thecluelessdoctor · 6 months
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Emily and Daniel!! A zombie and... a zombie but made with different people's parts
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"say what's your body count"
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"ohhh like 30 now."
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"gurl ur a hoe"
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"how would that make me a-"
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"ohhhh- you meant people I've slept with"
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"I haven't done that yet"
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Hey please reblog to help us get closer to world domination
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blackseafoam · 2 months
Marked Part II
Part 1
A Bad Batch x Red Dead Redemption crossover AU (with illustrations :)
Word count: 1695
CW: Stuff you'd normally find in a western story. Swearing, smoking, gun touting, arrow wounds, horse jokes.
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Two uneventful days went by for the Bad Batch Gang. They began to think the weird interaction in Valentine really was just that, nothing more.
“Why can’t I try a rifle?” Meggy kicked at a rock in her path.
“Because a rifle doesn’t work on small game.” Echo smirked, adjusting the shotgun in his elbow.. “There won’t be anything left of the critter. Plus, a bow is a great weapon. I’d have one too if I could.”
The youngest and oldest siblings picked their way quietly through the forest just north of camp. They’d managed to grab one squirrel all morning, but the forest was unusually quiet today. “Let’s head back, hopefully Crosshair had better luck.”
“No luck for you today, I’m afraid.” A strangers voice startled the pair as a towering figure stepped out from behind a tree. The blue-jacketed man from town. His revolver raised toward Echo.
Meggy froze, Echo raised his shotgun. “Stay away.”
“Don’t be a fool, we know that’s birdshot.” A scar-faced man appeared. Followed by three other armed men. “Just drop it.”
Echo let out a frustrated groan placed his shotgun on the dirt.
“Are you okay, kid?” one of the three goons asked, a young black man with a scarf.
“She’s exactly where she belongs.” Echo spat.
“Hey I wasn’t asking you!”
Meggy stood silently, still frozen.
“See? She’s terrified!” Another spoke up with a thick irish accent. “We outta blow your other arm off, kidnapper.”
“This is a misunderstanding, we saved-”
“Quiet!” The man in blue growled. “Walk back to camp, we’re gonna meet your friends. Sean, take the kid to the horses and wait for the signal.”
Arthur was somewhat relieved to see only two figures as he pushed his hostage into the kidnapper’s camp, but that only meant the remaining two were unaccounted for still. Theone with the red scarf was chopping firewood while the glasses-wearing one was grooming a horse on the farther end of camp.
“Hands up, drop the ax.” Arthur called from the edge of the clearing, gun still trained on the one-armed man’s back, using him as a shield. Lenny, John, and Javier fanned out on either side, weapons drawn.
“Weapons on the ground, or Lefty gets it. This is your only warning.” He put a hand on Echo’s shoulder and pulled him backward.
“Your knife too.” Lenny barked at Hunter.
With a nod from their leader the three gang members gathered the two new hostages.
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Sean and Meggy watched the others disappear into the trees.
“Alright kid, let’s go. You’re safe now.” Sean beckoned the girl toward the horses where they were to wait for the signal. She did not follow. When the irishman turned around, her bow was trained on him.
“No, no. I’m here to save you kid. Meghan, right? We’re bringing you home!” He stammered.
“I am home.” She curled her lip, and let the arrow fly.
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It had been ten whole minutes since Arthur had whistled for Sean to bring down the horses. “Where is that bastard?” Arthur said under his breath.
They had their hostages kneeling on the forest floor as Javier bound their hands. The trio eyed their captors with an intense vitriol but said nothing. It was abundantly obvious these were no run of the mill outlaws, these were battle-trained men. Arthur was not going to let his guard down.
Just then the sound of hoof steps came from behind. Sean led them from his steed, an arrow was embedded firmly in his thigh.
“Where’s the girl?!” Javier opened his arms in confusion.
“She got away!” Sean spat, grimacing and pressing on his thigh where the arrow shaft bounced with every stride of his mount.
“You gotta be kidding me, Sean. You had ONE job!” Arthur groaned.
“Goddamnit.” John cursed.
“She SHOT me!” Sean motioned to the arrow, as if no one had noticed it.
Arthur glanced at the hostages. Their intense, angry stares held a new smugness at the news that the girl had escaped. He drew a pained sigh. “Javier, Lenny, take these fellas to the sheriff in Valentine. Sean, John, ride with me we’re gonna find that girl.” He holstered his revolver and mounted up.
Sean nodded stiffly.
“Are you alright?” Arthur asked in a low voice as he neared the horses.
“Not to worry, English, takes a lot more than one arrow to take out a Maguire.” He choked out.
“Leave it in, nothing we can do about it till we get back to camp.”
Sean’s positive demeanor wilted then, realizing he’d have to ride with an impaled thigh for another couple hours at the very least.
Javier and John mounted, guns still drawn, and walked Hunter, Echo, and Tech down the trail toward Valentine. The rest rode in the opposite direction.
Meggy ran like she had never run in her life. Her boots catching on branches almost took her out several times, but she didn’t let it slow her. Crosshair and Wrecker were somewhere out here, she had to warn them about what was going on.
“Meggy!” A raspy voice hissed out of nowhere.
Meggy stopped in her tracks. Confusion written on her face.
“Up here.”
Meggy looked up, Crosshair was perched high up in a Douglas Fir.
“Crosshair!” The girl said as loudly as she dared. “They took Echo!”
“I know, I saw the whole thing. Climb up here, they’re coming back.”
Meggy had never climbed a tree before, but she had to be brave. She clambered one branch at a time until she was a few levels below her brother, then decided it was enough.
“Where’s Wrecker?” She breathed hard from the exertion.
“I don’t know.”
As if on cue their brother appeared through the tree trunks below, striding back toward camp with an armful of game traps he’d retrieved.
“Psssst Wrecker!” Meggy hissed.
“He can’t hear you.” Crosshair threw a pine cone down toward his half-deaf brother’s head with pinpoint accuracy.
“OW!” Wrecker turned and looked up. “Hey! What are you two doing in a tree?!”
Meggy and Cross motioned him to be quiet and beckoned him up.
The three siblings balanced on their branches, the one Wrecker was on creaking concerningly. Holding their breath, they watched the bounty hunters searching for them in the forest below. Crosshair held his rifle ready to retaliate at the slightest glance in their direction, Meggy and Wrecker could do nothing but wait.
After several, slow, agonizing minutes, the men moved on.
“Who’s that?” Wrecker whispered.
“I don’t know but they have Echo!” Meggy tried to hold in a sob.
“We’ll get him back.” Wrecker growled. “Come on.” He started back down the tree.
“Stop. There are too many of them. We need a plan.” Crosshair hissed.
“Let’s go back to camp.” Wrecker suggested. “We’ll get Hunter and Tech and then get Echo.”
An hour of searching yielded no results, the bounty had fled. Arthur knew when the trail had run cold, and this one was ice.
“Don’t know how much longer I’m gonna last, English.” Sean gasped in pain for the twelfth time. It was time to give up. Even if they did find the bounty, Sean would be no help bringing them in, and he wasn’t confident with the marksman and the bruiser being the ones unaccounted for.
“John, get Sean home. I’ll meet the others in town.”
The cell in the Sheriff’s office reeked of must and the unwashed fabric of the thin mattress on the floor. Hunter, Tech, and Echo sat on the ground as far away from it as possible.
On their way in, Hunter had noticed Meggy’s bounty poster… her reward was more money than they ever would’ve imagined. Why all this fuss over one kid? Why couldn’t they just be left alone?
“The Van der Linde Gang.” Tech thoughtfully mumbled to himself.
“The Van der Linde Gang?” Echo scoffed. “What’s that?”
“I read about them in the paper, I have a hunch that’s who we’re dealing with.” Tech said softly, eyeing the deputy at the desk across the room.
“How do you know that?” Hunter whispered.
“The one calling the shots, I believe his name is Arthur Morgan, has a vicious reputation. He is one of Dutch Van der Linde’s right hand men.”
“Yeah he’s the one we ran in to in town.” Hunter said in a worried hush.
“QUIET IN THERE!” The Deputy scolded.
They fell silent for a few minutes.
“How long have we been here?” Echo whispered
Tech, the only one who wore a watch, checked it. “Four hours.”
Echo sighed.
“I SAID QUIET! Final warning.” The Deputy hit the table with his fist.
Wrecker, Crosshair, and Meggy ducked through the underbrush as quickly and quietly as possible. Stopping every so often to listen for their pursuers. When they arrived at camp they waited and watched for at least an hour, making sure the bounty hunters were not around.
“Is it safe yet?” Meggy dared a whisper.
“We need a plan, first.” Wrecker scratched his chin.
Crosshair’s uncanny stillness finally broke. “I’ll tack up Havoc. Wrecker and Meggy get Murray* on the wagon. We’ll go to town and carefully scope it out to see if we can figure out where they took them.”
(*Murray is Marauder’s nickname)
Meggy and Wrecker nodded and the troop finally stood from their hiding place. Meggy looked up at Crosshair, his brow was knotted with deep concern. She gently tugged on his sleeve. “We’re gonna find them, Crosshair, don’t worry.” She smiled.
The marksman nodded back but barely looked at her.
Soon enough they were on the road. Wrecker drove the wagon while crosshair took up the rear on his mount, and Meggy was relinquished to riding in an empty crate to stay out of sight. She jostled inside, now that the adrenaline had worn off the reality of the situation was beginning to set in. A few stray tears slid down her face. The universe had just given her a family and now it was trying to take it away. Maybe it really would’ve been better for everyone if she just stayed at that stupid school.
Taglist: @dragonrider9905 @omegafett99 @griffedeloup
Author’s note:
Hello beautiful readers! So many of you have given me such good ideas for this AU. This is a kind of “I’m making it up as I go” story with several solid story beats I’m working toward. That being said I’d love to hear more detail ideas for this crossover if you have them! And I will try to incorporate them in.
For example: someone suggested that Gonky be their disabled dog and I love that so much, I want to figure out how to ret con it in. Stuff like that.
Anyway thank you for reading and for all the enthusiasm!’ I read every single tag, reblog, and reply (multiple times).
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zvdvdlvr · 5 months
Cherry Flavored
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🍒 - Synopsis. Cherry farm + hopelessly in love + kissing.
🍒 - Warnings. Fast paced. Fighting. Concussion. Kissing.
It was late April, sun making the days hotter and longer. The gang had settled near Valentine, a small and tightly-knit town. In true womanly outlaw fashion, you politely introduced yourself and made yourself look as innocent and harmless as possible (the thing with appearing innocent and normal? you had three distinctive claw marks running down your face from when John got the both of you stranded on a mountain.)
Almost a week after settling down, Arthur Morgan had gotten into a bad bar fight. Luckily you, Lenny, Javier, Charles, and Bill were there to help fend off the irregularly large man from beating the life out of Arthur.
Though you definitely blew your cover of an innocent woman, Arthur won the fight.
In the aftermath of that fight, Arthur had let you pull him onto your horse and ride off into the night: putting as much distance from the incident as possible.
“Yeh alright?” Arthur asked, gravely voice low and close to your ear.
“‘M alright. I should be asking you that question, Arthur,” you replied.
“You know I can survive more’n that,” he grumbled. Arthur rested his bloodied forhead on your shoulder. “Didn’t mean to make a mess of things… I know you was gettin’ along fine with some of those people.”
You shrugged the shoulder Arthur wasn’t leaning on. Protected by your ribcage, your heart rate beat faster. “You’re more important- the gang is more important.”
Arthur’s eyes closed at your words. He wished more than anything he could feel normal afyer you said that. You’re more important. If only you knew how important you were to Arthur. He stayed quiet, the arms wrapped around your waist to stay steady tightened.
“Don’t fall asleep, Arthur,” you murmured. “You probably have one of those concussions- a bad one, if I had to guess.”
“Yes ma’am,” Arthur groaned, bringing his head up and focusing on the moon. Yeah, the world may be spinning, but at least you were there to take care of him.
Slowly, you eased your horse to a stop. You let Arthur dismount before following suit. As you patred the neck of your horse, you watched Arthur wobble on his legs beside you.
The man surveyed the area, a small farmhouse and crop growing about twent feet away from where you stood.
“Do you like cherries?” You asked. You linked your arm in Arthur’s and lead him closer to the crop. “The family here grows some damn good ones. They’re good for detox, but might make ya tired,” you said.
Arthur watched you reach out for a cherry and pluck it off the plant. You offered him one, and reached for your own. Arthur hadn’t had cherries in so long, he himself didn’t even know if he liked them. He watched you place the cherry into your mouth, moonlight lighting your face and making your eyes and lips shine. You sighed in delight, leaning slightly into Arthur, momentarily forgetting the fight.
Arthur placed his own cherry on his tongue and watched you pull out the pit by the stem and toss it away. A bright snile painted your lips when you turned and saw Arthur looking down at you, dark eyes watching your every movement.
“Good, right?” You urged, nodding to the stem between Arthur’s lips.
Arthur nodded. “Real good,” he answered. He reached behind you and picked another cherry. “Open.”
You opened your mouth and watched, dazed, as Arthur took great care in tucking the red flesh between your teeth.
You took a bite, feeling juice run down your chin. The red liquid gleamed under the light of the moon, taunting Arthur to remove it.
So he did.
Arthur reached out slowly, giving you the chance to step back. He swiped his thumb under your bottom lip, collecting the cherry juice and then bringing it up to his own lips and sucking it off his thumb.
“Well,” you breathed, eyes darting between Arthur’s lips and his mouth. “Can’t do that to a woman and not…” you started, trailing off.
“And not what?” Arthur prompted, stepping closer. He tilted his head, hand hovering over your cheek.
“Kiss me,” you finished breathlessly, leaning further into Arthur’s touch.
Arthur leaned down and captured your lips in his. He tasted the whiskey and cheery on your lips- a taste he could get addicted to. He groaned into your lips, opening his mouth and inviting you in.
Arthur didn’t know how long he stood there, tasting you, but he assumed he had been there for a while when he saw a light flicker on in the distance.
You pulled away, a smile om your flushed lips. “We should probably go,” you murmured, picking a few more cherries and storing them in your pocket.
Arthur mounted your horse. “I think I do like cherries,” he whispered, wrapping his arms around you and letting your presence soothe his aches.
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darlingsfandom · 2 months
stalker lenny miller x neighbour younger reader PLEASEE
You got it friend ✨
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tw: stalking, stealing, he’s a creepy pervert!
not proofread.
“Hi Mr. Miller!” Rang in his ears making him turn around to see you standing there waving with your mail in your hand.
“Hi sweetheart, how are you?” He gave you a small smile. You walked across the yard in your little slippers since it was early morning.
“Pretty good! Love that we’re having colder morning again.” You smiled at him which made his heart skip a beat. “I wanted to give you your mail last night but you must’ve been asleep.” You had a few pieces of junk mail in your hand. Lenny’s job kept him busy and gone for days at a time so he had asked you to collect it for him.
“Thank you, I can always count on you!” He took the mail out of your hand making sure lightly brush his finger tips against your fingers. To say Lenny enjoyed you was an understatement. He watched you, everything you did he knew about it. Lenny had access to you 24/7 and you had no clue about.
“Do you want to come in for some coffee? I just made a fresh pot.” Lenny asked.
“That would be lovely.” He put out his arm for you to loop around. Once he had you inside he couldn’t help but think about how he could just keep you here, but he knew now was now the time. He helped you sit on the stool in front of the island in his kitchen.
“Sugar?” Lenny put a mug in front of you that looked similar to the one you had in your own kitchen. It was a simple red mug with black polka dots, what was even funnier is the fact that his mug had a chip in the handle just like yours!
“Yes please !” You put your hands in your lap as he poured the coffee for you. A small smile appeared on your lips before a quiet “thank you” left your lips. Lenny leaned on the opposite side of the island sipping his own coffee watching how you drank your coffee.
“So anything new ? How’s grandma doing over there? Better ?” Lenny asked.
“Eh nothing new. Grandma is grandma you know. We do our afternoon walks, she still does her bird watching from the porch but you won’t believe this… we went for the early bird special last week and she got flirty with another old man!” You giggled making Lenny laugh with you.
“Grandma still has it going on eh?” He laughed before the both of you made that face that said “ew” .
“Well at least one of us does.” You sighed into your coffee.
“Oh please, you’re beautiful Y/N, you could get anyone you wanted. You’re also smart, caring, funny and a very polite young lady.” Lenny spoke up making you stiffen as he moved closer with each word.
“Oh! Umm thank you… for everything , I gotta get going.” You jumped off your stool and quickly made your way back into your shared home with your grandma. Lenny watched carefully how you went back inside. He knew what he was doing. He didn’t care , he found it funny that you didn’t question why he had your coffee cup in his home, you didn’t notice that he had picked flowers out of your garden and put them in his kitchen.
That moment in the kitchen played in his head over and over as the days passed. You still smiled and waved at him when you crossed paths that you knew of. Lenny had taken some time off work to relax after his last mission with Anna or so he told his boss but it meant he could watch you more. He’d do normal things like take out his trash, check the mail, went for runs shortly after or shortly before you’d go on your walks, he’d even take up bird watching or so everyone thought! Why else would he have binoculars ?
It was the night you had just taken your grandma over to stay at her friends house because even in your eighties you still stay with your friends and to be fair she was just around the corner and Lenny caught out to this. He watched you pull into the driveway, lock the car and settle in for the night. He always thanked his lucky stars that his bedroom faced your bedroom window, well it was your grandmas storage room until you moved in with her to help her out seven months ago also known as when Lenny started stalking you.
You were mindlessly undressing in your room, tossing the dirty clothes into your hamper and walking into the bathroom to shower . Lenny had about twenty minutes to spare before you’d be done. He toyed with the idea for about thirty seconds before he was walking over to your home. The extra key was under the painted rock , of course he knew that! He let himself in quietly tip toeing along the carpet towards the stairs that for his sake were also carpeted , but he was still going to be smart about it.
The running water filled his ears when he passed your bedroom. He had to be quick , Lenny snuck into your bedroom and went straight for the hamper to steal another pair of your panties. He couldn’t take the ones you just had, that would be too obvious so he dug until he found an emerald colored pair and quickly ran off after making sure nothing else looked different. Once he was back downstairs Lenny took a deep inhale of your panties before he looked around your living room to see you had a magazine spread open , he arched an eyebrow and grabbed that too. It was a porn magazine but he didn’t care! It had your scent on it. The water had turned off and that was his signal to leave so he did, put the key back where it was and made his way back to his own house to his room and looked to see you standing there drying off completely clueless that he was just in there.
You finished drying off and turned to face to the window completely unaware that Lenny was watching you. You grabbed the lotion , put some in your hands and rubbed it slowly onto your tits which Lenny rubbed his dick through his pants watching you do your nighttime routine. He didn’t care that he watched you , stole your stuff or sent you some gifts. He sent you flowers at home and work, but the funny thing is… you never told him where you work just what you did! Lenny also sent little stuffed animals and he could tell you liked those because he seen them sitting on your dresser and what is even funnier is that he put a little bit of his cologne on the toys, so how you never made the connection ? You were as naive as he hoped.
Watching you day after day, week after week, month after month , Lenny was more than invested in you. He loved you. The gifts kept on coming, but he was careful not to send the same type of flowers or chocolates. He would watch from his kitchen window in the mornings to see you grab the paper from the porch and hoped you were in a tank top but it didn’t always happen.
“Mr. miller !” You waved at him with that same pretty smile he’s grown to love.
“Hello Y/N! How are you?” He asked throwing his trash into the trash can just like what were you doing.
“Good good, hey I know this is a long shot but have you seen anyone around ?”
“You’ll have to explain a little more my dear.” Lenny raised an eyebrow.
“Well you see I’ve been having these gifts dropped off on my porch and I just… I’m confused. There’s no notes or anything just a vase of pretty flowers!” You crossed your arms before looking at him with a sigh.
“I wish I had an answer for you dear but you know I’m not always home and when I do get home it’s pretty late, anyone crazy enough to deliver flowers that late.. “
“Yeah you’re right but it’s just strange because it’s always my favorite things like they’ve studied my brain or something.” A dry laugh left your lips .
“Maybe an ex lover ?” He shrugged .
“No no, haven’t had a boyfriend or girlfriend since high school! Hard to date these days.” You scratched your head before shrugging.
“Tell you what, I’ll keep my eyes open from now on and if I see anything I’ll tell you soon as I see it.” Lenny gave you smile that made you smile back before saying goodnight and heading back in. He had to run back in and double check the order for the newest gift he had.
His collection of you had grown full of your panties, magazines, only two coffee cups because those were too big to play off, some of your chapsticks, he even bought the same lotion you used on your boobs so he could have your scent on his hands at all times. You were his! But only he knew that and he liked it that way for now!
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darthannie · 11 months
day eighteen: breeding kink with lenny miller
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pairing: Lenny Miller x f!reader word count: 595 warnings: mentions of pregnancy, Lenny is possessive, kinda sweet ending. a/n: I need him to do this to me immediately. kinktober masterlist
Lenny had spent the last 10 minutes eating you out. He took his time. He kissed your thighs, working his way toward your clit, and kitten licked until you begged for him to give you more. He gave in and flattened his tongue against you.
He treated you like a priceless possession. You were his, all his. You were the most important thing to him. He loved having his face between your legs, licking patterns on and around your clit. You finally had enough at one point.
“Lenny, please I need you,” you begged.
“Need me where?” He liked playing coy. There was no need for it, but to him, it was like playing with his food. “Here?” He teased you with the tip of his cock. He moved ever so slightly, barely going inside you. You mewled and your back arched. You nodded your head feverishly. “Yes. There. Please.”
He chuckled at your neediness and slowly entered you. You never got used to how much he stretched you out. Having him inside you made you feel whole. His quick, deep thrusts make you lose control of your body. You twitched and moaned while he fondled and caressed you.
“Lenny. I want you to cum inside me. Please. Fucking- please cum inside me.” You hadn’t planned on asking him, but it felt right. Hearing those words come out of your mouth made something shift in him.
A small smile appeared on his face. “You want me to breed you, huh? Fill you up with all my cum over and over again til it takes?”
“Yes. I need it. So bad…”
He tilted his head as he went down to kiss you neck. He whispered in your ear “I’m going to make you mine. Mark you. No one else is cumming inside this pussy. Ever. Understood?”
“Yes,” you murmured.
He grunted slightly as he fully buried himself inside you over and over again. He pressed your legs against your stomach as he got more intense with his movements. He was hushed as he spoke to you as if it was a secret he didn’t want anyone to hear.
“I’ve wanted to breed you for a long time. Get you pregnant. Make you have my child. Make you my wife.” He’d never confessed any of this to you. It was all making your head spin, but you hadn’t wanted anything more than you wanted this.
His chest heaved, his breath became heavier. With an unceremonious grunt, he came deep inside you. It was almost never ending. His cum spilled out of your spent hole and he quickly moved his hand to push it back in. He carefully used his fingers to make sure not a drop was wasted. He put his hand in your face and you immediately put them in your mouth, cleaning them for him.
You were both glazed in sweat, coming down from the high you’d both experienced. He made sure you were comfortable in bed, pulling you close when you got settled. Feeling the warmth coming from his body made you feel at home. He sighed and pulled you in even closer, “You know, I really do want to make you my wife. And, I really do hope you get pregnant.”
“Seriously?” you asked. He nodded. You assumed he was caught up in the moment, but now he was being sincere. You stared into his eyes. You suddenly felt overwhelmed and kissed him. When you finally opened your eyes and pulled away all you could say was “I really hope I do too.”
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@devotedlyshadowytheorist, @dxnger-dxys, @tommyshelbywhore, @quinnlilias,@madnessandobsession, @mvpr-moon, @nela-cutie, @faebirdie, @charmed-asylum, @anasanthology, @ilikefictionalmen, @akanne-aka, @no-fooking-fighting,@queenofstresss, @flwrs4aust, @mrkdvidal1989, @00hsv, @laylasbunbunny
(If something is up with your tag or you would like to be added, let me know!)
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herbatalover · 9 months
Javier just being very in love with his very tall bf
please and thank you
A/N: I'M BACK. Because I'm sad, I have COVID and I'm miserable, thank you very much. Also my dog is snoring next to my ear so I'm sorry if I make any mistakes, she's distracting me. Anyway, enjoy
(English and Spanish are not my first languages, please forgive me for any grammatical errors)
Mi Amor
Javier x male reader
It was a chilly night in Colter. You were hovering over a fire, staring at it silently. It's been tough lately, the gang lost many people. But you kept your hope for a better tomorrow.
However stress was eating you out. Your boyfriend, Javier went out with Arthur to look for John. It's been a while since they were gone, and seeing how the snow kept coming, you couldn't help but feel scared that they got stuck in it. If not, some hungry wild animal got to them.
It wouldn't get much from Javier, you tried to cheer yourself up. He's thin and short, not much meat. Well, short compared to you. But thinking about it, he was shorter than some members of the gang. Non of them could compete with you, of course.
You were... Well, tall is an understatement. You were almost a head taller than Charles, who was the tallest from the whole gang. But even you outgrew him. You used to be slightly insecure about it, seeing your background, but Javier loved it ever since he met you. He always made you feel loved, he had a gift in that. Whenever you were at your lowest, or overthinking, he came to cheer you up.
But he wasn't here now. In fact, you didn't know where he was. You weren't even sure if you'll see him again. Out of all people in the camo, why was he the one that decided to go? Why couldn't it be Bill or Lenny? They would've done better. This fool isn't even made for a weather like that, he's Mexican after all!
But before you could go any further down the road of worry, you heard horses outside. Not long after, the familiar voices of your beloved. Oh, yes, and Arthur's too.
You jumped up, excited. Delighted even. You ran to the source of the sounds, seeing as others were helping John down from the horse, Abigail immediately going to scold him. You rolled your eyes. She could give him a break at least now.
Before you could observe what was happening after, you felt arms wrap around you, pulling you into a hug.
"oh, mi amor! I was so worried will you manage without me!" The short Mexican cried out, hiding his face in your chest. You immediately slapped the back of his head.
"you worried?" You frowned, sending down a glare. But upon seeing him rubbing the back of his head, your gaze softened. You hugged him, picking him up a bit. A gesture he loved. "I thought I lost you... What took you so long?"
Javier chuckled nervously, nuzzling to you, the exhaustion washing over him.
"got some company on our way back..." He muttered, sighing softly. You smiled a bit, rubbing his back, watching him.
"I hope nothing serious?"
"then it wasn't anything serious" You laugh at his offended gasp before getting a light punch on your stomach.
"I could've been eaten!"
"noo, they wouldn't go after you. Look at you. You're a cute type. Not a meal you'd want to eat"
"oh you said something different that one night-" you covered his mouth before he could finish, a slight blush appearing on your cheeks. Yes, it was a nice night, but not the type you'd want the whole gang to hear about.
"oh shut your mouth pendejo..."
"esto es por que te amo" he chuckled softly, taking your hand off of his mouth, taking your collar and pulling you down into a soft kiss. You blink few times, surprised before smiling slightly, kissing back.
Javier was a fool. You knew that. But he was your fool. And you'd be damned if you didn't merry that fool sooner or later. He always found ways to throw you off your feet.
And it was easy, considering the height difference.
!! Any mistakes in the Spanish parts are fully my fault, I'm still learning it but Google Translate showed that I wrote the sentence correctly, so it's partly it's fault as well. !!
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verdemoun · 3 months
I. I need to know. Hosea's first few weeks or even months in modern times. How was he found? How was he with Bessie? How'd he adjust? Anything he loved/hated in particular? AND BESSIE???? HOSEA AND BESSIE STUFF IS JUST *CHEFS KISS*
spare some crumbs for a hosea fan im begging
Waking up was more peaceful than it had any right to be for Hosea. It was more like the slow confused raise of his head like he'd just fainted for a second. Bessie was the first thing he saw and he just melted into a smile so relieved and in love and happy to see her again before he started to realize she had aged, her hair was cut in a fashion he'd never seen before and wearing a skirt that fell just below her knees? Scandalous? Hot??
Admittedly any happy reunion was cut short by the revelation Lenny also died/timewarped just a few minutes after him and was having a much more violent awakening still wheezing and gasping for breath as if he was still trying to breathe through a collapsed lung. Comforting the young man he calls son was more important than simping. (Sean was fashionably late but soon took over because Lenny very much needed and wanted Sean more)
Did not give a single fuck about how or why or where he was. He held Bessie's face gently and kissed her like he expected the Devil to appear and drag him to the Hell he rightfully deserved after his lifetime.
Absolutely lovesick. Being able to stare at his wife who was still so beautiful with age so happy so healthy the way she looks at him with the same affection in her eyes takes away even the slightest fear or nausea on the drive home. Fortunately Lakay to Blackwater is a significant drive so they got to be introduced to a lot of modern era through passing through cities and towns on the trip.
People forget Hosea absolutely believed in all Dutch's anti-government freedom rhetoric so much - they were shared ideals they originally bonded over. They were the start of the VDLs. He would hate so much of modern era. Laughed the first time he saw taxes on Bessie's payslip and then got angry. First slang term he learns to use correctly is ACAB. Learning that the government recognized retirement age is 65-67? The government would expect him, at 55, to get a job? Bessie can't just retire and spend every waking moment in his arms?? Livid.
His saving grace is his wife. He loves her so, so much. She is practically a beast tamer, how quickly she can touch his arm and kiss his cheek and suddenly he's too happy and content in love to even think about setting the mayor's perfectly manicured garden on fire.
He never learns technology. He is still happy with newspapers and books thank you very much he genuinely does not understand wikipedia and thinks everyone is so intelligent when they look at their phone and suddenly know the answer to a question he asked. Bessie is secretly grateful she is almost certain if there was written record of the things he said about local council he would get arrested.
Hosea was the one to have the obligatory 'no i'm old and hideous now there's no way you could love me' moment because he thinks Bessie's wrinkles and grey hair and signs of age are as perfect as she is. Yet, he finds the exact same things in himself deformities. Bessie assures him he is as handsome as the day she fell in love with him.
Since Bessie is very happy with her job as a professor and Hosea detests much of modern era he is very happy being the house husband. He learns to use appliances and takes over cooking. He makes recipes from magazines and proper cook books. He is the ideal domestic man he is chasing the boys out the door to go to work/get a job with the same energy as his famous 'do something!!' lecture so he can mop and make sure the house is perfect for his beautiful hard working woman's return.
Bessie might dress modestly to most people's standards but coming from 1899 Hosea absolutely loses his mind. His wife wearing pants? Hot. A cardigan with just a shirt underneath? Practically in a state of undress? Genuinely concerned they could get arrested. Watching her do her hair nice and wear cheap jewelry that looks aesthetically nicer than fine jewels in 1899? Acts like he's dating a countess would crawl behind her if she told him to. 50s housedress that hug her waist? Old man is feral.
Honestly their modern era life is just everything Hosea craved and missed and mourned for when settling down with Bessie didn't work because of his stubbornness in 1883. He has absolutely no desire to return to crime (because getting away with crime is significantly harder in modern era (he still crimes. man is a kleptomaniac who plays confused old man with dementia whenever he gets caught)) after a proper second chance to do things right with Bessie. They read together, they listen to music, slow dance in the living room, go on walks through parks holding hands making everyone who sees them wish they had what Bessie and Hosea have.
Side note: Hosea very much has a type. Bessie is as strong-willed and sharp-tongued as Dutch and it is very obvious to anyone who sees how tightly she has him wrapped around his finger. She holds so much power over him just because of how much he loves her. Full Gomez Adaams 'look at her. i would die for her. i would kill for her. either way what bliss'. Fortunately, she is a genuinely very kind, patient, loving person who adores Hosea for the person and way he is and does not abuse the complete control she could have over husband.
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sixgunluvr · 5 months
A Love To Protect
Chapter 3
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Mature Age 18+ Readers ONLY.
Pairing Arthur with a female reader.
There may be errors. I read through these a couple times but I still may miss things.
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You woke up sometime later to Dutch gently shaking your shoulder, calling your name in a hushed voice. "Hey, darlin'? Time to wake up." You slowly opened your eyes to find yourself lying inside your tent, with Dutch sitting beside you on a wooden stool, a look of concern etched on his weathered face. Javier was also there with a look of concern on his face.
Your head throbbed with a dull ache, but the sight of Dutch made you feel a little safer.
'Careful now, darlin'. You took quite a tumble out there,' Dutch said softly as he placed a gentle hand on your forehead, checking for fever.
You tried to sit up, but Dutch stopped you, his voice firm yet gentle, 'Don't move too fast. Take it easy.'
The memory of what happened came rushing back, causing you to wince.
Dutch's expression darkened as he gently touched your swollen cheek. "Who did this to you?"
You swallowed hard, remembering the face of the man who had attacked you. "Micah."
"Micah said he stopped someone from attacking you,"  Dutch interjected, trying to ease the tension. 
You took a deep breath and looked Dutch in the eye. "He attacked me. I went to pick some raspberries in the woods, he just appeared out of nowhere. He forced himself on me but I managed to get away."
Dutch's expression turned thunderous as you spoke, his eyes glinting with rage. You could see the veins in his neck bulging as he clenched his teeth.  The thought that Micah had dared to touch you in such a way infuriated him beyond belief. Dutch was always the protector of the group, and it was clear that he was taking this matter very seriously.
"Where is the son of a bitch now?" Dutch growled asking Javier, his voice low and dangerous.
Javier shook his head, looking just as angry as Dutch. "He disappeared after the ruckus," Javier said through gritted teeth. "We've been looking for him everywhere but can't find hide nor hair of him."
Dutch clenched his fists in frustration. "That traitorous son of a bitch! I'm going to rip him apart piece by piece when I find him."
But at that moment, all Dutch cared about was making sure that you were okay.
He helped you sit up, wrapping a warm blanket around your trembling shoulders. His eyes filled with a fiery determination as he vowed to find Micah and make him pay for what he had done. You could see the gentle side of Dutch as he tenderly tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
"Don't worry, darlin'. We'll find him and make sure he pays for what he's done," Dutch said, his voice trembling with anger.
Javier nodded in agreement, his own rage evident on his face.
"Arthur, where's Arthur," you asked your voice barely a whisper. You wanted nothing more than to be in his protective arms right now.  Arthur would make everything better, as he always did. But he was out on a job with Charles and Lenny.
Dutch's words snapped you back to reality. "Arthur's back," he said poking his head out of the tent, his tone still laced with anger.
Javier and Dutch left the tent to meet with Arthur before he could enter.
Your heart raced at the news, and you felt a surge of relief wash over you. Arthur would know what to do after hearing about the attack.
You could here them talking to Arthur but you couldn't hear what was being said. 
Suddenly Arthur's voice thundered throughout the camp.
They told him.
Your whole body trembled. You had no idea how Arthur would react to this news.  You had only ever seen him fiercely protective, but never violent. You could feel the tension and anger rise in the camp as Arthur was brought up to speed on the attack.
Dutch and Javier led a seething Arthur towards your tent, where you were now resting. He looked like a man possessed, his eyes blazing with rage and determination. The wind rustled through the trees as they approached, carrying with it the scent of wood smoke and sagebrush.
As Arthur burst into the tent, he rushed to your side, taking in your disheveled hair and swollen cheek.
Rage coursed through him, his eyes flashing with an intense fire that promised vengeance. You had never seen him like this before, and it scared you even more than Micah's attack had.
"Who did this?" Arthur demanded, his voice low and dangerous. His fists clenched at his sides, every muscle in his body tense with barely contained fury.
"Micah," you said softly, your voice shaking as much as your body.
"He attacked me in the woods. I went out to find some raspberries, and he was there. He tried to..." Your voice trailed off as tears began to stream down your cheeks.
Arthur's jaw clenched at the mention of Micah's name. His eyes flashed with anger, but it wasn't towards you. No, his anger was reserved for Micah and anyone who dared to harm a single hair on your head.
Dutch and Javier exchanged a look that spoke volumes.
They knew that Arthur's anger was not to be taken lightly, and they would do everything in their power to keep him from doing anything rash.
"He's dead,"  Arthur said with finality, eyes cold and determined. "I'm going to find him and kill him." Arthur's voice was low, lethal, and he meant every word. You could see the rage in his eyes and knew that he was capable of doing anything to protect you. You believed him because you trusted him. And it wasn't just because he was handsome or muscular; it was because of how fiercely loyal and devoted he was towards you. He would do anything to keep you safe from harm.
Dutch put a hand on Arthur's shoulder, trying to calm him down. "We don't know where he is yet," Dutch said.
"But we will find him, and when we do, Micah will pay for what he's done."
Dutch's voice was firm, unyielding. He was a man of action, and if there was one thing that Dutch could do well, it was taking care of business. Javier, on the other hand, was more measured in his approach. He was always the calming force within the group, but today, even Javier looked ready to take Micah down himself.
Arthur nodded. His mind was made up; Micah would die for what he had done.
But before Arthur could storm off to track down Micah, you reached out and placed a hand on his arm. "Please," you whispered, your voice trembling. "Don't leave me here alone."
Arthur looked at you, his anger softening at the sight of your fear. He nodded and took a deep breath, his eyes still blazing with determination. "I'll stay with you," he said, his voice low and soothing.
Dutch and Javier exchanged a look, both relieved that Arthur wasn't going off half-cocked.
They knew that Arthur was fiercely protective of you, and while they respected his desire to keep you safe, they also knew that a man on a rampage was never a good thing.
Javier spoke up, "We'll find him together, mi amigo. But right now, she needs rest." He gestured towards you, and Arthur nodded in agreement.
The camp settled down for the night, with Dutch and Javier promising to keep watch. You lay in Arthur's arms, feeling both safe and loved.
His warmth enveloped you like a cocoon, shielding you from the harsh realities of the outside world. Your eyelids grew heavy as his fingers gently traced lines along your arm, calming the storm of emotions within you.
You didn't know if it was his rugged good looks or the strength of his character, but you couldn't imagine being without him.
After the chaos of the day, being wrapped in Arthur's arms you finally began to feel your body relax.
Your head was pounding from Micah's attack, but the feeling of Arthur's strong chest against your back and his arms around your waist provided a sense of security that you desperately needed. The warmth from the fire outside crept into the tent and you could hear Dutch and the others' hushed voices as they moved around the camp.
Arthur's steady breathing was soothing and you began to feel yourself drift off.
But suddenly, you found yourself back in the woods, with Micah's looming figure closing in on you. His twisted smile sent a chill down your spine as he reached out to grab you.
You screamed, your voice echoing through the tent and jolting Arthur awake.
"Shhhh, it's alright," he whispered, pulling you closer and kissing your forehead. "It was just a nightmare, baby. You're safe with me."
But the fear and adrenaline coursed through your veins, making it impossible to fall back asleep. Arthur must have sensed this because he began to gently run his fingers through your hair, soothing you as he whispered sweet nothings in your ear.
The tender touch of his fingers on your scalp sent a shiver down your spine, but it was the warmth in his voice that truly ignited a spark within you.
You leaned into him, feeling the strength of his muscles, as his hand drifted down to rest on your hip.
Arthur pulled you closer, pressing his lips against your ear as he whispered, "You're safe with me."
Slowly, you let yourself be enveloped by the feeling of his arms around you, the protection and love that radiated from him in waves. Your body began to relax, but your heart raced as you felt something else entirely.
Without thinking, you turned your head and pressed your lips against his.
The taste of him was intoxicating, and you opened your mouth to deepen the kiss.
With a low growl, Arthur slipped his hand beneath your shirt, skating his fingers up your spine. His touch sent a jolt of electricity through your body, and you arched against him with a moan.
"Baby, I'm so sorry I wasn't here," Arthur murmured. You could see the hurt in his eyes.
"I couldn't protect you," he said softly.
"You'll always protect me," you replied, your voice trembling. You needed him to know that despite the attack, your faith in him hadn't wavered.
His lips met yours again in a hungry kiss, as if trying to quell the fear and uncertainty of what had happened. His hand slid into your hair, pulling it free from its braid and fisting it tightly. Your breath hitched as he tugged gently, leaving tingles along your scalp.
Your body pushed against his, hungry with desire and longing to feel closer. You reached up and slid your hands under his shirt, feeling the coarse hair on his chest and the hardness of his muscles beneath. His abs tensed as you explored, and a growl rumbled in his throat.
He trailed kisses down your neck, his fingers grazing your skin and making you tremble with both pleasure and the memory of danger. You moaned as he took one of your nipples into his mouth, teasing it to a hard peak through the fabric of your blouse.
"Fuck, baby," he growled against your skin. "You're so fucking beautiful."
Arthur slid his hand up your thigh, bunching your dress as he went. When his fingers reached the apex of your thighs, you moaned and spread your legs wider, needing more friction.
"You sure you want this right now?" he asked, his voice thick with desire and concern.
You nodded eagerly, his fingers finding the wetness between your legs, and he groaned with satisfaction. "Damn girl, you're soaked."
"I need you, Arthur," you whispered, your hands gripping his shoulders as if to ground yourself.
"Say it again," he growled, his eyes darkening with lust.
"I need you," you repeated, arching against him.
With a slow, deliberate movement, Arthur slid a finger inside of you, making you gasp as he found that spot that made your toes curl. He pressed gently, his eyes locked on yours as he began to move in a slow, agonizing rhythm that had you trembling with pleasure.
"Arthur, please," you begged, your voice tinged with desperation. You needed more, wanted more of him.
You need him to know that you don't blame him for what happened, that your need and love for him has not wavered.
You needed to be as close to him as possible. You needed that closeness, that connection.
And the more he touched you, the more you craved him. The ache inside of you grew and grew until it was an unbearable throb that pulsed with insatiable hunger.
Arthur sensed your urgency and, with a low growl, slid another finger inside of you. You cried out as he found your pleasure spot once again, this time working both fingers in a tantalizing rhythm that had you writhing beneath him.
"Please," you begged, your legs shaking with the effort to stay still.
You were desperate to feel him inside of you, to ease the burning need that had been building inside of you since before the attack.
"Beg for it," Arthur demanded, his fingers never ceasing their movements.
"Fuck, beg me."
You moaned, your hips moving in rhythm with his fingers. "Please, Arthur. I need you."
Your words only fueled his lust. "Say it," He demanded, his green eyes dark as sin. "Tell me what you want."
"I want you inside of me," you panted. "Please." You gasped as Arthur's thumb circled your clit. "I need you."
The desperation in your voice only spurred him on.
"Tell me exactly what you want," he ordered, withdrawing his fingers.
You whimpered at the loss, but knew he wanted to hear you say it. And you wanted to tell him. You needed him to know just how much you craved him, how much you trusted him to erase the fear that had taken root inside of you.
"I want you to fuck me," you whispered. "Right now."
He groaned, pulling at the buttons of your blouse, eager to see what lay beneath. You helped him hastily remove your clothes, your own arousal fueling your desire to be naked in his arms.
His hands roamed over your bare skin, caressing and teasing you into a writhing mess beneath him. Your nipples pebbled under his touch and you arched into him, needing more contact.
Arthur's mouth found yours again as he kicked off his boots. He pulled his shirt over his head, and dropped his pants, his hard cock springing free.
He kicked his pants to the side and covered your body with his, his thigh spreading yours open wider. His cock rubbed against your clit, making you moan and writhe beneath him.
His words only added to your desire as he positioned himself at your entrance, his eyes burning with a fierce hunger. You gasped as he slowly slid into you, filling you up completely. 
"Fuck, baby," he groaned.
"You feel so goddamn good." Arthur grunted, moving slowly in and out of you. His eyes locked onto yours, his gaze never wavering as he thrust deeper and harder.
"Arthur," you moaned, your voice barely audible as you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper inside of you.
"I got you, baby," he moaned.
His rhythm was slow and steady, each thrust sending a shiver down your spine as he hit that spot inside of you that made your toes curl.
You gasped as he leaned down to take one of your hardened nipples into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it before biting down gently.
"Oh god," you cried out, arching your back as a wave of pleasure washed over you.
Arthur's response was a low growl as he continued to thrust into you, his pace gradually quickening.
His eyes locked with yours, keeping the same agonizing yet tantalizing rhythm that had you crying out with pleasure.
"I love you so much, baby," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "I will always protect you. You'll always be mine."
Your heart swelled with love and adoration for this ruggedly handsome outlaw. With every thrust, you felt the weight of the day's events slip away, replaced by a deep sense of security and safety in his arms.
"Oh god, Arthur! Don't stop!" you cried out as your orgasm built within you. He increased his pace, sending shudders through your entire body as he reached between your still-quivering legs and circled your clit with his thumb.
"Come for me, baby," he groaned, and you gladly obliged. Your orgasm ripped through your body, causing your muscles to clench around his cock as you moaned incoherently. Arthur didn't let up, his thrusts becoming erratic as he reached the peak of his own pleasure.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he chanted as he spilled himself inside of you, burying his face in your neck with a guttural groan.
You wrapped your legs tightly around his waist, holding on to him as the aftershocks of your mutual orgasm rippled through your body.
Arthur collapsed on top of you, still buried deep inside, and you welcomed the weight of him, feeling protected and safe in his arms.
You kissed the side of his face, tasting the salt of his sweat and feeling the rapid beat of his heart against your chest. His breathing was heavy, but he slowly withdrew and lay down beside you, pulling you into a close embrace. Your legs tangled together as your bodies fitted perfectly, like two pieces of a puzzle.
The world outside the tent disappeared as you lost yourself in the comfort of Arthur's arms. It was a feeling that you craved more than the sweetest wine or the most decadent dessert. Here, in this desolate wilderness, under the star-filled sky, you found your safe haven.
As your breathing slowed and heartbeats returned to normal, Arthur gently brushed the hair away from your damp forehead. He leaned forward and whispered soft words of love and adoration, his ruggedly handsome face filled with emotion.
You basked in the warmth of his affection, your heart swelling with love for him.  You were his, and he was yours. Together, you could conquer anything.
But, you couldn't help but think about what was to come once Micah was found.
You knew that Arthur was not one to be trifiled with, and if he had set his sights on Micah, then there would be hell to pay.
Yet, as you lay in Arthur's arms, feeling his warmth and breathing in the scent of his skin, you couldn't help but feel safe. It was a feeling that only Arthur could give you - the feeling of being completely and utterly protected from the dangers of the world.
The fire crackled softly outside the tent, casting a warm glow inside and providing some comfort from the chill of the night air.
The wind blew gently, carrying the scent of wood smoke and sagebrush throughout the camp, creating an atmosphere of serene tranquility that existed in stark contrast to the chaos of just hours before.
Despite the tender moment that had just transpired between you and Arthur, your mind couldn't help but drift back to Micah. You knew that the danger had not passed entirely, that he was still out there somewhere, and you couldn't shake the feeling of fear and uncertainty.
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throughtheprism · 2 months
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PRISMATIC! is a kpop GIRL GROUP group formed in 2023 by LOVELY RECORDS. they are the FIRST group under the company, all of the members being handpicked by CEO and fellow artist, CHLOE KWON. they have a ELEGANT concept which was loved by many once they debuted.
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MYUNG DOHA is the MAIN VOCALIST of PRISMATIC. she was a well known OUTSIDER MEDIA trainee and even lent her VOCALS to many DEMOS under the company, as well as appearing in the survival show CHOOSE YOUR PLAYER. it was also thought that she was a possible member in the lineup for BLUE MOON.
BIRTH NAME :: myung doha
STAGE NAME :: doha
BIRTHDAY :: january 11, 1997
POSTION :: main vocalist
COLOR :: yellow
FACE CLAIM :: im nayoung
MYUNG DOAH was born in SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA. her father was a classical musician, while her mother was an opera singer, so she had been close to the music industry her entire life. at the age of five she began to take singing lessons for fun, though she had dreams of being a singer like her mother. as she got older, she decided to steer away from the opera side of singing and started to just sing and make covers for fun and eventually started to post them online when she was fifteen. shortly after, DOAH’S covers started to gain traction and she was asked to audition for many companies. DOAH made it into OUTSIDER MEDIA, training with the members of BLUE MOON, though being cut from the final lineup. she was still a well known trainee, however, and many waited for her debut. she, along with LENNIE, participated in OUTSIDER MEDIA’S survival show CHOOSE YOUR PLAYER, but was one of the first eliminated and followed MAISIE to LOVELY RECORDS when she decided to move over to debut in PRISMATIC.
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BAE JINJOO is the LEAD VOCALIST and VISUAL of PRISMATIC. she was a well known JYP TRAINEE, appearing on SIXTEEN where she was eliminated early on. she also appeared on IDOL SCHOOL, though did not make it into the final lineup and decided to give up on idol life until CHLOE KWON offered her a part in PRISMATIC.
BIRTH NAME :: bae jinjoo
STAGE NAME :: jinjoo
BIRTHDAY :: september 7, 1998
POSTION :: lead vocalist, visual
COLOR :: red
FACE CLAIM :: yoo siah
BAE JINJOO was born in JEJU, SOUTH KOREA. from a young age she had seen idols on TV and decided that was what she wanted to do when she got older. she begged her parents to let her take dance classes and vocal lessons, which after a few years of begging, they finally agreed to. she began auditioning for company’s very young after again convincing her parents and finally passed the JYP audition at THIRTEEN. she began training and eventually appeared on SIXTEEN, though was one of the first people eliminated from the show. after the end of the show, she went back to training, though she left the company and appeared on IDOL SCHOOL in 2017 as a last shot at being an idol. she made it far into the show, but again failed to make it into the final lineup. JINJOO gave up on her dream of being an idol, going back to school and going through college. she had almost forgotten about her trainee days when CHLOE KWON, one of her best friends as a trainee under JYP, told her she was creating a girl group and wanted her to be part of it. she accepted and debuted as a member of PRISMATIC.
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MAISIE PARK is the LEADER, MAIN DANCER, VOCALIST, and FACE OF THE GROUP of PRISMATIC. she is well known for having debuted many times before in the groups MISS KISS in 2015 and IZ*ONE in 2018.
BIRTH NAME :: maisie park
STAGE NAME :: maisie
BIRTHDAY :: october 23, 1999
POSTION :: leader, main dancer, vocalist, face of the group
COLOR :: blue
FACE CLAIM :: song hayoung
MAISIE PARK was born in NEW YORK, NEW YORK. when she was little she often took dance classes and even competed in many DANCE COMPETITIONS as she grew up. during one of her DANCE COMPETITIONS, she was scouted for GLOWLIGHT ENTERTAINMENT, where she joined, quickly being put in the debut lineup for their group MISSKISS. after a year of inactivity the group disbanded and she went to OUTSIDER MEDIA with fellow members DELLA and TAEHA. the three of them were placed in the debut lineup up BLUE MOON, though prior to the group debuting, she appeared on PRODUCE 48 with DELLA and JINRI. she was the only member of the OUTSIDER MEDIA trainees to make it into the debut lineup of IZ*ONE, placing 7TH overall. she stayed as a member of IZ*ONE until the group disbanded in 2021 and was thought to join BLUE MOON, though she refused and went back to being a trainee under the company. in 2022, she moved to LOVELY RECORDS to become part of the debut lineup for PRISMATIC.
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PRIYA DEHLAVI is the LEAD VOCALIST of PRISTMATIC. she is known for almost participating in the survival show, CHOOSE YOUR PLAYER, though was pulled from the lineup.
BIRTH NAME :: priya dehlavi
STAGE NAME :: priya
BIRTHDAY :: september 28, 2000
POSTION :: lead vocalist
COLOR :: orange
FACE CLAIM :: maitreyi ramakrishnan
PRIYA DEHLAVI was born in KANCHEEPURAM, INDIA. as a kid, PRIYA had no intentions of wanting to be a singer or be famous in any way, though her friends and family had always thought she had a pretty singing voice. when she was EIGHTEEN, a video of her singing was posted and started making its way around the internet. a recruiter from OUTSIDER MEDIA then got into contact with her and asked her to audition for the company. PRIYA agreed to an audition, not thinking to would go far, but she ended up making it into the company. throughout her time training, she had basically been promised a spot in the company’s upcoming survival show, CHOOSE YOUR PLAYER, though was one of the members that had been pulled out of the lineup in favor of other trainees. in 2022, PRIYA moved from OUTSIDER MEDIA to LOVELY RECORDS in hope that she would finally be able to debut in their upcoming girl group PRISMATIC.
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LENNIE TORRES is the LEAD DANCER, VOCALIST, and RAPPER of PRISMATIC. she is known for appearing on the OUTSIDER MEDIA SURVIAL SHOW, CHOOSE YOUR PLAYER, where she placed 2ND, though due to outrage of alleged VOTE MANIPULATION, she was pulled from the final line up of the group.
BIRTH NAME :: lennie torres
STAGE NAME :: lennie
BIRTHDAY :: january 25, 2001
POSTION :: lead dancer, vocalist, rapper
COLOR :: purple
FACE CLAIM :: olivia rodrigo
LENNIE TORRES was born in PHOENIX, ARIZONA. LENNIE had taken some dance classes as a kid, though as she got older she quickly grew out of them. in LATE 2018, LENNIE started a TIKTOK account called LENNIEBBY, which steadily gained followers and in 2020, she was asked to join OUTSIDER MEDIA. LENNIE quickly became a trainee, though she had little to no training and was pretty slow at picking up the skills she needed to become an idol. still, the company pushed for her to be a member of the survival show CHOOSE YOUR PLAYER, where she was often criticized for being far behind the other trainees in terms of skill. she did manage to place 2ND on the show, which sparked a lot of outrage from viewers with rumors of VOTING MANIPULATION, though it was never proven. still, the company pulled her from the lineup, keeping the group as SIX members instead. in 2022, LENNIE then moved over to LOVELY RECORDS where she became a member in PRISMATIC.
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CHARLOTTE 'CHARLIE' KWON is the VOCALIST, RAPPER, and MAKNAE of PRISMATIC. she is most well known for being the younger sister of LOVELY RECORDS ARTIST and CEO, CHLOE KWON.
BIRTH NAME :: charlotte 'charlie' kwon
STAGE NAME :: charlie
BIRTHDAY :: august 3, 2002
POSTION :: vocalist, rapper, maknae
COLOR :: green
FACE CLAIM :: shin ryujin
CHARLOTTE ‘CHARLIE’ KWON was born in VANCOUVER, CANADA. CHARLIE had never known her father as he left soon after she was born. growing up as the younger sister of CHLOE KWON, CHARLIE wanted to do everything that she did, often begging CHLOE to try and teach her how to play guitar like she knew how to do, though she had a very rough time picking it up and quickly gave up. her sister moved to SOUTH KOREA to become a trainee when CHARLIE was ELEVEN and she immediately wanted to follow her, though her mother wouldn’t let her audition for any companies and said maybe when she was older, though it had always been more of a passing thought for CHARLIE unlike how much CHLOE had wanted to be a singer. it wasn’t until her sister returned home during her long hiatus at the beginning of her career that the thought of becoming an idol even crossed her mind again. she started to try and audition for companies, not wanting her sister to go back to KOREA alone, though she kept getting rejected from all of them. CHLOE offered to try and train her the best she could, though she eventually had to move back to KOREA, leaving CHARLIE to try and teach herself some things. she kept working and auditioning for many companies to no avail and in 2022, when CHLOE opened her own company, she allowed her to come under the company as a trainee. CHLOE had been planning her first girl group as a FIVE membered group, though eventually added CHARLIE to the lineup last minute and she became a member or PRISMATIC.
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numbuhinfinitys · 5 months
I would like to see a headcanon with the DCFDTL and Reyna about what the Delightful Children's individual opinions of Reyna are, what her role is in the Sector V missions with them, and how they both interact with each other before and after they begin a relationship.
[Sorry it took so long, I had a busy week, plus school began yesterday :[ ]
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Bruce - Reyna's…pretty tall compared to him, but he likes that about her. Her cold, but fierce personality astonishes him sometimes, even though it looks like she doesn't care about his “small kisses” he often sees a small blush appear and immediately knows she likes it. Other than that he sees her as a confident and courageous person, who's very thoughtful.
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Alessandra - Reyna's very clingy with her, she is with all the DC, but mostly with Alessandra and Constance, but in private of course! She loves dancing with her, and sometimes gets flustered when Reyna dips her, but other than that She finds her very polite, even though she's very stubborn and aggressive.
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Lenny - He's sometimes a bit anxious or slightly flustered when even being in her presence, but that can all change if he's feeling comfortable with her again or just by holding hands. Lenny finds her as a very independent and determined person, who knows what her goal in life is.
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David - He's a gentleman (all of them are but he's number 1 XD) towards Reyna, even though she told him a kajillion times she's not some Damsel-in-Distress, she sometimes likes it when she's treated smaller than normal. His main opinion of her is that he thinks she's really adorable under that rough and aggressive exterior.
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Constance - Even though they're both intelligent, and are sometimes done with others' crap, Reyna likes to sometimes cuddle with her, she even says that Constance is like a pillow for her. Overall Constance thinks Reyna is a very caring and loyal person, who will never betray someone for her own sake.
Mission role
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Reyna's role in the DC missions of Sector V is mostly to destroy their machines or unhand them from their weaponry, but if it's about to explode, then she will always make sure they're far away from the explosion.
If they don't have any weapons or machines, then she will stealth through it or try to find out what they are planning.
Pre-Relationship [before crushing]
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Their interactions are…something. Reyna mostly ignores them if she passes them or if she does something wrong in their eyes, but if it's targeted towards one of her friends or lower graders/kindergarteners then she will always step in.
Reyna found love and romance overrated at first, and the DC never paid much mind to it.
Pre-Relationship [after crushing]
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DCFDTL - They find it a bit hard to talk to her now if she does something that displeases them. Her hair, her face, and those beautiful eyes. It's all too much for them! Even her kindness strikes their hearts!
Reyna - She acts very calm and cold around them, but in reality she internally screams because of their cuteness. It's hard for her to express and talk about her feelings, so she just listens to them tripping over their words.
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When their relationship began, Reyna was pretty cool with it, the DC on the other hand found it sometimes awkward to even hold hands with her, but as time went on they grew more comfortable with her, giving her affection and dancing with her for fun.
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skulljackxiii · 5 months
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GrojBand Comeback Tour - Lenny Nepp
Support me over at Patreon: www.patreon.com/skulljackxiii
(Note: With little info at hand, there was a lot of room to add about Lenny and his character in this version. But looking back in the show, there were signs where he was different from the other Newmans by not having the same skill set as their counterparts; specifically having physical traits/capabilities being complete opposite from that of Laney, and the long running joke of being called a girl by his peers. So first off it would be interesting by making him a foreign exchanged student from London (since his name is Lenny) that has several medical/health issues that restrains him from being more physically active/capable, thus creates his insecurities of his masculinity. This is further impeded by him growing up as the youngest in a household with only girls in his life. Though they didn't really help with his problem, he did pick up many skills thanks to his mother and five older sisters with flourishing careers; such as a dance instructor, hair dresser, salon manager, beauty technician, and a fashion designer. It would also be fun that he would have this one-sided rivalry with Corey and tries to intimidate him simply out of jealousy, but Corey wouldn't take it to heart because he assumed that it was his own unique way of talking to someone.)
Role: Lenny is one of the key members of the Newmans, taking the role as the bass player and backup vocalist of the band. Along side that, he also has the responsibilities of maintaining the appearance of the Newmans by deciding what type of wardrobe and makeup is best for certain occasions. He also develops and instructs the choreography for their performances, this being his most passionate role given how it is the only physical activity that he flourishes on.
Outside the band, Lenny is a popular Vlogger that likes to share all his moments to the World; letting people know who he hangs out with, where he's at, who he dislikes, etc. This also makes him an addition pillar of support for the band by having so many of his viewers get to know each of the members behind the scenes and grow to like them. With this furthering the band's image, maintaining a lead in popularity against Grojband.
Bio: Lenny lived in London with his mother and five older sisters. Being born with health conditions, such as Asthma, Hyperthyroidism, and minor Muscular Dystrophy, caused him to be retaliate on medication and being overprotected by his family. With no father around he grew up mainly being influenced by his family, namely his sisters playing with him in activities that they're interested in, like playing dress up or putting on makeup. He didn't have much friends when he was little because the boys would think that he was a weak girl to play with, and the girls would think that he was weird for being more prettier than them. Though despite all these years under his family's care and insecurities about his body, Lenny still strived to be his own man and have everyone recognize that. That way he could finally feel confident about himself and have everyone he meets to stop calling him a girl to his face.
Some years later down the line, Lenny decided that he wanted to move out and go to America to attend the rest of his school years there, as part of his journey of being a real independent man. Of course his sisters were against this idea, but the one to back him up and understood his plights was his mother. After some arrangements with relatives over in the US and saying his goodbyes, Lenny was finally able to set off and be who really wanted to be, but upon his arrival things didn't exactly go as planned. Weeks went on and due to his social anxieties, fragile physic, clumsy nature, and feminine appearance, he became a target of bullying by everyone. 
This went on for awhile until a rough looking girl called Carrie Beff stood up and shut everyone up with a single single sentence. When he saw her for the first time, be came enamored by not only for her looks but also her strong presence that commanded respect and attention. Since then he did everything that he could to see her and get closer, but never had the courage to say how he really felt. So when he heard that she was forming a band and was looking for a bass player, he saw this as his opportunity. He exhausted so much of his time, energy, and finances to become the perfect bass player for the girl of his dreams. 
When the day finally came to showcase his skills and was accepted, he felt such immense joy that he never felt before. But that feeling wouldn't last too long when he realized that so much of Carrie's attention was always directed towards a rival band Grojand, specifically their leader Corey Riffin. Since then on he swore that he'll find a way to beat GrojBand and prove that he could be so much more than Corey will ever be.
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queer-irritator · 1 year
Date Night (Arthur Morgan x Fem! Reader)
Prompt: Arthur and fem! reader head to Cotorra Springs for some time alone amidst the chaos of Shady Belle.
Fem reader anatomy, but no gendered language used.
Content warnings: Adult language, smut, assault, violence
Takes place after Impure Thoughts, but not necessary to read first
Not proofread
You were still getting used to living at Shady Belle, it was alright, but being right on the swamp meant tons of bugs. As the newest gang member, you didn’t end up getting a room inside. But that didn’t keep you from crawling into Arthur’s bed most nights. Since you got up the nerve to claim Arthur as your man a few weeks ago shit has hit the fan. Arthur got shot, Jack got taken (and brought home), and Dutch is slowly becoming more unhinged. Perhaps worst of all, Micah is hanging around camp more than normal. Any time you show Arthur any affection and Micah happens to be around, he always has to make some sort of comment. You can tell how much it pisses Arthur off, too. So, with everything going on you don’t have a ton of time together, and the time you do spend together is when you’re both asleep. Even when Arthur was recovering from getting shot, someone else was always hovering around. So, you’ve made a mental plan to escape for at least one night with Arthur, and Cotorra Springs sounds the most relaxing (and romantic). You can’t wait to get him alone. You can’t wait to kiss him without having someone call Arthur’s name, or being interrupted when things just start to get hot and heavy. Although your relationship isn’t necessarily a secret, you also haven’t announced anything, or been overly affectionate in front of others.
You just finished helping out Pearson cut some vegetables for the stew, which was your last chore. Buzzing with excitement, you scan the grounds in an attempt to locate Arthur. It’s fairly early, so you’re hoping no one has pulled him aside for any nonsense.
The sound of wood splitting catches your attention. You head over behind some wagons to spot your favorite cowboy hard at work. You watch him closely as he sets up another log to cut. He’s wearing a red button up with the sleeves rolled up and the top few buttons undone, some black work pants, and suspenders. He swings the axe down with a slight grunt and the wood peels apart with ease.
“Hey handsome.” You greet him.
Arthur turns his head towards you and a smile makes its way onto his face.
“Look who it is.” Arthur lays the axe down and crosses his arms over his chest and turns to face you fully. “You comin’ over here to distract me?” He jokes with you.
“Maybe.” You playfully joke back. “Seems like we need a distraction after the last few weeks.”
“You can say that again.” Arthur sighed and rubbed the side of his face.
A smile appeared on your face, “So, this a good time to ask you on a date?”
“Me? A date?” Arthur raised an eyebrow at you like you were crazy. “Where to?”
“It’s a surprise.” You told him.
“Mmmh, I don’t like surprises.” He playfully protested.
“This is a good surprise.” You promised him. “Come on, grumpy.”
Arthur followed you to where the horses were hitched up. You checked over your horse to make sure you had enough supplies and your horse’s gear was ready.
“Hey, Lenny.” You called to your closest friend in camp as you swung your leg over your horse, “If anyone asks, Arthur is gonna be busy the next day or so.”
“Alright.” Lenny looked up at you, knowingly. “You two have fun.”
He was the only person who really knew about your relationship. He was subjected to hearing your drunk ramblings about how beautiful Arthur is for days on end.
Arthur mounted his horse, not too thrilled to learn that Lenny knows about his personal relationship.
“We will!” You called back to Lenny as you led the way out of camp.
The ride with Arthur was nice and peaceful. Except for when he kept badgering you to tell him where you were going.
“We ain’t going up in the snow, are we?” Arthur questioned you, worriedly.
You let out a chuckle, “No, I wouldn’t do that to you… At least without warning.” You assured him.
You finally saw the Cotorra Springs and halted your horse on the side of the trail.
“Ta-da!!” You spread out your arms to present the springs to Arthur.
“Ohhh, the springs?” Arthur looked at you. He couldn’t help a small smile seeing how proud and happy you were to have surprised him. “It’s beautiful, darlin’.”
You were smiling so big your cheeks hurt. Speaking of cheeks, you were sure they had turned a light shade of pink hearing Arthur call you a nickname. You slid off your horse and found a nice spot next to one of the larger springs to start setting up camp. Arthur followed you and quickly took over making a fire. You laid out a bedroll and took in the view.
Arthur got a fire going and turned his attention to you, “So, what are we doin’ up here?”
“Going in the hot springs, duh.” You playfully rolled your eyes at him.
“In our clothes?” He questioned
“Well, no. That wouldn’t be comfortable.”
“… Naked??” He lowered his voice slightly, and began to look at you like you were insane.
You simply nodded your head at him.
“In public? Are you crazy?” Arthur glanced around to see someone passing by on horseback.
“When it gets dark no one will be around, it’ll be fine.” You assured him, “I didn’t know you were so shy, Mr. Morgan!” You teased him.
Arthur scoffed slightly, “Excuse me if I don’t wanna show my ass to the world.”
“It’s not to the world.” You said as you moved closer to him and rubbed his upper arm, “Just to me.” You smiled at him.
Arthur was still looking at you with uncertainty.
“It will be dark, and we’ll be in the water. I promise it’ll be fine, Arthur.” You leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips.
He kissed you back after a moment of hesitation. You wrapped your arms around the brute of a man and pulled away from the kiss.
“I figured we’d eat first though.” You proposed. It’d been quite a long ride up to the springs and the sun was beginning to set. You could have taken a train, but a horse ride seemed more intimate.
Arthur nodded slightly and gave you a kiss on the head, “Alright.”
You called your horse over and got out some venison you brought with you. You sat down next to the fire and unwrapped the meat. You had seasoned it with some thyme and mint earlier in the day. You took out two pieces and placed it on a grill over the fire.
Arthur sat down next to you and placed his hand on the ground behind you. “This is nice. Thank you.”
You turned your head towards Arthur and smiled at him, “Of course. We haven’t gotten any real alone time in a while. And you work so hard, you deserve some rest.”
“You’re too good to me.” Arthur placed his other hand on the side of your cheek and pulled you into a soft, loving kiss. You kissed him back and set one of your hands on his side, leaning into his touch.
You reluctantly pulled away from him after a few moments, “Gonna make me burn our dinner.” You chuckled and flipped the meat with a knife.
Arthur just hummed in response and kissed the crook of your neck. You bit your bottom lip, this man really knew how to turn you on.
“Arthur… we gotta eat.” Your words were of protest, but your body was giving into his touch.
“Rather eat ‘chu.” Arthur mumbled against your skin.
Your cheeks turned red, “Arthur Morgan!” You laughed and swatted at his arm. “Come on…” You sat up straighter and took the meat off the fire.
“Alright, alright.” He finally gave in to you and sat up.
By the time you finished eating the sun had fully set and there was a cool nip in the air.
“That was the best thing I’ve eaten in a while.” Arthur complimented your cooking.
“Why, thank you, sir.” You leaned your head against his shoulder. “You ready to get naked?”
Arthur chuckled slightly, “I guess so.” He hadn’t seen any more people riding by since the sun was up.
You smiled and kicked off your shoes and socks then jumped up to continue to undress. Arthur followed your lead, but not nearly as quickly or enthusiastically.
Soon you were bare-butt naked and stepped into a shallow ledge in the hot spring.
“Oh, Arthur, it's so nice!” You looked back at him and he was just starting to unbutton his shirt. You fully submerged yourself in the hot water and watched Arthur.
“Woo! Take it off, hot stuff!” You encouraged him.
“Shut up…” Arthur took off his last article of clothing and joined you in the hot spring.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed his cheek, “It’s nice, right?”
Arthur nodded, “Yeah, it is.” He put an arm around you and began to relax.
You rested your head on his chest and looked up at the stars.
“I could stay here forever.” You felt so relaxed and at so much peace. Something you haven’t felt in a long time.
“Me too, sweetheart.” Arthur had been admiring your face instead of the stars.
You felt his eyes on you and turned your head to meet his gaze and smiled softly at him. Arthur lifted his hand out of the water and rubbed his thumb on your cheek.
“I think I love you.” He said, so quiet he couldn’t tell if he said it out loud or in his head. He couldn’t tell over the loud thumping of his heart.
Your eyes started to well up from the utter happiness you felt from hearing those words, “I love you too.” You whispered back to him before pulling him into a kiss.
Arthur kissed you back, his hands gripping onto you like he was afraid you’d leave him if he ever let go.
You pressed your body flush against Arthur’s and lowered his head to deepen your kiss. Arthur slid his tongue into your mouth and moved one of his hands to your waist and the other to knead the flesh of your ass. You moaned into his mouth and lightly pulled at the damp hair on the back of his head. Arthur felt his cock harden and he lifted up your legs and hooked them around his waist and began to walk out of the hot spring.
The breeze of the cold air met your skin and gave you goosebumps, but it was the last thing on your mind. You could feel Arthur’s dick pressing into you and it was driving you crazy. Somehow Arthur made it to the bed roll and laid you down, breaking the kiss. The only sound was the two of you desperately trying to fill your lungs with oxygen.
“Arthur, please I want you inside me.” You begged the man above you, looking into his eyes. “A-Are you sure? We don’t have to do that if you’re not ready.” Arthur was searching your eyes for any hint of hesitation, or disgust. He was just waiting for you to realize he was a monster and run away screaming.
“I’m very fucking sure, Arthur. I need you.” You assured him and leaned up to kiss him again.
He nodded and positioned himself at your entrance. He used the tip of his cock to spread open the wetness of your folds.
“So fuckin’ wet for me, darlin’.” He mumbled as he rubbed himself against your clit. “You ready?” He glanced up at you.
Your face went completely red hot and hooked your legs on Arthur’s waist, “Yes.”
He slowly pushed himself into your entrance and groaned slightly from the feeling of your walls around him. Once he filled you up, he started to slowly rock into you. You moans started to fill the air, he stretched you out the perfect amount. Arthur dipped his head down and kissed the crook of your neck and started to pick up his pace. You placed your hands on his back and moaned.
“You feel so good.” You praised him.
Arthur just groaned in response and shifted his angle until he felt your nails dig into his back and you moaned loudly.
“Fuck! Right there baby!” You could feel your orgasm building.
Arthur grunted and began to thrust into the same spot over and over again and he started to feel his own climax creeping up on him.
“You gonna cum for me, sweetheart?” he mumbled in your ear.
You couldn’t help the moans escaping your lips and just managed to get out an, “Uh-huh” before you were raking your nails down his back and moaning through your orgasm.
The way your walls clenched down around his cock had Arthur cumming into your pussy.
“Shit, baby.” Arthur said as he lazily rode out both of your orgasms, “Make me feel so goddamn good.” He praised you as he kissed your neck and chest all over. You were panting, trying to catch your breath and dropped your arms to your sides.
“Mhh, you did all the work though.” You retorted.
Arthur chuckled slightly as he slid out of you and laid down next to you and put an arm around you.
You could feel some of Arthur’s cum drip out of you as you moved to lay your head on his chest.
“You know, I do love you, Arthur.” You glanced up at him.
He looked down at you, “I’m the luckiest fool on the planet.” He kissed your head, “An’ I love you too…”
You pulled the top layer of the bed roll over the both of you and closed your eyes. Before you could open your mouth to tell Arthur goodnight, you heard snoring coming from the man beside you. You chuckled, draped an arm over Arthur’s stomach and drifted off to sleep.
The next morning you awoke to an empty bed roll. You rubbed your eyes and called for Arthur. When you didn’t get a response, you forced your body to sit up. There was a piece of paper lying where Arthur should be.
Went to try and catch some fish down by the river.
You smiled to yourself, Arthur loved to think he was terrible at everything. When the opposite was true, he surprised you with how many talents he has. You noticed your clothes were in a neat pile next to you, and decided to get dressed. You headed over to the fire pit and started to brew some coffee. Right on cue, you heard footsteps coming up behind you.
“How’d you manage?” you asked, not bothering to turn around.
An unfamiliar voice filled the air, “Manage what? Finding a pretty thing like you all the way out here?”
You spun around to see a man you didn’t recognize. You reached for your revolver but it wasn’t there. You never put your gun belt back on. Your heart started to race as you stood up and backed away from the man.
“If I were you I’d get out of here.” You warned the man. Arthur must be coming back soon. “I don’t think so, sweetie. Why don’t you come into town with me?” He took a step closer to you.
“Fuck no.” You told him as you your hands balled into fists. You’ve never had to punch someone before, but that’s going to have to change today.
“Come on, baby. Don’t be like that.” The man lunged forward to try and grab you, but you punched him as hard as you could in the side of his face. This caused the man to fall backwards and he landed on the campfire.
“Oh, shit…” You whispered to yourself as the man started to scream from the pain of being on fire. You took a few steps back and watched the man try and put himself out, but his entire body was engulfed at this point.
“The hell happened??” Arthur’s voice rang out.
You looked up to see Arthur carrying a fish in his hand. You ran to grab your gun from your belt and walked up next to him.
“I dunno, this guy just started harassing me and I punched him and he fell into the fire.” You quickly explained.
Arthur set down the fish, walked over to grab the bed roll and used it to put out the fire. Somehow the man was still alive. Arthur crouched over him and wrapped his hand around his throat.
“You think it’s okay to come up here and harass people? Hm?” He tightened his grip on the man.
“No! I- I was just trying to get a date!” The man sobbed, “Please, I’ll never do it again.”
“Well, as it turns out, that’s MY date. And you’re right. You won’t do it again because you ain’t gonna be alive for it to happen again.” Arthur threatened the man before punching him in the face repeatedly until he fell limp.
You tore your eyes away from Arthur and strapped your gun belt on and stowed the fish on Arthur’s horse.
“Come on, we should get outta here.” You advised Arthur.
Arthur got up, wiped blood off his knuckles and walked over to you, “You alright?”
You turned to him and nodded, “Yeah. Thanks to you.” You placed a hand gently on the side of his face and gave him a kiss. “Let’s head home.”
You and Arthur started your ride back to camp. You both talked and ate snacks you had left over in your saddle bag.
As you got closer to camp, the more you realized you didn’t want your time with Arthur to end. You slowed your horse down and looked over to Arthur.
“Hey, you wanna do something before we head back?” You asked him.
“Sure, what’chu have in mind?” He questioned you.
“I dunno, but I’m sure we can find some trouble to get into in the city.” You teased him.
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redemn · 7 months
what if i told you that arthur hates looking into the mirror .   that he dislikes any image of him in every way that counts .   that reflecting upon himself is a cruelly difficult task filled with distaste .   that when he stares at his own face ,   he can see the eyes of his father staring back at him ,   can see the man in the curve of his nose and his lower lip ,   and it always reminds him of the cruel things he was told as a child .   only a bit over a decade of his life ,   but a decade where he saw his father go on his crime sprees ,   get caught and thrown in jail multiple times , and then ultimately hanged in front of him .   his mother wasn't around for enough of his conscious life to shield him from that influence . and arthur did love his father . he loved him enough to take his words to heart , to miss him , to keep his hat on him at all times . so he carries it all with him now , everywhere .
and because of this revulsion of his childhood and the man he sees in himself ,   he's learned to be critical about himself ,   in ways that blend lyle's spiteful reminders and his own actions into the constant message in his mind .   something to the effect of :   " i don't fit into this world ,   i've always been doomed to make the same errors ,   i can't break the cycle ,   i was born without the capacity for good . "   if anyone tells him otherwise ,   it's very difficult for him to believe ( see : when sean says to arthur ,   "you're a great man ,   arthur morgan ,   the kind a young whippersnapper can really admire" arthur immediately breaks eye contact and tells him to shut up ,   because he doesn't believe a word of that tease ; when lenny tells arthur ,   "you're a good friend to me ,   arthur" and claps him on the shoulder ,   arthur immediately shrugs him off and tells him to shut up ). like mary said , there is a good man within him , but he is wrestling with a giant .
in spite of it ,   though ,   he follows his own moral compass ,   which he fully believes to be wrong … but that is much kinder than he gives himself credit for .   he maims ,   he kills ,   he threatens and steals .   but he also gives to the poor and the homeless ,   helps those he sees are in need .   he will never see these are wholly good actions on his part .   moreso he believes he makes these decisions as a "why not" sort of gesture .   not because he's a good man .   because who could ever think him good when he carries in his face a criminal father with such an ugly disposition ,   whose footsteps he's practically followed himself ?   …   even in spite of the mother who lingers in his cheekbones and who appears in his face when his eyes smile ?
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darlingsfandom · 1 year
jealous dd/lg one shot with lenny miller , ur first one was so good im obsessed with it now
I'm on it! Since reader was jealous last time... it's Lenny's turn !
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"Come on darling we're going to be late!" Lenny yelled from the front door as you came down the stairs in a dark red dress that hugged you perfectly. You put on the heart locket that he gave you for your anniversary last week as you grabbed your coat from the hook and followed him out to the car that was waiting for you two. Truth be told you hated these CIA fundraisers because it was just a bunch of old men retelling the same stories over and over again while they get drunk and laugh too loudly, but you did it for Lenny .
You two sat in silence until you got there. He helped you take off your coat and put it in the closet. Your arm wrapped around his tightly as you made your way into the ballroom where everyone else had already been mingling and drinking. You held onto to Lenny not only because he was comforting and that you loved him because he also wanted people to know that you're his! Sure it seemed odd to most people that Lenny was with you since you're half his age but that didn't matter to either of you. You were his baby that he loved and cared for.
"I'll be back darling, I need to use the restroom." Lenny whispered into your ear and kissed your cheek before he headed off. While he was gone you stood there awkwardly because you could feel everyone's eyes on you. You played with the locket until you were approached by a man who was even older than Lenny, could be his grandpa!
"How do you do pretty girl?" His lips curled into what was supposed to be a smirk but came off creepy along with slurred words. You stepped backwards away from him until your back was against the wall. "You know it's rude not to answer ?" Your lips parted slightly to speak but no words came out.
"And you know it's rude to flirt with my date?" Lenny cleared his throat catching the man off gaurd.
"Sorry Lenny, didn't realize this beauty queen was your girl!" He threw his hands up and backed away. Lenny turned to face you before he grabbed your arm and pulled you down the hall into the coat closet.
Both of you stood in silence before Lenny pushed you against the wall. "You're mine! Do you understand that? You are mine!! Wearing this slutty dress, showing off your cleavage to everyone here! Better show them who you belong too!" Lenny leaned in and kissed your red raspberry lips as his hands gripped onto your hips. His tongue forced its way into your mouth making you whimper quietly. His mouth moved down your neck making sure to bite all the way down and sucking the bite marks for different amounts of times to make sure they were different shades of purple. He peppered them along your breasts making sure teeth marks were present as well. To most, Lenny was well respected but that was going to change once those bruises appeared on your soft skin.
Your thighs shook a little as he pulled your tits out of your dress so he could suck your nipples. Soft moans left your lips as Lenny's fingers trailed under your dress. He wanted everyone to know you're his! Lenny undid his pants and dropped them around his ankles.
"Who's cock is this baby?" He stroked himself softly as you dropped onto your knees. He tapped the head is his cock against your mouth as you opened it up. "Tell me baby, who's cock are sucking?" He patted your head .
"Yours daddy! Daddy has the biggest cock ever and it's all mine!" You smiled ear to ear up at him before wrapping your lips around the head. You hallowed out your cheeks and relaxed your throat so you could take him all the way down while you sat on your knees. Your eyes watered a bit as he was holding your head in his hands to make sure his cock went down nice and deep. Drool spilled from your chin onto your bruised breasts . You were such a pretty sight and Lenny was close.
"Be a good girl for daddy! Take all of my cum!" His thrusts we're getting sloppy as you reached up and cupped his balls to rub them while he pulled your face closer until your nose was shoved against his salt and pepper pubes. You were inhaling his scent as you processed that Lenny was cumming down your throat as you took in his scent. He was groaning your name before he pulled out and looked at you with a satisfied smile. Lenny got you back on your feet , pulled up his pants and exams you. Your lips were swollen, breasts covered in slobber and bruises, you were a mess and it was obvious to everyone when both you and Lenny walked out the closet with giant grins on your faces.
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ultrone · 1 year
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# 🥃 ᵎᵎ NEVER TEAR US APART ꒱ ⌗ part two
🎧 𝙽𝙾𝚆 𝙿𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙸𝙽𝙶 drink before the war by sinéad o'connor
part one 𓂃 ⊹ 1.4k wc
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raindrops cascaded on your windshield as you drove along the freeway. you watched as the street signs shimmered with the car lights, but they appeared too blurry for you to read. your system had already absorbed the alcohol from the empty bottle resting on the cup holder beside you. lenny kravitz's "it ain't over 'til it's over" blared loudly from the speakers of your roofless white jeep, a vehicle you had purchased a few years ago. raindrops embraced your body as you sped down the road, and with a wide grin, you fearlessly honked at passing cars.
before long, large red neon letters came into view, indicating your arrival at your destination. you swiftly parked your car and hurriedly stepped out, taking unsteady steps toward the bar's entrance. a sheepish smile lit up your face as you walked inside, taking your time to admire the familiar place that you had not seen in 25 years. it looked exactly the same.
your city was six hours away, so you only drove here with your family once or twice a year, but you never mustered the courage to set foot inside “beer pool dancing,” until this very moment.
you walked towards the bar counter, leaned down against the stool, and gently kissed it before straightening up and hitting it with your fist in excitement, saying, "whisky," as you looked at the bartender and took a seat.
the people nearby looked at you curiously due to your drunken state, but you were too busy asking the bartender for a cigarette to notice. "thank you," you said as you placed it in your mouth, asking the person sitting next to you for a lighter while introducing yourself clumsily.
you stood up, grabbed your whisky glass, and slid it across the bar counter as you walked, announcing, "i haven't been here in 25 years." you greeted someone on the stools with a drunken "hi" as they stared at you with a small smirk. taking your drink, you started walking towards the jukebox.
resting your drink on top of it, you placed your hands on the sides and gazed longingly at it. you typed the numbers "2, 5, 8," and as sinéad o'connor's "drink before the war" began to play, you took a deep breath, picked up your drink, and slowly rested your arms and head on top of the jukebox machine, tears welling up in your distant gaze.
without letting a tear escape, you turned around slowly and descended the small step that separated the bar area from the dance floor. as onlookers observed, you stumbled across the dance floor, occasionally taking sips from your drink. singing along with the lyrics, you turned towards the bar and noticed a stunning woman gazing back at you. she appeared young, perhaps in her mid-20s, with flowing brunette hair and a lime green summer dress accentuating her slender figure.
you halted in your steps, fixated on her, wearing a foolish grin as she approached you with a serious expression. without uttering a word, she took the drink from your hand and placed it somewhere on the floor. then, she gently took hold of your hands and guided them to her waist, drawing you closer.
it didn’t take long before you two were completely wrapped up in each other's embrace; with her resting her head against your shoulder, as you had her arms wrapped around her body, swaying along the chorus of the song on the empty dance floor as your gaze was lost behind her.
after a few moments, she gradually pulled away to meet your gaze. through your hazy vision, you noticed that her brunette hair was now dirty blonde, her brown eyes now a captivating sage green, her plump lips adorned with traces of her favorite peach-flavored lip gloss, and she was wearing her heart-shaped necklace.
as stunning as ever, she gave you a sheepish smile, reminiscent of the one she wore every morning when she picked you up for school, or whenever your eyes awkwardly met in the locker rooms while changing. running your fingers through her hair, you slid one hand toward her face and tenderly caressed her cheek, unable to tear your eyes away. just as you did so, she nestled her head back onto your shoulder.
"are you crying?" the girl asked, feeling two tears land on her bare shoulder. you pulled back to look at her but ignored her question, instead asking with a giggling tone and tears streaming down your face, "wanna have a juggling match?"
"no," she replied, giving you a strange look. nevertheless, you grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the abandoned whiskey glass on the floor. "no, no, i'm good," she repeated with an uncomfortable smile.
with a swift movement, you flicked the glass up with your foot and began juggling it like a football. "see?" you exclaimed, laughing loudly. the whole bar turned their attention to you as you stumbled across the dance floor, trying not to let the glass fall, unintentionally pushing a few people in the process. "come on, it's your turn," you urged, kicking the glass towards her. however, instead of joining in the juggling, it struck her leg forcefully and shattered on the ground with a loud noise.
"what the fuck!" she exclaimed, while you continued to laugh hysterically and apologize.
"alright, that's enough," the bartender interjected, approaching you slowly with a serious expression.
"what? you wanna juggle too?" you asked him, still laughing, as you rolled up the sleeves of your shirt. "my team was the national champion," you boasted, hopping around as if preparing for a game. everyone stared at the mess you had made and your drunken state with annoyance.
"hey, mr. clean!" the bartender called out to the bouncer for assistance.
"come on!" you exclaimed excitedly. "oh, jesus, you two wanna juggle?" you asked mockingly as you saw the bouncer approaching. "you think you can take me?" you challenged them both, hopping around the area in an attempt to evade the bouncer's grasp.
it didn't take long for the bouncer to apprehend you, lifting you onto his shoulders and carrying you outside as you kicked your feet, still laughing.
"fuckin’ outta here," he grumbled as he dropped you onto the ground.
"i was just having fun, man," you said with a smile as you turned your gaze towards the bartender, who had followed closely behind.
“no. i warned you like ten times,” he said angrily, “you annoyed everyone and caused damage, you didn’t fucking listen.” he scolded, pushing you back slowly. “you’re never stepping foot in here again.” he declared, as both he and the bouncer headed back inside.
"hey... hey! you can't do this to me!" you protested as you followed closely behind, but they quickly entered the bar and locked the door before you could reach them. you attempted to juggle the doorknob, but it wouldn't budge. frustrated, you walked to the side of the building and peered through a medium-sized diamond-shaped window, which offered a view of the entire dance floor.
"hey!" you yelled, pounding desperately on the window. "i haven't been here in like 20 years!" you exclaimed, continuing to knock. realizing they couldn't hear you, you delivered one final angry knock before resting your head dejectedly against the glass. "i have good memories here, man," you whispered painfully, gazing inside as the neon red lights of the bar reflected off your face.
"you can't tell me i can't come back in!" you shouted in frustration as you slowly stepped away. "ah, fuck," you muttered, walking back toward your car. "alright, okay..." you said more calmly, opening the car door and settling inside.
you sniffled and took shuddering breaths as you sat there, the car engine turned off, staring at the building in front of you. after a few seconds, you started the engine and, as "under the milky way" by the church played on the speakers, you drove away, heading back to your summer house, where randy and your two kids were waiting for you, already fast asleep.
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
The Runway -Part 3
Lenny Miller x reader (Cillian Murphy’s role for movie Anna)
Series Master list
Special thanks to @heidimoreton for this amazing BTS gif! 🥰😍 Look at that smile!
And @zablife for the playlist recommendation to finish this part 💕
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Looking at the clock, Y/N felt frustrated because Anna was still nowhere to be seen. A member of the crew talked to the pilot and shoot a long look at the other flight attendant.
“Where are you Anna?” She mumbled to herself, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Are you going to Paris with those long faces?” Anna appeared with a huge grin on her face, oversized black sunglasses.
Everyone waiting for her sighed loudly as they realized she was hungover, the atmosphere was tense.
“Goodness Anna!” Y/N shook her head embarrassed by her sister’s attitude.
“Oh please just cut the bullshit.” Anna made a face and walked determined to move past them, but Lenny stood up with a death stare in front of her.
“You‘ve a contract, this is unacceptable and so disrespectful from you, we’ve been waiting for you for over an hour.” Lenny spat at her, clearly bothered.
Y/N wanted to intervene but she new Anna shouldn’t have made them wait.
“I really can’t wait to fire you as my agent.” She brushed past him, into the bedroom in the back of the private airplane.
Finally up in the air, Y/N tried to get comfortable in her seat, grabbing a book from her purse, unfortunately it slipped from her lap and landed on the floor, her personal belongings scattered around, Lenny was quick to help her, scrunching down.
“Thank you, I’m sorry about what happened with my sister earlier.”
“Sometimes I doubt you’re related to be honest.”
Y/N made a face. “That’s bold… but I doubt it myself sometimes.”
Lenny was eager to stop talking about Anna, she was a headache. “Are you excited for taking the Runway in Paris?”
“Yes! It’s the first time I’m hired by Miu Miu, luckily it will bring me good luck for the rest of the shows.”
“But you’re scheduled to walk for Luis Vuitton first, Miu Miu is on Wednesday.” Lenny was proud to realize he had both correct; the order and the fucking pronunciation. He spent a good part of the previous night getting involved in the fashion industry, to not look so out of place.
He learned names, trends, important details, designers faces, everything that was necessary. He was also a bit scandalized about the ridiculous amount of money Y/N and Anna got paid just for taking over a runway and he almost got a heart attack when he added the contracts of magazine covers, collaborations, being the faces of make up, shoes, clothing and appearances to the mix.
“Yes, sorry… I always get the dates mixed, but it’s all in my agenda.”
“Right, well I’ll be doing some paperwork right there if you need anything.” She saw Lenny walk back towards his place. “Make sure to eat something.”
She didn’t know what to expect from this trip, Richardson was never worried about her or her needs, on the contrary he used any opportunity to make her feel inferior, insecure, terrified of doing or saying something, he was different with Anna though always cheering for her and he constantly made them fight for contracts with big brands.
Y/N decided then to relax a little by opening her book, but her eyes constantly ended looking up towards Lenny as he was reading something in his computer, typing then leaning onto his hand, completely focused in his task. Unlike, unable to focus on her book, so Y/N decided to put her mask on and take a nap.
Lenny got access to Anna’s photos, nothing relevant, until he found one she sent to a few people personally requesting to not share the information with anyone else as they were invited to an exclusive meet and greet with her. In the message she mentioned the location would remain secret until the date. Lenny was checking for similar photos where she was invited to do a master class of how to walk like a model. Everything looked normal.
He felt like walking in a maze, like going in endless circles with nothing.
Lenny signed one of the contracts, Y/N would wave a flag at the Monaco F1 as the ambassador of a luxury watch brand in a few months, this deal was engaged by Richardson and he realized how unfair was Y/N’s cut compared to what her ex’s-manager got. These kind of inconsistencies had been also present in other of her contracts. He made a mental note to demand an audit later for that.
“You look like you need this.” Y/N offered him a glass of whiskey.
“That’s a nice way to say I look like shit.” Lenny chuckled inviting her to take the seat next to his.
“What’s the matter?”
“The numbers, there are inconsistencies, I’m starting to believe that your ex-manager has been stealing from you. But once we go back I’ll request an investigation.”
Y/N’s face was full of worry.
“I can’t believe it! How long has he been stealing from me?” Y/N asked, Lenny begged her to keep her voice down.
“That’s what I’m trying to find out, do you remember signing something unusual?”
No, everything was legal, Richardson got her the apartment she lived in, signed her assistant, suggested a portfolio as investment, he took care of everything, she barely got involved in those kind of decisions.
“It’s fine, I don’t want you to feel anymore pressure, you have enough with the runway.”
“To tell you the truth, I feel at a much better place now that you’re my manager, I never really liked him…”
Lenny was pleased to hear that.
“Anyways… I was wondering if Richardson told you about the contract I signed with the lingerie brand?”
Clearing his throat, Lenny tried to let his tie a bit loose. “Yes. What about it?”
Y/N smiled but shook her head.
“He wasn’t really excited with the project. Anyway I don’t want to bore you with it now.”
“It’s fine I don’t mind.” Lenny closed the laptop, to give her his undivided attention. “Tell me, what do you like the most about modeling?”
His question seemed to take her by surprise, but it was easy. “Meeting young girls who want to become a model as well.”
“Yeah?” He nodded. “Aren’t you scared of meeting them?”
Y/M shook her head. “No, they’re always nice… most of the people are, they just want a photo, as a matter of fact, I love it when Anna and I meet with fans and take them to a Runway with us for a backstage experience and have a little time you know, chatting.”
Lenny raised his eyebrows shocked to hear that piece of information about Anna but didn’t comment anything else.
“So, what’s your story?”
“Bored compared to yours.” Lenny chuckled, making Y/N giggle. “I’m not a model,” he admitted as if it wasn’t obvious.
“Oh but you could be easily mistaken by one.” Y/N interrupted.
Even if it was for an instant, Lenny blushed by her words. “I can assure you I could never be in front of the paparazzi like you do, I hate it.” He rolled his eyes at the memory of the restaurant.
“You should give it a try.”
“Sadly I don’t have time for a side job, you and your sister keep me busy.” He winked.
Y/N squinted her eyes and a playful look took over her.
“Would you believe me if I say, I’ve never been to the Eiffel Tower?” Y/N sighed loudly on their way to the elevator. “Like see it properly.”
Lenny held the door open for her.
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, and it might be something silly you may think oh but she’s doing the walk at the actual tower, but it’s not the same you know? I won’t see or enjoy a picnic and have a good time, this is my job.”
“No, I totally get what you mean.” Lenny agreed. “Perhaps you could take a day off once you finish the fashion shows.”
“Oh, you’re saying I get to have a little holiday?” Y/N smiled walking out of the elevator.
Lenny walked to the front door of the suite. “Why not?”
“I thought you’d be demanding to have proof of my weight daily, you know that kind of stuff.” She shuddered.
“Oh no, I’m going to my little room in the attic. Way better.”
Y/N was surprised to learn he didn’t request a suite.
Lenny looked behind her shoulder, the room was ridiculously huge.
“Have some rest, you’ll need it for tomorrow.” As he walked towards the elevator at the end of the corridor, Y/N wondered why Lenny was so different to her ex-agent. He was kind and attentive, praised her work, reassuring, his presence made her feel secure and those blue gems made her knees weak.
Y/N was on the cover of every single fashion magazine, the photographers went crazy when she stepped out of the hotel between one runway and another, but she always gave them what they loved, she posed for them and blew kisses to everyone, even took the time to take photos with the fans that asked her. The camera loved her, she was a natural and it didn’t matter that she was wearing a simple pants and top. She looked stunning.
She took over the most important fashion shows; Balmain, YSL, Dior, Luis Vuitton… and now she would be closing the Paris Fashion Week with Chanel. At the very top of everything and everyone. He was proud to learn about her work ethic, Y/N was always on time, didn’t need to make someone feel bad, was kind to everyone around her, treated her stylist, makeup artist and bodyguard with respect, she always had a smile on when a fan approached her for a photo or autograph and still made time have a good laugh backstage.
But by the end of the night, Y/N knocked on Lenny’s hotel room door make up free, glamour long forgotten with her hair in a small bun or a loose braid and sweats and they spent a good amount of time talking, he learned her ex manager forced her to get eye surgery so she didn’t need glasses anymore, he wanted her to get a nose job as well, but she refused that and the other surgeries advised firmly.
And little by little, Lenny started to warm into her. Between backstage chats, walking back to her suite or in the car ride to the venue, whenever she had the chance to talk to someone, she would choose him, he also noticed the way she was flirting back because she started doing a particular head tilt only reserved for him.
There was no use to deny the attraction that started sparking in those days, it’s was a natural thing after spending a lot of time together.
Lenny stared at the screen backstage as Y/N started walking, the cameraman zoomed out and captured the base of the Eiffel Tower, moments later he catched the entire Tower. Those lips pursed in a tight line, eyes focused in some point in the distance, long and firm strides as she walked elegantly. He wasn’t even able to look away, she was stealing the show.
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The city lights illuminating every step, this was the longest runway Y/N had ever walk, it was ambitious and the perfect way to close the Paris Fashion week.
It happened too fast. Her heart was pounding as she returned backstage, her ears ringing from the noise and emotions, her hands shaking but not out of nerves, but the feelings of being walking that runway.
“Goodness I thought it was endless.” She was rushed to get changed into her next outfit.
“Four minutes, Y/N.” Someone announced as she started to undress to change into her new outfit.
The dresser adjusted the fabric while someone sprayed her hair and used a small brush to get the perfect look. And she was ready to go and take the runway one more time.
It was impossible to describe the sensation she got once she started walking. But she loved every second of it.
After changing one more time and finally closing the Paris Fashion Week, she rushed to her corner in backstage to change into her clothes, hang the design she was given, place the shoes she wore in the box and she started to remove the make up from her face, Lenny appeared behind her, knocking on the wall.
“Come in.” Y/N joked.
“Are you ready to go?”
“I thought you’d be back into the hotel by now.”
Lenny offered his hand to take her bag. “No, I stayed here watching the show backstage.”
“Oh, did you like it?”
Lenny shook his head and her heart stopped beating. “Loved it. Come on, I want you to see something.”
He showed her the way to a car with a driver but refused to say anything about their destination and she was too distracted by his voice to notice they crossed a bridge and the car was stopping next to a dock until he pointed out a yacht.
“What’s this?” Y/N asked out of breath.
Lenny chuckled, surprised by the sound he was making. “This is your chance to see the Eiffel Tower, we got it for an hour or so, so let’s go?”
Placing her hand over her heart, Y/N touched Lenny’s arm to mumble a low thank you. She was touched beyond words.
As the yacht started to move, she was able to see a first glimpse of the Eiffel Tower illuminated, lights dancing before her eyes.
“Goodness! This is beautiful Lenny!” Clamping her hands over her mouth to suppress a squeal, she didn’t want to blink so she wouldn’t miss a single second of it.
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Lenny was pleased to see Y/N enjoying so much the moment.
“Thank you for this.” She repeated, her heart full of happiness, but when she looked into Lenny’s eyes, she found something else, something new.
“No, thank you for making me see things differently,” he let his fingers wander up and down her arm, “you made me realize a lot of things in a very short time.”
A chill ran down her spine by the intensity of his eyes. “Like what?”
“Like I’m starting to fall for you.” Lenny whispered and tilted his head towards her, finding her lips.
But the best part was when Y/N returned the kiss and placed her hand in the back of his head. It was demanding and she gave in when he intertwined his fingers through her locks.
“So am I, Lenny.” She admitted when they broke the kiss. Looking over at the monument and its lights.
Her line of work was somehow chaotic at times, with a crazy schedule, she never imagined to fall in love with someone in the media, but yet it felt so natural, they shared a couple of interests, got to understand each other over work, she noticed he was so serious at the beginning but slowly, he started to warm into her.
Leaning on Lenny’s shoulder, she fixed her eyes on the sight before her eyes, he was so thoughtful for giving her a moment like this.
Y/N sighed. “But this is going to be a huge thing, because I once had suspicions about my sister and my ex agent and I always told her it wasn’t professional,” she chuckled caressing Lenny’s face.
“What?” He asked with a frown, he wasn’t expecting that.
“I’m not sure if they had a one night thing or something…”
Lenny looked up at the sky, during her rehearsal, he got classified information about Anna. He rubbed his chin frustrated.
“There’s something I need to tell you first, but I need you to listen carefully.”
Y/N’s expression changed. “What’s wrong?”
“I really don’t work for the fashion industry, I’m an undercover agent investigating the girls that had been missing from different parts of the country, some even foreigners, I received information about your sister, apparently she’s involved by recruiting young girls for a meet and greet or a model session, after that some of the girls went missing.”
It was a lot to digest, she was confused after all the information he just dropped.
She was shocked. “You’re a spy?”
“An agent.” He corrected. “Not a models agent.”
Y/N took a deep breath, the beautiful surprise took a different turn.
“Are you sure Anna is involved?”
Lenny nodded. “We’ve been tracking her down for a while and recently got access to a couple of messages codified that started the alarms again.”
“Why? She doesn’t need to.”
“Could be a lot of things.” Lenny admitted watching the sadness in her eyes, the veil falling to the ground and the pedestal in which she put Anna breaking. “I’m sorry, but I needed you to know this, since she has involved you somehow.”
“I’ve been to those meet and greet with the girls, the after parties, but everything seemed to be normal.” She crossed her arms. “I can’t imagine those girls wanting to have a dream come true and then not coming back home.”
As it started to get chilly, Lenny took off the jacket of his suit and wrapped it around Y/N’s shoulders, then he pulled her into his embrace and she leant into him giving one more look to the Eiffel Tower as the yacht started to go back.
As much as she loved her sister to death, she wasn’t going to allow her to hurt innocent people.
“What can I do to help you?”
Lenny ran his thumb across her face, giving her a small peck on the lips. “For now, I just want you to be safe.”
Part 4
A/N: I found the runway photo on Pinterest but I don’t know what fashion show it’s from ☺️ this was particularly hard to write because although I had the entire idea figured out, I couldn’t get around the document 🤷🏻‍♀️ what do you think it will happen now?
Tag list: @lyarr24 @cillmequick @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @strayrockette @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @babaohhhriley @moral-terpitude @mrkdvidal1989 @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @cilliansangel @sydneyyyya @camilleholland89 @allie131313 @star017 @babayaga67 @imichelle-l-rigby @lovemissyhoneybee @jyessaminereads @emmanuelle19 @cillixn @polishcrazyone @flippittygibbitts @tinyminxie @shjjpm @viesanterieures @marissat1998 @creativepawsworld @heidimoreton @winchestergirl22 @l1-l4
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