vivalgi · 6 months
Some of the former staff from PB have already founded a new narrative game startup.
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justalittlesolarpunk · 9 months
hi! i have been experiencing The Horrors lately (just general hopelessness about the state of the world and especially in regards to climate change) and i am just wondering - do you have any advice for incorporating climate action into one’s everyday life? i need to do something about this but the problem feels so big that i feel like i can’t, like i am drowning in it and i need to learn to swim
Hi my love, sorry it took me a while to respond, I’ve been quite tired!
So first off, the Horrors are reasonable, it’s a very sensible human response to the state of things around you and shows you have empathy and that you care. I say this because it’s all too easy to shame yourself for despair, but it’s natural that we fall into it sometimes.
In terms of doing climate action a little every day, there’s so much you can get your teeth into. For starters, there are personal choices, like giving up flying or meat and dairy if you can. Sure, these don’t add up to much, but they can really change how you feel and working with a smaller burden of guilt can be life-changing. Similarly making choices like switching your electricity and heating and getting an electric car (or even better, taking the train, bus, tram, your feet or a bus) can help you get into a more positive mindset as you feel like you are ‘doing your part’. Check if you have any savings or pensions invested in fossil fuels and switch them over. Even buying from zero waste shops can help shift your mood, even if it’s too small to shift the whole economy.
Once you’ve got all these little changes out of the way, it’s time to think systemic. Most places will have a local activist group you can join, which usually only involves a commitment to weekly meetings - can you attend XR, A22, Greenpeace or Friends of The Earth gatherings in your neighbourhood? These will usually allow you to start attending protests and keying into wider campaign networks.
Something else you can do is bring the subject up with people in your life, to contribute to a wider cultural shift where climate conversations are normalised, and you can agitate for changes at your job or university/school that will bring the institution’s emissions down.
Try to consume a more balanced media diet, seeking out what is going right in the world as well as what is going wrong. Sites like Positive News and the Good News Network are helpful for this. Supernova is a purely positive social media app if you’re looking for a more uplifting scrolling experience.
But much more important is to get outside and to make real-life community. If there’s a conservation or gardening volunteer group in your area I’d highly recommend getting involved with it - nothing has helped me as much as getting my hands in the dirt, doing meaningful work to grow food to feed my neighbours. A lot of our climate anxiety stems from fear that we won’t be able to feed ourselves or that natural beauty will vanish, so connecting with crops or landscapes is a great way to soothe some of that. Building relationships with neighbours or affinity groups (such as LGBT, POC or disabled organisations) can help you feel part of a more resilient network of people who can help each other out in a crisis. Plus if you get to plant trees regularly I guarantee that will help you feel like you’re contributing.
Solarpunk content is great for improving your outlook too - whether it’s optimistic sci-fi, utopian cityscapes or anarchist politics, it all uplifts you and reminds you of what’s possible. Check out people’s stories of what they’re doing to make the world a little better to remind yourself you’re not in it alone.
If you can afford to, a regular donation to groups working to reforest, re-wet peatland, re-seed mangroves or combat soil erosion is a pretty tangible way to fight the climate crisis. Be sure to do all the obvious stuff like voting and engaging with other political pathways too.
A fun weekend’s activity could be seedbombing with friends or building a bee house - there’s lots you can do that’s crafty or creative that also helps your local environment, even if it’s just growing food or pollinator friendly plants on your windowsill or letting your lawn rewild itself. Taking an attitude of grateful, affectionate kinship with all the plants and animals around you will aid in building a sense of connection with the ecosystem and reminding you that you’re part of a grand, resilient web of life.
Put together the emergency kit I detail in an earlier post, so you feel prepared for facing extreme weather and taking part in mutual aid. Teach yourself to forage or at the very least recognise the common plants in your area. This counteracts species blindness and makes you more considerate of the non-human.
You could even consider altering your career path, if you’re an adult, and re-training to work in the climate movement, though this will not be accessible for everyone. If you’re a younger person you could look into pursuing an educational path that will allow you to join the green sector.
If you can get some, therapy with an eco-informed professional can be hugely beneficial for channeling your very reasonable feelings of terror into meaningful action that benefits you and the planet, though admittedly there’s only so much individualised therapy can do for such a huge problem - perhaps there’s a support group you can go to?
And finally, make sure you take some time every day, preferably an hour if you can spare it, but certainly at least fifteen minutes, to do something you really love, that brings you genuine joy, and has nothing to do with the climate crisis. You can’t pour from an empty cup and you can’t put out fires if you’re burnt out. Rest, regeneration and self-care are prerequisites for sustainable movement building and you deserve to have moments of unalloyed happiness. You are categorically NOT in this alone, you are part of a huge, ever-growing moment full of people who are working towards the same goal even though most of you will never meet. And so while we need you now more than ever, there’s also enough of us that you can take a few minutes to feel better and it won’t cost us the fight. As an older activist said to me recently, even when we sleep our comrades across the world are waking up ready to face the day’s struggle.
Ultimately, a lot of these are just things that have worked for me, and they won’t all be accessible or appropriate to you. Some of them are more about changing your viewpoint than radically altering the status quo around the climate. But I know I fight better when I feel optimistic and well in myself, so these are my suggestions. I hope some of them help, and I want to commend your strength and bravery in reaching out for advice and connection, because that’s how we keep fighting, and that’s how we win.
The Horrors are real, but so are the Wonders. And one of those Wonders is you.
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towlerknows · 4 months
Looking Forward by Maya Henry
As a long time One Direction fan and long time "Louie", after reading Maya Henry's novel Looking Forward, I feel much clearer about what Louis was probably dealing with in those first few years after 1D.
The way she talks about Liam's manager and his team and label just sounded so much like what Louis was probably dealing with at the same time. So while I wasn't watching Liam too closely during the time this book covers, I was watching Louis and so much of what she said sounded like old discussions we had here about Louis' management, label, and career.
As for Liam, the book generally confirmed what we've seen and suspected with Liam, but really added some layers - pretty ugly ones, but some sweet ones too - and a lot of humanity. I don't know what anyone reading that book would think if they hadn't seen Liam in 1D and then struggling these last several years, but from this fan's perspective, she doesn't make him a monster in the book. His insecurities, anxiety, and drugs are the monsters.
He's been taken advantage of his entire life. He doesn't know what to do with someone who isn't taking anything from him.
I'm so glad she got away and that she's doing well now and that she's telling this story to people who need to hear it. Not fans, but women in love with men that are damaging them - body or soul.
At the same time, my heart just aches for Liam. I hope he's really gotten himself together this time.
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rainbowlovekaylor · 4 months
A few pages from Maya Henry’s new book rumored to be about Liam Payne.
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play-my-game · 1 year
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wishingicouldfly · 4 months
How Books are Published - Some Personal Insight
I have a bit of experience with how the publishing industry works, and I thought some of you might be interested in taking a peek behind the curtain. For the record, I don’t know anything about the veracity of Maya Henry’s novel (Looking Forward) or what she drew from her own life experiences, the quality of her writing, or her individual path to publication. The following is based on my personal knowledge of the industry.
Under the cut for more.
When someone (celeb or otherwise) has a manuscript, generally speaking, they are going to look for the best deal. One of the “Big 5” publishers (or their subsidiaries) are going to be able to offer the biggest advance, the best PR support, etc. While there are reputable publishers that aren’t considered “Big 5” – those smaller entities aren’t going to be able to afford a big advance on royalties. Sometimes publishers will engage in bidding wars to win the opportunity to publish a book that has wide commercial appeal. This would be known publicly, and the deal would be announced with a flourish and a press release.
Even a smaller deal without a bidding war would be announced through Publisher’s Weekly with information about the book, author, and who made the deal (agent), not announced via the authors Instagram account with no information about the publisher or a link on how to pre-order. See examples: Anne Twist’s book announcement on Publisher’s Weekly: Betty and the Mysterious Visitor (publishersweekly.com) and Lottie Tomlinson’s press release for her 7-way bidding war: The Bookseller - Rights - Blink Publishing wins Lottie Tomlinson's 'inspirational' memoir in seven-way auction
For me, it’s telling that Henry’s book appears to be published by a small press (MARS Book Publishing (marsbookspublishing.com) with little to no platform. This is not inherently bad. However, as of May 17, 2024, the website has typos, does not have links to its staff or published works, and both the Instagram and TikTok links on the website lead to accounts with no posts. If you’re a writer, this would be very concerning to say the least. Huge red flag. Even a small press should be able to promote your product. My advice to someone looking to publish a book would be to stay away from this press, as it doesn’t look to be reputable.
That said, if one was going to self-publish, they’d need to have a publisher listed for the business side of things – that’s the way Amazon publishing works. Most self-published authors create a business name for their own published works. Again, this is not inherently bad or wrong, just pulling the curtain back. If you don’t have a book deal with a reputable publisher, then this is the way you can publish your book. From the outside, it appears that there is a publisher attached to the book.
For both traditional and self-published books, authors should have readers prepared with reviews. Currently (as of 5/17/24) there are no reviews on Goodreads, which again, for me, is a flaw if the goal is a longer shelf life and a wider audience.
Ultimately, the quality of the book will be the determining factor. People who read the book will talk about it, recommend it, or not recommend it. Relying on word of mouth, a salacious story, some entertainment magazines interested in a click, and a big-name singer (albeit allegedly fictionalized) attached to the story is certainly helpful to garner interest in a novel. But even on the third day of release (5/17/24) the book isn’t hitting the top marks on Amazon in its selected categories. (Screen shot taken by me on 5/17/24 at 12:06 p.m. ET).
Note: these ratings update and change constantly, this is simply one snapshot in time.
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If I were to make an educated guess, the book was shopped around and declined by reputable publishers, leading the author to decide to self-publish. The author created a publishing company name and published via Amazon KDP. In my opinion, it appears to have been done quickly and sloppily, without the amount of professional input it should have had.
Again, I don’t have any first-hand knowledge of this book’s path to publication, so these are educated guesses from personal experience, not personal knowledge of the author’s process.
Not having a deal announced in PW, not having a legitimate publisher website with links to staff and other published works, and not having an author website are all clues to someone wanting to capitalize on something quickly, not someone wanting to take the time to publish with precision.
I don’t have anything against self-publishing, I’ve done it myself. It’s a great way to get a book out if an author doesn't have a book deal and/or the book doesn’t hit traditional niches. However, I think it’s odd for a pseudo-celebrity, with a seemingly compelling story based on life events, to not have a bigger publishing deal with a wider reach.
The reliance on entertainment news outlets for publicity can temporarily raise the interest level; but, not having a book tour, not having books available in bookstores, not having any sort of commercial push for sales will have a detrimental effect on how this book does in the long run, regardless of how many print interviews the author does about her former relationship. Of course, the author could do all of these things at their own expense, so perhaps this is on the horizon.
One last thing to add, a self-published author, with no publishing contract or commitment to a company, has the absolute final decision about everything to do with the book from the content, the packaging, and edits, and the PR.
Self-published books can do quite well in the market, when well written and promoted. I'll be curious to see how this one does.
(For reference, I have professional insight into publishing with Big 5 publishers, smaller independent publishers, educational publishers, and with self-publishing through an independent press).
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dailydungeondelves · 2 years
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Focusing on the positive!
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surprise-its-polls · 2 months
Best Steven Universe Song Tournament - Round 2
It's Over, Isn't It?
Sung by Pearl
Looking Forward
Sung by Sadie Miller with Shep
Propaganda under the cut
It's Over, Isn't It: This song is in many ways the culmination of Pearl's character arc, or at least one of them. Her relationship with Rose has so much more to it than a lot of people give it credit for. Pearl is a fantastic character and this is just Pearl: The Song
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hyena-ref-photos · 9 months
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that's no doggie © tuli on iNaturalist
It was dusk as I pulled in to my usual pooch pit-stop site, an old sand quarry. As we stopped I saw a bedraggled, vacant-eyed 'dog' plodding straight towards us as if it was totally unaware of our arrival. My first thought - RABIES, the dumb form. Then I noticed the long, dark shaggy hair, paler around the neck; the sloping back; the spotted legs; the powerful head with erect pointed ears gulp, that's no doggie My second thought - Rabid Hyena So I grabbed my camera and inched the window down just enough to get the lens out. The glassy-eyed animal kept on coming right up to the vehicle then slowly sniffed around it. In my peripheral vision I caught a glimpse of two shadows, one bigger than the other, passing behind the bushes on the far side of the quarry. My hyena obviously saw them too as (s)he immediately looked up, woke up and briskly trotted on down the track. My conclusion was that my hyena was a perfectly healthy juvenile perhaps 60cms at the shoulder (adults +/- 80cms) and that the shadows were the mother and sibling and that possibly they split up to check out the sand pit as they passed. I returned the next morning to find the spoor; lens cap 60mm diameter
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road2nf · 11 months
Vlogbrothers gave me something to look forward to three times a week; it is still something I look forward to. It also showed me how not alone I really was.
Hank and John saved my life and they don’t even know it.
It was 2009 and I was struggling.
Then, I stumbled upon Accio Deathly Hallows, my first Vlogbrothers video and my first introduction to the Wrock community. Hank and John helped me find a community who cared if I was alive or not. But it did much more than that.
Nerdfighteria gave me a purpose, to decrease world suck, to do good with my life, and so I slowly started to.
Vlogbrothers gave me something to look forward to three times a week; it is still something I look forward to. It also showed me how not alone I really was.
John struggled with mental illness and Hank suffered from an invisible disease: here were two people who understood what I was going through.
I have never met either of them and I’m not quite sure I want to.
I wouldn’t know what to say, besides thanks, and they wouldn’t understand what that single word means. Because there really isn’t a way to tell someone that they helped keep you alive in your darkest hour, that they taught you how to smile again, how to laugh; that they gave your mother her daughter back.
Hank and John changed my life, so now I change others. I coach people with special needs and spend as much of my time working with them as I can. I do good wherever I can, because that is what Hank and John taught me. That is how they affected me.
-Case (magischgal.tumblr)
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otomiyaa · 5 months
girl how are you going to write all those fics that is insane (congrats on the milestone btw! I couldn't think of a request but see that it wasn't needed lmao)
Haha by taking a long time I think 😂
More challenging will be to write different scenarios with the same sentence prompts (some turned out to be quite popular) but I'll figure it out :)
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myimaginaryradio · 1 month
Looking Forward - Crosby Stills Nash And Young
Good morning and happy Thursday.
Yesterday I found out that the first kid born to one of my friends, a kid I was very close with and still talk to and see from time to time, is expecting his first. I think this makes me a "grand friend". Much like Neil, I'm trying not to use the word old too. I'm so happy for him and his family but goddamn where did the years go?
Be Safe Be Kind And Be Awesome
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bopinion · 9 months
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Better think twice ...
... if someone else mutes you in an online meeting.
... before you insist on being right.
... if you usually get sentimental when drunk - or honest.
... if you have already made the same New Year's resolutions before.
... before you click on "Accept all terms and conditions".
... when the doorbell rings and you're not expecting anyone.
... before you are really looking forward to something that is not under your control.
... when your partner asks you "Do you know what day it is today?"
... before you tell a polarizing joke.
... which fight is really worth it.
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towlerknows · 4 months
You're the only one I've seen talking about Maya's book who has actually read it, and you're so normal about it <3 Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
You're welcome!
And that's why I said something. Everyone else is taking some pretty horrible passages from the book and basically pretending like he was no more than a monster.
But the actual book, while being very clear that what he did was horrific and she was truly in danger and needed to get out, also made it clear that she really loved him and he really loved her, but his mental health issues were just too much for either of them to properly deal with and his manager and "therapist" (who was hired by the manager and detailing every fucking session to his team by the way) were just interested in keeping him working so THEY would get paid.
No one cared about Liam's mental health except for Maya (Mallory in the book), no one was interested in anything but making sure he made them money by re-creating 1D hits basically.
It's incredibly sad what Liam has gone through, just from what we've seen with our own eyes since 2015. And trying to make him a monster isn't helping her or him or 1D or anyone with addictions.
I hope more people will really read it instead of relying on those that just want to detail the salacious parts.
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quotationadmiration · 4 months
You can never plan the future by the past.
Edmund Burke
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vasilinaorlova · 9 months
Is it just me waiting for the new semester at my mental health counseling master's program, or is it normal? I am particularly looking forward to learning about the addictions in a new course during the spring. I am intimately familiar with addiction, having a life long struggle with cigarettes. I quit smoking several times for several years. I have achieved that moment when I can actually smoke from time to time without it becoming a cigarette pack a day. Like one cigarette in several months. Remember that episode in Jarmush's Coffee and Cigarettes where a character says it's the pleasant part, when you ditched a habit you can indulge from time to time? It is an ironic sketch showing the power of addiction, but that's about me. I struck that sweet spot. What about you? Are you also familiar with addictions?
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