grandline-fics · 3 months
hi! could i request for mihawk and anyone else of your choice reacting to their usually modest s/o wearing something scandalous and getting a lot of attention and they feel jealous or try to hide them away from prying eyes? thanks love you
DESCRIPTION: You’re normally modest and get a lot of attention from others when you wear something scandalous
WARNINGS: a little suggestive but nothing explicit at the end
WORDS: 1,285
A/N: Thank you for this request! I had a lot of fun writing it and I hope you enjoy what I came up with for it
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“Another gala, Crocodile?” Mihawk asked dryly looking at the small decorated piece of paper in his hand. “Is my presence truly necessary for this?” His golden eyes looked at the information blankly and held back the glare to see it would be taking place on the island they were at. Any other time these events were held, Mihawk would refuse to travel so far for a measly party or would take up a bounty mission that would take him in the opposite direction so he couldn’t attend. 
“Oh humour me for once, Mihawk.” Crocodile urged, frowning around his cigar. “I can’t keep bringing that liability of a figurehead. If we want to convince those nobles and backers of our legitimacy I need someone who can actually manoeuvre in these circles. If we want to see Cross Guild succeed and be profitable you’re going. You’re not getting out of it this time.” You bit back a smile to see your lover’s eye twitch. He hated going to these kinds of things. Quickly you acted, stepping behind his seat to place a hand on his shoulder and offer him a smile. “Oh come on, might actually be fun. At least this time you’re not going under Marine orders, it’ll be different. I can go with you if that makes things easier?”
At that Crocodile let out a small scoff, making you and Mihawk look at him in annoyance. The gala invitation was an open one so he couldn’t say you weren’t allowed to go but it was clear you going had irked him in some way which was odd seeing as you and the other founder of Cross Guild were on relatively good terms. You would’t say we was a close friend but he wasn’t someone you loathed. You remained silent as Crocodile stubbed out his cigar into the ashtray on the table and slowly looked you over, his scrutinising stare showing his critical assessment. “No offence, but you’d be more out of place than the clown. Like I said, we need to make a positive impression with these people.”
Your fingers flexed against Mihawk’s shoulder in a silent way of telling him not to react to Crocodile’s remarks. You were more than aware that your appearance was vastly different from his rich fabrics and perfectly tailored style. You’d always preferred simplistic and comfortable over anything else you wore. This wasn’t the first time someone pointed out your modest and almost drab fashion and it never bothered you. At least not until you felt you’d be letting Mihawk down. You knew how important Cross Guild was to him. Quickly you placed a kiss against Mihawk’s cheek and smiled at Crocodile as you left the room, if it was a positive impression he wanted, then that’s what he’d get. “I’ll meet you both at the gala.”
Mihawk hated having to interact with people he thought nothing of, he hated having to practically parade himself around in front of rich people like something to be gawked at in order to fulfil their own boring curiosities. He would much rather be in his own quarters with you, enjoying each others company and peace. Sharply he glared at Crocodile for what felt like the hundredth time today as he stepped into the banquet hall of the mansion the gala was being held in. While you’d shown no hint of annoyance for his earlier disrespect, Mihawk was still pissed and no amount of expensive wine was going to change that. 
As he took the glass of wine offered to him, he cast his gaze across the filled room in search of you. Though it was hard to search each face properly especially with the group that had already congregated near the centre of the room, fawning voices spilling from their mouths in a strange chorus. Mihawk and Crocodile shared a look of confusion, as far as they were both aware Cross Guild were the main attraction. While Mihawk was more than happy for someone else to take the attention, Crocodile was less than impressed. Then a familiar laugh sounded from the middle of the group making both men freeze.  
The pair watched as one person moved slightly and it gave them a window to clearly see you talking to the group, allowing the host of the gala lift your hand to press an adoring kiss against your knuckles. Mihawk remained the outward image of calm but inside he was a mess, looking you over intensely. Gone were your usual clothes of comfortable layers of soft and understated fabrics, in their place was the richest material adorning your form like a second skin coloured a deep wine red. Your outfit highlighted your body’s attributes that were usually hidden and accentuated the allure and attractiveness that previous only he was worthy of seeing. 
“Well…”Crocodile managed out with a firm clearing of his throat, even he was caught by your makeover. “Seems I was very wrong.” Mihawk snapped his head away from your direction to throw the fiercest glare yet at his business partner. Oh how he wished he had Yoru with him to slash all of your admirers in one go. Moving briskly he wove himself through the sea of pests buzzing around you and snaked an arm around your waist smoothly in greeting. Upon seeing who you were attending the gala with and felt the murderous aura rolling from his frame, those that had been desperately vying for your attention in the hopes of getting more, promptly became stuttering messes as they made hurried goodbyes and dispersed, scurrying away like the rats Mihawk knew them to be. 
“Hello, love.” You greeted with a pleasant smile. “Something wrong?”
“I despise seeing lesser beings try to sully works of art.”
“Aww, as sweet as that is just say you’re jealous.” You laughed softly, smiling up at him as you let him direct you smoothly away from the centre of the room and away from the appreciative stares you were still getting. “So, have I made a positive enough impression?”
“You know you have. You could wear anything and would be the most attractive person in the room.” Mihawk told you smoothly and you smirked. 
“Then why are you trying to hide me with the edge of your coat?” You asked, looking down to see the hand around your waist also held his coat around your body in an improvised shield. Mihawk didn’t answer. He lowered his gaze down to you once more, fully taking in just how much more enticing you were to him. He thought suffering this gala would be torture enough but to be here with you, looking so ravishing and drawing so much attention was unbearable, even for his resilient will. 
Acting quickly he pulled you close for a kiss and bit back the satisfied smirk when you flinched at the sudden feeling of the wine in his other hand spilled against your shoulder. You pulled back to throw him an accusatory stare while he merely set the now half-empty glass down on the tray of a server walking by and stared at you blankly, completely unapologetic. “Oh, how clumsy of me. Looks like we’ll have to go back and change.”
“You really are childish sometimes you know that?” You muttered with a slow roll of your eyes, walking with him towards the exit. 
“We’ll have to be careful.” Mihawk continued, ignoring your comment, his hand releasing his coat so he could drop his hand to your hip and give you a quick squeeze. “With material this expensive we’d have to make sure it’s taken care of properly. Could take all night.”
Well who were you to argue with that?
TAG LIST (If I've missed anyone or if you want to be added just let me know) @3v37773, @tsaaps , @i-am-all-love-puns-and-lazy , @sanemisnonexistenteyebrow , @fiery-captain-spider-santa
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skyeblue8 · 1 year
Ɗᥙҽ 𝜏σ ᙏყ Ɲҽɯ⨍σᥙɳԃ Ƒιχα𝜏ισɳ... ♚
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Specifically with the Gluttonous Sin of Beelzebub being my favorite Sin of the group (not necessarily in Helluva Boss, but just in general), I wanted to make a ranking list of my favorite Queen Bee redesigns and their creators for really no other reason than I just feel like it. Now, this is all personal opinions and should not be taken to heart by any means, it's just for fun:
#1. "Beelzebub & Bibi" by @gravcore
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♡ In terms of an actual redesign of the original, I love how this artist made "Bibi" because, for one thing, they made sense of the originals hair by giving her a ponytail since way too many characters have a mohawk style (Loona included); two, I cannot explain just how much I adore the clothes they gave her. The top is actually insect based and gorgeous, and not some recolor version of Loona's outfit; and third, they made canon Bee her own character rather than a royal because nothing about the OG read "Ancient Sin" to anybody.
♡ Now, in terms of the actual Beelzebub, here, she's legitimately stunning. Rather than a redesign, I can tell this was the original long before the Queen Bee episode came out, and I love how it reads both "70's party girl" and "regal ruler" all in one. That, and the actual bug design aspect and the color scheme. Above all else, I love how they incorporated the lava stomach in her design, too.
#2. "Beelzebub" by @s3tok41b4
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♡ This design can best be described as a literal re-imagine of the canon Beelzebub as it shares almost all her similarities with the actual bug aspect to it that it desperately needed. It's legitimately simplistic but still appealing to the eye, futher showing us that Viv was perfectly capable of making something so simple, but actively chose to make it more confusing than it had to be.
#3. "Beelzebub" by @ruinxl0ve
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♡ Similar to the first two, this shares both a regal and party girl bug aesthetic with the added bonus of actually being beautifully emotive despite not even having a mouth. I feel this beautifully differentiates the design from the original while also making it recognizable and I feel that it kinda feeds into the original concept that Queen Bee could literally "feel the vibe", hinting to her being an empath in some manner.
#4. "The Three Bees" by @onehelluvatime
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♡ Long story short, these are three individual versions of the Queen Bee and her new placing within the Hellaverse outside of the canon one. For more in-depth explanation of these interpretations, it's best to check the blog yourself. Truly, I love these designs not only because of the visual redesigns themselves, but also the well-crafted and creative explanations and backgrounds regarding these characters. I especially like the idea that the hellhounds within society are half-undead with skull-like appendages and facial aspects.
#5. "Spontaneous Beelzebub" by @redd-byrd
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♡ I know it's essentially the same as the canon design, but with the small tweaks that were made to this one (the giant "Bee Butt", the added black lines, the actual bug-like wings, the blue-thin eyes), all of them give a more clear indication (at least to me) that this Bee is more higher up than her fellow hellhounds, meaning she looks a lot more like a hybrid thus making her more grand. It's nice how they added these small details for improvement while still essentially leaving the design like its original.
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Anyway, thanks for listening to my Ted Talk. Have a nice day!
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
I honestly love the clothing styles of each of the turtles in this show and I love how these styles really incorporate their personalities as well.
Like, obviously Donnie has the best sense of style, yeah? Think that’s something pretty agreed upon here. Everything we see him put together is very meticulously crafted and clean. That goes with his personality because Donnie is a very meticulous person in general, and he knows what he likes very, very well, and knows how to flaunt it in turn. Him commenting on colors he enjoys or disapproving of outfits that the others see no problem with also shows how he just generally has an eye for this kind of thing. He doesn’t just know what looks good on himself, but also what looks good on others - and I think this ties into his love of gift giving too. Donnie also has a flair for making sure that his things have his “mark” on them, and his clothing is no exception. All that he wears and how he wears them screams “Donnie.”
Mikey is really fun because his styles are honestly a pendulum between super simplistic and incredibly out there. And often, you’re going to see a lot of color or patterns to both. And in my opinion I think that all reflects really well on Mikey’s character - he’s got a colorful personality but even more than that he’s incredible sure of who he himself is. Mikey’s style, I feel, is less what looks good as clothes and more what sparks joy in Mikey himself. His bright stickers he wears are a testament of that! He’s comfortable in his own skin and his style reflects this perfectly, whether he goes for a more out-there look or a more toned down one.
Now, for Leo. Okay, I think I’m actually in the minority here I feel because Leo’s style isn’t really that bad? Hear me out- if you actually look at what he wears, try taking out, like, one accessory. Suddenly, that outfit works! He even manages to put together many good outfits in the series, but his “bad” ones are the ones that tend to stand out, alas (just like how his mistakes tend to be big ones oop-) Basically, my personal look at him is not that he’s inept at styling at all, but that he has a “too much” gene. And like everyone else, this sense of style is completely like him, too. Going too far to impress when all he needed to do was slow it down some to think things through. (And funnily enough, a lot of his outfits take random aspects from his brothers too - “nothing without them” huh?)
For Raph, I feel bad for him since pretty much all of his clothes are inevitably going to be ripped, but he makes them work pretty much each time. Like Leo, Raph tends to go more sporty with his looks, but I also noticed that his stuff often goes in that in between of comfy, cool, and cute. His pajama suit in particular comes to mind in terms of “cute” as it’s more something you’d see younger children in rather than older kids, and I think it can be a subtle nod to the fact that for all Raph tries to seem older, he’s still just a kid too.
I could probably go on, but these are just all off the top of my head - I love how the boys’ personality’s come out in so many different ways.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt headcanons#rise donnie#rise leo#rise mikey#rise raph#I love fashion actually#if you’re wondering where this came from it came from me watching hours of outfit creation vids#but yeah! I honestly could probably go more into it#but I’m going off my memory for the most part rip#Leo in particular makes me sad because I disagree with like 99% of the fandom about his fashion sense LOL#I don’t think it’s bad but it’s def not close to Donnie level#Donnie is his own category#Leo though he’s not just jerseys and ripped sleeves#he wears full eye makeup as a granny and kills doing it#his pirate costume was very well put together imo#even his regular weird frog like disguise is perfectly fine when you get rid of the goggles#I ALSO don’t think Raph’s style is bad either#my boy has more difficulty with clothes since he’s limited to the stretchier stuff but like#he’s got good style!!#I’m def looking more into this all than necessary but#watch me come back to this and change it like fifty times#if you’re wondering what I mean about Leo’s outfits taking from his brothers#look at Raph’s standard disguise (the one they go out to play basketball with)#ripped sleeves and a backward cap#one of Leo’s main outfits in The Clothes Don’t Fit the Turtle?#ripped sleeves and backwards cap#incedentally these borrowed aspects actually hinder his overall look!#his outfit without them is more HIM y’know? which says a lot about allll their individual styles
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silver--scar · 3 months
hello can you show me how to draw pips and his boyfriends hair :3 I can't draw hair ;-;
Sure thing! I'm not good with guides, but I'd still love to help!
I don't make guides often so this is very messy. Also, I am assuming by 'boyfriend' you meant Damien, as they are paired together the most from what I've seen, but my apologies if I'm wrong!
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The guides themselves are pretty self explanatory, but I can add bonus stuff here!
To keep things short, think of Pip's hair like he has a hair care routine. His bob cut is smooth and bouncy, so there isn't much shape aside from the bunched up hair under his cap and the ends, as well as making his hair sort of lumpy or curvy. Also, I've added bangs as he has a tiny fringe under his hat, as seen in newer model like this one!
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As for Damien, his hair in the show is rather smooth as well, as seen here.
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But he has some spikes like in the bangs or the top of his head! I just added a few more because it's fun, while still trying to keep his original shape (sort of (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)). Like keeping most of the hair flat against his head until it juts out in low spikes. I also took the liberty in making his sideburns sharp too!
In 3/4ths, the only differences really are some bits of hair that hides behind the head, or other parts that shift along with the face as it turns. Overall, it stays the same. And since it's a cartoon art style, you can just flip which way the hair is facing when a character turns.
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In side profiling, the hair either drastically changes or stays the same.
For example, Pip's bangs are always swooped over his eyes, no matter which way he's facing. But with Damien, the bangs do not change a direction. They simply phase through the top chunks of his hair and become a bit like one piece. All in all, the only thing you have to worry about is not putting the sides of the hair too far back. Always try to keep it in the middle or ahead of the middle. Otherwise, it looks like they're balding or have a mullet/swooped back hair. Just draw your shape, make some adjustments, and erase the head lines that hides behind/under the hair!
And there's not really much else! My art style is pretty simplistic, but always keep in mind that MY WORD IS NOT GOSPEL. Obviously, you don't have to draw this way! Art is a progressive element, and the way you create will always change and morph. Even I will change the way I draw over time, including characters' hair, clothing, etc. Do what you think works for your art or makes you happy! Search up some helpful guides or videos on YouTube to help you get a better understanding of what you want to draw. It takes a whole lot of practice to get used to the different elements in art, but it pays off, I can assure you! My art certainly didn't look the way it does now back when I was a teen.
Regardless, if this guide has left you confused, don't be afraid to ask any more questions! I would love to help out any way I can!
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 5 months
hi bestie do u have any ff writing advice ?? ur flow and imagery and STYLE is so so good i love it. how do u come up with such good ideas??
hi ! first of all thank you SOOOOOO much that means sm to me it genuinely makes me so happy to know that you enjoy my writing. !!
speaking of writing..it took me a while to figure out a system i was comfortable with. i'm a little all over the place in general and that translates a lot in my drafts ESPECIALLY LMFAOO if you caught one glance at my drafts it's mostly just a prompt of a few sentences and w spelling mistakes in every word cus i write them down so fast so as not to forget them LMFAOOO. but it really works for me !
i know a lot of people say it but it really works, literally just write ! it doesn't have to come out as a full beautifully crafted piece immediately, just write down anything you can and polish it up all you want later ! forcing inspiration to come to you almost always has the opposite effect, for me anyways !
for flow, i think i like to mostly write dialogue between characters out first and then write my descriptions and actions around that ! i always get more excited about writing dialogue more than descriptions (not that those can't be fun ofc !)
oh , this might help for imagery ! and idk if you've noticed but the structure of a lot of my writing is heavily based on animes and manga. like the set ups and punchlines. (massive nerd ik) like if you read some of my one shot's like this one, this one (probably one of my fav fics i've done btw) or my first born series FBRC, (especially this part) (this part was actually the one i was most excited to write, and it's heavily based off of kobayashi's dragon maid's actual good and not weird moments and soundtrack, listening to music also helps me out a lot too!)
i try to model my speech to what i think an anime episode of the scenario i thought about would look like. visualizing my writing helps me write a lot as well, if that helps ! a little fun fact for you, fujimoto's writing has influenced a lot of the way i describe situations in fics, since i really like the sorta 'childish' descriptions over super fancy ones (cus i can't write those, but i don't really like them veerry much, but a lot of them are enjoyable to read!!) i find it very endearing and it's one of the reasons why i enjoy writing childhood friends to lovers so much. it's this sorta simplistic level of thinkin that kids have if that makes sense and it works out really well if you wanna write fluffy pieces if that makes sense
some examples ! :
"he drags you around a little too hard but it's to show you something he knows you'd like and you repay him by being patient with him and letting him drag you around to his hearts content. he let’s you use the crayons he’d just denied another classmate seconds ago and when it’s really early in the morning and you’re still sleepy unlike your more energetic friend, he waits for you. sitting with you in the reading corner quietly commenting on a little bit of everything in the book you’re sharing until you’re awake enough to start the day because katsuki wanted you to be together through anything no matter what, starting the day without you was simply unimaginable."
"despite his quieter presence he always seemed to stand out to you. his bag is big enough to carry everything he needs without having to shove anything inside or leaving it half opened. he wipes his mouth with a tissue after he's done eating his lunch alone and his handwriting is pretty. his lashes are long and he's pretty."
"you hated it when people said that because the shoto you knew wasn't like that. he knew people talked about him and he hated being associated with his father. he likes the caramel you sneak in for him at school and you like the way his eyes light up when he guesses the flavour of fruit candies you make him taste. the shoto you know that ties your shoes for you and shares his umbrella with you, the one who half heartedly stomps into wet puddles with you, the one with the pretty lashes and pretty smile and pretty handwriting isn't like that."
there are a lot of other examples (im OBSESSED with this trope can you tell.) i like these sorts of simplistic childish ways of love. tiny little specks of affection that make the heart so much fonder in such little big ways..if that makes sense :>
i dunno if im just very..special, but since i have a lot of oc's and scenarios constantly flowing in my brain, most of my ideas just tend to be what i dreamed about the night before, or what i daydreamed about LMAOO. even random things that happened to me at school sorta go from "oh it would be funny if this happened to [insert character]" and then they snowball into more and more thorough ideas !
and of course as cheesy as it is the most important part is to have fun ! i cannot stress enough how important it is to be in the mindset when you're writing. it's like when people say to force yourself to draw so you don't 'lose it.' and i do think it can work to jog inspiration, but i believe that as long as you enjoy it, you'll never truly lose it. so i say, write when you feel like it and don't write if you don't, it can truly be very draining. but it's all up to what feels better for you !
anyways, i hope my insane ramblings helped you out a little bit, and have fun writing !!
much luv xxx
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golden--doodler · 2 days
Louigan Week Day One: Bet/Smug
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“Stop looking so smug. You still owe me after losing at our poker game last week, Bush.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know we made a bet. But you know you love me, don’t you?”
Happy Day One of @louiganweek!! I can’t believe it’s here again already. It really snuck up on me this year, so I can’t participate with a drawing for each day like usual, but I still have some lined up now!! I decided to go for a simplistic, sketchy style for today, which is quite fun (and of course easier than my fully rendered drawings) for me to do. I hope you enjoy!!
[ID]: Digital fanart of an aged-up Logan Bush and Louise Belcher from Bob’s Burgers. They are seen from the waist up in a simple, sketchy style, with some turquoise monochromatic coloring. Logan has one hand on Louise’s shoulder and is giving her a smug grin. Logan has short, spiky hair and is wearing a regular T-Shirt. Louise is wearing a beanie with a Kuchi Kopi pin on it. She also has her hair in braids and is rolling her eyes. They are standing in the Belchers’ kitchen.
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silhouette-cosplay · 8 months
Hi there! I was wondering, do you have any thoughts on the briclot concept art, for example, from the point of view of Loki's character? What did the artist want to say with it? Idk, I just like it a lot but I don't really know how to analyze costumes, and I feel it might be interesting to hear an opinion of a professional. Anything to share? 💚
So I'll start at the source, with what Aleksi said about this concept on his FB! (he generally does not talk as much about the thought process behind his work as some of the other vis dev people but that's okay!)
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It seems like initially, in the early development states of Ragnarok, they were going for a much darker, Norse-Viking-fantasy aesthetic not unlike The Dark World, but even more gritty (which I would have killed for, but here we are). The materials and colours here are definitely the right vibe for that, and there are three or so other Loki concepts that have a similar feel.
Anything more than what Aleksi said here is kinda up for interpretation, since we just don't know. I definitely see a look that is still heavily influenced by previous costumes--the leather criss cross layers, the gold torque at the chest, the asymmetry of the skirt panels--but it's also veering away from the gleam of Asgardian armour and the focus on gold.
This costume brings out more green (Loki's signature colour), but it's been calmed down, desaturated, and if I may venture a stretch of the imagination--tinted with blue. Blue, of course, is the colour of Loki's Jotun form; so whether this is intentional or not as nod to that, I like to headcanon that it's some sort of acknowledgement or acceptance of the duality of Loki's nature.
This look is also much much more worn; it feels like something that's not just for fighting, but for travelling in harsh climates (could the fur be for Jotunheim?). There's less metal armour--less weight and less need for protection in battle--but the leather is heavy and layered and would be a protection against the outside elements. The leather carving on the chestpiece is particularly interesting to me because the linework is not quite what we've seen before in Asgardian style, which is all intricate knotwork; this is a little more simplistic, a little sharper and more geometric, and it almost reminds me of the lines on the Casket of Ancient Winters and the pedestal it rests on:
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Is it deliberate? Who knows! But it's fun to think about!
The other thing I noticed is the metal bits on the hands—they do vaguely resemble the Mjolnor symbol—and again, whether it’s intentional I don’t know, but I do see a resemblance!
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The fur cape is my favourite, because my eyes see not just fur but feathers. In the comics, Loki is also associated with birds (the magpie), and in both the MCU and mythology there are associations between ravens and Asgard. So I like the idea of the cape being this beautiful blend of creatures, a symbol of multiple natures and change and shapeshifting and adaptability and all those things that Loki is. I could probably keep going, but those are my main thoughts! And I think it's important to reiterate that this is interpretation more than anything; I don't know what the artist intended or how much symbolism is truly in the costume, but I enjoy projecting my own ideas onto it!
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niqosblog · 7 months
Why Do People Distrust Reboots of Cartoons?
An Analysis
Root of The Trust Issues
I feel like ever since Teen Titans Go, people have lost faith in reboots of classic shows. Especially since their only basis is "this is a show for little kids", and they expect it to be immature and plotless.
You can't just announce that you're making a TV show reboot of a classic with a more simplistic art style without expecting backlash.
Just saying "I like the [insert media] reboot!" Everyone is gonna be on your back and say that it's a bad lifeless reboot. But I believe that some are actually good. They have kept up similar themes and still progress with the modern world.
The Exception
If we're really getting into this topic, may I say that Voltron: Legendary Defender is a reboot that people loved to pieces. Even with its awful ending, people still loved it. Yet no one asked for it.
No one looked at the old Voltron and said "I wish there was a reboot".
Was the show good? YES!
It performed amazing during its run. It had a strong fan following to it as well.
Was it bar for bar, character for character accurate? NO!
Keith was supposed to end up with Allura, going so far as to marry her. Pidge was actually a clumsy dwarf boy that had a crush on Allura. Hunk was some buff white guy rather than a chubby Samoan dude.
Yet, did people complain? ALSO NO. And the only reason why, was the art style.
Simplistic Art Style
Then we get to things like the My Little Pony and Strawberry Shortcake Reboot. These are objectively good reboots as a stand alone, without a nostalgia bias.
They have representation, life lessons, friendship themes, basically everything that the original was. But the fact it's a 'reboot' is what throws people into hysteria.
Strawberry Shortcake was always a spunky girl who would always problem solve in a kind and caring way. Always true to her friends, loved making friends.
She is such a stereotypical good girl that the show even pokes fun at it. Making jokes that she's too trustworthy and friendly. And they keep this trend in the reboot. Yet people didn't watch it.
And you want to know why?
"it looks lifeless" "it lost its spark" "the designs are ugly"
Why This Argument Sucks
This isn't a real argument. Exhibit A would be Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT).
We can agree that TMNT has kept a consistent art style. Mostly consisting of the big eyes, similar body shapes, wide mouths... The only two thing differentiating them being the eye covers and weapons.
Now in the reboot, there are several differences.
Raphael - Stocky, beefy, wider, taller, snaggle tooth
Leonardo - skinner waist, broad shoulders, long head, slightly muscular arms, eye markings
Donatello - basically the same as Leo but he has skinner arms, and goggles
Michaelangelo - rounder, shorter, bigger eyes, more colors
Unlike the other adaptations, where they look like the same copy and paste character with a slight hue shift, they actually look different. But before it came out, there was a lot of backlash of the characters looking ugly.
That soon changed when clips started circling around that people gave it a shot. And guess what. They liked it! They called the characters charming and unique, and even got a huge fandom from shares on Tiktok and advertisements from the program airing the show.
Sure, people did complain about the simplicity. But they eventually came to enjoy it. So why can't people keep the same energy for other reboots?
The biggest factor of all is nostalgia. I loved Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Bitty Adventures. And I dabbled in watching the 2003 version because I loved it when I was a kid. Yet, I still love the reboot.
Berry in the Big City isn't a bad reboot, people just don't want to give it a chance because of the nostalgia factor. They grew up with the 2003-2009 version and expect no changes, and when things did change they threw a fit.
I don't know how to tell you this, but this show was made for KIDS. Not teenagers looking for a fun watch, not adults looking for a taste of classic TV, but children.
Sure, there are some teens and adults who love this show because they might be a babysitter or an older sibling. Or maybe just someone who heard it was good and wanted to give it a watch.
But if your only reason for disliking a show is that "it's not my [insert character]" is showing that you're just scared of change. If I'm really being honest, BITBC shows more personality in their characters.
Back in Berry Bitty Adventures, they all felt like the same girl just with a different goal. Here, Strawberry is more hyperactive and passionate, Blueberry is going with the flow and airhead-ish, Orange is a competitive athlete, Lemon is an emotionally closed off inventor, Lime is a nerdy fashionista.
And they all look different.
I have confused Raspberry Torte and Strawberry in 2009 more times than I can count. Even characters like Cherry Jam and Blueberry who have a different color scheme, look similar when desaturated.
And if you feel hurt by the fact that I'm saying cons about a series you loved as a kid, then you're part of the problem.
I don't expect you to say that "oh, yeah, I can see that." but instead, admit that not everything you grew up with was perfect.
And if Strawberry Shortcake isn't enough proof that people glorify the original too much, may I remind you people continuously hate the Monster High reboot.
The original had racial stereotypes, outdated jokes, sexist characters, toxic relationships (that for some reason stayed together), misrepresentation of disorders, and way more.
The reboot actually tries to be sensitive to who might be watching their show. They made Asian coded characters not yellow, they properly represent disabilities, they don't make Abbey's foreign accent a joke, they have body diversity. And g1 is apparently still superior.
Another reminder is that when g1 tried to make progress with their first gay character, they back tracked it and made it subtext. There will always be a problem with g1 Monster High, the only people who ignore it are people who are scared of change.
Are you supposed to watch all reboots from now and forever into eternity. No. This is just a thing I noticed when goons glaze on a cartoon that they (probably) didn't even watch getting a reboot.
There are bad reboots out there, (I'm looking at you Velma..), but I feel like if you just watched a couple episodes you'd find them more enjoyable. The original doesn't disappear when you watch a reboot. In fact, most of the examples I've mentioned are free on YouTube.
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ystk-archive · 11 months
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[Translation] capsule in girls '60s magazine (Feb. 2004)
When I first saw their music videos, the striking visuals immediately caught my eye. Simplistic designs, vivid color schemes on the outfits and sets… I can't describe the style as anything other than '60s-inspired. For the first edition of our "Pick Up Artist" feature, it's one whose existence fascinates me — let's take a look at the charm of capsule.
capsule is a music unit consisting of Nakata Yasutaka, whom manages the sound, art direction, design, concept work and so on, and vocalist Koshijima Toshiko. Nakata directs the image, visual aspects, and songs while Koshijima performs it all, resulting in their unique style. - original interview by Aikawa Chisato, translation by ystk-archive -
The reason behind their '60s-inspired visual style
Nakata: To be honest, I don't have any particular attachment to the '60s. I just like unique and minimalistic things, stuff with interesting shapes and clean designs and whatnot. It started when I got into interior design, and at first I especially liked Space Age furniture.¹ That's changed a little recently — I like pieces made out of wood but still with that outerspace kind of vibe. Even when it's made from wood, it doesn't feel natural, it still has this sort of odd look. When it comes to the '60s, I like the plywood that they often used. But I'm intrigued by Karimoku furniture too (laughs).²
— So would you say you're more interested in space and not the '60s?
Nakata: Yeah, and I guess sci-fi movies played a part in that. In movies like Men in Black you often see Tulip chairs, though I don't think they were used to evoke a retro or '60s feel on purpose.³ With films like that I tend to focus more on the furniture and not the overall atmosphere; if anything, I see furniture along with fashion as objects that look nice when put into a scene you're taking in as a whole. I like to come up with unconventional settings. Women are usually depicted in sci-fi films as secretaries, all wearing identical wigs and uniforms, and I like that kind of weird atmosphere. So instead of me consciously liking '60s aesthetics, I wound up thinking they were cool without making the connection that they were from that decade. I also love clothes that incorporate simplistic, striking designs, since they're like spacesuits (laughs).
— How do you feel about wearing clothes like that?
Koshijima: I'm also not obsessed with the '60s or anything, but I like to play around with that era's clothing and makeup styles. It's more fun than just wearing normal clothes.
— Have you two had similar tastes all along?
Nakata: Our tastes used to be completely different. I feel like she's adjusted to match me.
— So Koshijima-san is committed to being a model?
Koshijima: Yep. I haven't changed my approach, ever since the beginning.
— Are there times where you feel like your tastes really are different?
Koshijima: I don't think so. If we actually were fundamentally different, I don't think we'd be working together. Strangely enough, when I look at the materials I'm given, I start to think they're cute. Nakata: When I get an idea, I suggest it first. Koshijima: But he doesn't show me clothes or anything directly, instead he shows me photos and videos… Like I'm being brainwashed (laughs). The more he introduces me to all kinds of cool things, the more similar we become. After I watched the materials he gave me, poses and dance moves just started coming naturally to me without even realizing it.
— Maybe you ran across something from the '60s that left an impression and that ended up coming through in your image.
Nakata: Yeah, there are a lot of easy explanations for it. I wonder if we're more like a new product with a retro design that would fit nicely in someone's living room, rather than something that could be found in an authentic '60s vintage shop. I think even if we intentionally collected oldschool aesthetics from that era and tried to copy those, it'd still turn out differently, because peoples' concept of the '60s and the real '60s are two different things. But if you take parts of that concept people have of that decade and use them, you wind up with something that has the right feel to it. For me right now, the concept I have in mind is the "style" of the '60s. Instead of making clothes or objects to match up with the '60s aesthetic, the styles are already floating around in my head, and then I make content that reflects that. There were a lot of useless shapes — like aren't record players from back then weird-looking? The technology of them and the half-dome shape are of that time, but the way they look on the outside is as if someone was imagining the future while designing them. It's interesting how these days it's the opposite: now the exterior designs of things are retro while the tech inside is highly advanced. And I like both (laughs). I even like things that seem out of place. I'm drawn to a sense of disharmony.
— Would you say the essence of the '60s is woven into your music?
Nakata: Not intentionally. I think the things I like tend to show through my music on accident. Basically I want to make any music, as long as it's cute.
— So do you feel like music is essentially an object?
Nakata: Music is something I started doing because I thought I could create it. It was right when I was in junior high school, they'd made a lot of progress with technology so making cassette tapes became fun. Part of that was because I liked the feeling of winding a tape up. I liked playing around with machines more than the music aspect itself and, when it comes to decorating, I even like the look of a tape deck sitting in a room. So that's why I want our CDs to be sold in regular stores along with other kinds of merchandise. I don't think music should be classified as something special and separate; it's good if it's just one part of the total amount of belongings in a space. Rather than wanting people to listen to our music seriously, I'd be happy if they enjoy the atmosphere it gives when they play it out in the open.
¹ Space Age design was characterized by "sleek, aerodynamic lines and geometric forms," "dominated by bright, bold hues" and was often constructed of manmade materials such as plastic. You can read more about it here. ² Karimoku is a Japanese brand of all-wood furniture boasting superior craftsmanship. You can read more about it and look at examples here. ³ This is the famous Tulip chair.
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Hellooo! How are you? I hope you are well, I would like to do a FGO commission, Headcannons for Morgan Le Fay, Baobhan Sith, Mélusine and Barghest in love with Reader (Master) I would really like to see this, please let me know if you can or not, it's ok if you can't , thank you 😊
Your Wish Is My Command!
(My first Fate request, I had a lot of fun with this! Especially Barghest, but that’s probably because she’s my favorite!  Sorry if it’s shorter than you were expecting or if a lot of it doesn’t make sense. My allergies have been kicking my ass and I had to take one of those pills that knock you out harder than Mike Tyson when I wrote this!)
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Morgan Le Fay
Morgan has the type of style that could only be defined as “Extravagantly Simplistic”
If you don’t understand what I mean by this just look at her dress.
This same style and poise carries over into the relationship you two share.
It doesn’t matter if it’s sleeping or fighting she always keeps a certain elegance about her no matter what.
But this doesn’t mean she’s cold, in fact it’s quite the opposite, she is a very warm hearted person especially with you.
All of that said, do be careful whenever you hear her reciting something under her breath in the Fae tongues, it could be anything from a curse to a shopping list, or both!
Morgan is definitely the small spoon, in pretty much everything when she’s with you but she doesn’t mind being the big spoon every now and then.
She’s probably very violently dismembered someone after they insulted you then asked if you wanted ice cream with a smile.
All in All Morgan is a very kind and giddy significant other unless you are put in the crosshairs of something which in that case… well just pray she doesn’t torture it for to long.
“OH! Hello there my spouse! I’m glad to see your wounds have healed!” a blood drenched Morgan happily exclaimed as she kicked a flayed arm into a magical fire.
You simply gazed at the fire and asked “I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that was the guy who got the jump on me?” plainly, completely used to Morgan’s overprotective nature.
Morgan simply smiled and nodded
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Baobhan Sith
Baobhan’s style is simply extravagant, at least until she’s alone but I’ll circle around to that in a bit.
In a LOT of way’s she’s a brattier version of her mother.
Be warned though, she is stubborn and petty! Which is quite the combination!
She definitely strikes me as the type to spend her days off sitting in a too large T-Shirt and shorts eating Ice Cream while watching horror movies alone before she accidentally puts on a soap opera and gets sucked in.
She will not hesitate to roast someone so hard they spontaneously combust.
Baobhan is not someone who likes large gatherings of people so she much prefers quality time with just the two of you though she’d rather die before admitting it.
She Says she's a top, she’s not, she’s a sub, small spoon in everything she couldn’t be the big spoon if she tried.
Baobhan is probably the second most possessive person on this list.
That being said she’s probably the last one to jump to violence, wounds are temporary, the destruction Baobhan can unleash with her words is eternal.
You opened the door to the home that you and Baobhan shared where you immediately tripped over an ice cream carton which was followed by the sound of someone scrambling to change the channel on the TV.
When you walked into the living room you saw Baobhan surrounded by an army of Ice cream cartons with puffy red eye’s
“Were you crying?” You asked.
“nO!” Baobhan lied poorly
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Melusine’s style is quote: “Warm”
Sweaters, pants, jackets, the works.
She’s a very physical person, all about hugs, handholding, and staying together no matter what.
All of that said, she is the second quickest to violence on this list.
She will absolutely NUKE whatever tries to harm you.
Some random jackass?
Crippling loneliness?
Mélusine is the smolest of spoons.
That being said! She will ABSOLUTELY use her size and cute eyes against you!
You have had to stop her from destroying the world on more than one occasion, usually because of traffic.
“So when are you going to be home My Master? The show will be starting soon!” Mélusine asked energetically.
You swallowed deeply as you said “Ah… right about that…” before trailing off.
“Master, think VERY carefully about what you say next.” Mélusine coldly stated.
“I’m caught in traffic” You quickly exclaimed, ripping the bandaid off.
Silence was all you heard before a loud boom
“Mélusine nO-”
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Barghest’s Style is just cute clothes like sundresses, she also likes to wear earthy colors.
Barghest is pretty awkward, she’s not really sure how to hug or kiss you most of the time mostly because of her size but also because she genuinely loves you and is afraid that she’ll eat you.
Well I say kiss, she licks you but that’s not the point.
Strikes me as the type to just mope around unless the two of you are together or if she’s doing something which usually includes cooking large portions of food, exercising, or watching something that catches her attention which is usually whatever has a catchy tune and some form of well choreographed action.
She loves being the big spoon though she also enjoys being the small spoon on occasion though before the two of you could even get to that point you had to teach her how to cuddle.
Barghest gets jealous pretty easily so watch out for that because that’s usually when she gets possessive and when she gets possessive… Well, I'll let you imagine what happens next (Hint: It involves any form of cushioned space around human size and biting).
She loves cooking, even more so when you’re with her, though be warned her “Normal sized” Portions could feed five men, so you're just going to have to force yourself to eat it.
She’s willing to get into a fight if she has to but she prefers not to.
You constantly have a bite mark on your collar bone, she also licks you on the neck when asked why she does this she gets a possessive and hungry glint in her eyes like she’s daring someone to challenge her and says.
“I want every single man, woman, child, non-binary and agender person to know you are mine, Master!”
“Oh, okay!” You quietly squeaked out embarrassed.
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hikarihenkoyo · 3 months
Into The Present (And The Shadows) Update: Land of Dreams Concept Art, Inspiration Boards, and More!
Starting with the music!
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I've made a playlist of songs that inspired me and made me think of the Land of Dreams! There's a lot more, but I selected my favorites and the ones I think get the aesthetic across well! Please enjoy!
Moving onto the inspiration collages I've made!
(Note: These are INSPIRATION BOARDS; as such, all of the screenshots and art are not mine!)
Starting off, we have the location appearance inspiration! My main focus was on Alice in Wonderland, Alice Madness Returns, fairy rings, and mushrooms! Games like Subnautica and Pokemon: Sword/Shield's Ballonlea also gave me ideas! I wanted the area to feel like a forest with fairies playing mind games with those who enter!
Keywords that I focused on were: Unreality, Change, Shifting, and Transmutation
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In terms of making the area feel dream-like and constantly shifting, I turned to things like the movie Annihilation and, again, the dreamlike whimsy of many Alice in Wonderland interpretations! The Shimmer from Annihilation was my biggest inspiration, however! A quick TLDR of the Shimmer is that they're an alien race that can manipulate DNA and cells and are slowly changing the world by mixing and changing every single cell on Earth! They're constantly manipulating things, such as changing human DNA to grow like flowers! That is why it was such a big inspiration for me! The constant shifting and changing and the feeling that something you know is off in some way.
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Changing our focus to the concept art that I have created myself moves us into spoiler territory, so look ahead at your own risk!
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When considering the enemies in this area, my main idea was to base a majority on insects! Some can be very pretty and ethereal, while others can cause a lot of fear in certain people! Using this base idea, I made a few possible enemies for the area, such as pot-like enemies that create spaces on the terrain that slow the player down. Or large centipede hybrids that can deal heavy blows as well as wrap around the player to allow other enemies to attack! Enemies that are based on very simplistic fears that could also be changed into something considered pretty.
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For Epiales as the final boss, I had one goal in mind: to think of something that could be in the base game while having details that differ in the art style that are frightening or disturbing! As such, I also looked at certain texts talking about Epiales specifically, and a particular line stood out to me: he is referred to as "a black nightmare" and "a spider.". Using this, I wanted something covered in shadows with hyperrealistic details showing from inside of them, as well as multiple arms. And so the design for Epiales was born! Snakelike, covered in matted fur made of shadows, with horrifying human eyes, teeth, and hands, as well as multiple sets of limbs! I think I achieved my goal, haha.
That's all for now! Thank you all for keeping up with this project! It's been a lot of fun, and I'm excited to create more!
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verytiredrn · 11 months
Hello tiredhomeboi, I'm sorry to bother you if it's night or you're busy, but I'd love to ask you something please.
First of all, I want to tell you that I love your drawings and they are great! Really well done and it makes us want to love the Leopika or the pariston/ging even more! 😊❤️ You inspire me a lot and I'd also like to draw people from Hunter x Hunter but especially the phantom troupe that I particularly appreciate.
The problem is that I can't find my style, or draw exactly what I have in my heading. So I was thinking that maybe a pro like you had some tips/advice for drawing 😅😥🙏
Did you learn how to do proportions before drawing and with what? Do you use references? (I do, but it limits me a lot on my ideas as I don't necessarily find references that reach what I have in mind 😞)
How did you learn to do sketches so easily? How did you find your own style?
I'm really sorry if I'm taking up your time. Thank you very much for your time and attention ❤️
hey there, thank you so much for the kind message :,D
I’ll be honest, im not the best at giving art advice. although I’m still in the process of improving my art, I can tell you how I’ve been developing my style.
I like looking and analyzing my interests that have unique art styles. For example, I see togashi’s style in hxh and what I’ve gathered based on his work is how he ranges from some simplicity to a more very detailed style. For me, I love his simplistic style a lot more. and that makes me want to develop my style that is more cartoon centric, if that makes sense. So see what art styles intrigues you the most, study it, copy it (which is valid for beginner artists imo, but don’t claim it as your own art‼️), then forget about the copying method and practice it, and overall, just have fun with it.
despite achieving my cartoony style that im used to having, I still try to make the proportions in my art look decent. I’ll be honest, I still need some practice on it. sorry if this sounds vague, but I use a lot of shapes and lines to figure out the proportions (ex. For the head, I start off with a circle and a horizontal line at the center of it, and change the height of the line depending on where you want the eyes to be at) I wish I could show you some examples for this part but I don’t have my ipad with me right now. :,) one of my other ways of practicing proportions are redrawing official art from my favorite interests. it’s honestly a fun way for me to improve on drawing proportions. but if I want to draw a character in any pose of my choice, I look up references on Pinterest. I know this method is pretty much common and im sorry about that :,)
for sketches tho, sometimes, i do tend to struggle on sketching as well :,) if its something im used to drawing all the time tho (example: kurapika) then it isnt as hard to sketch easily.
overall, those are my ways and methods in developing my art. sorry this took me days to reply back, i wanted to try to answer all your questions as best as i can. lemme know if i need to be more clear on certain parts :,D
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saysike-skedoodles · 2 months
Corruption Coyote
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[BTW- if you're an account that does NSFW/ Fetish content, I kindly ask for you to not interact with my work. Please don't take this the wrong way, I respect your interests, but I'm uncomfortable with that content and wish to not engage with it :] ]
You thought I forgot about the other 2? NAH- I'M BACK WITH MORE! Continuing with the MLP:FiM nostalgia, I got to drawing Silly as an MLP villain, that being King Sombra! I actually found Bex to be more difficult to think up of an option for than Silly and Stacy, I think it's cuz though that Bex wouldn't exactly be the type to like villains a majority of the time. ANYWAYS- this was actually more fun than I thought it was going to be which was nice :]. I found doing the eye glowing magic effect things (I dunno the names) was a lot of fun to draw, but I like drawing stuff like that as it is so it's not surprise. I was gonna try and not go too into the effects and whatnot cuz then it would just be "TMM AU no. 870681348619386583164", but this is me making these drawings soooooooooo. It's an AU. I'M SORRY I HAD TO IF I WANTED TO INCLUDE THE COOL EFFECTS- anyways. So now an AU exists of Bex as Discord and Silly as King Sombra (I'll get to revealing who Stacy will be soon don't worry), this is fine.... totally fine....
I kinda did my own thing with this while still trying to keep it Sombra esc if you get me, cuz Silly wouldn't wear much royalty stuff so I kinda mixed the vibes of a "spooky shadow pony capable of showing people their worst nightmares" into her main style being alt/punk style. Also don't worry this AU isn't meant to be directly what happens in MLP, just a fun little "what if" kinda idea where it's the 3 as MLP villains. Nothing too serious or deep hehe. Honestly I just KNOW if Silly was introduced to MLP when she was probably 12 or so she'd DEFINITELY love the more edgy and spooky aspects to the show like Sombra, Tirek and all them. That probably would've been her edgy awakening if it weren't for emo and pop-punk music. I know this art isn't as I guess chaotic as Bex's one but that was the point of Bex's one was to be chaotic. Silly's is more simplistic cuz I wanted to emphasise the corrupted crystals and all that, I tried to do a background effect with spikes and crystals but it made everything look cluttered
also the amount of edginess on this coyote when it came to thinking up of this outfit is something else. I feel I might accidentally cut myself from the amount of edge she has.
Deviantart Tumblr Art Tumblr Youtube TMM Official Tumblr Newgrounds --- [all content I post is automatically 13+ if not stated in the title or the content itself]
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abimee · 1 year
this is not a dig at anybody for any reason but as i get through drawing peoples OCs i begin to recognize that i have developed myself a problem that is contrary to the common problem
you know when people put ''wont do: complex designs" on comissions sheets? i have formed the opposite. I struggle with simple designs. you hand me a drawing thats done in a very simplistic art style and i start
because im suddenly sitting here trying to draw the character and im like ''oh god what if this is the wrong chin. will they be fine with me giving them nails? what do i do with the face. how does this eye shape translate into my art? WHERES THE NOSE" THE NOSE IS MY BIGGEST STRUGGLE
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im so sorry if you have an art style where the noses just look like this but as someone whos cultivated a style of drawing big, prominent noses i fear for my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cause the last thing i wanna do is suddenly alter someones character far and away from their original design but considering i draw people looking like this you gotta know where i come from when im handed a pic of like, a powerpuff girl and i have to guess work the hair texture, nose, eye shape, body type, etc and then i sit there and go ''do i just draw them in my shitty quick style. i wanna give this person a fun piece of art. but what if i fuck it up. but i dont wanna cop out and just draw in my shitty style'' and then i start dabbing my head like a sweating factory worker before the flame
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frostfall-matches · 5 months
[ matchmaking... ]
@mxchislvt : [ match report ready ]
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your match is…
✦ Choso
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-> [ Your appearance and sense of style is what initially caught his eye. ] He so quickly became so smitten with how you looked and carried yourself. You have a very cute, innocent style, and it can be very attention grabbing in crowds where people prefer more simplistic styles and neutral colors. In contrast to what most people assume of your personality due to your RBF, Choso thinks that you’d be really sweet and cute - and he’d be right. Your accessories are something he really likes, thinking they’re a fun and versatile way to add a bit of flare to your outfit. He adores surprising you with new accessories in your preferred color scheme, and it’s cute because sometimes he picks them out based on a favorite outfit of his. Seeing your face light up in delight is the best thing in the world to him.
-> [ Absolutely the type to participate in low-key yet fun dates. ] Going to an amusement park at night? He loves the fact that the sun isn’t beating down on him as you guys walk around, because that can make going to amusement parks really miserable. It’s nice that the crowds thin out later in the evenings - less hassle as he tries to lead you through the throngs of people, lines for rides and food are shorter. The general ambiance with all the bright, colorful lights shining in the night is something he really likes, and he thinks you look gorgeous with the colors catching your eyes and hair. A picnic date would be pretty novel for Choso, too, especially as the sun starts to set and the evening approaches. He really likes the calmer setting since he can really focus on you and your smile. As long as it’s not the middle of summer and the nights aren’t insufferably warm and muggy, he’d like to cuddle up with you as the evening chill starts to settle.
-> [ Choso is easily wowed by your skill in singing and dancing. ] There’s just something about the quality of your voice, how it’s suited for more dramatic music, that really sets you apart from many others in his eyes (and ears). He absolutely would never consider getting up in front of a crowd and performing himself - so he admires that you’re brave enough to do it and have a good time doing it. He never thought he’d be the type to get into musical theater much, but he really likes seeing you perform. When you two are at home together, he likes listening to you practice or you singing just for fun.
-> [ One of his favorite things is cuddling up with you on a rainy, stormy day. ] Choso finds it incredibly relaxing! There’s something so calming and soothing being able to wrap you up in his arms, your head resting on his chest, cocooned in blankets and nestled in pillows as the rain patters against the windows. He’s someone who really likes the smell of rain, too, so he’ll crack a window open slightly if it’s just slightly drizzling outside. As for stormier times, the rumbling of thunderstorms doesn’t bother either of you (though sometimes a particularly loud and sharp clap of thunder might make one or both of you flinch slightly). For Choso, he sees rainy days as a prime opportunity to be stuck inside with you and indulge in a bit of laziness. He doesn’t mind going out and doing more fun, adventurous things with you, too, but he just really likes being able to snuggle up with you and bask in your presence.
-> [ Choso often surprises you with your favorite treats. ] Depending on what you have going on in your life in terms of school, work, and other worldly obligations, there are times you two may not see each other for a while since he’s not integrated into society like a normal human would be. So whenever you’re busy and you two haven’t been able to spend much time with each other, he always brings something tasty with him once you two are able to make plans to meet up. He’ll hit up a café and grab a taro bubble tea and buy a pack or two of your favorite candies. Don’t worry, he’ll grab a few of his favorites for himself, too, and you two can take a moment to chat and catch up, indulging in a snack before getting on with whatever you have planned for the day.
-> [ He gently redirects you or catches your attention when you zone out or jump topics too quickly. ] He knows you can’t help it, and he’s okay with that! He genuinely doesn’t mind when the conversations jump around a bit (even though you may lose him a bit if it was a particularly big jump / a very loosely connected topic), but he will return to the main topic at some point if he still has something to say about it. If you’re zoned out when he wants to get your attention, he’s very nice about it - Choso may softly call your name, gently turn your face to him, or tuck himself up against your side… or a combination of any of those. In any case, this is just another part of you and it’s something he accepts and loves, finding it quite endearing. And if you’re ever struggling with focusing on something or keeping track of tasks/errands/chores? He is happy to help remind you and keep you on track!
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kindlystrawberry · 5 months
top 5 rune factory character designs :)
Hi anon THANK YOU FOR THIS QUESTION omg this is wonderful and I have so many opinions. I’ve played various amounts of the 5 main games but I’ve mostly played 1 & 4 so pls note that my opinions will probably be biased. Ok let’s go:
Runner-ups (forgive me, there are SO many good designs I had to include this section):
-I ADORE the butler outfits in rf4. They make so little sense practically, but they are so fun and communicate their design style so well. I also am obsessed with the color scheme.
- FORTE!! She nearly made it to this list but got bumped out my the other rf4 bachelorette designs here. I adore her armor and how it’s relatively practical as far as anime style armor goes (I’m looking at you, armor bikinis), I love the cohesive color palette, and I love all the details of the fabrics.
- literally just. All the rf1 bachelorette. They are so underrated and their shit is SO COOL. Melody?? Adorable. Mist?? Iconic. Lynette?? The eye patch?? The Heterochromia?? Serving. They are all fantastic.
- Karina. Her outfit is cute as hell, and feels pretty unique for rf while still being very much of the series’ style. I love that little bandanna, and as you’re gonna see in this list I’m a sucker for the silver/white/blue palette.
- Beatrice !! She nearly made it on here, but alas. I love her cool regal design, I love her color palette (blue/white anyone?) and I love the shape of her silhouette, but imo her design gets a bit muddled/overcrowded which takes her off the list.
Now for the main list! I’ll include pics at the bottom because I’m on mobile and it won’t let me insert them where I want (I’m at work, maybe I’ll fix this later lol.)
5. Sharon - RF1: my icon, my queen, my first girl, literally instrumental to my queer awakening when I was 10. I love her extremely limited color palette and simplistic design when compared to other RF designs. It makes her look so elegant and ethereal, which really communicates her vibes. I’m also obsessed with her jewelry, and which RF would use that more frequently as centerpieces of designs. She’s number 5 bc her design is a tiny bit TOO on the simple side, as much as I also love that about her. I would have loved if they had added just a bit more to her dress, like maybe some subtle lace so it’s not just long shapes of pure white.
4. Alicia - RF2: ok. Right off the bat let me say: yes, her design gets points deducted for the boobs. As a big-breasted woman myself, it always annoys me when I see impractical bra/bust designs with big old anime tiddies. As a queer woman though? I am looking respectfully. Onto the positive: the color palette is SO STRONG, with few colors but the colors they do have are bold and eye-catching. She arguably has the best silhouette of the entire list too, with the big defined shapes of her cape and hat contrasted with her wavy soft hair. I also love her bracelet dangles? She’s an icon.
3. Micah - RF3: he is the PARAGON of RF protagonist design to me. The fluff trim, the boots, the stripy fabrics, the spiky but soft-looking anime hair, the earth-gone palette… he is everything. I also am obsessed with his bare shoulders, those absolutely sell the design for me. Not to mention his wooly design. Mwah. Chef’s kiss. The only reason he’s at 3 is that his design is just a little muddled for me. Fixing up some of the trimmings and adding a tiny bit more cohesion to the color palette (like why black and orange pants??) would fix it for me.
2. Dolce - RF4: At number 2 is Dolce, ghost queen herself. I’m obsessed with her design. She was nearly number 1, but her color scheme and shape design is just a tiiiiny but less interesting to me than number 1. That being said i overall ADORE her red/pink centered palette, I love the overall dark but vibrant colors, and I love how solidly they stick to her design premise. I think the extra details on her dress and the use of jewelry on her, which are attention-catching enough to be so interesting and fun but not so much to totally be distracting.
1. Xiao Pai - RF4: Xiao Pai my BELOVED!!!! I don’t think her design gets nearly enough love. The color scheme is GORGEOUS and fun while still being so coherent, the shapes are a delight, and the details are perfectly balanced to keep her design interesting and unified! I also find her hair adorable, and I LOVE THAT SHE WEARS PANTS. I know that’s kind of silly but I just don’t think enough rf women get to wear pants and they just look SO cute on her. My favorite part of her outfit is either the shoulder pads(??) or the fluff waistcoat (??). Does her design make complete sense? No. But that’s what makes it rune factory, baby!!!!
Anyway, anon thank you so much for asking me this I had such a good (and difficult) time coming up with this list!! I hope this is what you were looking for!
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