#Kira also has a helmet on base so
thresholdbb · 7 months
Genuinely a little bothered that they're not all wearing helmets at bat in Take Me Out to the Holosuite
Quark broke his skull earlier, so maybe slap a helmet on Worf and the Ferengi idk
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artemis-entreri · 1 year
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves Easter Eggs (Part 2)
[[ Part 1 can be found by clicking this link.
Deep in the Crevices
You've really got to search for these:
Mordenkainen: Yes, him again! Those are the three circles of his two-bladed sword on the Mordenkainen's arcane seal on the Castle Never vault. What's more, those same three circles appear on the front of the helmet of disjunction—which casts Mordenkainen's disjunction.
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The spear of Aoth Fezim: Who? The Thayan warmage involved in the War of the Zulkirs during Szass Tam's takeover of Thay in the The Haunted Lands and Brotherhood of the Griffon series of novels by Richard Lee Byers from 2007 to 2013.
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Trip and Shuffle: Introduced in A Reader's Guide to R. A. Salvatore's the Legend of Drizzt, marked only on maps since then. Only named on the Monopoly board.
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Driftwood Tavern: From Neverwinter Campaign Setting and Drizzly novels. Only named on the Monopoly board and cast list. I don't even recall this in the movie.
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The Citadel: Too dark to be sure, but the tower in Thay may be Szass Tam's base of operations.
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Holga's darksteel greataxe: Made from darksteel and functioning roughly as last detailed in Magic of Faerûn and Volo's Guide to All Things Magical. This was forged by Ghelryn Foehammer of Targos, who appeared in 2e and 5e.
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Loudwater: The thieves robbed Jolym of Jolym's Barrels & Packing in Loudwater, which was only mentioned in Volo's Guide to the North, 1993.
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Zulkir Dmitra Flass: a 1300s Red Wizard of Thay, a non-speaking role and named only in the cast list.
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Din Caldwell, of the Caldwell family of Baldur's Gate, named only in the cast list.
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Porb Piiradost, of the Piiradost family of Waterdeep (not seen since 2nd edition), named only in the cast list.
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Lord Nasher Alagondar: That's his giant statue outside the Neverwinter arena.
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Lord Halueth Never: So possibly that's his giant statue next to Nasher's
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The Gray Hands, just mentioned in the Neverwinter arena.
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A portrait of Volothamp Geddarm in instrument to the heist.
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How in the Hells Did You Find This?
The most obscure, the deepest cuts:
Pendant of invisibility: Kira's magic item. Most likely a coincidence as it wasn't on the wiki before, but it matches perfectly with a magic item of the same name in the back of Dungeon #112 in 2004.
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The flashback of Szass Tam's spell and takeover of Thay appears to be a quick fictionalized summation of the events of The Crimson Gold and Unclean as well as the next century of Thayan history and descent into a necromancer's realm. Presumably this is set circa 1375 before Szass's coup and the Thayan civil war in the latter book.
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Szass Tam's beckoning death spell for creating mass numbers of undead follows exactly the supposedly false story of "the spell of Undeath" that the would-be Harper King Rundorl Moonsklan and duped ally of Szass Tam spread in the early 1200s DR, as detailed in The Code of the Harpers by Ed Greenwood in 1993.
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Whether or not it can be seen in the final cut of the film, thanks to an old photo from the set of the Triboar playhouse, we know there are images depicting the three boars for which the town was named as well as a shirtless man we assume to be Gwaeron Windstrom (given that god's relevance to the town).
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Scenes of Lord Halueth Never and the early history of Neverwinter appear on the walls of Forge's office.
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Wild Realmslore Theorizing
Insert meme of madman in front of conspiracy board here.
In Thay, it's "the eve of the solstice" and a few people are carrying red-and-yellow sun symbols. Amaunator the sun god has the summer solstice as his holy day and a sun holy symbol, particularly this one. While newly revived in 1374 DR and his association with Thay is unknown, it is plausible.
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Daurgothoth moved into Dolblunde in the Year of Beckoning Death, 1253 DR, which has the same name as the Szass Tam's spell. Daurgothoth, the Creeping Doom, a dracolich, is also conspicuously absent from Dolblunde, while that necromantic spell for creating undead pours forth from something that looks like it just might be part of a dragon's horn.
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We don't know officially what type of undead to classify Dralas and the other victims of Tam's beckoning death, however we note that they seem like perhaps a cross between the living Thayan knights and the unliving dread warriors (a favorite and original creation of Tam's).
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Once again, credit for these finds goes to BadCatMan and the Forgotten Realms Wiki.
Once the movie hits streaming services, I’ll do an updated version of this post with movie screencaps to make it a more thorough visual guide. ]]
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doom-nerdo-666 · 2 years
How to make a good Doom movie/show/adaptation (Maybe)
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(For an image, i was thinking of either the PSP thing or the toys based off Sarge, Reaper, Pinky and an Imp)
"Why would anyone want another one?"
I'm just saying this IF there ever is a good reason to make one.
I know this topic can be overdone here but i feel like what's written below may or may not be more interesting than something like "John Wick with demons", because i tried to take it a bit more seriously (Even if the end result is a bit bloated and unfocused).
Try to follow "Doom standards" and explore the series beyond just surface level knowledge of it.
Leave it to actual passionate fans instead of studios or companies that don't see much in Doom.
Might as well go with animation in case live action isn't enough for the series' aesthetics, designs or spirit.
Give the impression that the movie or miniseries takes place inside a game.
First person segments, of course.
"Face segments" inside Doomguy's helmet, based off MCU's Tony Stark/Iron Man face scenes, to represent his HUD face, with holographic status bar/interface stuff next to him (Health, ammo, keys etc).
Narrator could be the "they are rage" voice who also represents the classic games' intermission text screens and talks in second person, to Doomguy.
Balance between humanizing Doomguy/Doom Marine/Slayer and keeping him "limited", such as not making him talk, along with showcasing his strenghts but also his struggles and difficulties at times because people want a hero they root for.
Occasional focus on other characters like the Resurrection of Evil lady scientist, that one Doom 2 RPG scientist dude, Kira Morgan, Quake 3's Crash and Phobos, Samuel Hayden, Olivia Pierce, Betruger, Night Sentinel and some others that existed in the "Doom universe" or any Doom material that can be borrowed.
Each Doom game is different and has something to it even if it's something as minor as a level name or some random sprites, so maybe don't restrict it to just one single portrayal of the series (Might as well go full on MetaDoom).
Action scenes that fit Doom's theme and setting, but not really gameplay stuff, like Doomguy or someone throwing a barrel at someone (Whether or not id themselves will make that a gameplay feature is unknown).
Humor and drama done right and properly executed (Not like anyone wants a sob story out of Doom, but nobody wants "MCU style writing" either).
Easter eggs and references are always neat but fuck reusing the "scientist named after Carmack" bit.
Occasional scenes of isolation to fit the "one person vs multiple enemies" part of Doom and horror focus.
Maybe create some new weapons and enemies to expand Doom a little bit (And also a little bit of inspiration for modders).
Make use of a variety of weapons and enemies, since they are different enough to create different scenarios.
Do "stepped/capped"/low framerate animation at times, like when some enemies die, so they can mimick their classic death animation sequences.
Actually use most designs from the games, from not making UAC guards look like generic SWAT officers (Even Doom 3 didn't really felt like this outside the Z-sec) to actually capturing an abstract, crazy Hell inspired by the games, but specially the classic Inferno (Because just rock landscapes isn't enough when there's also evil castles and a crazy mix of metal and flesh).
Find ways to translate gameplay moments into story like someone having to use a radsuit to cross a river of acid but the suit is running out.
Have a scene of some crew of marines stuck on a maze and trying to find the key, while some die from some traps.
Have a horror scene by introducing the Archvile, where he shows his powers in front of UAC folks who are then blasted by his fire blast and the resurrected demons.
Something that actually tries and ends up fun, even if still heavily flawed. Because these movies don't feel like they're trying harder, as if they took the series at face value and don't consider any idea or design interesting/iconic enough. Some say Doom cannot work simply because of it being a mainly gameplay focused series, which underestimates Doom, like it wasn't a series that spawned millions of vanilla Wads and was an extension to Wolfenstein 3D's otherwise more limited formula. Later games even introduce some new material as well. If any Youtuber ever makes a "Why can't a Doom movie work?" type of video, you may wanna look at this.
At least we can hope for some cool fan movies and animations, like people doing cool stuff with SFM/3D animation or that one "Doom Tribute" collab on Newgrounds.
I also almost forgot about a 90's Doom movie that never came to be
You might find info on it from MarphyBlack/SlappyCromwell on Twitter but it had concept art and maybe some models.
Edit: I made a very small post about it here.
You'd probably think of it as an extended version of the cut 3DO FMV scenes.
So in an alt timeline, we could have had a potentially more faithfull movie than the one from 2005 or Annihilation.
But at least those movies may've had some influence on fan content like the FreeDoom guy's face being based off Karl Urban or the BFG10K from Skulltag based off the movie's BFG.
In other news, wasn't there supposed to be a comic book taking place between Doom 2016 and Eternal?
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greyias · 3 years
6.3 Mail Call!
The last thread was getting too long, and besides, it’s mail time!
But first, a palette cleanser for all of my possibly completely off base, long whinging/ranting:
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I just love that shot. The sky, the composition, the pose, those birds fluttering off towards the Enclave, as a symbol of life continuing on. Nothing really deep, just pretty and calming.
Anyway! MAIL!
First up came while I was typing up furiously, and I’m not sure if I somehow missed out on these earlier because I kinda forgot to log in for a month or so?
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Oh, Shae. Happy to help! Also make sure to give Indigo a nice punch in the helmet for me! Not because I necessarily think he was involved--that’s just how he and I say hi to each other.
Then we have:
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Rasssss! Oh my goodness I love you so much, you sweet adorable baby brother Mando. And I love that no one is letting Grey live down the fact that every form of transportation she gets on explodes.
Also him signing it “Space Pirate” -- seriously. I love. And that brotherly ribbing 😂 
Never change, Rass! Never Change.
And aww, Aryn sent us one:
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 AHHH--I don’t know why I keep forgetting that she and T7 had a connection! I love that’s another connection that the Knight has (yes, I know he’s with the all the Outlanders now, but Knights had him first!), and T7′s quest to uncover the truth about Master Zallow during Vanilla.
Also, I love that Satele and Aryn are connecting here, hinted at in the devblog prequel story. They had such a brief interaction in the Deceived novel, and I love that they’re building on it here. It’ll be interesting to see Aryn and Satele continue to appear in the story.
Do Aryn and Satele swap kid stories? Do they force Arra and Theron to have afternoon tea parties on the Coruscant terrace? (I will never get over that its canon that Theron and Satele have tea parties post-SoR).
I do hope that as Aryn’s story continues, she might still be given a chance to have that forever happy ending with Zeerid and Arra. One thing I’ve noticed in Star Wars canon, a true happily ever after is... rare. And for a while it seemed like Aryn had found hers. I hope she finds it again, and that she can finally let go of her taste for vengeance.
And finally:
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You know, Vinyor -- can I call you Vinny? Don’t answer, I think I will -- you don’t make the best second impression either what with this non-apology of “if anything you think I said made you feel bad then I’m sorry you felt that way” schtick. Also really? Your first thought when you looked at Aryn was... spy???
Or are you calling the OUTLANDER the spy?
Really--who are you accusing here, buddy? Maybe you need to get your head out of those tomes and datapads and go make a friend or two. You’re starting to get a bit paranoid. Sound a little weird.
(Says the woman with a semi-permanent cork board covered in red string).
Although seriously, I do like this kind of antagonistic quality to this guy. Like I said, Jedi are no saints, and it’s nice to see a little friction among the allies. And this overreaction and extreme paranoia actually does make sense from someone who’s survived an ordeal. Like, one thing the Outlander really doesn’t know in the way the other characters do is exactly how bad things got during the timeskip. I like seeing hints of that here, and the fact that yes, the Jedi were nearly eliminated during the conflict with Zakuul, and it left a huge impression on the survivors. I think with the breakneck speed things go at in game, it’s sometimes easy to forget that.
That being said... I won’t necessarily stop Kira from sneaking a whoopee cushion under his chair at meetings if he’s going to keep this up.
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one-leaf-grimoire · 3 years
Medieval AU
Hi I decided to write a little something based off that knight x king au I came up with for JuLisa!
Some background: the Clover Kingdom is mostly the same, but no one has magic. It is ruled by the double monarchy as well. In a less technologically progressive society, members of all classes are able to join the Knights Squads, which are the same as in canon. However, nobles are automatically given higher ranks while commoners and peasants are seen as pawns that are often sent into battle to die. However, there is a new King who is trying to change all that, but he doesn’t expect to meet someone interesting at the annual jousting tournament...
The young woman looked up in surprise, her hands still running through the mane of a large horse she was preparing to climb onto. The source of the anger directed her way was none other than her captain, Fuegoleon Vermillion. The knight was almost as red in the face as his flaming locks, and he looked like he was about to pop a vein in his temple. Uh oh- she thought, already steeling herself for what was about to happen. "H-Hi, Captain. What brings you to the stables-"
"You know bloody well why I'm here!" Fuegoleon stormed over before stopping before her. He huffed through his nose, not unlike the steed Lisa was grooming. "I cannot allow you to do this."
"Do what? Participate? Sir, it'll be fine." Lisa smiled happily to herself, unfazed, before turning back to her horse to check the armor on its head. "Randall got sick, and asked for a volunteer to take his place in the joust! So, here I am."
This answer did not satisfy Fuegoleon. "Lisa... you're one of our newest members. The jousting tournament is meant for only the most experienced knights." His anger faded slightly, his voice softening with concern. "There's a real chance that... well... y-you-"
"I could die?" Lisa finished, her hands stalling for just a moment as they adjusted the straps.
"... yes. You're far too young to die," Fuegoleon agreed, pursing his lips together for a moment.
"... I disagree. Many people in this country die far younger than I am now." Despite the grim thought, Lisa smiled brightly up at her captain. "Plus, I'm not gonna die!"
Her blind enthusiasm was refreshing but still worrying to the older knight. Fuegoleon prided his squad, the Crimson Lions, and cared immensely for even the newest members like Lisa. "You've never even jousted before."
Lisa shrugged. "So? The Lance is just a bigger version of my Rapier! You poke with both of them after all." To punctuate her point, Lisa poked at the air with an invisible sword. "I'll be fine! Promise."
Fuegoleon still wasn't satisfied, but he didn't get a chance to object again.
"Fuego! Leave her alone and come over here."
Fuegoleon turned to see Sei, his vice-captain and husband, walking over. He looked a bit annoyed, as if he had been searching the whole venue for a while. "They're selling big turkey legs out there, come buy me one."
"Oh? That sounds good!" Fuegoleon was distracted enough for Sei to grab his hand and start dragging him away.
Sei glanced back at Lisa as they left. "Good luck out there. Don't die."
"You knew?!" Fuegoleon asked, having no choice but to leave Lisa to her fate at this point.
"Of course I did." Sei let out a long sigh as they stepped out of the stables and walked towards the loud stadium. Many people were already gathered there, excited for the spectacle to come. "I think she'll be fine. She won't die, anyway."
Fuegoleon wanted to believe Sei's words, so he just nodded and pushed the thought out of his mind, but he was not looking forward for the tournament to begin.
Not long after, Lisa slipped her helmet on over her head, the edge resting just below her brow. I wish they gave me a set that actually fit, she thought, trying to ignore the fact that her hands were shaking quite a bit. Despite her confident words, she couldn't help but take some of Fuegoleon's warnings to heart. People did die often at these things, especially younger knights just like her. But, if I win, I'll be rewarded money and status, she reminded herself, taking a deep breath as she fidgeted in the saddle, waiting for one of the stable hands to give her the go-ahead. And if I die... well, at least I got to experience everything.
“Do I have to stay the whole time? I want to leave-”
“No! You are absolutely not going to leave early.”
Marx Francois, the royal advisor/babysitter, was already stressed out enough. But to his ire, the King himself, Julius Novachrono, was growing bored of the spectacle. Julius was strange for a monarch, having spent most of his life as a knight before becoming the head of one of the monarchy’s two ruling houses. He was eccentric, to put it simply. “I thought you’d like getting away from work for some fun, anyway.”
“Fun? This isn’t fun,” Julius grumbled. The tall man was slumped in his comfortable chair, the crown he hated wearing tilted upon his blonde hair. “It’s borderline barbaric.” He eyed the jousting strip as medics dragged off the last bout’s loser on a stretcher. “Honestly, I don’t understand why Kira has us continue this tradition… I’d rather be doing work.”
Marx sighed, not sure what to make of the man. “Well, you’re the one who hands out the awards at the end, so you have to stick around.”
Their conversation was cut short as the crowd cheered and the next two participants emerged from the stables. One was a member of the esteemed Silver Eagles, sitting proudly upon his horse in his fancy armor. And the other…
“Isn’t Randall supposed to be riding for the Crimson Lions?” Julius asked before Marx could. “That’s… definitely not Randall.”
He was right, the rider wearing the red cape was much smaller than Randall. Their face and figure was obscured by their armor, hiding their identity. “They must have substituted him… is that Seiros…” Marx’s voice trailed off as he looked to the stands beside them, immediately spotting Sei sitting next to Fuegoleon. “Never mind. Huh.” 
He turned back to the strip right as the referee started to yell.
The two riders raced at each other. In a moment, it was over. The Silver knight’s lance hit squarely in the middle of the small knight with a dangerous CRACK. But somehow, the Lion knight managed to stay upright as the opponents came to a stop at the ends of the strip.
“Yikes! I’m surprised they made it though,” Marx commented. “That wasn’t a light tap at all.”
The opponents were already gearing up to go again. Julius found himself holding his breath as they charged. The smaller knight was faster this time, and thrust their lance forward before they were in range. The feint caught their opponent off guard, planting in the middle of their shield. With a yell, the Silver Eagles knight slipped off the back of their horse and slammed into the sandy ground with a resounding clang.
The crowd erupted into cheers as the Crimson Lion knight did a victory lap before heading off into the stables again. Marx looked down, surprised to see Julius clapping more enthusiastically than he had before. “Oh? I see you like the underdog.”
“I wouldn’t call them an underdog, Marx.” Julius smiled to himself before letting his hands fall back to the arms of his chair. “It’s obvious to me… that knight is very, very strong.”
A couple matches later, it was time for the finals. Fuegoleon stormed back into the stables, his heart pounding. She made it to the finals! I didn’t expect this outcome, but now she has to face one more opponent… and I’m afraid it will be the last thing she does.
Lisa, already mounted on her horse again, grinned triumphantly as she spotted Fuegoleon. “Captain! What did I tell you?”
“I’m glad you’re doing well, but listen.” Fuegoleon came to a stop next to her horse. “Your final opponent… is Xerx Lugner of the Purple Orcas. Last year, he won the tournament, but he also-”
“He killed his opponent by accident, right?” Lisa finished. “I told you, don’t worry so much about that! I’m not going to die. And even if I do-” Her smile faded for just a moment, making Fuegoleon’s stomach lurch. Even SHE’s nervous… “I’ve already come in second place. Isn’t that good for the squad?”
Fuegoleon didn’t answer right away. He didn’t really understand what was beyond Lisa’s seemingly blind enthusiasm… no, her fatalistic enthusiasm. This was a girl who had something to prove, and she would go down in flames if it meant she could do that. 
“... no. Second place isn’t good enough.”
Fuegoleon smiled for the first time, catching Lisa off guard.
“Stay alive… because you have to win. Get first place, that’s an order!”
After a moment, Lisa matched his smile, and saluted. “Yes, sir!”
With that, she closed her helmet, and turned to enter the bright sunlight once again.
The crowd was cheering loudly, but she couldn’t hear it over the sound of her heart beating. It echoes around her armor. She glanced at the crowd, astounded that all of them were looking at her right now.
Before she knew it, the call to charge rung out, and she shot towards Xerx with her lance ahead of her.
She didn’t think about the crowd in that moment. Nor her squad. Nor her family. All Lisa could see was her opponent, above the tip of his lance.
With the same determination as earlier, Lisa thrust her lance forward. But unlike her last opponents, Xerx anticipated the move. He swung his lance around hers with perfect accuracy. Lisa’s eyes widened when she realized what was about to happen.
The lance slammed into Lisa’s upper arm, the one holding her own weapon, and the horses raced past each other.
Lisa’s vision spun, but somehow she remained on her horse. She skidded to a stop, and was immediately swarmed by medics.
“Are you alright?! Here-” one of them reached up and tried to take the lance out of her limp hand. 
However, Lisa suddenly straightened up, her grasp tightening. “No! I’m fine. Get out of the way, I’m about to go again!” she gave them a confident smile, and the medics scattered.
“Yikes… that looked nasty, but they’re not hurt!” Marx said, relieved as he watched with baited breath. He didn’t expect to get so attached, but here he was. “I’m surprised, Xerx must be losing his touch.”
Marx didn’t notice, but Julius’s smile had dropped.
No, Marx… that’s not what happened at all…
Lisa clenched her teeth so hard she thought they might shatter. Her arm was on fire, and it took everything in her to keep her lance up. This… this is nothing…
Julius’s grip tightened on the edge of his chair. This knight… she…
A broken arm is nothing! 
Lisa turned her horse towards Xerx once again. 
For some reason, Julius found himself smiling.
I don’t know why… I don’t know how… but…
LIsa kicked her steed.
For my squad… and for me, I have to win!
Julius held his breath along with the rest of the audience.
Lisa thrust her lance once again with a cry of adrenaline.
I’ve been waiting for this moment all my life!!!!
Lisa was faster this time, and knew what Xerx would do. She countered his parry, leaving his chest wide open. With one last burst of speed, the lance planted right in the middle of his armor. With a strangled, frustrated yell, Xerx went flying off his horse and fell to the ground below.
The crowd burst into applause as Lisa slowed to a stop, but her mind wasn’t on her win. It was hot inside her armor, and her broken arm finally gave out. Her lance slipped to the ground as she reached up to take off her helmet.
Julius rose to his feet as he clapped, grinning. “You chose a good one to root for!” Marx told him happily.
“Of course I did! I’d like to think I have good taste!” Julius looked back out at the knight as they fumbled with their helmet. How exciting! I hope their arm is ok… I can’t wait to congratulate them person… personally…
Julius’s mind blanked on that last word, because the knight finally lifted off their helmet before dropping it to the ground. Short hair popped out from its confine, fluffing up to its usual shape. The knight reached up to smooth it back out of their face, revealing their identity to be a woman… 
Julius was frozen in place, his mouth halfway open, as she opened her eyes, and gave a triumphant smile to the crowd.
She’s… so… beautiful.
He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Marx was saying something, but his voice was just a faint wah wah wah in Julius’s ears. 
It wasn’t just her face… it was the strength that radiated from her whole body. Despite being tired and injured, the knight continued to smile, the adrenaline of victory shining from every pore. She was stunning and terrifying at the same time, and it wasn’t until she rode off the strip again that Juilus came back to his senses.
“JULIUS! Wake up!”
Julius looked down at Marx, who was pulling at his sleeve. “Huh?”
“Don’t huh me!” Marx glared up at him. “Come on, we have to go get the awards ready.”
Julius quickly hurried off to prepare, even though his mind was spinning like a helicopter. 
Who knew… the knight I was rooting for this whole time… was such a cute girl!!!
Ten minutes later, she was in his presence again, this time standing alongside Xerx and Alecdora, the third place winner, on the podium. Her arm was in a sling, confirming Julius’s suspicion that she had broken it in the last bout. Amazing… I’ve never seen someone pull through that kind of thing before. Julius stepped up, and the three knights kneeled down before him. 
Julius quickly gave Xerx and Alecdora their medals before turning to the woman, his heart racing. Trying to keep a straight face, he smiled regally and held up her medal. “Congratulations… Sir Petalon.”
Lisa Petalon…
Lisa smiled up at him before bowing her head. Julius slipped the medal around her neck, his hand brushing against her hair for just a moment.
Once it was in place, Julius stepped back, but left one of his hands outstretched, a purple ring shining upon it. It was traditional for the winner to kiss the monarch’s ring out of respect, especially after being honored in this way. Lisa reached up to take his hand, pulling the ring towards her face. But to Julius’s surprise, she missed the ring, her lips meeting the skin of his knuckle. 
Julius felt his whole face heat up, and his smile faltered just a bit, shocked by the bold gesture. He didn’t know if it was on purpose or not, but Lisa’s gaze was meeting him from below her lashes. Then… she smiled at him, almost knowingly.
“Thank you… your majesty.”
He knew, in that very moment… he would never think of anything but her eyes again.
She was going to drive him mad.
Julius’s smile strengthened again, despite how hard his heart was pounding. Regretfully, his hand slipped out of her grasp, and he turned back to the crowd. The applause strengthened, many rising to their feet along with the winners.
Lisa grinned and waved at Fuegoleon and Sei in the crowd. Fuegoleon was clapping louder than anyone, tears almost forming in his eyes. She did so well! Who would have thought- But she still got her arm broken-
Julius didn’t dare look back as he walked off with Marx towards his carriage. He was ready for this hot, sweaty day to be over, but at the same time…
I’m glad I met someone interesting...
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
SWTOR: Full list of future predictions
I am writing up a post with my predictions for future storylines (I’m right sometimes!).
The Mandalorian storyline
We're going to be placed in the position of supporting Shae Vizla or not, and our actions will determine who the Mandalorians side with overall and who they attack - which will have additional consequences for the larger war.
At the end of the Spirit of Vengeance story, Heta Kol takes off her helmet, looks at the Clan Caldera banner and says mando'ad draar digu, which translates to "A Mandalorian never forgets."  Personally I think we're going to find out she is related to Torian in some way. Mother. Sister. Old friend. There's a reason she stole the Clan Cadera banner specifically. I don't think she's there to avenge Torian, because her actions are the same regardless if Torian is alive or dead. But I think that may factor into how she views the Commander.
What do we know about Torian's clan? Clan Cadera, along with Ordo's clan, broke with Mandalore and the others to support the Republic instead of the Empire. This brought great shame on the clan - although from what we see of Jicoln Cadera on Taris, I have a feeling there were numerous other things that he did to cause shame. Regardless, Kol and her allies may view Clan Cadera as a symbol of resistance. I don't have a feeling that her group has any special love for the Republic, just the mindset of rebelling against the other factions.
The second ship in the flashpoint belongs to the Darmanda - we met them on Mek-Sha. We were able to extract a favor from Indigo if we did one for him, but he may have his own agenda apart from Kol's. His group seemed to want to splinter away from the Mandalorians altogether. There's also some measure of dissent shown amongst Kol's allies. I think it's therefore possible we will have two battles going on - we may have to choose to ally with someone against Kol, and decide to support Shae as Mandalore or someone else. Vaylin Strikes Back.
Yep, we've got another Dead Person Who Isn't Actually Dead. This one's pretty obvious given the clues in Echoes of Oblivion. Vaylin 'borrowed' the corpse of one of Satele Shan's students and now she's hanging out on Coruscant. Shhhh. Don't tell anyone.
I think that Vaylin may show up as a very obvious foe if Senya and Arcann are still alive. You helped two people who participated in her subjugation and did nothing to stop it. In Echoes of Oblivion she is pissed at all of you, has words for you, and says she’s there because she’s being dragged along. You've now had two letters from Senya who is worried that Vaylin's spirit won't rest. She's going to come back, she's going to be pissed off and she's likely going to want revenge.
On the other hand, if you killed Senya and Arcann, I think Vaylin may be far more amiable to the PC. After all, in KOTET, she's not angry you killed them. She's only angry you got to kill Senya before she did, and you can still talk her through that. She actually says that the PC is "fun" if they give her the right answer.  And in Echoes of Oblivion, if you killed Arcann and Senya, Vaylin does not show any animosity toward you - even when the rest of her family does. She doesn't even look at her family. Instead, she turns to zap Tenebrae with lightning when he advances toward you.  
In the former scenario I think it's going to be Stop Vaylin Again or Convert her to the Jedi!! as the storyline. In the latter I think you may have a chance to gain her allegiance and let her live her life.
Task Force Nova
If you are Republic, Daerunn and Gnost-Dural let you know that they are developing Task Force Nova to bring Jedi back into the fold. There are also at least two conversations where it's pointed out that some Jedi really do not want to return to war, and others are still in hiding or working strictly in non-combat roles. Gnost-Dural repeatedly says that it is the Jedis' "duty" to fight for the Republic and that doesn't seem to have an endpoint.
Arn Peralun supports all of the above. He's clearly dealing with some very deep trauma but is being forced to remain on the front lines.
I think this is an issue that is going to have an impact on characters from both factions, and loyalists and saboteurs alike. Do you help Gnost-Dural recruit and conscript Jedi who may not wish to fight in a war again? Do you protect Jedi who are fleeing Task Force Nova? What about the Jedi on the Alliance base?
I also think that if scripted right, this can be a nuanced issue. IMHO OCs from both factions may want to protect Jedi from being forced to return to the battlefield if that is not their wish. Let's hope the devs don't make that one of their famous "either you're singing Sound of Music on the mountainside or you kick puppies for fun" choices.
By now we've had lots of evidence that Malgus was subjected to some pretty hardcore conditioning when he was pulled from carbonite or otherwise brought back from the dead. There's also evidence that Malgus is on his way to Dantooine to try to shake his conditioning. It's the Imperial Agent Chapter 2 story, but amplified.
My personal hypothesis is this: There's scrapped footage showing the Zakuul twins bringing Malgus - in carbonite - as a present to their father. There are rumors that Arcann and Acina were chummy for a time. So...part of the deal with Acina and the Eternal Empire was to return Malgus, complete with awful Nathema-style conditioning, so Acina could have an enforcer. Along with putting down her opponents, she put down those who would have looked for the Empire's fighters.
That could have been the Outlander. Acina surely would have loved to use them as a tool. But why wasn't it? Because Valkorion was in the Outlander's head, Arcann knew that, and he sure as hell wasn't about to let Daddy run around freely in the Empire again. Valkorion's presence also may have made it impossible to condition the Outlander.
But I do think that both Acina AND Saresh knew damned well where the Outlander was, they just were not about to free them.
This supports Quinn being thrown in jail for searching for the Sith Warrior and also supports Lana Beniko being forced to flee...she was digging too deep and asking too many questions, and she also was a powerful Sith who very much had the ability to counter Acina. Elara Dorne suffered a similar fate; she kept asking and asking and the Republic military censured her. Kira and Scourge and the Bounty Hunter companions did go look, but they very clearly broke from their factions to do so.
When does the Sith Empire officially ally with the Alliance? When Arcann is deposed. Before that, as per Ranken, the Sith Empire cannot openly support the Alliance. Vaylin's in charge, and for whatever reason, they're not about to deal with her. They see an opening to overthrow the Eternal Empire and they grab for that chance with all their might. I actually do believe Acina when she says she wants to protect her people and also that she has changed the Empire for the better. But I also believe that like other leaders in both factions, she will slaughter as needed.
And here's a fun twist - Arcann also knew about Malgus's programming and could turn him on Acina if the Empire crossed him or tried to fight back. The complication to this hypothesis is that if Arcann is still alive he still could do that, but he's not currently the Emperor of Zakuul in charge of a scary fleet so his power may be limited. But this would explain why Acina's so much more willing to deal when Arcann's out of the picture as a ruler.
I think that we're going to have to help or hinder Malgus's deconditioning, and then perhaps we're also going to be faced with a difficult choice: do we align with Malgus or with the Sith Empress/Emperor? For me, this would be a far easier choice if the ruler is Acina vs. Vowrawn, but it may mean the difference between the Empire adopting a more progressive bent or going back to being more totalitarian. This is something that could affect both sides, and thus I think both sides will have some impact.
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midnightbluefox · 5 years
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The Reylo Writing Den ( @thereylowritingden ) recently celebrated its one year anniversary, and part of our celebration included a fic exchange! The theme this time was what makes Reylo special to you and what you’ve come to love in the fics that you’ve read or written. Favorite tropes or one you’ve wanted to see done, an idea you’ve been wanting to read, a twist on the first Reylo fic you fell in love with, etc. 
Because of the theme, we got a huge variety of fics written submitted by over forty extremely talented writers. Please enjoy and support our lovely and giving authors <3
+ fic is mature/explicit
* fic is a WIP/ currently incomplete
+ Night Music by @thelastmorozova for @3todream3 :  Kylo getting it on with Rey while still wearing his gloves and helmet.
+* This Game We Play by @midnightbluefox for @sand-its-everywhere : Rey’s always thought her roommate was attractive, but when she catches him with only a towel on, a contest slowly ensues to see who can drive the other more insane as time goes on.
Or, where Rey and Ben are both idiots in denial and refuse to give in.
+* Red Letter by @ohwise1ne for crossingwinter : His old name—the one no one calls him anymore, no one even knows—stretches in bold lettering across the front of the envelope.
There is no record of that person living in this apartment building. Ben has made sure of it.
They’ve found him anyway.
When Ben is summoned to be bonded with a compatible Alpha mate, everything he’s worked for comes crashing down—especially when she turns out to be the rising protégé of his enemy.
+* When Little Somethings Overturn Everything by CaffeinatedJediRey for @rrwilson66 : Rey's got it all: fantastic friends, a great mother, and a promising tenure-track job as a history professor. Yet, on the eve of her 31st birthday, Rey finds herself wondering where her life's headed while she's eating by herself after a conference presentation.
Ben Solo, a rival professor from her department, joins her for dinner after seeing her dining alone. He turns out to be more than she expects.
Let's just say things will not go the way Rey thinks they will.
+* Clear Skies by @eveningeyes for CaffeinatedJediRey : A handsome smuggler is found sneaking through Starkiller Base, and to Kira Ren's dismay, Snoke hires the guy to take her to find Leia Organa's secret Resistance base.
+ A Five Percent Chance by @sand-its-everywhere for @hellomelusine :  Ben is alone, and he likes it that way. He keeps to himself, and doesn't really want or need a relationship, but that doesn't stop his mother from trying to set him up with random people... until one day she sets him up with his childhood best friend... and both of them make it their mission for this to be the worst date ever... after all, they've got one hundred dollars promised to them by Leia if it is.
Blushing PINK by @tazwren for @kylotrashforever : Ben Solo is struck by a beautiful girl, for the first time in his life, but has no clue how to talk to her. Enter a friend who gives him highly questionable advice.
Or - how Ben Solo bought bags of lingerie for a non-existent girlfriend!
+ Fucking PINK by @tazwren for @kylotrashforever: Ben and Rey and all those bags of lingerie he bought.
Or - how Ben Solo is a virgin no more.
+* Delicate Matters by @kylotrashforever for @erney007 : His senses trickle back in, and he realizes something is covering his face. Reaching, he snatches the gauzy material that he recognizes is lace of some sort, holding it out in front of him and squinting his eyes.
What the fuck?
He knows without a doubt, with one hundred percent certainty, that he did not have a woman here last night.
So why the fuck is there a pair of women’s underwear on his face?
In which something falls into Ben’s lap (or more accurately his face) that he didn’t expect.
+* is this a sacrifice?  by @deadlikemoi for @kylosgirl9593 : "What are you giving up for Lent?" The question is posed to Rey by a friend of Rose's, a girl who goes by KK, and Rey has to search her mind for an answer.
That is the problem with going to a University that is religiously affiliated; most people assume that you follow that same tenet without bothering to ask, and it has gotten her into trouble more than a few times.
"Rey's not—" Finn tries to save her, it is a valiant effort, but the filter between her mouth and her brain is undergoing routine maintenance and a few words squeak through before she can stop herself.
"Sex. I'm giving up sex for Lent."
+ Bobbing Along by @polkadotdotdotreylo for @sweetkyloren : Ever since an incident as a child, Rey has had a fear of the water.
When your boyfriend owns a pool, who better to teach you how to swim?
+ A Poetic Match by @commandercrouton for @polkadotdotdotreylo : It didn’t matter who was here at the moment. The only thing Rey could focus on was that scent. Her wide hazel eyes circled the room as she tried to see the one who was emitting those delectable pheromones. How was no one else in this room reacting? The smell was making her crazy, and she dug her nails into her skin. She would know this scent anywhere.
She found him frozen by the podium, staring at her with the same look she knew she was giving him. She felt her thighs clench in anticipation as memories of their last, and only, time together filled her brain.
“Rey, is everything okay? Your scent...shifted,” Poe inquired tentatively.
“What?” she asked, not willing to take her eyes off the man in front of the room.
“Why is Professor Solo staring at you like you killed his pet cat?”
At this statement, Rey looked at Poe, realization dawning on her. No, not this, anything but this. This wasn’t a professor. He was something entirely different to her.
+* By The Moonlight by @my-jedi-life for @eveningeyes : Kylo Ren is being hailed as the "next Stan Lee" in the world of graphic novelists... but he holds a secret. His books are really about his life.
Rey Kenobi is an up and coming journalist who lands the interview of a lifetime with Kylo Ren.
* Black Ties & White Lies by @happilyeveraftereveryday for @looc-at-me : The plan was simple. Sneak in, kick Paige's ex-boyfriend's ass, then sneak out. But Rey did not plan on arguing with an unfairly hot but unsurprisingly elitist Greek god of a man while looking for said ex-boyfriend, especially when he took offense to her refusing to dance with him for some reason.
And she definitely didn't plan on kissing him.
Or how a masquerade party leads to unexpected actions, feelings, and consequences, along with Ben Solo's Cinderella dashing away without even leaving him a shoe behind. Nevertheless, he's determined to find her.
+* Your Eyes (Are Holding Up the Sky) by @em-is-writing for DagaGada :  Ben Solo life is falling apart (as much as one high school senior's life can) - he's failing Pre-Calculus, has been put on academic probation, and can't play on the basketball team until he pulls his grades up. When he's assigned a tutor, he thinks this will be an unmitigated disaster. Life has other plans.
+ But Not To Me by @littlethingsfic for ArdeaJestin : “…Ben?”
He memorizes every detail of her face — flushed cheeks, creased brows, dark eyelashes, wisps of loose hair — framed by the eerie quiet of their destruction. His body is restless like it might burst at the seams, thrilled and dazed by her, by their conquest, by their…
He searches for the words to say but everything sounds wrong. He charges in and decides not to say anything at all,
“Rey, I don’t care about the kriffing fleet —”
He grabs her and kisses her hard.
+ Cheers to Phasma’s Flaming Vibrator by @3todream3 for @rakefiree :  An unfortunate office fire has caused renovations, and the ever punctual Ben Solo has to share an office with Rey Johnson with whom he has a history. He just wish he could remember what he did to piss her off. She apparently doesn't like him much and annoys him with Candy Crush and other little things, not letting him get any work done. Being cooped up in the small office is going to be the death of Ben. What on earth could happen when tempers flare and hormones go crazy???
+* Seven Days with my Toes in the Sand by @erney007 for @em-is-writing :  Memory in his dream, emptiness in his hand, with his toes in the sand. Will she be the one who shows him how to love again?
Desert Magic by @roguesinside for @spiegatrixlestrange : He was hungry, always so hungry. He sweated through the sheets when he dreamed of the desert sun. Shivered under piles of blanket when the sand was lit only by the moons. He tried to magic up an apple, a glass of cool water but the lifeforce around him was so dim that the simple charm wasted away in the desert sand.
The dreams saved him.
+ Oh Captain, My Captain by @elleren31 for @littlethingsfic : In the midst of the Civil War, telegraph officer Captain Samuel Beckwith returns to Washington D.C. and is immediately taken by a beautiful young farmwoman. But love in a time of war can be difficult, especially when you work for the President of the United States.
Historical accuracy AND inaccuracies. Earns its rating later on.
+* Royal Blood by @sweetkyloren for @deadlikemoi : Rey has lived on the streets of Aldera for as long as she can remember but when an aide to Queen Leia takes Rey under her wing she finds herself living a life most can only dream about.
In the years that follow, Rey soon finds herself falling for her two best friends who also happen to be the two heirs to the throne: Ben and Kylo.
+ Ready For It? by @rrwilson66 for @elleren31 :   A tale as old as time, the story of a beast of a killer and a beautiful thief fighting to be together.
+* Unrequited by @rakefiree for @reyloandotherfandoms : Ben loves Rey. Rey loves Ben.
He thinks she loves someone else. She thinks he knows how she feels and doesn't reciprocate the feelings.
What happens when they are trapped in the same house for a weekend?
Welcome to Ben and Rey Pain Train! We have a dog... and stuff.
+* Swipes and Seduction (a tinder AU) by @galaxytrueffle for @tazwren : “Ben.” Was still a faceless and detail-less individuum on tinder. Thus he needed to add his career, height and a little text- before rounding up his introduction with a photograph.
Ben. Corporate lawyer. 189 cm.
What else was there to say about him?
“Hi. I am Ben. 32 years old. I work as a tax lawyer for a well known automotive company. My wife died and now I am a single parent- I work all the time and have literally no hobbies beside working out, one weekly WoW session and spending time with my child on the weekends. Oh- and I haven’t had sex for ages. So if you are interested- match me?”
That is what he should have written- the reality.
But- this was the internet...he didn’t have to be so honest. Especially not in the beginning.
You and Rey<3 have liked each other.
+* Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost by @loveofescapism for @reyloner : “Okay, what if you do find them and they send you away?”
“They won’t.”
“How do you know that?” he asked, and for once he looked like he was genuinely curious to hear her answer. Which, if he wasn’t pissing her off so much, she would have answered much nicer than she did.
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe because I’m their daughter?” she said sarcastically, “They had a good reason for giving me up, you’ll see.”
Rey is traveling the world to find her birth parents after her guardian Maz passes way. She was excited to rediscover herself and more importantly, where she came from. The only thing she wasn't excited about, was the fact that Ben Solo was tagging along for the journey, his pen and notebook in hand.  
+ A wonderous place for you and me by @kylosgirl9593 for @galaxytrueffle : It's Ben Solo's 30th birthday and his friends decide to throw him a little 'Party’ Rey however has a few *special* presents for Ben. ------------ Ben laid on the ground, hands up in surrender. Rey had one foot on his chest, pinning him down to the ground, he could easily take her down, but he had to accept his defeat.“You had to know this was coming. You just had to. You couldn’t run from me forever, Solo,” she said as she pointed the gun to his chest. She smiled in victory. “Game over.” She pulled the trigger and the green laser beamed through the barrel. The sound of Pac-Man dying filled the room.
+ Close Encounters by @deedreamer for @loveofescapism : It’s like Rey's own personal porn reel is playing against the inside of her lids. Her body is reacting without her permission.
She sucks in a breath and re-crosses her legs, suddenly feeling a tingling sensation at her center. Her nipples harden and strain against the fabric of her bra and the silky material of her shell is cool against her belly, making the sensation even more extreme.
Rey feels her chest and cheeks flush, and she wonders if she looks as hot and bothered as she feels. Because that would be really embarrassing. She’s a professional, for God’s sake.
+* Don’t You Forget About Me by @rebelrebelreylo for @my-jedi-life : He wrote the letter ten years ago, but it’s still burning a hole in his pocket.
Dear Mr. Skywalker, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are.
You see us as you want to see us… In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions.
But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain…
And an athlete…
And a basket case…
A prince…
And a criminal.
Does that answer your question?
Sincerely — The Breakfast Club.
A Breakfast Club AU with not-quite-neat-parallels written for MyJediLife for the Reylo Writing Den Anniversary Exchange. (Yes — Rey is more Bender than anyone else.)
+* A Year of Me and You by crossingwinter for @kylolita : “After you move in with one another, give yourself six months to like one another again,” Maz says, looking at Rey seriously through her bottlecap glasses. 
“I’m not going to fall out of love with—”
“No, no. Not love. Love’s not got anything to do with it, child. Like.”
Non-linear vignettes of various length, set during the first year Rey and Ben live together.
Ben’s Body by @shewhospeakswiththunder for @thelastmorozova :  AU. Rey is an up and coming sculptor specialising in human shape and form. Her new next door neighbour has a body to die for and she's determined to preserve it in marble forever. Now she just has to convince dashing and reclusive Ben to model for her. 
Preferably naked.
+* Sounds of Passion by DagaGada for @rebelrebelreylo : The Sound of Music Modern AU. The two actors meet in the theater production. He's Von Trapp and she's Maria. He's a big star who got roped into it by his mother, who owns the theater. She's fresh out of Juilliard.
Will they go past their hate at first sight? What if the heated fight turns into something different but equally heated? Will they find passion for theatre and each other together?
* Grabbing Your Attention in Detention for @shewhospeakswiththunder by @ashtyntaytertot :  Ben is a troubled teen in high school and Rey doesn't like him because of that, but he likes her. A lot.
+ Let Me Put My Darkness In You by ArdeaJestin for @terestriel :  Hux catches his boss composing love poems, attempts to wreak havoc, and wonders why smartphones don't exist.
+* At the Stroke of Midnight by @bunilicious for @midnightbluefox : He knew.
The realization struck her like a bolt of lightning, and it was only the warmth of his hand on her elbow that kept her upright. How else could she explain the determination beneath his soulful gaze?
He was iron, wrapped in the finest velvet.
“Rey,” Ben spoke at last, his voice barely above a whisper.
Yes, she wanted to scream. I am the masked woman who waltzed with you underneath the moonlight. The one who ran away when the clock struck twelve. The one who lost her shoe at the foot of the stairs.
But he had to say it first. He had to.
“Rey.” He took a deep breath, eyes fixed upon her expectant face. “I need you to help me find her.”
Her dreams were made of glass. And in that moment they had shattered.
+* Ravenous by @aknightofwren for @bunilicious :  38 ABY. Nearly four decades since the Battle of Yavin. The greatest of all great wars has finally come to an end. The Resistance has been disbanded, allowing those seeking comfort and security among their ranks to finally pursue the lives they had always dreamt of. But something sinister is lurking in the lush greens of the Forest Moon of Endor, something that not even the Skywalker's could have seen coming.
+ Shape of you by @looc-at-me for @deedreamer :  Ben Solo has been babysitting a group of grumpy old men who are often referred to as immortal rock legends for nearly two years and he's at his wits end. Deciding to spend the last concert of The Vaders worldwide tour on the ground floor with the other fans instead of backstage, Ben manages to meet a brown-haired beauty and they instantly connect before a family secret resurfaces.
+* Refuse Me by @kylolita for @aknightofwren : It’s the most contact she’s received in years, since her Grandpa was still alive.
This Alpha’s touch is electric, completely unfamiliar but just what she needs. Her eyes automatically find his, they are molten brown, and everything in her wants to examine those eyes forever and-
What am I doing? some sensible part of her screams at herself. Whatever he bids, another part answers.
Rey’s plan to live her life to the fullest as an Alpha falls apart when a classmate discovers her secret.
* And There You Were by @reyloandotherfandoms for @happilyeveraftereveryday : The phone rings in the middle of the night, and it's some man Rey doesn't know, demanding to speak to someone whose name she does not recognize. Why she doesn't just hang up on him is beyond her.
But she doesn't.
+* Love Potions and Legalities by @hellomelusine for @ohwise1ne :  When Kylo Ren, best Law Enforcement Warlock on Leia Organa-Solo's team, is tasked with apprehending a girl, untrained, but blatantly brewing and selling illegal love potions, he's less than enthused, the task beneath his station. What he expects and what he gets are two wildly different things when he finally breezes into Rey's shop in the desert town of Niima, Jakku.
+* Kingdom for a Kiss by @reyloner for @commandercrouton : “His name day is only moonturn away — there’s to be a great feast in his honour. And, best of all, a tourney he’ll be sure to compete in. He’s a good jouster — I have faith in his victory.” She leans in, a sly smile working alighting her elegant features. “Winning make men bold. It warms the blood, inflates their egos. It makes my Husband insufferable and my son want to celebrate.”
 “Oh.” Rey frowns. “How can you be sure he’ll win?”
“I cannot.” Leia admits. “But I can hope.”
Lady Rey Kenobi, the last surviving member of a once great house, is to wed the future King of Naboo. 
Only, Prince Benjamin Amidala seems determined to avoid her at all costs - even in consummating the marriage.
+* No Deliverance by @orkindofamazing for @ashtyntaytertot : Kylo Ren had seen beauty, witnessed the splendor of creation and the power of destruction, was well acquainted with desire and longing. Yet none of it compared to the strength and beauty of the tempest he was witnessing here.
The only thing he understood with any degree of certainty was the fact that he inexplicably wanted to be closer. In a trance-like state, he advanced, and his feet seemed to move across the ground of their own volition.
Kylo Ren wasn't very good at being a demon, but then he hadn't been a very successful angel, either. However, when he is sent to tempt and bind an immortal named Rey, it's a challenge unlike anything he's faced before.
+ Art for You Octopi My Heart by @spiegatrixlestrange for @orkindofamazing :  An art gift for an amazing person.
Every single one of these fics was so wonderful and we are so lucky to have such talented people in our discord server! A huge thanks to everyone who participated, we can’t wait to do the next one!
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celticvampriss · 5 years
This is a prequel fic to Established Rhythm involving my own OC, Kira Skye, and a developing romance with the Mandalorian.  If anyone wants to be tagged when I update let me know.  You can read this by following the link or reading the chapter below the read more. 
TAG LIST: @banana-batman
A scream followed the hydraulic hiss of the central lifter and a body flew over the extending boarding ramp.  It landed with a crunch on a bed of grime and dust, sending a wave of rodents scattering into the trash that had built up in the corner of the mud caked buildings. The sun was blocked by a haze of cloud and smog, the air thick with greenhouse heat that added a nice pungency to the overall smell.
The Mandalorian looked down at his feet, meeting a pair of wide brown eyes that naively saw no issues with the landscape they were about to enter.
“This is no place for a kid,” He said, almost to himself.  The Kid liked the occasional sound or he’d get mischievous, and so Dyn was working on the habit of narrating.  If only to save his ship from idle green hands.  “Any chance I can get you to listen and stay put?”
The Kid cooed, already heading down the ramp.
Dyn sighed.
He let the Kid walk for exactly two tense minutes before scooping him up and quickly weaving his way through the city to his destination.  He couldn’t say this was an ideal choice for a new base for the Enclave, but then it wasn’t his place to have a say.  He was the reason they’d had to move.  Dyn had already memorized the layout, easily finding the new base and proceeding inside.  There, at least, surrounded by familiarity and even—despite the new scenery—as close a sense to ‘home’ as he could claim, The Kid would be safe on his own legs, but had protested being set down.  With a sigh, Dyn continued to carry him.
As he neared the Armorer, the one who had summoned him, he noticed a face that didn’t belong.  A woman with no helmet or armor—who wore quite the opposite in a brightly colored gown with dark hair twisted and bent into an elaborate design—his eyes lingered on her.  It was jarring to see a face in the Enclave, he’d imagine it was similar to walking through the halls of your childhood home and seeing a ghost leaning on the kitchen counter chatting with your parents.  
He found the Armorer and set the Kid down as he sat and waited.  She was in the middle of working and didn’t care to be interrupted.
With a spray of steam, she threw down her smithing gloves and came around to greet him with a silent nod, which he returned.
The Armorer’s gaze drifted briefly to the Kid and then back.  “We have a time critical situation that will require your cooperation.”
“What do you need?”
“We need protection and immediate evacuation for her,” The Armorer gestured past the open archway of the armory, to the woman he noticed earlier.
His fists clenched. He couldn’t refuse the request.  `“Why?  What does she need protecting from?”
“She’s proven to be a great asset to our community, with connections that might just get us some ground in our plans for the future.  A little less hiding.”
“A politician?”  No wonder she needed protection.  
“Not exactly, but there are those who will silence her if they had the chance.  We can’t risk that.  So you are going to get Kira Skye off this planet and keep her alive until we contact you.”
Dyn glanced at the woman again, her chin high in the air, shoulders set, though closer observation showed the snagged and frayed edges of her dress—recent damage—and that elaborate hair design was lopsided.  If he were to guess, she was a highborn lady, someone who had grown up with credits and privilege.  And still ‘no’ was not an option.
“Fine,” He relented, “But my ship is small, she’ll have to travel light.”
“She has one bag,” The Armorer gestured to a small, well made rucksack near the door.
They exchanged terse parting words and Dyn scooped up the Kid to leave.  He hesitated, then grabbed the rucksack and slung it over his shoulder. Out in the hall, the other Mandalorian’s had left, and she was alone and staring questioningly in his direction.
He sighed, resolving himself to this situation outside his control and silently hoping that it wouldn’t turn out the way he was predicting.  Now, closer, he noted the signs of fear and unease in her posture and manners.  “Guess you’re with me,” He said, “Come on.”
Kira followed him silently. If he knew that would be her only moments of silence, he might have appreciated it properly, for now he was only grateful to put that planet behind him and that she hadn’t cried.  
She marched up the boarding ramp, head high, and immediately crossed her arms as her eyes bounced around the main cabin.  Once inside the Razorcrest, he set her bag and the Kid down.  “Sit tight until I come back.”  He headed for the cockpit.
“Wait,” She marched after him, “Where are you going?”
“I’m getting you off this planet,” He said, “As ordered.”
Her mouth opened and closed, green eyes flashing with a touch of insanity.  Her heart was racing, too.  He wasn’t sure what had brought her to this moment, but he was starting to piece it together.  One bag, nice clothes that were freshly torn, and how hard she was trying to cover her fear and panic with forced confidence.  She started to wring her hands together, fingers working over and over each other as her breathing grew heavier.
“Here, sit.”  He guided her without touching her to a seat—a crate that was the right height—and then the shut bay door.  
“I’m fine. Really.  I’ll be fine.  I just,” She swallowed, “I just need some air.”
He didn’t know how to tell her that all her air would be recirculated from the air scrubbers and life-support systems for the foreseeable future.  It was the kind of comment that wouldn’t help anyway.  Instead he found a canteen and offered her old water that, maybe, hadn’t gone stale.
Kira chugged it, water spilling out the corners of her mouth, and when she finished she swiped at her lips with the back of her hand.  “Thank you,” She said through heavy breaths, “I don’t remember the last time I drank anything.”
Sitting wasn’t wise. He needed to get them airborne and on their way if the threats to her life were that serious.  Yet, every time he turned to do just that, she stopped him.
“Can I come?”  She pleaded, eyes big and the barest tremor in her lips.  The Kid had already crawled his way up there, though how was a mystery, and he did have the seat for another.  There wasn’t any reason to say no except that there was a lot of people encroaching on his solitude and, though he wouldn’t say he hated it, he wasn’t used to it either.
“Sure,” He relented. She crawled into the seat behind his, pulling her legs up under her and getting cozy.  He’d never be that flexible, especially with all the armor.
“What’s that flashing?” She asked, as the engines started up and he went through the launching sequences.  He glanced down, where her finger was pointing.
“Proximity sensor.”
“What does that do?”
“Alerts when we’re close to things.”
He felt her rise, her hands gripping the back of his seat while she craned her head around him to look. “What about that?”
“It’ll take a long time to explain every switch or indicator,” He said, “And you should be seated. Or you’ll fall.”
She sat and he heard the safety harness click.  “I have time, you know.”
He sighed.  The Kid cooed in his lap while every other minute she fpund something new to say or ask.  He counted one blessing, her constant talking was keeping the kid happy which meant he didn’t have to do it.  Once they were moving, he technically didn’t have to stay in the cockpit, but he liked to.  Or, rather, sitting in the cockpit had become a habit when he was alone and had nothing else to occupy him while traveling.  Now, he supposed, there were things he could do, like see to Kira’s temporary living situation.  The Kid had found a shelf to call home—forgoing the crib he’d tried to build for him—and didn’t take up much space.  As for accommodations, the Razorcrest had exactly one sleeping cabin with one single bed. There was a cot somewhere in his gear, buried, but he’d have to make it work.  He could hardly stick her on the cot in the middle of the open.
“Where are we going?” She asked, ending a solid 47 seconds of silence.
“Not sure yet,” He said, “Right now, I’ve got us heading toward the outer rim.  Best place to lay low.”
There was a touch of awe in her voice, which was so naturally expressive he hardly needed to see her to know every emotion she was feeling.  “I’ve never been this far from home before.  I’ll admit, for as much as I’m afraid, I’m also excited.”
“That’s nice,” He added, though it wasn’t to be dismissive.  She seemed to pick up on that and babbled on.
“I’ve read about a great many planets, learning and reading are my favorite activities, since I hadn’t gotten out much as a child.  If I’d known I was going to be traveling, I’d have read about ships and their functions. Then I’d have a better idea what all these things do,” She gestured around the cockpit, “Like I’ve been staring at that panel up there for ages, but I can’t decide if it’s meant to show the engines or the life-support functions.”
“Neither,” he said, “That’s an optical transducer panel.”
“What does that mean?”
“Means there are sensors in places sensors aren’t normally found.  Keeps the ship more secure.”
“How does it—”
“There’s a manual,” He said, rising and scooting around her legs to a cabinet above her head.  He brushed off some of the dust and handed the data pad to her.  “Everything about the ship is in there.”
The thing was a relic, he’d never touched it in the years since he’d owned the ship, but the look in her eyes when her fingers closed around half a century old data pad you’d think it was a gold plated set of rare jewels.  She stood up, hugging the data pad to her chest, and they were very close together—nowhere else to stand—and she looked like she might try to hug him.
“Your room is down here,” He avoided quickly, heading down the ladder and away from the smothering intensity of her eyes.  
She followed him down, saying something about ladders and climbing them in dresses and impractical shoes, and how she really wished she had been able to grab a proper change of clothes. “As it is,” She continued, “It’s just more of this.  I hadn’t a chance to…” She swallowed.  “I took what I could and, unfortunately, that means nothing of real use.  I don’t even have shoes.”  She gestured to the high heel of her footwear and then proceeded to rip them off and chuck them in a corner.  “I’ll clean those up later.”  She said, marching barefoot past him.
“There’s only one cabin with a bed.  I’ll need a few minutes to get what I need out, but then it’s all yours—”
She held up her hand in a very commanding gesture, though somehow she managed it without the condescending air.  “Out of the question.”
“There’s no other room.”
She looked around, “I can figure out something out here.”
“You can take the room.”
“No.”  She crossed her arms, and gave him a look that said quite clearly he would not win this debate.  She would outlast him.
He sighed.  “Then all I have is a cot.  I need to find it first.”
“I’ll help you look.”
They searched through the accumulated junk and odds and ends for a good half hour.  Mostly silent, except she had to constantly ask him questions about the things she found.  She even cleaned as she went, neatening each displaced object whether it was trash or not. Her path through the minimal storage space was an organized trail.  He looked back at his path, and it was just a mess with a walkway in the middle.  They found the cot after another half hour and he set it up and placed it against a wall.  At least, without carbonite bounties taking up space, there was more room to walk, but that still didn’t leave much.  There was also the issue that the cot needed to be secured.  He found some tools and welded it in place. He’d hack it apart later.  Or leave it, didn’t matter.
“Thank you,” she said once he finished.  He nodded.
“I’m sorry I don’t have much for sheets, but there’s an extra pillow.” This was a lie, there was only one and it was his, but he was starting to learn that if he told her that, she’d refuse it.
“Ha!” She tore open her rucksack and started tossing long, flashy garments over the faded, dull green canvas of the cot.  “Guess they did have a use after all.”
“Can I get you anything else?”  There wasn’t much else to offer.
“No, thank you.  I’ll be fine.  Please don’t worry about me.”
He nodded, then hesitated to leave.  It was still bothering him, her not taking the room.  He didn’t want to voice it, but he thought he could guess the reason. Still, the question wouldn’t come, so he watched her awkwardly for a second, before snapping back to his senses and attempting to leave.
“You want to know why I refused your room,” She stopped him, eyes knowing.  How she had guessed his question, he decided not to imagine.  She gave him a knowing wink and then tapped her head.  “I know a bit about the culture and I’m not about to throw you out of your space when, of the two of us, you’re the one who needs privacy.”
He had a feeling that was it, but then he hadn’t expected her—anyone, really—to be that considerate of what he needed.  People often attempted.  If they weren’t skirting the line of rudeness, then they would at least be civil about it.  But never adjusting their own comfort for his.
He left her.  He wasn’t quite tired, so he returned to the cockpit to try and settle on a place they could restock supplies.  Her voice drifted up from her cot, a slow, luring song in words he didn’t understand.  She was singing.  He might have minded, except her voice was pleasing.  Lyrical, but strong, he decided to enjoy it rather than tune her out by adjusting his audio sensors.
It wasn’t long before she fell asleep.  He swiveled in his seat, glancing toward where she lay, but unable to see her.  He only knew she slept because the singing had stopped.  It had been nice, but the quiet was welcome.  Alone, with only the sounds of the ship, it was a piece of his old normal.  He settled back to enjoy the encompassing solitude, when Kira’s voice startled him into standing.  He hopped down the ladder, though he couldn’t imagine that any danger had found her in the two hours since he’d left her, and he realized she was still sleeping.  Her voice babbled incoherent strings of words and phrases.  
Of course she talked in her sleep.  He had a feeling that his moments of solitary quiet would only exist in memory.  
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justauthoring · 6 years
No Reason To (27/50)
Prompt: “And I guess… when it comes down to it, I trust you.”
It has come to my attention that by adding links to my posts, it stops that post from being seen in the tags tagged. So, sadly, I will no longer be able to tag previous parts of NRT on new chapters. BUT all part can be found easily on my “No Reason To Series MasterList!”
A/N: Here’s the new chapter! Make sure to let me know what you thought! And, it’s a day early ;)
Send me a little comment in the ask section or leave it below on what you thought of this chapter. As usual, I hope you all enjoyed!
AGAIN, remember if you’d like me to continue this series, just leave a little comment or an ask letting me know. I will NOT continue the series if no one wants me to.
Please don’t plagiarize my work - I spend a lot of my time writing, copying and pasting destroys that. If you want to repost my work. please ask first - but even then I might say no.
Pairing: Stiles x McCall!Reader
Based off of: Teen Wolf 04x04 and 04x05
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“So you bit him.”
“And you kidnapped him.”
“And brought him here.”
“I panicked.”
Setting your head into the palm of your hand, you let out a sigh. “Oh, God, Scott...” The words come out as barely audible, both Stiles and Scott tilting their chins up at you as Stiles purses his lips together in thought.
“This isn’t going to end with us burying the pieces of his body out in the desert, is it?”
Before Scott can even really think to answer, the sound of Liam’s muffled groans and whines echo into Scott’s bedroom, interrupting him. Stood before your boyfriend and brother, you can’t help but shake your head with a heavy sigh, once again. There was no way this ended well.
“As a reminder,” Stiles continues, shaking his head. “This is why I always come up with the plans. Your plans suck.”
You nod without hesitance; “they do.”
“I know,” Scott nods, turning to Stiles. “Which is why I called you,” he gestures to Stiles, and then you. “And you, Y/N.”
Meeting Stiles’ gaze, you bite your bottom lip, shaking your head.
“So what do we do?”
Raising a brow, you shake your head.
“This is stupid.”
“It’s gonna work.”
“No, it’s not.”
Stiles parts his lips to reply, but Liam lets out a muffled growl, interrupting yours and Stiles conversation as he demands attention. Stood in between both your brother and Stiles, you gaze down at Liam, who still has a piece of tape over his mouth and is now securely tied to the wooden desk chair, you all look even more crazy then before.
“Liam,” Stiles calls, holding his hand out before him in reassurance. “We’re going to take the tape off your mouth. If you scream, it goes right back on. If you talk quietly, it stays off. Got it?”
“Oh my God,” you cry, face twisting in distress. “This is insane!”
“It’s fine,” Stiles hushes you, briefly nodding at you before turning back to Liam, raising a brow. “Okay?”
Eyes darting between the three of you, Liam only hesitates a moment before nodding. His chest rises and falls rapidly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and with one tilt of his head, Stiles nods. “Okay,” he gestures for Scott to step forward and be the one to do it. When your brother hesitates, Stiles sighs, leaning forward and grabbing the corner of the tape, pulling it off.
You wince slightly, knowing that that couldn’t have felt great, especially if Liam’s cry of pain is anything to go by.
“Okay, Liam,” Stiles continues, shuffling on his feet slightly. “Now you’ve seen a lot of confusing things tonight. And more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things that happened tonight. Do you understand?”
Pausing, you raise a brow -- you’re not even sure you understand.
Letting out a heavy exhale, Liam shakes his head; “no. Not really.”
“Good. That’s good.”
“I don’t understand either,” Scott mumbles.
Raising a hand, you smile nervously; “neither do I...”
“Okay,” Stiles nods slowly, pointing at your brother; “maybe you should tell him.”
Panting, Liam shakes his head; “tell me what?”
“Liam,” Scott begins, voice soft as he takes a step forward. “What happened to you, what I did to you,” he points at himself, “which I had to do in order to save you, it’s going to change you.”
“Unless it kills you.”
Turning to you, Stiles shrugs; “what?”
Glaring at him, you hiss; “not helping.”
Breathless, Liam’s eyes widen; “what..?”
Your eyes widen when you notice Liam’s eyes begin to water, and then, before you know it, he’s sniffling. “Oh my God,” you panic, “you made him cry. Stiles!”
“I didn’t mean to!”
Taking the initiative, Scott crouches in front of Liam, making sure his voice is soft and reassuring. “Liam, it’s okay,” he assures, nodding his head. “You’re going to be all right. You’re not going to die.”
Following your brother’s lead, Stiles also crouches before Liam; “probably not.”
“Stop it.”
“Okay,” Stiles nods, “probably.”
Grabbing Stiles by the shoulders, you hastily pull him back, sending him a narrowed look before turning to your brother and him. “Just untie the poor boy, my goodness.”
Stepping forward and on either side of Liam, both boys easily tear away the duct tape, taking a step back the moment it’s gone. Falling back by your side, the three of you stare down at Liam in anticipation.
“Liam? Are you okay?”
“We’re sorry about that,” Stiles adds on, nodding as Liam pushes himself up to his feet. “We’re really sorry.”
You flinch, feeling Stiles hastily yank you to the side as the sound of a chair breaking echoes, clattering to the ground by Scott’s feet. You turn to Scott with wide eyes, watching as he crumbles to the ground, Liam having hit him pretty hard.
“Liam,” Stiles calls in astonishment, taking a step towards said boy. “What the hell is your...”
Stiles is interrupted by Liam’s fist hitting him directly in the right cheek, causing him to flail backwards and cry out in pain. Your eyes widen, lips parting as you watch this entire thing unfold before your very eyes. Before you know it, Liam’s eyes settle on your own, and then, apparently not considering you a risk, just runs out of Scott’s bedroom.
Truth be told, you’re too surprised to do anything about it.
Helping Stiles up to his feet, you jerk back when he turns to you; “why didn’t you stop him!”
Turning to help your brother, you shrugged; “Scott did kidnap him.”
Eyes widening, Stiles stares back at you in disbelief; “oh my God...”
“Stiles!” Scott calls, moving to his bedroom door. You take a step back as the two lunge forward, nearly stumbling over each other as they run into the hallway. Much calmer then them, you step forward, poking your head out first before letting your feet follow, watching as Stiles and Scott all but tackle Liam to the ground, the three of them falling down the stairs as one big clump.
“Leg!” You hear Stiles shout, “I got him!”
Raising a brow, you cross your arms over your chest, watching as Stiles, despite thinking he has Liam, actually has your brother and they’re really just wrestling each other.
“I got him! I got him!”
“Nope,” you sigh, making your way down the stairs. “All you’ve got is my brother.”
Stiles’ face falls when he realizes what you already knew, cringing slightly at the nasty glare Scott sends his way.
“And,” you add, falling to a stop behind them, eyes on the front door. “Liam’s long gone.”
Breathless, Scott sighs.
“Your plan sucked too.”
“I’m not sharing my basement.”
“Actually, it’s my basement,” Lydia corrects, “and my mom noticed how you tore it up last time.”
“All right,” Stiles sighs, “she’s still learning.”
“But we’re gonna use the boathouse for Liam,” Scott explains, nodding his head. “It’s got support beams. We can chain him to one of them.”
“But how do we get him out to the lake house if he doesn’t trust us?”
“Good question,” you nod, turning to Scott with a raised brow and a curious expression.
“I say,” Stiles speaks up from beside you, “if it keeps him from murdering someone we just chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake.”
Without hesitation, Malia raises her hand; “i’m in.”
“We’re not killing or kidnapping him,” Scott sighs, shaking his head in bafflement.
Shrugging your shoulders, you nod; “because you already did that.”
Rolling his eyes, Scott huffs; “shut up.”
You only grin in response, high-fiving Stiles when he turns to you letting out a quiet laugh.
“Okay, then,” Lydia speaks up, “then lets be smarter. We tell him there’s a party and invite him.”
“So,” Stiles raises a brow, “you’re going to ask out a freshman?”
“No,” Lydia nods with ease, “i’m done with teenage boys. But, if we’re playing a trick on someone, we’ll have to use the trickster.”
Turning to Kira, you bite your bottom lip at the panic that floods her gaze.
“Who? Me?” She questions, eyes widening in disbelief. “No way. Not me.”
“Yes,” Lydia pushes, “you. You know what they call a female fox? A vixen.”
With heavy doubt in her eyes, Kira lets out a pitiful; “me?”
“You can do it, Kira. Be a vixen.”
Pulling off Scott’s extra helmet, your brows furrow at the concerned look in not only Stiles’ eyes, but also Malia and Lydia’s.
“I just talked to Kira,” Scott explains, obviously noticing the same thing you had. “She’s on her way. She said it’s all going fine.”
“Yeah, it’s not that,” Stiles dismisses, coming to a stop before you and Scott. “I have to tell you guys something,” he explains further, shuffling on his feet slightly. “I asked around about Liam. I know why he got kicked out of his last school.”
Shoulders falling, you sigh; “this is going to be bad, isn’t it?”
“He kind of got into it with one of his teachers,” Stiles begins, opening up something on his phone. “And, uh... the kid’s got some serious anger issues.”
“How serious?”
“Well, that’s his teacher’s car.” Leaning over Scott’s shoulders, your eyes widen at the picture of the destroyed car Stiles’ pulled up on his phone, lips parting in disbelief. “After he took a crowbar to it.”
You shake your head as Stiles raises his hand, waving at Liam.
By the look on his face, he was anything but pleased.
Turning to Kira, who’s just shut the door, she lets out a small shrug. “Sorry.”
Shrugging his shoulders, Liam shakes his head; “what the hell is this?”
“Think of it like an intervention.” Stiles speaks up, smirking slightly. “You have a problem, Liam.”
“And we’re the only ones that can help.”
Scott nods.
Then, Malia nods.
With pursed lips, Lydia nods, pointing her finger out slightly in confirmation.
Eyes falling on you, Liam’s eyes narrow; “witch?”
“The one and only,” you smile slightly.
Then, turning his head over his shoulder, Liam lets his eyes fall on Kira.”Fox?”
Shrugging her shoulders, Kira corrects with a soft smile; “kitsune. But, fox works.”
Turning to Stiles, Liam tilts his head in his direction; “and what are you?”
“Uh,” Stiles begins, pressing his hand against his forehead. “For a little while, I was possessed by an evil spirit. It was very evil.”
Nodding, slightly unimpressed, Liam all but disregards what Stiles just said; “what are you now?”
Pausing, Stiles’ brows furrow slightly. “Better. Um...”
Sighing, you shake your head, setting your hand on Stiles’ shoulder. “He’s human,” you explain, smiling faintly in Stiles’ direction. “Just human.”
Liam pauses a moment, processing all this information, before his eyes land on the chains laid on the table. “Are those for me?”
“No,” Malia says simply, “they’re for me.” To prove her point, she lets her eyes fade to their werecoyote colour, blue.
Eyes widening with panic, Liam’s body tenses; “how’d you do that?”
“You’ll learn,” Scott reassures with a small nod. “But first, you need to get through the full moon.”
“The moons already out,” Liam reminds, voice strained.
“And,” Scott says slowly, “you’re starting to feel something, aren’t you?”
“I feel like I’m surrounded by a bunch of psychotic nutjobs.”
Not necessarily the most unexpected reaction, but still, a little hurtful.
Voice raising, Liam shifts on his feet; “you guys are out of your freaking minds. I don’t know how you did that thing and I don’t care. I’m walking out the door right now! And if any of you try to stop me, I swear to God, i’m gonna...” Liam’s words halt, his face twisting into discomfort as a scream leaves his lips, hands falling on either sides of his head.
Eyes widening, you watch as Scott takes a hesitant step forward; “what’s wrong, Liam?”
“You don’t hear that!”
Tilting his head, Scott attempts to listen for the sound Liam speaks of, but his answer is given the minute headlights shine in through the window.
“Did you tell someone about this?” Lydia asks with a frown.
“My friend Mason.”
Sure enough, the sounds of kids hooting can be heard.
“You said it was a party,” Liam continues, breathless.
“And,” Stiles speaks up, “who did Mason invite?”
You wince when Liam starts scratching the wood flooring, Lydia instantly rushing forward. “The floors,” she cries, “get him off the floors!” She moves to do so, but Liam growling at her halts her movements, causing your brother to rush into action.
“The boathouse,” he calls, moving to grab Liam as Kira moves to help. “We need to get him to the boathouse. Now!”
You jump slightly when Malia suddenly slumps against the glass table where the chains, eyes widening when she calls out for Stiles.
“Yeah?” He says simply, oblivious to what’s happening.
Whipping her head around, Malia lets out a growl, giving Stiles the initiative he needs to start getting into action. “Hey... Okay, basement,” he says, taking a step towards her and grabbing the chains. “Now. Now.”
Still stood back, you watch with a frown.
“What am I supposed to do with the hordes gathering outside the door?”
“Lydia,” Stiles calls, pausing a moment. “Who throws the best parties in Beacon Hills?”
“What?” She gasps, “me, obviously.”
“Okay, then throw a party.”
Shoulders falling, you choose to push down your jealousy, not oblivious to the distress in Lydia’s eyes as Stiles and Malia turn and leave you and her alone.
“Here,” you call, stepping forward and setting a hand on Lydia’s shoulder encouragingly. “I’ll help, okay?”
You jump when a pair of hands settle on your waist, a soft gasp leaving your lips as your head hastily spins over your shoulder, meeting a pair of blue eyes. A pair of blue eyes you don’t know.
“Uh,” you mumble, shifting in the boys grip slightly until your hands settle on your wrist, pulling his touch away. “Who exactly are you?”
The boy smirks up at you, a little too overconfident, letting his hands fall by his side but not hesitating to stay close to your side, making himself a little too comfortable. “Jake,” he introduces with ease, “you?”
Letting your eyes wander across the boy, you take notice of the fact that he’s barely taller then yourself, almost your exact height. And, you swear you’ve seen him in the halls before, but, surrounded by freshmen. Meaning... “Too old for you,” you say with ease, crossing your arms over your chest.
The boy, not losing his confidence and game whatsoever, merely chuckles at your words, all huskily and deep, biting his bottom lip. “Only by a couple of years,” he reminds, smirking when your face falls. “Besides, what’s the harm in telling me your name?”
Shoulders falling, you sigh when you realize he’s right. “Y/N,” you introduce with a shrug. 
“Ah, McCall’s sister.”
Brows furrowing, you frown; “how’d you know?”
“I’m on the lacrosse team,” he explains to which you nod. “I have to say, for the team captain, I expected him to be better.”
Frowning, you shake your head. “He was having an... off day.”
Letting out a chuckle Jake nods, silence following for a moment before he closes the distance between the two of you once more. You move to take a step back, only then to feel your back hit the wall, trapping you. You turn back to the freshmen as he attempts to make himself taller then he actually is, letting his hand once again fall on your waist, now in your personal space.
“I’m flattered, really,” you mumble, slightly uncomfortable as you set your hand on his chest, warning him to back up. “But, I have a boyfriend.”
“Where is he?”
You pause at his question, not having expected it. “What?”
Glancing around in emphases, Jake shrugs, raising a brow; “where’s your boyfriend?”
The realization that he’s currently downstairs in the basement all alone with Malia, hits you and a weight seems to just fall on top of your shoulders. Frowning heavily, you bite your bottom lip, turning your gaze away from Jake and in the direction of the basement. 
“He’s, uh, he’s busy.”
It seems you aren’t able to hide the sadness in your voice as well as you would’ve hoped, and Jake, understanding the situation, backs off, holding his hands out before him. “I get it,” he nods, causing your eyes to meet his once more. “But just so you know, if you were my girlfriend, I wouldn’t ever let you out of my sights just because I was busy.”
He leaves without giving you the chance to reply, but you find yourself watching his disappearing figure with parted lips.
You can’t explain it, but what he said really struck a cord within you. Ever since Malia had joined the pack, things had just been... weird. Or, not so much weird, but uncomfortable, for you specifically. She was a nice girl, and that was the worst part. Because you liked her, you really did. But you couldn’t help but notice how close her and Stiles seemed and how they seemed to have this connection that you didn’t understand nor did you know where it stemmed from. I mean, he was the only one that could be with her during the full moon because he was the best at keeping her calm.
But he was your boyfriend. Stiles was the boy you’d fallen in love with, and you know Stiles would never cheat on you, but it was starting to feel like make he didn’t love you like he once said he had.
Shaking your head, you curse yourself mentally at those thoughts. That was ridiculous. Utterly and completely ridiculous. Stiles said he loved you that day and he’d continuously said it afterwards. There was a logical reasoning for why him and Malia were so close and you just had to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Pushing off the wall, you hastily make your way through the crowd, not wasting one second before rushing down the stairs to the basement. 
“You did it.”
His voice is faint, but that isn’t what catches your attention. It’s the way both him and Malia are embracing one another tightly, holding onto each other like it’s their lifeline. It causes your steps to halt, slowing to a stop as your hands fall by your side, lips parting.
And Stiles easily notices you, pulling away from Malia instantly, who, at first in confusion and then in realization, turns to you, brushing back the strands of hair in her face as her brows furrow.
Frowning, you shake your head.
“I don’t understand,” you whisper, glancing down at your feet as you mentally prepare yourself. Then, finally, you meet Stiles’ gaze, shaking your head. “I just don’t get it.”
“Y/N, just wait--”
“Why?” You interrupt Stiles, voice desperate. “Why are you the only one who can calm Malia down? Why is she not tearing at your throat right now? What happened that made you two so close!”
You were letting your jealousy get the better of you, but you just didn’t care anymore. It needed to be said.
Malia and Stiles glance at each other, just fueling the fire in your belly, Stiles hesitating on an answer.
“Stiles,” you call, voice pleading. “Please.”
He continues to remain silent, lips parted as if to answer but the words are caught in the back of his throat.
“Just tell me why,” you continue, shaking your head. “Maybe then i’ll understand. Maybe then I won’t have this sinking feeling in my stomach. But only if you tell me why.”
Then, Stiles takes a step forward, clasping his hands in front of him and fiddling with them nervously. You keep your gaze steady on his own as he closes the distance between you two.
And then, he finally answers.
“You remember when I was in Eichen house?
You nod with ease; “of course.”
“Well, Malia,” he glances back at said girl who stares nervously back at you. “Malia was there too. And she, uh, she helped me.”
“Okay,” you say with ease, understanding so far.
“But that wasn’t just it.”
Pausing, you raise a brow; “what then?”
“We... We had sex.”
Your shoulders fall, lips parting and this overwhelming emotion just floods your entire being. It almost feels like deja vu. Like when you saw Isaac kissing Erica and it had felt like your heart had been pulled into millions of pieces.
You hadn’t been together then, you and Stiles, and it wasn’t that that bothered you. It was the fact that Stiles had never told you. Expected you to just watch as him and Malia shared this connection you couldn’t understand. Would he have ever told you if you hadn’t pushed?
Taking a step back, you swallow thickly. “I...” You can’t even finish your sentence, astonished.
“Y/N,” Stiles calls, reaching out for me. “Listen to me. You have to listen to me. It... It wasn’t like that--”
Shoving his hand away, you scoffed; “how could it not be like that?”
Eyes widening, Stiles shakes his head; “it wasn’t. Just, try to understand--”
“Would you have told me?”
Pausing, Stiles eyes widen.
“If I hadn’t asked, hadn’t pushed,” you continue, eyes flooding with unshed tears. “Would you have told me?”
Stiles’ lips part but no words are spoken. 
Scoffing, you move to leave, but Malia stops you.
“He’s telling the truth,” she calls out. You slowly turn to her, eyes set into a dark glare, moving to tell her not to butt in, but she continues before you can. “When we had sex, it was just because we had no one else. You don’t know what that place is like until you’re there, and Stiles was there when I needed him, just like I was there when he needed me.”
Shoulders falling, you find yourself speechless, chest rising and falling rapidly.
Continuing, Malia falls next to Stiles, shaking her head. “I don’t love or even like Stiles in that way. He’s my anchor, yes,” she nods, “but that doesn’t mean it’s anything more than that. And if there’s one thing I do know, it’s that Stiles loves you, Y/N.”
You’re silent, letting Malia’s words sink in. At her explanation, you understand. You were Isaac’s anchor and still are, but you don’t love him in that way anymore.
Anchor doesn’t mean anything more than that; an anchor.
Turning to Stiles, you meet his eyes with a frown.
“It’s true,” he nods without hesitance, moving towards you once again. “You’re the one I love, Y/N.”
Blinking, the tears finally fall as you let out a sniffle, shaking your head. Stiles is quick to step forward, pulling you into a tight embrace as Malia quietly slips away, obviously confident enough in her control of herself to leave the two of you alone.
Wrapping your arms around Stiles’ shoulders, you pull him closer, practically clinging onto him.
“I’m sorry,” Stiles whispers, placing his hand on the back of your head as he nestles his head into the crook of your neck. “I should’ve told you.”
“You should’ve,” you nod against the embrace, sniffling slightly. Pulling back, you meet his eyes; “but I understand now.”
Stiles smiles, raising his hand to wipe at the tears streaming down his cheeks as you lean into his touch.
“And I love you too, Stiles. I always have.”
“Hey, Malia!”
Picking up the speed in your step, you wave your hand eagerly above your head.
“Wait up!”
The girl listens, slowing in her step as she turns to face. She seems mildly surprised that it’s you calling for her attention, but she doesn’t say anything on the matter, subtly glancing behind you for Stiles and frowning when she notices it’s only you.
When you reach her, you let out a puff a breath, blowing some hair out of your face as you nervously smile up at the girl.
“Is... Is everything okay?” She asks, somewhat confused as she raises a brow down at you.
“Yeah, yeah, everything’s good... Now, at least,”you swallow thickly, offering the girl a soft laugh. “I just wanted to thank you,” you explain eventually, clasping your hands before yourself as you only manage to confuse the girl further. Her brows draw in, face scrunching up as she shifts on her feet slightly.
“For what?” She says bluntly.
“For being there for Stiles when I couldn’t,” you whisper, finding the words somewhat hard to say. It is hard to thank someone else for being there for the one you love, when in all rights, it should’ve been you. But, you understood now why what happened had, and you knew why the two were close. But, you weren’t threatened by their relationship anymore, thanks to her explanation. “I can’t imagine what that place is like, and to be honest, I never want to find out. So, thank you.”
Malia’s face softens at your words, realization settling into her features as she nods. “Stiles really is lucky to have you, Y/N.”
Lips parting, it’s your turn to be surprised. You definitely hadn’t expected Malia to say that, and you find yourself growing warm almost at her compliment, cheeks warming slightly.
“Anyways,” you continue after a moment, sending her a warm smile. “I should get back to Stiles, find Scott... but I just needed to tell you that.”
Malia nods and with a final smile her way, you move to walk off, back turning to face her. However, before you can make it very far, you halt to a stop at the sound of Malia’s voice; “and Y/N?”
Turning your head over your shoulder, you raise a brow in question; “hmm?”
“Just so you know, Stiles could never be the one I like. Someone else already fills that spot.”
Eyes widening, your lips part to say something, but Malia spins, running off before you can. Your shoulders fall in disbelief, your mind reeling to wonder if you had just heard her correctly. You hadn’t, had you?
And yet, if you had heard her correctly, you find yourself not necessarily minding what she’s said. In fact, your cheeks are flushed and your heart rate as quickened considerably.
What was that?
“So, the Walcott’s were the first. At least the first that we know about. Four murders. Sean, his brother, and their parents. They were killed by a professional assassin called The Mute. Weapon of choice, a military tomahawk. But then the Mute was killed by Peter Hale after he tried to blow up Derek with a Claymore mine.
“Next was Demarco. He delivered a keg to the party at Lydia’s lake house. And got decapitated outside his car. And then last night, twenty-three year old Carrie Hudson.”
Sighing, you shake your head.
“It’s a deadpool,” Scott follows up, holding the list in his hands. “A hit list of supernatural creatures.” Unfolding it, Scott lays the piece of paper on Noah’s desk, letting him see it. “This is only part of it. The rest of it still has to be decoded.”
You hated the thing. You hated that something like that even existed. Your friends were on there, your brother was oe there. Scott, he was apparently worth twenty-five million. Lydia was twenty and Kira was six. Derek was fifteen... But there was people on there for nearly five hundred thousand as well, like Carrie Hudson who’d died last night.
And you? You were, apparently, worth thirty million.
“Who found the list?”
Brows furrowing, Noah shakes his head; “how?”
“She wrote it,” Stiles explains, “actually, she transcribed it. Without realizing it.”
“Beautiful,” Noah nods before turning to the list once again. “All right, what are these numbers next to the names?”
“We’re getting to that,” Stiles warns, “first, you need to know that the code was broken with a cipher key.”
“Wait. You mean, like a... like a word key?”
“It’s actually a name,” you correct, shifting on your feet slightly with a frown on your lips.
Shoulders tensing, Scott sighs; “Allison...”
There’s a moment of echoed silence before Stiles speaks up, quietly; “her name broke a third of the list.”
“And now,” Scott continues, “we think there’s two other cipher keys.”
“Which will give us the rest of the names,” Noah realizes, nodding slowly. “Okay. So how do we get the cipher keys?”
Shrugging your shoulders, you turn to Stiles and Scott; “same way we got the code.”
“Lydia,” you brother clarifies, “she’s been out at the lake house all weekend trying to find the other two key words.”
Sighing, Noah nods once again, turning back to his desk as he pulls out the files Stiles had previously missing of all those who’ve died. “You didn’t know about Demarco or Carrie. Hmm?” Turning to Stiles and Scott, you nod shortly. “And what about these other two names on the list? Uh, Kayleen Bettcher and Elias Town. They werewolves too?”
Shaking his head, Scott shrugs; “I don’t know. But Deaton said the Nematon would draw supernatural creatures here.”
“Here being Beacon Hills? Or Beacon County?” Biting your bottom lip, you sigh. “The population of Beacon Hills is just under thirty thousand.”
“And dropping,” Stiles adds.
Turning to him, you frown. You want to argue his words, but the truth is, he’s right.
“But,” Noah continues after a moment, “if we’re talking Beacon County, then you’re looking at close to five hundred thousand. Look, how many werewolves, banshees, kistunes, witches and whatever the hell else is out there are we talking about?” A moment of silence echoes, neither of you having an answer. “And what if the next cipher key uncovers not nine names but hundred?”
“We don’t think there would be that many.”
“There’s a limit,” you add, nodding.
“Because of the numbers,” Scott explains. “We think that once we decode the names, it’ll add up to hundred-seventeen.”
“Hundred-seventeen what?”
Grabbing the list, Stiles begins to write K’s next to some of the numbers, the larger three-digit ones, and then M’s next to the two-digit ones, like yours and Scott’s.
“Hundred-seventeen million dollars dad,” Stiles explains, capping the pan with a certain shake in his voice. “Stolen from the Hale vault and is being used by someone to finance all these murders.”
Crossing your arms over your chest, you frown; “someone who wants every supernatural in Beacon Hills dead.”
“So,” Noah continues, “the coded list goes out. And somehow these professional assassin get that list.”
“And a cipher key.”
Nodding, Noah sighs, “and then they go after the names on the list. They being killers with no mouths, tomahawks, thermo-cut wires that can take your head off.”
You notice out of the corner of your eye, something catch Stiles’ attention from the police photos of the murders. “Let me see,” he mumbles, pulling back one of the photos to reveal another. “Carrie was also stabbed. What’s this mark?”
Leaning over Stiles’ shoulders, your brows furrow when you notice the mark he talks about. It almost looks like a hexagon of sorts.
“We’re not sure yet,” Noah answers, “we’re waiting on the ME’s report. There’s one other thing I don’t get. How did this new assassin know that Demarco was going to be at the lake house?”
“Everyone knows he delivers kegs to teenagers for a little extra cash,” you explain.
Pausing, Noah sighs, clearly unimpressed. “Ah. So whoever ordered that keg killed Demarco.”
“Yeah,” Stiles mumbles, “it was someone at the party.”
“A student.”
“This... This is pointless. Most of the team plays with their own gear.”
“Maybe,” Kira begins from beside you, “instead of trying to find a lacrosse stick with a hidden dagger in it, we should be trying to get the game canceled?”
“That seems like a good idea,” you speak up, pointing at Kira with an eager nod as you meet your brother’s eyes.
“The game’s the best way to catch him red-handed,” he reminds, causing you to sigh with a shake of your head.
“But what if he’s red-handed cause his hands are covered in the blood of the person that he just stabbed to death?” Stiles questions, clasping his hands before him nervously. “Which, by the way, could be either of you guys.”
“Or Liam,” Scott mumbles, “well, we don’t have the whole list and he could be on it.”
Inhaling deeply, Stiles shakes his head; “we don’t know anything about the list. How it’s made, how it’s updated. I mean, who’s been out taking a supernatural census anyway?”
Frowning, you bite your lip at Stiles words curling into yourself. 
“How do they even know about me?” Kira mumbles, shoulders falling with defeat.
“They know about everyone.”
Sighing, Stiles shakes his head; “I think Kira’s right. I think we should stop the game.”
Shaking his head, Scott turns to Stiles; “I’m not afraid.”
“Neither am I,” Kira smiles over at your brother.
“Well, I’m terrified,” Stiles all but exclaims, throwing his hands up on either side of him. “And I’m not even on the list. Guys, these are professional killers. It’s their profession.”
You blink, raising your head to meet Scott’s eyes. When you turn, you notice both Kira and Stiles also turned towards you.
“What do you think?” Scott asks, raising a brow.
Swallowing thickly, you try to ignore the racing of your heart. “I’m terrified,” you say honestly, voice breathless. “I mean... there’s thirty million dollars on my head, who wouldn’t want that kind of money? Especially if this is what they do, Scott.” You remind, shaking your head as you bite your bottom lip. “We have no idea what we’re doing...”
“We never have before,” Scott reminds, voice soft in sympathy, “but it’s never stopped us before.”
“Scott,” Stiles sighs, speaking before you could as he takes a step closer to you. “One of them’s got a thermo-cut wire that cuts heads off. Who knows what else they have?”
“You’re quiet.”
Biting your bottom lip, you continue to finish placing your books in your locker, avoiding Stiles’ gaze as you try to ignore the racing of your heart. 
You’re attempt at remaining silent doesn’t last much longer. Before you know it, Stiles is gently closing your locker door, maneuvering the both of you in a way so he’s leaned against said locker and you’re in front of him, his hands resting on your hips, pulling you close. You sigh the moment your eyes meet his, before they flicker lower towards his chest, absently picking off an imaginary piece of fluff.
Raising his hand, Stiles tucks a few strands behind your ear, before cupping your chin and tilting it upwards. “Does this have to do with the hit-list?”
Shrugging, you swallow thickly.
“Talk to me...”
“I’m scared,” you say earnestly, blinking up at Stiles as you bite your lip to stop your emotions from getting the best of you. “No, i’m more than that. I’m terrified. There’s million of dollars on our heads, and professional, like you said, killers are after us. And somehow, Scott still didn’t want to cancel the game.”
“You know Scott,” Stiles sighs, “he’ll never back out of a fight.”
“Well,” you mumble, “he should this time.”
“Hey,” Stiles calls, thumb stroking your cheek. “I don’t need to remind you that I won’t let anything happen to you right?”
Smiling softly, you nod; “I know that, but it’s not me i’m scared for. It’s Kira, Liam, Scott, you,” at his confused look, you shake your head. “You’re not on the list but that doesn’t mean you can’t get hurt. The killer is on the lacrosse team, meaning that you guys are the most vulnerable. I’m in the stands.”
“But we all have each other,” Stiles reminds, “we’ll protect each other.”
“What if you can’t?”
“We will,” Stiles says without hesitance, “just like we always do.”
Pausing, you frown, hesitating just a moment before nodding.
“Okay?” Stiles whispers, lowering his chin slightly so he can properly meet your eyes.
Rushing forward by Stiles’ side, you fall in between Liam and Stiles, chest rising and falling.
“Lydia just broke another third of the list,” Stiles explains, holding his phone out before him tightly.
“Am I on it?” Liam asks.
“No,” you sigh, “but someone else is.”
Part 28?
Let me know what you thought!
Tag List: @potterheadbbc - @sunsetblake - @mythicalamphitrite - @loverofwaytoomanythings618 - @minuteandahalf - @mnk - @gazebros - @colie87 - @quilliamfears - @quellum - @pessimisticbullshit - @kaylinfayezink - @maiabiovillage - @tr1chst3r - @arkcangel - @quirkytwinkles - @thegirlwhoimagined - @noones-girl1980 - @illumminated - @fairchild345 - @all-will-be-well-love - @animemes-trash - @starryrevelations - @literallyhelpme - @theskytraveler - @jinandtion1c - @ilovemymoose - @bibliophilesquared - @stilessarcasmqueen - @mersuperwholocked-lowlife - @newtsshelbys - @wyattgoleft -  @pancakefancake - @saturno-in-the-night - @pizzamelon7384 - @riskregretting - @mdgrdians - @ravenclawnerdfromnarnia - @franchisefan14 - @lovingpeterparker - @audreysduvxl - @kararanae23 - @alioop3818 - @a-gir1-has-n0-name - @andyl394 - @sclestial - @jayymocha - @2ptonpt - @itsfangirlmendes - @deafeningmusicdetective - @alex–awesome–22 - @nicholerodz  - @kellbell44- @serrahruby - @agentmarvel13 - @egg-in-a-spork - @nickigv - @vxidnik - @marvelousgab - @emmaleighrose- @danielag1969 - @digicharr - @shantayok - @cherry3bombshell - @thatprofessionalfangirl - @itsjaynebird - @grippleback-galaxy - @dafukbish - @randomfanfictiontime - @unicorn-sparkles123 - @sammyrenae68 - @myfanficlibrarium - @liveforthenight130318- @booknymph02 - @smileyouresopretty - @fionnthebandersnacc- @voidsarahh - @kal-pal - @darlingimmafangirl - @burningmusicmarchi - @celacaveremo - @maolhy71706 - @supernatural-kinda-girl - @wherever-life-takes-us - @natalien-92 - @letmebeyoursforever 
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A Quick and Dirty TLJ Trailer Breakdown (and comparing the trailer to what we already know)
OK, let’s start from the top:
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DEAR sweet mother of god...!!
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Snoke: ”When I found you...I saw raw, untamed power!”
Right off the bat we see Kylo. He’s alive (obviously), and watching as the FO rebuilds, and boy has it been rebuilding- those AT-ATs look like giant war elephants now.
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There’s something about this planet they’re on.....
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Snoke: “And beyond that...something truly special...”
Kylo’s clearly been given a new mission, aside from his main focus, i.e. luring The Girl to their side. The bottom two caps likely show a (mostly) healed Kylo Ren accepting his new orders as he picks up his saber. And just above that, we see him leading a contingent of troopers into the caves of this planet that shines red just beneath the surface....
Snoke’s line of dialogue, too, is both threatening and an attempt to boost Kylo’s ego and stoke the Stockholm Syndrome he’s got this boy hooked on. “You’re so special! It’s why I chose you!” The creep factor is super high in Snoke’s lines.
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At some point, Luke trusted her enough to give her back the saber- or he just didn’t give a shit. Either way, our baby is armed.
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Establishing shot there to remind us we last left our heroine at Ahch-to.
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And Luke actually accepts the saber!
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This tree is bizarre- clearly it houses the books pictured below, but is it also the entrance to the later water bits we see after?
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The training montage:
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Rey: “Something...inside me has always been there...”
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Rey: “Then I was awake...and I need help.”
Luke’s reaction to Rey’s abilities cracking the ground beneath his feet speaks VOLUMES. Rey scares the FUCK out of him, as evinced by the following dialogue and reaction:
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Luke: “I’ve seen this raw strength only once before. It didn’t scare me enough then. It does now.”
Luke is absolutely 110% done with these over-powered kids, he really, really is. No wonder he doesn’t want to train Rey- his own flesh and blood blew up spectacularly in his face:
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...so who’s to say someone else’s kid won’t do even worse? Luke’s done, absolutely finished. 
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And we get to see the consequences of training Ben Solo- the jedi training temple, burned to the ground. The planet appears to be sandy, which fits with Rey’s vision of Kylo and his posse surrounded by bodies on a sandy ground with the iconic moisture vaporators in the background.
The next sequence of images is curiously strung:
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Kylo: “Let the past die.“
Rey, sporting her best kicked puppy face of “Why did you do that to me? I don’t understand??” What did they do to this girl in this moment??
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Kylo: “Kill it. If you have to.“
And then we cut to Kylo giving his helmet a hurt glare. I don’t know why anyone’s worried about his hair- look at that flip there! He’s doing alright. xD
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Kylo: “That’s the only way to become what you were meant to be.”
And now we see how his helmet was destroyed. Awhile back, I did a post about how it could have met its end based on the crack pattern, and boy did I want to say it looked like the inside out at one point but it just didn’t make sense....now it does. Just beautiful.
And what about his voice over here?? He’s clearly giving advice. Calmly. With a gentle, even knowing voice. I feel like there’s only one person he’d bother going to such pains for, and her name begins with Rey.
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And now we commence the dog fight, with Kylo’s fighter in the lead.
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He’s just casually shooting ships until...Mom. Look at his face above, and then look at the progression of expression on all their faces below:
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The “Oh.” moment.
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Locked directly onto her target.
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The anguish.
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And Leia...she just raises her chin, pained, but still like “Well go on...do it.” Ahhhh, my heart.
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Again, this planet we’re on has incredible caves. Its mineral is red. Is THIS some sort of tainted khyber crystal cave? Or something else? Either way, clearly the crystals and the mineral is very important. It’s something we should pay attention to. Also important to note: Kylo’s fighter is NOT tailing the Falcon here.
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Poe: “We have a spark...”
A wild Poe appears! He seems to be in a civilian transport module. Why is he traveling like that?
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Poe: “...that will light the fires that’ll burn the First Order down.”
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Finn: “Come on!!”
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I LOVE his reflection in Phasma’s helmet. Just stunning.
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BB8 is still kicking! We’re in the middle of the side story character intro now.
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Luke: “This is not going to go...the way you think!“
It’s raining on the desert planet that looks suspiciously like the one Rey had her vision of Kylo and the Knights of Ren on. It’s raining, just like the vision. And I feel like Luke is telling this to Kylo. Kylo’s there, maybe he’s come for Rey, and Luke....Luke has a warning to give.
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Hello new icy friend!
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This shot of Leia as the doors close remind me of the exact same shot of her as the doors close in “Empire Strikes Back”. That same forlorn expression over how the door symbolizes losing the potentially good outside it. Hang in there, space mom. :/
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Rey’s fallen down the well.
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Old Man Luke is (possibly) lurking at the bottom of it looking like a grump. Why are you always in shady places, Luke?? Rey must be flipping her shit...
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Yaaaaaaassssss, he looks so good in that uniform and ready to maim some FO bitches up! Finn is ready to destroy. What is his mission? Where did they get the uniform to begin with?? What dead body did they take it from? So many questions...
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More shots showing how the FO has rebuilt. Hux is conspicuously absent. What could he possibly be up to??
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HEY LOOK! Kylo’s original ship survived Starkiller!! YAAAY!! He’s got a whole damn fleet of sexy ships now, the bastard....
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More fighting on this white and red planet. Why is the planet so important??
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Snoke: “Fulfill....your....”
And here we see Snoke, in the flesh. Is he saying this to Rey or to Kylo??
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Snoke: “...destiny!“
Rey’s done her costume change here, so this bit seems to be farther along in the film. For some reason, she’s gotten herself in front of Snoke, which hearkens back to the original concept art for TFA where Kira went with the Jedi Killer to meet his master. It seems she finally does do that, but it looks....not very productive. Either way, leave that girl alone. Where are you, Kylo??? Maybe this is why he smashes his helmet....he felt too powerless to stop Snoke’s attack on Rey?
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Rey: “I need someone....“
Yes you do, sweetheart.
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Rey: “...to show me my place in all this...“
And here’s JJ Abram’s self-labeled Prince to do just that, looking as awe-struck and wide-eyed as ever in Rey’s presence.
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The outstretched hand doesn’t lie.
While Rey’s last line of dialogue and Kylo’s reach to take her hand may not be from the same scene, the message being conveyed by their position together is indisputable: Rey needs help, and Kylo is going to offer it.
Whether she takes it.....well, she did end up in Snoke’s pad. Is it because she went with Kylo? Or is Kylo’s hand to her after all is over and Rey’s unbridled power and mass destruction (all that fire and debris) leaves her electrified and terrified all at once and desperate for help?
Remember what Luke said: “I’ve seen this raw strength only once before.“
When all is said and done, it seems Kylo is the only one who truly knows what Rey is about to go through. He’s the only other person who knows what it’s like.
And we’ll just have to see what they do with that information.
Rian Johnson said he wanted to make a complete story with this film and not leave a ton of loose ends with the story. That means, as heavy and especially dark as this film will be, we should have all the answers to these most important questions by the time we step out of the theatre. It’s thrilling to think about, what we’ll get to see and know, and experience, with these characters.
I, for one, cannot wait for December.
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solum-detective · 7 years
Death Note Squip Headcanons
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Star Wars References Hidden In Anime
  Hey, everybody! It's Star Wars Day! May the fourth be with you. Go fourth and prosper. You know, all that good sci-fi stuff. That's how those sayings go, right? Anyway, in the spirit of this great day, the Crunchyroll features team has gathered up some of our favorite secret (and not-so-secret) nods to the Great Galaxy Struggle across various anime. We've got everything from short and sweet quotes to entire character arcs and storylines to an adorably sarcastic opening title crawl, and more. Anime creators have been emulating their favorite outer space tale for decades, hiding nods to George Lucas' masterpiece throughout their work.
  Let's take a walk on the Dark Side and check out just a handful of the many, many Star Wars Easter eggs hiding in your favorite anime series.
    My Hero Academia's Deku Is Basically Luke Skywalker
      Izuku Midoriya's dedication to day-saving is made clear early on the first episode of the series when Deku puts his notebooks to good use jotting down observations from an ongoing hero/villain showdown. That showdown takes place as Midoriya is traveling between home and school, giving the impression this must be his hometown ... and it just so happens the fight takes place at the Tatooin Train Station. Not at unlike the planet of Tattooine, the birthplace of Luke Skywalker himself. This them continues when All-Might trains Midoriya for the UA entrance exams at the Dagoba Beach, a clear homage to the Dagobah swamp where Yoda trained Luke.
  Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Relives Luke And Leia's Relationship
    When Luke and Leia got flirty and kissy it was sweet. Some fans might have even been rooting for them. When it was later revealed the two were twins it was ... awkward. Just, like, why? As odd as that story choice might have been, it's definitely been remembered in pop culture ever since. Remembered and recreated. Seed's Cagalli and Kira have a similar arc. She's a diplomatic princess, he's a pilot for the Alliance. (Get it? Because Rebel Alliance). They're twins separated at birth and might kinda have a thing for each other before they learn the truth of their origin story.
  Dr. Slump & Arale-chan's Drop-kun's Face Is A Stormtrooper Mask
    When creating a character who is a member of the armed forces, you would think skill and precision would be of the utmost importance. Unless you're designing a police officer for Dr. Slump, in which case your cop is modeled off of some of the most notoriously bad shooters in pop culture history. Star Wars' Stormtroopers are well-known for their horrible aim, and yet, Drop-kun wears his Stormtrooper helmet face with pride. Originally created for Akira Toriyama's Star Wars parody Mysterious Rain Jack, Drop-kun would later turn up in Arale-chan's debut series.
  Hellsing Ultimate Gets Help From A Star Wars Fan Club
    Basing their shadowy organization Millennium off the Nazis, there are lots of historical references in Helsing regarding the series antagonists. The name itself is a big nod, being an homage to Hitler's Thousand Year Reich. The group's modus operandi -- using creepy, unethical surgery to humans into vampires -- echoes the Nazis human experiments during wartime. And smack dab in the middle of all this dire, we have a goofy Star Wars reference. While trying to gather intel on Millennium, Walter investigates a Star Wars fan club, explaining the connection to Han Solo's Millennium Falcon.
  Dragon Ball Quotes Star Wars ... A Lot
    Lots of people draw parallels between Superman and Dragon Ball, but there's another pop culture touchstone with a huge influence on the franchise. Pretty sure you know where this is headed. On more than one occasion, the Dragon Ball franchise has lifted nearly direct quotes from Star Wars, including Bulma's assertion that those who don't escape the collapsing pirate cave will become "permanent residents" -- echoing Han Solo during an escape from the Death Star in The Empire Strikes Back. Colonel Silver also quotes Han with his "Boring conversation, anyway" quip. While General Blue channeled Darth Vader with his menacing, "Apology accepted." Dragon Ball has offered plenty of visual homages to Star Wars, too. Including the Excel Saga episode "The Woman From Mars" opening crawl that blatantly informs viewers this episode is going straight sci-fi.
  It's quite fitting that so many anime creators would be drawn to the folklore and style of Star Wars, considering George Lucas' admission that Akira Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress -- a live-action samurai film that inspired many other anime offerings -- had influenced his creation of the long-running franchise. What goes around comes around, in a great, big Ouroboros of sci-fi tropes.
  What are your favorite Star Wars Easter eggs in anime? Let us know in the comments!
  Carolyn also writes for Bunny Ears and Cracked. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram.
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