#Laura Ng
panicinthestudio · 11 months
Further reading:
HKFP: Defence slams prosecution for shifting ground as sedition trial against Hong Kong outlet Stand News nears end, June 28, 2023
HKFP: Verdict in sedition trial against Hong Kong outlet Stand News set for October, almost a year after trial began, June 29, 2023
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benimadimsanat · 6 months
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mangocheesecakes · 9 months
You will forever be known as the scammer that you are Laura, know that. I hope lahat ng kakilala mo makita kung anong pinag-gagagawa mo ditong letse ka.
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rnoonsetter · 2 years
nothing will ever be as meaningful to me as putting two different versions of the same song on two character's playlists. like. the implied connection and emotion. the growth and mentorship. goddamn.
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thischarmingamy · 5 months
My Year In Books
Stats from GoodReads Here’s what my year in books looked like. Follow me on GoodReads for details and reviews. You may note that at least three of the books feature disabled lead characters. Some of my favorites (not necessarily released in 2023) are: 10. Cut Loose! by Ali Stroker and Stacy Davidowitz (The sequel to The Chance to Fly) 9. What Kind of Motber by Clay McLeod Chapman 8. Tombs by…
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Natalie (2014) [4 min] by Arthur H. Lee, Ben Szabo, Claudia Tanjung, Halley Roache, Kaitlin Sutherland, Laura Horobin, Leslie Pulsifer, Maja Delic, Maria Nhuyen, Raymond Lefebvre, Sam Lloyd, Valerie Ng and Yeri Sa | Canada
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thetimecrystal · 2 years
28 💗 44 💗 46 💗 56 💗
send some numbers!
28. i’ll love you if…
you're as true to yourself as you can be, dizzyingly so.
44. age you get mistaken for
when i was younger people thought i was A Lot older, but right now? probably nothing more than 22 or 23 at most
46. what my last text message says
just hell yeah to my friend alexander
56. favourite food(s)
i love pizza, especially italian pizza!
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burned-lariat · 3 months
Trina/Taby couldn't get developed scenes with her father Taggert/Real because of designated fave Curtis. Where are all the scenes of Trina and Taggert coming to terms with the news of the fake paternity switch? What about Taggert and pet Curtis' scenes? The writers literally erased Taggert hoping Curtis would prosper, and used Trina and Portia to do it. The Ashfords have no anchor without Taggert.
Next, Trina couldn’t get developed scenes with her own man Spencer/NAC because of designated fave Ezceme. After seeing all the attention and comparisons to Luke & Laura Sprina received, the writers shut sh*t down and spent the next months using NAC as a prop for Ecmse. The poor man is a Cassadine but couldn't have his own place. Even his death was used as a prop for the fave. The way the writers wrote Spencer's funeral and made a point of keeping the Ashfords and Cassaadines separate spoke volumes.
Third, Trina couldn't even get to mourn her man in peace because of ongoing designated fave Joss, who's supposed to be the second coming of her mama. She stomps around screaming and shouting and whining and sex!ng while Trina is there for support. The way Trina's pain and loss immediately pivoted to Joss' drama with her mob boyfriend spoke volumes.
Yeah, it's been pretty clear that the former writers resent that their faves are not the majority's faves and thus take it out on the audience via erasure. Here's hoping the new regime doesn't do that shit.
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ttt-ral-info · 12 days
抵抗と灯火 - Resistance And Lamplight - vol.3 "Dear Palestine... Vibrations of Solidarity"
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抵抗と灯火 - Resistance And Lamplight - vol.3 "Dear Palestine... Vibrations of Solidarity"
2024.6.9 SUN at 高田馬場JETROBOT
📍Address📍 東京都新宿区西早稲田3-28-1 RICOSビルB1F
Open 13:00 / Start 13:30
ADV ¥2,000- DOOR ¥2,400- + 1drink ¥600-
Artists : MKRDTSB / Peace ∈ CaF2 / hirano taichi / ネコダ珈琲 + おしゃべりタイム(適宜)
MKRDTSB(み から でた さび / Bedroom-music) 音楽家・写真家・文筆家。抵抗と灯火主催。この星に生まれて以来、深い枯れた井戸の底に踞っている。2023年12月、井戸からパレスチナがつながる。この星のさまざまな問題が可視化される。希死念慮を抱える傍ら、死ぬまで生きると決めた。自らの存在があらゆる権力・理不尽・腐敗に抵抗を示す。
Peace ∈ CaF2(ぴーす かふつ / ラッパー) 昼は底辺の財政学徒、夜は曲作るマイメン達と。 自分の人生とこの社会にようやく向き合う気になった、 元マセガキの、今はイキった若者。 「俺が社会を変えられなくても、俺に刺激を受けた奴が社会を変える。」 (2Pac, 1994)
hirano taichi(ひらの たいち / シンガーソングライター) 大阪府出身。2010年に上京し、翌2011年に東京で東日本大震災に遭う。反原発のデモなどを行う。2018年、自ら監督、制作し、3.11以降の路上の行動をまとめたドキュメンタリー「TwitNoNukes Presents STANDARD」を発表。その際に音楽制作を行ったことをきっかけに、2019年6月より音楽活動を開始。自身で作詞・作曲・編曲・歌唱を行うシンガーソングライターとして活動する。ライブ活動を続ける傍ら、2020年1月、楽曲「お金で寝る身体」を発表。以降音源を散発的に発表。2023年1stアルバム「via」を発表。
ネコダ珈琲(ねこだこーひー / coffee color eyed soul) 2014年からピアノ弾き語りをしている。主にLaura Nyro Todd Rundgren XTC を愛す。NoHate NoFake。だれもころすな。
おしゃべりタイム イベントの合間、終演後は随時お客さん同士でおしゃべりをしたいひとはしてください。わたしたちはあいするパレスチナへ連帯するバイブスを持ち寄る者たちです。出演者もスタッフもおしゃべりしたいです。わたしたち、あなたとおしゃべりしたいです(もちろん強制ではありません)。インターネットとハッシュタグが得意なひとは「#FreePalestine」、「#アパルトヘイトに抗する文化」、「#artforpalestinechallenge」、「#抵抗と灯火」などをつけて、シェアをしてください。「わたしたちはここにいる」ということを、パレスチナに届くまでいっしょに伝えてください。
🕰️タイムテーブル🕰️ 今日(2024/05/21)時点で検討中です!会場からの完全退場は17:00を予定しておりますが変更する可能性あり。詳細が決まり次第アナウンスします。続報を待て!
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全出演者が写真・動画撮影OKです!随時SNSなどへぶち上げてシェアしてください。ハッシュタグ【#抵抗と灯火】や【@TTT_ral_info】のメンションをつけていただくと、こちら側で見つけやすいため、ご協力いただけるとうれしいですが必須ではありません。 →写真や画像を投稿していただくときには、ALT(代替テキスト)をつけて投稿を!
出演者はみんなプロパレスタイン(親パレスチナ)のひとびとです。来てくださる方もプロパレスタインのひとびとです。 6/9はパレスチナへ連帯するバイブスを持つ、四者四様の抵抗する音楽のイベントを予定しています。前回まで行っていたオープンマイクは今回はないですが、そのぶんおしゃべりしていただける時間を多く設けました。おしゃべりしたいひとは安心しておしゃべりしてください。わたしたち、あなたと話したいです。 ご来場と拡散をお待ちしています。
〈更新履歴〉 ・2024/05/21:各種SNSにアナウンスしていた内容を取りまとめてアップしました(チラシ入稿後のピースさんのプロフィールに誤植があります…(謝罪しましたが謝っても謝り切れねえ…)、本記事から最新のプロフィール文に更新しています)。
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wheel-of-fish · 7 months
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Read in September/October 2023
Spooky season reading is my favorite!! This year it was murder, mystery and intrigue; it was books and archives and Oxford; it was fractured friend groups and found family and family, found.
Thirteen Doorways, Wolves Behind Them All by Laura Ruby
If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
A House With Good Bones by T. Kingfisher
The Wolf and the Woodsman by Ava Reid
Ink Blood Sister Scribe by Emma Törzs
I Have Some Questions for You by Rebecca Makkai
My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite
Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng
Babel by R.F. Kuang
Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher
Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward
The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
Let the Right One In by John Lindqvist Ajvide
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
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lauraelizabethmarazzi · 5 months
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2023 Book List
Another good reading year for the books! This year I embarked on my first experience with a book club which has been a life long desire of mine! I can confidently say that in participating in it, I've been pushed to be more consistent in my literary pursuits as well as broaden the genres of books I normally gravitate towards.
My goal this year was to read 40 books which I'm happy to report I have surpassed! Last year, I reached for an ambitious 50, in which I sadly fell short. Moving forward, 45 seems to be the sweet spot for my reading habits.
This year, I've decided to split my reviews into genres of books to cover more ground and give a more focused scope.
1: Biographies:
This year I read a wide range of people's stories from the hyped up "I'm Glad My Mom Died" by Jenette McCurdy to Spare by Prince Harry, to lesser known titles such as Sex Cult Nun by Faith Jones and Invisible Boy by Harrison Mooney.
Notable reads for me were Untamed by Glennon Doyle, I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jenette McCurdy, The Spy and the Traitor by Ben Macintyre for there strong writing, concise story, and depth of emotion.
2: Reese's Bookclub Picks
Anyone who knows me, is aware of my deep love of Reese's book club picks. She just never misses on the books she recommends and I've become an avid follower of her for this reason.
The ones I read this year are: Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman, Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister, and Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng.
All of them were great.
3: General Modern Romance
Perhaps one of my favourite genres, I read a great many books in this category.
Honorable mentions for great characters and story are The Flatshare by Beth O'Leary, Beach Read by Emily Henry, Part of Your World by Abby Jimenez, A Wedding in Provence by Kate Fforde, The Wake Up Call by Beth O'Leary, and The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion.
4: General Thriller
This is also a fun category for me and the ones that stood out this year for good twists were All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda, The Golden Couple by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen, and Greenwich Park by Kathrine Faulkner.
5: General Fiction
One of my proudest accomplishments this year was reading Dune by Frank Hubert. Other standouts were Weyward by Emilia Hart and The Best Kind of People by Zoe Whittall. Both told captivating stories of nuanced people and circumstances.
As always, thanks for following along my reading journey.
You can follow along on Goodreads under the username: Laura Marazzi which can be found here: Laura Marazzi - Abbotsford, BC, Canada (378 books) | Goodreads
Happy reading!
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mangocheesecakes · 10 months
Putangina mo ka DEAR HAHAHAHAAHAHA sana nga tinapon na lang burat ng tatay mo
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Well somebody's reaaally pissed LMAO. Did I guess correctly that ashesandpaij is actually just a Laura alter? 😋 What about the pet donation scams dear? Pano yan wala nang naniniwala sa'yo :(
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smalltownfae · 1 year
23 Books I Want To Read in 2023
This post is based on this tag because after the disaster it was with me picking those books I hope I make better choices for this year. No one tagged me though.
1. The Hands of the Emperor by Victoria Goddard: As I mentioned before this one was recommended by friends that love it so hopefully I will like it as much. (DNF)
2. The Shadow of the Torturer by Gene Wolfe: I heard interesting things about this one and the synopsis makes me really curious. I am sure it will at least be an interesting experience.
3. East of Eden by John Steinbeck: I don’t know a single person that did not really like this book and that makes me really curious. Even people that usually have different tastes from each other seem to agree on this one.
4. Life Ceremony by Sayaka Murata: I only have this book left to read by this author (I think). It’s a short story collection but I hope it will be as impactful as her novels.
5. The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro: I am really hoping this one doesn’t disappoint me. If I have time I would also like to read The Buried Giant.
6. Goodbye Tsugumi by Banana Yoshimoto: I want to try some books by this author this year and I hope I chose well. 
7. Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner: After loving I am Glad My Mom Died I want to try more memoirs and I heard good things about this one.
8.The Vanished Birds by Simon Jimenez: I’ve heard good things about this one so I am willing to try a space opera for once.
9. Wild Seed by Octavia E. Butler: I only have this series and the short stories left from this author. Please don’t disappoint me again, Butler.
10. Family Lore by Elizabeth Acevedo: I listened to 3 of her books this year and it was fantastic! I hope I can also listen to this one on audiobook because it’s written in poetry and narrated by the author so the performance is amazing.
11. Heavenly Tyrant by Xiran Jay Zhao: I really liked Iron Widow so I am sure I will enjoy the sequel when it comes out this year. (publication moved to 2024)
12. Small Gods by Terry Pratchett: Hopefully I will be in the mood to read more Discworld novels this year and I own a physical copy of this book so this is the one I picked.
13. Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng: Honestly I am just curious about this author’s works in general. I don’t even know what they are about, but apparently they’re really good.
14. In the Lives of Puppets by T.J. Klune: This book seems to be in the same line as the last two by the author and I enjoyed those. Plus, it has robots in nature and one is named HAP! Hopefully, it will be good. 
15. The Stone Sky by N.K. Jemisin: I just want to be done with this trilogy. I love the first book, but the second not so much. I heard the 3rd is better than the 2nd but not as good as the 1st. I was hoping to reread the first two before starting this one but I don’t think I will have time for that.
16. The Poetry of Robert Frost by Robert Frost: Hopefully an entire year is enough time for me to read all his poems.
17. The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper: I know someone that loves this series and the first book was alright, but the 2nd is her favourite so I want to give it a try.
18. The Grief of Stones by Katherine Addison: Need to catch up even though I thought the previous book was just ok.
19. The Dutch House by Ann Patchett: I heard good things about this author and I hope I picked the right book to start with her works.
20. I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem by Maryse Condé: I heard only one person talk about this book, but that person has good taste so I bought it.
21. Emma by Jane Austen: I have a feeling that I might like this one more than Pride and Prejudice. If I read this one and Persuasion this year I am done with Austen works.
22. The Silent Companions by Laura Purcell: Another one I heard good things about. 
23. Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater: This seems like a fun and cozy book for whenever I am in the mood.
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talkinfanfic · 2 years
Talkin' Fanfic Episode 303: MAD FER IT: Oasis, RPF, and Gallaghercest
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🎙 LISTEN HERE! Or find us on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and everywhere else you can stream podcasts!
Are ye mad fer it?! In episode 303 Sara and Laura crack open a lager and spend three hours indulging in their most problematic (or NOT) obsession yet– The Gallagher Brothers of Oasis! RPF, or ‘real person fiction’ is fanfiction based on the lives of real people. We figure, if you’re gonna get into RPF, you ‘might as well do the white line’ and in true rock’n’roll lifestyle Slide Away into the nitty gritty of one of the most complicated, fascinating, beautiful, ugly, loving, brutal, intense relationships maybe ever. D' You Know What I Mean? 
Gcest fans, this is for you. Turn your light on, take the shame out of your bread, sit back and enjoy! 
PS. Even in three hours we didn’t get to everything! If you’re interested in more gcest fic, we’ve got our recs listed below, and do check out Snickfic’s Gcest Primer, and the Livejournal communities “MFOK” community and quote archive. 
PPS. 🎵 Spotify Playlist of our Top Oasis and Gallagher Bros. solo tracks!
0m - Episode Intro
4m - Cold open. Laura is forced to name all the Oasis and Gallagher solo studio albums in order
10m - HOW WE GOT HERE (RPF?! Incest?! On arrive à la problématique)
25m - IRL Timeline Walkthrough, “Who are the Gallagher Brothers?”
1h33m - The fanfiction! RPF, gcest, and our recs!
2h03 - The music and our Toppermost of the Poppermost of Oasis, Liam Gallagher, and Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds.
Episode References
Documentary on Oasis, “Supersonic” (2016) [Prime] [Official Trailer]
Documentary on Liam, “As You Were” (2019) [Prime] [Official Trailer]
Oasis on MTV Most Wanted (18th August 1994) - “Whatever” and “Live Forever” (Liam looking ethereally beautiful, music starts 1m40s)
Tumblr post ft. pics of the amazing and infamous 'Loch Lomond Kiss' 
“Gallaghercest, a Primer” by Snickfic (LJ)
“Mad for Our Kid” quote archive https://mfokquotearchiv.livejournal.com/ 
“Mad for Our Kid” LJ https://mfokquotearchiv.livejournal.com/ 
Oasis and Gallagher Brother Timeline (public Google Doc we made)
BE on Spotify (our fave Beady Eye album)
2015 Youtube video of Liam in an Irish pub playing early versions of ‘Bold’ and ‘When I’m In Need’
Liam Gallagher - “Once” Music Video ft. Eric Cantona, and Butler!Liam
Liam Gallagher - "One of Us" Music Video or, “I miss my brother, here is my heart on my sleeve.” Try not to cry! 
Beady Eye - “Ballroom Figured” acoustic studio. Liam’s voice is raw but beautiful here. Lovely.
Liam Gallagher - "Greedy Soul" Live at Air Studios BIBLICAL
Liam Gallagher - "All You're Dreaming Of" Live on Jonathan Ross CELESTIAL
Liam Gallagher - "Gone" MTV Unplugged MAJESTICAL
Noel Gallagher’s HFB - “Holy Mountain” music video (aka Hot Daddy NG in his tiny trousers)   
Noel Gallagher’s HFB - "Dead in the Water" Live at The Late Late Show RTÉ One 
Contact and Credits:
Music: Kyle Laurin "Oasis Supersonic Theme" (Twitter: @cobrakylemusic)
Tumblr: talkinfanfic.tumblr.com 
Instagram: @talkinfanfic
Fic Recs (3-5)
Sara’s Recs
time's slipping away (and what will it hold for me?) by mansgotalimit (young!Liam appears in older!Noel’s world. WIP. )
“A Lot Like Gravity”, by RedheadAmongWolves (Superhero AU, SO!MUCH!FUN!)
"Let Me Be the One" by Savageandwise (angsty with happy ending, psychological excavation, amazing!!)
"don't you know you're life itself?" by liamnoel (early days, romantic, surreal, stylistic)
"Candy Floss Heart" by Jeevey  (lovely present day, Sonny meets Liam at the zoo)
Laura’s Recs
“Canter”, by cancellable (early days, short drabble, pretty, that one incredible line!)
“Trying to Find a World That’s Been and Gone” by storyshark2005 (Reconciliation, Sara’s Coma trope fic)
“Razorblade” by Jeevey (sexy, early days pre-band, rawr)
“you and I are gonna live forever” by StripySock, (sexy, first kiss, beautifully and sharply written, early days band) 
Filmstar (orphaned, A/N reads: "This was written by lonelyisourlife @ livejournal in 2014" FILMSTAR!!!! WE FORGOT TO TALK ABOUT FILMSTAR!! READ THIS FIC!! In our opinion, one of the best fics in the fandom.
Music Recs
🎵Spotify Playlist of our Top Oasis and Gallagher Bros. solo tracks!
Sara’s Faves
Oasis: Slide Away / Don’t Look Back in Anger / Supersonic 
LG Solo: “Once” / “Diamond in the Dark” / “When I’m in Need”
NG Solo: “If I Had a Gun” / “Dying of the Light” / “Holy Mountain”
Laura’s Faves
Oasis: Talk Tonight / Cast No Shadow / Don’t Go Away / Stop Crying Your Heart Out / Songbird 
LG Solo: Ballroom Figured (BE) / All You’re Dreaming of / Gone
NG Solo: Dead in the Water / Black Star Dancing / Alone on the Rope
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rockislandadultreads · 7 months
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November NoveList Challenge
For this month's challenge, give thanks and read a book about chosen family or family gatherings! For more recommendations, be sure to check out NoveList - all you need is your library card!
Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson
Everyone in my family has killed someone. Some of us, the high achievers, have killed more than once. I'm not trying to be dramatic, but it is the truth. Some of us are good, others are bad, and some just unfortunate.
I'm Ernest Cunningham. Call me Ern or Ernie. I wish I'd killed whoever decided our family reunion should be at a ski resort, but it's a little more complicated than that.
Have I killed someone? Yes. I have.
Who was it?
Let's get started.
This is the first volume of the "Ernest Cunningham" series.
Adult Assembly Required by Abbi Waxman
When Laura Costello moves to Los Angeles, trying to escape an overprotective family and the haunting memories of a terrible accident, she doesn’t expect to be homeless after a week. (She’s pretty sure she didn’t start that fire - right?) She also doesn't expect to find herself adopted by a rogue bookseller, installed in a lovely but completely illegal boardinghouse, or challenged to save a losing trivia team from ignominy… but that’s what happens. Add a regretful landlady, a gorgeous housemate, and an ex-boyfriend determined to put himself back in the running and you’ll see why Laura isn’t really sure she’s cut out for this adulting thing. Luckily for her, her new friends Nina, Polly, and Impossibly Handsome Bob aren't sure either, but maybe if they put their heads (and hearts) together they’ll be able to make it work for them.
This is the second volume of "The Bookish Life of Nina Hill" series.
The Monsters We Defy by Leslye Penelope
In the summer of 1925, along Washington, DC’s “Black Broadway”, a malevolent entity has begun preying on Negro residents. Twenty-three-year-old Clara Johnson is determined to discover what’s going on in her community. Using her natural ability to talk with spirits, she begins to investigate, but a powerful spirit tasks her with a difficult quest: steal an ancient, magical ring from the finger of a wealthy socialite.
When Clara meets Israel Lee, a supernaturally enhanced jazz musician also vying for the ring, the two decide to work together. They put together an unlikely team including a former circus freak, a pickpocketing Pullman Porter, and an aging vaudeville actor to pull off an impossible heist.
But a dangerous spirit interferes at every turn and conflict in the spirit world is leaking out into the human world. With different agendas, even if Clara and Israel pull off the heist, only one of them can truly win.
Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng
Twelve-year-old Bird Gardner lives a quiet existence with his loving but broken father, a former linguist who now shelves books in a university library. Bird knows to not ask too many questions, stand out too much, or stray too far. For a decade, their lives have been governed by laws written to preserve “American culture” in the wake of years of economic instability and violence. To keep the peace and restore prosperity, the authorities are now allowed to relocate children of dissidents, especially those of Asian origin, and libraries have been forced to remove books seen as unpatriotic - including the work of Bird’s mother, Margaret, a Chinese American poet who left the family when he was nine years old.
Bird has grown up disavowing his mother and her poems; he doesn’t know her work or what happened to her, and he knows he shouldn’t wonder. But when he receives a mysterious letter containing only a cryptic drawing, he is pulled into a quest to find her. His journey will take him back to the many folktales she poured into his head as a child, through the ranks of an underground network of librarians, into the lives of the children who have been taken, and finally to New York City, where a new act of defiance may be the beginning of much-needed change.
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airacoon · 8 months
October 17
I just got a job offer.
I am so stuck of whether to take it.
I mean yes, it has a monetary increase but I'll be lying if it's not the Florante and Laura situation that is causing me to resign.
I know that the smartest decision is to not leave my career for that stupid reason, but knowing myself and given the circumstances, I will not heal with them around.
I hate her. With all my heart, I hate her. I don't want her around me. Siyang pinagagong taong kilala ko aside sa tatay ko siguro. Ang gago niya. Di naman niya deserved ng respect ko, honestly. So kunin niya yun sa lalake putang ina niya.
+ I have already ruin my reputation before it existed because of the emotional outburst safe space whatever incident.
I know this is something I'd just laugh abt. Pero puta. TANG INAAAAAAAAA
But I don't want to leave. This is my career at stake. I haven't even started yet. I don't think I can ever forgive myself for my stupid decisions and the stupid people I trusted like Laura.
I want to burst out because this is too heavy and I don't have anyone to confide to. This is so fucked up.
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