storm-ismyusername · 1 year
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Power Outage #79 Okay I Feel Like I Missed Something…
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mumblelard · 1 year
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i had a such a nice day yesterday; i wish it could have been two days.
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holzwerkerblog-com · 1 year
Kreg Frässchablone Fehlkauf
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Kreg Frässchablone Fehlkauf
Frässchablonen baue ich normalerweise selbst. Auf Youtube sah ich einen kurzen Bericht über die Frässchablone von Kreg und erhoffte mir, damit Arbeit sparen zu können. Also bestellte ich eine solche. Nach Eintreffen hatte ich die Schablone im Schrank verstaut, da kein Bedarf nach Radien bestand. Was soll schon schiefgehen... Beim Bau der Schablone für Kreise wollte ich die Ecken abrunden und nahm die Kreg-Schablone. Nach Einsetzen der Radienschablone und Auflegen an der zu bearbeitenden Ecke fiel mir auf, dass die Schablone sehr weit überstand.Das konnte ich so nicht glauben und suchte nach einem Fehler oder nach Einstellmöglichkeiten. Eine Ecke so zu fräsen....da kann ich doch gleich die Kappsäge nehmen! Es gabe keine Möglichkeit den Überstand der Schablone zu ändern. Fräsen damit ergibt eine nicht passende Rundung. Auch die Zentrierschrauben ließen sich nicht einstellen. Wären diese Exzentrisch, könnte man ja diese noch drehen und einstellen. Aber keine Chance. Hätte ich doch lieber gleich nach Lieferung getestet!!! Dann hätte ich das Teil wieder zurück senden können. Aber wer rechnet dmit, dass eine Kreg-Schablone Müll ist. Rausgeschmissenes Geld. Read the full article
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absolutefreedom001 · 1 year
Kreg@Pocket-Hole Jig 310 - What you get & How it works
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housetoolreviews · 2 years
The 15 Best Table Saw For Plywood: Top Reviews & Buying Guides
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ihugmomo · 3 months
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kreg <3
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geocyclist · 3 months
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Tool case for the hammer drill I use at work. We were keeping it in its cardboard box, but that was starting to fall apart and wasn’t long enough to hold the drill bits that we use.
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Dados in side panels and dry fitting with top and bottom panels before glue up.
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The lid was then separated from the box by running all 4 sides on the table saw.
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The dividers were made with interlocking plywood sections which were dado’d, glued, and brad nailed together, and then located into the box.
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Cabinet hinges were installed on the lid with a kreg jig. The support piece was milled to a thickness that matched the depth of the lid so it fit perfectly.
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Finished case lined with cardboard as padding for the tool and accessories! Questions, comments, and suggestions are always welcome!
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whatimdoing-here · 23 days
I get excited and I really love things like building and fixing and using power tools
And god I wish I was better at it all.
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apexpoet · 3 months
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the kreg jig 720 😍
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heplev · 11 months
Das Hanukka-Wunder des letzten Tropfens des Treibstoffs im Gazastreifen, der drei Wochen reichte
Elder of Ziyon, 5. November 2023 Das Weltgesundheitsorganisation warnte, die Krankenhäuser im Gazastreifen stünden vor dem Zusammenbruch. Das war am 12. Oktober. UNICEF warnte, dass die Brutkästen nur noch wenige Stunden laufen würden, bevor sie wegen Treibstoffmangels im Gazastreifen ausfallen. Das war am 22. Oktober. Jetzt sehen Sie sich das Schifa-Krankenhaus in Gaza Stadt am gestrigen…
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janebdean-blog · 1 year
Just think about what all those emotions are doing to the poor animals that are slaughtered and abused every day.🥺
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shantiyen · 1 year
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You could literally hear Kreg's mind breaking.
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choiceofgames · 2 months
Frolic in the Forest.
"A Midsummer Night's Choice, or Frolic in the Forest". In this Shakespearean comedy adventure, can forbidden love conquer adorable fairy outlaws?
"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is wing'd Cupid painted blind"
When your father, the Duke, tries to force you to marry, you'll leave civilization behind as you flee in disguise, cross-dressed, into the enchanted forest. Mistaken identities, inexplicable bears, and tiny but fearsome fairies await! (Seriously, they wear little walnut shells for helmets, and ride armored baby bunnies into battle.)
Will you fall into the mysterious Faerie Queene's clutches? Will you (or your identical doppelganger) find true love? Or will your father's spies find you first?
Hold on to your heart! The course of true love never did run smooth.
"A Midsummer Night's Choice, or Frolic in the Forest" is an interactive fantasy novel by Kreg Segall, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—190,000 words and hundreds of choices long, without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.
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interact-if · 11 months
do you know of any IF where you play as a lower class servant to royalty? not like a knight or a spy but something simple like a maid or a butler or something?
Hi Anon,
There are a few titles that would fit your request:
Damnation and Buggery by @damnation-if
Noblesse Oblige by by Hannah Powell-Smith
Tally Ho by Kreg Segall
Please let us know if there are other games!
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coffeeman777 · 4 months
hi pastor kreg! i have two questions.
can you explain the Isreali-Hamas war a bit? because the news and the media are so conflicting about everything. I know its not a black and white issue, and on the one hand, I agree with Isreal in the fact that they were the ones who gave up their land for the Palestinian people in the first place, and Hamas attacked first. I understand that the Isreali government feels like it has to push back harder than it ever has before, because it is such a small, young nation, and they KNOW that their persecution will not stop because the Bible (both old and new Testments) say so (not to mention that there are a slew of countries whose agenda is to destroy Isreal). but on the other hand, there is so much news about Isreal doing horrific things, like rumors of death camps and hurting civilians. and that Hamas, the terrorist organization, is not the same as Palestine, but Palestine has also *allowed* them to take over their country politically, economically, and socially. I just don't know what or who to believe, and what other gray areas I need to consider in my choices.
i keep getting asks to support Gazan refugees. like on the one hand, OF COURSE I support all of the civilians who have nothing to do with this! but by giving them support, whether financially or just by posting about it, I support ALL of their agenda to free Palestine, which I am pretty sure in don't agree with, but I'm not positive yet. so far ive just been not answering these asks but they're getting harder to ignore, especially when a lot of my mutuals do support Palestine. not in a ultra crazy way like most do, but they're just reposting some of the expose stuff.
im just having a hard time with answers (cause a lot of these people don't know what they are talking about) and wanted some sort of advice. thanks.
So, I'm very much on Israel's side in this whole thing. To state it simply, Hamas has been attacking and killing innocent Israelis for decades. Their goal is the complete eradication of Israel. Hamas isn't interested in peace or a two state solution; they want Israel gone, wiped off the map.
Hamas terrorists are cowards. When they attack Israel, they run and hide behind women and children to prevent Israel from retaliating. They whine and cry to the leftist media about how horrible Israel is and generate ridiculous anti-Israel propaganda. So many times, desiring not to kill innocent civilians and being under the weight of intense pressure from the international community, Israel has backed off and let Hamas go. Hamas then regroups, stockpiles weapons, makes new plans, and attacks Israel again. This cycle has been going on for as long as I can remember.
On October 7th, Hamas invaded Israel and butchered a huge number of innocent Israelis, raped many Israeli women, took a bunch of hostages, and even shot and beheaded Israeli babies. This was by far the worst Hamas attack in recent history. Israel said enough is enough, we're taking Hamas out and rescuing our people who were kidnapped. Hamas has done the same thing they always do, but this time Israel isn't backing down. And they shouldn't. Israel has a right to exist in their own land and defend themselves.
Israel is doing everything they possibly can to save civilians in Gaza. All the stuff you hear about death camps and the like is completely false. If Israel wanted to kill everyone in Gaza, including civilians, they could easily do it. They could glass the whole Gaza strip if they wanted, kill every living thing there. But they haven't done that, and they won't. Israel has continually put their own people at risk to provide help to the Palestinian civilians. But they're committed to bringing Hamas down. They have to be.
It is heartbreaking that innocents have died in this conflict, but their blood is on Hamas, not Israel. Even after everything, Israel has offered numerous ceasefire agreements to Hamas, but Hamas has rejected them all. If Hamas would release the Israeli captives and surrender, the fight would be over tomorrow. But Hamas won't play ball. Israel has no choice.
I don't believe anything I hear in the news from leftist outlets. I don't believe the horrible things they're saying about Israel, because in my experience, it's always half truths spun to make Israel look bad, or else just outright lies about what's happening. The same sort of tactics the leftist media uses to discredit and attack conservatives here in America.
As for supporting refugees, if it can't be done without also supporting the anti-Israel propaganda, then I wouldn't do it. Seek the Lord about other ways you can help.
I hope this post is useful to you. My personal conviction is to stay on Israel's side and be a blessing to the Jewish people as much as possible. I think this is the correct position for all Christians to take.
Take care, be blessed!
I apologize, I forgot to make a correction. I'm not actually a pastor, just an ordained minister. The difference is that, while I have credentials to preach and teach, I'm not serving as the head of any congregation of Christians.
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edamamefiend · 3 months
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