aurnadri · 3 days
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@paranormal-peri fanart
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caligulatism · 28 days
slim shady show reference yay!
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not the biggest fan of how this came out but it’s whatever I guess
low-key pissed my twitter got locked right before I finished this though because my Twitter followers would eat this shit up. Some of them are a little crazy though.. average eminem stans I guess
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caitcoreeeee · 2 months
The folio turkey leg video for the Anon who asked!!!
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ryan-is-a-god · 4 months
What if I want to spend the rest of my life writing fanfiction and drawing fanart. Why can't that be my career?
I have to wake up tomorrow and do real work 😔 and even if I draw, I have to draw for class.
I want to put characters who committed atrocities against humanity in Pinterest dresses.
Edit: Alastor in dress post
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sisiren · 10 months
I've been working on and off on this for a few months, and relistened to Amnesty. As always, lyrics and quotes underneath the cut!
Song: To Build a Home - The Cinematic Orchestra
There is a house built out of stone
Wooden floors, walls and window sills
Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust
This is a place where I don't feel alone
This is a place where I feel at home
'Cause, I built a home
For you
For me
Until it disappeared
From me
From you
And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust
Out in the garden where we planted the seeds
There is a tree as old as me
Branches were sewn by the color of green
Ground had arose and passed it's knees
By the cracks of the skin I climbed to the top
I climbed the tree to see the world
When the gusts came around to blow me down
I held on as tightly as you held onto me
I held on as tightly as you held onto me
And, I built a home
For you
For me
Until it disappeared
From me
From you
And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust
Quotes (in order of which they appear in the audio):
“Dear Aubrey, I’ve taken your advice and headed out for parts unknown. But I need you to know how sorry I am for the impact I have had in your life.” - Amnesty 28
“I don’t hate you for that.” - Amnesty 27
“I’m asking you three to join the Pine Guard.” - Amnesty 4
“We can help.” - Amnesty 4
“You were selected to keep your people safe.” - Amnesty 19
“You found your way here.” - Amnesty 11
“Keep your world safe. Keep Sylvain safe.” - Amnesty 19
“This is not your world to save.” - Amnesty 20
“It takes one misstep. It takes one moment -” - Amnesty 5
“- You lied, Ned.” - Amnesty 27
“- And you can find yourself using that power in a way you will regret…” - Amnesty 5
“I told him to leave.” - Amnesty 28
“For the rest of your life.” - Amnesty 5
“You might want to do something about that.” - Amnesty 13
“It was home, I - I miss it a lot.” - Amnesty 11
“I feel like I am home when I’m around you.” Amnesty 32
“You belong here.” - Amnesty 5
“It just feels right, y’know?” - Amnesty 11
“And he knows your tea preference at this point.” - Amnesty 10
“You have me in your corner!” - Amnesty 5
“I will see you tomorrow.” - Amnesty 11
“We’re getting stronger, too.” - Amnesty 19
“Now they know what we’re capable of.” - Amnesty 29
“They are tough.” - Amnesty 25
“I will walk away from all of this.” - Amnesty 16
“Duck, it sounds like your confidence is suffering.” - Amnesty 11
“You are a true hero.” - Amnesty 28
“You were never a normal dude.” - Amnesty 28
“I would never betray a friend.” - Amnesty 25
“You knew, Ned. And you didn’t tell me.” - Amnesty 27
“People will start seein' monsters in the faces of their friends.” - Amnesty 25
“Your job is not to befriend your foe.” - Amnesty 16
“I know where I stand.” - Amnesty 16
“Just watch each other’s backs and play it smart. And I guarantee you, we’re gonna take the night.” - Amnesty 4
“Ned can’t be dead, Mama.” - Amnesty 28
“One day, the monsters are gonna win.” - Amnesty 12
“And I am to blame.” - Amnesty 28
“And I just end up hurting people that I love.” Amnesty 16
“I don’t have to fight anymore. I did it. And now I’m gonna grow.” - Amnesty 36
“Aubrey…you are born, and Sylvain is with you.” - Amnesty 35
“You are full of Sylvain’s power.” - Amnesty 9
“This presence feels like it could be - it could be, like, family.” - Amnesty 24
“You can’t be afraid to help, because, yeah, you might hurt.” - Amnesty 35
“Accidents happen, Ned.” - Amnesty 27
“Wrong is always wrong.” - Amnesty 28
“I’m scared of war between our worlds.” - Amnesty 22
“We lost. And we kept losing.” - Amnesty 16
“Peace. I - I’m looking for peace.” - Amnesty 34
“I am not asking you to forgive me - I don’t want you to forgive me.” - Amnesty 28
“And become a better person than I.” - Amnesty 28
“If you tell them that they’re capable of great things, uh, a lot of times they’ll get there.” - Amnesty 33
“I care for you, Aubrey.” - Amnesty 35
“How many other folks have you got on board with this - this hairbrained scheme there?” - Amnesty 31
“I found exactly the right person for this impossible task.” - Amnesty 33
“If you do not come back, I am coming in after you, you hear me?” - Amnesty 30
“Please come home safe.” - Amnesty 35
“I’m with you to the end, Duck Newton!” - Amnesty 35
“And that will free up all the love in that big, remarkable heart of yours for the rest of the world.” - Amnesty 28
“I don’t think about the world, Aubrey, I think about Amnesty Lodge.” - Amnesty 5
“I need to have something to get me through what we’re about to do.” - Amnesty 32
“A friendship you will learn to treasure.” - Amnesty 5
“Do you believe me?” - Amnesty 11
“I want to.” - Amnesty 11
“Do you have any idea what it’s like knowing you have a home out there and knowing that you’ll never be able to return to it?” - Amnesty 11
“It’s like I can almost remember it.” - Amnesty 14
“She is, and always will be, loved.” - Amnesty 11
“We both love you unconditionally.” - Amnesty 11
“It’s not our forest, it’s their forest.” - Amnesty 18
“You are filled with a warrior’s instinct that we share, together.” - Amnesty 11
“I believe in the Cryptonomica.” - Amnesty 19
“Keep Keplar as curious as you can.” - Amnesty 19
“With love, Edmund Kelly Chicane.” - Amnesty 28
“One day, believe it or not, you’re gonna laugh at a joke. You’re gonna go swimmin’ and you’re gonna smile in the sunlight. You’re gonna pet yourself a good dog and it’s gonna make you feel happy.” - Amnesty 34
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in picture frames snippet (teachers!spiderdads au)
xoxo you thought you saw the last of mee
new chapter by this friday prolly :3
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Peter comes to him with a cylinder of cornflake cookies, coffee and a compromise. 
“Help me, please. I’ll pay for lunch for a week, please.” Appealing to the rationality in him, Miguel takes the coffee. It’s his exact order, he has shoved this in Peter’s brain over and over again. But somehow, it tastes a little sweeter.  
“I’m not going to help you mark anything,” Miguel says. Mainly because he can’t understand poetry for the life of him, and he refuses to show Peter that he wants to learn what the hell a sibilant sound is. But also because his own kids give him enough of a headache, and he doesn’t need the unique headache Peter’s kids give him. 
Peter nudges the cylinder towards him. Narrowing his eyes, he twists it open and takes one. It’s not bad, satisfying crunch and all. He dips it in his coffee, he stares at Peter. 
“Miles asked me for help. About Gwen.” Miguel exhales.
“No.” He takes the cylinder and his coffee, and gets ready to leave. Faster reflexes than he expected, because Peter grabs his wrist. 
Miguel is left standing over his chair, held in place by Peter Benjamin Parker. He can easily move out of the fingers wrapped around his wrist, and probably break a finger of Peter’s. He’s not holding on very tightly, and his hand is cold on his warm one. Miguel could go. 
He doesn’t. 
He lets Peter tug him and he sits. 
“You’re paying for two weeks.”
Peter grins, and Miguel knows deep down, he would have done anything for Peter if he asked. But he has a reputation to maintain. He glances around the canteen, just to prevent any harpies he knows from seeing him soften. He doesn’t know what new hell Lyla would exact on him if she knew how much nicer he had become. 
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mythtiide · 2 days
i dont want to do assignments i want to write falkler kissing
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tabbedtabby · 8 months
wrote a valentines oneshot clawing at the bars of my enclosure having to wait 2 more days to post it
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jupeywoopy · 8 months
Game show idea where we put up a twitter comment with something along the lines of "AWHHH I JUST WANNA PROTECT HIM FOREVER AWWWW" and we have to guess if it's an infant or a 50 year old man
The twist being it’s ALWAYS gonna be the 50 year old man
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copprtone · 11 months
this is crazy
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babyboiler69 · 1 year
Guys may I please cause a bit of chaos? Possibly a smidgen of murder? a dash of pranks? A minimal amount of tomfoolery?
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caligulatism · 29 days
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Bwabbit doodle yay! I can’t stop rewatching 8 mile I’m gonna be sick someone send help it hurts it hurts it hur
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caitcoreeeee · 3 months
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i wanna go home so i can do these wip games
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s0fter-sin · 8 months
“simon riley’s dead,” ghost chokes out; bitter resentment coating his tongue. “i’m just wearin’ ‘is corpse.”
mactavish doesn’t shy from his venom; sees through his hiss and doesn’t fear his rotten-fanged bite. he reaches out, pressing the flat of his hand to his breast and ghost damns himself for the way his breath catches; for the way his shoulders curl in around it in a silent plea for it to stay.
“that’s no drum in your chest,” he whispers defiantly.
his hand slowly drags over his chest, coming to rest over his sternum and he feels its possession like a brand against his skin.
“it ain’t bellows inflating your lungs,” he dares and he involuntarily inhales; his body longing to rise to his challenge.
mactavish pushes and he rocks back on his heels just to sway in closer; just to beg for the pressure to chase the phantom weight of six feet of dirt from his bones.
“you’re far from rigor mortis, riley,” he promises and there’s air at ghost’s back instead of decaying wood and infested flesh. “i won’t let the earth take you from me yet.”
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mythtiide · 10 months
I just wanna go home and draw GEGEGRGFEGRGRGRH
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