oh-katsuki · 1 year
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cilldaracailin · 2 years
You’re My Best Friend
Hello my Tumblr Lovelys,
Here is the next part in this Robyn and Taron story :)
Love Suze xx
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“That's it. Love makes us all strong.”
Robyn and Taron stepped to the side, letting the others get the table ready for their meal. Even though Robyn lived by herself, she had enough plates and cutlery to set the table for more. Nick and Darragh grabbed four more stools from her laundry room and set them around the island while Robyn and Claire set out heat protectors for the hot dishes, Taron set the table, Shane putting the large bowl of salad in the middle of the table.
“We brought wine, beer and minerals.” Darragh said, putting the selection of drinks on the breakfast bar. “Not too sure what everyone wanted but help yourself.”
“It looks great.” Robyn assured him. “This is perfect. I am really looking forward to it.”
“And we are done!” Claire lifted the lasagne from the oven and carefully placed it onto the heat protector on the island.
“Hmm smells delicious.” Taron stood beside her. “Looks it too.”
“Thanks Taron.” She went back to the oven and lifted out the tray of potatoes wedges and slid them into the dish she had warming in the oven which Nick had placed on the table for her. “A simple but satisfying meal.”
“Home cooking at its finest.” Nick grinned.
“I am very much on board.” Taron nodded as he watched Claire put the garlic bread on the table too.
“This looks amazing. Thanks guys.” Robyn stood at the island. “Thanks so much for doing this for me.”
“Anytime Robyn. So how about we eat then. I am starved!”
Shane took a seat at the island, Darragh sitting right beside him while Taron and Robyn took the opposite side. Claire sat down on her right and Nick dished out lasagne onto warmed plates for everyone. Once he took a seat beside Claire, each person helped themselves to the rest of the food on the table, filling their plates with salad, garlic bread and potatoes wedges, making sure their glasses were filled too. Taron switched to water after already having two beers with the others, deciding that two was plenty for his already tired and wrecked body and filled a glass for Robyn too, while the others drank wine and beer. The food was delicious and the chat was full of laughter, stories and chuckles, Taron loving how Robyn’s friends tried to embarrass with her stories from school but Robyn took it all in her stride, just coming back with her own stories of her friends. Shane was a hoot as always and he loved how Robyn’s friends had her back without question, just like he did. Soon his stomach was satisfied and his heart was full of love but he was hiding his yawns behind his hands. It was only just before seven but he would easily have fallen into bed happy and slept.
“Right, so dessert?” Claire asked as she stood up.
Robyn shook her head no. She couldn’t eat anything else and gave herself a stretch. “I am good.”
“Not even for chocolate brownie and ice cream?”
Robyn looked to her friend but shook her head again. “No thanks Claire.”
“Ok, well Taron? Dessert?”
Taron was torn about dessert and looked at Robyn. “Share?” He asked her.
“Taron you have the dessert if you want it but I am kinda full.”
“Thought you always had to leave room for dessert?” He teased.
Robyn laughed a little. “Guess I didn’t follow my own advice. The food was delicious so I filled up on too much.”
“Let’s clean up first.” Suggested Nick. “Give dinner time to digest and then we can have dessert.”
“That sounds like a plan.” Said Robyn as she stood up. “Maybe I can fit in it after we wash up.”
“Oh no. Not you.” Darragh pushed down on her shoulders gently, making her sit back on her seat. “This meal was for you. You don’t have to clean up.”
“But with six of us we will clean up quicker.”
“And four of us will clean up just as quick.” He said to her.
“You and Taron go and sit down on the couch and leave it to us.” Claire said to her. “But no making out ‘cos I will be watching you.” She pointed her finger at them both. “We will bring dessert to you.”
Robyn tried to protest again about her friends cleaning up but Taron took her hand and walked her to the couch. “Come on cariad.” He said to her softly. “Let them do it for you. They came here to make sure you are ok after being in the hospital and are looking after you.”
Robyn let him guide her to the couch and when he sat in the corner, she stood in front of him. “What did you say?”
“Robyn let them clean up…”
“No no. Not that. I heard all of that. Before that. You said something. Carrad?”
Taron gave her a warm smile. “Cariad.” He repeated, the Welsh word rolling off his tongue.
“Yes that’s the one. Cariad.” She sat on his left side. “What does it mean?”
Taron smiled shyly at her. “It’s Welsh for love.” He explained. “I guess it just slipped out.”
Robyn stretched to place a tender kiss on his lips. “It’s beautiful.”
“Yeah?” He asked, his voice a little nervous. “Not too soon?”
“Nope.” Robyn kissed him once more. “I cariad it.”
Taron laughed at her use of the word. “Me too.”
“Hey what did I say about kissing?” Claire called across to them. “Why don’t you pick a movie to watch instead. Dessert will be right over.”
Robyn reached forward to grab the TV controller from the coffee table and turned on the screen, sitting back beside Taron. “What are you in the mood for?” She called back to her friends, her hand settling into Taron’s immediately, their fingers linking together. She was bursting with joy inside with the beautiful new nickname he had given her and lifted his hand to her lips so she could place a soft kiss on the back of his hand.
“Scary!” Shane called back immediately.
“Ahh hell no.” Robyn groaned, dropping her and Taron’s linked hands to her lap.
“Come on Robyn.” Darragh carried over two dishes in his hands and handed one each to her and Taron. “We cooked, we get to pick. You know that’s the rule.”
“Yeah, but you cooked for me because I ended up in hospital with anaemia.”
“You know you can’t use that excuse forever.” Shane plopped down on the couch to her left, his own bowl in his hands. “And you also know the rule. Those who cook, get to pick the movie so suck it up and give me that.” Shane held his hand out for the TV controller, Robyn handing it over with a sigh. “Now eat your dessert.”
Robyn made a face at Shane, Darragh laughing at her as he sat beside his husband. “Weren’t you the one who made that rule?” He asked. “When you and Claire were like twelve?”
“Yes we did.” Claire sat with Nick on the other side of the couch. “And it has been that way ever since so we want scary and scary it will be.”
Robyn sat on the couch with a frown on her face. She was not a fan of the horror genre but her friends loved it and many times she had found herself watching from behind her hands. However, they had made her a wonderful dinner and she had made them watch Rocketman two dinners in a row and knew she was out voted.
“Ok so let’s see what we have.” Shane clicked through the movies in the horror section of Netflix and paused when he saw one he knew they would enjoy. “Movie chosen.”
The group looked up and Robyn groaned harder. “Shane no!” She leaned forward to put her uneaten dessert on the coffee table.
“Sorry Robyn. Our choice.” He selected ‘Jigsaw’ to play and placing his empty dessert bowl on the coffee table, settled back into the couch against Darragh.
On the opposite side Claire and Nick also got comfortable, more dessert dishes placed out of the way and as Taron placed his dish beside Robyn’s on the coffee table, his dessert barely touched too, he shuffled a little on the couch until he was snug against the back of the soft cushions, right in the corner. He knew Robyn was not a horror fan and could see a little worry in her face. He slipped his left arm around her shoulders and pulled her into him, so her head was on his own shoulder. He saw Claire staring at him with a raised eyebrow.
“I am adding a new condition to this rule.” He negotiated. “Cuddles are most definitely allowed during horror movies.” He felt a dig in his side and leaned his ear into Robyn. “During any movie.” He corrected after Robyn whispered to him.
Claire nodded with a laugh. “I can agree to that condition.”
“Great.” He moved his arm from around Robyn’s shoulder to her waist and she moved her head from his shoulder to his chest. He was more than happy to have Robyn nuzzle into him and while a cuddle was nothing new to them, after their kiss, everything felt novel and exciting. He had felt her weight against him before but this time it made his heart beat a little faster and his body feel a little warmer, his smile wider and she wrapped her arm around his waist playing with the hem of his t-shirt.
The movie played on the screen and Taron focused on it for about twenty minutes but Robyn’s hand had moved from the hem of his t-shirt and now she was slowly rubbing her fingers back and forth over his side and it felt gorgeous. Her fingers inched little by little under the material of his t-shirt, over the band of the shorts and soon she was brushing back and forth over some bare skin. It left tingles seeping through his side and looking down he could tell Robyn wasn’t even pay attention to the TV screen but just slowly playing with his side and he was not complaining one bit. It was a little bit of extra contact that he craved and with her friends watching their every move, a kiss, no matter how small, was going to be scrutinised. It did make him laugh though that her friends were telling them to stop kissing and Taron found it very hard not too, now that he could, just waiting to be alone with Robyn so he could share more with her. He bent his head to give her hair a light kiss and smiled as Robyn snuggled some more into him. He grinned to himself, seeing Claire give her friend a tiny frown but Taron caught her eye and winked, Claire looking away back to the TV. Robyn was rubbing his side again and he felt his eyes becoming a little heavy. The meal, serious lack of sleep, eventful day and warm woman in his arms, had him feeling very content and happy. He also felt a lot of relief as he was glad Robyn didn’t mind how he had called her cariad. The Welsh word had just slipped from his mouth and he said it without thinking but he meant it and was glad Robyn seemed to like it too. She definitely liked stroking his side and the soothing back and forth motion was just like how she stroked his head and he could feel himself drifting to sleep, his eyes closing no matter how hard he tried to keep himself awake.
Always calmed by his heart, the steady beats that kept thumping, Robyn had her ear on Taron’s chest and not only could she hear the steady pulse but also feel his chest rise and fall as he breathed and knew the moment he fell asleep. She wasn’t surprised at all. A full stomach and a few beers always were key to helping him sleep but she knew he was knackered too. Ignoring the horrible screams and sounds coming from the movie, Robyn focused on the man asleep under her. If her friends weren’t there, she would have woken Taron and gotten him into bed but with her friends there, it was easier just to leave him sleep. It also meant that she could just lay against him, gently giving the skin on his side a soft caress. She zoned the movie out and just breathed in Taron, enjoying his heat, his heart and still thinking about her beautiful new nickname.
Claire had noticed half way through the film that Taron was sleeping and Robyn wasn’t even paying attention to the TV, completely engrossed in the man under her rather than the movie. Normally Robyn hid behind her hands during a scary movie but now she was distracted and very much so. Claire gave Nick a light dig and then lifting a cushion that was beside her, threw it at Shane.
“Hey!” He looked at Claire with a frown but his face softened when he saw what she was pointing at. “Oh…”
Claire took Nick’s arm from around her shoulders and stood up and crouched in front of Robyn and placed a hand on her knee, seeing her friend open her eyes.
“We should go.” Claire said to her. “He needs to sleep, you too.”
“Claire…” Robyn started to speak but her friend interrupted her.
“We can catch up after the weekend. He needs you right now just like you need him.”
Robyn carefully lifted herself from Taron, the Welshman not moving at all and stood up. Shane had stopped the movie and gotten to his feet too. “Thanks so much for coming over.” She said to her friends quietly. “The dinner was perfect.”
“You are so welcome Robyn.” Clare engulfed her in a tight hug. “We are always here for you.”
“Always.” Shane agreed. “And will be getting all those kiss details off you, so don’t even try to forget about it.”
Robyn looked at him over Claire’s shoulder and gave him a wink. “I am sure I will have many more to tell you about by then.”
With more hugs and quiet goodbyes, the four left her alone and Robyn only then noticed that they hadn’t turned off the music they were playing during dinner. Her favourite playlist was still going. She walked around the couch and the first thing she did was turn off the TV. While the movie had been paused, the picture was enough to still give her the heebie jeebies so was happy to see the black screen. She then moved and stood in front of Taron. His chin was now hitting his chest and that position was only going to leave him with another ache in his body. It was most definitely time to get him to bed. A long cosy duvet sleep was calling both their names. Crouched in front of him, she gave his knees a shake, his head lifting with a start.
He opened his eyes and groaned, his head hitting the back of the couch. “Let me guess, I fell asleep.”
Robyn nodded. “Yup.”
“They gone?” He asked rubbing his eyes.
“Left about two minutes ago.”
“‘Cos I was asleep.” Taron yawned and stretched. “We should have just pretended to be asleep the whole time.” He said rubbing his eyes again. The tiredness was starting to sting his eyes now and he yawned again, his whole body lifting a little from the couch. “We could have stayed sitting as we were.”
Robyn grinned. “We would have had to move to the bed.”
“Yeah I would have been ok with that.” He said through another yawn. “What time is it?”
“Just after half eight.”
“You even watch the movie?”
“Nope.” Robyn sat beside him. “Not a hope. You know I don’t do well with scary movies.”
“Yeah I know.”
“You were a perfect distraction.”
“Hmm...” Taron hummed through one more long yawn. “You sleep?”
“Nah. Just rested against you. Blocked out the sound with your heartbeat.”
Taron couldn’t hold in a fifth yawn and could feel his eyes watering now with the exhaustion he could feel. “So time for bed then I guess.”
“Yeah thought we would give that a go.”
Taron nodded and sat up. “Sure but there is something I need to do first.” He got to his feet and walked around the couch and to the front door. He left it open and wandered outside, Robyn watching with interest from the couch as he disappeared from her eye line for about ten seconds. She heard the scraping of her flower pot and a shout of glee before he came back inside. “This is staying inside from now on.” He held up the key to her. “Always inside.” He turned back to the door and locked it, then punched in her alarm code. He walked around the breakfast bar and opened her fridge and placed the key on the shelf. “You can stay there.” He closed the fridge and looked to Robyn. “Key problem solved.”
“So it seems.” She grinned. “The key will live in the fridge from now on yeah?”
“Best place for it.”
“Well ok then.” Robyn stood up and walked over to the island. “You wanna go get a cosy duvet sleep?”
“Hmm not yet.”
“What? You were out for the count less than five minutes ago and haven’t stopped yawning since you woke.”
Taron nodded his agreement but he turned to the Alexa which was quietly still playing in the corner and then looked to Robyn. “Come and dance with me.”
“You heard me.” He stepped over to her and held his hand out over the breakfast bar to her. “Dance with me.”
The soft tones of The Beach Boys echoed through the open plan room, the song Don’t Worry Baby playing, the volume increasing as Taron asked for it to be turned up.
“Come on Robyn.” He took her hand over the island and gave it a little pull. “Dance with me.” He led her past the fish tank and taking her left hand in his right, he slid his left around her waist and started to sway with her, pulling her right against him, grinning when Robyn fell in time with him.
“Really?” Robyn asked as he moved them slowly in beat with the song.
“Yes really.”
“You need to go to bed.”
“I can wait another few minutes.” He stepped away from her and gave her a twirl, swinging her back into him, this time his hands going around her waist, meaning she had to place her around his shoulders but she soon changed position so her hands went under his arms so she could hold hers around his back too, Taron gently chuckling at her as she nestled her head into his shoulder. “See dancing.” Taron loved how easily Robyn caved to the slow dance, snuggling right into him. “So bed?” He asked into her hair.
“Hmm no. It can wait a little longer.” Robyn closed her eyes and tightened her arms around his back. Hugging herself into him, she burrowed her cheek a little more into his chest, feeling Taron cuddle her back as he continued to sway them.
The song was such a short one and ended before Robyn even had a chance to enjoy the dance with Taron that she called out for it to play again, feeling Taron’s body move with his laughter but she gave his body a long squeeze and closed her eyes again, feeling Taron continue to move them in a very easy rock back and forth. He quietly sang the song into her temple and when it ended the second time, they stayed together for a moment. Robyn lifted her head from his chest and gave him a kiss.
“Thanks for the dance.” She spoke into his soft lips.
“Hmm welcome. Saw the chance and took it.” He dipped his head to kiss her again. “I will never stop enjoying that.” He grinned. “And I can do it whenever I want.” He took another kiss from her, yawning through a third.
“Any time you want.” Robyn agreed. “But you really need to get some sleep Taron.”
“Yeah I suppose.”
Robyn touched his lips, feeling him kiss her fingers. “I am not too sure if we fully fulfilled the Robyn cuddles voucher last night.”
“No?” Taron asked. “I am pretty sure it was more than fulfilled.” He felt a little heat rise to his cheeks. “I liked our cuddle last night.”
“Me too so why don’t you go and get ready for bed and I will close off in here and we can repeat the cuddle.”
“Best idea I have heard all evening but you are coming with me and not going to put that key back outside.”
“No I am not.” Robyn assured him. “But I will take it from the fridge and put it somewhere where it won’t rust. Go. I will be right with you. I just need to take my tablet too.” She saw his forehead crinkle in a frown. “And you being here has not ruined my recovery Taron. It has actually been wonderful having you here with me, as always. I very much enjoy your company and I usually take my table around eight before I settle into bed for the night. One tablet in the evening and one in the morning. Now go and get changed for bed, find your side and cwtch and I will be there in five.”
He nodded through a wide yawn. “Okie dokie.” He walked away and headed straight for the bathroom.
Before Robyn took her tablet, she walked to the coffee table and picked up the six dishes which had been used for dessert, hers and Taron’s now a melted mess and carried them to the sink. She turned the tap on to give them a wash but her head turned when she heard Taron’s voice shout her way.
“Robyn! Just leave them.” Taron stood at the laundry room door in just his shorts, his t-shirt in his hands. “You said you were going to take your tablet. Not clean dishes.”
She gave him a sheepish smile and turned off the tap. “At least let me fill the bowls with…” She stopped as Taron started to walk towards her. “Ok ok ok!” She grinned. “Look I am stepping away.” She looked to the sink and turned the tap on again. “Just let me fill them with water. The chocolate will stick and then be impossible to wash tomorrow and at least they can be soaking a bit before...” She felt his arms around her waist before she got to fill all the bowls and she was lifted away from the sink as Taron physically carried her away to beside the breakfast bar. “Taron, I just wanna…”
“You just wanna take your tablet right?” He said as he threw his t-shirt onto the island and crossed his arms over his chest. “And then you will be going to bed and not sneaking out to clean these.” Taron headed to the sink and made sure each bowl was filled with water, scraping the uneaten brownie and ice cream into the bin before filling the last two bowls with hot water. “Now they can wait until the morning. I will help you but they can wait.” He walked to the fridge and took out the orange juice carton. “So tablet?”
Robyn walked to him and stretched around him to get the jar of tablets from the counter, shaking them at him. “Doing it.”
“Good.” He poured her a glass of juice and handed it to her. “You are going to have to get used to this now Robyn.” He waited for her take her tablet and drink the glass of juice. “I may have been on your case before, but now cariad…” He took the empty glass from her and walked around her to put it in the sink. “Well now…” He walked back to her and gave her a very light kiss. “Now, I am more invested than I was before.” He placed his hands on her face and gently pressed his lips to her forehead. “Come on. Bed.”
“Now who is bossy.” Robyn rose an eyebrow his way.
“And you had better get used to it.” He replied, calling for the music to stop playing.
“Oh really?” She asked him with her hands on her hips. “Get used to it yeah?”
“I think this is going to get very interesting.” Robyn laughed.
“And I can’t wait for it all.” Taron yawned through his sentence. “Now bed come on.”
“Can I at least pull the blinds and curtains?”
“I will allow that.” Taron nodded.
“Great.” She asked as she walked away from him to pull down her kitchen blind. “So we will have the conversation tomorrow then?”
“Conversation?” Taron asked, walking to the kitchen door and drawing down the blind, moving towards the glass doors beside the couch to pull the curtains closed. He turned to look at her. “Robyn?”
“You don’t think we need to chat about us, this?” She pointed to him and then back to herself.
He walked back towards her nodding. “I think we definitely do but for the moment, it can wait.” He picked up his t-shirt from where he had left it on the island. “I know we need to sit and talk but it can wait until tomorrow when we have both had some proper sleep. While today has been a day I will never forget for obvious reasons, it has also been tough in many other ways and I need to get some sleep and you do too. For now, let’s just enjoy the kisses, the closeness and the cuddles. There is plenty of time tomorrow to talk. Now sleep.” Taron sealed his little speech with a tiny kiss. “Ok?”
“Sounds good to me.” Robyn agreed. “You go and finished getting ready for bed. I will be there in two and I promise I am not going near the dishes. Just the lights.”
“Absolutely not. I will wait here for you and then we can…” He stopped as the room plunged into darkness.
“Done!” Robyn chuckled.
“Cariad I have no idea where you are or how to get out of here without injuring myself.”
“I got you.” Robyn knew exactly where Taron was standing and simply reached for his hand. She led him down the gap between the island and fish tank and following the light coming from the bathroom through the laundry room, walked him into the brightness. “Now all safe.” She turned to him. “You finish doing what you were doing. I am going to change.” She left him in the bathroom and walked into her closet and pulled out a fresh pair of pyjamas for her sleep. A light blue colour, the shorts and string top would be perfect for her night with Taron. Her face grinned stupidly as she thought about sleeping in the same bed as him. It had always been the way with them but she had a feeling tonight it was going to be so much more special. She quickly changed and gave the bathroom door a quick knock, Taron calling her in.
“You always gonna knock?” He asked, his voice a little muffled as he dried his face with the towel.
“Yup. You could have been peeing.”
Taron laughed hard at her words as he put the towel back into the rail. “Well, my back would have been to you so you wouldn’t have seen anything.”
Robyn grinned as she came to stand beside him and nudged him with her hip. “Hmmm not seen…”
Taron laughed again but his face reddened at her words. He dug in his wash bag for his toothbrush. “I know. You don’t have to see to feel. Lots of things were felt today.”
“I am not complaining.” Robyn assured him as she handed him the toothpaste. “I wouldn’t have kissed you like I did, in the way that I did if I didn’t feel comfortable and then continue to kiss you as it heated up. I have always felt comfortable around you.” She started to brush her teeth. “Always.” She assured him.
Copying her, Taron worked on brushing his teeth too and gave her hip a tiny nudge. “I fiked our fiss.”
Robyn laughed as he gave her a grin, his lips covered in toothpaste, knowing well he did it on purpose. “I liked kissing you too and Taron! For goodness sake!” Robyn dropped her toothbrush onto the sink and pulled the hand towel from the railing, using it to wipe his chin as the toothpaste dribbled from his lips. “I swear, one day I will bring you to work with me.” She gently patted his neck, getting one drop from his chest too. “You will fit right in.”
Laughing deeply, Taron nodded, still brushing his teeth. “I fud fike fat.”
She wanted to roll her eyes at him, to scold him for his childish antics but he was happy and smiling and she missed how his eyes crinkled at the sides when he grinned, how deep his laugh got when he was genuinely giggling and her heart just ached for him to be happy and it was the happiest she had seen him since he arrived soaking wet in her home last night. So instead she hung the towel back up on the railing and picked up her toothbrush and stood back beside him, brushing her teeth again, both just grinning at each other in the mirror.
Taron finished before her, spitting out the minty bubbles and rinsing his mouth from the tap. “I will be with cwtch waiting for you.” He left her with a smile and wandered slowly out of the bathroom leaving Robyn alone but taking a sneaky look back to her, his face just naturally smiling at he took her profile. In a shorts pyjama set, her go to sleep wear whenever he was around, he felt a gorgeous shiver run through his body as he remembered holding her close as they kissed and quickly told himself to calm down because a cuddle was coming very soon for him. Heading into the bedroom, he could feel the exhaustion in his body and muscles and he was looking forward to laying down and closing his eyes. He was glad Robyn had agreed to leave their chat about their kiss until tomorrow. He just didn’t have enough energy to have that talk right now and honestly just wanted to enjoy the feeling of freely giving her as many kisses as he wanted, receiving ones in return. It was simple and pure, new and exciting and everything he had ever wished for. He stripped to his boxers, folding the shorts and laying them across Robyn’s make up table in the corner, closing the bedroom curtains while he was at the side of the room.
Taking four steps towards the bed, he let his body flop forward onto the mattress, the blue duvet soft under his bare chest and legs and his body bounced a few times before he lay still. A long contented sigh left his lips. Reaching above his head he patted the duvet, feeling for his favourite blue friend which he had seen on the bed but came up with nothing.
“Looking for this?”
Taron lifted his head to see Robyn at the opposite side of the bed, holding cwtch and nodded. “Yeah gimmie.” Robyn faked shock but gently tossed the dinosaur to him. “Hmm thanks.”
“Cosy?” Robyn asked. She just smiled when she walked out of the bathroom and saw Taron flat out on the bed on his stomach, hands above his head looking for the dinosaur.
“Hmmm yup.” Taron’s voice was muffled as he nuzzled into cwtch.
“Settled for a sleep?”
“Yup.” Taron felt the bed move and made a little appreciative noise as Robyn’s hands threaded through his hair, her fingers gently scratching his head. “Love this.”
“I know.” Robyn enjoyed how long his hair had gotten as it made it much easier to play with and she spent a few quick seconds playing with the soft strands of hair, giving his head a gentle knead but his bare back was much too tempting to ignore. “But you love this more.” She moved her hands from his head, down toward his neck and across his shoulders, her thumbs making deep pressured circles on his skin. His groan was low and his back arched a little into her hands. She massaged between his shoulder blades continuously for a couple of minutes and then leaned forward to kiss the back of his head. “I know you have a voucher somewhere and you can route for it tomorrow but now, sleep.”
“I would normally complain about this but I am knackered so yes sleep.” Taron stayed as he was, laying across the bed, his legs hanging off the bed from his knees.
“Taron, you are taking up the bed, mostly on my side.”
Robyn playfully tugged his hair and pulled cwtch from his arms. “Ok well cwtch and I are going to sleep on our side and on top of you it seems.” Crawling around him, Robyn lay down on the bed as best she could with Taron laying across the bed. Realising his legs were in the way, Robyn threw hers over his and lay on her back.
“Robyn!” Taron chuckled not at all surprised at how she lay over him. He lay for about thirty seconds but knowing she was much more stubborn than him, shuffled forward so he was free. He knelt on the bed beside her. “So sleeping on top of the duvet?”
“I am waiting for my electric blanket to come and join me under the duvet.”
Taron couldn’t help but smile at her words. “You ok if I sleep like this?” He asked her running his hands down his bare chest.
Robyn opened one eye and looked at him. “Absolutely.” She gave her shorts a pull. “You ok for me like this?”
Taron smirked. “You want me to answer that?”
“Yes!” Taron smirked. “Definitely. So, lights on or off?” He asked her.
“I was leaving that up to you.” Robyn opened both her eyes to look at him, hoping he understood why she was giving him the decision.
“I think tonight we can turn them off.”
“Sure.” She kicked her legs to get under the duvet and then threw back the cover for Taron. “I can turn them off from the switch beside me.”
“Perfect.” Taron made sure to close the bedroom and closet doors and then climbed into the bed, shuffling all the way over beside Robyn, dragging the duvet over his legs, sighing happily as he sunk into the comfort under him. “No one is going to be knocking tomorrow, right?”
“As far as I am aware, no one is coming knocking.” Robyn smiled as Taron closed his eyes and gave himself a long stretch.
“Fantastic because I am not leaving this bed.” Robyn nodded her agreement at his words, covering her mouth as she yawned. “You are just as tired as me.” Taron had seen Robyn trying to hold her second yawn in and shuffled down on the bed and turned to lay on his left side. “Wanna swap cwtch for me?” He asked sweetly, doing his best to keep his endless yawns in but another one left his lips, his upper body lifting, his eyes filling with little tears as the weariness hit him hard.
Robyn nodded and moved to placed cwtch on the locker and then flicked off the light, the room plunging into complete darkness. She slid back over the bed bumping into Taron, apologising to him immediately as her legs knocked off his.
“It’s ok. I moved over closer.” Taron explained.
“You taking my side?” Robyn joked.
Taron lightly laughed. “Never but I think you deserve a cuddle tonight.” He tentatively placed his hand on her waist. “You ok with that?”
The darkness was the perfect cover to hide the flush that filled Robyn’s face, how she bit her lower lip and stared his way and she was nodding before she realised that he couldn’t see her. “Sure but you do need the rest of your voucher filled.”
“It was well used last night and more.” He gave the material of her pyjama a little tug. “Let’s start as we mean to continue.”
Encouraged by his soft voice and fingers gently running up and down her side, she turned onto her left side too and shuffled back until she felt the warmth of his body against hers. Before they had used this position to comfort each other, to help make the other feel safe, secure and protected. Robyn still felt all of those things but as Taron covered them both with the duvet, settled himself behind her and slipped his arm around her to hold her close, she felt truly loved. It only took him a few seconds to find a perfectly snug position and his arm lazily draped over her waist. The light weight of his arm on her side felt so nice and she just wanted to feel even closer to him. She gently stroked her fingers from his elbow down his forearm a few times. Then moving her hand over the back of his hand, she cupped his hand, dragged it up and over her, linked her fingers over his knuckles and brought his hand to her lips for a light kiss. She then snuggled into the pillow under her, giving his arm a light tug, tightening his arm around her.
Taron waited for Robyn to find a comfy spot, his lips in a huge smile as she lightly ran her finger tips up and down his arm before she found his hand, kissed it and drew his arm securely around her. Following her need to be close, he tucked his legs into hers, bare skin against bare skin, her back tight against his chest and closed his eyes. His head was a little higher than hers on the pillow and it was so very easy to mould his body around hers and he sighed contently. Again, it all felt like a dream but as Robyn nestled back into him, his sighed again, this time more loudly than he meant but Robyn’s second kiss to his hand assured him she felt the same.
Two more yawns followed and he was more than happy to be laying down and his pending sleep was one his body was in desperate need of. The embrace and the heat from Robyn’s body felt just lovely against his and he was completely smitten. “Robyn?”
“I know we have to talk but just let me say, that I will always be your best friend no matter what.”
Robyn gave his hand a squeeze. “Me too Taron.”
“And this is the best cuddle ever.” He added.
Robyn confirmed her agreement by tightening his arm around her.  “Definitely.”
The sounds of soft deep breathing filled the dark bedroom quickly, Taron asleep in minutes. Robyn enjoyed the feel of his soft breaths against for a little while but fell asleep soon after, both wrapped up in each other, both getting the rest they desperately needed.
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headlinehorizon · 1 year
The Wedding Album Mishap That Became a Source of Laughter and Joy - Headline Horizon
Read about a Texas wedding album mishap that turned into a heartwarming story of laughter and unexpected delight. Join in the fun and embrace the little things that bring happiness.
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tanuandthetriplets · 1 year
Triplets Ka Pehla Mela | Triplet's 1st Fun Fair | Triplets Vlog - 21st August’23
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rileykeouhg · 11 months
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MATTHEW PERRY as CHANDLER BING FRIENDS (1994–2004) ∞ The One Where We Say Goodbye, Matthew Perry 💔
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sarathrwizard · 2 months
I Care. Chapter 5 (Part 2/2) - (Rottmnt comic)
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Despite the fact that Leo is sleeping, he can still hear the conversation. But what he didn't expect to see when he woke up was Donnie much worse than he was earlier that day. He came over to Donnie as quick as he could to help his twin however way he can. Leo gave Donnie some pain killers, as requested. But only moments later Donnie had passed out, risking his broken ribs to damage his lungs even further! Leo, feeling that something was wrong, began to pray. (As many would do in a time of desperation.) Then, before him formed A spirit that knew the ancient technique of the 'healing hands'. Scared at first, Leo protected Donnie from this spirit. But the spirit paid no mind to Leos efforts. They laid their hands on Donnie, healing him from his fever and breaks and reliving him from the pain he's endured.
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beaulesbian · 6 months
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Lucci Vs. Luffy || One Piece ep. 1100 "I see. This is gonna be fun."
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
I love these polls. But this feels like a weird and uncomfortable time to continue them. While we are in the process of deciding whether or not to give fascism unlimited power in the greatest military power currently on the planet, these posts feel uncomfortably out of touch with the existential threat facing all of humanity. I cannot enjoy voting in silly polls when I know that all of humankind faces the threat of extermination.
When we can return to a less horrifying reality, I would enjoy revisiting these polls. At the moment, to continue them feels like a cruel celebration of privilege from those who are insulated from the most extreme consequences of current proposed policies. It is hard to think of what level of inhumanity is necessary to continue laughing in the face of so much world-wide horror.
Of course you don't have to stay, and I won't begrudge you at all for going. But there's one point of yours here I feel is worth discussing, and it's your last one: laughing in the face of world-wide horror.
There is a difference between laughing at horrifying things and taking a break to laugh. In a world that is horrifying—and, to be honest, has been horrifying since this blog began, and long before then, and will be after it's done—you need to laugh to keep your endurance. I mean that every step of the way. You will not be able to keep fighting for the people who need your help, including yourself, if you don't give yourself a break and let yourself have joy and silliness in little dollops on the regular.
In my real life, when I'm not posting hot silly people on the hot silly people blog, I try to find ways to help change the world for the better. I've been trying for a while. And one of the key things I've learned in that while is that having a little fun and silliness does not dilute the work of making the world better—it gives you the fuel to keep doing it. Your human brain and body need a muchness. They need joy and sorrow and work and rest and laughter to keep going—and before you say, that's a privilege! yes, in today's broken world it often is. It should not be one. It is a right. You have the right to find spots of joy, silliness, time off from the world.
Stuff sucks right now, but taking ten minutes off to let yourself rest is not going to contribute to the end of the world. We need to rest and laugh if we want to keep going. I've always said this is a silly blog, and I maintain that yes! it is silly, it is pointless, this is nothing big at all. Nothing here has any consequence. And that can be a small good thing at the end of the day. It doesn't mean the big stuff doesn't matter if we have the small stuff too. We can have both. We need both.
I hope you find peace, wherever you are.
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buttslapsmcgee · 2 years
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philosophybits · 2 months
If the satisfaction of an old man drinking a glass of wine counts for nothing, then production and wealth are only hollow myths; they have meaning only if they are capable of being retrieved in individual and living joy. The saving of time and the conquest of leisure have no meaning if we are not moved by the laugh of a child at play. If we do not love life on our own account and through others, it is futile to seek to justify it in any way.
Simone de Beauvoir, The Ethics of Ambiguity
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rabidline · 3 months
Shoma Uno → NEW PROGRAM (FOR ICE SHOWS) - BLOOPERS The Spectre by Alan Walker Choreographed and Filmed by Marin Honda
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beif0ngs · 1 year
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just a silly little guy having a jolly good time
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tumbly-s · 7 months
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Trigun body horror week day 3 — LUNGS
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acknowledgetheabsurd · 10 months
As for me, I follow the laughter, the smiles, the anger, the complaints and the sorrows of the sea near which I was born; but today the sun shines all over the ocean and I want to scream with love, enthusiasm, joy, recognition, happiness. I love you, my love, and I thank you for always being what you are, for always bringing me more than I ask for, and finally for not letting this unquenchable thirst for you, for you always, cease in my mouth.
Maria Casarès to Albert Camus, Correspondance, February 6, 1950 [#173]
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mikefrawley · 14 days
She Said II (Hi Again)
Sorrow stopped by recently but she could only stay awhile She said hi again, remember me and I couldn’t help but smile I kissed her lightly on the cheek and said yes I most certainly do We spent a lot of time together I remember all you put me through Her expression turned a little sad she said do you recall the rest I shared every smile and every tear and held you sobbing to my breast She said I’m also laughter and love I’m life, I’m all of these somehow Can’t you see this time I’m joy I think you’re ready for me now She said you know I love you I said you know I feel the same Will you please stay a while longer I‘m starting to like your little game
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daddy-long-legssss · 7 months
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