#Leonis Malfoy
jjgrace42 · 5 months
Percy, after five hours of helping her study: Miss Malfoy, it's past curfew. My patrol ended three hours ago. I need rest. You have to leave now. Leo, running on two hours of sleep in the past week: I just have one more question—
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Blackborne — House of Black characters
For @artemisia-black.
Arcturus Black III: The Paterfamilias and Lord of the House of Black and great-grandfather of Leonis Black. Known as the 'Serpent of the Somme', 'the Bringer of the Black Night', and 'The Viper of the House of Black', Arcturus was one of the few wizards whom the Dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald feared among all others. But now? Now he is a tired, broken old man who lives with the ghosts of his failures. He failed his son Orion. He failed his grandsons Sirius and Regulus. He failed his family. It is only through Leonis, the last and best hope of The Constellation, that Arcturus has a chance at redemption. Cassiopeia Black: Dotty, secretive, and ruddy brilliant — there are many words to describe Cassiopeia Black. She lives alone in her home in the village of Tinworth, in Cornwall, with her house-elf Gippy and her library. She is also one of the most brilliant Arithmancers of the 20th century. She never believed that Sirius was guilty, never truly believed in blood purism (though, as Arcturus is loath to remember, served Gellert Grindelwald), and fills very much the 'mad scientist' vibe. Andromeda Tonks (née Black): Godmother and guardian of Leonis, she has raised her little cousin since his mother Cassandra (née Adler) was murdered by Evan Rosier in November 1981. The Malfoys had petitioned for Leonis to be surrendered to their care, they were far more capable of giving him everything he wanted, and Narcissa used the fact her sister had been disowned from The Constellation against her. It seemed lost except for two things — the first was Sirius' living will, which stated that Andromeda was to get custody of his son if his wife was unable to do so, and the second was Arcturus Black. The two met and, after a few rows, agreed... Andromeda would raise Leonis as Heir to the House, with a (nearly) free reign in the matter, while Arcturus would be able to host the boy during the summers, Yule (Christmas), New Year’s, and the boy's birthday on 29 July. Edward "Ted" Tonks: There is a saying, "there are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man". Ted Tonks fulfills that last fear. He is kind and gentle and warm, the stereotypical Hufflepuff, however... however... Leonis Black is as good as his son. And he will defend his son to the best of his ability. He is skilled with a wand, brilliant, and a talented wizard. Arcturus has slowly come to accept him as a "barely" acceptable son-in-law. Nymphadora ("stop calling me that!") Tonks: Metamorphmagus, Auror trainee, all around badass. She is Leonis' cool older sister, if slightly overprotective considering how people dislike him for being the son of an accused mass murderer. Arcturus sees something of himself in the girl — the drive, the passion, the talent. He has taken her under his wing, much to Mad-eye Moody's consternation, and taught her what he knew about dueling and fighting. Leonis Black: He is very much his father's son. Brilliant, talented and powerful magically, haughty, with a quick wit and a sharper tongue. He looks exceedingly like his father as well, which both warms and breaks his great-grandfather's heart. Though he is far less serious and stuck-up than his father was when he was his age. He adores his older sister, thinks the world of his "Aunt 'Dromeda and Uncle Ted", and even sees the good in his broken down great-grandfather. But Leonis' destiny lies on a different path... a road in twilight with the last descendant of the Peverells...
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aureliushq · 1 year
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when the time comes, all students who signed up for the scavenger hunt portion of the night are gathered together just inside of the doors of the great hall and receive a golden bracelet that will glimmer as each group captures their coin. the students are sorted into groups of four and the head of the group ( determined at random ) is given the first location by means of PARCHMENT, only listing the location itself and no additional information on how or where they'll be able to find their clue . . .
anthony goldstein, delilah goldstein, gregory goyle, and pansy parkinson are given the location of the viaduct stone bridge.
lisa turpin, ripley jinyoung ahn, valerius snape, and elowyn prewett are given the location of the waterfall.
amara ahmadi, fred weasley, minji moon, and scarlet potter are given the location of the gatehouse.
padma patil, penelope clearwater, weston burke, and neville longbottom are given the location of the black lake.
george weasley, seamus finnegan, rolf scamander, and alphina black are given the location of the viaduct courtyard.
blaise zabini, charlotte lestrange, effie lestrange, and lavender brown are given the location of the stone bridge.
oliver wood, fleur delacour, lilian oliveira-moon, and viktor krum are given the location of the armoury.
aria ogden, cedric diggory, ernie macmillan, and micah hwang are given the location of the quidditch pitch.
aster rosier, luna lovegood, vincent crabbe, and willow maharani are given the location of the third greenhouse.
hermione granger, harry potter, gabrielle delacour, and ron weasley are given the location of hagrid's pumpkin patch.
leonis selwyn, zehra kaplan, astoria greengrass, and kaius mulciber are given the location of the dungeons corridor.
daphne greengrass, draco malfoy, cormac mclaggen, and zacharias smith-jeong are given the location of the ravenclaw head's office.
once the students begin searching for their first clue, they notice it’s far more difficult than it’s been in ANY of the previous years.. the clues and tasks have been challenging in the past, of course, but never have they been considered deadly . . .
nevertheless, the golden bracelets glimmer with each group that's able to gather their coins, but at a certain point they burn with words etching into the golden surface : abandon your task and return to the great hall at once. when the students are gathered back at the great hall, a hush falls over the room as headmaster dumbledore approaches the podium to speak, and it seems as though he's reluctant to dampen the night with the recent discovery.
madam rosmerta's body has been discovered on aurelius grounds by students participating in the scavenger hunt, with writing on the wall declaring MALA TEMPORA CURRUNT, seeming to be written in blood. in latin, the phrase translates to bad times are upon us.
no one is certain how long her body has been there or what the message means for wixkind, but no students who visited the music wing earlier that very day recall seeing anything out of the blue. the special guest, the minister of magic himself cornelius fudge, is also announced to have left almost immediately after hearing the news from the returning student groups.
six and seven year students are recruited to assist professors and staff to lead all students to the safety of their common rooms, and they're urged to remain in their dorms for the entirety of the night. students are overheard wondering if aurors will be called in to patrol the halls, why the minister of magic fled once he heard the news, how madame rosmerta's body came to be in the music wing, and much more on their way back to the dorms.
—– THE SCAVENGER HUNT was cut short due to group ten and eleven discovering the body of madame rosmerta in the music wing, where they were supposed to encounter another task / clue. each group's members were chosen by a randomizer, as was the matching of character groups to tasks. some groups completed all of their tasks in the time before the body was discovered, and some only got partially through them.
—– CLASSES have been called off for an entire week, from november first to november eighth as aurelius is having its security tightened and protective enchantments around the castle put in place. a curfew is in effect until further notice, requiring all students to be in their respective common rooms or dorms by 7PM sharp. students will notice aurors patrolling the halls and roaming the grounds, and they might be occasionally stopped by aurors or staff to be questioned on what they're doing / where they're going.. aurelius students are asked to be cooperative and understanding, since they're only being questioned for their own good.
—– THREADS for the scavenger hunt were originally supposed to be held on discord, but we thought it might be less confusing to divvy up the tasks this way! if you'd like to hold threads taking place during the scavenger hunt for your groups, please feel free, but it's not necessary; you can also just plot through what happened with your characters based on what tasks they were delegated through messages if you'd like !
—– INJURIES during the scavenger hunt are to be expected, but for any major injuries, please get with an admin for approval! scrapes, sprains, and minor injuries that can be healed by just visiting the hospital wing are fine, but any other major injuries are subject to admin approval.
—– THE HALLOWEEN EVENT is being extended a week, as discussed in the discord! instead of ending on 2/9, it's extended until 2/16. and thank you for reading all of this fun stuff that i hope was enjoyable for you guys!! we love y'all.
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theosmommy1966 · 2 years
Marauders Epilogue prt 2
I just want to thank all of you who have stuck with this mini series and liked any of my other posts! When I started this one I was super nervous and the nerves just kept building. But suprisingly I am in no way nervous to post this. I love how it ended and I think you all will as well <3
Also I wanted to say that the epilogue in whole ended up being 13,566 words. Which is only 54 words shorter than all 4 parts combined! 😂 Told you it got a little out of control!
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The library was tense with four teenagers who were all feeling a range of emotions towards their mother. Their mother was sitting perched on her desk waiting for the barrage of questions. 
Surprisingly Owen was more upset than anyone. He never suspected that his sisters and brother didn't belong to his father. He felt like he had been lied to in the same way he thought  they had been. Their lack of anger only confused and angered him more. 
Macaria was just upset at how out of uncontrol the situation had gotten. It was also becoming increasingly harder for her to block out the feelings of those around her. Owen and Leo's anger was starting to burn her skin, she knew that one of them was going to lash out soon. 
Asteria was still trying to process all of the things she had seen in Sirius’ head. It broke her heart to see all the times the man had hurt her mother, all the broken looks she had given him. The times he had added to the fractures of her self image. It also stung deeply to know that he had hated herself and her siblings before they had even been born. 
She and the other two had always known that Draven wasn't their biological father. They had been to more doctors in their lifetime than any healthy person should be. All because their bloodline was so weird. Four lines all mixed into their bodies and doctors constantly worried that there would be a negative effect. 
It was the one and only reason that Draven hadn't used blood magic to make them Malfoys. Legally their last name was Malfoy, they appeared on the family tree but their pictures were lighter than that of their other siblings. If it had been Abraxas’ choice they wouldn't be heirs to the Malfoy fortune. Even though the man loved the three of them, they were the only grandchildren he had ever met. 
Leonis was the one who finally broke the silence that was growing tenser and tenser. “I just want to know why they are here..” He ignored the incredulous look Owen threw him as the triplets all watched their mother. 
You shrugged and clasped your hands over your knee, “I'm going to guess that it was their weekend with Harry and Lily didn't think about any repercussions of them being here. It's not like her and I have talked about it much. We kind of ignore the fact that I had children with them, because they have nothing to do with you three. It was honestly just an oversight, I'm sure Lily will beat herself up over it.” 
Leo nodded, accepting the answer he was given without a second thought. He knew that his mother had always been honest with the three of them when it came to this. Draven had always treated them the same way he treated the next three. They had never felt like they were the ‘step kids’ or the ‘adopted ones’. They were just the first three Malfoys for the next generation. 
They all had Malfoy crest jewelry, Leo a ring, Macaria a necklace and Asteria a bracelet. They all had their part of the Avery fortune as well as plenty of Malfoy money in their accounts.  None of them had ever wanted or asked twice for anything. New robes every year, the latest brooms or books. It was just a shock to see the men who were supposed to be their fathers. 
You stood and moved to stand in front of the triplets “I'm sorry that you had to meet them this way.. Or really at all. Had I known they were going to be here I would have warned you. Trust me your father was freaking out, even Cissy–” Before you could get any farther a cold laugh cut you off. 
“Except he isn't their father.. They aren't even Malfoys!! You've been lying to all of us!” Owen yelled, his face turning red with anger as he pointed his finger at you. “You lied and kept this from all of us while pretending that they were my siblings!!” 
All four of you were caught off guard by what he was saying. “Owen we are your siblings, just your half siblings!” Macaria cried tears starting to slip from her eyes as Owen shook his head and looked at her with slight disgust. 
Asteria stepped forward trying to reason with her brother logically. “I know it's a lot of information to take in Owen, we have known our whole lives and it's still a lot. But we are your siblings and Draven is just as much our father as he is yours.” 
Owens' anger and heartbreak was becoming overwhelming for him. He couldn't even understand why he was so mad, he just felt like his whole life had been a lie. “He is more my father than he ever will be yours! You realize now I'm the Malfoy heir! Not you Leonis!” His hands wrapped around the edge of one of the books shelfs as he shoved it over. Macarias yelp of shock making him whip around to face the group again. 
Macaira was holding onto you from one side as Asteria stood half a step ahead of you both on the other side. Leonis standing in front of you holding his hand out to his younger brother. Owens' words had made him understand what this was about. “Owen I am the first male heir for the Malfoys.. I'm on the family tree, all those responsibilities are still mine. This changes nothing! Father knew before we were even born about all of this! So did grandfather!” 
Owens' ears were ringing in anger and now panic as he thought about all the responsibilities of the first male heir. A good marriage, splitting up inheartences to the next generation. The heir had to oversee all the relationships of their own generation as well as set up the next. Make sure that good and solid marriages were made, that dowerys were sent out and things were paid for. 
He did not process anything as books started making their way into his hands and then through the air. Leo immediately shielded himself as well as his sisters and you from anything that would come near you. He figured he should let Owen get it out, then maybe he would be able to be reasoned with. 
“I HATE YOU!” He screamed as he looked over at you, before spinning around with a thick book in his hands. You went to move forward and yelled no as you realized he was now aiming that book at the pressed sunflowers hanging in a glass frame over the fireplace. The same flowers Draven had gotten you while you were pregnant. 
All of you watched as the book flew through the air, only to pause inches in front of it and then spin back and into the hand of Draven Malfoy. He had entered the library just as the book left his middle son's hand. His eyes quickly took in what was happening in front of him. Just like everyone else, he had a million thoughts and feelings running through him. 
First was that same anger from the garden. The one that made him want to strike out at whoever had his wife in tears. He was furious that now twice today someone had the audacity to speak of or to HIS wife in a malicious way. The woman that had birthed him six children, the woman that he worshiped. 
Next was shame. Draven was ashamed of not only his son, but himself. He felt like he should've told the Marauders that they weren't welcome originally. Told them they could drop off Harry and then pick him up later. But he felt even more shame towards himself as a father. 
Where did he fail his son that allowed Owen to think that it was in any way ok or right to speak to his mother this way. What did or did he not say to give the impression that any of his behavior in this room was acceptable. 
All heads had turned towards him the moment the book started to reverse its direction. Relief had played across Leo and Asterias faces as they realized their dad was here to handle things. Macaria looked exhausted and Draven knew it was because she was feeling everything times five. He watched as Owen got angrier at not being able to destroy something his mother loved. 
Owen felt like it was only fair, in his head, you had destroyed what he thought was a perfect family. So he in turn wanted to destroy something you held near and dear, a gift from the man you loved. It only pushed the heat of his anger further when it had been stopped. 
You had refused to look at Draven. Refused to let him see the tears streaming down your face at your son's words. None of them had ever told you they hated you. Sure they had all been angry at you before, kids get told no and they throw tantrums. But all of your children had always clung to you and Draven like life lines. 
You felt like you had failed as a parent. You had always felt like you failed the triplets in a way, but now you felt like you had failed Owen too. Your heart was breaking as you closed your eyes, Owen's angry face smeared across the darkness that was supposed to be there. His uneven loud breaths and Macarias stifled sobs only hurt your heart more. 
That same coping mechanism was trying to kick in. The one that made you run away from James sixteen years ago, now wanted you to run from Draven and your children. It was the first time in so long that you heard your fathers voice in your head. You had never felt unsafe in Dravens presence before, he had a way of making you feel safe. And you didn't feel unsafe in the same way you had with Sirius screaming at you, but you felt like you needed out of that room.
And that made you feel pathetic. 
Your trauma from your childhood was now in this moment about to affect your kids. Something that you had tried so so hard to not let happen. Your eyes squeezed together as you tried to fight off a panic attack, your mind replaying all the times your father had screamed how much he hated you. When he had screamed that you were worthless and all you did was cause problems for those around you. Now you were causing problems for your kids and your husband. 
“You are worthless.. You always have been.”
“I wish your mother had gotten rid of you like I wanted.”
“You are nothing but a problem and a stain on the Avery line. One I swear to wipe out.” 
The night your father almost killed you started playing through your head unwillingly. The night he had used both his hands and his magic to try and rid himself of you. You could almost feel the breath leave your lungs as your mind remembered how he choked you while somehow maintaining the cruciatus curse. 
He had left you there, on the floor of his study, unconscious barely breathing and bleeding from every limb and orifice. Your mothers house elf had found you, she thought you were dead. But her bony fingers found a pulse that was so weak she didn't think you would make it through the apparition. She tried anyway, knowing it was your one and only shot. 
Monty and Mia had healed you enough to get you to Mungos, where you had spent three weeks recovering. Now you felt that same emotional numbness spreading through you. The one that you had spent years perfecting, it kept you from getting hurt more than you already were. You were so numb you couldn't feel your kids' presence in your mind as they watched your thoughts. 
“Mum?” Leo's voice snapped you out of your horrendous thoughts, your heart hurting a little more when you saw his face. You knew as you looked between the triplets that they had been in your head. Macaria held onto your arm tighter as she kept crying. Asteria turned to look at her father, wanting him to fix everything like he always did. 
Every time one of them was sad, he fixed it. When they were struggling in a subject, he helped them. When they fell as kids and got hurt, he was there to make them laugh while he healed it. She and the others held him up as the perfect father, no one could top him as their dad. 
Draven took a deep breath, trying to not rip his hair out at how out of control the day had gotten. He knew that you felt the need to run, that you felt out of control and scared. “Darling.. Why don't you go lay down for a moment, the others have the party under control. I'll take care of this and come find you.” He watched as you nodded with a blank look on your face, he wanted to stop everything and fix that first. He didn't want you to fall back into depression, but he needed to deal with his kids first. 
But he took twenty seconds to stop you and press his lips to your temple and tell you he loves you as you walked by. Satisfied with the small amount that you relaxed under his lips. When the library door shut he cast a silencing charm and locked the door, one again thankfully that he was proficient in wandless magic. 
“Have I raised you, Owen, to talk to your mother that way?” Draven asked, looking at his first blond child. Owen opened his mouth and pointed away from all of them towards the wall “She lied–” Before he could continue on with his accusations, Dravens hard and slightly louder voice cut him off. “Did I raise you to speak to your mother that way!?” 
All of the teens paused, their father had never really raised his voice at them. He didn't really raise his voice period, but never at them. Owen shook his head as he bit down on his tongue. All he could do now was see all the differences between him and his siblings. The hair color, the bone structure or chubbiness of their cheeks. How even the gray of Macarias eyes wasn't the same as his or his fathers gray. 
“Look at me when I am speaking to you Owen. Not at your siblings.” Draven said as he waved his hand, forcing the bookcase back up the books flying back to their spots. He walked until he was now standing in front of the triplets who had all moved to hold Macaria. Owen sighed and looked up at his fathers face, he could see the anger and disappointment there and it calmed down the heat of his anger just a little. 
“Now.. Tell me what the problem is. What led to you thinking your behavior was justified. Make me understand how this all happened.” Draven said as he turned to look at the triplets then Owen again, waiting for any of them to speak. Leo took the opportunity again as the oldest to do what he felt was his job. 
“We were all up here with Mother, trying to speak to her about what happened in the garden. I asked why they were here, she explained that it was an oversight. That neither of you realized they would be here. Before we could get further into the discussion it was brought to our attention that Owen thinks that because we are not your biological children that he will be forced to carry the burdens of being the first male heir.” 
Leo crossed his arms and looked at his sisters, realizing they were not going to speak he kept going. Looking straight into his fathers eyes like he knew Draven wanted. “We all tried to explain that we are his siblings, and I tried to reassure him that since I am on the family tree that I am still the first heir. Owen informed us that he doesn't feel that you are our father, that we are not Malfoys and then pushed over the shelf. He started throwing books, I cast a shield around us, then you walked in and witnessed everything else.” 
Draven turned to each of his children, all who looked in directly in the eye and nodded, agreeing that Leo's recount was accurate. When he got back to Owen, he could see that the boy was starting to calm down. He had started to realize the weight of his actions and words.  “I want to know the truth.. All of it. Why you adopted them, who their parents are, how this affects Phoebe, Abraxas and myself.. All of it.” 
Draven wanted to tell Owen that he was in no place to be making demands, but he knew just answering his questions was the better road. “I'll tell you everything, but I want you to realize you are grounded after your party. If your mother hadn't put so much effort into this, and it hadn't already been such a horrible day for her, I would tell everyone to leave right now. SO dont think Im allowing it to keep happening because its your birthday because Im not. I'm so disappointed in you.” 
Owen nodded as his father continued, “It's perfectly ok to have questions, or to be upset that you didn't know. But the way you have spoken to your siblings and your mother is completely unacceptable. First and foremost, she is your mother, they are your siblings and I AM their father. Just because biologically they are not mine doesn't mean I am any less their dad than yours.” 
“I adopted them because I was so deeply and fully in love with your mother that my love for the triplets started before they were even born. And when Leo was born and they placed him in my arms, there was no question whatsoever on my part that he was my son. Same with the girls, I felt the same exact way I did when I held you, or when I held the twins. It wasn't a hard decision to adopt them, because I was their father before they were born.”
“I felt them move in your mother's womb, know what their cravings were and which baby they were labeled as. I was there when they were born, not those three boys. I changed their diapers, watched them take their first steps. Aria and Asterias first word was dad, It was me who took them to diagon alley when they started school. Your mother and I have been the ones to go to Leonis’ games, not James or Remus or Sirius. I am their father just as I am yours. End of story and I never want to hear you tell them or anyone else otherwise.” 
Owen looked down feeling the guilt of his words starting to creep in as his father spoke. 
“The whole tantrum over having responsibilities as an heir?” Draven chuckled and shook his head “There are an awful lot of perks you get being part of this family. When was the last time you had a hand me down? The last time you looked at something and thought ‘wow I wish I could afford that’? When was the last time you were on the train and couldn't buy all your friends treats from the trolly? Exactly never.. Because you are an Heir to one of the richest families in our world.” 
“Your siblings hand me downs go to the school to try and help families who are less fortunate than you, or kids who come from orphanages. You have never struggled or wanted for anything. Yet you're upset that you may have to have responsibilities one day? So not only have I taught you that it is alright to scream at and disrespect your mother. But I have taught you it's ok to throw things with your sisters in the room and I have raised you to be a spoiled entitled ass.” 
Owen opened his mouth to say he wasn't spoiled but Draven cut him off, “So if the triplets were no longer part of the family line, would you be so worried about yourself that making sure Phoebe was treated well and taken care of one day would burden you?” Owen shook his head, tears pricking his tear line as he wrung his fingers together. 
“Last but certainly not least, You will never again raise your voice at your mother. She does so much for you that you are so accustomed to, you don't even realize she does it. Who cleans your shoes when they are dirty? Who makes sure all your favorite foods or drinks are stocked when shopping is done? Who makes sure our home is clean? Makes sure that you have big fancy birthday parties every single year? Cause it isn't me and it sure as hell isn't you!” 
Draven was trying to keep his cool, but all he could see was the numb look on your face and the pain in your eyes as you walked past him. “Owen..” He paused and clenched on fist and bit it trying to ground himself as he spoke “You will never speak to your mother like that again. You can run your mouth to all your friends like you and Draco do or whatever.. But none of you will ever speak to my wife like that, ever again. You should be ashamed of yourself, because I am ashamed of myself for raising you to think that's ok. Do you understand me?” Draven finished looking not only at Owen but at the triplets, because he was telling all of them that they would watch how they speak to you. 
When they all nodded he released a breath and nodded to himself, “Go back down to the party.. Your mother and I will be down in a moment.” The four kids practically ran from the library leaving him alone. He rubbed his hands down his face, feeling more stressed than he had in a very very long time. He looked up at the framed flowers that almost got destroyed and was glad that he had gotten here just in time. 
Sighing he made his way to the bedroom he shared with you, and found you sitting at your vanity almost examining yourself in the mirror. His heart clenched at the pain that was written across your face. He leaned down slightly, his hands on the vanity in front of you and pressed his lips to your neck. You sighed just a little before the facade crumbled and you covered your mouth and sobbed. 
No words were spoken as you turned and buried your head into his shoulder. Draven bent down to his knees to make it easier for you as he wrapped his arms around your waist. Holding you to him as he knelt between your thighs and listened to you cry. When you started to apologize he shook his head and pulled you away from him. 
With his forehead pressed to yours he spoke softly “You have nothing to be sorry for. There was a lot of unexpected stress and baggage today. Owen didn't mean what he said, My love. He feels horrible now that he has calmed down and he will be apologizing later. You are a wonderful mother to all of our children.” 
When you shook your head, foreheads still pressed together he nodded causing you to chuckle just a little. “You are more than I ever could have asked for. I never thought I would be blessed with a love so completely encompassing. I never thought I would find the person I believe to be my soulmate. That's what you are Y/n, my soulmate.” 
Words of affirmation and short kisses to your neck or forehead were all that passed between the two of you as you allowed yourself to cry for a few more moments. When you felt like you had your emotions back in control you stood, pulling Draven with you and smiled up at him. “Sorry about your shirt.. I don't know why I freaked out like that..” 
He shook his head and ran a hand through your hair, “You don't have to downplay your pain with me, Darling. I know that Owen saying he hates you must've brought up feelings from your past. It's healthy to deal with them so you can heal from the moment and move on. Just remember that he didn't mean it, that he loves you very very much. We all do. Hell Brax won't leave you alone, he's definitely a momma boy.” 
Almost on cue, you heard his soft voice babbling from the hall, “Mamamama”. Next was a knock, which Draven opened midway to reveal Evan holding your little blond baby. Abraxas huffed when Draven held his hands out for him, turning to look behind Evan for you, who he clearly wanted. 
Draven laughed as you wiped your makeup quickly and then moved forward to scoop Abraxas from your friend. Little chubby hands found your cheeks as Abraxas forced you to look at him and listen to his babbles. “Snubbed by my own child.. How rude.” Draven laughed as he watched you smile brightly at your baby, before walking away listening to whatever story he was telling you. 
“She alright?” Evan said, causing Draven to turn towards him and nod. “She will be, Owen clearly lost his mind today. Yelled at her and the triplets, pushed a bookcase over and threw some. But she's alright now, I just want to finish this party.”
The two then followed behind you and made their way through the kitchen for a beer, then out to where everyone was gathered a dance floor. 
After Draven had left the garden Sirius stood and turned towards Remus who pulled his wand out and quickly fixed his broken nose. This time unlike times before, Remus didn't apologize for the pain it caused or give him a countdown. Remus felt like he deserved his broken nose. 
James stayed rooted to his place, still staring over at the hedges drowning in regret. The only thing that broke him out was when a dark head of messy hair came around the corner he was staring at. 
Harry looked between the three men, and suddenly felt like he didn't know them at all.  They had all taken care of him his whole life, and now he learned that there were three kids that belonged to all of them. Three kids that they left, walked away from and didn't help at all. 
Not only that but then he watched his dad, Sirius, talk horribly about their mother. So now Harry wondered if that's how he spoke of his mother when he wasn't around. Did he call Lily worthless? Did he hate Lily? Why did Sirius love him, but hate his own children? Why did his father keep him but not them?
Remus looked between Harry and James before speaking “Harry if you have any questions, you're allowed to ask them. We won't be upset.” Harry nodded, trying to figure out which question he wanted to ask first. One winning out over them all, “Is that how you speak of my mother when I'm not around?” He said directly to Sirius, it wasn't the question he thought he would ask but whatever. 
Sirius shook his head, slightly shocked that the boy thought that. Sirius loved Lily, and thought she was a great mother. While he hadn't liked James being away from them again, he didn't hate Lily the way he hated you. “Of course not Harry! I love Lily! Like a sister of course but she's wonderful!” 
Harry shook his head then turned to look at his father, “Why did you keep me but not them?” 
James sucked in a breath, he had no clue how to answer that question but knew he needed to try. So he knelt down as Harry walked over and stood in front of him. “If I'm honest, Harry, I don't know. It wasn't really about the kids I guess.. I didn't even know they were triplets..” 
James looked up at Remus, wondering if he had known and just kept it to himself. But he shook his head and looked down in shame. “I was young, and we made a decision as a group to not be involved. I made the choice separately a few years later to stay involved with you. I don't have a good way to answer your question but I'm trying. I'm sorry.” 
Harry took a step back, looked between the three men and then thought about the different feelings he could see on the triplets' faces when he saw them earlier. “I.. I dont think it's me that you should be apologizing to.” Was all the little 13 year old boy said before he turned around and made his way back to his friends party. 
Once everyone made their way back to the party, Draven announced that everyone would have the opportunity to dance to the sacred 28 family waltz. It was a tradition that when a boy turned 14, he was given a piece of family jewelry. They celebrated with a party and a dance, one that used to be performed with whoever you were betrothed to, but that had changed. 
It was still an honor to be asked to dance with someone during this though. Owen asked for a sweet Hufflepuff from his year, Draco asked Hermione Granger, Luna asked Neville,  Harry asked Ginny Weasley even though she was a year younger than him. Evan and Regulus stood in the center, next to Lucius and Cissy as well as you and Draven. 
Leonis asked the girl he had been crushing on, Asteria decided not to dance. And Macaria danced with Hunter, who was accustomed to dancing together. Hunter  was a muggle who she had met at muggle dance classes when she was younger. The two had hit it off immediately and were best friends. 
So when the music started and they all started to move, it was like second nature to them as well as the purebloods on the floor. The adults overheard Draco telling Hermione to just let him lead, and it would be fine. Leo told Bella that he always thought these dances were silly, but he was happy to be dancing with her. 
They all kept dancing, even after the first song was over. Macaria pulled Hunter off to the side, not noticing the adults that were around her as she spoke. “Look.. Look at how my father holds my mother when they dance. Pay attention to how his face is when they look at each other. That's how I need you to look at me when we dance at the competition next week.” 
She flicked her wand and watched the faces of all the girls on the floor light up as ‘Time of my life’ came on the speakers. Dirty Dancing was a movie that they all still loved a few years after it had come out. Macaria knew that her parents, as well as the other adult couples all knew the dance by heart. 
She also knew that her brother Leo knew it by heart, thought it would get him a few brownie points with Bella. Pandora smiled and stepped up behind her niece, “What are you guys whispering about?” Hunter jumped, startled by her appearance but Aria wasn't. She pointed at her parents as you placed your hand one on Dravens arm, and the other in his hand. While he dipped you for the first time in the dance Aria spoke. 
“Hunter and I have a huge competition next week. The final dance is supposed to be a copy of an important dance to someone close to us. We are doing their wedding dance. Problem is, Reggie says Hunter needs to work on how he holds me and looks at me. So I'm forcing him to pay attention.” 
They watched as you performed the full basic and half basic steps, turning and stepping away. They watched how your eyes always found Dravens even if just for a split second. Hunter sighed dramatically “Sorry I can't look at you like you hung the stars and moon.. You're not exactly my type, sweetheart.” Hunter rolled his eyes sassily before looking back at you both. He had to admit, ever since he had known the Malfoy family, he had hoped to find a love like yours a Dravens. 
As both of you took turns spinning the other around, then doing some more half basic steps before cross body leading into the next part of the dance. “They obviously didn't do this dance at their wedding though? It had not come out yet.” Pandora said confusedly, she was slightly aware that the Marauders were hovering nearby, listening. But she chose to ignore it, and carry on with how she would normally act. 
Macaria sighed happily, smiling as Draven spun you around a few times and you threw your arms up leaning from side to side. You both had smiles on your faces, Draven had a look of pure adoration. It was clear to every single person who looked that you were all the light in his life. Every star in his sky had been safely hung by you. Every candle lit with your laughter, every smile of his caused by an action of yours. 
“No,  but they could never replicate that dance exactly. Even this dance, that's laid out in a movie they can't do step by step. They just love dancing together, so it just comes out however it comes out. An extra turn or dip here and there. A few missed steps because they are laughing. But the way he holds her and looks at her is the same now as it was when they got married.” Asteria explained as she came up to stand with the group. She also knew that the Marauders were listening, but she too had decided to ignore their presences. 
“Shush, Hunter watch this part.” Macaria said, grabbing Hunter's arm trying to get his attention as Draven and you flawlessly performed the first partial lift. One of your arms locked down into Dravens hand, his other around your waist as he lifted you up. One leg bent behind you, the other out straight. The two of you were still looking directly at each other, but where Evan turned Regulus around three times then let him down and spun him around and set back up. 
Draven turned and turned and turned until you giggled loudly. Then he set you down and you both ungracefully set back up weirdly kissing your hand, half a beat behind everyone else. Then Draven wildly looked around, as the two of you were accidentally left in the middle of the floor. The couples had split, boys to one side (Including Evan) and girls to the other (including Reggie let's be real.. He would want to be lifted, not lifting..) 
Those who were watching, watched as all the girls and Regulus fucking Black ran towards their partners. Doing a little jump as the men's hands found their waists, pushing them up into the air. All those lifted had their right leg a little lower than their right, backs arched and arms out as they all laughed. 
Luna fully knocked Neville over as he panicked with her running at him. He had been stepping on her toes the entire time and sweating with nerves. Luna just laughed and plucked small pieces of grass out of his hair before skipping away her hair flying from side to side as the rest finished the dance. 
Harry stumbled a little as Ginny ran towards him, but caught her just in time. Draco and Blaise chuckled and for once were thankful their friend's mother had forced them all to watch the muggle movie. Leonis was already thinking over the best way to ask Bella to be his girlfriend, as well as a thank you gift for his mother. He was sure being able to execute the entire dance including the lift perfectly had secured his spot in the girls heart. 
Lucius had a genuine smile on his face, one that the Marauders had never seen as he lowered his wife to him. He thought this whole thing was silly, but would do it over and over to see Narcissa smile at him the way she was now. 
Evan tried to not roll his eyes as he stared up at the full grown man in the air. Regulus had his eyes closed, arms out as he hummed the music. Both knew that others would look at them and think horrible things. But they didn't care, they loved each other more than anything in the world. The only opinions that mattered to them were those of their friends. And they knew their friends loved them just the way they were. Dramatic Black genes and all. 
Draven held his core tight with his arms up as he looked up at his gorgeous wife. All the love he felt for you shining through on his face. He slowly spun himself and you around twice before locking eyes with you again and lowering you down. You wrapped your legs around his waist and arms around his neck as he started doing some little basic and half basic steps. The music finished as the two of you giggled at each other, all the stress and sadness from the library gone. 
Draven held one arm under your butt and the other around your back as he spun around a few more times. When you stopped he pressed him lips against yours softly then pulled away. “I love you more than I could ever tell you. You are my moon and our kids are my stars.” 
You smiled at him, faces almost even as he kept holding you up. “I love you too Draven.. You're my savior.” You unlocked your legs, letting your feet hit the floor before Draven spun you away to dance with Evan. People from the floor running out to join the now herd of people dancing. 
Asteia ran out to find her father, Hunter laughed and pulled Marcaria back out. Xenophilius held his hand out to Pandora who took it, then ran pulling him behind her. Eventually it was just the three men, all contemplating their part in the road that led them there. Sirius walked away and apparated home, no longer wanting to be in your presence. 
 Remus searched the crowd for the three teens he now knew about. Smiling sadly as he watched Asteria dance with Draven, Leo dance with you and Macaria dance with Hunter. All of you had smiles on your faces and love in your eyes as he was filled with regret. Then he hugged James and kissed his cheek before taking his leave as well. 
James watched as you and Draven found your way back to each other when the song was over. He saw the way he looked at you, the look Macaria was talking about and realized he had never looked at anyone like that. And he didn't think anyone had ever looked at him like that. In that moment, one that was filled with regret, he decided to find his version of Draven. 
You and Draven shared one last long kiss before the music ended. Owen pulled you both off the floor so he could start opening gifts, and the party went on. But no one missed the way Draven kept looking at you. Because at the end of the day, you really had hung each and every star in Draven Malfoys sky.
Again thank you for all the love and support and let me know what you're hoping to see next! Or what characters you would like me to write for or whatever <3
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ferkwehs · 2 years
hello!  i'm  sena,  a  suffering  english  language  and  literature  student.  since  i  am  in  college  and  my  schedule  is  highly  unstable  at  the  moment,  i  have  decided  to  open  up  commissions  for  my  writings  to  help  with  bills/rent  etc.  i  have  been  in  tumblr  rpc  since  2019,  and  i  have  been  writing  since  i  was  in  middleschool,  i  have  experience  with  fanfictions  and  drabbles.  samples  of  my  work  can  be  found  here,  and  i  can  be  commissioned  through  either  askbox  or  IMs.  i  prefer  paypal  as  a  paying  method,  ko-fi  is  currently  under  construction.
these  are  mainly  the  fandoms  that  come  to  my  mind  first  in  terms  of  writing  in  a  familiar  universe,  but  if  you  don't  see  a  certain  fandom  or  a  character  you'd  like  in  the  list,  please  feel  free  to  check  in  with  me!  i'm  pretty  sure  we  can  work  something  out.  
GRISHAVERSE.  alina  starkov,  the  darkling,  malyen  oretsev,  baghra,  genya  safin,  david  kostyk,  zoya  nazyalensky,  nikolai  lantsov,  tamar-kir  bataar,  tolya  yul-bataar,  kaz  brekker,  inej  ghafa,  nina  zenik,  jesper  fahey,  wylan  van  eck,  matthias  helvar,  ehri  kir-taban,  leoni  hilli,  adrik  zhabin,  nadia  zhabin.
RIORDANVERSE.  percy  jackson,  annabeth  chase,  grover  underwood,  rachel  dare,  leo  valdez,  jason  grace,  piper  mclean,  hazel  levesque,  nico  di  angelo,  will  solace,  thalia  grace,  reyna  ramirez-arellano,  hylla  ramirez-arellano,  frank  zhang,  charles  beckendorf,  clarisse  la  rue,  travis  stoll,  connor  stoll,  katie  gardner,  miranda  gardner,  lou  ellen  blackstone,  carter  kane,  sadie  kane,  zia  rashid,  magnus  chase,  alex  fierro.
ALL  FOR  THE  GAME.  neil  josten,  andrew  minyard,  aaron  minyard,  nicky  hemmicks,  jeremy  knox,  renee  walker,  kevin  day,  jean  moreau,  katelyn  smith,  danielle  wilds,  allison  reynolds.
THE  WITCHER.  (  netflix  based.  )  yennefer  of  vengerberg,  fringilla  of  nilfgaard,  geralt  of  rivia,  jaskier  the  bard,  cirilla  of  cintra,  tissaia  de  vries.  renfri.
MCU.  tony  stark.  peter  parker.  MJ.  natasha  romanoff.  yelena  belova.  wanda  maximoff.  pietro  maximoff.  scott  lang.  bucky  barnes.  steve  rogers.  sam  wilson.
HARRY  POTTER.  harry  potter.  ron  weasley.  hermione  granger.  viktor  krum.  fleur  delacour.  cedric  diggory.  pansy  parkinson.  bill  weasley.  fred  weasley.  george  weasley.  draco  malfoy.  astoria  greengrass.  lily  evans.  sirius  black.  james  potter.  remus  lupin.  marlene  mckinnon.  andromeda  tonks.
TWILIGHT.  bella  swan.  jacob  black.  alice  cullen.  emmett  cullen.  rosalie  hale.  aro  volturi.  jane  volturi.  alec  volturi.
AVATAR:  THE  LAST  AIRBENDER.  aang.  katara.  toph.  suki.  sokka.  zuko.  kyoshi.  azula.  mai.  ty  lee.
LEGEND  OF  KORRA.  korra.  asami.  mako.  bolin.  tenzin.  lin.  kya  ii.  bumi.
ARCANE.  vi.  caitlyn  kiramman.  viktor.  jayce.  mel  medarda.  ambessa  medarda.  jinx.  ekko.  silco.  sevika.
LEAGUE  OF  LEGENDS.  pretty  much  all  of  the  characters.
●  things  i  will  write:  fluff,  angst,  humor,  horror,  domestic  plots,  smut,  ot3s,  monogamy,  polyamory,  aus,  OCs,  romantic  dynamics,  platonic  dynamics,  familial  dynamics,
●  things  i  will  not  write:  inc*st,  SA,  anything  sexual  including  a  minor,  dub-con,  anything  racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/xenophobic.  please  do  not  contact  me.  i  won't  write  smut  commissions  for  people,  under  18,  please  don't  lie  about  your  age.
●  forms  i  will  write:  drabbles,  short  stories,  fanfictions.
●  i  reserve  the  right  to  turn  down  any  commission.
●  you  will  receive  the  work  in  the  span  of  a  week  after  you  commission  me.
●  for  smut,  i  usually  get  along  with  kinks  but  still,  i  reserve  the  right  to  refuse  writing  something  i'm  uncertain  about.
●  the  accuracy  of  what  you  want  will  be  shaped  by  your  request.  the  more  detail  you  give  me,  the  more  it  will  be  as  you  imagined.  if  you  don't  give  me  much  details,  i  will  assume  creative  control.
●  if  you  want,  for  an  example,  a  piece  of  smut  with  percy  and  annabeth,  i  am  not  writing  it  in  any  point  in  the  series.  it  will  happen  after  the  series  when  they  are  both  grown  adults.  this  goes  for  all  of  the  media  i  take  commissions  for  that  include  minors.  i  don't  age  up  characters  for  smut,  don't  ask  me  to.
●  i  will  write  a  canon  character  with  your  OC,  but  i  am  going  to  need  information  on  your  muse  and  the  setting.
●  disclaimer:  i  do  not  own  any  of  the  characters  are  write  for,  nor  i  am  affiliated  with  the  series  and  the  author.
●  5  euros.  between  100  and  500  words.
●  10  euros.  between  500  and  1000  words.
●  15  euros.  between  1000  and  1500  words.
●  20  euros.  between  1500  and  2000  words.
and  for  every  additional  500  words,  i  charge  5  euros.  for  smut,  extra  2  euros  are  added  each  500  words.
●  fanfictions  will  be  charged  by  chapter,  not  word  count.  each  chapter  will  include  a  minimum  of  2000  words,  and  i  am  going  to  be  charging  25  euros  per  chapter.
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cocoartistwrites · 3 years
First Lines Meme
I was tagged by @livlepretre
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!)
See if there are any patterns.
Choose your favourite opening lines. Then tag 10 authors!
1 Fudge Theory
It’s the best paper she’s marked all term, with a fluent argument, comprehensive research, and forceful writing.
2 unnamed Fudge sequel (wip)
Nathaniel Harrington Cole III walks into her office with a smirk.
I really like this one.
3 The Beeches (wip that should already be a novel by now but instead i’m writing fanfics fml) This is my favourite.
The weather was beautiful and London was boring and Ada was going home.
4 The Merry Widow (original - if you can call it that, it's essentially Heyer fanfic - regency romance WIP)
“What a ramshackle arrangement,” my lord muttered to his lawyer as he scanned the letter.
5 untitled idea I vaguely started while on a walk last week
The only entrance to her house is up a spiral staircase on the outside of the building, five storeys high.
6 rapunzel dark academia retelling i haven't worked on for a year
The tower room is dark at the best of times.
7 aberration
Albus Dumbledore is unsettled.
8 unsphere the stars <3 <3 <3
Hermione Granger vanished from the sitting room of The Burrow during her twentieth birthday party leaving a pile of crumpled blue tissue paper and a note where her feet had been a fraction of a second before.
9 untitled eighth year dramione wip i will likely never publish or write unelss you bully me, which you will now i've put it into the world
It starts on the Hogwarts Express.
these next ones date from the period when i think i started working out how to write: 
10 How the Mighty Fall
Had they stayed, all but poor Neville Longbottom, they would have seen a body hurled out of the Veil. 
this one is doing the most!! well done to this one. 
11 Crookscrux
Tom glared at Crookshanks. Crookshanks glared back.
i cheated here and put two but it’s worth it 
12 Big Head Boy
Percy is the third person in his embarrassingly enormous, embarrassingly left-wing family to go to Oxford.
13 catastropic
Sirius pushed past some chinless moron on his way upstairs.
14 fait accompli
Hermione loved Harry and Ron.
the worst one out of context tbh
15 Daddy Issues
Harry Potter's engagement party wasn't quite the glamorous affair the papers had been predicting - not that they were invited to witness it.
16 Salvaged
Exams were over, and Hermione Granger had pinned her Head Girl badge to her robes for the last time.
17 Forever Means Forever
Soul bonded. She glared across the scuffed table at him.
18 Poised
The old man - the Dumbledore - stood and welcomed them to the enormous, hideous, freezing castle.
20 The Wanderer
They'd found him by the lake in the aftermath of a terrible battle, they tell him, and despite their strange inflections he understands their language perfectly.
ok some teenage ones as a bonus now y i k e s but good 2 compare
Draco's Nasty Surprise
Several months in the sun can bring a dulling of sense and logic, and it was perhaps for that reason that Draco Malfoy didn't owl ahead to the Manor to announce his arrival.
[[I hate this one it's so overwritten you can tell it is a work from my Youth]]
Sleeping with the Enemy
Draco Malfoy eyed Weasley from across the Great Hall, idly wondering if the freckled moron could be more blatant in his drooling over Granger.
[[this is also JUVENILIA]]
Cor Leonis
Hermione wondered what Ron was talking about across the table.
He watched her as she sat with her little friends, delicately eating her cheesecake.
dying that three of my teenage stories start with people sitting and looking at other people at tables
I think the main pattern I can see is that I usually launch you straight in while also setting a bit of a Mood? Any thoughts??
I tag: @colubrina @provocative-envy @olivieblake @justcourbeau @gueneviere-fics @kiwiambrosia @fairfortune @sallyjavery @batmansymbol @frak-all but don’t feel you have to if you are not in the mood to consider The Body of Works
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thelionsauvage · 3 years
Since I am a writer here is my first post of a fanfic I am writing…
The New Sauvage Heir
Mordecai Sauvage paced up and down the hall, much to the amusement of all his family and friends; even if underlying all that amusement was worry for not just the man but his wife and unborn child. Everyone knew that the couple still grieved for their firstborn passing away from Dragonpox nearly four years ago this June.
Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange held eachother’s hands while waiting for the Healer to appear saying that their eldest sister and future niece or nephew were healthy and ready for visitors. Both women were also in their last trimester with Narcissa due in late May while Bellatrix was due early June, all of the Black sisters children would attend Hogwarts at the same time.
A quick glance at their wives had both Lucius and Rodolphus stepping up to them and resting their hands on their shoulders to give silent support. They too remembered the bright eyed Sauvage child with his mother’s deep blue eyes and father’s chocolate color hair that could carry either parent’s thick hair but definitely had his mother’s wavy curls.
Mordecai passed once more by the birthing chamber and stopped to look at the door, closing his eyes he sent a prayer silently multiple times to the Gods that his wife and child were okay. Opening them, he glanced about at those waiting with him and smiled inwardly as many of them; if not all of them were all to be parents within this year or next year or already had had their child. Hogwarts was going to have the largest class when their kids turn 11 and could attend. His gaze meets with Lord Regulus and Lady Lily Black, pride filled his chest as he gazed upon two of his best friends since their years at Hogwarts; in fact all of those in attendance for the birth of his child were all friends or family no matter how you look at it. Whether they were married to one of his many blood brothers and sisters or brothers and sisters of bond and magic; they were all family. Well known as the Grand Grey Alliance as they all believed magic was neither dark or light but grey, with that fool of a headmaster Dumbledore spouting and preaching about forgiveness and second chances, to follow the path of the light versus Voldemort or as anyone with a brain and intelligence to look at facts in front of their noses; many would know that the ‘Dark Lord’ was a half-blood by the name of Thomas Marvolo Riddle. His name being well known by all those in Slytherin and on a trophy for saving the school from the terrible creature that was attacking the school. And it was entirely laughable over the fact that a half giant being the heir of Slytherin. Even more laughable that it was in fact Tom who was the ‘True Heir of Slytherin’. Seems Tom wasn’t as intelligent as he made people think he was, as his family now had direct ties to Slytherin heritage passed down to himself and his wife from different branches that were cousins at one point until his ancestors moved from Magical Britain and made themselves well at home in Magical France by marrying into different families; Salazar and his wife had many daughters and three sons.
Two of those sons are the Ancestors of the Black Family and Sauvage Family, brought together hundreds of years later when Mordecai decided to attend Hogwarts versus Beuxbatons and where he met his wife, Andromeda Black. And he had instantly fell in love with the strong-willed, beyond smart, cunning, and gorgeous witch when he was only 11. Let’s just say, he was always a mess when near her. Stammering and turning red, amusing her and her sisters with his repeated fails of attempting a conversation with her. Not that his brother-in-law’s Lucius and Rodolphus were any better with their wives; it definitely made the three boys bond strongly with each other until finally in their third year when they were able to go to Hogsmeade were they able to hold full conversations with the girls. And Mordecai had finally asked Andromeda out and from then on the two were inseparable. Even though many wizards; pureblood, half-blood, and muggleborn tried to hit on his girl in front of him or when he wasn’t around. The worst of them was a muggleborn named Theodore Tonks, a Hufflepuff with little to no magical talent. Mordecai had finally had enough one morning at breakfast when the dumb witted little twit tried to get in between Andy and him that Mordecai finally called him out for an honor duel; as a muggleborn had zero clue about the offenses he kept committing to the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black and Sauvage. It finally put an end to all the rest of the daft fools trying to break up one of the Hogwarts Power Couples, as Mordecai wiped the floor so hard with Tonks that he wound up in the Hospital Wing for a month and a half.
Mordecai broke free from the past when the door to the birthing chamber opened and the lead Healer stepped out with a smile and said; “You all may come in now; but please remember to be quiet for both the mother and child are very tired. Lord Sauvage, please you first to meet your child.”
Mordy gulped and stepped past the woman to enter before halting briefly at the sight of his wife nursing their child and smiled happily as Andy’s blue eyes met his. Tired yes, but brimming with happiness and tears filled both their eyes as he quietly approached the bed before looking down at the bundle snuggled up to his wife.
“Mordy, meet your daughter Kreslyn Azura Sauvage. Heiress to the Sauvage Line and next in line for leading our family.” Mordy kisses his wife gently but filled with the love he has had for this woman for years then turns towards his daughter, whose eyes were wide open and staring back at him. His smile grew as he saw she had his exact eye color of peridot green eyes and his own mother’s bronze hair color with Andy’s wavy curls.
“Andy, she is just as beautiful as you. Hello Kreslyn, welcome to the world.” He leans down to press a gentle kiss to her forehead, his tears of happiness falling freely without a care from him or Andy as the family of three bonded. Their family and friends all smiled at the scene, the loss of their son will be remembered as all loved little Orion Leonis Sauvage before dragonpox struck him from this world. Now the new heir to the Sauvage family has come into the world and would be loved just as much by the entirety of those gathered.
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rosemary-morgan · 5 years
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Latest update** - 05.08.23
RDR 2 (!New story online!), FFXV, DBH, Harry Potter, Assassin’s Creed, The Witcher, LOTR, The Hobbit, 
Canon x Female Reader
HC’s (feat. chocobros)
They comfort you after a bad day at work (Fluff and comfort)
How the boys would take care of you during your pregnancy (fluff)
Cor Leonis
Sweetest sin (Nsfw)
Traitor (Part 1) (angst)
Titus Drautos
Traitor (Part 1) (angst)
Nyx Ulric
Secret desire (Nsfw)
Connor (RK800)
Safe heaven (Part 1) (trigger warning!)
Safe heaven (Part 2) (trigger warning!)
Safe heaven (Part 3)
Safe heaven (Part 4)
Safe heaven (Part 5) (18+)
Gavin Reed
Wicked game (Part 1)
Harry Potter 
Sirius Black
I was lost without you (18+!! Nsfw, erotic, romance)
Nothing breaks like a heart (angst)
Draco Malfoy
Forbidden flower (Part 1) (angst, hurt/comfort, romance)
Forbidden flower (Part 2) 
Forbidden flower (Part 3)
Forbidden flower (Part 4) (NSFW 18+!!)
Sweet, sweet winter nights - Your christmas love 🎄 (fluff, romance)
They comfort you after a nightmare - (fluff and comfort)
Confession of love - (fluff, romance)
Assassin’s Creed 
The tase of wine and lust (18!!+ Nsfw, romance) 
Male Eivor 
The love of the wolf-kissed (18!!+ Nsfw, romance)
House of the dragon
Aemond Targaryen
Greedy lust (angst, hurt, violence)
Greedy lust (last part)  (romance, erotic, nsfw/18+!!)
The Witcher
Temptress (Part 1) (angst / hurt / romance)
Temptress (Last part) (18+!!)
Geralt of Rivia
Fear (Part 1) (18+!! / angst/ hurt/ trigger warning/ violence)
Fear (Part 2) 
Fear (Part 3) (18+!! trigger warning)
Fear (Last Part) (18+)
Lust (18+ nsfw)
With all my heart (+18 nsfw)
Lord of the Rings / Hobbit
I only live for you (romance, fluff)
Our sweet secret (+18!! NSFW, fluff)
Crying heart (angst, fluff)
Lovely nights (+18!! NSFW, fluff)
LOTR/Hobbit HC´s - How they comfort you 
Hobbit HC’s - Taking care of you during your period
Hobbit HC´s - The first time making love (NSFW)
Hobbit HC´s - Comfort after a nightmare 
Hobbit HC's - How the boys would take care of you during your pregnancy
Hobbit HC's - Christmas AU 🎄
LOTR - The first time making love (NSFW)
Dark (Part1) (angst, drama, romance, hurt)
Dark (Part2) 
Dark (Part1) (angst, drama, romance, hurt)
Dark (Part2) 
Safe in your arms (hurt/comfort, fluff)
Cozy little scarf (fluff, romance)
Forever yours (+18!! NSFW, angst)
Knight (+18!! NSFW, angst, romance)
Red Dead Redemption
Javier Escuella
Nsfw ABC
My special angel (fluff)
Shy girls know what they want Part 1 / Part 2 (complete) (NSFW, fluff)
Our safe place (nsfw) **
It's never to late to repent Part 1 **(angst)
Arthur Morgan
Let me heal your soul: Part 1 / Part 2 (complete)  (NSFW, fluff, comfort)
The shadows of my past: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 (NSFW, fluff, hurt, comfort, angst)
The sweet taste of lust (NSFW)
My sweet girl (fluff)
The tears in your eyes (hurt/comfort)
I´m living only for you (NSFW, fluff, angst)
John Marston
Archangel: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 (complete)  (NSFW, fluff, hurt, comfort)
Nsfw ABC
Secret desire (NSFW, hurt, comfort, angst)
Cozy morning Sex (nsfw)
The sky in her eyes: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 (NSFW, fluff, hurt, comfort, angst)
Revenge is a fools game (angst)**
Josiah Trelawny
I was lost without you: Part 1 / Part 2 (complete) (fluff, NSFW)
Nsfw ABC
You deserve better: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 (NSFW, hurt, comfort, angst, fluff)
Charles Smith
Nsfw ABC
The beauty of your soul (fluff, NSFW)
Lazy Sunday morning (NSFW)
The cry of his dove (angst, hurt/comfort, fluff)
Kieran Duffy
My precious darling (fluff)
The Van der linde Gang
HCs about your pregnancy and how the boys would take care of you
HC´s - your first date
HC’s - hair braiding
HC’s- about pranks, tattoos, the most embarrassing things
HC's - making love with them includes... (NSFW+18!)**
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muimuchi · 5 years
Live action Fire Emblem three houses casting
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Dimitri- Draco Malfoy (Young) Thor (Timeskip)
Edelgard- Kristen Stewart
Claude- Joe Zieja
Byleth- God
Solon- Danny Devito
Kronya- Harley Quinn
Rhea- Angelina Jolie
Golden deer
Lysithea- Young Miranda Cosgrove
Ignatz- Harry Potter
Raphael- Owen Wilson
Lorenz- Coconut head
Leonie- Eleven
Marianne- Elsa
Hilda- Arianna Grande
Black Eagles
Dorothea- Beyoncé
Petra- Scarlett Johansson
Caspar- Negasonic Teenage warhead
Hubert- Erik (The Phantom or the Opera)
Ferdinand- Donald Trump
Linhardt- Billie Eilish
Bernadetta- Violet Beauregard
Blue Lions
Ingrid- the “BEYONCÉ?” Woman
Dedue- Arnold Schwarzenegger
Ashe- the kid with the power of god and anime on his side
Annette- the Scottish girl who took the shit
Mercedes- A literal car
Felix- Harry Styles
Sylvain- Ben Stiller
Some are the actual characters some are portrayed by actors
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jjgrace42 · 5 months
Regulus: Did you have to hex him? 8yo Leo: You weren't there. You didn't hear what he said to me. Regulus: What did he say? 8yo Leo: "What are you gonna do? Hex me?" Regulus: Yeah, that's fair.
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Harry Potter and the Parselmouth Three! (and if I can be greedy, Blackborne)
Of course you can be greedy! I'll give you both — a little snippet and a little description for them.
Harry Potter and the Parselmouth Three: This one is probably my most far-reaching one. Usually changes in canon happen in like... fourth year, fifth year, or the summer before third year. Here? Second year.
Padma and Parvati Patil are both Parselmouths and, after Harry is outed as one at the dueling club in 2nd year, they decide... "Well... he needs help. So let's help him". Lavender joins in and the three of them work to help Harry as the school (and, unfortunately, even Ron and Hermione) reel from the revelation that Harry is a Parselmouth.
The Parselmouth Three snippet
They had frog-marched him out into an isolated corner of the castle. Harry had felt his heart try to beat itself out of his chest. It didn't help, Harry thought, that Lavender Brown had a bemused smirk on her face. Nor that the Patil sisters were giving each other a look that Harry couldn't quite recognize.
"What are you — " Harry started.
"I want to see if you can recognize this, Harry." Padma Patil hissed.
She hissed.
She hissed.
Harry felt his jaw drop, his eyes bulge from their sockets, and his heart froze in his chest. The Patil sisters giggled and Lavender beamed at his dumbfounded face.
"You... you're..." Harry began to stammer.
"She's not the only one," Parvati interrupted with a lilting hiss, "and your accent is terrible, Harry."
"You're Parselmouths." Harry scarcely recognized his own voice.
"The three of us," Padma gestured between her sister, herself, and Harry, "are probably the only ones in the school."
"Why didn't you tell anyone you were a Parselmouth?" Parvati giggled with glee and grabbed Harry's arm, beaming widely. "I love my sister, but there's only so many conversations you can have with her!"
"I didn't know!" Harry interrupted nervously. "I mean, there was that incident with the snake when I was eleven, but I didn't think it was this! I thought it was just me being frea — "
He didn't miss the flicker of concern on their faces.
"Ernie's right, isn't he?" Lavender spoke and her voice was soft like a babbling brook. "Your Muggle relatives don't treat you well, do they?"
Harry gave a derisive snort. "If I died, they'd celebrate. And if the whole school is going to do this..."
Lavender beamed at him and draped her arms over his shoulders.
"Then we'll just have to change their minds, won't we?"
"We?" His voice was hoarse.
"Us Parselmouths have to stick together, silly." Parvati laughed as she poked his shoulder. "Pads can help with the schoolwork, and Lav and I can help with your reputation."
"You... want to help me?" His voice was impossibly small.
"Mhm!" Lavender giggled. "And you're not getting rid of us that easy, Harry. So deal with it."
"I know my sister, Harry." Padma had a large, smug smirk on her face. "Better just go with the flow here."
Blackborne: This is my "Sirius Black has a son" fanfic. And I actually gave another small snippet to @artemisia-black on her blog! But Leonis Altair Black grew up with his first cousin/godmother/guardian Andromeda, her husband Ted, and their daughter Nymphadora. Sirius is in Azkaban. Leonis' mother, Cassandra Adler, was killed by Evan Rosier in 1981 (who was, subsequently, killed by Mad-Eye Moody). There's a few changes in how the House of Black and the Tonks interact — Arcturus and the rest of the House have to be more 'respectful' of Andromeda as she is, effectively, the keeper of the only Heir to the House of Black.
And Arcturus will be damned if he lets a Malfoy inherit everything...
Blackborne snippet
The House of Black was many things to many people and had been for centuries. It prided itself as the royalty of the wizarding world. It was cursed as a Dark house. A house of art and culture and pushing the boundaries of magic. It was a house from which all others were related and it was of the richest in the British Isles. Its sons and daughters had earned renown throughout the annals of history — enchanters, sorcerers, arithmancers, and the occasional honest politician. It was the House, the symbol of British wizardry. 
And the last war had decimated it. 
Its children were either dead or locked up in the fearsome wizard prison of Azkaban or in the chains of marriages to intolerable men. It was a family of old and tired and broken members, old men and women doddering in the vanity of ages past. Had it not been for Leonis, the last and youngest star in the constellation, the Blacks would be on the verge of extinction. 
The aging patriarch for the House of Black, Arcturus Black III, stood proudly in the Tonks family kitchen, scowling at the toaster that was smugly mocking him on the countertop. There were Muggle appliances all over the house, ticking and tocking and whirring, and he felt exceedingly out of place. Arcturus was a tall and proud looking man with a mane of white hair and piercing violet-grey eyes. His robes were an immaculate swirl of slate grey and teal, vivid golden stars whirling about on the fabric. This was a man who grew up in the lap of luxury and knew it, who prided himself on his breeding and his lineage. 
"You did get the boy, did you not Nymphadora?" Arcturus sneered as the pink-haired girl walked back into the kitchen, gripping his black walking stick tightly in a withered, shaking right hand. "I would like to get to the shops early before the rabble arrive and they turn the alley into a mass of people."
"I got him, yes grandfather." Tonks rolled her eyes at her mother, who was doing her best to hide the slight quirk of her lips. "He's down in a mo'. And stop using that name, I'm Tonks."
"Your mother gave you a serviceable name, Nymphadora," Arcturus drawled and watched as the formerly runaway daughter of his blood hid a smirk, "and a good name. A family name."
Tonks scowled. 
"I still do not understand, Andromeda," Arcturus gestured with his thick ebony walking stick at the toaster, a sneer crossing his lips and his nose wrinkling, "why you insist on using such... such jejune Muggle appliances in this home. A simple warming charm, or even charming the dishes to cook the food while you wait."
"Because, grandfather, it is my Muggle-born husband's home." Andromeda smiled a thin, wan smile. Ted Tonks had always described his wife as such — if Helen of Troy had the beauty that launched a thousand ships, Andromeda Black could launch a million. And Ted Tonks loved to remind his wife of it every day when he woke, in soft and gentle murmurs. "And my husband wanted to have Muggle items in the home we shared. And per the agreement we made ten years ago, Leo would grow up in a house that had both magical and Muggle items."
"Leonis would have grown up loved in my home." Arcturus spoke with the stirring of dragon's fire in his voice. 
"And Sirius demanded his son be raised by me. I am his godmother, his guardian." Andromeda spoke with a sense of finality in her voice. "I don't deny Leo would be loved in your home, grandfather. But your love led to uncle Orion and cousin Regulus' deaths. Led to Sirius doing a runner at sixteen. Bella falling in with You-Know-Who. Here, Leo is truly loved. He is happy."
Arcturus remained silent, turning a baleful eye to the toaster, and the kitchen fell silent. His fingers twitched around his walking stick. The family turned as Leonis entered and Arcturus looked and — there was no doubt Leonis was the son of Sirius Black. He had high and regal cheekbones like Sirius. The same crooked, mischievous and cheeky smile. The same warm and brilliant grey eyes which sparkled with amusement and a tinge of slight apprehension. 
For a moment, the old man stared into his grandson's face — the grandson he had been forced to abandon. The grandson he had left rotting in Azkaban for ten long, brutal, grueling years. Grief welled inside him, but a Black would never allow such expressions to rise to the surface. No, he would keep those feelings down inside his heart and refuse to let them out. 
"What?" Leonis looked between the adults with a haze of nervousness on his face. "Is there something on my face?"
"No. No, nothing at all." Arcturus drew himself up, slipping himself into the role of Lord Black like a hand into a worn leather glove, and raised an imperious eyebrow. "Now, young Leonis, we get your school supplies. I will not have my heir dawdling like a gannet."
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sleepingdragonhq · 6 years
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Below the cut, please find all the characters taking part in the costume contest and their costumes. There are several categories. The poll for the costume contest can be found here. Please base your votes off of the posts found under #sdhqtask4. 
Adabella Skeeter - Nurse (Times Square VJ Day Photo)
Adeline Mulciber - Bonnie Parker (Historical Figure)
Aiden Wolffe - Goose (Top Gun)
Alastair Watson - Steve Rogers / Captain America (MCU)
Alice Longbottom II - Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
Annika Parkinson - Little Red Riding Hood (Fairytale)
Archer Selwyn - Peter Parker / Spiderman (MCU)
Ariella Belefleur - Newt Scamander (Famous Wizard)
Bastian Zabini - Lucio (Overwatch)
Benjamin Ollivander - Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Brett Holland - Rosie the Riveter (Cultural Icon)
Brigid Callaghan - Flo (Progressive)
Callista McGonagall - Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)
Casey Abrams - Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones)
Catriona Byrne - Fairy (Mythical Creature)
Celestina Shacklebolt - Calypso (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Charlotte Watson - Wonder Woman (DCU)
Darcy Mulciber - Little Red Riding Hood (Fairy Tale)
Declan Rowland - Robin Hood (Hero in Folklore)
Dominique Weasley - Mermaid (Mythical Creature)
Elena Flores - Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Elias Hero - Green Arrow (DCU)
Elliot Jacobson - Cruella de Vil (101 Dalmatians)
Evan Parkinson - Maverick (Top Gun)
Frank Longbottom - Han Solo (Star Wars)
Gabriel Larkin - Sailor (VJ Day in Times Square)
Grace Turner - Dorothy Gale (Wizard of Oz)
Gwendolyn Hawkes - Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
Harper Lee Clark - Tinkerbell (Peter Pan)
Isadora Castillo - Leia Organa (Star Wars)
Jace Greengrass - Jack in the Box 
James Ashcroft - Owen Grady (Jurassic World)
James Sirius Potter - Peter Parker / Spider-man (MCU)
Jaxon DuQuan - Black Panther (MCU)
Kristoff Flynn - Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice)
Lalita Patil - Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
Laurel Ollivander - D.Va (Overwatch)
Leonis Selwyn - Danny Zuko (Grease)
Liam Kominek - Count Dracula (Dracula)
Lily Luna Potter - Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
Lorcan Scamander - Kristoff (Frozen)
Lucienne Wolffe - Pennywise (IT)
Lucy Weasley - Princess Anna (Frozen)
Lulu Abbott - Pizza (Food)
Lyra Malfoy - Cher Horowitz (Clueless)
Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas - Sandy (Grease)
Malachai Arquette - Captain America (MCU)
Manon Flamel - Cruella de Vil (101 Dalmatians)
Matthias Vallois - James Bond (James Bond)
Matteo Alliata - Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Molly Weasley II - Queen Elsa (Frozen)
Natalie Robertson - Ceiling Fan
Nate Hopkirk - Marty McFly (Back To The Future)
Octavia Coleman - Aphrodite (Greek Goddess)
Ophelia Pucey - Little Red Riding Hood (Fairytale)
Orion Yaxley - Bert (Mary Poppins)
Perseus Mulciber - Apollo (Greek God)
Phoebe Winters - Harley Quinn (DCU)
Reid Anderson - Pinocchio (Pinocchio)
Rosalie Fleur - Weeping Angel (Doctor Who)
Rosalind Vane - Poison Ivy (DCU)
Rose Weasley - Toothless (How To Train Your Dragon)
Rowan King - Daisy Buchanan (The Great Gatsby)
Sebastian Stan - Clark Kent / Superman (DCU)
Seraphina Macaulay - Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins)
Theodore Dubanowski - King Arthur (Hero in Folklore)
Theodore Oliver - Captain Hook / Pirate (Peter Pan)
Thomas Blackburn - Skeleton (Monster)
Tobias Atwell - Peter Pan (Peter Pan)
Toby Anderson - Poe Dameron (Star Wars)
Verity Nott - Selina Kyle / Catwoman (DCU)
Wesley Martin - Clyde Barrow (Historical Figure)
William Ashcroft - Green Arrow (DCU)
Wren Fawley - Wonder Woman (DCU)
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facingdeath-a-blog · 7 years
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 a couple of things i want to address that i did sort of make a post for before, but want to clarify anyway for the sake of this blog:
regulus died for his houself !!!!!!!! no. no, he did not. it annoys me that people think he did, because ?? he did not. what you have to realize that no matter what one would like to believe, he was raised in a rich, pureblood family. those tended to own house elves, because they could afford it. a normal way of treating them was already presented by the malfoys with dobby, and specifically with sirius and kreacher. and while to me, this whole deal with kreacher and regulus was a little complicated, on which i don’t want to touch in this post  ——  while he did have a soft spot for him, he also was no hermione and did not want to free all house elves.
he secretly had the same views as sirius, he just hid them for his fam !!!!!!! no. listen, it’s obviously more complicated than that, but the deal with regulus was that he canonly, for the biggest part believed in what his parents said. the thing is, where sirius rebelled, regulus wanted to stay compliant, but overall he was heavily indoctrinated by this ideology since birth. he wanted to do good by his parents, of course, because their whole house was already messed up (and abusive) enough, but he was attracted to it. he was rich, and attracted to it, and that means he must have said and done some fucked up bigoted shit.
he was forced to take the dark mark !!!!!!! no. again, you have to remember that he came from a place where he believed what his parents say. pureblood mania, as sirius put it  ——  and he was deeply in it. i think sirius leaving did play a part in speeding the whole process up, and i think bellatrix played a huge part in getting him inside, but overall he joined voldemort willingly.
he was a monster !!!!! also no. he was heavily indoctrinated, and while no one can excuse anything he would have done, he also didn’t know any better. in the end, the way i see him is a person who wanted to do good by his own standards, and that was what in the end would work for people like him, as fucked up as it is. he was also sixteen when he had joined, and that leaves you until seventeen before he’s even legal to use magic outside of hogwarts, and then another year still in hogwarts. i don’t think he did much. i don’t think he ever killed anyone. and he canonly defected before doing anything serious, and then wound up dead.
he died out of spite. yes and no. the thing you have to know about regulus is that he had a strong code for himself. but the thing is. . .  the service to voldemort seemed like something grand at first. like he was doing not the wizarding world a favour, but his family. it was quickly proven wrong, but i think not exactly how people think. his doubts were original formed not from some extreme saviour complex place, but rather because he felt cheated. he felt cheated because this man who was almost like a god spoke of so many grand things, of how he would bring the purebloods to rule and stuff, but in the end all he cared about was himself. voldemort was a halfblood. voldemort did things that suited him, and not them. and he let things slip, so regulus picked them up because in the grander scheme he just didn’t matter. he slipped under radar. then there was added this complete fear, so similar to draco’s that he would feel. that suddenly made all those things he believed in not so fun and not so right. the kreacher thing was just a breaking point, some sort of a spiteful motive for messing with HIS house elf, offered in some sort of form of loyalty. but also. . .  also i think some sort of a test. all of it eventually lead him to find out his secrets, and eventually die.
he died to be a hero. clearly not. clearly not, since no one ever knew what he did until harry didn’t go to the cave with dumbledore. clearly not, because his views and ideas were completely scattered all over the place. it was all about voldemort, and his family. all because he knew he would have died, and all because he made a choice similar to narcissa’s. that voldemort ended up being a threat and a liar, much so that he’d rather die doing something that could possibly bring him closer to death. but it was never about the wizarding world. i don’t think anything regulus has ever done was for the grander scheme, but rather for the close knitted group of people he cared about. that’s why he never let any of his family know ; including his brother. that’s why he didn’t go to dumbledore, whom he neither liked or trusted.
he was actually a muggle lover. as stated before, it’s clearly not true. not even in his death. the thing is  ——  what you have to understand that while regulus was indoctrinated, dramatic, and clearly prideful as hell as suggested by. . .  i don’t know, even the sign on his door, or the way the note ‘to the dark lord’ was written  ——  regulus also had a pretty strong moral code. he didn’t want fights in his house. he knew how to play his role well so the amount of bullshit that was there (that he grew up in as much as sirius did) would be at least a little less bad. madness runs in the black family as much as good looks, so he was the person who would patiently wait out his mother’s fits. sirius called him soft for a reason, you know? and that’s besides him playing a part of a cold asshole well when he wasn’t much of one (and often about all the wrong things). so, of course he grew up believing in all this pureblood mania. until he was sat by that damn table, and he watched some awful things be done to those people. one thing regulus lacked to be a death eater was cruelty, and although he didn’t die a fighter for the rights, he also knew it felt wrong. that they all bled the same and it was wrong, and perhaps sirius wasn’t as wrong as he had thought, but it was. . .   all too late really. the most important observation would have been  ——  we all bleed the same. sadly, he died at eighteen, which ended entire potential for change. because he didn’t completely turn over a new leaf, but changing beliefs when you’ve been brainwashed your entire life is a long and hard process, that i think he would have reached eventually, had he not died, but i guess we will never have that. maybe if he had someone there like sirius had, the process would have been sped up, but he was completely surrounded.
he died a gryffindor. lmao no. listen, i know his whole entire name is a joke, because the whole etymology of it is alpha leonis, which is the heart of the lion star in constellation leo. literally lion mclion. and whilst i believe the sorting hat did spend a minute thinking about it and suggesting it, he never wanted to be a gryffindor. he always wanted to be a slytherin, he was a slytherin, and he died one. a person that pulled what he did just had to be one, and never was this house a house of rational thinking either. dude had his whole room themed with slytherin. he was a snake through and through, and he still died bravely. stupidly and bravely, and a slytherin.
he’s a draco 2.0. no. listen, anyone that has followed me long enough knows that i love the draco x regulus parallels more than anything, and i know narcissa was his fave, and he would have loved this boy. there is so much that ties them. but ?? he was also his own person. while they are similar in their stories and backgrounds, just because draco is one thing, regulus must have been too. for example, i think regulus was more timid. like, he was awfully emotional, but he wasn’t so vocal about it ; not publicly at least. draco had narcissa as some better factor in his life, rex’s parents were both horrible, and also cousins, and then there was also sirius as a factor. . .  it was instilled in him as a coping mechanism, to keep his cool and pretend, because being loud kind of revealed too much about you and that in itself was dangerous. while, of course, being awfully emotional and passionate, but u gotta keep that class(TM). probably quidditch did move him the most, but yes anyway. . .  they have so many great parallels but also are two people.
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theosmommy1966 · 2 years
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OK so thank you too @kaverichauhan for giving me the idea to post this in two parts! So here is part 1 of the Epilogue.
Pronunciations before we start
Macaria - m-aa-k-aa-r-EE-aa
Asteria- uh·stee·ree·uh
Leonis- Lee-Oh-Nis
“COME ON! We are going to be late! Draco and Ron will already be there!!” A 13 year old boy by the name of Harry Potter yelled at his three dads. 
It was the first time his mother Lily had trusted them to take him to an event and Harry was already aware that it would be a disaster. While they all three loved the boy very much and gave him whatever he wanted whenever he wanted it, they weren't the most put together. 
“Right.. Whose birthday is it again? One of the Weasleys?” James asked looking around for the present he knew his ex had sat somewhere. 
Remus was normally the one who always wrangled them together. He did the cooking when the house elves were gone, and kept a rather loose hold of Harry's schedule. James and Sirius were more the friend type of fathers. 
Bought him a broom when he was a year old, painted their faces when they went to quidditch matches. Told Remus not to worry about helping the boy with his homework, instead encouraged him to pull more pranks with the Weasley Twins.
“NOO DAD! Owen Malfoy!! He's Draco's cousin! He's turning 14 and our whole class is going to be there!” Harry whined as he watched his father finally find the gift.
When the Trio of men and their messy haired son finally appeared in front of a giant manor, it was a half an hour after the invite said to arrive. Harry hurriedly knocked on the door and smiled up at the tall blond man who answered. “ Hi! Thanks for coming, excited right?” 
Harry nodded quickly as he peaked around the man looking for kids his own age. 
Draven chuckled, swinging the door open without looking up at the men. “Backyards that way, try to be quiet through the house though the twins are still sleeping.” When he finally swung his head back towards the men his breath caught. It had been sixteen years since he had seen them, and they clearly didn't remember him at all. 
“Right.. So Mr. Black, Potter and Lupin, all you have to do is sign here and prick your finger. There's an X for your name and your blood goes in the box below it.”
Remus stepped forward offering his hand as he stared up at the blond Adonis. “Remus, I'll spare you the lengthy last name. Thank you for inviting Harry, as you can see he is very excited.” 
“Finally I'm so happy to be done with all of this..” Sirius had said, signing his name and pricking his finger so quickly he almost missed the box. 
Draven snapped out of his stupor and shook his hand, “No trouble at all.. Honestly my wife loves doing things like this, even if it takes a while considering we have six children.” None of the men missed the smile that came across his face at the mention of his wife. It only grew when he spoke of his many kids. 
“We appreciate this.. Even though we would never come back on Y/n.” Remus had said softly as he signed his paper. 
Sirius scoffed as they all took turns shaking hands, “Six kids? God we can barely handle Harry.” The four men started making their way through the house, being mindful of the sleeping twins Draven had mentioned. When they walked through the large french doors at the back of the house they were met with so many children that it looked like Hogwarts. 
“Yeah well I bet she never expected you to leave her and treat her the way you did ethier.. So better safe than sorry.” Regulus had scoffed, speaking for the first time since they had shown up.
Dravens eyes quickly started looking for the group he had grown so close to over the years. He couldnt find them but noticed his oldest son walking towards him. He wanted to tell him to go the other way but didn't when he noticed the annoyed look on his face. “What's wrong, Leo?” 
Leonis shook his head and scoffed, waving his arms around dramatically “There are so many children here.. I despise children..” He crossed his arms, and between his stance and the look on his face Remus, James and Sirius thought he looked alot like Regulus Black. 
Draven went to speak, but was interpreted by his two oldest daughters coming up from behind them. The blond man really wanted his wife, not only did the three teens have no clue who the three men were. But the three men had no clue who the three teens were. 
The men had no idea that standing in front of them were the three teens that they helped create so many years ago. Four blood lines all magically mixed in the belly of his wife, sixteen years before this. It was pretty clear though, if you looked at all the other Malfoy children to tell that Draven was not their biological father. 
Two girls and one boy. 
Macaria Hope Malfoy, unruly brown hair that was almost the same color as Remus Lupins. Light gray colored eyes that had small bursts of blue much like Sirius Black. Soft baby face that clearly belonged to the Potter family. She perfectly fit her Durmstrang house, Terpsichora, who are artistic, incredibly creative and loyal. (Hufflepuff)
Asteria Mia Malfoy, wavy hair much like James but was the same color as her sisters. Bright hazel eyes like James, with sharp facial features that resembled her Uncle Regulus. She belongs to the Liberalis House whose members are sharp, graded excellent, curious and interesting people. (Ravenclaw)
Leonis Arcturus Malfoy, wavy hair like his sister but this time a dark shiny black. Sharp features that he shared with his sister and uncle. But his eyes were a vivid green, like the forest, like Remus. He belongs to Atticus, members are supposed to be cunning, bold, and have more nerve than sense. (Slytherin)
The three adults all stared at the three teens, who frankly did not spare them a passing glance as they came up to their father. 
“I don't know why you're complaining, Leonis, we have more people at our parties.” Asteria said matter of factly. She wasn't all that happy with the amount of screaming preteens ethier, but she loved her siblings more than anything, so she put up with it a little quieter. 
Leo rolled his eyes and looked down at his younger sister “Aria, aren't you going to say how I should be thankful that our little brother has so many friends?” 
Macaria shrugged her shoulders and smiled “Nope, you clearly read my mind. Which I will be telling mother about but not before I go and find Uncle Reggie.” 
The four adults watched the triplets walk off together all talking amongst themselves. Remus was the first to speak, “No offense, but you seem a little young to have children that age. I also don't remember seeing them at Hogwarts. Which school do they go to?”
Again before Draven could speak, someone else did. “My nieces and nephew go to Durmstrang. Should've sent Draco there if I do say so myself.. Shouldn't have let Cissy talk your wife into sending Owen to Hogwarts.. Shit school if you ask me.” The snide voice of Lucius Malfoy said as he walked up next to his brother. 
The four men turned to see the group that Draven had been looking for. Regulus and Evan Rosier, Ted and Andromeda Tonks, Bellatrix Lestrange, and Lucius Malfoy. 
“My wife went to help yours get the twins dressed and downstairs. Draco and Owen are somewhere off with their little group of troublemakers.” Lucius said as they all looked ethier nervously or snidely at the three Gryffindors. 
James was busy looking for the person he knew finished up the group. But he didnt know he was looking for another Malfoy and not an Avery. Remus was looking at Sirius who was looking at his brother, who looked rather smug. “I'm assuming if your whole little group is here.. Y/n is here too..” Sirius said, rolling his eyes, something that did not go unnoticed by Draven. 
“Oh she's around here somewhere” Regulus said as he sipped his drink, he couldn't wait until you made your way downstairs. He and Evan had made bets on what would happen when the little trio of lions found out. Regulus wanted nothing more than for them to realize what they had lost. 
“She will be sooo excited to see you all..” Bellatrix cackled as she cut into an apple with a small knife. Bringing the slice up to her mouth that was curled into a small smile as she stared at the three men. They shifted uncomfortably under her gaze. 
“Why don't we all move to the yard, instead of standing in the doorway” Draven said as his eyes kept searching what he could see of his house. He wanted to step away and warn you, he didn't know how you would react to them being here. The last thing he ever wanted was you to be upset. 
Thankfully the three outcast men smiled and made their way over to a group of parents they knew. The Weasleys, The Longbottoms and one of the two Lovegoods. Pandora was making her way towards Draven who she had noticed was shifting his weight around nervously. 
She pecked Reggie on the cheek before linking her arm with Dravens. Pandora had a way of making everyone calm, she always knew what to say or do to fix things when they went astray. “What's wrong Drav?” Her light whimsical voice said as the group looked at him. 
He looked away from the doors to his friends before sighing and running a hand through his hair. “I'm just nervous for Y/n.. As far as I know she hasn't seen any of them since the Potters funeral and now they are here with a kid?? How do you think that's going to make her feel? And a child the same age as Owen? I just don't want her to be upset.” 
Pandora, Bella and Andromeda all smiled at the man. 
“Draven.. I've known Y/n for a long long time.. She loves you so much. You spent her entire first pregnancy as well as the next two doting on her left and right.  You have spent the last sixteen years making her realize how amazing she is. Sure it might upset her that they have a child, but she will be upset for the children.” Andromeda said. 
“But even if she is upset for them, she knows they have a father here. One who has been there since day one. A father who wanted them from the beginning. Those fools don't even know who the triplets are, or that there were even triplets.” Bellatrix continued. 
“When the triplets got chicken pox, who helped her bathe the kids in oatmeal and apply cream to their poxs?” Evan asked as Draven said himself. 
“And when Y/n got pregnant with Owen and had a panic attack, who handled it.. On their own I might add.” Bella asked as Draven again answered himself. 
“When Potter's parents died, and Y/n fell into Perinatal Depression, who cared for her? Forced her to eat when needed, bought her favorite lavender tea? Who painted the nursery on his own, decorated it on his own just to make her smile? Yeah mate.. You..” 
Regulus smiled as he kept on “So what those three idiots have Harry.. I've seen him running around Hogwarts, constantly getting himself into trouble. He barely squeaks by in his classes, he's a nice kid but the three of them can barely deal with him.  If it wasn't for his mother, who left James by the way, the kid wouldn't have survived.” 
Draven smiled and sat his cheek down on Pandora's head, thankful for the group of friends. “She won't be sad, or upset or anything but happy. I dont think Ive seen her unhappy since we met you Draven.” Pandora patted his arm before pulling away and making her way back to her husband who was helping their daughter Luna place flowers in her hair. 
“So.. I saw some….” Narcissa paused, unsure of the word to use “Old friends of ours downstairs with Drav.” 
You peaked up at her as you sorted through the twins closet, a smile on your face as you could hear the low rumbling of many kids playing. “Is that right? Wanna enlighten me?” You had an idea of who it was, Owen had told you about his friend Harry. Whos last name was Potter, when asked you learned that James was his father and Lily was his mother. 
You had seen and talked to Lily on a few occasions. She was a lovely person, you wouldn't exactly say you were friends but you liked her. The two of you could connect on the basis of failed relationships with James Potter. 
You learned that the two had briefly been together before Mia and Monty got sick and passed. That she was pregnant when it happened, and he pulled away from her and back to the Marauders. She was sad, but you heard she had recently settled down with a widowed Amos Diggory. (Picturing Max Irons) 
“The Marauders.. I'm sorry I'll have the guys tell them to leave if you want.” Cissy rushed as she took Abraxas’ clothes from you. She was just as worried as she assumed Draven was. You had been so happy over the years and she didn't want that to go away. 
Laughing you pulled the little baby romper onto your baby girl before finding a brush to run through the twins’ hair. “Why would I want them to leave? Their son is here, he's friends with Owen, it's Owen's party.” Looking up you realized that your friend was really very worried. 
“Oh Cissy.. Really I'm fine!” You smiled and looked down at your twins. “Come on, you'll see everything will be fine.” You meant your words, nothing could ruin your son's birthday party for you. Not seeing your exs at least. You knew Narcissa meant well, that she was worried because they were taking care of a child when they had written yours off. 
But you couldn't care less. 
When you met Draven it was like your entire life fell together. He had started staying at Malfoy Manor instead of his flat in London to ‘help around the house’. He quickly learned the things you did and didn't like, buying your favorite teas and cookies while having the house elves memorize the list of things that made your stomach turn. 
He took it upon himself to make sure that your potions from Monty were always picked up on time. Your prenatal and the morning sickness potions always brought up with whichever flavor breakfast you were craving. Your favorite lavender tea steeping as he walked up the stairs to the library where you were every morning. 
When Draven started courting you, you didn't even notice. His daily morning tea with you would slowly start including flowers or new types of tea he found. You didn't know when he talked to not only Monty but to your older brother. No clue was given to you when he was given permission to court you not caring that you were pregnant with triplets. 
Small gifts started being left here and there when he didn't hand them to you directly. 
Treats from places you knew were not in London. Books you had mentioned you hadn't read or wanted to reread that weren't in the library. Many bouquets of flowers, your favorite being the large sunflowers you could tell he had picked himself from the field down the road. You had begged Narcissa to press and frame them, they now hung over the fireplace in your library. 
Then he started taking you places and going places with you. When you wanted to shop and the girls were busy, it was Draven that went with you. When Regulus or Evan were unable to go to baby yoga or lamaze class, it was the Blond god that offered to go. 
He planned picnics and small dates, knowing that you weren't up for much when you were the size of a house with six little feet kicking you constantly. Everything he did was perfectly planned and went off without problems. It was clear that Draven was made for you from the start. 
Around 25 weeks was when things started to get real. When you would wake up at night drenched in sweat and aching in a way that you couldn't satisfy yourself. When Draven found you holding yourself on the side of the pool trying to cool down he knew what was wrong. He had been reading book after book to keep up with what was going on. 
So for weeks the man satisfied you with his fingers or mouth but never let things go too far. Never allowing you to return the favor, even after he went down on you with the vigor of a dying man.  He just kept telling you that he was going to show you that he was the man for you. 
Let's just say he did.. Many times.. 
When the triplets were born and Bonnie asked what their last name would be, Malfoy was an easy choice. You had fallen in love quickly, and while you were terrified it was a choice you never once regretted. 
Draven bought your first manor before you ever started to complain about living with Lucius and Narcissa. Asked you to marry him one morning while you watched the triplets run around the garden. While it wasn't the way he had planned it, the moment felt right. 
Every moment of every day with Draven felt like a dream. You couldn't remember when you stopped waiting to wake up, you couldn't point out the day that you realized he was real. You probably wouldn't even if you could though. 
 “Do you know who those men are?” Macaria said as she watched the tall scarred man laugh with the other two. “I feel like we should know who they are.” She could feel a tug in her chest towards them, similar to the one she felt with her mother and father. But more so she could feel the pain the tallest one was in, being an empath she could feel that he needed something. But she didn't know what. 
Asteria already knew who they were. She was the strongest with legilimency and occlumency, and in her true fathers panic his mental walls were down. She knew that the three men in front of her were their biological fathers, and she was not happy about it. 
The triplets had always known their bloodline was an unconventional one. But moments before Asteria had learned just how messy the whole thing was. She was arguing with herself about telling her siblings, none of them had ever kept things from the others before. And she could feel Leo's eyes on her as he tried to break through her mental walls. 
“They are mothers, ex boyfriends and our biological fathers. Remus Lupin is the tall broken one. James Potter, Harry's biological father, the one with glasses. And Last and definitely least, Sirius Black. According to fathers memories Mother was with James and was also involved with the other two. When she became pregnant things fell apart, they left her because they didn't want kids. Black never liked our mother from the flashes I got. He was pretty happy about Mother leaving, I guess. Seems like he was quite rude to her. ” Asteria said without looking at her sister or brother. 
“Black.. As in Uncle Regulus..” Leo said while turning to look at Sirius. He could see the resemblance now that he really looked. People had always said he looked like his uncle, and now he knew why. Unfortunately he also had his uncle and one of his fathers temperament. “Well then.. Maybe we should introduce ourselves..” 
Before the girls could stop him Leonis was stomping gracefully towards the group. Pandora's eyes grew wide as she watched the two girls stumble after their brother. She went to step forward but it was far too late, she could see the anger in the boy's eyes. So instead she gripped her husband's arm in preparation for what was to come. 
“Ah Excuse me for interrupting. I just wanted to introduce myself.” Leo said as he turned to the tall man who he had been told was Sirius and stuck his hand out. “Leonis Arcturus Malfoy. These are my sisters, Macaria Hope Malfoy and Asteria Mia Malfoy.” 
The trio was slightly caught off guard noticing the teens' middle names all had something to do with their own families.  Sirius shook his hand with a confused look on his face “Sirius Black-Lupin-Potter, nice to meet you?” He said it more like a question than a statement as he looked at Pandora who was looking over trying to catch Regulus or Evans' gaze.
The girls took their turn shaking the men's hands, Macaria holding Remus’ hand a little longer than the rest. He felt a weird calm fall over him as she pulled away her cheeks slightly pink from focusing on his energy so hard. Leo stood slightly in front of his sisters with a taunting look on his face. 
“So.. You guys have any… Children?” Leo said his lip curling slightly towards the end of the question. He heard one of his sisters say his name trying to discourage him from confronting them but he had already made up his mind. He wasn't one to think when he was angry, action before thought and all that. 
Remus looked between the girl's worried looks and then back to Leo. “James has a son, Harry, he's here somewhere. I'm guessing he is friends with your younger brother Owen.” Leonis’ sneer only grew as Remus spoke, which prompted him to stop speaking. He could see the boy's hands clenching and unclenching, a motion he was far too familiar with. 
“Ah.. No other children then? Say around the age of sixteen.. Born to a woman abandoned by three little boys?” Leonis said, clasping his hands behind his back, his eyes bouncing between the three men. Even though in his opinion they were not men, but still little boys. He watched as the color drained from James and Remus’ faces. But what really caught his attention was the fact that Sirius scoffed and took a swig of whatever he was drinking. 
“I thought that lawyer said that we would be at no fault? Didn't he say that once we signed we were done.. If you are that witch's children you shouldn't even know that one of us is your sperm donor..” Sirius scoffed again before finishing off his drink. 
Xenophilius looked down at his wife, who was still eyeing their other group of friends. He didn't particularly want to be part of this conversation but knew Dora wouldn't walk away. So he spoke softly trying to defuse the situation “Children.. Maybe this is a conversation you should have with your mother.. Best save it for later.” 
Pandora was staring hard at Regulus, trying to make him feel her gaze on him. They were too far away for her to casually get his attention with her voice. Near the mouth of hedges that lead to the gardens, somewhat tucked away from the others. But when she heard the disgust that Sirius used when he spoke of you her gaze ripped back to those in front of her. 
“Sirius, watch how you speak of Y/n. These are her children and we are her friends. Be respectful please.” Pandora spoke not knowing that her words would only escalate the situation. Sirius tilted his head towards her, a bored look on his face as his hair fell slightly out of place. 
“Dora.. I hated her in school, useless little thing she was. I still hate her, I'm not being rude. Just speaking my truth, isn't that what the universe would want?” 
Before any of them could try to speak again, two hands were wrapping around the collar of Sirius’ shirt. Shoving him back past the hedges they were so conveniently standing by. Further and further into the garden and away from the party. Leonis could hear his sisters and his aunt saying his name repeatedly, but he couldn't care less. 
The man in front of him had disrespected his mother, one of the very few things he wouldn't put up with. His mother, his father and his siblings were off limits to anyone and everyone. Thankfully his body was very toned from quidditch, so forcing the man around was easy. 
“How DARE you speak of my mother like that.. From where I am standing YOU and YOUR FRIENDS are the useless ones!” He yelled his hand unconsciously finding his wand which was now digging into the underside of Sirius’ jaw. One hand was still wrapped up in the man's shirt as Leo watched a single drop of blood trickle down his wand. 
Everyone else stood shocked and silent. 
The girls and the Lovegoods knew that Leonis didn't have a good hold on his anger, but this was far from his normal character. The girls held different opinions on what was happening. Macaria hated any act of violence, blood made her queasy. So it went slightly unnoticed when she pulled back from the group and ran. 
Asteria though.. She could read Sirius’ mind, and the horrible things he was thinking only made her angry. So she decided to escalate the situation, “Brother.. You should hear the things he is thinking in his head.. Should I speak them outloud?” 
Sirius’ head snapped to the side, watching the girl who was clearly mentally stronger than himself. He didn't even realize someone was in his mind.  Legilimency and occlumency were both a gift that all Blacks held, and she was clearly very strong with both. She had shielded her presence while effortlessly walking past his defenses. 
“At the moment he is shocked at how strong I am, but just before he was thinking disgustingly crude things.. Sexually about our mother.. I belive his exact words to her were ‘Your a good fuck, but I only tolerate you for Jamie.’” Asteria watched her brother's face get darker and knew he was just as upset as she was. She didn't even try to look into the other men's minds, solely focused on the one who hated her angel of a mother. 
But that also meant she wasn't hearing any of the other voices around them. So she did not hear the group of younger teens as they walked up behind them. Owen watched as his brother held Sirius at wingtip. Harry and Owen both learning that the men had fathered the triplets. And all of their friends silently sitting back and watching the family drama unfold. 
“He taunted her and practically slut shamed her for not knowing who our father was. Even though they were all sleeping with her normally in the same night. Ironic that our bloodline is a mixture of all four of our biological parents then isnt it?” 
Leonis could feel his body heating up with anger every time his sister spoke. Anger that turned his vision splotchy and disconnected his heart from his mind. It was blinding, in any other situation it would have scared him. But he felt weirdly under control, all until his sister spoke again. 
“Now he's thinking that you remind him of his father. Orion, you know the abusive piece of garbage that Uncle Regulus told us about.”
You meanwhile had made your way out to the party carrying Phoebe while Abraxas held your finger and walked next to you. The moment he found a familiar head of hair he toddler ran towards his father “Dadadada” falling from his little mouth. 
Draven turned at the sound and effortlessly scooped up his youngest son, pressing a kiss into his messy blond hair. “Hey little guy.. Where's your Mama?” He said as he turned fully eyes finding your figure, cheeks heating up as he took in your outfit. 
Tight navy skinny jeans with small rips in the knees, a white slightly oversized shirt tucked in. A long burnt orange colored cardigan over it. The Malfoy family crest  hanging around your neck, your 8.75 carat pear shaped Morganite ring on your right hand, a gift from the triplets. While your 15 carat emerald cut engagement ring was wrapped around your ring finger, along with multiple bands. The ring had been plucked from one of the many Malfoy family vaults when he decided to marry you. 
While you thought it was a bit much, you soon learned that all the family jewelry was. You pressed your lips against Dravens in greeting, feeling the tell tale sparks that were present every time the two of you touched. He smiled down at you brightly before turning back to Lucius who was complaining about Dumbledore letting the Marauders teach at Hogwarts. 
You took this moment to look around for them but they were nowhere to be seen. Regulus’ voice pulled you attention as he spoke “You alright Sunflower?” The group fell silent as they all turned to look at you. But they were met with a smile and a nod “Of course I was just looking for them. I wanted to thank them for coming. I think it's important that our past transgressions are not forced on our children. Owen enjoys Harry's company, I would like it to stay that way.” 
Draven felt all his insecurities and worries melt away as you spoke. It reminded him of yet another reason he was irrevocably in love with you. He leaned forward squishing the twins between you slightly as he kissed your temple. It was a small gesture but it was those tiny things that he always did that showed his utter devotion to you and your happiness. 
“You're a bigger woman than I am Y/n.. I would've scalped them the moment they stepped foot in my home.” Bellatrix said, causing everyone to laugh and shake their heads. It shouldn't be funny since it was true.. Yet it was. 
A small amount of conversation picked up before a small blond preteen came skipping in your direction. One of your teddy bear sunflowers in her hands as she studied the bee that for some reason had stayed despite the skipping. “Auntie… I heard something while I was roaming the garden! Leo told some man that he was going to kill him. Mother and Father are there, as well as Harry, Owen and Draco.” 
Luna spoke in the same whimsical but nonchalant tone that her mother often spoke in. While she seemed completely unfazed by her words, the rest of the group went rigid. The twins were sat in a playpen that would be watched by Cissy as you and Draven took off for the gardens. The rest just a few steps off your heels as you took the twists and turns to where you thought your son would be. Macaria found the group on the way, small tears running down her face as she ran to Regulus who wrapped her in a tight hug. 
The anger in Leo's normally sweet voice almost made you stop. You practically skidded around the corner as you took in the scene in front of you. Pandora and Xenophilius both had their hands on one child. Pandora was holding Asteria who had her wand raised at Remus and James whose hands were held up in surrender. 
Xenophilius had his hand on Leo's shoulder, speaking softly to him as he pointed his wand towards Sirius. The dark haired man was sitting on the ground, hand held up to his lip that was busted and bleeding. 
Leo was taking visibly harsh breaths, his hand shaking in anger as he stared down at the man he had just jinxed. You went to step forward, unsure of which child to go to, but a firm hand on your wrist stopped you. 
You turned back to see Draven staring at Leonis, anger and concern written across his face. He gently but firmly steered you towards your daughter. The moment you were in front of her, Asterias hand dropped and tears formed in her eyes. She dropped her wand and rushed towards you, her arms wrapping around your waist as she buried her head in your neck. 
You immediately hugged her back, one arm around her back rubbing gently as you whispered that it would be ok. The other hand carding through her hair as you turned your bodies to see what was happening with your husband and son. 
Dravens face was red with anger, an anger that you hadn't seen since his father tried to force him to leave you. “Leonis, I understand that you are upset, trust me I am too. But this is NOT how we handle things.” Draven took a deep breath and placed both his hands on Leo's face, forcing him to look away from Sirius and at him before he spoke again. 
“That man's opinion of your mother means nothing. Your opinion of her.. Your sisters and brothers and our friends, those are the opinions that matter. And while I am so so proud of you for defending your mum's honor, this isn't how she wants you to act. You should've come to us, and let an adult handle it.” 
Bellatrix, Lucius and the Lovegoods decided that they needed to force the ever growing group of preteens back to the party. So they lead them away, Bella wiping the small tears from Owens eyes as she joked about how she should have hexed them years ago. Thanking the gods when the young blond boy laughed slightly before running to catch up with his friends. 
Remus and James were astounded at the way Draven was handling Leo. The boy's hand had slowly lowered as he listened to his father speak. It was silent and tense, everyone waiting for the next move. Sirius for once was very smartly quiet. 
Remus was watching you, as you stood holding one of his daughters. The girl's shoulders shook slightly as she cried over the horrible things and words she had seen and heard in Sirius’ head. He watched your hands treating Asteria the same way you had held him after hard transformations. He knew at that moment that you probably brought her tea, or read books to your children the same way you had with him. 
James was staring down at his boyfriend. His childhood best friend. The one who had convinced him that you were not good enough for him. That a life with you wasn't good enough for him. The same friend who had pulled him from Lily after Harry's birth. He couldn't believe that he had just witnessed Sirius speak so horrible about someone to their children. 
It was like all at once all of the emotional manipulation Sirius had pulled over the years was slapping James in the face. All the times he had made it seem like you or Lily started a fight when it was really him. All the harsh words that the two of you cried over, that Sirius had said was just ‘tough love’, James could now see the hate behind them. 
Regret washed over him as he stared down at Sirius who was sneering at a child. 
That is.. Until Evan snatched him off the ground. His fist flying into Sirius’ nose, a satisfying crunch coming from it before blood. “That's for all the times Y/n stopped me from finding you and tearing you apart. How disgusting of a person are you that you, an adult, think it's acceptable to speak in such a way to a child!” 
Regulus pulled himself far enough away from his goddaughter to speak just after his husband. “And how shameful that you would compare Leonis to our father! Leo is not bullying you for your beliefs or beating you into submission! He is defending his family's honor! Something you know nothing about!” 
Draven turned his son towards you, doing everything he could to hold himself together in front of his children. “Why don't you take your mother and your sisters back to the house. Get cleaned up so we can do the dances before we do Owens cake.” He locked eyes with you, his normally bright gray eyes a few shades darker as he nodded to you. He was silently telling you this was a moment he didn't want you to see. 
Leo walked his head down in shame towards you, sniffing silently with despair as he thought you were disappointed. But you let go of Asteria with one hand, and laid it on his cheek causing him to look up. His heart squeezed with relief as you smiled at him before nodding your head towards the path out. 
Macaria moved from Regulus’ arms and into her brothers as he walked by. Leo whispered small apologies for frightening her as he led her out of the hedge maze. Asteria released herself from your hold, wiping her eyes as she pulled herself together quickly. She walked over, hugged her father and whispered something to him before leaving herself. 
When you stayed planted to your spot, Draven sighed and walked towards you completely aware of the three extra sets of eyes on him. He held your face between his hands and gently tilted your head, forcing you to look up at him. You could feel the slight shake to his hands as his thumbs brushed over your cheek bones. 
“I have never told you what you could or could not do before.. Sixteen years we have been together and I have never once demanded something of you. So forgive me for doing so now. Go back to the party, check on our children. All of OUR children. Get the kids set with their dance partners, the rest of us will be out in a few minutes. Block off the entrance on your way out.” 
His words were true. Never in the sixteen years of being together had he ever demanded something from any of you. He asked and the few times the answer was no, he would reason with you until a solution was found. So even though you wanted to stop him from doing something he may regret, you nodded. 
You could see the relief on his face when he realized you werent going to argue with him. He leaned down and planted his lips solidly against yours, he felt like he just needed a moment of grounding before he let you walk away. So he kept kissing you, his hands still slightly shaking and his breath uneven in anger. 
Just the warmth of your lips against his cool ones settled him slightly. The addicting smell of the different flowers and herbs that always clung to you now as a potion maker calmed him. The way your body knew exactly when his lips would open slightly to deepen the kiss. The way you knew when to tilt your head and in which direction so the kiss didn't stop in awkward pause. 
The feeling of your hands connected him to the moment as one held the back of his neck and the other lay over his heart. The heart that was completely owned and held by you and his kids. The muscle that contained the half of his soul that perfectly fit yours. Your fingers felt his rapid heartbeat slowing as you pulled back, remembering the company that was held at the moment. 
“Je t'aime complètement, ma chérie” Draven whispered before kissing your forehead and releasing you. He watched as you and Regulus squeezed hands before you disappeared from his line of sight. The hedges closing behind you as you made your way out. 
Regulus and Evan stood watching their blond friend as he tilted his head back, eyes closed and released a sigh. They had never seen him angry, Lucius sure.. Draven never. But the shake in his hands and the color in his cheeks and neck betrayed the coolness of his features as he turned back to the three now standing men. 
“Not only..” Draven started but paused as soon as the words were out of his mouth. His eyes had landed on James, who was staring at the now closed bush with a slightly confused look on his face. His cheeks were also pink as his brow furrowed and it was clear he wasn't hearing Draven at all. 
Shaking it off he looked at Sirius, the one of the three that he really disliked. “Not only did you disrespect the mother of my children.. To my children.. But you disrespected my wife.” 
Sirius scoffed before looking at Draven “Are you seriously about to try and intimidate us? Ill admit you are..” He held his hand up and waved it in front of Draven with a smirk on his face “Like a greek god or something, I mean honestly 10 out of 10. But I don't think your the typ–” 
His words were cut off by yet another fist to the face. He staggered back from the impact, this time feeling more than hearing the rebreaking of his nose. The one that had barely been broken before was definitely shattered now. 
Draven wanted to hit him again.. And again.. And maybe one more time after that.. Four times for the four hearts he had broken. Because he was rational enough to understand that the anger the triplets were feeling was because they learned that these three men had easily and willingly written them off before birth. 
So he wanted to punch each of the three of them at least four times. But he settled for the one, extremely satisfying nose breaking hit he landed on Sirius. He took a few shaky breaths before he turned to look at Remus, recognizing him once again as the ‘leader’ of the group. 
“When this party is over, the three of you are no longer welcome here.” He spoke matter of factly, but heard his wife's previous words before adding, “Harry is welcome though, he can be dropped off by you or James. Or brought by Lily and Amos since Cedric comes often as well. But Sirius Black is banned from any and all of the Malfoy family properties.” 
Draven readjusted his leather jacket, took a deep breath and turned back to the two friends who were left. “Let's get back to the party.. I'm sure the triplets are going to want to talk before we move on..” 
Okay... SO I was super nervous about posting this so let me know your opionions. The next part is going to be the kids (The triplets and Owen) asking questions. And the Marauders seeing the love between the reader and Draven. Then a sweet little ending.. (Hopefully little)
What questions do you want them to ask?
As always my requests are open. Drink some water! Get some sun! I Love you all <3
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profetadiahrio · 5 years
; F O L L O W ;
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Lucius Malfoy
Andromeda Black
Minerva Mcgonagall
Dorcas Meadowes
Marlene Mckinnon
Narcissa Black 
Rabastan Lestrange
Amos Diggory
Sirius Black
Victoria Swan
Ellen Houghton 
Cygnus Lockwood
Davina Weaver
Leonie Jenkins
Alfred Northwest
0 notes
tesaonews · 5 years
23 Fotos de celebridades queridinhas dos anos 1990 e 2000 e como estão hoje
O tempo passa para todos, e as celebridades que marcaram nossa adolescência nos anos 1990 e 2000 mudaram bastante, embora sempre tenhamos em mente como elas eram naquela época. Hoje, gostaríamos de relembrar os ídolos dos anos 1990 e 2000, cujos nomes costumavam ser bem populares. Alguns ainda continuam fazendo vários filmes de sucesso, outros seguiram rumos diferentes.
1 – Jennie Garth (Barrados no Baile — Kelly Taylor)
2 – Tom Felton (Harry Potter — Draco Malfoy)
3 – Maggie Grace (Lost — Shannon)
4 – Jennifer Love Hewitt (Doce Trapaça — Page Conners)
5 – Téa Leoni (Jurassic Park III — Amanda Kirby)
6 – Winona Ryder (Outono em Nova York — Charlotte Fielding)
7 – Rupert Grint (Harry Potter — Ron Weasley)
8 – Evangeline Lilly (Lost — Kate)
9 – Mandy Moore (Um Amor para Recordar — Jamie Sullivan)
10 – Shane West (Um Amor para Recordar — Landon Carter)
11 – Teri Hatcher (Desperate Housewives — Susan )
12 – Nicole Scherzinger (Pussycat Dolls)
13 – Dominique Swain (Lolita — Dolores Haze)
14 – H.P. Baxxter (Scooter)
15 – Denise Richards (Starship Troopers — Carmen)
16 – Matthew Fox (Lost — Jack)
17 – Peta Wilson (La Femme Nikita — Nikita)
18 – Geri Halliwell (Spice Girls)
19 – Matthew Lewis (Harry Potter — Neville Longbottom)
20 – Emilie de Ravin (Lost — Claire)
21 – Emma Bunton (Spice Girls)
22 – Craig David
23 – Claire Danes (Romeu e Julieta — Julieta)
Fonte: Bright Side
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O post 23 Fotos de celebridades queridinhas dos anos 1990 e 2000 e como estão hoje apareceu primeiro em Tesão News.
source https://tesaonews.com.br/noticia-tesao/23-fotos-de-celebridades-queridinhas-dos-anos-1990-e-2000-e-como-estao-hoje/
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