petro looked at her choices with a nearly glazed look, and Ahsoka tried to not to laugh when his stomach growled at her.
“Ok, ok, me too! Let’s eat, and we can figure this out after lunch.”
“Thank you Master!”
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Found an old sketch while cleaning up my laptop. That’s every named youngling from AotC and TCW.
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violetwolfraven · 5 years
The Illum Temple: Oh, this kid wants their kyber crystal? Okay, let’s just have them face a little challenge first. Wander through a maze, wait for a lake to freeze, climb a big wall, they’ll be fine!
The Lothal Temple: Make the little fuckers face their worst fears.
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maybe-its-leialline · 4 years
I: The Temple
    Hondo Ohnaka leaned back in his chair, feet kicked up on the cool stone table in front of him. The sun had long set over the cliffs of Florrum, but work for Hondo and his men had just begun. Chahirs was knelt down, picking up shiny bits of metal from the piles being formed as each new box was brought into the room and dumped out. He rose up to examine the latest addition to the collection: a large, black metal box emblazoned in brilliant white with the Galactic Roundel.     “Goz, come ‘ere and get this thing open,” Chahirs barked at the young Weequay standing nervously in the corner. Goz shuffled over, fire torch in hand, and started in on the large iron bars blocking the door of the crate. Hondo watched curiously as the heat turned the imposing seal into an unrecognizable mess of melted white and black goo. As Goz cut through the last bar, Chahirs shoved him out of the way, ripping open the doors to the storage crate.     Inside the container were various stacked boxes, which Chahirs quickly found to contain standard issue clone blaster rifles. Hondo watched, losing interest as Chahirs worked his way down from the top of the crate to the bottom, opening each box and tossing it to the side. About midway through, however, Chahirs pulled out a different box. This one was slim and as long as Hondo was tall, not wide enough to contain a normal blaster or even a specialized rifle. Chahirs lifted it with ease and stood it on its end, examining it carefully as he did so. Goz peered over his shoulder, curious as to what the strange box could contain.     “What is that?” Hondo asked, lowering his feet from his desk to the dusty floor and leaning forward slightly to get a better look. Chahirs brought the box over to Hondo’s desk and set it down gently.     “No idea, but it sure ain’t no blaster.” Hondo cautiously flipped the latches and slowly opened the lid. A grin broke over his face.     “Now this is quite curious,” Hondo said, reaching into the box and drawing out the spear from within. Perfectly level and flawless, the shiny silver spear managed to sparkle even in the dim moonlight coming through the tiny arched windows of the room. A silence fell over the pirates, and some exchanged confused looks with each other.     “Well, what is it?” Goz asked. Chahirs shushed him.     “What is it, boss?” Chahirs repeated.     “This is beskar. The rarest metal in The Galaxy.” Hondo was closely inspecting the spear. He gave it a twirl, watching it cut through the air with grace and poise, producing a soft whisper as it did so.     “So that belonged to the Mandos?” Chahirs asked, eyeing the spectacular weapon. Hondo ran his hands across the surface again, feeling it for any flaws. It contained none.     “Why would the Republic have this,” he muttered to himself, eyes fixated on the impossibly sharp head of the spear. A few seconds passed before he acknowledged Chahirs’ question.     “Yes, this should be in the possession of the Mandalorians.” Hondo paused. “But it would seem that they have either become a friend or a foe of the Republic. Neutrality never meant much to them anyways.”     Hondo lifted the spear and pulled back his arm. In a swift motion, the spear flew out of his hand and over the pirates, causing several of them to duck down and cover their heads. The spear dug deep into the sandstone walls of the room, vibrating slightly and giving off an echo that caused more confused looks around the room. He walked slowly, smiling all the way over and dislodged the weapon. Still it stood just as sharp as ever.     “Yes, yes,” Hondo muttered, walking back to his desk, spear in hand. “There is a slight problem though.” He stuck the spear into the floor. The room remained quiet, hooked on every word coming out of their leader’s mouth.     “There are few in The Galaxy foolish enough to buy something like this, what with the Mandalorian extremists having laid claim to it.” He looked around the room, thinking of all the nefarious dealers he had come to know throughout his career. He turned to face one of the windows, gazing up at the stars and wondering which planet held the key to his pending treasure. “No, no, we will have to go to Coruscant to sell this.” Hondo turned his back to the group, staring out of the window and up at the stars far above the planet.     “But sir, we’ve just robbed a Republic transport! They’ll be lookin’ all over for us!” Goz blurted out, drawing a nasty look from Chahirs.     “Yes,” Hondo pondered, “we will have to take a small crew. Since you seem so eager, Goz, you’ll come.” He glanced at the motley crew in front of him. “And Chahirs, too. Prepare my cargo ship, we’ll leave as soon as I make contact with my buyer.” He shuffled through the crowd, spear in hand, heading out the door towards his private chambers.     “C’mon you runt,” Chahirs muttered, giving Goz a quick push back towards the outside doorway. Within moments, Hondo returned, and within moments, the three had boarded Hondo’s Stellar Seller. The ship rose off of the dusty surface of Florrum towards the stars, and towards Coruscant.
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If you're doing the star wars headcanons, questions 6, 16, and 20 for Aayla Secura?
Sorry it took me so long to respond, nonny! I thought a lot about these questions, and hope my headcanons seem reasonably in-character for her. 
6. Their vices (physical and emotional)
To relieve stress, Aayla has been known to pull pranks on those she’s close to. She does it compulsively, occasionally desperately, stemming from her underlying mischievous nature. Whether it’s a tall tale or a “malfunctioning” comlink or something more involved, her fellow Jedi have learned that if there’s no immediate danger and Aayla is anxious, they should take everything she does or says with a grain of salt.
For a time, Kit Fisto was her vice. 
16. Dark secrets/ Skeletons in their closet
Despite her lessons and best efforts, Aayla despises Senator Orn Free Taa, the representative of Ryloth. She finds it horrendous that he lives such a lavish, greedy lifestyle while the Twi’lek people suffer at the hands of pirates, slavers, and corrupt politicians. Once, when she was a Padawan, Aayla learned that Taa had allowed a new mine to be opened on Ryloth, requiring forced labor and minimal safety requirements in order to meet production quotas. Enraged, she donned a disguise and got Taa alone in his apartment. She threatened him with the Force and a borrowed lightsaber until he fearfully swore to do better for his people.
Immediately ashamed and horrified at what she had done, she confessed her actions to her master, Quinlan Vos. Opting not to take the matter to the Council, he took Aayla on a meditation retreat to assist her in working through her dark impulse. 
Taa only stayed true to his word for a short time before luxury and greed drew him back to his old ways. Aayla and Vos never spoke of the incident to anyone, but Aayla always remembered it as an example of what could happen if she allowed her impulsiveness to turn into actions of the dark side. 
20. What ifs/ Alternate Timelines
Aayla survives Order 66. Commander Bly had his chip removed at the same time as Rex and helps Aayla escape the troopers on Felucia. They go on the run together, evading the Empire and helping civilians wherever they can.
Order 66 doesn’t happen, and Aayla takes the youngling Petro as her Padawan. She sees a lot of herself (and Quinlan Vos) in the young boy, and comes to view him like a son. Letting him go once he becomes a Jedi Knight is difficult, but like all her personal attachments, she learns to do so.
Thanks for the ask!!
Send a number + character and I’ll tell you my headcanons
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The Jedi Archives rules
Any datapad you took from the archives must be returned on the date you were given and in the same condition, it was given to you.
There is a fee for any damaged datapad you return or any late return.
If you have not returned your datapad in more than a month Madam Nu will have a talk with you.
Non-jedi visitors are required to leave and identification when entering, if you have any doubts please as any librarian.
Non-jedi visitors be careful of any padawan or knight who tries to rope you into any shenanigans. (Don't even try it Master Billaba, Padawan Kestis)
Master Windu, Kenobi, and Billaba are no longer allowed to take any datapad for longer than three two, you are no longer allowed to take any datapad out of the Archives. (Master Kenobi, I had more hopes for you since your padawan never did such things to the datapads)
Younglings must be accompanied by at least a senior padawan in the archives. (We do not wish to repeat what happened 27 years ago)
If any other padawan is caught trying to sneak into any restricted area, they will be severely disciplined.
Master Koon, please remind your troopers that they can come to the archives whenever they wish but they can't keep falling asleep here.
The previous rule now applies to every general or commander anyone who the clones will listen to.
Knight Skywalker, stop telling the clones that there are secret passageways under the tables, if I have to rip with another clone searching for them in the wrong place I will personally come for you.
Sergeant Hound, we all love Grisser very much, please bring him whenever you wish to.
Master Vos, keep your "biology" sessions out of the Archives.
Master Yoda, I am begging you, stop bringing your lunch to the Archives, IT STINKS.
Master Windu I would recommend for you to bring the datapad you haven't returned in more than 15 years while Madam Nu is not there unless you wish for a fate worse than death.
Same goes for you Master Kenobi
If I find any more sleeping clones in the Archives I swear to the force, do not test me.
Whoever brought those frogs to the Archives, you better never come back to the Archives, I know who you are and I will not hesitate.
Trooper Comet, the younglings enjoyed your storytelling very much, if you could come again we would be delighted.
Iniciate Zatt, please do not enable the clones habit of passing out in the Archives.
Knight Skywalker, please refrain from having any explosives on your mechanic's lessons
Tropper Hardcase must not be left out of sight in the Archives, if you pull the stunt you did last month you will be permanently banned, I am not joking.
If ANY master returns their datapads as damaged like they have been dunked in lave once more, you will be stripped of your title for an entire day and will be made to clean the old archives.
Sweet force, the Archives are NOT a hiding place for running patients, if I have to deal with angry healers and medics once more I will burn this place down.
Padawans Petro and Gungi, do not and I repeat DO NOT come near the Archives ever AGAIN, it will be of sight.
There are now sleeping quarters in the Archives
Congratulations, you insomniacs managed it
Master Vos's rule now applies to Master Mace and Kenobi
Temple guards are now required to wear a bell when inside the Archives
We do not need people to have heart attacks
Sincerely knight Astar
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obiwanobi · 2 years
Speaking of Obi-Wan getting a new padawan after Anakin., I honestly think that the best second padawan for Obi-Wan would have been Petro from Season 5 of TCW. The kid practically idolized Kenobi and was never similar to Anakin. Not sure if you agree.
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I love the idea of Obi-Wan going "for my second padawan I want someone calm and reasonable, someone who won't put my blood pressure through the roof. Again." and then sees Petro, feels the distinct and insistent nudge of the Force, sighs deeply, and is like "fine. FINE. I will take Anakin 2.0 then, but don't be surprised when I die of a heart attack before I reach 50"
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bh-52 · 3 years
Petro & Katooni headcanon
Petro & Katooni survive the initial purge and operation knightfall.
Following order 66, Petro & Katooni stick together.
They eventually fall in love with each other.
They once ran into Kanan Jarrus, and didn't realise he was Caleb Dume.
They know Anakin is Vader, and figure out Palpatine is a Sith Lord too.
They find out Ahsoka is alive because they're connected to the rebellion.
Petro and Katooni help The Path and Fulcrum networks.
By the time Vader learns of Ahsoka's survival of Order 66, Petro & Katooni are married.
During Vader's hunt for Luke Skywalker, following the Death Star's destruction, Petro & Katooni sacrifice themselves to protect Luke.
They didn't even know Luke Skywalker existed until Vader showed up on their doorstep.
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writingforfun0714 · 2 years
Spoilers for Bad Batch S2E6 Tribe!!!!
So I actually liked the latest Bad Batch episode (S2 E6–Tribe) a lot more than I thought I would.
Something about it was still…lacking…for me at least.
The 3rd ep this season (Solitary Clone) was still the best ep this season for me but I did enjoy Tribe a lot (and is def my 2nd favorite so far).
During the pawadan arc in Clone Wars, I was always the most interested in Gungi out of the group (though I still care about all of them and hope the rest of them are ok). And guys, the fucking music for this episode….it’s so good!!!! Like out of all the problems I have with Bad Batch, I’ve never had a problem with ost/music.
Also the animation is really good too. I almost can’t believe how far the og CW animation has come (especially watching Bad Batch then going to watch S1 of CW, even the youngling arc eps when Gungi is introduced looks different).
I honestly thought Rex was gonna have the Batch go rescue Gungi from the droids (based on the trailer) so I was a bit disappointed Omega just happened to see him while they were on a job for Cid.
Speaking of Omega, I’m not sure I like her reaction to Gungi using the Force and his lightsaber for the first time. I couldn’t tell if she was shocked because Gungi is a Jedi, or if it was because she’s never seen a Jedi. A lot of Omega is left up to interpretation so I felt like this was a missed opportunity to shed some light on her backstory. Had she seen a Jedi before? Did she know who they are? Had she seen the Force being used before? Or a lightsaber? Her reaction just felt like the answer could be yes and no. She was surprised, but not stunned/shocked.
I did like how they portrayed Gungi’s fear of clones because of O66. I felt so bad for him, especially when he was curled up on the Marauder.
It would’ve been the perfect time to find out what O66 was like from Omega’s perspective. Omega was on Kamino at the time. I believe Shaak Ti was sent off world (CW S7) so it would’ve been interesting to see.
Along with O66 from Omega’s perspective, we also could’ve gotten more of Hunter’s thoughts on Kanan and what happened.
Also since we’ve gotten Scorch in S1 in War Mantel, I really wanted Sev to be with the Wookies on Kashyyyk. Such a missed opportunity. Sev is separated from Delta Squad and presumed dead on Kashyyyk.
I also want to know what happened to the other padawans (Katooni, Ganodi, Zatt, Biff and Petro) but Gungi never brings them up.
So I guess that’s it. I was hoping Rex would’ve been involved (honestly I’m a bit surprised Echo never suggested they contact Rex), we’d get O66 from Omega’s perspective, more of Hunter’s thoughts on Kanan, mentioning the other padawans and Sev showing up.
But overall, I liked the ‘clone wars’-feel of this episode and hope the next episode continues the same way. I really hope Gungi shows up again along with the other padawans. I’d love to see them as well.
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robotsandramblings · 2 years
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so it’s possible Gungi [the wookie] wasn’t the only survivor of that padawan group...
could that be Petro? 
it sure looks a lot like him!
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nny11writes · 5 years
My Padawan- Chapter 7
There was something about the war that worked well for Ahsoka, something that helped her to stay focused and present. Something that sang in her bones with the thrill, and something guilty that nipped at her heels.
It was different now. Force it was different now. For the last few years she’d been fighting for more freedom and more missions, she’d been dying the last month to get back to it. Now she had Petro. Petro who was not prepared for the missions. Who was young and new, and was having reality tear away the impression he’d had of war. He sat shivering in muddy trenches with bombs dropping all around them, he stood tall at the front of men deflecting blaster bolts back into their enemies, he kneeled holding troopers as they died.
Now he was laid up in the medical bay.
She hated seeing anyone in here. It always felt like someone was grabbing her heart, like she was swallowing salt.
He’d rushed ahead of her, he’d seen an opening and rushed to secure it. He had twisted to look at her, his blue saber lifted in the air with a grin. “I’ve got this Master!”
The grenade had gone off, Ahsoka had felt the warning and had pushed him with the force. It saved his legs, but as he stumbled to his feet a droid got a shot in. Lower left chest, he’d dropped like a stone. Ahsoka had gone to him, cradled him even as she swung her main saber around to protect them. Kix had practically had to headbutt her to get to his Little Commander. Rex had pulled her along, gotten her to focus on the fight.
It had been the hardest thing she’d ever done in her life. Letting go and turning her back on him.
Ahsoka sat silently next to Petro, Kix had put him into a medically induced coma to help stabilize him. Petro was just waiting his turn in the bacta tank. It wasn’t a very comforting thought. His face was smooth but very pale, a few tubes coming out of his nose and a bacta pack on his bare chest. Ahsoka hadn’t thought of Petro as a youngling for a while now, a good year on the front lines had mostly ripped that away. But right now she was reminded of just how young he was. How small he was at 12 years old. He shouldn’t be here. She had been too young when she’d been thrown in at 15, and he’d come willingly at 11. Ahsoka had known on some level that it was wrong and hated it, but it was easily hidden away by her longing to go back to what she knew. Easily swept aside after the first terrifying fight she watched him in.
Ahsoka did this to him. Even if the fighting was less, she volunteered them to the front. She was a soldier Jedi, this was what she was good at. This was her fault.
Ahsoka sat with him, stroking his hair and softly humming. Pushing her love to him and trying to hold back her fear.
When he woke up two days later with only a dull throb for it, he’d smiled shakily at her. “Guess I didn’t quite have it huh?”
She smiled at him, hands shaking so badly that she laced her fingers together. “Situational awareness training for you Petro.” She let him groan before adding, “And I was wondering...how would you feel about some soresu training with Master Obi-Wan?”
Petro eyes went wide as he whispered, “Yes! Yes please! Wow! ...I should get shot more often.”
Ahsoka didn’t snap at him. Didn’t yell the way she wanted to. Didn’t cry or do anything to upset him. She was amazed that she hadn’t broken all her fingers with how hard she’d squeezed her hands together as she mumbled, “Try not to Padawan.”
She definitely needed to apologize to Anakin sometime soon for her own reckless stunts and terrible humor she’d only honed with the help of the men. It was a miracle he hadn’t lost all his hair dealing with her.
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