you should definitely rant to me about your iteration if you can.. I would absolutely love to learn abt it to possibly draw our iteration turts interacting.. /nf
TMNT: Found Family is a teetle iteration based off of my friends!! I only have the turtles drawn out (and April planned in my head) but!!! I do have some of the basics:
Donnie (He/Her): He's based off of Tomi!! She's 14, the youngest of the four bros. Typically quiet around people (unless she freaks the fuck out) but he yaps A LOT when she's either alone or with her siblings. A lot of people mistake him as a very meek and mild individual, but in reality he's a violent BEAST filled with rage. The #1 hater ever. But overall she's very silly and critter-like...
Leo (He/him): The second youngest, based off of me! I would've made myself Donnie but. Then I'd just be drawing my sona SO... yeah... I decided to go with Leo because the person I relate to the most (after MM Don, ofc) is Rise Leo. For. Various reasons. But yeah. He's a 16 year old shithead who looooves playing pranks and being a smartass. He's academically smart but SUPER dense (a lot of shit goes over his head..), but also somehow extremely cunning and witty. Despite being a ball of unhinged chaos, he still ends up caring for his siblings like a dad because he's also an Anxious Idiot. Oh also he has a severe case of RBF syndrome
Mikey (He/him): I based him off of Val, he's 17 years old and the second oldest. Gay as fuck, I haven't shown his design yet but he's. Literally a walking rainbow (and I mean LITERALLY... wait until you see his scale patterning). Like Leo, he's a little shithead who teams up with the blue boy to prank everyone within a five mile radius. He's also somehow even more insufferable than Leo. It's probably because he's gay (DON HOMOPHOBIC REAL!??11/??!?!??!? /j). Despite being a seemingly fiery ball of energy, he gets pretty quiet with strangers. Actually, ALL of them get quiet with strangers. Autism sibs unite or something idk
Raph (She/They): The oldest of them all, being 18 years old!! She's based off of my beloved nee-chan Phantom. The (appointed) leader of the group, she has a major case of the Eldest Daughter syndrome. She's a very caring figure of them all, but despite seeming mature and calm, she's just as chaotic as the rest of them. She won't hesitate to condone murder (for the right reasons, of course) and doesn't really reprimand any of her brothers for their shenanigans. If anything, she laughs and cheers them on. I mean, as long as no one's getting hurt, it's all good, right??
April (She/Her): April is also 14, standing next to Donnie age-wise. She's based off of Cin.. I haven't developed her as much since I don't have her design down yet, but as far as I've thought, she's a very mischievous creature.. think of Anya's smug little "heh" face. That's basically her entire personality /hj. Despite being a little bitch (/lhaff) she's very sweet and won't hesitate to comfort her friends and family. Best little sister ever <- not biased at all
As for the storyline.... uh... haha um I. Haven't really thought that far?? Ik for a fact Splinter (who I haven't developed in the slightest) finds all four of the turtles individually as time goes on, with Raph being the first, then Donnie, then Mikey, and then finally Leo. That's why my iteration is titled "found family", because they all literally found each other (unintentionally, but still).
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teainthesnow · 1 year
@somerandomdudelmao has absolutely destroyed me with that latest Cass Apocalypse update so my brain decided to spit this out in return.
- - - -
Looking back, he realises that he knew – in some small defeated way – when he woke up that morning and his legs refused to leg that this was it.
There were many thoughts and emotions that ran through his scarily sluggish brain at that realisation.
Why here?
Why now?
He still had so much to do.
So much to prepare for.
This couldn’t... He couldn’t...
But he also knew that he could only accept it at that point because what else could he have done?
He still puts up a fuss when his brothers carried him into another room and bundled him up in blankets and pillows. They set him down onto Raph’s arm, and Mikey and Leo settle down on either side of him.
And that’s where he finds himself now. In a familiar yet vastly different turtle pile. And he is warm and cosy and comfortable despite everything.
He stares up at the ceiling and if he tries hard enough, and lies still enough, he can almost pretend that the crumbling roof above him is actually the chipped tiles of their old sewer home.
He takes a breath and he can feel the rumbling breaths of an alive and not robotic Raph beneath him. That there is no hair upon Mikey’s head as he presses against his side. And finally that the two hands that Leo clutches at him so desperately with, are both of equal size with familiar warm and unscarred scales.
He releases the breath. Barely paying any mind as to how long it had been since he breathed in.
The lair's ceiling is a comfort and the softly glowing green lights lull him further into peace.
And in the morning they’ll all wake up and get into their usual shenanigans again. They’ll go fight some villains or cause some chaos. Perhaps even get some pizza after.
And nothing is wrong.
And life is simply a slightly messy joy.
He would give everything to have it all back.
To not be where he is now.
Weak and usualess and... and dying.
He blinks, having to force his eyes back open, and he is back in the resistance base. And brothers are still clinging tightly to him.
They’ll be okay, he thinks to himself.
And, sure he is worried, and scared, and filled with so many other emotions that he doesn’t even have the time to try and describe or make sense of.
Despite that, however, he believes that he can trust his brothers.
Trust that they’ll keep themselves alive.
Keep the resistance strong and victorious.
And that they’ll beat the Krang and make them pay for every little thing that they did.
For all the loss, and destruction, and pain, and fear.
And then Raph would live again.
He would eat his honey, surrounded by his family.
April would keep them all going, keep them grounded while living the life she deserved.
Casey would grow up to be strong and brave.
Mikey would be a fantastic mystic warrior.
With Leo a beloved leader and respected ninja.
And it would all be okay.
There’s a slight bitterness, a simmering anger, that he won’t be there to see it. Won’t get to enjoy that well deserved rest, to see what freedom could bring or even live the life that he could barely even imagine anymore.
But at least they will.
And, to him, that’s all that really truly matters.
He closes his eyes, letting himself become enveloped within the warm embrace of his brothers.
He knows that his time has come.
Faintly he realises that he should say something. Some cheesy goodbye or emotional last words. Perhaps a grand gesture or maybe he could even steal Leo’s trademark and go out with the stupidest pun imaginable.
But, maybe, nothing is needed.
Perhaps, lying here, surrounded by his family, is the best goodbye he could give for now.
And maybe some part of him hopes, somewhere deep down, that this isn’t truly the end. That he’ll see his family once again.
He smiles.
Yeah, he thinks, this is enough.
He hears faint whispers in the air.
A comforting voice. Another friendly face.
Two softly glowing green hands reach out towards him.
He lets out a breath.
And reaches back.
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tending-the-hearth · 2 months
6, 21, 25 and 36!! Have a good day!! 😊
Do you own any TMNT merchandise?
all the stuff released with the TMNT Zine (stickers, the zine itself, the bookmark), and then all the digital stuff!
I have the raph build-a-bear which i went and bought as SOON as i saw they announced it, when i walked into the shop, the person helping me told me i was the first person who got one from that store which had me cackling bc i literally zoomed from my work to the mall where the build-a-bear was
I have two funko pop key chains of leo and raph (the leo one i gave away as a gift!)
What is your favorite story arc?
the arc when Leo leaves the team for an episode, and Raph goes through the realization that it’s not easy being the leader
When the brothers have to go into Mikey’s mind to help rescue him
And not to be cliche but the farmhouse arc is SO *chef’s kiss* it’s not even funny I’m obsessed with it
Farmhouse arc in the 90s movie and 2012 show my beloved
I do really like Splinter’s entire arc in the Mutant Mayhem movie, I’ve talked about it before, but i think his speech, when he goes “i don’t get it, and i might not like it, but you like humans and they’re important to you, so I’ll help you” is absolutely fantastic, i cried my eyes out in the movie theater
What is one of your favorite TMNT AUs?
Can i say my own au or is that a cop-out because I LOVE my angst au so much
@indieyuugure's "the mutation situation" is actually everything to me, i would die for this au, and i'm so obsessed with the entire idea of "2012 boys get turned into humans" with a side of ✨angst✨
"a tale of spirits" by unorthodoxx on Ao3 is a fantastically written AU, and i especially love the relationship between the brothers
if you have other aus please please share i want to find more!!
What is one of your favorite pieces of TMNT fanart?
would it also be a cop-out if i said the art you did of Isabelle 👀
@rabbiturtletunnel's art of the bayverse boys in the future rottmnt style!!!
@t-annuki's art of the bayverse boys with april they're family your honor
@sunatoona's art of the sunrise duo, they're so beloved to me
@doctorznote's dripped out 2012 turtles because do you remember the post i made about the 2012 turts going to school with the MM boys in the angst AU? this is EXACTLY how i see them being dressed
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madhare0512 · 1 year
Warning: spoilers ahead for the Cyclops Chapter of Epic the Musical, content warnings include: death (major character), spoilers, graphic descriptions of blood/injury
Thank you for your patience.
Leo stares in absolute shock as the blood drips, the pours from the crush wound sustained by his brother, Don.
Don's eyes are wide, frightened. "C-Captain-" he stutters. Then, in a second, it's over, and Don drops lifelessly to the floor. His eyes go dull, flat, and his expressive face shutters closed and stays that way. A bright light of the world gone as the blood pools beneath his skull and drips off rock and dirt. His skull breaks open, his brain exposed beneath, and Leo feels sick.
More thuds echo around him, more of his men dropping like flies, but Leo only has eyes for the body in front of him with blood and brain still dribbling from his skull.
"Head wounds bleed more than other wounds," Don had told him once.
Leo hits his knees before his brother's body. He cares little for his crew, still screaming for him for orders, for assistance, for him to save them. He doesn't care about the Cyclops and the orders that the beast echoes, twisting them to suit his thoughts. All he cares about is Don.
Beautiful, brilliant Don, who'd caught the attention of the god Hephestus and became his patron at the age of five years old. Don's creations out of little more than paperclips and building blocks made of wood had progressed until he was coming up with defense systems at fifteen years old, regardless of what their father said. Don, who'd repeatedly told Leo to greet the world with open arms instead of a sword. "The world already knows King Leonardo of Ithica was deadly," he'd teased, "they don't need it shoved into their faces." Don, who was now dead because Leo had asked him to go with him into this cave knowing it could be a trap. Don, who followed Leo into battle with the Trojans and slaughtered the vile people of that city at Leo's command.
Don, who'd sent letters back home to his beloved Miyamoto Usagi of Japan. Oh, gods, what's Leo going to tell Usagi? Shit, what is Leo going to tell Father and Mikey? Gods above, what is he supposed to tell Don's little boy, Cody?
"Captain!" someone shouts.
There's a loud, but muffled thud somewhere to his right, but Leo can't be bothered to pay attention.
"Captain!" the same man shouts again.
Leo's eyes are only on the body he kneeled before.
Someone grabs his shoulders and forces him away from Don's body. He stares into the eyes of his brother, Raphael. "Leo!" Raph snaps. "Stop looking at him! We need a leader, I need your head in the game!"
Leo blinks. Twice, three times, then he stands. He takes stock of who's left. Of the men he'd brought into the cave, sixteen are now dead. Raph's body has gained a faint red glow, a blessing from his patron god Ares. He'll be indestructible for the foreseeable future.
Leo glances over, the Cyclops has fallen unconscious in front of the exit. Anger breaks through the fog of grief and shock. Blazing anger, burning anger, that lights his body on fire and demands retribution for the lives stolen from him. Leo breathes out heavily, then nods. "We must move quickly. We don't have much time. The Cyclops was too busy gloating to notice I mixed lotus in the wine I gave him." He sees the crestfallen faces of his crew and states, "Mark my words, crew, this is not the end."
"But, Captain," one protests quietly, stepping away from a headless corpse, Honeycutt by the looks of the tattoos on the corpse's arms. "What do we do about our fallen friends?"
Leo wishes he could take them all, but he's already going to be pushing it. "Remember them," he replies. "When the fire begins to fade, for the fallen and afraid. We are not to let them die in vain. We're the ones who carry on the flames of those who've gone. Our comrades, your Prince, will not die in vain! Remember them."
The crew members nod, looking to Leo for their orders.
"Raph," Leo orders, "Get his club. I want everyone to sharpen it, all swords on the end, to turn it into a giant spear!"
"Should we kill him?" asks Michael, angrily gripping his sword as if to prepare.
Leo shakes his head. "No, his body is blocking the path. If we kill him we'll be trapped inside."
"Captain," Raph introjects, stepping carefully over the body of his twin brother. He hefts the club behind him and lets it fall with a loud clatter. "Where do we attack him?"
Leo looks at the Cyclops, contemplates the neck to let him bleed out slowly. Then his eyes travel further up, and he smiles wickedly. "We've gotta stab him in the eye!" he demands.
"Yes, sir!" The crew calls back affirmatives, unsheathing their swords and taking them to the club. Leo lets them work, choosing to move Don's body away from the fight so they may take him later when they leave. In a matter of minutes, the club has been whittled away to a long and thin spear. Seconds later, the Cyclops begins to stir, low growling noises slipping from its gaping maw.
"Now!" Leo shouts, taking up the spear.
Raph grabs the wood behind him, followed by the rest of the crew and together they lift the spear and shove it directly into the Cyclops' red eye. The Cyclops roars in pain, hands snapping up as body jack knives off the ground.
"Scatter!" Leo demands. Immediately, the crew runs in all different directions, heading for the outskirts of the Cyclops' reach.
The Cyclops paws at his eye, blood squirting from the flesh of it around the spear's wound. The beast reaches up and pulls it out with a pathetic whimper. Leo scoffs at the sight. 'Not so tough when you're the one in danger, are you?' he thinks furiously.
The Cyclops roars again, blood pooling in deep puddles on his skin and minimal clothing.
"Who hurts you?" comes new voices from the back of the cave as heavy footsteps shake the ground. "Who hurts you?"
Two more Cyclopses come from the yawning void Leo had thought led to the cave's end. They stomp on the ground as they come closer, disheveled and obviously unhappy to have been woken.
"There are more of them?" Raph whispers, horrified.
Leo, however, has a different thought. "Hide," he hisses to his men. Once they're all out of sight, Leo grabs Don's body and disappears into the shadows himself.
"Who hurts you," the Cyclopses demand of the still whimpering one.
"Captain," Raph says, "we should run!"
"Wait," Leo cautions.
"Who hurts you?"
"Captain, please!" Raph begs a little louder.
"Wait!" Leo hisses back sharply, hands tightening on Don's body.
"It was Nobody!" The first Cyclops wails. "It was Nobody!"
The other two Cyclops are unimpressed, ignoring his injuries and snarling, "If nobody hurts you be silent!" They stomp off back to the depths of the cave.
"Don't go!" pleads the first Cyclops.
Leo watches the pair leave, then turns his eyes to the first Cyclops. Vindication floods his body, driving his anger away. "Let's grab the sheep and away we go," he says to his crew.
The crew moves immediately to do as he says. Leo rips off his blue sash and kneels down to fold it around Don's broken skull. He can't bring home everyone, but his father, brother, brother-in-law, and nephew deserve to bury their loved one. He can risk it for this.
With Don's head no longer leaking, Leo raises the broken body and slings it over his shoulder. That done, he grips one of Don's strong wrists and frail ankles in one hand and begins to leave the cave. As he passes the sobbing Cyclops, time slows to a stop, and from out of nowhere, out steps Leo's patron goddess herself.
"Have you forgotten the lessons I taught you?" she demands haughtily. "He's still a threat until he's dead."
"My lady," Leo says respectfully. "My foe is blind, my brother is dead, the blood we spill is never dried. If this is what it means to be your warrior, I do not want it."
Athena raises a graceful eyebrow. She opens her mouth, then pauses and nods. "Very well," she replies. "But a warning," she continues. "Hephestus will come after me, he is less forgiving."
"Will it bother you shoulder I accept, my lady?" Leo asks, knuckles glowing white against his grip on his brother.
Athena stoops to Leo's level. "Either way, your foe will be dead, and I will be pleased. You are my champion," she tells him, "to lose you would be a waste. Be quick, whatever you choose. Your journey is not over." And with that, she is gone.
True to her word, Hephestus replaces Athena mere seconds later. He takes a long look at his fallen devotee. Don's body is still warm, burning a brand into Leo's back. "My lord Hephestus," Leo greets, dipping his head.
Hephestus grumbles. "All the work I did to protect that boy, and he goes and gets himself hurt," he growls. With a snarl, he turns to the crying cyclops. "This the brute?" he demands.
"That's him," Leo confirms, running a thumb over Don's ankle.
Hephestus growls again. "Boy, you may have your retribution, but my vengeance is still to be exacted." He looks at Leo with his good eye, the bad one keeping a careful watch on the injured cyclops. "I'd do it myself, but he's one of Posiedon's. So, I need you to do it for me."
Leo hesitates. "My lord," he says. "With all possible respect, he's blinded. Is this not enough?"
Hephestus snaps, "If it were I wouldn't be here!"
Leo flinches back, unused to this type of anger. Fire licks at his legs, though none is visible. Leo can smell brimstone and ash, tickling sparks flickering at his nose. If this was how the god expressed his fury, Leo wondered how Don had dealt with it so well. Then again, the twins didn't have to live up to the expectations of Lady Athena.
So, Leo nods. "Yes, my lord," he replies. "Might I put my brother to rest on board the boat first?"
Hephestus visibly softened. After several minutes of silence, he speaks. "He was my favorite, you know." With a sigh and distraught eyes, Hephestus continues, "I've had many people train under me, many people I've offered assistance to, and so many who've made progress in my name, but him?" The god sighs again, looking away. "Go lay your brother to rest," he allows. "But come back quickly."
Leo nods. "Thank you, my lord." Upon leaving the cave, he calls for Raph. When his brother appears at his side, Leo hands over Don's body. Raph's eyes flood with tears as he gathers his twin into his arms. He doesn't let them fall, refuses to be weak in front of the crew, but it doesn't stop him from having to wipe the tears away.
"Take him below deck and begin the proper prayers. I'll join you shortly."
Raph nods, accepting Leo's order. He's gone as quickly as he appeared. Leo turns back to the cave. To himself, he adds, "No more stops." And truthfully, he means it.
Thank you!
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fixated-frenzy · 2 years
Who’s your favorite ninja turtle?
When I think of Leonardo from TMNT (2012 version anyways), the image in my head is of him watching his favorite show, Space Heroes, with a surprised look on his face as the plot draws him in. I like to think of him this way: happy, free, innocent. Leo is the leader and with that comes a lot of responsibility, which is not always easy for him to handle. He’s a natural leader and definitely best suited for the job, but he’s also a kid who still likes to have fun and get sucked into his favorite show. Leo’s relatable. He’s sweet, responsible, loyal, respectful, and most likely to sacrifice himself to save someone else, which he has done. Leo is easily a loveable and favored character, and although I have a hard time picking a favorite, he does stick out to me especially.
I’d say we all get a little like Raphael at times. You know, angry at the world, gotta go punch a wall for the heck of it kind of attitude. Raph is always a little angry, but he’s a softie underneath. You can really see his sensitive side come out when he talks to his pet turtle, Spike, and whenever the team is in battle and one of them gets thrown pretty hard. I especially love his relationship with Mikey. Raph is a classic older sibling who practically tortures Mikey, but if anyone else messes with Mikey, Raph will kick their butt in a heartbeat. This dynamic is cute to me, but I’m also an oldest sibling so to someone in the same shoes as Mikey, this dynamic may be annoying. In any case, Raph has a lot of personality and it can be a lot sometimes. He’s always competitive and always giving the others a hard time, but like I said, he’s got good intentions at heart. 
The big beautiful brains of the ninja turtle team: Donatello, my beloved. Donnie is such a great asset to the team and they know it. Without him they wouldn’t have all the tech and gadgets to track down and defeat their enemies. There have also been many occasions where they would have died if Donnie had not found an antidote to save them. Lifesaving skills aside, Donnie is super sweet with a heart of gold. He’s always doing his best to help everyone and he works tirelessly to accomplish his goals. Donnie is such a great character and he absolutely deserves the world. He’s caring, trustworthy, and incredibly smart. Every great team has its genius and while the turtles are amazing in many ways, Donnie makes them exceptional.
I might be wrong about this, but I feel like Mikey is the typical favorite character. He’s the loveable goofball of the brothers, often underestimated and pushed aside but always dependable and clever. Mikey has so much personality and spunk to him. He’s quirky but he’ll surprise you. His ideas are either dumb or coincidentally brilliant, and his ability to act without overthinking proves to be a big help when fighting villains. Mikey keeps things light and fun. Can you imagine watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles without Michelangelo? The team would be incomplete and I think it would surprise the rest of the team to know just how much they would suffer by not having him. 
While it’s hard for me to pick one turtle over the others and it greatly depends on the episode, I think Leo would be my favorite. When thinking of TMNT as a whole and from all that I’ve seen, 2012 and 90′s version, Leo stands out to me the most. Each turtle brings something special to the team, but Leo has a little bit of it all and I think that has a lot to do with what makes him such a great leader. But, who’s your favorite?
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aroacesigma · 1 year
anyway if u need tedtalks abt knights come see me otherwise i know jackshit (if you need valk go to nightingale-memoir or mishkakagehishka . if u need fine go to mihai-florescu or starpros-sunshine . tell them vani sent u)
im insane abt knights btw. ritsu leo arashi izumi *looks at smudged writing on my hand* and tsubasa my beloved
im srry i ignore kasita like hardcore. kasakun ily but i do not care abt you <3 (tsukasa is knights current leader. little dude. obsessed with sweets. has a homoerotic thing going on with tori of fine. i pretend leo is still the leader)
i know absolutely NOTHING about what ur saying but i hope to know what this ask means soon . and if u like the knights im sure i will too u have great taste
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sophfandoms53 · 2 years
Thinking about how much Leo has grown as a leader and a ninja to the point of being Master Leonardo
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Can i request Rei Sakuma, Leo Tsukinaga, and Izumi Sena (Separate) react to seeing their s/o run to the playground before they could walk past it after their date? I imagine the reader asking rei if he could push them in the swings. Thanks in advance!
Rei, Leo, Izumi - Seeing their S/O run to a playground 
Characters: Rei Sakuma, Leo Tsukinaga, Izumi Sena
Genres: Fluff
Small “tags”: Canon Universe, Mentioned dates, playground, comforting, swings, see-saw, playing tag, overthinking a lil’, Rei's old man mentality, everyone is just a big kid at heart, every scenario is a reader of diff personality I- /sobbing/
TW: None!
A/N: REI SAKUMA MY BELOVED orz (my cabbage may be staring daggers at me rn but omigoodness someone requested for the Rei of sunshine thank you)! 
Ooo a lot more requests too, I’ll probably be posting and clearing off the short scenarios and HCs first as the others will take a longer time! Sorry to the anons who submitted earlier but will be having their request fulfilled much later - I’m not ignoring them, there’s none that I think should be ignored or dropped yet! Just need some more time to make sure the story’s good enough, please bear with me!
I think I may have gone a little off topic here and there in this one… Head empty only multiple Enstars scenarios that I think too much about- I hope you still enjoy it, though! (You can clearly see my bias toward Rei I think I’m sorry I love this old man) 
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REI SAKUMA 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
— Naturally, being an idol and a unit leader, Rei had a lot on his plate. 
— But that wasn't going to stop him from spending time with you, his beloved! No, sir, when Rei Sakuma sets his mind on something, nothing can get in his way. And in this case, you were that something.
— You were pleasantly surprised with a date at the new dessert shop that opened nearby! The self-proclaimed vampire really knew how to take care of you and your sweet tooth. 
— Due to the male's whines about the bright, scorching summer sun, both of you stayed in the cool, air-conditioned shop till the sunlight started to wane, offering a cooler atmosphere to walk home in, which you took. 
— He holds your hand loosely, giving you the chance to pull away whenever you wanted, not that you normally would.
— Oh! What do we have there? You perk up when you spot the bright colours of the playground, and even more so at the empty swings swaying slightly in the wind. Swings! Your absolute favourite!
— You just couldn’t resist - you hadn’t been on a swing in so long, you were so deprived of the fun of playing one - and so you tighten your hand around Rei’s, dragging him along. Swings required 2 people to play, after all!
“Help push me? Please?” Oh, how could he not? There wasn’t even any need to act cute, though, in his eyes, you were so naturally adorable that it made everything you did seem cute. He loved you too much to deny anything of you, especially a simple request like this.
“Hold on tight then, sweet thing,” He nips at your earlobe as he speaks, enjoying how your ears turned red at the fleeting action and nickname. The brunette grips the sides of your seat, walking backwards to pull the swing back before letting go, relishing in your little “Wooo!” sounds as you swing forward. “You really enjoy this, don’t you? Perhaps we should come here more often.”
“Because it’s fun!” You said, stretching your legs out as the swing swung forward again, and tucking them in when it went backwards. “Have you never played on one before?” 
“Kuku, certainly not. Ah, but I do remember pushing Ritsu on a swing once, when we were much younger,” Rei reminisces, a wistful note in his voice. “The person behind has to be the stronger one, isn’t that right? To be able to push the other forward, to catch them when they fall backwards…” 
“Wait, wait,” You slow the swing to a stop with your feet against the playground floor, turning in your seat to meet his ruby-red eyes in a frown. “So you’ve never played on a swing because you’ve been going about some philosophy with how a swing works and you think you always have to be the stronger one?” 
“When you say it like that, it doesn’t sound too good, does it?” 
“Rei. Rei, my love, my sleepy vampire, my old man, this, a swing, is but a simple child’s play - there’s nothing deep behind it!” 
“If you say so, my beloved,” He shrugs, bending over to pull the swing back again. You sigh at how he dismisses your words, releasing your grip on the chains to cup his fair face. 
“And you, don’t think you always have to be strong. No one can be strong all the time, yeah?” Rei hums in agreement, or in satisfaction of having his face warmed by your hands, you didn’t know. “Rely on me too, alright? Love isn’t all about giving, giving, and giving.” 
“I didn’t exactly mean that - you know how this old man talks.” 
“Still, my statement stands.” 
You stare at him stubbornly, refusing to release his head from your hands, until he gives a small laugh. Pale hands reach up and hold your hands, pulling them away from his face a little to press kisses onto your palm, smiling against the skin. 
“... Thank you, my love.” Short, simple words, but it was more than enough to convey his feelings. “So, I assume you’ll be the one pushing me after you’ve had your fun on the swing?” 
“Hm hm! If you want me to!” You lean forward to bump foreheads with him, smiling. Rei releases your hands after one last kiss, allowing you to hold onto the chains of the swing once again. “So stop being a moody old man and let’s continue playing!” 
“Of course.”
He starts pushing you on the swing in a languid, rhythmic manner, your laughs and his chuckles filling the air in a joyful melody. 
“Haha… Even this old man feels young when he’s with you~”
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LEO TSUKINAGA 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
— With you two being morning people and somehow sharing a single braincell, you had both suggested meeting up at the nearby park for a morning stroll at the same time, laughing at the unanimous decision made between the both of you. 
— To spend the first few hours of this pleasant day in each other's company was like a dream, your boyfriend humming little tunes in the late dawn of winter, tiny fangs showing when his signature smile adorns his face, dragging you closer to him. 
— Leo's arm finds its place, draped over your shoulder to keep you right there, right next to him. You, obviously, had nothing against that. He was warm, and you loved him - there was no reason to escape from his grasp. 
— Except maybe one. Your eyes lit up when you saw a playground, conveniently devoid of children since they were all at school at this hour. Twisting your neck to look up at your boyfriend, you stare at him, wide-eyed, while he meets your gaze with a curious smile. 
— That was the only warning he got before you were gone from his side. He certainly wasn't expecting you to suddenly dash over the playground climber and nimbly climb up onto it. But he wasn't complaining! With someone like you by his side, his world was never devoid of surprises or happy laughter - the latter was now prompting Leo to run over and see just what you were up to.
“Haha! I claim this castle!” You proclaimed, waving your arms around at the structure you were on, leaning over the railings a little to look down at your boyfriend proudly. He only returns the smile, arms akimbo as he starts playing along with the little drama game that you initiated every so often. 
“If that is your castle, my monarch, then as your knight, I naturally have access to it!” 
“Uh oh - Then, out of here, I shall go!” Leo’s shoes made little “thunk” noises when he climbed up onto the playground climber, while you made your quick escape down a small slide that you couldn’t really slide that well on. It wasn’t meant for rowdy teenagers like the both of you, after all, but was that going to stop you two? No!
Your boyfriend made it down the slide with much difficulty too, immediately springing to his feet to chase you around in circles, snow crunching under your feet as you called out mocking comments.
Realizing this was going nowhere, with you expertly outrunning him all the time, Leo had a change of tactics. The sound of footsteps behind you slowed to a stop, followed by his bright voice. "Hey! Hey, look here, look what I found~!" 
Turning around, you see the orange-haired male crouched as if he was about to pounce, emerald eyes glinting with mischievousness. 
A small scream rings through the air as he tackles you into the snow, your voice accompanying him in laughter as Leo encases you in a tight hug and rolls all over the cold ground, leaving a trail of flattened snow. Thank goodness the two of you were wrapped up in heavy winter coats, or you’d be freezing by now!
Though, being with Leo, your music-loving ray of sunshine, you didn’t think you could ever feel cold. Even with your current position, lying on your side in the snow, you could feel his warmth from the arms around you and his breath mingling with yours as you both giggle from the activity. 
“Tah-dah, I've found the light of my life!” He boasts, squeezing you into an even tighter hug and snuggling his face into the crook of your neck. 
“Noooo! Let me go!” You wail in mock protest, struggling against his strong grip. Boy, for a baby-faced composer who hardly worked out other than idol practice, he was freakishly strong when it came to hugs.
“No can do! I- Gah??!” Anyway, a small surprise attack on his stomach with your fingers was all you needed to get the ticklish man to loosen his hold on you, hands pulling back to push your hands away. “Ha- Stop- Haha-!” 
“And I’m free, once again!” Your jubilant theatrics continued, rolling away before getting up and dashing to the other end of the playground as Leo let out weak laughs, recovering from your “brutal” attack. He rolls onto his back and flops his arms on either side, chest heaving up and down as he tries to catch his breath. “Hey hey, not coming to catch your runaway monarch anymore, my knight~?” 
The boy sits up at your provocation, jumping up to his feet with an energized grin yet again, chasing after your light as he always had.
“Run all you want, your majesty! Your knight will always be with you, one step behind!”
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IZUMI SENA 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
— Izumi, being the high-standard romantic that he is, arranges for a candlelight dinner at a fancy restaurant downtown, of all things. 
— As expected, you only stepped out of the restaurant - with your boyfriend linked to you by your hands - when the sky was pitch-black, with yellowish lights from lamposts and cars illuminating the roads. 
— Wanting to spend more time with him, you suggested walking home together! Your knight amicably agrees with his charming smile, squeezing your hand in a small show of affection. 
— Both of you share a conversation, chatting about what each of you had been doing in the time you’d been away from each other, resting your head on the other’s shoulder as you two strolled through the dimly lit streets.
— And then! Watching a deserted playground come into view, you were struck with one of your “silly thoughts” - as Izumi called them - shaking the male’s hand off to run over, knowing that he would follow your steps without questioning you. In the beginning, at least. 
“What are you doing?” The question comes out as he catches up to you, with no bite behind his voice but instead genuine confusion. He was a little more used to how you acted on your whims by now, but still-! 
“See-saw!” You stepped aside and flourished your hand at the fixture in the playground that had caught your eye. It was a favourite game of yours, the feeling of bouncing up and down into the air while someone else on the opposite side similarly went up and down in tandem with you, alternating between who was in the air and who had their feet on the ground. A game perfect for two! 
His eyebrows creased, eyelids fluttering at you as he blinked. “And…?” 
“Let’s play, let’s play!” 
“In these??” Izumi waved down at the clothes you were both decked out in. Formal, elegant, and restricting. Entirely unsuited for playing like kids, as you’d suggested. “There is no way-” 
You place a finger to his mouth, shushing the silver-haired male and earning a comical glare from him. 
“Don’t frown so much, you’ll get wrinkles on your face!” A laugh escapes from you, your hand finding his again to drag him to the awaiting see-saw. “Here you go,” You sat him down on one end of the seesaw, patting his shoulders in satisfaction before running over to the other side to sit down. 
“How does this work, anyway?” Izumi questions, folding his arms as you hike your leg over the seesaw, holding the handlebar but not sitting down just yet. 
“You’ll see!” 
“What do y- Ahh?!” He lets out a surprised and utterly undignified screech when you plop down on your side of the see-saw, pushing your weight down on the fixture and lifting his side into the air. The male scrambles to hold onto the handlebar like you were doing, looking down at you angrily. “Give me some warning before you do that, ugh!” 
“Aha, sorry…” You said sheepishly, looking down almost immediately after you barely glimpsed his glaring pale blue eyes, ashamed. Why did you do that? Because you thought it’d be funny to scare him? You bit at your lip worriedly, hunching your shoulders. Maybe it would be best to get off this silly see-saw and head home instead of wasting any more time here… “Ah-?” 
The ground suddenly moved away from you - no, you were moving away from the ground, the board beneath you lifting up. You looked up at the other side of the see-saw, where your boyfriend was, seeing him leaning back to apply more weight to hold you up while he watched you with concern. 
Your eyes met, and Izumi’s gaze hurriedly shifted to a nonchalant one, looking as though he wasn’t worried about your reaction just a second ago. “You wanted to play, didn’t you? Get on with it already then, it’s getting late.” 
A smile returns to your face. Truly, no matter how harsh or cold your lover was, underneath all those layers and facades held a warm and gentle love for you. 
“Mhm!” You hum in response, and the creaks of the see-saw filled the air, a rhythmic harmony to the melody of your joyful giggles and his fond huffs. 
“You’re really childish, you know?... Whatever, as long as you're happy.”
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thaliasthunder · 3 years
grecia reading The Heroes of Olympus #1: the lost hero
OKAY???????? FUCK???????????
"Rainbows. Very macho" leo JFDKFKSJ shut tf up 😭😭
love to see how percy's gift is working w the camp being always crowded w new kids  <3
annabeth & rachel getting along <3
leo speaking spanish dIOSSS 😭😭😭
clovis my sleepy child
oh so we're getting into roman mythology too now, gotta revive my 13-year-old-obsessed-with-greek/roman/egyptian-mythology era
leo winking and doing finger guns 😭
piper is daughter of aphrodite 🕊
leo's "she's got makeup! A miracle!!!1!" i hate him sm 😭😭
bestie really got a metal dragon as a pet
jason was raised by wolves 😃 (oh just like romulo & remo, makes sense)
thalia's pics in zeus' cabin my beloved gothic daughter <3
annabeth saying thalia should be in her twenties reminds me of how i used to think in The Titan's Curse woahh thalia's older than them she's so cool AND NOW THEY ARE OLDER THAN HER SHUT UP IM GONNA CRY
jason... is... thalia's brother... 😀😀
Happy the dragon 😭
leo yelling when piper punched him as jason set her feet right 😭
not leo talking shit right to his father's face boi 💀💀
jason apologyzing to leo and leo being a little shit about it oh i love my fire son 😭
the boys being all soft when piper told them she had to kill them 😭😭
not leo instantly falling in love w thalia god i know boy she's amazing 😭
“We were absolutely destined to meet your hot sister.” leo for the love of god shut the fuck up 😭😭
leo spontaneously combust everytime he gets excited why do i think this is adorable
jason's pledges to zeus in the battle <\3
leo's deadass reading the helicopter's data as if it was implanted in his brain tf baddass fire boy my beloved
jason's rome speech to porphyrion 😃 power
oh my fucking god jason didn't close his eyes while hera turned into a supernova
....so there was an exchange of leaders and jason will be a peacemaker in the two groups.......
oh gods they need to go the Roman camp to get the other demigods before going to greece im nervous,,,,
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maldito-arbol · 3 years
Let’s talk about the GP zodiacs (Part 2)
Thank u to puff-poff for shooting me with an ask about the gp kids, I think our brains just assimilated
One more note: I should’ve mentioned this in my last post but compatibility between signs doesn’t only apply to romantic relationships, it applies to any kind of relationship like friendships, family relations, etc. It’s just that when it comes to more platonic relationships, wholly incompatible signs are more likely to be able to work something out together. As an example, I’m a Gemini, and I’m about 300% certain I could never ever in my life date a Pisces, but I do have a few Pisces friends that I get along well enough with.
Okay same drill—sign, element, infodump, GO
Birthdate: June 12th
Sign: Gemini
Element: Air
Overview: SQUEALS GUYS ITS VIOLET MY BELOVED. WE’RE BOTH GEMINIS THEREFORE WE ARE THE SAME PERSON. I’m kidding but no, Violet being a Gemini makes her 100x easier to project onto. So I mentioned before that Air signs are the least in tune with their emotions, are the thinkers before they act, are horribly indecisive, and these very much apply to Geminis as well. However, the most iconic trait of a Gemini is the ability to switch personalities at the drop of a hat whenever it services the group of people they’re in—what most people call the ‘two-faced’ part of Geminis. Hey, I promise you that being two-faced is actually a pretty cool and useful asset when in the hands of a decent human being. It means we get along well with a lot of different people, and if we don’t, we can act like we do as if it’s nothing. This asset, however, can turn into a curse of sorts in that a lot of us have...NO IDEA what our actual personality is. We reshape and remold ourselves and copy traits from other signs to fit in so much that we lose sight of who we are as an individual, and therefore we have a very hard time figuring out what we truly want. This is where the indecisiveness comes into play—ask a Gemini what they want for lunch and you’ll get a “what? Huh? Oh, you pick. I’m fine with whatever.” I know Geminis best because I am one, pls forgive me for rambling so much more about them than the other signssss.
Okay so first of all, let’s talk about Violet adapting to other characters to ‘fit in’. It’s not as obvious because Violet DOES seem to have one very fixed personality, but Violet prefers to speak through actions rather than words, so I would call her following Emma to help the children at GP a Gemini move. She could’ve simply dragged her to Lucas—she’s probably strong enough to do so, but instead she decided to go along with her. This isn’t to say there’s no pushback of course, as Air signs Geminis aren’t idiots, so they’ll often try to reason with others (particularly fire signs cough cough) to try to bring logic and critical thinking into the conversation. However, when that fails, they can still be counted on to support their friends even if they disagree. This is why Geminis and Leos are soulmates you heard it here, the stars said Violemma is the way. BUT ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW VIOLET’S THE ONE ADAM LISTENS TO DURING THE LEUVIS BATTLE. YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT BEING ABLE TO GET ALONG WITH A LOT OF PEOPLE, THERE YOU GO.
Anyway it’s also very much worth noting that while Violet can seem very harsh at times (bc Geminis will put you in your PLACE), bringing her logical kind of advice into conversations can be a very helpful comforter.
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On another note this scene is so gay?
Compatibility and ships: hellooooooo Air sign Violet you are compatible with other Air signs (Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini) as well as Fire signs (Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries). Usually you’ll see Aquarius and Sagittarius as the most compatible with Geminis but I disagree with that because I have never met a Sagittarius I like so I’m still pointing fervently at Leos and the fact that Emma is a Leo. Listen. Violemma is the way. I am determined to convert all of you to Violemma if it’s the last thing I do. Geminis simply cannot help themselves around Leos they fall like a fucking anvil for that bright, golden-hearted dumbass energy. If there’s any Leos in the tpn fandom let me know I might just propose to you.
Birthdate: October 25th
Sign: Scorpio
Element: Water
Overview: the first time I looked up Oliver’s birthday I went “Scorpio???? REALLY????” but then this is another case where the more I think about it, it does indeed make sense. If Leos are the natural leaders of the Fire signs, then Scorpios are the natural leaders of the Water signs. Where Cancers and Pisces will often lose themselves to their emotions, Scorpios have a very strong handle on them. I mentioned before that Water signs are at the highest emotional level, but Scorpios are a bit of an interesting case because you oftentimes won’t even notice that they’re very emotional people. They try to act like Air signs in that way, but their true colors are always there, waiting to be coaxed out.
For Oliver, you can clearly tell that his emotional bond with his friends and especially with Lucas is very high—but even so, he doesn’t let his emotions cloud his judgment or his ability to adapt to the situation at hand. Where earth signs are very fixed and difficult to move, water signs are always moving and changing to find solutions best suited for new circumstances. The best example I can give is the part where the music plays early, and despite internally panicking about it, Oliver is the one who naturally steps up to calm everyone down.
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Scorpios are great at handling others’ emotions as well as their own, which makes them marvelously empathetic leaders. We stan.
Compatibility and ships: as a Water sign, Oliver is compatible with other Water signs (Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio) as well as Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) so speaking broadly that makes him compatible with Pepe (a Pisces) and Zack (a Cancer) but narrowing it down, Scorpios are usually best with Tauruses and Cancers. Idk if I’m the only one who ships Oliver with Pepe but I know there’s a few people who ship him with Zack—so congrats to you guys, you won the stars’ approval.
Birthdate: November 28th
Sign: Sagittarius
Element: Fire
Overview: yall,,,, when I found out Lucas was a Saggy Titty I legitimately guffawed out loud. Lucas and Sagittarius is so funny.... because it’s so wrong. Saggy Titties are the definition of chaos, they’re brazen, impulsive, and constantly changing. Like think of a frat boy in a house full of beer and pool tables and hot girls and you get Sagittarius. This is why I have never met a Sagittarius I like—because they have frat boy energy, and even non-male Sagittariuses require wayyy too much energy for me to handle. I guess the only time Lucas really does act like a Sagittarius is in his childhood with Yuugo, and the way he’s a lot bolder and outgoing versus the quieter older Lucas we have now.
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It is important to note that Lucas has been through a lot of trauma and lost a lot of comrades which could very well change the a person’s entire outlook and turn their personality 180 degrees—that could be a large factor, although on the flip side, Yuugo still fits his Capricorn sign even after going through what he’s been through. Different events affect different people differently. Lucas was most likely knocked entirely off his Sagittarius high-horse very quickly when he arrived in Goldy Pond. But if I had no prior knowledge of who he was beforehand, I very well might’ve pegged him a Leo like Emma or even another subtle Aries like Norman. So yes, he does indeed have fire energy, it’s just generally very lackluster and farrrr away from Sagittarius’ level.
Compatibility and ships: okay so I know the only Lucas ship with any weight to it in this fandom is Yuucas, and here’s the thing,,, A Sagittarius and Capricorn combo is the most horrifying fucking couple imaginable and I’m stan so hard. Realistically speaking, your Capricorns would try to put a leash on their Sagittariuses because man. I forgot to mention how childish Sagittariuses can be (though the frat boy comparison should’ve been a clue), and holy shit that poor Capricorn is gonna get ripped to shreds by their Sagittarius. Imagine like a super pompous cowboy trying to ride a furious bull that’s trying to buck him off like there’s no tomorrow. Capricorns are people who want complete control over themselves and their partners, while Sagittariuses,, Saggy Titties just want to see the world burn. Put them together and you could probably cause the End Times Apocalypse. But you know what? Good for them. I think Yuugo and Lucas love each other enough that the toxicity that comes with typical pairups with these two signs is about nonexistent between them. But I fully believe they could still destroy an entire planet and that’s valid of them to do so. Anyway moving on!
you wanna talk about another Sagittarius that makes absolutely no sense?
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Birthdate: December 9th
Sign: Sagittarius
Element: Fire
Overview: My authors I am begging you, stop putting character birthdays in the Sagittarius zone you clearly don’t know what a Sagittarius is.
Since I refuse to acknowledge Paula as a Sagittarius, let’s talk about what sign she actually acts like because I said so. Paula’s a Virgo. Fight me Shirai. (Also im sus that shirai is virgophobic because where the fuck are my virgos. There’s like zero major characters that are virgos, and the characters that ARE don’t even act like virgos. I’m coming for your small intestine Shirai) so as earth signs, virgos are generally pretty resourceful and of course level-headed. They’re kinda shy and reserved, but they’re also very hard workers you can count on when you need to get a job done. Nary will you find a Virgo that procrastinates or attempts to weasel their way out of a mission they’ve been given. The unmovable earth in virgos shows through in how committed they are, and we can see all these traits in Paula. Though she’s a quieter member of the GP resistance, you can tell just how much of an asset she is to them. She doesn’t run, doesn’t lose her cool, and she’s good at pointing out important details.
Pls let me decide your characters’ birthdays for you Shirai I promise I am good at it.
Compatibility and ships: I guess, astrologically speaking, as a Sagittarius, Paula does fit pretty well with Sonya because she’s a Gemini. I actually know next to nothing about Paula ships but I do know she’s lesbian and her and Sonya are cute but I also ship her with Barbara because reasons don’t ask questions I WILL bite you anyway they’re compatible too because barb’s also a Gemini.
Lot of Geminis, don’t you think? Yes I do. Let’s talk about them.
Sonya and Sandy
Birthdates: June 3rd and May 22nd respectively
Signs: Gemini
Element: Air
Overview: these two are what I call the gemini twins bECAUSE THEYRE ALWAYS HANGING OUT AND ITS SO TRUE GEMINIS LOVE EACH OTHER BUT ALSO ITS SO WEIRD THAT WE GET ALONG. imagine like two of those one way mirrors facing each other where it just goes on and on and on for infinite mirror and that’s what two Geminis hanging out is like. Look, they’re literally thinking the same thing and it’s so great
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Anyway there isn’t a whole lot of Sandy and Sonya content to go off of in the first place, but them being Geminis seems reasonable to me—at the very least they are indeed meant to get along well and they’re so in sync I could cry. Plus they’re pretty intuitive and able to think right on the spot as they’re facing Nous and Nouma (at least at first) My man Shirai also.. really likes Geminis for some reason because they keep popping up. So instead of one Spider-Man meme it looks more like this,
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Compatibility and ships: not gonna dwell too long on this section because from previous ones you may already recall they’re compatible with each other and I guess with Paula as well as I must begrudgingly accept the fact that shes canonically a Sagittarius.
Birthdate: February 19th
Sign: Pisces
Element: Water
Overview: so I mentioned before that water signs are at about the highest emotion level, which makes Pisces a very sensitive group like Cancers. But Pisces in general are known for being the kindest and most accepting people as well, which means they’re able to make a lot of friends very easily. They’re basically that one person you sat next to in class who started a conversation with you just to be nice. Now again, there’s not a whole lot of Pepe content to go off of, but we can tell he’s kind and loving to his friends and the other kids in GP. One thing I can mention is that Pisces usually are the one of the nosiest of the signs, and they get very bothered by lies and secrets (this is true for a lot of water signs, but Pisces are the worst in my experience) so we got this single piece that may have a little bit of the Pisces in Pepe showing:
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Compatibility and ships: So as a Pisces, Pepe is only compatible with Oliver and Zack considering they’re also water signs. Everyone else is Fire and Air, funnily enough, but the Pepe ships with those two are super cute I think so it’s ok.
Birthdate: July 7th
Sign: Cancer
Element: Water
Overview: so do I think Zack fits his sign? Yes, in a way I do. I already went into Cancers when I explained Don, so quick recap: Cancers are some of the most sensitive and empathetic, so their loyalty to their loved ones is pretty close to on-par with an Aries. And while Zack isn’t as outwardly emotional as someone like Don, the Cancer in him shows up well in that he’s constantly taking extremely difficult missions he doesn’t want his friends to risk, and he shrugs off any injury to himself.
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This might just be a me thing but almost every Cancer I’ve met has a habit of doing That. I am so concerned for their safety. I guess though, if I hadn’t known his sign beforehand, I 100% would’ve pegged him an Aries.
Compatibility and ships: I already went over this with Pepe, but Zack is compatible with Pepe and Oliver. Y’all ok listen to me. OT3. Make it happen. Between them they have every sign in the element of water. They’d be unstoppable.
Birthdate: September 30th
Sign: Libra
Element: Air
Overview: here’s a fun one. So as I previously stated, air signs are usually out of tune with their emotions, but where that causes Aquariuses and Geminis to repress or hide them, Libras,,,, just dump them everywhere. Listen I know Libras are supposed to be the sign of the balance scales and they have a thing about the world being perfectly balanced which makes them more prone to revenge bUT ALSO. MY first and foremost takeaway from Libras is that they all suffer from Rich Bitch syndrome, in which they obsess over material items and every Libra has a thing about cute girly stuff change my mind. HOWEVER, they’re often very chaotic as well, the kinda Sagittarius of the Air signs. So like a super cute and seemingly fun girl who will probably murder you in your sleep.
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I’m sorry I can’t take it I’ve been laughing at this for the past fifteen minutes it’s too funny. Anyway, Gillian’s Rich Bitch Syndrome appears through her fashion statement. Her PINS. omg. Gillian your Libra is showing.
Compatibility and ships: as a Libra Gillian is compatible with other Air signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra) as well as Fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo) but she’s most compatible with Aries and Sagittarius so—— Paula yes, but also Nigel because he’s an Aries! Speaking of Nigel,
Birthdate: March 27th
Sign: Aries
Element: Fire
Overview: Aries Nigel doesn’t come as a surprise, let’s be real here. I delved into Aries before with Norman, so just as a recap: Aries are so intensely loyal to the ones they love and would do absolutely anything for them even at the cost of their lives, and this can make them prone to outbursts of anger and/or impulsivity. Here’s your one image of Aries Nigel, I don’t even have to explain:
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Compatibility and ships: so I already said this but Nigel is at his most compatible with Gillian. Are there other Nigel ships?? Pls let me know I’m very curious.
Aw, it’s over now :(
I loved talking about the GP kids they fill the void in my heart. Now to move onto talking about the demons because the silliest idiot requested it and I am beyond ecstatic to spout pure headcanon bullshit. If you’re feelin excited then feel free to keep sending characters my way I will be happy to ramble about their canon zodiac or my headcanon for their zodiac
Edit: i forgot to link part 1 to anyone who wants it and doesn’t want to stalk my profile to find it
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tartutation · 4 years
Venus de Milo (TMNT AU Profile)
A/N: English is not my native language. Therefore, any advice on any grammatical errors is very welcome! Thank you and enjoy your reading <3
Warnings: None
The TMNT AU summary: This is an alternate universe of teenage mutant ninja turtles (mostly inspired by the 2003 series and Bayverse movies) that was inspired by the structure of a "coming-of-age" novel. After losing their beloved father and incomparable master and defeating Shreder, the enemy they have been chasing since the age of 15, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo must learn to accept the grief and move on with their lives. None of it will be easy, now that the transition from adolescence to adulthood will be strongly impacted by an unexpected reunion with two women from their past and the new friends who have joined them.
Introducing Venus de Milo
You can see Venus aparence HERE
In this universe the boys met Venus because she spent 9 months being trained by Mestre Splinter when they were only 10 years old. It is a consensus among them that they share the same mutation, but all the genetic tests that Donatello made were inconclusive (yes, that does strasses him out).
During this period when Venus spent 9 months in New York studying the old history and secrets of the biggest and most famous ninja clans with Mestre Splinter (Hamato Yoshi's only living heir) her relationship with the turtle brothers was somewhat troubled. At the time, they were all children and the tension of having a girl in the group made it very difficult for them to interact normally. Raphael and Michelangelo used to exclude her from the games and playdates with the excuse that it was "for boys only!" and Leonardo felt very jealous of his master (and father), who seemed to pay special attention to this lost konuichi. Of all of them, however, the one who made the most hell of Venus's life was (who knew!) Donatello. Even with his gentle and pacifist spirit, Donnie did not like this new guest who claimed to be (ABSURD!) high priestest of a lost lineage of magical Konuichi. They were doomed to disagreement: after all, a little prodigy of science and a child with magical powers are two existences that contradict each other. But as soon as she came, Venus left, after finishing her intensive course with "Master Hamato" (which is how she referred to Splinter) she returned to Japan and spent the next 11 years training extensively every day to be able to become the best guardian of the Secret of Kunoichi Magic that had ever existed. Without the distraction of other brothers or  any friends close by, Venus became the most dangerous and disciplined warrior who had ever set foot on this Earth.
Now a young woman, Venus reencounters her former hashi colleagues. What does the future await?
Name: Venus de Milo
Age: 21
Species: Mutant Tortoise
Favorite color: Blue
Moral alingment: Lawfull Good
Sign: Libra
Sexual orientation: Demisexual
Because of her disciplined and restricted upbringing, Venus has a very difficult time socializing with other people (or mutants!) her age. She doesn't know what a "meme" is, how twitter works, what's the fun of a 6-second video with a cat sppining to the sound of "sweet dreams are made of this". Having grown up in a temple and spent her entire life studying, she has a different concept of what "fun" is.
Her favorite hobbies include reading, meditating, studying ancient history documents, doing push-ups, kneading healing herbs, studying new types of incense and their calming propreities, etc ... All things that she also does as part of her daily work as the Keeper of the Kunochi Secret, so... The boundaries between fun and work are very thin.
She is an excellent reader and can read fluently in three languages: English, Japanese and Cantonese. She loves to read, it's her favorite activity, especially out loud, as she considers herself an excellent announcer.
She can defeat any of the Hamato brothers in combat (including Leonardo). Although neither bigger nor stronger, Venus uses the weight of the enemy's and their strength against them. In addition, her physical speed and strategic ability together makes her literally unbeatable.
Despite her advanced combat skills, Venus is extremely shy and anything makes her blush. Especially conversations that involve sexual pleasure and explicit language. Unfortunately for her, Michelangelo will discover this very quickly and will be able to defeat her in a fight whispering "What's up, hot stuff?" during combat. None of the other brothers will understand how he did it and he will never tell.
Despite being aware that her appearance isn't considered neither normal nor attractive to humans, Venus has no problems with self-esteem. She is very proud of her origins and to be the heir to a lineage of magical warriors is enough to make her one of the most beautiful people in the world in her mind.
Despite having a limited social skill, she is a very valuable friend and after she becomes attached to you, she will do everything to guarantee your safety and comfort.
She is very elegant and graceful. She was taught during her upbringing that each movement must be calculated and rehearsed strictly, what makes some of her very commom and daily actions, such as putting on a shoe or pouring tea look like choreography of a soft dance.
Venus believes deeply in soul mates. So she never worried much about learning the art of seduction or how to flirt with other people, since she always knew that one day the right person would cross her path and she wouldn't have to change who she is to win their heart (spoiler: she was right!)
It might not look like it, but she is very easily irritated. The fact is that she can disguise her stress and impatience just as easily. Never loses her temper.
Even with all these characteristics, she is not the leader of the group. This role was given to Mona Lisa (you will be able to read about Mona Lisa from this alternative universe very soon) through an election between the four friends (description of the twins May and June coming soon!). Venus has no grudge against her friend, as she knows that despite her physical abilities, herself lacks the charisma that a leader needs.
She is not very good at comforting others, nor is she a big fan of physical contact.
She was educated to never feel hatred towards anything but despite this she cannot control her contempt for lies. Trust is the most important thing in the world.
Summary of relationship with each of the turtles:
Leonardo: Venus and Leo are kindred spirits. They have, all jokes aside, everything in common. Therefore, when they met each other for the second time, they developed a friendship that made them absolutely inseparable. She likes how he doesn't underestimate her and how he respects her discipline and life doctrine and he likes having a partner to meditate and train. Their union allowed Leonardo to finally have someone with the same dedication (and obsession, honestly) as he, someone with whom he could complain about the neglect of his brothers and someone to train his japanese with, which also guaranteed them a certain privacy and intimacy that Leonardo had not yet experienced with anyone.
Raphael: If asked, Raph will say that he thinks Venus "is ok". Deep down, meeting her for a second time left a bitter taste in his mouth. He is very jealous of his brother and wonders if Venus would not be the true sister that Leo always wanted - besides (of course) the fact that her discipline and posture are literally the combination of all the things he doesn't like in Leonardo multiplied by 10. Despite all this, the thing that he hates the most is her absence of anger: there are few things in the world that Raphael likes more than stressing his perfect big brother and watching him lose his temper, but it seems IMPOSSIBLE to get the same reaction with Venus . No matter how much he teases her, ridicules her or bullies her ... she never breaks! And THAT is unforgivable. (As they will get to know each other better, Raphael will be able to see Venus for what she is: not the incarnation of perfection on Earth, but a very shy young woman with very basics communication skills )
Donatello: Donnie, now a 21-year-old man, is ashamed to face the ghosts of his childhood that Venus brings with her. He remembers very well how he treated her when they were young and is very ashamed of how bad he was to her. Age made him realize that despite not sharing the same beliefs he didn't had the right to mistreat her. Because of this, upon their reunion, Donatello can't even look her in the eye... The situation gets so much worse when he realizes that she is kind, peaceful and strategic and that the obsession and discipline she exercises in her spiritual rituals are equivalent to those himself repets with his inventions, experiments and research. In silence, he starts to admire her more and more, and the more he admires her the more shame he feels for how he treated her. For a long time, he fantasies with the day when he will be forgiven and accepted, who knows, maybe she will admire him in the same way ... Poor Donnie, he doesn't even imagine that Venus does not hold a single drop of resentment and that she ends up interpreting him distancing himself of her as a form of showing contempt. (Agsnt is my fucking life)
Michelangelo: Mikey finds Venus so.fucking.intimidating. He remmembered her as a very small and shy crybaby, but now? Now she is the greatest warrior he have ever seen. If Leonardo tries to be the authority figure and ends up rejected by his younger brother, Venus does not have the same intention, but ends up winning the respect and trust of the youngest of the group. She ends up being the only figure that Michelangelo really respects and obeys blindly after Master Splinter. He adores her  just as a troubled student adores the patient and empathetic vice director. Their friendship ends up becoming so sincere and pure that he starts playing video games on mute just to hear the stories she reads aloud.
Well.. That’s it for Venus BIO! Please tell me what do you think! Every comment and opinion is welcome. My ask box is also open for any questions about this AU! Thank you so much for reading till the end. 
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nightmarenoise · 5 years
Just comparing two cartoons I love
I understand that nobody asked in any capacity, but here I go anyway:
It feels fair to compare Ducktales 2017 to Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2018), not only because they're only about a year apart and truly, what is a year, but also because they
1. Both use this style that looks like it jumped straight out of a comic book. Okay, it's mostly the solidly inked shadows, but it gives me, personally, comic-y vibes.
2. They have taken what's arguably the main characters (the triplets for DT, the Turtles for TMNT) and shaken the formula up a good bit. Were the triplets formerly indistinguishable and all had the exact same personality, interests and voice actor, they are now three entirely separate entities with different traits and appearances. And while the turtles had about one defining personality trait and looked basically the same, save for the color of their masks, Rise made them different species of turtle to justify giving them radically different designs and three-dimensional personalities. Both shows faced criticism for this decision from people who cannot deal with change. Despite this, in both cases, it just works and does so incredibly well.
3. The oldest bros wear red.
4. We have two middle bros associated with the color blue who are both voiced by Ben Schwartz.
5. Both shows have a focus on family, with Ducktales especially focusing on found family and Rise on brotherhood.
6. Anime references!
Ducktales has a larger cast overall, with a lot of different characters all interacting with each other and they all have the most pleasant voices I've ever heard in my entire life. It's all solidly animated, the style is consistent and the animation is fluid, the characters are diverse and they're all lovely in their own right, except for those who aren't. The writing is top notch. Everyone feels consistent despite the large cast and it's delightful to watch all those interesting people interact with each other in their own way. The show also handles its mystery elements and occasional action scenes incredibly well, building suspense and delivering laughs and gut punches without hesitation. They juggle different tones like a professional clown, except the true clown was us, the audience, all along, for ever having doubted them.
The overarching plot of Ducktales, for its first two seasons, was mostly to uncover the mystery of what had happened to the mother of the triplets and all that would entail. Mystery and mythical elements will likely continue to be afoot for season 3.
Rise works with less focal characters, we have the Turtles, Splinter and April as well as various bad guys, but more than makes up for it with a lot of animation. A lot a lot of animation and it's all high quality. There's usually so much going on on-screen that a watching it once isn't enough to catch it all. Despite that, it doesn't feel crowded or rushed. Lots of dynamic shots and incredibly-choreographed action scenes, but nothing the thoroughly solid writing has to hide behind. Even when the baddies aren't the main concern, they're still well-rounded, interesting characters with unique abilities and motivations. Although, most of the mutants are just really feral. Still a delightfully diverse cast.
The turtles on the other hand spent their first season trying to foil their various foes, from a yokai trying to mutate all of humanity, to his mutants, to dealing with random mythical stuff, to the nefarious Foot Clan trying to reassemble the Dark Armor in the shadows. It's generally a more action-driven show, but they still find the time for some heartfelt moments.
The triplets 2.0
Despite their conventiently color-coded caps, they were really mostly the same character possessing three different bodies at a time. Well, the times of eerie The Shining like-twins, except extended to triplets, are over!
We have Huey, the oldest brother, voiced by Danny Pudi. He's a gentle, intellectual soul who values red hats, science, scout badges and checklists. Huey is arguably the closest in characterization to the original triplets, with some additional neat freak sprinkled in for flavor. He tries to be the responsible older sibling and keep his brothers under control and out of trouble. He also seems to have the most fiery temper of the bunch and should clearly not be pressed to the breaking point. He's my personal favorite and I heard season 3 will bring more focus to him, which makes me elated to hear. 888/10.
Middle child Dewey, the blue one, voiced by Ben Schwartz, who will inevitably come for all the iconic blue characters. He's very clearly the middle one, because he craves attention and validation and occasionally dreams of being an only child. Dewey is the one who started the investigation into their mom's disappearance and kept it from his brothers, partially to save them from hurt, but also because he wanted to feel special. He's the most interested in going on adventures with their uncle, but can get reckless when doing so. He's a bit of a spotlight hog, who has his own talk show that nobody watches and sings his own theme song when he needs to get hyped up, or just to fill this silence. This may sound kind of negative, but rest assured, he's a good, sweet boy. The focal triplet for the first season. 500/10.
Louie, the evil triplet, a schemer and a conman. Voiced by Bobby Moynihan.  The youngest of the bunch. While they call him evil, he's really far too lazy to cause serious harm, except for when it's his laziness that's causing him to take dangerous shortcuts, oops. He dreams of making a fortune, but without having to work for it and preferably without any responsibility either, thank you. He also occasionally dreams of being a spoiled fat cat. Despite his chill demeanor, he can be a bit of a crybaby and those tears are only fake 50% of the time. I feel like he likes getting babied, but mainly because that means there's less work for him to do. Season 2, which focuses more on him, reveals that he's actually quite brilliant, capable of seeing all the angles and giving him some chessmaster-like qualities. He needs to learn to use those abilities for good. 665/10.
Hi, she's Webbie! The honorary triplet, who also got a massive makeover, from annoying token girl tagalong to socially awkward, adorkable action girl. Be careful who you call ugly in middle school, indeed. Like a more ferocious  Mabel Pines, she has a grappling hook and years of martial arts training under her belt. Webbie can absolutely decimate you, but won't, because she's a sweet girl. Voiced by Kate Micucci. She continues to like unicorns and the color pink, but assuredly in the most badass of ways. She helped Dewey with his quest to uncover the mystery of his missing mom, but works well with all of the triplets, with Huey taking her under his wing a bit and Louie trying to get her to chill out more. Webbie is a sweetheart and I would die for her, were it not completely unnecessary, since she's more than capable of taking care of herself. ∞/10.
A lot of the supporting cast also saw updates and changes, for instance Gyro being a genius without social skills and Fenton being an adorkable scientist, but again, they work really well. They're interesting new takes on beloved characters. Even the new additions to the cast are great. In short, I love me some birds and am excited for season 3, Disney, get your scheduling together.
The Turtles 2.14.2 - I upgraded my upgrade in the middle of the upgrade
Also, these guys have seen so many different iterations in their, what, 30+ years of existence. As someone with no prior attachment to the turtle brand, I don't have a lot to say here. Leo's not the leader in this one and Raph has more personality than being angry at Leo for being the leader. Donnie is not just a random nerd spouting technobabble and Mikey has more depth than yelling the catchphrase every now and again. Apparently, this made people upset. I don't know how to help you with that.  The middle brothers exude some high chaotic energy and should not be left unsupervised, but the oldest and youngest seem fairly stable.
Raphael, the red-bandana'd alligator snapping turtle is an imposing figure. He's the oldest and therefore team leader by default. Raph has no reason to be upset at Leo, so he isn't. Despite his ferocious appearance, he's a soft guy, who likes teddies and doting on his brothers, but fears puppets. He's a bit of a knucklehead, most of his plans involve smashing things with his tonfa and he may refer to himself in the third person in the heat of the moment, but he possesses emotional intelligence, is open about his feelings and looks after his brothers. He is big and and strong, but his heart is bigger and stronger. He especially loves small animals animals, who don't usually return his feelings. RIP in F. This responsible guy is voiced by Omar Benson Miller. 300/10, very soft. Somehow both the heart and the big guy of the group.
Donatello has been upgraded from second-to-youngest to second-to-oldest, not that it makes much of a difference. His color of choice is purple and he continues in the character's tradition of being a nerd, although this time, with self-confidence. Donnie is very sure of himself and his abilities. As a spiny soft-shell turtle, he's less sure of his shell, but that's okay, he's made robotic battle shells to make up for it and his bō is the mother of all multitools. This guy can build you a tank out of a buggie and upgrade your animatronic into something to give the FNAF franchise a run for its money. He's the smartest of the four and when not focused on his phone, very focused on the mission. Due to having to deal with his bros, he can be exasperated a lot. Thinks of himself as an emotionally unavailable bad boy, even though he's just really sensitive and wants his dad or someone parent-aged to tell him they're proud of him. Theater kid. 999/10, give the middle child a hug and some coffee, you can't tell me he has a healthy sleep cycle. This sarcastic nerd is brought to you by Josh Brener.
Leonardo, Ben Schwartz's second blue character (Sonic (2020) being the third under his belt) and also his second ninja after Randy Cunningham. He's not the leader. He's still a good character. Leo has approximately 800 charisma and unwavering faith in both, his family and himself. Mostly himself though. Like Louie, season 2 revealed that he is a master of prediction and playing people like the cheap kazoo you can't tell me he doesn't have to play Darude's Sandstorm on. He dabs, he boards, he will pun you to death and back and he has an Odachi that can cut through space. Leo likes hogging the spotlight when given the chance and wants to be showered with attention and praise. Having four kids really only means twice the middle child nonsense. Leo is a red-eared slider, the original species of the TMNT, as I've been told. He's also the best at being a ninja, but usually too lazy to really apply himself. He's younger than Donnie, but tumblr suggested to read the two as twins, since they're approximately the same age, which sheds a whole new light on their dynamic and frankly, makes way too much sense. 420/10, for our memelord Leonardo.
Michelangelo, the eternally youngest of the bunch. An artiste, who puts stickers on himself, tags the lair, has a spiritual connection to his skateboard and the color orange. Mikey loves all things arts and craft, but he also tries his hands at cooking. He idolizes famous TV chefs and can do pretty much anything out of and into pizza. He's funny, without being annoying, like I feel a lot of other iterations of this character are. It's an easy pitfall for comic relief guys, but this one is more than that. If that's an issue, feel free to leave my house. Mikey is genuinely sweet and happy, optimistic and soft, but also the one brother who knows when it's time to take off the gloves and just get straight to the point. He's open about and in touch with his feelings. He's just baby. Don't treat him as one though. A lot of promo stuff says Leo has taken him under his wing, but he's had more episodes together with Donnie. Not that I'm complaining, they work very well together. Mikey and Raph are both the emotional centers of the group. Does not mind being yeeted after retracting into his shell, as box turtles may do. (Disclaimer, do not yeet actual box turtles!) His weapon of choice is a Kusari-Fundo that can turn into a fire-demon and is about as unpredictable as he is. Likes to jump and bounce around. Probably does parkour. Voiced by Brandon Mychal Smith who is audibly having a blast. 500/10, just an all around Kusari-fun guy.
For last, but certainly not least, April O'Neil, my girl, who saw an upgrade from flip-flopping love interest who was vaguely ninja-ing, but mostly damsel in distress-ing, to all-around spunky powerhouse and by God, she is glowing. Rise has her more as a big sister figure to the turtles, and I will not be told otherwise. She is independent and don't need no man, mutant or no. She has her teleporting pet, her faith in herself, her pinpoint baseball hitting skills and the a complete and utter lack of fear. Despite being a weirdness magnet, April is perfectly comfortable. She would like to be able to keep a job, maybe, but she has loving friends who respect and love her. Surprisingly good a ninja, fearless and fun. Occasionally thinks about being popular at school, but it's really not a big concern, she's not gonna throw a tantrum over it or anything. April is very chill. Not likely to be damseled. More likely to run after the turtles and clean up their messes or save them and everyone involved is fine with that.
The late 10's are really coming in to show us how dynamic and well-written female characters that aren't just "strong", but three-dimensional and relatable are done, huh?
An iconic performance by Kat Graham and ∞/10 for being the honorary better ninja non-mutant non-turtle and best big sister.
Here we have it, two older properties, having new life breathed into them to make them fresh and enjoyable. Have a new spin put on them, to better fit in with our current world. You can feel the love oozing out of every frame. At the end of the day, of course, it all boils down to taste and whether or not you like something. I gave Ducktales 2017 a go because a lot of the staff from Gravity Falls went to work on it and if you don't know me, I love me some Gravity Falls. It's a good show and I enjoy it. I recently got into Rise and while I don't know much about the people working on it, it is also a greatly enjoyable show, easily on the same level as Ducktales, if not above, yet with far less people speaking about it. Which is frankly saddening. I can only recommend the two of them wholeheartedly. If you love animation, yourself and occasionally feeling things, these are for you!
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broken-clover · 4 years
AU-gust Day 9- Royalty
This one kind of stumped me, so I tried to do something a little more out of the box. Obviously there’s already royalty in canon GG, so I tried to to with it as well as do some different worldbuilding.
First and foremost, this is for @samarline, since I know they like Leo/Izuna (dunno how that rarepair got any fans, but as long as someone is enjoying it)
Izuna was doomed. He was absolutely, positively doomed.
Durable as a yokai was, he wasn’t foolish enough to never consider the concept of his own death. Especially given his status. The head of the yokai prince would no doubt be a priceless treasure for the armies of humanity or Gearkind. If political strife truly was where he was to meet his end, then he would have fought tooth and claw to die with dignity, and to allow as many of his people to escape as possible.
There was no dignity in the death that he stared down now. A simple run around the woodlands in his full fox-skin had drawn the attention of a pair of equally-simple hunters. The head of the yokai prince was a grand treasure, but the pale, silken pelt of a fox was worth a pretty penny on its own. Shrapnel to the leg had crippled an otherwise-effortless escape attempt, and the blood he had lost trying to outrun them sapped away his ability to perform spells, or to shed his skin back into a humanoid form.
Izuna had skittered into some nearby underbrush, leaving flecks of his own blood on the leaves as he did his best to huddle under it. Dying as a fox meant his people would never know what became of him, and they would be left without their leader, or any sort of direction. He was going to be slaughtered like common game. He could only hope that his meat would drive his murderers ill as a final act of spite from beyond the grave.
The trees shook. Izuna cowered in fear.
But instead of the hunters, he was surprised by the sight of a large man in a fancy orange coat pushing aside the leaves.
“Is someone there?” He asked, voice low and booming, but undeniably kindly. “I heard shouting, is someone hurt?”
The book of history was deeply stained in blood. No living person, except perhaps the eldest and most ancient of the yokai, could remember the times when the three races were in conflict with each other. Nor was anyone truly sure of what the conflict was for anymore, but all they knew was that it needed to be done in order to protect their people. At least, that was what they said.
In the beginning, man, gear, and yokai lived in quiet harmony, building their kingdoms and sharing what they had that the others lacked. Each race only cared for their own kind now, and interspecies trade was banned even if it were possible in the first place.
That’s how the world seemed to be for eons, but time was never static, and things always shifted. The human nation’s First King, Ky, had accidentally but fortuitously created a peace between humanity and Gears after falling in love with and wedding the daughter of Queen Justice, Princess Dizzy. Their alliance was tenuous, but the constant back-and-forth attacks had begun to quell, and the people began to have hope. Hope for peace, for calm, for kinship to replace the violence that had been constantly shaping their lives.
Ky and Dizzy seemed happy enough together, at least. Leo hadn’t much entertained the thought of marriage. His work as the human nation’s Second King kept him busy enough. He hadn’t even thought to pick up a hobby until it had been more-or-less foisted on him.
He looked down from his paperwork to watch the creature snoozing away in his lap, motionless aside from the rise and fall of its chest and the occasional twitches of its tail.
He’d named the creature ‘Rubinrot,’ for its beautiful, piercing red eyes. Leo had never met such a peculiar animal in his life. He knew what a fox looked like, obviously, but he’d never seen one with a perfectly white coat. That strange color was paired with a bizarre brilliance that he swore was too advanced for an animal, but it was endearing. He’d only taken the creature in in the first place because of its crippled leg, but he found Rubinrot’s presence relaxing.
As soon as he tried to move the animal so he could stand up, he roused, and was clearly displeased with the concept of being abandoned. Leo stepped away from his desk, only to be interrupted by a displeased bark as Rubinrot limped after him.
“I’m only going to get food. I’ll bring some back for you, too.” He tried to assure him, but it didn’t work. When barking didn’t work, the fox began snapping at his trailing coat and tugging on it.
“Rubinrot! Nein!” Leo attempted to pull the material free without crippling him further. “I’ll only be gone for a minute! What do you want from me?”
His answer came in the form of him swatting at his legs until Leo reluctantly picked him up. “Really? I could have sworn you were a fox, not a cat.” Maybe he had been wrong. Rubinrot was remarkably tranquil and easygoing for a fox, anyway.
Still, he didn’t feel like arguing with an animal. Rubinrot seemed perfectly happy with his new position cradled in Leo’s arms, even if it left the man with only one arm as he dug through the kitchen for food. He could see the way the staff looked at him. It was odd enough that a king would be searching for his own food, but carrying a fox around like a pampered puppy was a whole new level of strange.
Though he didn’t admit it, Leo was a little relieved at the concept of Rubinrot being healed and released soon. He could only imagine the image he gave off, distracted from his important political duties by a single animal. He still deeply cared for his fox and his people, and wanted to do his best to serve both.
“What should we make today?” Leo asked aloud. “Leftover meat, fruit…” He pushed something aside. “I’m not sure how the fried tofu got in here-”
The fox immediately perked up, barking in what he could only assume was excitement. “Tofu? Really? Is that healthy for foxes?” Still, he obliged, pulling the container down, opening it, and letting his companion get to work demolishing it.
“I guess you have a craving for beans.” Leo stroked the animal’s back as he ate.
“Erm, Leo?”
He jerked to attention, mentally groaning as he recognized the voice of the only man that could always make him feel uneasy. “Hello, Ky.”
The First King wore his usual pleasant smile, just real enough to be convincing. But Leo could see the way his eyes darted towards the fox on the counter, messily eating their leftovers.
“It seems you’re...having a lunch break, yes?” Ky asked.
Leo skipped straight to the point. “I’ll only be a few more minutes, then I’ll get back to work. I just wanted to make sure he was fed.”
“Of course, Leo. Of course.” Ky’s smile was forced, almost uncomfortable. “I just can’t help but worry a little bit about your new...preoccupation? Nothing wrong with a hobby, of course-”
“I don’t know why you’re making this your business, Ky.” Leo grumbled. “Shouldn’t you be more worried about your wife instead of what I’m up to?”
Ky flinched. As much as Leo wanted to be proud of that, he also knew Ky didn’t like having his weak points hit. “Dizzy is not plotting anything behind my back.”
“You know I didn’t mean it like that-”
“With all due respect, Leo,” He rubbed at his temples, still doing his best to be cordial. “I don’t want to be cross with you. I really don’t. But we are still in a tenuous political situation, and everyone needs to stay on top of their work. If you don’t start spending less time with that fox, I am going to have to ask you to release it. We can’t afford any distractions. I hope you understand.
Without another word, Ky turned and left.
With all the work he had during the day, lying in bed was one of the few times Leo was able to have a moment to sit and think. He would have rather spent it fantasizing about something nice, but his thoughts always came back to work, and to Ky.
Leo knew of the weight that rested on him. He wouldn’t have taken such a lofty position if he hadn’t understood how serious it was. But he didn’t understand why one simple distraction was causing so much fuss. His Rubinrot had only ruined a few documents, but wasn’t a problem when it came to anything else, not really. Actually, Leo liked to think he was working harder than ever when he had something less serious to help him relax.
Rubinrot was curled up beside him in bed. It seemed to be his favorite place to sleep, and Leo refused to shoo him away. He could only imagine how swiftly the fox would be torn apart as an easy meal by wild animals with his leg still injured. Would Ky push him into it anyway?
He knew there was a war going on. It was impossible to ignore it. The yokai forces in particular had grown restless recently, but the Gear Alliance was being redrafted, and prospects were high. There may have been peace between two nations for the first time in people’s lives. Yet Ky seemed more on edge than ever.
“Hmmph. Maybe that’s just what marriage does to people…” He mused, petting the fox’s back. “I don’t suppose you would know anything about that?”
The animal huffed. Leo knew he couldn’t talk back, but he still did it.
“You respect me, don’t you?” The fox butted against his hand. “I know I’m not as brilliant as Ky, but I’m still good for something, aren’t I?” It was difficult being Second King and second banana to a tactical genius that everyone seemed to adore. His marriage had done well for his public image as well, despite fears of how the people would respond to their beloved king marrying a gear, especially the daughter of a rival kingdom.
“Pfft. Maybe I just need to get married, then?” He smirked at Rubinrot. “Yeah, right.”
Leo rolled over to switch off the bedside lamp and curl up in bed. “Gute nacht, Rubinrot.”
Izuna’s tail frisked back and forth across the silky sheets. He would need to find some when he went back home.
Ah, yes, home. He could only imagine how his people were managing without him for the past few weeks. He had gotten some information from the humans, but yokai were always the most skilled at subterfuge and trickery, so whatever the humans knew, so much more was going on under their noses. That was how the war had been. Gears and humans could throw mortar at each other’s walls all day long, but neither of them even knew where the yokai kingdom was, and were left to chase after whatever forces they could find.
Of course, that was also the reason for the state they were in. Yokai could never ‘win’ a war. They could run armies to exhaustion and strike them as easy, weakened targets of smaller groups, but in the sorts of battles that humans and gears fought, their forces would have been mowed to nothing in weeks. The yokai had only survived by being secretive. They never lost any land, but never gained any, either.
But they scraped by through ingenuity, and right now, Izuna was being an ingenious little fox.
Well, maybe that was only half-true. For all his distrust towards humankind, he had somehow managed to spend the last few weeks utterly spoiled by one. He was pretty sure his rescuer didn’t know what he truly was, but either way, it hadn’t stopped him from showering Izuna in pats, food, and cuddles while his injuries healed. It was hard not to find merit in that. Though he wondered if those loving arms would turn hostile as soon as he changed forms.
But...that was where the ingenuity lay. He had known of the union between the human king and the gear princess, and how the political climate had slowly-but-surely begun to shift. Izuna knew that if humans and gears began working together and combined their powers, then it was far more likely they would be able to pull the yokai out of their well-hidden foxholes and gradually massacre them. Peace for them meant disaster for him and his people, but what were they fighting for in the first place? And what if there was another option available?
If the gear and human kingdoms merged into one, and they became at peace, what would happen if all three nations fused?
Some part of Izuna knew the concept was almost selfish. Because he wasn’t doing this just for the politics. He had spent so much time with this fascinating human, this ‘Leo,’ how could he not form some kind of bond with him? He had learned so much about the man through their one-sided conversations, he could hardly understand why the two of them were at war with each other. The human king was a lonely man, always pushed aside as the runner-up, feeling as though he could never measure up to his fellow royals and heads of state. But he had taken his time to meticulously care for an injured animal, that for all he knew, would simply run away and never feel an iota of thanks for his kindness. Yokai and humans may have been different, but they knew how to repay debts of kindness. And nursing the yokai prince back from the brink of death was a deep, deep debt.
Izuna wasn’t sure if he had enough stored magic to turn all the way back into a human form, but he prayed that it would be good enough.
Leo had been awoken by a peculiar noise in the middle of the night. He tiredly fumbled to attempt to find a way to lie back down and nod off again, but as he tried to roll over, he noticed an ominous glow.
“What the…?” He grumbled, rubbing at his eyes. Had he left a lamp on? The color seemed too harsh to be a lamp, though...
“Leooooooooo… An unfamiliar voice whispered.
He snapped to attention. “H-hello?” He stammered. “Who said that!? Show yourself!”
“As you wish, your majesty…”
Izuna let a stream of fox-fire illuminate him in the darkness. He had only been able to manage a partial transformation, but it looked real enough for what he needed it for.
“What on earth?” The king’s eyes widened. “Those ears, you’re a- !”
Izuna fanned out a half dozen tails from his back, each tipped with a will-o-wisp. “I’m a man who’s come to offer you a deal, Leo Whitefang.”
“H-how do you know my name?!” He demanded, shuffling towards the side of the bed. “And why would I make a deal with a yokai!?”
“I hope I’ll be able to answer both of those to your liking.” The yokai slowly smiled. “Tell me, do you like my eyes? Aren’t they beautiful?”
“Eyes? What kind of trickery…” Leo trailed off, his own eyes slowly widening as he realized. He turned to his other side, and realized his bed was empty.
“This world is full of actions and consequences.” Izuna continued, internally wincing at how ridiculous he sounded. Jeez, maybe he should have prepared a script. “You took in a yokai in his hour of need. Now, our kind owes reparations to you.”
“Reparations…?” The man still seemed awestruck enough that what he’d thought was his pet was now standing over him and covered in arcane flames.
“Yes. You have shown your human kindness to our people. So we are willing to pay it back in turn."
“S-so what are these…” Leo took a nervous swallow, “Reparations?”
He placed a hand on his chest. “I am Izuna, reigning prince of the yokai kingdom. You have cared for me in my darkest days. You have saved my life. Your hands have tended to me with the care and compassion of a lover.”
Leo’s confused fright slowly gave way to a bright red blush. “Erm, lover?”
“So I wish to pay it back to you.” Izuna knelt down, taking the man’s hand. “If you would have me, may the gods smile down on our union, and bless our people with peace and harmony for a thousand years.”
“I...I’m afraid I don’t follow…”
The kitsune looked him right in the eyes. “I want you to marry me.”
To many, the concept of a ceasefire was wishful thinking, idealism that clashed heavily with how the world truly was. Nobody seemed to have ever expected it would actually happen.
Following the merging of the human and gear kingdoms, for the first time in recorded history, the location of the yokai kingdom was revealed to the world. Its sudden openness was not a coincidence or stroke of luck. Instead, it intended to follow the path its former enemies had taken, and merge together into one nation.
Tales were spun on how the human’s Second King had selflessly rescued the yokai prince, and how they had fallen in love during his recovery. Nobody was entirely sure what details were true and what weren’t, but the important thing was that the war had been called into a ceasefire, and that the two men were to be married under the elaborate roofs of the yokai palace.
It was a momentous occasion, of course, it only seemed natural. Humans and gears entered the kingdom for the first time to witness their union, to offer well-wishes or simply to just admire the sights. The more cynical would remark that the merge of kingdoms was most likely a mere tactical motion, but the expressions shared between the two monarchs held a genuine, sincere love.
“Ah, the people love us, don’t they?”
“It’s nice to see them so happy.” Leo reclined in their wedding carriage, watching the crowds vanish behind them. “I never thought I would live to see the yokai kingdom, let alone be wed in it.”
“It’s your kingdom now, too.” Izuna was sprawled across the other seat, shedding his sandals and rolling down the top of his wedding kimono. Leo found it unbelievably amusing. Underneath the stoic front he put on in public, Izuna was...well, remarkably easygoing, comedic, and cuddly. So very, very cuddly.
“So they’re taking us back to your place?” The kitsune wiggled across to lie in his lap, humming with glee as Leo began scratching him behind the ears.
“Sort of. There’s a hotel we’re going to stay in for a few days until the press dies down. I’d say we could both use a bit of rest after all this.”
“Of course, love, of course.” Izuna rolled over to wink at his new husband. “And hopefully we can consummate our new union a few times, in the process.”
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goodvibesatpeace · 6 years
Astrology: 5 Things You Should Know About Sun Sign Compatibility
Comparing sun signs (because everyone knows their sun sign) is an easy way to find out quickly whether you’re on the same wavelength as a new partner. Compatibility reports, usually go into far more depth than just Sun signs alone, but learning the basics of how zodiac signs match up will stand you in good stead. Here we have five things you should know about Sun sign compatibility:
1.Be careful if you share the same sign
It’s not always ideal for two lovers to share the same sun sign. Sure, that makes for a couple who understand one another and can certainly relate well – but it also magnifies the faults and problems of that sign, giving both partners in the relationship the same set of issues to deal with, at the same time.
Sun sign compatibility between two matching sun signs is often a case of too much of a good thing. Two Aries people together, for instance, will be hugely passionate and dynamic, but both will want to be the leader in the relationship, and both will be angry, selfish and downright aggressive when pushed – hardly a recipe for marital bliss.
Two Aquarius partners will have an absolute ball, intellectually, and will quite possibly change the world with their audacious ideas – but there will be little or no passion and a bit of an emotional void as both partners are aloof and a little too objective. The best relationships, in terms of astrological compatibility, are those where both partners can offer the other partner something they lack. Which leads me to…
2.Opposite signs attract each other
Sun sign compatibility feels at its most fated and sometimes its most magical when two people with opposite sun signs fall in love. If you don’t know which is your opposite sign, it’s simple: count your own sign as number one, then keep counting around the zodiac in order until you reach number seven – that’s your opposite sign. Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio and so on.
Although these pairs of opposite signs are very, very different in terms of emotions, approach to life, desires, wants and moods, they always balance one another out in the long run. Such relationships are often tempestuous, but almost always have a magnetic quality to them which is hard to resist. Simply put, these partners tend to complete one another in a way which others don’t.
3.Take It Carefully With Shared Elements
Sun signs which share the same element tend to get along famously as friends, but they are also among the most successful of romantic partnerships too. The fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; the earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; the air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius and the water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
If your beloved belongs to the same element as you do, you’ll find that your Sun sign compatibility increases the longer you are together. You understand each other well enough to “get” one another, yet you’re also subtly different in the way you each approach life and its challenges.
These differences keep you as lovers involved, engaged and excited with one another, while the similarities help you avoid the melt downs that can occur with more dramatic partnerships. In terms of longevity, these same element partnerships are some of the surest bets.
 4.Inconjunct Signs Can Bring Trouble
What’s an inconjunct sign? Back to counting: if you count your own sign as number one, the signs which are numbers six and eight are inconjunct to you – that’s the ones on either side of your opposite sign. For Aries, the inconjunct signs are Virgo and Scorpio; for Taurus it’s Libra and Sagittarius, etc.
These relationships are very, very tricky for all kinds of reasons. Partners with inconjunct Sun signs just can’t seem to figure one another out, no matter how hard they try. On the plus side, these couples are always surprising each other – but not necessarily in a good way. There’s just a mismatch of emotions, ambitions and drives here, so for sun sign compatibility to flourish it will take a great deal of passion, love and compromise to overcome.
5.It’s More Complicated Than This.
Having said all that – never forget that astrological relationships are much more complicated than Sun sign compatibility alone. You’re more than just your Sun sign, and all of the above generalizations can be turned right upside down by different parts of your birth chart.
Much love to all... go in peace my friends
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grigori77 · 5 years
2019 in Movies - My Top 30 Fave Movies (Part 2)
20.  FROZEN 2 – so, another year, then, and once again Disney doesn’t QUITE manage to net the animated feature top spot on my list, but it’s not for lack of trying – this long-awaited sequel to the studio’s runaway hit musical fantasy adventure is just what we’ve come to love from the House of Mouse, but more importantly it’s a most worthy sequel, easily on a par with the much beloved origin.  Not much of a surprise given the welcome return of all the key people, from directors Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee (who also once again wrote the screenplay) to composer Christophe Beck and songwriters Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, as well as all the key players in the cast.  It’s business as usual in the kingdom of Arendelle, where all is seemingly peaceful and tranquil, but Queen Elsa (Idina Menzel) is restless, haunted by a distant voice that only she can hear, calling to her from a mysterious past she just can’t place … and then she accidentally awakens the four elemental spirits, sending her homeland into mystical turmoil, prompting her to embark on a desperate search for answers with her sister Princess Anna (Kristen Bell), ice harvester Kristoff (Jonathan Groff), his faithful reindeer companion Sven, and, of course, living snowman Olaf (Josh Gad). Their quest leads them into the Enchanted Forest of Northuldra, a neighbouring kingdom, ruled by simple, elemental magic, that has remained cut off from Arendelle for decades, where they discover dark, hidden truths about their own family’s past and must make peace with the spirits if they’re to save their home and their people.  So, typical Disney family fantasy fare, then, right? Well, Frozen 2 certainly dots all the Is and crosses all the Ts, but, like the original, this is no jaded blockbuster money spinner, packed with the same kind of resonant power, skilful inventiveness and pure, show-stopping WOW-factor as its predecessor, but more importantly this is a sequel that effectively carves out a fresh identity for itself, brilliantly taking the world and characters in interesting new directions to create something fresh, rewarding and worthwhile on its own merit.  The returning cast are all as strong as ever, Menzel and Bell in particular ably powering the story, while it’s nice to see both Groff and Gad getting something new to do with their own characters too, even nabbing their own major musical numbers; there’s also a welcome slew of fresh new faces to this world, particular Sterling K. Brown (This is Us, Black Panther, The Predator) as lost Anrendelle soldier Mattias and former Brat Pack star Martha Plimpton as Yelena, leader of the lost tribe of Northuldra. Once again this is Disney escapism at its very best, a heart-warming, soul-nourishing powerhouse of winning humour, emotional power and child-like wonder, but like the first film the biggest selling point is, of course, that KILLER soundtrack, with every song here a total hit, not one dud among them, and there are even ear-worms here to put Let It Go to shame – Into the Unknown was touted as the major hit, and it is impressive, but I was particularly affected by Groff’s unashamedly full-bore rendition of Lost in the Woods, a bona fide classic rock power ballad crafted in the fashion of REO Speedwagon, while the undeniable highlight for me is the unstoppable Show Yourself, with Menzel once again proving that her incredible voice is a natural force all in itself.  Altogether, then, this is an absolute feast for the eyes, the ears AND the soul, every inch the winner that its predecessor was and also EASILY one of Disney’s premier animated features for the decade.  So it’s quite the runner-up, then …
19.  ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD – since his explosion onto the scene twenty-seven years ago with his runaway smash debut Reservoir Dogs, Quentin Tarantino has become one of the most important filmmakers of his generation, a true master of the cinematic art form who consistently delivers moving picture masterpieces that thrill, entertain, challenge and amuse audiences worldwide … at least those who can stomach his love of unswerving violence, naughty talk and morally bankrupt antiheroes and despicably brutal villains who are often little more than a shade different from one another.  Time has moved on, though, and while he’s undoubtedly been one of the biggest influences on the way cinema has changed over the past quarter century, there are times now that it’s starting to feel like the scene is moving on in favour of younger, fresher blood with their own ideas.   I think Tarantino can sense this himself, because he recently made a powerful statement – after he’s made his tenth film, he plans to retire.  Given that OUATIH is his NINTH film, that deadline is already looming, and we unashamed FANS of his films are understandably aghast over this turn of events.  Thankfully he remains as uncompromisingly awesome a writer-director as ever, delivering another gold standard five-star flick which is also most definitely his most PERSONAL work to date, quite simply down to the fact that it’s a film ABOUT film.  Sure, it has a plot (of sorts, anyway), revolving around the slow decline of the career of former TV star Rick Dalton (Leonardo Dicaprio), who languishes in increasing anonymity in Hollywood circa 1969 as his former western hero image is being slowly eroded by an increasingly hacky workload guest-starring on various syndicated shows as a succession of punching-bag heavies for the hero to wale on, while his only real friend is his one-time stunt double, Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt), a former WW2 hero with a decidedly tarnished reputation of his own; meanwhile new neighbours have moved in next door to further distract him – hot-as-shit young director Roman Polanski (Rafal Zawierucha), riding high on the success of Rosemary’s Baby, and his new wife Sharon Tate (Margot Robbie).  Certainly this all drives the film, along with real-life events involving one of the darkest crimes in modern American history, but a lot of the time the plot is largely coincidental – Quentin uses it as a springboard to wax lyrical about his very favourite subject and pay loving (if sometimes irreverently satirical) tribute to the very business he’s been indulging in with such great success since 1992.  Sure, it’s also about “Helter Skelter” and the long shadow cast by Charles Manson and his band of murderous misfits, but this is largely incidental, as we’re treated to long, entertaining interludes as we follow Rick on a shoot as the bad guy in the pilot for the Lancer TV series, visit the notorious Spahn Ranch with Cliff as he’s unwittingly drawn into the lion’s den of the deadly Manson Family, join Robbie’s Tate as she watches “herself” in The Wrecking Crew, and enjoy a brilliant montage in which we follow Rick’s adventures in Spaghetti westerns (and Eurospy cinema) after he’s offered a chance to change his flagging fortunes, before the film finally builds to a seemingly inevitable, fateful conclusion that Tarantino then, in sneakily OTT Inglourious Basterds style, mischievously turns on its head with a devilish game of “What If”.  The results are a thoroughly engrossing and endlessly entertaining romp through the seedier side of Hollywood and a brilliant warts-and-all examination of the craft’s inner workings that, interestingly, reveals as much about the Business today as it does about how it was way back in the Golden Age the film portrays, all while delivering bucket-loads of QT’s trademark cool, swagger, idiosyncratic genius and to-die-for dialogue and character-work, and, of course, a typically exceptional all-star cast firing on all cylinders. Dicaprio and Pitt are both spectacular (Brad is endearingly taciturn, playing it wonderfully close to the vest throughout, while Leo is simply ON FIRE, delivering a mercurial performance EASILY on a par with his work on Shutter Island and The Wolf of Wall Street – could this be good enough to snag him a second Oscar?), while Robbie consistently endears us to Tate as she EFFORTLESSLY brings the fallen star back to life, and there’s an incredible string of amazing supporting turns from established talent and up-and-comers alike, from Kurt Russell, Al Pacino and a very spiky Bruce Dern to Mike Moh (in a FLAWLESS take on Bruce Lee), Margaret Qualley, Austin Butler and in particular Julia Butters as precocious child star Trudi Fraser.  Packed with winning references, homages, pastiches and ingenious little in-jokes, handled with UTMOST respect for the true life subjects at all times and shot all the way through with his characteristic flair and quirky, deliciously dark sense of humour, this is cinema very much of the Old School, and EVERY INCH a Tarantino flick.  With only one more film to go the implied end of his career seems much too close, but if he delivers one more like this he’ll leave behind a legacy that ANY filmmaker would be proud of.
18.  CRAWL – summer 2019’s runner-up horror offering marks a rousing return to form for a genre talent who’s FINALLY delivered on the impressive promise of his early work – Alexandre Aja made a startling debut with Switchblade Romance, which led to his big break helming the cracking remake of slasher stalwart The Hills Have Eyes, but then he went SPECTACULARLY off the rails when he made the truly abysmal Piranha 3D, which I wholeheartedly regard as one of THE VERY WORST FILMS EVER MADE IN ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY. He took a big step back in the right direction with the admittedly flawed but ultimately enjoyable and evocative Horns (based on the novel by Stephen King’s son Joe Hill), but it’s with this stripped back, super-tight man-against-nature survival horror that the Aja of old has TRULY returned to us. IN SPADES.  Seriously, I personally think this is his best film to date – there’s no fat on it at all, going from a simple set-up STRAIGHT into a precision-crafted exercise in sustained tension that relentlessly grips right up to the end credits.  The film is largely just a two-hander – Maze Runner star Kaya Scodelario plays Haley Keller, a Florida college student and star swimmer who ventures into the heart of a Category 5 hurricane to make sure her estranged father, Dave (Saving Private Ryan’s Barry Pepper), is okay after he drops off the grid. Finding their old family home in a state of disrepair and slowly flooding, she does a last minute check of the crawl-space underneath, only to discover her father badly wounded and a couple of hungry alligators stalking the dark, cramped, claustrophobic confines. With the flood waters rising and communications cut off, Haley and Dave must use every reserve of strength, ingenuity and survival instinct to keep each other alive in the face of increasingly daunting odds … even with a premise this simple, there was plenty of potential for this to become an overblown, clunky mess in the wrong hands (a la Snakes On a Plane), so it’s a genuinely great thing that Aja really is back at the height of his powers, milking every fraught and suspenseful set-piece to its last drop of exquisite piano-wire tension and putting his actors through hell without a reprieve in sight.  Thankfully it’s not JUST about scares and atmosphere – there’s a genuinely strong family drama at the heart of the story that helps us invest in these two, Scodelario delivering a phenomenally complex performance as she peels back Haley’s layers, from stubborn pedant, through vulnerable child of divorce, to ironclad born survivor, while reconnecting with her emotionally raw, repentantly open father, played with genuine naked intensity in a career best turn from Pepper. Their chemistry is INCREDIBLY strong, making every scene a joy even as it works your nerves and tugs on your heartstrings, and as a result you DESPERATELY want to see them make it out in one piece.  Not that Aja makes it easy for them – the gators are an impressively palpable threat, proper scary beasties even if they are largely (admittedly impressively executed) digital effects, while the storm is almost a third character in itself, becoming as much of an elemental nemesis as its scaly co-stars.  Blessedly brief (just 87 minutes!) and with every second wrung out for maximum impact, this is survival horror at its most brutally, simplistically effective, a deliciously vicious, primal chill-ride that thoroughly rewards from start to finish.  Welcome back, Mr Aja.  We’ve missed you.
17.  SHAZAM! – there were actually THREE movies featuring Captain Marvel out in 2019, but this offering from the hit-and-miss DCEU cinematic franchise is a very different beast from his MCU-based namesake, and besides, THIS Cap long ago ditched said monicker for the far more catchy (albeit rather more oddball) title that graces Warner Bros’ last step back on the right track for their superhero Universe following the equally enjoyable Aquaman and franchise high-point Wonder Woman.  Although he’s never actually referred to in the film by this name, Shazam (Chuck’s Eugene Levy) is the magically-powered alternate persona bestowed upon wayward fifteen year-old foster kid Billy Batson (Andi Mack’s Asher Angel) by an ancient wizard (Djimon Hounsou) seeking one pure soul to battle Dr. Thaddeus Sivana (Mark Strong), a morally corrupt physicist who turns into a monstrous supervillain after becoming the vessel for the spiritual essences of the Seven Deadly Sins (yup, that thoroughly batshit setup is just the tip of the iceberg of bonkersness on offer in this movie).  Yes, this IS set in the DC Extended Universe, Shazam sharing his world with Superman, Batman, the Flash et al, and there are numerous references (both overt and sly) to this fact throughout (especially in the cheeky animated closing title sequence), but it’s never laboured, and the film largely exists in its own comfortably enclosed narrative bubble, allowing us to focus on Billy, his alter ego and in particular his clunky (but oh so much fun) bonding experiences with his new foster family, headed by former foster kid couple Victor and Rosa Vazquez (The Walking Dead’s Cooper Andrews and Marta Milans) – the most enjoyably portions of the film, however, are when Billy explores the mechanics and limits of his newfound superpowers with his new foster brother Freddy Freeman (It Chapter 1’s Jack Dylan Glazer), a consistently hilarious riot of bad behaviour, wanton (often accidental) destruction and perfectly-observed character development, the blissful culmination of a gleefully anarchic sense of humour that, until recently, has been rather lacking in the DCEU but which is writ large in bright, wacky primary colours right through this film. Sure, there are darker moments, particularly when Sivana sets loose his fantastic icky brood of semi-corporeal monsters, and these scenes are handled with seasoned skill by director David F. Sandberg, who cut his teeth on ingenious little horror gem Lights Out (following up with Annabelle: Creation, but we don’t have to dwell on that), but for the most part the film is played for laughs, thrills and pure, unadulterated FUN, almost never taking itself too seriously, essentially intended to do for the DCEU what Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man did for the MCU, and a huge part of its resounding success must of course be attributed to the universally willing cast. Eugene Levy’s so ridiculously pumped-up he almost looks like a special effect all on his own, but he’s lost none of his razor-sharp comic ability, perfectly encapsulating a teenage boy in a grown man’s body, while his chemistry with genuine little comedic dynamo Glazer is simply exquisite, a flawless balance shared with Angel, who similarly excels at the humour but also delivers quality goods in some far more serious moments too, while the rest of Billy’s newfound family are all brilliant, particularly ridiculously adorable newcomer Faithe Herman as precocious little motor-mouth Darla; Djimon Hounsou, meanwhile, adds significant class and gravitas to what could have been a cartoonish Gandalf spoof, and Mark Strong, as usual, gives great bad guy as Sivana, providing just the right amount of malevolent swagger and self-important smirk to proceedings without ever losing sight of the deeper darkness within.  All round, this is EXACTLY the kind of expertly crafted superhero package we’ve come to appreciate in the genre, another definite shot in the arm for the DCEU that holds great hope for the future of the franchise, and some of the biggest fun I had at the cinema this past year.  Granted, it’s still not a patch on the MCU, but the quality gap finally seems to be closing …
16.  ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL – y’know, there was a time when James Cameron was quite a prolific director, who could be counted upon to provide THE big event pic of the blockbuster season. These days, we’re lucky to hear from him once a decade, and now we don’t even seem to be getting that – the dream project Cameron’s been trying to make since the end of the 90s, a big live action adaptation of one of my favourite mangas of all time, Gunnm (or Battle Angel Alita to use its more well-known sobriquet) by Yukito Kishiro, has FINALLY arrived, but it isn’t the big man behind the camera here since he’s still messing around with his intended FIVE MOVIE Avatar arc.  That said, he made a damn good choice of proxy to bring his vision to fruition – Robert Rodriguez is, of course, a fellow master of action cinema, albeit one with a much more quirky style, and this adap is child’s play to him, the creator of the El Mariachi trilogy and co-director of Frank Miller’s Sin City effortlessly capturing the dark, edgy life-and-death danger and brutal wonder of Kishiro’s world in moving pictures.  300 years after the Earth was decimated in a massive war with URM (the United Republics of Mars) known as “the Fall”, only one bastion of civilization remains – Iron City, a sprawling, makeshift community of scavengers that lies in the shadow of the floating city of Zalem, home of Earth’s remaining aristocracy.  Dr. Dyson Ido (Christoph Waltz) runs a clinic in Iron City customising and repairing the bodies of its cyborg citizens, from the mercenary “hunter killers” to the fast-living players of Motorball (a kind of supercharged mixture of Rollerball and Death Race), one day discovering the wrecked remains of a female ‘borg in the junkyard of scrap accumulated beneath Zalem.  Finding her human brain is still alive, he gives her a new chassis and christens her Alita, raising her as best he can as she attempts to piece together her mysterious, missing past, only for them both to discover that the truth of her origins has the potential to tear their fragile little world apart forever. The Maze Runner trilogy’s Rosa Salazar is the heart and soul of the film as Alita (originally Gally in the comics), perfectly bringing her (literal) wide-eyed innocence and irrepressible spirit to life, as well as proving every inch the diminutive badass fans have been expecting – while her overly anime-styled look might have seemed a potentially jarring distraction in the trailers, Salazar’s mocap performance is SO strong you’ve forgotten all about it within the first five minutes, convinced she’s a real, flesh-and-metal character – and she’s well supported by an exceptional ensemble cast both new and well-established.  Waltz is the most kind and sympathetic he’s been since Django Unchained, instilling Ido with a worldly warmth and gentility that makes him a perfect mentor/father-figure, while Spooksville star Keean Johnson makes a VERY impressive big screen breakthrough as Hugo, the streetwise young dreamer with a dark secret that Alita falls for in a big way, Jennifer Connelly is icily classy as Ido’s ex-wife Chiren, Mahershala Ali is enjoyably suave and mysterious as the film’s nominal villain, Vector, an influential but seriously shady local entrepreneur with a major hidden agenda, and a selection of actors shine through the CGI in various strong mocap performances, such as Deadpool’s Ed Skrein, Derek Mears, From Dusk Til Dawn’s Eiza Gonzalez and a thoroughly unrecognisable but typically awesome Jackie Earle Haley.  As you’d expect from Rodriguez, the film delivers BIG TIME on the action front, unleashing a series of spectacular set-pieces that peak with Alita’s pulse-pounding Motorball debut, but there’s a pleasingly robust story under all the thrills and wow-factor, riffing on BIG THEMES and providing plenty of emotional power, especially in the heartbreaking character-driven climax – Cameron, meanwhile, has clearly maintained strict control over the project throughout, his eye and voice writ large across every scene as we’re thrust headfirst into a fully-immersive post-apocalyptic, rusty cyberpunk world as thoroughly fleshed-out as Avatar’s Pandora, but most importantly he’s still done exactly what he set out to do, paying the utmost respect to a cracking character as he brings her to vital, vivid life on the big screen.  Don’t believe the detractors – this is a MAGNIFICENT piece of work that deserves all the recognition it can muster, perfectly set up for a sequel that I fear we may never get to see.  Oh well, at least it’s renewed my flagging hopes for a return to Pandora …
15.  AD ASTRA – last century, making a space exploration movie after 2001: A Space Odyssey was a pretty tall order. THIS century, looks like it’s trying to follow Chris Nolan’s Interstellar – love it or hate it, you can’t deny that particular epic space opera for the IMAX crowd is a REALLY tough act to follow.  At first glance, then, writer-director James Gray (The Yards, We Own the Night) is an interesting choice to try, at least until you consider his last feature – he may be best known for understated, gritty little crime thrillers, but I was most impressed by 2016’s ambitious period biopic The Lost City of Z, which focused on the groundbreaking career of pioneering explorer Percy Fawcett, and couldn’t have been MORE about the indomitable spirit of discovery if it tried.  His latest shares much of the same DNA, albeit presented in a VERY different package, as we’re introduced to a more expansive Solar System of the near future, in which humanity has begun to colonize our neighbouring worlds and is now pushing its reach beyond our own star’s light in order to discover what truly lies beyond the void of OUTER space.  Brad Pitt stars as Major Roy McBride, a career astronaut whose whole life has been defined by growing up in the shadow of his father, H. Clifford McBride (Tommy Lee Jones), a true pioneer who led an unprecedented expedition to the orbit of our furthest neighbour, Neptune, in order to search for signs of intelligent life beyond our solar system, only for the whole mission to go quiet for the past sixteen years.  Then a mysterious, interplanetary power surge throws the Earth into chaos, and Roy must travel farther than he’s ever gone before in order to discover the truth behind the source of the pulse – his father’s own ill-fated Lima Project … this is a very different beast from Interstellar, a much more introspective, stately affair, revelling in its glacial pacing and emphasis on character motivation over plot, but it’s no less impressive from a visual, visceral standpoint – Gray and cinematographer Hoyt van Hoytema (who, interestingly, ALSO shot Interstellar, along with Nolan’s Dunkirk and his upcoming feature Tenet) certainly make space look truly EPIC, crafting astonishing visuals that deserve to be seen on the big screen (or at the very least on the best quality HDTV you can find).  There’s also no denying the quality of the writing, Gray weaving an intricate story that reveals far greater depth and complexity than can be seen at first glance, while Roy’s palpable “thought-process” voiceover puts us right into the head of the character as we follow him across the endless void on a fateful journey into a cosmic Heart of Darkness.  There is, indeed, a strong sense of Apocalypse Now to proceedings, with the younger McBride definitely following a similar path to Martin Sheen’s ill-fated captain as he travels “up-river” to find his Colonel Kurtz-esque father, and the performances certainly match the heft of the material – there’s an impressive collection of talent on offer in a series of top-quality supporting turns, Jones being just the icing on the cake in the company of Donald Sutherland, Liv Tyler, John Ortiz and Preacher’s Ruth Negga, but the undeniable driving force of the film is Pitt, his cool, laconic control hiding uncharted depths of emotional turmoil as he’s forced to call every choice into question.  It’s EASILY one of the finest performances of his career to date, just one of the MANY great selling points in a film that definitely deserves to be remembered as one of the all-time sci-fi greats of the decade. An absolute masterpiece, then, but does it stand tall in comparison to Interstellar?  I should say so …
14.  BRIGHTBURN – torpedoing Crawl right out of the water in the summer, this refreshing, revisionist superhero movie takes one of the most classic mythologies in the genre and turns it on its head in true horror style.  The basic premise is an absolute blinder – what if, when he crashed in small-town America as a baby, Superman had turned out to be a bad seed?  Unsurprising, then, that it came from James Gunn, who here produces a screenplay by his brother and cousin Brian and Mark Gunn (best known for penning the likes of Journey 2: the Mysterious Island, but nobody’s perfect) and the directorial big break of his old mate David Yarovesky (whose only previous feature is obscure sci-fi horror The Hive) – Gunn is, of course, an old pro at taking classic comic book tropes and creating something completely new with them, having previously done so with HUGE success on cult indie black comedy Super and, in particular, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy movies, and his fingerprints are ALL OVER this one too.  The Hunger Games’ Elizabeth Banks (who starred in Gunn’s own directorial debut Slither) and David Denman (The Office) are Tori and Kyle Breyer, a farming couple living in Brightburn, Kansas, who are trying for a baby when a mysterious pod falls from the sky onto their land, containing an infant boy.  As you’d expect, they adopt him, determined to keep his origin a secret, and for the first twelve years of his life all seems perfectly fine – Brandon’s growing up into an intelligent, artistic child who loves his family. Then his powers manifest and he starts to change – not just physically (he’s impervious to harm, incredibly strong, has laser eyes and the ability to disrupt electronic devices … oh, and he can fly, too), but also in personality, as he becomes cold, distant, even cruel as he begins to demonstrate some seriously sociopathic tendencies.  As his parents begin to fear what he’s becoming, things begin to spiral out of control and people start to disappear or turn up brutally murdered, and it becomes clear that Brandon might actually be something out of a nightmare … needless to say this is superhero cinema as full-on horror, Brandon’s proclivities leading to some proper nasty moments once he really starts to cut loose, and there’s no mistaking this future super for one of the good guys – he pulverises bones, shatters faces and melts skulls with nary a twitch, just the tiniest hint of a smile.  It’s an astonishing performance from newcomer Jackson A. Dunn, who perfectly captures the nuanced subtleties as Brandon goes from happy child to lethal psychopath, clearly demonstrating that he’s gonna be an incredible talent in future; the two grown leads, meanwhile, are both excellent, Denman growing increasingly haunted and exasperated as he tries to prove his own son is a wrong ‘un, while Banks has rarely been better, perfectly embodying a mother desperately wanting to belief the best of her son no matter how compelling the evidence becomes, and there’s quality support from Breaking Bad’s Matt Jones and Search Party’s Meredith Hagner as Brandon’s aunt and uncle, Noah and Meredith, and Becky Wahlstrom as the mother of one of his school-friends, who seems to see him for what he really is right from the start.  Dark, suspenseful and genuinely nasty, this is definitely not your typical superhero movie, often playing like Kick-Ass’ deeply twisted cousin, and there are times when it displays some of the same edgy, black-hearted sense of humour, too.  In other words, it’s all very James Gunn. It’s one sweet piece of work, everyone involved showing real skill and devotion, and Yarovesky in particular proves he’ll definitely be one-to-watch in the future.  There are already plans for a potential sequel, and given where this particular little superhero universe seems to be heading I think it could be something pretty special, so fair to say I can’t wait.
13.  STAR WARS EPISODE IX: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER – wow, this one’s proven particularly divisive, hasn’t it? And I thought The Last Jedi caused a stir … say what you will about Rian Johnson’s previous entry in the juggernaut science fiction saga, while it certainly riled up the hardcore fanbase it was at least well-received by the critics, not to mention myself, who found it refreshing and absolutely ingenious after the crowd-pleasing simplicity of JJ Abrams’ admittedly still thoroughly brilliant The Force Awakens.  After such radical experimentation, Abrams’ return to the director’s chair can’t help feeling a bit like desperate backpedalling in order to sooth a whole lot of seriously ruffled feathers, and I’ll admit that, on initial viewing, I couldn’t help feeling just a touch cheated given what might have been if similarly offbeat, experimentally-minded filmmaker Colin Trevorrow (Safety Not Guaranteed, Jurassic World) had stayed on board to helm the picture.  Then I got home, thought about it for a bit and it started to grow on me, before a second viewing helped me to reconcile all everything that bugged me first time around, seemingly the same things that have, perversely, ruffled so many more feathers THIS TIME.  This doesn’t feel like a retcon job, no matter what some might think – new developments in the story that might feel like whitewash actually do make sense once you think about them, and the major twists actually work when viewed within the larger, overarching storyline.  Not that I’m willing to go into any kind of detail here, mind you – this is a spoiler-free zone, thank you very much.  Suffice to say, the honour of the saga has in no way been besmirched by Abrams and his co-writer Chris Terrio (sure, he worked on Batman V Superman and Justice League, but he also wrote Argo), the final film ultimately standing up very well indeed alongside its trilogy contemporaries, and still MILES ABOVE anything we got in George Lucas’ decidedly second-rate prequels.  The dangling plot strands from The Last Jedi certainly get tied up with great satisfaction, particularly the decidedly loaded drama of new Jedi Rey (Daisy Ridley) and troubled First Order Supreme Leader Kylo Ren/Ben Solo (Adam Driver), while the seemingly controversial choice of reintroducing Ian McDiarmid’s fantastically monstrous Emperor Palpatine as the ultimate big bad ultimately works out spectacularly well, a far cry from any perceived botched fan-service.  Everyone involved was clearly working at the height of their powers – Ridley and Driver are EXCEPTIONAL, both up-and-coming young leads truly growing into the their roles, while co-stars John Boyega and Oscar Isaac land a pleasingly meaty chunk of the story to finally get to really explore that fantastic chemistry they teased on The Last Jedi, and Carrie Fisher gets a truly MAGNIFICENT send off in the role that defined her as the incomparable General Leia Organa (one which it’s still heartbreaking she never quite got to complete); other old faces, meanwhile, return in fun ways, from Anthony Daniels’ C-3PO FINALLY getting to play a PROPER role in the action again to a brilliant supporting flourish from the mighty Billy Dee Williams as the Galaxy-Far-Far-Away’s own King of Cool, Lando Calrissian, while there’s a wealth of strong new faces here too, such as Lady Macbeth’s Naomie Ackie as rookie rebel Jannah, Richard E. Grant as suitably slimy former-Imperial First Order bigshot Allegiant General Pryde, The Americans’ Keri Russell as tough smuggler Zorii Bliss and Lord of the Rings star Dominic Monaghan as Resistance tech Beaumont Kin.  As fans have come to expect, Abrams certainly doesn’t skim on the spectacle, delivering bombastic thrill-ride set-pieces that yet again set the benchmark for the year’s action stakes (particularly in the blistering mid-picture showdown between Rey and Kylo among the wave-lashed remains of Return of the Jedi’s blasted Death Star) and awe-inspiring visuals that truly boggle the mind with their sheer beauty and complexity, but he also injects plenty of the raw emotion, inspired character work, knowing humour and pure, unadulterated geeky FUN he’s so well known for.  In conclusion, then, this is MILES AWAY from the clunky, compromised mess it’s been labelled as in some quarters, ultimately still very much in keeping with the high standards set by its trilogy predecessors and EVERY INCH a proper, full-blooded Star Wars movie.  Ultimately, Rogue One remains THE BEST of the big screen run since Lucas’ Original Trilogy, but this one still emerges as a Force to be reckoned with …
12.  JOKER – no-one was more wary than me when it was first announced that DC and Warner Bros. were going to make a standalone, live-action movie centred entirely around Batman’s ultimate nemesis, the Joker, especially with it coming hot on the heels of Jared Leto’s thoroughly polarizing portrayal in Suicide Squad.  More so once it was made clear that this WOULD NOT be part of the studio’s overarching DC Extended Universe cinematic franchise, which was FINALLY starting to find its feet – then what’s the point? I found myself asking.  I should have just sat back and gone with it, especially since the finished product would have made me eat a big slice of humble pie had I not already been won over once the trailers started making the rounds.  This is something new, different and completely original in the DC cinematic pantheon, even if it does draw major inspiration from Alan Moore’s game-changing DC comics mini-series The Killing Joke – a complete standalone origin story for one of our most enduring villains, re-imagined as a blistering, bruising psychological thriller examining what can happen to a man when he’s pushed far beyond the brink by terrible circumstance, societal neglect and crippling mental illness. Joaquin Phoenix delivers the performance of his career as Arthur Fleck, a down-at-heel clown-for-hire struggling to launch a career as a stand-up-comic (badly hampered by the fact that he’s just not funny) while suffering from an acute dissociative condition and terrible attacks of pathological laughter at moments of heightened stress – the actor lost 52 pounds of weight to become a horrifically emaciated scarecrow painfully reminiscent of Christian Bale’s similar preparation for his acclaimed turn in The Machinist, and frequently contorts himself into seemingly impossible positions that prominently accentuate the fact.  Fleck is a truly pathetic creature, thoroughly put-upon by a pitiless society that couldn’t care less about him, driven by inner demons and increasingly compelling dark thoughts to act out in increasingly desperate, destructive ways that ultimately lead him to cross lines he just can’t come back from, and Phoenix gives his all in every scene, utterly mesmerising even when his character commits some truly heinous acts.  Certainly he dominates the film, but then there are plenty of winning supporting turns from a universally excellent cast to bolster him along, from Zazie Beetz as an impoverished young mother Arthur bonds with and Frances Conroy (Six Feet Under, American Horror Story) as Arthur’s decidedly fragile mother Penny to Brett Cullen (The Thorn Birds, Lost) as a surprisingly unsympathetic Thomas Wayne (the philanthropic father of future Batman Bruce Wayne), while Robert De Niro himself casts a very long shadow indeed as Murray Franklin, a successful comedian and talk show host that Arthur idolizes, a character intentionally referential to his role in The King of Comedy.  Indeed, Martin Scorsese’s influence is writ large throughout the entire film, reinforced by the choice to set the film in a 1981-set Gotham City which feels very much like the crumbling New York of Mean Streets or Taxi Driver.  This is a dark, edgy, grim and unflinchingly BRUTAL film, frequently difficult to watch as Arthur is driven further into a blazing psychological hell by his increasingly stricken life, but addictively, devastatingly compelling all the same, impossible to turn away from even in the truly DEVASTATING final act.  Initially director Todd Phillips seemed like a decidedly odd choice for the project, hailing as he does from a predominantly comedy-based filmmaking background (most notably Due Date and The Hangover trilogy), but he’s actually a perfect fit here, finding a strangely twisted beauty in many of his compositions and a kind of almost uplifting transcendence in his subject’s darkest moments, while his screenwriting collaboration with Scott Silver (8 Mile, The Fighter) means that the script is as rich as it can be, almost overflowing with brilliant ideas and rife with biting social commentary which is even more relevant today than in the period in which it’s set.  Intense, gripping, powerful and utterly devastating, this truly is one of the best films of 2019.  If this was a purely critical Top 30 this would have placed in the Top 5, guaranteed …
11.  FAST & FURIOUS PRESENTS HOBBS & SHAW – summer 2019’s most OTT movie was some of THE MOST FUN I had at the cinema all year, a genuinely batshit crazy, pure bonkers rollercoaster ride of a film I just couldn’t get enough of, the perfect sum of all its baffling parts.  The Fast & Furious franchise has always revelled in its extremes, subtle as a brick and very much playing to the blockbuster, popcorn movie crowd right from the start, but it wasn’t until Fate of the Furious (yup, the ridiculous title says it all) that it really started to play to the inherent ridiculousness of its overall setup, paving the way for this first crack at a new spin-off series sans-Vin Diesel.  Needless to say this one fully embraces the ludicrousness, with director David Leitch the perfect choice to shepherd it into the future, having previously mastered OTT action through John Wick and Atomic Blonde before helming manic screwball comedy Deadpool 2, which certainly is the strongest comparison point here – Hobbs & Shaw is every bit as loud, violent, chaotic and thoroughly irreverent, definitely playing up the inherent comic potential at the core of the material as he cranks up the humour.  Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham take centre stage as, respectively, DSS agent Luke Hobbs and former SAS black operative Deckard Shaw, the ultimate action movie odd couple once again forced to work together to foil the bad guy and save the world from a potentially cataclysmic disaster.  Specifically Brixton Lore (Idris Elba), a self-proclaimed “black superman” enhanced with cybernetic implants and genetic manipulation to turn him into the ultimate warrior, who plans to use a lethal designer supervirus to eradicate half of humanity (as supervillains tend to do), but there’s one small flaw in his plan – the virus has been stolen by Hattie Shaw (Mission: Impossible – Fallout’s Vanessa Kirby), a rogue MI6 agent who also happens to be Deckard’s sister.  Got all that?  Yup, the movie really is as mad as it sounds, but that’s part of the charm – there’s an enormous amount of fun to be had in just giving in and going along with the madness as Hobbs and the two Shaws bounce from one overblown, ludicrously destructive set-piece to the next, kicking plenty of arse along the way when they’re not jumping out of tall buildings or driving fast cars at ludicrous speeds in heavy traffic, and when they’re not doing that they’re bickering with enthusiasm, each exchange crackling with exquisite hate-hate chemistry and liberally laced with hilarious dialogue delivered with gleeful, fervent venom (turns out there’s few things so enjoyable as watching Johnson and Statham verbally rip each other a new one), and the two action cinema heavyweights have never been better than they are here, each bringing the very best performances of their respective careers out of each other as they vacillate, while Kirby holds her own with consummate skill that goes to show she’s got a bright future of her own.  As for Idris Elba, the one-time potential future Bond deserves to be remembered as one of the all-time great screen villains ever, investing Brixton with the perfect combination of arrogant swagger and lethal menace to steal every scene he’s in while simultaneously proving he can be just as big a badass in the action stakes; Leitch also scatters a selection of familiar faces from his previous movies throughout a solid supporting cast which also includes the likes of Fear the Walking Dead’s Cliff Curtis, From Dusk Till Dawn’s Eiza Gonzalez and Helen Mirren (who returns as Deckard and Hattie’s mum Queenie Shaw), while there’s more than one genuinely brilliant surprise cameo to enjoy. As we’ve come to expect, the action sequences are MASSIVE, powered by nitrous oxide and high octane as property is demolished and vehicles are driven with reckless abandon when our protagonists aren’t engaged in bruising, bone-crunching fights choreographed with all the flawless skill you’d expect from a director who used to be a professional stuntman, but this time round the biggest fun comes from the downtime, as the aforementioned banter becomes king.  It’s an interesting makeover for the franchise, going from heavyweight action stalwart to comedy gold, and it’s a direction I hope they’ll maintain for the inevitable follow-up – barring Fast Five, this is THE BEST Fast & Furious to date, and a strong indicator of how it should go to keep conquering multiplexes in future.  Sign me up for more, please.
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shroudkeeper · 5 years
.soft appreciation post
Callout post to some of the women I love and adore and have made my experience so wonderful ingame. Thank you @red-hare for spreading the positive vibes! I would like to as well in no particular order!
Shout out to my beloved @faerie-apples for being an absolute darling, my fangirl therapy friend, the sweetest gem! For years you have been my friend and such a delight, we can pick up conversations from days ago and act like no time has passed between then. You're a darling and I appreciate you in my life.
To my lovely sweetheart @house-vexile, thank you for being such a positive support and despite the heavy burdens placed upon you, you continue to give selflessly to others. I love writing with you, talking to you and above all, being your friend. It has been nothing but a wonderful experience out of character and in! Every story, everything you create, also inspires me. You're a blessing, dear heart.
To my wife @againstthewiind, oh my goodness. I remember going to this FC Faire thinking I wouldn't find a place for me, after five years, you and Phiros lured me and I've fallen in love with this family. Thank you for being welcoming, for being such a support, for all the laughter, the songs, the dramatic flair (I mean this in a good way because we are leos ❤️). I love you and..
.. also same for @misorastraus who has been just so wonderful and sweet and I couldn't ask for a better FC leader. Thank you for inviting me into your family and letting me get to know you and becoming friends! Thank you for all the work you have done for us, in helping me find a comfortable place to be creative!
@shroudblessings oh gosh we enjoy much of the same things, I love it. Thank you for being such a darling and so sweet to talk to. It's been a delight knowing that we share alot in common and can talk about anything from makeup to plushies. You're too cute.
@arkiela my number one fan I swear. You always appear out of nowhere with love and it's so wonderful and uplifting. Please don't forget that you are lovely and truly have such a sweet and pure soul. Thank you for being that little angel that appears to brighten the day.
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