#Keith’s father
the-feral-gremlin · 1 year
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ijustdontlikepeople · 6 months
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Connor Ingram, “X” 12.21.23
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 4 months
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The Librarians S02E03/Almost Paradise S01E07/Leverage Redemption S02E06.
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isozyme · 6 months
Keith Tkachuk and Matthew Tkachuk - You Are a Runner and I Am My Father's Son
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wheneverfeasible · 2 months
pirate!Steddie AU
wc: 2.5k || rated: M (to be safe) || cw: reference to suicide, non-consent, and other general piratey things || ao3
When one thought of the phrase ‘Pirate King’ there were always certain expectations involved. An older pirate, grizzled and uncaring beyond his own interests, vicious with blade and pistol, quick to stain his hands red with anyone he deemed foe. To be fair, that had been his father.
The former Pirate King was truly a degenerate, disgraced nobility who stole from his provinces, who cheated and lied and stole from commoners and royalty alike. His failed coup would have had him and his young pregnant wife on trial for treason had he not escaped to the sea on a pirate ship with what portable wealth he had managed to secret away.
He had taken his wife along, at first, before dumping her at some port town to focus on his new rise to power. And rise he did over the next decade.
He was cunning, and ruthless, and he knew the tricks of the trade from how often he had hunted pirates in the past. He made a name for himself, dubbed The Fallen Noble, until that had not been enough for him. No, this time, he was determined not to fail the coup.
Eventually the Pirate King before him fell to his blade and he took it upon himself to pick up the crown, striking fear across sea and land both. His exploits were well-known, his viciousness the stuff of nightmares, and his taste for violence bloodthirsty. He had gone back to his wife and young son then, had stopped by occasionally during his rise though his son feared each one of those stops, and swept them away back into the world of deceit and power.
The son, only a young boy at the time, was raised like a prince, the Pirate Prince, and taught to be just as cruel and bloodthirsty as his father. And for a time, he was. The boy’s mother tragically passed away one fateful night when she was swept off the bow during a storm, though for the life of him the boy did not remember any such storm that night.
The boy, though raised first in negligence and then in violence, secreted the softness in his heart away, playing the role given to him to the point where he almost started believing it himself. Until he fell in love.
She had been stolen from her home with her young brother, with the boy meant to be inscripted into service while she was meant to be a prize for the Pirate Prince. She was unlike anyone he had ever known before and it wasn’t hard to fall in love with her. She would not be cowed, however, and he was not his father who took what was not freely given.
However, despite his love for her, in truth she loved another.
It would have been all too easy to dispose of the boy who held her heart, but that thick shell he had hidden within to be his father’s son had been cracked beyond repair. He aided her in her and her brother’s escape, watching the small boat drift away from his father’s ship and exchanging a solemn nod with the boy she loved who had come to rescue them.
His mask would no longer fit, he could no longer be who he had once pretended to be, and it was then that the boy became a man and in an act of defiance fought and slew his own father to end his tyranny once and for all. This young man stood above his father’s corpse as the new Pirate King.
Despite his young age, the Pirate King was not to be underestimated. When a mutiny rose of his father’s crew who remained loyal to the fallen tyrant and those who sought the power for their own greedy hands, the young man stood firm and dispatched those who coveted his crown. He would not bow to another monster.
Imagine his surprise when, only a year under his crown, the young brother of the girl he’d once loved returned to him to join his crew of his own free will. He did not come alone either, bringing with him a small pack of youths who wanted more than what society dictated for them, who heard of the fabled Pirate King, youngest in history, who refused to be the evil that had been his father and who protected those who bent the knee.
Though they had nothing in common, the Pirate King felt a kinship with these brave youths who wanted more, wanted to be more, and who stubbornly would not take heed when he tried to banish them off the ship. There was fierceness in their eyes, a hunger he knew all too well, and so while it at times made him feel more like a babysitter than a Pirate King with their youthful exuberance, he could do nothing but accept their honest fealty.
Along the way he met other wayward souls, including the sister of one of his greater rivals and the daughter of the man currently spearheading the hunt for pirates, as well as the young woman so desperate for a life of freedom, a life to be herself, that she soon found her way to being his second-in-command and who was almost as feared as he was.
Well. Feared by everyone except her and the youths he’d taken under his wing.
“Captain Dingus, sir, the rodent is on board.”
Steve Harrington, Pirate King and Captain of the Loch Nora, glanced up from where he was carefully sliding his dagger against the stone in his hand, a less than pleased expression pulling at his face at his quartermaster’s continued insubordination. He only sighed, however, since she at least had the decency to only do so when they were alone or among very select company.
Dropping his feet from his desk where he was leaning back in his thick, ornate chair that was more like a throne than anything else, Steve stood as he wiped his blade on a scrap of cloth before sliding it into home on his belt.
“Come now, Buck. He’s at the very least a snake,” he teasingly reprimanded with a grin as he moved towards her to follow her out of his cabin. “And just like one, he may be crawling on his belly soon enough if he isn’t prepared to pay off his debt.”
Robin was uncharacteristically quiet at that, and when Steve glanced over at her, he could see her teeth gnawing at her bottom lip. He raised his brows at that under the swoop of his hair, something telling him that he was going to find something far more interesting than the coin the man in question owed them. Whether that something interesting was going to be good or not was still to be decided.
It took only moments to move onto the deck of his ship, eyeing his crew as they stood encircling the kneeling figure in the middle. No. The kneeling figures.
Steve cast a quick glance Robin’s way at the sight before them, taking in not a chest or even bag of coins to pay off the man’s debt, but rather a younger man around Steve’s own age, bound and gagged kneeling next to the proverbial snake.
“Munson,” Steve drawled, and both pairs of dark eyes snapped to him. It was almost uncanny, making the resemblance even more obvious between the two kneeling men.
Alan Munson gave Steve a briefly panicked looked, before his mask of bravado settled over his features and he, neither bound nor gagged, shot Steve a smile that might have soothed his ruffled feathers had he not grown impervious to such looks thanks to his younger crew members’ own beguiling smiles. Munson clasped a hand over his chest above his heart.
“My liege, it is an honor to see you once more,” the older man formally intoned, bowing his head as though Steve were a real king and not just one who roamed the seas. His tone was light though, only the slightest tremor and the sweet dotting his brow belied the man’s nervousness.
Steve stopped in front of the two men, resting his weight on one leg as he brought his hands to settle on his hips. He cocked his head to the side slightly as he took in the tableau before him. Alan tried to meet his gaze with confidence he obviously did not feel, his eyes skittering away whenever Steve glanced at him, while the younger man glared up at Steve with all he was worth.
The young man’s eyes were rimmed with red, glassy in the way that spoke of past tears, and his thin chest heaved with the emotions swirling in his brown eyes so deep they were nearly black. The glare was not reserved only for Steve, however, as those dark eyes kept landing on Munson with anger and heartbreak and betrayal.
“Tell me, Munson. Are you hiding my money somewhere on your body in a questionable location, or are you planning on being another stain on my deck?” Steve said in an almost conversational way, though he had to withhold a snort as both pairs of identical dark eyes moved as one to look down at the dark stain inches from where they kneeled.
(The stain was actually due to Robin’s clumsiness spilling her dinner one night, but it made for a good impression.)
Munson recovered first with his smile only slightly shakier than it had been. He looked up at Steve in what he obviously hoped was a charming as disarming way. “I would never do you the disservice of cheating you, your majesty,” he said, and Steve might have believed him had the man not been infamously known in town to be a swindler and a cheat.
Munson’s eyes darted over to the younger man beside him before looking back up at Steve. “I regret that I don’t have your money at the moment—but I have something better!” he hastened to add on when the sound of drawn steel began ringing out as the surrounding pirates began drawing their various blades.
Steve held up a hand halting his overzealous crew mates, though he had to suppress a smile as well. Though most of the youngsters had once been squeamish at the darker aspects of the pirate lifestyle, they had since grown accustomed to the needs and requirements Steve placed on them. It helped that Steve did not needlessly shed blood, even when faced with the likes of Alan Munson.
“I am a very particular man, Munson. You will find that when I request my coin, it is not a request at all, nor am I interested in substitutions,” Steve's tone continued to drawl, though it became sharper towards the end as his wrist moved to settle meaningfully over the hilt of his sword at his waist.
Munson swallowed thickly with a jerking nod. “I understand, your majesty,” he rushed to say, before settling his hand on the young man’s shoulder beside him, causing said young man to flinch away with a shout muffled by the cloth in his mouth. When he tried to jerk away, two strong hands moved to force him back to his knees, courtesy of Steve’s crew.
Steve did not so much as bat an eye, merely lifting a brow to encourage Munson to continue. Without looking remorseful at all, he did so.
“My son, Edward,” Munson clarified, indicating the young man beside him though he did not reach out to touch him again. “I offer my own flesh and blood, my only child and son, into your generous hands. He is a hard worker, stronger than he appears, and capable of whatever task you set him.” There was not even a hint of a trace of hesitation on Munson’s face as he sold his own some out. “I give him to you to cover my debt, whether you keep him or sell him for profit.”
More angry, muffled noises came from the young man, from Edward Munson, son of Alan Munson, who was being treated as little more than chattel now and a bargaining trip to clear his father’s debt. Steve wanted nothing more than to slide his blade through Munson’s neck in that moment. His face hardened, but he let a deceptive smile curl over his lips.
Steve was, in the end, a pirate. And the Pirate King himself at that. His hands were hardly clean. The idea that a father would sell their child into slavery just to save their own neck, however, seemed far more evil than anything he had ever done, up to and including killing his own father.
Stepping towards the bound young man, Steve reached out to grasp the young man’s chin, squeezing sharply when Munson Jr. tried to jerk away. He angled the young man’s hand this way and that to examine him, before roughly releasing him to face the elder Munson.
“I will accept this trade only with a provision,” Steve began, Munson’s ecstatic expression dropping to one of wariness as Steve’s tone turned darker. “If your son does not perform his duties properly, or if he does not return to me what your owe with interest, I will gut him like a dog in front of you before doing the very same to you. Do I make myself clear, Munson?”
Munson’s eyes widened, his face rapidly paling, but he was nodding quickly once more. “Y-yes, I understand, your majesty. He won’t disappoint.”
“Let us hope so, for your benefit.” Steve glanced at the crew behind the kneeling man with a subtle jerk of his chin, the silent communication having them hauling him roughly to his feet and shoving him towards the boat they’d dragged him in on. Steve then cast his eyes towards Robin. For the benefit of the bound man still kneeling before him, he spoke his next order out loud, despite Robin already knowing what he would say.
“Mr. Buckley, see to it that Mr. Munson is left with a reminder as to why it’s important to always pay your debts promptly and fully,” he said with a small smirk, dropping his gaze to the young man who was struggling against his bonds and gag, his eyes desperately on his father. “Just something he can live without. Maybe a toe, or his little pinky finger,” he grinned.
Robin unsheathed her own blade strapped to her thigh with a dark grin of her own. “Gladly, Captain,” she replied with a nod, and he knew he would soon hear the pleasant music of a scream of fear and pain.
Steve’s eyes cut to the pirates holding Munson Jr. down. “Let’s be gracious hosts and escort our guest here to his quarters,” he said, tone ripe with sarcasm. “And then let’s get the hell out of here once the riffraff is gone.” He smiled as, at that moment, Munson’s scream filled the air, causing Munson Jr. to flinch as Keith hauled him to his feet and began pushing him to the brig below deck.
Steve had been correct, he thought as he gazed out to the sea, feeling the winds of change in the air. Munson’s payment had been interesting. Now he just had to decide what he wanted to do with his payment.
To be continued…
Hostage tag: @derythcorvinus
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secretpostsposts · 7 months
Totally contained ramdon but I was thinking about this for a while.
Branch finds an abandoned egg, it turns out to be Keith's egg, and with no one else (parents don't take responsibility) Branch adopts it (but Keith is 5 or 6 years old and Branch is 24 or 25 years old, so Branch would be a father at 19 or 20 years old which is a somewhat young age to have children), I didn't think about it and I thought it was funny because I had a lot of ramdon ideas about it, but with Fem Branch,
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i was too much of a scaredy-cat to see this in theaters back in 2009, so it was really cool to finally see it on a big screen the other day!
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willowtreebee · 6 months
Shiro is a great father-!
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Adam: “Takashi, please stop- This is like the 15th time you’ve done this and he keeps falling off the couch-”
Keith is just thrilled to be there.
Just to clarify, I see Shiro as an older brother than a father- I just thought it was funny
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evilhorse · 8 months
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(Justice League America #26)
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eventinelysplayground · 3 months
Happy Father's Day
In honor of fathers day today here are some of my head canons about the princes and their kids. I hope everyone enjoys the day and yes I plan to do Ikevamp and Ikesen at a later time, Ikevil I have no strong opinions yet.
Jin: 4 kids, three sons, 1 daughter. They all love candy and got their Dads natural charm. The oldest son is a great swordsman, on par with his uncles.
Chevalier: 7 kids, four sons and three daughters. I had thought maybe he would have fewer but then I changed my mind. His four eldest are closer in age to each other and his younger three are closer together. The oldest son is very much like Chevalier while their middle daughter is the most like Emma. Unfortunately for Sariel their second youngest boy is a lot like Uncle Clavis.
Clavis: 4 kids, two sons and two daughters. Their youngest son and eldest daughter are very much like their father. Their youngest daughter seems tame but really she's quite bold and fierce and had her Uncle Nokto teach her archery which she excels at, she also has her father's knack for pharmacology and makes all sorts of medicines and a few poisons. Their oldest son is a good balance of his parents, very intelligent, friendly, outgoing but also very perceptive and can maneuver through may different situations with almost no effort, is best friends with his cousin continuing the tradition of the Lelouches and Michels being close.
Leon: A lot of kids all of them boys except for his eldest. That girl is scary chaos, she spends lots of time with either her Uncle Clavis or Sariel and she keeps her brothers in check any way she can. Their boys are all mostly just mini versions of Leon, friendly, outgoing, determined. They spend way too much time with Jin but not to worry Yves is usually not far behind trying to keep him from corrupting them too badly. All their kids except their youngest boy fall asleep within 5 minutes of opening a book, rip Sariles stomach with these kids.
Yves: After many years of issues they have a daughter. She is the sweetest most loving and devoted little girl ever and everyone loves her. She many not have any siblings but it's fine because all her male cousins act like they're her brothers. The older ones protect her while she mother's the little ones, her one female cousin is her best friend and she is always taking her out on adventures both on and off palace grounds, no worries though Leon is always there in the shadows keeping an eye on his niece and daughter.
Licht: Twin boys and does it ever send him for a loop. They're very happy boys but the youngest also has a huge serious streak to him. Yves is like a second mother to them and is always there for them. Like their father and Uncle Nokto they're incredibly agile and like their uncles Jin and Luke they grow freaking big! Due to some personal choices and unfortunate twists in fate when it's time for the selection of a new king they're the only ones the new Belle has to choose from.
Nokto: Karma came for him and he has 5 daughters followed by two sons. His 4 oldest daughters are all model princesses, his youngest, Maeve, is another matter. She's got a quick wit and sharp tongue and unlike her siblings holds neither of them. She's also incredible with daggers thanks to her Uncle Licht. She has quite the reputation and at some point earned the nickname of beastly princess. She ends up marrying Silvio's only child Dario who she can truly be herself with. Their oldest son is closest to Maeve with them being barely a year and a half apart. Their oldest son is very much like Nokto but with Emma's empathy. Their youngest boy is a lot more like Emma but that plays into his favor because he's able to observe situations and people better and he uses what he learns to his advantage later.
Luke: 3 kids, 2 daughters and a son. Those girls are spoiled rotten when they're little and his son his the apple of his eye. He teaches his kids everything: how to sew, how to fight, how to sniff out the best honey. Thankfully for Sariel they all got Emma's studiousness and her love for reading. Just like with Jin these kids got their father's natural charm and they have all their uncles wrapped around their fingers, even Uncle Chevalier indulges them more than anyone thought he was capable of.
Sariel: 3 kids, 2 sons and a daughter. All of their kids are sharp witted, hard working and intelligent. His daughter, Violet, is also very cunning some might even call her devious. She's close to Chevaliers son Rene as they both share a deep love of reading and she used to spend a lot of time with him much to Clavis' sons, Tristan, annoyance. For all the time she spent with Rene though she spent even more with Tristan either partaking in or putting a stop to whatever hijinx he was up to. Eventually Violet and Tristan end up married with their own kids who cause no end of delight and headaches for their grandfathers. Thankfully Sariels sons give him a break, his oldest follows his footsteps and takes over his Dad's position under Leon's only son and his youngest tutors the next generation of royal kids.
Rio: I haven't put much thought into Rio but I see him with a lot of kids, at least one of each, who all enjoy ‘bothering’ their uncle Silvio who secretly loves it but will never admit it.
Silvio: 6 kids, three of each. His oldest son looks and acts almost exactly like him. Unlike his Dad though he can manage to be polite in public and act properly when he has too, Silvio's oldest daughter though forget it. She has her father's eyes and temperament and she never hides it. She may not be as crude as her Dad but she still says things she really shouldn't. She ends up falling for Nokto's son which causes her Dad to go into a fit and when his son's make smart ass comments he passes on the jewel of the Sea to his oldest figuring he thinks it's funny he can deal with the negotiations and grabs Emma and walks out. Along with her sisters she is one of the Jewels of Benitoite, her youngest sister is very much like their mother and she ends up falling for Chevalier's son which nobody even had a clue about until the same conversation about her sister and Nokto's son when it's brought up it's a double negotiation.
Keith/alter keith: Oh lots of kids, they name the oldest son after his brother. The King loves being a grandpa to all these little wild children. They're all gentle, sweet and some incredibly patient. They have bits of alter Keith in them though as well and they are very calculating and spontaneous. With the exception of their first born it's not clear who fathered who but both Keith's love them so much and they all love both of them. They each in time figure out about their father's situation and none of them seem to care, their both Dad after all. Liam has his hands full trying to help deal with these children and their Aunt is a favorite playmate when they are younger. They also all get their parents love for reading causing the palace Library to be expanded, twice.
Gilbert: He didn't want kids and freaked out when it happened at the time but when he saw how happy Emma was he relented. They had twins, a son and daughter and he is so overprotective of them. He makes sure there will never be any more children, what with the medical advances in Obsidian. They're lovely children and watching his son grow it sometimes makes Gilbert wonder if that's how he would have been if things had been different. Their daughter is an incredible dancer and plays piano while their son is an excellent marksman with both bow and gun.
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im-smart-i-swear · 2 months
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fuck this shit, vld warrior cats au in 2024. this thing has LORE btw. if you even care
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yuripira4e · 24 days
I love the trope of “kid without a mother/father figure discovers magical world and gains 4 of them”
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keithkog · 2 months
I think I’m going to take a nap for a day. I do this about every month, since my sleep schedule is so fucked. I’ve been promised garlic knots when I awake. Time for mini hibernation.
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hinakyuu · 5 months
Please gif Keith with the thumbs up after the fight. That was so funny, like he was cheesin lol
sure, here ya go <3
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lmao all the ppl writing thinkpieces and conspiracy theories on keith tkachuk and matthew's relationship for the past few years pls rest now
I really hope this discourse can end 🙏🏾
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kyoobie · 1 year
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This is based on a tweet I made about single dad lance and teacher Keith that kinda blew up :)
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