#Larry scooped it up off the floor
boyswhowawa · 9 months
Request #13: Cooking
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request done for a friend on discord!!
Nighcat will hold things over their friends' heads with joy and a smug aura, nothing is below them
oh also since i think the food turned out alright;
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spaghetti closeup....
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r0-boat · 1 year
Rika with a afab reader
Period headcanons
(This is what the real wlw experience is)
Smiles through the pain at her job, as soon as she gets home all her clothes are coming off laying on the living room floor in her boxers and t-shirt groaning to herself. Begging for you to come over.
Rika ALWAYS carries pads or tampons around because she never checks her cycles and in her past she had way too many experiences of starting in the middle of her job or at school.
Rika will cling to you and will not let go. you are now her new Clodsire stuffed animal. Don't you dare move.
The only time Rika ever knows her cycle is if it falls on the same week as yours. Then the two of you will have a junk food, candy, and soda shopping trip the day before.
This is the only reason why she has tiktok downloaded other than posting videos about her Pokemon. her for you page is absolutely cluttered with weird, stupid 5 minute crafts and cute videos of Pokemon. it's fun to cuddle with her and watch.
She called you her little ketchup packet and you blocked her. Larry called you 10 minutes later saying that she's pestering him to tell you to unblock her.
Threatens to get her eggs scooped and donated but never actually goes through with it. She had a Depo shot once and her soul left her body when she got her period again.
Usually, Rika Cooks meals because she enjoys it. But when she's on her period, it's a week of fast food, can food, or whatever the hell is in the freezer. She will love you forever if you cook or something.
"Rika... My boobs already hurt stop squeezing them."
* exaggerated Sob*
Snuggling up on the couch watching anime together
Rika' s the type of person to get really high when she is on her period. Like she already feels like crap she rather not be here mentally.
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hi! I saw you where taking requests for stranger things, could I request Robin X fem reader where reader gets super overwhelmed on crowded public places and robin comforts her? If you are comfortable with this!
Madonna: The First Album || Robin Buckley
Pairing: Robin Buckley x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety symptoms associated with Enochlophobia (fear of crowds); explicit language. If I have missed any warnings, please let me know.
Word Count: 3770 words.
A/N: Thank you so much for the request anon, I really appreciate it! This is set in 1985, just before the events of Season 3 really kick off. Also Robin is definitely a secret Madonna fan, so yeah. Also ‘Larry’ was just a random name that came to mind, it is not based on the Mayor in S3 lol. I hope you all enjoy! Please note this is an au so some character’s behaviours may be different to what is expected.
Please do not repost (on here or any social media platform), copy, translate or take ownership of my work. Reblogs, likes and comments are always appreciated <3.
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GIF not mine
Madonna: The First Album: Robin Buckley-
“Come on! You’re wasting time, let’s go!” Robin says as she tugs incessantly on your arm.
You’ve barely finished locking up your car, using what strength you have to keep the key in the locking mechanism to finish the task; as Robin continues to pull at you.
“Robin, slow down. The Sam Goody store doesn’t even open up to the public till 9 am. You know Larry is opening up a bit earlier for you today, we don’t need to rush okay.” You say once you remove the keys from your car door.
“Precisely, it’s exactly 8:45 am, that gives us 15 minutes to get there before everyone else does, so move it!” Robin releases your arm to allow herself to move behind you and shove you forward.
You raise your hands up in surrender, opting to join Robin in a sprint towards the entrance of the ‘Starcourt Mall’; before she takes it upon herself to practically push you every step of the way.
As you manage to reach the locked doors, you place your hands on your knees, bending slightly to increase your breath intake from the exercise you were just forced to endure by your exhilarated girlfriend.
However, your efforts are interrupted when you notice Robin’s impatient tapping of her foot, you look up to see her staring at you, arms folded and waiting.
“Go on then, open the doors.” You say between each exaggerated breath.
Robin throws her hands up in the air as she spins around, “I don’t have my keys, otherwise I already would have!” Robin says as a matter of fact.
You roll your eyes as you take your work keys out of your denim jacket; one of the only perks of working at ‘Scoops Ahoy’, is the early access to the Mall, whenever you please.
“It’s a good job I'm always prepared, huh.” You tease as you use the silver bunch of keys to unlock the main entrance doors.
Robin releases an impatient breath, “If some dingus didn’t keep moving my keys then I would also be prepared and have them on my person at all times. Especially for vital situations like this one.” Robin playfully emphasises her point by gesturing to the locked doors; creating a barrier between herself and her prized possession awaiting her in the Sam Goody store.
You turn to her with a challenging gaze; moving to unlock the next set of doors, allowing the two of you to enter the welcoming area of the Mall.
“Well, if someone didn’t leave her keys on the floor when she stays over, I wouldn’t have to move them. Honestly Robin, no one likes stepping on a bunch of keys at 2 am on the way to the Bathroom. They’re worse than stepping on legos.” You justify to Robin.
Robin moves to place her hands on your shoulders, leaning on to your back to speak directly into your ear, “I would like to redirect your focus on the main purpose of today, and that would be to allow us to enter the mall before everyone else can so I can get what I came for.”
As soon as you finish unlocking the doors, you take Robin by the hand and head straight towards the Sam Goody store, “Of course you would! ‘The Breakfast Club’ is going to be awesome.” You say, knowing that’s not the main purpose of your visit to the Starcourt Mall on your day off, though catching a movie with Robin is on the agenda for today.
“I seriously hope you are joking. You know that today is ‘Madonna Day’. That’s right, her newest Vinyl comes out today, and if I don’t get it, it will be a catastrophe, pure chaos! The movie comes after, we can’t worry about that right now.” Robin explains as the two of you head up the staircase, leading to the first floor of stores.
As you speed walk alongside Robin, you take a moment to enjoy the serenity of the desolate mall, preferring its abandoned state compared to the colossal gathering it usually turns out to be throughout the day.
“You know, I still don’t get why you need this Vinyl so much, you have all of her newest singles on cassette.” You curiously question Robin, knowing at this point her room is a shrine for Madonna- her current favourite artist.
Robin halts her movements, glaring at you as if you just slapped her across the face, “I need any piece of merchandise Madonna releases, she’s so hot, so very hot and you know how much I love her music. As an avid fan, I need it in all formats, to thoroughly enjoy it and-“ You move in to plant a kiss on Robin’s lips, causing her to shake her head a little in response and widen her dazed eyes.
A blush spreads across her face; tainting her cheeks in a scarlet shade, “You want me to shut up don’t you?” Robin says shyly.
“Not at all, though I do want you to take a moment to actually breathe.” You assure her; loving how passionate Robin is about her interests.
Through her moment of surprise, she fails to realise where she is.
“You know, for someone who practically dragged me here, you’re making me wait an awful long time to go into the store.” Robin looks at you sceptically before noticing the neon pink and blue Sam Goody sign.
She shrieks in delight, jumping over to the door in an attempt to move the handle- realising it’s still locked.
This causes her to resort to leaning against the display window, gently tapping on it to get Larry’s attention.
“Larry, for once in your life be useful and open the door! This isn’t like band practice where you can just fall asleep on the job and hope no one will notice, so let me in!” Robin shouts, attempting to get her plea through the glass barrier. With Larry being a fellow Band member at Hawkins High, she knows just what to say to get his attention.
An extremely exhausted looking Larry wanders over to the door, opening it up at an incredibly slow pace. Causing Robin to tap increasingly more at the window to help encourage Larry to speed up his actions.
Once he unhooks the door latch, the door opens fully, causing him to wince at the sound of the repeated tapping, “Buckley, I swear to god if you do that one more time, I’ll ban you from the store, permanently.”
If this was any other day, Robin would have a set of quick remarks to fire Larry’s way. Luckily for him, she only has one goal in mind- to get her hands on a copy of Madonna’s newest vinyl.
She swiftly moves past him, not caring for his lecture on how she should be more cautious in her actions.
He looks towards you for a defence, causing you to shrug your shoulders at Robin’s actions. You’re not going to scold her for being excited.
However a blaring groan of dismay sounds from within the store, making it so you and Larry rush towards its origin.
As soon as you reach Robin’s location, you see her rifling through the vinyl collection, “Where is it? It has to be here, there is no way it’s gone!”
“What the hell Robin, I just organised those!” Larry speaks in a disheartened tone.
“Never mind that, where is it Larry?!” Robin says frantically, continuing her search throughout the new releases.
Larry looks to you in a questioning manner, “Where’s what-“
Before you can answer, Robin stops her movements to dig through her jacket pocket, ripping out a magazine clipping to show what she is referring to, alongside some random candy wrappers that she refuses to remove from each pocket.
“This! The ‘Madonna: The First Album’ re-release vinyl. You know with the style being Synth-pop, disco and the genre will be electronic pop, which according to my extensive knowledge of this store will be located right here with all the other electronic pop vinyls, yet it's not. You were supposed to get stock in last week but you forgot to input the order with your supplier because you were too busy trying to figure out which T-shirt Samantha Stone might like better, and let’s face it the effort was wasted because she didn’t even notice-“
Larry’s mouth drops open at that remark, though Robin continues her statement, “so, I ask you this Larry, where is the new vinyl?”
Larry looks towards you in utter disbelief at Robin’s words.
“You heard her, where is it?” You remark with a smile, leaning against a display of a random assortment of cassettes.
“Well you clearly didn’t look hard enough, Robin.” Larry moves Robin aside to pull out a mangled ‘Sold Out’ sign; ultimately being destroyed through Robin’s eager actions upon searching for her desired item.
Robin takes the sign from Larry with shaky hands, staring intensely at the words written across the cardboard, the words she dreaded.
“Sold out? How? You haven’t even opened up properly yet.” Robin questions in a small voice, utterly devastated.
“Actually, we opened up at midnight for it. It’s not the only release scheduled for today. It sold out in ten minutes. I’m sorry Robin, I did try and call-“
Robin turns away in an attempt to hide her disappointment.
“Yeah, no I totally get it. It’s cool. Um, y/n, is there anything you want from here, or should we just go to the movies and wait?” She directs her attention towards you at the last segment of her words.
Her eyes are rimmed with a crestfallen red. Knowing how much she wanted this vinyl and the realisation she can’t have it would usually make your heart wrench at the sight of her saddened expressions… though you’ve never been one to disappoint.
“Yeah, I have something to pick up. Larry, could you grab my reserved item please?” You give a knowing glance to Larry, hinting at the item needed to cheer Robin up.
“Give me two seconds, it’s around the back.” Larry disappears behind a ‘Staff Only’ marked door, to retrieve your item.
You move towards Robin to guide her to the cash register. Though, she’s barely said a word since finding out the vinyl has completely sold out.
“Robin, I know you’re disappointed, but you never know, one copy might just show up.”
Robin shakes her head in denial, “They’re a limited release, there is no way I’ll get my hands on one. I can’t believe I was so stupid and didn’t realise it was a midnight release.”
Robin places her hands over her face as she leans on the counter. At that moment, Larry returns with a bagged item.
Upon noticing Robin’s state, he slowly lifts the item out of the bag for you to inspect.
Your eyes light up at the vinyl cover. None other than Madonna covering it, with her mystic blue eyes, pink pouty lips and hair to die for- this is the perfect vinyl.
You move to console Robin, “Look, you’re not stupid Robin-“ Robin releases a scoff at your words.
“Though, I think you have a super awesome girlfriend, who would do anything to make you happy. That includes ensuring that our good friend Larry over here puts aside a copy of the Madonna vinyl for you to pick up this morning.”
Robin’s face shoots out of her hands, allowing her to gaze upon the one and only Madonna.
She gasps in disbelief, “What! How?” Robin makes grabby hands at the vinyl, causing Larry to pass it over with a roll of his eyes- I mean she did also practically climb the counter to grab it but that was to be expected.
“Well, whilst you and Steve were in the back area of Scoops doing nothing. I was actually serving and so Larry came in on Tuesday and mentioned he was getting stock today so I asked him to set aside a copy for you to pick up.”
Robin studies you in awe, “I can’t believe you did that for me.”
She moves to plant a grateful kiss on your lips; hugging you for good measure.
“Of course I would, I know how much you wanted it.”
Robin glances over at Larry as he backs away slowly, she narrows her eyes in confusion.
“Oh, I didn’t want you to try and kiss me too.”
Robin near enough gags at the notion, “You wish Larry, so how much do I owe you?”
Larry puts his hands up as a sign of refusal, “It’s taken care of, no payment necessary.”
Robin looks between the two of you for clarification. You decide to lean against the counter to take a better look at the vinyl cover, “I promised him free ice cream for a year.”
Robin nods her head in approval, happy with the negotiation put forward.
“You’re actually pretty cool Larry.” Robin casually remarks.
Larry nearly drops to the ground in shock, “Robin Buckley, you did not just compliment me?”
Robin continues to stare at her vinyl, completely ignoring her surroundings for the time being, “Yeah and I can take it back just as quickly as I said it.”
Larry shakes his head and crosses his arms instantly, “No, no that’s okay. That’s bitchin’ in fact.”
The moment is interrupted once the mall clock chimes to signify the start of a new hour.
“Right Miss Buckley, let’s head over to the cinema, we can see what time ‘The Breakfast Club’ is on. I think the first showing starts at around 9:15 am.” You suggest to Robin, eager to leave the store before the busy crowds start to pour in.
“Yeah, just a second y/n/n. Larry, what other releases did you say were in today?” Robin guides her interest back to Larry.
“Oh uh, we finally got our hands on Metallica’s album that was released last year, it’s ‘Ride the Lightning’. It’s righteous, it’s the first time it’s hit any shelves in a Hawkins’ store!” Larry exclaimed excitedly.
Robin places her vinyl flat against the counter to give Larry a questionable look, “Oh, I thought it would have been real music.”
Larry twitches at such a blasphemous claim, “Real music? Real music!? That is real music Robin, Metallica are like the most stellar band known to our generation, they’re songs are like little droplets of pure delight!”
Robin scoffs in disagreement, “Please, it’s just noise.”
Larry points one of his fingers at Robin, “Take that back, right now!”
“Nope. Over my dead body.” Robin smiles as she puts her views across.
You quickly zone out of the conversation once you notice an influx of people start to enter the store.
You move closer to Robin, in an attempt to stay as close as you can to her.
One thing you hate is large crowds, you can never quite adjust to them. Usually the mall isn’t too busy at this time of morning, however with the new releases it has ultimately brought in a surge of people. Completely throwing you off the mark.
Usually if your anxiety spikes in this situation, Robin is there to seek comfort in. Though she’s currently lost within her debate with Larry, making you feel alone within this mass of individuals.
As more people filter in, they accidentally nudge into you, sending waves of panic through you as they do. Each nudge is like a reminder that the space around you is closing in, getting smaller and smaller with each person that enters the store.
Through everyone’s excitement, they fail to notice your presence, causing the movement near you to become frantic as they seek their desired merchandise.
Your heart rate rapidly rises, causing your chest to tighten at the sudden change. Pain starts to spread across your body as it attempts to overcome your fears and worries.
The pressure in your limbs makes it impossible to move, making you panic more at the overwhelming sensation of being trapped within such a tight public space.
Your fearsome eyes scan for possible exit routes, ones that appear to not exist. The heat being caused from your panic causes you to clutch at your clothing, desperate to seek a release in some way; using the feeling of the material as a way to take your mind from your current predicament.
As you allow your chaotic thoughts to consume you, your body begins to shake, sending a wave of dizziness through you as you become more worked up.
The sounds of the crowd around you become muffled; feeling as though the world around you is drifting away.
That is until you feel a pair of firm hands grasp at your arms, causing you to release a surprised yelp and leave your trance.
Your worried eyes meet Robin’s concerned ones, “Hey, are you okay? Y/n/n, talk to me, what’s going on?”
You try to speak to Robin, but the words just get caught up in your constricted throat.
Through your trepidation, you failed to notice the tears that are staining your face. You release laboured breaths in an attempt to communicate with Robin, using your head to nod towards the door.
Robin immediately understands and makes quick work of grabbing her vinyl from the counter and wrapping a secure arm around you to lead you out of the store.
You cling onto her desperately, “You’re okay, I’ve got you. We’re leaving now, can you take some deep breaths for me y/n/n?”
You give a firm nod as you concentrate on your breathing, allowing Robin to guide you to a safe and calm environment.
Once the two of you squeeze through the bustling crowd, Robin guides you to a small water fountain to sit at.
She crouches down in front of you, “Breathe beautiful, you’re okay. Listen to the water, it will help calm your mind. I’m so sorry I didn’t let us leave sooner, I just got so caught up in the moment-“
You shake your head at her words, continuing your concentrated breaths, “I-It’s not your f-fault.”
Robin displays a look of guilt, not taking your words in, “Come on, let’s go to Scoops and get you something to help ease your nerves.”
Robin guides you up and keeps a supportive hold on you as she takes you towards the ice cream parlour, knowing it will be open at this time of morning.
Upon entrance, you notice a bored looking and uniformed Steve Harrington making an ice cream cone tower on the counter.
Once he notices the two of you walk in he releases a sigh of relief, “Thank God, I’m losing my mind over here- hey, wait is she okay?” Steve says as soon as he notices your tear filled eyes.
“Yeah, we’re just going into the back to hang out for a bit-“ Robin starts to explain as she ushers you through.
“Yeah, no take all the time you need. Let me know if you guys need anything.” Steve says sincerely.
“We will… dingus.” Robin says playfully as she follows you through to the back of the store.
She drops her vinyl on the table in front of her, making an effort to sit close to you, “You know, I think you have Enochlophobia, which is totally okay and we will work on making you totally comfortable if something like this happens again because I know the feeling of fear can be overwhelming and-“
You look to Robin, causing her to stop her words, “I’m not helping am I?”
You give her a weak smile in response, “You are but I just need you close.” You let out through struggled breaths.
Robin shuffles her chair slightly to pull you into her embrace, allowing you to close your eyes in comfort, basking in the calmness of the Scoops Ahoy staff area.
Your serenity is interrupted when you hear a bang on the table in front of you, causing you to jump.
Robin scowls at Steve for his actions, “Sorry, I just wanted to bring you some ice cream to help make you feel better.”
“Thank you Steve, that’s so sweet.” You direct an appreciative smile his way.
“Uh, hey, where’s mine?” Robin asks as she passes you the ice cream tub filled with your favourite flavour.
“Get your own, I’m not your slave.” Steve says as he throws his sailor themed hat onto the table, “Oh what’s this?” He says as he attempts to bring the Madonna vinyl towards himself for a closer inspection.
Robin smacks away his hand in warning, “Touch it and you'll have more than ‘Farrah Fawcett’ spray in your hair.”
Steve widens his eyes at the bombshell Robin released, “Are you- did Henderson tell you? That little shit-“
Steve’s rant is put to a halt once a continuous dinging of a bell can be heard from out front, “Is this place self service, or are one of you airheads gonna’ come out and serve me my daily samples of ice cream? Ahoy, all hands on deck, Ahoy!”
The signature voice of Erica Sinclair sounds through the store.
“My dear friend, you have customers to tend to.” Robin says smugly.
Steve dramatically grabs his hat and places it back on his head, as soon as he opens the door, the ringing of the service bell increases, “Yeah, yeah I’m comin’, chill out Sinclair.”
Once Steve has left, Robin redirects her attention towards you, placing a delicate kiss on the top of your head, “Are you feeling any better?” Robin asks as she rubs soothing marks across your body, assisting in the calming effect taking over you.
You give Robin a tired nod; the panic leaves you mostly exhausted as you lazily finish your mouthful of ice cream.
Robin thinks for a moment, “How about we stop by the ‘Family Video’ store on the way back home. We can watch a movie at your house and relax.”
You shift in Robin’s embrace, “I thought you wanted to go and see ‘The Breakfast Club’?” You speak softly, trying not to disturb the calmness.
Robin scrunches her nose up before answering, “Nah, I’m sure Steve has some horror stories from his time at Saturday detention that he can enlighten us with on our next shift. They’re probably way better than the movie. Besides, you’re more important, so we should head back and hang out together to help keep you as calm as possible.”
You leave a kiss on Robin’s cheek before scooping her a heap of ice cream to try from your tub; feeding it to her, “That sounds perfect.”
To ensure you’re fully relaxed before heading out, Robin sits with you and attempts to take your mind off of the previous events of the morning. Giving her the opportune moment to explain to you how incredibly grateful she is for you and her new Madonna vinyl.
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reservoirreputation · 4 months
Lately I've been thinking more and more about the res dogs AU, in which Freddy didn't kill mr Blonde and thus didn't give himself away. How do you think things would develop in such a situation? I mean, Eddie wouldn't know anything, Freddy wouldn't be suspicious, and the cops would still be outside the door. In general, it’s interesting to read your thoughts on this matter! (or get a link to a fanfic, if there is one, of course)
It's not exactly the same, but maybe similar enough, if you have an itch you wanna scratch
"Summary: The jewelry heist goes badly, and everyone ends up in jail, all except Mr. Orange, who’s MIA. A trusted hand is brought in, to see if Orange is a dope dealer on the run, or an undercover cop. Larry’s up for the challenge."
It's essentially 'what if Freddy saw Blonde was about to go on a shooting spree, shoots him first (Vic lives), everyone else meets up at the warehouse, gets arrested'. It's essentially best case scenario because Larry's not there to distract Freddy
But, since you're here:
If Freddy doesn't shoot Blonde, well, I guess Marvin would be set on fire, wouldn't he? One ending is Freddy dies of smoke inhalation while Blonde bails. That's not the end of it, of course, because the moment Larry gets wind of it, he's going after Blonde. Spur of the moment, he'll likely be stopped by the Cabots. If he waits, plays nice, he'll kill Vic when he's alone and least expecting it, months, even years later.
Another ending is that Freddy isn't awake when the fire starts, there's no way for him to know what Blonde's about to do. No protesting, no ambush. And it's not that Vic's looking out for others, he's still looking out for himself; he knows that if he lets Orange die, he'll NEVER hear the end of it. So, he scoops up a half-dead Orange, gets him out of the warehouse, and drives to a backup meetup (one that only he and Eddie used)
Branching off from ending two: Orange wakes up, is patched up, feels like he's been hit by several buses. The other guys have scattered with their cuts, except for the Cabots, Larry and Blonde. They explain how hot the area is, and that with Orange in his condition, they can't leave him alone. Joe and Eddie are skipping town, and highly recommend that Orange go with them; it's the least Joe can do, after all. This for all intents and purposes should be impossible; Holdaway, the LAPD, should be looking for Freddy, will find him in no time. Only, in this ending, Freddy never passed out. He saw everything Blonde did to Marvin. Didn't stop him, at any point. Be it from fear, shock, having half his blood on the floor, or maybe...
Freddy wanted to live more than he wanted to save Marvin.
Unsure of what the truth is, he knows one thing for certain; he can't face the cops. No matter what, he feels responsible. So, Freddy agrees to go with them, with Larry and Blonde in tow. Insert here the development of the most toxic version of Larry/Freddy/Vic possible.
I think there's another possibility, with Freddy using his most powerful tool in the film; his words. His ability to convince people of whatever he wants except going to the hospital, and-
"Summary: Part One: Left behind in the aftermath of Vega’s activities, Larry’s hauled in for questioning, and is given a unique opportunity; save lives by informing on Vic Vega, and have the pleasure of seeing him get thrown in jail. But, the LAPD won’t let him go at it, alone. They send in an undercover agent, one that Larry won’t know about until they’re both in the field.
Part Two: Day of the theft and everything seems to be going great. One unlucky shot, however, and Freddy’s world is turned upside-down. As he thinks back on what led him up to this point, Freddy must summon the strength to go as far as needed, and not lose himself in the process."
If there's another aspect of this scenario (the original ask) that you want me to expand on, let me know! This is just the stuff I could think of off the top of my head!
Anybody wants to take these ideas, put their own spin on it... tag me when you're done? I'm nosey.
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wisegalaxysweets · 1 year
Class of 2008: Chapter 1
Here is the first chapter of the Larry fic I am working on. It is on my AO3, but I am also posting the chapters here for those that prefer it. 
pairing: Bad Boy!Harry Styles x Football Captain!Louis Tomlinson
rating: G (this fic will have eventual smut, but this chapter does not) 
word count: 3k
a/n: This fic is set at the start of the school year in 2007 where Louis Tomlinson is captain of the football team and the new freshman wearing leather, lots of rings, and sporting curly hair begins occupying his mind. 
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The hallways were filled with a buzz of excitement as the new year began. Just like every year when summer ended and classes started up again, all of the energy that had been spread across the small town was now housed in one building. Hundreds of teenagers reuniting with friends and enemies alike. 
Louis walked through the familiar corridors that he knew and had come to love after the past three years. There was a sort of charm to the old decrepit building that made it feel like another home to him. The squeaky lockers, the wooden floors, colors on the walls that hadn’t been updated since 1985. All that time made it a little bittersweet stepping through the doors this morning. 
“There he is! Big man on campus!” The loud voice boomed behind Louis causing him to turn and see his friend Mike just as he was scooped into a crushing embrace, the larger boy lifting him off his feet. He questioned how the quarterback was able to wear his letterman jacket in such hot weather, the old age of the building not giving much solace from the August heat outside. 
“You act like you haven’t seen me at practice for the last month man.” Louis quips as he is placed back on the ground only to be jostled around, the rest of his teammates shoving him with their shoulders. 
“Yeah but we are officially seniors now and that makes you, our totally awesome captain, the big man on campus!” All of the boys cheering around Louis, and causing a general raucous, has him folded over with laughter. 
This was his favorite way to start the school year, even if he felt a twinge of sadness that this was his last year of high school. He liked it here. Not just his friends, but he liked his classes, he enjoyed being popular and having somewhere to go where people liked him and looked up to him. It wasn’t that he was top of his class, but he did well in school and that was good enough for him. 
“Don’t forget Mike,” Tom, the tight end, chimes in, “Lou here is not only a senior, but he also has the smokenest babe on campus for his arm candy!” The boys hoot and holler crudely at the remark of Louis’ girlfriend Jennifer. She may be cheer captain, and they may be going on three years of dating, but Louis still doesn’t love it when the guys comment on her looks.
“Ok ok enough of that you animals. Jen is more than a pretty face, she is sweet and far more intelligent than you lot.” Louis thinks back to growing up with Jen and knowing her far before he ever asked her out. People thought they were the perfect match even before they were dating so it only made sense when he finally made it official the summer before their freshman year. 
“Yeah and probably a minx in the sack!” One of the other boys shouts as he slaps Louis over the back, causing him to glare back. 
He was never one to objectify women or play into the pig-headedness of the guys that he surrounded himself with every day. It was something he prided himself on and he never saw the appeal. Most of the cheerleaders said that made him a really sweet guy.
“You guys really don’t help the football player stereotype when you make comments like that.” Louis shakes his head as the guys all giggle and grin at the childish comment. 
As the guys say their goodbyes to head towards home room, their captain is stopped in his tracks as he lays eyes on a tall, curly haired biker, sporting a leather jacket, unusually tight jeans, and aviators. The figure whisks by him as if he weren’t even there, leaving a cloud of heavenly sweet musk. 
Louis has never seen anyone like him before in his life, and while he thinks he should probably be scared of the boy, he finds himself intrigued and wanting to know him more. He feels like he was almost transported back in time seeing some greaser that used to walk the halls of the school, but there were barely people who dressed like that in the year 2007.
“Lou!” The high pitched voice of his girlfriend pulls him out of his trance, turning on his heel to meet her as she approaches his locker. “Happy first day of senior year!” She bounces lightly on her toes and places a gentle peck on his cheek in greeting.
“Hey Jen, you too. How are you feeling about this year?” Louis opens his locker to find the books for his first few classes before lunch.
“I’m really looking forward to the season this year and I can’t wait for prom!” Jen’s blonde ponytail swinging behind her with excitement. 
Louis had almost completely forgotten. Every year their school made a big fuss about prom. Not only with themes and decorations, but with warning the seniors that they shouldn’t drink and drive. Going so far as to have a smashed up vehicle sit on the front lawn of the campus for the month leading up to the end of the school year. 
There was so much pressure around prom and the expectations of what the seniors should or shouldn’t do with their last big school sanctioned dance before they leave for good. It wasn’t like the captain of the football team was planning on getting shitfaced and joyriding on prom night, but still he wanted to have fun. Louis just smiles and nods his head, hoping that will suffice as a response to his girlfriend.
The first half of the day flies by with teachers introducing themselves and giving a brief synopsis of what they have planned for the school year. It isn’t long before all of the students are filing into the old cafeteria, splitting off into their cliques like they do every year. Round tables surrounded by geeks, freaks, and barbie wannabes alike. The football team sits together just like they always do, their cheerleading girlfriends hanging around their necks or perched upon their laps. They may be a loud group, but they are well liked and Louis doesn’t seem to mind their crude behavior since he is so used to it. 
His eyes are caught once again across the sea of teenagers by the tall boy with the leather jacket. He must be new, Louis thinks as he watches the figure glide to an empty table at the back of the room. He doesn’t even realize he is staring until the curly headed boy lowers his sunglasses, locking his gaze with Louis’, revealing the most enchanting eyes he has ever seen. 
He chokes on his milk, liquid sputtering out of his mouth when those eyes toss a wink in his direction. A shocked screech comes from Jen who was on the receiving end of the spit take that has the rest of the football team laughing obnoxiously. Their captain gets up, milk still flowing from his face as he runs off to the bathroom to clean himself up. 
Louis can’t get his mind off of those eyes for the rest of the school day. The words of his teachers are mumbles just droning in the back of his mind. 
As the last bell rings, he finds himself back in his yearly routine getting changed in the locker room for his after school football practice. Louis’ thoughts are still on the stranger, leaving him to be the last person heading out of the locker room and towards the field. 
The cheerleading squad chants in the distance as Louis makes his way down the sidewalk. The blue sky above is free of clouds, the sun shining brightly in his face. He walks distractedly down the path, his attention only being caught by a figure only recently becoming familiar. 
The tall stranger is sitting on top of his ridiculously macho Harley, gaze following Louis as he locks eyes with him. Sitting on the blacktop near the football field, a slight smirk curls the edges of his mouth when he realizes the football player has seen him. Their staring contest is interrupted only by a rock that trips Louis causing him to fall flat on his face. 
He lifts himself up with a groan only to see the gorgeous boy that he was looking at, laughing hysterically before driving off with a revved engine. Small bits of gravel being kicked up in his wake. 
The football captain curses as he brushes the dirt off himself and jogs to meet up with the rest of his team. Thank god no one had seen his embarrassing fall. No one except the mysterious stranger, that is. 
Why was he even here? Louis couldn’t wrap his head around the stranger and found practice a little more difficult as his mind fell back to the pair of emerald eyes he couldn’t seem to shake.
Who just laughs at someone else’s clumsy behavior like that? More than anything Louis is slightly annoyed. He continues to dwell on the moment long after practice has ended and he has changed back into his regular clothes. 
“What kind of asshole just watches and laughs as someone faceplants?” Louis asks himself as he gets in his car to head home. He feels this annoyance turn to irritation and resolves that his previous interest in getting to know the stranger was wrong. His tires squeal slightly as he drives home with a bit too much fervor and rage.
It isn’t until he has flopped onto his bed later that evening that he resolves to not let the handsome jerk take up any more of his brain power. He had barely been able to get through his homework without thinking of the long haired boy and he couldn’t stand it any longer. 
Nope he won’t think of those deep green eyes. 
Weeks pass by like normal and Louis gets over his humiliation. There are similar staring contests as the two walk through the musty old hallways, but he doesn’t entertain the stranger too long so as not to fall over himself again. He would hate to ruin the wooden floors throughout the school that he loved.
“Tomlinson.” The gruff voice pulls him from his thoughts as he looks to his teammate Mike across the lunch table. “Do you know Styles or something?” Mike chewed almost like a cow on his hamburger, jaw moving from one side to the other.
“Styles?” He questions with a raised brow. Not knowing what he was referring to. 
“Yeah, you two are always burning holes into each other’s heads. You know him?” Realization dawned on him that his friend was talking about the gorgeous asshole that had laughed at him. Louis glanced briefly over to the table of the boy in question to see him talking lightly with the few friends he had made in the past few weeks at school. Not that Louis really noticed, he wasn’t keeping tabs on the guy or anything.
“Oh uh not really, he’s kind of rude isn’t he?” He took a careful sip of his milk, not wanting a repeat spit take like the one that had happened on the first day of school.
“Who, Harry?” James, the team’s wide receiver chimed in. “He just moved in down the street from me. His family is pretty nice. He mostly keeps to himself though so I don’t know much else.”
Harry Styles
Finally a name to put with the attractive jerk that he had been silently staring at for weeks. 
“Well he gives me a weird vibe.” Tom decided to join in on the conversation. 
“He’s not horrible, maybe a little standoffish at first, but I’ve said hi to him a few times in passing. Nothing like the staring contests you and him have, Tomlinson.” James nudges into Louis’ side at his remark. The other guys chuckling.
“He laughed at me.” Louis blurts out before he can stop himself. He mentally facepalms for saying anything. 
“Laughed at you for what?” Even Jen had joined in on the conversation now. A slight blush rose to smatter across Louis’ face as he looked around at his expectant friends waiting for an answer.
“It was nothing, I tripped on my way to practice and he just laughed at me. Like what kind of asshole does that?” The guys laughed a little before shushing one another as their captain glared daggers at them.
“Oh baby, I’m sorry. He does seem mean.” His girlfriend moved even closer into his side than she already was to lay a comforting hand over his shoulder. He wasn’t a coward and he didn’t realize how much Harry laughing at him had actually bruised his ego. So what if he was hot and had a face carved like a statue? Louis was going to give him a piece of his mind. 
After lunch he found the Styles boy at his locker, all gorgeous and gangly with his curly hair and tight jeans. Ugh. Louis stomped up and was annoyed at how much he had to crank his neck back to look at the taller boy. 
“Styles, right?” Those eyes he knew well by now glanced down at him before returning to his locker. What could he possibly be focusing on? This biker wannabe couldn’t possibly be a good student or care about his classes for that matter so what about his locker was so interesting. Louis huffed in frustration that the taller boy wouldn’t even acknowledge him.
“You’re Harry Styles, right?” He repeated, a little louder than necessary. Not even a glance in Louis’ direction before Harry closed his locker, turned on his heels and walked away. 
The football captain was confused more than anything. Had he just been ignored? It wasn’t often that people would ignore his existence. If anything he got quite a lot of attention. He tried not to let it go to his head, but with being captain of the football team and a decent student, it came with the territory. Rarely could he walk the halls and not have people calling his name in greeting at every turn. Students and teachers alike. 
So to his surprise, the badass wannabe who had already laughed at him once was now not even going to give him the time of day? 
Well fine, two can play at that game. 
[Game On - Disciple]
Jen’s blonde hair swayed gently along with the rest of her body as she lay half off of Louis’ bed, her book for English class in her line of sight suspended above in outstretched arms. Gentle music played through Louis’ boombox on the radio that he had turned on while they worked on their homework. 
The start of September brought earlier nights causing the sun to already be setting even before it was late in the evening. Golden rays streamed through the bedroom window and onto the papers that Louis had spread across his desk. His pencil eraser tapped over the equations from his advanced calculus homework that he had yet to fill out. His mind had been elsewhere. 
He hadn’t told anyone about his exchange with Harry - or lack thereof. Along with ignoring the boy, he wouldn’t complain about him to anyone either. It was becoming harder not to think about him though. There was so much about him that puzzled Louis. He didn’t want to ask anyone about him either because he was ignoring him. Right?
“Do you want to go to the mall this weekend?” Jen’s voice interrupted his thoughts as she sat up on his bed, looking at him now.
“Uhh, I don’t know. Maybe, I think some of the guys wanted to go see that new Superman: Doomsday movie that comes out this weekend,” Louis had found himself spending less time with his girlfriend lately. He didn’t know why, but there was a sudden loss in interest on his part. He felt a weird feeling that he had been playing some sort of role and he was getting exhausted. There was a twinge of guilt as he blew Jen off and he could see the slight hurt in her eyes. “But whichever day they don’t want to go we can go to the mall that day.”
Jen perked up at that and smiled at her boyfriend. “Ok!”
Saturday rolled around and there was just something about going to the movies with his friends that had Louis relaxed before their big game that evening. The next few games were crucial if their team wanted to make it to the championship in December. As team captain, Louis always felt a little more pressure to be on his game so having time to hang out with his friends was important to him. 
The guys were messing around while waiting in line at the concession stand to get their popcorn and candy when Louis spotted the familiar head of curls that had been haunting him for days. He had gotten over being ignored by Harry. Really, he had. He wasn’t dwelling on it, he was at the movies with his friends wasn’t he? But that didn’t stop him from staring again like he always did. Normally he would try to be more discreet about it, but he wasn’t playing around anymore. His eyebrows were knit closely as he stared a little too intently. Harry wasn’t even glancing in his direction and so Louis was content on looking at the boy angrily. 
He knows how strange he must look and maybe this isn’t quite ignoring Harry like he told himself he would, but there is only so much he can do when the biker had started walking towards Louis and his friends. That sweet musky smell overtook Louis’ senses again as the taller boy whisked by, without even a small look at Louis. 
He was really amazed, he hadn’t done anything to the new boy to cause him to act like this. There was no reason he should be ignored and it was starting to get on his nerves. There wasn’t much he could do about it with the big game tonight so he took a deep breath and put it out of his mind so he could relax and have some fun with his friends. 
The excitement leading up to a game never changes. No matter how many games Louis plays and no matter how important the game is to their team. He loves to feel the buzz that thrums through the stadium as fans sit in anticipation of what is about to begin. 
Coach had given a rousing pep-talk before the game, but it seemed to go in one of Louis’ ears and out the other. He feels the world fade around him as he leads his team through the tunnel out to the field. Muted roars of applause and cheers slowly bring him back to reality as the team runs onto the field, determined to take this game by the balls. 
Louis has never been more in his element and has never been more ready to lead his team to victory. At least he thought he was, but just as the guys all headed to formation for their first play, he looked up to the crowd for one last burst of confidence and then he saw him. Harry was sitting in the stands on the home side with the rest of the student body. 
Louis didn’t expect to see him there and he could be hallucinating from all of the excitement of the game, but he could swear there is a smile on Harry’s lips. 
No, no he can’t be thinking about Harry right now. He has a game to play. 
There was a sort of determination behind every snap and move from Louis as he played the game and kept his eyes hard set on the field and away from the crowd in the stands. The need to focus on anything other than Harry up amongst his other classmates pushed Louis to lead his team through three successful plays all before half-time. 
“Tomlinson! What has gotten into you?!” Coach slapped him on the back as the team ran off to the sidelines at half-time. Louis just shrugged at the question. What was he supposed to say? “I’m ignoring this hot guy in the stands so my focus is better than usual”? Yeah that would make total sense. But none of this really made sense in the first place. There was no logical reason that Louis was dwelling on Harry. The second half of the game went much like the first.
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monterraverde · 2 months
echoes of the past
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It was supposed to be a normal check-in. Sada's research was going smoothly, the scientists were safe- But it was so, so different this time.
The beast they'd pulled through the time machine was a hulking ten foot tall dragon adorned with a crown of feathers and scarlet scales- and it was angry beyond all measure. No amount of sedatives seemed to work against it- At least not anymore, and it was crashing against the quickly weakening glass of its impromptu cage.
A cage meant to contain pokemon of its size- a cage meant to hold back the strongest pokemon they currently knew of- Roaring Moon.
Sada went on speaking about the marvels of them pulling a second Koraidon through the time machine, a name she said had been given to her from a mysterious co-collaborator she refused to elaborate on, while beside them sat the first Koraidon she'd pulled through- One that was far more friendly and amicable to the constant poking and prodding of the scientists, seemed Sada had been treating it rather well.
It was in the midst of this explanation that cries rang out, followed by a screeching roar laced with a violent rattling noise- not unlike that of an Ekans protecting its territory... And then shattering glass.
It was an absolute torrent of activity after that, the giant beast swatting scientists aside like gnats as it charged toward the more docile one sitting in the room with them, the first raising into a hackled stance as he tried to stand his ground, only to get swatted across the face by the second, and it immediately cowers behind Sada, who throws herself in front of it in a frantic attempt to defend her charge.
She, too, is swatted aside, and crashes into a wall and several glass tubes filled with Tera crystal.
The first flees out the lab door, and Geeta finds herself in the crosshairs next, her Glimmora standing no chance against the gargantuan dragon, and her being cut down soon after- Yet despite everything, she clings to life, and Rika finally shakes loose from the stunned state she found herself in to summon Adniel to her side.
The Garchomp and the Koraidon clash, and it takes the attention off Geeta long enough for Hassel and Larry to grab her and start to flee. Hassel tries to grab her too, but she wriggles free and bids them run Geeta to safety- She needed to make sure they aren't followed, so she throws herself into the fray as well, vaulting off Adniels back and shoulders and grabbing onto the Koraidons antennae-like wings, fixing herself to its back as it started to thrash about, crashing into a wall and crushing her between it, and using Flamethrower on the ceiling, which prompted the sprinkler system on, and quickly coated the floor in water..
Her eyes narrow as she endured the chaos, her ears were ringing and her body ached, but she needed to buy more time.
One good swing of its tail sends her falling off its back, and yet she stays clung onto its wings, ducking and swinging however she can to avoid it's claws, and eventually clinging onto its neck- inches away from its jaws- where she pulls a knife from her hip and cuts up into its face, slashing across its eye and causing it to reel back from the pain.
She drops, and in its thrashing, she earns herself a solid cut across her back, stretching from her hip to her shoulder blade.
Adniel scoops her up by the collar in his jaws, throwing her onto his back as they finally made a break for it. It was well and truly distracted now, there was no need to linger further.
Her injuries were minor compared to Geetas, though... Thus began a full 6 months of her taking Geetas place as Top champion. As La Segunda, it was her duty to step up and lead while Geeta could not... And to deal with the fallout from the whole event, as well.
Sada was dead, research station 4 was destroyed, many scientists lost their lives while others fled, and Area Zero was well and truly closed off from expeditions. The government planned to leave them down there to rot.
What a horrible turn of events...
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foodfightnovelization · 10 months
Chapter 14: Analysis and Discussion
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Chapter 14 once again continues this novelization's trend of opening with scenes that aren't in the movie at all- Dex and Dan are running across the rooftops of Marketropolis, when suddenly daylight hits and it turns back into a regular supermarket. They look across the aisles and see more and more of the store has been taken over by Brand X products instead of the "brightly-colored brand name packages". This feels like it hits a little too close about how cynical it is that the movie is basically saying "store-brand groceries are bad, big brand-name products are good" but I don't want to get involved in that whole debate.
Dex regrets letting it get this far, as cutsomers charge into the store along with Mr Clipboard delivering more Brand X products (normally Mr Clipboard's presence would be exciting, but he's such a non-character in the novelization that it's NOT. Book Mr Clipboard SUCKS, you guys). This entire scene isn't in the movie at all, but there IS a very awkward cut where it goes to an establishing shot of the supermarket and then straight to it already having transformed into a regular store, with Dex and Dan in the middle of a conversation. This leads me to believe this WAS in the movie at one point, but it either wasn't finished or was too expensive/difficult to animate. Personally I would've loved to have seen the Marketropolis turning back into a supermarket since that's something we never get to see, so let's chalk that one up to another win for the novelization!
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Dan asks how they're going to cross over ten aisles packed with busy customers, when the Brand X Mashed Potato Man makes another appearance. As we established in the post about Chapter 12, this character isn't in the movie at all and was replaced with the Brand X Lunchlady in the finished film, so ALL the dialogue is different here. He threatens to mash the gang's potatoes now (with, the narration notes, a thick Austrian accent. I'm thinking Schwarzenegger?) and Dan realizes this is in fact, the Brand X Mashed Potato Man. This guy is so notable he gets a namedrop! Cool, huh? Dan says they're about to get creative on his ass (in the movie they actually DO come up with some creative insults for the Brand X Lunchlady), but Dex says he's huge and they should simply "get the strawberry jam outta here" as the Brand X Mashed Potato Man throws a pudding lid at them. This is all very different to the movie, but despite the changes they still kept the line about "strawberry jamming out of here". It's one of the only food puns in the movie I don't get, but I kinda love it??? It's such a non-sequitur that it makes a 180 from being weird and just goes back around to being funny again.
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It's noted the Brand X Mashed Potato Man has other Brand X soldiers with him (in the movie it's just the Lunchlady by herself) and Dex and Dan dive off the shelves. Dan falls into the lap of a toddler and his mom mistakes him for a toy, throwing him out of the cart. In the movie this terrifying baby is named Larry- possibly a reference to the movie's director Larry Kasanoff? In any case, he goes unnamed here. Dan falls to the floor and is scooped up onto a shopping cart by Dex (in the movie Dan just falls directly onto the cart) and the two race along on a cart pushed by a frantic customer. The Brand X Mashed Potato Man zooms toward them on another cart, and the two carts collide as he tries to kill them with a potato masher. This is once again HUGELY different from the movie- in the movie Dan just falls from the toddler's lap directly onto another cart, where the Lunchlady is already there waiting for him brandishing a ham hock. There are no carts colliding in the movie, nor is Dex present. Honestly it's a huge shame this wasn't in the movie- it sounds like it would've been a fast-paced duel atop two speeding carts, reminiscent of this early concept art I shared a while back:
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Visually this looks REALLY cool, and a shopping cart chase/fight as the two race through the store sounds like the supermarket version of Ben-Hur or Indiana Jones. It sucks we didn't get to see this in the movie, but hey- at least we get to read about it in the novelization, right?
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A THIRD cart hits the scene carrying Lieutenant X and General X, leaving Dex and Dan surrounded. The Mashed Potato Man jumps onto their cart and starts chasing Dan, while Dex jumps into the dairy aisle and grabs a stick of butter, which Dan throws down the potato man's throat. However, he actually LIKES this (due to butter going well with potatoes) and believes Dan did this as a gesture of friendship. Dan clarifies he HATES the Brand X Mashed Potato Man, who's deeply upset by this and raises his masher to kill him.
Literally none of what I just described happened in the movie, by the way. It's so different it'd actually be easier to just describe how this scene goes down in the movie than to try and compare the two, so here goes: In the movie, after Dan falls from the toddler's arms onto a cart, he sees the Brand X Lunchlady towering above him brandishing a ham hock. Dan suggests maybe they try to date a little and go out together, but the lunchlady simply wails "I kill you!"...so yeah, the novelization is HUGELY different at this point, it's honestly really hard to keep up with just how much was changed here. Obviously I prefer the novelization's version of events- they sound a lot more action packed and exciting, and there's more time spent fighting in the supermarket which I always thought was a hugely underutilized setpiece in the film.
Dex swings down riding a bottle of soda suspended from a cart, just as the potato man swings his masher, and the two safely escape. This part is in both the novelization AND the movie, though in the movie it's the Brand X Lunchlady and not our beloved Brand X Mashed Potato Man. (Also in the movie, the soda bottle doesn't appear to actually be attached to anything?)
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The potato man hits the bottle cap with his masher (in the movie, the lunchlady hitting the bottle cap with her ham hock), and Dex and Dan sail through the air, landing in the frozen food section. Of note is that the novelization describes the bottle as green, even though in the movie itself AND the color pages back in Chapter 12 show it to be purple. Now that's just inconsistent!
They crash into a tub of Polar Pleasures ice cream, which sends them into a snowy area filled with ice cream cone trees (further confirmation that the Ikes are still awake during the day, and their world is simply confined to the inside of their packaging during that time). The bottle crashes into the snow and Dex and Dan get up dazed, Dan with a pine bough on his head. Dex remarks on his friend's pine hat, and yeah, this isn't in the movie either. In the movie Dex and Dan fly the soda bottle right through this snowy area in a brief scene that lasts all of 15 seconds, whereas here they actually crash-land and start riffing a little. So we're back to even MORE changes, and they continue tenfold in the next chapter! Stay tuned for Chapter 15, with major plot diversions you could've never imagined!
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misguidedswagger · 2 years
Your First Time With Connor Murphy [Headcannons!]
a/n: i don’t think i did the whole hc thing right. LMAO sorry in advance. Let me know if you guys like this style or would prefer hc’s in a diff format...And don’t you worry, I’ll make this a oneshot ;)
You and Connor had been dating for around a year now
His parents and sister grew to love you after seeing the positive effects you had on their son/brother
It took a while for them to warm up to you 
Especially Larry
Man you were terrified to piss that man off 
That’s why you were pretty terrified when Connor invited you over on a night everyone else in the house was leaving 
But Connor had charmed you into not being afraid and you eventually caved and came over
You sat in his room and were watching movies, your head on his chest as he held you close, his arm on your hip
You were paying close attention to the movie as the romantic and sexual tension was thick 
Connor was paying attention to a different type of tension though
His hand slowly made its way down your body and into your pants
His hand didn’t really move, but the placement definitely took your mind off the movie 
You gasped softly and looked up at him
His eyes were still glued to the screen as he slowly began to move his hands expertly 
You gasped and shot up and looked at him in shock 
What if his parents came home? Or Zoe? Was he actually insane?
At your reaction, he chuckled and stood and locked his door 
He shushed you and asked you to trust him 
You nervously agreed and he placed both of his hands on your thighs
He picked you up and gently placed you on the bed 
You squealed and he laughed softly
As he towered above you, he took his shirt off 
A look at his chest and you realized what he did in his spare time instead of doing a club or sport 
Your boyfriend was kinda ripped 
Connor grew uneasy as your gaze but shrugged it off, trusting you with his entire being 
On his knees, he fiddled with the hem of your shirt
“Can I take this off? And this?” He gestured to your pants 
You nodded and in a sec you were naked
You held your arms over yourself and Connor frowned, gently guiding your hands away from yourself 
“You don’t need to hide, babe. You’re gorgeous.” 
He shuffled out of his pants and leaned over you again, kissing you softly 
He blindly reached in his nightstand and grabbed a condom, tearing it open with his teeth 
You gulped, “Seems like you’ve been waiting for a while.” 
You felt awful, how were you going to match his experience? What if you let him down? 
“Y/n, relax, sweetheart. You’re not letting me down.” 
Aw shit, you said that out loud. 
Oh well too late now 
“Con? Where’d you get all your experience?” 
The two of you laughed before he leaned down and kissed you again 
He put the condom on and pulled away slowly, looking you in the eyes 
“You ready?”
With a nod, he pushed into you slowly and gave you a second to adjust 
You inhaled sharply, causing him to smirk 
“Waiting on you, princess.” 
At your command, he began to move 
You kept your noises to a minimum, too scared his family would come home 
“Babe, if you don’t make noise, I’ll stop moving.” 
Obviously, with how good he was making you feel, you had to comply 
With a few more thrusts, you were done for 
“Connor, I-” 
He groaned your name low in his throat and nodded, “Me too” 
Connor groaned your name once again and you moaned his 
He pulled out and caressed your face before standing and grabbing a wet washcloth
He wiped your body and your face gently, removing your sweat 
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” 
“Shut up, Murphy.”
“Make me.” 
Your heads whipped in the direction of his door as you heard his parents voice in the foyer 
You two looked at each other and he scooped up your clothes and threw ‘em on the floor of his bathroom and picked you up gently, placing you in it
He shut the door and threw a pair of pants on and placed a shirt over his head as he unlocked his door
“Where’s Y/n?” His mom asked, his dad in tow 
“Uhh...she spilled yogurt all over herself so she’s in the shower...”
His parents believed him immediately, as they all knew how clumsy you were
And besides,
Why would Connor lie?
@deatheater25  @lunamadhatter99 @shenevertricks1831
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sodalicious · 3 years
Bowser x Reader - Morning Drabble
Mornings in the Badlands with your turtle dragon husband
Bowser would probably be a morning person, out of all his good and bad traits he certainly isn’t lazy so don’t be so surprised when his gigantic heavy frame shakes the bed at 6:00 am
And just to be a meanie he would probably scoop you up in his beefy arms and mercilessly attack your face with his hot kisses and sweet raspy nothings before starting his day
“Wakey wakey my little prince(ss)...”
If you join him in the dining hall Bowser gently seats you next to him and greets his children before greedily digging into the spread, he may not be lazy but he can get messy with his food so it’s best that you don’t sit in his lap during meals
The koopalings are causing their usual ruckus at the table, Morton is chewing with his mouth open, Lemmy is juggling oranges, Iggy is dropping pancakes on the floor for his pet chain chomp, Larry and Roy are flicking grapes at each other, and Wendy and Ludwig are pretending to live in a world where these koopas aren’t their siblings. Across from you to Bowser’s right is Junior who’s rambling about a dream he had about building a launcher that weaponized plumber seeking blue shells, “I could build them ALLLL around our castle once I figure out how to make ‘em. That bad Mario won’t know what hit ‘em papa!!” Bowser hums in response, scarfing down another omelet, and Junior turns to you with a his little rascally grin, “I can’t wait to see the look on Mario and Greenie’s dumb faces when it’s ready! They’ll be only a few feet in our territory and then KA-BOOM!!” Junior slams his hand onto his plate and launches his breakfast right back in his face. You and Bowser exchange looks and sigh at the mess as Junior sheepishly tries to avoid eye contact with his siblings who (especially Iggy) have erupted in fits of laughter. “I’ll take care of him, big guy”, you say to Bowser before kissing him on the cheek and taking Junior by the hand to the washroom.
 Your arms are sore from scrubbing the syrup out of his hair and your clothes are soaked from Juniors incessant splashing but at least the tiny bundle of chaos incarnate is clean in a nice fluffy towel. “Thanks mama/papa!”, Junior says before hugging your legs and scampering down the hallway past his father who he spares a quick greeting without losing pace. “Junior’s a handful and a half, but he’s a good kid”, Bowser remarks as you meet him just outside the bathroom entrance with a tired expression. “I wonder where he gets it from, I was told by a little magic birdie that his dad was twice as worse on a good day.”, your head tilts and your smile perks up tauntingly. Feigning shock, the Koopa King reels back with his hand on his heart, “Gossiping behind my back?! Tsk, tsk sweetness...I guess I’ll just take your treat back to the kitchen then!”  
Upon mentioning the treat you notice a scone on a plate in Bowser’s other hand, and you remember that your meal was cut short from Junior’s antics. “Nah, that’s a waste of good food,”, you look hopefully at your husband as he looks down at you. “I should just eat it here to teach you some respect!” The helpless pastry is cinched between two sharp claws and lifted to it’s bitter end in Bowser’s mouth, but you’re not giving up that easily. With last bit of energy you jump up to grab Bowser’s arm and pull yourself up onto his shoulders to intercept the scone. Bowser pauses to snicker as you devour your treat with the same lack of grace he’s infamous for and moves you to a bridal style carry. “Geez, I know I’m sloppy, but get a load o’ you, dropping half your food on me...”, he pretends to grimace as you brush off the crumbs from his bicep and move to scratch his chin. Bowser leans in and takes long deep breathes as you smooth your thumb over his scales and nuzzle his temple. “We still have the rest of the day ahead of us y’know, we’ve only been awake for two hours.” You release the longest exhale you can muster and go limp in your husband’s arms. “Fiiiiiinnnnne, but I’ll go as long at you carry me“, you sigh with a pouty face that the Koopa King happily kisses before he walks away with you back into the heart of the castle. Your castle. Together.
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saffron-nova21 · 3 years
Exes: Flashbacks — Bonus Chapter
Please remember, this is just to give the story a bit more depth. You don’t have to read it, it won’t make a difference, either way.
Jokes on You! Masterlist
< Previous • Next >
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, blood, bruises. Mentions of puke, nightmares/PTSD, mentions of abusive partner, and the wholesome boys being the best friends.
As you stood in the threshold of the home, you froze, wide-eyed and feeling pathetic. Though you promised yourself you wouldn’t burden them with your presence for longer than you had to. You just had to get back on your feet.
Then, you’d be out of their hair and they wouldn’t have to deal with you, anymore.
Feeling a hand on your shoulder, your eyes widen and you quickly jerk away, going as far to hit the door frame to get away from the touch. Though, as you look up, you see Akaashi, who looks at you with sad eyes... You poor thing. What had he done to you?
With a quick and quiet apology, you shuffle into the home, missing the glance the two men exchanged. One of pure rage and sadness. Though, with it came a promise that he was going to help you heal. And he wouldn’t stop until you were you again.
You’d zoned out as you sat on you bed, Bokuto having moved to your floor to arm-wrestle with Kuroo. Akaashi wasn’t sure what it was, but he knew what you were thinking about. A shared memory, perhaps.
And as his hand comes to rest gently on your shoulder, you blink a bit, before looking at him with a small smile, leaning into his touch as he opens an arm to you, allowing you to lean into his side.
You weren’t completely healed, but you were yourself. And he was so, so proud and happy to have you back with him.
Bokuto hadn’t ever felt so angry in his life. But here he was, cradling you to him, in a blanket as the three of you rushed to the hospital.
Your head was bleeding and you were covered in small bruises and cuts. You were shaking and sobbing and clinging to Bokuto like your life depended on it. He was trying to comfort you, trying to quiet your sobs. He knew they were only wearing you out.
His hand comes to pet your hair, stroking it softly and cooing down to you. He’d never forget the way you were finally soothed by his soft, sweet ‘baby owl’ and calming hum. And he’d never forget the image of you, passed out, and bruised in his arms.
With that, he made a promise that he wouldn’t ever let anyone touch you again.
Bokuto scoops you into his arms as he watches the way you had zoned out again. Memories, he guessed. Though, he knew what you were thinking about. But luckily now, it seemed like a bad memory. Especially as the image in his head of your exhausted, pained features, were replaced by your giggles as you cling to him.
“I know you’re in love with me, baby owl, but save some of that affection for Tendō, why don’t you?” He teases as he kisses your head.
And no one had hurt his precious baby owl, or even laid a finger on you since that day.
It was the first time since your arrival that Kuroo had come to visit. He hadn’t yet seen you — you’d been too shaken up to visit in the hospital. He hadn’t expected for you to act the way you did, though. He didn’t know what he’d been expecting, in completely honestly.
Watching the way you looked at everyone like you were scared to make the wrong move, scared to make anyone upset.
He’d watched the way you dropped something and froze. You hadn’t been able to move a moment, just looking at the rest of them all in terror. He hadn’t even noticed you were shaking, until he took your hands in his own to steady you and to reassure you that it was okay.
He promised himself he never wanted to see you so terrified of them again. He’d make sure that you didn’t ever feel so terrified in your own home ever again.
Watching the way you giggled with Bokuto, inevitably kicking something over and knocking something from your desk. Though, rather that dread or concern, they watch as you just grin sheepishly, next being pulled into Kuroo’s arms and away from the breakables.
“You’re so clumsy,” Kuroo teases you, ruffling you’re hair and watching as you lean into the touch with a happy smile, not a bit of fear in your bright eyes.
Because you knew that these people wouldn’t ever hurt you.
Lev remembered the nights where he sat by your bedside for when you woke from nightmares. There had been so many nights when you woke up in a cold sweat.
He would sit by your bedside end hold you while you sobbed into his chest, shaking and in a cold sweat. Occasionally curling up in bed with you, do you could both fall asleep.
He’d never forget your wide eyes, terrified before you realized it was him who was watching over you. Him who was brushing away your hair when you began to puke because of your terror. Him who was comforting you in the dead of night.
That was when Lev had promised he would never let you wake from a nightmare, scared and alone.
Lev grins as he scoops you away from Kuroo, watching as your face lit up and making his chest swell with pride. He’s quick to hang you upside down by your legs, before tossing you on your bed.
The same one that you slept on every night. The same one that you hadn’t had a nightmare in eight months in, while sleeping. The same one you piled high with stuffed animals from your friends or from occasions with them. To ‘protect you’ from any nightmares.
He’d kept his promise. Because every time you woke from a nightmare, if he wasn’t there, you were calling him and he was coming to lay by your side until you and he fell asleep again. Never again would you sit, scared and alone in the dark.
Kenma remembered the day you’d come to his apartment, because he’d invited you to play video games with him. He remembered the way your eyes lit up for the first time since you’d come back from the hospital.
He remembered the way you held the controller, a bit inexperienced, but still bubbling with excitement. He remembered the excitement you held when you started to talk to them.
It had been the first time that your words weren’t laden with ‘sorry’s and hesitance. And he promised that he’d help you get a set up for your own room, so they didn’t ever have to see this excitement leave you.
As Kenma watches you glance at your equipment, he knows you’re thinking about the same thing, looking towards him directly after. He gives you a soft smile and opens his arms.
You always jumped at the opportunity to hug Kenma, quite literally jumping off of the bed to walk over to him and tuck yourself into his lap. He always gave some of the best hugs. All of your boys did. And as you hug him, he reminds himself...
You were happy, again. Genuinely happy and out of your shell. And he was so, so proud of you, wrapping his arms around you with a soft smile.
And as you looked around at the boys, you can’t help but smile. You had such good friends. And you wouldn’t ever stop letting them know exactly how much each of the dorks meant to you. And as you all reminisce, you glance towards the ‘bucket list’ on your desk. You and the boys all wrote it together, one Valentine’s Day.
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(I know my handwriting isn’t good, sorry guys) You don’t have much on your bucket list. Neither do the boys. But, you’ve all decided that when they’re all completed, you’re going to make new ones together.
The boys would do it all again, no questions asked. It was hard at times, but here you were. And they were so happy. Because once they’d gotten you back, you were a light in each of their lives.
Bokuto beat the shit out of Shane for what he did. He ended up in the hospital for a couple of days. But he deserved it, for having put you there in the first place.
I really hope I did those scenes justice 😔 I know it’s not the best but I promise I tried, guys. I hope you’re enjoying, though 💕
You guys better be getting something to eat, drinking some water, and taking care of yourselves mentally and physically. But remember, no matter what, I am here for you, I am proud of you, and you’re doing wonderfully!
Taglist: (Bold couldn’t be tagged, but I’ll keep trying)
@kookie-doughs @missalienqueen @kodzuklutz @halesandy @pelicanpizza @pandauniverse @sevenlol @mixed-bag-of-tricks @satoriluver @uniquepickle @geloikawa @babyshoyo @ilauvcoldpizza @ghoulgirlradio @maer-333 @tobi--o @ermahgerd-larry-and-ziam @ashtounding
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collabwithmyself · 4 years
To Transfer Blame
A turntrans drabble written for the PWKM while buzzed. TW for misgendering/deadnaming!
He hadn't meant to hurt anyone. He was just a child, trapped in an elevator high in panic and low on oxygen, and he just wanted the fighting to stop. The bailiff had pulled something from his belt, hands shaking as badly as his voice, and Miles's father had lunged, speaking with his courtroom voice, stern and commanding, as the thing dropped to the floor and skittered away.
It was so loud, the bailiff was shouting and his father was shouting, and Miles's own cries seemed to fall on deaf ears, but the bailiff was pushing his father against the wall, rasping that he was taking all his air, and Miles was too far away to try and shove him off and away. So he scooped up the object, vision blurry, and tried to stand. Mistake. The room spun, and Miles staggered forward, and with a clumsy, sluggish movement, he lobbed the object with a choked cry. He overbalanced, knees hitting the floor as a bang rang out, far too loud to be a child slumping to the floor of an elevator.
Then came the screaming, horrified and high pitched and piercing his thoughts even as they slipped away from him like sand through fingers.
That was the memory that greeted him most nights, hazy but intact, reminding him of what a fool he'd been and how he deserved not a moment of anything that came after. His Uncle Raymond would soothe him with hugs and hot chocolate when he was younger, but he knew better than to seek comfort now. This was his burden to bear, his punishment for his lapse in judgement. If they all knew that the great Gregory Edgeworth had fallen at the hands of his own son, there would be no hope for the legal world. It seemed everyone's eyes were trained on Edgeworth the Second, everyone holding their breath like they only had so much air to breathe, waiting to see if Miles truly was his father's son.
That was why, despite his crime, despite his own bloody hands, he had to forge ahead. He had to play the part if there was to be any hope. Murderer though he might be, every second spent on stolen time, life based around a lie, these people needed a beacon, and they'd already had their sights set on him.
But they all seemed to forget that a father was not the only thing Miles lost in the courthouse that day. Fifteen years ago, on the same day Gregory Edgeworth took his last breath, someone else disappeared from Miles's life, too. His first client, his first friend, was gone, and maybe that was another sign Miles should have quit.
Yet he needed to be someone his father could be proud of, someone his friend could be proud of. He knew that was impossible after what he'd done, but he clung to the thought like a fool, a justification to continue hiding the truth.
He clung to it, even after Mia Fey told him about how her family had suffered in their attempts to solve a mystery he already knew the answer to, even after he was bequeathed a younger sister tangled in the fallout of his own actions, even after Manfred von Karma's older daughter swore to bury him much like how her fingers were buried in her side. They were all people harmed by his silence, yet he selfishly blazed onwards, telling himself it was all for the greater good. He was doing nothing but putting on a show, fooling the courts, the system, the world.
Maybe that was why he followed the letter when it came. It was high time this farce came to an end, even if Larry, Maya, Powers would undoubtedly have their cases reexamined in the aftermath. He never should have taken them in the first place. This was for the best.
What greeted him at Gourd Lake was not a boat, nor a defense attorney. Only two shots buried deep within the fog, making his chest tighten and his head spin. He barely noticed the approaching sirens, only flinching when the burly detective clapped him on the shoulder, demanding to know what he'd seen.
Sascha von Karma looked as fragile as he felt on the other side of the glass in the detention center, tight ponytail in disarray and mismatched eyes ringed with grief. A stolen glance at a letter unsent, she told him, voice wavering with fright even as she tried to sit tall, an intercepted instruction out of sheer curiosity. Why would she ever want to protect a lowly defense attorney, one she never even knew?
As the case wore on, guilt dug its claws deep into Miles's heart, reminding him with every breath of what he'd lost nearly fifteen years ago to the day. The ghost of his crime skirted around the edges of this one, like a dog herding sheep, pressing him and Maya and Prosecutor von Karma ever closer together. Sascha knew both more and less than she should, inexplicable gaps in strange memories that Miles was too distracted to fill in, focused only on what would happen to her when this was all over. He knew it was time to bring this facade to an end.
He was right, in a sense. But he was no orchestrator of the lie in place, merely another person snagged in its web.
Loyalty long forgotten had been awoken in his newfound companion, a desperate bid to protect a dear friend and a revered father alike. Sascha insisted she had been at the courthouse the day that shot fired, a lost child stumbling across a crime scene and interfering without knowledge of the consequence.
But this person, too, was only another fly in the trap, another individual blinded by misplaced blame.
Miles thought the worst thing he could have done that day was to shoot Gregory Edgeworth, but he was mistaken.
Pulling the thread and unraveling the lie, watching the defendant dig fingers into a bullet long forgotten, hearing the agonized wail of a lost little boy being carried by a man out for revenge, Miles knew in that instant that the worst person he could have shot was Phoenix Wright.
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regardingseas · 3 years
Ttile: Echoed Vexations (Part One, part two linked)
Fandom: Hermitcraft
Rating: Teen and up audiences (violence warning)
AO3: here! (Full story at once)
Plot Summary:
It's all too easy to turn a blind eye to the past-- to believe that because someone has been shielded from harm's way, they should no longer fear the wrath of their opponent's creed. They're safe now, after all, so why would they..?
Yes, Scar and Cub are certainly "safe", but they're still haunted by memories of the Vex and their deals all the same.
An average afternoon during the HCB Base Swap is cut short when Mumbo accidentally digs up a remnant from Scar's Vex partnership days, and unfortunately for the town's mayor, the other Hermit is far from aware just how triggering the topic can truly be. Things only dissolve from there, and in the end, Grian lends a helping hand to console a friend.
Additional Content Warnings:
Depictions of trauma disorders, panic attacks, flashbacks, paranoid thoughts/delusions, manipulation, gaslighting, threats, injury, and violence. Mentions of religious themes, unintentional self-harm, and non-permanent character death.
Do be careful, but otherwise, enjoy!
The sun was still high in the sky even as Scar finished decorating the monument's support chains, sweltering rays beaming down and adding to the oppressive humidity of the jungle around him. With his usual jacket set aside to fight the heat, he wiped away the beads of sweat that had gathered on his forehead and grabbed a stray bucket from the sidelines. He'd nearly finished the waterfall aspect of the design-- crystal blue streams cascading over the edges of four white spanners, all joining together in the octagonal pool at the base's foundation. It was looking quite spectacular, if he were to say so himself, with the vine-coiled braces and additional water currents tying the otherwise juxtaposing themes together nicely.
Scar scooped up a fresh pail of water, filling it to the brim and hauling it towards the last pillar. He glanced down at the container as he carried it, catching a glimpse of his reflection from the liquid inside. His face shone red with effort, misplaced strands of hair having clung themselves to his tan skin.
Though unsurprised, he still couldn't help but laugh at the rippling image. "It's just my luck I'd swap with another jungle dwelling Hermit. I swear, I can never escape this climate for long. First the island last year, then all this."
With a shake of his head he returned his gaze upwards, continuing to muse aloud to the landscape before him, "You tropics are wonderful and all, but it sure would've been a nice change of pace to set up camp in somewhere like the mountains. Or pull total 180 and have landed in the tundras!"
Concepts for each design raced through his head, each idea fighting the others for dominance and tacking details onto itself, trying to land its place on the metaphorical pedestal of his imagination. A cottage with medieval influences? No, that would be far too typical, amp both of those components up. An entire village with a steampunk driven aesthetic, built into the mountainscape itself; no doubt with custom terraforming to integrate the buildings into the natural environment. That was more like it.
Scar could envision working windmills and waterwheels accompanying purposefully makeshift farmlands, historic blimps having reclaimed skies where they'd soar high overhead. Below them, eye-catching pops of colour, shining through as floating lanterns that hover above connective rope bridges.
As for the arctic concept? Something more grand would be ideal. In his fantasy, he'd created an absolute oxymoron of the words cabin and mansion jumbled together, and he adored it that way. A bottom floor made of bricked stone, the top made of logs and large windows to oversee the view. Accompanying them in the same manner would be a balcony, propped on columns that hugged the building and curved around its corners. The top deck would be open for clear days, and the space below it safe on harsher ones. Sloped roofs would be adorned with chimneys, and the interior warmed by cozy flames that were kept organized with inviting lofts. The living area could be split leveled, sinking down to create its own margin where guests could comfortably gather by the fireplace and--
There was a tug at his ankle, and next thing he knew, a bemused Scar went crashing to the ground, having been too caught up to notice the trailing plants blocking his footway. His hands shot out to catch himself, palms scraping against the concrete floor in a way similar to the childhood stunt of crashing and burning on the pavement. A stinging snapped up his arms, and the water bucket dropped from his grasp, clattering down with a metallic rumble before spilling its contents across the floor.
Scar pushed himself upright with a hiss of air through his teeth, shaking off his grazed palms and wiping them on his jeans. Pulling his foot free from the greenery and gathering himself up was no problem, what was a problem, however, was the troubling sight now before him.
The water had spilled all over one of Mumbo's redstone contraptions, causing the device to short circuit and emit a sort of maroon-grey smoke. The wires fashioned from the compacted dust had been all but washed away, any remaining pieces hanging on by threads and failing miserably whenever a signal attempted to fire; more so sizzling rather than surging alight with energy.
"Oh, crud!" he shouted, racing towards the machine and yanking on the shut-off switch to divert any further input from the broken setup.
It powered down, but Scar was still left swatting the coloured smoke from his face, coughing as the scent of burnt metallics filled his nostrils. When had he gotten so absorbed in possible building opportunities that he'd managed to miss the foliage in front of him? Why had he even been wondering so deeply about it, anyway? This event was about improving one another's bases by adding their own personal touches, not starting a new project entirely.
Scar sighed, he wasn't sure why his mind had begun drifting so far. He'd like to blame it on the wild imagination of a builder, but he had a feeling there was a little more to it. Sometimes, when the world wasn't too much to handle, it was too easy to let fall away. Maybe he spent too much time daydreaming-- he was sure there was a word for that, when trances became so all encompassing, so engrossing.
"But I don't have time to think about that right now," he reminded himself, "I really need to fix this. It doesn't look like most of this redstone is salvageable, I'll have to get new supplies to repair it. Maybe some of the circuits are okay..?"
Scar nudged a repeater with his shoe, the device making an unnatural sloshing noise in his attempt to change the feed-in. He scrunched up his nose, "Okay, nope, gonna need to replace that, too."
Running a hand through his hair in defeat, he glanced towards Mumbo's storage system before shaking his head. It wouldn't be right to use the other man's supplies without asking, let alone waste them on a mistake made due to Scar's own carelessness. He'd have to make his way back to his original base and gather the materials from there once more. When he dropped by initially, he figured he'd gotten everything he needed, but apparently hadn't accounted for dissociation-induced redstone mishaps.
"I guess we're making a trip back," Scar announced to no one, finally picking up the empty bucket to set it safely aside. He made his way over to his tent, temporarily discarding any excess materials and bidding adieu to Jellie before grabbing his elytra and setting off.
Taking to the skies, Scar squinted against the wind as it roared in his ears. His hair parted itself from where it had stuck, short locks brushed back by the flowing breeze. With arms extended for balance, and maybe a dash of amusement, he lit his rockets and propelled himself into the distance.
It wasn't long before he encroached on his base again, allowing his faux wings to glide him downward where he kicked out his legs to come to a soft landing. Scar stopped before the massive drill site just on the outskirts of the forest, heading towards the agglomeration of crates and boxes he had haphazardly stowed aside. He was certain there had to be the necessary hardware in one of the many containers, though which that may be was lost on him. At least, thanks to Mumbo and his new storage system, the chest monster he'd created would soon be a thing of the past.
"I wonder how that's going for him..." Scar pondered, striding over to a random shulker and beginning his sure-to-be protracted search.
"Scar?" a familiar voice interrupted, making him peer ahead to see the moustached man himself rounding the corner. "Hello there! I see you've made yourself rather at home at my base," Mumbo teased.
He couldn't help but chuckle, "That I have. I just needed to stop by and pick up some redstone and iron. With all the ore this place has quarried up, I was sure there's bound to be more of that here than back at Larry."
Mumbo faked surprise with a hearty grin, "Getting into mechanics, are we? Have the inner workings of the temple really had that much influence on you after only a few days?"
"Now I wouldn't say that," Scar shook his head and closed the lid of the grey shulker, seeing no point in hiding the truth. "I took a tumble holding a bucket of water and it kinda spilled on one of the contraptions. I'm sorry for the trouble-- but don't worry! I came here to fix it right up. I just didn't wanna waste your materials fixing my silly error."
The suited man waved his hand dismissively, "Nonsense, it's no trouble. Have you seen the improvements you've made to that place? I mean, of course you've seen them, you built them, but rhetorically speaking--" Mumbo cleared his throat, "Just don't fret over it, I trust that you'll have it fixed right up in no time."
Scar smiled, "Thanks, dude. Now I just have to find where on Earth I put those ore…"
Mumbo gave another laugh, "You know, you can feel free to use some of my things if need be. I have no idea how you expect to find anything in this mess. I'm only trying to do a basic look through so I know where to begin when it comes to the item sorter, but even that doesn't seem to do much good. I swear, it's like trying to play a very intense game of memory, with thousands of nonsensical cards all scattered about."
Scar snickered sheepishly at the comparison, "Yeah, no kidding. But being able to use some resources without flying all the way over here would be great. Thanks again, Mumbo. I don't know if there's anything you'll need here while working, but hey, consider it free range. We're doing these things for each other in the long run, anyway."
"I'd say, 'unless we don't switch back our deeds', but in all honesty? I'm beginning to miss the ol' living monument already."
The two exchange a chuckle before returning to their previous tasks, both going back to digging through the pile of chests in preparation for their projects.
It took longer than Scar wanted to admit to finally find the crate stocked with valuables-- sighing in relief at the sight and immediately beginning to pile the items into his inventory. There were pre-smelted metals from an iron farm, so he didn't have to bother with the ore, and the redstone he'd gathered was already in dust from, meaning all he'd have to do was craft the items after returning.
"I wonder if it would've been easier to stop by the shopping district and buy these directly, instead of making them by hand..." he said, "Oh well, saves on diamonds, and these had to be used some time, I guess."
"Talking to yourself over there?" Mumbo asked.
"Just thinking aloud is all."
"I see," the moustached man nodded, pushing himself up from where he'd been examining the supplies. "I found something neat from last year! Do you wanna see?"
"Sure!" Scar agreed, setting aside his intent of flying back in favour of seeing what it was Mumbo had to show him.
He smiled and stepped over to Scar, holding out a faded piece of paper for them both to see, "I found it stuck to the bottom of a shulker box! Can you believe we used to be competition so recently?" He joked.
Scar could only stare at the advert before him, a steele blue page embellished with a vault-like ring in the center. It meant nothing to the untrained eye, but to him, all of the company's horrors were sealed underneath. ConCorp read bold text in half-connected lettering, the logo finalizing its signature with a black bow tie adorning the bottom.
"Hardly," managed Scar, having just remembered he'd been asked a question, "But it wasn't that recent."
"It was practically yesterday if we're talking business," Mumbo snickered, "but we aren't. I'm not very good at business."
"Me neither, I prefer mayorship," he said in an attempt to change the subject.
Mumbo, however, didn't seem to notice, only turning to stare at Scar with eyes wide. "Are you kidding me? You were quite literally the richest Hermit of all last year! You're wonderful at business. Sahara was amazing, and I don't for a second doubt it was the most ambitious project of our group to date, but she had plenty of bugs, being the machine powered industry that she was. ConCorp, however? That was an utter monopoly! The thing lasted two bloody seasons!"
Scar chuckled awkwardly, "I know, I know, Cub and I worked very hard. But it wasn't all us, we couldn't have done it alone."
"Give yourself more credit," Mumbo insisted, "I'm more than convinced you could have gotten your business up and running even without the help of your Vex friends. Weren't they less prominent in your company last year, anyway? You did change your guy's name from ConVex to ConCorp, after all. I think that would imply less input on their part."
"Not really," he explained, though the tension building in his body was becoming harder to conceal. He had to keep his arms rigid so that they wouldn't shake, forcing in deep breaths to avoid the shaky ones that threatened to take their place. "We just thought it would be better for business, rebranding to something more gentlemanly and all."
Mumbo nodded, "Ah, that makes sense. Though I still don't understand how you managed to work with them to begin with. I likely wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes. I mean business partners with the Vex? Friends, even? How'd you do it? Not to mention why? With all due respect, what makes one seek that out?"
Scar blinked hard at the influx of questions, "Oh, it's- it's really complicated, you might not understand. Cub started it, though. I joined the team not long after, but I wasn't there when he first struck the deal with Them."
"Huh, some deal," Mumbo remarked thoughtfully, and Scar nodded.
He had no idea.
"So what made you leave that behind?" Mumbo continued.
"What?" he asked, finding his thoughts hazy. They were static nothingness, but somehow also crashing into his skull. He found himself having to dig his way through them, while at the same time trying to bury them once he passed. The last thing Scar wanted was to do was hark back to the Vex, to beckon forth Their memory with his own.
The other man simply chuckled, oblivious to Scar's inner turmoil. "ConCorp, the Vex. Did you two just get bored? Having done the same thing for too long?"
"In a sense, you could definitely say we were tired of it. It just- well, it wasn't what we wanted to do anymore. We wanted to move on to new things."
"That's fair enough. Do you blokes still get along? Or did they take the corporation's end like a sour breakup?"
This time, Scar couldn't contain his wince. "We're still friends!" he insisted, "Of course the Vex are my friends."
Mumbo finally quirked a brow, "Are you sure about that? You don't have to worry about hiding some burnt corporal bridges from me, I'm not here to judge."
"Oh yeah, I'm positive," he nodded eagerly, "I'm just- I'm gonna go work on fixing that contraption I damaged, best to get it fixed before we have to switch back."
"Buddy, are you sure everything's alright? I'm sorry if I upset you or anything."
"Nah, I'm just peachy!" Scar announced with far too much false enthusiasm, internally cringing at his failed masking abilities. Not allowing any more time for his ruse to be cracked, he uttered a quick goodbye before adjusting the straps on his elytra and dashing off, leaping into the air and back towards the ruins.
"Scar, wait!" Mumbo tried, but he was already gone.
The returning flight was far from the peaceful journey he'd made to the excitation site. His artificial wings beat frantically, struggling to keep up as he charged forward with excessive firepower. He paid no mind to the safety protocol regarding the rocket's cool-down period, simply heralding through the air as fast as his elytra would carry him. Scar arrived back to the monument in a trip overall much faster than when he'd left, but it seemed to drag on for an eternity. The entire excursion consisted of a battle with his own mind-- a war in which he knew he was bound to lose, but he had to hold down the fort until he was on solid ground.
Scar was lucky not to crash into the debris upon landing, frantically stumbling to the dirt and having to grasp onto a piece of wreckage to maintain his balance. His legs nearly buckled under his weight, form trembling in spite of the deep breaths he gave it his all to draw in.
He grasped hard to the rubble, trying to anchor his brain into focus. He couldn't let his thoughts spiral, he couldn't think about Them. He knew grounding techniques, and he tried to rush his way through them.
Five things you can see.
He could see the golden heart, plants, stone, the golden heart again-- the thing was too anatomically correct, he'd seen horrors too similar to it before. And the sound, it was too damn loud, too hard to ignore. Its unsteady rhythm hammering in his ears alongside his own faltering pulse.
Forget visuals, four different noises?
Scar squeezed his eyes shut in an attempt to listen, focusing hard on the world around him. Still, he could only hear the heart. He could only hear it pounding, its once melodic notes like nails on a chalkboard. He could remember far too many times when he was left alone with nothing but his heartbeat and his pleas.
Tactile. Texture. What can you feel? Three things you can feel.
Internally, he screamed at his dulling senses to return. God, he didn't want to think about Them, it wasn't worth the risk. They'd been inside his head before, and the mere idea of having his thoughts broadcasted again made his stomach churn. Scar tried harder and harder to suppress the images bubbling to the surface, festering like maggots in an old wound. The more he tried to push them down, however, the fiercer they'd rise back up, and he choked down a sob in attempt to list the sensations he could currently identify.
He could feel the stone-- but he already said the stone, didn't he? He could also feel the sun. It was hot against his back. So hot. He was overheating.
The notes should have been a success, but the drops of sweat felt too akin to tricking blood. The sting of his hands felt too much like the friction burn of a rope. It felt too much like he was back with the Vex again, and as he finally sunk to the soil, he could no longer swim against the onslaught of memories crashing over him like a tidal wave.
They could still hear him, They could still hear him, They could still hear him, They could still get him--
The day he and Cub first found the courage to try and cut ties with the Vex had been a hellish one, and the two men weren't even successful in their attempt. Hence, of course, it being the first.
Still, it had taken ages for Scar to persuade Cub that it was even worth trying, the other man having believed it was impossible to sneak anything past the Vex on their own. Scar was persistent, however, and eventually convinced his friend they had a shot if they played their cards right, if they made the right proposal without their intentions being discovered.
They'd constructed their plans in secret for weeks; discussing them only inside of untold locations with hushed whispers, or in the form of coded scrawls they'd burn immediately after reading. They couldn't be too careful, that's what they'd tell themselves whenever they worried their precautionary measures may be over the top. Even so, when a so-called conference was put on the schedule --such events were far from any type of cordial meeting, despite having been assigned the title of one-- the men were hardly prepared for it.
Their conference room consisted of a needlessly grandiose suite, with floors of marble and walls carved from deep umber wood. The polished lumber was adorned with expensive paintings in aureate frames; antique laden shelves taking up the spaces they did not. Aesthetically pleasing decorative tactics were discarded in favour of showing off their riches in a possessive cluster, with the only average items being the table and its chairs sat in the dead center of the area. A chandelier of gemstone and gold swung from above, dangling by the same chains fated to one day bind their vassals.
"Concordats, greetings!" A Vex declared as the men were led through the doorway, hovering in the air at the opposing end of the surface.
"Greetings," parroted Cub minimally, Scar giving a plain nod beside him. Fewer words meant less chance at letting their guard down.
"We've been needing to speak with you," a different Vex chimed.
"Speak with you about the business," yet another visitant confirmed.
"We actually need to discuss similar matters with you all," Scar noted, voice and expression a façade of tranquility.
"You do?" the first asked, wide smile replaced with inquiry.
"Yes," managed Cub, "we want to make you an offer, one you can't refuse."
"I do like the sound of that!" the second snickered.
"We'll hear your offer," the Vex grinned, "we only have one question first!"
"Of course, what is it?" asked Scar, in mental awe of how well their exchange was going.
"Do you recognize these?" it asked, gesturing towards the white table where a blue light flashed, fading away to reveal a small pile of ash.
Cub and Scar glanced to one another in evident confusion, the latter of the two speaking once again, "Forgive me, but we're not sure what you're talking about."
"Oh, silly me!" the Vex giggled, another flash of luminesce encompassing the soot and leaving a stack of papers in its place. As if caught in a controlled gust, they blew from the surface and organized themselves midair; levitating in a cloud of magic.
All of their once burnt notes were lined up before them, cyphers needed to crack their messages included.
Still beaming with innocence, it continued, "How about now? Look familiar?"
The blood drained from their faces, and Scar could have sworn his heart was going to burst from his chest with how hard it was drumming. He wanted to wake up, because this had to be a nightmare.
"No, we have no idea what those are," he tried.
Overlapping voices screamed in his head, all sounding in haunting unison. Scar hastily clapped his hands over his ears, but it did nothing to silence the uproar emanating from within.
You try to break our contract then lie to our faces?
Foolish concordats.
Terrible secret keepers, terrible subjects.
Cub seized hold of Scar's arm and made a break for the door with the brunet in tow, reaching the exit and tugging desperately on the handles. They refused to turn under his grasp, and his eyes darted back towards the Vex; floating creatures growing ever closer to their imaginary bubble providing them with the illusion of safety.
More of Them were phasing in through walls, forms non-corporeal and having no need for the sealed entryway.
They all ordered, Scar flinching at the simultaneous projection. He lowered his hands and turned towards Them, watching Their unmoving grins with wide eyes.
Kneel before your gods and divulge your prayers, we may just show you mercy.
"I'm sorry-" Scar whimpered, but Cub was having none of it.
"No!" the man barked, "Screw this! This isn't worth it! None of this is worth it! He's right! The business, the money, the power, it-- it means nothing! Not when you treat us like this!"
They watched him step forward, his furious yells echoing through the expanse of the room, "We're done! And we mean it! You're going to get us go or else!"
An orchestra of shrill cackles filled the air.
Oooh, it's angry.
They're fighting back!
Teach them a lesson.
"You won't dare make another-" Cub's retaliation was cut short with a cry, the bearded man dropping to the ground in a swift crash.
"Cub!" Scar called, but his attempt to step towards his friend was met only with a searing pain through his legs and the subsequent buckling of his knees. He fell to the marble, limbs heavy as if they'd been weighted. It took considerable force to balance on his arms, appendages left shaking as he peered back up towards the Vex.
He regretted it instantly.
(Part two)
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i-am-a-stupid-robot · 4 years
Panic at The Day Show | Oneshot [The Martian]
Tumblr media
Warnings | Mentions of Flashbacks, PTSD, Anxiety
Rating | K+
Genres | H/C, Friendship, Light Angst
Characters | Annie Montrose, Mark Watney
Word Count | 3K
Summary: Annie Montrose’s pre-press tour briefing did not include a section on what to do with world-famous astronauts hyperventilating in the men’s room floor, but she’ll do her best.
"So—and I think this is the question we've all been waiting for—Mars. What was it like?"
"Well, ah—they don't call it the red planet for nothing. I never wanna see red again. Or orange." Watney scratched his cheek. "Or potatoes."
The TV host and the audience chuckled.
Watching the interview on a screen off-stage, Annie Montrose smiled. Watney was doing well. There was a reason he had been appointed the PR man for Ares III—his easy charm and dry humor won over any audience. The man was practically impossible not to like.
Unless, of course, you were the unfortunate soul in charge of babysitting him. Which, for the next two weeks, happened to be her. Press tours, yay!
It wasn't that Watney was bad company. Boiled down, she liked Watney as much as the next person. He was a great guy—easygoing, funny, and just generally...nice. In everyday conversation, they got along like old pals; it was only in front of the cameras that he threatened to give her bleeding ulcers.
Before Mars, Watney had been prone to break the rules where the press was involved, broaching subjects that were uncomfortable for the good folks at NASA—and more specifically Annie herself—to deal with later, swearing up a storm on Jimmy Kimmel Live, discussing controversial politics on Larry Myers, et cetera. This was his first press junket since his return (it had only taken six months, but NASA—again, Annie—had finally badgered him to a breaking point), and it seemed things had only gotten worse. Apparently, a year and a half of following your own rules after NASA abandoned you on an alien planet didn't do a lot for your respect for said space program—or rules.
But today? Today Watney was being a good boy. It was nearly four PM, his eighth interview of the day, and he had not so much as said "dang." She would have to reward him later. Ice cream, or something. She thought she remembered his mentioning something about liking rocky road, once. Everyone liked rocky road, right?
Annie's attention was drawn back to the interview by the fact that no one was talking. That could bode only ill for any live interview. On the screen, the TV host was smiling stiffly, her eyes not-so-subtly trying to give Watney his cue. For his part, Watney just seemed frozen, staring, unblinking, at something over the TV host's shoulder. Annie had an inkling that what he was actually seeing was on another planet altogether.
This was bad. This was very, very bad. Come on, Watney. Snap out of it! Someone behind her mumbled, "What's up with him?" and Annie shot him a withering look before turning back to the screen and willing Watney to come around.
The host waved her hand in front of Watney's face. "Earth to Mark." Annie rolled her eyes. Some taste, lady. "You okay in there?" A nervous laugh trickled from the audience.
Watney blinked and shifted in his seat. He looked disoriented for barely a moment before flashing an apologetic grin. "Sorry, Tanya, what was the question?"
Attaboy. It wasn't great, but it was salvageable.
The host tapped her cue cards on the table to straighten them, then set them aside. "You know, I, uh, can't remember. Let's go ahead and open it up to questions from the audience."
Had she not been wearing six-inch Prada's, Annie's toes would have been curling. Nothing wracked her nerves as much as these segments—at least with press conferences she held the reins. Here, the folks asking questions were just everyday people, not ravenous vultures out for blood and a scoop, but she had no control over what they would ask or the manner in which Watney would answer them. Absolutely none. So she offered up a silent prayer and braced herself.
The first person up was a young man, probably in college, eyes wide and voice trembling with nerves when he spoke, asking how Watney had navigated the dust storm he encountered on his way to the Ares IV site. Annie nodded in approval as Watney explained in terms that could be easily understood without a Ph.D. or five.
The next one up was a little girl, maybe eight, wearing a NASA t-shirt that been worn long beyond its usefulness to thrift stores. Annie felt her lips curl into a smile. This was good. Very good. A little girl getting to meet her hero? The press would have a field day—and for once it would actually be good PR.
Watney was smiling, too, but she doubted his reasons were as calculated as hers were.
"Hi, Dr. Watney." Her front teeth were missing, and she lisped.
"Hi. What's your name?"
"Melissa." She looked at her feet, crossing one tiny converse-clad toe over the other.
Watney feigned amazement, throwing himself back in his chair and splaying hand over his chest. "No way! Melissa? That's so cool! Melissa is my commander's name.
Melissa grinned. "I know. I'm gonna be a space commander too, someday."
"Oh, yeah?" Watney glanced at the host. "Can I—? Let me just—one second." He stood and crossed the stage, kneeling before Melissa. He gave her a fist bump.
Annie's smile broadened. This was great. Watney's voice was soft when he spoke, and Annie knew his words were meant only for Melissa's ears, but she was glad his lapel mic picked them up anyway.
"You study the stars?"
She nodded. "My dad set up a telescope for me, too."
"Yeah? That's awesome. Just wait till you see the stars from space. Just wait till you see Earth. Nothing like it, anywhere. You can be a great commander, Melissa. You're gonna have to work really hard to get there, but it'll be so worth it. I think you can make it."
And then Melissa flung her arms around Watney's neck, and Annie smiled a smile that had absolutely nothing to do with public relations. And if she teared up a little, well, everyone else's vision was too blurry to notice, anyway.
When Melissa pulled away, Watney seemed to remember that not only is he in a room full of people, but on live TV, and he sheepishly returned to his chair. "Shoot! I interrupted you. I'm sorry, Melissa, did you have a question?"
"Did you get lonely when you were on Mars?"
And just like that, all the good vibes vanished with all the aplomb of helium escaping a wayward balloon. Annie bit her lip. She had been made aware—multiple times, by each member of the Ares III crew and each of Watney's doctors, respectively—of the fact that loneliness was a trigger for Watney.
But he just closed his eyes and nodded. Then he offered Melissa a sad smile. "Yeah. I did get pretty lonely sometimes. I missed my team and my parents, especially." Then Annie saw a glint in his eye that she knew all too well. "Hey, Melissa, when you're a commander, make sure all your crew is onboard the ascent vehicle before you take off."
The audience chuckled, Melissa waved at Watney as she returned to her seat, and the next person approached the mic. Uh-oh. It was a Karen.
"Hi, Dr. Watney. My name's Linda Miller, and I was a member of the #LeaveHimThere campaign. Did it ever occur to you that maybe the cost and risk to benefit ratios might have been too high to be worth one man's life?"
Annie stiffened, and the host looked at her guest nervously. Watney looked like he had been slapped, but he recovered quickly.
"Every day."
There was a tense hush as everyone waited for him to elaborate, but when it became clear that he did not intend to, the host turned back to the woman behind the mic. "Thank you. Next."
But Linda did not step away, taking it one step further. "Do you think it would have been better if you died? Did you ever want to?"
The studio went abuzz with gasps and whispered exclamations. The TV host looked like she had swallowed a fly, but when no words came out of Watney's open mouth, she quickly plastered on a smile. "I'm so sorry to cut you off, but we are actually out of time. Thank you to everyone who tuned in, thank you to our audience, and special thanks to Dr. Mark Watney for joining us today."
Applause erupted, the cameras cut, and Mark Watney bolted from the stage. His face was sallow and sweaty when he brushed past Annie and disappeared around a corner. "Watney? Watney!" She was about to follow then someone took her arm and she turned to see the host standing there, eyes full of concern behind false lashes.
"Is he okay? I'm so sorry, we tried to screen the questions beforehand...I don't know how she got in there."
Annie swallowed her irritation and plastered on what she hoped looked like a genuine smile. "That's okay. He'll be fine. He's Mark. Excuse me." She turned and strode after Watney, praying he hadn't left the building.
She scanned the backstage halls as she walked, looking for any sign of the astronaut in question, but she saw only guests and crew scurrying about to prepare for the next segment. Her anxiety mounted with each face her eyes landed on that wasn't Watney's.
Then the faint sound of retching reached her ears and she stopped, looking for the source. It had to be either Watney or the pregnant actress she had seen earlier. A door opened to her left, and a man walked out, face scrunched in disgust. The retching was louder for a moment before the door swung closed again to reveal the men's restroom sign. Watney, then.
She intercepted the man who had just exited, snagging his arm with a ferocity that clearly started him. "Is there anyone in there?"
"The bathroom. Is there anyone in there?"
"Yeah, there's—some guy's in there puking his guts out."
"No, I know that. Is there anyone else."
"Uh—I don't know, I don't—I don't think so."
She released his arm and approached the door, pushing it open a little.
"Hey, lady, you can't go in there!"
She turned and leveled the hapless man with a glare that had been known to make even the almighty Teddy Sanders submit to her will. Sure enough, the man raised his hands and backtracked down the hall. She turned back towards the door, poking her head inside. The retching had been replaced by a sort of breathless, hiccuping sound. "Watney?"
The sound stopped.
She stepped inside fully, pulling the door closed and crouching carefully to see beneath the stall doors. They all appeared to be empty save for the handicap-accessible stall against the wall. She stepped past the other two and knocked on the occupied stall's door. "Watney? Are you in there?"
"Come one, Watney."
A beat, then, "Go away."
She rolled her eyes. "Seriously, Mark? You are not a moody fourteen-year-old, and I am not your mother trying to stage an intervention. Let me in."
Another pause.
She waited.
His voice was muffled when it came. "It's not locked. I didn't have time, before—it's not locked."
She pulled gently, and sure enough, it swung outward to reveal a rather pathetic sight.
Mark Watney—astronaut, space pirate, the man who colonized Mars, the fastest person in the history of space travel—was huddled on the floor by the toilet, back pressed against the wall, knees drawn to his chest, face buried in his arms, shaking uncontrollably, and Annie Montrose—former-renowned Times reporter, two-time winner of the Pulitzer, now head of NASA's prestigious public relations department, a woman with a reputation for thinking on her feet—had no idea what to do. She stood there, at a loss, feeling more under-prepared than she ever had in her life.
Then he mumbled a soft "I'm sorry" into his arms and she found herself maneuvering to sit primly next to him on the filthy tile floor. "Don't be. Flashback?" she questioned, figuring the first thing was to identify the problem. It was a few moments before he nodded, arms tightening around his knees. She nodded, trying to remember what the team had told her to do in case of flashbacks. "Are you, uh—are you still in it?"
Another brief wait, another brief nod.
"Okay. We'll deal with it." If only she could remember how…
Vogel had sent her a (not-so) helpful email with a link to the German folk song he had often hummed to Watney when he had attacks aboard the Hermes. Well, that wasn't going to happen.
"Talk to him," Beck had said. "Remind him that he's not alone."
Annie took a deep breath. "Can you hear me, Mark?"
Very softly, "Yes."
"Okay. Good, that's good. I'm right here, okay? We'll sit this out together, yeah?"
Lewis's words ran through her mind. "Tell him where he is. Sometimes if he can feel what's around him, it brings him out."
Annie thought for a moment, then, on an impulse, she grabbed the hand that was nearest, prying it free of his knee and gripping it tightly. "Feel that? That's me." She rubbed her other hand over the rough skin on his knuckles. "See? I'm real. I'm right here." Pulling his hand up to the sleeve of her coat, she pressed it there, only moderately surprised when he tangled his fingers in it and held it tight. "That's right. There you go. That's my polyester blazer that you said made me look like a smurf with a Chanel subscription." She pried his hand free and held it to the floor. He jumped a little at the sudden cold, but then he began to rub his fingertips against the smooth surface. "And this? You're gonna want to wash your hands after this one, pal. This is the freezing tile floor of the backstage bathroom we're squatting in like crazy people." She twined their fingers together again and brought their hands to rest in her lap. He squeezed hers tightly and she went back to rubbing her hands over his knuckles.
"Hugs," had been the advice from Johansson, and Martinez had nodded, adding, "Hold that boy like your life depends on it, and don't let go until he does."
No one would ever call Annie Montrose a touchy-feely person, but she supposed she could make an exception in this case. Scooting on her bum, she moved until her side was pressed rather stiffly against his trembling frame. When he made no protest, she relaxed, allowing herself to slouch into him. She tried to pull her hand free so she could wrap her arm around his shoulders, but his grip was suddenly vice-like around her fingers. "Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. Here," she offered her other hand, "take this one. I'm just gonna move my arm, okay?" She withdrew her hand and quickly replaced it with her right, drawing him close with her arm across his back.
She sat still for a few minutes, listening with concern to his rapid, ragged breaths. After some internal-debating, she began to rub her hand, firm and steady, back and forth, over his shoulder blades. It must've been comforting to some degree, because she felt some of the rigidity begin to slide out of his muscles, but his breathing was still alarmingly fast.
Then a thought struck her. "Mark? There's plenty of air. Lots of oxygen. A little carbon dioxide. The perfect blend, and plenty of it. Take a deep breath for me?"
He tried, sucking in as much as he could before it was squeezed away on his exhale and he had to start all over again.
"Try to let it out slow. There you go, that's better."
It took several minutes and a lot of coaching, but eventually, his breathing began to even out. At some point, his head had found its way to her shoulder and her hand moved up to card through his hair. They sat that way until a cramp in Annie's leg made itself known, and she realized she had been repeating the same phrases of reassurance for who knew how long. "You're okay. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere. You're okay."
Apparently, the hard floor was effecting Watney, too, because he shifted against her.
She squeezed his shoulder as he began to sit up. "You with me?"
He avoided her eyes, staring at a spot of tile between his feet. "Yeah. I'm—sorry. Sorry about that." He tried to pass it off with a laugh but she frowned.
"Not your fault, Watney."
He shrugged, resting his face on his arms and taking a shaky breath. "Maybe, but you didn't sign up for this. I—"
"Watney, I swear if you apologize to me one more time I will stick your face in that filthy commode and give you a swirly you'll never forget."
His head came up at that, eyes full of surprise and just a little of the self-assured Watney she was accustomed to. Then he took on a look of exaggerated outrage. "You wouldn't dare."
"Try me."
A brief but intense staring contest ensued, which she would have won had they not been interrupted by the sound of the restroom door swinging open, swiftly followed by the occupation of the stall directly next to them. Annie's eyes went wide as she thrust her face into her elbow to stifle her laughter as the full absurdity of their situation hit her. She felt Mark shaking against her and a glance in his direction confirmed she wasn't alone.
It felt like forever before their unsuspecting neighbor exited and their laughter rushed free like water from a burst dam.
"We should probably get out of here," Watney sputtered.
"Yeah," she gasped in agreement.
Then a quiet fell over them, laughter fading to grave silence. Watney stared at his shoes as Annie studied a suspicious stain on the wall opposite. The moment felt like when your feet suddenly hit the ground as you swim to shore—all you have to do is stand and walk out, but somehow it feels like you're stuck, legs forgetting their original purpose after so long in the water.
Well, she could at least make sure Watney didn't have to stagger out on his own. She offered her hand. "Ready?"
He eyed her hand apprehensively for a long moment before he set his jaw and clasped it. "Ready."
Also available on AO3 and FF.Net. Thank you for reading, lovely soul. :)
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youarejesting · 4 years
BTS365 Prompts.Week20
[Full Masterlist] [Prompt Masterlist]
Please tag me in your work if you use my prompts. I want to see your work. Ever your Jester.
Tell me your birthday and I will tag you on your special day!═══════ ೋღ ღೋ ═══════
 May 14th - 20th
═══════ ೋღ ღೋ ═══════
Kim Seokjin: chip
Seokjin was a powerful mafia leader who enjoyed food, bad jokes and praise for his good looks. He was an amusing young man, with just the right amount of Savage and you, you were his cute little wife. Your job was to stand and look pretty as his good luck charm at the black jack tables. You would subtly distract other men so your dear husband could collect all the chips. He knew you did it to make him happy but it didn’t stop him from kissing you in front of all opponents to show who you belonged to. 
Min Yoongi: Pack
You were sick of him ignoring you. A relationship is a two way street but lately it was just you putting in the effort. Yoongi would spend his time hold up in his studio and when he did come out he was grumpy, not adorable grumpy no he swore and said things you knew he didn’t really mean. 
That didn’t mean you didn’t have self respect, your doctor had just called congratulating you on your pregnancy. When you knocked on Yoongi’s door you received a string of curses he told you in some choice words to ‘f*** off’. 
So that’s what you were doing, you began packing everything. Tears streaming down your face it wasn’t a pretty sight in the slightest. Finally packed you were leaving a note. 
I would do anything you ask of me because I love you. But I cannot stay if you treat me this way. I mean among other things today you told me to ‘f*** off’ so I guess I am. 
I love you and will never find anyone like you, not that I can anymore. I am going to be a mum so I guess it’s just me and either a son or daughter we have made together. You can visit them if you wish or you can be a part of their lives but otherwise I’m sorry. I am sorry I wasn’t strong enough to stay but your words tore me down. 
Jung Hoseok: Rat
Hoseok was not happy with this scenario, he was playing on a reality tv show. He was separated from his six band mates and each guy was paired with another celebrity/idol. Hobi got you a foreigner but a very smart and fearless one. 
The show was where celebrities played a game of hide and seek and only one pair could be found per day so you had supplies and had to take a base. 
The whole town was fake and only the contestants got an electronic map complete with supply drops and such. Each player when they found their base secured it on the map. 
There were ten teams and ten bases so why could you see nine. You were playing around with the map when you found a secret sublevel filled with supplies and stuff: the entrance was the sewers. 
“Hoseok all this food and stuff is ours and no one will think to look underground come one”
You confirmed your location in the base in the fake sewer system complete with real rats. 
Kim Namjoon: No dirty
You left him instructions, put the dirty clothes in the washing machine, one scoop of powder. Turn the dial to regular before hitting play. It didn’t seem hard you even took pictures for reference on your little page of instructions. 
When you came home you were surprised to see that the place was honestly clean, the floors mopped and everything was perfect the washing had all been done and folded. Your bed was made. 
“Joonie, did you do all this, I just wanted you to do a few loads of washing not clean the whole house” 
The further you entered the premises you noticed subtle things out of place, there was a set of keys on the bench that weren’t yours nor Namjoon’s. 
You walked to the fish tank and in the reflection you noticed the walk in pantry door open and six young men pile out grabbing the keys and heading to the front door. 
“You boys want to stay for dinner?”
“Ahahaha Noona we are really busy we were just stopping by”
“Yeah I forgot you always stop by with a vacuum mop bucket and thirty cleaning supplies” you turned deadpanning “what happened?”
“I followed your instruction but the suds overflowed everywhere” Namjoon pouted and you couldn’t even pretend to be mad. 
“Thank you boys so much and we will keep trying Joonie, if first we don’t succeed, we try again”
Park Jimin: Xray
Jimin was walking through the hospital escorting patients here and there, and you were his rival in the field. To be honest you had a bit of a crush on him. It was that notion that if there is something you can’t have you want it more. So here you two were working with a very important patient trying to figure out what was wrong.
“I think it could be Amyloidosis”
“Slow down doctor house this isn’t a sitcom, this is real life” you scoffed and the patient looked between you.
“Can you just figure out what ever it is I have and fix it?” The patient was exasperated by the two of your banter.
Hoseok took the bio bag off you in the doorway and took it to the lab for testing. The two of you continued paperwork and the patient review together. “Have you travelled overseas in the last few days?”
“Uh yes, I was in Europe last week” the patient coughed up red the liquid coming out his nose and ears. The fluid had splatter across the two of you. So now here you were on lock down it seemed the patient was suspected to have a rather contagious illness that had you and the other doctor removed and placed in a tiny room. The hours seemed to pass and you both sat waiting trying to solve the case from isolation. ‘Send him for an Xray”
“I agree with dr. y/n.” Jimin nodded “call back if you have any more information.
Kim Taehyung: Millionaire
He had everything he ever wanted, rooms full of games and cupboards full of food and clothes and the latest gadgets. He woke and put on his new Gucci shirt and grinned. His housekeeper was Kim Seokjina, a witty and rather dashing young man, he ran the estates affairs. His tutor is a genius by the name of Kim Namjoon. Then there was the gardener, Jung Hoseok, a sweet guy with skin kissed by the sun always glowing so warm. There was Young mister Park Jimin, he was a fun guy to be around, he spent the time tending to the little chores, Jeon Jungkook even younger spent his time running maintenance around the mansion. Lastly There was the quiet barely ever seen Min Yoongi who was the cook and who indulged his master with the finest strawberries.
Each of them played a role around taking care of young mister Kim Taehyung and they treated him kindly yet fairly. When Mrs. Kim suggested her son meet some eligible young women to date; they all seemed rather nervous.
Jeon Jungkook: Stutter
He has a stutter. That is the first thought people have when they meet Jeon Jungkook, he is so self conscious with how he sounds to others, sometimes he doesn’t speak at all. He is however forced to speak when the situation demands it. But only after he has tried every other method of communication first. He arrived at the library looking for another story about a brave underdog becoming the hero and defeating evil. He wished his life was like those in the stories, because he would be a hero and would have a beautiful girlfriend which had been by his side all along and he would gain confidence and the stutter would disappear.
Selecting the next in the Larry Dotter series, Jungkook headed to the counter seeing you smile, you were the only one he didn’t stutter around, why couldn’t he talk to girls like he talked to you. He was never worried about how he sounded around you because you were deaf and never judged him.
“He smiled purchasing the book, listening to you talk in your adorable voice, something he knew you hated but it was endearing to hear you talk excitedly about things.
In his story you would be winry peasley, he thought smiling. Little did he know that Larry and Winry were destined to be together.
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Date Night Pt. 2
Okay, so a lot of people enjoyed the first Date Night so I figured I'd make this one. The first one is fine to read on it's own, that's how I wrote it. This is just extra content, basically. 😌
The elevator opened up to my floor of Addison apartments. My face was wet with tears. Larry was so great in the beginning of our relationship, and I didn't think that would have changed so quickly.
"Fuck Larry." I say out loud this time, speaking to the dark and empty hall. I was fumbling with my key card to get through the door when the apartment door to the left of me opened.
"Hey, y/n." A boy with almost orange hair and glasses emerged.
"Hi, Todd." I say, sniffling, still not being able to get the damn card in the door the right way. Our conversation didn't last much longer than that, with Todd walking off, seeming too busy to pay attention to what I was doing. "Bye, Todd?"
Finally, I heard the lock click open and it let me through. God, fuck this fucking door. Fuck literally everything. I sighed and walked towards my bathroom to shower and take off the makeup that was itching my face like crazy. My phone buzzed with a text from Ashley.
"Hey, are you ok? Larry just called me and he's freaking out, because he thinks you're mad at him??"
"I am mad at him. He's a jerk. Tonight was date night, just us, and when I showed up, he didn't even remember he made plans with me."
I sent the text off, and sat my phone down, not really sure whether I wanted to respond again or not. I stripped and hopped into the shower, standing under the stream of water, letting it mix with my tears. I'm not mad he was stoned, I'm not mad he was with Sal. I'm mad he talked to me the way he did, and the fact he couldn't even be bothered to remember our plans.
Ashley told me she would talk to him, and more power to her, but I certainly wasn't. Not tonight anyways. And as soon as the thought finished running through my mind, I heard a frantic knock on my door. I shut the water off hesitantly, my mind running off into the most horrible things it could muster up. I was naked and vulnerable and not ready for a fight, if it came to that. "Uh, yeah, h-hang on! I'm coming."
The person on the other side of the door didn't say anything, so I scrambled to get dressed. Throwing on a shirt and some pants, and tossing my towel into the basket in the corner of the room, I reached the front door. I, of course, looked into the peephole first. It was Larry, speak of the devil.
"No, go the fuck away. I don't want to talk to you, dude." I refused to unlock the door.
"Y/n, come on. I'm sorry. Let me come in and talk to you. Please. I even called Ash and told her how badly I fucked up and we both know she's gonna kick my ass for that."
"I heard, she texted me too. Said you were panicking." I definitely had a smirk on my face, and I hoped he could hear it in my voice. I opened the door a little, to look at him face to face.
"Larry, go back to your apartment. I've showered, gotten into pjs, and I'm going to bed. I don't care about date night anymore. You're off the hook." My voice wavered a bit and I silently cursed myself.
"I-...I don't want to be off the hook. I want you to tell me I fucked up. And I KNOW I did. I'm sorry. I didn't forget our plans because I didn't care. I didn't think you wanted to do it anymore. We talked about it like, weeks ago, and I should have noticed how excited you were about it, and I'm sorry. Please let me in?"
I didn't know what to say, so I just shut the door and stood there for a second. I wasn't going to immediately forgive him, but I guess I could let him in.
"Okay, Larry, you can co-" The sentence wasn't even fully out of my mouth before he was in the living room, scooping me up into his arms and planting kisses all over my face.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I love you so much, don't ever get that mad at me again. I was stressing, Sal even told me it was fucked. Fuck I'm sorry."
Did I hear him right? He said he loved me?
His face went red when he realized what he said. My face was red. Everybody was embarrassed.
"Uh, I mean...I like you. Totally. Yeah, that's what I meant, I just like you. A lot. Tooootally."
"Larry, I love you too, ya big dummy. And if you EVER forget our plans again, we're actually fighting next time." He sits me down and is smiling softly.
"Okay, I won't. I promise. Pinky promise. Cross my heart, even! I definitely meant to say I love you, and I'm relieved you feel the same way. I love you. Iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou!"
"I love you too, Larry. Now, do you wanna just stand here in my living room or go cuddle and watch scary movies?" He was already halfway down the hallway.
"Oh you already know what I wanna do babe!" His giggles linger after him. I smile and follow him, shutting my bedroom door.
This was sorta rushed, but I hope you guys like this one. I'm not very good at writing sappy romantic things, but I really tried. Haha. This is finished now, but if you guys want anything else, my inbox is open 💕
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deviancydriven · 4 years
How would Larry react if he somehow started to notice he has alien parts?
I’ve been mulling over this all day, and I still don’t have an answer lol. I want to say that I doubt any alien-y acts would phase him all that much.
I would imagine he can levitate, but he’s not aware that he’s doing it. For example, let’s say he’s fixing up Gizmo’s water and food. 
He puts water in a bowl, then turns to grab the bag of kibble, opens it, scoops out a cup full and places it in the bowl near the water. Out of the corner of his eye, he can see that the water bowl is hovering a couple of centimetres off the ground, but the moment he realises this, the bowl falls back down. 
He’s not sure what just happened, but he can’t deny anything didn’t happen, because the proof is all over the now wet floor. So he lets the acceptance sink in as he dries up the mess, then shrugs it off and continues on with his day.
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