#Kyushu cuisine
summary-cooking · 5 months
料理トリビアのまとめ #0026
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cooking256 · 5 months
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からすみ 九州の料理
「からすみ」とは、スケトウダラ(オタルリンゴダラ)の卵巣から作られる塩蔵品で、日本の高級食材の一つです。主に北海道や東北地方などで水揚げされたスケトウダラの卵巣を塩漬けにして熟成させたものです。 1. 独特の風味 塩漬けにされた卵巣は、塩の効果で旨味が凝縮され、独特の香りと風味があります。そのまま食べると濃厚で塩味が強いです。 2. 高級食材 品質の良いからすみは、高価であり、贈答品や特別な料理として重宝されます。 3. 様々な食べ方 生で食べるほか、軽く焼いたり、ご飯に乗せて食べるなど、様々な食べ方があります。 4. 日本料理での利用 寿司や懐石料理など、日本料理の高級食材としても利用されることがあります。 からすみは、独特の風味と塩気があり、高級な海産物として知られています。その濃厚な味わいと希少性から、和食の一部として高い��価を受けています。
Karasumi Kyushu cuisine
Karasumi is a salt-cured product made from the ovaries of pollack (Otarulingodara), and is one of Japan's luxury ingredients. It is made by salting and aging the ovaries of walleye pollock caught mainly in Hokkaido and the Tohoku region. 1. Unique flavor Ovaries that have been pickled in salt have a unique aroma and flavor due to the concentrated flavor of the salt. When eaten as is, it has a rich and salty taste. 2. High-quality ingredients High-quality karasumi is expensive and valued as a gift or special dish. 3. Various ways to eat There are many ways to eat it, such as eating it raw, lightly grilling it, or putting it on top of rice. 4. Use in Japanese cuisine It is sometimes used as a luxury ingredient in Japanese cuisine such as sushi and kaiseki cuisine. Karasumi has a unique flavor and salty taste, and is known as a high-quality seafood. Due to its rich flavor and rarity, it is highly valued as a part of Japanese cuisine. Karasumi is a salt-cured product made from the ovaries of pollack (Otarulingodara), and is one of Japan's luxury ingredients. It is made by salting and aging the ovaries of walleye pollock caught mainly in Hokkaido and the Tohoku region. 1. Unique flavor Ovaries that have been pickled in salt have a unique aroma and flavor due to the concentrated flavor of the salt. When eaten as is, it has a rich and salty taste. 2. High-quality ingredients High-quality karasumi is expensive and valued as a gift or special dish. 3. Various ways to eat There are many ways to eat it, such as eating it raw, lightly grilling it, or putting it on top of rice. 4. Use in Japanese cuisine It is sometimes used as a luxury ingredient in Japanese cuisine such as sushi and kaiseki cuisine. Karasumi has a unique flavor and salty taste, and is known as a high-quality seafood. Due to its rich flavor and rarity, it is highly valued as a part of Japanese cuisine.
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metropolitant · 9 months
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seoafin · 1 year
i know i would love to read about stsg suffering in this love hotel fic
oh they're suffering alright
“So…there was a girl wasn’t there?” You start, referring to when you had last seen them. The three of you, out for drinks with Shoko at a bar near TokyoU, and the pretty, doe eyed girl who had struck up a conversation with you in the bathroom about Satoru and Suguru. She had smelled nice, and her hands had been warm and soft they had grasped yours. You smile encouragingly. “You brought her home.”
Satoru and Suguru stare at you. You stare back. Maybe that was the wrong thing to say. Maybe they don’t want to talk to you about their romantic trysts. Maybe you’re just forcing conversation where there is none. People talked about these kinds of things during sleepovers, didn’t they? Huddled together, laughing and teasing each other about their romantic endeavors.
This is…not what you envisioned. 
Suguru is beginning to look faintly embarrassed while Satoru’s lips are thinly pressed together, just a nudge from being downturned.
You sweat. Tough crowd.
It’s not like…you hadn’t seen them all get into the same taxi. Or the way the girl whose name you had never caught had been clinging to their arms the entire way. 
“Did you get her number?” You ask. “For a date or…” you trail off. You think you might really be digging yourself into a whole.
“Ah,” Suguru says, looking embarrassed. “There wasn’t really an opportunity…”
Once again, silence hangs in the room.
You quickly move to change the topic, in hopes that it’ll lighten the mood. “When I was in Kyushu, a man gave me his number.” It had been a relatively quick interaction. An extra helping of the famous local cuisine of Miyazaki beef, and a piece of folded paper atop of the napkin you had been given paired with a wink. “Shoko thinks I should call him!”
…You’re doing this wrong. You must be doing this wrong. Why else would Satoru and Suguru be looking at you like that?
Satoru exhales, running a hand through his damp hair, looking questionably weary. “He knew you were a tourist. He was probably looking for a quick—”
“Kyushu seems a bit far,” Suguru interrupts with a small, tight smile.
You blink. Satoru’s words aren’t lost on you. You are still contemplating them when you say, “Oh.” It wasn’t as if you had been planning on actually calling the man anyway. Maybe he had been wanting you solely for sex. It was obvious from your Tokyo accent you were a tourist. It would’ve been easy enough. “You think?”
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beasiannow · 1 year
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Intimidated by Japanese cuisine?
Don’t be!
Sign up at your local Taisetsu Ni Taberu Restaurant for the Complete Nippon Culture and Cuisine Course and learn it all from あ to ジ
Just ask Chloe Hayes, when she came in she didn’t even know what to do with a pair of chopsticks.
Now, she uses nothing but.
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Also she has changed her name to Chiyoko  Hashimoto, and will soon be moving to the city of Beppu on Kyushu Island to start her new job as a vending machine placement scout.
Dōzo omeshiagarikudasai Chiyoku!
`That's Japanese for bon appetit.'
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gepetordi1 · 3 months
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Ramen is a Japanese noodle dish of Chinese origin. It consists of Chinese-style wheat noodles (中華麺, chūkamen) served in a broth; common flavors are soy sauce and miso, with typical toppings including sliced pork (chāshū), nori (dried seaweed), menma (bamboo shoots), and scallions. Ramen has its roots in Chinese noodle dishes and is a part of Japanese Chinese cuisine.[1] Nearly every region in Japan has its own variation of ramen, such as the tonkotsu (pork bone broth) ramen of Kyushu and the miso ramen of Hokkaido.
The origins of ramen can be traced back to Yokohama Chinatown in the early 20th century. The word "ramen" is a Japanese borrowing of the Chinese word lamian (拉麵), meaning "pulled noodles", but the dish evolved from southern Chinese noodle dishes, reflecting the demographics of Chinese settlers in Yokohama. Ramen gained popularity in Japan, especially during food shortages following World War II. In 1958, instant noodles were invented by Momofuku Ando, further popularizing the dish.
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kodokoro · 6 months
If there was another food wars anime, I would love to see an anime centered on Kojiro Shinomiya and Megumi Tadokoro! They're my favorites. We had so little of their interactions in the anime, but when we did, it was great.
I'd love it to be an exploration of their cuisine from their roots, such as dishes from the Hokkaido region, Kyushu region. They explore their backgrounds and family and even come up with more fusion dishes. Additionally, we can explore cuisine on other parts of the world, even other parts of France. (While Shokugeki did have Megumi travel all over the world, they made it a short segment, and they didn't do any justice to the cuisines and cultures that were being explored.) A lot of the dishes would focus on affordable but delicious food and using what resourced are there. Also, because I loved his dynamic with Shinomiya, Albert Leroy should come back (from Letoile). It would totally be a shojou that's slice of life and comedy!
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onewholives · 10 months
Japan, officially known as the "Land of the Rising Sun," is an island nation located in East Asia. It consists of four main islands: Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Shikoku, along with numerous smaller islands. Japan is renowned for its rich history, culture, technological innovations, and stunning natural landscapes.
Japan's history is steeped in tradition and spans thousands of years. It has a monarchy with a unique system where the emperor serves as a symbol of the nation's unity and culture, while the government is run by elected officials.
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The country's culture is deeply rooted in Shintoism and Buddhism, with traditional arts like tea ceremonies, calligraphy, and ikebana (flower arranging) being highly revered. The Japanese language, characterized by three writing systems (hiragana, katakana, and kanji), is integral to its culture.
Japan's modernization, known as the Meiji Restoration in the late 19th century, catapulted it into the industrial age, leading to rapid economic growth. Today, Japan is a global economic powerhouse, known for companies like Toyota, Sony, and Nintendo.
Tokyo, the capital city, is a bustling metropolis known for its futuristic skyline, fashion, and cuisine. Japan's cuisine is celebrated worldwide, with sushi, sashimi, ramen, and tempura being some of its iconic dishes.
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Japanese innovation is evident in fields like robotics, electronics, and automotive engineering. The country is at the forefront of technology and research, with cutting-edge advancements in fields like artificial intelligence and space exploration.
Japan's natural beauty is equally captivating, boasting majestic mountains like Mount Fuji, lush forests, and hot springs (onsen). Cherry blossoms (sakura) in spring and colorful foliage in autumn draw tourists from around the globe.
The Japanese are known for their politeness, punctuality, and strong work ethic. The concept of "Kaizen," or continuous improvement, is deeply ingrained in their culture and business practices.
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Traditional festivals like Hanami (cherry blossom viewing), Gion Matsuri (Kyoto's festival), and Tanabata (star festival) offer a glimpse into Japan's vibrant cultural calendar.
The country has a well-developed transportation system, including the Shinkansen (bullet train), which connects major cities efficiently. Japanese trains are famous for their punctuality and efficiency.
Japan is also home to a plethora of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including historic temples like Kyoto's Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion) and Nara's Todai-ji, which houses the Great Buddha statue.
The Japanese education system is rigorous and highly competitive, with a strong emphasis on academic achievement.
Traditional clothing like kimono and yukata are still worn on special occasions, while Western-style clothing is common in daily life.
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Despite its technological advancements, Japan maintains a deep connection to its spiritual and natural heritage, as seen in its reverence for nature and the changing seasons.
The country has faced challenges, including earthquakes, tsunamis, and the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. Japan's resilience and preparedness in the face of these disasters are noteworthy.
Japanese pop culture, including anime, manga, and J-pop music, has a global fan base. These cultural exports have made a significant impact on the entertainment industry worldwide.
Japan places a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability and is a pioneer in energy-efficient technologies and green practices.
The Japanese legal system is based on civil law, and the country has a low crime rate, making it one of the safest places to live and travel.
Japan's demographic challenges, including an aging population and low birth rate, pose economic and social concerns for the nation's future.
In conclusion, Japan is a country that seamlessly blends tradition and modernity, offering a unique and captivating experience for travelers and a model of innovation and resilience for the world.
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jpcultureblog · 1 year
Located on the southern island of Kyushu, Fukuoka is known for its vibrant food scene and delicious cuisine. With influences from both Chinese and Korean food cultures, Fukuoka's unique dishes are a must-try for anyone looking to explore the best of Japanese food. Here are the top ten dishes you can only try in Fukuoka.
1. Mentaiko
Mentaiko is a spicy cod roe that is often served as a topping on rice or noodles. It's a popular local specialty in Fukuoka, and you can find it in many restaurants throughout the city.
2. Hakata Ramen
Fukuoka is known for its delicious ramen, and Hakata Ramen is the most popular style. It s a pork bone-based broth that is rich and creamy, served with thin noodles, sliced pork belly, and green onions.
3. Tonton
Tonton is a pork-based hot pot dish that is popular in Fukuoka. It s made with sliced pork belly, cabbage, and bean sprouts, simmered in a fragrant broth made with soy sauce and sake.
4. Motsu Nabe
Another popular hot pot dish in Fukuoka is Motsu Nabe, which is made with pork offal. It's a delicious and hearty dish that is perfect for cold winter nights.
5. Ika Shiokara
Ika Shiokara is a preserved squid dish that is briny and flavorful. It's a popular local delicacy that is often served as a condiment with rice or sake.
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polavedichimin · 2 years
Authentic Korean Food About my experiences eating Korean food in the United Arab Emirates, I keep a blog. For the first time, I’m going to a Korean restaurant in AbuDhabi (Taon Korean Restaurant). In Abu Dhabi, they specialize in serving traditional Korean food. The SOFITEL HOTEL ABU DHABI CORNICHE is where the restaurant is situated. It’s a five-star luxurious hotel. I had the opportunity to eat at a Korean BBQ restaurant thanks to this hotel. Both the meal and the service were top-notch. A competent chef is in charge of the Abu Dhabi Korean Restaurant’s culinary team. I spoke briefly with the chef de cuisine of the Abu Dhabi Korean Restaurant. The chef gives a brief introduction to Korean culture and cuisine.
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A common Korean rice meal called bibimbap, also known as bibimbap and pronounced bee-bim-BOP is topped with fresh and cooked vegetables and the hot red chile sauce gochujang. On top is typically placed a fried egg and seasoned raw or grilled beef.
Although the presentation of the dish varies, the various vegetables and meat are typically placed on top of the rice and combined before consumption. While Korean BBQ has gained popularity in the US, bibimbap is poised to overtake it as one of Korea’s most well-liked dishes.
The word bibimbap, which means “mixed rice,” can also be translated as “mixed meal” because the word “bap” is also used to denote a meal in a broader meaning. In Korean, the word bap (bhp, bob, bab) refers to cooked grains, particularly rice.
A Fried Chicken
Traditional American fast food is given a unique flavor by Korean fried chicken. In contrast to its American equivalents, the chicken is double-fried in vegetable oil after being covered in a sweet and spicy sauce. Some eateries add green pepper to the batter for a spicier kick. Because of this, the interior flesh is incredibly moist, and the lightly battered skin is crispy and lard-free. It’s a well-liked late-night treat that is typically paired with a beer.
Ramen Noodles
Japanese noodle soups come in a variety called ramen. Chinese-style wheat noodles are used, along with toppings such as sliced pork, nori (dried seaweed), menma, and scallions, and the broth is frequently seasoned with soy sauce or miso. Two types of ramen from various regions of Japan include tonkatsu (pork bone broth) ramen from Kyushu and miso ramen from Hokkaido. In contrast to other varieties of ramen, mazemen is served with a sauce (such as tare).
Seolleongtang (Ox Bone Soup)
Ox bones, ox flesh, and briskets are the main ingredients of Korea’s traditional hot soup seolleongtang. It is usually spiced with salt, ground black pepper, chopped green onions, or minced garlic, depending on the consumer’s preferences. The soup is typically served with rice and has a milky white, hazy look. Nearly all Korean restaurants in Seoul serve seolleongtang, which is renowned for its soft yet chewy texture and creamy broth.
Stew Kimchi
Kimchi stew is one of the most well-known stews in Korean cooking. The dish is flavorful, meaty, spicy, and salty, and practically everyone likes it. As long as they can stomach spicy food, I’ve never met a person who didn’t like kimchi-jjigae.
Even before the Joseon dynasty, kimchi was a non-spicy pickled vegetable supper; nevertheless, it wasn’t until the Korean peninsula’s mid-era introduction of chili peppers that the type of kimchi that has come to be the de facto standard of today was born. Around the same time, kimchi jjigae is supposed to have started.
Tteokbokki (Spicy Rice Cake)
A spicy Korean meal called Ddukbokki (also called Tteokbokki) is composed of cylinder-shaped rice cakes, triangular fish cakes, veggies, and a sweet red chili sauce. Ddeukbokki is well-known for its sweet and sour flavors.
Beef-based Bulgogi
Translated as “fire meat,” bulgogi. Frequently, it is prepared using chicken, pork, or tender beef pieces. However, beef is always used to prepare bulgogi unless otherwise specified.
Having been around for countless years, it is without a doubt one of the most well-known Korean traditional dishes. Naturally, the ways to prepare bulgogi have evolved and differ by area.
To concentrate on our discussion, we’ll explore the most popular way to make beef bulgogi in modern times. Korean barbecue restaurants serve bulgogi, while many South Korean fast-food restaurants sell hamburgers flavored with bulgogi. The bulgogi-marinated hamburger patty is frequently served with cheese, lettuce, tomato, and onion.
We had a wonderful day together overall, and I love Korean food. The meal and service were both excellent. Thanks for reading about my experiences eating Korean food in the United Arab Emirates. To Improve Your Experience Eating Korean Food One of Abu Dhabi’s top Korean eateries extends beyond Abu Dhabi. In the United Arab Emirates, the best Korean restaurant
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summary-cooking · 5 months
料理トリビアのまとめ #0024
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cooking256 · 5 months
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もつ鍋 九州の料理
もつ鍋は、豚のもつ(内臓)を主な材料とした日本の鍋料理で、主に九州地方、特に福岡県の郷土料理として知られています。 1. もつ(豚の内臓)を使用 もつ鍋では、主に豚のもつ、特に小腸やセンマイ(第二の胃)を使います。もつは柔らかく煮込まれ、コリコリとした食感が楽しめます。 2. 白濁スープ 一般的には鶏ガラベースのスープに、味噌や豆乳を加えてクリーミーな白濁スープとなります。野菜や豆腐、ニラなどが入ります。 3. 卓上で煮込む 専用の鍋で卓上で煮込むのが一般的で、食材を煮込みながら少しずつ楽しむスタイルです。 4. 多彩な食材 もつ以外にも、キャベツやもやし、シイタケ、ニラ、豆腐、うどんやラーメンなど、様々な食材が入れられます。 5. 食べ方 もつは具材と一緒にスープで煮込んで食べたり、ポン酢や辛子などをつけて食べるのが一般的です。
motsunabe Kyushu cuisine
Motsunabe is a Japanese hot pot dish that uses pork offal (innards) as the main ingredient, and is primarily known as a local dish of the Kyushu region, especially Fukuoka Prefecture. 1. Using motsu (pig internal organs) Motsu nabe mainly uses pork offal, especially the small intestine and senmai (second stomach). The offal is stewed until soft and you can enjoy the crunchy texture. 2. Cloudy soup Generally, miso and soy milk are added to chicken bone-based soup to create a creamy, cloudy soup. Contains vegetables, tofu, chives, etc. 3. Stew on the table It is generally simmered on the table in a special pot, and is enjoyed little by little as the ingredients are simmered. 4. Various ingredients In addition to offal, you can add a variety of other ingredients such as cabbage, bean sprouts, shiitake mushrooms, chives, tofu, udon, and ramen. 5. How to eat Offal is commonly eaten by simmering it in soup with other ingredients, or by dipping it with ponzu sauce or mustard.
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travelbetween1 · 2 years
Hey Miyu‘s life😺 Country Cuisine in Kyushu, Japan(@Miyuslife243), thank you for following me
Hey Miyu‘s life😺 Country Cuisine in Kyushu, Japan(@Miyuslife243), thank you for following me
— The Travel Between (@travelbetween1) Nov 11, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/travelbetween1
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minipondachi · 2 years
Korean Restaurants In Uae
is the best I've ever had (Taon Korean Restaurant). At the Korean restaurant in Abu Dhabi, Relay Wonder played nonstop. Traditional Korean food is their area of expertise. I had the opportunity to eat at a Korean BBQ restaurant thanks to this hotel. Both the meal and the service were top-notch. A competent chef is in charge of the Abu Dhabi Korean Restaurant's culinary team. The restaurant is housed in the SOFITEL ABU DHABI CORNICHE and serves Korean food.
The Most Popular Dishes in Asian Cuisine
stew is one of the most popular stews in Korean cuisine. It’s a hearty, spicy, salty, and flavorful dish that nearly everyone enjoys. I’ve never met anyone who didn’t enjoy kimchi-jjigae as long as they can handle spicy food.Kimchi existed before the Joseon dynasty as a non-spicy pickled vegetable meal; however, it was not until the mid-era introduction of chili peppers to the Korean peninsula that the type of kimchi that is now the de facto norm was born. Kimchi jjigae is thought to have evolved around the same time as kimchi.
Bulgogi (Beef)
Bulgogi literally means "fire meat." It’s frequently made with tender pieces of beef, hog, or chicken. However, unless otherwise specified, bulgogi is always made with beef.It is without a doubt one of the most well-known traditional Korean dishes, having been around for thousands of years. Naturally, bulgogi cooking techniques have evolved over time and differ by region.To focus our attention, we’ll go over the most popular way to prepare beef bulgogi in modern times.Bulgogi is served in Korean barbecue restaurants, and bulgogi-flavored fast-food hamburgers can be found at a variety of South Korean fast-food restaurants.The bulgogi-marinated hamburger patty is accompanied by lettuce, tomato, onion, and, on rare occasions, cheese.
Bibimbap, also known as bibimbap and pronounced bee-bim-BOP, is a popular Korean rice dish topped with fresh and cooked vegetables and spicy red chile paste gochujang. A fried egg, as well as seasoned raw or grilled beef, is frequently placed on top.The presentation of the dish varies, but the various vegetables and meat are usually placed on top of the rice and then mixed together before eating. While Korean BBQ is becoming increasingly popular in the United States, bibimbap is quickly becoming one of Korea’s most popular foods.In Korean, the word bap (bahp, bob, bab) refers to cooked grains, particularly rice, whereas bibimbap means "mixed rice" but can also be translated as "mixed meal" because "bap" is also used to signify meal in general.
Bibimbap in Jeonju
Bibimbap in a hot stone pot
Hot Pot
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Hot pot is a communal dining experience that many Western restaurants have only recently adopted. Consider it a modern twist on the stone soup fairy tale: you and a group of friends cook a variety of ingredients in a single pot of simmering, seasoned broth heated on an induction burner or electric range, such as thinly sliced meats, mushrooms, head-on shrimp, Chinese lettuces, fresh noodles, and more. When it’s cooked to your liking, you dip it in your preferred sauce and eat it. Rinse and repeat until the bowl is empty.Although there are different regional styles, hot pot comes in as many varieties as there are Chinese households. The original, introduced to East Asia thousands of years ago by the Mongolian Empire, was a simple broth containing horse meat and mutton. (An apocryphal anecdote describes it as a dish eaten on the run in the helmets of Mongolian warriors.) As their cultural influence grew, the hot pot evolved into a variety of forms in Northern China, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam.Ramen is a kind of Japanese noodle soup. It consists of Chinese-style wheat noodles served in a meat or (occasionally) fish-based broth with toppings like sliced pig, nori (dried seaweed), menma, and scallions, and is frequently seasoned with soy sauce or miso. Kyushu’s tonkotsu (pork bone broth) ramen and Hokkaido’s miso ramen are two examples of ramen from different parts of Japan. Mazemen are ramen that are served with a sauce rather than soup (such as tare).
Ramen in the style of Tokyo
Ramen Kitakata
Tonkotsu ramen from Hakata.
Ramen from Wakayama
Tsukemen ramen is a type of dipping ramen.
Aburasoba is a type of aburasoba that is ("oiled noodles")
Ramen from Takayama
Ramen hiyashi (chilled)
Hokkaido’s specialty is butter corn ramen.
Sapporo-style ramen
Curry ramen from Muroran
Overall, we had a fantastic dinner, and I enjoy Korean cuisine. The food and service were both excellent. I hope you enjoyed reading about my Korean culinary adventures in the UAE. To Enhance Your Korean Food Experience One of the best Korean restaurants in Abu Dhabi It isn’t limited to Abu Dhabi. The Best Korean Restaurant in the United Arab Emirates
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mabo0002 · 2 years
Kyushu Yatai Izakaya Arao where you can eat delicious food
You can enjoy Kyushu cuisine with fresh horse sashimi👍
Aiming for 10,000 YouTube subscribers
I need everyone's help Thank you
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chuck-clenney · 2 years
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@kumasotei in Tenmonkan, Kagoshima City is a most excellent example of traditional Satsuma/Kagoshima cuisine. The name derives from the ancient Kumaso 熊襲 people who lived in southern Kyushu until their leader was killed by Prince Yamato Takeru, son of Emperor Keiko, in 397. The name of Kumamoto Prefecture is based on these people. The restaurant has a variety of traditional dishes that we tried including Satsumajidori chicken, shochu and miso stewed Kurobuta pork spare ribs, Satsumaage fried fish cakes (served with pineapple), Katsuo Shiokara fermented bonito fish entrails, and Sakezushi, the real star of the show. Sakezushi is made up of rice fermented overnight in sake rather than vinegar. This recipe has been developed over more than 400 years and reminds me a lot of Oshizushi in Nara. We finished the meal off with some sweet potato shochu and Imo yōkan made from three different types of potatoes. うまかっ! #ウエルかご #kagoshima #kagoshimafan #どんどん鹿児島 #熊襲亭 #薩摩 #伝統的 #kagofancreator #鹿児島観光 #kagoshimacity #kagoshimaholic #kyushu #visitjapan #japan #japanese #beautifuljapan #鹿児島 #kagofan #food #japanesefood #sake #sushi #寿司 #酒 #酒ずし #カツオ #塩辛 #豚骨 #芋 #羊羹 https://www.kagoshima-kankou.com/for @kagoshimaholic (at 熊襲亭) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cginr44pv_Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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