#Lebanon Asia Saudi Arabia
asianamseeds · 2 months
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My name is Miah and I’m a Filipinx American 2nd year Clinical Psych PhD student at UMass Boston. 
Would you help share or take our survey (if eligible) on racialization and resisting racism’s impact on mental health for people of color pls?
I’m working with Dr. Karen Suyemoto (Psychology and Asian American Studies) and Dr. Tahirah Abdullah (Psychology).
Study link: https://tinyurl.com/REAR24MS 
Password: REAR2024
Here are our two Lab Instagram accounts as well: @BAREmhw @AsianAmSeeds
Any questions can be sent to [email protected]
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toshkakoshka · 9 months
hey guys! planning on doing a lot of readings for a story i want to write, it’s a far cry fanfic taking place in west asia and is abt US invasions/involvements in west asia, so if anybody wants to help in giving sources (advice and personal experiences especially if you’re west asian also helps!) feel free to send them to me!
note: i AM currently reading on west asian issues regarding that whole deal, plus interferences from israel. i just need to know if there’s anymore sources i can find so i can read more!
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secular-jew · 5 months
Colonialism is a disease
Imagine being an Arab Muslim and having the audacity to call someone else a colonizer. The illustration below is a snapshot of Islamic colonialism and occupation of other people's lands, from the 7th-9th centuries. Islam went on to attack, destroy, occupy and colonize vast swaths of Europe and southeast Asia, as well as what is now called Turkey.
The world has witnessed many colonial empires since the beginning of time. Most notably, the Mongols, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Babylonians, Egyptians, Islam/Ottomans, Portuguese, Dutch, French, Spanish, British, and American. The only empire that didn't take land, even after winning world wars, were the Americans. They actually gave back the Philippines. But I digress.
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All of these empires were in large part, created by bloody conquest, and built on the backs of the newly subjugated. The Hebrews were, famously, slaves in Egypt. No one seems to teach this in the west, focusing more on the Romans, but of all the colonialists, one of the most deadly brutal and expansionist empires were the Muslims aka the Islamists. The Islamic empire expanded by sheer, from Medina (where Muhammad massacred and enslaved the 50% majority Jewish population) all the way into western North Africa, much of Europe, and large populations of Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, parts of India now called Pakistan, etc). As it expanded using violence and fear, Islam literally took 100 million slaves out of Africa, and was responsible for one of the greatest mass murders in history: killing 10 million (or more) on the forced march from their homelands to the Middle East.
Some examples of Islamic slavery include the Al-Andalus slave trade, the Trans-Saharan slave trade, the Indian Ocean slave trade, the Comoros slave trade, the Zanzibar slave trade, the Red Sea slave trade, the Barbary slave trade, the Ottoman slave trade, the Black Sea slave trade, the Bukhara (Uzbekistan) slave trade, and the Khivan slave trade from which Islam took millions of slaves out of Persia to the Islamic khanates. There are Arab/Islamic societies today (Libya, a well-known example) that still trade slaves.
Compare this to Israel. Israel/Judea was never colonial nor expansionist. The Hebrews (aka Jews) were often properties of and were subjugated by, colonial empires, including the Islamic colonial empire.
They Hebrews themselves, as noted above, were most famously slaves of the the colonial Egyptian empire, some 4,000 years ago, before being murdered and subjugated by Islam starting in the 7th century. Somehow able to escape Egyptian tyranny through their own efforts (some say, by the grace of Hashem), the Hebrews settled in their current indigenous homeland 3.600 years ago - a small area by global standards, smaller than Belize, Albania, or Montenegro. They were happy there, and even at their peak, did not attempt to force convert others or expand much beyond their lands.
As historian Barbara Tuchman wrote, Israel is “the only nation in the world that is governing itself in the same territory, under the same name, and with the same religion and same language as it did 3,000 years ago.” Despite all the occupations and forced exiles, the Jews/Hebrews/Israelites have maintained a continuous presence in Judea/Israel/Samaria for some 3,600+ years. And even though Israel was granted modern statehood in 1948, it is one of the oldest continuously maintained countries in the world. The 'modern' state of Israel came to fruition post WWII, in 1948; the redefinition of borders and modern statehood after the fall of the big colonials was in no way unusual to Israel. Many country's modern borders came to be defined in the post colonial period (post WWI & WWII). While Israel and Lebanon and Iraq and Iran and Syria and Egypt were all ancient civilizations, dating back thousands of years, modern statehood came in the 20th century: For example, statehood was granted to Egypt in 1922; Saudi Arabia and Iraq in 1932; Lebanon in 1943; Indonesia, South Korea & Vietnam in 1945; Syria & Jordan in 1946; India & Pakistan in 1947; Israel, & Myanmar in 1948; Laos, Libya & Bhutan in 1951; Cambodia in 1953; Morocco, Sudan & Tunisia in 1956; Ghana & Malaysia in 1957; and so on.
The problem is, the tribalism and supremacy of Islam, can't stand that it's once-conquered land is now in the hands of the original owners. Islam believes that once it puts a flag in the sand somewhere, it's theirs.
Oh, and by the way, Andalusia (Spain) is next in Islam's sights.
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doseofarabic · 3 months
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Dose # 1 - Introduction
Facts about the language
It’s a Semitic language, which is a branch of languages that includes languages like Arabic, Amharic, Aramaic and Hebrew among other languages.
It has millions speakers worldwide. People usually refer to 22 countries as “the Arab world” but I personally prefer to talk about “Arabic speaking countries” since it gives a better representation of the countries that speak the language and have Arabic as one of the official languages which are 25 countries in the Western part of Asia as well as Northern Africa.
The 25 countries are: Saudi Arabia, Chad, Algeria, Comoros, Eritrea, Djibouti, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Bahrain, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
People might want to learn for a variety of reasons, whether it is to live in an Arabic speaking country or environment, for work purposes, or for religious purposes. Muslims Arabic holds a special place since it is the language of the Holy Quran.
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Since many regions speak the language. There are a lot of variation in the language which I try to summarize.
To put it simply, on one hand we have the Standard Arabic, which is the formal Arabic. The older variation of Standard Arabic is Classical Arabic, among is the Holly Quran which is the most eloquent, inimitable form of Arabic.  
Here is a small post I made about MSA and Classical Arabic.
I will focus on the modern variant of Standard Arabic which is “Modern Standard Arabic”, or MSA. Nowadays, this variant is used in official correspondence, books, magazines and writings in general. It is important.
There are also dialects which are the “spoken Arabic”, each region has their own dialects but they are usually grouped per region and similarities:
Gulf dialects; Levantine dialects; Maghreb dialects; Nile Valley and Egyptian
Some dialects are not within these groups per se but they are somewhat close like Yemeni and Iraqi (which I would associate with the Gulf dialects).
I could also place Djibouti, Somalia, Mauritania and Chad in a separate category as well
These groupings over simplify the variety of the dialects but it’s to make the concept closer to understand especially for those who are not familiar with it. I spoke about dialects in a post I made a where I tried to provide an explanation for the difference in dialects, if you’re interested read it [here].
Usually, people learn Arabic to be able to speak a certain dialect, I recommend studying the standard Arabic first or at least having some sort of knowledge before delving into the dialects.
In my lessons, I will focus on Modern Standard Arabic, but I do make dialectal posts on my blog as well which can be found [here].
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Arabic alphabets
Arabic is written from right to left, and the letters connect to form words. The letters are read as they are written in 99.9% of the cases, except for only very minor exceptions. It's also very phonetically consisentent, very similar to Spanish for example when comapred to English were different letters can be read differently according to the word.
Arabic has 28 letters, and because the writing connects the words together to form sentences, each letter can be written in 4 ways: the isolated form, the initial form (how it would look like if it came at the beginning of the word), medial form (how it would look like if it was in the middle of the word), and finally, the final form (how it would look like if it were at the end of the word).
However, it is important to note that not all letters connect with other letters, for example, the letters (ا / د / ذ  / ر  / ز / و) do not connect to each other, and only connects if the other letters in the alphabet comes before it.
The Arabic letters are simple, and many letters resemble one another, I usually refer to letters that are similar as “sisters”. The resemblance in shape doesn’t necessarily mean that the sounds are similar though.
There are two types of vowels, short vowels or harakat, and these are the diacritics or little accents that can be found on top of each letters; and long vowels or mudood which are three letters ا   (which makes the sound “aah” ), و   (which makes the sound of “oo” like “pool” ) and ي   (which makes the sound “ee” like feel). Usually, when talking about “vowels” people are referring to the long vowels.
The vowel is twice as long as the haraka but it has the same sound.
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Grammar & vocabulary
Arabic is a very well structured language, and it has a very consistent grammar, exceptions are not very common and it’s very logical.
A notable thing to note about Arabic grammar is that first of all, there are grammatical cases, like Turkish and German for example.
This means that the end of the word changes according to its role in a sentence. In the case of Arabic, the harakat of the end of the word changes depending on the place and role it plays in a sentence.
So don’t be surprised when you see the same word ending with different harakat. Because it is a language that has this grammatical case system, the sentence structure is flexible.
For example تُوتُ  (berries) is the same as تُوتَ  and تُوتِ . The difference here is the place in the sentence.
Another thing is that Arabic has a root system, most words have a root (most likely made up of three letters), the root has a certain meaning and all the derived words will contain the same three letters of the root as well as a certain meaning that is carried with the derivation.
For example the word كَتَبَ  is the root and it means “to write”, we derive words like كَاتِب  (writer or author) مَكْتُوب (written) and كِتَاب (book) and مَكْتَبَة (library). If you know the verb (root) it’ll be easy to guess the meaning of the word or have a guess on what the word is about.
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Arabic letters : how are they arranged?
There are two ways that the letters in Arabic are arranged, the first one is called التَّرْتِيب الأبجَدِيُّ   attartīb alʾbǧadiy. This is the old order of the letters, it was based on the order of the letters in Semetic languages, the order is also used in numbers (similar to roman numerals, how a letter can have a numerical value like (i) which is the number a).
This order is still used when making lists, for example if you’re saying point a) point b) , people are more likely to use this order.
For point c) in Arabic people will say ج)  and not ت.
The letters are grouped in these words, in this same order
أبجد هوز حطي كلمن سعفص قرشت ثخذ ضظغ
التَّرْتِيبُ الهِجَائِيَ attartīb alhiǧāʾiy is an order that was later introduced. This order arranges words in the alphabet according to the similarities between the way the letters are drawn. It’s the one used when studying Arabic.
This is the order of these letters
أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن هـ و ي
For simplicity’s sake, I suggest focusing on the second order, but it’s good to know that it’s not the only one.
I hope this has been an interesting introduction to read!
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Complete this small quiz to measure how much you understood from this lesson
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Next lesson : we will study the different harakat and vowels.
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pechikanoyoru · 22 days
Bitch that's Asia! You better know all 49 countries
Turkey Georgia Armenia Azerbaijan Turkmenistan Kazakhstan Tajikistan Uzbekistan Kyrgyzstan Afghanistan Pakistan India Bangladesh Sri Lanka Nepal Bhutan China Mongolia Russia Japan North Korea South Korea Laos Cambodia Vietnam Myanmar Thailand Malaysia Singapore Brunei Indonesia Philippines Taiwan Timor Leste Palestine Isr*el Jordan Lebanon Syria Iran Iraq Qatar Bahrain Kuwait Saudi Arabia UAE Yemen Oman Maldives
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chanafehs · 2 months
My collection of culture books from all over west Asia grows. I almost have every country now - I just found one randomly at a thrift yesterday. So far I have Palestine (duh), Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Lebanon, Bahrain, Oman, and Turkey. Honorable mentions of Sudan and Egypt (not west Asia I know but I have them). One day. It will be complete.
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maryland-officially · 2 months
United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama
Haiti, Jamaica, Peru,
Republic Dominican, Cuba, Carribean
Greenland, El Salvador too.
Puerto Rico, Columbia, Venezuela
Honduras, Guyana, and still,
Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina
And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil.
Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda
Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan,
Paraguay, Uruguay, Surinam
And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam.
Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland
And Germany now one piece,
Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia
Italy, Turkey, and Greece.
Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania
Ireland, Russia, Oman,
Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia
Hungary, Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran.
There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan
Both Yemens, Kuwait, and Bahrain,
The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, and Portugal
France, England, Denmark, and Spain.
India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan
Thailand, Nepal, and Bhutan,
Kampuchea, Malaysia, then Bangladesh (Asia)
And China, Korea, Japan.
Mongolia, Laos, and Tibet, Indonesia
The Philippine Islands, Taiwan,
Sri Lanka, New Guinea, Sumatra, New Zealand
Then Borneo, and Vietnam.
Tunisia, Morocco, Uganda, Angola
Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Botswana,
Mozambique, Zambia, Swaziland, Gambia
Guinea, Algeria, Ghana.
Burundi, Lesotho, and Malawi, Togo
The Spanish Sahara is gone,
Niger, Nigeria, Chad, and Liberia
Egypt, Benin, and Gabon.
Tanzania, Somalia, Kenya, and Mali
Sierra Leone, and Algiers,
Dahomey, Namibia, Senegal, Libya
Cameroon, Congo, Zaire.
Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar
Rwanda, Mahore, and Cayman,
Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Yugoslavia...
Crete, Mauritania
Then Transylviania,
Monaco, Liechtenstein
Malta, and Palestine,
Fiji, Australia, Sudan.
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byan-the-silly · 5 months
Any Animaniacs fans?
United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama Haiti, Jamaica, Peru Republic Dominican, Cuba, Caribbean Greenland, El Salvador too
Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, Guyana, and still Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil
Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua Bermuda, Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan Paraguay, Uruguay, Surinam And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam
Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland And Germany, now in one piece Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia Italy, Turkey, and Greece
Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania Ireland, Russia, Oman Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Hungary Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran
There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan Both Yemen's, Kuwait, and Bahrain The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, and Portugal France, England, Denmark, and Spain
India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan Thailand, Nepal, and Bhutan Kampuchea, Malaysia, then Bangladesh, Asia And China, Korea, Japan
Mongolia, Laos, and Tibet, Indonesia The Philippine Islands, Taiwan Sri Lanka, New Guinea, Sumatra, New Zealand Then Borneo, and Vietnam
Tunisia, Morocco, Uganda, Angola Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Botswana Mozambique, Zambia, Swaziland, Gambia Guinea, Algeria, Ghana
Burundi, Lesotho, and Malawi, Togo The Spanish Sahara is gone Niger, Nigeria, Chad, and Liberia Egypt, Benin, and Gabon
Tanzania, Somalia, Kenya, and Mali Sierra Leone, and Algiers Dahomey, Namibia, Senegal, Libya Cameroon, Congo, Zaire
Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar Rwanda, Mahore, and Cayman Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Yugoslavia
Crete, Mauritania, then Transylvania Monaco, Liechtenstein, Malta, and Palestine Fiji, Australia, Sudan
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avivz-s4 · 7 months
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World Flags Part 1: Asia / Sims 4 cc
It's Ready! World Flags Collection, Part 1: Asia
Includes flags from all the countries in Asia, as well as 13 bonus flags of various subdivisions and communities across the Asian continent. A sims 4 base game recolor item.
I have been downloading s4cc for many years now, and as far as I know there still hasn't been a flag recolor for every country in the world, so I have decided to take the project up myself :)
I will be releasing the flags per continent - part 2: Europe coming next. Enjoy!
Much love, Aviv
Full list of Flags;
Countries: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Cyprus, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen.
& Bonus Flags: Kurdish, Alternate Syria - green, Yazidi, Hong Kong, Assyrian, Tibet, Sikh, Parsi, Xinjiang/Uyghur, Macau, Baha'i, Balochistan, Sakha Republic/Yakut.
Download on Patreon / base game compatible
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dazai-fan-page · 6 months
United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama,Haiti, Jamaica, Peru,Republic Dominican, Cuba, Caribbean,Greenland, El Salvador, too.Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela,Honduras, Guyana, and still,Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina,And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil.Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda,Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan,Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname,And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam.Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland,And Germany, now in one piece,Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia,Italy, Turkey, and Greece.Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania,Ireland, Russia, Oman,Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran.There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan,Both Yemens, Kuwait, and Bahrain,The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, and Portugal,France, England, Denmark, and Spain. India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan,Thailand, Nepal, and Bhutan,Kampuchea, Malaysia, then Bangladesh, Asia,And China, Korea, Japan.Mongolia, Laos, and Tibet, Indonesia,The Philippine Islands, Taiwan,Sri Lanka, New Guinea, Sumatra, New Zealand,Then Borneo, and Vietnam.Tunisia, Morocco, Uganda, Angola,Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Botswana,Mozambique, Zambia, Swaziland, Gambia,Guinea, Algeria, Ghana.*Much faster music*Burundi, Lesotho, and Malawi, Togo,The Spanish Sahara is gone,Niger, Nigeria, Chad, and Liberia,Egypt, Benin, and Gabon.Tanzania, Somalia, Kenya, and Mali,Sierra Leone, and Algiers,Dahomey, Namibia, Senegal, Libya,Cameroon, Congo, Zaire.Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar,Rwanda, Mahore and Cayman,Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Yugoslavia...Crete, Mauritania, then Transylvania,Monaco, Liechtenstein, Malta, and Palestine,Fiji, Australia, Sudan!
rai that song is outdated, several of those countries dont exist anymore or have had their names changed tsk tsk
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z3r0th3h3r0 · 2 months
United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama
Haiti, Jamaica, Peru,
Republic Dominican, Cuba, Carribean
Greenland, El Salvador too.
Puerto Rico, Columbia, Venezuela
Honduras, Guyana, and still,
Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina
And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil.
Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda
Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan,
Paraguay, Uruguay, Surinam
And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam.
Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland
And Germany now one piece,
Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia
Italy, Turkey, and Greece.
Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania
Ireland, Russia, Oman,
Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia
Hungary, Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran.
There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan
Both Yemens, Kuwait, and Bahrain,
The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, and Portugal
France, England, Denmark, and Spain.
India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan
Thailand, Nepal, and Bhutan,
Kampuchea, Malaysia, then Bangladesh (Asia)
And China, Korea, Japan.
Mongolia, Laos, and Tibet, Indonesia
The Philippine Islands, Taiwan,
Sri Lanka, New Guinea, Sumatra, New Zealand
Then Borneo, and Vietnam.
Tunisia, Morocco, Uganda, Angola
Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Botswana,
Mozambique, Zambia, Swaziland, Gambia
Guinea, Algeria, Ghana.
Burundi, Lesotho, and Malawi, Togo
The Spanish Sahara is gone,
Niger, Nigeria, Chad, and Liberia
Egypt, Benin, and Gabon.
Tanzania, Somalia, Kenya, and Mali
Sierra Leone, and Algiers,
Dahomey, Namibia, Senegal, Libya
Cameroon, Congo, Zaire.
Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar
Rwanda, Mahore, and Cayman,
Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Yugoslavia...
Crete, Mauritania
Then Transylviania,
Monaco, Liechtenstein
Malta, and Palestine,
Fiji, Australia, Sudan.
"Are those all the places you're wanted or-"
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ask-red-guy-dhmis · 2 months
United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama
Haiti, Jamaica, Peru,
Republic Dominican, Cuba, Carribean
Greenland, El Salvador too.
Puerto Rico, Columbia, Venezuela
Honduras, Guyana, and still,
Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina
And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil.
Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda
Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan,
Paraguay, Uruguay, Surinam
And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam.
Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland
And Germany now one piece,
Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia
Italy, Turkey, and Greece.
Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania
Ireland, Russia, Oman,
Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia
Hungary, Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran.
There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan
Both Yemens, Kuwait, and Bahrain,
The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, and Portugal
France, England, Denmark, and Spain
India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan
Thailand, Nepal, and Bhutan,
Kampuchea, Malaysia, then Bangladesh (Asia)
And China, Korea, Japan.
Mongolia, Laos, and Tibet, Indonesia
The Philippine Islands, Taiwan,
Sri Lanka, New Guinea, Sumatra, New Zealand
Then Borneo, and Vietnam.
Tunisia, Morocco, Uganda, Angola
Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Botswana,
Mozambique, Zambia, Swaziland, Gambia
Guinea, Algeria, Ghana.
Burundi, Lesotho, and Malawi, Togo
The Spanish Sahara is gone,
Niger, Nigeria, Chad, and Liberia
Egypt, Benin, and Gabon.
Tanzania, Somalia, Kenya, and Mali
Sierra Leone, and Algiers,
Dahomey, Namibia, Senegal, Libya
Cameroon, Congo, Zaire.
Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar
Rwanda, Mahore, and Cayman,
Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Yugoslavia...
Crete, Mauritania
Then Transylviania,
Monaco, Liechtenstein
Malta, and Palestine,
Fiji, Australia, Sudan..
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yuichiiusagii · 11 months
united states, canada, mexico, panama haiti, jamaica, peru republic dominican, cuba, caribbean greenland, el salvador too
puerto rico, colombia, venezuela, honduras, guyana, and still guatemala, bolivia, then argentina and ecuador, chile, brazil
costa rica, belize, nicaragua bermuda, bahamas, tobago, san juan paraguay, uruguay, surinam and french guiana, barbados, and guam
norway, and sweden, and iceland, and finland and germany, now in one piece switzerland, austria, czechoslovakia italy, turkey, and greece
poland, romania, scotland, albania ireland, russia, oman bulgaria, saudi arabia, hungary cyprus, iraq, and iran
theres syria, lebanon, israel, jordan both yemens, kuwait, and bahrain the netherlands, luxembourg, belgium, and portugal france, england, denmark, and spain
india, pakistan, burma, afghanistan thailand, nepal, and bhutan kampuchea, malaysia, then bangladesh, asia and china, korea, japan
mongolia, laos, and tibet, indonesia the philippine islands, taiwan sri lanka, new guinea, sumatra, new zealand then borneo, and vietnam
tunisia, morocco, uganda, angola zimbabwe, djibouti, botswana mozambique, zambia, swaziland, gambia guinea, algeria, ghana
burundi, lesotho, and malawi, togo the spanish sahara is gone niger, nigeria, chad, and liberia egypt, benin, and gabon
tanzania, somalia, kenya, and mali sierra leone, and algiers dahomey, namibia, senegal, libya cameroon, congo, zaire
ethiopia, guinea-bissau, madagascar rwanda, mahore, and cayman hong kong, abu dhabi, qatar, yugoslavia
crete, mauritania, then transylvania monaco, liechtenstein, malta, and palestine fiji, australia, sudan
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tiny-brain · 1 year
you say you're tiny brain huh? name every neuron in your head
United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama,Haiti, Jamaica, Peru,Republic Dominican, Cuba, Carribbean,Greenland, El Salvador, too.Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela,Honduras, Guyana, and still,Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina,And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil.Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda,Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan,Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname,And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam.
Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland,And Germany, now in one piece,Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia,Italy, Turkey, and Greece.Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania,Ireland, Russia, Oman,Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran.There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan,Both Yemens, Kuwait, and Bahrain,The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, and Portugal,France, England, Denmark, and Spain.
India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan,Thailand, Nepal, and Bhutan,Kampuchea, Malaysia, then Bangladesh (Asia),And China, Korea, Japan.Mongolia, Laos, and Tibet, Indonesia,The Philippines, Tonga, Taiwan,Sri Lanka, New Guinea, Sumatra, New Zealand,Then Borneo, and Vietnam.Tunisia, Morocco, Uganda, Angola,Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Botswana,Mozambique, Zambia, Swaziland, Gambia,Palau, Algeria, Ghana.
Burundi, Lesotho, then Malawi, Togo,The Spanish Sahara is gone,Niger, Nigeria, Chad, and Liberia,Egypt, Benin, and Gabon.Tanzania, Somalia, Kenya, and Mali,Sierra Leone, and Algiers,Dahomey, Namibia, Senegal, Libya,Cameroon, Congo, Zaire.Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar,Rwanda, Maore, and Cayman, Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Yugoslavia…Crete, Mauritania, then Transylvania, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Malta, and Palestine, Fiji, Australia, Sudan!
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You pookie wookie snookie snookums mushy gushy the fitness gram pacer test is a multistage aerobic capacity test
And now, the nations of the world Brought to you by Yakko Warner United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama Haiti, Jamaica, Peru Republic Dominican, Cuba, Caribbean Greenland, El Salvador too Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, Guyana, and still Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil
Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua Bermuda, Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan Paraguay, Uruguay, Surinam And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam
Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland And Germany, now in one piece Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia Italy, Turkey, and Greece
Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania Ireland, Russia, Oman Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Hungary Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran
There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan Both Yemen's, Kuwait, and Bahrain The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, and Portugal France, England, Denmark, and Spain
India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan Thailand, Nepal, and Bhutan Kampuchea, Malaysia, then Bangladesh, Asia And China, Korea, Japan
Mongolia, Laos, and Tibet, Indonesia The Philippine Islands, Taiwan Sri Lanka, New Guinea, Sumatra, New Zealand Then Borneo, and Vietnam
Tunisia, Morocco, Uganda, Angola Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Botswana Mozambique, Zambia, Swaziland, Gambia Guinea, Algeria, Ghana
Burundi, Lesotho, and Malawi, Togo The Spanish Sahara is gone Niger, Nigeria, Chad, and Liberia Egypt, Benin, and Gabon
Tanzania, Somalia, Kenya, and Mali Sierra Leone, and Algiers Dahomey, Namibia, Senegal, Libya Cameroon, Congo, Zaire
Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar Rwanda, Mahore, and Cayman Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Yugoslavia
Crete, Mauritania, then Transylvania Monaco, Liechtenstein, Malta, and Palestine Fiji, Australia, Sudan bear 🥰
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama
Haiti, Jamaica, Peru
Republic Dominican, Cuba, Caribbean
Greenland, El Salvador too
Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, Guyana, and still
Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina
And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil
Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua
Bermuda, Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan
Paraguay, Uruguay, Surinam
And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam
Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland
And Germany, now in one piece
Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia
Italy, Turkey, and Greece
Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania
Ireland, Russia, Oman
Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Hungary
Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran
There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan
Both Yemen's, Kuwait, and Bahrain
The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, and Portugal
France, England, Denmark, and Spain
India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan
Thailand, Nepal, and Bhutan
Kampuchea, Malaysia, then Bangladesh, Asia
And China, Korea, Japan
Mongolia, Laos, and Tibet, Indonesia
The Philippine Islands, Taiwan
Sri Lanka, New Guinea, Sumatra, New Zealand
Then Borneo, and Vietnam
Tunisia, Morocco, Uganda, Angola
Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Botswana
Mozambique, Zambia, Swaziland, Gambia
Guinea, Algeria, Ghana
Burundi, Lesotho, and Malawi, Togo
The Spanish Sahara is gone
Niger, Nigeria, Chad, and Liberia
Egypt, Benin, and Gabon
Tanzania, Somalia, Kenya, and Mali
Sierra Leone, and Algiers
Dahomey, Namibia, Senegal, Libya
Cameroon, Congo, Zaire
Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar
Rwanda, Mahore, and Cayman
Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Yugoslavia
Crete, Mauritania, then Transylvania
Monaco, Liechtenstein, Malta, and Palestine
Fiji, Australia, Sudan
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