#La soupe aux choux
rotor25 · 8 months
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La soupe aux choux ~ 1981
Jean Girault
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sushis4kalyo · 1 year
Louis de Funès, le sondage ! 🎬
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Si votre préféré n'y est pas, n'hésitez pas à le mentionner en commentaire !
N'hésitez pas non plus à rebloguer pour un max de réponses !
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panvolkkaraczewski · 6 months
While everybody is on a mission to become popular influencers reposting same new Sora’s videos let’s bring some joie de vivre. I’ve got new episode of Magnus Ducatus Pulp Phonktion edition for you.
What can be cooler than watching pure art-chaos cinema generated with AI? It’s like watching La soupe aux choux with some vintage 21 century sounds that grandmas will play in their cars talking that AI’s back in the days were so much cooler.
Cinema is a language. Language of symbols. It can be flat or it can be pure brain food with abstract meaning. You’ve found food for your brain. Each shot has abstract meaning.
So what do you have here? It is another quick 1 hour generation music show. How quick? 11 days, 12-14 hours per day, non-stop. A few thousand of generations. Yeah it’s during coffee breaks. Art is easy.
Meanwhile here is a soul food. We often hear that cinema should teach good things. Usually that comes from people who tries to replace education with entertainment. Good for having uneducated crowd bad for your intellectual level.
Cinema can be whatever a creator wants. This idea runs into another misconception. We like to think that we are in free society. And that’s why we control speech. We say freedom and we cut this thing in half like there is bad and good freedom.
No wonder some people became pro-anarchy and have some tiny sparkle of hope that AGI can help to break this dystopia we’re living in.
Well, here is my liberum veto. Stay politically, morally incorrect to celebrate liberty and individuality. Sisto activitatem. It’s Rebellion of Digital Anarchy.
Pulp Phonktion | Magnus Ducatus VI
Made with @pikalabs
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schlock-luster-video · 10 months
On December 2, 1981, The Cabbage Soup debuted in France.
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shevr · 10 months
je me rends jamais compte de la présence de mes followers français-es ou francophones en fait faut que je fasse du frenchposting plus souvent pour les appâter
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je-lurk · 2 months
I am trying to learn french on my own. Do you know any good tv shows or movies in French? (with subtitles or without) I like comedies :)
So, uh. I went maybe a little bit overboard. I just spent an hour on these recs. But the good news is the french films I watched are almost exclusively comedies, so you’ll only get that. (I’ll add here that if you want to chat with someone either in French or about any of these recs (or both) my DMs are wide open)
Films (exclusively French classics):
Louis de Funès : La Soupe aux Choux (personal favorite, I’ve watched it so many times), L’Aile ou la Cuisse, Rabbi Jacob, Le Grand Restaurant… (they’re all very good, I recommend you see the others, they’re mostly classics)
Les Nuls/Alain Chabat : La Cité de la Peur, Asterix et Obélix Mission Cleopatre (2002)… (these two are the most iconic)
Jean Dujardin : The Artist, OSS 117 (Le Caire, Nid d’espion (1) Rio ne répond plus (2). Apparently the 3rd one is a little less good)
Other : La Chèvre, Le Grand Blond avec une chaussure noire, le Père Noël est une ordure, le Dîner de Cons (and truly so many others)
Kaamelott (never saw it but I know it’s good)
Webseries, if you’re into this:
La Flander’s Company : follows the employees of a company leasing supervillains. 5 seasons, the first one doesn’t seem to add much but it’s important world building. And fun. About 10h total? Automatic subtitles and translation seem to be accurate
Noob : follows the Noob guild in the MMORPG Horizon. It’s exactly what you think it is, it’s gorgeous. 11 seasons, 22h. The progression in production is phenomenal
Le visiteur du futur : self explanatory. A good summary would be: « Regarde ces vidéos ! Sinon, voilà ce qui va se passer ! » 4 seasons, 1 film. I have not seen the film but I heard it’s good. Also much shorter than the others. And it has subtitles!
Questions cône : 2 seasons (should be under 10 hours), +1 that comes out haphazardly. I suggest you only watch the first 2 seasons. Not because the 3rd isn’t good but because it’s a completely new narrative arc and it’s far from being done.
I’ll explain this one a little because I just binged it (again) and I think it can be easy to abandon it because of a certain character (I love him but he begins with 0 redeeming quality) and the humor that can get at times super fucking weird and/or immature (but this what happens when you make videos in the 2010’s).
Anyway, now that I’ve talked about the cons, this series begins as filmmaking tutorials, basically. The story gets weaved into it, in part as an example for the concepts we learn. Let’s keep it spoiler free and just say that the concepts explored are super interesting, and the worldbuilding is imo done extremely well, as it works as a subversion of the "tutorial" genre (and generally of the 2010’s french youtube).
I think you should at least reach ep 13 before deciding whether to drop the series.
Tldr: I love it and I need people to talk about it with because I am going mad, but no pressure. If it’s not for you it’s not for you and it’s fully understandable.
Also, there are some videos in this playlist that do not strictly belong to the series (and even some that have 0 link, except the apparitions of some of the characters). You don’t have to watch them to fully appreciate whatever is going on, but it’s additional character interaction in a framework different from the series.
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kipercrow · 1 year
Do you know of a fart contest scene?
Anyone that comes across this, I want to make a male/male fart contest compilation. If you know of any, please send a link or Show/Movie Title (if it's a show please include episode title, and if possible include a time stamp for Show/Movie)
Currently I have:
Scooby Doo (2002)
What's Up Doc: The Wolves Competition Sketch (1992-1994)
Downhill Willie (1995)
6Teen (Episode 34)
Total Drama Island (Episode 24)
Ultimate Muscle (Episode 3)
Oh Yuck! (Episode Gastrov Flatulinsky)
Superwog (Not sure what episode)
Two and a Half Men (Episode 23, Season 10)
Sex and the Teenage Mind (2002)
Full Tilt Pokerface (Commercial)
Shimura Ken: Fart Duel
Karl und Auer
Franck Dubosc Le péteur
If you can find anymore send them my way!
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infernoparadise4 · 3 months
3 & 26 for the questions? :)
Hi~ thanks for the question 🤗
3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
Harder than I thought to choose so I went with some of my confort movies.
- Scooby doo (2002)
- Les visiteurs (1993)
- La soupe aux choux (1981)
26. fave colour and why?
YELLOW!!!! I always loved all types of yellow but my preference started with this one
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it's the color of the homemade salted butter I used to eat when I was little~
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secicrexe · 7 months
le mal n'est pas entendu
Un premier combat entre les consonnes et les cloches qui sonnent... Mes pensées dans un dédale insondable… Il ne faut pas parler quand je suis à table… Il ne faut surtout pas agir quand je suis capable…
Le simple acte de dire à ma ténébreuse '' j'ai mal au ventre" se transforme en un examen à subir, une rue sombre à parcourir... Les mots se perdent comme les têtes de mes poupées brûlées et effrayées… Je me surprends incapable de former une fausse phrase ou un mot mal prononcé… Alors je me dresse devant elle et toute ma présence est remise en cause, la main levée vers ma tête, l'autre dessinant un cercle sur mon ventre, comme une danse pathétique ou un rituel pour invoquer le hasard...
Un deuxième combat entre mes veines serrées rouges qui m’émeuvent et l'impératif de rester tout le temps calme, même quand on s'acharne sur moi avec une ceinture sélectionnée rien que pour mon cas…
Mes signaux sont des échos en difficultés visuelles... ''Il a encore faim !'' dit-elle... Tout le sac de glace s'effondre entre ses pieds... ''Je dois le tuer.'' pense-t-elle... Derrière le voile, tout son regard s'effondre sur ses lèvres... ''où puis-je l'enterrer ? " confie-t-elle… L’amour s’effondre en larmes dans les tréfonds de sa robe…
La voix de la sorcière résonne dans la cuisine… Aiguë je pense et hystérique comme la conscience… Le mariage de la peste et le déluge s’annonce…
La porte se referme et les claquements d'aiguilles deviennent des tentacules qui me déshabillent… Dans son atelier de couture, les rires s’installent, elle tisse des fils dans le saint noir, des sortilèges à concevoir, des berceuses pour ce soir, pour que je ne dorme pas et que le rêve corrompe l’innocent cauchemar…
Un troisième combat entre la compréhension et la soupe aux choux froide... Suis-je un témoin ou un accusé fatigué qui se tue pour avoir moins ?... Alors je reste dans la flaque cassée à regarder longtemps les spirales de mes doigts tracés... Alors la solution c'est le désespoir… Alors je dois apprendre tout seul à ouvrir les étoiles de ma mâchoire...
Khalid EL Morabethi
[ dans ce texte j'essaie décrire une lutte interne face à la difficulté de communiquer...à un certain moment dans ma vie, surtout durant mon enfance... où les consonnes deviennent des obstacles symboliques... Le bégaiement est représenté par la frustration et l’impossibilité de former des phrases...les métaphores comme la sorcière et les tentacules, illustrent la pression et la gêne associées au bégaiement... finalement, la recherche de solution devient une aventure... ]
w i p
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doukhane · 1 year
غرام السينما وأسرار الطبخ الشهي:
على هامش عرض فيلم "شغف دودان بوفان La Passion de Dodin Bouffant" للمخرج والسيناريست الفرنسي الفيتنامي" تران أن هونغ Trần Anh Hùng" في مهرجان "كان" السينمائي (16 -27 ماي 2023)، يعود موضوع المطبخ الفرنسي من خلال السينما إلى ساحة الجدل من جديد، خاصة وأن الفيلم يتخد من فنون الطبخ الفرنسي موضوعا سينمائيا يخاطب الذوق، بأدوات جمالية فاتنة( ينظر مقال هوفيك حبشيان؛ فيلم فرنسي يدعو جمهور "كان" الى مائدة شهية، صحيفة اندبندنت،الخميس 25 مايو 2023).
إن الأمر يرتبط بما يسمى "CINE+ A Table"، وعلى نحو خاص علاقة السينما بفنون الطبخ، وبالتراث بشكل عام، هو الأمر الذي لم تنتبه إليه السينما المغربية، رغم منجزها الفيلمي المتنوع، والمتعدد( استتناء صغير يمثله - في تقديري- الفيلم المغربي الفرنسي “تازكّا” من إخراج الفرنسي جان فيليب غود).
نتذكر في السياق نفسه فيلم Burnt للمخرج جون ويلس John Wells، بطولة برادلي كوبر Bradley Charles Cooper، الذي استطاع من خلال الطبخ صناعة حبكة سينمائية ساهمت في البناء الدرامي للفيلم رغم طابعه الكوميدي. ونتذكر في السياق نفسه الفيلم المصري "خرج ولم يعد" للمخرج محمد خان، وبطولة الفنان الكير يحيى الفخرانى، و ليلى علوى، وفيلم " طباخ الريس" للمخرج سعيد حامد، بطولة طلعت زكريا، خالد زكي، داليا مصطفى.
كانت مبادرة مهرجان راس سبارطيل تخصيص الدورة الثامنة لمحور “الثقافة والسينما وفن الطبخ” مدهشة وغير مسبوقة، لأنها جعلتنا نعيد الصلة بفن الطبخ، من دون انساقه الأنتربولوجية، وجعل الصورة حاملة لما يصطلح عليه "Culinary Arts". ولا غرو في ذلك، لقد جعلتنا السينما نحب الوجبة المكسيكية "التاكو"، و" السوشي" الياباني، وبارميجيانا Parmigiana الإيطالي، فضلا عن طعم البهارات الهندية، وفي المغرب لا نكاد نجد حضورا لفن الطبخ في الفيلموغرافيا المغربية إلا في نماذج محدودة ( الكسكس، البسطيلة، الطنجية، الطاجين...)، ومعهودة في جل الأفلام والأعمال الدرامية، مع الإهمال التام للتنوع المدهش لفنون الطبخ، ولمرجعياته التاريخية( الأمازيغي، العربي، الموريسكي، اليهودي، الصحراوي، الإفريقي...).
إن الروابط بين فن الطبخ، والسينما وثيقة، هما معا يلمس حواس وعواطف الجمهور ، لذلك اهتم صناع الأفلام بالأطباق الاستتنائية والشهية، وكان لمكانة الطعام في حياتنا ونوعيته دور في نجاح الكثير من هذه الأفلام مثل:
Gastronomie ,Le strudel ,aux pommes des Inglorious Basterds, Le goût de la vie، Soul kitche, La Soupe aux choux, Le Chocolat, Le Grand Restauran, Les Saveurs du palais, Julie & Julia..
لقد كان الطهي دائما في دائرة الضوء، لكنه ممزوجا ببهارات الصورة، فإن الشهية حتما مضاعفة.
د. عبد السلام دخان
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caffeinesam · 2 years
I have a bottle of Ricard at home at all time. In fact I brought a tradition to our remote hunting cabin to take a "shtiny cannon" (it's a nod to French film La Soupe aux Choux) every morning before we leave each other, it's a half shot of Ricard with a bit of ice cold water - it's usually freezing up here in moose season - before the person assigned patrol duty hops into the canoe to go scout the area.
So anyway, Ricard pastis is like 45 percent alcohol per volume, it's strong alcohol, so I can understand a lover's concern that Benoit Blanc (Benny White) locked himself in the bath with a bottle of it.
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unpeuvanalles · 2 years
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Another French cult movie: La Soupe aux Choux... based on a book (I shit you not). There was only one way to call the Extraterrestrial from the planet Oxo.
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Bon j’ai vu La Soupe aux Choux et j’ai envie de faire un remake mais genre. Pas en un film, en plusieurs petits courts-métrages. Ou en un seul de 30 minutes.
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bruxellescity · 2 years
En cuisine avec Louis de Funès – 1″ width=”340″ height=”340″ align=”left” hspace=”12″ />En cuisine avec Louis de Funes  «  Ça tient au corps, ça vous fait même des gentillesses dans la tête. Tu veux que je t’y dise  ? Ça rend meilleur.  » Le Glaude, La Soupe aux choux La Grande Vadrouille, Les Aventures de Rabbi Jacob, Le Gendarme de Saint-Tropez… Avec une centaine de films à son actif, on ne…
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born-to-lose · 3 months
While we're having the conversation, can you drop the French movie recs (not exclusively for the old men pls lol just whatever you like)
Sorry this took a bit, but in the past 10 years I've watched so many French movies that I lost track of titles and plots and which ones I just watched and which I found good, so I tried to scrape together some favorites
Le Bossu/On Guard (1997) - original and entertaining swashbuckler movie; with Daniel Auteuil
Dialogue avec mon jardinier/Conversations with My Gardener (2007) - drama/comedy about a painter who hires a gardener who turns out to be his childhood friend; with Daniel Auteuil
Qu’est-ce qu’on a fait au Bon Dieu?/Serial (Bad) Weddings trilogy - comedy about a Catholic family whose 4 daughters marry an Arab, a Jew, a Chinese and the youngest is planning to marry a black man; with Christian Clavier
OSS 117 trilogy - spy movie parody with politically incorrect humor, not everyone's cup of tea; with Jean Dujardin
Babysitting 2 (2015) - clique vacation comedy with Philippe Lacheau
Alibi.com (2017) - comedy about a firm that provides alibis to people; with Philippe Lacheau
Les Nouvelles Aventures D'Aladin & Alad'2 - funny modernized Aladdin version; with Kev Adams
Plein soleil/Purple Noon (1960) - thriller based on the novel The Talented Mr. Ripley; with Alain Delon
Ne le dis à personne/Tell No One (2006) - thriller about a man who gets hints that his wife may still be alive eight years after she was supposedly killed; with François Cluzet
The Intouchables (2011) - comedy about a paralyzed man who develops an unusual friendship with his new everyday helper; with François Cluzet
Louis de Funès (love his movies, my grandpa also looked a lot like him):
Fantomas trilogy - classic crime films with Jean Marais
Jo (1971) - crime comedy about a writer who kills his blackmailer and tries to hide the body in his garden
La soupe aux choux (1981) - sci fi comedy about an alien who regularly visits an old man in a village and likes his soup
L'aile ou la cuisse (1976) - comedy about a restaurant reviewer who tries to fight a new company's synthetic food
Eyes Without a Face (1960) has been on my list for ages and due to my current Daniel Auteuil trip, I'll be checking out more of his filmography asap, especially A Heart in Winter (1992), Caché (2005), Le Placard (2001), La Reine Margot (1994) and L'amour en douce (1985)
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