fruity-phrog · 1 year
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stffed · 3 months
anxious confessions - chilchuck tims x male reader
a/n: spoilers for episode 22/chapter48
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chilchuck nervously fiddled with his fingers. it wasn't often that he felt this nervous. but he had just told the touden party that he had a wife and kids. he had just told you - his crush - about his estranged wife. and children.
he looked over at you. your face was deep in thought as you helped laios prepare the griffin meat. chilchuck's eyes looked over your hands and how deftly they worked the knife. he wondered what they felt like. would your hands be soft? or would they be calloused and rough? what would they feel like holding his hands?
no. he couldn't think about that. all chances of him even confessing to you were thrown out the window the minute he opened his mouth about his wife. they hadn't been together in years but you didn't know that. maybe you thought that she was waiting for him to return to the surface. it didn't matter though. his future relationship with you was doomed.
chilchuck sighed. he was glad that he got it off his chest - it made senshi open up to the group after all. but did it also close the door to your heart?
"hey. you free for a minute?"
you were stood over him. he looked to both sides, thinking you were talking to izutsumi or marcille. with a confused and slightly worried expression, he pointed to himself.
"of course i mean you, dummy," you laughed out. it made chilchuck's heart pound. "it's nothing horrible, i think. just a quick chat."
"oh, okay then." chilchuck stood up and followed after you.
you walked a bit away from the group. it was far enough that they couldn't hear your conversation but not far enough that you would be in danger. how funny would it be if a baby griffin just swooped down and snatched up chilchuck so he didn't have to suffer through this conversation? and how funny would it be if that was what he was praying for?
"so," you sat down in the snow. if it weren't for the fact that you were overheating with embarrassment then it would have chilled you to the bone. "i've had this on my chest for a while and i think it's best if you know. i was going to tell you before we left the golden dungeon but things happened, i guess. uh, basically... how should i put this...
"i have feelings for you? and it's not any hateful feelings, don't worry. whenever i'm with you i feel happy? there's this warm feeling inside, as cliche as it sounds. and i don't like the idea of us being apart. so when you said that you had a wife, it did hurt because what if i break up a happy marriage? you have kids after all. but i knew that if i didn't tell you then i'd regret it for the rest of my life; i'd probably leave the island and live in exile just to avoid that shame. i just wanted you to know so you could reject me and go back to your wife and i can book the next boat off-"
before you could continue your self-deprecating confession, chilchuck surged forward and captured your lips in a kiss. his arms wrapped around your neck as he relaxed into you. out of reflex, your hands grabbing his waist. you kissed him back. all thoughts of exile melted from your head as they were replaced with images of the future: the two of you in a house, lounging around together; fighting side by side against monsters in the dungeon; kisses hidden from the other party members and some shared right in front of them.
all chilchuck could think about was how soft your hands were with him. they were better than he imagined. and your lips? gods, if he were to die now then he would die happy. he hoped that baby griffin he prayed for didn't show up now.
"do you ever shut up?" chilchuck said as he pulled away from you. he spoke softly, like you would bolt away from him first chance you got.
you pulled him in so that he was sitting in your lap. a smile played on your lips. "yeah, when you take my breath away."
"gods, why did i have to fall in love with you?" sighed chilchuck.
for a moment you wondered if he was being serious. he had that look on his face that you had joking labelled the disappointed dad face (fate must really be laughing at you now, in hindsight). yet you could see the ghost of a smile on his lips. it dawned on you what he said.
"you love me?"
chilchuck gently punched the top of your head. he crossed his arms with an incredulous look. "uh, yeah? do you seriously think i would kiss you if i didn't? if you thought you were anxious about confessing, then i must've been paralysed with fear. i thought that any chance with you was gone after i told everyone about my estranged wife and daughters." he made sure to stress the estranged part.
you pouted, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. his hand came up to your head and stroked it. "i love you too, chilchuck."
the two of you leaned back in for another kiss. all the fears and worries chilchuck had melted away as your lips melted against each other's. just like your mind was filled with images of the future, chilchuck's mind was filled with thoughts of the now. being in your arms was like a dream come true and his heart hadn't stopped racing since he said that you had feelings for him. he didn't think it would stop anytime soon either.
"let's get back to the others," said chilchuck. "i'm sure they're wondering why we've been gone for so long."
he stood up first, dusting the snow off his clothes before he held his out to you. a wide grin on your face, you grabbed it and didn't let go.
"so are we boyfriends now? can we kiss all the time?"
"don't make me regret my decision."
"so when can i meet your daughters?"
chilchuck choked on his soup.
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firelordsfirelady · 2 months
XXIV. Lotus Tile
Author: @firelordsfirelady
Imagine: When Y/N—a princess of one of the Water Tribes—is told she’s leaving her tribe, she never expects that she’s to be betrothed to the Fire Lord’s son, nor was she prepared to be exiled the very day she arrived at the Fire Nation. With her life in the hands of her new fiancée, how will life change for the princess? 
Pairing: Zuko x F!Reader
Trigger warnings: arranged marriage, feelings of fear, banishment, mentions of burns/abuse, frustration, violence, betrayal, language
Word Count: 1918
Destined to be Yin and Yang 
I own no rights to Avatar the Last Airbender or any of the characters/story.  
Author’s Notes
The characters as all aged up so Zuko’s banishment happens when he’s 16 
Keep in mind I am bringing a unique world with inspiration from ATLA in their characters, some of the events that happen, bending, etc. Not many things may align or occur with what happened in the show. It’s intended that way, so I hope you enjoy it regardless.
See Y/N’s inspiration here.
Destined to be Yin and Yang Soundtrack (YouTube) 
We followed side-by-side down the river until the sun began to set in the horizon. I sat on the deck of the boat facing the river with my legs crossed and my eyes closed as I breathed in the stillness of the air around us.
“Shouldn’t we search the woods?” The pirate captain asked impatiently as he and Zuko scanned the banks on either side of the boats.
“They stole a waterbending scroll, right?” Zuko asked as he continued his scanning of the sides of the river. “They’ll be by the water.” The captain just huffed in response as we continued our path down the river until the sun dipped below the horizon and the stars greeted us from above. None of us spoke as we listened to the quiet movement of the boats in the water, but a sudden splashing sound accompanied by a female voice caused all of us to share a look. Zuko nodded and we landed on the nearby embankment then the two crews made their way towards the sound of the splashing. I stayed behind with the pirate's captain by the boats as I couldn’t clearly see what was happening on the other side of the bushes.
“I’ll save you from the pirates.” I heard Zuko say moments before some fire nation soldiers brought the familiar looking waterbender over to the clearing. I pitied the girl as she was tied to a tree by fire nation guards before I was roughly grabbed and brought over to stand with the captain and Zuko as both groups looked at each other. Zuko watched the captain as he approached with me being dragged from beside him.
“Tell me where the Avatar is and I won’t hurt you or your brother.” Zuko stood in front of the other girl with his hands clenched behind his back as a few fire nation guards stood behind him. I felt bad for the younger girl as she told Zuko to jump off a cliff. Zuko took a deep, calming breath as he walked towards the Waterbender.
“Try to understand,” He said as he stopped near the tree. “I need to capture him to restore something I’ve lost--” Zuko walked around the tree as he continued. “--my honor. Perhaps I can restore something you’ve lost in return.” I didn’t like the sour twist in my stomach as Zuko held up the necklace in front of the lady’s neck, and I suddenly found myself uncomfortable with how close Zuko actually was to her.
“My mother’s necklace!” The lady tied to the tree gasped as Zuko playfully taunted the girl as he walked away with the necklace. “How did you get that?”
“I didn’t steal it.” Zuko said as he tucked it back into his pocket. “In case you are wondering.” The captain beside me began to grow impatient as the exchange seemed to be taking too long for him.
“Enough nonsense!” The captain yelled as a sword was brought to my throat. “The scroll! Now!” A slight sting began where the cold metal of the sword dug into the skin on my neck just a bit.
“I wonder how much this is worth.” Zuko said as he produced a light blue scroll tube from behind his back and lit a fireball in his hand under it. The pirates around me let out an audible gasp as the blade touching my neck backed away a bit. “Seem to be a lot. Here’s the deal--I’ll give this to you after you help me find what I want.” The pirate captain grumbled as he roughly pulled me towards him and pointed a sword towards my throat before he ordered his men to search the woods and meet back here while eyeing the Prince with disdain.
Hours later and the sun is beginning to rise again on the horizon as several of the pirates arrive with the Airbender and the Waterbender’s brother. Zuko’s smile was victorious as his eyes landed on the Avatar bound by rope. Both Zuko and the captain began to approach each other as I looked between the bald kid and the girl tied to the tree.
“I’m sorry, Aang.” The girl said as she looked away from the airbender. “This is my fault.”
Aang. I thought in the moment. So, that’s the Avatar’s name.
“No, Katara, it isn’t.” Aang said to Katara, who was the waterbender tied to the tree. As I looked towards the bald teenager, I found that the older boy--Katara’s brother--was struggling against the rope bindings around his wrists when a bad feeling came over me. The captain roughly grabbed me as he stood closer to Aang while Zuko approached and demanded the Avatar be handed to him.
“Give me the scroll and you can have them both.” The captain grinned as he stared the Firebender down.
“You’re really just going to hand over the Avatar,” The third voice belonged to Katara’s brother, and he drew everyone’s attention as he casually shrugged. “For a piece of parchment paper?” I paled as I realized what the man from the Water Tribe village was doing before Zuko begged the pirates not to listen to their captive.
“I bet you’d get a pretty penny for him on the black market.” The man in the blue robes said as he looked at the Avatar.
“Shut your mouth, Water Tribe peasant.” My eyes narrowed at Zuko’s word choice as his eyes begged the Water Tribe man to shut up.
“Yeah, Sokka--” Now, I knew the whole team’s names. “You really should shut your mouth.”
“I’d be willing to bet the Fire Lord would pay a pretty penny for this guy right here.” Sokka motioned to Aang, who physically paled as the pirates’ faces lit up. “He might pay a pretty penny for the cute waterbender too.” Sokka threw a wink my way, and I felt my cheeks begin to blush at Sokka’s words. 
That statement couldn’t be farther from the truth.
The Water Tribe boy’s plan worked as the pirate’s captain turned to look at Zuko with a shit-eating grin on his face.
“Keep the scroll. We got the boy and the girl to pay a hundred times what that scroll is worth.” Zuko’s eyes narrowed dangerously as he stared down the captain as he spoke. I could see the tension building from the Firebenders as I mentally prepared myself for all hell to break loose.
“You’ll regret breaking a deal with me.” Zuko barely finished his sentence before the prince and the Firebenders behind him let off fire blasts towards the pirates. Ducking out of harm’s way, I jumped into the nearby bush as one of the pirates ran towards the firebenders and threw three small balls. As the balls collided with the ground, smoke erupted from the spheres and began to coat the air with a thick cloud of gray smoke. All hell broke loose as the fire nation soldiers and pirates began an all-out war, and the pirates dropped more smoke bombs before dragging the soldiers to fight in the cloud. I quickly lost sight of Zuko, Aang, and Sokka as the cloud of smoke and loud shouts overtook the small clearing.
Coughing as I backed away from the smoke cloud, I bumped right into Katara as she ran away from the tree she had been tied to. Her brown eyes met mine, but the sound of Zuko stumbling out of the nearby smoke cloud drew my attention. I didn’t have time to tell Zuko the captain as the firebender ducked backwards from the thin rapier coming his way. I saw Katara take off towards the boats, and I was about to turn to follow her when the sounds of fire blasting through the air drew my attention. Zuko’s wrist was up in order to block the rapier coming towards his head. 
Sparks flew from the impact of the metals colliding. Instinctually, I moved towards the fight as Zuko angrily let out huge blasts of fire as he swung around and captured the wrist of the hand holding the rapier. I let out a water whip to hit the pirate behind the duo as he whipped the scroll Zuko had tucked into his belt. This distracted Zuko enough for the pirate to break his hands free before reengaging Zuko in the fight.
I quickly realized that the surrounding area grew awfully quiet as my ears picked up on the sound of waves nearby. Looking towards the direction of the sound, I found the pirate’s ship was brought off shore with the Avatar and his gang steering the ship. With wide eyes, I turned to tell Zuko about what I saw, but I watched him shoot a blast of fire before the pirate ducked to the side and behind Zuko. The captain yanked Zuko’s ponytail hard before Iroh pushed the two men apart.
“Are you too busy fighting,” Iroh yelled as he pointed a finger in the captain’s face. “To see your ship has set sail?”
“There’s no time for proverbs, Uncle.”
“It’s not a proverb!” I yelled and pointed at the sailing pirate boat as it sailed away. “They are leaving on the boat!”
“Fiddlesticks!” The pirate captain exclaimed as he realized his ship was sailing away. Zuko began to belly laugh at the pirate’s situation while my face paled as I realized there were no other pirates as the captain ran down the bank after his ship. Zuko’s laughter stopped as the pirate’s crew waved at us from a Fire Nation ship.
“Hey!” Zuko pointed at the Fire Nation boat. “That’s my boat!” He yelled before he started running after the boat. I fought the urge to roll my eyes as I followed behind Zuko, and Iroh followed not far behind me. We followed the boats until they fell over the waterfall at the edge of the cliff. Zuko ran to the edge of the cliff as the boats sank into the water below.
Zuko whined about the boat as he looked at the wreckage beyond the cliff while I paled at the thought of walking all the way back to the port. Iroh was breathing heavily as he recovered from running. Iroh’s pants turned into a chuckle as he put his hands in the sleeves of his robes.
“Prince Zuko,” Iroh started between his chuckles. “You’re going to find this hilarious.” I felt my heart sink to my stomach as Iroh produced a lotus pai sho tile from the inside of his sleeve. “The tile was up my sleeve the whole time!” Iroh laughed and smiled widely at his nephew, who growled before he grabbed the lotus tile from his uncle’s hand and threw it into the river below the cliff.
“Fantastic.” I let out exasperatedly with a flick of my hands. “We all had something happen today: Iroh lost his lotus tile; Zuko lost his boat—“ I had started walking back towards the port. “--And I was held hostage by pirates.”
“You were also mistaken for the other waterbender.” Zuko’s voice was monotone as he spoke as he started walking behind me. I tried to ignore the slight pang in my heart as the organ tried to determine what he meant by that. “Maybe you should start wearing Fire Nation colors more often?” My cheeks slightly burned as I looked at Zuko over my shoulder and I saw his cheeks were slightly red too.  “I’ll think about that suggestion.” I said as I threw the Prince a wink. “Now, come on, we don’t want the Avatar to get too far ahead of us.”
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disfrutalakia · 13 days
Below the cut there will be the translation of the notes Bagi posted yesterday that ak!bagi has been taking.
                        TIMELINE OF THE THINGS I DISCOVERED:
(probably – almost sure- the events are still in the wrong order, I will fix it with time!)
Bia and Jota were friends since they were young
2004 – The “disaster from 20 years ago” happens (maybe the thousand dead from the hole?)
1000 dead in the hole at the island we found, it was an old mine and it was explored until there was nothing left (FIRST TIME THEY FOUND THE MASK CAVE)
Grew up
Jota’s family dies under suspicious circumstances (in a fire that didn’t have ashes and they didn’t find the bodies) (FIX POSITION IN THE TIMELINE)
Bia (?) used to stay at the house by the city hall side, saying words in different unknow languages and the people created rumors about the scary things that were happening there. (for example, a mysterious fire in the houses)
Mayor Jota goes overseas (FIX THE POSITION IN THE TIMELINE)???
Jota and Bia begin to hate each other
Bia begins to be accused of witchcraft by everyone.
2016 – Jota is elected mayor (FIX POSITION IN THE TIMELINE)
2020 – More than 100 people (residents? visitors?) die from stomachache in a type of intoxication (maybe they died because they refused to wear the masks? In theory at this point of the timeline the masks “didn’t exist/weren’t used” but it’s a possibility)
Jota tries to learn languages very different from the common (like Bia, maybe trying to learn the same type of “magic” that she knows)
Island residents receive the “masks”, and the mayor asks that everyone wear them for their own protection (FOR WHAT REASON DID THEY ONLY MADE USE OF THE MASKS NOW? JOTA LEARNED TO USE MAGIC AT THIS POINT? MAYBE HE FOUGHT WITH BIA BECAUSE SHE WANTED TO STOP HIM?)
Bia is “exiled” from the island – event more interpreted as Bia being rejected, hated and despised by everyone in Valigma (because of the mayor?)
IMPORTANT DETAIL ABOUT BIA: known in the city for being a troublemaker and causing too much trouble… but for what reason did she do that? Vengeance? Bothering to make the people go against the mayor? Delay the mayor for some kind of plan? Is she trying to get OUR attention???
The masks have difference expressions/feelings. There are masks of different colors (Bia = pink, factory owner = blue, etc)
Alice said that she feels “comfortable” with the mask – maybe the mask represents how she feels? Or it makes her feel protected because she has an idea of why she wears it? Is she being controlled or manipulated to say those things? (poor thing…)
I believe the masks might be used for one of two things: 1. To stop the Valigma residents from dying/getting sick because of the contamination of the city (in this case the mask would have some kind of protection spell?) or 2. To get the Valigma residents with some kind of ancestral magic that is present in those caves, maybe to have control of all the Valigma residents in some way? But one thing is clear: the mask is directly involved with the magic and rituals that Bia already knew and that Jota was/is trying to learn.
I tried to take off Quel’s mask (Bia’s mask) and I COULDN’T. Is it stuck forever after you put it on?
“I hope the mayor knows what he is doing” – Who wrote that?
Pay attention to when I receive information from Hugo and remember to NOT reveal their identity to anybody
Everyone in Valigma has one!
Residents wear them by order of the mayor Jota.
Are used for “protection” of who is wearing it – Have spells on them?
Even the residents that are not in Valigma were wearing masks! For example, the ones in the docks that got our tickets to the boat, the captain, Bia, etc (THIS MEANS THAT EVERY VALIGMANO >HAS< TO WEAR THEM? – for what reason?)
They vary in expressions and some in color (pink, blue and that horrible re one from the banker) (THE COLOR AND EXPRESSION ARE TIED TO THE FEELINGS AND HIERARCHY OF THE WEARER?)
Red masks: any “neutral” mask can go red depending on the situation? Or the one from the banker didn’t change colors and he actually changed masks? – The eye turned red too!
They are similar to the expressions/symbols at the wall of the mines cave – place where their design was born (and power right, if there is one)
Is there somebody in Valigma who never wore the mask and IS ALIVE?
Are the masks a way of escaping the “punishment” from the earth for exploring the resources in a predatory way?
The main question is: in the deep part of the mine there is a place with a cauldron and some potions. Would that be the place where the magic was used for the first time? Or the place where it was discovered?
The factory is involved with the magic USE part? – They don’t look directly connected until no, even if both sides are suspect as hell. The factory looks like it’s being used to “keep” this magic? (TAKE MORE PICTURES AND INVESTIGATE THE INTERIOR – DO IT IN SILENCE BECAUSE OTHERS WERE CAUGHT INVADING BEFORE)
Remember to take a invisibility potion (my old friend) and some books! Stealing a gun would be important too
The masks could have been created as a combination of technology from the factory and the magic that the earth had in it’s depths.
In this hypothesis, there would be an explanation of the motive that took them SO MANY years for the masks to be created, because it was necessary machinery to extract the power of the earth + transform it in a technology that could be used by the Valigma residents (the masks)
Bia would have been a strong opposition to mayor Jota, since she probably knew of magic e was even a defender of the power that the earth had. In a situation like that, the mayor and the factory wouldn’t be the “villain” because they were only trying to make the city survive in some way, and neither would Bia be the “villain” because she was trying to protect what she believed in and maybe the cost of that would be the Valigma residents paying with their lives for the predatory exploration their ancestors made.
In all of this, the mayor’s family could have died in a failed attempt of the mayor Jota of manipulating the magic inside his house since Bia refused to help (because she knew his intentions)
Guess 2
Bia was responsible for bringing magic to Valigma and that might have caused a collapse.
In an attempt of solving the problem, the owner of the factory worked in some kind of technology to use or even neutralize the magic – that would explain the good relationship between the mayor and the owner of the factory and the horrible relationship between him and Bia, even more if Bia is involved somehow in the death if mayor J’s family.
That huge machinery in the factory is full of “purple energy” is extracting/removing energy (or magic) of Valigma’s soil?
Would that explain the different mask colors?
Bia = pink
Factory owner = blue
Would they be different sides of a conflict? In this case, would the mayor and the city at th side of the factory owner in this conflict?
IN BOTH POSSIBILITIES, all of this started for the same reason: they tried to extract too much from the mines and from the earth, and messed with something they shouldn’t.
Who is the true villain behind the contamination of Valigma? The factory or the supposed rituals?
There is a problem in all of that… A question without answer. For what reason mayor Jota wants so bad to learn magic? The same magic that took the life of his family and made the Valigma residents miserable…
I will have to ask
(don’t die!)
Speak with the mayor and ask for answers about his study of languages and the use of this magic, rituals and the things that he supposedly tried to manipulate by following Bia’s footsteps
Invade the factory to find details about how it works
Use the permission that Jorge gave me to investigate the police archives
Look for more details about the death of mayor jota’s family
Get a sample of the water from the lake for analysis and think of a possible antidote in case the contamination proves to be fatal
Get an animal and use as a test subject, giving it water from the lake. I will also test it in some plants. If it doesn’t work, try to find a human subject that is not wearing a mask (POSSIBILITY OF DEATH)
Verify the situation of the health of the grave keeper Gomez in the next days, because he drank some of the water from the toilet in Bira’s bar (he should be fine since he uses the mask) Do not encourage other resident to do the same because it may get in the way of the experiment. Just the subject Gomez may have ingested the water to be sure that the problem is in the water or to confirm that protection from the contamination is on the mask.
LOOK FOR BIA RAUX. She is the oly one who has the answers.
Do not die.
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samieree · 1 year
Banished Heimdall x Reader (Goddess of Nature)
(Request from wattpad) The part where Kratos spared Heimdall. Well let's say he did spare him and he came back to Odin to report what happened but the gjallarhorn was stolen and Odin banished him to Midgard and did the same spell like Freya had. And for years being stuck in Midgard, there he meet the reader who is actually the Goddess/Mother Nature, melting the snows and creating flowers for the end of Fimbulwinter.
Several years have passed since Odin banished Heimdall to Midgard for losing the Gjallarhorn. But he still didn't accept this fact, and exile did not soften his character at all. The winter didn't help much either. Luckily it was finally coming to an end.
Heimdall was tired of wearing thick fur. He definitely preferred the climate in Asgard, his clothes and peace there. And now he had to take care of himself, and it was driving him crazy. Especially at the beginning, ugh... He doesn't even want to think about it. He shouldn't live in the past.
He was just coming back to his house, grumbling about how he hates this world and this winter better be over because... Okay, he doesn't know what he's going to do, but it better be the end of this cold weather. Though... Then he'd have to boat across Lake of Nine and row, so maybe the cold wasn't so bad after all...
"Stop!" He heard a scream but ignored it. He continued walking forward, still focused on complaining. At least until some vines suddenly sprouted from the ground in front of him. "Are you deaf?"
"Are you looking for trouble?" Irritated, he turned to the place where the voice came from and was clearly surprised.
You were standing a few feet in front of him. With a slight smile on your face, dressed in a fairly light outfit, considering the weather. But... The aura around you looked like spring. Your hands emanated pleasant magic, and the smile itself seemed to melt the snow that was no longer around you at all. Nature was beginning to come back to life, green grass sprouted from under the snow, and the scent of flowers slowly began to fill the air.
You've met each other before, when he happened to be on a mission in Midgard. And it seemed like your character has stayed the same ever since. And he won't admit it, but... The aura you spread around you calmed him down and warmed his heart.
"Be careful, don't step on my flowers." You said, drawing back the vines that were blocking his path. You just finished that meadow and it was about to get trampled by some bitter guy.
"Do you really think I care?" Okay, maybe not the usual bitter guy, because as he turned to walk away you saw his shining eyes. And you've only known one person with eyes like that - other than einherjers, but they've been gone for a while.
So it had to be Heimdall. Very dissatisfied with having to be where he is.
"Respect nature and it will respect you." You followed him, and with you spring aura, letting the world know that it's time to wake up from winter sleep.
"I don't need it. Go plant your flowers elsewhere."
"I seem to have planted quite a few around your house. I thought there were some people living there, otherwise I probably wouldn't be so nice." You said half-jokingly, clearing the snowdrifts from your path with one snap of your finger.
"You did- WHAT?! Who asked you for this?!"
"Do you have to ask for gifts?" You replied, tilting your head slightly and aligning your step with him. "I don't think that's what it's about..." You smiled and extended your hand towards him with a flower in your hand.
"I don't want any weeds." He took off his coat and draped it over his shoulder as it was actually starting to get warm.
You rolled your eyes at those words and ran in front of him, now walking backwards but facing him. You were still holding a beautiful flower in your hands, flower with large, white petals for now.
"Look." You ran your free hand over the flower and its petals began to change colour. In shades of pink, purple and blue. Its stem took on a white colour with golden accents. You smiled wider and extended your hand to him, offering this newly created plant. "Here, this is for you. It looks like you." Heimdall stopped suddenly, and so did you.
No one has ever been so insistent about giving him a gift. In general, no one ever even wanted to give him a gift... It was even... A nice feeling.
In order not to lose his image, he sighed a martyrdom before taking the plant from you, the petals of which matched the colours of his eyes. As he took the flower, your hands touched for a moment. Your skin was very smooth and radiated a warmth Heimdall didn't know, but he could tell with certainty that it was pleasant.
"And what am I supposed to do with it?" He asked, examining the plant carefully.
"Plant. Need help?" You asked as you started walking back towards Heimdall's house. "You could plant a vegetable garden. Oh, or orchard!" You smiled at that thought. Walking with him towards his house, you kept doing your job along the way, here and there stimulating more plants to grow.
"Do I look like a gardener to you?" He grunted, his eyes focused on the flower. This small gesture somehow warmed his heart, which was especially aching after the things that had happened to him.
"I'd help you." You suggested. "Of course, when I'm done with spring." You added, walking over to him.
You reached your hand towards his face, but he immediately pulled away. He knew what you wanted to do and he absolutely did not want to let it happen. I will look like an idiot. You froze with your hand next to his face.
"What a favour from Y/n, the great goddess of nature." He said it with a hint of mockery in his voice. "Why do you want to help me?"
"I have a soft spot for things that need fixing." You said honestly. He would know anyway if you lied.
"I'm not broken."
"Aren't you?"
Isn't he? He didn't know himself. And what does a not broken person look like? Behaves? Lives?
He was always lonely, even when he was surrounded by people. Even if he was in bed with someone, even if there was a family meeting. He always felt alone, as if no one cared about him, he meant nothing to anyone and the only value he had was what he was doing for his world. And now he didn't even have that. He lived from day to day, but he had no purpose. He just existed.
He sighed softly, then nodded slightly. After that small gesture, you gave him another warm smile and finally moved your hand. You touched his hair and tucked a flower like the one you gave him behind his ear.
"It suits you." You said, placing your hand on his cheek for a moment longer and it cost him all his stubbornness not to snuggle into it and it's warmth.
The warmth of sincere sympathy, caring, interest. Something he had never known, and it was an unfamiliar but pleasant feeling. And maybe, just maybe, he would like to experience it even more.
"Like a wreath suits a cow." He grunted, but there was no such obvious malice in his voice. "Can we go now or are you going to put so much weed in my hair that I'll never get it out?" Saying this, he started walking towards his house again and you followed him.
"I'll take them out, you don't have to worry." You said.
"Oh, and you think that I'm going to let you do that?"
"If you let me put a flower in your hair, you'll let me take it out." You answered with a wide smile, walking with him arm in arm and spreading your spring aura around you here and there.
Damn, she's right.
-> general masterlist -> God of War: Ragnarök masterlist
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Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern have been summoned to Elsinore by Claudius. He and Queen Gertrude, wish for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to glean what sudden sway of madness has affected Hamlet. The duo sets out to achieve their task, meeting a ragged troupe of players along the way. Brief glimpses of scenes from Hamlet show the trials and tribulations of the royals; our two heroes are largely left in a state of waiting. They pass the time playing games, posing questions, and tossing coins, until they gradually realize that their fates have been taken out of their own hands. They are merely characters in a larger story in which they have no say.
Antigone: After Oedipus' self-exile, his sons Eteocles and Polynices engaged in a civil war for the Theban throne, which resulted in both brothers dying fighting each other. Oedipus' brother-in-law and new Theban ruler Creon ordered the public honoring of Eteocles and the public shaming of Thebes' traitor Polynices. The story follows the attempts of Antigone, the sister of Eteocles and Polynices, to bury Polynices, going against the decision of her uncle Creon and placing her relationship with her brother above human laws.
Propaganda under the cut!
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead:
what if we were both minor characters in Hamlet forced to die over and over again in a timeloop and we were both guys 😳. basically one of the only modern straight plays i know and its just so good!!!!!!!! Rosencratz's death monolouge gets me everytime
This play is for people that love Shakespeare, but also love weird shit. It somehow offers really insightful commentary on stories and fate and purpose while also feeling like a fever dream.
an existential and brilliant deconstruction of hamlet
it’s good 
Hamlet fanfic involving the game of questions and frequently not being on boats.
No, I'm tired sorry
waiting for godot meets hamlet. best of both worlds
A heartbreaking examination of the archetype “tragedy” — the knowledge that, essentially, the characters are doomed from the beginning, and cannot escape their fates, the inescapable feeling that they’re simply characters in a story. RAGAD treats the genre with comedy and makes two seemingly meaningless characters into an everyone’s favorite duo.
what if we were doomed by the narrative and flipped coins and licked feet and hid in barrels and hung out with a suspicious actor troupe who eventually turns against us and also we have to figure out what's up with hamlet because claudius told us to? and we were both boys? just kidding! ....unless?
I know the whole thing off by heard and I’ve never been in it. Does that count. Also it deserves to win because of what the awful awful film did to it.
Extremely seminal and powerful.
Play of all time. That is all. 
A play from the 5th century BCE that’s still resonant today
something about the worst punishment not being death but rather being forced to live on in a world that has already spurned you. something about sisterhood. something about "too late, too late, you see what justice means"
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lesbianshepard · 2 years
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Mother of the Gracchi brothers! Highly intelligent and influential woman who educated her sons and helped shape their political careers. OG Roman MILF
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Catullus' "Lesbia" Wealthy and highly educated woman who had a talent for poetry (none survives :( ) Cicero hated her and called her "the Medea of the Palatine" (huge W for Clodia) Known for taking many lovers and accused of incest with her own brother (Catullus did not take the breakup well)
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The first (real) woman to appear on Roman coinage. Married to Marc Antony (her third husband) and very involved in politics. Cassius Dio wrote "the following year Publius Servilius and Lucius Antonius nominally became consuls, but in reality it was Antonius and Fulvia. She, the mother-in‑law of Octavian and wife of Antony, had no respect for Lepidus because of his slothfulness, and managed affairs herself, so that neither the senate nor the people transacted any business contrary to her pleasure." Plutarch wrote "Fulvia wished to rule a ruler and command a commander and she schooled Antony to obey women." (marc antony is into femdom he's just like me fr fr) Acted as both a political and military leader.
Agrippina the Younger:
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One of the most powerful of the Julio-Claudian women and a big influence on behind the scenes politics. Mother of Nero by her first husband. Was exiled for a conspiracy to assassinate her brother Caligula, but later returned. May have poisoned her second husband in order to marry the Emperor Claudius. She was the one to convince Claudius to name Nero heir, instead of Claudius' own son. May have poisoned Claudius in order to make Nero emperor. Ruthless, ambitious, and domineering #girlboss. Fave moment was when Nero engineered a boat designed to sink specifically to assassinate her. She swam to shore, realized her shitty son had tried to kill her (again), and wrote a letter to him letting him know that she had survived a terrible accident by divine fortune.
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Third wife of Claudius and hugely influential, directly responsible for the execution of several people and tried to get young Nero assassinated so that her own son would have the throne. Hated Agrippina for obvious reasons. Executed for a conspiracy to assassinate Claudius. Pliny wrote a famous (and certainly fake) story of her challenging a famous prostitute to see who could sleep with the most men in one night. (Messalina won at 25)
Julia the Elder:
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Augustus once famously remarked that he had two difficult daughters: Rome and Julia. Married off by her father several times, all for political reasons. Clashed with her controlling father on many occasions about her spending, behavior, etc. Augustus passed laws making adultery a crime and then had to exile her for adultery (after killing and exiling her lovers) She was popular with the Roman people, who petitioned for her recall from exile, and was known for her kindness, intelligence, and wit. She never returned to Rome, and died in exile.
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Wife of Augustus and first Roman empress. One of, if not the, the most powerful and influential women in the early Roman Empire. iirc she was the first woman to be deified. Cassius Dio wrote "Livia was destined to hold in her lap even Caesar's power and to dominate him in everything."
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A skilled orator, best known for her public speech given in the forum in protest of a tax put on women to fund the civil war after the assassination of Caesar. She was successful, reducing the number of women taxed down to 400, with new taxes on men being levied to make up the difference. (Using this image of a fresco from Pompeii because there's, surprisingly, no art I can find of her from a google search)
Empress Theodora
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Byzantine empress. She was the daughter of a bear trainer and an actress, and worked as an actress and prostitute in her youth. Married the Emperor Justinian and became his advisor, preforming jobs that were usually only done by the emperor (receiving envoys and corresponding with foreign rulers) and helped pass laws for women's rights.
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mamadarama · 3 months
Off topic from previous ask but you ever look at how ridiculour Madara's stats are? You telling me this guy is born and he's just physically gifted strong? Tall? Buff? Okay whatever... Next you know he can play multiple instruments and it's the least you expect of him. Him playing a cello??? Violin??? Okay he can't get any more ridiculous right— he's fluent in multiple languages, English only being one of them. You're telling me this guy likely knows my mother tongue because our language is just somewhat up there in the list of languages japanese people learn. You're telling me he'll take me anywhere and boom he goes "yeah I speak the local language I can read this Chinese menu for you. Italian? Piece of cake. Norwegian? Ahh a little hard but (speaks fluently)". And then you learn about his multiple seacraft and aircraft licenses like my man can drive a MILITARY HELICOPTER?.??????? A BOAT???? YOU'RE 20 WHEN DID YOU HAVE THE TIME TO DO THIS???? (Then again I haven't been able to access his older stories so there might be a mention where he was just taught to as a kid of the Yakuza whatever. And you remember this man, out of all things, is an IDOL. He's a solo one too and a fairly decent one at that, enough to hate being compared to because he's skilled. HOW DOES HE HAVE THE TIME FOR THIS. YOU'RE NOT EVEN 20. Okay he might be barely 20 now BUT STILL.??? HE'S RIDICULOUS. DONT GET ME STARTED ON BEING A SUCCESSOR OF ONE OF THE 5 ECCENTRICS REI MOTHERFUCKING SAKUMA... He's... An explosive...
- Madara yume anon 🍀
OK SO HERES THE THING WITH THAT. obviously hes a swiss army knife of a man, jack of all trades, etc that much is clear. but its fully his choice to be this way. some stuff is coincidental of course, like his body type is just like that (although he does still work out) and some of his skills he learned as a necessity of being kanatas caretaker/bodyguard (martial arts probably, smuggling magazines for kanata to read), and traveling alone as much as he does, being fluent in multiple languages is not optional. but then theres stuff like operating heavy machinery.... and fighting with weapons... and basically everything else. why would he need any of that? well thing is, he hates himself. his self worth is entirely reliant on his ability to be useful to other people .
when you have a long term relationship with someone, especially if it spans a part of both your childhoods, you grow into each other like a skin graft. if one person is cut away from the other because theyre unable to be there for some reason, the place they occupied will eventually heal over.... and when they come back, there will no longer be a place for them. theyre replaced by new skin, or something like that. like, when madara was exiled and forced away from kanata, he eventually met chiaki, who filled every role madara used to fill (including the one in his family— i believe chiaki and madaras mother are on good terms but dont quote me on that i dont remember where i got it from) and when he managed to get back to japan, he was superfluous, which is a fate worse than death to him. so he learns how to do anything and everything, hoping that at some point one of his skills will be useful to someone and hell have a reason to live again.
tldr; madara knows how to do so much on purpose because the more things he can do, the more opportunities there are for being able to help people. and the more obscure skills he knows, the more irreplaceable he becomes, safeguarding him from becoming unneeded in his friends lives despite his constant absence .
as for the successor thing we still dont really know what rei means by that, cuz according to ritsu madara has been coming over their house for "successor business" for years, even before the war (i think) so it very well could have absolutely nothing to do with idol stuff . maybe its just an excuse to have crazy gay sex idk lol
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magicalrocketships · 10 months
Random fic ask i just made up: What is the nearest book to you right now, or what is the last movie you watched, and what would a fic based on that book/movie look like?
Any ship you want, and drawing however heavily or lightly on the plot of the book/movie as you want 😊
What a marvellous random fic ask you just made up. I'm just going to press pause on what I was actually going to talk about in this post and just circle around to the thing I've actually just been watching, which is ANOTHER detective show where the serious and methodical detective is derailed by being partnered (officially or unofficially) by a extrovert sometime-confidence-trickster who trades in being liked.
All I'm saying is (obvs acab) so let's throw this one BACK IN TIME, say the 1950s, and make Max a PRIVATE DETECTIVE somewhere around Monaco and have Daniel fall into his path as a bit of a playboy with a series of richer friends and girlfriends who kind of pay his way, and nobody really minds that Daniel can't afford to be in their set, because everyone loves him. Daniel's a bit bored, but he's got to keep in with the crowd who pay his way, and then there is a MYSTERIOUS DEATH at a club, and MAX shows up to investigate on behalf of some rich relative of the dead guy, and the whole time he's trying to investigate, there's this handsome vaguely hungover guy who keeps hanging around and asking questions and being annoying and getting in his way, but who actually gets doors open for Max because Max can't be bothered playing nice and he doesn't know the right people.
Daniel, fascinated by this single-minded, sometimes rude Dutch guy who always wears a variation of the exact same off-the-peg suit, and who is sharply focused on getting to the bottom of the death at the club, and Daniel finds himself blowing off his friends and the current divorcee paying his way in order to track possible leads through the back streets, and breaking into a YACHT and spending three hours cramped in a tiny room trying to listen to an illegal card game through the wall, and the whole time Max is pressed up against him, his breath warm against Daniel's throat, and Daniel's hand just settles on the curve of Max's ass, and Max trembles a little beneath his touch but they have to focus on the MYSTERIOUS DEATH and not on the way Daniel's lifelong need to be close to men is suddenly thrown into sharp focus.
And maybe it turns out that it's someone in Daniel's set, and Daniel's faced with the choice between telling the truth to Max or lying and saving his friend, and he chooses his Max and his rich friends exile him from their group. So it's just Daniel, trailing after Max, and Max takes him to this boat moored in a harbour down the coast, and it's small and familiar and private, and it's Max's, and it's where he goes when he's not working a case. And he takes the boat out to sea and makes a very boring lunch of soup and bread, and Daniel's sunbathing in small shorts, and they eat lunch and then Max, impulsively, leans over and presses his mouth to Daniel's. Daniel beams like the sun, and kisses him back.
Also, each subsequent mystery is just focused on someone else on the grid, like the mysterious death of Fernando's extremely rich wife, (Lance in the wings with his alibi and a lot more money than Fernando's wife) or George being framed for the death of the controlling partner in his law firm, eventually exonerated by photographer Alex, or the one with the BEES and the mysterious German guy who owns them. Saving unlucky Charles from always being in the wrong place in the wrong time, except this time he's discovering the body by tripping over it and finding the murder weapon stashed in his apartment. OH GOD maybe Charles is the Prince of Monaco. Anyway, whatever. And each mystery ends with Max and Daniel out on their boat, Daniel in a series of tinier and tinier shorts, Max with his gin and tonic and Daniel with a ridiculous cocktail, Max flushed with the sun and Daniel not regretting any of his choices in leaving his old life behind to solve mysteries with Max.
Please note that at no point in this ask did I refer to the rather lengthy Sweet Home Alabama AU plot I forced Sarah to listen to last week, which got out of hand and got too angsty and where I left it, Daniel was in hospital for the second time and Max was following him half way across the world and nobody was even mentioning divorce, so that went well. Two thumbs up to that.
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taldigi · 2 months
Okay, here we go- Persona 4 Arcana Swap Persona Ideas! This is going to be long.
Fool!Chie - Tokoyo
Tokoyo is a young woman who is known for slaying an undersea beast. When her father was exiled by the emperor, Tokoyo goes to to find and help him, but when her efforts are unrewarded, she decides to pray at a local shrine and get some rest. However, this leads her to find a priest about to push a young girl into the sea. When confronting him, he explains that if the locals do not offer a sacrifice, a sea monster will batter their island home with intense waves and storms. Unfettered by this statement, she hands the priest a letter to give to her father in case she doesn’t make it, sticks a knife between her teeth, and dives into the water. She finds a statue of the emperor and decides to carry it up. When face to face with the sea monster, she successfully kills it and hauls both the statue and sea monster’s body above sea. The statue was magically connected with the emperor and when she hauled the statue out of the water, he was healed of a mysterious ailment. As thanks, he allows her and her father to reunite.
High Priestess!Yosuke - Nezumi-Kozo
Nezumi-Kozo was a famed thief in Japan’s history, with some coining him similar to Goemon and Robin Hood. He was immortalized in his efforts through kabuki theatre, jidaigeki, and pop culture in general. After his death, many pilgrims chipped away his headstone for charms, it had to be replaced multiple times. As you stated, Yosuke is not very well liked by the people in Inaba and yearns for an exciting and fulfilling life, and a thief could refer to such a desire and his legacy being carried out in pop culture and entertainment could also call back to Yosuke’s musical interests.
Emperor!Yukiko - Shuten-Dōuji
As previously stated in the Plan-B paragraph, Shuten-Dōuji is a famed oni, with a penchant for alcohol and saké. He had a multitude of underlings, all with a range of different abilities, such as shapeshifting. He was decapitated by Minamoto-No-Raikō, but still tried to bite him, which he avoided by wearing multiple helmets. Since I didn’t know much about Yukiko in this AU, I decided to go off of Kanji’s personas and go for something feared by many.
Lovers!Teddie - Utsurobune
Literally meaning “empty/hollow boat” Utsurobune was a strange object that floated to the shores of the Hitachi Province in 1803. It contained a young woman who wasn’t able to speak Japanese and was unable to communicate with anyone. Certain ufologists believe that it was an encounter with extraterrestrial life. Teddie feels empty, so his persona’s name is just “empty boat” and the young woman’s inability to speak and communicate with others properly can refer to Teddie being hesitant to properly communicate his true feelings.
Star!Yu - Momotaro
Momotaro is a well known and popular Japanese folktale, about a boy who was born from a peach who teams up with a monkey, dog, and bird to defeat the Oni on Onigashima. If Yu takes up Teddie’s role, that means three characters will fall into the TV, where he will team up with them to defeat the big bad lurking somewhere in the TV World. Pretty simple and self explanatory.
You're so good at this what the heck-
I'm particularly charmed by momotaro. I think that's so fitting.
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
hellooooo!! i would like to drop a request for your follower event please!!
i’ve been seeing all the mermaid AUs and wanted to hop on that bandwagon. but the reader (gender neutral) is the mermaid instead of the clone. so gender neutral mermaid reader with human gregor please! something cute and romantic!!!<3
Up Where They Walk
Summary: It’s been years since King Neptune banned all merpeople from venturing to the surface. Contact with humans is punishable by exile. But you’ve never been very good at following the rules.
Pairing: Captain Gregor x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1740
Warnings: None
Prompt: Mermaid AU
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So, as I wrote this, I was picturing a Little Mermaid AU, where Ariel accepted Ursula's gift and never returned to the sea. Because she was never in love with Prince Eric, so much as human culture as a whole. King Neptune, thinking that the humans stole his youngest daughter, forbade contact with the humans in his grief.
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You’ve been a journalist since you were a teenager. You started with writing stories at school, cute little stories about the school sports team or the choir. 
Nice little feel-good stories that your classmates can bring home to their parents.
As you aged, your stories became much less cute.
Your first real story was about the growing drug epidemic that was going untreated in Atlantis. Your second story was about King Neptune’s growing paranoia towards the surface-dwellers.
The second story puts you squarely under the King’s microscope.
Oh, everything you wrote was completely factual. But people don’t often question the King’s decisions, and your article meant that many people started to question his rulings.
Because of this scrutiny, you really should be more careful.
You should stay within the bounds of the King’s directives. 
That would be the smart thing to do.
But, no one’s ever accused you of being overly smart.
And so tonight, just like every night, you slip out of your home and swim out of Atlantis. You swim around the ship graveyard and then swim up.
Higher, higher, and higher, until you reach the surface.
It takes you a moment to gain your bearings, and then you turn and swim to shore. You give the fishing village a wide berth and swim until you reach the pier.
Specifically one of the houseboats located at the end of the row of bobbing boats.
The ship is called The Starburst, and its Captains name is Gregor. You toss a small rock at a closed window and watch as the door opens, and Gregor steps onto the deck.
He looks around for a moment, then a bright smile crosses his face as his gaze lands on you. Gregor walks over to you and crouches on the deck, “I didn’t think you were coming tonight,” He says.
“Have I ever missed a date?” You counter with an easy grin, “It took me a bit longer to ditch my babysitter than normal.”
Gregor frowns and reaches down to take your hands. Effortlessly, as though you weigh nothing, he lifts you onto the deck and settles you next to him.
You shimmy so that your tail isn’t in the water anymore, just in case someone from Atlantis comes poking around, and you gratefully accept the blanket that he offers you.
“The King is cracking down on you?” Gregor asks concern written clearly on his face and in his voice.
“He knows I’m doing something illegal, but he has no proof. And if he exiles me, or throws me in prison, without proper proof he’ll be thrown out of the throne faster than you can blink.” You reply, “I am a journalist, after all.”
The concerned look doesn’t fade, “Maybe we should stop these dates for a while?” 
“That’s sweet, Gregor.” You turn to him and reach out to press your hands against his cheeks, “But I’m not afraid of the King.”
“I thought you said that he’s the most powerful magic user in Atlantis.”
“Oh, he is.” You agree.
“So maybe you should be afraid of him?”
“Gregor,” You lightly stroke his cheek, “You’re worth it to me.”
His dark eyes scan your face, and then Gregor sighs and presses his hands over your cheeks, his warm hands sliding across the scales that sit high on your cheekbones. “I’m flattered.” He finally says with a soft laugh.
“You should be. I’m a catch, Gregor.”
“Mm, I believe it.” One of his arms moves to wrap around your waist, and he pulls you closer until your chest is pressed flush against his. “And you went and let me catch you, I’m a lucky man.”
“Yes,” You agree with a growing grin, “You are.” You tilt your head back slightly, and Gregor immediately leans in and catches your lips with his.
Kissing Gregor is always a treat. His lips and tongue are warm, and he always tastes of something sweet. He once admitted to you that he likes to eat a piece of candy before you arrive, in the hopes that you’ll kiss him more.
Every inch of him is warm, you can’t help but press yourself closer to him as you kiss, trying to absorb all of his warmth. Not that he seems to mind, as his hands dip under the blanket he wrapped you in to slide against the smooth skin of your back, and the rougher scales of your upper tail. 
You allow your hands to slide under the hem of his shirt to rest on his stomach, and Gregor releases a noise that you’d call a mix of a moan and a groan. 
He breaks the kiss, pulling a noise of dismay from your lips, “You’re going to be the death of me, cyare.” Gregor mumbles as his lips move to settle on the skin on your neck.
“I’m not doing anything.” You counter innocently as you slide your hands higher up his stomach to settle just over his ribs.
Gregor groans again, “Would you like me to take my shirt off?” He asks, his gaze heated.
“Mm, more than anything.” You admit, “But you probably shouldn’t.”
Gregor stares at you for a moment, and then swiftly peels his shirt off and tosses it to the side, “I’ll stop you before we go too far,” He promises, and he’s rewarded with you lightly pushing him onto his back, your hands wandering across the planes of skin now exposed to you.
He laughs when you lower your head to press a kiss just over his heart, his hand coming up to caress your cheek.
You favor him with a bright smile, “I love you, Gregor.”
His smile is blinding, and then he tugs you so that you’re half laying over him and he pulls you down so that his lips are pressed against yours once more. “Love you too,” He murmurs against your lips. “If you could stay until sunrise, I’d show you just how much.”
You smile at him, “Maybe someday.” You whisper.
“Once your King gets over himself,” Gregor agrees, “But I’m a patient man, I can wait.” And then he pulls your lips down to meet his again, and any more talking becomes pointless.
After all, you both know how you feel about each other and you’d both rather spend what little free time you have together showing each other how you feel, rather than talking about it.
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The following day, a little after lunchtime, you’re summoned to the Palace.
King Neptune looks smug, and you can’t help but scowl at him. “If you’re here to nag me about the article that I’m writing,” You start, “The housing crisis is just that, a crisis!”
The King inclines his head in agreement, “It is a crisis, and it’s one that I’ve been working on. Your articles about the crisis have helped a lot with my negotiations. You are here, journalist, because you’ve been breaking the law.”
Your scowl deepens.
“Traveling to the surface has been forbidden since before you were born.” The King says, “And yet, you travel to the surface every night, for hours.”
You lift your chin, “And I have for well over a year. What of it?”
“Travel to the surface is punishable by exile.” The King reminds you.
You glare at him, “They are our closest neighbors, we should be opening dialogue with them for trade.”
“That is not for you to decide.” The King says flatly, “But if you love the surface so much, then you can live with them.”
You’re about to demand to know what he means, but you don’t have the chance as golden, painful, magic swirls around you, transforming you from a mer to a human.
You have half a second to realize that you’re drowning before there’s a second golden glow wraps around you and rips you from Atlantis. 
You’re dropped, unceremoniously, on a strip of beach not far from Gregor’s ship, wrapped in a loose tunic and tattered trousers to protect you from the harsh sun.
And there, burned into your left leg, is the word EXILE written in the mer language. 
Slowly, painfully, you push to your feet and head towards Gregor’s boat. You’re a bit unsteady on your feet, partly because you’ve never had feet before and partly because the burn on your leg hurts with every step.
Eventually, you make it to Gregor’s boat, or, well, to where his boat docks at the end of every day, and you drop onto a bench nearby. He’ll come back soon enough.
Several hours later, Gregor’s ship pulls back into his place at the pier, and he almost immediately jumps off the ship and to your side, “Cyare?” His hands, rough and calloused, press against your cheek, and then just over the burn on your leg, “What happened?”
You flash a painful smile, “I was exiled.”
“Kriff, this looks like it hurts. Have you been in the sun all day?”
“It does, and I have.” He scoops you into his arms and carries you onto his ship, bringing you below deck and setting you on a plush bed.
“Hold on, I have some aloe for the sunburn,” He says, “It’ll help with the burn. As for the brand,” He glances at it, and grimaces, “I’ll call the town doctor, he’ll be able to help I’m sure.”
“I’m sorry, Gregor.”
He pauses and shoots you a look, “For what?”
“Being a burden.”
“You’re not, you could never.” He grabs the aloe, drops it on the bedside table, and then presses his hands against your cheeks, “I love you, and I’m happy to take care of you.”
“Well, you did warn me—”
“The only person at fault for this is your King, no one else.” Gregor interrupts, “I’m happy that you’re here, even if it's not how we wanted. I’ll teach you everything you need to excel on land.”
You smile at him, adoringly. “And I can finally meet your brothers?”
“And you can meet my brothers.” He agrees, leans in kisses your forehead, and then presses a chaste kiss against your lips, “Now, I need to call the doctor, are you hungry?”
“A little bit.”
“Alright, I’ll call the doctor and then make you something to eat.” He kisses you one more time, “We’re going to be fine, cyare. You’ll see.”
You squeeze his fingers and nod agreeingly.
After all, if Gregor says it, then it must be true.
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mossymandibles · 9 months
How did Kraw's mom and dad meet? What drew them together? What was their relationship like? What did they talk about? Wait, did she even speak the same language as him? She seems pretty wild and solitary from what we've seen of her...
I haven’t honestly thought about languages and linguistics yet, if I ever do. It seems very daunting and I don’t have the brain power for it right now. For a sort of lazy aside I’d like to think the primordials have some form of common tongue that they all understand, idk what to call it yet though.
Yuna ended up solitary but she used to have a pod/matriline where she stayed with her own mother, brothers and sisters and their families. Their hierarchies are kind of like most whales. She wasn’t able to have calves of her own because of a faulty uterus but she would often help hunt for the pod, at times helping the calves of other mothers in her pod, or protecting the pod from any threats, proving herself to be very ruthless when it came to anything threatening her family.
She met Sobehk much later in life, when he found her on his wanderings after being exiled from his Rook on Zenith.
He was a prince but most found him strange, a romantic somewhat detached from reality, even somewhat immature and full of himself. His mother, the matriarch/Empress, found him to be a bit of a disappointment in terms of running things. He didn’t express any type of desire to learn politics. If he wasn’t showing off his fighting skills He would often wander off on long flights by himself, exploring or…writing very bad poetry.
He had developed a sort of obsession/fixation with the ocean. He definitely feared it, but felt drawn to what was down there because of an experience he had happening upon a leviathan in the throes of death, lying on the shore of an islet. He would spend hours looking across shorelines in search of anything that would wash up, any indication of answers for his burning curiosity.
He’d never seen a creature like Yuna before, only hearing stories about sea serpents and drakes at the edges of the world.
She was in the midst fending off two ‘whaling’ boats(merhunters/poachers), unable to dive away from them as they had several harpoons hooked into her side. She seemed to be fine on her own but Sobehk took it upon himself to help her, raking through the two boats like they were paper. Yuna didn’t stay to say thank you, but instead swam away to the nearest shore she could find, leaving a foamy trail of blood in the water. Sobehk ended up following her. She thought he was looking to pick her apart once she was dead.
He actually did think she was feral at first. He mostly wanted to observe, finding her to be graceful as well as beautiful.
Yuna, of course, was snarling and snapping the moment he decided to approach her, calling him a vulture and telling him to fuck off. (Sea drakes don’t especially care for Furies or other flyers.)
Finding out she could talk, he became even more enamored and interested and was determined to help her despite her reservations. He felt that “something as beautiful as her shouldn’t die like a hunted fox at the hands of whalers and their rusty harpoons” in his own words.
She was amused by this, and told him if he could fetch a specific kind of blood clotting kelp for her she would allow him to help. Even more amusing to her was finding out Sobehk was essentially afraid to go into the ocean despite his professed love of it.
Since they were closer to some populated islands, he ended up taking a fungal nymph doctor hostage from a nearby island village, close to where Yuna’s sea cave was. He was able to help Yuna and safely cut out the harpoons albeit nearly shitting himself the entire time.
During her recovery she stayed in her sea cave. Sobhek continued to hang around and made the mistake of impeding on her territory. There were several time that she actively tried to kill him when he would hunt for her and bring her live fish he stole from fishermen nets. Even in her weakened state she came very close to biting his head off. She distrusted him but Sobehk still seemed determined to help. Eventually he would leave the fish at the mouth of the cave and wait, safely perched nearby where he could still speak to her without being swiped or snapped at. He realized she just wanted her space/privacy. Long story short, during her recovery, Yuna eventually began to find Sobehk’s presence tolerable, realizing it was nice to have someone to converse with after so many years of keeping to herself. Where he was such a different archetype to her, she found it somewhat entertaining. His insistence to adorn and flatter her was a change of pace for sure. She did not care to be fawned over.
Yuna had never really had any lovers. Most prospects would end up avoiding her because she couldn’t bear any young and seemed cold/short tempered. After a few miscarries she would end up forgetting the whole mating thing altogether, finding it draining and redundant. I’d say her relationship with Sohbek was a sign of her settling down tbh, not that she didn’t end up caring for him in the end ofc.
I’d say they would mostly talk about their past lives, their separate cultures etc. Sobehk had thought sea drakes were just wild beasts so he was very interested to learn about her, even if she seemed reluctant to talk about herself. He would often ask tons of questions about what it was like whenever she’d make dives for hunting. (which is coincidentally what non-aquatic partners would ask Kraw a lot) the ocean was another world to him.
It wouldn’t be until towards the end of their relationship that he’d bring up eating the celestial’s flesh. Then things kind of ehhhh. Went to shit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
But hey, then comes Kraw.
I’ve wanted to draw out their meeting for a while but you know how that goes. Here’s a wip of one of the pages. I’ve been having fun drawing Yuna’s expressions and such.
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He’s so smitten over this giant mean dragon lady. “You come from the ocean?? I’m a HUGE fan.”
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firelordsfirelady · 5 months
IX. Flash of Blue
Author: @firelordsfirelady
Imagine: When Y/N—a princess of one of the Water Tribes—is told she’s leaving her tribe, she never expects that she’s to be betrothed to the Fire Lord’s son, nor was she prepared to be exiled the very day she arrived at the Fire Nation. With her life in the hands of her new fiancée, how will life change for the princess? 
Pairing: Zuko x F!Reader
Trigger warnings: arranged marriage, feelings of fear, banishment, mentions of burns/abuse, frustration, violence, betrayal
Word Count: 870
Destined to be Yin and Yang 
I own no rights to Avatar the Last Airbender or any of the characters/story.
Author’s Notes
The characters as all aged up so Zuko’s banishment happens when he’s 16 
Keep in mind I am bringing a unique world with inspiration from ATLA in their characters, some of the events that happen, bending, etc. Not many things may align or occur with what happened in the show. It’s intended that way, so I hope you enjoy it regardless.
See Y/N’s inspiration here. 
Destined to be Yin and Yang Soundtrack (YouTube)
Zuko and I trained every day for the next week or so, but I found myself struggling to focus on fighting. Zuko had grown frustrated and told me to leave if I couldn’t focus, and that’s how I found myself one afternoon standing on the deck. I watched the endless horizon of the icy sea continue without much variation.
Something deep inside my being whispered to watch the horizon for something.
“Gets boring watching the horizon, right?” I turned to find Lieutenant Jee casually walking to stand next to me. “I don’t know why the Prince insists on this mission of finding the Avatar.” The lieutenant placed his hands on the railing as he spoke his next words bitterly. “Or why he insisted on dragging us all with him.”
“You shouldn’t speak about the Prince in such a manner.” My words were stern. “I understand you’re frustrated, but you truly have no idea how much the mission means to him.” I could feel his eyes staring at the side of my head before he let out a humorless laugh.
“I did not think you’d be the one to have a soft spot for the Prince,” Jee said and my cheeks felt hot at the accusation. 
“I don’t have--” I opened my mouth to speak as a large bright beam of light lit the sky in the distance. The beam of light continued to light up the sky as Zuko came rushing over to the side of the boat. The blue light drew my attention like a moth to a flame as I was suddenly attempting to attack a stranger on a dock in a city up north. The world is void of light as I try to defend myself, but the stranger laughs as he sends a fireball my way. I collapse as the world went black as the fireball made contact with my body.
“The only settlement in that area is a small Water Tribe village in the Southern Pole territory.” When I came to, there was a damp cloth on my forehead and whispers of conversation in the room around me. “That’s where we need to go.”
“Where you think we’ll find the Avatar?” Another voice--Iroh’s--whispered.
“Because of the light?” Iroh’s final question had Zuko go quiet for a moment.
“Do you think I am imagining things?” I recognized Zuko’s voice as he sounded hurt at Iroh’s statement, and Iroh sighed heavily.
“Sometimes, the light beams we see are nothing more than celestial glimmers in the cold winter sky.” I heard Iroh shift his weight in the chair beside me. “Sometimes, caring for those who care for us is the more important option.”
“I’m not worried about her, Uncle.” Zuko’s tone was harsh, and I let out a low groan I slowly opened my eyes to let them know I was awake. Zuko was standing over the desk in my room with a map sprawled out on the surface of it. Iroh sat beside me in the chair from my desk. A bucket of water sat beside Iroh with various rags neatly folded next to the bucket. “I’m sure that was the Avatar.” 
“Take it easy, Y/N,” Iroh said as he shifted his attention to help me sit up in bed. “You gave us quite the scare.”
“Good. You’re awake.” Zuko’s voice was cold to me as he turned on his heel. “We will make haste for the Southern Water Tribe.” Without waiting for Iroh’s response, Zuko added. “Y/N, when we arrive, you need to stay on the ship. I don’t need any weaknesses when go to capture the Avatar.” With that, Zuko left the room and briskly walked away. I gave Iroh an encouraging smile and ushered him away as Zuko left.
“I’ll be okay.” Iroh gave me an apologetic smile as he left the room and closed the door behind him. A shaky breath left my lungs as I laid my head against the cool wall as I had to face reality once again.
It’s a coincidence that the beam of light was the same scenario as my dream. I ran a hand through my hair as I set the damp rag in the bucket by my bed. Something in my spirit was telling me that it wasn’t a coincidence that the beam happened as it did in my dream. I let this internal argument fill my head until I felt the familiar sensation of the anchor dropping.
Sneaking behind one of the crates on deck, I watched from a distance as the crew was lined up before Zuko. The Fire Prince slowly paced back and forth as he spoke to them in an authoritative tone.
“Our mission is to find the Avatar is vital to the future of the Fire Nation.” He stalked back down the line as he continued. “We will prove ourselves worthy to see our homes and our families again, or we will die trying.” Zuko paused to look at Iroh before turning to put on his Fire Nation helmet. The crew all followed suit and marched off the ship behind Zuko. I felt a pang in my heart at Zuko’s speech, but watched as they all marched off the ship.
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sjmgirlie · 4 months
I’ve been pondering Lucien’s character more lately and I’m beginning to think he might actually be the person to “betray” the Inner Circle.
So first of all, don’t attack me if you’re a Lucien Stan and don’t agree, because this is just a theory. Do I want Lucien to be bad? No. Lol. I don’t want anyone to be bad but Koschei, the Queens and Beron. So basically everyone we know is bad. But there is going to be someone who betrays them.
Lucien, since day one, has always been associated with a fox. Rhysand specifically said that Lucien wore a fox mask for a reason.
He’s been associated with many courts, as he took over as emissary and basically did Tamlin’s job because, well, Tamlin is literally just a beast lol. No communication skills whatsoever. So he’s good with people.
Now, he was thrown out of Autumn, saved by his brother Eris as we find out (which idk if Lucien knows this) and sent to Spring. Tamlin took him in, and then after the whole aftermath with Feyre destroying the court, he found himself at the Night Court.
This is where it starts to make sense why he might betray them. He has no alliance to them. Tbh, Lucien and Feyre are not friends at all. He knew she was lying in spring, he sent her to die as a human in the forest, she makes fun of him for the Band of Exiles name. Like they aren’t friends. Lucien is maintaining his role to have a reason to be around Elain, but he also doesn’t want to anyways. Also, Mor said he can’t be trusted even with Elain there. So what’s going on?
See, there might be a reason the Band of Exiles needs the NC. Probably to help in breaking Vassa’s curse. But other than that?
Lucien shows a lot of animosity towards Rhys and Feyre. Especially in ACOFAS. And in ACOSF, when Cassian visits the manor, Lucien asks “Are you here to give me orders?” So..
Now, Jurian as an eyeball apparently had more deduction skills than both Tamlin and Lucien combined when it came to Rhys. He knew him before, and knew he wasn’t a bad guy. That it was an act. Just as he was acting with Hybern. Will he want to betray someone he knows isn’t actually bad? Especially after he died to save Prythian? Maybe not. But for Vassa? Ya, I think he would.
Lucien is indirectly affiliated with the IC, and I don’t think SJM would ever make any actual IC member betray them. They are found family, it’s out of the cliche she likes. But Lucien? He’s in it but not really.
Could this be why Elain is avoiding him? Maybe. Will it be catastrophic? I doubt it, but it’ll be a betrayal that rocks the boat enough.
SJM has continuously reduced Lucien’s character in the books. Was he the comic relief in ACOTAR? Yes. Because, well, we needed him as a wing man since Mr. Your hair is clean was not going to get Feyre on his own. And it was also a Beauty and the Beast re-telling, with Lucien being Lumière (fire power anyone?) who also was the beast's wingman. But after that? He didn’t help Feyre when she asked, was an accomplice in her sisters being turned fae, helped in spring but then the whole travel to get to NC was just to see Elain, then after that it was just snark after snark with him.
I feel like people latched on to how Lucien was in the first book and then idk? Just didn’t see his character diminish from that? The only time he’s still the old Lucien is when he talks about vassa. Otherwise he’s just rude and annoyed IMO.
Do I want Lucien's happy ending? Of course I do. I want that for all the characters. Why wouldn't I? I'm the same as SJM, I want happy endings, even if it's cliche.
Anyways, I think Lucien is going to betray the IC.
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divine-donna · 2 years
i gave a second chance to cupid
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i’ve been listening to fifty fifty’s song “cupid” on repeat. not because i totally don’t completely relate to it or anything (i absolutely do).
but i thought it’d be cute to include what a second chance romance would be like with the hotd crew. so enjoy!! (this is by no means following the song, because that would make this post very angsty)
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ser criston cole
the two of you had to separate. criston became a knight and your lover had to leave you. you two were children then. you came to king’s landing as an adult and with a child of your own. you would begin work in the palace while your child became a close friend with the princess helaena. and it was completely random how you ran into him. you were bringing something to the queen and there he was. and when criston’s eyes met yours, you saw them melt like years ago. but the two of you pretended to not know each other at moment and you left soon after. but at night, you saw him again and he held your hand with such tenderness it almost made you weep.
“we have been apart for years. i did not expect to see you in king’s landing, ever. but i am happy that fate has allowed us to reconcile.”
daemon targaryen
daemon had a fondness for driftmark, for many reasons. one of them was you. you two were lovers long ago, lovers once. but as time passed, you two had to separate due to duties. he had to leave and he didn’t come back for a while. and when he returned with laena, you were not there either. it wasn’t until the dance did he see you. you had carved your own way, formed a small army that was well trained. and you came to pledge to rhaenyra’s claim. you were still as attractive as before.
“it is a lovely surprise to see you here, dear (y/n). how long has it been? years?...well, people change. my hair is shorter than before, i know. but it is good to have you here and to be able to spend time with you again.”
rhaenyra targaryen
being the crowned heir, the princess, the realm’s delight, made things very difficult. when it came to wanting certain relationships, she was restricted y her status to maintain a certain image and to not pursue who she really wanted. she wanted you but her marriage to laenor velaryon would not allow for it. and you were too heartbroken to see your lover with someone else. you disappeared off the face of westeros for years. and you didn’t come back until after the dance when rhaenyra sat on the throne. and when she saw you enter the great hall, she almost lept from the iron throne.
“time has treated you well, (y/n). you come richer than when we first met, a successful merchan, and with gifts. your generous spirit has no wavered, i see. come join me in my chambers after the feast.”
alicent hightower
you died. you died before the two of you could run away together. she saw you killed right before her eyes and resigned herself to a life of duty and sacrifice. alicent suffered many years without you, thinking about how happy she would have been to be with you alone. when the war ended and rhaenyra took the throne, the queen decided to show mercy. but the leader of the greens would be banished from the lands of westeros, exiled. there was a sort of pain in her heart when thinking about that, about not being alive after her children and grandchildren had been killed. but when she saw who was manning the boat to take her away, she could not believe her eyes.
“i...i had to be sure it was you. i saw you die! killed by robbers! how are you? have the gods shown mercy? did the stranger decide not to guide you into the afterlife!”
aegon targaryen
right before the greens completely crushed the blacks, you had disappeared. aegon assumed that you, his longtime lover, had been taken prisoner when the blacks took control of king’s landing. but when looking through the cells, you were nowhere to be found. he assumed you had been killed when his grandfather was and when his sister-wife had jumped out of the window. years later into his kinghood, he spots a familiar face in court: you. you don’t seem to notice him, but he notices you. and that you’re dressed up in nice silks and with jewels and rings.
“it has been a long time (y/n). where have you been? i had the every inch of the red keep searched to find you, even a body. even all throughout king’s landing. and nothing. but here you are now, in front of me.”
aemond targaryen
becoming a successful war general required sacrifices. he had to sacrifice his devotion to you for the sake of his brother’s throne, even if he didn’t deserve it. you were too heartbroken and ran back to your home, disappeared from the war. during the nights, aemond would wonder where you were, what you were doing, what you were wearing, if you were reading and sleeping enough. no matter how much attention his betrothed tried to get from him, floris baratheon got none. and eventually, she died during the war. an unfortunate tragedy. but years later, he still wondered about you. sure he took lovers on occasion, but they didn’t last for long. that was until one day, when a rising vassal house under the lannisters entered the great hall, aemond saw you. you saw him too, but paid him no mind despite the fact that the only man who had your heart had aged like fine wine.
“(y/n), it has been a long time. i see that time has been rather kind to you....of course i have many questions. but now is not the time to ask, not during my nephew’s name day feast. see me in my room later so we can catch up.”
helaena targaryen
the world has changed. a woman ascending to the iron throne shook up the social rules of westeros. being banished from westeros was not as bad as it seemed to be. helaena just wished that you, her lover from long ago, were with her. it was quite lonely to be traveling, but she was making a decent living working at an inn. why had you disappeared? where had you disappeared to? she asked herself these questions as she worked. but when she went down to the market, she saw the face of someone familiar shucking oysters and asking her if she would like to try one.
“these oysters...they’re good. and fresh. i think the inn could use a few of these. you should come over some time. our food is quite good actually.”
jacaerys velaryon
the two of you were not meant to be. at least when you first saw each other. two opposite sides of a war. jace found it suitable that the two of you not interact. it made perfect sense. your family pledged fidelity to the greens and by default, that was who you were aligned with. he hadn’t seen you for years. the battle for the iron throne was rough but his mother won, sitting on the chair that controls the entirety of the continent. and he was the prince, her crowned heir. it’s been years since then. running courts is quite tiresome. but who enters the great hall but you, having ascended to take over your house for the time being.
“welcome (y/n). i presume you are here to give us your grievances. please know you can talk to me. anytime, anywhere.”
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Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern have been summoned to Elsinore by the king, Claudius. He and Queen Gertrude, wish for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to glean what sudden sway of madness has affected Hamlet. The duo sets out to achieve their task, meeting a ragged troupe of players along the way. Brief glimpses of scenes from Hamlet show the trials and tribulations of the royals; our two heroes are largely left in a state of waiting. They pass the time playing games, posing questions, and tossing coins, until they gradually realize that their fates have been taken out of their own hands. They are merely characters in a larger story in which they have no say.
Antigone: After Oedipus' self-exile, his sons Eteocles and Polynices engaged in a civil war for the Theban throne, which resulted in both brothers dying fighting each other. Oedipus' brother-in-law and new Theban ruler Creon ordered the public honoring of Eteocles and the public shaming of Thebes' traitor Polynices. The story follows the attempts of Antigone, the sister of Eteocles and Polynices, to bury Polynices, going against the decision of her uncle Creon and placing her relationship with her brother above human laws.
Arsenic and Old Lace: Mortimer Brewster goes to visit his sweet spinster aunts to announce his engagement. Mortimer always knew that his family had a bit of a mad gene - his brother believes himself to be Teddy Roosevelt - but his world is turned upside down when he realizes that his dear aunts have been poisoning lonely old men for years! When Mortimer’s maniacal brother, Jonathan, who strangely now resembles Boris Karloff, returns on the night that the aunts were planning to bury the newest victim, Mortimer must rally to help his aunts and protect his fiancé -- all while trying to keep his own sanity.
Propaganda under the cut!
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead:
what if we were both minor characters in Hamlet forced to die over and over again in a timeloop and we were both guys 😳. basically one of the only modern straight plays i know and its just so good!!!!!!!! Rosencratz's death monolouge gets me everytime
This play is for people that love Shakespeare, but also love weird shit. It somehow offers really insightful commentary on stories and fate and purpose while also feeling like a fever dream.
an existential and brilliant deconstruction of hamlet
it’s good 
Hamlet fanfic involving the game of questions and frequently not being on boats.
No, I'm tired sorry
waiting for godot meets hamlet. best of both worlds
A heartbreaking examination of the archetype “tragedy” — the knowledge that, essentially, the characters are doomed from the beginning, and cannot escape their fates, the inescapable feeling that they’re simply characters in a story. RAGAD treats the genre with comedy and makes two seemingly meaningless characters into an everyone’s favorite duo.
what if we were doomed by the narrative and flipped coins and licked feet and hid in barrels and hung out with a suspicious actor troupe who eventually turns against us and also we have to figure out what's up with hamlet because claudius told us to? and we were both boys? just kidding! ....unless?
I know the whole thing off by heard and I’ve never been in it. Does that count. Also it deserves to win because of what the awful awful film did to it.
Extremely seminal and powerful.
Play of all time. That is all. 
A play from the 5th century BCE that’s still resonant today
something about the worst punishment not being death but rather being forced to live on in a world that has already spurned you. something about sisterhood. something about "too late, too late, you see what justice means"
Arsenic and Old Lace:
it's a "farcical black comedy" "Abby and Martha Brewster, who have taken to murdering lonely old men by poisoning them with a glass of home-made elderberry wine laced with arsenic, strychnine, and "just a pinch" of cyanide"(Wikipedia)
A man discovers that his little old aunts are killing people and having his one brother, who thinks he's Teddy Roosevelt, dig "the Panama Canal" in the basement so they can bury the bodies. Then his brother who's a murderer comes home after having botched plastic surgery that made him look like Boris Karloff (who played him in the original production). It's very silly and wonderful
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