b4kuch1n · 2 years
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wizard of the sky
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risestarkiss · 8 months
The “Ba” in “Baja”
Rise Ramblings #628
Mikey and Leo. Baja Blast. The Tide Pod Duo. Although this duo has limited dedicated screen time, they are an absolute joy to watch. First and foremost, you can’t help but notice how Leo does nothing but try to protect the little bean.
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He’ll bend over backwards just to keep his baby brother safe.
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Leo will also offer emotional support in very dire times.
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It’s just so nice to see them together. Plus, you can tell that Leo loves Mikey to pieces.
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Even when Leo’s being annoying.
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All of these traits are expected from big brother Leo. However, it’s the other side of this relationship that I find intriguing.
Let’s discuss Mikey and how he interacts with the blue one.
I’ve summarized my thoughts about Mikey’s half of their relationship into two parts: “Emulate” & “Outdo.”
As the youngest of the four, it’s natural for Michelangelo to look up to his older brothers. Yet, throughout the show, I believe that Mikey seems to emulate Leo the most.
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This thought leads directly into the “Outdo” portion of my hypothesis.
I've noticed that a competitive streak emerges in Mikey when Leo is in the picture, a streak that I cannot say I’ve seen him express with any of his other brothers, April, or even their rivals. It’s unique just to Leo.
It’s almost as if there is some driving force within Mikey that wants to prove something to Leon.
When it comes to Leo, Mikey is suddenly determined to see who’s the strongest, best, or fastest between them.
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(I compiled all of the Air Hockey scenes from the episode, “Mrs. Cuddles”)
The most compelling aspect of their relationship is that this competitive streak seems to be one-sided, at least initially. It's almost as if Leo feels like he doesn't have to prove anything to Angelo.
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Eventually, though, Mikey goads Leo into competing with him, and Leo gives in if not but to defend his title, satiate Orange, and give his antagonizer what he’s looking for. (It’s a “you mess with the bull, you get the horns” type of thing.)
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Why does this dynamic exist? Who’s to say. But I believe that the dissonance between these two comes from Leo seeing their relationship as “Protector – Protectee” while Mikey sees Leo as a rival, or more specifically, Leo is the goalpost that Michelangelo has tasked himself with surpassing.
In my opinion, the concept of Mikey seeing Leo’s accomplishments as something he needs to “Emulate” & “Outdo” is a compliment in it’s simplest form. Mikey thinks that Leo is so great and awesome that he wants to be just as awesome, and even better than the brother he respects and looks up to so much.
…Or maybe Mikey just wants to knock Leo down a peg or two.
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I can’t say that I’d blame him.
Also, do you know why Mikey is the “Ba” in “Baja?”
Because Leo is the "Jajajajajajaja" *laughs in Spanish*
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All right. I’m done.
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shadesoflsk · 7 months
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PAIRING: Leon Kennedy x Single mom!reader
SUMMARY: Life slowed down when Leon first saw those tiny rays of sunlight. But he didn't think he would fall in love with the whole sun. Or: Leon falls in love with a single mother.
WARNINGS: Brief mentions of alcohol, government, leon's traumas, love confessions, Leon is a bit insecure and awkward but he's also a sweetheart and has a soft spot for kids, cheesy and corny type of love, this is just fluff believe me!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: If I had a nickel for every time I've written about Leon's transition from vendetta to death island I would have two which it isn't a lot but it's funny it happened twice. If you wish to know what song Leon played this is the one I had in mind. As always, I hope you like it. This is my Valentine's Day fic for today!
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Gruesome scenarios and depressive states of mind have tainted Leon's path in life. However, the grizzled and gloomy agent has had a rather rough patch this last year in which he was left alone to die in his own sorrow—Raccoon City, Spain, China and his already-known addiction took a toll on him.
He doesn't have anyone to blame, nor does he want to. Yeah, he could blame the government for stripping him of his innocence and his genuine wish to help people but he felt like he had failed his nation, not the DSO, not the FBI, just him.
Behind closed doors, in the white house and for everyone else he's Agent Leon Kennedy, Mr. Kennedy, and if someone were to ask the president he'd say he's the most trusted weapon the country has. 
He has grown accustomed. His shield has hardened to the point he's numb to most things he should find disturbing or annoying yet he couldn’t help but wish someone would see him the way he really is. 
A bittersweet feeling grew in Leon’s system. Alcohol no longer brought the same dull sensation that’d put him to sleep even in the loudest and sleazy bar. So, slowly he grew out of his addiction. Not alone, though. Alongside him were a couple of therapists which he reluctantly confided in. Not because he didn’t believe in mental health, but because he thought it wasn’t for him.
Also, his friends made his life a bit better. Spare the man the embarrassment, but friendship does indeed make you see the world more colorfully. It was nice hearing his name slip out of his friends' lips. Leon, Leon! Aww, Leon. 
However, life didn’t prepare him for the moment his name was replaced by a:
Therapists had told him he should look for a hobby, something that’d fill those moments where boredom or monotony would push him to fall back into his deadly addictions. And he completely understood, he ought to follow the experts’ advice in order to actually improve.
It was rather easier, he was not a complicated man. 
Even before the Raccoon City incident, he loved exercising. Whether it was lifting weights, cycling, or plain running he’d always be found doing something. The mere thought of just lying in bed was something he’d never engage in, especially not now that he’s getting better. 
So, he combined two things. One he was familiar with and a second one he hasn’t been able to really connect with: nature. 
Near his current apartment, there was a small park in which he goes jogging. Usually, his schedule would only allow him to go there in the early hours of the morning where the only people he’d find were retired grandparents who danced to some Spanish music he couldn’t understand.
Peaceful, he liked it. 
But when he was getting used to his daily morning jogging, a call from work told him they needed him ASAP. So, his little detoxicating activity would be postponed to the afternoon. 
After dealing with the usual stress from work, calls from Hunnigan, and a rather bothersome headache, he got to his apartment and decided to get ready and not skip his so-needed jogging. 
The afternoon sky was painted with a hue of blue mixing with the slightest orange color, the gentle breeze hitting Leon’s face as he jogged around the park. His tempo never missed a beat not even after an hour or so between his physical training and some pauses. Sweat fell from his forehead and onto the ground with each step he took, meaning that he was reaching exhaustion.
At last, he found solace under a tree that cast a shadow, perfect for Leon to catch his breath. Closing his eyes, he let his lungs inhale as much air as they could.
His peaceful moment was broken when a tiny voice called out for him. Or rather, mistaken him for someone else.
“Dada!” A little girl came walking to where he was seated, wobbly steps trying to reach him. 
“Margaret!” You appeared out of nowhere before the toddler could reach and hug the stranger. The giggling and excited kid seemed to have heard “run faster” by the way she didn’t stop at your call.
A hint of confusion washed over Leon as he watched the scene develop with rather curious eyes. A mop of curly hair running away from your grasp. The white dress turned into a slightly brown color, Leon guessed the child must have been playing in the dirt.
And then a glimpse of a faint smile replaced his previous bewilderment as his eyes fell on you. As you tried catching your daughter, he observed her antics and your patience. 
Finally, your hands lifted the little one as her tiny legs kicked in the air, ready to run in the air. 
You fixed Margaret’s dress and messy hair while her bright eyes continued being focused on the man sitting on the grass. Her hands doing the typical “grabby” motion to Leon. Sighing in defeat, you spoke to the man.
“Sorry, don’t know what happened.” You sheepishly said as you offered the man an apology for your daughter’s previous mischievous actions. “She usually doesn’t call random people dada I assure you.”
“She gave me quite the scare.” Leon chuckled as he got up from the grass. “My past actions flashed before my eyes.” 
“As I said, I’m sorry.” You repeated your words while your daughter tried wriggling her way out of your arms. When she saw that her mother’s grip wasn’t budging, she took matters into her own hands.
She started crying.
You weren’t letting your daughter play with a stranger, that much you knew. 
“My name’s Leon, by the way.” Leon said, extending his arm, but he pulled back as soon as he saw that you were too busy handling the tantrum your daughter was having. 
You told Leon your name which easily fell from his lips to confirm he heard you well. “Do you normally come here?” You asked.
“Yes, but just in the mornings.” He responded, watching the little one pouting. “Something came out today so duty called. Cops don’t rest.”
“Wait, Are you a cop?” You seemed to relax at the revelation and he couldn’t help but get a Deja Vu from this little interaction. A friend of his asked him the same question, but at least now he wasn’t surrounded by zombies.
“A cop…” A whisper came out from Leon’s lips, a playful yet gentle smile formed on his face. “Kinda.”
“I’ll assume you’re way more important than that.” You adjusted Margaret in your arms when she finally calmed. Although she kept on staring at Leon, her bright eyes focused on him. “Because if you were indeed a cop or a chief you’d be puffing your chest out.”
“Are they always like that?” He acted surprised.
“Here, in New York? I don’t know… you tell me.”
It’s been a while since he last spoke with someone this freely. Surely he has talked with his friends a lot. But they were people he had previously known and shared the same past as him, a connection to the outside world seemed impossible and even greedy in a way.
Soon, both of you found yourselves unable to stop talking, even Margaret chirped from time to time, making her opinion loud and clear. He got to know a bit about you, and you got to know little fragments of his life. The ones who wouldn’t lead him to share more than necessary, obviously.
Despite the rough exterior, his constant frowning stopped as a soft expression replaced it. Margaret's chubby hands absentmindedly held one of Leon’s fingers as he spoke with you, blabbering and being overjoyed by his presence. 
However, her cheerful mood slowly turned sour as soon as she got hungry. Glassy eyes and sobs warned you that the conversation would come to an end.
“Yup, I gotta go.” You murmured trying not to bring more stress to your already distressed baby. “It was nice talking to you.”
“Likewise.” Leon kept his hands in his pockets, unable to come up with anything else. He wanted to say that perhaps they could repeat this. But then again, he’s been so deprived of normal social interactions that he no longer knows if that would sound creepy. 
“Have a good night.” He decided it would be the wisest thing to do. He watched your soft expression as you took your little girl’s hand and waved goodbye. 
Ever since that little interaction, his schedule changed. His morning routine was long forgotten. An excuse was made, something between the lines that his shift changed so he has to work in the mornings. 
And he was delighted to spend time with both of you. The highlights of his whole day would be getting to hear about you and Margaret. 
Each day that passed meant new memories being made. From the way he got to know Margaret’s favorite ice cream flavor to your childhood dreams. Every detail mattered for him because he could now see how simple life could be.
He took—both of you mostly— on little dates. Let it be to try a new cafeteria near the park, drinking an americano while Margaret drank from her sippy cut which was filled with chocolate milk. 
However, there were times in which Margaret would stay with a friend of yours. Allowing you to be alone with Leon. And while he appreciates the joy and happiness your daughter brought, he also loved the moments in which he could focus just on you. 
Sadly, years of training didn’t prepare him to man up and make the first move. When he thought he would brush away every insecurity and second guesses, something would come up. 
He wanted to grab your hand, the waiter would come at the worst time. He wants to compliment you, he'd almost choke with his own saliva. He wanted to give you a goodbye kiss after driving you home, someone would call him.
It was as if the universe was against him.
Thankfully, you had picked up those hints. And if Leon wasn't the luckiest man out there, you can help him in his predicament.
On a usual afternoon, as Margaret played with the leaves that had fallen from the trees, you shot him a question.
“Would you like to have dinner with me?”
“Huh? Yes, it sounds nice.” Leon absentmindedly replied, thinking it would be like the rest of your dates.
“I mean… In my house. I don't think I've invited you yet.”
In the meantime, Margaret had grabbed some leaves which she placed on Leon's hair. The man didn't even react to it, already used to her antics.
“I wouldn't like to intrude.”
“You wouldn't. See it as a friendly meeting.”
Friendly meeting, of course. He couldn’t be so selfish.
“If you insist.” He says as the little one giggles, her smile just showing two teeth. “When would it be?”
“Are you free this 14th?” 
He nods, he doesn't even remember if he's in fact free. But he'd make time. 
Besides, who works on Valentine’s Day?
He wishes he would've realized about the implications of the day sooner.
The other dates have been nothing but platonic. Of course he had been nervous, biting his nails to the point where had to put on clear nail polish. 
But this one is for Valentine's Day. Day where people confess their love in dramatic ways. Some lucky people even propose on this date. 
Leon has been out of the dating game for years. He believes he'll mess it up somehow, especially as he sees the reflection of himself in the mirror. 
Of course, he knows he's getting better. But his appearance tells everyone otherwise. His hair continues being dark, a big contrast from his past self whose blond hair would be the talk of some people.
The palm of his hand brushes over his stubble cheek. The sensation of those tiny hairs is similar to blades. He looks at his watch, there is no time to shave. The last thing he wanted was to be late on his first date.
He sighs and walks toward the table, on top of it are two bouquets. One has multiple red and pink roses, that one is for you. The other one consists of a single white rose, for Margaret. Even if he has forgotten the basics of dating, he wouldn’t go empty-handed to your home.
The drive to your house isn’t an easy one. Not because he lacked driving skills, he is pretty much proud of how well he could drive when he is not facing life-or-death situations. 
He takes his car, just for today. He knows he has to be himself and show you his love for bikes. But he would be lying if he wasn’t a tad scared about coming to your house driving his usual motorbike. What would you think? Surely you’d dump him for risking his life or something like that.
But he is so damned anxious. He turns on the radio, trying to muffle his thoughts but the first thing that comes up is a Valentine's Day advertisement. ‘Don’t mess up your date today! Try our newest product and—’ He’s trying, he doesn’t know what the ad is talking about but he needs no product for this date to be a success.
He turns off the stupid machine. After all, today’s music sucks. Nothing personal, he just doesn’t like it. He’d prefer if the radio played real music. Some Deftones and Korn would do. 
But right now he’d dance to anything. Valentine’s Day, after all, should be a romantic getaway from the normalcy of life. Even though years had made him a corny individual, if it’s with you, romanticism should never die.
He’s rambling, his head is a mess. He sees himself slow dancing with you, Somethin’ Stupid playing in the background. He foresees a future in which he could paint next to your daughter, suns and trees never looked so pretty as he imagines that scenario. 
Dating you would come with the whole pack, he knows well. But even at his age, he still feels like a broken child whenever he sees himself in the mirror. Memories of his innocence being stripped away of him and his present still clinging on to the faint threads of hope. 
So that’s why he made the promise of taking this relationship seriously. No matter if you end up being nothing more than friends. People often say that you just know when you meet the one. And he saw the beacons of lights announcing the whole sun when he met you and your little one.
Eventually, he reaches your home. Double-checking the address you had previously sent him over text, he confirms this is the place you live in. A modest house, enough for you and Margaret. 
He switches off the engine and takes out the key from the ignition. Placing his hands one last time on the steering wheel, he takes a deep breath, mentally preparing himself. And with a newfound conviction, he grabs the two bouquets and gets out of the car.
When he walks towards the door, he immediately knocks. If he dared to wait just a second just to calm his anxiety, he’d spend at least 5 minutes staring at the wooden material. So, he sacrifices that priceless time in order to face reality.
A ‘coming’ is heard by Leon a few seconds after he knocks. Eventually, the front door opens and you welcome him with Margaret in your arms. “Hey.” You greet him, Margaret doing the same as she waves her hand.
“Hey, you two.” Leon says with a warm smile, trying to hold back the fact that there hasn’t been a better image than this. “I couldn’t come empty-handed to your house so I took the liberty to bring you these.”
Leon then hands you the bouquets he had brought—the bigger one for you, and the smaller one with a single rose for Margaret. 
“Are these for me?” A dumb question, of course. But there’s no harm to ask and surely it would get a nice reply from Leon who has been dancing around the idea of flirting with you. Too scared to come off as awkward and silly.
“I don’t see another pretty woman around here.” It slips so smoothly out of his lips. Leon Kennedy, you still got it, he mentally praises himself. 
“Yeah, right.” You roll your eyes, satisfied with the answer you received. “Please, come in.”
Leon nods and enters your house. The living room was nicely organized, and the way some toys blended in with the decoration brought a smile to his face. The perfect balance between the sober expected room with the colorful and childish playthings.
You set Margaret on the floor not before giving her the rose Leon gifted her. She absentmindedly walks toward the couch and sits down to inspect what an amazing thing the funny man brought.
“Well, looks like she likes them.” Leon hums as he watches how Margaret starts happily tearing the flower into tiny pieces. Her antics filling Leon’s heart, he could get used to this feeling.
He wants to.
“Yup, definitely.” And your eyes meet Leon’s, his piercing blue eyes are not cold as he often thinks. They remind you of the beach sea, of the gentle waves and the gentleness they carry. 
And he sees himself in yours. In your eyes, he isn’t a cold and depressed agent who is fighting off the odds. He admires the man he’s becoming. The man who despite everything he has experienced, wants to do better.
“I haven’t told you yet but…” Leon trails off as he gathers the courage to do this simple yet nerve-wracking action. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
He grabs your hand and brings it to his lips. Without breaking eye contact, he kisses your knuckles. A gentleman through and through. If he could win your heart, he’d do anything to protect both of you.
Although he was lying, even if he weren’t to win you over, you have already gained a friend who would literally save the world for you to live in with your most beautiful miracle. 
“You’re sappy.” You shake your head laughing, but you don’t push Leon away. In a way, your teasing comes off as a thank you. 
“And you break my heart.” He chuckles, letting go of your hand which falls to your side.
As it does, your eyes fall on Margaret. While she continues playing with torn pieces of the flower, you see her head swaying slowly from side to side, as if fighting off sleep. 
“It’s nap time for little Margaret.” You break the silence as you walk toward Margaret whose tiny fingers still try to tear up the already destroyed rose. 
You pick up Margaret and with the way she isn't getting fuzzy, your assumption was correct. She is fighting against Morpheus, sadly losing.
You glance at Leon who is standing in the same place you left him. Admiring the scene of you carrying your daughter. 
“Would you like to help me?” You murmur. 
Of course he does, he wants nothing more but to embark on this new life. He has seen so much horror and for once, he wants to indulge in this domestic dream of his.
“If you let me.”
Humble, timid, and definitely not showing how enthusiastic he was about helping you. 
You nod and guide him upstairs. Margaret’s room was just next to yours, even though you prefer to sleep with her, still too nervous about her getting tangled in her own blankets.
As both of you reach the room, shades of pink and white greet Leon. Some toys are scattered around the floor too. Proof of Margaret’s wholesome behavior. 
Margaret shifts in your arms, her previous peaceful demeanor changing given the frustration of not falling asleep yet. She is pretty much easy to handle when nap time comes, but today is one of those days.
“You told me I could help.” Leon's hushed voice reaches you. His eyes express the need to assist you in a task like this. 
“Sure…” Your heart flutters as Leon steps up to help you. You indeed asked him if he wanted to come with you. But the fact he had so eagerly accepted the role made you appreciate him even more.
If that was even possible.
As Margaret starts letting out soft cries, you hand her to Leon who is quick to catch her. At first, Margaret is held rather awkwardly which brings a smile to your face before her cries get really serious.
You help Leon by moving his hand. That gains a quiet ‘ok ok’ meaning that he got the hang of it. 
He positions Margaret on his chest, her face seeking the crook of his neck as she continues letting out tiny sobs. With his hand supporting his back, he rocks her.
If anyone were to see him, they'd think he's a father holding his daughter. But in his mind, he's holding your world, his world. 
Oblivious to it, Leon started humming a song. He doesn’t know where he had heard it before. Maybe it came from his mother, a memory he thought was deeply buried in his mind.
Eventually, your baby falls asleep which definitely boosts Leon’s mood as she grins. He's built for this! He thinks.
He lays Margaret in her crib. The little one breathes slowly as she drifts off to dreamland.
Both of you slowly and quietly walk out of the room making sure not to make any loud noise and wake the sleeping princess. 
As you slowly descend from the stairs and are once again in the living room, Leon’s mind is filled with expectations.
What's next?
What is he supposed to do now? 
As if on cue, your words break the silence.
“I forgot to order the food.” You sheepishly admit as you nervously laugh. Between cleaning the house before Leon came and taking care of a toddler the fact that a dinner without food wouldn't be a dinner slipped out of your mind.
“I'll do it right now just give me a second to search for this one restau—”
“Hey, it's okay.” Leon reaches for your arm before you can walk toward where the phone is. He takes this opportunity to do all the things he has wanted to do with you. To accomplish each one of those silly yet endearing wishes of his.
“Besides… this is a great excuse for us to bond more.”
He lets go of your arm but instead, his hand takes out his cellphone. Your eyes curiously watch as he types something.
For a moment, Leon doesn't utter a word and you can see how his fingers are slightly shaking.
Leon looks up from the phone and gives you a gentle smile before he sets the phone aside. After a couple of seconds, the slow and wistful chords of a piano announce the beginning of a song.
“May I have this dance?” Leon extends his hand toward you. 
You opt to accept his hand. In the back of your mind, you wanted to tease him one more time. Just like you did when he told you happy Valentine’s. But you feel this is way more important than those simple words.
As your hand locks with his, he pulls you closer to his body. His free arm finds its home in your lower back, not too low to keep it PG and not to discomfort you in this intimate dance.
Letting him guide you, you sway from side to side. His past self wouldn't have imagined that he could reach this level of serenity and tranquility. The simple thought of having a family was like a faraway dream.
Your head rests comfortably on Leon's shoulder, the scent of his cologne being your new favorite aroma. The one that brings you memories from the time you met him to all the dates you had that led to this very moment.
The song continues its course, and the outside world is forgotten for a moment. No words are exchanged as both of you drown in the homely feeling of dancing in each other's arms.
After a while, without lifting his head and allowing his lips to ever so slightly graze against your ears, Leon's voice cut through the peaceful melody.
“Let me in.” He whispers, his hands ever so slightly tightening around your middle section. His words brush against your ear like the soft melody that plays in the background. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Let me in, in your life. I don’t want to ask you to just be your partner.” The weight and truth of his statement turn your head in a messy place. “I want to be part of your life and Margaret’s.”
He wants to stick around, he wants to be greeted by you and Margaret each time he comes back from a mission. He wants to give Margaret the childhood he never had. And, he wants to fulfill every little dream you and he may have. 
“I want to wake up next to you each morning. To Margaret telling us she's hungry in her own way.” He's always been a man of few words, but in this moment he could recite the whole bible if he wanted. 
“I want to put Margaret to sleep every day just like I did today. And I want to sleep next to you every night, knowing that you're safe.”
“I don't want you to be a memory.” His lips move to the side of your face, daring to kiss your cheeks in a sweet manner. “I want you to be my whole life.”
Smoothly and with ease, his words fall from his lips while his tempo never falters. His thumb now softly rubs your skin, where his hand is located to support your back in the dance.
He'd want to take pride and tell you he's that good with words. However, many times he has rehearsed this speech that if he had stumbled on his words he'd have let the earth swallow him.
And as the song came to an end, so did Leon’s confession. 
A few seconds of silence create the worst nightmare in Leon's imagination. He could already hear your words telling him you don't feel the same that you're already in love with someone else or—
Your knuckles caress Leon’s face, feeling the growing stubble on his cheek and jaw. The sensation of being touched like this has been a long-distance memory that he's completely forgotten what being loved felt like.
He now feels both of your hands cupping his face, prompting him to look you in the eyes. His blue eyes lock with yours and admire the softest of expressions drawn on your face.
As he gazes into you, he can only think how in love he is. And what a good life awaits for him.
And what feels like both an eternity and a split second, your lips connect with his in a tender yet meaningful kiss. One that he's been expecting after all this time.
The one is indeed not a myth.
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AUTHOR'S NOTE 2: I had so much fun writing this. There's something about found family that makes me all soft and sappy lmao. And sorry if my despiction about cops is wrong... I've never set foot in the US so spare your writer the embarrassment. Anyway, I hope you all have a beautiful day! No matter if you spend it with your lover, friends or alone. (Dividers are from: @/cafekitsune)
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💬 SHADESOFLSK: Comments, reblogs and likes are very much appreciated.
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ifuckslasherz · 4 months
KEEPSAKE:: leon kennedy
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WARNING:: 80's au, playboy! Re2!Leon, car sex, riding, hair pulling, oral, fingering, teasing, fingering, slight edging, overstimulation, slight rejection, teasing, sexual tension
SUMMARY:: after a failed date you expect some sort of a reward for putting up with Leon who still seems to be hung up on his ex.
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Leon Kennedy has been on many dates. One would even say that he has hooked up half of the girls after a date— which were all unsuccessful. It's not that there was anything wrong in particular with the people he has taken out, it's just that none of them have piqued his interest for a second one. And it just so happens that you had been taken on one of said dates.
When Leon asked you out on a date to the movies and dinner you hadn't expected the movie to be some trashy chic flick about an American actress going to Italy and falling in love with her friend's married Italian lover. It dragged on for 2 hours and you couldn't stand to sit through the first minute of opening credits. But not only did you sit through a silent car ride on your way to the restaurant but when you sat inside the restaurant it felt like this terrible date would never end.
"I used to be on the basketball before I graduated and I started working with my friend, she's really cool- she even has a neck tattoo" he rambled on and on for what felt like a lifetime. Only nodding off as he rambled on and on about working at the old movie theater and something about how his manager only shows up to be a dick.
But low and behold the lovely waitress with a tight lipped smile "would you like your bill.. or would you like me to swing by a little later?" She asked politely looking at the both of you. "You can give us our check now" you answered quickly before pulling 30 dollars out of your pocket when the check was set on the table.
Once Leon had caught his eyes on the cash in your hand he shook his head "you don't have to pay, what kind of guy would I be to make you pay for your food?" He says patting his pockets which makes you roll your eyes "it's fine" you reply flatly pressing the 20 and 10 dollar tip onto the wooden table and like second nature stood from the worn out booth walk to the class doors pushing them open and making a b-line to the boys nice and shining Pontiac.
Leon grew up coddled, he was popular in high school, he had the cutest girl in his grade. Now he's digging it with girls who never made it past the first date because he never could find a bond with them, while working at the local theater and losing all cool points he's earned on his way up in high school. Well on your end you didn't care for his past reputation, you didn't care for this date and the fact that you haven't had an ounce of fun since you had walked past your front porch was eating you up inside.
When you heard keys jangling in an instant you turned your head being met with Leon walking over to the drivers side of the car. Unlocking the doors you both get in and once the car starts you fiddle with the radio never wanting to sit through silence and letting the hum of the radio come out softly through the speakers.
You were so caught up in your thoughts you had failed to realize how dark it had started to get, the once blue sky turned to deep orange and yellow hues. Watching as the power lines zipped past you in a blur, if you were going to sit in this car you would be damned if you had to sit in awkward silence and do nothing.
Just as Leon had turned onto the highway the road seemingly empty as it got darker out and the headlights of his car lighting up the black asphalt on the road. Your view flickering between the road and Leon who was watching the road with one hand on the wheel as the other slumped against the middle console.
The sight of his thighs sat stiffly while his jaw clenched. "Leon, if you're not over your ex why'd you ask me on a date?" You ask curiously as you tilt your head leaning in a bit pressing the swell of your chest against his hand on the console. "What? I'm over my ex, I have been for a while now. What makes you say that?" He asks as he sputters over his own words at the thought of being hung up over his ex.
"You haven't asked a single thing about me on this date. You really only talked about you, and might I add you even talked about your coworker which really doesn't help your case at all" you say flatly. "Seriously?! I am over my ex I swear" his voice goes up a few octaves higher as he tries to think of something that obscure the idea.
"When was the last time you slept with someone and actually enjoyed it then?" You ask with a twisted grin on your lips. You knew the answer but you wanted to hear it from him, you wanted the satisfaction of hearing the words yourself from his lips. "I don't know? And I'll have you know that I have had great sex without my ex" he snarked at you.
"Yeah your words aren't very convincing like... at all" you say as you push your legs under your thighs "I can change that you know? I don't know if by the end of it you'll even be thinking about her but...I'll occupy your head for a bit" you say, trailing your hand into his lap and rubbing against his thigh.
"What are you doing?" He scoffed as his eyes flicker from his lap with your hand trailing closer to his bulge earning a small gasp from him eliciting a small giggle from your lips loud enough to hear over the buzzing music. "Just keep looking at the road" you whisper as you press your lips to his warm cheek.
Your hand moving closer to his half hard crotch clad in jeans as you palm him, the feeling of fabric pressed against him has him groaning and running a hand through his dark hair in exasperation. "It's not really a good idea to be doing this... while I'm driving" he reasons, which makes you shake your head with a soft smile. "Then focus" you look up at him while your hands move to unzip his pants and unbutton them as well letting him lift his hips while you pull down his jeans far enough over his thighs.
"Shit" he harshly whispers at the feeling of your wet palm wrapping around his cock leaking precum and glistening under the orange and yellow street lights on the side of the road. Taking his cock into your fist, slowly jerking and teasing the tip with your thumb has the boy biting his plump lips while choking back a small groan.
The feeling of your warm tongue has the boy breathing heavily as his foot presses onto the gas harder spreading the car up. "Ease up, you want the car ride to last don't you?" You ask as you look up at him, your tongue pressing flatly against his tip and taking him deeper, letting your lips wrap around him.
The warmth of your mouth around him almost has his eyes rolling, letting his hand rest on the back of your head, needing to push your head down further but letting you slowly take him into the back of your throat as the tip of your nose brushes against his stomach.
Pulling back slowly you began to bob your head, the wet sound of your mouth around his cock has him light headed as he drives slower than he normally would on the highway. Flexing his thighs as the feeling "You're so good at this- fuck y/n" he moaned as his jaw slacks at the feeling of your tongue running against the vein on the underside of his cock that had him nearly shivering.
"keep going. Don't stop" he groaned, letting his head fall back. His hair messily pushed against his forehead as it was soaked from the sweat building at his hairline and his eyes rolled back "you're gonna make me cum" he says breathily as he pushes your hair out of your way turning it into a makeshift ponytail.
Using your hand you hollow your cheeks as your hand takes care of what your mouth wasn't and it had him absolutely lost, still trying to focus on the road he makes a turn to the next exit and choosing to go the longer route to your house.
His breathing becomes more and more unhinged as you use both your hands to jerk him off and licking his tip has him moaning while almost swerving into a random mailbox catching himself before doing so. "I'm so close" he moaned as he clutched your hair tighter realizing how agonizing it felt when you hadn't changed your pace at all.
"Please go faster" he begged, making you smile a bit as you moved your hands away from him completely and taking him into your mouth while he bucked his hips desperately for a release. you could, feeling the tip nudge the back of your throat while your nose was nestled tightly against his pubic bone. While your eyes are closed tight to focus on relaxing your gag reflex to not ruin the tight feeling for him you move faster hoping that would push him over the edge.
"Oh- fuck" he gasped as he gripped the wheel tighter as he felt his orgasm crash on him like a ton of bricks. "I can't...I can't keep driving or I'm gonna crash- fuck" he whined as he pulls onto the side of the road and cutting the lights and engine. The only sounds that could be heard were Leon's heavy breathing.
Watching as you pull back with glossy eyes as your cheeks and chin covered in spit and cum which has his head pulled back against the headrest completely dazed. "You okay?" You ask as you wipe off your face with small puffs of laughter falling past your lips. "I'm good...really good" he says with a faint smirk.
"I wanna make you feel good too" he says, his eyes trailing over to your fully clothed figure, your eyes low and red almost as if you had been high, lips puffy and swollen. "You can do that" you nod as you manage to crawl over the middle console and sit against his thighs, your skirt riding up your legs.
"You're so wet" he whispered as he felt the warmth of your slick panties stick against his skin making you look down where you had been sat with slight embarrassment. His finger rubs against your clothes slit watching as the wet patch on your panties becomes bigger. Pressing his thumb down on your clit had a moan falling past your lips as your hand trails to his wrist pulling his hand past the waist band on your panties.
"I need you, here." You mumbled as you felt his nimble fingers running against your slit making you whine desperately. Grinding against his fingers you can hear his laughing breathily as he watches you fall apart on top of him. "I'd call you desperate if I didn't want to fuck you so bad" he says as he presses his forehead against yours, watching the way you get off could make him cum untouched.
"Just shut up" you whined out with a small gasp pressing your lips against his hungrily your hand raking through his hair, your tongues lapping against the others and sucking on his pulling away with a small 'pop' you bite your lip as you keep eye contact with him. "Fuck this feels so good" you whisper your forehead still pressed against his as he rubs your clit in figure 8's.
"Yeah?" He asks as he pulls his hand away and out of your panties earning a small whine from you. His fingers pushing your panties to the side. "Why?" You practically cry out. Leon's eyes never leaving yours watching them gloss over from the loss of pleasure. "I want you to cum with me" he says just above a whisper while he takes his length into his hand pumping himself a few times before pressing his tip against your entrance and with a harsh hiss he's slowly pushing inside your tight walls.
The warm and wet feeling has him drunk on the feeling of you around him. Pushing his seat back far enough that both of you are comfortable as Leon watches you grind your hips against him slowly as he bottoms out inside you, the feeling being all too good for his liking.
"It's so big" you groan as your hands press against his abdomen lightly bracing yourself to start moving. The soft thudding of your thighs meeting against yours sends goosebumps all over your skin. Leon couldn't possibly keep his hands to himself as he finds the hem of your shirt and pulls it over your head.
"No bra?" He groaned watching as your bare chest bounced with every movement you made which has you smiling with your lip caught between your teeth. "You're so big" you slur seeing how good he filled you up to the brim your arms wrap around his neck your foreheads pressed together as you watch his begin to slowly move. Leon couldn't get enough of the sight as his cock disappeared inside your Pussy.
His cock buried deep inside you that you moan and dig crescent shaped dents into his skin. set a pace for bouncing in his lap. The feeling of your velvety walls tightening around making him choke back a moan.
"Oh- god" you whisper shakily. His hands holding onto your hips guiding a pace, the soft sound of skin slapping with your small moans reverberated through the car.
You looked so good with your chest bouncing and your hair all messy. You looked good with a small sheen of sweat on your skin and your makeup smeared, he was addicted to the sight.
He slowly thrusts into you letting you get used to his size not realizing you were beginning to bounce yourself on his lap desperate to feel pleasure. His pace practically teases you and shows you how desperate you really are from your small moans whimpers.
Leon; eager to let his load off inside you, holds your thighs stopping you from bouncing any longer and begins to thrust his hips up into you. The feeling of his tip pushing at your cervix.
His hips pushing into you as your thighs and ass jiggle at the repetitive thrusts "oh my god!" You moan as you feel him pounding in a certain part of your walls. You tighten around him as your essence forms a white ring around the base of his dick.
"Just like that" you babble mindlessly as his stomach churns at the words spewing out. "Yeah? Want me to fill you up with my cum?" he groans as the knot in your stomach begins to tighten and Leon's death grip on the fat of your thighs almost sends you over the edge if it wasn't for how hard he was pounding you.
he placed his hand on your ass, kneading the flesh harshly as whimpers left his lips at the feeling of your walls closing around him. "Just like that, yes, please please please!!" You beg, feeling yourself getting closer and closer as he punctuates his thrusts. You pull his hair, again and again, harder and you can't help but become more aroused from the sounds he lets fall from his lips.
Sitting up completely Leon doesn't hesitate to kiss against your warm skin, from the valley between your breast to sucking on your nipples, the warmth of his mouth has you utterly out of it while you fuck yourself on his cock begging for some sort of release. The sloppy sounds make your head spin, your hand trailing from his hair to between the both of you.
Rubbing your clit in hopes that this would send you closer to your orgasm. "Fuck- oh fuck" he moaned against your chest as you clench around him as he felt absolutely pussy drunk with you on top of him. Leon could barely comprehend a thing as he stops you all together.
"Get up" he said breathlessly as you push yourself off of his lap, you slowly start to crawl back into the passenger seat thinking even the sex was a complete bust. But the feeling of his hands on your waist keeps you from moving. "Bend over into the seat" he says moving out of your way as you feel a smirk on your pretty lips.
With your back arched and your face pushed against the headrest you knew that you were done for, Leon pushing inside you again and without a care in the world thrusts into you at the same pace he was going before.
"Harder- please" you moan out as the windows begin to fog over, Leon begins to buck his hips into you at a faster pace as the slick sound of your pussy and precum mix loudly along with the patterning of your thighs slapping against his. You feel ecstasy at the way he made you feel so full.
His large hands onto your spine as making your chest push into the seat, not that you minded at all. Leon from behind absolutely loses his mind as his fingers card through his brown locks. Fucking into you with harsh and sharp thrusts that have your toes curling. Your ass bouncing against his lap has him tossing his head back leaving a stinging sensation in both of your thighs.
you begin to bounce and grind against him to meet his hips. It felt like he was in your stomach and you didn't mind at all, your hands the seat tighter as he used his other hand to wrap around your throat pulling your back against his chest.
"Aw look at you, all fucked out. What would your friends think about me bending you over in my car and fucking you like a slut hm?" He asks as his grip around your throat tightens, you couldn't even gather your words as he hits a spot that has you breathing shakily and your moans are even more louder.
"Right here? Does it feel good here?" He asks as he drags his cock against that same spot again and again "yeah, it feels so fucking good Leon" you moan as your eyes roll back. The feeling of his sweet lips on your skin as you feel like you're in heaven.
Your thighs are practically shaking at the feeling, pleasure practically taking over your body as Leon pounds you into his front seat without a single care in the world. Pushing your face against the seat while he becomes sloppy and rougher with every passing second you could feel the pressure in the pit of your stomach growing and waiting to be released.
"I can't take it" you moan as you shake your head "I'm gonna cum" you whimper as you feel warm tears slide down your cheeks. "I think you can baby, you wanna cum so bad right? So take what I give you" he orders sweetly in a faux tone. His thrusts are non stop and you can't help but let the pleasure envelope you.
"Oh fuck" you gasp as the feeling of release comes closer "cum for me. I know you can" he coos at you while pulling your hips into his harder than before tipping you over the edge as your walls clench around him sporadically earning a guttural moan ripping through his throat.
"I'm close, where do you want it?" He asks as he continues to fuck into you "inside. Please cum inside me" you whimpered before you felt the pressure in your stomach let loose "I got you, you're okay" he praised as his fingers rubbed down your spine leaving goosebumps up and down your body.
A few more thrusts slow and deep have your toes curling and sending Leon into an orgasm struck daze. "Fuck you feel so good" he groans as his hands rub against the red warm skin of your ass. Leaning of you and kissing up your spine as you both bask in your pre orgasm clarity.
"I see why so many girls like you Leon" you say breathlessly with a smile making him chuckle as he runs a hand through his hair slowly pulling out of you with a hiss due to loss of warmth. "Well it's a pleasure to live up to your standards" he says as he reaches into his glove box and pulls out wipes cleaning you up.
The both of you getting dressed again and seated, Leon starts the car and the both of you are back on the road with the faint sound of music filling the air as the both of you exchange small words every few minutes until Leon turned on the road your house was located.
Pulling into your gravel driveway he parks and opens his door walking onto your side and opening it offering a hand which makes your brows shoot up at the sudden chivalry, taking his hand and shutting the door behind you he walks you to your fronts door and as you turn to look at him you see the small smile on his lips. "So...this was nice" he says as he looks down at his feet.
It wasn't.... Not until the both of you had sex in the back of his car at least. "Right... just- let me know when you get over Ada" you pat his chest with an awkward grin on face as you watch his head fall back letting out a groan. "I told you. I'm over her- seriously we broke up and I haven't talked to her since" he shakes his head.
You could tell by the tone in his voice he wasn't, but Leon was eager to see you again so it meant he was moving on. One step forward. "Let me know when you're ready for something serious, Kennedy."
You snap your fingers as you give yourself an idea, your hands find themselves under your skirt which had Leon in a small shock at your actions seeing a flash of your pink panties as you pull them down your legs and balling it in your hand. "Until then have the panties as a keepsake to get off whenever you like" you say, stuffing the ball of wet fabric into his pockets. and with that you leave him at your front door with his hand in his pockets clutching your frilly panties.
Opening the door and shutting it behind you Leon stands at your doorstep biting his lip turning on his heel and walking back to his car watching how the windows were still a bit foggy. Opening the driver side to the door and sitting down in his seat he sighs, dragging his finger across the glass in the shape of a U and to small dots in the shape of the tip of his index finger a smiley face left behind.
"I gotta get her on that second date" he huffed to himself as he pulled out of the driveway of your home.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 1 month
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Headcanon/Preference # 36
Gifs NOT mine.
Year posted - 2024
Rating - SFW (some subtle NSFW)
Reading time (roughly) - 4 minutes
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• Leon S. Kennedy •
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• Leon loves it for so many reasons. Firstly it's because of just how pretty it makes your lips, so kissable and shiny. Secondly he loves it because you love it, plain and simple, he's an amazing boyfriend.
• Leon not only likes seeing what new lip gloss you buy, but he also honestly enjoys going with you to pick out new lip gloss. But he will point out when you've obtained a bit too much lip gloss, and very very subtlety try to coax you into not buying more for a bit, at least until your stockpile has dwindled a bit.
• Leon never knew about plumping lip gloss until after you'd applied it, and kissed him later on. He was so shocked by it, and so confused at first. He grew to love it, but if he's being honest, his favorites are the ones that give your lips a unique tone. Like greys, purples, blues, and oranges.
• Jack Krauser •
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• Jack honestly loves it so much it feels very out of character for him. Like he's borderline obsessed with how it looks on you, and even with how it feels when you kiss. So he's always stealing kisses whenever you reapply it.
• He buys you new lip gloss all the damn time. You could have hundreds, and he'd be still buy atleast one more. He especially likes plumping lip gloss, and how it makes your kisses feel electric.
• Jack especially loves how it feels when you kiss his scars while wearing lip gloss. I mean he loves it even without the lip gloss, but with it it's just that much better. Plus it makes it feel like your kisses are lingering on his skin, and he lives for that.
• Albert Wesker •
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• Wesker honestly kinda hated it in the beginning of your relationship. He likes how it looks, well he loves it actually. But didn't much care for the feeling of it when you'd kiss.
• Eventually however he grew to appreciate it in a way. It was just another part of you by this point, and if for whatever reason you aren't wearing it when he steals a kiss, he'll just immediately assume something is wrong.
• Sometimes Wesker will forget to wipe off the lip gloss you left behind after a kiss. And when someone makes a stupid comment about it, he might just remark about how he's also got your lip gloss smears on his dick, just to shut them up... Even if it's true.
• Chris Redfield •
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• Chris won't lie, he hates it. He likes how it looks on you, and he likes that it makes you happy and all. But Chris simply can't stand the way it feels, to him it just feels oily and gross. You end up getting into the habit of wiping it off his lips for him after every kiss.
• He doesn't mind it in the end, and won't try to convince you to stop wearing it. It's something you like, so he'll tolerate it for you with little complaint. He'll also compliment you whenever he notices you're wearing a new shade.
• Sometimes Chris just likes to take his thumb and run it across your bottom lip. And just watching the lip gloss smear is almost sensual in a way, it definitely feels very intimate that's for sure, but sometimes it almost feels more than just intimate.
• Luis Sera •
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• Luis adores it so so much. Your lips are so soft from all the lip gloss use, and now his lips are so much softer from kissing you all the time, and simply never wiping the lip gloss off of his lips. Plus your lip gloss makes your kisses even sweeter.
• Totally keeps an extra tube of lip gloss in his pocket on the off chance you forget yours, or if you happen to loose yours. And yes the one he carries is definitely one of your absolute favorites, and he most likely bought it for you in the first place.
• Luis really enjoys when you pepper his face and neck with kisses, smearing your lip gloss over his warm skin, it feels like a kiss that'll last forever. And he craves more every single time. He's also totally the type to try your lip gloss out for himself, probably with you present even.
• Lucas Baker •
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• Similar to Wesker, Lucas hated it from the very beginning... He also likes the way it looks, how shiny and appealing it makes your lips. But he never could stand the feeling of it, even when you'd kiss his cheek.
• Unlike Wesker on the other hand, Lucas still fucking hates it, with a goddamn passion he hates it. And he will literally (and dramatically) wipe his mouth of it after every single kiss, even when he was the one to initiate the kiss in the first place.
• Lucas will 1,000% try to convince you to stop wearing lip gloss. If he can't convince you to stop wearing it all together, he'll at least try to convince you to stop wearing it so much. He will throw a bit of a fit if you won't give it up. He also groans and rolls his eyes whenever you buy new lip gloss of course.
• Billy Coen •
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• Billy teases the hell out of you for wearing lip gloss all the time, but don't let him fool ya, he loves it. It makes you look extra cute, especially when you're reapplying it. Plus it feels nice and silky, so it's a win win in his book.
• Despite his teasing, Billy enjoys watching you apply your lip gloss. Sometimes he'll tease you about making a mess, and intentionally smear it real bad. Afterwards stealing a quick kiss of course. And sometimes he'll just randomly get you a new lip gloss and be like it made me think of you. He's so cute it's annoying sometimes.
• Will beg you to keep your lip gloss on when y'all get down an dirty, especially if you're going to give him head. Then he'll tease you for leaving lip gloss smears on him, and then get salty if you try wiping it away.
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This ones been sitting in my drafts since last year! Totally forgot about it, and I hadn't finished it, until like 10 minutes ago. ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ Anyways I hope you enjoyed. I originally wanted it to be longer, but I'm content with it the way it is.
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idyllcy · 3 days
you make me wanna make ya fall in love
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word count: 1.97k || EMT Leon || slightly ooc + flirting (HIPAA violation)
summary: the 2000s called, they want their romcom plot back
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"I'm actually gonna pass out." You sit on the couch, blinking rapidly as your head goes light.
"I called 911 already, so hang in there, alright?!" Ashley stays connected to the call, holding you up as you groan, stomach caving in on itself and your eyes giving out. Oh, god, is this how you die? You focus on breathing through your mouth, ignoring the way Ashley's voice is reduced to ringing and the way you're sweating buckets. Ew. Maybe you should've— oh. this is because you didn't eat, huh? It is 8pm. Yeah, this one's on you. Maybe the heavens will be nice and let a nice hot EMT show up to your door and save your ass— yeah, tough luck.
You can't believe you're about to pass out and all you can think about is men. You're literally failing the Bechdel test. What are you? Some poor girl in a teenage romcom? You're not even a teenager.
You close your eyes for some shut-eye, disrupted when you're shaken awake, blinking slowly as you catch sight of Ashley first, holding her chest in relief when you stare at her.
Then, you notice him—
Beautiful blonde hair, brilliant blue eyes, arms hard as a rock, you might've just died and landed in heaven. Are you in heaven? Surely you must be. This man looks so gorgeous it's incredible. You have to be in heaven right now. You blink at him with doe-eyes, confusion visible on your face. Ashley's here, so you're not in heaven. Did you just happen to have a super hot EMT show up to your door like you had been imagining? Oh, god, are you... psychic? This is a revelation! This is insane! You have to—
No, seriously. You're not in a romcom. Can the narrator stop describing it like it's some sort of a romcom? The 2000s called, they want their cheesy romcom plotline back.
"Fucking hell." You groan, shifting against the wall. "How long was I out?"
"Ten minutes." The man reads. "You're just low in blood sugar. We have some orange juice, would you like that?"
"Yeah. Sure." You furrow your brows. "God, wow, count on my body to shut down without sugar."
"It happens." He thanks his coworker for the glass, holding it to your lips. "Tilt, please."
You tilt your head back slightly to press your lips to the glass, drinking it as you lean back to lick your lips, offering to take the glass from him as your arms start cooperating. "I can do it."
"Best not to." He nods. "Just finish the glass. We'll stay until your blood sugar rises."
"Isn't it almost immediate?"
"Takes around 15 minutes."
You raise a brow at Ashley, who shakes her head, and you finish the rest of the glass, watching as Leon checks your stats.
"How often does this happen..." You glance at his nameplate. "Leon?"
"More often than you'd think." He hums, tilting his head at you as Ashley talks to the other worker about your insurance. "Let me guess, you forgot to eat?"
"Yeah. My body stops feeling hunger after a certain point." You hum. "It's not super good, huh?"
"Yeah. Try to have some candy or juice throughout the day. It helps." He nods. "College student life, huh?"
You tilt your head. "How old are you?"
"Been a few years since school." He nods. "Your blood sugar's back to normal, sugar."
You hold your hand over your mouth, raising a brow at him. "That definitely breaks some sort of work protocol."
He smiles, sneaking you a candy from his pocket with a wink.
Huh. Hard caramel.
"Are you alright?" Ashley rests a hand on your shoulder, and you give her a thumbs up.
"All good." You lean against the wall to get up. "I should eat, though."
Leon grabs your arm, helping you up. "Definitely. Have something high in sugar or carbs."
"Will do, Leon." You nod. "Wishing you an uneventful work day. May no emergency be absolutely awful."
"Thank you. Those days are the best."
You send them off as Ashley starts nagging about not eating, and you pout as you lock eyes with her, door locked, ambulance gone.
"Yeah, he was hot."
You forget about him, though. You start popping candy throughout the day, same brand as the one Leon had given you, your lips curled upwards sweetly when it hits your tongue. It's not food, but at least you won't be passing out because your blood sugar's low again.
You're also never going to see him again, so it's fine if you carry a piece of him around with you.
Except you do. You see him at the EMT booth at a local concert, Ashley in your arms because there's something wrong with her this time. (You really ought to start taking care of yourselves, huh?)
"Ah, sugar." Leon smiles. "Friend this time?"
"Yes." You set her down as he checks up on her. "Is she okay?"
"Seems fine. Just needs some water. Dehydration. How long you been out there?"
"Since morning." You glance at the venue. "Didn't eat either, though I've been having candy."
"That's not good for you, sugar." He hands Ashley a bottle of water, sending her off with you. "Go grab some food."
You watch as he fishes out a twenty from his pocket, blinking as he holds it out to you.
"I can't take that from you, sir."
"Nonsense. Concert food is expensive. It's on me." He smiles.
"You're still breaking workplace rules, I see." You rummage through your pockets, taking Leon's hand as you place a caramel in his hand. "As a thank you."
"I'm sure it'll be delicious later." He smiles. "Now, off you go. We've got quite a line."
"Wouldn't dream of holding you up, Leon." You lead Ashley to the side by the crowds, waiting for her to grab a drink before pulling her to grab something to eat. You pay for her food first, setting Ashley with the rest of your friends before waving to get something of your own.
"Get his number!" She manages to yell as you disappear into the crowd.
Now that's breaking protocol.
Yet, you use the remainder of Leon's money to get him something to eat, waiting for the line to dissipate slightly before handing him a drink.
"For me?"
"It's got... liquid IV in it." You scrunch your nose. "Hopefully that's not a scam."
"Not completely." He takes it from you, pinching at the straw to mix it. "Did you eat?"
"I was about to."
He glances at his coworker and then the intermission.
"That'd be bad, Kennedy." The woman next to him warns.
Leon sighs. "Have fun eating."
"Thank you again." You grin.
"Ah, and for dessert." He reaches for your hand, placing another candy in it. "A hard caramel."
"I'm starting to think you have a thing for caramels, Leon." You raise a brow, taking two steps back before throwing a wave his way. "I'll pay you back later!"
You grab dinner with the rest of your friends, waving bye to them when they leave to continue, Ashley making sure that you've got candy on you before she's gone. You have one final singer that you'd like to see before you leave the event. You're glad you live close to the venue. You could probably walk back or uber if you were really desperate. Though, you wonder just how long the EMT are staying.
You find yourself mixed into the crowd as you wait, jumping when your favorite artist finally appears, cheering with everyone else. You don't blame the rest of them for retiring early. You're the only one who listens to this artist anyway. The setlist has you jumping, cheering at the live vocals, yelling your heart out with the lyrics, and when the set finishes, the sun's almost down. It'd be smart of you to head out at this point.
You make a turn to head back, popping the caramel in your mouth, stopping in your tracks when a man blocks your way.
"Where ya off to, sweetheart?"
"...Oh, you know." You smile, nodding to excuse yourself.
"Need a ride home?"
"Truly, it's alright—"
"I insist."
You wrack your brain for a solution, yelping when you feel hands on your waist instead, pulling you backwards. Your back is flush against someone's chest, smile on his lips as you blink. Sure hope it's not some other creep.
"Hey, you good bro? Had one too many to drink? I suggest the EMT tent."
You let out a sigh in relief, watching as the guy notices the uniform and scrambles.
"Thank you." You turn around, smile on your lips as Leon nods.
"You're just too lovely, sugar. Gotta keep those flies off of ya." He nods. "You feeling alright?"
You nod.
"Gone all quiet on me?" He tilts his head. "Alright, up you go."
You yelp as he lifts you into his arms effortlessly, arms wrapping around his neck as he carries you out of the crowd. He presses his forehead to yours to check your temperature, looking to the side when you don't react at all.
"You good?"
"I'm fine, Leon. You didn't need to." You let him take your vitals, the tent practically empty now that the concert was finishing up. His coworker nods at him and heads out, and leaves you with Leon. That's gotta be illegal in some way. There is no way a law is not being broken right there. Aren't they both supposed to get off at the same time? Is that?? legal? Is their shift over?
"You seem fine." He kneels at your chair, fingers on your wrist as he takes your heartbeat. "Heart's a little fast, though."
"Yeah?" You mumble. You're sure you look embarrassed beyond belief right now, so you opt for sucking on the caramel in your mouth.
You're not surprised he takes notice. "Actually, I think my head's spinning just a little. Must be the lack of sugar. You got any on you?"
"Well, I kind of ate my last one..." You mumble, sticking your tongue out with the candy.
"I don't mind."
"Yeah?" You suck on the candy.
"Of course not, sugar." He leans in, tilting his head. "Yeah?"
"Yeah, who am I to say no?"
You let him kiss you, tongue with the caramel offered to him, sugar on your lips and his from it, though you would argue that the only reason the candy seemed to taste so good was because of him. You tilt your head to angle better, Leon's hands finding yours on the chair, pushing himself to you with a hum in his throat, tongue in your mouth as he steals the caramel from you. You don't mind. You might've just tasted a slice of heaven of your own.
You pant, tongue stuck out and mouth open as Leon shows you the candy on his tongue, smiling.
"You got a ride home, sugar?"
"You gonna kidnap me?" You raise a brow, licking your lips for whatever remnant of him is left on you.
"Not with this pretty lady, no." He smiles.
"Breaking work protocol again, I see."
"I'm off duty." He glances to the side as the new shift arrives, and Leon offers a hand to help you up. "Don't worry, sugar, you can pass out on my car. I've got all the candy you could want."
"Hm..." You tap your chin, taking his hand as he pulls you with him, not letting go.
"Hm what?"
"How about we grab brunch sometimes nearby? Just to make sure my sugar levels don't drop from forgetting to eat?" You tilt your head, watching as Leon tilts his head back to you.
"Oh, sugar. You don't even need to ask."
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i-wanna-write · 5 months
You Left Us - Bode Leone/Donovan x Reader
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Synopsis: Reader and Bode had a relationship before the accident that changed everything. After that night, Bode left everything and everyone behind, including reader. Now he’s back and reader has some things to say and drops a bombshell.
Takes place during “Pilot”
Disclaimer: I tried googling so much to see how long Bode was gone before returning to Edgewater and there was nothing!!! I think he mentioned he got 4 years for the robbery and 2 years served before parole. So let’s say he’s been gone for 5 years!
Words: 1k +
Warnings: like 1 mention of intimacy, 2 F bombs. I think that’s it!
When you got the call from Eve, you didn’t know what to think. After all this time he’s just here, in Edgewater, back in your life. 5 years of nothing. Of you trying your damn hardest to find him, to see if he was okay, hell to make sure he’s alive. You came up empty so many times you finally had to give up.
Yet here he is.
In Edgewater at Three Rock. Working as a con firefighter. Working the job that’s his legacy only in an orange jumpsuit rather than the firefighter shield.
Your heart breaks.
The two of you dreampt about your future together so many times. About how he was finally clean and sober and ready to settle down. About how you have been through so much together, and how you were by his side through his worse struggles.
But the accident happened and all of that was thrown away.
All these thoughts, all the memories are running through your head as you stand outside the hospital room. Sharon just went in, looking at her son for the first time in five years.
You watch as Vince creeps into the doorway to look at his son - the man you know he blames for his daughter’s death - and see his mouth move as he utters one sentence.
“What are you doing here Bode?”
Despite your good relationship with Vince, you hate that those words are the first he utters. How he still blames Bode after all these years.
You walk towards the doorway, getting Vince’s attention. He looks at you for a moment before nodding his head and leaving. He said all he needed to say to his son.
You see him for the first time in 5 years, noting how he looks so similar yet so different. The orange jumpsuit doesn’t look right on him. It makes it appear that he’s simply wearing it as a Halloween costume. Your gaze travels up his legs and to his chest, noticing that he’s filled out more and has more muscle.
You can’t seem to bring your eyes to his face.
Sharon notices you and turns toward Bode.
“I’ll give you two a moment.” She says before walking away from her son.
She places her hand on your shoulder, squeezing gently before quietly leaving the room.
Silence fills the room now, neither one of you being the first to speak. Your gaze is straight ahead, locked on Bode’s wide chest.
“Y/N.” He finally says, his voice a whisper.
You finally look at him and want to cry. Despite his bodies physical change, his face is still the same only speckled with blood and cuts. His eyes are just as blue, eyelashes just as long. His chin is draped in stubble, connecting with his hair by his ears. His hair - how you missed running your fingers through it due to its long length and pulling on it during your most intimate moments.
“How- how are you?” Bode questions with such hesitance in his voice.
“How am I?” You repeat slowly. You give a little chuckle. “Well, I’m looking at a ghost of a man I loved, so how do you think I am?”
Bode nods, expecting that answer. “Y/N, I know there’s nothing I can say that-“ Bode starts, taking a step towards you but you interrupt, hand raised.
“Don’t. There is not nothing, and I mean nothing, you can say to me. You had 5 years to say soemthing, anything! But you didn’t. No call, text, email, hell no fucking pigeon sending a letter! I didn’t know if you were somewhere strung out or dead or in jail. But I guess now I have my answer.”
You mutter the last answer, knowing it will cut deep into him like a knife. But he deserves it, you remind yourself. He left you with no explanation, and not once contacted you to simply say he was okay.
You watch as Bode hangs his head, nodding. He agrees with everything you said of course. You were the best thing that ever happened to him, yet he threw it away. Too lost in his own grief to stick around.
“I understand, I do. It’s not an excuse but I couldn’t stay here. I had to leave. I had-“
“You left us!” Your voice raises this time, again cutting him off. “We just moved in together and I had to try to pay it myself. I lost my bestfriend that night and my boyfriend! I’ve had to live the past 5 years without both of you! I had to try to stay afloat! I had to do it by myself. I had to set up appointments and- and deal with the late nights alone and look at schools and -“
This time you cut yourself off, knowing you said too much.
Bode takes another step toward you and now you’re a foot away, eyes locked on his as you know what he’s about to say
“Us?” He questions quietly. “What do you mean us? Us who?” He asks, his eyebrows furrowed and mind racing.
You sigh, tears falling from your eyes. You try to wipe them with your hand but they don’t seem to stop falling.
“I was going to tell you that night.” You reveal. “I wanted it to be a surprise. I had the whole thing planned. But, it happened and than days later, you were just gone”
You bring your hand back down and wrap them both around yourself, trying to find comfort. You didn’t mean for it to come out like this. For him to find out like this - or to find out at all as you considered the possibility that he was dead.
“I was pregnant.” You continue. “And- and I had to have our baby alone. I had to raise him, without you. Tell him that you aren’t here, that- that you-“
Bode cuts you off, his arms wrapping around your waist as sobs leave you. You face is against his chest as his arms run up and down your body, trying to calm your tears. You unwrap your arms from yourself and snake them around his neck, holding him tighter as you try to compose yourself.
You take a deep breath and inhale solely Bode. Despite how many years has passed, he still smells the same. Wood, spice, and for some reason he always had the faint scent of cinnoman. Maybe that’s why those are your favorite candles
Bodie pulls away after a few moments but doesn’t let go, his arms still on your waist. You notice tears in his bright blue eyes and can’t help but reach up and wipe one away.
“We have a baby?” He questions, his voice cracking slightly.
The guilt he feels right now is different than when Riley died. That guilt caused an ache in his heart that never went away, like a piece was missing. But this guilt is in his chest and throat, it feels as if he cannot swallow and the whole world is crumbling.
Not only did he leave you behind, but he left his baby, his unborn child and you had to care for them, alone - without him.
You nod, smiling slightly. “Well, he’s not much of a baby anymore.”
“He?” Bode questions, eyebrows raised.
You reach into your back pocket and pull out your phone. Wanting to show him your screen saver. To show him a picture of the child he helped create
“This is Benjamin Bode Leone. Born May 26. 7lbs 3 ounces. 10 fingers. 10 toes.” You pull away slightly to allow him a better look.
He carefully grabs your phone and stares at the picture. You watch as tears form in his eyes again and he traces the picture with his finger. You can’t help but smile at the seen.
Benjamin is a carbon copy of his father. Bright blue eyes, slightly curly blonde hair, and a mischievous smile that allows him to get away with just about anything.
You allow him a few more seconds to look at the picture before speaking again.
“I should hate you.” You whisper. “But I can’t. You’re his father and whether you stay in Edgewater or not, I- I want you to somehow be apart of his life. Only if you want to.” You finish quickly, not wanting to make a decision for him.
“No.” Bode states, still looking at the picture. “No I would love to be a part of his life. I - I’ve fucked up so many things, but this, he, he is one thing I got right.” Bode paused, looking up to meet your eyes. “That and loving you.”
You smile. You knew in that moment, he would never leave you again. Not if he could help it.
*me hiding*
So, did you like it???? Again, I’m so new at this so please, leave a like or comment or reblog! I appreciate it so much!
💜 Kenzie
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drabblesandimagines · 2 months
Omg happy early birthday!! 🎈🎂 I hope your birthday week is phenomenal and you are able to spend it with all your loved ones! ❤️🩵🩷 Thank you for providing such wonderful writing with such good portrayals of many characters. You are without a doubt one of my favorite writers 🫶🏻💫
As for the ask, I'm thinking about a laid back breakfast in bed with Leon. Up to you though.
Again happy early birthday 🥳🎉
Thank you so much, sweet anon! And, eee, that's so sweet of you! I'm truly honoured that anyone my stuff, but to read that I'm one of your favourite writers is so mind-blowing!
Hope you enjoy x
Breakfast In Bed Leon Kennedy x female reader, fluff
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You wake up, alone, to an annoying, repetitive and shrill beep, but it’s not your alarm clock…
You sit bolt upright with in realisation.
It's the smoke alarm.
You wrestle the covers that have become entwined between your legs as you slept and stumble out of bed in a panic, nearly face-planting into the door. You throw the door open to a whiff of acrid smoke, and hear Leon curse from the kitchen in between the beeps.
By the time you get to the kitchen, you find your boyfriend frantically whipping a tea towel back and forth at the smoke alarm, the windows now thrown wide open, and a smoldering frying pan of something in the sink.
The beeping finally ceases and Leon gives it one last whack of the tea towel as he sighs in relief. He runs a hand through his hair, places the other on his hip and turns - his eyes widen when he sees you stood there. You tilt your head inquisitively.
Before you can finish your question, Leon has stepped forward and thrown you over his shoulder. “Uh-uh, nope. The birthday girl gets breakfast in bed.”
“Leon!” You protest, unable to hold back a giggle as he strides back towards the bedroom and carefully drops you onto the mattress in a practiced motion.
“Mm-mm, it’s tradition.”  
“Is it tradition to burn down the apartment too?”
He rolls his eyes as he leans over you, caging you between his forearms. “Dunno what you’re talking about, sweetheart. Smoke alarm was due its monthly check.”
“Interesting timing.”
“Well, what greater gift on your birthday than to be safe in the knowledge that all the alarms are in working order? Now…” he tugs the blanket back up over your torso, unable to resist pressing a kiss to your lips – soft and slow, perfect for that time of the morning. Just as you were about to raise your hand to thread your fingers through his hair, he pulled back with a smirk.
“Now, I just need a little time to finish breakfast off, so if you could please just stay tucked up until I can bring you it in bed?”
You nod – you’d never been able to refuse him when he kissed you just so and especially then combined with those puppy dog blue-eyes.
“Good.” He smiles, giving you a kiss to the forehead before he retreats.
You dutifully wait in bed, scrolling through your phone, ignoring the fact that no further noise comes from the kitchen, but the apartment door definitely opens and closes 20 minutes later…
It isn’t much longer after that when Leon steps into the bedroom, a tray in hand. He places it carefully on your lap - a stack of chocolate chip pancakes, a glass of orange juice and a mug of coffee.
“Leon, this is so sweet." You beam, picking up a fork, ready to dig in.
They look suspiciously like your favourite order from the cafe down the street.
He has a sheepish smile on his face as he climbs into bed besides you, kissing your temple.
“Happy birthday, baby.”
Masterlist . Requests welcome . Ko-fi
*Photo credit.
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
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territorial woes | k. leona
✮ tags ; fem!reader (referred to as leonas woman very briefly) fluff, territorial / needy leona , he is sickly in love in this sorry they're so domestic, one singular sex joke, this is a college au so everyone is over 18 for sake of my sanity, sfw but this blog is 18+ so minors don't follow please and ty
✮ wc ; 2k (? ? ?)
✮ a /n ; im so embarassed that this is leaving my fingertips actually. i do have to clarify like... i dont rlly think leona gets jealous easily but he can be kind of childish bc he's spoiled if that makes sense lmao. i was so Plauged by this i couldnt sleep its like 4am. i took my melatonin at midnight im so sick. blame @/petrichorium i am not responsible.
✮ synopsis ; leona kingscholar is often annoyed, but not usually over something like this.
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He shouldn't have come to class.
The clock on the wall is agitating. Tick, tick, tick. On repeat over and over, plainly the same and piercing. Leona is sensitive to his surroundings, and particularly to noise.
He hates loud noises and sharp cries and he hates the sound of the damn clock in Trein's classroom. He's never been a fan of the classroom setting, general lack of motivation aside. It goes against his very nature to listen to boring lectures and sit through assignments he's already done hundreds of times.
All of his education from being young royalty paid off but ultimately amounts to nothing, because if he wants to graduate he still has to do this all over again.
He's a hunter, so he's not opposed to sitting and lying in wait if there's a promise of reward at the end. If all this sitting around with a twitching ear and bored sigh would amount to anything he'd be a little less annoyed with attending.
And there was one, originally. A thing, that Leona had wanted (which he can only admit to himself begrudgingly) that was worth hauling his ass out of the peaceful botanical garden and into class today. That very thing which is currently giggling their heart out to one of those idiot freshman from the Heartslyabul dorm.
Tick, tick, tick. Leona snaps his jaw close and tears his eyes from the sight, nose scrunched in frustration with a knuckle pushed against his temple.
He wants to go back to his dorm. But he can't. He won't until he gets what he even came for.
The presence of another person alerts his senses, but he relaxes upon realizing it's Ruggie, sitting on the edge of his desk with that usual smug air about him. Leon passes him a glance but doesn't say a word.
"Somethin' troublin' you, my liege? Shyehehe."
Leona all but growls.
"Shut your trap or I'll hang you up by your tail."
"Ouch. That bothered by it, huh?"
"I'm not bothered by squat."
Ruggie laughs hard at that and Leona considers throwing him through a wall. Ruggie is also looking ahead where you at, staring a little more openly than Leona is. He whistles under his breath. He can't remember the names of the two brats, but they're always together. One of them with orange hair and the other with the short blue.
"They're pretty close with those two, yanno. Heard they were having sleep-overs and all durin' their first year.''
Leona narrows his eyes. The clock ticks on. Ruggie grins and Leona knows he should just up and leave. It's stupid to be hanging around here. It's lame that he's even looking. He should just go up there and—
"They're best friends, basically. Been like that since before you two had a thing going too. Way before that, I think."
Leona knows well enough what Ruggie is doing. What Hyena's are good at, goading his annoyance to push him to act. He's looking for a show, and Leona is nearly tempted to give him one. Nearly.
You're not the fierce type like the women back home. You probably wouldn't think twice about it, just bat your little lashes and wave your friends goodbye like the herbivore you are if he decided to drag you away. You'd pester him, follow him around while he acted moody and cold for a while before frowning.
You'd get mad at first, before huffing and saying sorry for something you didn't even do. Mumbling and poking around until Leona eventually drags you in his bed to nap instead of being outright about any of it. If his sister-in-law knew he was acting like such a kid to his woman, he'd never hear the end of it. It's that voice in his head that keeps him stuck in his chair, seething.
"Not like you to be so docile, King." Ruggie says. Leona shoots him a mean enough glare that he backs away in fear.
It's not like he's being docile. Not really. There's more to it than that.
Thing is, Leona is used to being chased. Regardless of his inferiority in birthright, he's still royalty. Royalty means plenty of people itching to get in his good graces to get a taste of the highlife. Leona is used to cheap tactics of seduction and luxury in order to earn his favor - he can smell it from away. He's always half expecting to uncover secret intentions.
It never happens. You are all by all measures, frustratingly sincere. Leona doesn't really know how to respond to it. You don't pay mind to his royalty or his ability aside from a normal amount of awe. You're an herbivore firstly, and a stranger to this world after that. Whatever traits in Leona you've latched onto, he can't wrap his head around nor does he understand.
It's the first time in his life that he's gotten into a romantic entanglement like this. Where everything is all lovey-dovey and things are so important. He's always been respectful to his women but he's never been seriously in love in his life. It's different from just being decent. He cares what you think to an extent that's unfamiliar. It's not like he'd ever fix his mouth to say all that, but it really matters that he does things the right way.
Leona doesn't usually act in self-interest, to begin with. Cocky as he may be - he's still king and kings act in the interest of his people. Regardless of what it looks like, you are part of his people. His pride, in more simple terms.
It's not being docile as much as it's an effort to show some respect for you.
Leona isn't usually jealous about petty, trivial shit. It doesn't matter to him what you do or who you do it with in your own time. He likes that you're independent, too.
He is however, a territorial apex predator and a prince. For better or for worse whenever he looks at you, all he can see is to prey animals encroaching on his territory.
That's the part of him that's raring to go. Teeth clenched and agitated, brows all drawn together in frustration. Leona wants to go back to his dorm, but he wont without what he came for. It's putting him in a bad mood.
But ultimately, he doesn't move from his spot. Ruggie leaves eventually when his mood has soured completely. His head is on the desk and he's got his eyes closed, but his ears twitched at the sound of your chair dragging on the floor.
"Can you guys walk Grimm back to the door? I'm gonna go with Leona. Thanks! See you later,"
And just like that, the classroom clears of the last nuisances occupying it. Leaving only you and Leona and that ticking clock together.
He hears you walk up to him before he sees it. Your voice is annoyingly pleasant to listen to.
"Leona? You sleeping already?"
He's starting to understand why his older brother folded at every single word that came out of his sister-in-laws mouth. He lifts his head just barely to look at you and you're looking at him all wide-eyed. He wants to tick you off a little, but can't conjure up any ideas.
"You done with those little yippin' herbivores you call friends? Can we leave now?"
You frown.
"You're in a bad mood. And don't be mean to them, they are actually my friends, you know?"
He scoffs and your frown deepens.
"Leonaaa," You drag out the syllables of his name as you stand beside him "What's wrong with you?"
He hears you pull a chair up. When he finally sits up, you're sitting directly in front of him on a chair turned backwards. There's hardly any room between you. Your face is twisted up with worry.
Leona reaches to pinch your nose. You pull away making his lips twitch upward.
"I shouldn't've came to class." He complains. You rub your nose but don't say anything back, considering him.
"I didn't think it was that bad today though. I guess it might always be for you though since you know like, everything, but I don't—"
Before you can keep going, he leans forward to press his lips to yours. It shuts you up effectively. Your lips are soft. They're sweet and a little sticky - mouth warm and welcoming.
When he pulls away, you blink at him.
"What were you sayin'." He asks.
You look a little taken aback.
"I don't know. Oh, uhm. I liked the lesson. It's fun to learn stuff about this world, I guess." You stumble over your words like you're shy. It's ironic to him, but charming all the same.
He grins.
"What? You nervous after a little kiss?" He teases.
You flush.
"You're not usually that forward, dummy. Which brings me to my question again, what's up? You're sulking."
"What the hell? I'm not sulkin'"
"Yes you are. Your doing the little nose scrunch thing too. Did something happen?"
He pushes the comment about his nose scrunch away entirely because he's sure thinking about too long is gonna get on his nerves. He glares at you for a while, debating on what he should say. Truth is, he is a little pissed. But he isn't going to tell you that your little chat with friends is making him territorial. That would be ridiculous.
There's a brief moment of silence before you pause. You tilt your head, eyes shining with curiosity.
"...Were you lonely?" You suggest.
His face drops.
"You're not the jealous type usually, but you're like a big overgrown kitty. So, you missed me right? That's why you're moping?"
The tone of your voice makes him want to pinch you again.
"Watch your mouth, herbivore." He grits, agitation rolling back into his tone like a wave. And you laugh, the nerve of you. Giggle a little as you lean in closer.
"You didn't say no."
"Shut up." He says, weakly.
"Leona," You say his name again, a little sweeter. Purposefully full of affection and he hates everything about how mushy it's making him feel. You reach your hand up to his head, petting behind his ears in the place you know he likes "I'm sorryyy,"
"Do you go 'nd tuck your tail between your legs like this for everyone? Where's your self-respect, huh?" He means to say with a lot more characteristic sarcasm.
But it all comes out gross and sweet sounding instead.
"Mm, no? It's just that my boyfriend is pretty shit at being honest about his feelings so if I don't dote on him he'll wither away like a houseplant and—"
He covers your mouth with his hand and glares at you, faux annoyed. And you're giggling against his palms, all bely laughs. It's all a little nauseating for him. He pulls away by cupping your jaw instead, squishing your face together.
"When'd you get so damn mouthy?" He grumbles.
"Since forever ago." You say through squished lips. He huffs, leaning forward to kiss you a second time. You're all soft everywhere. Squishy and mellow. Leona kisses you three times in the process, each one a little more impatient than the last before releasing you.
He doesn't let go, hand going to cup the back your neck instead. He cradles your head close, sighing against your mouth.
"Annoying," He says. You smile at him and he has to look away to deal with the intensity of it.
"You love me." You say with a smile. If only you knew the half of it.
He doesn't say that of course. Just scoffs as he stands to his feet, dragging you with him. He curls an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. The warmth of your body makes him purr.
"In your dreams. You owe me for cuttin' into my naptime."
"What can I do for you my liege?" You say sarcastically, grabbing his hand openly. He squeezes it "You wanna take a nap with me?"
"Can't promise I'll get you in my bed and not fuck you about it." He says with a lazy chuckle. You nudge his side.
"You're so crass."
"You love me," He mocks. You huff.
"Unfortunately, I do. Could use some rest though," You yawn, and blinking blearily "So nap time it is. 'kay?"
He kisses the side of your head.
"Sounds good t'me."
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leonsthunderthighs · 1 year
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WAAHHH I MISSED WRITING SO MUCH AND I MISSED YOU GUYS. Literally don't know what happened- I guess I got hit by a HARD writers block </3 I'm hoping I'll continue to write more often. (Also this story has been sitting in my drafts so I cleaned it but if you see any mistakes, no you don't)
☆RE4 Remake Leon Era!
☆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ⋆☆
Leon relaxed on the couch with an arm behind his head and a book in his spare hand. His calm blue eyes shifted along the lines taking in every word on the pages as his blonde brows slightly furrowed in concentration. Strands of his hair were highlighted from the soft yellow and orange hues from the open windows. The warm sunlight kept the house perfectly lit as it highlighted the pages. It captivated him, seeing the ink within the paper form into intricate images as if it was all right there in front of him. The words guiding his thoughts, from day to night and characters exchanging words within simple quotation marks.
His focus was broken once he heard a familiar voice speak up to him.
"Wanna try somethin'?
You asked with a mischievous smile pursed on your lips. Leon's gaze shifted on you clearly hiding something from him behind your back.
"Hm, depends on what you have in mind." He said with a smile slowly matching yours, he places down his book with the pages against the table, saving the story for later. He shifted his legs allowing you to sit in front of him, but tempted to have you sit on his lap letting you as close to him as possible. Leon watched you sit in front of him in curiosity, wondering what you're planning in that head of yours.
"Alright, I put on different chapsticks and you have to guess the flavor for each one." You explained, keeping each flavor hidden behind you.
"Do I get hints?" He asked raising a brow, his delicate gaze watched you attentively.
"Hmm, I'll think about it. Now close your eyes, and don't even think about peeking." He chuckled quietly as he obeyed you and closed his eyes, keeping his smug smile on his face. You leaned closer to his face, but took your time purely admiring his serene state. His features were perfectly structured, the height of his cheekbones, the dark circles under his eyes making the blues more iridescent, the small freckles on his cheeks and his pretty lips that always has something smart to say.
The both of you sat at such an intimate proximity, his hands comfortably rested on your knees as your smile grew more eager.
Your lips drew closer together letting the space between you grew smaller, enough for him to catch the familiar scented chapstick lingering around your lips.
"Thats my cherry chapstick."
You sucked your teeth and wiped your lips with the collar of your shirt.
"That was the easy one, how about this one?" You followed the same process with a different chapstick as Leon kept his eyes closed. His thumbs mindlessly rubbed circular patters against your skin as the feeling made you smile. Every fiber of his being wanted to kiss you, but he didn't want to use his hint already and besides, this little game you had was quickly growing on him.
He cocked his head to the side slightly as his brows furrowed a bit. The flavor felt awfully familiar, recognizing the sweet smell.
"Mhm but you'll never guess this one." Your lips met the collar of your shirt again as you evenly applied a new balm across your smile.
The sweet scent enticed him, his lips barely brushing against yours but your hands resting on his shoulders held him back, making him groan.
"It would count as your hint baby," you spoke in a voice barely above a whisper. He could practically feel your smug grin against his eager ones.
"I need a hint."
Leon's voice was small as his lips parted, waiting with bated breaths. Your hands rose to the back of his head running your fingers through his sandy blonde strands of hair. His hair wasn't coarse or rough, instead it was soft and cared for. You loved playing with his hair and everytime you did, Leon would simply melt in your touch and hum in content as you would brush your fingers through his hair.
Ardently Leon pressed his lips against yours and took everything in. This one had a much different smell and taste than the others, it was less sharp than cherry but held a different sweetness than watermelon, yet it felt vaguely familiar.
Your lips separated leaving Leon deep in thought.
"Did you get it?" Your words gave his skin goosebumps, making his eyes flutter open. He focused his senses on the flavor lingering on his lips and the scent of the balm around his nose as if he was reading ink on paper, forming some sort of idea of what it could be in his head.
"I don't know, I've never tasted that one before..." Leon's gaze focused on your peachy lips as you spoke. His voice was at a volume only you could hear, as they were only for you.
"It's strawberry sweetheart"
"I think it might be my favorite one"
☆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾⋆☆
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hostofhorus999 · 15 hours
A comprehensive list of my rottmnt nickname headcanons
-Called 'Leo' by all siblings, the standard nickname. What he's referred by when he's not in the room.
-Called 'Nardo' by Donnie exclusively.
-Called 'Leon' by Mikey exclusively.
-Called 'Lee' by April and Raph.
-Called 'Blue' by Splinter and Draxum (duh)
-Called "Raph" as the standard, what he's referred to by.
-Called 'Raphala' by Donnie exclusively
-Called 'Bossman' by Leo and sometimes April.
-Called 'Big Bro'/'Big Brother' by Donnie, Leo, Mikey.
-Called 'Red' by Splinter and Draxum.
-Called 'Donnie' as the standard, what he's referred to by.
-Called 'Tello' by Leo exclusively.
-Called 'Dee' by April, Mikey and Leo.
-Called 'Dontron' exclusively by Leo.
-Called 'Don' by April when she's annoyed with him.
-Called 'Purple' by Draxum and Splinter.
-Called 'Othello Von Ryan' and 'Bootyyyshaker9000" by himself.
-Called 'Mikey' as the standard, what he's referred to by.
-Called variations of 'Little Bro'/'Little Brother' by all.
-Called 'Angelo' by April, Raph, and Donnie.
-Called 'Miguel', 'Miguelito', and 'Angelito' by Leo.
-Called 'Angie' only by April.
-Called 'Big man' by Raph only.
-Called 'Orange' by Draxum and Splinter.
-Usually just called April.
-Saved in Leo's phone as 'Apricot'.
Some of these are defo canon tbh
Idk I really love Leo giving his brothers Spanish nicknames
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femd-archive · 2 years
idk if your requests are still open but may I request a sub! heracles who is very needy and desperate for reader to ride him ?
sure thing! :]
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pairing: record of ragnarok — heracles x fem!reader
word count: 1.5k
content warning: soft femdom reader | sub heracles | stablished relationship (from before heracles becomes a god) | masturbation (m) | nipple play | dirty talk | begging | unprotected sex | slight nursing | breeding | slight mention of edging/marking | mentions of toys at the end
📎 side note: i'm not really into the series yet and neither read the manga, so maybe heracles is ooc (^^;)
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As Heracles spot you in the human crowd, he asked the guards to scolt you to his room. You were very confused at first, but the moment his strong arms wrapped around you, you immediately knew it was him.
"Alcides" you called his name in a teary tone.
"Oh my love, I missed you so much" his hands runned along your body to cup your face in them, rubbing his thumbs over your cheeks as he looks into your eyes. "You're as beautiful as the last time I saw you" he whispers in a tender tone, making you chuckle.
"And you look just as handsome. Your hair is orange!" both of you laugh as you run your hands through his long hair. "I missed you everyday" you confess after a short silence in between the two of you, and Heracles looks at you with sad eyes and a smile that doesn't reach up to them.
"I know love, me too. There are days that I regret being so selfish towards you. You had given me all your love, and then I turn my back at you to save all our people, leaving you behind" he rest his forehead on yours, hughing you closer.
"You were never selfish, Al. You were doing what you thought was the best for everyone, and it was" you wrap your arms around his wasit. "No God gave us any trouble to the last of our days thanks to you. And for the record, everybody missed you" you add, making him smile at the memory of his hometown.
"But you missed me the most, right?" he asks, caressing the skin of your hip out of habit.
"Absolutely" you whisper, like it was a secret only for the two of you.
Heracles pulls apart to take a look at your face, cupping it once again in between his hands and slowly moving closer to take your lips on a soft kiss.
Your hands runned along his broad back and moved to his torso, fingertips tracing the big tattoo along his ribs to finally stop at his pecs, groping them as your palms rub against his nipples.
He moans against your lips, hugging you closer and starting to grind against you.
"Hmm? My pretty boy is already needy with a few kisses?" he showers your face with kisses as you giggle.
"Love, please…I need you so bad" he whispers, already getting rid of his shoulder pad and belt around his waist.
"Yeah? Show me then, show me how much you need me" you command with a sweet tone.
He already was getting rid of his leon skin skirt, leaving his strong body at nudity in front of you. His figure was sculped by the gods, and they sure had took their time with it.
His hard dick was standing infront of you, tip getting redder by time. You lock eyes with your lover, and his blue ones are silently asking you for permission to touch himself; you slightly nod, eyes going back at scanning his beautiful body.
Alcides' hand wrap entirely around his dick, starting to jack off as soon as he makes contact; his free hand goes up to his chest, and his fingers start to pinch his nipples to add stimulation.
You wish you could have a way to capture this scene, maybe one of those cellphones that you heard some humans in the crowd talk about. To capture the lovely image of your lover in a desesperate state for your touch.
"Look love…I'm so wet for you" he pumps his cock a few times more, gathering some precum on his hand to show it to you. "Wanna feel you on me, have you wrapped around me like before. I missed your warmth so much, let me have it back, please?" he begs, eyes already full of tears and a woobly voice.
And you wish you could tease him a little more, to see him cry your name and even watch him ruin his orgasm when you tell him to stop touching himself, but you are on your limit as well, and you need his warmth too.
Attacking his lips on a kiss, you make him back up until he's sitting on the big bed of the room. You stradle his lap, not before taking your clothes off as well, leaving now the both of you in full nudity.
"Please, please..." the God begs as the only thing you do is grind on his hard cock. His hands are wrapped around your hips, resting in there to feel you close.
"Want to be inside me?" you ask and he immediately nods. "Ask for it nicely, Al. I know you can, baby" you left a kiss on the corner of his lips.
"Please…let me burry myself inside you. Wanna feel you, wanna be one with you and make you cum. I wanna show you how much I love you" he mumbles the last sentence looking right into your eyes, so you know that he's being completely honest, and it's not just some hot talk for the moment.
Instead of replying, you kiss him once again, lifting your weight from his lap as you line yourself with his dick, and slowly sinking in until he's fully inside you. His whiny moans are muffled by your mouth, and he hugs you close as he feels your gummy walls wrap around him.
"You really have a way with words huh" you say after pulling apart, with a woobly tone yourself. Heracles takes your face in his hands once again, making you look at him.
"I love you, [Name]. Let us make love like we were never away from each other" as he looks at you nod, he leaves another short kiss on your lips before realising your face from his soft grip.
The room is filled with both your moans and skins slapping against each others.
Heracles strong arms are secured around you as you bounce on his dick, boobs also bouncing in front of his face and catching his attention once he takes his eyes away from where you're connected. He takes one of your nipples in his mouth, and the other is giving attention by his hand.
You throw your head back, wrapping your arms around his shoulder to get him closer to you.
"Oh baby" you whisper, leaving a kiss on his forehead as you kept bouncing.
Alcides pulls apart from your breasts to kiss your lips, hugging you so close that your chests are pressed to each other and there's no spot of your skin that it isn't touching his.
"Wanna make you cum" he whispers over your lips, "wanna make you cum as much as you want. Use me as you please" he pleads, kissing along your neck and collarbone.
You let out a little cry, feeling your orgasm close. "I love you, Alcides. I always will" you mumble, unable to stop the tears that falls from your eyes. Heracles' hand is quick to come and dry them, wiping your cheeks.
"I love you too, my love, and I'll do so to the end of my days" he promises, embracing you once again as you cum around him.
You ride him a few times more, until you feel your legs and clit go numb. Still, you let Heracles still thrust in you until he cums, that happens pretty quick since he's been edging himself from not cumming since he started kissing you.
"Inside...cum inside" you whisper into his ear as you have him hugging you close once again. He whimpers and soon enough, he's cumming inside just like you told him too.
You stay like that, sticky and sweaty, but hugging for a while, trying to calm your breaths. Once you cooled down, Heracles moved the both of you to the center of the bed, fixing your positions to cuddle for a while.
"I would like to ask you to not fight, but I know that it would be useless" you chuckle, fingers tracing the new bitemark that you left on his chest.
"I have to do it, to save the humans that I like so much" his hand caress your nude back with soft circle motions, and leaves a kiss on the top of your head.
"Yeah, I know" you supress a sigh and look up to him, he also fixes his position to look at you, and smiles. "Just...be careful, okay? Be safe, for the humans that you like so much" you tease, pinching one of his sides.
He caughts you out off guard when he kisses you so suddenly, only to pull away and beam at you. "I'll be safe for you" he giggles, making your heart melt. "Now, when you're ready again, I'll like to try something new that I discovered a while ago"
"Oh yeah? What is it?" you ask, and he smiles again as he pulls away from your cuddle pile and starts searching for something in the night table.
"Ta-dah!" a 12 inches dildo is right besides his happy face.
"Oh...for me?" you ask, concern evident on your voice.
"Huh? No silly, for me!" he answers, and you could breath again from relief.
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miyuhpapayuh · 1 year
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Back in front of the blank canvas, she deeply sighs.
What to paint?
She'd been sitting here for the last hour, wondering the same thing.
Flowers were always a favorite, but she was in the mood to try her hand at something else.
Maybe someone else.
Dipping her paintbrush into the deep brown paint, she sighed again and let her mind wander, while letting it dance across the canvas.
Halfway through, she pulls back and smiles at the outcome, feeling more smitten than she ever has before.
Turning the music up just a bit louder, she continues on, filling the blank space with her newest subject.
Once she was done, she sat and marveled at her work, placing her fingers over the fine detailing and smiling to herself.
Oh, Leon.
She'd painted him in five different ways, each one more strikingly beautiful than the last.
Never had she sat and painted a man in such vivid hues of brown, blue and orange. With such emotion, such thought.
“Wow,” seemed to be her favorite word to describe moments that involved him. This one was no different.
She loved Leon. She was in love with him. No doubt.
He was just as in love with her, if not more.
She clouded his mind just as much. So much, she was his permanent muse for every piece of poetry he'd written over the last month.
Her hair.
Her smile.
Her scent.
Her eyes.
Big and brown,
Full of wonder,
Of love,
Of life!
Her wit,
Her charm,
Her spice,
Her warmth.
All wrapped in mocha,
Kissed by a thousand suns.
Curves that would make a blind man crash.
A sharp tongue that would make the most confident man crumble.
A heart of gold.
Skin made of silk.
A goddess, for real.
Meeting each other back in her love lair, the pair exchange their heartfelt gifts, neither of them ready for how it tugs on their hearts.
“You wrote me a poem??” She gushes, holding the orange envelope to her chest. Her twinkling eyes made him smile extra big.
“I did! You painted something for me??” He asks, staring down at the board, neatly wrapped in deep green paper.
“I did! You wanna open yours first?” She excitedly asks, making him tear right into it.
His surprised gasp, coupled with his shocked expression, does her in. She was hoping to god that he liked it, at least.
“Zora.. wow, this is so… wow!” He stares at the canvas, struggling to find the words that express how breathtaking it is.
“Do you like it?” She asks, shifting her weight.
“I love it, mama. Absolutely. I— I've never been painted before. I don't think anyone's ever even sketched my face! It's so detailed and wow.” He repeats, making her blush.
“I told you, you're my prettiest subject,” she smiles, “I've got a whole sketchbook full of your face.”
The way he looked at her could've melted her right into the ground.
“Read your poem, sweet stuff.”
“Okay,” she says, her voice coming out small.
Pulling the paper out, her eyes linger on every word, her heart beating double-time at his sweet, sweet words.
“Ohh, you just love to make me cry!” She laughs through her small tears, wiping them away with the back of her hand.
“You like it??”
“Hell yeah, boy! This is so sweet! I love the way you talk about me.”
“Like I can talk about anything else,” he says with a shake of his head. “You cloud my brain, woman. I wrote like five different poems about you.”
“Like you're any better! Got me drawing and painting you.” She stares at him wide-eyed.
“You're so talented, baby.” He coos, pulling her into his arms finally, wrapping her up in his warmth, while he feeds on hers.
“So are you, handsome.” She rubs the back of his head, kissing his forehead as he hugs her tightly to him.
“Our anniversary is in a couple days.”
“I know! Six months!” She gushes.
“It's crazy how time flies, huh?”
“Well, when you're having so much fun, it does tend to slip on by.”
“I made reservations, but I cannot tell you where. It's a surprise.” He says, snickering at the look on her face.
“We gettin’ all gussied up?!”
“Hell yeah, baby! Pull out your best dress and we gon paint the town orange.”
“Aw, you are so cute!,” she frowns, pecking his awaiting lips a thousand times.
“I know, lucky me.” He bashfully smiles, hugging her waist tighter.
“Now I'm gonna stress until Friday, tryna figure out what to wear!”
With the chilly air that late October brings hanging in the air, Zora was contemplating on 86’ing the dress idea altogether for something more practical, knowing how much she despises the cold.
“I have faith that we'll be able to pull something together.”
“Yeah, I probably won't be wearing a dress, though. It's a lil too cold for that.” She laughs.
“Yeah, I didn't even think about that,” he chuckles, "I just know that's your go-to. But, I know you're gonna look absolutely stunning! That's a given.”
“If it's possible, I love you even more.”
“Ah, my heart grows ten sizes with every glance your way. Every word you say,” he presses another kiss to her lips, dipping her back into her heap of pillows.
“Such a way with words,” she giggles, halting the wandering hand before it reaches the hem of her t-shirt.
“It's not over yet,” she mumbles, matching the frown he sported.
After summer ended, so did their free time. They were lucky if they got to see each other on the weekends, due to preparation for the holiday season.
The warehouse Leon worked at seemed to have a million pre orders for a variety of the new gift items they advertise, keeping him at work almost overnight, sometimes.
The pub had been jumping still with all the changes Linda made, including a complete renovation of the restaurant, which included an actual dance floor, an ole-timey jukebox, and a larger dining area and bar once she knocked out a wall.
Zora had started pulling longer hours, while Linda was in the process of expanding their team, which she didn't mind, but she'd never been so tired in her life.
At the end of days like that, the pair were lucky if they hit their own beds correctly, before having to jump right back out of them the next day.
And with their impending anniversary right around the corner, on top of it being the first one they were gonna go all out for, Mother Nature paying her a visit couldn't have come at a better time. 
But she was on her way out the door!
“I know,” she laughs, “that's how I feel, too! I'll be clear in like a day or so, though.”
Moving his hand back to her knee, he smirks. “Just in time for the festivities, huh?”
“Yeah, I may have an extra surprise for you, too.” She bats her lashes at him.
“Maybe,” she smirks. “Maybe not.”
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Friday dragged its feet and the couple's nerves along the way, knowing they were ready to detach themselves from their jobs without thought.
As if teleporting to her apartment, he opens the unlocked door like she requested through text, immediately getting an earful from him as he heads down the hall.
“Now, Zora, you know how I feel about unlocked doors.”
“Leon, you were like five seconds away. Nobody was gonna get me.” She says, staring at him through her vanity mirror while she applies her lip gloss.
“Still. I've got a key for a reason. Let me use it.” He says, before leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead, running his hand over her freshly pressed and still billowy hair.
“You look beautiful, as always. I like your hair.” 
“Thank you! I rarely wear it like this ‘cause it's so hard to keep up with, but I was missing it and it's a special occasion, and this qualifies as my something different.”
“Checked it off your own list?”
“Yeah, why not!”
“Why not.” He smiles, agreeing with her.
She smiles back, before standing to her feet to face him, both of them cracking up at the 360 they give each other.
“See? I had faith in you and you did it, Jean.” He pokes, twirling her around. “You look damn good, baby.”
A cropped white top and high-waisted, wide-leg distressed jeans was a pretty basic outfit, which is why god invented cardigans. An orange and pink one did just the job at setting her outfit off.
“I didn't find it until last night, don't be too proud.” She sighs.
“Woman, please. Point still stands, you put it together like only you can.” He flirts, wrapping an arm around her waist, their faces just a few inches apart as they gaze at each other.
“Every chance you get, for real.” She pokes back, making him suck his teeth, planting a kiss on her lips still.
“You already know it, sweet stuff.”
Taking a step away, she looks at him again. An orange beanie pulled over his low-cut and his beard was full and shiny, begging her nails to play with it, which she’d definitely ended up doing.
His green leather jacket, black sweater and jeans combo was doing so many things to her, as was the heavenly scent wafting off of him.
Vanilla? Bergamot??
“Whatever you're wearing, always keep a bottle near.” She speaks, earning a smirk from him.
“Yes ma'am.”
“You look so good, baby.” She compliments, moving back into his hold.
“Thank you, mama.”
“Mhm, and thank you for six bouquets of poppies! That was the cutest thing ever.”
“Anything for you,” he kisses her again, before looking at his watch. Right on time.
“You ready to go?”
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The Petal Café was one of the newest, fanciest restaurants in town and Leon made quick with getting reservations, thankfully bypassing the huge waiting list.
“This place is so beautiful!” Zora squealed for the millionth time, making him laugh and squeeze her hand from across the table.
“I'm glad we made it, cause that waiting list is a year out, now.” He says with a shake of his head.
“What?? That is wild! Let's hope the food lives up to its hype!”
“I know, right. Everything looks really good, though.”
The waiter comes over and sits their drinks down, before taking their food orders and leaving them alone again.
“I'm certain we said it already, but happy anniversary, doll face.” He says, going back to squeezing her hands.
“Happy anniversary, baby. Best six months I’ve ever spent with anyone.”
“Same here, you’re one of my best friends.”
“Really??” She asks, squeezing his hands back now.
“Absolutely! It’s been an absolute dream getting to know the world is you, and to experience life with you is just as dreamy.”
She was thankful that she went light on her makeup, cause she knew it would’ve been ruined with him and sweet words.
“Oh, Leon,” she frowns, “you're the epitome of a dreamboat. When I say I love you, I really mean it. I don't think I can say it enough.. but thank you for showing me what actual love feels like,” her voice cracks near the end of her sentence.
A soft smile covers his lips, as he's keeping his own tears back.
“It's my pleasure showing you what you deserve, Jean. That'll never end.”
Knowing she was gonna cry, she beckoned him to her with her pointer finger, pressing her lips to his, giggling against them as her tears fell down her cheeks.
Pulling away to cup her face in one hand and wipe her tears with the other, he laughs as she reaches up to wipe his own tears away.
“Nique was right, we are sappy.” He points out, making her shake her head.
“Don't let her hear you say that, we'll never live it down!” She exclaims, making them fall into a small laughing fit.
“I love you, Jean.”
“I love you too, Avery.”
After indulging in the well worth it cuisine, the pair move their party to the expansive bar, which happens to sit right beside a huge flower garden, a few orange and yellow roses sitting the closest to them.
“How'd you know about this place?” Zora asks, sipping her rum.
“Eryn told me about it, actually. Saw an ad about them opening a location here and gave me the details. As soon as I heard the name, I knew we had to come here.”
“Aw, you know me so well!”
“I better, ‘fore somebody try and take my job.” He cracks, making her laugh and lean into him.
Any opportunity to wrap his arm back around her, he'd take it. Pressing another kiss to her face, he goes back to sipping his own glass of rum.
“Nobody could ever do such a thing, baby.”
“Touché, sweet stuff. Nobody holds a candle to you.”
Two more drinks and it was time for them to move their party back to the privacy of her apartment.
As if teleporting back to her front door, Zora pulls Leon inside and sits him down on her bed, before disappearing into her bathroom.
“I'll be right back!”
“Whatchu hidin’, baby?” He slurs, a wicked smirk crossing his face at the thought of what it just might be.
“A surprise!” She giggles from inside the bathroom, making sure everything was sitting the way she needed it to— not that she'd have it on long, anyway. But still.
Slipping out into the hallway, she pulls her hair up into a sloppy bun before strutting back into her room, where he sat with his jaw in his lap.
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The jade hued lace teddy hugged her figure like a second skin, holding up and framing her voluptuous body in the best way possible.
“Wow.” His eyes traveled up and down her frame, as if he was savoring this moment.
Here she was, standing in front of him in his favorite color, and all he wanted to do was rip it off and take her in every way possible.
“I take it that you like it?” She speaks, pulling him out of his trance, his gaze now on her face.
“You look absolutely breathtaking, girl. I love it.” He responds, reaching out for her hand and pulling her to stand in between his spread legs.
His strategically placed kisses made her giggle and softly push his face away.
Sticking his tongue down her throat, he pulls her flush against him, groping her fat ass with his big hands. Her left leg finds its way over his right one, soon straddling him altogether.
Licking a trail from the corner of his mouth to the sweet spot on his neck, her fingers work to remove his jacket, dying to have full access to his broadness.
Next to go was the sweater, ultimately making her lose her mind. He'd been hitting the gym pretty hard and boy was it doing him some good.
“So damn fine,” she moans, pushing him back onto the soft bed, reaching underneath herself to undo his belt buckle, biting his earlobe as she slides a hand inside his pants.
He grunts in response, assisting her in pulling his clothes away until he's in nothing but a pair of briefs that were already being tugged on.
Pulling them away, she swings over his lap backwards, now facing the rounded mirror on his dresser. She smiles at her reflection and wraps her hand around his dick, softly jerking him.
His groans fill the air, especially when she bends over to stick her ass in his face and drool all over him, sucking him like she had a point to prove.
Mesmerized by the jiggle in her hips and ass, his hands reach out to slap each cheek, eventually slapping the wet spot between her thighs, making her inch away, an audible gasp leaving her full mouth.
“Come back,” he rasps, pulling her hips back in his direction to rub his thumb over the steady-forming spot, his head falling back into the pillows as her tongue swirls around his sensitive tip.
“God dammit, baby,” he moans, sending another fire smack to her ass. Taking him to the hilt, they both groan as he hits the back of her throat.
He wishes she could've seen how wide his eyes were as she holds him there for a few moments, and does it again, and again, moaning all on him and making his toes curl.
“Fuck… I'm cummin’, Zora… fuck,” his hips jerk upward as she milks him for every single drop, giggling once she releases him.
Pulling her back on his face, the seat of her lingerie was pulled to the side and his nimble fingers played in her wetness, making her bite her lip and grind against his hand.
“Fuckin’ soaked,” he grunts, sliding his middle fingers into her, reveling in the sweet moans that fill the air as he curls and pumps them into her gspot.
“Shit, right there,” she breathlessly moans, dragging her nails up and down his stomach.
“Right here?”
“Yes, I'm g-gonna cum!” She gasps, throwing her head back once his fingers begin jabbing at her spot, making her gush onto them in no time.
Wasting no flipping her onto her back, he pulls the lace away from her body, kissing every inch of skin he came across on the way.
Hooking her legs around his waist, he glides into her and grunts at how wet, how snug, “fuck I could bury myself here, you feel so fucking good.”
His slurred praise hits her ears, while her eyes are stuck in the back of her head as he thrusts into her so deeply. Her hands find his chest.
“Oh my god,” she whimpers, “so d-deep!”
His lips find her neck, as her body clings to his. Her breathy moans hit his ear.
It had been so long since they'd found themselves in the moment, which made them savor it now for all its worth.
Declarations of love and affection leave their lips, as their peaks get closer and closer to erupting. Sweat blanketing them like a second skin.
“Cum with me,” he groans, as he ground his hips into hers, making them see stars at the same time. The cry that left her lips made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
Blissed out, they lay still entangled as the aftershocks pass through their bodies. Dazed smiles cover their lips.
A second wind comes sooner than later, sending them into their next position of the night. Both of them facing the mirror as he hovers over her, spreading her thighs to glide right back into her.
One hand is splayed across her chest to pull her flush against his own, the other planted firmly into the bed as he pumps into her, mumbling shit in her ear that would make her blush if she were able.
Both of her hands were rolled into the sheets, trying her best to throw her ass back onto him, but those lethal strokes are nothing to play with.
“Fuck me,” she helplessly whines.
His breath tickles her skin, his kisses along the back of her neck make her shiver. “Just like this?”
“Yes,” she breathes, “yes!”
Speeding up, he crashes into her sweet spot so precisely it makes her cum in an instant, a heavy sob leaving her mouth as he continues.
Her hands found both of his wrists, as she was desperately needing something to hold onto.
“S-so good, Leon! Please don't stop!”
“Fuckin’ you all night, baby.. all night.” He smirks, pulling his hand back to smack her ass.
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“Ooh, she's being loved properly. Look at that glow!” Nique teases, just as Zora spots their table.
“Hey, y'all.” She greets her sisters with a hug and kiss, before taking her seat beside Nique and kissing her cheek.
“Hey, lover. How's life been?” Neoma pokes fun, making Zora roll her eyes.
Not being one to post much about her relationship on her social media, besides a few pictures here and there, Zora felt compelled to make a dedication post for their anniversary and her sisters, of course, found it and left all types of crying, heart and kissy face emojis in the comments.
“I should be asking y'all that.”
“Let's talk about you first, though.” Lovita redirects just like an older sister does.
“Life's good, lemme lone,” she mumbles, still “mad” at them.
“Oh come on, we went wild in the comments, but we're done now!” Neoma pleads.
“Yeah, promise!” Nique adds.
Zora looks at her oldest sister, raising an eyebrow. Lovita sighs and shrugs. That was as much as Zora was gonna get from her, since sorry is not in her vocabulary.
“Fine. Life is beautiful!” She smiled, making them reciprocate.
“We've seen! You two are too much,” Lovita frowns, over the moon happy for her littlest sister.
“How was your anniversary?!”
“It was the sweetest day. Not like, every day isn't just as sweet, but he sent three bouquets of orange poppies to my job and three more to my apartment. We had already exchanged gifts a few days before, being too excited to hold onto ‘em. He took us to the Petal Café, and y'all! It's the prettiest place I've ever been in! The best food ever! There's a garden next to the bar! It was so me. He's such a hunk.”
The chorus of aw’s commences.
“How much did you cry?” Neoma and Nique ask.
You know what! Too damn much,” she answers, laughing at herself before they could.
“Such a big baby, oh my gosh!”
“I know, ugh. He's just so… wow.” She smiles again, shaking her head.
“Yeah?? We pickin’ out baby names, yet??” Nique squeals.
“Girl, no. I made sure I stocked up on my birth control. No babies… yet.” She purses her lips together for a second, watching their expressions shift, but before they could lay into her again, she re-redirects the focus back onto them.
“But, what about y'all! How's everything?!”
Nique jumps at the chance to tell her best friend just how head over heels she is, to which she outwardly gushes.
“Since we made it official, I met his mama and he met mine— she loves him— he's been showing up to my office with lunch, sometimes it's hand-prepared!! Y'all know I love a man that can cook!”
“Food be good, don't it?!” Zora asks, the smile on her face is too bright.
“Girl, if you see me gain a lil weight, don't say nothing! And if you see him gain a lil weight, you heard me the first time,” she snorts, “cause he's just as fed. Baby got an appetite the size of Texas.”
“You did tell ‘em you loved a man who could eat.” Neoma points out, making her blush.
“And eat, he does.”
“Dominique!” Lovita yells, her jaw dropping.
“What??! He does eat a lot! Sometimes, it's me– hell, most times, it's me.” She covers her own mouth, high-fiving Zora with her free hand.
“I knew it,” she laughs, pointing between Neoma and Lovita, “you two owe me money because what did I say??”
“Y'all bet on me?!”
“No, they bet on you. I knew you'd have him that boy in the palm of your hand before the end of the year and they bet on it taking a little longer.”
“What, y'all ain't think I still had it in me?” She asks in faux outrage.
“Girl, you been celibate for like a year or so, I ain't think he was really gon affect you like that. But, I shoulda known after that phone call I heard.”
“What call??”
“Man, Nique was on the phone with this man, talkin’ his ear off about her job and Ron big stupid ass had done something else that she had to undo, and Darnell was telling her about how he was gon come up there and stomp a hole in his ass if he didn't get it together, cause she was way too important to be doing favors for the incompetent. Nique got to giggling, and I knew it was over. I ain't never heard her sound like that.” She finishes, blinking dryly.
“Yeah, I had nothing better to do, obviously. It was a very funny conversation.” She adds.
“Ne, you've always been so nosy. Maybe you and Nique are related.” Lovita jabs, making Zora laugh.
“Anyway, Nique please record the fight when it happens ‘cause Ron been needed an ass whoopin’. But seriously, you two are adorable! I knew it was coming once he called you his baby. I'm so happy for you.”
“Thank you! I'm so happy for me, too!” She laughs, fanning her red face.
“Neoma, you sharin’ next?” 
She smirks. “Craig is a dork, for real. He's so funny, so smart. So stubborn, Jesus. So fine,” she sighs. “He drives me insane, but boy do I love it.”
“Always the one for challenges, lord.” She shakes her head. “But, as long as everything is going good, I love it for you.”
“Thanks, sis. We're not a couple yet, but we're getting closer.”
“Take your time, girl. If it's meant to be, it'll happen.” She assures her older sister.
Their hands join in the middle of the table for a sweet squeeze, before everybody's eyes dart over to Lovita, who's yet to share.
“Do I have to??” She asks.
“Yeah, what the fuck?”
“Okay, okay! But y'all cannot judge me.”
“Girl, what did you do?”
“Remember that night y'all slept over after the game day we had?” She asks, watching them nod in response.
Smirks decorate their faces as she gets ready to spill what they'd already seen coming.
“Clyde and I had sex, that night and I swear I've been in love with that man ever since.” She sighs.
“In love?” Neoma repeats.
“Yes. In love. I love him.” She spells it out for her younger sister, while she slowly blinks back at her.
“Girl, I know that feeling. That's how I felt the morning after me and Leon had sex.” Zora says, shaking her head. “I was done for.”
“Really? I felt like I was going crazy, at first. Like I woke up a little before he did and just kinda stared at him like, “you have fucked up, cause now I love you.” It was wild!”
“Literally such a wild feeling, I agree.”
“Wow, y'all makin’ me miss my man.” Nique snorts, internally giddy as hell that she gets to call him that.
“Aw, her man.” Neoma coos.
“Stop it,” she laughs.
“But, ‘vita,” Nique starts, “we would never judge you for how you feel. Sex is such an intimate experience, I'd be afraid if you didn't feel more than you already had about him.”
“Yeah, I know.” She sighs, “I know.”
“What's wrong?”
“Nothing,” she smiles, picturing his face in her head. “Nothing’s wrong. He's perfect. Realistically, of course.”
“Yeah?” Zora asks, beaming for her sister.
“I can't stress it enough. He's sweet, funny, well-rounded.. he's a hard worker, might be a lil rough around the edges, but so am I. We don't clash at all, it's always so refreshing to be around him. And my goodness, that man is so damn fine.”
“He is very handsome. I believe we all lucked out like I said we were gonna! Sounds like I'm owed some thank you’s.”
“Zora, do not ruin this sweet ass moment.”
She rolls her eyes and grabs the champagne flute from the table and tipping it toward her lips for a sip.
“Wait. What kinda gifts did y'all get each other??”
“Oh, he wrote me a poem and I painted him.”
Their eyes widened.
“Aw, you painted Leon!?”
“You painted?!”
She smiles wide at their reactions, shaking away the urge to burst into tears.
“Y-yeah, I painted. It's been a few months since I've painted, but really, it's been so long since I've actually been motivated to do so. Y'all know that relationship of mine just drained the life out of me and everything I loved to do just vanished. And, I'm finding the purpose for it again. In something and someone else. Y'all should've seen his face when he unwrapped it,” she smiles like he's right in front of her, “it was priceless.”
“Wow, I'm so proud of you, Zora.”
“Aw, thanks,” she frowns, wiping the lone tear that fell.
“Oh, don't start crying. We’ll be here all night!”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Having a few more days of freedom, Zora and Leon get back together for another sip and paint, with another spin to it.
Nique had given her the idea to make Leon the subject for Zora to paint. And of course, this sounded like some fun and some trouble. Well worth both, she already knew.
“Okay, so you're actually my model, today.” She says, taking in his raised brow.
“Really? That's cool! You need me to pose?” He asks, beginning to flex his muscles and make her laugh.
“Yeah, actually! Hold on,” she stands up from the couch and heads towards her dining area for a chair, pulling towards the middle of the floor.
“Okay, come sit.” She says, patting the chair.
He strides across the floor in a show for her, which she appreciates, more giggles leaving her and he kisses her forehead before sitting down.
“The cutest man, ever.”
“I know,” he replies.
Sauntering into the kitchen for a stool, she pulls hers up to her easel and sits, looking to her left to make sure she's got all the supplies she'll need.
Peeking out behind the canvas, she eyes him but keeps the request on the tip of her tongue.
“What you keepin’ from me?” He asks, eyeing her suspiciously.
“Uh… don't think I'm crazy..”
“Who's sane?”
“Leon,” she says, sighing to herself.
“Zora, come on. What is it? You want me to pose like The Thinker? Huh? Something more interesting, perhaps?”
“Yeah, way more interesting.”
“Okay, throw it at me, baby.”
Pulling her head back behind the easel, she swirls her paintbrush in the clear water, letting the request fall from her lips.
A few moments go by with nothing but silence, and just as she's about to poke her head back out, she catches sight of his shirt being flung over her head.
Pants next.
“These too?” He asks, making her peek back out, staring at the hand that's hooked in his briefs. She deeply sighs and shakes her head.
“You can keep those on.. for now.”
Ch 15
@thegifstories @sheabuttahwrites @honestpreference @ghostfacekill-monger @soufcakmistress @blackerthings @abeautifulmindexposed @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @mauvecherie-writes @cecereads209 @blowmymbackout
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caitlynnrosespn · 8 months
My Brezziana backstory, written specifically for @thxrnking !! I'll try to keep it brief but uhhhh... it's a lot!:D
So in 2019 we were introduced to an interesting couple- these two.
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If you are unfamiliar with these characters:
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This is Rita Piña. First introduced in JD 2016 as the first Just Dance drag queen, she was the coach for Drop The Mambo.
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And this is the coach for Love Me Again, from 2015. We have no canon name for him, so I named him Mateo.
Mateo and Leon (who I hc to be Rita out of drag) are the adoptive parents of Brezziana. I saw this because I totally see Brezz's love for orange and her iconic blue jacket being inspired by them.
Also should mention that most of this past this point is just my headcanons, so stick with me.
Brezziana was originally born to two young influencers, both of whom were severely under qualified to raise a child, especially one they found out was hard of hearing (this actually has some canonical value, there was a post on the French page with official art that gave Brezziana hearing aids), so they decided to put her in foster care in hopes she'll end up with more qualified parents. Leon and Mateo adopted her, and were big influences to her love of dance and inspiring others.
Her bio parents ended up having another child though.
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Gabriela, P1 from Wasabi Alt from 2024.
I will DIE on the hill that Gabi is Brezz's little sister. Sane hair, similar color palette, both Dancity maps. That's enough for me.
Gabi was also given to Mateo and Leon, since theor parents decided that Gabi should be with her older sister.
Then, tragedy struck:3
Leon was taken away from them in an accident (she is the only drag queen not to make another appearance since 2019 in game) leaving Mateo heartbroken. Gabi was still very young, so Brezziana took it upon herself to pick up the broken pieces. She was going to be the strong one.
She spent her entire life being stronger, being the one to motivate others. She as an adult became an influencer, partially because it was the best job for her personality and partly because she kind of wanted to meet her bio parents (she never did).
That's why Nightswan targeted her giving spirit, knowing that no one had poured into her for years. All these people she was so strong for... yet who was strong for her?
Now. It's kind of odd, but no unwarranted judgement.
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This is the Bad Habits coach from 2022 (also my personal favorite map). My friend @iconafvckinshard has given him the name Kam, short for Kameron, along with the coolest lore ever but that's for him to share not me. Don't want to steal his ideas or make them seem as my own. Just know I see it all as canon.
There's a few reasons I ship these two. Number one, both from Dancity. Number two, they're flow has a similar neon look to each other. And Number three.
All of their maps are choreographed by the same person, Jerky Jessy. But there's a difference between the two.
Brezzianas maps require so much strength, making you dig deep and give everything until by the end there's nothing left to give. Kams is also tiring, but more controlled. You need strength in your core, and you still have energy left after his dance.
While Brezziana gives until she litteraly can not, Kam knows when to give a little and when to give a lot. He's someone she can fall back on... when she learns to let someone else be strong for her.
Hope this made sense, hope yall like it, please ask for permission before using as your own!!!
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lipglossanon · 1 year
Ok first things first: Mermaid!Leon and how he works. He’s beautiful, his tail is either orange (because that color would look good on him and he’d look like a sun-god-mermaid), navy blue or army green (cuz he looks good in them and those are police/army colors). He’s also got two dicks: One is thinner but longer, and it’s job is to breach your cervix and cums semen to both lubricate the space more and fertilize what comes from the other dick. The other dick is thicker, with a Nic taper to it, and it’s job is to be the ovipositor. His eggs are a little bigger than golf-balls, with basically no real ‘shell’ to them so they feel malleable and jelly-like. When they’re inside you, they don’t grow much and only harden a bit before being pushed out and then the harden and grow and then the babies hatch. When not in his breeding season, Leon basically lays false eggs in you, which almost immediately come back out, instead of filling you up for a while. The feeling of each egg passing into you is enough to make you cum, and the same happens when it is time to come out: just orgasm after orgasm, as Leon moans about how good you are doing, how much he loves you laying his clutch, how he wants to keep you full constantly, how he’ll find a way to give you real eggs all year round since you are such a good mommy and deserve to be full, all while his tentacle like dicks are writhing around each other, trying to jerk himself off at the sight of his pretty mate laying his eggs. I got more of an actual blurb cooking, but thought it best to start here -🐶
🐶 anon!! 💜
I’ve reread this a million times already before replying 🤭
And honestly I love an orange tail! He’d be so colorful and eye catching in the water that way 😌
AGAJFL I love your beautiful big brain energy 🐶 anon; I know I say it every time but it makes it no less true 😆
Leon stuffing you full of cum and eggs is making my brain a little silly 🥴 🥴 and the constant orgasms? 😮‍💨 😮‍💨
Ooh I can’t wait to read the blurb!! 🥰
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silvercap · 11 months
I may be late to this but what about 🩺 or 🍁?
Two opposites lmao but whichever and whoever ya want<3
Not late at all! I'll write as many as people send me :))
🩺🍁Scared of the Doctor and Fall Treats
“Are there any more pumpkin cookies left?” Leon asks faintly from his spot on Piers’ lap, long legs stretched out over the couch under a soft knitted blanket that had been part of Claire and Jill’s autumn gift basket, delivered to their doorstep a few days ago. Pier’s can feel him shivering, weak and sick as he is from being unable to keep anything down for almost twenty-four hours, now. He’s been complaining of nasty stomach cramps, a swollen feeling that Piers worries could be appendicitis, despite how adamantly Leon insists it’s not.
“Will you let that go, already? Those aren’t easy on your stomach,” Piers mutters, glancing over to check the time on his watch. “Why don’t you try some soup, instead?”
Leon makes a face.
“Claire said they’d go bad by the end of the week, and I want to enjoy them before then. Besides, they’re good, and I feel better.” He’s whining a bit, stubbornly trying to weasel himself out of eating healthy for what feels like the hundredth time today, and Piers sighs.
“You say that every time, and then what happens? Just let your stomach settle, first, and you can eat as many as you want when you’re not sick. I still think we should go to the walk-in clinic.”
Leon makes a face at that, pushing himself into an upright position.
“No. I don’t feel like being poked and prodded and… injected, today.” He shudders, and Piers fights down a wave of irritation. He understands Leon’s dislike for doctors; really, he does, but he’s starting to get worried, and Leon refuses to even consider getting looked at. He watches carefully as Leon rises shakily to his feet, stretching with a yawn. “I am hungry, though.”
He saunters off towards the kitchen, the clatter of the cookie jar almost immediately rattling around the house. Piers does his best not to seethe. Why the hell is he in love with such a pigheaded man? He knows he’s not exactly the easiest to bargain with, but Jesus. He stands after a long minute, scowling.
“Leon,” he calls as he rounds the corner, not bothering to hide his exasperation. “I swear to God, if you’re digging through the cookies again, I’ll—”
He stops short, met by the sight of Leon, collapsed and heaving for air on the kitchen floor. He’s pale, leaned up against the cabinets as he struggles for breath, and Piers throws himself to his knees in an instant.
“Leon?” he asks urgently, meeting wild blue eyes with his own panicked gaze. “Leon, what’s wrong?” God, has his appendix burst? Does Piers need to call and ambulance? Leon shakes his head, half-eaten pumpkin cookie still in hand.
“C-can’t breathe,” he wheezes, raising a trembling hand to sweep through his hair, and its then that Piers notices the raised, red rash creeping across the underside of his wrist. He eyes the cookie, noticing the tiny flecks of spices and sugar decorating its pretty orange surface, suddenly recalling the recipe that had been pinned to the gift wrap. Sugar, pumpkin, butter and eggs; vanilla, baking soda, and spices. Cinnamon, cloves…
“Leon,” Piers asks calmly, gently pressing his fingers to Leon’s thundering radial pulse. “How often do you eat nutmeg?”
“I–I don’t know,” Leon manages, eyes widening even further. His eyelids are puffy, something Piers had attributed to lack of sleep, and he knows with certainty that he’s right. Leon groans, letting himself slump against the cabinets. “Don’t tell me I’m—”
“We’re going to the hospital,” Piers announces, shaking his head. “I’m not playing around with anaphylaxis.”
Leon eyes the cookie mournfully.
“You don’t suppose I could finish this, first?”
Piers feels his eye twitch.
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