#Kg Jak
tsubaki94 · 1 year
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Jak and Daxter fanfic art. Ch (Don't know yet)
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troblsomtwins829 · 6 months
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grubagasieniczka · 20 days
Stwierdziłam, że skoro mam już 5 z przodu to zrobię taki trochę bodycheck. (Nadgarstek i obojczyki tylko)
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może zrobię całkowite bodycheck, ale to jak będzie równe 50 na wadze
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incorrectjakanddaxter · 7 months
Krimson Guard 1: Hey, you okay? Krimson Guard 2: My whole life flashed before my eyes. Krimson Guard 2: Krimson Guard 2: It was really boring.
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radioactivepeasant · 5 months
This Week's Prompt Poll
(Yeah I don't remember what made me write an entire self-contained thing, but the premise is "what if Jak busted out of the medics' place in 3 before they took him to meet with Damas, and somehow wandered into the Arena in hospital pajamas before wreaking havoc and subsequently almost costing two people their jobs")
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black-eco-sage · 1 year
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Name: Cpt. Jolt Scytere
Affiliation: Krimzon Guard [Praxis Regime]
Occupation: Krimzon Guard Elite (KG-E). Heavy Artillery, Shock-Specialist
Patron Precursor: Haest (Precursor of Wrath)
[+] Vulcan Fury VF1000 (not pictured here)
[+] RE/YE Gauntlets
[+] KG Knife
"Rage Light": Jolt has a Berserker Mode that utilizes the Dual-Channeling ability. She gets stronger with every hit taken up to 10 times her base strength, and becomes an unstoppable juggernaut.
"Dual Channeling" - Being a Scytere, Jolt has the ultra-rare genetic ability to channel two Eco Types at once. Specifically, has an affinity for Red and Yellow Eco, the two most destructive types on the planet (sans Dark Eco of course).
Jolt is a legendary rage junkie. If there is enough Eco in her system, they can trigger the Rage-Light ability, a nigh invulnerable state that boosts their offense and defense tenfold. This is used sparingly and in dire situations; if used for too long, Jolt's system could literally burn up, and/or run out of Eco.
The RED Gauntlet is for short range, point-blank power attacks, and the YEL gauntlet is for ranged offense. For typical melee, Jolt uses them both to fire-punch her enemies in the face. >:)
For Heavy work, the VF1000 is the full version of the Vulcan Fury, with armor-piercing rounds that can punch through the bio-mechanical hides of even the toughest Metalheads.
(Bonus) When low on Eco, Jolt can absorb her own Red or Yellow Eco Shells from the gun or gauntlets.
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thegoddesswater · 9 months
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A finished Allin in all his Freedom League glory!
For the record, I DID wind up doing an entire recolour of the blue armour and I think it was worth it. I'm happier with it, anyway.
Now that I've satisfied THIS particular mental itch, maybe my brain will let me finish my canon character drawings instead. And maybe I'll be able to avoid doing a third 'washed out Haven City' background on whatever I finish next.
And, because I couldn't stop myself from continuing to tweak the version where he's still in his snazzier armour KG red, that's below the cut.
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Imagine if Daxter was actually Mar the entire time, and everyone just thought it was Jak, Daxter included
no this is actually so funny to me because Daxter is already a precursor
& yet everyone spends the whole series calling him a muskrat or mistaking him for a 'horribly sick little bird' or just straight-up being like 'this is a rat'
meanwhile Daxter is walking around having been reincarnated as a god, riding on the shoulder of Frankenstein's monster whose veins are full of battery acid and radioactive isotopes & Daxter is just totally unaffected by it all. literally just vibing while the guy whose shoulder he rides on periodically explodes into a lightning storm of dark matter
daxter has never heard of a toxic substance he couldn't go swimming in 😌
& YET, everyone is still like '... that's a rat'
so the thought of Daxter being the long-lost heir to the throne & Jak being Just Some Guy is literally comedy gold
it makes this moment even funnier
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heraqsblog · 10 days
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Ja bo pierwsza cyfra na wadze to 4 😻
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miedzysl0wami · 2 months
kierowane do mnie
oj fastujesz debilko, 4 dni temu wygladalas tak super, a teraz co, wystarczyło ci wrócić do swoich dawnych nawyków i już jesteś ulana jak zwykle , dlaczego nie chodzisz codziennie z 10kg plecakiem , nie jesz zdrowo, i nie robisz conajmniej 20km dziennie. Ja cię już nauczę dyscypliny moja wielka gąsieniczko.
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zofia333 · 5 months
Zjedzone -873
Chudej nocy motylki 🦋
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tsubaki94 · 1 year
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Jak and Daxter Fanfic art. Ch 16
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p33rfekcja · 1 month
" jak zrebloguhesz to będziesz mieć -10 kg"
Weź się do roboty leniwa świnio, a nie liczysz na cud.
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bloodyxbutterflyx · 2 months
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jak wygladam gdy obiecalam sobie ze schudne do konca wakacji a jak naraziw przytylam az 2 kg.
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0fatboy0 · 3 months
Zrebloguj jeśli:
🦋masz zaburzenia odżywiania.
🦋czujesz się grubo.
🦋chcesz żeby było widać same kości.
🦋często robisz fasty.
🦋płaczesz i wariujesz jak jest o 0.1 kg więcej na wadze
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radioactivepeasant · 1 year
Primary Characters in the Previously Unmentioned Riftfall AU:
(Quick explanation, this is something @sparguscityangel and I kept throwing back and forth at each other until one day it grew a Plot and legs and now its just sitting here, looking at us ominously.)
The premise is that when the Rift Rider blew up at the beginning of Jak 2, where each person fell out determined what year/location they actually landed in.
Daxter landed one year before they were supposed to, but falling one year back through the timestream undid his ottselification so he's as confused as you are. He ends up befriending Ximon and becoming the unofficial third member of Ximon and Osmo's family. He learns to drive, to shave, to pay taxes...and just how messed-up life in Haven City is. Osmo teaches him how to support the resistance when it's not safe to openly rebel. Daxter gets very very good at talking his way out of most security checkpoints. And all the while he wonders where everyone else landed.
Samos landed the same year, and got arrested on suspicion of being The Shadow. While he doesn't sell out Jak exactly, he does mention his existence. This will come back to bite everyone later. He also begs them to tell him if his daughter is alright, assuming they've all been found like last time. He tells them she studies dark eco, in order to make them interested enough to spare her.
This will also come back to bite everyone.
Keira fell out second, after Jak, so she lands further back. She crashes into the agricultural sector as a skinny twelve year old and immediately gets stuck in a tree. Ashelin Praxis is the one who finds her, and when the Baron realizes a year later that the "inventor orphan" his daughter brings food to out of pity is the sage's kid, he starts Plotting. Keira is brought into the palace and offered "sage" training, made to believe she's the only survivor of the crash. Devastated, the thirteen year old turns to Ashelin for advice and comfort. Considering Praxis's similarities to Samos as a cranky, strict, "I'm doing this to save the world" guy, the poor kid ends up being manipulated into seeing him as a surrogate father.
Dark eco is slipped into her food and drink, little by little, in an attempt to build her tolerance to it. Likewise, the kind of propaganda Ashelin has bought into is also slipped into her daily life until Keira, sheltered from the reality of life in Haven, believes it. She's praised and thanked for her inventions, told she's helping the war effort. When she begins to show dark eco symptoms, they're brushed away as a particularly gnarly puberty and she begins combat training. Keira is paraded around upper class schools to spur recruitment for the Junior Krimzon Guard cadets. Posters spring up around the city: "Our Girl Genius is Helping the War Effort, What About You?" and "Darling Dark Angel says, "Many Hands Make the Work Light! Let's Make our Quota Together!"
She's called Girl Genius so many times that when the KG start jokingly calling her Little G.G. Praxis, she doesn't correct them. It's something to distract her from the sorrow connected to her own name and her past for a while. She can't have Jak and Daxter and her father back. But she can make darned sure nobody else in this city will lose their loved ones to metalheads like she must have. Praxis is right: now it's her turn to be the hero.
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Jak was the first to fall out of the Rift Rider, and was knocked five years back through the timestream. He also fell straight into the ocean. It was not a good day for Jak. Lucky for him, a fishing boat was trawling those waters that day, and when the captain found a shivering ten year old clinging to one of her buoys, she immediately hauled him aboard. It takes an hour or two to find enough common signs between them to have a conversation, but even so it leaves Captain Phobos with more questions than answers.
Unbeknownst to Jak, who -- like Keira -- believes himself to be the sole survivor, he's right between what used to be Misty Island and a place called Spargus. There are more warriors there than he's ever seen in his life, and nobody's heard of his friends. But the woman who found him introduces him to her husband, who is shockingly kind for a complete stranger.
Damas and Phobos have been trying for a child for two years at this point with no success, so when Jak literally falls from the sky into their lives, it doesn't take long for them to start wondering if he's been sent as an answer to their prayers. Jak is bewildered and a little freaked out by this at first, having absolutely no experience with present and intentional parental figures outside of vicariously via Keira and Samos. But after a year or two, he settles into calling them mom and dad. In his heart, however, he still longs for closure about his friends and what happened to Sandover.
When Jak is about to turn thirteen, Phobos becomes pregnant at last. Half the time Jak worries he's being replaced, the other half he worries about whether his new brother or sister will like him. And then little Mar is born and Jak cries, because all he wants is to share this moment with his best friends, and he can't. So he devotes himself to his baby brother. And it goes great! Until it doesn't.
Until he's almost 15 and Count Veger sends spies disguised as monks into Spargus to snatch the Child Heir and "dispose of the spare". Jak barely survives the aftermath of Mar’s kidnapping, and despite his parents growing increasingly protective, he vows that he'll bring his brother home no matter what.
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(Next Character is on loan from @sparguscityangel )
Ru has no grand lineage or powers. She's not afraid of blood, buuuut this is primarily because she's a vet tech at the only veterinary office in North Haven. Whether or not that strong stomach extends to human blood is yet untested. Ru, like Daxter, lives the day to day life of a Havenite civilian. She dodges the bullets of bored Guards like everyone else, but where some run missions for the Underground and engage in covert and not so covert warfare, Ru is just trying to get through the day without getting scratched or bitten at work.
She hates walking home in the dark, but her loving parents, grandmother, and slightly pesky little sister are always waiting with a warm meal and a sense of safety. Ru wishes the outside world felt as safe as home. But even home feels a little less safe from the concerns of the city when Girl Genius posters are tucked into her sister's backpack on the way home from school.
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Disclaimer: all images I made out of existing Disney faces with a lasso tool and a generic free art app on my phone
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