#Kiro mlqc x mc
46inpm · 2 months
MLQC Housemates Party
Hello I’m back after… awhile but been wanting to do housemates headcannons
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PLEASE DRINK RESPONSIBLY🙏 as they may not lol
Victor - Red, Lucien - Purple, Kiro - Orange, Gavin - Blue, Shaw - Green, MC (You) - Pink
I'm changing MC to where she has a good alcohol tolerance and is a bit of a party girl herself
Okay now onto the actual headcanon
They do parties from casual get togethers to formal events to drinking like they’re in college
Rating: Mature
Casual Get Togethers
Just a few friends and co-workers for holidays, casual birthdays, and regular cookouts
Victor is normally the cook for this with the help of Gavin
Gavin is such a grill type of man
They’ll cook as friends are coming over with a movie playing
In the summer they have pool parties
Lucien would be in charge of taking photos of Kiro in his swim trunks to post online for later, gotta feed the fans
When they have a get together in the house there will be a few drinking games
Truth or Drink goes crazy because I know for sure none of the housemates except for MC will answer really personal questions
"Body count?" "Craziest drunken experience?" "Have you ever had a wet dream about MC?"
After that truth or drink wasn't allowed to be played anymore in the future
If it's just the housemates sitting around doing games then they'll be slightly more open
At the end when friends leaves, MC falls asleep on the couch with one cuddling her and the others continuing their conversation
“I’m telling you there’s a raccoon going through our trash.”
“We either call animal control or get rid of it ourselves.”
“Hey, you guys leave Chunky King Bob alone!”
“Great he’s named it…”
Formal Events
They have a whole mansion that's big enough to do an actual formal event
Victor and Kiro are normally the host as it’s kinda required for their reputation
Honestly, both wouldn't do them if they didn't feel obligated for work
Victor, Lucien, Kiro, and MC are the planning committee
Sorry Gavin doesn't have the imagination for this and Shaw is lazy
They'll hold meetings in Victor's office or in the dining room
Most of the time it's a black-tie event but a few times it's themed
The entire house goes on a cleaning rampage the days before
Victor punishes anyone who slacks off by making them wash the dirty garbage cans outside
Really Shaw’s punishment most of the time
Also I know Victor is going to be some animal in heat seeing you all dolled out
Just seeing the jewelry set he bought you decorating your neck and ears is doing something to this poor man
As you're getting ready before the guests start showing, he comes in your room to "check on things" but will just watch you get dress
Slow makeout session happens and when someone knocks, he'll leave pretending like he really was checking on things
"MC have you see my blue tie? Huh, Victor what're you doing?"
"Checking to make sure MC did her tasks."
You're just standing there flushed
Be prepared to be starstruck by the number of celebrities you'll see for Kiro's big birthday event
Lucien and Gavin will sneak you out of there to get alone time separately
"It's stuffy in here."
"Let's go get some fresh air."
You'll be out with them for a while having personal conversations that both of you lose track of time
Their eyes staring so lovingly into yours, never breaking eye contact, hands holding yours or rubbing your sides
More slow makeout sessions and boy do they want to keep going for the rest of the party
Like the Bachelorette when they have the one one-on-one convos
If Kiro or Victor find out they'll be the most grumpy toward you, imagine a pet that's giving you the silent treatment for not feeding them a third time
"While I had to have meaningless conversations with everyone, I wanted to be with you. Seems you didn't care."
Give the pouty idol your undivided attention for the next couple of hours and he'll immediately forgive you but good luck on Victor
To the housemates, it's a genuine mystery on where Shaw goes in the middle of the event
They'll see him but a second later he's gone missing for the next couple of hours
“Where’s Shaw?”
“I thought he was with you…”
“I thought he was with Gavin.”
“You need me? Did everyone leave already?”
“What the-”
“It’s been three hours.”
Normally all of you won't go partying together, even if someone invites the housemates out, only a few will go
Gavin, Kiro, and Shaw are always out with you having a blast
I don't ever see Victor or Lucien coming out for these
High levels of socializing and drinking just aren't them and they'll barely talk to each other while everyone's gone
Gavin is the DD (designated driver) and sober dad
Think of the meme with the dad having his children on the backpack leashes going in the opposite direction, that's him but with 3 adults
Kiro will be dancing with you, or drunk rants to someone while Shaw is doing beer pong
Shaw loves being by your side and his hand wrapped around rested on your hip
As much as Gavin and Shaw don't get along, Gavin always checks on Shaw and steps in the way if some drunks try to pick a fight
Back to the house, you're drunk along with Kiro, jumping practically off the walls
Victor and Lucien trying to get yall to drink water
You'll sing praises to everyone about Gavin taking care of everyone
When you're lying in bed, Shaw will sneak in to sleep with you
"Feeling lonely?"
"No, knowing you, you'll wake up hungover. Going to need someone to hold back your hair when you're yaking."
He'll never say the real reason to just cuddle
The only times all housemates go out to party and drink is the rare clubbing occasions
Normally high end clubs
Everyone dressed in their clubbing/partying outfits
The boys will wear nice button ups or plain t-shirts with pants that will go along while you wear a backless top and miniskirt
In the club they’ll reserve a table…for the Li family? so they can immediately sit down and start drinking
We all know Lucien says he’s a good drinker but he’s really not as he doesn’t space out his shots
You’re not helping as it’s shot o’clock every 30 minutes with you
“For going out! For finishing the week! For housemates bonding!”
“Okay, I think that’s enough. Also, Lucien you don’t have to keep taking the shots.”
“Haha, I’m fine.”
Takes a lot of pleading from all of you to have Gavin and Victor drink up (sober dads on break)
From there on things ramp up!!!
Everyone loosens up a lot and have the funniest conversations
Talking about inside jokes to personal stories
Later on the dance floor you’ll be grinding on one of them then the next and making out
The types of drunks: Lucien - possessive drunk, Kiro - happy drunk, Shaw - funny drunk, Victor - horny drunk, Gavin - crying drunk
Lucien’s Ares side come out a lot more that he just wants to be in your embrace and no one touches you
Takes a while for you to calm him down and let the others be near you
“Why did you let him kiss you?”
“Lucien, you also did too. It wouldn’t be fair to the others. Let’s all have fun.”
Kiro is the type to legit constantly compliment anyone and give some motivation speech as if they’re about to jump off a cliff
“Youu’re soo handsome and kind b-but I feel you don’t even know it.”
Shaw’s jokes are so perfectly timed with his expressions that everyone’s sides hurt from laughing, funny how he’s so calm when he says it
“I’m one drink closer to getting a tramp stamp.”
Victor isn’t a big fan on PDA but now he wants you to give him a lap dance mid club and says the dirtiest stuff
Even Lucien and Victor are at war while drunk
“You love the feeling of rubbing yourself against me.”
Poor Gavin has so much regret that he starts pouring out normally to Kiro about wishing he did things differently
“When I left I should have had-had more courage to tell her what I felt but I did not-I didn’t.”
“I get what you’re feeling! Trust me ev-everything has been working out. Like you’re here with Miss Chips getting wasted!!”
Ride share dropping all of you back home still drunk but trying to sober up, everyone is seriously tripping over themselves, laughing controllably
Trying to drink water and devour leftovers
After awhile everyone decides except Victor to sleep in his room because he has the biggest and comfiest bed
As everyone is falling asleep curled up to MC or snuggled in the comforter they knock out
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dawnsbreaking · 2 years
One of my favorite things about MLQC is the frequent use of symbolic imagery and motifs to set scenes and center characters. I think it’s incredibly clever, considering the importance of MC’s dreams, that the dreamlike symbolism is present throughout the story. At times, in MC’s confusion of piecing events together, reading the story almost feels like a sort of dream or vision interpretation. I love how consistent these symbols are for the characters and the way conflicting or contrasting imagery is used to add depth throughout the story. Also, since the story is told through MC’s perspective, the use of imagery shows us that her perception of the world is colored by her care for the main cast. When she’s with Gavin, MC notices fluttering leaves, when she’s with Victor, time slows, when she’s with Kiro, the sun is brighter, and when she’s with Lucien, she’s more attentive to light and shadow.
Under the cut, I have written more (1400ish words more) about symbolism in MLQC and how it adds depth to Lucien's characterization in particular.
Aside from adding to the mood of the story, the symbolism can also be used to narrative effect, showing us how MC is interpreting a character’s actions or motivations.
For example, we can look at how MC sorts through her feelings about Kiro/Helios in Chapter 29. Sun imagery pervaded previous chapters that centered Kiro while moon imagery is associated with Helios. In CH29, MC uses the harmony between the sun and moon as a metaphor when she accepts that Kiro and Helios are one and the same. This adds depth to what MC is feeling about Helios and also serves to contextualize the relationship between the two identities. (Note: I just love the idea that Helios has the same “sunshine” as Kiro but that he reflects it in a subtle way rather than being overwhelmingly positive like Kiro. This dynamic is only ever implied by the imagery and symbolism but it’s so perfect.)
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In particular, though, I want to talk about some of the symbolism associated with Lucien and what we can learn from the way these symbols interact with one another.
Light and Shadow
One motif that is very present when the story is focused on Lucien is the balance between light and shadow. (Note: It’s very on the nose at times but executed well, I think, so I’ll give them a pass.) This motif is introduced far before Lucien’s betrayal is ever revealed, as early as his first meeting with MC. (Note: I literally wasn’t sure when the motif was first introduced but I went back to Lucien’s first scene and SURE ENOUGH, there it is. I love how consistent the writing is in this regard. The motifs are handled so well and so intentionally.)
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During Lucien’s first scene in the game, light shining in from the window obscures his face. Far ahead of the betrayal, light and shadow are symbolically playing at obscuring his identity from MC. The light/shadow motif is used at first to symbolize Lucien being duplicitous, without much hinting toward his internal struggle. Later, when it’s clear that Lucien is struggling with a choice between metaphorical “dark” desire to continue his mission and “light” of protecting MC, light is used to hint at that internal conflict. An example of this is below, from Lucien's first standoff with Victor in Chapter 11.
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Notably, though, sometimes, the “light” represents MC directly while the “shadow” represents Lucien. After Lucien’s internal conflict and desire to protect MC is first touched on in Chapter 16, the two are symbolically juxtaposed by scene-settings back-to-back in the last two units of CH16. 16-24 opens with a description of Lucien’s dark, gloomy room and 16-25 opens with a description of the lamp on MC’s desk casting a bright light. (Note: MC’s Evol is also represented by light often, so I think this imagery for her works even beyond its juxtaposition with Lucien.)
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The same thing happens again when MC comes back from the Eternal Winter world, Lucien’s office is described as dark and shadowy when he is alone and then it’s cast in an “ephemeral glow” as soon as MC steps into the room.
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A large part of Lucien’s character arc is his failure to properly make sense of his own identity, this struggle is represented by mirrors/reflections. Often, mirrors are shattered or distorted, implying an added difficulty of perception.
Because of the expectations that have been put on him from a young age, Lucien is very disconnected from his own identity. Even with Black Swan set completely aside, because of his savant-like personality and inability to relate to others, Lucien doesn’t view himself as a human being. Beyond that, there is also a struggle between the two identities of “Lucien” and “Ares” implied.
I think that the answer to this struggle is MC understanding Lucien and having clarity about who he is as a person. Light reflected in mirrors represents this concept symbolically in the Mirror Painting date. (Note: I believe this date is only currently available in the CN server, I read this translation) In this date, Lucien and MC paint each other and then use mirrors to reflect light onto the painting when it’s displayed. After being painted and, therefore, symbolically seen by MC, Lucien is finally allowed to turn away from the mirrors and stop worrying about who he is. The mirrors that represent his struggle with identity are able to add depth to a beautiful image when paired with the lights that represent MC’s understanding.
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Shattered and Distorted Glass
This goes hand-in-hand with the mirror motif but is worth mentioning on its own because the symbolism is slightly different. While distorted mirrors imply difficulty for Lucien to perceive himself, distorted glass implies a difficulty for others to perceive Lucien. Shattered glass also represents a fractured relationship between the identities of “Lucien” and “Ares” in a few scenes.
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On the wall of the abandoned Ultima Bioresearch Lab, MC finds a quotation written on the wall from the Bible. “For now we see through a glass, darkly. The truth is projected into the hearts of men through a glass lens. It’s distorted, blurry, and one-dimensional.” (Note: I’m assuming that this verse was translated from the Chinese dialogue and not transcribed from an English Bible translation, because this is, at the very least, not a popular translation of the verse that I’m familiar with. Ironically, it’s more popular to translate “glass” here as “mirror” so there goes this whole section LMAO.)
Because of the way it’s presented, I think that this image of distorted glass represents not how MC actually perceives Lucien but, rather, how Lucien believes he perceives her. Obviously, this is also foreshadowing the betrayal so, in a way, he’s correct in asserting that she is not seeing all of him. But, on the whole, this distorted glass imagery is delivered in a way that implies the distortion more as an insecurity on Lucien’s part rather than the reality of MC’s vision.
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Keeping with Lucien’s themes of paradox and duplicity, one of his main motifs is the appearance of rainbows, despite the fact that he is colorblind. This is, again, representative of MC’s “light” being transformative to Lucien because the rainbows appear when they are together. I think that, rather than being a symbol for Lucien alone, rainbows represent Lucien’s relationship with MC. It’s a sort of combination of MC’s light imagery and Lucien’s refraction/distortion imagery. In the right circumstances, they can create something beautiful together.
It’s also implied throughout the story that Lucien is able to see colors when he’s around MC, so he is truly only able to appreciate the beauty of rainbows when he is with her. (Note: It’s unclear how this works but I think that it’s a side-effect of his Evol mimicking hers. There’s a footage mission where it seems like Lucien has to ask MC to look at something before he can tell the color of it so I think that he is somehow able to see the world through her perspective, possibly by using her Evol to have real-time visions. Does this make sense? Who knows, but I refuse to accept it just as soulmate magic!!!!)
If you haven’t, I highly recommend reading Lucien’s “Rainbow Luck” R&S. (Note: A recording is available here!) In this story, told from the perspective of Lucien’s pen, Iridescent, MC and Lucien see a rainbow together and it’s implied that this is Lucien’s first time being able to see a rainbow because MC is there. (Note: Iridescent as a name itself is an instance of Lucien’s rainbow motif.)
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(Note: Lucien's Moments also features a rainbow paperweight at Bond Level 40.)
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TLDR: Imagery and symbolism are used in MLQC to imply things about the characters and their relationships with MC. In particular, with Lucien, recurring imagery is used to represent his internal conflict and his desire for love and understanding from MC. The symbolism of light and its reflection/refraction is used to great effect throughout Lucien’s story, implying a complex web of internal struggles.
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autumn-lavelle · 2 years
MLQC kids -so far
So im just making this list to keep track of the MLQC kids I have made so far.
MC x Victor -Thomas (Tommy) Li
MC x Gavin - Daniel (Danny) Bai
MC x Lucien- Ophelia ?? Not sure what Lucien's last name is in Chinese.
Next up is Kiro and Mc and I'm probably making the child a girl, mostly to balance out the line up. Not sure what.
Update: Kiro x MC - Stella Chow
Maybe will do MC x Shaw but I kinda pair him up with my crack idea which is Shaw x Nikki. XD
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darealkatastrophe · 1 year
This Account is both SFW and NSFW.
● I write about random things that come in head about the characters I like. I always like to learn new things. These headcanons could be both NSFW and SFW, read at your own risk. That way you can't say I didn't warn you.
● Writing does take time, so does editing meme videos especially if you're me for sure. Some take longer then I'd like to, but better later than never at all.
●I post something like this before but I wrote like 3 things after that which is interesting for me anyways, some still in drafts.
♡ Hope you have a Good Night/ Good Day ♡
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sunshinejihyun · 4 years
Green Apples || Kiro
Author’s note: Look, this was supposed to be a cute simple Halloween fic but it turned into something much more. I’m not even mad about it though. Um this isn’t edited so if you see any mistakes, no you didn’t.
Summary: A stolen night with a masked stranger on Halloween leads to something more when you find out who’s behind that mask.
Warnings: some drinking
Word count: 5011
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After filming had ended for the day, Kiki and Willow had grabbed your arm and pulled you out of your office and back to your apartment, ignoring your protests. “Guys, I still have work to get done!”
“Not on Halloween you don’t! It’s the first year my kids are old enough to be on their own and I’m partying. I need you guys there as my wing-women!” Anna reached into her leather top and pulled her bosom up, smiling at herself in the mirror before fluffing her hair. She was dressed as Catwoman, the leather and latex that was sticking to every single one of her curves made her look younger than she was. If you didn’t know her, you would have guessed her to be mid 20’s, not in her 30’s. “Now hurry up girls, your costumes are on the bed.” Kiki and Willow jumped off your twin bed and assessed the costumes before starting to discuss who would look better in what. Peering over their shoulders, you snuck a peak at the costumes. “I think Willow would look best in the Wonder Woman costume,” you quipped. They both turned around to hear your explanation, eyebrows raised in question. “Kiki and I are both short. Willow’s taller and her legs would look killer in that skirt with those thigh high boots she wore to the company’s Christmas party last year, let’s be honest.”
“Oh my gosh! Boss is right, Willow. You’ve gotta wear that, it’ll look so good!” Kiki pleaded, clasping her hands together and doing her best to pout at her friend.
“Well I can’t argue with my girls, can I?” Willow asked, reaching for the costume and started stripping from her work clothes. “Oh man, guess I won’t be breathing tonight.”
“We don’t need to breathe, we just need to look hot.” Anna turned from your makeup mirror and all three of you gasped at her. The dark smokey eye and bright red lipstick made her look even more pale than normal but the shimmer she had highlighting her cheekbones made her look extraordinary, like she was an ethereal being.
“Anna, you look amazing!” You exclaimed, dropping the costume you had in your hand. “Oh my gosh, I would never be able to tell you have two kids! I won’t be surprised if you leave the party with someone tonight.”
She winked and blew a kiss at you. “That’s the plan babe! Now come on, you guys need to get dressed!”
Glancing at Kiki, you saw her eyeing the Harley Quinn costume so you grasped the green costume. “I think you’ll look really good as Harley, Kiki. Willow and Anna can help do your makeup!”
Kiki took the costume into your small bathroom and you shrugged off your clothes. “Can someone help me zip?”
“Sure babes, come here.” Anna gestured for you to make your way over to where she was perched on your makeup table. Pulling the zipper up on the costume she squealed. “Your butt looks amazing in this costume. Definitely the best choice!”
You shrugged your shoulders, smoothing down the spandex covered with leaves. “I don’t even know who I’m supposed to be!”
“I’m not really sure either, all that matters is that you look hot!” You and Anna giggled and Kiki walked back into the room, twirling around in her costume.
“Kiki, you look amazing! Come here hun, let me do your makeup!” Willow gestured her over and Kiki skipped over puckering her lips obscenely and making Willow sigh out in annoyance. “Never mind, you can do it yourself.” She teased.
Anna wordlessly started to dab a pinky-orange lipstick on your lips and you sat down, letting her get to work. “And…” Anna brushed something on your cheeks, stepped back, and grinned down at her work. “Perfect!”
Turning to look in the mirror, your jaw dropped. The makeup she had done made it so you didn’t even look like yourself. You looked sexy, like someone you’d see in a magazine, or at least on TV.
“Boss! You look amazing!”  Kiki yelled out, running over and wrapping her arms around you, careful to not smudge either of your makeup. “We all look amazing. We all better be leaving tonight with a man or woman on our arms or so help me God, I’ll give up on love forever!”
“Don’t be so dramatic!” Willow threw her hair over her shoulder. “Now ladies, are we ready to go?”
Anna handed each of you a mask that would cover your eyes, but not one of the lame plastic ones, these were each individually gorgeous, made to go with your costumes. They were lined lace, gemstones, and colors that complimented the outfits. The masks mixed with everyone's smokey eyes and bright lips really brought every costume together and brought butterflies to your stomach. Despite originally not wanting to go, you actually found yourself looking forward to a night off work with the girls.
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The party was already in full swing by the time you and the girls entered the bar. The bass was vibrating the floor and purple lights were flashing in time to the beat of the music. Anna left your side almost immediately, blowing a kiss in your group's direction before setting her sights on who you can only assume was a handsome man in some scrubs and a plague doctor’s mask.
“Well, she wasted no time,” Willow observed, grabbing her beer off the bar and taking a short drink.
Kiki suddenly stopped in her tracks. “I. Love. This. Song!” Each word was enunciated  and she tugged on Willow’s arm excitedly. “Come dance with me, Boss can hold our drinks.” Kiki shoved her drink in your hand and dragged Willow away, leaving you alone near the bar, two drinks in your hand but neither of them yours.
Watching them dance from the sideline had you smiling, they were never like this at work and it was wonderful to see both of them having the time of their lives. It almost made you forget that you weren’t out there, but your attention was pulled away from them quickly when someone came and stood by you.
“So many people to kill, so little time, huh?” Your skin prickled when the voice filtered through your ears and you turned to face the man, coming face to face with him. He was so close to you that you could smell sour apple candy on his breath.
“Excuse me?” Your eyebrows raised and you took a step back.
“It’s uh, it’s a line that Poison Ivy says to Batman in one of the Batman and Robin films!” The man exclaimed, reaching under his black mask to scratch an itch on his face. “I thought it’d be a good opener because I’m dressed as Batman and you’re dressed as Poison Ivy. We’re supposed to be nemeses but I don’t think I could fight someone as pretty as you.”
Despite not knowing who was speaking to you, you found your cheeks flushing and you were grateful for the lights in the bar flashing bright colors, it was easier to hide the rouge starting to form. “Sorry,” you laughed and closed the distance between you and your new acquaintance once more. “I’m not actually a fan, my friend picked out the costumes.”
“Which one? Harley Quinn or Wonder Woman?” You wished you could see more of this man’s face that was hidden under a dark mask. He was charming and his piercing eyes felt like they were reaching in your soul and spreading warmth and happiness within.
“Wow, you do pay attention. Neither, my friend dressed as Catwoman picked them out. I think her goal was to find the tightest outfits in the store, and in which case she definitely succeeded.” You took a drink of Willow’s beer, she wasn’t around and it’d probably be gross by the time she came back anyway.
“Of course I paid attention when the most gorgeous woman I’ve seen walked in.”
“That was such a line.” You rolled your eyes, a smile playing on your lips and the guy burst out laughing.
“I know! I can’t believe you thought I was serious. I just wanted to see if you were someone who fell for cheesy lines like that!” His smile was gorgeous and the sound of his laugh stirred up butterflies in your stomach. It’s been forever since you met someone who made you feel like this. “Do you want to dance?” He held out his hand, head tilted towards the dance floor and without thinking too much, you set down the drinks you were holding and grasped his hand.
He pulled you into the middle of the crowd and spun you around before pulling you close, so close that you both were chest to chest, and started moving his hips, your usually uncoordinated body easily following in his lead. “Wow, you’ve got some moves!” The music was louder than it was by the bar and you couldn’t tell if he had actually heard you, but he had a smile settle on his lips.
After dancing to a few songs, he led you back to the bar. “I’m gonna get a water, you want anything?”
Raising your eyebrows in question, you settled on the barstool next to him. “Not drinking tonight?” He shook his head no. “Alright, one water for me too please.”
“Thanks,” the guy told the bartender when he set down the two bottles in front of the both of  you. “So,”
“I usually don’t make a habit of dancing with people I don’t even know.” You laughed, gulping down some water. “I don’t know what came over me, it’s like you’re intoxicating.”
“Believe it or not, you’re not the first to say that to me!” The guy leaned in, resting his hand on your thigh. Normally, you’d shy away from a touch like that but after being pressed up against his hard body for the past 7 songs on the dance floor, this touch seemed more innocent than before. “I’ve never connected with someone like this before.”
“Boss!” Kiki came running up, cheeks flushed and dark red lipstick smudged. “Have you heard this song? It’s Kiro! Come with me, we all have to dance!”
You glanced at your current dance partner who rolled his eyes at the mention of Kiro. “Don’t tell me you’re a Kiro fangirl? I’d have to take back what I just said to you.”
“Kiki, I think I’ll sit this one out. You’ll just have to dance even harder with Anna and Willow to make up for it, but I’m sure you can do it!” Turning back to the man who was staring at you, an intense look in his eyes, you smiled. “I personally like Kiro’s music, but I don’t go crazy about him like some people. I honestly think he deserves some privacy to just be him. Everyone expects too much of someone who’s only 22.”
“I never thought of it that way. I just know some people who go crazy for him and… it makes me uncomfortable!” The man held his hand out to you once more. “Do you wanna go outside, get some air?”
You rationally knew that it wasn’t the smartest decision to go out on your own with a man you just met, but looking at him with the charming smile he had only used on you that night, you felt your heart make the decision before your head could catch up. “Absolutely.”
This time when you grabbed his hand, he squeezed it affectionately before interlacing your fingers. Your hand was sweaty and you wanted to pull away to wipe it off but he wouldn’t let you, instead just opting to hold on tighter.
The cold October air on your cheeks soothed you and helped cool your body temperature. Without thinking, you took off your mask and patted down the sweaty area that it was resting on. Turning towards the man, you saw he had stopped in his tracks, mouth slightly open, and was staring. “You’re beautiful.” He whispered, reaching out to brush a piece of your hair behind your ear.
Looking down at your feet, so small compared to him, you fought off a wide grin. “Yeah, sure. I’m sure I look great with makeup running down my face right now.”
“No seriously,” his hand reached under your chin to tilt your eyes to meet his. Although you hardly knew this man, you haven’t seen his full face, and you didn’t even know his name, there was something about him that made you feel so safe. Like being wrapped in a warm hug after being out in the cold for long hours. “To me, you are so beautiful.”
“You don’t even know me.” You whispered, your faces so close to one another. His blue eyes so clear in the night were searching your face, taking in the new features he hadn’t seen before.
“I don’t trust easily, but there’s something about you…” His eyes landed on your lips after glancing at them a few times before. “Can I kiss you?”
You nodded and stood on your tiptoes, closing the small gap between the two of you. Despite not seeing him eat a piece of candy since you had met him earlier that night, he still tasted of green apple candy. He cupped your face so tenderly, like if he were to hold you a little too tight, you might break. He pulled back before pecking your lips once more. “Can you tell me who you are?” Your nose was still brushing his as you both tried to catch your breath.
“Promise me it won't change anything about tonight?” He took your hands and guided you to grip the fabric mask that’s been on his face since the moment he met you. “Please,”
“I promise,” his eyes were pleading and you felt yourself wanting to melt into his touch, to do nothing but reassure him that your connection was too strong now to care about who he was or what he looked like. “I can promise you that with my whole heart.” His hands, still covering your own, helped you grasp the mask, pulling it over his head. A shock of blond hair fell out of the dark fabric and when he brushed it out of his eyes, you gasped. “Kiro?”
“Shh,” his hands moved to cover your mouth but you quickly intercepted them and linked both of them with your own. Both of your masks were discarded on the cold ground, but they were forgotten. “No one can know I’m here.” “But-” you cut yourself off, stopping yourself from bombarding him with tons of questions. “I’m just-”
“Shit!” Kiro swore, ducking down to grab his mask off the ground. “That’s my agent. He will kill me if he sees me.” You saw the man Kiro was pointing at and he narrowed his eyes at the pair of you before starting to make his way over to the both of you. “I… I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I have to go. Umm… you know how to get a hold of me, so I hope I’ll get a message from you soon, Miss Ivy.” Kiro pressed a kiss to your cheek before taking a deep breath and running off.
“Excuse me miss, who was that guy you were just with?” Kiro’s agent approached you, an apprehensive look on his face.
You panicked and said the first thing that came to your mind. “My boyfriend. Who are you?”
“Oh, sorry, I guess I got the wrong person.” His agent distractedly walked off in the other direction and you sighed, heading back inside the bar.
As you were entering, you bumped into Anna, her arms wrapped around the man with the plague doctor mask that she was eyeing earlier. Now, his mask was off and your assumption was right, he was handsome. “Oh, hey babe!” She let go of him and stumbled over to you, throwing her arms around your neck. “You’re so pretty. I’m going to go home with this nice man his name is Brandon from the bar, so if I don’t show up to work on Monday tell the police that, preferably that cute one, Gavin. It’d be nice to be rescued by him.”
You glanced towards the man who held up his hands in surrender. “She’s got my address and number, she was gonna send it to you guys, I’ll make sure she sends it on our way over to my place.”
Nodding, you patted her head gently. “You be safe okay, sweetie? I’ll see you on Monday.” She pressed a kiss to the same cheek Kiro had kissed only a few moments earlier and you felt anger bubble in your chest. Your last physical touch from him was wiped away in a quick moment by a drunk friend. Selfishly, you never wanted to wash that cheek again, to always remember the moment; but even if it wasn’t still there physically, you had all the memories you had made with him that night.
After watching for a moment that they actually got in a cab, you headed back inside to find your other two friends. You found them where you left them, on the dance floor and grinding against two masked men. They looked tired now, and you didn’t hesitate to grab their attention. “Hey, I’m tired, want to head back to my place and we can have a sleepover?”
Kiki and Willow said their goodbyes to the two men they were with and followed you outside. “Boss, we thought you left with that cute Batman!”
You bit your lip and glanced at the place on the sidewalk where no longer than 20 minutes ago you were kissing Kiro. “Yeah, but he had to go home. It was really sudden.” Feeling your eyes prick with tears, you dug your nails in your palm to distract yourself. “I didn’t even give him my name.”
“Oh hun,” Willow linked her arm through yours, closing the Uber app on her phone. The car coming to pick you up would be there any second. “I’m sure you’ll run into him again. Loveland City isn’t that big.”
Glancing wistfully in the direction that Kiro had headed after kissing your cheek, you sighed out before climbing in the back of the silver car that had pulled up in front of you. “I hope so,”
The rest of the ride back to your apartment was quiet and you and Willow had to drag a sleepy Kiki into the elevator. The rest of the building was asleep except for you guys, and as soon as you all had changed into comfy clothes, you collapsed on your small bed and fell asleep in a tangle of limbs.
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Monday morning, you showed up at work, your spirits still low. Even though you had only spent a few hours with Kiro, no one had ever made you feel the way he did and you longed to feel his soft hands pushing hair out of your face once more.
“BOSS! You are NEVER going to believe who just called and asked to be on the show!” Kiki rushed into your office, eyes wide and chest heaving.
Sighing, you turned away from your computer. “Who?”
“Kiro! Or, well technically, his agent called. But Kiro wants to be on the show!” Your heartbeat sped up at the thought of Kiro walking into the filming studio and seeing you for the first time since your shared moment. “His agent said that he used to watch the show growing up and wants to show his love for it. Please Boss, we HAVE to schedule him on the show.”
“I’m sure I can change a few things around to fit him on. When is he available?” You opened your calendar and waited for Kiki to continue.
“Next week?” She sheepishly smiled. “I kinda already booked him. I’m sorry, I was just so excited!”
You rolled your eyes at Kiki and fought to keep a smile off your face. “Okay, I will figure out a plan for a show with Kiro on it. Now shoo, go do your work!”
Kiki squealed excitedly and exited your office and as soon as you were sure she was out of earshot, you let out a very similar squeal. You only needed to get through 7 days and you would see Kiro again.
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The following Monday, you didn’t stop at the office before going to the filming studio, instead opting to spend some extra time on your hair and makeup. You still looked nothing like you did halloween night, but you felt a little more put together and that was important on a day with so many unknowns. How would he react when he saw you? Would he be happy, or would he play it cool and pretend like he had never met you before?
You were so caught up in your own fantasies of Kiro pulling you into his arms and kissing your senseless in front of all the cast and crew that you bumped into a solid chest, a soft ‘oof’ escaping their mouth.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.” You bent down to pick up your papers that scattered everywhere and the person bent down as well, helping you gather them up.
“No it was my fault, I was looking at this comic and-” he cut himself off as your eyes met his own. “Wait a second, Poison Ivy? You work for Miracle Finder?”
“Yeah um, I’m actually the owner of the company?” Despite daydreaming up millions of scenarios where you ran into Kiro again, you didn’t think you would have physically run into him.
“I had no clue. Um, how are you?” He handed you the rest of your paperwork and when his fingers grazed your own, your whole body was on fire. He had such an affect on you, one you couldn’t even begin to describe. “You never messaged me.”
“I wanted to, believe me.” You shifted your weight from one foot to the other. “I just wasn’t sure if it was a good idea since we’re going to be working together. And besides, I knew I was going to see you here eventually.”
“I’m really happy to see you,” Kiro admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. “I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“Me neither,” you agreed, gesturing to an empty greenroom. Kiro went in first and you followed a few seconds later.
Kiro took your hands in his own and gazed steadily down at you, his blue eyes never wavering from your own. “I don’t have much to say, but I’ve never felt like this with anyone and I don’t even know your name. We only spent a few hours together but you made me feel more alive than performing on stage does. I want to get to know you, if you’d be willing to give me a chance.”
Reaching up to cup one of his cheeks in your hand, you stroked the soft skin and Kiro leaned into your touch. “I’d love that. I’d love to be able to see where this connection takes us. I feel like I’ve known you for years.” Kiro grinned and leaned closer to you, and you reached up and kissed him softly. “Green apple, again.”
His eyes widened and he looked panicked for a moment. “I’m sorry if you don't like it. I can start stealing sweets with a different flavor that has just been my favorite since I was a kid. I-”
You cut him off with another kiss. “No, it’s perfect. Very you.” Glancing at your watch you shooed him out of the room. “You were due in hair and makeup 5 minutes ago, but I’ll see you out while we’re filming.” Kiro went to leave but you grabbed his arm gently. “It’s MC, by the way. My name.” “MC,” he repeated it over and sent you one of the sweetest smiles you’ve seen from him yet. “Beautiful, just like you.”
Blushing, you pushed him in the hallway and waited for a few moments before checking to make sure the coast was clear and left, walking towards the filming crew. “Boss!” Kiki rushed up to you and you jumped at her voice. “Have you seen Kiro? He looks so cute today!” She paused for a second. “Come to think of it, he kinda looks like the guy you were with on Halloween. Ohmigosh! What if you kissed Kiro on Halloween, how crazy would that be?” You laughed to keep yourself from answering her. Kiki would freak out if she knew just how correct she was.
You were relieved when Willow called Kiki over to clarify a few things about shooting before it started. Kiro was already on scene, dressed in a tight black turtleneck with a red and black jacket over it. He looked good and you took that moment while he wasn’t paying attention to admire him, the way he stood so sure of himself, how his easygoing smile made everyone around him seem at ease.
Kiro caught your eye as you were looking him over and he grinned and winked at you before raising his hand in a wave. You blushed and waved back, his grin widening before turning back to the director.
“Did you find your Halloween mystery man?” Anna appeared at your elbow and you pushed your bangs back from your forehead. “I seem to remember some similarities between Kiro and that man, they look at you the same.”
“Yeah, I think I did.” You replied, not taking your eyes off the blond who was now talking to an animated Kiki. He looked a little nervous and you made your way up to them, gently squeezing Kiki’s shoulder. “Hey, I think someone in the film crew is looking for you, they need you to run an errand.”
Ignoring her protests, you turned Kiki in the other direction. “Maybe you’re the real superhero,” Kiro’s fingers brushed yours before pulling away. “Saving the superstar from crazed fangirls.”
“Nah, I’m not a superhero. Just someone who wants you all to herself.” You admitted and Kiro’s blush made your heart soar.
“Oh you do? So then, what do you say to having a little impromptu date after filming today. I have a secret base I like to go to, no one knows where it is, not even Savin.”
“I say, I’ll meet you outside afterwards.” You couldn’t keep the grin off your face and you were sure you looked ridiculous but you didn’t care. Kiro made you happy. “Filming’s gonna start any second,” you gestured to the camera crew finishing up positioning everything. “You’re gonna kill it, superstar.”
Moving to join Anna, Kiki, and Willow to watch the filming, Kiki started pestering you with questions about Kiro. “You looked so close to him that you could smell him. Boss, please please tell me what he smells like!”
Without thinking about it, you answered. “Green apples.” “Ask her what he tastes like.” Anna teased, nudging your side.
“BOSS! Did you lick Kiro?” Kiki grabbed your arm and Willow gently removed her hand from you. “Oh my god, did you bite him?”
“He’s obviously her Halloween mystery man, did you see how he looked at her?” Willow flipped her hair over her shoulder. “She kissed him.”
Flushing bright red, you lowered your voice to a whisper. “Yes, Kiro was the guy I met on Halloween, but please don’t make a big deal about it!” Kiki was speechless, her mouth was opening and closing like a fish, not sure of what to say. “And before you ask again, he also tastes like green apples.”
With that you walked off, going to sit in a greenroom to answer some emails and send Minor a list of things he needed to get done by the end of the week. Afterwards, your eyes felt heavy so you laid your head down on the couch and closed them, just for a few minutes.
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You woke up to a gentle hand brushing hair from your face and whispering your name softly. “Wake up.”
Opening your eyes, you met clear sapphire ones and you immediately bolted up, heartbeat hammering in your chest. “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to fall asleep for so long. Did I keep you waiting?”
Kiro’s hand moved down to cup your neck, his warm hand comforting on your skin. “Filming just ended. Your friends let me know you were in here.”
Standing up and stretching, your shirt rose above your pants and you flushed as you caught Kiro eyeing the bare skin there. “I just need to check in with everyone real quick and then I’m good to go. Are you okay waiting for a few moments?”
“I’d wait for like, 9 days for you. I did it once, I can do it again.” Kiro winked at you and walked you out of the greenroom. As you checked in with the crew, everything was under control and about to be wrapped up for the day so you made your way over to your three friends.
“I’m heading out, I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“Yeah, heading out with Kiro!” Willow sang out his name and the other two laughed at your blush. “Have fun, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
“I’m just glad that’s not Anna saying that,” you teased the older girl who snickered along with you.
Bidding your friends goodbye, you made your way to the doors, and Kiro was standing there waiting for you right where you had collided with him hours earlier. He held out his hand to you. “Ready to go?”
Glancing back once more at your friends, they gave your encouraging smiles and thumbs up and you looked at Kiro, meeting his eyes, before gripping his hand tighter than before. There was nothing you were more sure of in that moment than him. “Yeah, I am. Lead the way.”
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night-chant · 2 years
MLQC Scenario - Hidden Talent
If I miraculously and accurately linked your actual hobby with your favourite dude, how??--- I-I mean, yes it was on purpose of course! (I didn’t even get mine right XD)
Featuring: MLQC Guys + reader
Synopsis: You have a great passion for your favourite pastime, but for some reason, you’re too shy to let anyone know about it but then he finds out on his own.
Warning: Fluff (except Victor’s??)
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Creative writing
Sometimes poetry but often, creative writing since you loved spending time working on your historical romance novel. You never showed it to anyone, in fear that it would be ridiculed for any cliché use that you cherished.
At first, Victor assumed you were just writing a report on your laptop but sometimes, your eyes would light up as you eagerly typed out multiple sentences.
Did you find your report on Miracle Finder’s plummeting ratings that entertaining to analyze?
“How’s the progress?” he asked from behind and you hastily flipped the computer shut.
“Okay, I guess.” The light in your eyes instantly vanished.
Huh. He should’ve known. “The deadline is in two days. Did I give you too much time to spare?” When you didn’t answer, he went on: “What are you writing?”
“You’re going to say it’s stupid.”
“If you expect me to say that everytime a dummy does something, I’d lose my voice already. I only say if it is truly disastrous. Let’s see it.”
You reluctantly handed the laptop over. You started a couple of pages on chapter 18, but you expected he’d glance at the first few lines and turn back to you. Instead, he took a few minutes, perusing with a blank scowl.  
Any hope shattered when he started pointing out all the grammatical errors and that the plot so far isn’t logical. Your face felt hot. He was treating even your story as a report.
“The girl should’ve told him the truth in the very beginning,” Victor said, “so none of this mess would happen.”
Your blood was boiling. What, now he’s the CEO of some publishing company?? “Yeah, well, maybe he’d just call her a dummy and dismiss what she says like he always does!”
. . .
Victor would turn and leave with your laptop. Starting from page one, he would read each dialogue and analyze the characters more carefully.
You two will not end up like that couple. Not if he could help it.
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You enjoy nature, especially animals and landscapes.
Sometimes, Lucien and you took a stroll around the forest by the Loveland University so you could get some real-life references.
No matter how vibrant the pigments were, they never drew Lucien’s attention away from you and your concentrated scowl and the slight peek of your tongue as you carefully painted an arc for the branch of a willow tree.
“They don’t look right,” you mumbled, breaking his trance. “But I’m not sure why.”
“Your hand is shaking,” he said, reaching out. “Here, I’ll hold it still for you.”
Maybe it’s because you were embarrassed that you didn’t realize the issue before or maybe because he was leaning very close, but your hands were shaking even more.
However, with gentle guidance, the branches you drew together were natural and lovely, interlaced with one another just like your hands.
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Dancing ft. singing
If the rhythm is inspiring or if it’s just your favourite song, you’d probably be in an imaginary music video in the next moment. (Of course, when you were alone.)
Back to reality, it was Kiro who dances but he usually sings more in his performances in concerts.
He didn’t expect you to be a dancer too.
Kiro came home earlier than usual one day. Savin had let him go ONLY because he wasn’t acting too rebellious that day.
Before Kiro even opens the front door, he heard blaring music, almost reverberating off the wall.
His approaching footsteps were completely muted and a familiar voice was singing both parts of a duet song. Then after, an eerily familiar song . . .
You didn’t notice him as you were dancing away to his latest single.
But when you do, all you wanted was to hide in a closet.
But he thought Miss Chips was adorable and gushed about your accurate choreography.
You both probably ended up dancing to Kpop or Disney songs.
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Knitting and needlework
Your mother taught you the basics, but you loved the activity so much that you made your own small, simple projects.
Sometimes, Gavin returns from missions with torn clothes and you were always willing to sew them up again if possible.
He finds your talent in knitting very intriguing, how your fingers and yarn and needles danced around one and another like hummingbirds.
Subconsciously, he thinks about the future, when you two would be older and when you would be making knitted garments for your two’s grandchildren.
Wait what do you do with all the clothes you knit now?
One day, he informed you that he would be away for a long mission.
You were bummed. “You have to return on the 20th or earlier! Or else I won’t stop knitting this very scarf until you do!”
When Gavin got back, he noticed that the scarf was pretty long.
“You did take breaks, did you?” he asked, holding your hands as he examined them.
You rolled your eyes when he took your joke to heart and so literally.
You wrap the long scarf around him (maybe a couple times keep it clear from the ground, even considering his height).
Good thing the scarf was big enough to cover part of his face because his ears and cheeks grew pink from your gentle gesture.
He untangled the scarf just enough to loop it around you too, narrowing the distance between you two until you were against his chest.
“Thank you.”
He liked to wear it during autumn and winter ever since.
I’m writing this as I wait for a game to download reeee
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rkishibes · 2 years
victor is so precious to me cause he acts all serious and high and mighty but the minute MC asks something of him, he does it without hesitation, doesn't matter what (bonus points if it's something he finds ridiculous cause it's further prove that he is COMPLETELY WHIPPED for her and there's nothing he wouldn't do to make her happy)
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niphredil-14 · 3 years
hi, if its ok with u, can i ask a hc for victor if is s/o got assaulted by someone?
Hello, I would be more than happy to write this for you. I hope that you're doing okay. And if anyone reading this feels the want or need to talk to someone feel free to DM me. I am more than happy to listen. I hope you enjoy.
Victor Lee When His S/o Gets Assaulted
This man would be worried if he noticed you acting out of the norm, or at all upset. He is a very straightforward and to-the-point kind of person, so he would ask you directly if anything happened that upset you. When he learned what happened to you, he would be furious! No one should ever be laying a hand on you against your will, and he makes sure that you know that! Before finding the person who hurt you to teach them a very serious lesson, he would focus first and foremost on your comfort and safety. He would take at least the day, but more likely the week, off of work to pamper you and make sure that you know you're loved and cared for. He would make all of your favorite foods and desserts and would do anything you wanted. His main goal would be to bring you joy. Once he made sure that you were alright, he would probably gift you some kind of self-defense tool, just in case. After that, he would make sure that he found who hurt you, and that they paid for what they did, and that they would never hurt anyone else again.
"If anyone ever makes you uncomfortable, then call me, Dummy, and I will be there to protect you."
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606writings · 3 years
HC: Valentine's Day date [Gavin]
A/N: I wasn't planning this one, lol. I felt inspired for a moment and wrote it on a whim, but i really hope you all like it <3 If you want to request something or donate to my kofi, check my description :P
Knowing Gavin, he probably would try to clear up his whole day to focus on you and your Valentine’s Day date.
Since early in the morning, he’d wake you up with breakfast; your favorite foods accompanied by a glass of orange juice and a bunch of forehead kisses ready to go.
He whispers “Good morning, babe. Happy Valentine’s Day”.
Throughout the day all your plans would consist of Gavin trying to spoil you.
Even when you told him you wanted to do something for him too, he didn’t let you with the excuse that it wasn’t every day that he could be a bit more romantic.
You gladly accepted, acknowledging that even though Gavin was a very sweet and attentive boyfriend, he wasn’t the romantic kind.
In the afternoon he took you to the cinema, a new romance movie was premiering that day and he tried very hard not to cringe at the cheesy lines from the male lead.
He was about to give in and make a remark about how unrealistic the fight scene to protect the female lead was, when he turned his face around and caught your eyes sparkling wide, excitement filling them.
Pursing his lips, he only smiled and paid more attention to what was making you so excited.
When the sky was finally getting darker and the stars were shining brighter in the sky, he took you to a spot he recently found while scouting the area.
The place had the most wonderful view you had ever seen; with the city far enough to forget about the night hustle, a big and flat rock with enough space to lay a blanket and sit there, staring the stars, and the wind being a little bit chilly, only enough to be covered with Gavin’s jacket.
The brilliant moon gave the final stage of your date that special feeling that made you think back on the great effort Gavin was taking to make that day perfect.
“You didn’t like that movie, did you?” You asked smiling sympathetically.
He looked ashamed, his cheeks with a slight pink tint.
“It’s not exactly my type… Sorry.”
“You don’t have to force yourself to watch things you don’t like, Gav”.
He stared at you, the far city lights reflecting on his eyes, giving them the spark that made him look even more stunning than he already was.
“I wanted to focus on doing only things that make you happy.” He said looking down from the big rock you both were sitting at.
You chuckled, happiness overwhelming you seeing what a wonderful boyfriend you had.
You placed a hand on top of his and replied:
“Every day with you is a happy and special day. You don’t have to overwork yourself.”
He sighed; half relieved half ashamed by your words.
“That’s exactly what I think when I’m with you.” He leaned towards you and placed a soft kiss on your cheek.
You blushed and turned your face around to look at the night sky.
“The stars look beautiful.”
Even though that was just you trying to hide your shyness, Gavin saw that comment as an opportunity to imitate those male leads from the romance movies you like so much.
He cleared his throat and replied: “Not as beautiful as you.”
You opened wide your eyes, surprised by his sudden boldness. That was something you never expected him to say.
You laughed out loud when you noticed his cringing face.
That comment was not something he would say, but working so hard to make you happy; that indeed was something he would do for you.
“Thank you, Gavin”. Your words implied that you weren’t only referring to his compliment, but to everything else.
You stared at him, your gaze conveying all the love you felt from him.
Gavin stared back at you. Seeing you sitting under the moonlight, wind gently blowing your hair and your warm hand holding his; he felt how head over heels he was for you.
“Y/N.” He whispered your name with love. “I promise I’ll work harder next year to show you my feelings.”
“There’s no need for that.” You spoke. “I only need you by my side.”
He leaned again towards you, brushing his warm lips against yours.
“That is a given.”
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shinydelirium · 3 years
OH MY GOD!!!!!
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autumn-lavelle · 2 years
MLQC children
So I'm going to actually start drawing my ocs for the MLQC guys. Specifically, of kids they have with MC. I have their Evols planned out, and one ends up being a tragic hero..or villain?
Two girls. Two boys. Different timelines. Always in danger of not existing in one universe or another.
Only children in their own time. Siblings in this one. All love their parents deeply and only wish to have a happy family life...completed.
Because in their timeline....their beloved mother is dead...
One child. A child who can see times play out, and see different universes, different outcomes makes it his goal to ensure there will be a happy ending...even if he must do something he does not want to do.
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michiigii-writes · 3 years
Sorry! This is neither Voltage nor on time, but I still had a good time writing… 👀
Fandom: MLQC
July 8th - Kiro x MC
It was still mid-morning by the time you got to the beach, but the day was already warm. The breeze that came off of the sea was cool as it ran through your clothes and hair, just enough to soothe your skin rather than chill you. Kiro had already set up a spot on the sand, a huge beach umbrella defending from both the sun and potential prying eyes. It was a private beach, owned by one of the companies that Kiro had done some modelling for, and it was supposed to be reserved just for the two of you, that day, but the threat of paparazzi was always a looming possibility.
Still, as you reached the beautiful idol and set your bag on the ground, you could look around and see that the view from the boardwalk, the surrounding beach houses, and even from the walk up from the parking lot were completely clear. There was nobody around.
Instead of greeting you with his usual enthusiasm, you were surprised to see Kiro was in the middle of a nap. He was outside, by himself, and he had managed to fall asleep. He was either very trusting or very tired, but from way it looked like he had been in the middle of playing a game on his phone, you were inclined to think it was the latter. He was a busy, busy man, and it had been hard enough to convince Savin to give Kiro this day off.
You wanted to wake him up, but you also wanted him to rest. Maybe there was some way you could do both?
A wicked idea came to you and you glanced around the beach again. Yes, you were definitely sure the two of you were alone. You could definitely do that.
Quietly, you crouched in front of Kiro, between his legs. He really was defenceless…maybe he wasn’t really asleep?
“Kiro? Are you awake?” You murmured, not too loudly, in case he really was asleep.
The golden-haired idol didn’t moving, continuing to snooze peacefully on the beach towel. Thank goodness he was out of direct sunlight; he definitely could have gotten a sunburn, lying openly on his back like that.
Carefully, you peeled the waistband of his shorts down; conveniently, you saw that they were swimming trunks. Exhausted as he was, Kiro had been ready to strip off his shirt and just jump into the water, if you had so chosen. He really was the sweetest…
Inch by inch, you tugged his trunks down until he was on full display. He was relaxed enough in his nap that he was half hard; idly, you wondered what kind of dream he was having. You lightly traced a finger up his length, testing to see how sensitive he was.
He didn’t move. His breathing never wavered; he was still asleep. But you could see that his cock was starting to stiffen.
Tentatively, you rubbed the underside of his cock, coaxing it to attention. As it gradually stood to attention, Kiro stirred a little in his sleep; you stopped, hand still on his cock, until your boyfriend stilled again.
You waited until Kiro’s breathing evened again, then wrapped your hands around his erection, the warmth of your grip stiffening it further. Slowly, you began to pump, matching time with Kiro’s breathing. Little by little, you could feel him growing harder in your hands; you could espy little muscle contractions in his abs, but whenever he stirred, you froze and waited for him to slip back into his dreams.
Patiently you worked, not wanting him to wake up completely, yet. You wanted him to wake up in the middle of bliss, not frustration.
Finally, beads of precum developed at the darkened head of his erection; glancing up at Kiro’s sleeping face, you could see his forehead wrinkle a little, a sign of his growing need. With a small smile, you licked around his glans and over the tip of his cock, swirling your spit and his cum where he was sensitive.
The sensation was becoming too much for Kiro to stay asleep; a small sound came from the back of his throat, somewhere between a whimper and a sigh. He was starting to wake up.
This time, you didn’t stop. Instead, you took his cock into your mouth, sucking at the head while pumping his shaft with your hands. Kiro grunted again, a little louder this time, his face tensing up and his eyelids flickering.
You kept your pace steady, not sucking too hard, but just enough in the way you knew he liked. You could feel his body twitching from your efforts; while still fisting his cock with one hand, you splayed the other hand across his abs, touching him almost soothingly.
“MNh…Miss…Miss Chips?”
Kiro’s eyes finally opened, his voice thick with both sleep and desire. One of his hands went instinctively to your touch on his stomach, and you laced fingers into his reassuringly.
“Miss Chips!” He gasped, his eyes widening at the sight of waking up and finding you sucking you off, “Oh my…g…go-“
At his words, you sucked more eagerly, bobbing your head up and down his hot, throbbing cock. Kiro moaned, louder than he normally would, his mind too foggy with sleep to remind himself to hold back. Gasping wantonly, his head lolled back as his phone fell forgotten onto the sand, and he raked his hand through his hair.
“Oh god, Miss Chips!!” Kiro gasped, writhing against the beach towel, “You feel…s-so good….!”
Normally he could last so much longer, but you had caught him off guard, and he was so excited to wake up to your beautiful self, pleasuring him in one of his favourite ways. He could almost feel you smiling as you took him deeper and deeper into your mouth, tongue swirling around him as you sucked and rubbed him in all the right places.
Propriety completely forgotten, Kiro screamed your name, bursting into your mouth as his back arched off the towel. You could feel his cock twitching against your tongue and the roof of your mouth, could feel every twitch on his abs under your interlaced fingers, could feel his thighs quiver under your arms and chest as you lay partly on top of him. You held him tight, until every last twitch finally subsided, and his body relaxed again on the sand.
Swallowing every drop, you tucked him back into his trunks, and suddenly found yourself being pulled up beside him. Wrapping his arms around you, he kissed your lips, heedless of his taste there, kissing you long and deep before holding your forehead to his.
“That was amazing,” he breathed, nuzzling the tip of his nose against yours, “You are amazing.”
For a long, long time he held you in his arms, whispering praises to you while he kissed your lips, your face, your hair, your hands…
It was the beginning of a beautiful day. And Kiro made sure to pay the favour back several times over.
(The prompt was Blowjobs on the Beach)
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mlqcanonymous · 4 years
hi can i ask a scenario when tbe boys find out that their s/o was once abandoned at the altar on her wedding day? thanks
I remembered this was the first person who asked me if I accepted requests/asks 😂 Well, you got what you asked for! I wrote this in the middle of taking the exam lol So, if it sucks, blame it on rhe exams haha! PS. Some of the boys aren’t married to MC yet so I hope that’s okay with you!
For the past few days after Victor’s proposal and your lame response (“Can I think about it first?”), Victor noticed you’ve been acting a bit odd.
To him, it seemed like you were no longer sure how to act around him. He noticed how you pause whenever you were in the same room as him, how your words were more hesitant and how your movements were more withdrawn.
You’ve been together for four years already and living together for nearly a year. To see you act so differently just felt so wrong for him.
Was it because of the proposal? Victor thought one afternoon in his office. He didn’t see anything wrong with his proposal and he already told you that he’d wait for your answer as long as it took.
So, what was wrong? What changed? What was different now?
Could it be that you no longer loved him?
It just struck Victor then that maybe the reason why you asked for more time was because you were thinking about how to break up with him.
And honestly, for someone like Victor who was always sure of his actions and who never hesitated on his words, he didn’t know what to do if that were the case.
Victor already took away your right to decide once (back then with the whole bodyguards business thing) and he couldn’t imagine taking it away when you stressed it enough how important it was for you.
Taking it away again would be so despicable and undeserving of you that if it ever came to a point where you decided to leave him, he would undoubtedly let you go no matter how much it was killing him in the process.
Thinking about it not only made his head hurt, but also made him unable to properly breathe due to the pressure mounting on his chest.
Preoccupied by the thoughts running in his head, Victor didn’t even notice when you came in his office until you spoke his name.
He snapped out of his thoughts and upon seeing you, blurted out the first thing that came to his head, “Are you leaving me?”
“Wait, what?” You asked, caught off guard by his abrupt question. “No! What? Victor, I’m not leaving you. What made you think that?”
Victor, at first, didn’t want to admit the reason why, but when you looked at him with such a worried expression like that, he went on to explain what he observed, what it meant, and the conclusions it formulated. He did all of this reluctantly, as if admitting it aloud would also be admitting a weakness.
You listened to all of his points, and once he was finished, you berated yourself for putting him in a such uncomfortable position that most likely caused the ever unbreakable and untouchable Victor to feel doubtful. It was something that almost never happened so you could imagine how discomfited he was.
“Oh, I’m sorry I made you think that way, Victor,” you said, regret coating every cadence of your voice. Then you hesitated.
You honestly didn’t know how to proceed and what to say next, afraid that what you would reveal next would cause Victor to doubt you. But you hid the truth for a very long time and that was no longer an option if the consequence would be ruining your relationship with him forever.
You sat down across him and finally decided to reveal the truth. “The reason why I’ve been so strange lately is because... I admit, it’s because of your proposal, but it’s not what you think!” You rushed out before he could form a remark. You fidgeted in your seat, finding it unable to meet his gaze, and forced yourself to proceed. “You see, back when I was in university, I had a relationship with someone. It was a serious one, the kind that led to an engagement.”
Victor’s facial expression didn’t change but inside, he was surprised and a bit cautious as he listened to what you were revealing to him. He didn’t know that you had a relationship before and he certainly didn’t know that you had gotten engaged to someone else. 
"My dad didn’t exactly approve of my relationship with him. He thought that he wasn’t good enough for me, I guess. But I loved him and wanted to stay with him. So, for the first time in my life, I disobeyed my dad and my ex and I got together. We made our relationship a secret from everyone else; no one knew aside from us. At first, it was thrilling. We were young and happy and in love, and I though that being with him was simply the best time of my life."
"But then, later, things changed. We got into more fights and arguments about our relationship and coming clean to my dad. It got worse and worse as months passed by, and for some reason, he thought that the solution was to get married-- in secret. It didn’t sit well with me, but I truly thought that I loved him that when he proposed on my graduation day, I said yes."
You paused, jaw clenching as memory after memory bombarded your mind. The memory wasn’t as painful as before, but it would still affect you somehow until to this very day. Maybe because those memories didn’t get the closure that it deserved, or maybe because you were sharing these awful memories to the love of your life and you couldn’t imagine someone having the same kind of burden you have.
“But, on the day of the wedding... he didn’t show up.”
There, you finally said it. There was absolutely no going back after this.
“He stood me up and I never knew the reason why,” you added, emotions welling up inside of you.
“The reason why I’m acting weird is because I’m scared, alright?” It was like a dam broke and all of your worries and fears poured out of you without anything to stop it or hold it back. “For a long time, I wondered why he left me. He left me without an explanation or a proper goodbye, and for a long time, I thought it was my fault. I thought that something was wrong with me and that’s why he stood me up. When he left, it absolutely broke me. And... And I can’t imagine what would happen to me if you leave me, too. He might have broken me, but I can’t even think about the devastation that I would feel if that would happened again.”
Because you loved Victor with all of your heart, with more feelings than you could possibly imagine. You never thought you would feel the same way again after what happened, but Victor made you feel that way more deeply than before. It was Victor and it would always be Victor for you.
You hang your head, ashamed at yourself and the past you tried desperately to hide, because you couldn’t admit aloud to someone else how you felt like a failure before.
But then you felt Victor’s strong arms around you, embracing you with all of his warmth, and you fell into his chest, listening to the comforting sound of his heartbeat. And everything was okay in the world because he was there and he was still holding you like you were the most precious thing he had ever held before, and there couldn’t be anything more precious than you.
“I’m sorry.” His soft breath caressed your ear as his gentle voice filled the air. “I’m sorry I made you relive those memories. It wasn’t my intention to hurt you like this, and I’m so, so sorry. Don't ever think that you're not worth it or you're not good enough, because beloeve me, you are. I want nothing more than to go back to the past and stop what happened to you because you don't deserve that. Please, stop being ashamed when you did nothing wrong. You just happened to love a wrong person and that's not your fault. You shouldn't blame yourself for the mistakes that others made, especially towards you. But, at the same time, I’m happy.”
He pulled away slightly to peer into your eyes and you knew that there was nothing more beautiful aside from the sight of his purple eyes. “I’m happy because if he showed up and you married him, I would never get to hold you like this. I would never get to love you like this and I would never be this happy without you in my life. That’s why you don’t have to be scared about me leaving you, dummy. Because, for me, even imagining a life without you is torture. I can handle losing everything I have in life and I would sacrifice everything that I do have in order to have you so don’t ever forget that.”
You grinned at him, unable to hide the relief in your eyes at his words and unable to deny the warmth that spread throughout your whole body because of his sincerity. You were no longer afraid as long as he was by your side. “That might be one of the nicest things you ever said to me,” You couldn’t help but tease him as you brought up a hand to cup his face.
He chuckled and rested his forehead against yours. “Don’t get used to it.”
“I don’t know.” You smirked cheekily. “Maybe I will once we get married.”
“Wait, what?”
It was a fine Saturday day and you and your husband, Gavin, were in the mall, picking out furniture for your brand new house. You two had just gotten married and, just last week, had moved into a new house where you planned to spend the rest of your lives together.
Needless to say, it was a fun experience and a bit reminiscent of your furniture date years ago, back when you two were just getting reacquainted for the first time in a very long time.
That’s why you absolutely didn’t expect for this day to be the day when you finally bumped into your ex-fiancé after he had left you at the altar years before.
At first, you didn’t notice that it was him. It was such a long time ago, and those memories were buried deeply in your head that it was almost as if it never existed. So, when you two met again, it was quite a shock.
You were rendered speechless and, by the way he was staring at you, it seemed that he felt the same thing.
“MC?” He asked, disbelief coloring his tone of voice. “Wow... I can’t believe it’s you.”
“Oh,” you said, blinking out of your daze. “Oh, wow, hi. I— wow...”
This was an incredibly awkward experience. You two seemed unable to comprehend the situation in front of you, like it was a surreal moment that even the wildest of your imaginations couldn’t come up with. You couldn’t say anything to him and, worse yet, you couldn’t even move your feet to walk away.
You didn’t love him anymore. Love wasn’t anywhere near close to what you felt for him now. But it was undeniable how there was so many things left unsaid between the two of you, that it created some sort of tension around you.
So, you didn’t know whether to feel thankful, relieved, or feel apprehension when Gavin showed up at that moment.
Gavin’s eyebrows rose seeing the two of you together, and after casting a suspicious look at your ex, he turned to you, ignoring the other man completely.
“Where have you been? I thought I lost you. You do know that the living room set is that way,” he said, chuckling softly as he slipped an arm over your shoulder.
You tensed for some reason before glancing at your ex watching you with your new husband. You felt the sudden need to explain, to introduce Gavin to him, to finally let go of the past that continued to taunt and mock you until Gavin came into your life and made it better. It didn’t matter if you never got closure; it mattered that you were now happy with your new life with someone else who loved you fiercely.
“Gavin?” You addressed your husband before gesturing to your ex. “Uhm, this was my ex-fiancé. And, this is Gavin, my husband.”
Gavin was unable to hide the surprise from his face when you introduced him to your ex.
Probably because you never mentioned a certain ex-fiancé to him before, you thought sheepishly. Your painful past wasn’t something that you advertised and with Gavin now a part of your life, it just seemed so irrelevant compared to what you have now with Gavin.
Gavin immediately covered his surprise with a neutral expression as he shook hands with your ex.
“So, you’re already married. Wow,” said your ex in disbelief. He opened his mouth to say something but then hesitated a moment, before he tried again. “Uhm, I hope you two have a happy life together. Best of luck to the both of you.”
Before you could say about anything else, your ex turned on his heel and left, his shoulders slumped and his steps long but slow. You and Gavin watched him walk away and you couldn’t help but feel sort of sorry for him, although you didn’t know why.
You didn’t know what kind of life he led after he left you. You didn’t even know if he regretted what he did. But it happened; and that was something that wouldn’t change. It was painful, of course, but you learned from the pain and in result, you came out stronger and happier than ever.
“So, care to tell me what happened with him?” Gavin’s question broke you out of your thoughts. He sounded a bit too casual for your liking. “I didn’t know you almost got married to someone else.”
Your lips tipped up in a small smile as you reached out a hand to his. “That was a long time ago, back before I never thought I’d meet you again. I didn’t tell you before because it wasn’t something I liked to discuss and over time, it wasn’t important enough to discuss considering what happened.”
“He was your ex-fiancé,” Gavin emphasized, like it mattered. Which, it did on some accounts. He might be a little upset about the fact that you never spoke of it or even mentioned it in passing.
“Yes, my ex-fiancé,” you said then proceeded breezily, “who left me at the altar on our wedding day.”
One second. A two. Then Gavin let out a loud, “What?!” There was fire in his golden eyes as he clenched his jaw, outraged at the treatment you received many years ago. “He... left you like that?”
You nodded your head. In contrast to him, you looked perfectly calm and rational while he looked seconds away from snapping his sanity in order to hunt your ex down. If you knew anything about Gavin, it was that he would absolutely find your ex and beat the shit out of him.
He was protective like that, but as a dutiful wife, you couldn’t let that happen. For one thing, Gavin was a cop and for another, you didn’t want to spend the rest of your married life with a husband locked behind bars.
To calm him down, you leaned closer to his side and wrapped your arms around his trim waist, knowing that your presence would soothe the blazing anger inside of him. 
And slowly, it worked. His tensed shoulders relaxed, his taut posture loosened, and he even brought a hand up to pat your head. It was sweet in a way, and almost scary knowing the kind of effect that you had on him.
“You’re sexy when you get angry,” you said, smiling to his shoulder.
“I’m always sexy,” he retorted as the both of you headed towards the living room set, with you leading him away from the direction where your ex disappeared into.
“You don’t have to be angry on my behalf,” you told him, looking up at his handsome profile. “It happened a long time ago. He was the first guy who showed interest in me and made me feel loved, in a way. Plus, my dad liked him so it just made him more attractive to me, I guess?”
“I don’t think I like the sound of you talking about someone you’re attracted with,” Gavin grumbled, frowning.
You laughed. Of course this was the time when he’d get jealous. “Obviously, I’ve moved on,” you assured him. “I guess what hurts the most isn’t the fact that he left me or that he didn’t give me a reason why, but the fact that he disappointed my dad. They were really close, almost like father and son, and when he didn’t show up, it broke my dad’s heart which made the memories more painful. But now, I’m happy with my life with you. Yes, it hurt, and I don’t think I deserved it, but all the pain that I’ve felt that time was worth it when I met you.”
He didn’t say anything. He just looked at you intently, as though he was memorizing every inch of your face. Then, he smiled. A small, barely noticeable smile, but it was a smile nonetheless and a beautiful one at that.
“It sucks to be him,” Gavin said, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. “I got to be with you while he’s likely regretting what he did. His loss, my gain. Funny how life works.”
Yes, funny how life works out for the better.
Gavin cleared his throat, rubbed the back of his neck, and didn't meet your eyes. "Ever wonder what your dad would think about us?"
You beamed at him. "Honestly, I have no idea what my dad would think. But I have no doubt that wherever my dad is, he's happy now knowing that I'm with someone who would never intentionally hurt me and who tries his best to show me that I'm loved every single day."
Gavin ducked his head, a smirk on his lips as a spark of happiness flashed in his amber eyes. And you two went on your way, the revelation merely a speck of dust in your lives. Inconvenient, but easily ignored.
The past never truly mattered when you two had a future to look forward to.
The wife of a popular and well-loved idol was something that you were still getting used to. Even though you two are almost a year into your marriage, there were still days when you were caught off guard by how easy but passionate your relationship was with Kiro.
It didn’t matter that you still received death threats from die hard fans of Kiro or that every once in a while, an article or two would pop out to falsely claim that you and Kiro were having a divorce, or you were having an affair, and other unsavory things such as that.
The two of you were still as strong as ever. So strong in fact, that it was starting to worry you a little. You never knew when the other shoe would drop and hit your head, waking you up to a reality where everything you loved and held dear weren’t yours to begin with.
And the other shoe did drop.
The day it happened was a completely normal day for you. As usual, Kiro was busy promoting his new single while you were busy preparing a new show for your company. You were actually planning to visit Kiro that afternoon since your dear husband forgot his lunch because of how busy and preoccupied he was.
But a news spread throughout the internet while you were driving to the studio, and this news just so happen to have your name in it. You didn’t know about the news and.you especially didn't notice the way people stared at you after walking into the building where Kiro worked. You also didn’t hear your phone ringing -- all calls coming from Anna, Willow, Kiki, Savin, and Kiro -- because you put it on silent mode. You absolutely had no idea what was going on by the time you reached the studio.
When Kiro saw you though, he immediately pulled you aside to the dressing room, away from prying eyes, which immensely confused you.
“Kiro, honey? What’s wrong?” You asked, watching with a puzzled expression as he locked the door.
“Didn’t you get my messages and calls?” Kiro asked, turning to face you, looking worried for some reason.
You shook your head no. “No, I was driving. You know how I always turn my phone off when I drive. Why? What happened?”
“So, you have no idea about the article about you?” Before you could ask what he meant, Kiro pulled out his phone and showed you a news article that featured you--and the long forgotten past you all but forgot until that day.
You paused as you stared at the headline -- something about you being Kiro’s wife and almost getting married before and other things that the public should never had privy to because it was a complete invasion of privacy -- and then looked at Kiro’s face, his baby blue eyes earnest as he waited for your reaction.
“I... I can explain,” you started to say and you watched as he blinked his eyes in surprise before he dropped his arm to the side.
“So, it’s true?” He asked, eyes serious which looked so different from the playful Kiro that you fell in love with. “All of it? You were really engaged to someone else before?”
You slowly nodded your head, fear snaking its way to your spine as you waited for the inevitable explosion that was about to occur. “It happened a couple of years ago,” you told him like it could solve everything. “He was older than me for at least ten years, I think. I was young and stupid, and I was... I was immediately enamored with this person that I completely forgot who I was. I was only twenty that time and I didn’t know any better."
You bit your lower lip, preventing yourself from openly breaking down in front of your husband, as your nails dug into the skin of your palms. "I didn’t know... that he was already married to someone else, and that he had a child. I didn’t know about any of it until the day I was going to get married to him. He didn’t show up on our wedding day, but just gave me a sorry ass letter telling me the whole truth."
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before. I didn’t tell you -- not because I thought you didn’t deserve it -- but because it was too hard to say it aloud. I was so stupid and-- and--”
No words were needed to be said as Kiro pulled you into his arms, shushing you softly. It just broke you, being in his arms when you felt like you didn't deserve it. You trembled as your hands clenched and unclenched into fists, wanting nothing more than to wrap your arms around him. But you stopped yourself because you were afraid he would find your touch disgusting.
"Stop," he said, whispering the words to your ear so soft that you closed your eyes and dropped your forehead against his shoulder. "Stop before I start to feel angry. Well"--he sighed, his warm breath brushing against your ear--"I'm already angry to be honest, but I don't want you to think that I'm angry at you."
"You're not?" The question that slipped past your open lips was timid and meek.
"I'm not angry at you, no," he assured you while rubbing tiny circles over your back, still holding you tightly in his arms. "I'm disappointed that you didn't tell me, but I get it. That past was painful and shameful for you. I would’ve been willing to wait for you to tell me but this thing happened and I’m so sorry you’re being watchedand judged like this because of me.”
“It’s not your fault, Kiro,” you told him, brushing his blond locks at the back of his head with the tips of your fingers, finally finding the courage to touch and hold him.
"I'm just..." Kiro struggled for a moment before he eventually continued, "I’m more angry about the fact that someone hurt you before when I’m trying so hard, every single minute of every day, to make you feel beautiful and appreciated because you truly are."
At his words, there was clearly no other choice but to hold him just as he held you before. You tightened your arms around him, unable to believe your luck that after you’ve been hurt in the past, you’re now in the arms of the man who treasured you more than anything else in the world. You didn’t know what kind of good karma you managed to collect in your past lives to receive such a blessing in the form of an angel with baby blue eyes and golden blond hair. Whatever good luck it was, you resolved to make even more luck just to have him again in your next life.
He let out a sigh as he dropped a kiss on top of your head. "I don’t know," he murmured, "but I have the urge to find the man and ask why he did that to you. Maybe I might even beat him up."
You burst out a laugh. “You can’t beat people up and you don’t want to.” The last thing anyone needed right now was for someone to charge Kiro with assault.
“I do want to beat someone up now,” he said with all the seriousness of a kid. “And I can very well do that to someone, I just choose not to.”
“No fighting,” you said, shaking your head. You honestly didn’t know how you got into this topic of conversation.
“Fine,” he pouted and stared at you intently. “Are you okay?”
Your breath hitched at the intensity of his eyes and the silent promise in his voice. The kind of promise that spoke of the fact that he would do whatever it took to take care of you and love you. That voice resembled that time when he was speaking his vows to you, on your wedding day.
And you smiled, the past no longer there to burden you. Rather, it was there to open a new path of life in the hands of a man who cherished you. “I am, now,” you answered.
Later, at home, a new article spread throughout Loveland City.
“What happened with my wife before was in the past,” said Kiro in the article, addressing the issue of the damning gossip about you and your ex-fiancé. “She was young and in love then, and many people make a lot of less than ideal decisions when they’re young and in love, right? But that was the past and this is now. Trying to bring the past up now when we’re married and happy with each other is wrong; defining my wife because of what happened to her in the past is wrong; trying to ruin a perfectly great relationship is wrong. I know what happened to her before is not something that I would wish on anyone else.”
“To be honest, the issue that you’ve spread should’ve been addressed within our family by ourselves, as husband and wife, in the privacy of our home. It’s not something that you should be exploiting or gossiping about. That’s why I’m asking, not as your idol, but as a husband who loves his wife very much, to please stop the previous article from spreading. My wife is the most beautiful, kindest woman that I know, and she doesn’t deserve this. That’s all, thank you.”
But truly, the rest of the world didn’t matter, as long as Kiro looked at you just like that.
He looked at himself in the mirror and was caught off guard at the change that the tux brought out in him. Today was his wedding day--something that he never expected to happen to him, but was made come true when you agreed to marry him when he proposed out on a whim.
So, here he was now, preparing for his wedding day, and taking a quick break to watch himself in the mirror. This moment, right here, felt so surreal for him. He often wondered if this was real, and it wasn't some kind of fantasy that his mind had conjured out of madness.
He fixed his crooked tie. It wouldn't be the first time he'd been delirious with the thought of you in his mind.
A knock on the door startled him out of his thoughts and when the door opened, he was surprised to see you standing in the doorway, wearing nothing but a thick, fluffy bathrobe. Your hair was already styled into a low chignon and your face was made up with beautiful makeup. Beautiful didn't even come close to the image you presented to his vison.
The only thing marring the image was the agitated creases across your forehead and the frown upon your coral tinted lips.
"What's wrong?" He asked, heading towards you and cupping your head with gentle, elegant hands. "Is something the matter?"
He felt your jaw clenching beneath his palms. You brought a hand up to grasp his wrist. With a hesitant voice, you said, "Can I talk to you for a second?"
Lucien held his breath before nodding his acquiescence. You led him to a white loveseat and you both sat at the same time, neither talking. For you, you were silent because you were trying your best to formulate some kind of coherent thought. For him, he was silent because he was bracing for the worst.
You breathed in a lungful of air before angling your body towards him. "The reason why I wanted to talk to you... is because I haven't been truthful to you."
His eyebrows rose in shock but he kept his mouth shut, not wanting to interrupt a rather poignant confession coming from you.
"I wanted to tell you the truth for a long time now but... but whenever I get a chance to tell you, I always get discourage and I end up not telling you in the end. But I don't want to hide the truth any longer. Now that we're getting married in a few hours, I know that I can't marry you while also lying to you at the same time. So, here I am now, finally..."
Your heart pounded hard against your chest as you began pouring out the memories and thoughts running your mind for at least a few months now. But you proceeded, even if it caused you pain as you ripped open old wounds that, to be honest, never truly healed properly.
"A long time ago, before I even met you, I got into a relationship with someone else. We were each other's first loves, and it wasn't long before he and I got engaged. I was still in university that time, so it was a long engagement where we planned to get married after graduation. And we did--plan a wedding, I mean. It was a beautiful one, too. I remembered how excited we were to get married and spend the rest of our lives together. We were just so ready to start a family that we didn't even talk or think about anything else. It just felt.. it felt so pefect, you know? Like we were on top of the world and nothing can go wrong."
Lucien felt a lump in his throat and it took everything in his power to open his mouth and ask, "What happened?"
A forlorn smile spread across your face. "Well, it turns out nothing is perfect after all and everything can go wrong in just a split second. On the day of our wedding, he... he, uh, didn't show up. I waited for him. I waited for a long time but there was no sign of him. It wasn't until a few hours later when we got a call and... and it turns out that he got into an accident." A shudder wracked through your body as your mind went back to a dark time in your life. "He was already dead by the time the wedding started and I never even knew that he was no longer with me."
This was one of the hardest thing you'd ever done but you still plowed through, knowing that you had to do this. "I thought, for a few hours while I was waiting for him at the altar, that he changed his mind, that he got cold feet and decided that he didn't want to marry me anymore. When I found out that he died, I wished that he got cold feet instead. It was better when I thought that he changed his mind, than to find out that he died when he was about to marry me. It took a long while for me to recover and it's still painful to think about it."
"That's why I didn't tell you until now because..." you gazed at him with your sorrowful eyes, you hands reaching out to hold his. "Because I don't want the same thing to happen to you. I don't want to lose you the same way I lost him."
"Oh, silly girl," Lucien breathed out softly as he brushed your cheek using the back of his hand. "To lose someone so young, it's very painful indeed." He thought of his parents and how it still pained him to this day to think about what could've been. He understood why you didn't tell him before, and why you struggle telling him now. "I wish with my entire being that you hadn't experienced that kind of suffering, but it happened and as much as I wish to change it, it can't be changed. I'm sorry that I hadn't known you were in that kind of pain."
"No, please don't say sorry. It isn't your fault. Bevause, honestly, when I'm with you, I'm happy," you told him, smiling a bit through teary eyes. "Everyday got a little easier knowing that I have you and I'm not alone anymore. Everyday I had something to look forward to aside from making shows. That's why I'm so thankful that I have you. I can't deny that it doesn't hurt because it still does. I think it will always hurt, but unlike before, it's a bearable kind of hurt now."
"I'm happy that I've made you happy," he said, grateful beyond all that he'd given you the same measure of happiness that you'd given him. "And you're right. It will always hurt but sometimes pain can be good too. It reminds you to hold on to the things that bring you peace."
He squeezed your hands gently, his eyes soft. "Just like how I hold on to you. Now, let's get married."
He never really believed that he'd be a sentimental person, but as he gazed into your eyes, speaking his vows to cherish you forever, a new vow echoed in his head.
I swear that I will take care of her just as you likely had before, he promised towards the unknown man who had loved you previously. She will never feel unloved or unwanted when she's with me. She will never have a reason to doubt me or us. As long as it's in my power, I will do whatever it takes to make her happy. She will not regret choosing me to love her.
And when you gazed at him with beaming eyes, those new vows were sealed.
That's all! Thank you for reading!
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xcoconutbeanx · 4 years
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"It's a gift for me. I'm not giving it back."
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"I'm going to unwrap this gift slowly, bit by bit."
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129 notes · View notes
yvainegelinemarie · 4 years
The bois tell MC how proud they are of your hardwork and they see you giving your all!!
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𝚨𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖒𝖞 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌: ✨ ALL my writing prompts are gender inclusive and promote love, kindness and fun for all! 
✨I know that each and every one of our boys would love and support each and everyone of you and I hope that my readings portray that comforting, accepting and loving nature through and through~ 
✨And with that I hope you Spookies enjoy~~
☪ 𝕱𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖒: Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
☪ 𝕽𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌:13+ No Warnings, Fluff, Encouraging, A Pick Me Up. 
☪ 𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖙 : Quick Read, bullet points
𝚨𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝚴𝖔𝖙𝖊: I have been feeling kind of low and crummy these past few days trying really hard to put myself out there to chase after a dream of mine and I wasn’t expecting to be really hit hard with so many highs and lows and when it seems like you are stepping out of your comfort zone and facing your biggest fears at 90 to nothing there are a lot of times that you just need to crawl into someone's arms and to just let them tell you that you are good enough and that they see you working hard.
So for anyone else who has been trenching through this tough year and trying out new things that may scare you half to death, I want you to know that your favorite boy see’s you kicking ass and that he’s well, proud of you. 
Even if you have one particular boy as your go to I suggest checking them all out since each of them have different types of encouragement of different types of situations. Or at least read the one you feel like fits what you need to hear the most right now (and well, of course your fav.)
VICTOR | CH03 | 0 : 00 : 01
✨For those who are struggling with reaching their dreams✨
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Hell knows when was the last time you have had a good night's sleep.
You couldn’t help but to be on your toes now glued to your computer screen in your darkened bedroom.
Completely unaware of the sun slowly creeping its way through the blinds.
This project was something you had only dreamed about producing years ago,
and in 3 days it was going to be launched to the public. You have done plenty of projects before but never something as passionate and as close to home as this one was.
This project was taking out a deeper side of you that you have never shown before and deep down you knew that it was time for you to express it. But that doesn’t mean you didn’t spend the last 4 months terrified of the outcome.
Your tired eyes reread the entry over and over again as each time you only feel your heart grow more and more anxious and your eyes fill up with tears. Can I really share this with the world? What if people think that this is all fake? Will I really be able to accept the criticism?
With your mind running on it’s own you missed your phone vibrating next to you. You had already received 3 miss calls from Victor in just the last 30 minutes.
It wasn’t until the ding of the voicemail that you snapped back to reality. 
Sliding your lock screen open and taking in a deep breath, ready for whatever lecture Victor was going to throw at you next.
In the Voicemail Victor’s voice opened with a deep sigh. “You better not be asleep, especially after you promised to have breakfast with me this morning. I’ll be arriving at your apartment in 20 minutes, you better be ready du-”
His words were cut off when you were startled by your phone ringing again, seeing victor’s name pop up on the caller ID. You quickly glanced down at the time on the voicemail that was sent 23 minutes ago?! Why did your phone just now decide to remind you?! You knew now from Victor’s call that it meant that he had arrived and you, racoon eyed, sleep deprived and still in your clothes from the day before felt a rush of tears swell up in your throat.
You were so focused on this project that you completely forgot about something that you were looking forward to so excitedly just a few months ago. 
You answered Victor’s call and brought the phone to your ear. “Dummy, don’t tell me that you just now woke up?” Victor said in his usual stern and playful tone. You choked on your tears before letting out a little hic. “I-I’m sorry…” You said brokenly as you heard the sound of shuffling, the click of Victor’s seat belt unbuckling and the slam of his car door followed by a soft beep indicating him locking it. “Why are you crying?” His voice instantly became concerned as he was quickly heading into your apartment complex. 
“I-I don’t want to talk about it...it’s silly.”
“Nothing is silly if it’s making you cry so early in the morning. When I get to your apartment, tell me what is bothering you.” He said bluntly, leaving you no room to make excuses like always. Even in times like this Victor was sure that he was going to effectively fix your problem. 
When he arrived at your apartment you slowly opened the door with your head hung down low as you looked just like you did moments before, sniffling softly. 
Victor gently put his hand on yours causing you to open the door quickly before embracing you in a hug as his soft, deep voice tickled your ear. “Dummy, don’t tell me you stayed up all night working?” He said as you hugged his suit jacket tightly, feeling his heartbeat against yours, his was a bit more fast paced. He must have been really worried, you thought before he let out a large sigh. “You always do this,” his soft voice continued. “Working all day and all night when your projects are close to the end. I know that you want to make sure that everything is right...but i've told you this before, there is no need to bear all of this on your own. Let me know when you are stressed.”
You squeezed his jacket lightly as you looked up at him, tears streaming down his face. “You don’t get it Victor. “Someday I want to be just as great as you. I want to be hardworking, successful, a-and I want to be proud of what I do. I want you to be proud of me too.” Your voice sunk as your hands slipped off his large back to rub your tired eyes.
Victor let out a deep sigh before lifting your face up to his.
“Dummy, you think I got to become this successful overnight? And just because I am good at handling my money doesn’t mean that I am good at everything. After all, I didn’t check up on you enough or tell you how great you really are.”
“What do you mean?” You questioned before getting cut off by a smooth and minty kiss as Victor’s lips warmed yours. He pulled away slowly as his silvered eyes observed yours intensely. “You are already great ____. And the only way for you to get better is to have confidence in yourself. As long as you are doing everything in your power to succeed, then you will. That and I am already very proud of you dummy, so you should be proud of you too.” 
Your eyes lit up widely as you were left at a loss for words. Victor was complimenting you! “I-” You didn’t have much time to speak before you were swept up into his arms and led over to your bed as your cheeks flushed red. “U-um Victor?” You said.
 “We're not doing that this early in the morning.” He said with a sigh before placing you on your bed lightly. “Get some rest.” He added pulling back the covers on your bed.
“But what about our breakfast date?” You stuttered out as you didn’t want to miss this opportunity. 
“We can go another time. And I’ll just cook you something here while you catch up on a bit of sleep.” He said with a soft smile.
“Ah...Okay...but…” You trailed off as his smile faded away.
“What?” He said with his arms crossed.
“Well, it’s just that I really wanted to eat at that restaurant...since you talked so highly of it last time. N-not that I don’t like your cooking I like it a lot it is just that-” 
Victor then let out a deep chuckle as your cheeks flustered up.
“Dummy, I know someone who cooks as bad as you isn’t criticizing my cooking. And we will eat at the restaurant next week, as a celebration for you completing your project.”
You blinked softly in shock before brushing your hair back. “Isn’t it a bit early to be making a promise like that?” You said softly. 
“Not at all. Because I know that you will finish it, AND I know that you will do well.” He said with a handsome smile as you felt your confidence slowly start to build back up.
Victor was right, you are great and you just need to have faith in yourself that things are going to work out for you in so many beautiful ways.
After all if it wasn’t for your assertiveness and strength you wouldn’t be where you are today. 
You pulled the covers close to you falling asleep almost instantly.
When 30 minutes had passed you were woken up to the song of birds greeting the sun and the lavish smell of a french styled breakfast.
After a quick shower and a change of clothes you join Victor in your small quiet kitchen surrounded by an array of foods that you are completely in awe of. You can’t believe that you had all the ingredients in your kitchen to make this?!
Crepes cooked to perfection with your topping of choice sat neatly on your plate with a summer colored mimosa delectly placed beside it. In the center of your small table was an arrangement of different types of bread, each piece carefully sliced next to small glass bowls of butter, honey, and two hand made jams. One sweet and strawberry while the other was citrusy and tangy. 
“You made all this?” You said to Victor as you slowly sat down. 
“Of course, I wanted to make a breakfast that suits you individually. It would have been grander. But given the time and limited space. This was all I could do. I hope you like it.” He added. 
“Yes...Yes I do! It is very lovely Victor…” You say calmly while your heart beats with excitement. 
“You truly are worth something this luxurious.” Victor’s calm and creamy voice says to you amongst your meal as you can’t help but to smile and nod softly in agreement, for he was absolutely right.
SHAW | CH03 | 0 : 00 : 02
✨For those who failed and need to pick themselves back up✨
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This is it, you finally decided to try to go back to college. 
You figured that having some sort of title might help you gain some more rep when you go off to meetings with other executives andddd it wouldn’t hurt to learn a new skill or two that might help you with your growing career.
But who would have known that an entrance exam and thousand word essay would be so fucking hard to write?!
You already reread the prompt question a hundred times and were still facing the devil of writer's block. Staring at the blank page for hours and hours as your mind just kept wondering off to the chorus of the last song you heard. 
Normally back in high school you would have just stepped away and tried to start writing it tomorrow...or the day after...or maybe the night of (usually the night of) but now you really didn’t have any other time to write this paper unless it was right now!
Because you still had a job to do. There is absolutely no other time that you can squeeze in to write this paper unless you are writing it right the F now!! 
You ruffle up your hair in frustration and stomp your feet Come on stupid brain!!! Just give me something to fucking write!!! You curse at yourself only to find that it slumps you into a cycle of self depreciation.
Am I really so dumb that I can’t even easily pass a college eterance exam? Even Shaw makes straight A’s and he spends all of his time running from the cops in alley ways or playing hooky at the bar all night long. 
You lay your head down on the keyboard of your laptop as the letter h just types itself quickly across the pages where your essay should be. You let out a long sigh, laying there in silence as not a single thought floats by.
You soon sit back up, convincing yourself that if you start writing out nonsense then maybe something will come to mind. You then take a long stretch before tapping your hand down lightly on the keyboard. Then you hear the dreadful click of your mouse. 
Your eyes watch in doom as the essay page filled with the letter H soon disappears and a happy “Thank you for submitting your application to Loveland University.” pops up. 
Your heart then sinks to your ass. No way...no way!...NO WAY!! 
You quickly rise up from your chair as your breathing grows heavier and heavier. You feel your eyes foaming up with tears. Your one last opportunity is now completely screwed up all because your hand slipped?!?
Covering your mouth you begin to sob uncontrollably. Everything about today was going wrong and this was just the cherry on top. 
As you stood there crying Shaw had walked into the apartment with his skateboard and backpack in hand, sitting them down at the front entrance.
“Hey, Babe. I’m home.” His charming voice startles you. Oh great, you thought nowhere near ready to approach him about this. 
“Hey?” He says again as he makes his way through the apartment. “Where are you at?” 
Once he finds you sobbing in your office his expression turned forgien with concern.
Shaw is the WORST when it comes to comforting you but you knew that he tried his best to make you feel better. 
“Woah, woah...Babe...baby, why are we crying? What’s goin’ on?” He walks over to you, his arms open and ready to embrace you in a tight hug. 
The coolness of his leather jacket chills your heated face as you sob on his shoulder. He lets out a calming sigh as his hand rubs up and down your back, letting you get out all of your much needed cry. 
When you reach your composure enough to talk you explain to him between sniffles what had happened. Your self deprecation building up more and more before Shaw shakes his head no. 
“Hey now, stop talking shit about my girlfriend okay, only I can do that.” He said as you blink at him confused. 
“W-what?” You stumble on your word as Shaw leans over to wipe a tear off your eye. 
“Well I think that you’re really cool, and smart. And if someone like me can pass that entrance exam you can too ___.” He said.
“B-But I submitted my essay by accident already.” You lower your head defeated, ready to cry again as Shaw lets out a light chuckle before ruffling your hair.
“You know that we can call the administration and let them know what happened. They will see that it was an accident and let you submit it again. Mistakes happen babe but the longer you sit on them the longer it will take to get over them. The school doesn’t close until 8. So you have 4 hours to call them and get it fixed.” He said calmly as you nodded quietly.
Shaw was right, this was a mistake yes, and also a bit embarrassing. But it is human to make them, and everyone does. And when you make a mistake like this, dwelling on it is only holding you back from achieving your goals. 
You raised your head and clenched your fists confidently. “You’re right! For once.” You said to him.
“Hey!” Shaw laughs as he pushes you lightly causing you to giggle as well. You two playfully push one another back, poking at each other and slipping out silly names before Shaw’s arms wrap around your waist.
He kisses you lightly on the lips before smiling sweetly. “You got this, I know you do.” He said as you couldn’t help but to agree with him.
And sure enough the university understood your dilemma and sent you a new registration. 
GAVIN | CH03 | 0 : 00 : 03 
✨For those who struggle to let go of the past✨
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You knew how this was going to play out. After all you have seen it time and time before.
And now you can’t help but to get a little discouraged at the disappointment that this was going to bring you. 
The past already proved it to be true after all. 
Countless failed outcomes have led you only to conclude one thing.
That this dream of yours was going to end up in complete and total failure.
But even if that was the only logical outcome you could think of you still couldn’t fight the feeling in your heart that was telling you that this WAS right. 
Yet, now here you were, stuck in limbo and unable to move forward. 
You sighed looking at your notes, you had always dreamed of one day that you would get to start your own business. Now not to read you wrong, you did love working as the CEO of your fathers company but it was seeing him build his business from the ground up that inspired you to one day do the same. 
You have spent as long as you can think back to. Brainstorming ideas, doodling logo designs and daydreaming about something that you could call your own.
And now here they come, those heart-wrenching thoughts from the past ready to quiz you and make you think, am I really good enough to have this dream? Do I deserve it? 
All those past experiences of people questioning your skills, telling you that you aren’t prepared enough and that you’d never be able to be the person you dreamed of just makes you want to curl up into a ball and give up. 
Even for a moment the thought of maybe they ARE right, floods in and you feel yourself wanting to cry, believing in it just for a moment as your ego tries to back up the negativity with ‘facts’ to prove it. 
You crawl your way back into bed heartbroken and honestly just wishing that all your thoughts, good and bad, would just fade away.
You pull the covers over your face as you begin to sniffle as your throat clumps up, ready for the tears to fall from your eyes.
And right on que they do. You bundle up closer and closer to yourself, sitting in silence with the haunting memories of the past.
You soon feel the bed sink down a bit before a warm hand runs it’s way up and down your side.
You choke on your tears more, knowing that it is Gavin and there was no hiding your tears from him now.
You felt the warmness of his body tower over you as his lips pecked the top of your head through the covers. 
“When you are ready to talk about it, I’m here okay.” He said to you quietly.
Gavin continued to rub your back in the silence of your room waiting patiently for you to collect yourself enough to talk to him. 
And after a good 30 minute cry session you slowly sat up before pulling Gavin into a warm embrace. Sniffling into his neck as he just gently pressed his lips to your shoulder. “You know ___, when you are hurting like this...I don’t want you to keep it from me okay? I’ll help you through this.” He spoke to you in a gentle voice. 
You slowly pulled from your hug as you wiped your eyes and began spilling out your heart to him. Telling him about everything. Every past encounter that has left you hurt and how you like to think that you have grown and gotten over the pain but it is moments like this that it just all comes back up again and you feel like you are right back to where you started. 
Gavin’s caramel eyes watched you quietly as he listened to you greatly, taking in your pain as if it was his own. You could tell that he truly understood and got you and that he really knew how badly it was hurting you.
And after a moment he spoke up. 
“The past can be painful sometimes, but it’s there to help us learn and grow. And you can’t ever know how something is really going to play out in the future either.” He said calmly. “All you really can do is take little steps now to lead you to the future you want. Don’t let it get the best of you okay? I know that you will do great. And I will be here to support you through it all.” 
He was right, all those times that people told you that you weren't enough, or looked at you like you were crazy. All those failed attempts and embarrassing moments, they were all there to teach you that you are great! And that you are very much worthy of your hopes and dreams!
Gavin leaned over to pick your notes up off of your nightstand as he studied them closely, a sweet smile on his lips. 
“I might not know much on how to start your own business, but just seeing this idea, I know that it is going to help so many people. You should go through with it.”
“B-but what if it fails?” You say with your head down.
“Well then we will just figure out the root of the problem, fix it, and move forward.” He said as you quickly looked up to see Gavin’s handsome smile as your eyes started to water again, but this time with happy tears.
Because now here you were, taking on your dreams, with someone who has always believed in you, and who has never once questioned just how amazing you truly are.
LUCIEN | CH03 | 0 : 00 : 04 
✨For those who rob themselves of fun✨
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You were so excited to sit in at an exclusive lecture that you have been begging Lucien to take you to for months now. It was an introduction class to understanding Quantum Mechanics. A subject that racked your brain,but in a good way. 
And even though Lucien’s undergraduate degree was in biochemistry;he was still fairly knowledgeable and greatly enjoyed physics, and with that happily obliged to accompany you. 
You were filled with anticipation and the utmost excitement. Swaying your feet beneath your seat with anticipation as the instructure took his place at the podium. 
He was an older gentleman with a rustic and well uniformed style. His caramel colored suit complemented his toffee skin. His visible laugh lines and crow's feet along with his brightly colored red bow tie,symbolized a man who lived a full and prosperous life. And even now with no head of hair and whispers of grey singing through his beard expressed that same song of legacy and abundance through him. 
You were thoroughly impressed by the wise looking man whose hands were clasped behind his back patiently waiting for students to fill the seats before glancing at Lucien’s young and smooth features. Only to notice that he had been watching you the entire time, lips curled with his hand pressed closely against them. 
You panic for a moment waving your hands and covering your face. “S-stop looking so intensely at me.” You say as Lucien’s princely chuckle caused your heart to ache. 
“I can’t help it...You just look so excited. Like a silly little kid in a candy store.” he said before letting out a teasing sigh. “I am a bit upset that you never look this excited when you come to see my lectures.” He said crossing his arms and looking away from you with a sorrow filled expression.
“T-That’s not true! I love going to your lectures Lucien.” You said proudly. “It’s just that..well...sometimes it’s hard to understand...since you teach such an advanced class.” You say admitting defeat as you lower your head.
“I see…” Lucien said softly looking at you once more. “Then next time I’ll be sure to explain them to you in a way that you can enjoy and understand.” He said before lightly brushing your hair behind your ear. 
You glanced up for a moment to see Lucien’s gentle smile but before you could say anything the professor at the stand began his lesson. 
The first 30 minutes of the lesson went by in a breeze as the professor recapped on the basic understanding of quantum mechanics and the movement of an electron. These were all things that you have heard from Lucien before and even information you yourself have researched and understood. You happily listened, jotting down notes between cute doodles of bunnies and flowers as Lucien would occasionally add a cute butterfly or heart to your scribbles. 
“Hey.” You said in a soft whisper swatting his hand away playfully. “You of all people should know better. Don’t draw in class.” You teased him as Lucien couldn’t help but to laugh. 
“Your bunny looked lonely. I wanted them to have a friend.” He said in a soft voice, amongst the lecture it was almost too hard to hear, as you glanced over to see that Lucien had his notes displayed as well. 
You weren’t surprised to see how minimal and organized they were. His tablet was exposed with a series of information already written out as he was just adding to pre existing notes he had already written before the lecture started.
They were all neatly organized with his straight lined handwriting and not a single ounce of color or doodle was on them. Just a simple shade of light where certain words were ‘highlighted’ as important.
They look so professional. You thought as Lucien picked up his stylist and calmly added a bit of information to them. You watched him in awe for a moment, the way he was resting his hand on his chin,the engagement in his eyes and the way he quickly jotted down the information in tune with the professor's quick voice. It was clear that he had done this for a while and that he was good at his routined way of note taking. 
When you finally snapped out of your trance you noticed how quickly the professor was on a new topic from the last thing you had written down and glancing at your notes once more than the black board ahead of you. You realized that you were so far behind that the information you had written wasn’t even on the board anymore! 
For a moment you were ready to panic until you realized your position. You weren't in school anymore so taking notes wasn’t essential.
And with that you began to zone off again, letting your egotistical thoughts build up and up. The elder man before you had spent his whole life, in your opinion, becoming something great. He went off to college, got a degree, became an educator and he knew so much!! Even Lucien who just at the age of 26 became a well renowned neuroscientist! Yet here you were...the one who took over their fathers business. You started thinking about all the times an episode idea didn’t even make it past the first meeting with Victor and how you almost lost the entire funding of your show! You sunk down in your seat, spinning the ink of your pen over one of the cute bunnies...Was I ever good at anything? You wallowed to yourself unaware that Lucien’s soft glances were reading you like a book. 
He knew instantly that you were down. The way you were slouching, the unconscious pout on your lips, your eyes shining;trying to hold back tears, and the way your feet stopped patting with excitement from under the table. 
After the lecture was over and you and Lucien were walking hand in hand down the halls he spoke up. “Was the lecture too hard for you to follow? You suddenly looked sad?” He said as his eyes were stuck on you.
You groaned before slouching your head on Lucien’s shoulder, furrowing your brow. “Nothing ever gets past you huh?” You mumble as Lucien brushes back your hair, waiting for you to speak out your worries. 
You began your rant, talking about how amazing he is and the professor and how you enjoy learning about science and sitting in on all these cool lectures but you aren’t the expert and that you feel it is pointless to learn something that you are not good at. It then lead you to feeling that you are not the best at anything. Lucien listened to every ins and outs of your problems, holding your hand tightly in his. Once you finished with a long sigh he spoke up.
“You think that I’m the best neuroscientist in the world?” He said softly as you nod. “Of course, your 26 and you own your own research center, you travel the world, who wouldn’t think that you are-”
“But I’m not.” he said softly as the two fo you stopped walking. You glanced up at him as the same calm and sweet smile stayed on his face. “If not now someone better will come along and do greater than me but even then they won’t be the best...because someone will come along and become greater than they are. After all Science is built on advancement. When something is deemed as a fact that is helpful yes, but people are much more complex. Personally I think that if you choose to see life as becoming the best at something then you are viewing everyone and everything around you as competition. But your idea of greatness is not the same as someone else's, what you may see as failure and a fault someone else sees as empowering and inspiring, and that includes how people see you. I think that you are the best at what you do but that shouldn’t matter...since you know yourself better than anyone else. I think that you should be more proud of how much you've grown. Being the best only brings temporary happiness. While growth is ever changing and there's no limit to how it should happen and what needs to be done in order to grow.” Your face softened as Lucien spoke. You felt your thoughts lighten as a soft voice in your head kept telling you that he was right. I see Lucien as the greatest and most amazing person in the world but he doesn’t… he sees. “You.” his princely voice said softly. “If I had to choose who the greatest person in the world is to me...it’s you.” He added before kissing your forehead. 
You could feel the soft rise and fall of his chest as his warm lips laid gently on your skin. His rainy scent engulfing you while your hands slowly pulled him into an embrace. He hugged you back before brushing your hair lightly through his fingertips. 
Even in this moment with Lucien you have learned so much, you have grown...a sweet smile fluttered across your lips as your heart grew with pride. “I am so proud of me, and how much I have grown.” You whispered. 
KIRO | CH03 | 0 : 00 : 05 
✨For those who are feeling lonely amongst hard times.✨
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You slouched at the front door of your apartment. Bags in your hands, coat slung between your arms, hair a mess and dark circles slowly morphing you into a racoon.
You kicked off your shoes to see your red and slightly swollen feet. An emergency had happened that caused you to stop and change every course of your life for the next month and a half. Having to make phone calls between friends, family, and companies ensuring the safety and calmness of everyone around you.
You had already spent hours reassuring worried hearts that you had forgotten to give yourself a moment to breathe and process everything. And now with this short time to finally be with yourself the stress, anxiety, worry and guilt flooded through you like a river as your eyes dropped like a waterfall. 
You had been trying so hard to remain optimistic for everyone else that your own feelings were casted aside and now here you were, alone and finally able to feel them. Only for the idea of being alone to make it worse. Sliding your way down and onto the floor beginning your crying session. Soon the buzzing of your phone scared you half to death. The handsome face of Kiro and his bright golden smile popped up on your screen. Oh great. You thought seeing the FaceTime message as you quickly dried your face and answered the call.
“OHHH My (Miss) Chip(s)!!~” Kiro’s voice sang. “Hey,” he pouted. “Why can’t I see your face? It’s so dark. And you’re sniffling...Don’t tell me you caught a cold again?” he said. 
“Ah-s-sorry. I’ll turn on the lights.” Your voice cracked as Kiro’s playful expression quickly turned to worry. You flicked on the lights and turned the screen to your face, rubbing your nose with your sleeve. Seeing yourself on the small screen of your phone, there was no way for you to deny that you were crying. Your eyes a puffy red mess (and makeup smeared down your cheeks). 
“Ah...I was um..” You try to explain as You watched Kiro already up and heading for his jacket. 
“Don’t worry ____. I’m on my way, you can tell me when I get there. Have you been crying for long?” he said as his cute voice now had a alert and serious tone.
“N-No...not too long. I just got home.” You say softly.
“Don’t hang up. I don’t want you to cry by yourself. Next time you are feeling sad, let me know.”
“Y-You don’t have to come over.” you say feeling like you were about to cry again.
“Don’t say that. Of course I do. It is a hero’s job to help those in need. Especially when it’s someone they love.” Kiro said as you bit your lip softly, you couldn’t deny him of this. 
When he finally arrived at your place you cleaned up a bit as you opened the door to an tight embrace. His hug was warm and inviting as your hand tightening on his back the moment Kiro pressed your head to his shoulder. You began to cry again. “It’s okay...I am here...you can cry now.” He said in a low voice. With that you spilled out your heart as kiro held you closely, his blonde hair tickling the edge of your ear.  
Once you had calmed down enough to talk the two of you sat beside one another on the loveseat in your living room.
You expressed all of your pain that you had been repressing about the situation and although you didn’t mind that people were using you for support, you never realized how tough it would be to take on everyone's pain and have no one to help you through yours. Kiro held your hand quietly, hearing out all your worries as the rings on his fingers were slowly starting to warm up by the embrace of yours. 
Once you had finished what you needed to say Kiro gently pressed your head to his chest, his arms holding you in a loving embrace. 
“Thank you...for sharing with me your worries. I know that it’s not easy having to take on other people's burdens but you aren’t alone...and I will always listen to you and I will always be here when things get tough. I want to be that someone you rely on to lift your spirits. You are the person that I want to make the happiest. Even when you feel like no one sees or hears you struggling, just remember that I do see you.” Kiro said in a soft voice as your eyes watered once again. You hugged him tightly, nodding your head as you felt like a large weight was just lifted off your shoulders. 
Kiro reminded you that you belong and that there is so much value in how hardworking and kind you are. 
And that this strength wasn’t something you need to burden through alone. 
✨Thank you for reading and I hope that this helped any of you guys going through a tough time who just needs a bit of encouragement. 
My DM’s are always open too and I’ll gladly hear anyone out. 🖤 
Sometimes all we need is just someone to vent to. 🖤
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niphredil-14 · 3 years
Asking the MLQC Boys to Put Their Minecraft Beds Next to Yours
I don’t write for Lucien.
We all know that Kiro loves video games, and I’m sure that Minecraft is no exception. He would already be overjoyed to be playing with you, but if you were to ask him to place his bed next to yours? He would be over the moon. He would so happily place his right next to yours, and would then proceed to make a sign, run outside and put it right next to the front door, writing “House of Mr. and Ms. Chips <3″ on it. If you are sitting next to you playing, he will lean over and give you a kiss on the cheek, but if not he will send some overly lovey dovey messages in the chat.
Gavin, likely would not know much about Minecraft, except maybe a little bit from Minor. But even so, I feel like he would understand the special meaning of placing his bed next to yours. He would not make a point to say much about it though, if you’re not dating yet. Either way, it would be easy to see his blush at the concept of your beds being joined in real life. He would just nod the blush still covering his cheeks, and place his bed where you asked, a small smile on his face.
This little pissbaby (affectionate) would laugh and make fun of you, but would still place his bed next to yours, at least after making you beg a bit. If you were to question him, he would say that he was just doing it so that you wouldn’t annoy him about it, and would then quickly turn it on you. Don’t tease him or he’ll blow up the whole build and then log out. 
Good luck convincing him to play Minecraft with you. But, if you are able to, and were to ask him to place his bed next to yours, he would just call you childish and put his next to yours. He’s a softy with a cold front, but that doesn’t make him any less weak for you. He’s wrapped around your finger, and will do almost anything for you, but he’d probably throw out some unexpected catch later on.
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