#Lean Development Methodology
poolvision · 10 months
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Mastering Project Management with MVP: Building Successful Software
In the fast-paced world of software development, where innovation drives success, the concept of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) has emerged as a game-changer. MVP project management has revolutionized how startups and entrepreneurs approach software development, allowing them to validate ideas, minimize risks, and maximize outcomes.
We'll delve into the depths of MVP software development, exploring its lifecycle, methodologies, benefits, and real-world success stories.
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itphobia · 1 year
How To Accelerate Innovation With Ideation And Workflow Management
In this article we will discuss how to accelerate innovation with ideation and workflow management? Innovation is the lifeblood of any organization, driving growth and propelling it into the future. However, so many companies struggle with fostering a truly innovative environment, often because they fail to tap into the full potential of their teams. This article will guide you on accelerating…
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imrovementcompany · 1 year
10 Skills every Quality Professional should have
Quality professionals ensure that Products and Services meet certain standards of Quality. Quality Professionals possess a variety of skills, including strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, attention to detail, and effective communication skills. They are also able to lead and manage projects, as well as train and mentor other team members. They are able to work well under pressure…
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thespokedesignlabs · 2 years
PART 2: Never Succeed in Startups: An Ultimate Guide.
Hey y'all, hope we didn't let you wait for long! ;)
(If you didn't get the context, make sure to check out the last post, brb)
Now moving ahead, we have the “LEAN METHODOLOGY” to talk about.
When done correctly, Lean can create huge improvements in efficiency, cycle time, productivity, material costs, and scrap, leading to lower costs and improved competitiveness. And remember, lean isn’t restricted to manufacturing. It can improve how a team works together, inventory management, and even client interaction.
‍What is “Lean Methodology”?
Lean focuses on value validation. That is, determining if there is a market for your idea.
The Lean Methodology perceives the elimination of any form of waste as problem-solving, which adds value during the development of the product. Therefore, the chances of a business succeeding are greater, without having to concentrate on the creation of the “perfect” product.
The goal is to understand the lean methodology and its approach to eliminating waste - the non-value-added components in any process.
As Eric Ries says, “Lean Start-up is about minimizing waste, so you will have two or three founders working in the development of a product. They will work to prove an idea. With luck, this will lead to investments, which will allow them to try other ideas. Through this validated learning*, the team grows through the process as the product and the business progress*.”
There are many great examples based on Lean Methodology. Here’s one of them, “TOYOTA”
The automobile giant was perhaps the first major company to adopt this lean ideology in its manufacturing processes, initially calling the method the Toyota Production System (TPS). One of the world’s great manufacturing success stories is TPS - the philosophy which organizes manufacturing and logistics at Toyota, including its interaction with suppliers and customers.
TPS is known more generically as “lean manufacturing.” It was created by Toyota founder Sakichi Toyoda, his son Kiichiro Toyoda and Toyota chief engineer Taiichi Ohno. The primary goal of TPS is to eliminate waste, called “muda.” The “seven wastes” is a tool to further categorize “muda.”
They work with two primary processes that allow their goals to be reached,
The first is a process called “Jidoka”, which translates roughly to “mechanization with the help of humans.” And the second part is known as the “Just In Time” or JIT model. This ensures that the next step of a process is only started once the previous phase is completed.
So, what are the “5 principles of Lean methodology”?
Womack and Jones defined the five principles of Lean methodology in their book “The Machine That Changed the World”.
The five principles are considered a recipe for improving workplace efficiency and include:
“Define Value”-
Value is what the customer is willing to pay for. It is paramount to discover the actual or latent needs of the customer. Sometimes customers may not know what they want or are unable to articulate it. This is especially common when it comes to novel products or technologies.
There are many techniques such as interviews, surveys, demographic information, and web analytics that can help you decipher and discover what customers find valuable. By using these qualitative and quantitative techniques you can uncover what customers want, how they want the product or service to be delivered, and the price that they afford.
So, what value does Toyota provide?
The space in the background within the logo exhibits the "infinite values" that Toyota conveys to its customers: superb quality, value beyond expectation, the joy of driving, innovation, safety, the environment, and social responsibility.
2. “Map the Value Stream”-
The goal is to use the customer’s value as a reference point and identify all the activities that contribute to these values. Activities that do not add value to the end customer are considered waste.
By reducing and eliminating unnecessary processes or steps, you can ensure that customers are getting exactly what they want while at the same time reducing the cost of producing that product or service.
Toyota maps the value stream by The Toyota Production System (TPS) concept.
First, human engineers meticulously build each new line component by hand to exact standards.
Eventually, the value added by the line's human operators disappears, meaning any operator can use the line to produce the same result. Only then is the Jidoka mechanism incorporated into actual production lines. Through the repetition of this process, machinery becomes simpler and less expensive, while maintenance becomes less time-consuming and less costly, enabling the creation of simple, slim, flexible lines that are adaptable to fluctuations in production volume.
3. “Create flow”-
After removing the wastes from the value stream, the following action is to ensure that the flow of the remaining steps runs smoothly without interruptions or delays.
Some strategies for ensuring that value-adding activities flow smoothly include: breaking down steps, reconfiguring the production steps, leveling out the workload, creating cross-functional departments, and training employees to be multi-skilled and adaptive.
Over the past few years, Toyota has also developed the Toyota Flow System (TFS).
The TFS model aims to sustain the flow of value to the customer, who is the center of the TFS universe. The TFS can be described as a system of patterns, practices, and techniques to enable organizations and institutions to achieve desired outcomes in a complex world.
The TFS is a system of understanding and not a one-size-fits-all framework.
4. “Establish Pull”-
A pull-based system allows for Just-in-time delivery and manufacturing where products are created at the time that they are needed and in just the quantities needed.
Pull-based systems are always created from the needs of the end customers.
By following the value stream and working backward through the production system, you can ensure that the products produced will be able to satisfy the needs of customers.
Toyota uses "Just-in-Time" for improving productivity. And have stated,
‍"Making only "what is needed, when it is needed, and in the amount needed."
5. “Pursue Perfection”-
The last principle of pursuing “perfection” is the most important among them all.
But is it actually about being “perfect” of all?
Probably, the answer is NO.
“Fail often so you can succeed sooner.”
By focusing on perfection, you stay in a continuous process of improvement. You should strive toward perfection while delivering products based on the customer’s needs.
Keep yourself in the constant loop of learning and always find ways to get better each and every day.
Via the philosophies of "Daily Improvements" and "Good Thinking, Good Products”, TPS has evolved into a world-renowned production system. Even today, all Toyota production divisions are making improvements to TPS day and night to ensure its continued evolution.
As lean techniques begin to be applied up and down the value stream, something very odd starts to happen. It dawns on those involved that there is no end to the process of reducing effort, time, space, cost, and mistakes while offering a product that is ever more nearly what the customer actually wants.
Why should that be?
Because the four initial steps interact with one another in a virtuous circle. A more precise definition of value always challenges the steps in the value stream to reveal waste, and getting value to flow faster always exposes hidden “muda”. Then, the harder customers pull, the more the impediments to flow are revealed, permitting them to be removed.
Therefore, the Lean Methodology discovers inefficiencies in the organization and delivers better value to customers. The principles encourage creating better flow in work processes and developing a continuous improvement culture.
By practicing all 5 principles, an organization can remain competitive, increase the value delivered to the customers, decrease the cost of doing business, and increase its profitability.
Different environments call for different approaches and methodologies, and with something as complex as a business transformation, sticking to a one-size-fits-all methodology is vicious. Instead, we need to be able to mix and match the techniques that best suit our situation, while ensuring that key aspects of a transformation are considered.
“Excellence one at a time. See them in your mind’s eye: Marketing, Operations, Manufacturing, IT, Engineering, Design, and on and on in a tidy row of crisp, well-run silos.”
Now you get the point of failing, right? It’s all about learning.
Keep experimenting, be conscious of your decisions, listen to your customers, and have an ultimate experience throughout the journey of creating your product.
Before being a successful UI/UX Design agency, we failed enough times to realize the importance of these methodologies in building start-ups. But again, every time we failed we got redirected to new directions, providing innovative ideas. And that’s the beauty of these methodologies, they spark a new level of empathy. It only leads to a deeper understanding.
And, that’s always a WIN.
And as Braden Kelley explains, “don't fail fast - learn fast” to innovate faster you need to learn from the things that you have done that went well, and from the ones that didn’t.
Therefore, it's not about failing. It’s about how fast we learned from those mistakes and paved the way for success!
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The Rite of Profane Ascention and Projected Shame: A Meta Analysis of Authorial Intent and Bias in Interpretation
If you are an Astarion enjoyer you are probably familiar with the following sentiments:
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The crew member we can attribute this reading to would be Baudelair Welch, and they are not Astarion's main writer, rather the Senior Narrative Designer for Baldur's Gate 3. Astarion's creator and lead writer was Stephen Rooney, Rooney does attribute great assistance from Welch, however.
Welch was not initially part of the team, only being hired after the release of Early Access. As Welch as recounted the story, they saw Astarion during EA, wanting to become a part of the BG3 writing staff to enforce a particular narrative. The one that we are familiar with.
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To better understand Welch's perspective on the concept of "Objectifying Fictional Characters" we must take a look at the indie game they developed during their time at Larian.
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Don't Wake Me Up is a text based adventure game that puts you in the shoes of a game developer who is making a vampire dating sim. The twist being that the vampire character you created resents you for having romantic feelings for it.
While discussing the fact they wouldn't be adding "Good Endings" to their game, Welch describes their experience of having romantic feelings for fictional characters, often over real life people. A trend that, to their apparent frustraition, continued into their adulthood. I get this sense of shame, this desire to experience a more normative relationship with romantic feelings.
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In a way, I feel kind of bad for Welch. I am a selfshipper, I think fictosexuality and genuine romantic interest towards fictional characters is morally neutral. However, my sympathy stops when Welch uses this to guilt their readers into feeling a certain way over narratives they don't have total authority over. Only very recently have people started to be cool about selfshipping, and phrases like "parasocial sexualization of fictional characters" does nothing to aliviate that stigma.
Hearing how the other staff talk about the endings, they do not share Welch's perspective more focused on player choice and the evolution of Astarion's Character through the player's eyes rather than a meta commentary on the relationship between player and character. As a roleplaying game, this is very much purposeful. Larian gives you the tools to tell the story you desire. To quote Neil Newbon,
"You might find him scary, and you should [...] but other people might really like that ending [...] going, actually I always saw Astarion going that route."
This a lot of meta context. Context that is not as blatant within the text as many who ascribe to this interpretation would want you to believe.
As a roleplaying game, BG3 gives you the option to depict your player character in a multitude of ways.
Is your player character a reluctant accomplace, determined to stay by Ascended Astarion's side no matter the cost? The game gives you that ability.
Do you see your character as an unwitting victim, a damsel to Ascended Astarion, a prisoner in a gilded cage? The game rewards this perspective in kind, the "freedom" lines coming to mind.
Or, perhaps your player character is mutually obsessed, a willing and enthusiastic participant in Ascended Astarion's villainous shenanagins. The game has options and responses that reflect this role as well. He is giddy, and gushes over how much fun you two will have if you lean into it.
A companion to this post, the poll I made measuring people's ending preference and weather not they were spoiled, is loosely tied to this. My methodology was, admitedly, a bit off. I neglected to add a neutral option, and of course my sample size is limited.
However, my theory was that among people that preferred keeping Astarion as a Spawn over Ascending him were exposed to spoilers, and my follow up question was meant to measure weather or not Welch's commentary had an effect on that.
Taking a look at the poll, the overall preference is for the Spawn ending, however, amongst Spawn enjoyers, they were often spoiled for his ending. I didn't get much feedback though, so weather or not this perception of Ascention had an effect on their choice remains conjecture.
What is interesting, however, is that through the polling process, (and the poll is still in progress at the time of posting this, so keep that in mind), the spilt between the other options were relatively even.
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Make of that what you will.
Looking at all of this together, and from my perspective, I cannot see ascention as the "bad ending" , sense much of the argument for that perspective uses Welch's words as if they were gospel. To me, a bad ending is zombie astarion, or blowing up Gale in act 2, or letting Lae'zel perish at the Creché. I will however call it the EVIL ending. Ascended Astarion IS a villain, but I think the distinction between "bad" and "evil" is an important one to make. I cant see it the way Welch does, because I simply have an idiological opposition to their veiwpoint, a sentiment I feel is shared by many AA enjoyers.
I want to end this by stating very directly: this is not an attack on Welch as a person, rather a cirtique of of the bias inherent to the way they write and interpret fiction. A bias, I feel, people should be aware of.
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corroded-hellfire · 1 year
Pretty Girl - Eddie Munson x Reader
Note: This is for my darling @munson-blurbs 💚 I told her that if she finished the big project she was working on in time, I would write her anything she wanted. Not only did she finish on time, but she did it damn near perfectly. I am so unbelievably proud of you, Bug. I’m always in awe of your intelligence and work ethic. I hope I did justice to what you wanted, and I hope you all enjoy it as well! Also, I hope that I used the academic terms I included correctly, but if I didn’t, we’re just going to ignore that lol
Request/Summary: Eddie × Bookworm!Reader where Reader is stressed because of a massive project she has to do. And she keeps talking about all of this academic stuff that makes Eddie's head spin. So he does what he does best: fucks his smart girl until she's dumb
Warnings: smut, p in v, unprotected (wrap it up), oral f!receiving, slight daddy kink
Words: 2.4k
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Eddie’s just hanging up the phone as you step into your shared apartment after a long day on campus. Letting out a huff, you drop your backpack down on the kitchen table, and books and papers come spilling out.
“Ugh,” you groan, running your hands down your face. Eddie frowns and walks over to the table as you slump down into a chair. 
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” he asks as he takes the seat across from you. 
With a sigh, you shake your head. “S’nothing.” Eddie raises an eyebrow and tilts his head. You can practically hear him asking if you really expect him to believe that. “Just school bullshit. You’d think people studying for their doctorate would be a little more serious than some people in my class. But you don’t want to hear me ramble on.”
“Uh, yes, I do,” Eddie says, leaning forward on the table. “You know I think it’s sexy when you talk all academic. My girl’s gonna have her PhD.”
The salacious wiggling of his eyebrows has you cracking a smile. Relenting, you sit up in your seat and begin to tell Eddie about the irritants you’ve been dealing with.
“So, we have to utilize these things called literacy based behavior interventions…”
Eddie rests his chin on his fist as he listens to you. He’s picked up a lot over the years and is able to identify so many more words that you say than he used to. Sometimes though, he still gets a little confused.
“Well, then that brought us to the Social Identity Development Theory…”
Nodding, Eddie is almost positive he knows what that is, but he doesn’t want to interrupt you to double check. 
“But after all this, he admits he doesn’t really understand qualitative vs. quantitative methodology! I have absolutely no idea how this man even became a BCABA.”
I know this one, Eddie thinks to himself. Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst.
“Then he kept saying ‘phenomenology’ instead of ‘pedagogy.’”
Now those, Eddie did not know. He can see you getting more riled up though, so he knows it’s time to intervene.
“Baby, baby, hey.” He reaches over and tugs on your hand, nodding for you to come over and sit in his lap. “It’s okay, you just need to relax.”
Reluctantly, you push yourself out of your chair and let Eddie pull you on top of him. The way he smirks up at you lets you know he’s about to get frisky even before his large hands slide up your thighs. Rough, calloused fingers dig into the plush of your denim covered legs. 
“I think my smart girl needs me to take care of her, doesn’t she?” Eddie pouts up at you. When you nod in return, your boyfriend removes one hand from you and brings it back down to deliver a harsh smack to your ass. “Use your words, baby.”
A whimper escapes your throat as you tighten your legs around his hips. “Yes, Eddie. Need you. Make me feel better.”
Tightening his grip on you, Eddie stands up from the chair. A squeal escapes you as you tightly wrap your arms around his neck. A smirk of satisfaction on his lips, he carries you into your shared bedroom. Gently, he lays you down and lets you get comfortable before he’s crawling on top of you. Eddie tugs on the hem of your shirt, and you sit up enough for him to slide it off of you. Then he works down your body, taking off every piece of clothing in his path. Moving back up your body, he goes to press kisses against your neck, but you stop him with a yank on his own shirt.
“Me too?” he asks with a chuckle. 
“Yes.” The adorable pout in your voice has Eddie acquiescing, stripping down so he’s just as naked as you are. 
“May I continue?” After letting your eyes slowly roam up and down his bare body, you give him a nod of approval. 
“You may.”
He chuckles and leans in and presses his lips against the juncture where your neck and shoulder meet. The kisses start off soft and sweet but turn wetter and needier as he moves down to your collar bones. Moving further down your body, he attaches his lips to the underside of your breast. It’s his favorite place to leave hickies on you and from the way his mouth is moving against the sensitive skin, you’re sure that’s what he’s doing now. 
As the first moans tumble out of your mouth, Eddie switches breasts to give the other one the same attention. Your hands tangle in the curls that are splayed out over your naked chest, your fingers coming up to scratch at Eddie’s scalp as he continues his journey down your body. His kisses trail down your stomach, to your belly button, then further and further down until he stops just shy of where you most want his mouth. 
“So needy,” Eddie says with a chuckle as your hips begin to move, looking for some sort of friction. You let out a whine and give a tug to Eddie’s hair. A guttural groan sounds deep in his throat. “Playing dirty, huh?”
“Need you so bad, Eddie,” you say through a whimper. The way you look down at him with wide, imploring eyes has his cock twitching between his body and the mattress. 
“Relax, my beautiful little genius. I’m gonna help you feel better.”
You’re not given a chance to respond as Eddie moves down and wraps his lips around your clit. One of your hands comes out of Eddie’s hair to grip the sheet you’re lying on.
“Fuck,” you moan. 
Eddie’s tongue expertly works over your clit, moving at the speed and pressure that he knows drives you wild. Using his hands to spread your legs even wider for him, he nudges his nose against your sensitive nub as he licks at your entrance.
“Jesus, baby, I’ll never get used to how fucking good you taste.” It’s not unusual for Eddie to take his time when he’s going down on you. He likes to ravish you, gathering every last drop from you that he can. The only reason he pulls away from your sopping pussy is to praise you on how sweet you taste or how wet you are for him. 
Now, Eddie’s taking even more care than normal to make sure you’re feeling good. Lazy strokes of his tongue over your clit pairs with him slipping two fingers into you. The moment he curves them up inside of you, he’s hitting that delicious spot that has you seeing stars. There are few things Eddie knows better than your body—it’s the only thing he’s ever actually enjoyed studying. He knows it as well as he knows his own body and is able to bring you to the brink on his terms and in his time. 
“M’close, Eddie.”
He knows without you telling him, though. You both know that. The way your walls clamp down around his fingers, the way your breaths hitch as you lose yourself in the feeling. With one last rub of his fingers against your inner wall, the wave of pleasure crashes over you and has you whining out your boyfriend’s name over and over again. 
“That’s a good girl,” Eddie coos as he works you through your bliss. As your moans subside, he slips his fingers out of your pussy and pops them into his mouth. “Mm, fuck, baby.”
“Eddie,” you whine, trying to catch your breath.
“What, my princess?” He crawls up your body and presses gentle, barely-there kisses along the column of your throat. “You already cock drunk? I haven’t even been inside you yet, sweetheart.”
“Y’make me feel so good.” Your hands reach up, grabbing at any expanse of Eddie’s pale skin that you can.
“I’m here, baby,” he assures you, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek.
“Wanna feel you.”
“Aw, does my pretty girl want my PhD?” Eddie teases with a smirk. “My pretty huge dick?” Before you have time to respond, he leans down and slots his mouth over yours, immediately licking into your mouth. Using his other hand, Eddie lines himself up with your entrance and slowly pushes inside.
Eddie’s mouth swallows your moans as you feel him stretch you out deliciously. Above you, your boyfriend meets your sounds of pleasure with his own at the feeling of sliding into the wet warmth of your pussy.
“Shit,” Eddie mumbles against your mouth. “So fucking tight. This is all you needed, right baby? Just needed your daddy taking care of you.”
Words seem too hard as Eddie pulls his hips back before thrusting back into you again and again. You’re dissolved to whining and whimpering in response to his question, which has him smirking down at you. 
“Mm, look at that,” Eddie muses as he grips your hip. “I may not be a genius like you, baby, but this I’m pretty good at. Fuck my smart girl ‘til she’s dumb.” Not only does Eddie know what to do to your body, but he knows just the words to say to get you hurtling towards another orgasm. 
Every generous inch of Eddie moves inside of you, the ridge between the head and shaft dragging against all the spots that have you arching your back. A strong hand slides up from your hip, making sure to caress every inch of skin it comes across as it makes its way up to your mouth. 
“Open up.”
Immediately, you do as you’re told, and Eddie slips two fingers into your mouth. Not needing to be told what to do with them, you begin to run your tongue around his fingers, swirling it around the tip as you soak the digits.
“God damn it,” Eddie says with a huff of laughter. “You’re gonna make me cum before I want to. Gotta get my girl off again, first.”
A small smirk on your face, you release his fingers with a pop. He reaches down and rubs his fingers over your clit, eliciting a breathy moan from your lips.  
“That feel good, baby?” Eddie goads.
“Y-Yes,” you stutter, your eyes closing in ecstasy. 
“Want you to cum for me again, my good girl. Think you can do that?”
“Yeah,” you breathe out. “So close.”
“Cum on my cock, baby. Want you to make such a mess of me. Cream my cock.”
“Fuck,” you groan, fingers digging into Eddie’s back as his thrusts become sloppier, a tell-tale sign he’s close as well. “Want you to cum too, Eddie.”
“Oh, don’t worry, princess,” he says with a laugh. “‘Bout to cum so hard in your pretty little pussy. Gonna fill you up so, so good. You’ll feel me dripping out of you for days.”
“Shit,” you hiss, and Eddie picks up the pace on your clit. “Fuck—E-Eddie, I’m gonna cum. Fuck, I’m coming.”
The clenching of your walls around his cock has Eddie losing his composure, groans and mutterings of your name falling from his tongue. 
“Shit, baby—m-me too.”
Your bodies move together as the two of you ride out your highs with each other. Eddie’s head drops down and buries into your neck as his body stills on top of yours. Reluctant to pull out of you, Eddie busies himself by pressing sweet kisses against your skin.
“How was that, my love?” Eddie whispers against your ear.
“Was perfect,” you tell him, a lazy smile on your face. “Don’t want you to move.”
Eddie chuckles. “Me neither. But I was thinking we could get all comfy and I’ll hold you as close as you want me to.”
“Can’t get much closer than we are now,” you point out, making Eddie laugh again. 
“Good point. I’m gonna get us cleaned up though, okay?”
Eddie forces himself to get out of the bed and brings back a warm washcloth. Gently, Eddie cleans you up before working on himself. He leaves the room to throw the washcloth in the hamper, but you figure he gets sidetracked because he takes longer than expected. When you see him balancing a bowl of popcorn and two bottles of water as he walks back into the room, you see why. He sets the snack down on the bed and rolls one of the water bottles your way.
“I was thinking,” he says, turning his back to you and walking over to the television resting on your dresser. “We should watch a movie.” It seems like he already had one in mind as he plucks one from your small pile of VHS tapes. Eddie pops the tape into the VCR and strolls back over to the bed. He holds the popcorn bowl so he doesn’t knock it over while he gets situated. As soon as he lifts his arm, you’re cuddling up into his side. Sweat sticks to both of you even after you’ve cleaned up, but you tuck yourself into Eddie’s side regardless. He places the bowl of popcorn on his thigh closest to you as you rest your head on his shoulder. The familiar sweet scent of your strawberry shampoo brings a smile to his face and a feeling of warmth and comfort settles over him. 
“Oh, you put Tommy Boy on!” Your face lights up in glee as you point to the television, as if he didn’t know that you were referring to the movie on the screen. 
“I know how much you love it,” he says, a smile on his face at how happy it made you. 
Cuddling up to his side, Eddie grabs a few pieces of popcorn and holds them up to your mouth. Giggling, you eat them out of his hand like a horse being fed hay. The two of you lazily feed pieces to one another as you watch the movie. When the bowl is empty, you nuzzle your face into Eddie’s neck. The smell of sweat, weed, and his minty shampoo floods your senses and has you more relaxed than you’ve felt in days. Only a few minutes later, Eddie can feel your breath against his neck as it comes out in long puffs. A smile grows on his face at the realization that you’ve fallen asleep.
Carefully, Eddie moves the empty bowl of popcorn to the bedside table and slowly maneuvers himself so he's laying down, keeping you held in his arms. He pulls your body as close as he can, keeping his promise of holding you as closely as you’d like.
“Goodnight, pretty girl. I love you.”
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transmutationisms · 3 months
hello caden do you have any tips for approaching history texts (both primary and secondary) as someone not in the history field? also how does one widen their general knowhow regarding the histories of diff countries? it seems like the type of thing one shld work on if they want to do largescale analyses but ive only really ever known my own country's history and america's history
these are some guiding questions i wrote out in regards to evaluating sources, and some more general tips for reading academic texts. i would also honestly recommend this extract from david bloor's strong programme in the sociology of knowledge—this pertains specifically to scientific knowledge so may not be entirely relevant to you, but is worth glancing over anyway as the general positions on symmetrical analysis are really critical to absorb imo. i would also say a key to reading historical texts regardless of what field you're in or not is that you absolutely must be willing to call bullshit when somebody is just peddling reactionary or liberal frameworks LOL. these are texts that may have useful data or anecdotes in them but whose explanatory narratives are flawed off the bat and you can, should, and must say so. :-)
in regards to breadth of knowledge, i think it's easy to be intimidated, but the truth is most historians do not have a lot of facts memorised about the entire world either. to some extent breadth and depth will always have some conflict with each other, and most historical methodology these days leans more toward developing deeper knowledge of a few countries or regions (usually even more specifically identified by a research area focussed on some particular topic and time period!) than toward a narrative of world-history. a text that purports to accomplish that tends to be bad, honestly, because there's a necessary lack of specificity, elision of very different cases into one another, &c. that said i obviously do recommend digging into any and all topics you do have an interest in; try to read widely and critically, and over time you will usually find that you start to orient yourself in the particular history you're looking at. i don't think you're ever past a point where you can start this process and i think the skills that comprise historical study can always be learned and honed.
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transformeroftheday · 3 months
Simpatico | Brainstorm x Perceptor FIC Recs
@fascinationex Simpatico Fics
(Literally just all of them. But for my top favorites.)
A Record of the Eating Days | Ongoing | 12/? | E
Summary: In which Brainstorm takes a stopgap job as a cleaner and becomes attached to a very dangerous lab specimen--one he's not even meant to know about.
The One Where Brainstorm And Percy Go To A Conference | Complete | 1/1 | E
Summary: For the prompt, "🤔 percy and bstorm go to a science conference, no one gets/believes that they're dating, smh"
The one where Brainstorm sends Perceptor off to work with a sex toy like it's a packed lunch | Complete | 1/1 | E
Summary: :I packed something for you,: Brainstorm commed him, once he was already on the shuttle.
Perceptor's first instinct was to lunge for his pack in case something exploded.
the sealpatico au | Series | G-E
Summary: Perceptor is a marine scientist working in the Arctic. Brainstorm is a frightfully clever, mammalian polar mermaid. Chromedome and Rewind have a television show on a cable channel where they're supposed to be documenting orcas. This series is heavily focused on the mermaid stuff but we learn about other characters along the way.
heart's still beating, guess I'm pretty lucky | @sroloc--elbisivni | Complete | 4/4 | T
Summary: Brainstorm was silent, field indicating nothing. Perceptor calculated whether it would be more logical or illogical to wait, and concluded the latter. Brainstorm made rapid decisions, and had not formerly needed encouragement to voice them, but that had been millions of stellar cycles ago. “I would appreciate promptness in your rejection.”
“Who said anything about rejecting?” Brainstorm tipped his head to the side. “I’m just trying to make sure I’ve got this straight in my processor. You performed ethically dubious, untested, methodologically uncertain engineering on yourself. Because you missed me.”
Perceptor deleted all of his emotions for a reason. After the Quintesson threat leads Optimus Prime to push through the Autobot-Decepticon Alliance, that reason no longer applies. Fixing the situation is going to take some trial and error...and a self-proclaimed genius.
The Left Side of the Lab | prisonmechanic | Complete | 8/8 | M
Summary: Preceptor takes a job in Iacon without reading the fine print. He very much regrets this.
Brainstorm has a large decision to make- expose himself and thousands of others and solve the fuel crisis or stay chained to a lab desk for the rest of his functioning. But Brianstrom Has always been good at creative solutions; Much to Perceprtor's dismay.
Hazard Light | cerkowah, @eatyoursparkout, @emporianne | Complete | 1/1 | T
Summary: In the aftermath of the time travel incident, Perceptor made a resolution to get to know his lab partner better. He didn’t anticipate that he’d grow so fond of Brainstorm in the process. Blindsided by a rare and deadly illness, he realizes that he’s miscalculated the depths of his regard.
Perceptor is determined to study and cure the disease with Brainstorm none the wiser. Unfortunately, feelings have never been his area of expertise.
(Hanahaki AU)
and the other | @polyhexian | Complete | 1/1 | E
Summmary: "Wow, you've had new emotion protocols installed for like a day and you're already developing new fetishes," Brainstorm commented, "Lucky thing they're fetishes for me specifically."
you can touch (you can play) | badskeletonpuns, thevosboss | Complete | 1/1
Summary: “Ah, there you are, Brainstorm. I had a question for you about—ah. You seem…busy.” The lab's sudden guest—Perceptor—came fully into view, stopped in his tracks by the scene of Brainstorm leaning against a workbench covered in interface arrays. Brainstorm tried his best to keep heat from rising to his cheeks, especially as Perceptor cutely tilted his head and quirked a brow. “What…exactly are you doing?”
Fragging myself for science, Brainstorm thought. “Building spike and array mods for the crew, by request,” he said instead.
As an MTO, Brainstorm wasn't constructed with an array. In a fit of inspiration after a Perceptor-fueled recharge flux, he decides to fix this. Perceptor probes at his experiment, and Brainstorm finds answers to questions he hadn't even thought to ask.
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arshipweek · 2 months
AR Ship Week - Fandom in 2024
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Another year, another shipweek, and another State of the AR Shipping Fandom post. This is the first weekly post leading up to the Alex Rider Ship Week. Just under 4 weeks to go!
This post focuses on pre-S3 fandom, since the data was scraped before the season was released, but we might do an update for post-S3 fics. For methodology, it can be found both on the graphic analysis pages and in the notes at the bottom of this post. For those only curious about the popular pairings this year (1), feel free to read right on.
This year, we have analysed a few specific shipping stats to get a look at us as a fandom.
We have also created an interactive dashboard of all the graphs for you to explore. This is where the following data was taken from, as well as some bonus visuals!
A Timeline of AO3
For a blast from the past, we took a look at the shipping timeline - the count of fics and authors per year for the top ten most popular AR ships - and found immediate proof that as a shipping fandom, we're still small enough that a few, determined people can make a difference. AR fandom's use of AO3 as its primary fandom purveyor is fairly recent, as most of its history can be found on FFnet, but with a total of just under 3k fics as of April 20th, we're gaining on FFnet's 4.5k of AR fics at a very respectable pace.
Some particular developments were:
The number of Yalex authors was about the same in 2021 - 2023 (just around 40) but the number of Yalex fics in 2022 was almost double that of 2021 and 2023. This was not due to a sudden, imported backlog that we could see but a handful of popular events/challenges and potentially the release of S2 in December of 2021.
Tom/Alex and Yassen/Ian both had a peak of fics in 2021, most likely because of the release of S1 that gave Tom a much larger part and offered an intriguing look at Yassen and Ian's potential past.
Fiona/Sabina had a huge spike in fics in 2023 due to a Femmeslash February event (2) that sent it firmly up the ranks of popular ships.
The State of the OTP
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For the top ten AR ships, we also took a look at how many of the writers that had written other AR ships (and which ones) to look for interesting patterns and to see if there was any real difference to spot. As it turns out, the answer was a resounding yes:
At one extreme, we have Alexmis (Alex Rider/Artemis Fowl) which is a fandom unto itself. Only 20 percent of the writers of the pairing have written for other pairings in AR fandom fics, and Alexmis fics as a whole tend to lean more towards adding Alex to the Artemis Fowl world rather than vice versa (3).
In the middle range, we have Yalex and Alex/Wolf - two pairings about as old as the fandom itself, and which both have an OTP percentage around 55 - as well as (mostly) newcomers Tom/Alex and Kyra/Alex, both with an OTP percentage in the 40-50 range.
At the other extreme, we have Yassen/John with an OTP percentage of just 4. Fiona/Sabina does it one better with an OTP rate of 0 (!) but the sample size here is so small it makes no meaning to compare it.
So what other pairings do these writers enjoy indulging in, then?
Yalex writers really like their Yassen pairings. Out of the combined number of non-Yalex fics the Yalex authors have written, 24 percent of them are Yassen/Ian and 22 percent are Yassen/John. This means that almost half of their non-Yalex pairings feature Yassen in some way.
70 percent of John/Helen shippers have written other pairings, too - probably because of the pairing's nature as a background part of Alex's story and not necessarily the focus of a shipfic they're in. 30 percent of the fics written by John/Helen writers outside of the ship are Yalex (and 6 percent are Yassen/John).
The case is even more extreme for Yassen/John, which is firmly entwined with the Yalex pairing. 96 percent of the writers have written other AR ships, with three quarters of those fics being Yalex.
Text Analysis
Interactive dashboard with graphs and visuals
We also ran a text analysis on the shipfics to look for patterns and recurring details in the writing - first in general, then for specific ships. The amount of detail for each ship depends a lot on the sample size, which results in a detailed, varied word cloud for Yalex and somewhat less so for several of the smaller ships.
For that analysis, we recommend clicking around to explore the word clouds and get a feel for the different ships, but for the ambitious types, we have a word hunt ready as well (4):
Word Hunt, Significant Phrases edition:
Tools of the Trade:
Duct tape
Frying pan
Krav Maga
Sniper rifle
Zip ties
I Know That Reference:
Fer de Lance
Air Force
Albert Bridge
Point Blanc
Brecon Beacons
Getting Kinky:
Boxer briefs
Dimly lit
Lower lip
Pressed a kiss
Yes sir
Feel free to comment with any particularly entertaining/intriguing/otherwise just plain fun word cloud combinations you've spotted, and we will see you again next week!
Note on methodology:
The two Alex Rider sections (main + TV) were scraped over the course of two days in early March 2024, except for fics that were locked to AO3 users only (5). For the author specific statistics, we excluded orphan_account and anonymous authors. Median measures were chosen over average the majority of the time to account for outliers, especially in the case of the rarer pairings (6).
For ship-analysis, a fic counts under every pairing it has. This means that someone who writes Yassen/Alex, Yassen/John and Yassen/Ian in the same fic (7) will count as an author for all three pairings and under the Yalex OTP analysis, they will have an additional fic marked under both Yassen/John and Yassen/Ian.
(1) Yalex. It's Yalex. Look, we're not even going to bother posting the stats for that. It's still Yalex, trust us. Though we can talk again next year, considering how well Kyralex is currently doing post-S3. (2) Proving that a few, determined writers can make or break the non-Yalex ship rankings. Please use this power for good; if someone manages to get Sayle/Nadia Vole or something into the top three next year, I'm outsourcing that part of the stat post to a particularly enthusiastic raccoon with a keyboard. (3) Canonically, the wholesale kidnapping of Alex is pretty on-brand for Alex Rider supervillains so really, Artemis is in excellent company. (4) Technically two, but there is unsurprisingly a lot of overlap between the general wordcloud and the Yalex one. For those curious, here's the Word Hunt, Yalex edition:
Adam's apple
Bottle of lube
Index finger
Nerve endings
Pale skin
Scar tissue
(5) As of April 20th, 225 out of 2961 fics were locked to AO3 users. (6) Meaning anything non-Yalex, let's all be honest here. (7) Because sometimes, like a particularly persistent Pokémon player, Yassen also needs to catch them all. Traumas or Riders is dealer's choice.
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healthcoach95 · 5 months
Top Muscle-Building Foods You Should Include in Your Diet
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Building muscle requires something beyond heading out to the exercise center - it requires an exhaustive methodology that incorporates a very organized gym routine daily schedule and, maybe in particular, a sustenance plan rich in muscle-building food sources. The adage, "abs are made in the kitchen," turns out as expected, underscoring the crucial job nourishment plays in accomplishing wellness objectives, particularly muscle improvement.
In this article, we dive into the universe of supplement thick food varieties that act as the structure blocks major areas of strength for, muscles. Whether you're a wellness fan, a competitor, or somebody simply setting out on an excursion to improve your constitution, understanding the significance of a reasonable eating regimen is pivotal.
The human body depends on different supplements, including proteins, nutrients, and minerals, to help muscle development, fix tissues, and work with in general prosperity. By decisively integrating explicit food sources into your day-to-day feasts, you can upgrade your sustenance to proficiently advance muscle improvement.
From lean meats like chicken and turkey to dairy items like Greek yogurt and milk, and even plant-based sources like quinoa and lentils, we investigate a different scope of choices reasonable for different dietary inclinations. Toward the finish of this article, you'll have a thorough manual for making a muscle-building diet that energizes your exercises and adds to accomplishing your wellness objectives.
Slender Meats for Muscle Improvement
Chasing muscle improvement, and integrating slender meats into your eating regimen is a key and heavenly method for guaranteeing you're furnishing your body with the fundamental supplements it needs. Lean meats are eminent for their high protein content and supplement thickness, making them major structure blocks for muscle fix and development. Here, we investigate some outstanding lean meat choices that can fuel your wellness process:
1. Chicken Bosom: The Protein Force to be reckoned with
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Chicken bosom is a staple in muscle-building and eats less carbs which is as it should be. It flaunts a high protein content, giving the important amino acids vital for muscle fix and development. Moreover, the chicken bosom is low in fat, making it an ideal decision for those expecting to fabricate slender bulk without an abundance of calories.
2. Turkey: Lean Protein with Supplement Lift
Turkey is another lean meat champion, offering a vigorous portion of great protein fundamental for muscle improvement. It is plentiful in supplements like zinc and B nutrients, further supporting in general wellbeing and improving your body's capacity to recuperate from extreme exercises.
3. Fish (Salmon, Fish): Omega-3s for Added Advantages
Salmon and fish, among other greasy fish, are phenomenal wellsprings of protein as well as give omega-3 unsaturated fats. These fundamental fats add to mitigating impacts, supporting joint well-being and by and large prosperity. The blend of protein and omega-3s makes fish an important resource in advancing muscle recuperation.
Integrating these inclined meats into your eating routine gives a thorough exhibit of supplements, including excellent protein, nutrients, and minerals. Whether barbecued, heated, or remembered for plates of mixed greens and pan-sears, lean meats offer flexibility in dinner readiness, guaranteeing that you can partake in various delightful dishes while making progress toward your muscle advancement objectives. Keep in mind, that a reasonable way to deal with nourishment, combined with ordinary activity, is vital to accomplishing and keeping up with ideal muscle wellbeing.
Dairy Items for Ideal Muscle Wellbeing
Dairy items assume a vital part in advancing ideal muscle well-being, offering a rich exhibit of supplements that help muscle improvement, fix, and generally speaking prosperity. Here, we dive into the advantages of integrating dairy into your eating regimen and feature key dairy items that add to muscle wellbeing:
1. Greek Yogurt: Protein-Pressed Probiotic Pleasure
Greek yogurt stands apart as an intense wellspring of protein, pivotal for muscle fix and development. What makes it outstanding is its thick protein content and the presence of probiotics, cultivating a solid stomach climate. This blend supports productive supplement retention, upgrading the general adequacy of your muscle-building endeavors.
2. Curds: Slow-Delivery Protein for Supported Muscle Backing
Curds is a flexible dairy choice known for its sluggish processing protein, casein. This trademark guarantees a slow arrival of amino acids into the circulation system, offering supported help for muscle recuperation. Moreover, curds are plentiful in calcium, a mineral fundamental for muscle withdrawals and generally speaking bone well-being.
3. Milk: Complete Sustenance for Muscles
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Milk, a work of art and healthy dairy item is a finished wellspring of protein containing a reasonable blend of fundamental supplements. It gives excellent protein as well as critical measures of calcium and vitamin D. Calcium is essential for muscle withdrawals, while vitamin D improves the ingestion of calcium, advancing solid bones and ideal muscle capability.
Integrating these dairy delights into your eating regimen offers an all-encompassing way to deal with muscle wellbeing. Whether delighted in as an independent bite, mixed into smoothies, or coordinated into different recipes, dairy items give a flavorful and helpful method for meeting your dietary requirements. Keep in mind, that a balanced eating regimen that incorporates an assortment of dairy sources contributes not exclusively to muscle improvement yet in addition by and large dietary equilibrium and imperativeness.
Plant-Based Wellsprings of Protein for Muscle Backing
For those embracing a plant-based way of life, accomplishing ideal muscle support isn't just feasible yet in addition delectable. Plant-based sources offer a different scope of supplement thick choices that give fundamental proteins and supplements essential for muscle improvement. Here, we investigate some champion plant-based wellsprings of protein to fuel your muscle-building venture:
1. Quinoa: The Total Plant Protein
Quinoa is a hotshot among plant-based proteins, being a finished protein containing all fundamental amino acids. This makes it an important expansion to your eating routine, guaranteeing your body has the structure blocks expected for muscle development. Quinoa is additionally rich in fiber, advancing stomach-related well-being and giving supported energy.
2. Lentils: Protein-Loaded Vegetables with Added Advantages
Lentils are a protein force to be reckoned with inside the plant-based domain. Loaded with protein and fiber, they contribute not exclusively to muscle improvement yet in addition support stomach-related well-being. Furthermore, lentils are an extraordinary wellspring of iron, supporting oxygen transport to muscles and advancing perseverance during proactive tasks.
3. Chickpeas: Adaptable Protein-Rich Vegetables
Chickpeas, otherwise called garbanzo beans, offer a flexible and scrumptious wellspring of plant-based protein. Whether utilized in plates of mixed greens, or curries or mixed into hummus, chickpeas contribute fundamental nutrients and minerals that help muscle capability. Their blend of protein and fiber additionally advances satiety and supported energy.
Integrating these plant-based forces to be reckoned with into your feasts guarantees a balanced admission of fundamental supplements. Whether you follow a completely plant-based diet or are hoping to differentiate your protein sources, these choices give a flavorful and nutritious starting point for muscle support. Adjusting different plant-based food varieties cultivates muscle improvement as well as adds to general well-being and prosperity. Keep in mind, that variety is key in guaranteeing you get an expansive range of supplements to help your wellness objectives.
Nuts and Seeds for Supplement Thick Nibbling
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In the domain of supplement thick nibbling, nuts, and seeds arise as healthy and fulfilling decisions that offer plenty of medical advantages. These little yet powerful snacks tempt the taste buds as well as give a concentrated wellspring of supplements pivotal for general prosperity. We should investigate the healthful fortunes tracked down in almonds, chia seeds, and pumpkin seeds, making them great choices for your supplement thick eating venture:
1. Almonds: Protein-Pressed Energy Supporters
Almonds are prestigious for their great supplement profile, highlighting a significant measure of protein, solid fats, and vitamin E. The protein content backs muscle fix and development, while the solid fats add to a sensation of completion, making almonds an optimal nibble for supported energy. The presence of vitamin E, a cancer prevention agent, further guides in safeguarding cells from oxidative pressure during actual work.
2. Chia Seeds: Minuscule Titans of Supplement Thickness
Chia seeds have legitimately procured their status as a superfood, offering a wealth of omega-3 unsaturated fats, protein, and fiber. These supplement-pressed seeds give calming benefits, supporting muscle recuperation. The blend of protein and fiber advances satiety and supported energy, making chia seeds a great expansion to your supplement thick eating collection.
3. Pumpkin Seeds: Supplement Rich Nibbling Joy
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Pumpkin seeds, or pepitas, are a healthful force to be reckoned with, bragging undeniable levels of protein, magnesium, and zinc. Magnesium plays a critical part in muscle withdrawals, while zinc upholds safe capability and muscle recuperation. The wonderful crunch and rich flavor make pumpkin seeds a helpful and scrumptious nibble choice that supports your body while fulfilling your desires.
Integrating these nuts and seeds into your nibble routine gives a helpful and tasty method for improving your day-to-day supplement consumption. Whether delighted in all alone, added to yogurt, or integrated into trail blends, nuts, and seeds offer a fantastic mix of flavors and surfaces that add to both your physical and nourishing prosperity. Make sure to appreciate them with some restraint, enjoying the wholesome advantages they bring to your supplement thick nibbling experience.
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annajade456 · 10 months
From Novice to Pro: Unleash Your DevOps Wizardry with Our Game-Changing Course
Are you eager to unlock your full potential as a DevOps expert? Look no further! Our comprehensive and ground breaking course is designed to empower individuals like you to transform from a novice into a pro in the realm of DevOps. In this article, we will delve into the various facets of this course, providing you with the essential education and vital information needed to embark on this thrilling journey. Brace yourself for an enlightening experience that will take your IT skills to unparalleled heights.
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Education: The Key to Success
Embrace the Fundamentals
Before diving headfirst into the vast world of DevOps, it is imperative to establish a solid foundation. Our course begins by acquainting you with the fundamental concepts and principles that underpin DevOps. Through a meticulous blend of theory and practical application, you will grasp essential concepts such as continuous integration, continuous delivery, and automation. Embracing these fundamentals will enable you to comprehend the underlying philosophy of DevOps, enabling you to tackle complex challenges with confidence and finesse.
Master the Tools of the Trade
In the ever-evolving landscape of IT, proficiency in the right tools can make all the difference. Our course ensures that you become well-versed in the latest and most powerful DevOps tools available today. From configuration management platforms like Chef and Puppet to container orchestration systems such as Kubernetes, our curriculum covers a wide array of technologies that are essential for any aspiring DevOps wizard. Guided by experienced instructors, you will gain hands-on experience and develop a keen understanding of how these tools can streamline processes and enhance efficiency.
Collaboration and Communication
DevOps is not merely about technology; it is a cultural shift that emphasizes collaboration and communication within teams. Understanding how to foster effective teamwork and seamless interaction is pivotal in becoming a DevOps maestro. Our course places a strong emphasis on cultivating these essential soft skills. By exploring methodologies like Agile and Lean, you will discover how to break down silos, foster cross-functional collaboration, and promote a culture of shared responsibility. Unleashing your potential in this domain will enable you to bridge gaps between departments, leading to empowered teams and accelerated project delivery.
Information: Knowledge is Power
Stay Ahead of the Curve
In the dynamically evolving IT landscape, staying abreast of the latest trends and emerging practices is paramount. Our course goes beyond the basics, equipping you with up-to-date information on cutting-edge technologies and industry best practices. With a finger on the pulse of the DevOps community, our instructors ensure that you receive timely insights into the latest advancements and trends. From cloud-native architectures to infrastructure as code, you will gain a thorough understanding of the innovations shaping the future of DevOps.
Real-World Case Studies
Theoretical knowledge alone is often insufficient in preparing for real-world scenarios. That's why our course incorporates a range of real-world case studies that offer valuable insights and practical applications. By examining success stories and lessons learned from industry leaders, you will gain invaluable wisdom about overcoming hurdles and delivering exceptional results. These case studies provide a glimpse into the challenges faced by seasoned DevOps professionals and present you with the opportunity to hone your problem-solving skills in a safe and supportive environment.
Continuous Learning and Community Engagement
DevOps is a vibrant and dynamic community that thrives on collaboration and continuous learning. Our course not only equips you with the tools and knowledge you need, but it also encourages you to actively engage with the DevOps community. Through forums, discussion boards, and networking opportunities, you will join a network of like-minded individuals, fostering connections with experienced practitioners and expanding your professional horizons. This engagement will enable you to stay informed, exchange ideas, and grow alongside the ever-evolving DevOps ecosystem.
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IT: The Pathway to Success
Career Advancement Opportunities
With the rapid adoption of DevOps practices, the demand for skilled professionals has skyrocketed. Our course is designed to propel your career to new heights by equipping you with the skills and knowledge sought after by top organizations worldwide. Whether you aspire to become a DevOps engineer, a systems architect, or a team leader, our course equips you with the tools needed to unlock doors to exciting career opportunities in the IT industry. Embrace this transformative experience and set yourself on a trajectory towards professional growth and success.
Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity
DevOps is synonymous with enhanced efficiency, improved collaboration, and increased productivity. By completing our course, you will possess the ability to streamline workflows, automate repetitive tasks, and foster a culture of continuous improvement. Armed with these skills, you will be able to eliminate bottlenecks, reduce time to market, and ensure seamless integration and delivery of software solutions. By unlocking the power of DevOps, you will become a catalyst for organizational success and drive tangible value for your team and stakeholders.
Embarking on the journey from novice to pro in the realm of DevOps is filled with challenges and opportunities. Our game-changing course provides the education, information, and IT skills needed to navigate this exciting landscape. By mastering the fundamentals, embracing the latest tools, and nurturing essential soft skills, you will transcend the boundaries and unleash your DevOps wizardry. Seize the opportunity to become a catalyst for organizational success and embark on a transformative journey that will set you apart as a DevOps expert. Enroll in our course today at ACTE institute and let your DevOps journey begin!
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Project Success: Managing with PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner
In the ever-evolving landscape of project management, staying agile and adaptable is key to achieving success. One methodology that seamlessly blends the structure of PRINCE2 with the flexibility of Agile is the PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner approach. In this blog, we will explore the fundamentals of PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner and understand how it can enhance project outcomes.
Understanding PRINCE2 Agile:
PRINCE2 (PRojects IN Controlled Environments) has long been a go-to framework for project management, providing a structured and systematic approach. On the other hand, Agile methodologies prioritize flexibility, collaboration, and iterative development. PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner brings these two worlds together, creating a powerful synergy that addresses the challenges faced by project managers in dynamic environments.
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Key Principles of PRINCE2 Agile:
1. Tailoring PRINCE2 to Fit Agile:
PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner allows for tailoring traditional PRINCE2 processes to accommodate Agile practices. This ensures that the methodology is not overly prescriptive, providing room for Agile teams to thrive.
2. Agile Behaviors:
The framework promotes the adoption of key Agile behaviors, such as transparency, collaboration, and frequent feedback. This helps in fostering a culture that values adaptability and embraces change.
3. Agile Techniques:
PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner introduces a range of Agile techniques, including Scrum, Kanban, and Lean Startup, among others. This allows project managers to select the techniques that best suit the project's context and requirements.
Benefits of PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner:
1. Enhanced Flexibility:
The combination of PRINCE2 and Agile provides a structured approach while allowing for flexibility in adapting to changing project dynamics. This ensures that projects can evolve in response to customer needs and market trends.
2. Improved Communication and Collaboration:
The Agile emphasis on communication and collaboration is integrated into PRINCE2 Agile, fostering a more engaged and transparent project environment. This leads to better team cohesion and improved decision-making processes.
3. Reduced Risk:
By incorporating Agile techniques for risk management, such as early and frequent testing, PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner helps identify and mitigate risks proactively. This ultimately minimizes the chances of project failure.
4. Continuous Improvement:
PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner encourages a mindset of continuous improvement through regular retrospectives and feedback loops. This iterative approach ensures that lessons learned are incorporated into future project phases, enhancing overall project performance.
In the fast-paced world of project management, the PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner approach stands out as a versatile and effective methodology. By combining the best of both PRINCE2 and Agile, this framework empowers project managers to navigate complexity, respond to change, and deliver successful outcomes. As organizations increasingly seek adaptable and responsive project management approaches, the PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner emerges as a valuable tool for achieving project success.
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ratasum · 1 year
Ok you said you wanted to talk about Qirri and she's an engineer and I might be studying to be an engineer myself so here are some very nerdy asks:
What's Qirri's specialty when it comes to engineering, and what does she like most about the job? Does she prefer hard math and physics, biology, chemistry; is she more of an ideas and theory person or does she like getting her hands dirty, etc.
How does she collaborate with Taimi and the rest of her krewe? Do their specialties overlap? Are they always butting into each other's space?
What has she learned from living and working around other races that has made its way into her work, and that other less traveled asura might not think of?
1. Despite being a Dynamics graduate (her love of things that Explode is well known among the people that know her), her primary focus is in mechanical engineering. She's quite intelligent and does have her little claws in all manner of work because of her krewe, but given the opportunity, she would sit for hours and work on building golems.
She does, however, have a particular interest in medical engineering. Developing better disability and mobility aids for people in positions like her own and Taimi's.
2. The krewe has a LOT of varied skills. Taimi leans a lot more heavily into the theoretical and seeing how things fit together to more efficiently hammer down an idea. Gorrik tends to lean a lot more heavily into the bio aspects. When Yao is added to the krewe, they overlap with Qirri but in a far more practical sense than her more enthusiastic experimental methodology. It does cause them all to occasionally butt heads, but in the end, their varied specialties make them work quite well as a group.
3. Much of what Qirri's learned has been more cultural than anything directly into her work, with the exception of charr engineering. Everything else plays more into how she reacts to other races around her. She's much more diplomatic with the other races of Tyria than another asura may be, and while she's got quite the ego as far as her intellect, she does her best to temper it. She even respects (most) imperators and tribunes much in the way any member of a warband would, on account of being part of a warband.
It doesn't mean she won't call jerks on the carpet where necessary (see her yelling at Smodur after Cinder's murder) but she does behave quite better around other races than other asura do.
She's fascinated by the thought of blending charr technology with asura tech as well, but she hasn't been able to spend a lot of time in the Black Citadel to do extensive research. The smoke and fumes tend to hurt her lungs. She is interested in developing a cleaner burning fuel in response to that, though!
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astroyongie · 2 years
"Would you like really theorized psychology with scientific reviews or just fun psychology with basic info ?"
both sounds interesting O.o
Okay so it would really depend on what you are trying to focus and what you want to learn. I will give a few authors that you can check out, authors that I studied on university and to which concepts are very important and super interesting. Also there's a few universities sites that allow you to search scientific articles about psychology (such as Cambridge or Cairn, so don't hesitate if there's a topic in particular)
Freud : Books such as "introduction of psychoanalysis" or "dream analysis" are good starters
Again, Freud is extremely important, the father of all psychology, so any book of his will be a good basic. So is Jung
I don't have an author in particular, but any book that will make a classification of the different disorders, with the nosology and the different conceptions (systemic, humanist, cognitive, ect)
You can try the DSM5 but not sure you will find it online and it might be complicated to understand since it's reserved to professionals
Eysenck , Beck are good authors when it comes to personality disorders
Child Psychology
Winnicott : transitional object theory which is extremely important on childhood concepts, "le moi-peau", how child subconscious gets started, relationship between mother and child
A. Freud: she takes of her father but on a more child like concept, she works on several topics between the relationship with the mother, the plays and the develop stages.
Dolto: she worked on the fantasmatic aspects of childhood, with the desire of "murder", symbolic function
Klein: the interpretation of play
Ferenczi : reflexion on traumatisms on children, introjection, Clivage and transfers
Bowlby : Attachment theories and styles
Jacques Vauclair: “ Le Développement du jeune enfant”  (for french followers, it's a really good book, but I don't know if an English version is available )
Watson and Skinner: For anything involving the theory of behaviorism and learning process
Piaget: emperism concept, with innatism
Ebbinghaus: processus of the memory
Tulving : ecphoric process, Episodic memory, long term memory, ect
Kahneman: attention capacité
Cherry: Stroop effect and selective attention
Anything involving the Gestalt theory
Social Psychology
Durkheim: Suicide studies, sociologic determinism
Tarde: who created the term of social psychology in Europe
Lewin, Festinger, Kelley, Leyens, Ross are other authors important on social psychology, each one worked on the social effects on psychology developing different theories
Differential Psychology
Books such as : "Psychology differential" by Reuchlin, same title but by Gilles or Lubart and "Evaluation of the personality, methodology" by J.L
This topic of psychology helps you lean how each one of us works and thinks differently, how personality is a thing unit to each individual
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Hello lady, i really like your blog💖
I just wanted to say that i read lots of your advices on how to take care of yourself, how to be the girl of your dreams, how to socialize etc and I'm trying to put them in practice but then i end up being just like before plus i take from who speaks to me some of their traits, almost like a mirror, for example if they swear i end up doing that too. I know it takes time to become who you wanna be. But like, is it normal to mirroring who you talk to put them in more comfort or a femme fatale wouldn't do that and stay themselves?
Hi love! Thank you so much <3 
I’m so glad that you’re finding these guides valuable – means so much. Firstly, I want to acknowledge how self-aware you are when it comes to consciously seeing how you’re working against your personal growth by allowing others to influence your behavior and actively trying to change it. So many people won’t acknowledge this to themselves, so I think you’re doing an amazing job with this level of self-reflection – that’s half the battle. 
Yes, it’s incredibly normal to mirror those around us. The theory that the 5 people we interact with the most reflect our current behavior and predict our future is incredibly accurate. That’s why it’s important to choose the member of your inner circle carefully, so you remain influenced and encouraged to engage in self-growth than self-sabotaging activities. So, my best advice is to consider the members of your circle of influence – whether IRL, those you watch on YouTube or Netflix, the books and articles you choose to read, podcasts you listen to, etc. Also, make sure to prioritize time alone to influence your thoughts –journal, write out your goals, create a plan, and take mental health walks to boost your creativity and cognitive abilities. Speak with a therapist (if you have access) to dive deeper into your self-reflection journey and any mental blocks or limiting beliefs that may be lingering from past experiences or traumas. Read books, listen to podcasts for self-development and to expand your knowledge on your industry or subjects of interest. Femme Fatales understand the value and importance of gatekeeping their energy to invest in themselves and those people, activities, and behaviors that serve them as much as possible. 
Become mindful of when you’re actively mirroring to appease others. Pause for a moment to collect yourself and actively resist the urge to comply. Lean into the resistance and act as the queen you know you’re meant to be. Show up as her in these interactions even for a few seconds at a time. Flex this muscle to expand your mindset and mental resilience over time. I recommend reading Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck for more on this subject to tap into this methodology and expand your thinking. 
Hope this helps xx 
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