#KnY in Real Life
demonslayedher · 2 months
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Discovered on the streets of Osaka
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imkazz · 6 months
Pink and Green Hair (trendy in the taisho era)
We all know that Mitsuri ate a crazy amount of it to get her signature pink-green hair, but just how many would she have theoretically eaten?
To start, we have to look at the numbers. She ate 170 mochis per day for 8 months straight.
It's already crazy enough of a number, but imagine just how much that the Kanroji family would've spent on that mochi even before Mitsuri was a part of the Corps with her own salary, not to mention the fact that hashira can choose how much money they recieve. We can prove this fact by Mitsuri having her hair at a pre-pubescent age, when she beat that sumo wrestler at arm-wrestling.
First, since all months but one (mumbleaugustusmumble) have 30 days, we multiply it by eight for the eight months she spent eating the mochi. Then, I estimate by adding 4 for half of the months having 31 days. Since this is a bare estimate, these numbers can't be perfect.
244 days. This is, according to Mitsuri/Gotuge, how long it took until the Kanroji family started to notice Mitsuri's hair turning pink OR when her full transformation ended.
Now. We can multiply those days by how many sakura mochi she would eat in one of those days.
If you wanted anime hair from eating a sweet, that's an estimated amount of how many sakura mochi you would have to eat.
Since this is unreliable information because there's not enough data given about this, and Mitsuri herself wasn't keeping track of this specifically, there's not much of a way to tell how many sakura mochi to actually eat, and this is also really unhealthy because duh it's a dessert that any normal person who isn't a girlboss like Mitsuri should eat more than three.
We also have to think about the actual sakura mochi. This sweet is made with pickled sakura leafs, which are edible, along with anko (red bean paste) and glutinous rice coloured pink, the same as sakura blossoms. Sakura are already notorious for only blooming for a week or two before fading for the rest of the year. This is why this wagashi (sakura mochi) is only designated as a spring treat.
Of course, it can still be eaten year-round. It's simply customary to eat in springtime, late March. You would just have to have loads of ingredients all the time in order to make it. Since, as I talked about Japanese tradition of only eating this in spring, it's probably that the Kanroji family would pickle their own sakura leaves, in the same way that they also make their own honey. Yet another way of telling us how well-off they are.
Other than that, anko (the filling) and glutinous rice (along with the pink colouring) is relatively easy to find because other types of wagashi are served year-round, and I believe that many of them have those two core ingredients (such as ohagi or manjuu). The main thing that makes sakura mochi special is the pickled leaf that can only be harvested in springtime, hence why it's only really served in the time that there are blossoms.
And finally, it also happens to be that I'm currently in Japan in middle-late March. I got to visit a (romantic) love temple nearby, prayed that I would find a Mitsuri gachapon before I leave Japan (because that's what you do when you go to a love temple, pray to see the love hashira), then it so happened that three doors down, there was a wagashi store!!
They also happened to serve ohagi (despite that being an autumn wagashi, in spring ohagi would usually be called botamochi), mitarashi dango (which will totally calm Haganezuka-san down), and of course, the reason for this post, sakura mochi!! Three character's favourite foods, so we obviously got some!!!
Taste test.
Mitarashi dango, as per usual, is amazing. I love warm mochi and the sauce is always great, especially when it's served fresh or you can watch the storeperson dunk the mochi into the sauce. I also got to have a huge version whilst exploring Odawara-jou, and before that too.
Ohagi, I was very excited to try some, but surprisingly, out of these three, it was my least favourite. That's not to say it wasn't good, but I don't think I really liked the anko being on the outside. Thinking back, it's probably unhealthy for Giyuu to hold it out to Sanemi with his bare hand.
Finally, sakura mochi. The leaves are edible, and they don't give any sort of taste or reliable texture, they seem to more be there as an ornamental piece, it was just the stem that could be a little pokey. The glutinous rice is light pink and on the outside, wrapped in the leaf. It's sweet! A bit sticky too, which is probably the reason for the leaf-holder. The anko on the inside is also very sweet, and this sweet was my favourite out of the three types of wagashi that we got. They are relatively small, maybe 10cm from a rough estimate, but they have a lot of density from being packed tight. While I really enjoyed this, I don't think I could ever eat 170 in a single day, much less for eight months.
I also forgot to mention, but there's two types of sakura mochi. First is the type with glutinous rice, the type Mitsuri is shown to be eating in the manga and anime, and the one I just tried. Second type is made with a pink pancake wrapping the anko, which is also wrapped in the sakura leaf. I think maybe two or three days after the first type's taste test, I got my hands on the pancake ones, but I was so tired that it got stuck in the fridge overnight. Let me tell you. Those pancakes were solid. If anyone has a taste of the pancake sakura mochi, feel free to give your actual impression!
Since, as I've already said, sakura mochi is the main type of wagashi served in spring, in the sakura season, there's loads of shops selling it nearby. I even got to try this taiyaki with sakura mochi filling instead of anko, which was... interesting, I suppose, but not terrible.
So try some sakura mochi if you're ever in Japan for the March season! I'm pretty sure that people sell this wagashi for the entire month, for more sales. (unfortunately, the sakura will only bloom in the week after i leave japan) (talk about a letdown, i always have to leave japan the week before they bloom for school)
Unfortunately no photos, but I did get to go on a train called the RomanceCar!! I immediately thought of Mitsuri with this, and I did get photos of that! Then, I searched up why it's called that, and the only reason is that there's two seats side-by-side with no armrest between, which gives room for couples to cuddle. Imagine modern Mitsuri with Iguro or Shinobu on one of these!!
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demonateher · 1 year
Joys of being a predictable fangirl
I'm going on about three and a half years of obsession now. Most people who aren't totally dense in my social circles have come to associate KnY with how happy it makes me. Unlike many other obsessions over the years, this one is a bit worse because I like collecting stuff for it, which also sort of adds to the obsession.
So anyway, just some moments and interactions below the cut.
--A friend asked me once if I liked to keep the nice tins that sweets came in, even if they don't have the sweets. I assumed this question was in regard to KnY stuff and answered it depended on if I liked the designs. Sure enough, months later, she sent me a care package with KnY tins. Thing is, she had received these and eaten the sweets while they were still good. She took great care in filling them with regular grocery sweets, taping them shut, and returning them to the original packaging. I was surprised and found it funny.
--Formal New Years Greetings. My tea ceremony classmate and I are in nice kimono, bowing with foreheads close to the tatami, asking to be in each other's good care and company in the coming year. As such, she formally asks if I would do her the favor of attending a movie theater showing of KnY with her again. I humbly accepted.
--When I had the opportunity to visit my family last year I took it upon myself to teach my youngest siblings some basic swordsmanship (you know, in case they ever need it). While explaining how they keep the tip of the katana consistently aimed at their opponent's throat while changing stances, as though there's a line extending from the tip, one of them (who has only casually watched the anime) responded with, "oh, you mean like in Kimetsu no Yaiba?" and my heart was warmed with pride.
--A local friend not asking me, 'Do you want to go to the Total Concentration exhibit together,' but instead, "what day do you want to go?"
--I had a very, very, very long day a few months ago and got stuck taking care of a lot of stuff in overtime. A part-timer wanted to get me something sweet at the convenience store to cheer me on, and asked what I wanted. I asked for the cheap wafer snacks with collectable stickers and she hunted them down and obliged.
--One of my other previous coworkers also brought me cheap KnY snacks sometimes, unprompted. Other times he felt he should inform me of things like KnY yatsuhashi on sale at the train station (which I thanked him for but also informed him I had bought some already).
--A best friend of mine, whom I haven't gotten to watch it, is nonetheless supportive of my interests. She knows how much I require total darkness to sleep and how excited I was for how well the KnY eyemasks worked for me, but I bemoaned in passing that the straps on my Nezuko and Zenitsu eyemasks (which were of course chosen because they were funny as eyemasks) were too loose to use them well anymore. While I went to work she went sightseeing, and that evening, she pulled out a present saying, "here, you don't have this one yet!" and it was a Tanjiro eye mask. That is currently what I wear to bed.
--This one is a little complicated. I did successfully drag another bestie into KnY, and her immediate favorite was Inosuke, though she's admitted that she mainly stays familiar with KnY through the joy that I keep getting out of it. When she finally moved to Japan after many pandemic related delays, I had a box of tissues with Inosuke on it (because that's funny) to give her as a housewarming gift. However, not even 15 minutes into our long-awaited reunion she underwent a small tragedy, and as she having a serious breakdown, I, albeit recognizing the levity of the box decor was not quite fitting for the situation, opened my suitcase to pull out a big box of Inosuke tissues for her. Thankfully she found it funny. ----Part two, I have given her a small handful of other KnY things. Like the care-package I sent her while she was stuck in quarantine? She didn't give me enough detail about what she wanted, so of course I just gave her a bunch of cheap KnY snacks of my choosing. There's also been a cute Inosuke accessory or two here or there. She kept saying that someday, someone was going to go over to her house and assume that she was a huge fan due to all the KnY stuff she had gotten from me (and enjoys due to associating it with me). And then it happened! And that person also happened to be a big fan and was thrilled. Long story short, we very, very unexpectedly got to meet each other for about an hour the following day, and we had a special moment with glitter and flowers filling the air around us.
--Day one of my new job, feeling nervous and excited, navigating my way through a transfer at a very busy subway station, I'm looking around for a sign and then bam, there's Tanjiro on a screen. Joy! That is always pleasant. While passing by the posters for the Osaka Metro event going on, the friends who I got dinner with last night of course immediately looked to me to be sure I saw it.
--Speaking of Tanjiro, I'm grateful to be involved with outside activities where everyone knows my KnY fandom enough that I'm not shy at all to use KnY LINE stickers in group chats, which I'm otherwise too shy to use in, say, work chats. I got a couple of messages of people wishing me luck and I had the pleasure of responding with Sumiko, in full make-up, promising to work hard.
Oh, at the new job? They don't know yet. I'm sure they'll find out I like KnY. Then it'll be a question of when they find out how much.
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weebsh-t · 3 months
There are actually real life breathing people in this world who think ShinoGiyuu is problematic because their ages are 18 and 21. There are adults with jobs and commitments who think that is a bad age gap. There are people who think it is an age gap, in general.
I'm going to lose my mind do any of you want anything
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mikuyuuss · 2 months
I personally find the idea Love Breathing and Insect Breathing to be really cool. I have a hard time articulating my thoughts as to why, but I'll try my best.
So not only do I think it works well for Mitsuri and Shinobu's characters, but I love how personalized they are (like pretty much most of the breathing styles in the series) Shinobu created Insect Breathing to make up for her lack of physical strength. She made use of her knowledge in medicine for poisons. Mitsuri on the other hand, created Love Breathing because she couldn't master Flame Breathing (I assume it's because her constitution is too unique for it) so Love Breathing is better suited for reinforcing her strength.
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Especially because the Demon Slaying corps is a field that I assume, is male dominated, I love the idea that these breathing styles serve to give more options for certain women, who have specific needs, that will highlight their specific strengths. I think that's what I love about them.
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Also on surface level, they just really cool and fun??? Shinobu being weird about insects and Mitsuri being weird about cats. Imagine you're a demon getting bodied by poisonous creepy crawlies and magical kitty love glitter?? Based.
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lokh · 1 year
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its finally happened. all because i kept thinking 'bet they would quadrant vacillate'
theyre all a bit younger than canon (the hashira maybe around 16 or equivalent). kind of an alpha kids situation with muzan attempting to take over earth, where muzan is a mutant troll who can use his powers (maybe his blood???) to mutate and control others. muzan came from a null session and in search of the ultimate reward goes around stealing players (ie making demons). his search for a winning session brings him to earth
BUT WHO CARES ABOUT THAT. have black-red vacillating human-troll renkaza
detailed description and notes under the cut
notes and descriptions in first image:
akazas fetch modus is compass: have to face certain direction to fetch. at most basic thats probably four items, but it could go up to 360 for every degree (which he can definitely do) but imagine going smaller....
kyojuros fetch modus is charades: have to act out captchalogued item. if hes not clear enough then he'll fetch the wrong item. i just thought it was a fun nod to his liking plays LMAO
my attempt at their sprites lol. kyojuro bringing that camp counsellor vibe
naturally their strife specibi are fistkind and bladekind
sketch of hakuji as a candy blood troll before becoming akaza
kyojuro as knight of hope. never god tiers in the main timeline =) his planet is land of fate and blaze
akaza as maid of doom. hates the outfit and refuses to wear it. his planet is land of snow and fireworks. as hakuji definitely fits 'bard of life' more (the inverse)
small doodle of kyojuro and akaza sleeping. kyojuro is a prospit dreamer and akaza is a derse dreamer. i feel some argument can be made for prospit dreamer akaza but i like the contrast here lmao
kyojuro and hakuji as ghosts meeting in a dream bubble. i imagine they would be somewhat apprehensive about meeting each other
with akaza being a maid of doom, i imagined muzan might also be a doom player, which would make kagaya a life player! to be opposites =3c
muzan killed and turned hakuji in such a way that he became god tier. so when akaza blows himself up it counts as just and he dies for real
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mirxia09 · 12 days
Nakime Otagawa painting demon slayer
It took me a few months, because I'm lazy
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I finally finished... this is the painting of my life, I will never do anything like that again💀
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warringwarrioridiot · 5 months
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Thanks to @xxsakuragirlxx, I was able to finally find a pet name for Taiga to call Douma.
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Real Life! Iguro Obanai- Mistakes and Fantasies
Thanks to and all credit goes to @mynameisloulou! Please do enjoy this!
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Believe it or not, you were chilling with the one and only Iguro Obanai as he excitedly gawked at the television. Obanai had coming flying out out of your phone at a late hour on one lone night only two months ago, alerting you in shock as you hid your rather revealed frame, only covered by thin pyjamas. The Serpent Hashira is a fictional character, you screamed at yourself as you rubbed your eyes frantically to shake off the sleep in belief you were dreaming or hallucinating whilst Obanai sat up, shaking off the shakiness and looking around in confusion
He pointed his katana at you when he first saw you. He looked like a mix of reality and fiction, his hair and eyes matched his animated counterpart but they appeared more real, like a picture of him was thrown into a realism AI program. The bandages a bit scruffy and slightly stained, Kaburamaru was so scaly yet weirdly smooth and clean, as the older man attempted to get words out
It felt like only yesterday when he came flinging out of your phone as you lifted your eyes off the silky page, feeling his head resting on your lap whilst he played your Nintendo Switch on your TV with the joycons. You were skimming through your KNY manga, waiting for him to finish up his online race. Obanai has loved every single thing you’ve taken him to and showed him, when he wasn’t out and having fun with you, he was on the couch grinding Mario Kart like a cute little geek
It was his favourite whilst the screen cut to the victory chart. Like some video-game legend, he was first place and his character of choice danced in celebration whilst the leaderboard popped up. He was about to select continue and join another lobby when he noticed the strange black foot on the front of your book and it intrigued him
“Dokusha. Whatcha reading?” Obanai hummed as you lifted up the manga, patting his hair. “Nothing, how did the race go?” You tried to avert his attention off the manga, you didn’t think he’d notice you until a few more hours with how invested he gets in the game. “What are you reading?” Obanai asked again, he is a stubborn one and he wanted to know everything you were interested in as Kaburamaru curled around your shoulders, his snowy white head laid in the nape of your neck
“U-um. A manga” You chirp a bit nervous, making Obanai sit up and lay his actually chiselled but covered chin on your shoulder to peak over. He liked all the manga you have shown him so his curiosity was peaked. You tried to hide the contents but failed, his mismatched eyes widened in shock and fear at what he saw. Him, bleeding and blinded by claw marks, using Coil Choke on a white-haired Muzan, cutting off his limbs and weird tentacle things
His head flung up almost instantly and he wrestled the manga out of your hands without a word, Kaburamaru circling over his arm from your shoulders to see himself. Rather he be shorter than you, he is much stronger physically and his strength overwhelmed you. Flipping page past page until he reached the end, his fingers quivered in disbelief at each drawing he laid his eyes upon. Him severely injured, Tomioka injured, Shinazugawa injured, Himejima dying, Mitsuri on the floor limbless and dying, Tanjiro being thrown around like a doll so he wouldn’t be touched. He couldn’t believe it
He’s… destined to die? Why are you reading this? With him so close by? Are you liking seeing him and his friends die? He did see you smiling whilst flicking past pages. You were, you enjoyed this. He kicked away the joycons and glared laser beams at you, making your body jolt in fear. He has learnt the truth and you have truly messed up, you knew he’d be outraged or maybe even upset but you’d didn’t suspect what he did next
Your heart yelped as Obanai threw the manga book right at you, his hands shaking as the bump caused a dribble of blood drip down your face. He genuinely liked you a lot, you welcomed him into your interesting life with open arms, you worked hard to let him eat and sleep comfortably, no demons to take care of or worry about. You showed him day after day a great experience with this world’s amazing technology. Only to find out you’re a lying bitch
“…Why...Why? You want me to suffer...? Why do you and you sick people want to see us suffer?! We go through shit to survive, while you sit on your ass and watch us shedding blood and tears!” Obanai barks wholeheartedly, referring to what he saw and what he has gathered, his gorgeous heterochromatic eyes glassing over. He looked ready to cry as his anger and sadness flooded him, how could you be into this? Into his pain. You seemed so loving and caring, you even bought a cage for Kaburamaru
“Ob-Obanai..This is not what it looks like! I-I know that it's tragic and twisted but-“
“No! There’s no buts! You fucking enjoy seeing us die! You enjoy watching us suffer for amusement! We die every fucking day, feel the pain of a thousand, healed, just to be put back into that state again!” Obanai growled, his disgust towards the detailed colourful cover art of Muzan he saw fuelled his rage, his disgust, his heartbreak towards the betrayal. You knew that he was dead meat before he even arrived, and you still tried to pretend that you didn’t have this stupid book ordered because you love seeing him lose his life
“You claim that you love me with all those stupid material figures and pictures of me, but you smile over seeing me and Mitsuri bleed! You heartless wench! You, your people and whoever wrote this is worse than Muzan!” He pointed at the discarded, now creased book lying neglected on the floor face-up as it was laid on the page, like another cartoon miracle came to life, of the zoom-in on Obanai’s saddening injuries on his face with Kaburamaru slithering into frame.
“You made me suffer! My home! My mouth! You did all that to me, so you can entertain yourself! How did I feel love for you?!” You felt tears pouring down your face, recognising that he felt ‘love’ for you as Obanai continued, his rage very obviously spilling out of him as it couldn’t be contained. Since he knew you knew what was truly underneath those bandages, he just pulled them down with zero care. The scars looked so much more grotesque in real life, like somebody poured acid on him as tears bubbled in his eyes
“L-look! I’m sorry-“ Once again, he interrupted you without hearing you out at all, shoving your half-fill mug of coffee off the glass coffee table and making a small but significant mess on the carpet, his free hand clutching the cute dark denim jacket he wore, in which you bought for him. These stupid human clothes, these stupid human ways. He needs to go back to the Hashira so he can try save Mitsuri from her doom
“You're not fucking sorry! You're sick! Twisted! All the other bullshit you people say to get your words in! Making me form to your disgusting desires! Why- Why....I thought I could trust you... Why did you bring me here…?”
“I didn’t… you came to me”
“I wish I never did. You’ve been lying and manipulating me the entire time I’ve been becoming a lazy slob like you. Were you trying to make me forget Mitsuri and stay with you, so I can be your little Obi-baby!” He mocked the way you and your equally Obanai-crazy best friend talked about him in your private discussions. Since you trusted him truthfully, he was allowed to use your phone anytime he wanted and one time, he noticed a message from her as you cooked and he decided to read it. He wouldn’t have denied, you and her made him feel like some bachelor with how much you two admired him
He sobbed out loud, his heart broken in pieces and fell onto the couch cushion underneath him. “Do you enjoy seeing this, Myōji? These hideous scars. It’s so amusing to you, isn’t it?” You were about to speak when Obanai sat up from the couch, picking up his katana and walking through the hallway as his hands tore off the buttons on the denim effortlessly. He is changing into his uniform and running away, he has no idea where he’ll go but he needs to get away from you, one of his many tormentors
He wouldn’t let you try trick him as he heard you rush after him, your hands went to wipe the blood of your cheek and temple. He wouldn’t let you get close as he swung his katana at your direction in one smooth sweep, slicing a cut over your breasts and making your now bleeding skin visible. Obanai honestly almost forgot how to use his katana with how little he fought, he had never rose his katana against any criminal he chased but he kept himself still as fit as he always is since he went to the gym everyday, linked to your side
Your sobbed and hiccuped as Obanai glared daggers through you as he kept speaking, his silky deep voice cracking with how much pain he was feeling. It was worse than any injury he was going to get from Muzan eventually. “You’re not sorry. Stop pretending you are” You tried your best to argue back, too afraid to try touch him but still pushing on, you need to convince him his developed point of view is wrong. You don’t want him to suffer at all
“Obanai. I didn’t—“
“Shut up! Your pathetic little tricks won’t work on me anymore! So stop trying!”
Okay. You were done with his interruptions as you stomped up to him and slapped his cheek as hard as you could. “You shut the fuck up for one fucking second, Obanai and listen to me!” You growled back, speaking before he could process the slap so you could finally beating him to the punch for once. “I don’t love you because I’m entertained by your death. I cried, I cried a lot. I was smiling because I could feel the love you and Mitsuri have as I worked to get to it! I love you because you’re amazing”
Continuing on your rant, you could go on and on about why Obanai is your favourite and how much happiness you felt to see him actually stand before you, but you couldn’t at this very moment, you needed to calm him down. “Incredible. A hero, giving his life for the human race. Brave, dedicated, loyal, never stopping despite all his injuries. You’re beautiful in all ways, and your death makes my heart shatter. If it was my choice, I’d save you! But I didn’t write Kimetsu No Yaiba! I didn’t decide your fate!”
Obanai glared hatefully, he didn’t want to believe anything you said. It could be just flattery and manipulation to keep him purring on your lap but he decided to dance around the possibility, mustering out a rather sharp response, it felt like his words could cut you down to size on their own
“Who did then…”
“Koyoharu Gotouge did! Do I seriously seem like somebody who’d hurt you? I’ve been looking after you. Taking out loans from my family so we could have fun together. Amusement parks, the theatre, shopping, park trailing, bowling! You hate me now, after all the fun we had together?!” You cry out, overwhelmed by your sadness and his heartsmashing words, trying your best to convince him to think otherwise, you didn’t want him to hate you. You suspected Obanai would be cruel, harsh to you constantly like he always is to others, but he seemed polite with the way he asked you about everything, listened to you
He didn’t respond, his expression screamed malice and hate as his beautiful mismatched eyes darkened. His cheek now bright red with the hand mark of your palm branded on the actually soft skin
Obanai strolled with zero noise following him, into your room and swiped every single figure of him you owned from the hidden compartment of your bed, making you flinch in concern at how he found out where you hid those figures. “You love me, huh? Getting all these stupid toys of me to worship or some shit” He barked, suddenly pulling out a box of matches from his pocket. He must have picked it up from your kitchen drawer when he walked away, just before you caught up with him
“You love me. Yeah, right. I’m nothing but a ‘waifu’ for you and a source of entertainment for you to spill your twisted love into. You don’t love me for me, you love me because I’m just fodder, the one who sacrifices his life and limb to save Tanjiro” Obanai spoke viciously as he held a non-lit match over the pile of plastic him laid on your bed as you were about to chime in, to try to stop him before he once again beat you
“Tell me, what’s more important to you? Your money or me?” You hesitated for a few seconds. Each figure he was threatening to lite ablaze costed you hundreds if you bundled them all together yet, Obanai’s real, very own presence in your life was worth millions as you gently smiled, sniffing occasionally from crying with your broken heart weighing heavy
“You, of course” You tried to speak calmly and lovingly, hoping he’d be convinced but your efforts were truly in vain as he was no longer able to trust you, like he use to. “You’re lying” Obanai responds instantly, dropping the non-lit match into the pile as a empty threat and walking past you as you panicked, controlling yourself when you realised no flames had emitted
“Stupid. Stupid real humans” Obanai mumbled, suddenly throwing full-strength your most expensive figure of him, performing a form of Serpent Breathing, as far from him as possible. He must have picked it up as he walked away. You swung around, grabbing his shoulders to try stop him but he was too fast, smashing the figure into pieces when it made contact with the wall, and huffing in anger at your silent distraught reaction
“Does that hurt? There goes your money and there goes any chance I’d ever love you” He shoves you back by knocking you onto your bed with a back-push, his almost pale eyes glared at you as his heartbreak and anger couldn’t disappear, no matter how much he vented, barked and broke stuff. Your eyes hurt so much from crying, as much as your heart did. He then picked up your phone and held it up to his face, his completely visible face
Everything you said before struck a cord in him and he knew you were 100% right, you are not a threat but he can’t forgive you for viewing him as a another fictional character that you use for your pleasure needs, for reading his death right in front of him. He had so much fun in this world, buying new clothes, trying new foods and drinks, seeing how far technology has advanced, playfully throwing you over the couch for beating him in Mario Kart
He did love you, he was feeling his love for Mitsuri fade away, all the more time he spent with you. Going to your job and helping out as much as he could, the only money he had for the months he had been living with you is thank you payments for when he tackled the thieves he came across. He found each day such a treat and at one point, he didn’t want to go back to his original life. The only thing tying him to his realm was Mitsuri and that vision of the love of his life was being replaced by you. Well… That use to be the case but not anymore
Now. He actually wants to return to where he truly belongs and properly this time unlike when he said he wanted go on his first days here, he needs to go back to his realm. The realm of fiction, so he can just live out the rest of his short life until he dies, knowing you’ll be laughing and loving his torment as he take his last breath with Mitsuri in his arms. His broken heart dug and hid away into his subconscious as Kaburamaru slithered around a bit, glaring at you with the same hate Obanai was
He doesn’t belong here, not with you. He is fantasy, you are reality. You two were never suppose to meet or connect, let alone fall in love. It was never meant to be, he isn’t a human, he is a piece of art and he wasn’t suppose to know the truth of his existence. He was such a fool for thinking he could change into a real person like you when he can never be real
“Send me back to my world now or you’ll lose another figurine”
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kisasan · 3 months
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tanjir0se · 4 months
Hold up the tags on the twenty one pilots post are so sweet what the fuck ohmygod
(also super late probably congratulations on the engagement??)
Omg thank you !!! 🌸🥺🥺🥺 We got engaged last year but the wedding isn’t until next :)
We’re such a fanfic ass couple we literally got together a few weeks after this in a real life ‘there was only one bed’ situation 🤦🏻‍♀️ And also our first date was stargazing (and my ring isn’t a diamond it’s a shooting star (meteorite)) FANFIC ASS COUPLE—
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demonslayedher · 1 month
Something I love about being a KnY fangirl in Japan: I can be out running errands and then the most recent opening theme song will play on the loudspeakers and give me energy.
I today I passed by somebody else lip syncing "Mugen."
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
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knock knock let me in let me be your secret sin ; left right straight ahead theres no way out youre dead
#neros art tag#kny sabito#sabito#fratboy sabito posting#halloween au#labyrinth(oomph!)#sorry giyuu... muse replaced lmao#i love this song sm#anyways im adding this to the halloween au#another fic i started and never finished. concept is fun tho#the hashira work for an organization that rescues & protects magical creatures and helps whoever they find in unethical experiments#the fic starts with giyuu and kyojuro being a team in a raid on some place that got their hands on an ookami- they find sanemi & genya#whove been medically altered with its body parts in an attempt to make. something. they didnt get info on that before the raid#sanemi got its limbs and genya got some of its organs & they like literally just finished the surgery when the raid started so they were#real fucked up. sanemi's limbs were in a fucking box in the corner. anyways i ditched it at the point when shinobu came to see if they#were okay for transportation#i was just drawing to the song bc i like it sm but now im thinking they find some place that made a monster labyrinth to gamble off of#they trick poor people into trying to survive for prize money and they have other ppl bet on who'll win. winner's prize money goes to the#people who bet on them & they get to be the next test subject for monsterfication and subsequently tossed in the labyrinth#no one wins here. its all life or death and theres a lot of death.#giyuu thought sabito died long ago but he was actually taken and attempted to be mashed-up with a kitsune- it didnt work- he got tossed in#the labyrinth. corrupted memories and temperment due to the kitsune's powers- hes learned to survive against the other monsters#giyuu infiltrates as a contestant while some other hashira do so as workers/gamblers and giyuu has a run in with sabito & freaks th fuck out#especially since sabito's trying to Kill Him#i should add more body horror to this au. sanemis not enough for me
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adoremexxs · 1 year
i started school today and i already wanna kms
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gn-bee · 10 months
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How dare he.
Ume is just as bad as Haganezuka, but instead of flying into a violent rage, she just stares at you and makes you feel incredibly guilty.
It’s unsettling.
And more academy:
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She has a very good and elaborate skincare routine.
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"I cannot protect anything that's important to me, & I was unable to accomplish even one thing that I should have in this life. I am a man without any value."
This is what I meant in the last post about having a Yoriichi cosplay. Best Christmas present ever!
So, I decided to give it a little test run & bring my boy to life (I'm even still wearing the haori as of posting this XD)
For the record, I don't have the earrings. Well, I do, but I didn't wear them cuz my ears aren't pierced
This was such a pain to get on, but it was worth it!
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