#Korra x oc
crowentity233 · 1 year
Don't Tell Part 1
Mako x Reader (touchstarved and secret relationship)
Part 2 Masterlist
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Summary:Mako x Earthbender reader
You being touch starved for years suddenly have an intense crush on mako after he put himself in danger for you and the safety he provides following the attack. You both keep your relationship under wrap from the krew. You both don't want to deal with everything that follows them finding out.
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You sat at the table with Opal, Bolin, Korra, Asami, and Mako. You had been friends with the group since the downfall of Kuvira.
You had been an escaped supporter like Bolin. You had escaped shortly after Bolin.
The table was full of chatter from the group and what they had been up to. Korra and asami had been dating for a while. They were perfectly matched. Opal and Bolin were happily dating. You and Mako both just endured the public display of affection from the couples.
"I actually have a date tonight." You spoke happily to the group.
Asami immediately smiled brightly. "Is it the guy from the Pro-Bender tournament?"
You nodded. "It is. His name is Nabi and we are going to the café on airbend Lane. The one with the good pastries."
Bolin gasped excitedly. "We love that café. They have the cutest little paw pastries with a fireferret charm."
Opal pulled out the charm that Bolin had given her. "They do! It's a very nice place for a first date."
You stood leaning against the brick wall. Your nerves were pressing. This date was something you kinda forced yourself into to try. You hadn't been on a date since leaving Kuvira's army. That was well over a year ago.
You stood in your own world, trying to press down the fear. Your heart fluttered at the thought of seeing Nabi again. You lifted your eyes seeing Nabi walking up.
"Hey!" You hugged him casually. You both stood outside the café. "How was the match?" You asked, knowing he had gone to watch the probending match today.
"It was good the team I bet for won." He smirked happily.
You smiled politely when the corner of your eye caught movement. A group of men were lerking closer. "Aww, isn't this sweet. Sorry to break up your date. I'm gonna need your cash."
Nabi immediately started digging through his pockets.
You stomped your foot into the ground, bending the earth as a warning shot. "I suggest you get out of here."
"You and what army?" The gang members chuckled as Nabi was nowhere to be found he had deserted you seeing his chance when you distracted them by bending
You rolled your eyes, taking a fighting stance. "I don't need one." The double meaning in your own mind, boyfriend nor an army. You bended quickly, creating distance between you and the group. You weren't dumb three on one wasn't a risk you wanted to take. You were a great bender, but no toph. You ran off jumping on your motorcycle. You sped off, but the men quickly caught up to you. Sirens blared behind the men as the cops caught up, too. The waterbender shot water your way. You blocked a little late. You got a scratch on your arm. You bended earth trying to get them off your trail. The waterbender then froze over your back tire, causing you to come to a screeching halt. You tried to keep as balanced as you could. The balance finally toppled over, but you were at a safe speed. Your bike turned over, and you hopped onto a rock that you had bending into something to slide into safety with. You watched as a bike caught up to the men. Fire caught on the bike, causing them to all jump off the bike before it exploded in the middle of the bare street. The men were surrounded by the cops and sirens immediately. You leaned against the wall of a closed store. Mako had been the one to apprehend the men and packed them into the cars of his coworkers. Your hand fell to your arm that was sore from the cut.
Mako walked from the car to you. You lifted your eyes to his. He stood much taller tonight. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" He lifted your hand from your arm seeing the cut underneath.
"Come on." He placed his arm over your shoulder. You hesitated from walking with him. Your knees were weak from the adrenaline. You took a step with him. Your legs were learning trust in the ground beneath you as you slowly walked with Mako. He held you stable. "Can you ride with me?" He asked as you both approached his motorcycle.
You nodded hesitantly. "Can I ride in the front? I'll feel safer. "
He hopped on the bike and opened his arm for you to get on the front. You sat down in front of him. You placed your hands on the handlebars, and he placed his hands over yours.
"We're going to my apartment." His voice sounded through the helmets.
"You don't have to do that. I'm sure I'll be safe." The bike took off you held onto the bars as mako took control.
"No chance. I know how these guys operate. I'm not risking it. You can stay over. Bolin and Opal will be there in the morning. You can just stay tonight, and we will hang out tomorrow like we planned."
"Okay. Thank you, Mako." Your back relaxed into his chest. He made a few turns and passed some buildings. Each turn calmed you further. Safety was right where you were. The feeling overwhelmed your senses.
The cool air blowing past you. The warmth of makos chest against your back. Your legs pressed against his. The vibrations of the road. You rested in his arms. He parked his bike and, for a moment, time stood still. You remembered this feeling of having a man so close to you was mako. The touch that you had starved for, just the comfort of a man. It was Mako.
The Mako that you know from Bolin. The same Mako that was with you this afternoon. The one that you always sat next to with the group. They had alway sat next to their significant others. you always sat next to mako laughing as you both poked fun at the lovers swooning over each other. This safety was him. It was always there. Tonight was just amplified by the situation.
Mako broke the comfortable silence. "I'm glad you're safe."
His hands fell from yours, and he stood up dismounting the bike. The unwelcome cool air hitting your skin. Even through the layers of clothes, you could feel the cold air of being painfully single and without the warmth of another. "Yeah, I am too." You stood up still a little shook up from the fight, or maybe it was the butterflies. Mako wrapped his arm around you to help stabilize you to the ground.
"Come on. Let's go inside. I'll get a bath for you. You can borrow some of my clothes to sleep in." He helped you step into the building and walked up to his door. He released you again to unlock the door. You could feel the cold again.
You made your way to the couch. As many times as you've been around mako, you've never seen his apartment. He no longer shared a place with Bolin. After Kuvira Bolin followed opal with her airbending, he left mako to figure out his own life path.
Mako was a fish out of water caring for himself, but with you here. He was in his element. Taking care of someone else was comfortable to him. It was second nature.
He walked to the bath and filled it with water, warming it with his bending. He grabbed a towel and picked out clothes for you. Leaving them on the countertop.
"Are you sure you're not hurt?" He called out as he entered the room again.
"No, just sore and a little shaken." You answered.
"The bath will help then. It's ready for you."
"You're the best, mako." You stood up and walked towards the bathroom. You stopped next to him. Your intrusive thoughts win. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into a hug. At first, he was taken back, but then he held you, remedying his own touch starvation.
"If you need anything, let me know. I'll be in the living room."
You let go and walked into the room shutting the door. You shed the clothes and a horrible day away. You stepped into the warm water, and it engulfed you in relaxation. Your mind stood still. The warmth of the bath was soothing. His bending was laced with the water it felt as if you were with him. This crush hit you like a ton of bricks.
All at once, the craving sat beside you, taking over every thought. The way his hands held yours on the bike. The way he was so gentle with you. The way he stepped into danger protecting you from the gang. The way he threw the men against the car in an effort for them to feel pain they wanted to cause to you. He was everything you had been wanting. He was right in front of you the entire time. He would fight with you and for you. You had known him for over a year, and every caring thing he did for you that seemed like a kind gesture suddenly made you question if he could feel this shift too. If he maybe felt more for you.
The water was cooling down. You stood up, drying yourself off. You wrapped the towel over your hair. The clothes were baggy but were comfortable. The shirt smelled faintly like spices, cinnamon, and distinct firebender smoke like a relaxing incense. It was both sweet and spicy.
The tub drained, and you walked out. Mako looked up from his book. "Feel better?"
"I do. What are you reading?" You sit on the couch next to him. His arm was thrown over the couch and almost over your shoulder.
"Just some fire nation history." He put down the book on the coffee table.
"I never knew you were a history guy."
"Not normally. I just want to learn more about my culture." He spoke honestly.
"Anything interesting? I don't know much about the firenation." You both sat comfortably on the couch. Your mind wondered back to his touch and how you felt with him. You could feel the electricity in the space between you.
"Just rulers with anger issues and a lot of festivals. There are a few good leaders, though. I just got to where Lord Zuko took leadership. He was so young."
"Maybe he can teach you some about the culture one day. I do know the firelily festival is coming up. You deserve some time off. Chief would probably let you off to go." Your heart was leaping. Your thoughts turned to what it would be like to travel with Mako with this newfound crush. He looked so different in this light. The way his jawline stood out. His bone structure screaming firenation with the hard edges. His slim figure left you wondering what was under the clothes that shielded your view.
"I don't think that's a great idea. I don't think I should go alone to the firenation. I would look the part, but there are so many traditions I would look like a fool for not following them." He was aware of his resemblance to the firenation. Enough to leave you an opening. It was more than enough of an opening for you to take. You battled the thought in your head.
"I could go with you." Your mouth moved too quick for your head to stop it. "I know a little from my parents. They had some friends from the firenation. We celebrated the firelily festival with them a few times."
"If you want to go. I'll ask the chief next time I see her. When is it?" He seemed to want it more for you than himself. Maybe just an excuse to get away with you, just you.
"It's in a few weeks. It will be fun. My parent's friends told us stories about the firelilies and how they were decorated for the festival, and we can try some authentic firenation food." You were excited reading between the lines, hoping you were reading correctly.
"Bolin is going to be jealous." Mako chuckled.
"Let's tell him after we go. This can be a trip for you." You baited.
"For us. You deserve a break, too. Especially after today. What happened? You were supposed to be on that date, right?" He bit down on the hook that you laid out. Us was a simple word, but the heavy meaning was feeding you, leaving you a pure glutton for more.
"Yeah, he had just shown up, and then the gang showed up telling us to give up our money, and he ran."
"He left you alone with them?" He tensed unknowingly, setting it up so perfectly for you.
"I'm not going back out with a man like that. I prefer a man who will fight by my side." You grabbed his hand from behind you and pulled his arm down across your shoulder. You let go of his hand and shifted closer to mako. His fingertips traced your arm where you had just placed his hand. His body released the tension from his anger of you being left in danger. The new sensation of you showing interest was taking over. Your arm tingled from his touch again.
"I wish I would've been there." He spoke softly he sat up from his relaxed position.
"I wish you were there, and the gang didn't show up." You admitted feeling him pull you closer. You wanted desperately to be on a date with him instead of the coward. The way he made you laugh when you were with the krew. The way he was so kind-hearted with that hard external shell. You had cracked his shell before tonight but really tasting his gentle side now. You wanted more. It was intoxicating.
"A trip to the firenation is big first date. Are you sure you want to go with me?" He was leaning in so slowly.
"We have time to plan one before. Then we can take our secret trip together." He smirked, placing a hand on your waist, pulling you all the way into his grasp. Our was another word that wasn't just tossed around. It was something that linked you both as one. His lips met yours. You were free to explore this new beginning alone with him. That's how you wanted to keep it. His soft lips were electric to yours. It was as if lightning was striking the earth. Your lips were tingling with each move. His hand gripped at your waist.
You ran your fingers through his hair. Ethereal feelings rushed around you. Your hands searched for something stable, finding his chest to be suited. Your world was crashing into his. It left you in a daze.
Mako pulled away slowly. His hand released your hip, sliding down your leg comfortably, and his gaze met yours before running down the length of your hair that was unbundled from the towel.
"I don't want to tell the others anything yet. I don't want to deal with the questions and them poking fun at our expense. I want us to figure everything out first." You spoke through the euphoria glazed on your lips.
He nodded in agreement, trailing his fingers on your back. "When they find out we are in for it."
"If they find out..." You trailed leaning back in to kiss him, needing that euphoria back.
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myjlla · 30 days
Avatar: The Last Airbender (Avatar: The legend of Aang)
OC Presentation
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Name: Yula -> full name and title: Princess Julliet of Southern Water Tribe
Personal Informations:
Age: 16
Nationality: Southern Water Tribe
Ethnicity: Water Tribe, Fire Nation
Family: Older brother Prince Louis (Dad - not coronated ruler of Southern Water Tribe, with water tribe ethnicity) (Mom - high ranked member of Fire Nation society, given in mariage to Water Tribe Royal Family, with fire nation ethnicity)
Physical Information:
Gender: Female
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Skin color: Light/Pale
Personal Information:
Love interests: formerly - ex boyfriends; Prince Zuko
Allies: Tui, La, Both Water Tribes, Louis, Yue, Arnook, Zuko, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Suki, Appa, Momo, Iroh, Hakoda
Enemies: Fire Lord Ozai, Azula, Mai, Dai Li
Bending: Waterbending (southern style), Healing, Firebending
Weapon: water, fire, swords, intelligence
Destiny: Protector of the Ocean Spirit, Wife, Mother, Assistant Reastaurateur of Southern Water Tribe and Fire Nation
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I don't own any rights to characters other then Yula and Louis (and their mom and dad). I don't own any story lines and plots other than these related to my OC.
Picture of my OC was found on pinterest!
Written by @myjlla on Tumblr; do not steal !!
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soulc-hilde · 13 days
Avatar: The Lost Waterbender
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from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🇵🇸 READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
Pairing: Sokka x OC! Ikkara
Words: 1.4k
Synopsis: Sent off from her homeland in order to fulfill her duty, a young waterbender takes on the responsibility to teach the Avatar. Forced to abandon her people just like Aang was force to abandon his childhood, the two bond over their desire to be freed. Rushing off into the night, the duo are swept off in the midst of a rain storm. Waking in her homeland, Ikkara is left confused and 100 years behind the present.
Book One : Water
o1 - Kids in the Iceberg
o2 - Ikkara has Returned
o3 - The Traitors
o4 - The Avatar...?
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cherries-lostgirls · 1 month
Touch of fire
Series Masterlist
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Paring: Mako x OC
Stella; An emotionless woman. Raised by Amon since she was a child, he trained her to be the perfect solider. Devoted to her “father” she would do whatever is requested from him. Even bring him the avatar but a certain firebender keeps getting in her way & is becoming more annoying.
Mako; The Firebender. Grown up with no one besides his brother. Recently becoming friends with the avatar has made his life become more interesting. When Bolin is captured he attended a rally with Korra and a certain cold hearted woman caught his eye.
Warnings: gore, 18+ (erotic scenes), angst, etc. each chapter will have their own specific warnings.
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers, Slow burn.
A/N: Please take note of all the warnings!!!!This is also an OC story!
Chapter one -> Taking Bolin Mako stumbles across the leader of the equalist with Korra. That wasn’t all he stumbled across, a certain woman with brown eyes was burned into his brain.
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hotpotrandomfics · 1 month
Swept by the tides?
Khloe: You amuse me. I will make you mine.
Ciel, confused: You mean like a boyfriend or a slave?
Khloe: Yes! *grabs Ciel by the collar* Win me prizes!
Ciel, laughing nervously: Uh guys? Guys??
*Khloe drags Ciel away further into the Camp Jupiter Saturnalia festival*
Percy: Annabeth, what just happened?
Annabeth: Your little sister has kidnapped the Orion of the modern day?
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almaadst · 8 months
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Are any The Legend of Korra fans here? (* ̄3 ̄)╭ I working on my first commission with characters from there ~~ And with WLW themed in it?! Dream job (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) Commission info Finished art!
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deimagines · 7 months
Her Falling and Her Legacy *Part 3 ( A ATLA and LOK Imagine)
Been away for so long cuz of college. But I am HERE! and I am not leaving! Part 1/2/
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General Iroh II arrives at the Air Temple and Zuko has a dream.
Ba Sing Se
100 AG
Y/N smiles happily that her mooncakes have come out perfectly. It was the first time she had made them, and she was proud of how they turned out. She even gave them a little dragon design on it, circling a jasmine flower.  
She took a careful bite to taste the flavors and smiled.  
“Mmh, not bad!” She says to herself and makes a small plate for her and her roommates. She just wished that Zuko would wake up soon. 
After Zuko released the Avatar’s flying bison, he became sick.  
Iroh said that his aura is changing drastically and was the reason for his illness.  
She sighs in worry but puts on a brave face before placing the plate on the kitchen table.  
Iroh took one and tasted it. A smile was presented on his face. A clear sign that he was happy by the taste. “Incredible! You have outdone yourself, Y/N.”  
“Thank you, Iroh. It’s my first time making these.”  
Zuko entered the room and Iroh presented the mooncakes to him.  
“Look, nephew, Y/N made mooncakes. Try one!”  
Zuko looks at the hopeful gaze on Y/N’s face over his uncle’s shoulder and takes one.  
After taking a bite, he hums lightly. “Pretty good.”  
“Really?” She asked, worry washed away.  
“Yeah. Really good, actually.” He takes another bite.  
“Maybe we should add them to the menu of our tea shop.” Iroh suggested.  
“Okay, but only I get to make them, I don’t want anyone stealing my recipe.”  
“Deal!” Iroh finalizes their ‘business’.  
Northern Air Temple
171 AG
Tenzin watched his pupils, yet again, with frustration.  
It had weeks, but he still has ye tot manage to shape them into the ideal air nomads that he and his grandfather had dreamed of for as long as he can remember. After the close call with the bison herd from getting stolen by animal traffickers, if Kai and the other airbenders hadn’t interfered, he had expected they would at least become more serious about their training. 
He winced as another was hit and out of the spinning paddles. 
Not a lot, but at least a little.  
He sighed once again and continued to watch until one certain pupil caught his attention.  
 At least one of them had expected those expectations.  
“Don’t just stand there, Rookie! Be the leaf!” Meelo orders her as he pointed at the gates with his chest puffed up.  
She looks down at him and then back at the paddle with a steady gaze. She watches as they spin and spin and then something just clicks. 
“A leaf. . . I get it.”  
She took her position and started moving her feet and walked onto the course, eyes closed.  
Tenzin watched in tense, nobody had done it the first time with eyes closed before.  
Yet she did the impossible, and moved like Meelo has instructed, like a leaf. But it wasn’t just dodging, it was like she was dancing. Like the leaf, she redirected any impacts that she stumbled upon her way through the grates and let the wind guide her to safety.  
She finally arrived at the other side, unharmed and lowers of hands together.  
The others looked at her with amazement and envy as whispers broke out. 
“She’s amazing.”  
“She makes it look so easy.”  
Bai-La was an incredible pupil. The most attentive, the most graceful and hard-working student that he has ever had the closest joy to have. 
Other than the poor man that he had to demonstrate to shave, Bai-La was the only one who willingly volunteered to have her hair shaved. Technically, she asked for a half-shaved look to not lose all of her hair. He hesitated, but she was the only one who volunteered.  
She passed every test and breathing exercises as well as understanding his lectures and stories, excluding.  
If she kept it up, she would be at the same level as his children and Korra.  
And . . . another thought had haunted his mind ever since he saw her eyes.  
Y/N. The girl who would’ve been the Fire Lady.  
Zuko’s first love.  
Though he was not sure if it was just a coincidence, Bai-La's eyes and face were the exact copy of the girl who would’ve been his aunt.  
Everyone knew the story. How Y/N The Gentle fought and aided future Chief Sokka, his would-be wife, Suki and future Chief of Police Toph to stop Fire Lord Ozai’s invasion.  
Only Y/N was sacrificed for the cause.  
His mother once told him of how broken Zuko was when he heard of the news of his beloved’s demise, but he had to remain strong as he was the next Fire Lord. He managed to find happiness in Mai, but even she knew that she couldn’t compete with the girl who had stolen her husband’s heart, their respect for each other is unreal.  
In fact, the now Fire Lord, name, Izumi was half of Y/N’s name, Y/N Izumi, to honor her in memory.  
Which brings him to another situation. 
“Alright everyone, that’s enough for today. We’ll continue tomorrow after our morning meditation.”  
Most of them sighed in relief and even went on their separate ways in groups or alone. Bai-La jumps done and lands on her feet gracefully.  
As she was about to leave, Tenzin stopped her.  
“Just a moment Bai. There’s something I want to talk to you about.”  
“Yes, Sifu Tenzin?” She looks up at him.  
“Follow me.” He says, and they made their way out of the training grounds.  
They reached one of many balconies of the temple and he took out an envelope from his robes.  
“Here.” He hands it to her. “Letters from your family. I’m sorry I couldn’t keep my promise of bringing them here, but the letter that you sent to them was most helpful.”  
Bai-La smiles gratefully and bows to him. “Thank you. These mean more a lot to me than you can think of.” She opens one and immediately begins to read.  
Tenzin nods. “I’m glad. . . there is something else that I need to bring up.”  
“Yes?” She looks back up at him.  
“As you know by now, our situation with the world leaders have been a little. . . strained with the idea of airbenders being back to society.”  
“You mean President Raiko?”  
Tenzin didn’t reply. “Our first impression was not . . .impressive, per say. Two days from now, General Iroh will come visit by to write a report on our activities and how fair we are doing.”  
“You mean spying?” She teases lightly.  
“Yes.” He couldn’t help but to comply with her humor. “But General Iroh is a good man. The one he’s working above him, however.”  
“No need for more explanations.” She raises her hand to stop him. “But I still have yet to understand what it has to do with me?”  
“Well, other than Kai and my brother, you Bai-La have the greatest potential out of all the other airbenders. In fact, you’ve become a sort of prodigy. Which is why I want you to be a representative of the airbenders once the General arrives to build his report.” 
“I don’t know what to say.” She says in surprise. “I am . . .”  
“Just don’t get it to your head.” Tenzin teases as he places a hand on her shoulder. “You should prepare, the General will be here next week.” 
“Yes, and thank you, Sifu Tenzin.” She bows with her fist connected to her palm.  
He returns it and they began to walk away until Bai notices something. 
“Is that an old oven?”  
Tenzin looks over his shoulder and sees a familiar oven that brought up wonderful memories.  
“Why yes, the air acolytes use it, but they’re a little old fashion these days. I used to make cakes with my father here once, Bumi did not like them.” 
“Were they that bad?”  
A secret smile made its way up to the corners of his mouth. “Not exactly.”  
“Well, then, can I use it? I would love to make some mooncakes or some sweetbread.” She had sparkles in her eyes as she explained. 
Tenzin raises an amused brow. “I don’t see why not. Here, let me show you a recipe my father taught me.” 
Bumi was happily taking a stroll until something fell from the sky.  
His head was suddenly covered in frosting and cake bits. He shouted at the sky in anger, knowing exactly who was responsible. 
Tenzin and Bai-La looks down from the balcony and they both laugh. They then bow to each other. 
“Your aim is perfect, my bright pupil.”  
“Thanks, Sifu Tenzin.”  
The Fire Nation.  
The winds brushed his hair wildly as he stood there in the courtyard where the fountain lay, the exact one from Ba Sing Sae. The one where she took him there by accident.  
Cherry blossom petals suddenly fall from the sky. Where did they come from? He doesn’t know. 
His eyes widened and he slowly turned. The wind blowing through his hair as the owner of the voice that had called out to him was full in his sight.  
There she was.  
Young and beautiful as he remembered.  
Her dress was the one she wore on their first date. 
He felt his youth coming back as he suddenly morphs back into the young lad he used to be when they were still together.  
He ran to the other side of the fountain, where she was and crashes her into a hug. She let out a giggle as he twirls her around until he settles her back to the ground. Her head burry on his chest as he hugs her.
“I missed you.” He whispers into her hair.  
“I missed you, too.” She muffles into his chest.  
“This is another dream. Is it?” His tone of content did not waver.  
“I’m afraid so.” She confesses. “But it’ll be over soon.”  
His hold on her tightened at those words. This dream always ended the same way. He begs her to stay longer, but she always says no.  
“Please. Just a little longer. A minute even.”  
“You don’t understand, Zuko. It will be over soon.”  
He frowns, this was different. He pulls away to look down at her. “What will be over soon?” 
She raises a hand to cup his cheek, her thumb caressing the edge of his scar.  
This was different too.  
But he didn’t care, he leans into the touch and grabs it to kiss the palm of her hand.  
“You’ll see.”  
He suddenly wakes up.  
He sat up and looked at the morning sky from his open window.  
It has been days since he arrived at the Fire Nation to protect Izumi. She was reluctant to take the decision, saying that she didn’t need any protection, but he insisted. She has only heard of Zaheer and the Red Lotus, never seen them of what they are capable of.  
His hands clutched the silk duvet as he imprinted the words of his first beloved. 
It’ll be over soon.  
But what did she mean by that? 
Bai-La sighs as she wipes the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand after setting the last batch of mooncakes on tray. She smiled at her grandmother’s signature design on the treats as fond memories began to unfold. She looks at the ready mooncakes that were packaged in boxes. At the sight of it, there was enough for a whole fleet. Which was what she was going for.  
Ikki was there too, sitting near the baker on a rail of the balcony munching on a cake that Bai had given her. “Mmh! This is the best mooncake I ever tasted.” She pauses. “Don’t tell my mom I said that.”  
Bai only smiles. “I’m glad you like them! It’s my grandmother’s recipe, never changed and never left eaten without a single crumb behind.”  
Ikki looks at the number of mooncakes. “But why are you making so much? Is there a party? Are we having a party? Is it someone’s birthday?”  
“Nope,” Bai answers quickly to cut off any remaining questions that the little girl has. “These are for the Air Acolytes as a thank you for helping us settling in the temple and for the Fleet of the United Republic of Nations as a welcome present.”  
Ikki looks at the many boxes. “That’s a lot of mooncakes.”  
“Ooh!” Meelo made himself known. “Mooncakes! Score!”  
He was about to touch the ones that were already packed but Bai lightly taps his hand with a wooden spoon. “Apbububu- No touchy. Those are for the Air Acolytes and our guests tomorrow.”  
Meelo rubs his hand in dismay, but his mood suddenly changed when a plate of mooncakes was in front of his face. 
“These however are for airbenders.” Bai smiled.  
He gladly takes one and takes a bite. His eyes sparkled as his tastebuds sings his mood. “Whoa! It’s like I’ve been taken to Flavor Heaven!”  
He then takes more and more to stuff in his mouth, but Bai pulls that plate away from him as she laughs. “Hey! Save some for the others, Little Sifu.”  
Little Sifu was a nickname she had given him since she started her training, Meelo didn’t seem to mind since the word Sifu is being used directly to him.  
“Alright, since you two are here. Mind helping give these out till’ dinner time? I’ll put in a good dozen of mooncakes for you once we’re done.”  
“You trade in a hard bargain, lady.” Meelo comes by and takes a few boxes with Ikki.  
“But the temple is so big. How are we gonna take these to everyone by dinner? I’ll be tired from all the walking.”  
“Who says anything about walking?”  
Ikki and Meelo shared a look.  
An air acolyte was done cleaning the windows, when suddenly, he hears the familiar sounds of wind whistles.  
Before he could look behind, three figures passed by him, and he felt something in his hands. He looked down and was surprised to see a white box in his hands with a sweet aroma coming from it.  
He squinted to the culprit that gave him the box and see Bai-La with the airbending children on air scooters with other boxes balanced on the top of their heads.  
“Thanks for your hard work!” Bai shouted.  
The air acolyte raises a brow but opens the box, nonetheless, he takes out a mooncake and smiles to where the benders headed before taking a bite.  
Like Bai had hoped, they managed to deliver the mooncakes to every acolyte at the Temple by dinner. Some were surprised but mostly happy by the thoughtful treats.  
Everyone finished their meals and the airbenders were surprised by Bai’s mooncakes waiting for them.  
“So, this is what the commotion was about within the acolytes.” Tenzin said as he takes one.  
“I wanted to thank them for helping us settle in the Air Temple.”  
“How thoughtful.” Pema complements as she takes a mooncake as well. She noticed the design and admired it. “What a lovely touch.” 
Bai smiled. “Thank you, it’s my gram-gram's signature.”  
“These are delicious!”  
“I know right!” Ikki was happily eating them.  
Bai sat in her seat as she was being thanked and asked for making mooncakes again from airbenders and acolytes alike. One even asked for the recipe, but she shakes her head.  
“Sorry guys, family secret. My grandmother would haunt me if shared the recipe from outside of the family.”  
The mood in the room changed drastically after hearing the comment.  
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, Bai.” Tenzin apologizes. 
The young woman only smiled and shakes her head again. “It is fine, Master Tenzin, it was a long time ago. . .” She fiddles with something that tied around her neck that Ikki seemed to be the only one to notice.  
“What that?”  
Bai pulls it up a bit to show it. It was a half pendant that shined brightly in the light.  
“It’s an heirloom, it belonged to my grandmother once, before she passed away. “  
“Pretty! But where’s the other half?” Ikki tilted her head. 
“I don’t know, my grandmother never really explained it to me.” 
As Bai tries her best explain the mystery, by mere sight of the necklace, Tenzin was suddenly pulled into flashback, a memory that he had almost forgotten.  
When Lord Zuko was telling them the bravery of the only fallen friend during the war.  
Y/N the Gentle.  
The portrait the Fire Nation Palace displays for her honor was made with as much detail as possible, the beautiful smile and kindness showing in her eyes. But what really stuck to young Tenzin the most was the necklace that the young girl was wearing around her neck.  
One that took a similar resemblance to the one that Bai-La has in her hands.  
And if he remembered the tales that Iroh had told him when he became older, Lord Zuko had the intension to marry Y/N after they brought peace to the Four Nations. But that promise was taken away from him when Y/N sacrificed herself to save his uncle and Toph Beifong.  
He frowns at the sight of the necklace as the possibility ran through his mind.  
After dinner, he stood up and announced that he had something to take care of in his study.  
Once there, He rummaged through the bookshelf until he found what he was looking for. He opens it and flips through the pages until he stops at a chapter where the first page shows a picture of the same portrait, he’s seen in the Fire Nation Palace. He takes a small magnifying glass from his desk and moves it around the portrait until it stops to the model’s neck.  
A pendant around the girl’s neck gave him the clue he needed for his question.   
Tenzin and the acolyte elders watched as General Iroh’s fleet had docked the port on a blimp. The General himself was walking down the ramp and he saluted.  
“Greetings, Tenzin.”  
“General Iroh, it is good to see you.” 
They shake hands.  
“You as well.” 
“I’m sorry you have to be put up with this assignment.”  
“No trouble at all. It’ll be a short visit, but at least me and my men have a time to relax, away from Republic City.”  
“And the President.”  
Iroh smirks. “Especially.”  
They began to walk and catch up, they have not talked since their ordeal with Unalaq. Once they reached the outskirts of the Temple where they were airbenders training on top of the poles. Iroh and Tenzin, and Iroh’s first mate, who was taking reports and writing them down on a clipboard, watched as they all worked through their training, some have fallen but few have managed to stand their ground on top of the poles. 
“As you can see, they have a long way to go until they become proper airbenders.”  
He winces as another pupil falls.  
“Very long. Also, if you have the time, there’s something that I need to discuss with you.”  
“What-” Before Iroh could even finish, a voice call from above. 
“Look out!”  
One of the pupils jumped with a powerful gush of wind by accident and suddenly fell on the General himself with a loud thud.  
“Ow.” Iroh croaks as the pupil gets and apologizes repeatedly and bows many times, knowing who exactly he had dropped on as Iroh turns to his back. 
A gasped was heard from above.  
Suddenly, a sound of soft wind was heard, and a pair of legs was delicately floating down to the ground with airbending and lands in front of Iroh. He looks up to see that it was a woman close to his age. 
The stranger leans and offers her hand.  
“Are you alright?”  
He took it and almost froze when he looked up and caught her eyes with his own. They were so bright and beautiful.  
But his admiration was brief when she tugged his arm up and he snapped out his gaze and stood.  
She was a short woman with long hair, yet the side was shaved off, it was styled in a very delicate way as well as edgy.  
He clears his throat, remembering his manners. “Thank you.”  
She smiled as Tenzin came to her side. 
“Iroh, this is Bai La, one of the freed airbending prisoners from Ba Sing Se and finest pupil in the temple.”  
“Hello.” She bows. But when she straightens her posture back, she moves her hair away from her face when a breeze passes by. 
Iroh then had a look of realization but was able to hide it from the woman before him. A look that Tenzin had predicted.   
“I hope you and your men are hungry. The air acolytes and I prepared a welcome dinner in honor of your visit.”  
“Yes. Thank you.” Iroh could only answer as his mind was plagued with possibilities because of her face.  
“Hey, Bai!” Kai from above calls for her. “I thought we have a bet going on?”  
“Coming!” She turns back to the General. “See you at the dining hall.”  
She then jumps with the help of airbending to set herself back on top of the poles.  
Tenzin finds himself back at Iroh’s side.  
“She’s. . .” He hesitated, yet Tenzin knew already what the Crown Prince was going to say.  
“Yes. Exactly.”  
Iroh had returned from his military training from the Northern Water Tribe. His mother took him on a walk, and they suddenly found themselves in the hall where all his forefathers and mothers portraits hanged, including the heroes of their nation. 
His mother, who suddenly stopped at one specific portrait that which she had mentioned was one of her favorites because of the story behind the person’s cause and bravery.  
Yet, she had surprised Iroh then with a single sentence.  
“You know. . . I used to hate her.”  
Iroh’s eyes widened a bit as his mother confesses.  
“When your grandmother Mai told me of Y/N, I grew angry at your grandfather, wondering why he could ever disrespect the woman who gave birth to me. Whispering her name in his sleep and she cried every time.” 
She closed her eyes and opened them, filled with wisdom, yet despair. “But she explained to me that on the day of Sozin’s Comet, when Y/N was lost, he became a broken man, almost unrecognizable. That’s when I knew that I couldn’t hold on to that anger anymore, especially on a brave woman who gave her life to save the world.” 
Iroh places a hand on his mother’s shoulder. “I‘m sorry you had to go through that, mom. It must’ve taken a great deal of strength to accept it.”  
She smiles and looks up at him. “Thank you, my son.” 
They both continued to look at the portrait. Admiring the woman who could’ve been Fire Lady. 
The general continued to watch Bai as she jumps from one pole to another circling with Kai to see who can stay the longest.  
“But. . .are we even sure?” He asked.  
Tenzin whispers to him. “Look around her neck.” 
Iroh squints and sees what Tenzin is referring to watch for. It was a pendant, broken in half. A pendant he was all too familiar with.  
“We can’t know for sure. Have you talked to her about this?”  
Tenzin looks at Bai with a conflicted gaze. It was clear that she had become his favorite student. He tried to keep all equal feelings for his airbenders but Bai was a kind and bright being that had the potential to become one of the greatest Airbending Masters.  
“I just don’t want to overwhelm her.”  
“You might now have a choice.” Iroh states in a calming manner. “With things going on at Ba Sing Se and the Red Lotus, there might not be a chance to tell her. Or . . . him.” 
Tenzin looks back and watches as Bai laughs to whatever Kai was saying. Lord Zuko was  
“No, there might not be.” He sighs. “I’ll arrange a private meeting with her. Will you join us?”  
Iroh nods as he continues to gaze Bai. “Of course.”  
@treestarrrrrrrr @mayxsx @nani-nani-nani @lifesanenigma @letsthedogpackandthecats @evelyn-4034 @serenityhvl @fandomsfanman @shoxji
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nerdycanible1 · 1 year
Hellos my little lovies!! Jskdjsdksjdksj
Here is some more art of Lin Beifong that I have promised. I do apologize it took me so long but I’ve been. . . Lazy XD
Anyways here is the art of Lin Beifong and my oc Gaia who is a sandbender. I have a few stories coming up with her in them so I hope you guys will be patient!
So here is the beginning of Gaia and Lin’s relationship, though it was not as bright and cheery as it may seem. Below the cut I’ll have a few headcanons so I hope you’ll enjoy them!! And I’m sorry they’re in grey coloring, I sort of got lazy XD.
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Alright without further ado, here are the hc’s you were waiting for and minor stories.
Gaia and Lin first met when Gaia was still new to the White Lotus. She was a prodigal sandbender but earthbender? Nope- 💀 You see, Gaia couldn’t bend earth as well as she would have liked. Just barely lifting a rock without straining and being in pain.
Gaia arrived to Republic City for the first time in her life in her early to late 20’s. First time she saw Lin she was fully stunned and was in a gay panic. Never in her life had she saw a woman that was beyond beauty.
First time looked at Gaia she was unimpressed, she didn’t know why they recruited someone so… weak. She couldn’t bend metal much less earth what was the whole deal with that.
Gaia was often times posted where Tenzin was located at. The White Lotus members thinking it would be a good thing for both Tenzin and Gaia to be assigned together. Lin at first was ready to bite Gaia’s head off for trying to flirt with Tenzin until she saw Gaia flirting with one of the older female guards (and terribly fail at it as Gaia was just a baby gay).
Lin also ignored the way Gaia stared at her at times. The way she’d turn her head and watch as Gaia looked startled and her face heat up in embarrassment as she tried to turn and hide her face, pretending she wasn’t just caught staring at Lin. “Do I have something on my face cadet?” And Gaia just turning more red all while the other guards just laugh at Gaia. “N-No ma’am.”
Gaia always acted like a goofball, always found climbing on top of the roof or pranking Tenizin in someway or another. She definitely got along well with Kya and Bumi.
Lin hated to admit it but, she found Gaia cute at times. Loving her care free attitude or the way she’d be a stuttering mess around Lin and tried to invite her out for drinking. Lin always gave her a hard time and never went but it made her heart happy to see how Gaia never took it to heart and always said there would be a next time.
It was one of those times Lin was on one of her fights with Tenzin when she ran into Gaia, Gaia is a pretty sturdy tall build and of course it caused Lin to land on her ass. Lin was still in the rage and snapped at Gaia for being in the way. Choice words were made and Lin commented on her lack of earthbending. Lin leaving before she could see the hurt in Gaia’s eyes.
After that encounter Gaia was seen actually doing her work, no messing about was made and she even made it to her posts on time and her trainings. Lin came by a few days later and it felt like the whole islands vibes were off. She found out why when she saw Gaia standing at her post, not talking or smiling and actually seeming serious for once.
Lin tried to apologize and Gaia just nodded her head and told her it was fine. Lin knew it wasn’t fine but waved Gaia off and left. The next few weeks was awkward and they didn’t make up at all until she found Gaia down at the beach trying to bend a giant boulder.
Lin has never seen Gaia so mad before, has never seen Gaia look so pissed off and hopeless. “Are you okay?”
Gaia just jumped before rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. “Everything’s fine.” Gaia said curtly. Gaia sat down on the and running her fingers through the sand to try and calm herself. “Come here to tease me about not being able to earthbend? Might as well, I can’t even lift a pebble.” Gaia muttered.
Lin felt horrible but she wouldn’t ever admit it. “Well I was wondering who was screaming like a lunatic and being an officer it’s kind of my job to see why.” Lin said with a shrug of her shoulders.
Gaia just hugging her legs while glaring at the sand. “It’s not like I’m not practicing. I’ve been practicing for however long I can remember.”
“Why can’t you… bend. . . earth? I-I mean, I’m not being rude or anything but my sister was able to bend when she was 3.”
Gaia just giving her an annoyed look before she sighed and brought her braid to the side. A long, jagged-ish scar was seen on the back of her neck, straight across and even Lin could tell it was painful. “I was sort of in a bad home when I was younger, you had to steal and do all sorts of stuff in order to survive. I went into a house that was supposed to be a easy score and I was struck from behind.” Gaia just breathing out as rain began to pour down. “And growing up in the deserts, you only ever needed sand bending. I was the best, was supposed to be the best and boom-“
“I almost died, my father was mad and gave me to the old ladies of the village, and left. It took months to recover and all I know I was never the same after that incident. Every time I tried to bend any rock or boulder it would hurt, making it feel like someone was pulling on my nerves and it just hurts.” It was then Lin realized Gaia always rubbed the back of her neck or held her hand there after sparring or practicing her stances.
Lin and Gaia stayed quiet and listened to the rain pour down on them, not even bothered by the chilly rain or breeze. “Have you talked to… Aang? I’m sure he can help-“
“That’s why I’m here. I was going to become a guard for a prison but Kazaa promised me that he’ll help me learn earthbending. Avatar Aang is supposed to help but he’s been busy.” Gaia muttered hiding her face in her arms.
“That’s… shit. I’m sorry for what I said the other day. I was just pissed off at airhead and I took it out on you. Though I was pissed off at you because you looked so happy to see me and you..l confuse me.” Lin muttered laying her head on her arm looking at the boulder of a woman. Lin could feel her cheeks heat up but refused to decipher what it meant.
Gaia could feel the tops of her ears burn red and bit back a smirk. “Sorry, not everyone gets to see the badass Lin Beifong and survive. I like strong women that can basically kill me, arrest me if that’s illegal.”
Lin snorted and shoved the others shoulder gently. “Shut up, flattery gets you nowhere cadet. Now does this mean we’re okay or what?” Lin hoping it was because she missed the polarbear dog expressions and happiness.
“Nope.” Gaia deadpanned. Lin rose her brows ready to apologize more and ask why when the other interrupted her. “Take me out on a friend date and I’ll forgive you.” Gaia wasn’t going to budge or miss this opportunity.
“A date? You know I’m with Tenzi-“
“No not like that. Spirits no matter how badly I want no. I just meant a friend date. Take me to a bar you like, show me around the city. Anything fun, I’m stuck on this island 24/7 unless Tenzin randomly wants to go into the city for something and it’s always work. Let’s do something fun. I want my time here fun and exciting!”
Lin could feel her heart thump, hearing the excitement, the adventurous side of the other struck something inside of her and she couldn’t help but smile at the other. “Fine. But just this one time.”
It was definitely not the one time. They went on many friend dates and Lin realized she loved hanging out with the idiot. She wasn’t as bad as she first thought.
Throughout the next few months Lin and Gaia got closer and Lin even began to train Gaia, teaching her the basics and even made her meditate and learn patience along with discipline.
A year or two later:
Lin and Tenzin broke up and Lin stopped coming to the island. Gaia was missing her friend but she was stuck watching the asshole that broke Lin’s heart. Not to mention she’s heard about how Lin and her family were at odds and Lin was all alone.
One day Gaia decided to take a couple of weeks off and went to see Lin. Lin was a terrible mess. Was drunk, her apartment unkempt which was definitely not how Lin usually was.
Gaia decided to take care of the woman and cleaned up her apartment and nursed her through her drunken state. Of course Lin yelled at her and screamed at her to get out but like a huge idiot, Gaia didn’t listen and went about keeping Lin get better.
While Lin was in a bad mood and said choice words to Gaia, Gaia never took it personally and told Lin they were friends and promised she’d never leave her. It was the first time Lin has ever felt loved for who she was and she ended up crying in Gaia’s arms and slept in her arms. It was the most comforted and loved Lin has ever felt in her life.
It was a month or two and Lin decided she would give Gaia a shot, she wouldn’t exactly date her but more of a test drive, to see if she’d ever be able to date again.
Gaia seemed hesitant and told Lin she didn’t have to do this and that she didn’t want Lin to hurt or force herself. Lin told Gaia it was fine and they kissed. Lin didn’t feel anything really, maybe a little bit of happiness to have this intimate moment with someone again. For Gaia, she finally felt seen and thought Lin finally reciprocated her feelings.
For the next couple of months they were only kissing a couple of times and sleeping together (platonically you animals =w=) and Gaia felt happy. Lin on the other hand loved the comfort and felt, wanted. She felt like this was a safe place for her, that is until she found out she was pregnant- 💀
Lin was so upset, angry that she finally just got over the jerk that dumped her and she was pregnant. And with Gaia there it made everything more difficult.
Lin did the thing she thought was the best for the both of them and officially unofficially broke them up. Telling Gaia she couldn't handle relationships right now and told Gaia she wasn't the one she could settle for and that she may never get with anyone again.
It was safe to say Gaia was pretty broken seeing as this was her first every "relationship" and Lin straight up broke her heart. Gaia watched as Lin left her and Gaia could only sit there and watch. She didn't hold anything against Lin, she was just sad. It seemed like anyone she had ever loved always seemed to leave her.
Gaia gave up on dating, Lin disappeared from the public and from work and Gaia was now a skilled earthbender. No where as good as Lin or Toph but better than most.
By a couple of months, Toph and Katara brought a woman to the island and put it on the downlow, letting Gaia know that it was a secret and no one should know, not even Tenzin.
It was hours later that Gaia heard a cry of pain from a woman she definitely knew but couldn't put a finger on it.
At the breakfast table Gaia could hear the excited whispers between Katara and Toph and asked them who that woman was. Both the women seeing Gaia as a niece or a trusting family friend, they knew the girl was innocent and wouldn't do anything to hurt the family.
With excited whispers they told Gaia that Lin was pregnant and that she just had a baby. "The Beifong genes still run strong! We Beifong women only have girls!" Toph said like excitedly.
It took everything out of Gaia to not react and gave each of the women. She knew how hard it was on the women, each rooting on Tenzin and Lin to have a child and here the child was.
The next couple of days was torture on Gaia, the two women not knowing the relationship between Lin and Gaia so they didn't expect it. At least Katara did, Toph felt something from Gaia but didn't know if it were jealousy or what.
Throughout the months of the baby growing, Gaia gave the baby a little stuffed animal for her first birthday. Lin and Gaia got passed their little short lived romance but they never brought it up again.
Lin and Gaia had their little kisses here and there, Lin slightly hoping Gaia would pursue her again, hoping Gaia would ask her out officially even though she knew that would be wishful thinking.
Gaia enjoying their little get aways and little romances but knew she wouldn't be able to handle it if Lin kicked her away once more. She probably wouldn't be able to survive this time. Lin was her everything and loved her as if she were her soulmate only to have Lin crush her.
Gaia kept Lin at an arms length but loved her daughter with all of her heart. She absolutely adored baby Daiyu.
When they located the avatar in the south, (Daiyu being roughly 3 or 4 years old idk yet) Gaia knew that it would be the best for both her and Lin to take a break and find other things to do. Gaia promising Lin that she would always love her but knew Lin wasn't ready for romance, at least not now with a new baby.
Lin was hurt but understood where Gaia was coming from. Lin was hurt but she knew she probably deserved worse. Gaia gave her a kiss on her forehead their last day together and told Lin that she was worth the heart break and that Lin was perfect and that she never had to change who she was.
Before they parted, Gaia gave Lin a promise ring and wished both her and Daiyu well. Gaia was going to travel to the south and see just how crazy this new Avatar was.
If you want anymore stories between these two just comment below. I am always willing to write more, and if you want more fanart of these two do not worry because I plan to make more!!
I hope you guys like the babies name. I struggled to find one but finally settled on her. And thank you for reading!! I will definitely start posting more and actually get back to writing. I have many stories to update! :D
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And here are the sketches. I hope y’all like this and as always, see you all later.
All art belongs to me, so if reposted please credit. UwU
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nocxz · 6 days
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itsyourvalerie · 3 months
summary: After Korra's death, the new avatar came to the world know as Zhang Kaito, born to a not so rich earthbender family. His mother Alia was a very powerful earthbender a great grand daughter of Toph herself. His father Li was a non bender, as well as his younger sister Jing.
Follow a joureny of Zhang and his friends as they climb their highest goals.
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"So you're telling me... You might be the Avatar?" a young ginger boy asked his best friend.
"Yes, Kai, I already told you two times," Zhang answered, his fists pounding against the tree. Kai leaned against another tree, observing his frustrated friend.
"I don't want this! I want to be a normal teen!" Zhang yelled in frustration. "Mom stormed off at the dinner table, Jang went out with her boyfriend, and I haven't seen Dad since yesterday," he added, punching the small tree.
"Maybe you should take a breather, huh?" Kai suggested, offering a slight smile as Zhang took deep breaths in front of him. "It can't be that bad, right? I mean, what if it was just a coincidence?" he proposed, attempting to calm his friend.
"If it is true... I won't be able to have a normal life, Kai. So no, it's not okay," Zhang lamented.
As Kai prepared to respond, a group of teens from a wealthier family approached them.
"Well, well, well... If it isn't the wannabe Avatar," a girl with blonde hair pulled up into two buns remarked, wearing a light green Earthbender dress.
"Go away, Yue," Zhang muttered. "I don't need you and your rich brat minions invading my space right now," he retorted, turning to face her.
"Are you going to bend me away, Avatar?" she taunted, while her friends chuckled. "I'm so scared," she faux-pouted, provoking an angry glare from Zhang.
"I'd watch my mouth if I were you," Zhang warned.
"What are you gonna do, you weakling?" she laughed, stomping on the ground, causing it to shift and a boulder to hit Zhang, sending him flying.
"Zhang!" Kai yelled, rushing after his friend.
"Next time, make sure not to mess with me," Yue sneered, turning to walk away. Suddenly, she was lifted off the ground, surrounded by water, as she screamed in fear. Kai and Yue's friends froze in terror.
Zhang stood there, his eyes glowing bright blue, indicating he was in the Avatar state. "Zhang, stop!" Kai shouted, approaching the boy. Placing his hands on Zhang's shoulders, he pleaded, "Please stop it. It's scary." Slowly, Yue was lowered back to the ground as Zhang collapsed into Kai's arms, tears streaming down his face. Yue ran away in fear.
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Alia paced back and forth in her room, her son sitting on the edge of her bed. "How could you do this to the Chen family?! This is going to ruin our reputation!" she yelled angrily. Zhang hung his head in shame.
"I don't know how to control it," Zhang whispered. "I'm sorry," he said softly.
Seeing her son's remorseful expression, Alia sat down beside him, enveloping him in her embrace. "No, it's me who should apologize. I'm sorry for yelling," she admitted.
"I don't want this, Mom. I just want to be normal. What is Dad going to say?" Zhang sniffled, wiping away his tears.
"Your dad is going to be proud of you. I know that," Alia reassured him, gently rubbing his shoulder.
"I could have hurt her if it wasn't for Kai. He brought me back from it," Zhang said, a small smile forming at the memory.
"He really is your best friend," Alia agreed, smiling warmly.
"He is," Zhang nodded in agreement.
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Jeng strolled beside her boyfriend Chen, hand in hand, through the bustling city square. The area was teeming with people, children darting about, and a man shouting about cabbages. For Jeng, it was a familiar and ordinary scene.
"Wanna grab a drink?" Chen suggested to his girlfriend.
"We could head to that quaint tea shop around the corner. I've heard they serve amazing jasmine tea," Jeng replied, flashing a smile up at her boyfriend.
"Lead the way, love," Chen chuckled, allowing her to guide him along.
Jeng pushed open the door to the crowded shop, finding a free spot by the window towards the back. The waitress promptly approached their table.
"I'd like some jasmine tea, please," Jeng requested politely.
"I'll have the same, thanks," Chen added with a smile. The waitress left, leaving them alone again.
Suddenly, the café door swung open forcefully as Fire Nation soldiers stormed in. Fear gripped the patrons and staff alike.
"I am Damien, leader of the Fire Nation army. We need to know the whereabouts of the Avatar," Damien demanded, sending whispers rippling through the room. Jeng's heart raced with fear for her older brother.
"We need to leave," Chen whispered urgently, and Jeng nodded in agreement.
"We mean no harm, but Fire Lord Otami demands the Avatar, dead or alive," Damien reiterated, signaling for his soldiers to search the premises.
"Chen, I'm scared," Jeng confessed, her voice quivering. Chen took hold of her hand under the table as the soldiers scoured the café.
"Please, come for us, Zhang," Jeng whispered, her plea barely audible amidst the chaos.
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atuats-sidechick · 2 months
First chapter for my FTH24 fic. Thanks @lilrobinbird for the prompts and the early comments <3
I hope y'all enjoy some Rangshi and Heituat fluff with a side of Zoryu being an idiot!
Chapters: 1/8 Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: Legend of Korra Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Zoryu (Avatar)/OC, Atuat/Hei-Ran (Avatar), Kyoshi/Rangi (Avatar), Hei-Ran & Zoryu (Avatar), Hei-Ran & Rangi (Avatar), Hei-Ran & Kyoshi (Avatar), Atuat & Rangi (Avatar), Atuat & Kyoshi (Avatar), Kyoshi & Zoryu (Avatar), Jinpa & Kyoshi & Rangi (Avatar) Characters: Hei-Ran (Avatar), Atuat (Avatar), Kyoshi (Avatar), Rangi (Avatar), Zoryu (Avatar), Jinpa (Avatar) Additional Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Light Angst, Fluff and Humor, Some Humor, Humor, Family, Family Fluff, Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Rise of Kyoshi, Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Shadow of Kyoshi, Fire Nation (Avatar), Firebending & Firebenders, Waterbending & Waterbenders, Airbending & Airbenders, Earthbending & Earthbenders, Spirit World (Avatar) Summary:
Zoryu was to be married to Su-Jin, from the Ma'aoki clan, were it not for the intervention of a spirit. In an attempt to have the wedding take place as planned, Hei-Ran invites Kyoshi and Rangi to the Imperial City and asks Kyoshi to negotiate with Ka'ba Ma'alu, the hippo-cow spirit. During their stay in the Fire Nation, Hei-Ran attempts to communicate to Rangi that she and Atuat are in a committed relationship. Things don't go as planned.
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giisip · 5 months
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My art summary 😊
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mjeshana · 1 year
Haruka, OC avatar
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soulc-hilde · 24 days
The Library
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Note: I've been kind of AWOL after putting out a couple of works, but it wasn't on purpose - I promise! Between working everyday and debating if I want to give college another try, things have been hectic but new chapters will be posted soon!
Pairing: Sokka x Beifong! OC
Synopsis: Takes place during ATLA episode, The Library. Taking mini vacations, Sokka flips out over his need to wrap his hands around a map of the Fire Nation. Thanks to the mysterious words and well detailed map of Professor Zei, the group discovers the mysterious Wan Shi Tong's Library; however, at what costs?
After teaching Aang how to earthbend, the young Avatar had suggested everyone to choose their own mini vacation. As the sole purpose of the group, the monk had decided on some mountains without explaining why.
The boy sits cross legged and in front of them, the land was lined with holes. He holds the flute in his hands, waiting on something. "What's out there," Sokka questions. Toph bends down, her hand laying flat in the dirt.
"A lot, actually," she answers, "there's hundred of little--" Aang silences her, "shh! Don't ruin the surprise. Just watch." Looking back toward the field, he blows a note into the flute and a groundhog pops up and mimicks the note.
The Avatar continues, shifting from high notes to low. With each pitch that was played, a groundhog appeared to replicate it. While Aang was enjoying himself, Sokka was over it and had reached his limit. The teen plugs his finger into the end of the instrument with a frown.
"This is great and all," he chides, "but don't we have more important things to worry about? We should be making plans."
Aang argues back, "we did make plans. We're all picking mini vacations." Sokka grunts, "there's no time for vacations."
"I'm learning the elements as fast as I can. I practice hard every day with the girls," the boy explains, "I've been training my arrow off!" Sokka scoffs, "so have I, but you don't see me complaining."
Katara steps up, "what's wrong with having a little fun in our down time?" Sokka ignores her, glaring down at the airbender. "Even if you do master all of the elements, then what? It's not like we have a map of the Fire Nation."
He points his arms into the wind, "should we just head west until we reach the Fire Lord's house?" Sarcastically, he pretends to knock on an imaginary door, "knock, knock. Hello? Fire Lord? Anybody home?"
Breaking character he faces the group again, "I don't think so. We need some intelligence if we're going to win this war." Irritated, Aang plays a note and a groundhog appears under the Water Tribe boy.
Katara rolls her eyes, "alright. We'll finish our vacations and then we'll look for Sokka's intelligence." The others laugh at the siblings' quid. Aang opens a map, jumping to his feet before showing it to Katara.
"Your turn, Katara," he grins, "where would you like to go on your mini vacation?" The waterbender looks with a hum before pointing at a small spot that was drawn with ice.
"How about the Misty Palm Oasis?" She suggests, "that sounds refreshing." Aang nods, "oh yeah, I've been there. It's a pristine natural ice spring and I usually don't use the word 'pristine', it's one of nature's wonders."
After a few minutes of traveling, the Oasis was no longer in 'pristine' condition anymore. Instead it was littered and home to shady sandbenders as well as a small little shop.
Aang awkwardly laughs, "must've changed ownership since I was here." Riki smirks, "sure, kid. Sure."
The group walks further into the Oasis and the withering sign falls. They pass what used to be the ice spring, now just a patch of snow. Entering the small bar, one of the sandbenders spit at Sokka feet. Watching the teen snarl with irritation, he smirks at the idea of starting a brawl.
Before the Water Tribe boy could lunge, a strong brown hand snatches him away. He looks down to see that his rescue was at the hands -- literally -- of Riki, who continues inside without a fault. Inside, the bar was filled with travelers of weary health and appearance unlike the man who stood tall at the counter.
"One mango, please," he orders with foreign mannerisms. Sokka watches the bartender slice and mash the fruit into a juice before sweeping it inside the chiseled bowl.
The teen smiles, "I don't see anything wrong with having one of thos fruity beverages while we plan our strategy." He runs over to the bartender, the others following. As the foreign man turns around with his bowl, he accidentally slams into Aang.
Unbothered, the boy smiles, "no worries, I clean up easy." Without a thought, he airbends the substance off of his robes. The man gasps, "you're a living relic."
Aang shrugs, "thanks, I try." The man continues, "an Air Nomad right in front of me." He bows, "Professor Zei, Head of Anthropology at Ba Sing Se University."
He snatches Aang's arm, holding it to his eyes. Just as Aang was forced to lean on his toes from the force, the ground beneath the professor shifts and pushes him back a few steps. The two turn to see a glaring Riki.
"Watch it, professor," she growls.
Since chaotically meeting Aang and his friends, as well as joining them along with her sister, the elder Beifong had willingly took on the responsibility for the group -- particularly the youngest ones. At first, it wasn't too much trouble since her first experience was with Toph but after meeting the boy's continuous list of enemies created a sense of paranoia for her.
It doesn't help that he tends to use airbending out of habit... and his mortal compass marks even the craziest people as 'friendly.'
Zei continuous his rant of questions, measuring the boy's head, "tell me, which of the Air Temples do you hail from?" Aang answers, "the Southern Temple."
The professor gasps, "oh, splendid! Now, tell me, what was the primary agricultural product of your people?" With a raised eyebrow, the boy replies, "uh, are fruit pies an agricultural product?"
"Oh, truly fascinating," Zei grins, "that is one for the journal."
After conversing with the weird man, the group -- Sokka -- made their mini vacation about finding Wan Shi Tong's Library and the Professor had joined their journey. As Appa soars, peacefully, the professor continuously admires the bison's fur.
Toph huffs, slouching over the saddle, "does this place even exist?" The professor looks over, "some say it doesn't." Her glazed over eyes widen, "shouldn't you have mentioned that before." The twelve year old grunts, falling back into her older sister's lap.
Once again, time passes and no library in sight. Toph sits up, pointing outwards, "there it is!" The others crowd around the sisters with anticipation, but the two laugh.
"That's what it'll sound like when one of you spots it," Toph teases, waving her hand in front of her face with a smile. The others delfate in disappointment while Riki gives her a high five.
The eldest of the group looks at them, shrugging, "it shouldn't be this hard to spot a giant building from the air. Especially one as huge as it's described to be." Riki points at the drawing
Sokka looks out with a telescope before pointing into the abyss of sand. "Down there," he calls out. He leans forward, "what's that?" Aang guides Appa down to it.
On landing, everyone jumps off and watch as Katara pulls out the library blueprint once again. She shakes her head, "forget it. It's obviously not what we're looking for. The building in this drawing is enormous."
Riki takes a look at the blueprints before smiling, "no, it is the library! It's just completely buried and there's one of those foxes," she points. They all watch as the fox mindlessly climbs to point of the building and leaps through the small window.
The professor runs to the point, shoveling at the sand with a hand shovel. "My life's ambition is now full of sand," he sighs, "well, time to start excavating."
The others look at him in ridicule as Toph slams her hand into the pointe. "Actually, that won't be necessary," she explains, "the inside seems to be completely intact and it's huge!"
Sokka nods, "that fox thingy went in through a window. I say we climb up there and give it a look." Toph crosses her arms, "I say, you guys go without me."
"You got something against libraries?" Katara raises a brow. Riki's jaw clenches as Toph replies, sarcastically, "I've held books before and I gotta tell you, they don't exactly do it for me."
Katara turns sheepish, "oh, right. Sorry." Riki side-eyes her, "are you?" Not wanting things to escalate, Toph smirks, "let me know if they have something you can listen to."
As the others begin to climb inside, Sokka turns around when he notices Riki wasn't climbing the rope. "Riki," he calls, "aren't you coming?"
The teen shakes her head, "I'll be the look out with Toph. It may seem empty, but those sandbenders can be anywhere." He simply nods in understanding, "we'll be back," he promises before disappearing.
As time drowns on in the heat, Toph sits in the sand as Riki plays catch with the flying bison. Bending the sand to point upwards on one end and once again on the next, Riki softly smiles as Appa fails at catching it.
The fun comes to an end once the ground beneath them quakes. Looking over, the girls gasp as the library begins to sink. "No!" They shout, charging for the pillar.
Slamming their hands into the earthy wall, they fight with gritted teeth to at least slow it down long enough for the others to escape. Toph, aggravated at her slipping, hardens the sand around her feet before going back to holding up the pillar.
Appa roars, alerting them of unwanted company. "What now," Toph grunts. "Sandbenders," Riki answers. "Focus on the pillar, I'll handle them."
Not waiting for a reply, the older Beifong charges towards Appa. Launching over the bison, she lands on her knees and shoves her hands under the sand. Creating quicksand, a few of the sand sailors are swallowed by their own element.
The others that made it use their strength in numbers against the teen and the bison. Hearing the pained grunts of her sister and terrified roars from Appa, Toph tries to send her own quick blasts into the fight. Unlike her sister, she was unfamiliar with the sandy form of earth and missed each hit.
Forced to focus on the pillar, the young girl cries softly as the sounds of fighting go silent and in turn one of the thugs ordering the fleet to leave. Feeling the lack of their presence, she shakes her head, "I'm sorry, guys. I'm so sorry."
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crowentity233 · 1 year
The Dragon's Keep (part 4)
Fire Lord Zuko x (Fem!) Reader
Part 1
Part 5
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You are a firebender named Ayushi, who has been accepted to guard over the royal family. You end up guarding Zuko through his travels to visit the sun warriors. The mission, protecting the newest dragons, begins.
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You let go of Zuko's arm and set your clothes down on your bag. "If you want me to find a different place to sleep, I can go to the ship. I'm sure the girls have room ov.."
"No, it's fine. I don't mind."
"Okay..." You trailed looking at your bag, not daring to turn around to look at him. "I'm sorry about grabbing you. Suki was just being a lot for me to handle. She knows how to get on my nerves." You walk back towards the door, still your eyes on the ground. "Thank you, Lord Zuko, for the clothes."
"Dont worry about it. We better get out there, or kiyi is going to be upset." He said simply.
"Zuzu! Yushi! Come look at the turtle ducks!" You followed Zuko around to a fountain. Kiyi was kneeled in front of the fountain with Ursa.
Zuko sat next to Ursa, and you sat next to Kiyi. The turtle ducks floated around, and Ursa handed food to Kiyi. Kiyi split the food and handed some to you. "Thank you, Kiyi." You spoke softly. Ursa handed some food to Zuko, too. Kiyi tossed some food at the turtle ducks she giggled at the turtle ducks swimming around. You smiled and giggled with her. She was such a cheerful child it was so infectious. You tossed some food to the turtle ducks. They bobbed around at the food.
"More food! More food!" kiyi smiled brightly, watching them. You laughed with pure joy. Zuko tossed the food he had, only causing more laughter from the girl. The turtle ducks eating was the funniest thing in the world to the young girl. Your gaze caught Zukos. His laugh was slowing. There was a moment in time that seemed to belong with you two. You have seen him with his sister this whole time, but something about the look in his eye was meaningful. It washed away any worries that he was upset about the walk back.
You pulled your eyes away, shifting them to Kiyi. "I want to play in the water!" She stood up and ran to the beach. The group followed her. You walked beside Ursa. She wrapped an arm around you and Zuko, guiding you both to the beach.
You sat down on a towel that was laid out. Zuko sat beside you on the other towel. "I'm going to go inside. I will see you both at lunch." Ursa called.
Ursa passed through the halls. She motioned to suki to follow her. "I saw it went to plan... It's a little better than I expected." Ursa smirked.
Suki peered out the window, seeing the pair talking and watching the girl play. "I didn't believe you when you told me he liked her, but ever since I had her guard near Kiyi's room, they have been inseparable."
"I'm his mother. I know when something is going on it that head. He just needed a push. Zuko is very shy. He grew up in the castle as the only boy." Ursa spoke quietly.
"Hua said Ayushi doesn't believe that he likes her." Suki looked up at Ursa.
"She will see it eventually. What were they doing when you found them at the shops?" She asked
"Walking out of the store. He was holding her hand. I got her to hold his arm." Suki answered, giggling.
Ursa chuckled. "Good girl." She pulled suki into a side hug.
"I can't believe you put them in the room together." Suki hugged her.
"That wasn't really my choice. I didn't think he was going to invite her as a guest. I'm not as good at guessing his next moves anymore. Iroh was supposed to be in that room. I had to do some rearranging."
"It worked out in your favor." Suki started to walk to the door. "Is there anything else you need me to do?"
"No, I think they have it from here." Ursa sat down on a chair in the room and opened a scroll to read.
The sun started to fall in the sky. You had gone back inside to get ready for the play. You put on an outfit that best fit for the occasion.
Zuko had entered the room. he was wearing his FireLord formal wear. It was a visit that was political, so he had to overdress for the occasion.
"I feel underdressed." You met his eyes.
"I brought you something." He pulled out a golden head peice. "You won't feel so underdressed."
"Zuko, I can't accept that. I'm not high-class. I can't wear such a statement."
"You're with the firelord. I would say that's high class." He sat you down on a chair, and zuko placed the headpiece on your hair. You looked in the mirror. Disapproval shot through your veins. Firenation Gold had never touched your body. It was foolish to see such a display on your head.
"Thank you, Lord Zuko." You spoke, not lifting your eyes from the gold in the reflection. Zuko believed you to be middle class from an honorable family, not high class, but this blew the smoke of lies into your face. Middle-class families would wear a smaller peice on the most important days. You had never been close enough to touch one, much less wear one.
You stood up. Zuko could see the sadness in your eyes. He moved his hand to reach for you.
"Come on, kids." Ursa called. Zuko walked out of the room, unsure of what he had done to upset you. He thought you would be happy to have something that spoke highly of yourself.
You took one last look at the decoration on your top knot before walking out of the room.
"Ayushi, you look beautiful. Come follow Zuko. You two will be going in together at the play." Ursa held your shoulder, guiding you to the carriage. Zuko had told his mother , after lunch, you would be coming. She had already made the arrangements, assuming you would be there.
You sat silently in the carriage. You placed a smile across your lips that didn't reach your eyes. Zuko sat beside you. The ride to the theater was quiet. You watched the trees pass by. They eventually turned into crowds of people that surrounded the theater.
A servant opened the door, and zuko got out, extending his arm to help you. You took it, and he guided your hand to his arm to hold it as crowds surrounded. Seeing the Firelord with you, they saw royalty, you saw lies surrounding you. The higher end of middle class family's looked as if they were holding mirrors to you. A small poor girl covered in dirt looked at you through the mirror gleaming. The girl was you. You should be happy that you have climbed the impossible latter, but the ground under it was unstable, built on top of lies.
You held the smile that was desperately trying to fall from your lips. Zuko led you into the royal room that overlooked the stage. The door shut behind you. You sat beside Zuko. You noticed the absence of other seats. You saw Iroh and Ursa sitting on another balcony.
"Thank you for coming with me. I'm sorry. I know that was a lot of attention and questions." He paused. "I actually wanted to come here in disguise, but my mother said it was best to be here in the public eye so I can be one with our people."
You were so caught up within your mind that you couldn't hear all the questions of who you were? Were you going to marry the Firelord?
"Lord Zuko, thank you for inviting me, but I feel like I shouldn't be here." Tears were threatening to surface. You were alone in the room. Guards were behind the door, but no one else was inside the walls.
"Of course you are. I invited you." He smiled in an attempt to calm you.
"Yes, but Lord Zuko... This is so much. I never would have imagined being here... with-with the Fire Lord." A tear slipped down your cheek. Your smile was long lost into sadness. "Lord Zuko, I have no honor. I was born into nothing."
"I know this is a contrast to middle class -" Zuko interrupted.
"No... Lord Zuko, my parents died of starvation during the final year of the war. I have no honor, I grew up in the streets until a middle-class family helped me to survive. They took pity on me. Your father took all the money from my little town and used it for war expenses. Then, he took our resources to fuel the soldiers. He was scraping everything we had to try to beat the Avatar. I do not belong here. I'm sorry, Lord Zuko. I lied to Suki to become a warrior so I could better my future generation, but posing as a royal with great honor that is too much." The tears rolled down your cheeks. You clutched onto your knees, and you held them close to your body, pulling them into the seat, trying to bring yourself comfort.
"I'm so sorry for what my father did to your parents." He wrapped an arm around you in the only way of comfort that he knew. He did just as his uncle and mother had done for him, Held you, and let the tears escape.
"You do have honor, you have risked your life to save others, you have chosen to do the right thing everytime I've seen you, you look after my little sister and comfort her when she is scared. Honor is something you choose. No one can give you your honor or take it away." Zuko spoke softly. "The times of war took many peoples lives, but it never took their honor. I don't care how much money your family had. You deserve to be here wearing the crown of royals."
The tears slowed. You wiped away the remaining tears from your cheeks. "Lord Zuko, I'm sorry for being a mess in front of you." You chuckled out. Zuko's arms relaxed but never fully pulled away.
"Zuko... just call me Zuko."
"Zuko." You said softly. His gaze was so intimate. Your eyes had connected into this bond. The acceptance was liberating. Everything felt so new. His strong arm around you, his golden eyes laying this gaze on yours, your eyes slipped down to his lips. How could you have been so blind at how incredible of a man he was? your hand touched his cheek. You met his eyes again. Music blared startling you. You pulled back as the curtains raised with the music.
"You were right, Ursa. This balcony is much better." Iroh watched as the performers started their performance.
"Did you see that, iroh?" Ursa mused at the couple in the royal balcony.
"Huh," he looked over to Zuko with his arm around you. "Oh my dear nephew. You were right, Ursa."
"Who's the wise one now?" She giggled at iroh.
Iroh chuckled deeply.
The play was just as terrible as Zuko had said. You laughed quietly with Zuko. The scene was of a young couple. dragons were surrounding them. they had tried to steal an egg. They stood surrounded and turned to each other, confessing their love for each other.
Zuko chuckled. "That's not how it happened in the scroll. Look at him he looks like he doesn't even want to kiss her."
"They are funny. Are you sure this isn't a comedy?" You laughed, being sure to speak quietly not to draw attention to the royal balcony.
"Definitely not a comedy." He laughed. "You know, my mother was an actress before she married my father."
"I'm sure she was better than this." You grinned.
Zuko still comfortably had his arm around you. "I'm sure she was, too."
The play ended. Zuko stood with you. He held the small of your back on the way back to the carriage. Your mind reeled, unclouded on the way back, hearing the questions of the people.
You ignored them to the best of your ability. You blushed as people referred to you as Zuko's girlfriend.
You sat in the carriage, Zuko sat next to you. "Did you like seeing the dragons?" Zuko chuckled.
"The papermache was an exact replica, I'm sure." You giggled out. It seemed so natural to be next to him and talking to him. Your emotions hit you like a ton of bricks. All of a sudden, the entire world seemed to be around you, holding you into this feeling of bliss. There was absolutely no way an incredible leader would feel any emotions towards you, but his hospitality and kindness were so enticing.
"I want to take you to see the real dragons." Zuko spoke softly.
"Yes, one day. You said you would take me when you could." You glanced out the window so nonchalant.
Zuko gently placed his hand over yours, gaining your full attention. "We can go tonight. Come with me."
"Zuko... that's insane. You have responsibilities here."
"No, I will tell my uncle. He will cover for me. I can take you to see them." He reached for your other hand.
"We can't just leave, Zuko." You tried to reason with him.
"Yes, we can. It's not going to be the first time I've traveled alone."
"Okay." You agreed. "So I get to meet the dragons?" Your eyes filled with delight.
"Yes." Zuko answered.
You wrapped your arms around him. "You're the best! Zuko, can you believe it. I'm gonna see dragons." Your hug was tight and full of happiness.
He wrapped his arms around you. "You have to not tell anyone. we are going to sneak out tonight, but you have to stay quiet. You can't tell anyone. I will tell my uncle before we leave."
You nodded your head excitedly. "Okay." Against your better judgment, you agreed to his plan.
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kivishipps · 29 days
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Mostly finished reference of my LOK s/i!!
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