#Labrador cross
sadghostblogs · 1 year
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Thought it was high time I introduce my goofy goob.
Prince Nikolai- Niko 🫶🏻 also known as Bug 🐛 almost 2 y/o labradoodle
He’s a lil nervy boi, especially with humans, but he is so good with other dogs and loves playing with dogs much bigger than him!
He’s (very naturally) got his own instagram- adventuresof.niko 🫶🏻
I’ve tried super hard with his training, one of our big goals would be to work on his Separation Anxiety and his ability to settle- at home and just out and about- but otherwise he’s such a superstar 🥰
My whole heart 🥰
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makingpotatopasta · 10 months
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Good girl walk
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darkwooddt · 3 months
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Hallu’s grin at Scully smelling the grossness he rolled in earlier 😅
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giveuthemo0n · 5 months
i got a dog :3
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cakesandfail · 1 year
"The Greyhound Lab mix, or Greyador, is a designer hybrid breed-" ma'am that is a lurcher, it's not suddenly NOT a lurcher just because you want to sound fancy
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saint--claire · 10 months
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The Bean on tour
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senseiwu · 1 year
Took Misako to spend some time outside with me today while I was hanging laundry, cause the weather was nice.
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She didn't seem to like it much and I ended up taking her back inside when I was done 😅 but I'm glad she got some sun.
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leather-n-laces · 2 years
if you are able, and want to help out and put something good out into the universe please consider donating to the Canadian Red Cross or other organizations & relief efforts.
Hurricane Fiona has ravaged the Atlantic provinces; what’s happening in certain parts of Newfoundland is straight out of a nightmare. Homes and people literally washed out to sea. The damage is staggering; somehow worse than what was projected.
On 9/11 Newfoundland opened their arms, homes, and businesses to those 7,000 approx. passengers who were forced to make emergency landings in the wake of the US airspace being closed. This event might sound familiar, as it’s been the subject of a handful of documentaries and inspired the hit award winning Broadway show titled ‘Come From Away’
I know the world is a shit wildfire right now, and a lot of us aren’t in a position to do much or donate *anything*. In which case I’d ask you to reblog, share posts about the devastating events unfolding in Newfoundland right now in the wake of this historic storm. On any platform - on all of the platforms.
They would do the same for you, without hesitation and in a heartbeat believe me - they already have.
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cyberr-v0id · 8 months
My brother found my old ds, and I can finally absolve myself of the sins of neglecting my nintendogs
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dangerous-advantage · 2 years
fellow autistic people be like, “haha yeah my special interest is bats!! my special interest is trees!!” like full support king but then when people find out I have autism and ask, “oh what’s your special interest?” expecting something cute or whatever and I just have to tell them
it’s punnett squares.
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harryslittlefreakk · 6 months
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summary: harry is your roommate, best friend … and crush 💃 he’s finally broken up with his girlfriend and you’re struggling to hide how you feel about him. loosely based on the song!!
warnings: none! fluffy fluff, teeny tiny bit of angst, mentions nudity
wordcount: 2.7k
a/n: i am a loud & proud olivia rodrigo stan sooo naturally i had to write something. it’s silly and cheesy and short! but i hope you enjoy!!
you can find my masterlist here and join my taglist here!! happy reading my loves 💖
“Guess who I saw today?”
“Who?” You didn’t even need to look up from your book to know Harry was about to throw himself down on the end of your bed, his coat and shoes still on. Every time you got home before him he’d bound into your room like a little labrador, too excited to see you to even drop his stuff down first.
“No, you have to guess.”
“Could’ve been anyone, H,” you told him, feigning reluctance as you closed your book and looked up at him. The second you heard his key rattling in the door you’d wait for the sound of your door bursting open, the butterflies in your stomach coming to life. But you’d never let him know that, so every day you’d pretend it was an annoyance to have him perched at your feet.
“Think of someone you really don’t like,” he persisted, a toothy grin nestled between his dimpled cheeks.
“Literally could be anyone.”
“Come on! Blonde hair, tall, pretty…”
Of fucking course. His stupid, evil, awful ex girlfriend. And naturally, the only way you could react to hearing about her was to reach over and shove him before crossing your arms over your chest. “Ow! What was that for?” Harry laughed, rubbing at his upper arm.
“I was having such a nice day. And then you have to come in and mention that.” It was massively childish, but you couldn’t help but feel violent every time you heard about her. She was fine for the most part, maybe a little too conceited for your taste, but she’d made Harry happy. But you’d watched from the outside as Harry went through relationships, and he always morphed into whatever version of himself he thought the girl would prefer. He stopped being your Harry, and your friendship would suffer for it. But you couldn’t say anything, could never treat his girlfriends with anything but a polite smile and quick conversation, unless you wanted to out yourself as a jealous little girl. And you definitely didn’t want to do that.
This time, however, the ability to hate her had been handed to you on a silver platter when she decided to go home with one of Harry’s friends on a night out. You were his shoulder to cry on, the one to make him smile again after days of moping around. So you had full permission to hate her, and you were relishing in it - as much as you could while still tiptoeing around Harry’s aching heart.
“She wants to meet for a coffee this week,” he told you, scrunching his eyes tight as he waited for another shove. When nothing came, he squinted over to see you rubbing at your temples. “Are you gonna?” you asked, brows furrowed as you imagined the two of them back together.
“Am I allowed?” Harry teased, turning round to lay on top of you, his face only inches from yours. “You’re a grown man, H. Couldn’t stop you even if I wanted to,” you told him, your voice void of any emotion.
“Dunno if it’s a good idea. She might find me too irresistible and then I’ll have to deal with that,” he grinned, not noticing the change in your face. You looked down as you felt your lip start to quiver, too proud to show how your heart sank. “I need to shower, H. Dinner after?” you asked, slipping out from under him and dragging your heavy limbs towards the door. He looked over at you with round, questioning eyes, only to be met by silence and a weak smile as you headed for the bathroom.
You barely got the door shut behind you before the tears came, hot and heavy drops rolling down your cheeks. You knew you couldn’t have Harry, but every minute spent with him had your heart breaking over and over again. Every little cuddle, every touch, lit you up with a fire that burned to the bones. But then you’d see the way he acts with a girlfriend, the way he loved someone, and all those moments you shared seemed silly and infantile. He was your best friend, nothing more and nothing less.
You sank to the floor, hugging your knees to your chest as the sobs wracked your body. You’d tried so hard to push away the feelings, to convince yourself that you were just confused and overwhelmed. He’s a friend, he’s a friend, he’s a friend, echoing around your mind. But deep down, you knew that no one could ever compare to Harry. He was yours, the only one to ever steal a piece of your heart.
“Y/n? M’coming in.” You froze as Harry’s voice came from the other side of the door, clamping a hand over your mouth to hold the sobs in. “I’m naked,” you called out, scrambling to your feet and wiping away your tears with your sleeve. But he opened the door anyway, stopping in the doorway when he saw your tear-stained face. “Didn’t even turn the shower on yet,” he muttered, glancing over at it.
“Why’re you crying?”
“M’not,” you whispered, choking out a giant sob as you turned your face away from Harry, sinking down onto the edge of the bath.
“Quite clearly are. Move,” he ordered, swatting you away before reaching to turn on the taps.
“What are you-”
“If you’re sad, I’m sad. And I like having a bath when I’m sad,” Harry shrugged, turning around to grab one of your bath bombs.
“I was gonna shower, you can’t-”, between the sobs, your confusion and the need for Harry not to know why you were crying, you could barely string a sentence together.
And when Harry pulled off his t-shirt, you were even more lost for words, left with your mouth gaping and only air coming out. “Joining me?” he asked, tipping too much bubble bath into the steamy water - something you’d have to scold him for later.
“I’m not getting in with you,” you told him, once you’d finally got a grip on your brain.
“Just get under the bubbles. And you can close your eyes when I get in.”
“No way.” You hugged your arms over your chest, drawing your swollen bottom lip into your mouth as you watched a shirtless Harry mix the bubble bath into the water. The way his muscles flexed, the tattoos littered across his tanned, slender frame. His skin always looked perfect, not Barbie doll smooth but irresistibly soft. Your fingers took on a mind of their own, slowly reaching out to touch him before he turned around with a smug grin. “Fine, go away then while I have my nice relaxing bath.”
“I want a bath,” you whispered, barely audible over the running water splashing into the tub. “What was that, angel?” Harry grinned, moving his towel onto the toilet seat. “I want a bath,” you told him, louder now, a tiny smile dancing on your lips.
Harry grabbed a hold of one of your hands, tugging you closer to the bathtub. He turned you around before pulling your t-shirt over your head, leaving you in just your little pyjama shorts. Just the brush of his fingertips against your bare torso sent chills down your spine. “M’not looking. Tell me when you’re in,” Harry told you, dropping your t-shirt to his feet.
You pushed your pyjama shorts and panties down your legs, checking behind you to see if Harry really wasn’t watching. True to his word, he had his eyes scrunched tight and his hand clenched over them. You’d seen each other in bathing suits and underwear so many times before, but being naked in the same room as Harry felt beyond weird. You’d never been overly shy about your body, especially with someone who made you feel as pretty and as comfortable as Harry did, but this would add a whole new layer to your friendship - and you didn’t know if you’d survive it. Still, you sunk into the bathtub and pulled the mass of bubbles to your end, trying to keep your breasts under the water before you told Harry he can look. “It’s really hard to make bubbles stay put, H,” you told him, screwing up your face as you tried to hold them steady.
He was laughing as he pulled his trousers and socks off, great big guffaws tumbling out every time the bubbles tried to escape your grip. “Want me to turn the lights down a bit? Then it’s harder to see,” he shrugged, nodding towards the light switch. You nodded, grateful that he cared enough to make sure you were 100% comfortable. It was one of the things that first drew you to Harry, and definitely what you valued most about him. He was always so kind, always caring, so willing to put anyone’s needs above his own - and that’s why relationships always changed him.
“Close your eyes then,” he said, mockingly holding two hands in front of his bulge. You rolled your eyes, finally starting to lighten up as the hot water washed over you. When Harry reached out to swat at your nose, you closed your eyes tight. You felt him stepping into the bathtub after a minute, his long legs slotting down your left-hand side.
“Hi,” he smiled when you opened your eyes. “Gonna tell me what upset you now?”
“It’s really not a big deal,” you told him, your voice small.
“It is if it made you that upset,” Harry countered, placing a gentle hand on your calf, his thumb rubbing against the soft skin.
You paused for a moment, trying to think of what you wanted to say and how to say it. “It just- she doesn’t deserve you, H. Anyone who hurts you like that doesn’t deserve any of your time and respect.” Your eyes dropped to the water as you spoke, your body frozen. Harry opened his mouth to reply, but as soon as he did, you needed to say more. “You were really sad, Harry. It sucked for you and it sucked for me too because I don’t like seeing you like that. I’ll always be there for you, you know that, but I can’t just sit and wait for her to hurt you like that again. Not when you know she’s capable of it.”
You watched the smaller bubbles popping one by one by one, suddenly anxious in the silence that followed your speech. You hated going against Harry, putting your two cents into something that really didn’t concern you, but sometimes he needed to hear it.
“I know,” he replied finally. “But do you think that because you don’t like her?”
“Harry, no! I don’t like her because she did that to you.”
“You were never her biggest fan,” he shrugged, his brows knitted when you finally pulled your eyes up to meet his.
“She changed you, H. You were different with her, less you. Everything is so surface level with her, it’s looks and Instagram likes and who’s got trouble with who. There’s no substance, nothing deeper.”
Harry’s thumb halted as he shook his head, his jaw clenching slightly. “It doesn’t always have to be deeper,” he sighed, rubbing at his chin with his free hand.
“I know it’s not my place but you need someone who brings out the best in you, you need-”
A bitter laugh from Harry stopped you in your tracks, your mouth snapping closed as a chuckle slipped out of his. He met your questioning gaze with a tiny smirk. “She always used to say you were jealous of her.”
You could feel the tears collect on your bottom eyelashes again as he said it, the words stinging like barbed wire sinking into your skin. How could you even respond? “Harry-” was all you could manage before your mouth ran dry.
“I don’t wanna fight with you, y/n,” he told you, his voice soft as he reached out for your hand. “Come here,” he whispered, tugging at your fingertips. “I’m- we-” you started, gesturing between your bare bodies with your free hand, eyes practically bulging out of your head. “Doesn’t matter,” Harry said, motioning for you to turn around.
Somewhat reluctantly, you did, leaning back into his body until your back hit your chest. You were exposed in every sense, your chest sitting just above the waterline and your heart on your sleeve. Harry wrapped an arm around your torso, his delicate touch careful not to go anywhere it shouldn’t.
“Truth is I probably need someone like you. Only one to make me happy on a shitty day, only one who gives me any effort,” he murmured, his voice so low that if he wasn’t speaking directly into your ear, you wouldn’t have heard him. Your heart quickened as he spoke, your pulse pounding against your inner wrists. “I’m not- I don’t have anything that she-” you choked out.
“S’a good thing, no?” Harry asked, turning his head just slightly until his lips brushed tentatively against your earlobe. “No, Harry. You need more, you need-”
“You,” he finished for you. “Just say the word and I’m yours, angel.”
It was like someone had handed you everything you ever wanted on a silver platter, all you had to do was reach out and take it. But it wasn’t that easy. If anything went south, you risked losing Harry forever. You shuffled back out of his grip, turning to sit in front of him, perched on your knees. You couldn’t even bring yourself to care about him seeing your body, your words willing themselves from your lips. “If anything went wrong Harry, I don’t want to lose you,” you whispered, blinking to keep the tears at bay.
“What would go wrong? We know we get along, we have the same traits and the same values. We’re already doing life together,” he reached out a hand to cup your cheek as he spoke, his eyes laced with nothing but earnestness.
“I don’t want to be your consolation prize.”
“Never. Never ever, I swear. I thought about it for a while but it never really clicked until now.”
You sunk your teeth into your bottom lip as Harry spoke, desperately needing to figure out if it was all a dream. The sensation of his touch, the sound of his voice, the gentle heat of the water – it all felt too real to be a dream. But a part of you couldn't shake the feeling that this moment was too perfect, too surreal to be true. You hesitated, unsure if you should dare to believe in the fairytale unfolding between the two of you.
As if he could see the cogs turning in your head, Harry dropped his hand from your cheek, entwining your fingers in yours instead. He squeezed lightly, the corners of his lips turning up into a little smile. "I'm here, y/n," he whispered. "This is real, promise." His words were a lifeline in the sea of doubt that threatened to consume you. Even if it was a dream, it was a dream you never wanted to wake up from.
“It’s all I ever wanted,” you confessed, allowing yourself to give into the fantasy for at least a little while. You fought the urge to search for the hidden cameras, check the date to make sure it wasn’t an April Fools prank. Harry was a goof, but you were a thousand percent sure he wouldn’t play with your feelings like that.
“Just say the word,” he repeated, his husky voice laced with sincerity and longing.
“I want this,” you whispered, clutching onto Harry’s hand as if you could fall off the Earth at any minute. His face erupted into a grin so cheesy that you couldn’t help but mirror it, eyes locked onto his as he closed the distance between the two of you.
Harry’s lips met yours softly, as if he were waiting for the other shoe to drop. But you melted into him, the air nearly knocked out of your lungs by the urgency and desire behind his soft movements. He pulled away after a minute, his forehead pressed to yours as he searched your eyes for any sign that you wanted to stop. Although all Harry was met with was a sparkle in your gaze, and a further few pecks landing on his lips. “Should’ve done this a long time ago,” he murmured against your mouth, his hands splaying across your back. “Should’ve done it before you got me naked,” you teased, succumbing once again to his kiss.
rrrr i really don’t know how i feel about this but i wanted to get something out
taglist: @angeldavis777 @softestqueeen @jerseygirlinca @palmettogal508 @drewsephrry @vonnexann @austiebuttbutt @indigo24hughes @peterparkerbae @im-an-overthinker @daphnesutton @loveableidioticweirdo @harryshotpocket @thegrapejuiceblues1982 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @swag13r @ashleighsss @tswiftsgf @chesthairrry @nikkisimps @hannah9921 @lilfreakjez @prettygurl-2009 @s-h-e-l-b-e-e @indierockgirrl @cicicavill7
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redflagshipwriter · 3 months
Mama Bat 8: Hungry
Danny would prefer to strike that unfortunate incident from the record and his memory. As soon as he figured out how to cause selective brain damage, it was all over for the mortifying ordeal of being perceived in weakness. He swung his legs miserably over the bathroom counter’s edge and pretended very hard that he was alone in Amity Park where no one noticed or cared if he threw up. 
He was still in the room where Cass had hustled him to clean off his face and see if there would be an encore. He’d had to make a tactical retreat away from the toilet to higher ground when big bats flapped in after him. Presumably they’d learnt that he threw up when Cass went to get whatever supplies one needed to clean partially digested yogurt off antique carpet. Ancestral carpet. Probably made of some nutty rich person material like, uh, hair from the manes of prize-winning horses.
Somehow, Danny cringed even harder. He needed brain damage immediately, please.
“And you’re certain that you don’t need to visit a medical facility?” 
Batman brooded in the literal way that a chicken brooded. Danny tightened his grip on the counter just that little bit more so that no one could drag him into a nest and sit on him. “Wouldn’t do any good,” he said shortly. It came out a little too mean. He tried to correct his voice to be nicer. “Thanks. Tho.” Danny cleared his throat.
“Tt.” Damian expelled air against his front teeth and glowered at his father. “He looks terrible. You cannot believe this.”
Wait, what? Danny blinked down at Uncle Damian, betrayed. “I look terrible?” he echoed. What the hell? Criticism, from Dames? That was new and it sucked a lot.
Bruce got a pinched look. “Danny, honey, you have been looking a little…” He trailed off. “Unwell.”
‘That would be the lack of ectoplasm,’ Danny thought snidely. He kept his mouth firmly shut and turned away. Unfortunately, he caught his reflection in the bathroom mirror and winced at it. He did look pretty wan and thin. It was hard to put a finger on what was off about his appearance, but it was sort of… deathly.
He was putting on weight again thanks to Alfred and Damian’s monitoring of his diet, but it was just a fact that he wasn’t really suited to this environment. Too human to survive in the big Green yonder, too undead to get by on bread alone.
‘...How does Jason do it? His vibes are rank and ghastly as shit,’ Danny thought enviously. ‘He screams BITCH I'M ABOUT TO COMMIT AN INTERDIMENSIONAL WAR CRIME constantly. It’s pretty fucking impressive. An aura like that is not sustained by creme anglaise and goulash. He has to have access to ecto somewhere.’ 
Danny really should have wondered that before. Jason had to be like, the most liminal human being around who wasn’t a halfa. He definitely needed ecto. Where was he getting it? Danny hadn’t really consciously thought about it, but… He felt himself tinge a little green again.
‘Was I feeding off of his ambient ectoplasm when he was here yesterday?’
His mouth filled his saliva that still tasted both sour and like toothpaste. Danny swallowed it with effort. He did not think of how good ecto tasted after you’d been denied and drained. He did not think about the sense memory of how living ecto would indent and then give with a juicy pop around his teeth, splash the inside of his mouth-
Danny buried his face in his hands and tried not to look like he was going to throw up again. Because he was not going to do that. He was not going to eat Jason and he was not going to throw up.
“Danny.” Bruce somehow made his huge strong guy vibes less intense. Danny reluctantly made eye contact to see that the guy kinda had homeless Labrador eyes at the moment. Big. Begging. Full of love and grandfatherly support that he's just waiting for you to accept. “Can I ask you a question?” 
Ugh. Yuck. Feelings.
Danny fidgeted, flexing and tensing his feet. “Yeah,” he said, after a too-long silence. “What's up?”
Damian crossed his arms over his chest, radiating intensely negative child energy into the room.
“Is there something that I'm not providing for you that would help you?” Bruce's voice was excruciatingly gentle.
Danny went stiff. 
Okay, maybe Batman wasn't a big dummy. Danny broke eye contact to look at his knees. His new jeans didn't have the usual tears over his knees. He stared at the weave, picking out an individual line of thread. Everything was so weird now. He was weird now. He’d made sense before but now he was the thing that was wrong and out of place. If he was more normal he could admit that he needed help. He could say what it was, if it wasn’t so freakish and he wasn’t struck silent by the knot in his gut.
“Whatever you need,” Bruce quietly promised. He lowered himself more to Danny's level. “I know a family who all need sunlamps to survive the winter. I have a friend who travels with his own fish tank of fresh ocean water whenever he’s on land.”
That didn’t sound very human. 
Danny sniffed. Ugh, his nose was leaking. He wiped at it with the back of a hand. “Like that tentacle horror guy from the pirate movie?’ 
Bruce's lips twitched. “Exactly like that,” he lied gravely.
He took a shaky breath in. He licked his lips. He glanced up and caught sight of Damian. Sweet, prickly Damian. The preteen was glowering as if that would hide how concerned he was. 
‘He’s a kid. That's a whole ass child. I’m not telling him I'm an existential horror that is tempted to commit cannibalism. Especially not when I’d have to admit that his big brother smells like a whole graveyard buffet.’
Damian sure talked a lot of shit, but he loved his family. A lot. He would have feelings that were way too big for his body about his ‘nephew’ needing to eat something like his big brother Jason. 
Not that Jason was a something. He was a person. Jason was definitely a someone. Danny winced away from that train of thought.
“Danny?” Bruce was barely audible. Danny blinked back to awareness to see that the man was tightly leashed in place by his self control. It was obvious that Bruce very badly wanted to take three steps closer and touch Danny. Danny drew his legs up onto the counter and hid his face between his knees. He didn’t want to look at anyone, he didn’t want to feel pressured to say anything. 
The new posture was convenient because it hid that he was starting to cry. He trembled with the effort to stay silent and mop his tears directly onto the new jeans that smelled like someone else’s laundry detergent..
He was being stupid. That was classic Danny. He hid things that didn’t need to be and he accidentally told people what should be secrets. Was he ever going to get it right? He should just tell them. Tell them! He tried to berate himself into working up the nerve but his jaw might as well have been wired shut in a morgue.
The bathroom went silent. Danny waited and waited for someone to say something. He frowned after a while even as he began to relax. Then he deliberately listened. 
It sounded like he was alone. 
It didn’t seem right, though. It took him a few moments to ping onto what he knew that disproved that. There was a warm, quiet presence about a foot to his left waiting patiently. It wasn’t quite ghostly, even though it was totally silent.
Danny sniffled on his next inhalation.
Cass didn’t say anything.
He lifted his head to see for certain that Bruce and Damian had left the room. They probably hadn’t gone far.
‘She must have asked them to get out when she came back.’
The room spun around him, blurred through his eyelashes. It might as well have been a dream. There was no harm in a dream.
“I need ectoplasm,” Danny admitted. Cass didn’t say anything or touch him. There was no pressure. He could float away if he wanted to. It was safe to admit it now. “That’s what I’m missing. And I can’t get it here. That’s why I came to Gotham. It’s not really easy to get on the living side of things. But Gotham is kinda liminal, so there’s some hotspots.” He paused. He wasn’t sure why. The air felt fragile.
Suddenly, he knew he didn’t want her to say anything yet. Danny swallowed and rushed on. “It’s, uh. What ghosts are made of.” His voice was so raspy that it didn’t even sound like him. “Jason has a lot, actually. But I don’t anymore. So. I need some.”
Cass leaned over very deliberately to put her arm over his shoulder. It was warm and real. The weight of it would keep him from floating away. He could feel the slight flex of her bicep muscles.
He swallowed. He leaned into her.
“We’ll get you what you need,” Cass promised. Simple as that.
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sim0nril3y · 8 months
i love your works!!
now that soap knows sort of about civilian reader, how would they both react to meeting one another? Perhaps after a mission, Simon has to take him to their house since it’s close by and there they meet. I can imagine Johnny jokingly flirting with reader jus to rile Simon up
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Note: Thank you so much for your request! I love, love, love it! Love these boys together and all the trouble they get into and love how Johnny just seems to be able to push his buttons. Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Civilian!Reader Warnings: No mask Simon (It's my personal headcanon in his regular life he probably wouldn't wear it), established relationship, taunting and teasing, tiny illusion to smut, canon typical swearing.
It was probably a mixture of exhaustion and anxiousness to see you that had Simon not thinking straight when he climbed off the plane with Johnny. Circumstances had it that the barracks were completely full to the brim, the last train home for Johnny was an hour ago and a certain sense of guilt had Simon suggesting “We got a spare room…” The moment Simon said it, he regretted it.
It had been a gruelling four months away from you and all he had come to adore at the home you shared together, whilst he had wanted to spend time alone with you now he was basically bringing home a drooling labrador in the form of his Sergeant. Johnny’s eyes brightened up like it was Christmas and he mentioned. “That means I get t’meet your missus, LT.” Simon was completely stumped for any response, simply his shoulders sagged.
“You breathe a word about this or her to anyone else, I’ll make sure you don’t make it back from our next mission.” It was a threat, but an empty one and Johnny knew that for certain.
It was way past midnight by the time that Johnny and Simon arrived at his home. They quietly clambered from the car and up the path towards the house. Simon had warned you not to wait up for him, but from here he could see that the living room light was on which meant you hadn’t listened to him. Using the key to open the door before he even put his bags down on the floor, he heard your footsteps approach hastily, excited to see him, having practically no contact for almost four months was difficult.
“Si…” You rushed to wrap your arms around him, Simon wrapped his body tight around your own, burying his face into your throat and inhaling sharply, burying his nose into your scent to try and wash away all the horror that he’d witnessed whilst away. “Missed you so much.” You whimpered into his skin and then jumping. “Oh, uh…” It was clear you’d seen Johnny lingering over his shoulder then. “Hi.”
Tugging away from Simon, he took a step aside allowing you to see Johnny fully. “Hello ma’am.” He nodded his head at you then, Simon wasn’t sure he’d ever seen Johnny act so respectful before. Odd, he thought. “Jus’ got back from a mission. Y’fella ‘ere said I could borrow a room f’the night. Hope it won’t be too much trouble.”
A little of startled surprise crossed your face. “You work with Simon?” You asked then and Johnny nodded in confirmation. “You can stay as long as you want if you tell me everything about Si whilst he’s away from home.” You announced causing Simon to gift you a tested look but it only caused Johnny to chortle lowly and reply. “I tell y’everything I know ‘bout Si.” The use of his nickname that was reserved for you fell from Johnny’s lips and those narrowed daggers looked to him aggressively.
“Time for bed.” Simon commanded lowly then, hands placed on your shoulders to spin you in the direction of the stairs and ushering you up then, even as you argued that you needed to find some sheets for the spare room Simon still urged you up the stairs and as far away from Johnny as he could manage. This night couldn’t be over quick enough.
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It was like some bad dream as Simon awoke that next morning to your side of the bed long cold beside him and the sound of your distant laughter floating through the house. Bloody hell. Originally, he had planned on waking up, rolling you gently onto your side and slipping into your wonting cunt, but instead you were entertaining another one downstairs, leaving him longing and lonely in the bed you shared.
Simon was dreading whatever stories that Johnny had decided to fill your pretty head with. There was reasons Simon kept you separate from you his work life, mostly for your safety but also because he was a different person there than he was in the comfort of your shared home. He felt safe and secure in these walls and around your presence, with work he built up walls which you had seemingly knocked down in mere weeks of knowing him.
Clambering from bed Simon tugged on some shorts and lumbered downstairs to join the chatter. It was much too lively for an early Saturday morning. “My, my… Lt never mentioned jus’ how talented you are, lass.” That thick Scottish accent announced making his eyes narrow, rounding the counter to see Johnny observing the artwork that adorned the kitchen walls. “Matter fact, don’t think he’s uttered a single word ‘bout you.”
“Likewise.” You responded with ease then before beaming a smile at the presence of Simon in the doorway. “Morning, Lt.” Johnny began. “Morning babe, want a cuppa?” Your voice was pleasant and sweet, even at this time. “Mm.” He moved then to take a seat at the table as you got to work making him a morning brew just the way he liked. “I hope MacTavish ain’t been giving you too much grief…” He commented, flicking a hard look in Johnny’s direction.
A delicate laugh came from you then. “Don’t be silly.” Approaching him with the tea and placing it on the kitchen table for him. “Not at all, Lt.” Johnny continued. “Y’lass and I’ve been gettin’ on like a house on fire.” Then grinning as he sat opposite him. “Bonnie was just tellin’ me ‘bout the train strikes…” Simon glared at him. “Kindly offered me the room until things clear up again.”
After taking a long sip of his tea Simon said coldly. “I’ll pay for a taxi, or a plane… whatever gets you out of my house faster.” Then earning a hard look from you across the room. “Don’t be rude.” You scolded him with a stern look, completely unphased by Simon’s attitude Johnny did grin at the way that you spoke to his Lieutenant, practically only Price could speak to Simon like that. “John, you are more than welcome to stay with us as long as you need to.” Then throwing a tested look in Simon’s direction. “Isn’t that right, babe.”
“Is it, Lt?” Johnny uttered feigning some innocence Simon knew was fake. Instead of biting back Simon simply nodded and mustered a small. “Mm.” In response, simply plotting his revenge sometime in the future. “Mighty kind of you.” The Scotsman grinned and looked towards you. “Oh and lass, call me Johnny, please.” Followed by a playful wink. This was going to be a rough few days.
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Masterlist | Ask | 27-01-2024
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wileys-russo · 10 months
bad dog ficlet
bad dog
"i cannot believe you said yes without conferring with me first." "and why do i need to confer with you?" "well i live here too, it affects me!" "you won't do a single thing for him anyway, so really it'll be my responsibility and therefore was my decision to make." "oh that is not fair, do i not get a say in any of this?" "considering its a favour for your family and i've already said yes, no you do not alessia."
your girlfriend groaned, making sure it was long and loud to let you know she was not impressed as you rolled your eyes, unamused by her theatrics. "are you done acting like a child?" you raised an eyebrow, arms crossed over your chest.
"a child she says!" "i'll take that as a no then." "come back here this conversation is not over!" "yes it is, he'll be here by the time you get home." "if i come home!"
"stay at tooneys for the week then." you shrugged casually, alessias mouth forming a small o of shock, your reaction not the one she expected from her light threat.
"i'll have elio to protect me from intruders anyway, no guard dog girlfriend needed love." you smiled, well aware you were getting under her skin as she sat up, grumbling under her breath as she tugged on her trainers and grabbed her gym bag.
"both of us will see you this afternoon." you hung by the front door twirling her keys on your finger, holding them away as she reached for them. you cleared your throat expectantly and raised an eyebrow, your girlfriend rolling her eyes.
"i love you." she grumbled leaning in to give you a kiss, one arm wrapping around your side. her hand on the small of your back she flushed your bodies closer together, plucking her keys from your grasp and pecking your lips a few more times before she was gone.
"oh my god. baby! he's fucking done it again!" alessia shouted angrily, the dopey labrador scurrying out of the room at her raised voice. "don't yell like that you'll scare him." you warned her, alessia scoffing.
"scare him? look what he did!" she held up a pair of her boots which were ripped to shreds. "i told you to stop leaving them laying about. now looks what happened!" you only rolled your eyes, voice lacking an inch of sympathy.
"how is this my fault? he is so badly behaved and you never tell him off!" "lessi, baby he's just a puppy. he's learning!" "yeah? well he better learn not to chew up my shit or he learns how cold it is to sleep in the backyard." "don't you dare. i'll put you out there with him!"
"go and take him for a walk! maybe if he's tired he'll be less of a fucking pain in my ass." alessia huffed, sitting down on the bed and holding her boots in her hand with a groan. she'd not long gotten the new cleats and now she'd not get another single wear out of them.
"are you coming?" you returned a few minutes later, elio of course sitting right by your feet, always ever so obedient for you. "no. he hates me, i hate him, leave it at that." alessia huffed, rolling onto her side where she was laying down on the bed.
"honestly baby you're being ridiculous, he's just a dog! come on, it'll be a good bonding opportunity for the two of you." you cooed, the bed dipping as you sat down. "ah! get down you idiot." alessia kicked out at the dog who followed your lead.
"alessia! don't kick him." you huffed, smacking her in the leg making her whine. "get up, shoes on, you're coming." you ordered sternly, firm glare shutting down her complaining before it could even start.
"hi baby." you smiled softly as your girlfriend returned from a photo shoot for the seasons kit, moving aside your textbook out of your lap as she belly flopped onto you making you laugh.
"how was it?" you ran your hands fondly through her hair, gently untangling a few sporadic knots. "good, missed you." she mumbled, shuffling slowly up your body. and once her lips met your neck you knew exactly what she wanted.
your eyes fluttered closed the kisses soft and tender, sweet nothings whispered in your ear. her hands teasingly ran up and down your sides before they gripped your hips tighter, pushing your body deeper into the mattress as hers settled itself comfortably on top of you.
your breath hitched as suddenly she nipped at your pulse point, your body reacting to every little touch she gave you, switching between her teeth and tongue devouring at the soft sensitive skin, your mumbles of encouragement only spurring her on further.
but it was her who heard the whines and scratches before you did, noises which were not coming from you as your attention wavered momentarily.
"no, ignore him, focus on me baby." alessia purred, moving her mouth back to connect with yours, her hands cupped your face and deepening the kiss. your head swam as her tongue swirled against the roof of your mouth, hips bucking involuntarily up against her.
until the barking started.
"baby i just need to make sure he's okay." your hands gently pushed at her chest, breaking the kiss with a quiet smack as her lips pulled off of yours. "are you seriously choosing a smelly dog over making out with me?" alessia asked in disbelief.
"he doesn't smell! i washed him yesterday." you laughed, ignoring the main focus of her point as you pecked her lips and sat up, the blonde rolling off of you with a defeated groan as of course your attention again shifted to elio.
"tesoro i already said he is not allowed on the lounge! get down." alessia groaned, having showered once you all returned from your walk, though of course it was alone as you needed to feed elio and watch him while he ate so he didn't choke.
yet another strike in alessia's book against the dopey chocolate menace who was ruining her life. four days had never felt so agonizingly long and with each hour her annoyance only seemed to grow, feeling incredibly neglected by you whose attention and time seemed to be only invested in elio.
"elio off!" alessia yelled, much more sternly this time as the canine only stuck his tongue out, not moving a muscle. "see i told you babe, he doesn't listen." alessia dragged her hands down her face in frustration. "its because he knows you don't like him. you have to ask nicely!" you gestured for her to try again.
"what dog book did you read that in? they're supposed to know whose the boss and that it isn't them!" alessia rolled her eyes in disbelief. "elio. off and onto your bed please." you asked softly, alessia withholding the urge to scream as of course he did what you asked.
"see baby? mutual respect." you grinned, opening your arms expectantly as your girlfriend sighed deeply and dropped down into them, her head on your stomach and arms tucked around your torso.
elio finally napping alessia was able to do the same, and you smiled seeing her so relaxed as you played with her hair, glancing between elio and your girlfriend with a content sigh.
alessia awoke to something wet on her cheek, a smile curling onto her lips assuming the tongue belonged to you. though the rancid smell that followed had her eyes shooting open, meeting orbs which did not belong to you.
"urgh get off!" alessia grunted shoving away the dog and furiously wiping at her mouth, just seeing your back facing toward her in the kitchen. "right, you and I need to have a little chat." alessia growled, grabbing the dogs collar and pulling him back over.
"see her? that is my girlfriend. mine! not yours." alessia warned quietly. "you will start to listen to me, and behave, and let me spend time with my girlfriend or you will sleep outside in the rain!" alessia leaned in closer to the canine.
"understood?" alessia warned, letting go of elio and smiling as he shot right back to his bed and sat down. "here baby." the blonde perked up as you handed her a bowl of pasta, kissing your cheek gratefully.
"no, stay." the striker warned as elio stood to join the two of you, ears perking up at the smell of your dinner. "see! he listened." you smiled happily as the labrador dropped right back down into his bed as alessia settled in beside you.
"yeah baby you were right, we just needed some mutual respect."
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heywardsdoll · 3 months
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you're in your rebel phase, sneaking out with a skittish expression on your face, nails painted bright pink instead of the nude color your parents tell you to settle on.
you have pink gems stuck on your cheeks, and rosy glossy lipgloss slathered on your lips. you're ready to party. or at least what you call partying.
as a kook, there are some things you are entitled to, but your parents always tried to hide you from that. no, there was no partying in your house hold. there was studying, staying out of trouble, sucking up to people and being a good girl.
you took it from the pogues. you loved the way they lived, and you saw it all when you had a small cross over project with a boy called pope. he lived on the other side of the island, and as the two of you worked on the project you met the freest boys you had ever seen.
you liked the way john b would laugh, cascading brown curls wet from the salty water, that clear look on his face. you liked the way that jj would tease—a clear jeering expression on his face. you especially liked seeing sweet suprise on pope's face when you joined onto their little pranks. it was a sweet way to spend the summer but before you knew it, it was gone and you were stuck in your parents house staring at the walls.
it was strange seeing them live like that. laughter pure, bouncing around the room, beers cooling in the fridge, and loud thumps coming from the rooms. god knew what was going on, but the frozen pizza in the fridge was good, and more importantly the sweet look on pope's face made you flush.
pope had given you a sorry shrug before you leading to the table. and before the project ended; jj, a labrador friendly boy had told you to lighten up. afterwards he had shotgunned a beer, and then tried to do a flip—and failed leading to pope rolling his eyes but that was besides the point.
that's what you were here to do, as the lights shone down on you. drinks were being served, as you floated over to the bar. you fluttered your eyelashes to the bartender, watching them jeer at you.
"can i have a spicy watermelon bomb margarita," you giggled out, the name sounding so foreign on your lips. the bartender gave you a bored look before nodding. so the night is young, and you feel your lips curve as you tilt your head up to look at the disco ball. this is the best place to party apparently, but it feels to stuffy for your own good.
you feel gum on your shoe, and your drink is too cold to handle. the music is too loud, and the dress you have on is cutting your circulation. everything is booming, so loud you can barely handle yourself.
but you have to get used to it, and like a small favor to yourself you pop in noise canceling headphones, and take a long sip from your fruity cocktail.
three drinks in and you've danced more than you have your whole life. more embarrassingly, someone had asked you for a dancing move and you had proceeded to awkwardly bop to the music. the guy had laughed and then went ahead and ignored you. you were completely out of your element, as guys jeered over your head.
"you're really hot," a boy slurred, crawling closer to you, "i like your outfit, you look like a hot librarian"
you knew it was a bad idea to layer an old cargidan over your tight dress, but somehow it made you feel more at home than anything else. but you've learned to take a compliment, so you forced yourself to try and not step away from his sour breath.
you ball your fists, touching the ends of your beige cardigan, wincing before giving a forced smile, "thank you?"
he laughs, a booming sound that makes you flinch, "sure thing." and then he looks at you again, almost appreciatively, "how about you and i go upstairs?"
you blink at him, slowly, your doe eyes wide. you don't know what this means, but it makes you shiver. something about going upstairs scares you, so you shake your head and then run away only to be stopped by another guy.
it's pope heyward. you had never been so happy to see a familiar face, and yet this boy's face makes you light up. it was almost as if the whole summer flashed before your eyes, and you grab pope's hand with a sweet smile.
"hi pope," you whisper out, and he gave you a confused look before nodding at the scene. you tried not to giggle at his expression as he's trying to decipher why you were here.
he coughs, "i thought you were working at the library right now?" he winces when he watches you practically wilt at the comment. you had tired so hard to try something new, to be someone new, but it's clear you don't belong here.
"am i crazy doing this?" you mewl softly, rubbing the glitter under your eyes. you watch his soft eyes follow your furious movement, before he gently stops you. his fingers stop you from your rubbing, and he only blow away the remandits of the glitter.
you're dumstruck watching him. he's so...pope.
pope sighs, "well, i never thought i'd see you here—" then he quickly stops himself, "shit, i don't mean it's bad, it's just that—" then he stops speaking to look away. you laugh now, and you realise this isn't his place either. finally you find yourself being the brave person, the one that goes for challenges.
"c'mon dance with me," you whisper out, and you swear pope smiles brighter than you've ever seen him.
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fairyhaos · 1 year
how seventeen act with their black cat s/o
requested by anon : hi! can i request how seventeen would act with an s/o with a "black cat" personality? thank you! :>
notes: while writing this i realised i only Kind Of understand what a black cat personality is lmao. so, uh, just go w it u guys okay
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black labrador x black cat pairing all the way. when you're exhausted with no energy, he's being your protector. when he's upset and feeling terrible, you're his protector. mutual protecting, you know? but it also feels like the "i'm only my softest when i'm with you" feeling with seungcheol, like being in one another's presence allows you to truly and fully relax
he's still coddling and cooing over you no matter what. you could be the most tsundere, grumpy, annoyed person in the world at that moment but he's calling you adorable and asking you in a cute tone how your day was. it's a good thing that you're really really weak for him tbh, bc if anyone else was calling you a little kitten while pinching your cheeks then they are getting punched.
still as gentlemanly as ever. calls you extravagant nicknames like "my lord" or "my lady" bc he likes to tease that you having a grumpy nature is just bc you're a very picky person, like royalty. slides an arm around you and goes "is he bothering you queen/king?" whenever someone is talking to you who's obviously annoying you. when you're in a bad mood, he's attacking and tickling you until you fall into laughter again
tabby cat x black cat supremacy yeahhhh!! he's like the curious, innocent, playful cat to your black cat vibes. tsks when you emerge from your room wearing all black to go out somewhere, makes you go back inside and change one (1) piece of clothing into something with more colour. peppers your face with kisses and then demands kisses of his own too
head over heels for you, but needs you to initiate everything. grab his hand while walking down the pavement, give him a kiss on the cheek at random times throughout the day. you don't need to tell him "i love you", though, because he knows that already. knows that you tolerating and even enjoying his hyper nature is an "i love you" enough
so basically, you're just two cats that don't go outside and amuse yourselves at home. it's not that you don't like going out, but when both of you are both content with staying indoors, what's the point? silent communication galore, having the ability to read each other's minds and simply knowing, without having to say anything, just how much you mean to each other
lowkey, he enjoys it because it means he gets to be the one to talk the most in the relationship. bro has a lot to say, okay, with the funniest opinions and adlibs and really does love talking. he's still a great listener ofc, and sometimes there are days where the both of you just sit in silence. which he finds absolutely brilliant, because he's actually found someone to sit in silence with who's just like him
the sassy duo. lowkey also the fashion duo, bc i can just imagine you two in matching sunglasses and matching fashion styles, sitting cross-legged and peering, unimpressed, over the rims of the glasses at whoever is being weird this time. the best thing ever is how you just Get each other's sense of humour, and i can imagine endless weird inside jokes between the two of you that make you grin over at each other during big gatherings
golden retriever bf (1). bouncy and bumbling and excitable. thinks you're the brightest and loveliest angel in the world. sure, maybe you have your introverted moments and won't let him hug you but personal boundaries exist, right? he gets that. he's your Protector™ fr, even though he knows you're one badass mf that doesn't need protecting
golden retriever bf (2). loud asf. a ray of sunshine that would have blinded you if he wasn't also just adorably soft and sweet. the type to lean over and whisper "so, we don't like them?" when he catches sight of you glaring at someone while you're meeting up with friends. whines like a dejected puppy when you (jokingly) tell him to go away
is kinda sad that you're not all too keen on receiving his kisses and his hugs, but to make up for it he engages in all the other love languages instead until he finds the one that you adore the most. the most accommodating and attentive, bc you may not communicate your opinions that much, but don't worry because he's trained himself to be attentive to your every move
vernon is normally a listener, but like woozi, being with you allows him to talk more, and also allows you to laugh more. he has the craziest stories which make you smile after a hard day. he enjoys talking, when it's to you, who'll watch him attentively, humming and smiling and he enjoys that it's only him that you'll be so sweet and gentle with
your Biggest Supporter Ever. you don't even need to be doing anything, he's just gonna support you no matter what. would fully believe you if you said that you were taking part in a secret space project to go to Mars. backs you up whenever someone is making you uncomfortable/annoyed/angry no matter the situation. you don't need to say the words "i love you" to him, don't worry, because he says it enough for the both of you.
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reactions tags: @jeonginssa @magicaltonaru @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @turningcarat @zarara @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @iheartyujin @summery-bat @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @ejspencer14 @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @saythename-chess @yonabutnotyuna @youthoughtiwasfeelingyou @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @sunshinekyeom-sang @ocyeanicc @zozojella @thesmellofcoffeeandrain @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @nananacomeonnnn @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @hansolaria @gam3bo1z @marisblogg @evasaysstuff @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt
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