#Levi would be over you but also be sure that you are taken care of
starrylevi · 1 year
Levi taking care of his drunk SO
“Hi,” you say all smiley. “Hi.” He answers back with a hint of a smirk. It’s clear you’re absolutely plastered but you still manage to look incredibly adorable to him. “Do you love me?” Levi rolls his eyes at that. “Come on, humor me” you whine to him. “Yes, I love you.” He huffs, a bit annoyed he’s giving into your drunk demands. “Do I annoy you?” Levi already sees where this is going, and he is not for it. “Let’s drink some water, hm?” He cups your cheek, and you visibly brighten at the touch. “You love me lots.” You giggle and it takes all of him not to giggle with you. Your laugh is just so infectious. “I do.” He says softly. “Now it’s time for water.” He gets up to get the liquid. “Wait, don’t go. Don’t leave me.” You grab him as you pout, your eyes pleading with him. He sighs before answering you. He knows where this is coming from, you need to feel reassured, to know that you are loved by him and that he won’t abandon you. “I’m not leaving, brat. I’m going to get you water.” He says it in a light tone, so you won’t take it the wrong way. “Okayyyy but come back fast.” Levi grabs a bottle of water from your shared fridge and then grabs some Advil before he gets back to you. He’s not gone for long but when he gets back you react as if you haven’t seen him in weeks. “I missed you!” He chuckles, shaking his head as he hands you the water and the pills. “I missed you too,” He says as you accept them. “Now drink.” He gestures to the water bottle in your hand. You stick out your tongue at him before washing the pills down with water. “Done.” You smile. “Good. Time for bed.” He declares as he gently takes the water bottle and sets it down on the nightstand. You pout at the statement, but Levi doesn’t react; he kneels down in front of you before taking off your shoes, looking up at you with a small smirk. “You’ll thank me tomorrow.” He gets back up and gently puts his hands on your shoulders. “Now be a good girl and lie down.” You do exactly what he says but not without a huff. Levi lets out a small chuckle at your reaction, shaking his head before turning the light off. You sigh to yourself as Levi settles in behind you, pulling you into his arms. “I love you.” He murmurs, placing a soft kiss behind your ear. “I love you more.” You say playfully. “Never.” He responds, gripping you tightly as you let out a small giggle. “Now sleep, my love.”
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faevi · 5 months
hello!!! I saw that you wrote lifeguard Levi before, requesting lifeguard Gojo, smut 🙏 🙏 🙏
Jellyfish Sting // Gojo.
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Scenario: Ouch! Stung by a jellyfish. Good thing Lifeguard Gojo Satoru is here to save the day… Oh, and make you feel reeeaaaallll good.
Word Count: 16,681.
Content / Trigger Warnings: female reader (she/her), lifeguard!gojo, cunnilingus, blowjob, handjob, fingering, sexual intercourse, unprotected, creampie, exhibitionism, public, outdoors, beach sex, dirty talk, pet-names (mostly princess), a jellyfish sting(?), jokes of piss, big dick gojo, stomach bulge, phone call whilst sex happens, people walking by, spanking, massaging, praise, dom!gojo / taking orders, breathplay (via dick and blocking airways), weird position (idk if it has a name but on gojo’s shoulders as he holds you up as he . . .), rough, breast worshipping, finger sucking / consuming cum. all completely consensual.
I think that's it! Please (kindly) let me know if I missed something.
Note: A request is done, woo !! Again like I usually say - not my best. AHAHA. I try !! I didn’t proof-read or edit so forgive if there’s any mistakes, just ignooooore. Lifeguard Gojo is… drools. Very yum. I think that’s about it? ; - ; Thank you for waiting. If you’re reading this and enjoyed it, please let me know !! <333 I’m a slut for kind words. Like usual, I’ll try to do better with my writing. Also hopefully this one doesn’t get fl*gged like my other one :))))))))).
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The sun is blazing hot even amongst the few clouds in the sky. If it wasn’t for the sunscreen, you were sure you’d be burnt to a crisp. Truth be told, you didn’t even want to be outside today but, your friends whined about wanting to go to the beach and what kind of friend would you be to deny them that? Still, the weather could be a lot worse than it is and it’s the perfect season for cute bikinis to wear.
You quickly glance down at yourself, admiring the shade of red of your bikini and the flimsy strings tied into cute bows before sighing out softly, feeling content to just sit beneath the large umbrella that you rented with your small group of friends. They’re near the shoreline, playfully splashing each other and there’s a pang of guilt within you for not joining them so quickly. “Come on, Y/N. You won’t die.” You mumble to yourself, shifting yourself from your laying position until you’re up on your feet, carefully bending down so your head doesn’t hit the umbrella. It’s just a bit of sun. Besides, there’s a nice breeze and lifeguards here to save you— If you really do end up in danger. You look over to the tall chair, squinting a little to inspect the lifeguard that’s on duty in this area.
Your eyes travel a bit south of his body and you feel like all of the air was just knocked out of you and leaving you winded. Okay, so maybe his figure is gorgeous. Well-defined muscles. Really, well defined. That must be an eight-pack and how is that realistically possible? Even his legs look nice and long. Soft white hair that makes your fingers twitch with the urge to touch. His skin is clearly well taken care of when he’s out in the sun most days. Wait a minute— Was he looking at you? Even with distance, you can clearly see his head is turned in your direction, sunglasses not truly covering his eyes that you swear are looking your way. No… He’s probably just checking the general area.
He’s smirking at you. You’ve been caught.
You feel the heat rise to your cheeks, thankful to see that his co-worker is suddenly grabbing his attention and so before you’re truly distracted, you stomp through the sand towards your friends. Whatever. You just wanted to double-check check someone was on duty. That’s all it is. “Y/N, finally!” One of your friends whines playfully, latching around your neck to cling to you. “We were wondering when you’d join us. Sitting all alone is boring, y’know.” Your friend continues and you laugh softly, gently patting her back. “I was playing the main character in hopes that the hot lifeguard would look my way.” You say, giggling along with your friends as you glance towards the lifeguard once more.
He’s off the seat now and you couldn’t ignore the obvious sight of tight red shorts low on his hips, the v-line tempting you to want to see further. You feel like some nasty side of you is starting to awaken. You didn’t even pay attention to his hot co-worker; long black hair tied up and your friend clinging onto you gushing about his smile. He’s cute, you couldn’t deny that but, the white-haired lifeguard… There’s something about him.
“Quickly, one of us needs to start drowning.” Your other friend says and you playfully smack her shoulder. “Let’s all just actually swim.” You say, dragging your friends into the warm salty water. It didn’t take long for you to fool around with your friends, briefly oblivious to a certain lingering gaze on your figure. Even with hatred towards the heat, you find yourself grateful for visiting the beach. It’s comforting; to be able to spend time playing around with your friends before the days get busy again.
You grin as you splash one of your friends in retaliation to her own and the pair of you try to dodge each other’s attacks before there’s a sly smile on her face and she floats closer. “Mister lifeguard really does love looking at you~.” She teases and your mouth opens to respond, only for a sharp cry to escape your lips. There’s a painful stinging sensation across your leg and out of instinct, you begin to kick your leg as you flail away from the general area. “What? What is it!” One of the friends says, frantically taking a hold of you.
Usually, you have a high tolerance for pain, but nothing could stop the tears from appearing and threatening to spill as your lower leg area throbs. “J-Jellyfish!” You gasp out your warning, grabbing a hold of your friend who was clinging onto you and begin to swim back to the shoreline before you stumble onto the sand. A mere jellyfish managed to brush its nasty tentacles up against your leg. You plop your ass down against the sand, bringing your leg closer to try and inspect the unpleasant sting, biting back your soft whimpers of pain. “It’s just a sting, don’t worry.” You try to reassure your group of friends who are surrounding you and showing obvious signs of panic. You could feel the area throb, witnessing as it swells up and the parts where the tentacles actually touch flare up. You scrunch your face up, fingers digging into the sand as you try to not show how much it hurts. You didn’t want your friends to panic further. It’s a rather small incident compared to what could happen out in the ocean.
“What’s going on, girlies?”
You turn your head in the direction of the deep voice, eyes instantly making contact with a crystal blue pair, the sunglasses low on the bridge of the lifeguard’s nose. It’s the white-haired one. You feel like you could potentially faint from a mixture of pain and having his gorgeous existence right in front of your very eyes. You quickly glance to notice his co-worker is next to him, they’re both appearing rather concerned. Your friends back off to give space as they both kneel next to you, feeling your cheeks heating up quickly. “It’s nothing, honestly! I just got stung by a jellyfish.” You explain hastily, hands coming up to wave in dismissal, not wanting to distract the hot lifeguards from their actual job.
You feel something graze gently against your cheek and you finally snap your focus to the touch. The white-haired lifeguard’s finger wipes away a tear that managed to escape, offering a comforting smile before looking towards the large sting area and letting out a low whistle. “It got you pretty good.” He begins, leaning to the side to allow his co-worker to inspect the inflamed part of your leg. You’re too focused on the white-haired male with the sunglasses. His lips soon twist to form a playful smirk.
“Want me to piss on it?”
You felt like your mind completely malfunctioned and went into overdrive from hearing such a filthy question. Instantly, his co-worker smacks him across the back of his head and the playful lifeguard whines dramatically, hands coming up to the back of his head. “Don’t ever offer that stupid idea again, Satoru. You know that’s a myth. You’re going to traumatise the poor girl.” His co-worker sighs and all you could really focus on is the fact that you now know his name. Satoru.
Satoru rolls his eyes, lips forming what must be his signature pout as his hands come down to tenderly guide your leg closer to him. “I doubt she’d be traumatised from a bit of urine, Suguru. I was just joking.” He grumbles, noticing the way your friends appeared disgusted by the idea and yet, you’re simply flustered and avoiding eyes. Cute, is all Satoru can think. “Ladies, your friend—“ He pauses, looking your way.
“Y/N will be completely fine. I’ll take her up to the lifeguard tower and you guys can keep having fun. Suguru will keep watch.” Satoru expresses and you look towards your friends, all looking concerned. Even over a jellyfish sting. “I’m okay! Keep having fun, I’ll be good in no time.” You say hastily, maybe a bit too eager to be alone with the white-haired male. Hopefully, it’s not too obvious. Your friends continue to give looks of worry and even guilt about leaving you alone, but you simply give them a smile of reassurance as you press your hands against the warm sand, intending to move so you’re standing.
Instead, you feel a rush of air around you and something strong yet comforting wrapping around your body; one around the back of your knees and the other around your shoulders. You didn’t expect your mind to shortcircuit for the second time so soon as you managed to process that the pair of ‘something’ was Satoru’s toned arms lifting you with ease until he was carrying you bridal style. You let out an awkward laugh, ignoring how hot your face feels as you glance up at his smirking face. “It’s just a jellyfish sting, I’m sure I can walk.” You say quite timidly, ignoring the lingering gazes from both your friends and Satoru’s co-worker.
The white-haired male simply looks down at your face, pearly whites exposed as he grins a little, voice low and smug. “Princesses get carried, no? Come on.” He says, turning his broad back to the group as he begins to walk away. Trying to appear casual by rubbing your face as if something itches; you’re actually trying to hide your own giddiness from hearing his words, even noticing how careful he was with carrying you to not touch the area of your leg on where the jellyfish stung you. Satoru continues to walk through crowds of people on the beach, further up towards the tower, completely unphased by the burning sun against his pale skin. He briefly wonders to himself if he could manage to convince someone as cute as you to reapply sunscreen on spots he can’t reach.
Satoru should feel terrible for already thinking such selfish things but, in his defence? He could tell the attraction was mutual the second he caught you looking at him. It’s a miracle he was even looking away at that moment because the moment he saw you and your friends set up on the beach, he refused to move post with Suguru or other co-workers; insisting he stays on guard for that section of the beach. Just so he could continue to selfishly watch you for his own pleasure. He clears his throat to snap out of his deep thoughts. “So, I have a feeling that you’re not actually a fan of the beach, Y/N.”
You puff your cheeks out, head briefly resting against his shoulder as he continues to carry you. The muscles in his arms didn’t even twitch to show exhaustion. He was perfectly fine with holding you for a long time. “What gives you that idea? Have you been watching me?” You tease lightly, internally wondering where on Earth the confidence suddenly comes from. “Yeah, you’ve caught my eye.” The lifeguard replies, finally at the steps of the tower, looking down at you. You quickly look down, feeling even more exposed than before. Especially in your skimpy bikini. You couldn’t deny the happiness that seemed to ignite in your heart from hearing the lifeguard’s words. You’ve caught his eye. Out of everyone on that beach, it’s you. You sigh softly.
“I don’t hate the beach, I actually quite like it. I just feel like I’m going to dramatically burn to death or something from how hot the sun is. That aside, maybe I’ve found something to make me enjoy the beach more than before. Even the sun can’t stop it… or the sting.” You hastily add as you still feel your lower leg throbbing. Being with the hot lifeguard can only do so much. You watch as his lips curl and eyebrows twist to form a frown. “Right. Hold on.” He says, tightening his large hands against your body as he carries you up the steps of the tower before reaching the top. The door is already open as he steps inside sideways and your eyes notice another pair of gorgeous lifeguards sitting in front of the large windows that look down upon the beach. One with his blonde hair slicked back and keeping his body covered with the lifeguard jacket and longer shorts. You notice he’s wearing glasses. The other is another male; with long hair tied up into two messy buns and a bold tattooed line across the bridge of his nose and cheeks. They both tilt their heads towards you.
Satoru presses you against him as he holds you, refusing to let you stand. He really is giving you the princess treatment for just a jellyfish sting. “Utahime left for the day already, Nanami?” Satoru asks, stepping in the direction of the back of the tower. The blonde male simply nods, eyes focused on you for the moment. You offer a timid smile, looking down towards your fidgeting hands. “What happened with her?” The other lifeguard asks, glancing towards you before returning their gaze towards the windows, and picking up a pair of binoculars. “Jellyfish sting, nothing too bad but I’d rather treat it than let her sit out in the sun and wait for the pain to go. Quicker this way, Choso. Anyways, don’t mind us.” Satoru insists, waiting for the pair to be distracted with their job before he truly moves to the back, behind a set of curtains.
“You really didn’t have to bring me all the way over here. I could have waited it out.” You say softly, not wanting to disturb the peace of the lifeguard tower as the white-haired male carefully sets you down on the mattress of the medical bed, allowing your legs to dangle off the side. Satoru whips the curtain further shut to give you both privacy, looking down at you as he reveals a slight crooked grin. “Can you just let me pretend to do my job so I can have you to myself?” He teases and automatically, your thighs begin to clench together as you feel a stir of excitement within you. “That and I’d rather actually ease the pain of the sting. It’d be quicker here than out there. Didn’t you want to get out of the sun?” He reminds, plopping his ass down onto the stool as he rolls over to the counter.
Maybe it’s because of his own flirtatious ways that you find a side of you awakening. That must be it for your words. “Well, I definitely wanted to get out of the sun with you, mister lifeguard.” You say so sweetly, your eyes lingering on the tiny red shorts that just tighten further around his toned legs. Satoru feels a boost to his own ego at your shy words, setting a bucket under the tap before adjusting for hot water, looking your way. “A princess with a sweet tongue. What a weakness of mine. Let’s focus on the sting for a moment.” He says, soon lifting the bucket out of the sink, and grabbing a spray bottle full of vinegar before setting them down. “Various remedies, different strokes for different folks. They all work, usually. It’s a relief we don’t live in an area with dangerous types. Otherwise, I’d be running to the hospital with you in my arms. What would you prefer to try to soothe the pain?” He asks, hands rubbing along his toned thighs.
Truth be told, you could barely focus on his words of wisdom. You’re far too distracted by his pretty hands against his thighs. “The hot water..” You manage to respond and Satoru simply smiles, noticing how distracted you appear to be. “Or you could just look at my pretty face as a distraction until the pain is gone. That might take longer.” He teases and you couldn’t help but whine, playfully kicking in his direction. “Stooooop, you’re making me flustered.” You whisper, not wanting the other lifeguards to hear as your walls quickly come down in Satoru’s presence. It already feels like you’ve known him for so long. He chuckles, bringing the bucket of hot water closer as he sets it between you and himself before gesturing for you to scoot to the edge of the bed. The white-haired male bends down, tenderly taking hold of your ankle before guiding your foot into the hot water. It’s big enough so the water completely covers up the throbbing sting area and you hiss gently from the heat.
Your fingers grip the edge of the thin mattress, breathing in deeply. It’s slow but, the sting is starting to subside already, causing your body to relax with relief. Satoru’s large hand rests against your bare thigh, giving a gentle squeeze and nails scraping along your soft skin. “You think this method is good enough for you?” His voice is soft, as if he wants his co-workers not to disturb him, his thumb rubbing in a circular motion against your flesh. You feel like your gut is twisting from the lifeguard’s touch, gaze fixated on his bare abdomen on display for only your eyes to see. “Yeah..” You breathe out softly, making sure to keep your foot in the bucket of hot water and your eyes already becoming droopy. His touch feels so good... You wonder what else his hands could do.
You snap out of your thoughts when he pulls away, standing up from the stool and before he can move away, two of your fingers suddenly hook beneath the elastic of his lifeguard shorts, preventing him from moving. “Oh? Attached to me already, are you? Don’t worry, princess. I’m just going over there.” He teases as he jabs his thumb in the direction of the counter. Flustered, you quickly let go and look away. He bites back an amused smile, setting the spray bottle filled with vinegar back on the counter before he begins to look through the drawers. Your eyes automatically look his way to watch his movements, wondering what he’s looking for. “You’re not going back out, are you? It— It just hurts a lot, I’m afraid something might happen to me if no one’s around.” You ramble, cringing at your own obvious lies.
Satoru snorts gently, picking up a tube of cream and smacks it lightly against his hand as he makes his way back to the stool, ever so casually. “Now after hearing that, I can’t dare leave the princess all alone, even though there are lifeguards on the other side of the curtain, can I?” He sits back down, rolling close enough to stretch out his arms until both of his hands are on either side of you, trapping you within. You couldn’t even look him in the eye; finding that his piercing blue orbs are impossible to not drown in. “I wasn’t planning to leave, it’s near the end of my shift. I’ll stay with you.” Satoru reassures, playfully tapping the tube of cream against your thigh, his gaze obvious and hot against your figure. “How’s the leg?” He asks.
You slide your leg out of the bucket of water and look down. It’s not stinging as much and you can see the bumpy lines of where the tentacles touched you. “It doesn’t hurt as much.” You say and Satoru reaches over to grab a towel, placing it across his lap and pats it. You couldn’t help but smile before lifting your leg until you rested it against him. Carefully, he pats your leg dry before grabbing the tube of cream. “This will help further. May I?” He asks, already squirting the cream onto the tips of his long fingers, confident to hear you give permission. Although fixated on the length of his fingers, you manage to nod your head and he smears it gently across the inflamed area. He’s careful as he massages it in with his fingers and you continue to watch, feeling a little breathless. Even the numbing pain that is starting to subside couldn’t distract you from focusing on the gorgeous lifeguard.
Satoru tilts his head down to prevent you from seeing his amused smirk as his ears manage to pick up the softest whine that escapes you from his touch. He’s a little selfish in the fact that his other hand joins in to tenderly massage your leg. If anyone asks why he’s taking so long; it really is for your benefit. He does care that you got stung, after all. It’s not pleasant. “Are you going home after this? If not, it might be best to bandage it just to keep it covered for now.” Satoru says, wiping his hands dry against the sides of his red shorts. You pause when you hear the question. All of your belongings are still back with your friends and they probably expect you to return before going home at least but… something else was on your mind.
You bite down on your lip, courage flowing through your veins as your foot on his lap presses down against his toned thigh, daringly close to a particularly sensitive area for a man. You watch as a white eyebrow arches and he peeks at you beneath his circular shades. “When exactly does your shift end?” You ask quietly, glancing towards the closed curtain. Satoru sighs out softly, closing his eyes for a moment as he focuses on the pressure of your foot. You’re not going straight home, it seems. He tugs his phone out to inspect the time, leaning over to hastily snatch up the roll of bandages before tucking his phone away. “In about ten. Why? Do you want me all to yourself?” He teases, thumb pressing the bandage against your leg to hold it in place as he begins to wind it around, eyes never leaving your face.
“Surely there are some secluded areas on the beach that you work on. That must be pretty and fun to be alone with a girl..” You say, unable to stop the sheepish giggle from escaping your lips. Since when could you be so bold? He ties a firm knot before nudging your foot off of his lap to roll his stool closer. He’s tall enough even when he’s sitting and you are on a higher surface, that he’s face to face with you. The lifeguard is so close that you can feel his warm breath fan against your lips. Fuck. You clench your thighs together as best as you can without being so obvious. You should have worn black if you knew there would be a ridiculously hot lifeguard on the scene because you just know there’s a damp patch forming on the bright red fabric of your bikini.
“I can think of a few areas, perhaps. Promise me that you’ll be all mine as I show you around? I mean, if someone disturbs us… I won’t be stopping.” He warns, voice deep and smooth. The words send shivers up your spine and you lean in to playfully bump your nose against his. “Wouldn’t want you to stop, Satoru. I mean, it’s the least I can do for the lifeguard who saved me from a jellyfish sting.” You tease sweetly, fingers ghosting along his toned bicep. He curses beneath his breath, bending down until his forehead meets your bare shoulder. He’s impatient. If it was up to him, the white-haired male would already be bending you over the edge of the medical bed and fucking you in front of his co-workers. Still, it will be exciting to have some fun on a beach where anyone could walk by.
“Such an honour to treat the princess. Now, to waste time—“ He pauses, pulling away as he stands up and walks out from behind the curtain. You automatically pout at him leaving you, gripping the edge of the bed as you wait. Satoru snatches the large bottle of sunscreen from the front of Nanami and Choso, offering a wide grin. Nanami holds his hand up to stop Satoru from speaking. “I don’t want to know.” Nanami says before crossing his arms and continuing to watch. The white-haired male rolls his eyes, grumbling to himself before he returns to you from behind the curtain and sighs. “Do me a favour? I can’t reach anywhere.” Satoru says, placing the sunscreen next to you and you couldn’t help but grin a little. He’s too cute in a way.
You jump to your feet with eagerness, ignoring the dull ache that lingers beneath the bandage and squirt a generous amount of the white liquid into the palm of your hand, oblivious to Satoru’s intense gaze. He’s staring at you, eyes clouded with a mixture of endearment and hot desire. Satoru isn’t feeling attached. Not like that. At least, not yet. Surely any guy would find it difficult to not be endeared by your cute actions, especially when you seem so eager to please him with such a simple task. You grimace a little as it threatens to drip over the side of your hand and approach the tall male, offering him a sickly sweet smile. “Come here, please.” You say and you both meet each other in the middle of the small medic area, chest to chest.
With cheeks feeling hot, you step back slightly before slapping your hand against his firm chest and he grunts a little, lips parting to tease you about not being sexy enough; only to choke on his own saliva. His piercing blue eyes are intense with the gaze, staring down at both of your hands that are now against his toned chest and starting to smear the sunscreen, nice and slow. Your hands seem so much smaller compared to his and just that alone enough is driving his mind wild from the size difference; filthy images of you being practically bent in half before him. Flexible or not, Satoru knows he’d manhandle you into the position he craves.
You could feel his chest rising and falling beneath your hands, biting down on your lip as you began to allow your hands to explore further south, fingers tracing along the beautifully defined muscle lines of his abdomen. You could feel how rock solid and hot he feels from living beneath the sun as a career, hands eager to rub in the sunscreen. You wouldn’t want him to get burned by the sun after all. What kind of princess would let their ‘hero’ suffer like that? No. It’s your job to please him in every way possible, just like you want to. Your fingertips trace along the v-line that travels further down and to an area you shouldn’t reach. Except, you dip your fingers just beneath the elastic and look up into his blue eyes.
“I just have a feeling your upper thighs might get exposed to the sunlight later. Best to be careful. Right?” You hum, tilting your head slightly as you spread the last of the sunscreen along his upper thighs, daring to glide close to the middle but, not far enough. Satoru merely grunts in response, eyes now looking upwards and you could practically see him beg himself to stay in control and not snap. It’s so hard to do that. Another hard thing happens to be his cock. He can feel himself hardening as you tease him further, length straining against the already tight boardshorts. You look down, lips parting in awe to see the outline of how thick and long he is. Is that even humanly possible? You’ve been with guys before but, they were never built like this.
In silent admiration over his giant length straining, your nails graze along the top of his thighs before you slip your hands out. You inspect the upper body area to see the light glisten of sunscreen before you pump some more into your hands and carefully, lower yourself onto your knees. The curtain isn’t long enough that it reaches the floor. If Satoru’s lifeguards look back for even a second, they’d be able to see the glimpse of you kneeling on the ground, looking like you’re doing something so sinful behind the curtains. Satoru notices it instantly and that alone is enough to cause him to sigh heavily and drag his fingers through his white hair. “Y/N, cheeky little girl..” He breathes out as you begin to rub the sunscreen into his legs. You look up to see his crystal blue eyes admiring the sight of you kneeling before him and you merely smile in response.
“I want to cover every inch of you so you’re safe from the sun, that’s all. Although… I won’t smother your cock in sunscreen. I’ll protect that part of you with my, hm.. mouth? Pussy? The sun won’t get you there.” You say soft enough for only Satoru to hear and his hand now travels to cover his mouth in almost disbelief from your filthy words. He’d even say he was close to feeling flustered for the first time in his life; never expecting the timid girl who insisted she’d be okay to suddenly have skyrocketing confidence that only riles him up further. He looks at the time of his watch and curses. You really are taking your sweet time to caress every part of his body and teasing him with scratches from your nails and gentle squeezes. He needs to get you out of here.
“Sweetheart, with all due respect— Please hurry up so I can fucking get you out of here.” Satoru says, fingers gliding through your hair to grip on, pulling nice and slow so you could feel the tugging pain on each strand. Fuck. The aching pain floods you with excitement and desperation to obey his words and so you hastily get to your feet, leaning up on your toes to ghost your lips across his. A near kiss. “Sorry, I just love to worship.” You say, giggling as he leans forward to try and complete the kiss. He rolls his eyes, though the corners of his lips twitch and he turns around. With haste, you squirt the last amount of sunscreen to lather across his broad back, admiring his wide shoulders and the movements of his muscles as you rub in the white liquid down along the length of his body before pulling away. “All done! How did I do?” You ask, grinning.
He turns around, almost melting at the sight of you and takes hold of your smaller hand with his much bigger one. “Perfect— My good girl. Please tell me you’re still good to go protection-wise.” He says, eager to leave. You couldn’t help but smile. It wasn’t long ago when you applied sunscreen and so with your free hand, you give him the thumbs up. The lifeguard sighs with relief before he begins to pull you out from behind the curtain, reaching for his backpack with his spare hand to swing over his shoulder. “Alright, I’m off to fuck— I mean off the clock and going home.” Satoru jokes and you feel yourself flush with heat. Even knowing this man for just over an hour and you’re not really surprised by his crude behaviour with his co-workers. Still, it leaves you flustered. Satoru merely grins at his co-workers who roll their eyes before he pulls you out of the open doorway, nudging his sandals close to your feet. Your heart flutters and you slide your feet into them, noticing how big they are on your feet.
“I can’t believe you just said that.” You whine softly and Satoru guides you down the steps carefully, not wanting you to trip over. He simply chuckles, shoulders shrugging. “Not ashamed and I’m a proud man when I get what I want.” Satoru says, feet meeting the sand. You playfully bump your head against his shoulder, fingers lacing with his. “What about your feet? Aren’t they hot?” You ask with a small pout and instantly, Satoru’s heart clenches at the sight. ���Used to it and would prefer your feet protected— Come on, my dick is dying.” He says, gently tugging you along. You would have scolded him for his bluntness if it wasn’t holding some truth for yourself. You, yourself, felt like you were dying from not already being stuffed full of his throbbing length as he pounds into oblivion, claiming you on the beach that you’re sharing with hundreds of others.
Satoru is eagerly pulling you along the beach, glancing every so often to make sure you’re not struggling; whether with his large shoes or the jellyfish sting but, it seems you were just as eager for the crowd to start thinning out as you walk horizontally along with the ocean. Both of your hearts are pounding with excitement, too deep in focus to hold a conversation. That can happen later. You’re still facing a bit of disbelief. How can a ridiculously attractive man, who basically pours out godly energy; want you? After just an hour or so. It’s dangerous realistically speaking and yet, you’re desperate to have him. To please the lifeguard with your own two hands and mouth. Even more.
Satoru continues to drag you along, shades covering his eyes as he glances across the beach. You’ve both been walking for so long now that it’s not part of the popular tourist spot on the beach. People rarely come down this way because he and other lifeguards express that the waters can become dangerous and it’s preferred to situate yourselves within the flags. It’s been about five minutes since he saw the last person lounging on the sand and frankly, he’s had enough. Why walk a further ten minutes just to be extra careful? No one’s around. Even if someone did appear, it’s not going to stop him from touching you. Truth be told, Satoru loves the thrill of being caught and showing off what belongs to him. Even if only temporary.
He finally comes to a stop and you’re panting softly; a mixture of excitement and tiredness from walking beneath the hot sun that is only just now beginning to set. Slowly. White strands of hair fall over his eyes as he looks down at you, unable to stop himself from cooing at the cute sight of you clinging onto his hand, looking like a lost little lamb for the taking. “Sweet girl, I think this is far enough. Here—“ He pauses, tightening his hold on you as he moves up towards the tall cliffs that provide shade. You feel like your cheeks doubled in heat from his words, following him until he suddenly twirls you around and you stumble towards the face of the cliff.
His large hand presses against your lower back, preventing you from making a rough impact on the rock surface. It’s rather smoothed out, not too painful to lean your back against and you look up at him. His free hand presses against the cliff beside your face, easily towering above you. He pushes the sunglasses up until they sit comfortably on top of his head, strands of hair pushed back to expose his forehead. Already, loose strands begin to fall back down, but he doesn’t care. All he cares about is you. He drops his backpack to the side. “The ocean years ago used to reach up to the cliff, slowly washed away the roughness. Perfect to pin you up against, don’t you think?” Satoru says, deep voice sounding almost like magic with the gentle waves in the background.
Your heart is hammering, feeling the slightly jagged rocks against your bare back, but he’s right. It’s the only perfect surface in such an outdoor space. Frankly, you don’t care. You don’t even care anymore about being out in the open. You were nervous before, but all you see is Satoru. Your fingers ghost up along his bare arms before you snake your arms around his neck, leaning up onto the tip of your toes. He bends down so his lips are over yours. “Hurry up and fuck me.” You whisper, soon feeling his soft tiers crashing against yours. Satoru with patience completely out the window; kisses you with fierce passion. He feels fucking starved when it comes to you. The lifeguard noticed you and your friends the moment you set up beneath the umbrella and he struggled to do his job when he was just watching you so intently. Finding every little thing about you to be sweet and cute. Irresistible, even. First time meeting, who the fuck cares. He’s going to have you.
You feel breathless already as he devours you with such ease. Satoru’s lips move slowly against yours, tilting his head to deepen the kiss and you whimper softly, one hand coming to rest against his bare chest. His skin felt so hot despite being in the shade and you could feel his heart racing. It’s somewhat comforting to know that his heart races with excitement like yours. You gasp softly as his tongue glides smoothly across your bottom lip. “Open wide, princess.” He mumbles into the kiss and as you oblige so quickly, his tongue slides into your wet cavern, eager to explore every inch of it, pressing your body against the cliff face as his own much bigger form pins you against it. Needy whines are muffled by his lips as his tongue teasingly rubs against yours. Satoru slides his large hand down the length of your back before boldly cupping your ass cheek to give a harsh squeeze.
“Ah, ‘toru..” You pant out softly, feeling both of his hands now groping your bare ass cheeks, fingertips pressing so deeply into your flesh that you feel a sweet ache. The flimsy fabric of your bikini bottom rides between your cheeks as he fondles roughly, saliva smearing across your cheek as his lips leave yours to kiss along your jaw, panting softly. “Could see your ass a mile away before, found it so fucking cute. Knew I wanted you then.” He groans softly against your ear, coaxing the butterflies in your stomach to flutter wildly and prompt you to dig your nails gently into his skin. You can feel his tongue dancing across your warm flesh, teeth nibbling before he bites down harshly on the side of your neck, sucking firmly.
You whimper from the dull throb that spreads from the spot and Satoru presses a kiss to the abused area before he pulls back to gaze down at you, eyes swirling with deep lust. “Satoru, please... You’re making me feel so—“ You bite down on your lip and look to the side, somewhat flustered. He merely smirks, cupping the side of your neck and leans to the other side to give his sweet attention. “What is it, pretty girl? Needy? Fucking wet for me? Shall I see for myself?” He says, one hand toying with the tied-up bow. One tug and it’d slip down. His teasing almost frustrates you, already wishing to feel more as his lips scatter kisses across your neck and down to the valley of your breasts. The bikini top did a pathetic job of covering your boobs.
“You’re such a tease.” You exhale softly, glancing at your surroundings. No one is around, still. He grins playfully at your words, one hand lifting from your behind for only a moment before he smacks your cheek firmly, causing you to yelp and press up against him. You feel the sweet sting spread across your ass cheek that jiggles from impact and he swats again before the tingle. Again and again, Satoru spanks your ass, alternating cheeks until he grips the throbbing flesh and drags his nails harshly along the burning skin. You’re whimpering against his chest, hopelessly holding onto him as he lands each spank with such precision, breasts pressing against him. “Fucking delicious.” He sighs out heavily, feeling the heat from the harsh spanks radiate off of your skin.
You’re biting down on your lip harshly as if that could stop the lewd sounds that slip from your lips as his palms soothingly massage the painful sting. With tears already in your eyes, you discovered how much you love pain to be inflicted on you by his hands alone. It sent waves down to your very core. “Sadist..” You mumble playfully as your hand snakes down his abdomen until your fingers once more dip beneath the elastic of his shorts. “Maybe I am, I don’t see you having a problem with it.” He whispers against your ear, hands pausing against your behind. “Baby~. We’re all alone. Stop being so sneaky. Just say you want to see how big I am.” He says smugly and you would have rolled your eyes if his words didn’t hold the truth.
You look down between you both as Satoru’s long fingers hook beneath his boardshorts, tugging them down to the middle of his thighs and your jaw drops at the sight of his hardened cock springing out from the tight confinements of his shorts, throbbing deliciously before your very eyes. He’s big. Beyond big. Long in length and the girth is so thick, you wonder if it’d even fit comfortably inside. Your gaze fixates on the protruding veins that line up along his length, saliva threatening to dribble out at the glorious sight of his dick. No wonder he’s so cocky. “You’re so hot—“ You blurt out before cupping the back of his neck to pull him down for another feverish kiss, your other hand coming down towards his exposed length. He’s all smug as he responds to the kiss, heart swelling with pride and lips curled to form a smile against your lips. He’s a sucker for praise. Satoru couldn’t deny that.
He grunts in response as your fingers wrap around the base of his cock, the tips barely able to touch together. It feels so warm and heavy against your palm and you couldn’t help but think it’s somewhat comforting in a way, as you begin to stroke nice and slowly. Satoru moves to hunch over but your hand presses against his shoulder for the moment, bending low enough so you could dribble out saliva until it drips down onto your stroking hand and Satoru’s hand comes up to tug on his own hair, knocking his sunglasses off his head. He didn’t care. All he could focus on was the snug tightness of your hand as it smears the saliva across each inch of his cock. “So thick..” You whisper and he can barely catch your words as the waves crash against the shore behind him, feeling completely wrapped up in the pleasure that pulses through him as you continue to pump your fist, not daring to relent in the steady pace you set.
You couldn’t help but bite back a giddy smile at the sight of the lifeguard already completely blissed out, using your thumb to drag along the leaking tip, trailing the pre-cum along the side of his length. Your wrist flicks gently with each movement, fingertips gliding across his balls teasingly each time your hand reaches the base. He’s panting heavily against your ear, his large hands soothingly rubbing along your signs, occasionally toying with the strings of your bikini. “You’re already feeling so good just from my hand, Satoru… Just imagine what it’d be like with my needy cunt. Mouth, too.” You give the base of his throbbing cock a squeeze as your lips brush against his, making them glisten with saliva before you start to lower yourself onto your knees before the tall lifeguard, long lashes fluttering as you gaze up at him.
His eyes appear even more alive, almost manic as he grins at the sight of you on your knees. You feel them sink into the sand as you lean to happily press your face against the underside of his cock. “Fucking hell..” Satoru mumbles in awe at the heavenly sight of his twitching cock resting against your face. “Bigger than my face, I bet you’re not surprised.” You mumble, lips rubbing gently against his length before you press your tongue flat against it and travel upwards, dragging it along the protruding vein before you reach his leaking tip. His eyes glaze over with the pleasure that washes over him, barely able to focus as your tongue playfully laps at the head of his length, gathering the pre-cum to happily swallow before your wet muscle swirls around the bulbous tip. He tastes so fucking good already, weighing heavy against your tongue alone.
You feel his long fingers gently grip your hair as you continue to just tease, licking along the sides so eagerly as if his cock was your own personal ice cream, pressing sloppy kisses as your hand squeezes the base. “Y/N.” He warns with his grip tightening on your hair, prompting you to whimper. Quickly, you obey his silent order. You wouldn’t dare defy the white-haired lifeguard. No matter how greedy he becomes, you’d give all of yourself to him. Your glistening lips wrap around the bulbous tip, gently suckling on it. It’s hard to smile at the sound of his pleased sigh, watching as he tilts his head back. You didn’t dare look away, sliding your mouth up and down the first few inches of his thick cock, already finding your jaw aching slightly from how wide you had to keep your mouth open.
Satoru is already blissed out. To think that he thought today would be any other day of typical lifeguard duties. Truth be told, he thought he’d have to deal with lost children or carrying citizens on his board to the safety of the shore. He definitely did not expect to watch you for most of his shift and have his mind pump full of filthy fantasies. What’s even more surprising is the mutual attraction and how neither of you cared to do the typical waiting until touching each other. You both yearned for one another since eye contact. Good for him, he thinks. Satoru thinks he deserves a pretty girl on her knees, sucking his big cock. What he couldn’t wait for is to have his own mouth between your legs, desperate to taste you. Satoru is— Well. A lover of eating out, let’s just say.
“Fuuuuck, princess—“ He grunts out as you continue to bob your mouth at a steady pace, the obnoxious slurping up the saliva that threatens to spill not being covered by the waves of the ocean. The day was starting to calm down weather-wise, ready to embrace the evening. You whine, prompting gentle vibrations along his cock and a string of curses to leave his swollen lips, gaze darkening as he looks down at you. You manage to take another inch or two as you slide your lips further down, stretching around the girth. The tip brushed against the back of your throat and you automatically gag, muffled by his throbbing length. “Good girl, look at you. Taking my cock so fucking well.” Satoru pants and with a brief warning by pulling on your hair, he presses firmly against the back of your head. “Take it.” He orders, voice low and breathless.
Your eyes widen as you feel the pressure against the back of your head and you’re unable to reject it from how strong he’s pushing. Not that you even wanted to. You’re an absolute whore when it comes to pleasing the lifeguard. Already, wrapped around his little finger and ready to do as he says. You feel his length slide along your inner cheeks, keeping your jaw as relaxed as you can as he pushes in until the tip of his length pushes past the point of gagging and your throat completely sheaths his cock, leaving the sight of your throat bulging for no one to see but Satoru.
You’re desperately swallowing around his thick cock, drool seeping out from the corners of your lips as you look up at him. You have to breathe heavily through your nose just to have access to oxygen. Satoru closes his eyes for a moment, enjoying the pretty sounds of you choking on his cock as the insides of your mouth and throat keep his length feeling snug and warm; his length is surrounded with pleasure that surges up through him. He glances down at you and smirks. You look rather pathetic in an adorable way, squirming against the sand, eyes wide and pretty tears threatening to spill from the rough deep-throating.
Feeling playful, Satoru uses his free hand to pinch your nose, blocking the only access you had for breathing. Your face scrunches up a little, whimpering moans muffled by his length still stuffed down your throat. “You look so cute, princess. Struggling to get air. Shall I give you CPR?” He jokes, tightening his pinch and your head begins to throb from the lack of oxygen you so eagerly need. He’s not a complete asshole, nor entirely selfish and so, he lets go of your nose and begins to guide your mouth along his cock. You inhale deeply through your nose when you have the chance, feeling so light-headed as oxygen rushes back. “Just a bit longer.” He grunts out as his closed fist on your hair moves so your mouth slides up and down his length, faster than your pace before.
Helplessly, your hands grip his toned thighs, just above the signature red shorts as your lips stay stretched around his length, heart racing with joy to be used like this by the lifeguard. The white-haired male makes sure you take every inch until you’re at the base of his cock, the nose often momentarily pressing against his lower stomach. “Just like that, fuck— So good..” He pants, his throbbing cock enjoying the wet pleasure of your mouth, tongue rubbing along the underside. His stomach begins to feel hot and tight, the urge to climax growing and so, refusing to let himself cum before you do; he slides your mouth off completely until there’s an audible pop, followed by a sharp gasp as you breathe in the generous amount of air that was briefly stolen from you.
You break the string of saliva that connected your lips to his cock as you pant heavily, unable to stop your lips from forming a wide grin at the sight of him, giddy that you got to please him so well with just your mouth. “You like it rough, huh?” You manage to rasp out and Satoru lets out a sheepish chuckle, his hand coming down to pet you on the head, hand stroking along your hair. “Honestly, Y/N. I think I’m going to enjoy any kind of way when it’s you. Rough or gentle. Now, c’mere.” He says, taking hold of your hand to tug you up with ease.
You stumble forward, feet sinking in the soft sand and the white-haired lifeguard gently takes hold of your arms to stabilise you, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to your lips. Completely different to how he treated you when your lips were wrapped around his length. Maybe he’s eager to show you that he does have both sides and it makes your heart feel like it’s swimming in shimmering gold. He’s perfect, you couldn’t help but think. You smile against his lips and he’s holding you so tight against him that you feel his cock cushioning between your bodies and your breasts pressing against his chest. He reluctantly pulls away, gaze clouded as he looks down at you. “My turn. I’ve been waiting for this. Especially when I first saw you in your cute bikini..” He trails off, hands snaking up to tease the fabric that barely covers your chest. “So cute..” He murmurs before tugging until the triangle fabric is pulled away and your breasts spill out, free from the flimsy confinement.
“Oh shit.” He blurts out in awe at the sight of your breasts as his large hands come up to cup the squishy flesh and give a gentle squeeze. You feel flustered and look away as a soft whimper escapes from feeling his touch, your face feeling hot. “I love your boobs, so damn pretty..” He murmurs, looking like he’s in some sort of wonderland just from being able to massage your breasts, nice and slow. His thumbs tease your hardened buds, grinning at the sound of your needy whines. You tilt your head up to look at the face of the cliff, briefly wondering how a man’s touch to your breasts could already leave you feeling a sweet daze. Satoru pinches the hardened buds, giving a teasing tug before he leans forward to kiss along your neck, staying bent over you as he does so. His body is close enough for his twitching cock to still stay pressed against you and your wrap your arms around his form to cling onto him for the moment.
“I only met you like two hours ago and I’m already this addicted to you..” You confess through a whisper and if only you knew how the words just boost his ego up high, smiling smugly against your neck. “Mm, maybe we’re just a perfect match. I can feed your addiction and you can feed mine.” Satoru says, tongue trailing down the valley of your breasts. You smile at his words and look off to see— Oh god. A couple is walking along the beach. “S-Satoru! People are approaching.” You squeak out, almost horrified if it wasn’t for the excitement of being caught flooding through you. What would Satoru do? Would he not be ashamed and keep touching you?
“Don’t care.” He mutters, hands pressing your breasts together as he presses sloppy kisses to the soft mounds before he pulls away with an annoyed sigh. “Come here, baby.” The lifeguard says as he glances down at his exposed cock that continues to throb before towards the couple that doesn’t appear like dots in the distance anymore. “Usually I’d shamelessly give them a show but you’re all mine for the evening.” He huffs childishly before his arms suddenly wrap around your head to pull you in. His bigger form presses you up against the cliff face, one hand on the back of your head to act as a cushion. Your eyes widen at the sudden action, almost going cross-eyed as you stare at his muscular chest. Satoru tugs his board shorts up to cover his ass as he keeps you in a tight embrace.
The couple slowly walk along the beach, enjoying the cool breeze and warm sun. They notice the pair of you hiding in the shade of the cliff, looking curiously. Satoru exaggerates a kiss to the top of your head and his hand soothingly rubbing along your back. “Baby, there there. No need to cry. I swear I didn’t take the girl’s number. Not a single one offered to me. You’re the only one I want to date. The only one I want to cherish.” He says, loud enough for the curious couple to hear and they look at you two with smiles, pleased to see another couple being all lovey-dovey. “He must be a lifeguard— Oh how sweet, such a green flag for comforting his girlfriend.” The girl says and the boyfriend merely nods, dragging her along the sand.
You know he’s just pretending and yet, you do find your heart melting a little at the idea of being comforted by Satoru during difficult times. You actually wonder what he’d be like as a genuine partner. You briefly nuzzle your face against his warm chest and fake out loud sobs to fit the act of an upset girlfriend, tightening your arms around him. Satoru continues to watch before he finally loosens his hold. “Good girl, played your part well. For that, I must reward you.” He says lightheartedly and you giggle softly at his words, heart racing from the thrill of nearly being caught. How exhilarating. His lips twist into a smirk, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to your lips, whispering. “My turn.”
Your back rests lightly against the cliff as you watch out of curiosity as Satoru drops down to his knees and digs into the sand and at the height of your stomach, he presses kisses, scattering them across your soft skin. “Fucking perfect.” He mumbles, hands ghosting up your legs to toy with the strings of your bikini. At this point, he doesn’t care if the couple decides to walk back. The act is over and he’s ready to devour. No one was going to interrupt what he was really looking forward to. “Spread your legs.” He orders and you timidly shuffle your legs out so they spread slightly, biting down on your lower lip. Satoru lets out a low whistle at the sight of the large damp patch across the red fabric, extending out a finger to gently glide across the bikini, between your folds and you clasp a hand over your mouth to muffle your whimper, already sensitive by his touch.
“To think that I have such power over you, princess. So sensitive, already.” He teases, continuing to rub his finger lightly between your folds, pressing the fabric up between them. Your legs tremble a little when the fabric makes contact with your clit, whining. “Stop teasing, you know how needy I am..” You plead quietly and Satoru’s heart squeezes tight from how cute you are. Fuck. How is he ever going to deny you and frustrate you further? “Alright, since it’s our first time.” He sighs dramatically, fingers swiftly untying the bows that were sitting on your hips.
Your pussy is completely exposed, on display for anyone on the beach, but thankfully it’s just Satoru. He hastily tucks the small bit of fabric into one of his pockets, eyes refusing to leave sight of your cunt that’s already starting to drip and smear your inner thighs with your own slick. One hand tries to shyly cover yourself up, flustered by his gaze. Satoru arches an eyebrow as he looks up at you with his piercing blue eyes. “And what do you think you’re doing?” His long fingers wrap around your wrist and force your hand out of the way, tongue slowly dragging along his lips. He’s eager to finally have a taste, except there’s an issue.
He’s too tall. Satoru could bend down further, maybe even lay down and just force you to sit on his face— that does sound like a hot idea, but another idea comes to mind that prompts a small grin to appear across his handsome visage. “Alright, princess. Time to trust me.” He says simply, guiding your hand to rest on top of his head. You innocently tilt your head and look down at the lifeguard with confusion, cunt still exposed and ready for more. You could feel your hole clench with the desire to be filled to the brim. Still, you know better already and that’s to not rush Satoru. Your fingers slide through his silky white hair, heart racing with anticipation as his strong hand now caresses down your legs, squeezing your flesh. “What are you doing…” You ask shyly, watching as he moves your leg over his bare shoulder.
“Use your other hand against the cliff.” He simply replies and despite being puzzled, you raise your free hand above until it presses against the cliff, gripping onto one of the soft jagged rocks. Oh— Oh! Your eyes widen with a mixture of horror and amazement as Satoru swiftly lifts your other leg to rest over his shoulder and he begins to move up, slow and careful as you feel yourself rise to a height you’ve never been at until you find yourself pressed against the cliff, legs over the lifeguard’s shoulders and his strength is forceful enough to keep you positioned comfortably above him.
Satoru now has you in a spot that he deems perfect; face directly in front of your sopping-wet womanhood. You’re in a higher position now, completely stunned by his idea to hold you on his shoulders. His arms wrap around the area of your thighs that aren’t over his shoulders to help keep you stable against the cliff face, nails digging into the flesh. He glances up at you and chuckles at how flustered you look. “Relax, I’m strong. You have two heavenly sights to look at now. The ocean and me.” Satoru says, breath fanning against your pussy and you bring your hand that was pressing against the cliff to his head, both now gripping onto his hair. You trust the lifeguard enough to know that he wouldn’t drop you, nor press you too roughly against the face of the cliff. The perfect balance.
His crystal blue eyes stay fixated, almost going cross-eyed from how close your cunt is to his face and he swears he could start to feel the threat of saliva wanting to dribble out. Your womanhood is even more irresistible up close. Instead, he shifts his hand closer to your womanhood, arm still wrapped snug around your thigh and slides his fingers along your folds before parting them, glancing up at you as your legs quiver against his broad shoulders. “So sensitive.” He mocks lightly, gathering the saliva that gathered in his mouth before he spits directly against your clit, grinning at the sight of his own glob of saliva dribbling down between your slick-covered folds. You tighten your grip on his hair and whimper his name softly. You’ve never met a man so eager to eat you out. Hell, a man who just seems to want to take his time. Even out in the open, with absolutely anyone to walk by and the wind bringing the scent of the ocean towards you both. This lifeguard is definitely something and whatever that ‘something’ is; you want it all to yourself.
Satoru watches with interest as the glob of saliva continues to dribble downwards before he decides to dive his face forward and drag his tongue flat and slow across your pussy, flicking the tip against your throbbing clit. He merely laughs at the sound of your surprised squeal before he repeats the action, still in his sweet teasing move and so naturally, he refuses to pick up the pace. The lifeguard happily laps up your sweet juice with a soft groan, nuzzling his face forward until his nose rubs lightly against the bundle of nerves and you could feel pleasure surging up through you, leaving you feeling hot and your nails drag along his scalp as your lips fall open in near disbelief of how good everything feels.
He manages to peek up at you, lips twisting to form an amused smirk and frankly, there’s a huge boost in his ego just from your reactions alone. The light burn of your nails scratching his scalp causes him to moan your name as his tongue covered in your slick, travels up to swirl around your clit teasingly, pressing the wet muscle against it, feeling it throb. You taste fucking perfect to him. So sweet and clearly easily aroused from how much slick your pussy seems to produce, but it didn’t stop him.
Satoru is relentless when it comes to eating you out. His face stays pressed firmly between your quivering thighs, the tip of his tongue flicking and swirling around your clit before he leans in to press sloppy kisses to the sensitive area. You feel hot in the face just from the obnoxious slurping sounds but his firm hold on your thighs prevents you from closing them. You sit there, body trembling and muscles tensing as you take it all in. “Ah— ‘Toru, feels so—“ Your own words were cut off by a whine as his fingers dig into the flesh of your thighs and he presses in, pressing a kiss to your clit before his tongue slides along your folds. He continues to balance you on his shoulders, using one arm to hoist you up a little so his tongue can make contact with your entrance, chuckling at the sound of your breathless moans spilling out of your lips.
“You taste so good. Best I’ve ever tasted, princess. How am I to not have you whenever I want? Doesn’t seem fair to me.” Satoru says, tongue clicking in feigning disappointment before he prods along your tight entrance. This time, he allows your thighs to clench to the sides of his face as you whimper. “Have me whenever you want.” You slur out, body feeling so tingly and hot as his tongue prods gently against your entrance. It’s hot to witness you fall apart just from his mouth and leaves his heart pumping with excitement at the thought of you falling apart when he finally gives you what you both desperately crave; his cock. Still, Satoru is a fan of riling you up and taking his sweet time. Even with his cock aching in pain from still being hard with no pleasant contact of your mouth like before.
The lower half of his face is dripping with your mess, unwrapping one of his arms slow and cautious from around your thigh and tightening his hold on the other. You whine in question and he only gently shushes you, hand creeping up in front of his body before the long fingers meet your pussy properly this time. If it wasn’t Satoru that you already find that you deeply trust; you just know you’d throw a fit if some other tried to lift you up and keep you in this rather dangerous position. With a glimmer of concern, all you had to do was look at his ridiculously hot muscles to know that he was not going to drop you any time soon. His fingers keep your slick-covered folds spread wide, briefly flashing you a grin with your juices dripping from his face before he moves in to caress your hole.
You strangle on a moan as you feel the wet muscle push past your entrance, slowly licking on just the inside of your tight heat, tongue rubbing against your warm velvety walls that clench around it. With this angle, Satoru’s nose nudges against your clit as he moves his head forward to lick nice and slow within you. It’s impossible to not squirm with how sensitive you are; bare back rubbing cautiously against the face of the cliff and feeling his hold on you tightening in warning to not move so much. “It’s hard... You make me feel so hot and tingly.” You whine your complaint and Satoru merely snorts against your cunt as his tongue teasingly pumps in and out and despite having a very long tongue, he could only reach so far.
Your clouded gaze briefly scans the sand of the beach to see not a single person in sight as the white-haired lifeguard continues his teasing in an unforgiving manner. No rest to your needy pussy that continues to drip mess on his eager face. “So fucking sweet..” He sighs out happily, tongue once more dragging up between your folds to meet your clit. You unintentionally tighten your thighs around the sides of his face as you now realise his fingers crept up to caress along your quivering hole, panting softly. “Please..” You mumble, already craving so much more than his pretty fingers inside of you. It’s as if he could read your mind because he merely shakes his head, the tips of his hair tickling your inner thighs.
“Princess, I don’t care if we’re in public or how needy you get. I’m still going to take my time.” He says, words muffled against your cunt and despite feeling so floaty already from the pleasure that washes over you as if you’re in the ocean; you still have enough focus to roll your eyes and have your swollen lips form a small pout. “Bit selfish, don’t you think?” You huff out your retaliation and are swiftly met with a firm slap to your thigh, prompting a surprised yelp as the stinging sensation spreads across your skin. Your hand comes up to pitifully try to hide the sound as you look down at the lifeguard between your legs. “Yeah, and? Doesn’t look like you have a problem with my selfishness. Especially when I..” He trails off, deciding on a little bit of no mercy as he presses the tips of his two digits against your tight entrance before with little force, he slides them right in.
Completely and easily with how aroused you really are. Your pussy has been practically drenched since the first kiss and so his long fingers are lovingly greeted with the velvety warmth of your walls squeezing tight around the new invasion. They reached further than just the tip of his tongue. You could feel how long they are as he begins to slowly set a pace of his fingers thrusting in and out of your tightness, pressing sweet kisses to your clit that continues to pulsate from the contact. Whimpering moans easily spill from your parted lips, head tilting back against the cliff face as you succumb to the absolute bliss you feel rush through you.
Satoru’s head tilts up as well to admire the pretty sight of your chest rising and falling from your needy pants and your face scrunching up as he angles his fingers with each thrust until you gasp sharply and weakly grip his hair. “Bingo.” He jokes lightly, tongue continuing to swirl and flick against the sensitive bud as he slowly grinds his fingers deep inside and against the sweet spot. The wet sounds of your pussy only encourage him to pick up the pace of his fingering. Your inner walls squeeze tightly around his long digits, eyebrows furrowing in almost disbelief as you feel his fingers slowly stretch you out as they continue rubbing against the sweet spot.
Fuck, it all just feels so good. Every time you feel that hot flush of pleasure racing through you, you can’t stop your toes from curling and crying out for the lifeguard. The white-haired male thinks it’s a miracle that he’s able to even last this long before stuffing your tight cunt full of his thick cock. Especially after a brief taste of pleasure when your pretty lips were wrapped around him but, maybe it’s because he’s discovered just how fun it really is to tease you. To have your legs over his shoulders and trust his strength to hold you up against the cliff, the sun slowly setting behind him as his mouth devours you completely, fingers causing sweet squelching sounds as he pumps them inside of your tightness. It’s all too good in his eyes. Even before using his cock, Satoru knows he’s going to struggle if he doesn’t get his daily fix of you now. Hopefully, you’ll agree to see more of him. Besides, pleasure aside? He thinks you’re pretty cute.
“Satoru— Best lifeguard in existence, ah… Please? Wan’ more.” You plead breathlessly as you feel his third finger tease around the rim of your stretched entrance. Fingering feels good. It leaves you all warm and tingly but, you want more. Need it. You need his— You’re snapped out of your thoughts when you hear the lifeguard laugh at your form of begging, pushing the two of his fingers against your tight walls slowly until you whine in response and finally, Satoru decides to give you what you want. “Alright, Miss Needy.” He says and you feel him start to cautiously guide your legs to slide off of his shoulders and your hands frantically come up to grip onto jagged rocks but before there was even a threat of a fall, Satoru’s strong arms wrap around your body and he lowers you to the ground, feet sinking into the warm sand and getting in between your toes.
You lean up with the intention to give him a sweet kiss but Satoru merely smirks before his hands firmly grasp your shoulders. “Now now, princess. Kissing can come later. You’re desperate for my cock, no?” He teases lightly, pressing against your shoulders as he forcefully moves you until you find yourself stumbling. With a playful pout but an eagerness to obey, you shuffle your feet in the sand until you’re turned around, curiosity growing on just how exactly he wants you positioned. This is all up to him, after all. The one who chose such a risky spot in public. Against a cliff. You still truly couldn’t wrap your head around it but, it’s exciting. So thrilling that your heart races.
You let a soft squeak when his large hand grips the back of your neck and he suddenly pushes you down. Without even needing to tell you, your hands come up frantically to make contact with the cliff, hands pressing against the aged rocks. “Good girl, you caught on.” Satoru praises, voice low and breathless. You’re bending over, legs trembling with anticipation and all you can focus on is his overwhelming presence behind you. You don’t even need to glance his way to know he’s towering above you.
Satoru’s pearly white clench together to prevent sounds from escaping as he admires the gorgeous sight before himself and, no. It wasn’t the ocean that was behind him. Nor the sight of families having fun on the beach that he stands guard over. Not the park up in the distance or dolphins appearing amongst the waves. He’s almost numb to those sights from having to come to work daily as a lifeguard but, this? This is a sight he could never become numb to. The sight of you bent over before him, body trembling and feet shifting in the sand as you keep your pretty ass on display for him. Fuck, he could practically see your pussy dripping from where he stands and your juices smeared across your inner thighs. Just like how his lower face is still covered in the sweetness that he refuses to wipe away.
You whine softly, almost becoming frustrated from the lack of both touch and cock inside of you. Satoru merely grins at your whining, large hands caressing gently along your bare sides, toying with the strings of your top bikini. “Such a needy little thing you are..” He says, hands coming down to firmly grip your waist as he steps forward, pressing his bare cock against your ass. You could feel it throb against your ass cheek, pre-cum slowly dripping onto you before he grinds slowly to smear the few droplets across your flesh. The lifeguard grips the base of his cock before playfully slapping it against your ass and eagerly you wiggle your ass back against his throbbing length.
“Fucking hell.” He laughs, endeared by your eagerness before he finally positions his length between your dripping folds. “You do realise I don’t have a condom, right? We can stop if you want me to.” The white-haired male expresses despite the light pleasure he feels from his length dragging along between your folds, feeling your sweet slick coating his length. You feel your hole already clench around nothing as if your body is begging to be filled up. “Wan’ you in me. Now.” You huff impatiently, feet shuffling out in the sand to spread your legs further.
“Going to have to teach you manners later.” Satoru says, though pleased by your ‘subtle’ desperation and so with his hand still wrapped around the base of his cock, he moves to position himself until the bulbous tip of his cock rests against your entrance. Not bothering to wait to confirm with you again, the lifeguard finally presses the tip of his length against your hole and with little force, the rim of your hole finally stretches around the head of his length and your pussy greets Satoru’s slowly sinking cock happily.
The sounds of your strained mewls lace with his deep groans as you feel his thickness slowly stretch out your inner walls and despite the amount of slickness your cunt excitedly produced, you still feel the lingering pain of being stretched out by something so big. Bigger than anything you’ve ever experienced before. Satoru feels breathless as your velvety walls clench around him, wrapping so snugly and tight around his throbbing cock as if eager to keep him inside of you, still slowly sinking in. Satoru tries to take his time pushing in to allow you to adjust but it’s as if your walls are eagerly gripping onto him, pulling him further and further.
Satoru completely bottoms out, throbbing erection completely sheathed as he pants softly, trying to contain himself as the pleasure pulses through him from feeling your inner walls squeeze around his length entirely. Your eyes are wide, barely able to focus on the details of the cliff and only on how wide he stretched your cunt out with ease. You could feel your own mess slowly dripping out despite practically being stuffed full and plugged up. The stretch hurts, stinging at first as you both try to just adjust to the new sensation. You bite back a soft whimper, head hanging forward and eyes closing tightly. Satoru soothingly rubs along your side, hoping to coax you into relaxing.
“Come on, baby. This is nothing compared to a jellyfish sting.” He says, pleased to get the reaction he wanted, which was you laughing at the silliness of his words. The lifeguard smiles behind you, red shorts down to his knees and your bikini bottoms hanging out of the pocket. Thankfully, with his touch, you find your body relaxing before him and the painful stretch dulls down until there’s not even a hint of it anymore. Truth be told, it was a pain you found yourself liking because of what it meant. The handsome lifeguard is inside of you. “Nn, move..” You mumble quietly and it’s a good thing that Satoru is so fixated on you because not even the wind along the beach could hide your words from him.
Satoru, not wanting to actually harm you; starts off slow. He slowly pulls back, his length sliding along your warm velvety walls until he pushes back in. He doesn’t go the entire way, just the first few inches but it’s enough to leave your toes curling in the sand and his name spilling from your lips in the form of a lewd moan. “How are you so tight—“ Satoru choked out, voice strained as you squeezed around his slowly thrusting length. He doesn’t dare pick up the pace, the pair of you melting into the pleasurable sensation of his cock sliding in and out of you and fuck, you swear you could feel even the details of his cock against your inner walls, thick and protruding veins.
You deliberately squeeze around him and instantly, Satoru knows what you’re silently pleading for. Crystal blue eyes widening with manic and lips forming a small grin, the lifeguard begins to pick up the pace of his thrusts, deepening them further. Your swollen lips stay parted as needy whines and moans of the lifeguard’s name escape, feeling each deep thrust that sends a surge of ecstasy through your entire body, nails grazing against the rocks. You could hear him pant softly, his cock sliding all the way out before he slams back in relentlessly, refusing to give you time to relax before he slams his thickness back inside of you.
“Fucking hell—“ He grunts out as you squeeze around him, his hand ghosting along your back before he swats your ass cheek firmly. A squeal escapes from feeling the sudden sting of pain, pushing back eagerly onto his throbbing cock. It feels beyond good to feel the way he stretches your walls out and fills you to the very brim. Truly stuffed full of his cock every time he pushes in deep. His hand reaches out to grip your hair, keeping your head tilted back. His other hand lands smack after smack against your ass, feeling your inner velvety walls squeeze around his thick cock with each impact and you whimper from the stinging pain that laces with the sweet pleasure of his thrusting cock.
Both of you nearly go still from hearing a sudden chime fill the surrounding air. Satoru’s phone is ringing. “Fuck—“ He says, hastily stuffing his hand into the pocket of his red board shorts to grab the vibrating object and check the contact, all the while his hips never stop moving. He refuses to let some call get in the way of both his pleasure and your own. Besides, it’s cute to see the way you clasp your hand over your mouth to try and muffle your sounds. He answers the call and presses it to his ear.
“Yeah, Suguru?”
His hips slam forward until his cock is entirely sheathed again and there’s the lewd sound of your juices squelching around his thickness. He’s breathless as he listens to the other voice. “Ah— Y/N from before left her bag with her friends and they’re wondering where she is?” He repeats, unable to stop himself from smirking down at your bent-over body. Your eyes widen at his words, your face feeling flushed. Fuck, you did forget your bag and that includes your phone. You whimper, his fingers tightening the grip on your hair. “She’s here with me… Do they want to talk to her? Alright, that’s fine with me.” He says, voice sounding so sickly sweet as he dangles the phone in front of you. “Go on.” He says, slowly sliding his length out of your tight cunt.
You reach with a trembling hand, heart racing with a mixture of anxiety and excitement at the thought of having to be on the phone when the lifeguard’s delicious cock pistons in and out of you; hard and fast. “H-Hello?” You manage to breathe out, desperately holding back the delighted squeal that wanted to escape as he grinds deep inside of you, prompting electrifying pleasure to course through your very being.
“Y/N? Where are you? You never came back with that lifeguard after you got stung. Are you okay?” You have to hold the phone slightly away from your ear to prevent your friends from hearing your heavy pants, feeling Satoru’s hand snake around to teasingly rub against your sensitive clit. Fuck, the sadist is having too much fun with this. “I’m— I’m okay!” You squeak in response, thighs closing in on the male’s intrusive hand. Your body is flushed with heat, swimming in the pleasure that his sliding length blesses you with. “I’ll get my bag later—“
“Tell them to give it to Suguru and he’ll leave it at the tower.”
You could barely process the words but you can definitely sense the fact that Satoru is enjoying this a bit too much. You muffle a whimper against your shoulder, eyes rolling and phone threatening to fall from your hand. “If you could ah.. nn— Leave it with Suguru? He— He’ll!! Satoru is asking Suguru to take it to the tower, I’ll get it later.” You manage to spill out between your heavy pants, voice high-pitched as you pathetically try to hide the evidence of your cunt being fucked hard. His fingers teasingly pinch your clit, watching as you tremble beneath him and he chuckles lowly, smoothing his hand just up slightly to apply pressure against your lower stomach. He could feel the way your stomach bulges slightly every time he pushes in deep and you bite back a sob, unable to contain how good it really feels to have him rapidly sliding his length in and out of your hot core.
There’s suspicious silence over the phone, quiet murmuring before your friend on the replies. “Okay, um— Hope you’re having fun, we’ll leave it with Suguru!” She says and you could hear the rushed movement of the phone being handed around and you barely managed to hold it up for Satoru to take, your head hanging forward as you whimper. He takes it with ease, despite his own body feeling like hot jelly as your heavenly walls keep a snug tight fit around his thickness. He holds the phone between his shoulder and ear, hands firmly gripping onto your waist as he slams into your cunt, causing you to cry out loudly, body pushing forward until your own cheek rests against the back of your hand that’s pathetically trying to hold you up by gripping one of the jagged rocks of the cliff.
“Mm? Oh, is it that obvious?” Satoru laughs in response to whatever Suguru is saying on the phone. At this point, you’re too much in your own world to give a damn about anything else. “Couldn’t resist such a pretty girl, you know that. Can I focus on what I’m doing now? Yeah. Uhuh. We’ll pick it up later. Thanks, Suguru.” He pauses. You feel him pausing for a moment, only his leaking tip nudged inside of you. “You’re the best, ah— I might tell you all about it later, I know you’re eager. What’s that? Bye!” Satoru practically sings his own cockiness into the phone before hanging up on his own best friend, tucking the object back into his pocket.
“Sorry about that, princess. Now, where were we?” He grunts out, trimmed nails digging into the flesh of your waist. You didn’t even need to see to know his lips were twisting to form his sinister smirk, leaning back far enough to inspect his own cock. It’s glistening with your juice, slowly dripping and fuck, it only arouses him further. You whine, wishing he’d return to fucking you properly, especially so you could forget the realisation that both his co-worker and your friends know what’s currently happening. You sucked at hiding how you were feeling, but in your defence; he was slamming into you hard enough that skin slapping against skin would have been heard through the small device.
“Fuuuuuuck me…” You plead, wiggling your hips back and managing to sink back onto an inch or two before Satoru shivers at the sweet feeling of you squeezing back around him. “You’re such a slut for my cock.” Satoru teases, feeling rather smug as tightens his grip on your waist to return to the steady pace of his thrusts, eager to pound into your tight hole. His crystal blue eyes roll at the sensation, white strands of hair falling over his eyes as his head falls forward, struggling to keep himself together. You just feel so fucking good around him.
You both are resisting the urge to reach climax, desperate to drag this out. Even as the sun begins to finally set and the sky darkens. Neither of you cared for anything but being with each other in the moment. That and how he roughly pounds into you. Not even a hint of a pause as his cock drills in and out, the lewd sounds of your juices squelching with each time his length enters you, balls slapping up against you. It’s a relief no one is taking walks like the previous couple before you are screaming for the heavens above and the white-haired lifeguard is eating it up. Even the stinging pain of his skin harshly meeting yours.
“Ah, ‘toru! Nn— Feels so—“ You cry out in ecstasy, stomach already starting to feel hot and tight with the urge of an orgasm growing more and more. You’re so blissfully fucked out that your mind couldn’t even form thoughts. Your body could only focus on the constant high, walls clenching around his length as he dragged himself out, only to push back into the brim. “Feels so good, huh?” Satoru pants out, his length throbbing harder than before. “Fuck, Y/N— in or out?” He manages to grunt out, hips stuttering as his own sensitivity begins to creep up on him. You didn’t need to be a genius to figure out what he meant and with a loud whimper, you tilt your head back to meet his hot gaze. deliberately squeezing around his thrusting length to send the message.
You want every drop of his cum inside of you. You didn’t care if it was rather greedy on the first time or if it made you selfish. You want him to breed you, like that’s exactly what you were made for. Besides, it’d just feel so nice to be able to feel full. The message was loud and clear despite no words actually leaving your lips and Satoru is thrilled to have permission; perhaps he was desperately hoping you’d agree because once his cock was stuffed deep inside of you, Satoru just knew that he wanted it this way and naturally, luck is always on Satoru’s side. He gets what he secretly wants.
His nails drag hot across your flesh before he snakes his arms around your trembling body, pressing his front down against your back and he embraces you rather lovingly from behind. Satoru grinds slow and deep, refusing to even pull an inch of his throbbing cock out. He wants to stay inside your tight warmth that squeezes around him. One hand travels down to slide two fingers between your folds, deciding to double the pleasure you feel by caressing your clit with the pads of his fingers, slowly rubbing in a circular motion. “Oh— Oh fuck..” You gasp sharply as his length rubs against your sweet spot and feel your sensitive clit throb beneath his touch. You couldn’t hold back any longer. Even if you want to hold out a little longer, your body refuses.
Hard waves of ecstasy crash over your body, thighs squeezing before shaking violently through the sudden, intense orgasm. You cum hard around his thrusting cock and it’s like your mind is just wiped clean of everything as your lips stay parted to let out the string of cries laced with lewd mewls of the lifeguard’s name, fingertips scraping against the rocks of the cliff face. You’re truly oblivious to how your own body reacts as you drown happily in the constant waves of pleasure that crash over your trembling body. Sweat causes strands of hair to stick to the sides of your temples, eyes rolling back and feeling the hot, sweet tingles spread across you, starting from your dripping cunt. Your hot walls clench repeatedly around his thickness as if so hungry for something. Desperate to milk out everything he’s holding back.
Satoru’s own mind short-circuits from the sudden orgasm that takes hold of you and it’s like your tight pussy is clinging, refusing for him to pull out. Even as his hands attempt to soothe you, Satoru’s hips slam forward for the final time and his own body is flushed with the searing heat of an orgasm. It’s like every fibre of his being loosens up as the bulbous tip of his cock buried deep inside of you, shoots out every sticky rope of cum, painting your inner walls white. His forehead rests against your shoulder, hot breath fanning against your skin as he pants your name out. It feels like heaven, to him. To have you wrapped around him as he pumps you full of his cum. He could feel his tense muscles finally relaxing and his length pulsating inside of you. He sighs out softly, pleasantly buzzed from experiencing the momentary high.
“Good girl..” He murmurs, pressing gentle kisses to the back of your shoulder as he continues to hold your weak body against him, hips stuttering as he slowly thrusts to aid in riding out both of your orgasms. You whimper happily, tears in your eyes from the intensity of your orgasm. Truth be told, if he wasn’t holding you up, you know you would have collapsed from weak legs. You continue to tremble gently, inner walls slowly clenching around the male’s length. It feels so damn good to be so full. Reluctantly, Satoru begins to slide his soft length out until he notices his sticky mess spilling out of your stretched hole that now squeezes around nothing. “Why..” You whine your complaint and a breathless chuckle escapes the lifeguard. “As much as I’d love the idea of staying inside of you, I can’t just keep you outside.” He reminds you, long fingers gathering up the strings of cum that dribble out, noticing that it’s already mixed with your own juices.
Fuck. Feeling daring enough, Satoru moves his long fingers towards your face. Your cheek is resting against the cliff when you notice the approach and with a quick side glance his way; you obediently wrap your lips around his digits, happily sucking off the mess. You moan softly at the saltiness laced with your own sweetness, slowly sliding your mouth up and down every bit of his fingers, slurping up the saliva that now threatens to spill. Your eyelids feel heavy from the previous orgasm and still coming down from that sweet high; you slowly blink and savour the taste that fills your mouth. Satoru gulps, completely entranced by the filthy sight of you sucking on his fingers.
“Fucking hell, you are one lewd princess.” He comments as he watches your tongue slowly drag up between his fingers, leaving behind a string of saliva as you pull away, flustered by his words. You’re still in a daze from the orgasm he practically blessed you with. You never really experienced it so intensely before. “It’d be a waste..” You mumble shyly, feeling the last of his cum smearing across your inner thighs as you rub them together. Even your clit still throbs slowly, too sensitive for any kind of touch. The lifeguard smiles, endeared by your words. “Uhuh. Well, if you ever need more. I’m happy to give it.” Satoru snorts, his hands coming up to grip your shoulders. It’s a miracle that you’re still standing and you know it’s because he’s holding you up as he guides you to turn around and face him.
You meet his piercing blue eyes, finally leaning up to get that kiss you tried to steal before. Satoru grins lightly, finding it cute that you’re still so needy despite just being fucked roughly against a cliff. He lowers himself to press a kiss to your lips, hastily tucking his cock back inside his shorts in a pitiful attempt to stop himself from getting hard. It’d hurt and he knows how irresistible you are in his eyes now. “Come on. Might as well go get your bag.” He says, pausing as he blindly tugs out your bikini bottoms that were stuffed into his pocket. With a gentle push against your shoulder, you understood that Satoru was signalling for you to briefly rely on the cliff face to hold yourself up as he lowered himself to his knees, groaning.
“Even I feel like jelly, what did you do to me?” Satoru jokes, inspecting the bottoms. Surely you tie the bows first? What do girls do with these? You bite back an amused smile at his confusion but say nothing, perhaps enjoying the sight of the usual cocky lifeguard being on his knees and looking like he needs to depend on someone. Satoru with the confidence of thinking he’s right, swiftly ties the side strings into bows and he brings it towards you. You grip his broad shoulders as you carefully step into the loops before you feel the male drag them up along your weak legs until they’re once again covering you.
“Such a gentleman. Will I get to see that side of you more?” You giggle softly, hand playfully ruffling up the male’s soft white hair before he stands up. Satoru, feeling playful, scoops your hand up with his and brings your hand up to kiss each knuckle dramatically. “Mwah. Of course, princess. Only you get such honours of this hot lifeguard taking care of you.” He says and you can hear the smirk in his voice. Your heart still flutters and not wanting the already developing feelings to be obvious, you pinch his cheek.
“That’s so cute of you, Satoru. First, you save me from a jellyfish sting. Then, you fuck me. Really good. And now, you kiss my knuckles. I really am spoiled.” You sigh out dramatically, caressing his cheek with the pad of your thumb and he tilts his head to press a kiss to your palm, eyes closing momentarily. “Only fair. You let me fuck you and it was really—“ He pauses, unable to think of a word and despite your hopeful gaze upon him, he merely smiles. “Stop distracting me. Bag.” He repeats, fingers adjusting your bikini top to cover you properly.
Naturally, you pout and roll your eyes from him not finishing his words, still leaning against the cliff. You watch him intently as he finds his sunglasses in the sand, tossing them into his backpack before zipping it up. “But, mister lifeguard..” You trail off, dramatically fanning yourself as your long lashes flutter. “I don’t think I can walk. You fucked me too good and my legs are weak. That and… the jellyfish sting.” You say, glancing at the part of your leg that is still bandaged up. Instantly, Satoru holds his hand up to stop you, shaking his head. “Ah, ah. Do you really think I’d let you walk at all? Who do you think I am?” He says, lips forming a playful pout.
Your cheeks start to hurt from grinning too much as you watch the lifeguard squat down low before you, hands coming back and gesturing for you to climb on. “You really do spoil me.” You giggle, feeling genuinely thankful towards Satoru because truthfully, he fucked you that good. You think your entire body is going to feel all gooey and weak for the rest of the night. You lean off the cliff, dramatically falling until your front lands against him, chest pressing against his toned back. You’re careful to not put all your weight, not that he cares and wrap your arms around his neck to cling onto him.
You couldn’t see the soft smile that graced his visage as he wrapped his arms beneath your knees and hoisted you up with ease, carrying you comfortably on his back and your legs dangle freely. Briefly, he leans forward. “Can you carry my backpack? It’s not heavy.” He says and you reach just in front of him to hook your fingers through the loop on top, holding it against his front body and he stands up. Satoru begins to walk in the direction you both originally came, taking his time. You glance towards the ocean, seeing the very last glimpse of the setting sun. You didn’t realise that it was even getting dark. You were so lost in the world of pleasure, thanks to the very same lifeguard who ‘saved’ you from a nasty sting. You tuck your head between his shoulder and neck, lips brushing lightly against his hot skin. “So, dinner and round two?” You whisper, breath ghosting along his neck. You could still feel his cum slowly leaking out. Satoru’s feet stumble in the sand, surprised by your words before his lips twist to form a grin, blue eyes becoming even more alive. With an eager nod and his arms tightening around your legs.
“Hold on, Y/N. I’m getting you out of here. Fast.”
And with those words spoken, Satoru begins to pick up the pace. You’re stunned by his high stamina, but it also leaves you feeling giddy from witnessing his excitement. You smile against his neck as you hug him tightly. You didn’t expect any of this today but, you’re already hungry for the future. You tighten your fingers on his backpack and press multiple kisses to his neck as you laugh.
“Bring it on.”
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minami-ff · 6 months
Tending to His Wounds
Levi x Reader
“your needlework is not as delicate- as you look”
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The aftermath of the latest mission left scouts battered and worn, none more so than Captain Levi. Trudging back to his office, he began to remove his scarlet-stained uniform, revealing an array of injuries beneath. Bruises adorned his body like dark constellations, and among them, a deeper slash on his abdomen oozed with fresh blood.
Just as he reached for the first aid kit, gentle knocks resonated through the door, creaking open and revealing your silhouette. "Captain?" you said softly with concern and cautiousness lacing your words, “apologies, I couldn’t help but notice your gushing wound earlier, and realised the infirmary is closed so I was wondering if I could be of assistance?”
Although your captain had offered you much guidance in trainings, you wouldn’t say you, let alone anyone else, were particularly close to him. His tough exterior and reserved demeanour left you uncertain about the kind of person he was. Hence, a twinge of worry crept in, nervous that he might not appreciate you trailing to his office to help.
To your pleasant surprise, Levi merely nodded. You then moved with a silent determination, fetching water, disinfectant, cloth, bandages, needle and thread from the kit.
As you cleaned the affected areas, the office was filled with a quiet intimacy. The only sounds were the hushed whispers of cloth against his skin and the occasional hiss of pain from Levi when you poked the needle through.
As your hands worked tenderly on his skin, a whisper of wind danced through the open window, gracefully sweeping your hair to the side. In that moment, your concentrated yet soft eyes amongst other gentle features were unveiled to Levi with a new clarity. Captivating him even further from the way you moved with such a light, almost ethereal quality.
"Your needlework is not as delicate- as you look," his tone gruff, enduring the stitching process, as he gritted his teeth through the pain.
You were taken aback by his unexpected comment, not sure if you were understanding it right. The corners of Levi’s mouth curved up, gracing you with a rare smile, to which you chuckled softly. "Looks can be deceiving, Captain."
Once the bandage was secured, you took a step back, eyes meeting his as you whispered. “You’re good to go.”
"Thank you," Levi said, with dark and unwavering eyes refusing to break the deep connection with yours. Intimidated by the intensity of it, your gaze shyly averted and wandered around for a second, before you timidly nodded. A small smile trembled on your lips, "anytime…"
As silence settled between the both of you, you shifted away from him to pack up the first aid kit, not expecting what he’d say next.
"You don't have to be so damn caring," Levi muttered, attempting to revert to his usual sternness. “When work is over, take your well-deserved rest, there’s no need to assist men with their problems at this time.”
His eyes subtly widened in response to your sweet smile, "perhaps I just like taking care of my friends."
Levi's gaze softened, a rare vulnerability surfacing in the depths of his steel-blue eyes. Friends — a term he seldom used, but in that moment, it felt almost right.
"Get some rest, Captain. We have a long day ahead," you suggested softly.
Levi inclined his head, watching as you disappeared into the hallway. The moment you both just shared would have him pondering about it for the days to come. Alone in the dimly lit room, he realised that healing wasn't just about tending to wounds; it was also about finding solace in the presence of those who offered an understanding to the depth of his scars.
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on-my-vigilante-sht · 29 days
Levi Ackerman x Reader
Summary: When the Levi Squad goes out on a mission with a few rookies, accidents happen
Warnings: Angst, injuries, titans, fighting, jealousy, secret relationship
Work count: 3.9K
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As the Levi squad moved through the training forests, their captain couldn’t take his eyes off the girl riding just ahead of him. He knew he should keep an eye on Eren, to see how he faired with the rest of the team but he couldn’t help it. He was painfully aware of the fact that a titan could pop out of the trees and snatch her from him in a second.
So as they continued on, his eyes continuously swept the terrain while also observing her.
Levi truly thought he would never meet someone he could love. Love wasn’t really a concept in the Underground. It was a dark place full of people just trying to survive. Love was nowhere near the top of anyone’s priority list. And when he joined the scouts it wasn’t as if he had time for anything resembling a relationship. Sure there had been fellow soldiers that he noticed had taken a liking to him but he always brushed them off, uninterested. But then Erwin introduced him to the second most recent addition to his squad. Y/N L/N.
He couldn’t quite explain it but his very sudden and unexplained infatuation with her but he had initially told Erwin, privately, that he wouldn’t add her to his team. Something about her made him irrational. She should never see combat, he decided. She was too good for all this bloodshed. But Erwin had insisted that he take her on a practice run so Levi complied. He was astonished by how well she worked with the team, never pushing herself to be in the position of glory but still managing to kill three Titans and assist with many more.
Eight months later here they were, creating an unstoppable duo along with the rest of the team. Of course, they had to keep their relationship a secret from everyone as she was Levi’s subordinate but they had managed so far.
Seeing as the sun was setting and the horses were beginning to tire, Levi called for his squad, along with Eren and a few other new scout members to set up camp in the trees for the night.
As they slowed their horses, Levi slowed his down so he was next to Y/N. “How are you feeling, soldier?” he asked, keeping his gaze up, looking for a good spot to rest for the night, trying not to show his care.
“Good, Captain. I could ride for another few hours,” she answered stiffly. Exactly like a good soldier.
Levi just nodded, proud of her stamina for some inexplicable reason. “I feared the horses would be of no use to us tomorrow if we did not stop.”
Y/N allowed herself a soft laugh. “Yes, I fear that too. Wise call, Captain.”
Levi suppressed a smile. “If you feel so well, soldier, you’ll be on watch tonight with me,” he said in a stern tone. As if to reprimand her. That caught the attention of a few of the other scouts as they began to prepare to set up camp in the trees but they all quickly averted their gazes as Levi turned to glare at them.
“Yes, sir,” Y/N agreed quietly.
As the group sat in the largest of the nearby trees, close together for warmth, Levi couldn’t help but glare over at one of the new scouts. Reiner. He was sat next to Y/N, a little too close for his liking. They were engaged in a conversation which didn’t normally bother Levi, he didn’t consider himself the jealous type. But every time she turned her attention away from Reiner to talk to someone else, it was like panic came over his expression as he desperately tried to get her attention back on him. But Levi knew that if he brought it up to her, she’d just dismiss it so he just sat and watched.
It wasn’t much longer before Reiner was pressed up against her, claiming he was cold. Levi sat across from them, staring menacingly whilst holding one of his blades. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t imagining threatening Reiner right now. He hated that he had to keep his relationship a secret. He wanted everyone in the whole damn army to know Y/N was taken. He knew Reiner, nor anyone else, would dare to even look at her if they knew she was dating Captain Levi.
He nearly said something about leaving her alone when Reiner suggested they sleep with each other for warmth that night. As Levi was seeing red and considering the implications of stabbing him right here, Y/N brushed him off. “I’m on watch with Captain Levi,” she informed him. With no hint of regret to lead him on.
Reiner visibly deflated but tried to smile through his disappointment. “M-maybe next time,” he tried to laugh off. Y/N just hummed in acknowledgment, looking to her boyfriend for help.
Levi looked up at the sky, determining that it was dark enough that he could reasonably call for them to go to sleep. “We have another long day tomorrow, get some sleep. L/N, you take first watch.”
“Yes, sir,” she obeyed eagerly, standing up from her spot next to Reiner so fast he nearly fell over.
She brushed past everyone as they began to settle down, jumping up to a higher branch with her ODM gear. Levi followed up after her, bringing his gear so he could set up a makeshift bed the same way the others were. She only spared a glance at him as she looked down at the others, making sure they were going to sleep. A few of them were already snoring, having learned early on to sleep when you can and because it had been a long day.
Levi settled where he knew he couldn’t be seen from below, beckoning Y/N to join him. Once she noticed him she complied, creeping closer to the trunk of the tree. Once she reached him, he extended his hand, which she took, drawing her to sit down, leaning against his chest while he leaned against the tree. “I didn’t like how he was talking to you or touching you,” he murmured, resting his chin on top of her head.
“I know,” she murmured back, “I didn’t like it either.”
“I wish everyone knew you were taken. Better yet, knew you were mine.” He pressed a soft kiss to her head.
“Captain Levi Ackerman, are you jealous?” she asked teasingly.
“Shut it,” he mumbled, eliciting a laugh from her.
“I wish people could know about us too,” she mused. “I’m worried about this training exercise,” she changed the subject. “Eren’s friends? They’re brand new scouts. They don’t have the instincts or skills for this team.”
“I know but we all start somewhere,” Levi rationalized, being surprisingly understanding. He usually drilled for perfection out of those he trained. Even if he knew he couldn’t expect perfection immediately he never let on. “I had questioned your ability to be on the team initially.”
“Yeah but I’m not an idiot,” Y/N giggled. “And you never gave me an inch of grace. I thought you hated me for the first few weeks I was on the team.”
“I was hard on you because I was worried for you. Look at you now, sharper than any other scout.”
“Even you?”
“Of course not,” Levi teased.
“You were that worried about me? When we had just met?”
Levi briefly deliberated with himself about how much he was willing to admit. “Something about you made me unreasonably protective over you. I was worried that you’d distract me so I told Erwin I wouldn’t take you but he insisted. That’s part of why I trained you so hard. So I could have peace of mind that you’re capable of taking care of yourself so I wouldn’t be distracted.”
“Did you do a good enough job?”
“I could never. I worry about you every time we leave the walls.”
“Well, so far, so good. I’m still here.”
“It better stay that way. Now get some sleep,” Levi insisted, brushing a strand of hair away from her forehead.
“But I have first watch?”
“You didn’t think I’d actually make you stay up? I just wanted an excuse to talk to you privately.”
“But when will you sleep? What will we do if our fearless leader is tired?”
Levi smiled at her teasing and worry. “I’ll wake you,” he swore, lying through his teeth.
“Unlikely,” she countered suspiciously. But Levi just hushed her, bidding her to sleep. He kept watch, looking towards the path they had come from for any wandering titans, moving around despite the lack of sunlight. Once he felt Y/N fully relax he allowed himself to observe her peaceful face. He always took these peaceful moments to check on her, ensuring there were no cuts or bruises, even if it was a simple paper cut. Finding none on her exposed skin, Levi held her tighter, continuing to observe her peaceful face and the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest.
As Levi sat in the quiet, stillness of the night, he let his mind wander. Would it really be such a big deal if people knew about them? It’s not like the Scouts could afford to lose soldiers. Then everyone would know Y/N was taken and people like Reiner would leave her alone.
The squad had been looking for Titans to practice with for about an hour. The experienced scouts were getting wary as the sun had been up for an hour, the Titans should be awake and moving.
Levi had allowed them all to slow to a trot so as to save the horses’ energy. “It’s too quiet,” Levi murmured to his second in command, Eld.
“It’s not as if the Titans have the cognitive ability to hide in the trees to gather their numbers and then attack us,” Eld rationalized.
Levi just hummed in agreement. “Still, it feels like something bad is coming.”
They continued on for a little while longer, mostly in silence due to the Levi Squad members being uneasy. Then suddenly a giant hand launched out from between the trees, scattering the scouts. A 10 meter titan with a horrifying grin emerged from the trees, eyeing the meal that had appeared right in front of him.
All the members of the Levi squad immediately deployed their ODM gear, jumping up into the trees to take the titan down as quickly as possible. Levi watched his team begin to surround and confuse the titan. Y/N was poised to go in for the kill. But as she launched herself at the thing’s nape, Reiner swung from out of nowhere, knocking into her.
The force of his body hitting hers disrupted her momentum and she went plummeting towards the ground. Fortunately, her ODM gear was lodged into a tree because it caught her. It completely knocked the wind out of her but it was better than hitting the ground from 15 meters up. But in her shock, she didn’t realize she was in prime grabbing range as a giant fist encompassed her body. The pressure was so great she could feel her ribs crack as her arms were pinned at her sides. In all her shock, terror, and pain she must have blacked out because the last thing she was was the titan’s grin.
Meanwhile, Levi had watched in horror as that idiot swung into her, saving himself by falling into the tree. Levi had a momentary sigh of relief seeing the ODM gear catch her rather than her falling to the ground, surely to her death. But as the titan’s fist appeared, Levi’s life flashed before his eyes. “No!” he heard himself yell. Full of fear and rage that any creature would dare hurt her.
He reacted as quickly as possible, the others still barely registering what was happening. He launched himself towards the titan, cutting at its wrist, forcing it to stop bringing Y/N closer to its mouth. He moved faster than lightning, swinging behind its neck to cut at its nape. Absolutely no mercy as he cut out its crucial chunk of flesh. But as the titan began to fall, Levi realized his mistake, seeing Y/N fall out of the titan’s grasp. Unable to save herself due to her unconscious and wounded state. Then, a flash moved to catch her. Upon landing safely on a branch, Levi nearly sobbed in relief seeing Eren standing there, Y/N safely in his arms.
Levi quickly launched himself over, not giving a damn about appearances as he took Y/N in his arms. He laid her as gently as possible on the branch of the tree, kneeling close to her in order to look for signs of life. He thanked whatever cruel deity was out there upon seeing her chest move up and down with labored breaths. But the sound of her breathing was horrifying. Each breath rattled out of her lungs, an indication of how badly she was wounded internally. “Wake up, Y/N come on,” Levi pleaded, holding her face. He thought that if she would just open her eyes she’d be okay. They could get her back to the wall where she’d receive medical attention. “Come on, you’re not going to die out here,” he insisted, as if he were bargaining with her.
“Captain…” Petra’s hesitant voice spoke up, “she’s not going to wake up here. We have to get back to the wall.”
“We don’t have a cart, she won’t make it on horseback,” Connie said.
“We’re not leaving a wounded soldier,” Levi spat, picking her up in his arms as gently as possible. “We ride straight back to the wall. No stopping. If you see a titan do not engage. Our mission now is to get our comrade back alive.”
It was a hard, long journey back. Levi had precariously balanced Y/N on his horse the entire way, only stopping to ensure she kept breathing. But they made it back in only a day. The doctors said that the swiftness of their journey saved her life. She would have drowned in her own blood had they not reached the wall in time.
When the doctors had taken her in, Levi had been left shaking in the center of the barely standing building that had been converted into a hospital. “They’ve got her,” Petra had assured him, dragging him out of the way. The entire squad had tried numerous times to get him to leave the hospital and lie down but Levi refused every time.
After a day of operating and then leaving her alone to heal for a while, the doctors finally let him see her. But not without warning. “She’s in critical condition,” they warned. “She flatlined on the table a few times, meaning her brain was deprived of oxygen for longer than is reasonably safe. She’s also still got a tube breathing for her. We had to repair her lungs and put her in a medically induced coma.” Levi said nothing as they walked down the hall, keeping his face expressionless despite the fear pounding in his heart. He could hardly breathe as they told him everything that was wrong with her. But once they reached the door, the doctor blocked his path for a second. “One last thing: the titan caused massive crush injuries meaning her neck and torso are mostly covered in bruises. I’m just trying to prepare you for what you’ll see.”
Levi just nodded in understanding, not even fully processing her words. As the door finally opened, revealing her fragile body, Levi let out a strangled noise from his throat as he tried not to cry in front of the doctor. He was grateful when she just closed the door behind her, leaving him alone with Y/N. Stepping over to the bed, he took a seat on the chair placed beside it. She looked so fragile he was afraid to touch her so he just sat and stared at her, willing her eyes to open.
But they never did. In the two weeks Levi spent sitting at Y/N’s side her eyes never opened. She never so much as twitched. The only reason he left was when Erwin threatened to discharge him from the Scouts. He almost accepted the discharge except for his team reminding him that they still had a war to win. And if he wasn’t out there protecting humanity, what was to stop a titan from just running through this hospital?
So Levi went back to work. In some ways, he was sloppy and distracted, like neglecting his paperwork. But he more than made up for it in his performance. He took down more Titans in the three months Y/N was asleep than in the few years he had spent as a scout. He had also bullied and beaten the current class of recruits into one of the finest classes yet. He had thrown himself into his work, killing every titan in his path. And when he couldn’t kill, he was taking out his rage on arrogant scouts and recruits alike.
“Is that all you got?” Levi asked Dassler. He was one of the recruits that would be graduating in a month. He was a big guy, someone who had won all of his sparring matches simply by being heavier and stronger than his classmates. But he was ill equipped to deal with Levi’s quick agility.
Dassler yelled in frustration, unable to get a grip on the captain. He lunged forward but Levi easily dodged him, swinging his foot down to pin Dassler’s neck on the ground with his boot. As the boy struggled, Levi heard the frantic breathing of Hange as she reached the training yard. “Captain!” she called through labored breathing. “It’s L/N! She’s- she’s awake,” she breathed.
Levi didn’t even process her words fully or let himself feel anything, he just took off running. He ran straight to the hospital, right past the nurses and doctors, and straight up to her room. As soon as he burst in the door, nurses were on him, trying to push him out of the room.
“Sir, you can’t be in here right now,” the insisted multiple times. But Levi wasn’t listening. He was looking over their shoulders frantically calling her name, begging for some sort of confirmation she was okay.
But she never so much as looked at him. He only realized what happened when he heard the doctor asking her questions with more concern ebbing into her voice each time. “Do you know your date of birth?” She shook her head no. “Do you know where you’re from?” Another shake. “Do you know what happened in Shigonshina?” No. “Do you know who he is?” the doctor asked, pointing at him as he continued to struggle with the nurses.
The moment between the doctor’s question and Y/N’s response was the longest moment of Levi’s life. Even the nurses stopped, eager to see if she remembered arguably the most important person in her life. Any deniability they had had about their relationship disappeared when Levi carried her back to the walls.
With another shake of her head, she denied knowing her boyfriend and Levi’s heart shattered. He let out an involuntary strangled cry before the nurses finally got him out of the room before slamming the door in his face.
All he could do was stare at the door in shocked disbelief. This had to have been some sort of weird side effect of the coma. It had to be temporary.
As he began to spiral, Hange showed up with the rest of the squad. “Captain!” she called excitedly from down the hall. But upon noticing his expression, she halted, stopping the rest of the squad behind her. “What happened?” she asked in a grave voice.
“She- she doesn’t remember anything,” he admitted, still staring at the door. He could faintly hear worried murmurs behind him but he didn’t care. He was still so wrapped up in trying to understand what just happened.
Beside him, Hange’s jaw dropped as she tried to process the news. “Oh Levi, I’m so sorry.”
It had been a week and Levi had yet to visit his girlfriend. Everyone on the squad had encouraged him to visit, going so far as to suggest that he could miraculously bring her memories back. But all he could see was her blank, confused expression as she shook her head at him. He didn’t think he could handle her giving him that blank expression again.
As he sat in his office, filling out paperwork when he heard a knock on the door. Looking up, he found Erwin standing in the doorway. “Levi,” he greeted, “you need to visit Y/N.”
Rather than tell Erwin to mind his own business, like he had told the rest of his squad, he just continued his work. “She doesn’t remember me. There’s nothing I can do for her.”
“You can be there for her. What will happen when she regains her memories but her boyfriend wasn’t there when she needed him?” Levi stopped writing but still didn’t look up. He was aware that everyone now knew about his relationship but he still didn’t want the commander throwing it in his face. “You haven’t stopped working ever since you came back. I don’t think you’ve left the office since she woke up. Go to her, that’s an order,” he said before turning on his heel and walking out.
Levi clenched his jaw, putting his pen down. With a reluctant sigh, he stood up, grabbing his cloak. He made his way outside, towards the hospital. As he went, more and more people took notice of him, murmuring and whispering as he passed but he just ignored it. He walked straight up to her room, only hesitating when he reached her door. He reached for the handle but stopped for a second. The memory of her confused expression flashed through his mind again and with it came all that initial pain. Shaking it off, he grasped the handle, finding his girlfriend sleeping peacefully.
Careful not to wake her, he went to her bedside. Tracing a finger over her hand, she didn’t stir. Levi smiled as he observed her peaceful expression. He missed her beautiful face more than he’d like to admit to anyone except her. With her peaceful expression, he could almost forget that godforsaken image of her lack of memory. “You don’t remember me now,” he whispered, “but you will someday. And I swear I will be by your side the entire time because I love you,” he promised her, sealing it with a brief kiss on her forehead.
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abiatackerman · 1 month
Sexual Health of Corporal Ackerman
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Since it's been almost a month till the last expedition, you're being bored. You're doing nothing but lazing around because you don't have much to do. So you start to walk around and find Levi in the mess hall, sitting alone, sipping his tea. You smile wickedly because an amazing idea hits your head.........
Levi was deep in thought, trying to focus on the tea in his hands. But no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t rid his mind of you, especially in his free time. He would never admit his feelings for you but it is known to everyone how crazy he is for you after witnessing his protectiveness and possessiveness for you.
As Levi watches you as you approach, he forces himself to look away…
"Hey captaaaain! I've been searching for you!"
You say as you  pull a chair in front of him and sit down making Levi look up at you with his blank face. He doesn’t want to give away any hint of his obsession, so he does what any good Captain would do… he tries to pretend he didn’t care about your presence and keeps sipping his tea without talking.
"I've some questions for you. About your sexual health.... It's important."
You ignore his dismissive attitude too and I place your chin on your palm and look at him.
Levi takes another sip of his drink to hide his nerves as you speak that and speaks in an annoyed tone.
“You shouldn’t be so interested in my personal matters, brat. I’d suggest you drop it.”
You speak, as lean on the chair comfortably.
"Oh but I am.... It's my duty to make sure everything is alright with every soldier here.... Including their sexual health. Also don't call me a brat. I'm a grown ass woman."
Levi narrows his eyes, trying his hardest not to let his annoyance show. He tries to change the subject.
”Well, I am a grown ass man that isn’t interested in having his sexual habits scrutinized.”
"When was the last time you released? Answer me."
You ask, sternly as you act like you didn't hear him speaking. You notice a hint of anger flashes in Levi's eyes as you ask such a personal question. His tone is sharp and his words are cold.
“That’s none of your business! This conversation is over, unless you want it taken to Erwin. Leave the room, brat.”
You smile and cross your arms over your chest and speak smugly.
"Oh please..... I wanna see how Erwin's face is going to be, hearing you complain that I asked you when was the last time you climaxed. Go on, old man."
Levi remains silent for a moment. He is not used to being spoken to this way, especially by a female. So after a long pause, he speaks, his voice colder than before.
“You won’t like what you see when Erwin finds out you were harassing me like this. It’s not your place to ask about my… release.”
"And it's definitely not your place to scare away the guys from me who I wanna date. Now answer my questions and we'll be even."
You say, crossing your arms and Levi becomes silent. His anger rises slightly when he hears you make your demands. And when he speaks, his tone is sharp.
“I haven’t had a reason to release. And my answer is final, now leave me to my tea.”
You flinch as he answers in a unbother tone.
"What? Are you crazy? Never? Even not when you are sleeping? You've gotta be kidding me. It's not normal."
You say in a shocked and tense tone making Levi go tense. It isn’t anyone’s business how he took care of himself, especially not yours. He clenched his jaw as he spoke, biting back his words.
“I don’t need to explain myself to you. Drop it.”
"No, it's important. Though it's harmless.... It may affect your future sexual pleasures and intimate relationships. May cause some infections too! I want the best for you... you know that right?"
You speak in a concerned tone, trying to make him understand.
“You don’t know anything. You don’t know me! You don’t know my past, and you sure as hell don’t know anything about what I feel.”
You sigh and hold his hand as you ask softly.
"Then tell me what you feel. Maybe I can help?"
Levi's entire body goes rigid as you took his hand. The last thing he wanted is to tell you about how it felt to be touch starved and how seeing your soft hands made his heart want to burst. But he couldn’t pull himself away. His body, his mind, everything was under your control as he felt your warm fingers interlace with his.
“Let go of me.”
His voice was cold but there was a definite flicker of emotions there. You hold his hand tightly.
"I will, I promise. If you need your space, I'll give it to you... Just answer a question of mine."
You ask softly and look at him sympathetically.
"You told me once your mother was a prostitute. And you saw her having sex with other men.... Does that affect you?"
You ask in a straightforward way but in a soft tone.
Levi freezes when you mention his mother. He has always felt ashamed that he couldn’t protect his mother from the way she was living. It is a constant weight on his mind to this day. He sighs, dropping his eyes away from you as his shoulders slumps. He doesn’t wanna talk about this.
“Of course it affects me. It always has.”
"Yeah it's stupid of me to ask.... Of course that affects you. I'm sorry."
You say as you release his hand and hug him as you pat his back. You know he needs it.
"You shouldn't let that affect you.... She had to do it... For you and for herself.... I bet she loved you a lot. And she's now proud of seeing you as a captain.... Maybe she didn't hate her life because she got you after all, right?"
You ask softly, still caressing his back.
When you speak, he can't keep the pain from his eyes. A lump of emotions tightened in his throat. He swallows his pain. This time he doesn’t push you away. He let you pat his back as he fights to hold back his tears.
“You don’t know anything.”
"I know.... I don't know that feeling.... That's horrible and scary that I won't even want my greatest enemy to feel that pain. But at least I can try to make you feel better. Even if it's a bit, right?"
You say and release the hug and smile at him making Levi loss for words. He felt you meant what you said and he has to admit, it made him feel better. A lot better.
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
He looks away as he asks, feeling the urge to hug you again.
You roll your eyes at his question.
"Because..... You're a fucking dumb person."
Levi looks up at you, his eyes narrowed in annoyance. He hates that you have triggered a reaction from him. But he woun’t let it show.
“I am not a dumb person. Just because I don’t want to share my feelings doesn’t make me an idiot.”
His words make you slap your forehead as you speak.
"You're really dumb... I was joking to make you smile, you idiot."
Levi stares at you for a long moment, watching you slapping your forehead. The irritation rises in him again, but he pushes it down. His voice was flat and emotionless when he spoke.
“I don’t find calling me dumb to be funny.”
You laugh at him.
"Fine fine.. I apologise, ok? Whatever, what I wanted to say is....Sex isn't a bad thing you know..... Especially when you do it with someone you love.... It feels good... I haven't had sex just like you, but I've kissed. When I hugged you, you didn't feel bad, right? It's just like that."
Levi stays motionless, he doesn’t know if he should laugh it off or take your words seriously. You're trying to get him to feel better, he understands that much. But you were so oblivious to his feelings that it was almost painful. He kept his face neutral as he speaks. The way you spoke made him wonder......
“You’ve kissed people? I bet they were the dumbest men in human existence.”
You completely ignore his insult and ask him curiously.
"Why do you think so?"
Levi’s face contorts into a frown from annoyance. He doesn’t want to admit he is jealous that you've kissed other men who are not him. He crosses his arms, a slight glint of anger in his eyes.
“Because anyone who kisses such a brat is an idiot.”
You laugh and speak smugly.
"Then you're an idiot too.... Because you let me hug you."
Levi freezes again, his anger is now replaced by embarrassment. He should’ve pushed you away, but he didn’t. Now he is being called out for it. He speaks quietly, looking into your eyes.
“I thought… you were trying to show me kindness?”
You nod as you speak and stand up.
"I was, and I want the best for you. Try to fall in love with someone, Levi. Think about them in your free time. Like kissing them, touching them..... Surely it would take some time... But eventually you'll reach the point where you'll be imagining yourself fucking her hard, making yourself hard too. And if you want any help... I'm always here."
You smile softly at him as you speak in a friendly way.
“I don’t need help, brat.”
He speaks more harshly than he meant to. His emotions are all over the place.You sigh and speak sarcastically.
"Then it seems like even a pathetic soul like me will lose her virginity before you."
Levi's ears burn as he feels that rush of jealousy that came from hearing your words. He takes a deep breath to compose himself, a single thought filling his head 'I won't let her.'
“I’m sure that will be a sad, lonely process for you. If you ever find anyone foolish enough to let you touch them.”
His insulting words make you angry immediately.
"Are you challenging me, captain? If you're, then I'll have sex tonight and show you if anyone wants to let me touch themselves or not."
You say crossing your arms and glare at him. As Levi narrows his eyes even more. He knows if he doesn’t stop you soon, you will follow your words. He can’t afford that.
“I forbid you to do such a thing.”
You roll your eyes and ask angrily.
"And why would I listen to you?"
A cold feeling washes over Levi.
He can’t let you! He won’t let you! Just the thought of someone even touching you makes his blood boil, though he keeps his calm demeanor.
“Because I’m your captain and you have to listen to me.”
You laugh as you keep looking at him.
"Do you even hear yourself how pathetic does that sound, captain? Just admit you're jealous."
Levi clenches his jaw and takes a deep breath. Yes, he jealous. But that doesn’t mean he had to admit it.
“Shut up.”
"Tch.... You won't have sex with me or even let me have sex with another person.... Do you really think I would die as a virgin just because of you?"
You say sarcastically, rolling your eyes.
He speaks in a low, harsh voice that doesn't fit his usual calm demeanor.
“I’ll make certain that you are never touched by another man. Your body is mine. No one else but me will ever touch you. And if they dare, I won’t hesitate to make them regret that decision.”
"I'm being kind and ill give you three months, understand? If you can't become normal in this period.... I'm losing my virginity to someone else, captain. End of the discussion."
You say and turn away from him as you walk out of the room with a soft smile on your face.
You know it won't definitely take him 3 months because you're sure he has already started to fantasize about making love to you.
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suzukiblu · 6 months
Ko-fi thank-you sentences for Lux; Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good! I, uh, was only supposed to write nine sentences for this, buuuuut I didn't only write nine sentences for this. 😅 LOOK, I HIT A GROOVE, I'M NOT SORRY. Enjoy your read-more, y'all.
“Do you want some ideas for names?” Billy offers. Most kids don’t get to “legally” name themselves quite this way, so he feels like helping Superboy pick a good name is important. He wants him to have one he really likes. “I know a lot of them. Or we could look some up online? Batman got us a desktop and got you a laptop and a tablet, in case you need one for anything. Oh, and there’s phones, so we can keep in contact! I should grab you yours, actually, it’s . . . somewhere in the kitchen, I think.” 
“‘Ideas’?” Superboy repeats, looking a little uncomfortable. “Like . . . what?” 
“I just mean suggestions,” Billy promises, immediately distracted from the phone by Superboy’s apparent discomfort. The phone can wait. “You can pick any name you want, it’s up to you. I’m not gonna, like, veto you or anything.” 
“. . . sure,” Superboy says. He still looks uncomfortable and Billy still can’t be sure he really means it, but . . . well, he just has to do his best, he guesses.
“You don’t have to decide right away, you can think it over for a bit,” he says. “But we at least need something to put on the paperwork. You can always change it later if you decide you don’t like it.” 
“Whatever,” Superboy says, his mouth thinning. Billy thinks Cadmus was sort of terrible for not giving him a name. Actually, no, Cadmus was really terrible for that.
“How about I just list some, and if you like any of them, you can just say?” he suggests. 
“Whatever,” Superboy repeats, looking away. Well . . . it’s not a “no”, at least, so Billy figures they can try, and if Superboy gets annoyed, they’ll just stop and try again later. 
“Okay,” he says. “Um . . . let’s see, what are some good ones . . . David, Asher, Zachary, Parker, Otto, Levi . . . um . . .” 
Superboy’s jaw tightens. Billy stops listing names and bites his tongue. Okay. The name thing is a sore spot, maybe. Or maybe Superboy just doesn’t like any of his suggestions and thinks he’s lame, he guesses. That might also be, like . . . a thing. 
“I’ll try to think of some more later,” Billy says, repressing a guilty wince and grasping desperately for a new topic. “Do you, uh . . . have any questions? Or anything like that?” 
Probably he should’ve asked that sooner, come to think. 
"How often are you gonna be here?" Superboy asks, still looking away. Billy can’t really read what he can see of his face very well, but hopefully once they know each other better he'll get better at that kind of thing. Like, he’ll have to, right? 
"Oh, like–pretty much whenever I'm not doing hero stuff or on any League missions," he says. "I'll make sure and tell you if I'm ever gonna be gone overnight or anything like that, okay?" 
Superboy . . . blinks. Looks back at him. 
"You're going to live here?" he asks in confusion. Billy blinks too, tilting his head.
"Yeah," he says. "I mean, it wouldn't be very nice of me to just ditch you here all by yourself, would it?" 
"I can take care of myself," Superboy says, his expression shuttering. Billy frowns. 
"Well, sure, but that doesn't mean anybody's gonna make you," he says. Just because Superboy’s physically old enough to take care of himself doesn’t mean he’s not technically still a baby. He deserves to get taken care of and have somebody help him figure out, like . . . everything, pretty much. Civilian life and superhero stuff both. 
That’s why Billy’s doing this, so . . . yeah. 
“Why?” Superboy says. 
“Because that’d be really mean,” Billy says. “And we’re the good guys, so we have to be the good guys.” 
Superboy’s jaw tightens again, and then he folds his arms and looks away again too. He looks upset. Billy wishes he knew how to fix it. Like–even just a little bit. He knows sometimes that stuff just doesn’t “fix”, but . . . still. He’s trying to be a good dad here, so he feels like he should fix things like Superboy being upset. 
Well–he guesses just letting him work through being upset is okay too, if it comes to it. For when things aren’t that easy to get distracted from. Billy would also have a lot to be upset about if he’d been made in a lab and told he was supposed to be somebody he’s not and gotten mind-controlled the first time he’d ever woken up for real. Like, that’s a really shit first day. 
Superboy must feel really weird, too. Cadmus probably didn’t really teach him how to be a kid or a teenager, since they were trying to make an adult Superman, so it’s no wonder he thinks they’re gonna make him take care of himself. Billy’s gonna have to help him learn how being a kid works, he’s pretty sure. 
Well, he can do that. And, well, Superboy’s friends can cover the “teenager” stuff, he guesses. Like, probably. 
. . . maybe he could find a couple parenting books or something. A parenting book might be a good idea. 
"I just don't get it," Superboy says after a long moment staring at the wall, tensing his folded arms. "What about when you have to get back to your real life? Like your . . . your job and your house and your . . . family. This is keeping you away from all that." 
"Oh," Billy realizes, blinking at him in surprise. He guesses Superboy probably would expect him to have that kinda stuff, huh. "No, I don't really . . . have any of those, technically? I mean, I am human, I wasn't lying or anything, I just don't have a job or another house or anything like that. Actually the Justice League is paying for all of this, 'cause we were all talking about the best place for you to live and Superman asked if maybe I could take care of you, and I had to tell him I couldn't 'cause I didn't actually have anything to take care of you with, but Batman said the League could set up a stipend to pay for stuff and help me get a place and all that if I wanted to do it, sooooo . . ." 
". . . Superman asked you to take care of me?" Superboy asks hesitantly, shifting in his bean bag and finally glancing back to him again. 
"Yeah," Billy confirms with a nod, a little relieved that Superboy’s looking at him again. Well–close to him, anyway. He’s not quite making eye contact, but that’s fine. "Well, him and Batman. Because my powers are kinda close to yours so I can help you train and stuff, but also Kryptonians are vulnerable to magic so if you've got any mind control triggers in your head that we missed I should be able to stop you without having to hurt you. Like I could restrain you until we could help you or until you could snap out of it on your own, I mean." 
"Oh," Superboy says, blinking slowly. "I just figured somebody had some kryptonite somewhere in case something like that happened." 
"No," Billy says, frowning at the thought. Geez, what kind of an awful dad would he be if he did that? He's seen what kryptonite does to Superman and it totally sucks. "Kryptonite hurts. I'm not gonna let anybody use kryptonite on you. Er–well, probably eventually a bad guy will when you're on a mission, that's kind of how those go, but we're definitely not gonna keep any here.” 
"Why not?" Superboy asks, frowning back at him. "It's more efficient than actually fighting me. And I might injure you if I'm like that." 
"Yeah," Billy says. "But also somebody bad could use it against you if they ever broke in and found it. And this is, um–well. This is your home now, so I don't think there should be things that could hurt you in it anyway." 
Superboy stares blankly at him again. Billy tries not to fidget. 
"There were lots of things that could hurt me in Cadmus," Superboy says, his face staying very, very blank in a way that Billy immediately hates. 
"Well, this isn't Cadmus," Billy says firmly, trying to look as sincere and trustworthy and dad-ly as he knows how to. He had a really, really great dad. He can pay that forward. Superboy deserves a great dad too. "I'm taking care of you now, and I don't want kryptonite or anything like it around you. Ever." 
Superboy stares at him. His expression is really complicated-looking and Billy doesn't understand it, so he just keeps trying to look as dad-ly as possible. Hopefully that'll help, or at least won't hurt. 
". . . what about your family, though?" Superboy asks after a long moment, flicking his eyes away uncomfortably. Billy really hopes he's doing this right. "Or do you, uh, not have one of those either?" 
"Um," Billy says. "Well, I have the worst uncle in the world who I really hope is rotting in prison somewhere by now, but otherwise it's just you."
"What?" Superboy frowns again, looking confused. "What's just me?" 
"Uh . . . my family?" Billy replies, a little embarrassed. He hasn't actually had any family that he could still want to be around in . . . well, a really long time now, so it feels sort of weird to say it, but it is true. Dubiously-legally true, given all the fake paperwork Batman’s been putting together, but still true. 
Superboy gives him the blank stare yet again. Billy feels like a moron, but–well, he's not gonna take it back. Even if Superboy thinks he's presuming too much too quick or something, which admittedly he kinda is, Billy also can't imagine how awful it'd be hearing someone call you their family and then say they weren't really or hadn't actually meant it or just . . . whatever. 
Superboy might not even care if he did, but . . . 
Well. Billy would care. So he's not gonna.
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koolades-world · 1 year
Oh my god. Nightbringer Satan crushing on MC and Demon brothers freaking out because it's the same thing that happened with Lillith. Lucifer acts like a clown. (Maybe tries the atic). Belphie too.
NO BUT you think exactly like me, like omg are we secretly twins… The idea is still so fresh in brother's minds since it literally just happened, and Satan is none the wiser. He didn’t live through it after all. He hasn't really had a real conversation about what happened to them since he hates being around them. And honestly, anything that pisses off Lucifer must be the right choice for him. And the thing about the attic! Kinda like to think that Lucifer realized that attic was the perfect place to hide his brothers after sticking Satan up there. If it could contain Satan, what couldn’t it contain? it’s too perfect! I think I just love anything Satan angst
idk if this was a request or not but I kinda wanna write something for this idea anyways so,, ty anon you're literally so cool, sending my love :)
I haven’t gotten through all of Nightbringer’s story yet so sorry if this isn’t totally accurate to what happens. I'm on like chapter 5 and I haven't seen any spoilers... Honkai Star Rail recently came out and my friends are also playing that game so we’ve been playing that. Will go back to Nightbringer soon!
brewing just under the surface
It has been some time since Mc had been outed as a human. It has taken everyone except Solomon time to adjust. At first, everyone was furious in their own ways. Belphie, Satan, and Lucifer showed it in the typical way. It was the most they had truly let themselves go after falling. Everyone in the Devildom was advised to stay inside. Levi and Beel holed themselves up inside, hiding away from the world, fearing that if they showed themselves, they would be burnt again. Asmo found himself drinking into a stupor almost nightly, as when he laid in bed trying to fall asleep, all he could think about was Mc. Mammon was similar. He was rarely home, afraid he would see Mc so he went out gambling or exploring the Devildom to take his mind off everything. Eventually, they began to warm back up to Mc.
Mammon, however, was also the quickest to find himself missing Mc. He began to forgive them and understand their situation. They had been nothing but sweet to him, so he felt like he owed it to them. They had been a friend in a tough time. He began taking them with him on his adventures and gambled less. With them, he felt happier, more like himself. Part of him was kind of giddy they could exist in a state like this, despite everything. He felt like he could forget everything with them. He had them all to himself, after all. Even if they were a human, they were still the same deep down.
Eventually, Beel and Levi came around, followed by Asmo. The remaining three brothers thought they could never forgive Mc. Lucifer had placed so much trust in their attendant only for him to learn they couldn’t even tell the truth about who they were to him. He might be able to come around one day, but for the meantime, he needed to be alone. Belphie had vowed to hate humans for as long as he lived, so forgiveness was out of the question completely.
However, Satan wasn’t really sure why he was so mad. He struggled to find a reason to be mad sometimes. He would rage until he wasn’t really sure why he was raging in the first place, which would make him begin to rage all over again. He had no substantial relationship with this attendant. He was always locked up, locked out, or just too mad to interact with, making him unable to connect with them. It wasn’t on his brother’s behalf either. He didn’t really care about them too much, not enough to be this upset. Mc did technically lie to him, but that thought didn’t really provoke him. So, what was it? That's the mess he had found himself in for the past week or so. He wasn't really sure when he started thinking about it, but he was really tumbling down the rabbit hole now.
Satan was tuckered out after a long night out of causing destruction. He found himself at peace on very few occasions. One of the things that gave him the time to think in peace was after he was tired, or after he had just woken up. When he wasn't angry, he found himself enjoying things, such as thinking or the beauty of the world around him. Because of this, he was seated at the edge of a cliff, looking over the ocean. His legs and tail dangled over the edge. He looked minuscule compared to everything else. The sky was dark, so he stared down at the waves crashing against the cliff. Sometimes, he would overhear his brothers complaining about how it was always dark in the Devildom, but he actually thought it was nice. It comforted him. Not too far away was a road. One of the moons hung low in the sky. The others were not visible at the moment. In another moment of blissful clarity, he had taken the time to learn about the Devildom sky from a book. It had been a gift from Mc. Why they would give him a gift like that was beyond him, but he had found himself enjoying it despite that. It was one of the few things he had not destroyed in his rage.
While staring at sea, he simply thought. With a clear mind, he began to wonder why he still found himself mad at Mc. He hadn't seen them in a while, so maybe the feelings had calmed down. It was positive that he was able to think about it calmly, anyways. He was still unsure why exactly he was mad at Mc in the first place. Perhaps he had thought he had finally found someone that he could somewhat relate to. But then again, they still didn't know each other that well. As he was trapped in his thought, he heard the crunching of gravel behind him.
“Mammon? You out here?” The person he has just been thinking about had suddenly appeared as if it was magic. They had a motorcycle helmet pinched between their arm and torso. They froze once they realized Satan was there.
“Hey, Mc.” He turned back to look over the ocean.
“Sorry. I didn’t realize you were out here. You haven’t seen Mammon recently, have you?” They remained standing awkwardly behind him.
“No.” He kept his answers short, not really sure how to reply.
“Right, thank you.” They didn’t move at first. Then they spoke again. “Do you mind if I sit next to you for a moment?”
Satan thought about it for a moment. “I don’t mind.” He had a lot of questions. They settled next to him. Most anyone who sat next to him sat at least an arms length away. But Mc sat just within reach. Not too close to invade his personal space, but close enough to talk to him on a personal level. If they wanted, they could reach out and touch his shoulder. They set their helmet on the side farther from him.
“What brings you out here?” They asked, looking at the sky too. He had to stop and think about their question again. If it had been anyone else, this would have bothered him by now.
“I’m not sure. It’s beautiful, mysterious. Maybe that’s why.” He looked at them from the corner of his eye. Their looked out at the connection between the ocean and the sky.
“I’ve always loved nature. It’s not the same as home, but it’s beautiful in a different way.” The way they referenced the human works so casually made something within him twinge. Lucifer hated that place, and he should too, but he found himself curious.
“What was it like there?” He asked. They looked surprised, but answered nonetheless.
“It depended where you were. I grew up in a place where everything was always green with life, and you could always find some sort of life somewhere. But I traveled to places where all you could see was sand or the endless sea, like now. The biggest difference was the rising and setting sun. It wasn’t always dark. The sun always rose in the morning, to chase away to dark, and the sun always set to welcome the dark back. I used to wish it could always be night so I didn’t have to go to school and spend all my time at midnight reading, but now I miss it.” They reminisced. He finally turned his head to look at them. The stars and sea reflected in their eyes. “You eyes remind me of the morning. The forest and the rising sun illuminating it all.”
Satan paused again. He has never taken the time to look that closely at his eyes. He would have to look at them the next chance he got. “Thank you.” He finally said. “Do you miss the human world?”
It was Mc’s turn to stop. They still hadn’t realized he was looking at them. “Sometimes I do. But the Devildom has a charm. I’ve spend so much time here, it’s hard not to love. I do love it here.” They looked furthered down at the rocks below, reflecting the crashing waves in their eyes instead. “Someday, I would like to take you there. You would love some of the remote nature locations.”
This statement made Satan heat up. He couldn’t comprehend how they could say such kind things to him, the embodiment of anger. “That sounds nice.” His mind began to wander and suddenly, everything he has been feeling dawned on him. Mc was his friend. He had a friend. It was warm feeling that he didn’t know how to describe, but it did make him want to hold and care for Mc.
“Can I hug you? It’s fine if you say no, I understand.” He nervously looked back over at them again. This time, they were looking back at him. They hesitated for a moment, but then nodded. They scooted over to him, and wrapped their arms around him. They placed their head on his shoulder and inhaled. Satan was sure this was the most amount of affection he had gotten, probably ever. He was almost overwhelmed at first by the emotions he felt.
“You give really good hugs.” Mc seemed to really enjoy the embrace, but he didn’t dare respond. He wasn’t even sure what to say. He didn’t want to let go. This was probably also one of the most peaceful, sweet moments he’d ever had. “I should get going. Mammon is still missing.” Mc sighed.
“Alright.” He let go of them, but they didn’t scoot away quickly. They sat there for a moment, thinking.
“I’m making dinner tonight, if you’re interested. I also have something for you back at the house, so let me know once you get home. See you later.” They then got up, picked up their helmet, and left. They turned around a final time to wave, and he paused for a moment before waving back.
That was the beginning of it all. After that, he found himself by Mc’s side more and more. They went to see more remote scenery, and eventually, they went out in public together. He was still the same irritable, hotheaded demon, but he found it happening less often in the presence of Mc. When it did, they were always there to pick up the pieces of what he has done and comfort him. He was worried he might harm them at first, but they quickly proved they could handle themselves. They knew what made him tick and always seemed to know what he was going to do next. He would still have outbursts pretty frequently, but Mc mysteriously was always right on top of it.
Of course, his brothers, if he even dared call them that, noticed. They claimed they didn't care about their attendant but at the same time got upset with him for hogging their attention. Many times, Mc broke up fights between him and his housemates for this very reason. Even if he wasn't the Avatar of Wrath, he wouldn't have backed down. He still wasn't sure why. He wanted to hold them, love them, care for them. He was smart enough to know this wasn't how a friend would feel about another. Still, he had no clue what it could be if it wasn't that. As much as he didn't dislike Belphegor, he kept finding himself thwarting his attempts to kill Mc. They used to be his least hated of his "brothers" but now he had to say Beelzebub was the least hated now since he would help to control his unruly twin.
He found himself turning to books for answers. There was no one he could ask for advice besides Mc themselves, and he didn't feel comfortable bring this up with them. He was trying to grow more independent anyways. Books reminded him of Mc, since they had been to one to show him how useful they could be. They held the answers to everything, as long as you were holding the right one. Occasionally, he would find himself wanting to rip one to shreds but refrained since he knew it may be useful in the future. Besides, what would Mc think?
All of the books he consulted said the same thing. They described this feeling as a "crush" or whatever that might mean. He thought that word was stupid. The actual meaning was to destroy something with intense pressure and he definitely didn't want to do that. Other than that, he found the definition clear. He thought the word love might describe how he felt better, but he was too afraid to call it that. He did think they were attractive, and he would say it happened rather quick. But what was he supposed to do? They were the only person willing to get close to him.
He was in the middle of reading this book and processing this information when Lucifer threw open the door to his room. His room wasn’t barren anymore. Mc had built a small shelf for him to place his small book collection on. They had done it by hand so he was very careful with it.
“What are you plotting with that human?” He stood in the doorway with his arms crossed.
“Nothing. Get out.” He didn’t look up from his read, but his tail lashed about like an aggravated cat. He prided himself for not tacking him the moment he walked in.
“If you would just tell me, I won’t have to do anything the hard way.” Lucifer didn’t relent. He rushed forward to grab his collar and suspended him midair. “I know about your little crush.” Satan immediately stopped struggling. He was stunned. He couldn't bring himself to form a response.
"That is strictly prohibited. You are to maintain a professional relationship with the attendant.” Satan looked into Lucifer’s eyes. He still wasn’t great at anything relating to emotions, but there was something more than anger stirring in his piercing eyes.
“And since when has that mattered to you? You filthy pig.” Satan snarled, moving to grab the hands at his collar.
“There’s so much you don’t know. You have yet to learn. I don’t care if you hate me. I refuse to lose another one.” The air stilled after those words. He had never sounded Lucifer so upset. It made Satan begin to think. Compared to his housemates, he was nothing but a blip on the radar of time. Before he could even think about forming a response, Lucifer was moving, still holding him. Satan protested and struggled, causing a ruckus.
Mc had been sitting with Mammon in his room, giggling together quietly over another stupid outfit Mc had made. They both went silent as they heard the struggle pass the door, the mood spoiled. They glanced at each other before cracking the door. Mc knew that Lucifer and Satan hadn’t had a physical fight in a while now, so when they saw Lucifer carting Satan off somewhere, they pushed the door open all the way.
“Lucifer. What’s going on here?” When Lucifer didn’t stop, Mc ran after him, causing Mammon to follow as well. He ignored their insistent cries. Mc grabbed onto his lowest pair of wings at the base and dug their heels into the ground in vane. They felt themselves begin to pale as they marched towards the stairs leading to the attic. The attic only held terrible memories, but they were determined to help fix whatever was going on.
As the parade went upstairs, Mc tripped on the first step. Lucifer continued without them, not even acknowledging that they fell. Their knees stung. Mammon was quick to appear at their side and give them a hand up. He had never asked why they seemed so traumatized by the attic, but he knew they even hated being anywhere near that spiral staircase. Dust showered the both of them as Lucifer stomped angrily up the stairs. Their ascent was anything but silent.
“Are ya sure ya wanna go after ‘em?” Mammon whispered to Mc.
“I do. Will you go with me?” They gripped his hand tightly.
“I would go even if ya didn’t ask.” After taking a deep breath, Mc began to ascend the stars as quickly as they dared after the duo, gripping Mammon’s hand. Upon arriving at the top, Mc swallowed nervously as they were greeted with an all too familiar sight. The metallic, enchanted bars looked newer than the last time they had seen them. Lucifer was currently standing behind them holding Satan. Standing as tall as they dared, Mc spoke up.
“Lucifer. What do you think you’re doing?” Their voice came out weaker than intended. Satan had never seen them so fearful. Sweat glistened on their forehead. As Lucifer turned around to face them, they stumbled back a little.
“This does not concern you, Mc. I thought I made it clear that I did not need a human meddling in my affairs.” Anytime Lucifer moved even a little, Satan noticed they seemed ready to dive to the ground or throw their hands over their head.
“Satan is my friend. I’m here for him. We can talk about this.” Their voice wavered.
“What part of leaving my private affairs alone do you not understand? You are merely an attendant. I have attempted to speak to Satan in the past. This hasn’t worked before. It will not work now.” Lucifer shook Satan a little. He growled.
“I understand you don’t want me to be part of that, and that’s fine, but I know a more healthy and less, uh, strenuous way of communicating. If you would just listen to me-“ Mc gently patted the air as a way of showing they were trying to tone down the situation.
“I will not repeat myself again. If Satan wants to act like an animal, I will treat him like one. Since you seem so keen on talking, I’ll just throw you in there with him. If you’re still alive when I return, I’ll consider it.” Lucifer moved Satan to hold him with one hand. As they reached for Mc, they went into a flurry of movement.
“No!” The shriek they let out pierced even the ears of Lucifer. They grabbed onto anything and everything to get between them and Lucifer. They continued to scream loudly, telling Lucifer to stay back. The only thing that truly proved a barrier between Lucifer and the human was Mammon. He seemed shaken by everything, but refused to move.
“Luci. I love ya and yer the best older brother I coulda wanted, but doncha think this is too far?” Mammon crossed his arms, hiding Mc behind himself.
“I warned them already. It’s time they pay the consequences of their actions. Humans are bad news.” Lucifer tried to reach around Mammon, but he caught his arm. Without another word, Lucifer grabbed Mammon’s arm right back and threw him over the edge and down the staircase. With him out of the way, Lucifer easily grabbed the human by the throat. They abruptly stopped making any noise. He shook them a little, seemingly enjoying how they swayed under his grasp and then threw both the entities in his hands into the attic. The door slammed shut and Lucifer disappeared. He could be heard yelling at the bottom of the stairs at Mammon.
For the first ten minutes, Satan wasn’t even sure if Mc was alive. They held completely still and remained exactly how they had been throw in. They were on their side facing away from him. Once Satan was sure nobody was coming back, he crawled over to them. He flipped them onto their back and was met with their familiar face. They quickly made eye contact with him, holding it. They way they stared at him made Satan nervous. Now was not the time to be getting butterflies. The attic was barren. There was no bed, or hundreds of spare boxes. There was little besides a layer of dust and what seemed to be some of Diavolo’s old things.
Satan ghosted his hand over their forehead. They were sweaty. He didn't know what to say. Mc was always better at dealing with emotions, but he knew they needed him. He thought back to what they would do after he had a meltdown. "Does anything hurt?" He first asked. They didn't do anything at first. He just sat and waited for them to respond, because sometimes he didn't respond right away either.
"Just my feelings." Mc cracked a smile. He was glad that they were feeling good enough to try to joke, but he also wasn't sure what he would have done if they had said they were physically hurt.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" That was the next thing Mc always said to him.
"Did you ever read that one book about the stars that I gave you?" He was taken by surprise by the question.
"I did." He had really liked it.
"Let's look out the window then, and you can point out your favorite stars." They pushed themself up with a wince. He held a hand out, to which they accepted without thought. They had lied to him about not being hurt. They leant the window sill as he began explaining what he had read. Eventually, he let Mc begin to explain things he had questions about. Again, he found himself looking at them instead of the stars. The lengths they went for him were beyond him.
He wasn't sure how to approach confessing how he felt. Now didn't feel like the right time. For now, he could just admire and appreciate them. Hopefully, that day would come...
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lmao idk if this is even any good but all i want is levi ackerman taking care of me during the times that my brain's being mean to me :(
Who You Are | Levi Ackerman Hurt/Comfort Oneshot
✧ word count ➼ 1.7k ✧ notes ➼ hurt/comfort, negative self-talk, levi being comforting in his levi way, explicit descriptions of depression (specifically the catatonia)
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You could tell it was another one of those days.
You weren't surprised, but you sure were disappointed. You had gone to bed telling yourself that today would be better, that this recent episode had finally passed.
Your body felt heavy, like you could barely move. Even adjusting the blanket when you got too warm, and peeling your eyes open to check to time felt as effortful as dragging an oversized briefcase up the flight of stairs to your apartment when the elevator was down.
Now that you thought about it, you noted that the briefcase might actually be easier than this.
Not only did you feel heavy, but you also felt numb. You were barely present and you felt like the world was passing by around you, as if you were an outsider simply watching. You could likely receive devastating news and not feel a single thing.
You couldn't get yourself to cry. Oh how you wished that you could finally cry.
Getting up was impossible. You felt like your bladder was going to explode. The bathroom was only a few steps away—but you couldn't get yourself to move.
You were miserable. Getting up was miserable. Lying in bed was miserable. Falling asleep was miserable. Everything was just miserable.
Things had been getting better for a while. You would convince yourself that it was over, that you had finally 'beaten' your depression, that you were on the right meds, doing the right things, taking care of yourself, and practicing all of your therapy skills.
Then out of nowhere, it'd hit like a truck. The monster known as depression would engulf you in the blink of an eye, and you'd find yourself suddenly confined to the four walls of your bedroom, wrapped inside your blanket as if you were in a cocoon, begging to yourself and counting down the seconds until the depressive episode passed.
Sometimes it did. Other times it didn't.
You peaked one eye out of the blanket as you heard the door to the bedroom open, watching as your boyfriend sat down next to you.
"Rough day?" Levi's voice was gentle and quiet. He had seen you like this for the past few days, so he wasn't all that surprised when he came home and noticed that you were still in bed.
You buried your face into the blanket, ashamed to tell him that you've yet to actually get up even though it was late into the afternoon.
Levi's eyes scanned your body, noticing that your hair was still messy, and that you were still wearing the clothes that you had gone to sleep in the previous night. His gaze wandered towards your nightstand, seeing that the water he had left out for you that morning was untouched, which likely meant that you couldn't get yourself to take your meds for the day.
His eyes furrowed together with concern. Although he wanted to, he knew that asking you about if you had taken your meds or grabbed a bite to eat was just going to make you feel worse.
"Wanna go on a drive with me?" he finally spoke up, gently lowering the blanket away from your face so he could see you better. "Gotta pick something up from the office."
You remained silent as he cupped your cheek with his hand, gently running his thumb across your cheek.
You did usually enjoy your drives with him, even if it didn't feel like it right now.
"You don't even have to change. Take the blanket with you if you wanna keep being a burrito."
You saw the edge of his lips slightly tug up as he playfully commented on your cocoon. If you were feeling better, you'd chuckle with him, but you instead just stuck your bottom lip out in a small pout.
Still, a pouty look in your eyes was better than an empty one. That counted as progress.
"...it'll get dirty," you finally spoke up, your voice hoarse from the fact that you hadn't had a drink of water since the night before.
"We have other blankets," Levi reasoned. "Take the fucking blanket."
You compromised and brought the throwover blanket from the couch with you instead. You were surprised that you had the energy to make the swap instead of just dragging yourself out with the duvet that had been providing you shelter for a few days straight.
Levi had said he needed something from his office, but you knew he was lying. It was likely that whatever he needed to grab wasn't actually that important and could've waited until after the weekend. You knew he was already busy enough as is, which only resulted in you feeling terrible about the fact that he was putting in extra time and effort to attempt to help you feel better.
You sat in comfortable silence as he drove, with you snuggled up in the blanket on the passenger's seat. Your chair was reclined enough so that you were leaning backwards, but were still sitting. The gentle hum of the car helped provide some comfort, although it was barely noticeable.
You eventually looked over at him as he pulled to a stop. You were now at the drive-thru at the local cafe. You listened passively as Levi ordered himself a fresh cup of Earl Grey, shaking your head when he glanced over at you to see if you wanted something.
Levi placed his tea in his cupholder and then placed a small cup of yogurt in yours, indicating that it was there for you if you could get yourself to eat without making you feel too pressured if you couldn't.
When the car came to a stop again, you sighed. He had driven the two of you to the park where you first met and a slight hint of light appeared in your eyes as you were able to pull up the happy memory despite the depressive funk you currently found yourself in.
The back windows of the car were cracked open to let in some fresh air. While you had a brief moment of respite upon seeing that you were at the park, the thoughts of inadequacy quickly returned, swirling in your head like a storm that refused to let up.
Levi looked over at you, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion once he heard you mumble an apology.
"For what?"
Your voice was barely audible and you weren't even looking at him as you spoke. He vaguely heard you say something about being useless.
Noticing that he wasn't responding, you looked up at him, seeing a look in his eyes that resembled one of exasperation, but not quite so. The expression communicated that while he wasn't expecting the comment at this moment, he wasn't surprised by it either.
"Is that you," he began, poking at your forehead, "or that little voice in your head talking?"
Your lips downturned into a pout, both at his question and the way that he was reacting. You knew that he was being gentler since he knew that you weren't in the headspace for his usual commentary. While Levi Ackerman was not one to sugarcoat and say things for the sake of appearing affectionate alone, he also wasn't a dick. He wasn't going to put more distress on you when you already felt like you were drowning.
"You're not useless," he eventually said with a sigh. "I know that feels like a wild concept right now, so you don't have to believe it—but you're here."
He gestured towards your body, including the blanket that was wrapped around you.
"You dragged your ass out of bed and into this car despite feeling like shit," he continued, "and don't start with saying that I forced you because I didn't. You did that on your own."
The little things counted, even if it really was just moving from laying down in bed to sitting in the passenger seat of Levi's car.
"...'m sorry for being a burden," you whispered.
"You're not," Levi interjected, barely allowing you to finish your sentence. "Even if you were, I love you for who you are, not just what you can do or accomplish."
He leaned forward once he noticed that you weren't responding and grabbed onto your hand, gently shaking you to get your attention.
"Hey, look at me," he commanded, his tone of voice a bit more firm.
He gestured towards the blanket and the fact that you were wrapped up in it.
"This does not define who you are. It's a part of you, and we've accepted that," he said before poking at your forehead again, "but it doesn't change who you are."
You felt your eyes begin to heat up as he spoke the words that you needed to hear—that you were more than just your depression, and that no matter how much your depression was weighing you down right now, that he still, and always will, see you as the same person that he fell in love with all those years ago.
The tears threatening to gather in your eyes was a sign of progress. At least you were feeling something now.
Noticing that his words had struck a chord within you, he pulled you into him, placing his hand on the back of your head as you buried your face into the nape of his neck, giving you the space to simply exist and process those emotions you were finally able to get yourself to feel again.
Depression was a bitch to live with. The moment you were told that this could be something you'd always have to deal with from time to time, and that it's hard to say if it'll ever truly go away—you were mortified. The idea of having to do this randomly, with there being nothing you could do to stop it made you want to cry and give up—but Levi was always there to pick you back up.
Although you were still the one that had to drag yourself up, Levi kept you from falling further into the trenches. Unlike everyone else that either looked at you with pity or continued to mutter empty phrases like "it'll pass" or "you'll get better", Levi just accepted you for who you were—because as he said, whether you lived with depression or not, he would always love you for who you were.
#: @chaotic-on-main @romantichomicide95 @levisbrat25 @leviismybby @moonmalice @averysmolbear @cathybarn @tclbts @emiwhore @bejewelledd @sad-darksoul @ackermendick @aomi04 @apolloshaiku @laraackerman @pulpolicia @raenacreates @nube55 @roseofdarknessblog @saenora @noctemys @sixpennydame @grav3bab3 @heichoucleanfreak @svftackerman @catskze @nixie-writes-aot @la-undercover-latina @v4mp-wife @darkstarlight82 @professorweezy @braunsbabe @lovedbylevi @levis-squishy-cheeks @dumbfound-princess @deepzombieyouth @evas-leslas join my taglist!
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skyeslittlecorner · 4 months
Thoughts on Orias' event
I try to pretend that I have already cooled down and stopped howling with delight at the sight of the boys from Hades. Okay, I'm not very good at lying. They. are. gorgeous. So, ekhm. Some loose thoughts about what we know. No serious analysis this time, just my happy rambling.
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Spoilers under cut!
Devils can lie
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Earlier it was hinted between the lines, now we have official confirmation. Orias and Leviathan sure know how to lie.
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Here is a suggestion that Foras can do it too.
On the one hand, my and my biased heart are happy that he is special, on the other hand, I think I would rather not know what he went through to learn how to lie. On an unbiased note, it would be interesting if all the nobles of Hades could lie.
Nobles stick together
It's a little thing I noticed. In Avisos we are often mentioned that seeing more than one noble at a time is an unusual thing. Meanwhile in Hades…
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A large part of the event is from Foras' perspective, and how was I supposed to be calm?
We see that the boys often spend time together on patrols. Their relationship is also delightful. Foras doesn't like Glasyalabolas, and it's not mutual. Look.
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Glasyal you bully, I love you lmao
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Barbatos is gorgeous (even more so without clothes, but please, not on patrol).
Either way, it looks like they spend a lot of time together. They give so much siblings' energy.
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I died. I didn't know I needed Barbatos saying fuck, but now I need him for my life. So hot of him.
Orias age
We have information that Orias is older than Leviathan…
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…but this is information from biased, unconfirmed sources. Nobles only know rumors. I believe that Lucifer is the oldest. He's an angel, he makes sense. But when it comes to Orias, I would trust Leviathan more here.
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I want to draw attention to this one quote in particular:
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We know that devils get old. The stronger, the slower. But this suggests that Orias has been artificially aged.
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Especially since the angels also refer to him as a kid.
+ it is interesting that they were taken for the same experiment.
Don't know what to call it, just some sexy guys ahead
Enough with serious topics, time to get back to silly things!
We've seen Satan's anger spreads to his subordinates, we've also seen it with Mammon's greed, so it's no wonder Leviathan's jealousy has the same strength. However, Levi's second main thing, his punishment, doesn't seem to be going as well as he dreamed.
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They are terrible, I love them. No wonder the cavalry from Tartaros comes for us in Ch5, the guys from Gehenna would still shake hands with Hades. By the way, Hades and Genenna really seem to have the most similarities.
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Also, their devotion is insanely sweet. Leviathan isn't even truly in danger and they've already summoned their coffins to protect him.
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But let's get to the cherry on the cake. You know what else is hot? We are in hell, it should be warm in here, but oh lord- I expected boiling lava, not a walking embodiment of perfection.
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I totally agree with Glasyalabolas and his fourth wall breaking. JUST LOOK.
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The smirk of this proud asshole. The fact that he is little known in heaven simply because he leaves no survivors to tell about him. And how much he smiles during this event. And how gently he treats Orias.
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This event shows his soft heart and that's why I'm here. I'm glad that we don't see this side of him right away, in the chapter, and he only shows true himself with someone he really knows and cares about. Even if he does it his own way. This event, his attacker comic and his selfie comic, how he behaves towards heaven farm survivor and his childhood friends.
Final thoughts
Let's end this here before I start fawning over him even more. Of course, there was much more here. Even out of chronicler's duty, I would like to mention:
While escaping, Leviathan made a pact with his monster
There are beads in the hearts of angels that, when eaten, keep Orias young
Orias himself, if he didn't eat angel hearts, would age into a mummy in a week
Barbatos is secretly Sailor Moon or Winx or other magical girlie
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This is how he dressed himself with his vines, prove me wrong.
Leviathan calls Glasyalabolas cute. Agree.
Orias calls Foras a child. It just sounds like a much older person addressing a younger colleague. And you know how much I agree
Astaroth mentioned (another point to the relationship between Hades and Gehenna)
Cherubs with their New Heaven are mentioned
That's all I remember for now. If you're curious about more things, @/thrones-of-buer collected here a lot of points from the event. I agree with a lot of them, and they're definitely interesting to check out. And here a whole report from the event from @/jazeswhbhaven so if you're hungry for more, head over there!
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trashytoastboi · 25 days
Day of Envy - Leviathan
~NSFW Alphabet~
Warning: NSFW content ahead (whole bunch of this and that)
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A = Aftercare (What are they like after sex?
🎮 Understands the importance of it and is awkward but sincere about it. He’s usually so nervous and shy afterwards. He’ll ask if you want water, snacks? Pillow talk is akin to small talk in an elevator but he’s trying. Levi means well just lacks a little on the execution side of things, he’s never neglected it though and does make sure you’re well taken care of. Once he gets over his awkwardness then he practices a set routine that encompasses what he thinks you could use at that moment. Also Levi does quite enjoy having a bath with you afterwards. 
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partners.) 
🎮 Call him a perv for this… (he’d probably like it) he’d say his favourite body part is your thighs and ass. He loves things he can grab and squish, and maybe if you’d let him, bite a little. It’s like a stress ball and he’s so pervy when he wants to be, you’d be lazing around, just playing a game and he’s using your ass as his own personal pillow. Makes him absolutely feral when he fucks your thighs or when you grind your ass against him, it makes him cum so easily and he gets so embarrassed. 
🎮 On himself- Levi usually spirals and goes into a bit of self-deprecating territory when you asked this question, if he really had to choose something. He’d choose his tail. He thinks it’s really cool. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
🎮 So you know how thigh highs exist? And Levi may have asked you to let him cum on them. He’d be rubbing his leaking cock between the tight fabric and your thigh, listening to how you call him a messy lil pervert and he’s cumming bucket loads. If you’re not wearing any of the very many thigh highs that Levi bought for you, then he’s honestly a sucker for cumming anywhere. Inside you, on your face, on your chest, thighs, mouth, ass, literally anywhere he’s not picky. He cums a lot, and it’s not like he’s super pent up anymore but he just cums so much, mini flood alert. Especially when in demon form when you’re dealing with twice the amount from his double dick situation. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs.)
🎮  Oh, Levi. You probably wondered what was happening to your underwear. Maybe that pair that you really liked has now suddenly gone missing. Little did you know, more than all that ero-manga, the occasional sexy game, or even character based sexy ASMR, Levi developed a new habit, stealing underwear. Specifically your underwear, could you even imagine how desperately he whimpers and whines, stroking his cocks so pathetically while he holds your underwear. His sense of smell gives the greatest weight to his fantasy, he could only imagine it’s you. His fantasy always changes but circled around what he would do, what he could do. Sometimes he leaves his door unlocked, putting his headphones on and blasting whatever he needs to get him off. He secretly hoped you would walk in, finding him in his shameful state. Berate him, look at him with that disappointment, only feeding into his masochism. What a series of desires such a devious act could elicit. The mere stealing of a piece of clothing has him getting so uncontrollably hard. Whenever he feels it's lost its scent, he'll simply procure another pair. 
E = Experienced (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
🎮 He’s the king of experience…At least in the game world. Knows just how and where to touch, the massage and tongue techniques, what works on just about every fantasy race- or how to turn the most uptight person into a total slut for his dick- of course all in his ero games. Levi had no IRL experience, I mean that kind of thing takes two to tango and is hard for an otaku who never leaves his room. Thankfully you’re here now and willing to teach him all the ins and out of the real deal.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
🎮  Any position he can fuck your thighs - Cannot stress this point enough at just how obsessed this man is with, specifically your thighs. He’ll bend you, twist you, hold you, pin you all the while he’s fucking his cock between the soft flesh of your thighs while panting like a dog in heat. He’d even apologize while doing it (he doesn’t mean it, not when it feels that good.)   
🎮 Reverse cowgirl - Ass man. He wants to watch as you sink down on his cock taking every single inch and all the way up again. His fingers would be digging into your ass while he’s helping you with your pace. 
🎮 Doggy - This one is his ultimate…All of his favourite things going on at the exact same time- he can bury one dick deep inside you, and have the other one pleasantly sandwiched between your thighs. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? Etc)
🎮 He’s so stiff (no pun intended) most of the time, you find it odd how he’s still that shy considering when it’s nearly a daily occurrence that you’re doing something nasty together. On the other end of it sometimes he’s so ridiculously goofy and it’s never intentional. He’d propose a playlist to enhance your sexy time and it’s just the worst collection of meme songs (he thought he was onto something) 
H =  Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? Etc) 
🎮 He’s completely natural down under, his hair is on the straighter side and fine. Colourwise it’s a dead ringer for the colour of his hair on top (which is really pretty colour you might add) Levi has offered to shave or trim should you ever find it to be unpleasant but you don’t mind it! So he keeps it natural. (Secretly uses conditioner a lot though so it’s all soft and stuff) 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect) 
🎮 Levi has all his little ecchi tendencies but overall he’s really sweet and loving in the moment. He always holds you close, kisses you a lot and will ramble on about how much he loves you and how amazing you are. You didn’t expect to get hit with the hundreds of “I love you, i love you so much” the first time you and Levi had sex but it’s so cute to hear how he says it even when his voice gets whinier. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation Headcanon)
🎮 Did it so often that it’s like every second day when he’s needing a little outlet. Has a whole folder dedicated to his masturbation material. He's so messy about it too. Loves slathering his cock in lube, moving his hand while listening to the wet squelch and feeling how slippery it gets, will draw it out and wait for his favourite moment in whatever he’s watching/listening to until he cums and it’s so messy, Levi will even use his own cum to make it messier and go for a second round.  
K = Kink (One or more of the kinks)
🎮  Voice kink - You know this for a fact, you can make Levi cum just with your voice, he hangs on every word. Oh that slightly angered and stern tinge it takes when you’re upset about something just gives him shivers. 
🎮 Praise kink - Yes while Levi does have a massive thing for degradation and wants to hear you berate him, it coexists alongside a praise kink because telling him what a good boy he is and watching him cum in pants just from you praising him tells you everything you need to know. 
🎮 Uniform/Costumes - This gets honorable mention alongside crossdressing, because Levi just loves dressing up in his cosplays (even the female ones) and you can tell him just how pretty he looks while rubbing him under his skirt. 
🎮 Honorable mention for masochism 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
🎮 Prefers places he’s comfortable with- aka his bedroom. Especially like doing it in his bathtub ^^ It’s pretty cute honestly, the limited amount of space means the two of you are pressed and squished oh so close together with his tail slithering around you and the cold feeling of his scales just add that extra layer of sensation. 
🎮 Technically his room but VR offers A LOT of options. He could be in the middle of a busy city in his game while he’s fucking you in reality and all the NPCs in the city just go about their little lives while Levi is busy fucking you right there in the middle of the overcrowded city. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going?)
🎮 You. Just you. You’re a whole beautiful being and you could just brush your fingers across his knuckles accidentally and he’s hard. You didn’t do anything remotely sexual or hinting and he’s getting hard. You talk with even the slightest hint of strictness to your voice and he’s on his knees. Levi is literally the easiest to get going. It's borderline pathetic. 
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
🎮 Public stuff Levi just wouldn’t be able to handle the anxiety of it and it would completely ruin the experience, he’d be too nervous and worried that it would overall be uncomfortable and unpleasant for him. Another thing Levi isn’t into is threesomes/sharing of any kind. He knows his sin all too well and the consequences would leave him too envious to find the experience enjoyable, he’d get jealous to see someone else's hands on you, making you moan or pleasuring you. The only exception to the rule is Levi would allow a voyeur, someone to watch. He’d like to see their envy, while he touches you knowing that they could never. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
🎮 Him and his little snakey tongue oh the possibilities, he’d really show his skills and work his magic. He’s so dexterous with his tongue, easily wrapping it around things, making it constrict a little or moving it in unimaginable ways. He’d practically be writing cursive with his tongue  between your legs. 
🎮 Receiving is the winner - Watching you messily deepthroat one cock, using your hand to stroke the other, before alternating and making those little gag noises on occasion and he’s just dying while watching you and he can practically see the smirk in your eyes as he’s falling apart or when you kiss both heads at the same time. Watching you struggle to swallow all his cum and it ends up just spilling out the corners of your mouth and then run down your face and chest 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc) 
🎮 Doesn’t have much self control for his desires and ends up ramming into you, hits it so fast every time you’ll have to make him slow down. Pull his hair, tell him to behave and then call him a good boy for listening. Levi will go the extra mile to cater to your desires and if you want slow he’ll do slow, if you want fast then he’ll do fast. (Although he’s always wanting to just go at it like a madman he’ll control himself if you tell him to) 
Q = Quickie (They opinions on quickies, how often etc)
🎮 He’s a walking quickie- he’s a suggestion away from pulling you into his room. Levi can cum so quickly too, so they’re perfect for him just a little something something before having to bear the pressures of normie society and RAD for the day. Morning quickies are his favourite and best to do it before the two of you get dressed because as mentioned before he always makes a mess. 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? Etc)
🎮 Levi has so many things he wants to try, there’s a whole list of those he wants to try with you. He’s not careless or stupid about it. Levi is meticulous in researching it, and he’ll tell you straight up everything about whatever it is that he wants to try. He gives you an out and places your opinion above his. Levi is ecstatic if you want to try something and thus far there hasn’t been anything crazy enough to make you decline a request. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
🎮 Well he’s a premature ejaculator most of the time. (Makes him cry and shit because he’s so embarrassed and you just tease him and it makes it worse) But he’s got the stamina to make up for it because he can go until you call it quits. He’s not a stranger to overstimulating himself and will keep going. 
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or on themselves?)
🎮 Oh Levi’s naughty little toy box~ That you accidentally stumbled upon and discovered his rather large collection of fleshlights and vibrators. You’ve added to it since then but yes Levi absolutely loves using toys! Gets all excited when waiting to try out a new one, especially likes the ones you use on him. Chastity cages, cock rings, hell even prostate vibrators. Lowkey likes it when you spank him a little too.
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease?)
🎮 Prefers being on the receiving end of teasing and loves it when you’re mean to him and just won’t give in. He’ll beg and cry and you’ll keep denying him, even when he’s sobbing and whining he’s still loving every second. As for being the one doing the teasing, he doesn’t have much patience to do it plus he listens a little too easily to you. If you tell him to stop, then being the obedient cutie he is, he will. (Unless you made him jealous then strap in for some rare dom Levi time.) 
V = Volume (How loud they are? What sounds they make? Etc)
🎮 Whiney, sobs, gasps, the most pathetic sounding moans (but also the most adorable), loads of begging. He’s not loud enough to be considered obnoxious but he’s also loud enough to warrant getting his room sound proofed. He would literally die if someone had to hear him sobbing and begging for you to let him fuck you while you’re telling him to be a good boy and he gets all giddy over that. 
W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character?)
🎮 He got so sad when you found out he was stealing your underwear :( not because you find out (he was actually hoping for that) but he was upset because you confiscated all the pairs he’d secretly hoarded thus far (you literally needed your underwear and this man was hoarding them??) It’s actually become like a reward system. Everytime Levi does something hard and goes out of his comfort zone he’ll get a little sticker on a cute card you made him. Once he’s done 10 hard tasks he’s allowed one pair of your underwear. (Rewards systems like games, are a great motivator for him.) 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes?)
🎮 Human form - It’s always the introverted nerdy boys packing the biggest dicks - Absolutely pleasant surprise for you though when you saw just how big Levi was, and honestly wondered how he managed to even hide something that big. Good 9 inches and girthy, prominent veins, downward curve (listen gravity just taking it’s just dues with a dick that big) He’s begging you to please stop with all jokes about him being big. 
🎮 Demon form - Surprise, double the fun. No seriously you couldn’t stop yourself from being floored :0 by the fact that his transformation gave him not one, but two big dicks. As for the physical changes you noticed scales on the base with a few stray ones leading up, and a larger more bulbous tip. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
🎮 High high drive - can’t help it, can’t even keep his hands to himself. It’s to the point of where he’s asking you on the daily for a little “quality” time. If you ever have an argument the best thing you can do is threaten sex ban for a week and watch him crumble. It only got worse after you introduced him to all the lovely pleasures of the flesh (is he sure he isn’t the real avatar of lust) 
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards?)
🎮 He gets really eepy, and quiet. He’ll seek you out in some way, wanting to lay his head on your chest or thighs, or he’ll pull you close and hold you all snug against him giving you little snuggles and nuzzling into you. The warmth of your skin against his cold body just warms him up and makes him feel so cozy that he’ll be falling asleep quite quickly. 
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Taglist: @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf
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quills-of-freedom · 1 year
Headcannons ~
What they're like when you're on your period
Female Reader ~ Reiner, Jean, Levi, Eren, Armin
Including: What they're like with one of those cramp simulator things
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Warnings: Well, period stuff. If it grosses you out, don't read.
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10/10 Reiner will always know when you're period is due and when it comes. In a different way to how Armin knows (below) Reiner senses it more with his astuteness for your moods.
He can pick up on the tiniest changes within people when he knows them well enough, so when your temper begins to shorten or notices you tearing up a little more easily during a movie - he's got you figured out.
If you verbally complain about cramping, he'll comfort you with a cuddle and get you a hot water bottle ready. He'll suggest running a bath, but before you even have time to answer, he's on his way to the tub to start it for you.
He's not against getting you your favourite snacks but he will try to persuade you to eat healthier snacks like fruit - just because he wants your body to function well, no other reason.
Reiner has a soft spot / huge kink for anything soft and feminine so for example, his breeding kink; he views a pregnant woman as something so precious that must be protected at all costs. It's the same when you're on your period so he will try to have sex with you and he'll not care about the mess - he'll just shower and place a towel down.
But if period sex isn't your thing, then for god sake put him in your mouth or something because he's borderline pestering feral.
Winces slightly when Connie brought over that period electronic device thing. He tries to hold in a whimper, his macho image at risk - but it certainly relates to your pain more now, but he wasn't exactly ignorant about it before that.
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Jean is so underrated with how good of a partner he is. If anyone else complained of a stomach cramp (usually Sasha and Connie after eating too much) although he's aware they're different things, because it's you it's the biggest tragedy known, that you're in pain.
Hands you painkillers, a drink, snacks and has no problem running to the store to get you whatever you need.
Rubs your feet for some reason. They're not hurting, but he does it.
Jean isn't here nor there when it comes to period sex. He'd rather not, because it might hurt you / will make a mess but if the woman he loves wants his intimacy, he won't turn you down.
Encourages you to exercise through the pain. He read somewhere it helps. Please, someone gently tell this man that the last thing you wanna do is go out running in tight lycra.
He is confused about all the different brands, sizes and flow charts when he's picking up your sanitary products. He will probably call up Sasha to ask for assistance.
Sasha thought it would be funny to tell him the flow drop indicator meant how much water is needed to "activate" them. He believed that for a good week.
Jean drops to the floor when he has the electric cramp simulator on his lower abs, totally taken by surprise; also Eren started it on the highest setting because, well, he can be a prick sometimes.
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Levi isn't one to shower someone with blatant love and affection, he shows he cares in his own little ways.
Will always make sure wherever you keep your products is always stocked full, and secretly leaves a chocolate bar or something within it for the next time you go into it.
Will gladly run you a bath. Periods are dirty as hell.
Will not have sex with you ever on your period. He would make exceptions if, for example, you're having problems where you're bleeding more often or for longer. But if everything is how it should be, then don't even think about asking.
Will give you lower back rubs if you're in pain but works it around what he's doing. Sometimes he'll sit you on his knee while doing paperwork and one hand kneading into your flesh (he's great at massages btw)
Remains stone-faced with the cramp machine but once he is free of it, will see lady-time in a whole new light.
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Eren is always caught between an immature mindset and a solemn awareness of the world and how it works. So depending on his mood will depend on how he treats it.
Worst case scenario, he tells you to suck it up and get on with it like you do every month. But will still lazily put his large, warm hand upon your lower stomach to help ease it a little.
Best case, he'll run to the store to pick up what you need.
Eren isn't fussed if you want sex while on your period. He just showers and cleans up after. But if you don't want to, he understands.
Grits his teeth and winces when he gets a taste of what a cramp can be like - but still insists he could handle it. Which, coming from the man who can gauge out his own eye and amputate his leg, those words aren't worth much salt.
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Amin comes to learn your cycle like the back of his hand (if you're regular)
He notes your increase in appetite (not in a negative way at all) and how often you seem to get fired up for him. He knows when you're ovulating so if you ever tried for a baby with him, he'll know when is best to go for it.
Armin won't ask for sex if you're on it, but won't deny you if you want it either.
Will run you hot bubble baths, get you snacks, anything for his princess.
Armin was already clued up about how bad cramps can be, so he refused to do the simulator.
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natimiles · 4 months
Just let me adore you (Arthur)
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Summary: You loved Mozart, and Mozart loved you. Arthur would just have to deal with it and not bother you again. But it’s easier said than done when you’re left alone on your own birthday.
Words: 1372
Tags: angst; unrequited love; hurt; no comfort; Arthur centric; Mozart is a bit of an asshole (sorry); no pronouns specified for reader.
Notes: I was re-reading some random parts from Living no Matsunaga-san and decided to write something for Ikevamp based on a scene there. I just realized Ryou and Levi kinda look alike. He is so precious; I loved him way more than Matsunaga.
I also listened to “Adore You” by Harry Styles, and now I see the lyrics from a whole different perspective. And the title for the fic comes from the song.
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It wasn’t fair.
You deserved so much better. You deserved to be treated like royalty, to be loved, to be taken care of. He had to ensure you were always smiling, always happy, never crying.
However, that’s not what happened.
Arthur could barely restrain himself seeing the tears streaming down your face. How many times has it been now? How many more are you gonna endure? He only made you cry. Mozart only made you cry.
The writer can’t remember when or why he fell for you; he only recalls losing his chance. He remembers talking to Theo, who encouraged him to take action quickly. With half of the mansion having developed feelings for you, he knew it was only a matter of time before someone else confessed.
He was gonna buy you flowers and a nice gift, confess, ask you out properly, and kiss you by the end of the date if he was lucky enough. But before he could finish his lunch to go to town, you and Mozart entered the dining room. 
The scene still haunts him.
Your emotionally overwhelmed face, the bright smile, the flushed cheeks… your hand holding his arm, and he smiling at you. Cutlery fell from hands, drinks were spilled, and he’s pretty sure he heard Isaac gasp and stop breathing by his side. You happily announced you were together, and the romantic music everybody was listening to that morning suddenly made sense. You were so happy. He just congratulated you, along with everyone else, and tried to move on. 
Way easier said than done.
He ended up confessing to you the first time he saw you in tears, going against all his principles of never hitting on a compromised person — much less one in such a vulnerable state! Yet, he did it. He poured his heart out, saying he loved and cherished you, that he would never make you cry. He would never choose his work over you, even if his work was so important to him.
Arthur apologized some time later; he didn’t want to give the impression he was trying to take advantage of your fragile moments. So, he waited for things to calm down and confessed again.
You kindly turned him down both times, and he accepted it with a sad smile and a broken heart. Your heart didn’t belong to him; it belonged to the musician. You loved Mozart, and Mozart loved you — despite not being good at showing it, apparently. He’d just have to deal with it and not bother you with this again.
However, there was so much he could take.
He is leaving the mansion when he sees you standing just outside the door, with a lost gaze, tears streaming down your face. He holds you by the shoulders before he thinks better of his actions, but you don’t seem to mind it. You look at him with the saddest expression he’s ever seen on your face, and he knows.
He doesn’t ask what happened; he doesn’t have to. He simply turns you around and guides you by the shoulders back inside the mansion. He takes you to your room and sits you on your bed, observing how you quietly comply.
“I’ll be right back, okay, luv?” he speaks softly, and you just nod once, your gaze lingering on the floor.
He goes to the kitchen, prepares your favorite tea, and brews some coffee for himself. He considers getting something for you to eat too, but you probably don't want to. He arranges two mugs on the tray and returns to your room. You're in the exact same spot and in the exact same state as he left you, and it hurts him to see you so... numb.
He places the tray on your nightstand and goes to your en suite to grab a towel. Sitting down beside you, he reaches for your face, placing his finger under your chin and lifting it slightly to get a better look at you. Silently, he gently passes the towel over your wet cheeks.
"Try to warm up a little now, won’t you?” He offers you the tea, closing your hands around the mug and holding them in place with his own for a moment longer. “It’s your favorite.”
You just nod again, not really in the mood for talking — and you’re not even sure you’ll be able to say something without crying again. He grabs his mug, and you two drink silently, appreciating your own beverages.
"You… won’t ask?" you inquire after some time. Your voice is so low that he thinks he wouldn’t hear you if he weren’t a vampire with great hearing. It cracks another part of his heart open.
Arthur shakes his head and takes your empty mug back, putting it on the tray with his. “I don’t have to,” he says softly.
He wants to, though. A dark part of him would like to hear you dissing Mozart; perhaps you’d realize that he could be better than the musician — he would certainly try to.
Mozart went out early and hasn’t come back yet, probably too busy with the new concert he is working on. Usually, Arthur would find his hard work relatable; he got too invested in his writing too, losing night after night of sleep sometimes. However, it was your birthday today. Your lover set a birthday date with you and left you standing outside the mansion because of work.
“I wouldn’t do it,” he blurts out in a whisper, completing his thoughts aloud. “If you chose me, I’d never make you cry.”
“I want to make you happy. I need you to be.” He reaches for you, cradling your face with a gentle touch. He smiles, but it’s sad and broken, and it doesn’t reach his sorrowful gaze. “You don’t have to love me back… But I love you so much, I can’t take it anymore.”
You’re taken aback. Your breath catches in your throat, your tears drying almost instantly, and a cold shock passes through your whole body. After two confessions, you thought you’d be used to him professing his love. But this… This is so much more. You’ve never seen him this vulnerable before. You can practically see him offering his heart on his hands for you. 
“What…” you attempt to speak, but your words falter, lost in the whirlwind of emotions.
Only then does Arthur realize what he just said, widening his eyes. He lets his hands fall limp into his lap, sighing and averting his gaze while mentally cursing himself. He was supposed to be smart, so why does he often act like a fool in front of you? Love really messes with one’s mind.
He closes his eyes and runs his hand through his hair, obviously nervous. He grasps his bangs, tightening his grip in an attempt to stop himself from being an idiot and start acting like a proper man.
“Sorry. This burden is the last thing you need right now,” he mutters, his voice the weakest you’ve ever heard from him. Arthur takes a deep breath and stands up. “But if you… If you need something, you can always call me.” He takes the empty tray and heads to the door, but then he seems to remember something and turns back to you again, forcing a better smile. “Happy birthday, by the way.”
His expression falters the moment he closes the door behind him. Arthur heads straight to his own bedroom, not even bothering to bring the tray to the kitchen; he can do it later. Right now, he just needs to lie down and hope the earth swallows him whole before he embarrasses himself again.
He needs to stop it, he knows that. How is he supposed to control his heart, though? He tried to drown this feeling with different people in town, but he always ended up not wanting to spend the night with them. They weren’t you.
He places the tray on his coffee table and flops down on his bed, covering his eyes with his arm. He feels his blazer getting wet just a few seconds later and lets out a shaky sigh.
It’s going to be another long, lonely evening.
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sweetly-yours-and-mine · 11 months
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Summary: Sipping from the other's drink
Pairing: Jonathan Levy x Reader
Warnings: author makes certain claims about academia that may or may not be true and are entirely biased because of her own experience with it (and a huge thanks to @pennyserenade for reading this over for me)
Word Count: 2.3k
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Jonathan’s brought you to a summer mixer at the Department Head’s family home, designed to maintain connections through the faculty during the slow months of the summer as well as create new ones with the incoming graduate students to the department. 
A newly-minted associate professor for the fall term, Jonathan at least doesn’t have to worry about students of his own. 
Really, he’s only here for the drinks. 
Academics’ pockets, though they don’t usually run deep, are quite generous when it comes to their alcohol, perhaps a sort of defence mechanism when it comes to dealing with the stress of their way of life. 
Everyone, however, seems to be at ease. It’s a late afternoon sort of function in order to encourage them to drink as much as they would like without feeling guilty about it, and loosened from the heavy burden of tweeds and thick wools, the faculty are clad instead in linen, cool and airy. 
Tongues are loose, smiles are quick to be given. People have forgotten the relentless competition they’re usually in when it comes to funding, to office space, to good class slots. 
All in all, he thinks that today has been a good day to introduce you to the people he’s going to passive aggressively work with for the rest of his life. 
He gazes across the room and finds the blue of your shirt, sticking out like a sore thumb in a sea of neutrals and whites. You’re talking to one of the faculty spouses, nodding your head and laughing. There’s a glass of pink lemonade in your hands, your hair falls around you as if you’re holding a secret within your chest. 
Jonathan yearns for you to be by your side again, to smell the perfume he bought for your six-month anniversary, the one you always spray into the crook of your neck because that’s always where he likes to press his face whenever he’s deep in thought. 
As if on cue, the conversation dies down and you drift back to his side. 
He marvels at how easily you’ve managed to fit yourself into this new crowd, how you laugh as the department fart tells you some lame joke that he’s probably told millions of others before you. You brush it off with grace and ease, I’ll talk to you soon, alright? 
It had taken him almost five years before he’d mastered that skill. The gentle brush off that made the other feel like you were doing them a favour. 
He loves you, that much he knows for sure. 
After the storm cloud of Mira and the past twenty years of his life had passed, he’d met you. As simple as that, as if the universe was only waiting for him before they let him hold onto the rest of his life like a delicate crystal glass. 
“Hi,” you come up close to him and Jonathan can smell your perfume and the strawberries on your breath. He wonders if he’ll be able to taste your drink if he kisses you long enough. 
He also wonders, as an addendum, how quickly he would lose his position if he did that. Despite all the shouting the university did about being progressive and open-minded, the tenured faculty members were still dreadfully hard-headed, old-fashioned. 
Jonathan supposes that he was too. Maybe he still is, simply by nature of his daily proximity to him on the same floor of the social sciences building, crumbling at the seams since the last of its renovations in the seventies. 
“Hi,” he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you in close to him. There’s a glass of whiskey in his other hand that he doesn’t care much for anymore now that you’re here. He kisses the side of your head, brushes away some of your hair from your temple, “Enjoying yourself?” 
You giggle, it rings out like a fairybell. You lean up close to him and murmur in his ear, “You work with some very strange people.” 
He can’t help but laugh at that, turning his head to meet your sparkling eyes. “Yeah, I suppose I do.” 
“Very strange,” you muse again, looking out across the room. “And I thought you were the strange one.” 
That hits him in a funny way he wasn’t planning on it doing. He remembers once in high school his cross country running coach said she’d stepped, wearing thick-soled hiking shoes, on a pebble the wrong way and ended up having to go to physio for six months. 
He supposes he feels a little like that pulled muscle. 
He hums, tries to push down the blow you’d struck at him without realising it. 
“Mmhm,” your fingers drift around his waist and rest on top of his tummy, the one Ava had pointed out the other day in passing. “Strange, yeah. You got the whole, mysterious, hot, brooding professor thing going for you.” 
“And that’s strange to you?” 
You shrug. Jonathan feels the heat of your gaze against his face and he doesn’t feel like turning to meet it. Instead, he favours the sharp burn of whiskey. He ended up with a glass in his hand because some snot-nose had offered to pour him a drink and he’d been too much of a pushover and too concerned about what other people thought of him to say he preferred a red wine. 
You’re never like that. 
You were never like him; either because that’s who you were at your core, or because you’d manage to escape the way academia chipped away at one’s soul, until there was an empty, arthritis-ridden husk of a person by the time they reached tenure. 
Opposites did attract, he supposes. 
You were different from him. You weren’t afraid to drink the pink lemonade that had been left out for the few kids running around in the back garden, you weren’t afraid to call him weird if that’s what you thought of him. 
Jonathan wonders why it took you so long to say it to him. 
He’s about to try and pry the answer out of you when someone else approaches the two of you together. A newly-tenured professor whom Jonathan never really did get along with, particularly when he was working his post-doctorate and the guy had picked up an obnoxious habit of hanging around the kitchen coffee-maker and smacking his gum as loud as he could. 
There couldn’t have been anyone worse that could have showed up at the time. 
Something inside him curls into himself at the thought, and as if you could feel it, your arm wraps around him a little tighter. 
The man’s trying to make some small talk, the bare bones of it before he surely starts to boast of himself and his students and the latest hotshot fund he got because of his new tenure. 
“Hi,” you smile at him sweetly and make a green little sprout of something bad shoot up inside his stomach, a bitter taste lingering at the back of his throat. You introduce yourself as Jonathan’s partner and are just about to move to go away when he speaks up again, cutting you short. 
“I liked Mina more, Levy,” he grins and shows off his teeth like a predator. Against the off-white of his linen suit, they look even whiter, standing out like a sign against his tanned skin. “Shame you two had to end it the way you did.” 
Jonathan tries to remind himself that he doesn’t know how things ended with Mira. That it’s just another poke at him and his life to get a rise out of him. 
You smile at the guy again, there’s a sharper edge to it. His prickly rose. “Well, if you’ll excuse us.” 
Then you’re guiding him away from the stuffy room and towards a bench against the side of the house. There’s a full view of the backyard, the sloping apple tree and whispering aspens all around, the toddlers playing tag in shrill shrieks. 
He sits down with a low exhale, you follow beside him, slouching and shucking off your shoes. “Christ,” you mutter under your breath. 
It’s probably the most genuine thing he’s heard all afternoon and he can’t help the laugh that escapes him. “Yeah, sorry.” 
“You deal with that everyday?” It sounds like you’re pitying him. He wonders if that’s ever what Mira thought of him whenever he took her to these events. If she ever raised her eyebrows in surprise at each precise way you had to deal with everyone in the department. 
He swallows back his thoughts and nods, “More or less.” 
“Jonathan,” you shift and face him again. Still, he can’t bear to look at you anymore. Strange and Mira have started to float around his head like a crib mobile. “I…and you…” the rest of your words are lost to your breath as you turn around again, swearing quietly before reaching for his drink and taking a sip. 
He likes how your lips were on the same place where his was.  
The alcohol burns your throat and you grimace at him, “I didn’t know you liked whiskey.” 
“I don’t.” 
“Huh,” you seemed to have heard something stitched and laced into his words that he hadn’t noticed he’d put there in the first place. 
You weren’t much of a drinker. Yet another thing that Jonathan noticed when he started dating you. At New Years’ you had some champagne, small sips whenever you clinked glasses with the people around you before you’d pass your flute onto him to finish. 
Now that he thinks about it, that may have been your first sip of whiskey ever. 
Quite early on, once he’d taken you out on your fifth date and it was shaping out to be something serious like a marble statue carving, Jonathan had cracked open his ribs and showed you the bleeding insides of him. 
You’d taken some steps together quickly, probably too quickly if it meant that he doesn’t know now if you’ve ever had spirits before. 
That had been another thing he’d noticed when he’d started dating again, seriously and for real this time. Twenty years with a person leads to a tremendous collection of trivial information that he’s not sure he’ll ever fully be rid of again. 
It was strange to sit across from someone at dinner and not know how they took their coffee, what side of the bed they liked to sleep on, what order they unloaded the dishwasher and if they had a dishwasher anyways because the renting market is growing out of control. 
“Did you like it?” he asks suddenly, hoping to catch onto a trivial fact of yours, like collecting baseball cards or butterflies with a net. 
“Hm? Oh,” you look down at the whiskey glass and shake your head, handing it back to him. “Not really my thing.” 
Something still nags at him. Maybe it was a mistake bringing you here. You’re the only sober one out of all the guests. Even the host himself is growing rosy and red. It didn’t really look good to see that all your partner’s coworkers were borderline alcoholics, that they dealt with a tremendous amount of repressed trauma and stress and didn’t seek any help for it because of the size of their egos. 
Right then and there he vows to do better for you. He throws the rest of his drink out onto the garden, sets the glass down on the wooden bench with a heavy thud of well made crystal. 
“Do you really think me strange?” he asks you suddenly. Finally, after a long while, he meets your eye. 
“I…well,” you shrug and take in a slow breath. “Yeah, in certain ways. I think I do.” 
“I see.” 
Your words imbed themselves into his skin like shrapnel. 
“But…I don’t have a PhD, I can’t really…” you let out a breath and look out at the garden and the children playing. “Besides, I haven’t been divorced…I haven’t been in your shoes.” 
“I trust your opinion of me.” 
“It’s not that I think you’re strange necessarily,” you gesture back to the house and the rattle of chatter that keeps growing louder with each drink getting poured. “I…this is all very new to me. And I’m trying to understand what it’s like for you.” 
Jonathan starts to smile, “And how’s that going?” 
“Not very well,” you laugh and run your thumb against the rim of your glass. “I just drank whiskey for the first time.” 
He starts to laugh as well, and wrapping his arm around you, he pulls you into the side of his body. His other hand comes and takes your lemonade from your hands, sipping from it as well. 
It tastes like his childhood and hot summer evenings spent with his mother and his aunt, listening to gossip he shouldn’t have been listening to as their nimble fingers worked away with their knitting needles. 
“Do you wanna go home now?” 
“You still need to show face,” you muse quietly, tracing the outer seam of his pants with your finger. “They’re probably already starting to wonder where you’ve gone off to, and it’s going to hurt their frail little egos.” 
He barks out a laugh, and kisses the crown of your head, “God, I love you.” 
“I do too,” he hears the smile in your voice and it goes straight into his chest, wraps a couple pieces of his heart together and puts them back into place. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll entertain myself.” 
Jonathan kisses you this time, properly, the way he wanted to. Your fingers run through his beard and trace his jawline all the way around his ears and back down. 
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Thanks for reading, if you liked it, please consider leaving some feedback! I don't usually respond, but I obsess and re-read reblogs and comments constantly.
Masterlist here. Summer Drabbles here.
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dotster001 · 1 year
Pact Marks, Chapter Six of the Sheep Saga
Summary: it's the end of the exchange program, and you're wondering why no one told you your human form would have new tattoos...
A/N: been a while since I've done one of these, but for those of you who are new, you don't have to have read the other parts. Just know that MC is a sheep in the Devildom, and a human back home.
Chapters One Two Three Four Five
You were standing in front of your mirror, back in the human realm, just staring. After an hour of this, you decided to pull out your D.D.D. and text your boys.
Hey so was no one gonna tell me about the seven demonic tattoos I was gonna get in my human form?
The responses came even faster than expected.
Where's mine?!?!?
Send me a pic! 🩷
Incoming video call from Mammoney
Incoming call from Belphie
I bet Beel's is on your stomach 😂
Incoming call from Catan
Pick up the phone
How dare you decline a call from the Great Mammon!
You sighed and snapped a picture of Lucifer's mark on the back of your right hand, and sent it to the group chat.
Incoming call from Asmo
Incoming call from Mammoney
Incoming video call from Beelzebabe
You pulled down the collar of your shirt, exposing Mammon's mark right above your heart, took a picture, and sent it.
Lmao Mammon's a simp
Shuddup! I bet yours looks lame as hell. Mine looks swag.
You're just jealous cause I was first and got the best spot 😎
Voicemail inbox full
"God damnit," you muttered, deciding not to send any more pictures until they calmed down, and someone apologized for not telling you about the tattoos you now had to figure out how to cover up.
Incoming video call from Mr. Pride
You declined the call. If you did that in the Devildom, you would have probably been hung from the ceiling. But Lucifer wasn't here so…
Pick up.
I'm busy.
You just got there.
Pick up.
You ignored the text messages you were getting.
Incoming Video Call from King Himbo.
You hesitated a moment before ignoring the call from Diavolo. But he surely had better things to do than….
A portal opened up right behind you, and Diavolo, Barbatos, and Lucifer entered your tiny bedroom.
"So this is a human bedroom," Diavolo said, looking around the room in awe. "So fascinating!"
He gripped the edge of your bed too hard and it shattered into splinters.
"Oh, um I'll buy you a new one, ha ha," he said apologetically.
"Why are you guys here? What happened to 'exchange program is over, we might never see you again'?" You asked, a little too loudly, but they didn't seem to care.
"That was because we foolishly forgot how easy it was for one human to take down our entire government," Barbatos said with an eerie smile on his face. The chill in your bones got worse when Lucifer pointedly glared at you.
"Just show me the other marks, so I can take pictures of them for my idiot brothers."
You froze in place, not sure how you felt about three of the most powerful demons in all of existence standing in your bedroom just to take pictures of your tattoos.
"Also, how dare you decline mine and Lord Diavolo's calls?" Lucifer growled.
"Technically I didn't decline them, just ignored them…"
"Pact marks. Now."
With a pout, you lifted up your pant leg , showing Levi's mark wrapping around your leg. After the picture was taken, you lifted the back of your shirt to show Satan's mark on your upper back. This continued for Asmo's mark on your left hip bone, and the twins' marks intertwining on your right bicep.
"Thank you, was that so hard," Lucifer sighed, turning to go.
"There, exchange program over for real now, I'll send you a new bed frame soon," Diavolo said, making no move to actually leave.
"Young master," Barbatos said warningly.
"Can I not take advantage of this chance to explore the human realm with a human?"
"No, you promised you'd do your work after you saw the pacts," Barbatos said, pulling Diavolo through the portal with surprising strength.
The portal closed and you were left alone again. It took less than two minutes for your D.D.D. to start ringing and buzzing again. You turned it off.
Tag list- @leonia0 @eccedentesiast-sapphic @your-next-daydream
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rashomonss · 1 year
Part V
previous part
taglist: @miridiums-writing, @zerchlia, @aeongiies, @xmoogx, @coffeeandtealol, @shizunxie, @food-lover9000, @exactlydeafeningmusic, @l0diluvs, @vichsy, @valeriele3, @entolomaeden, @acaribeau, @sillybeanzo, @jessiegerl, @capricorn-anon, @crescentworld
a/n: omg I’m soooo sorry this chapter took so long, i’ve been crazy busy lately, but here it is! i promise the next chapter will release early since this one wasn’t! also this story is on ao3 now for anyone who wants to read it there! it's under the same user I have right now! well, enjoy!
warnings: the usual
something you had been searching for
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There was a familiar feeling to the bed you were laying on, perhaps it was yours? Opening your eyes you looked up at the ceiling trying to adjust to the dimly lit room. Once adjusted to your surroundings you sat up only to realize you weren’t the only one currently in your room. 
At your table sat a sleeping Levi, leaning face-first into his handheld gaming device. Asmo sat next to him asleep with his face in between his arms, and Satan sat at the end with a book resting on his chest as his head laid back against the chair.
And in front of you sat your first man, passed out in a chair taken from your table, arms crossed and drooling. From the looks of all of them, none of them had changed into their pajamas yet, so they had clearly been here for a good while. What plagued your mind was why were they there. 
Turning to look at your clock on the nightstand the time read 2:53 am. 
Is it that early already? How long have you been asleep? 
Well, that really didn’t matter since right now you felt a sharp pain go through your head. Holding it in your hands you wondered why it began to form. 
No, later than a second your stomach made a loud growling noise to signify you were hungry. That was to be expected though since after all, the last thing you had to eat was breakfast yesterday. 
Quietly and slowly you got out of bed, trying not to alert the demons in your room, and made your way out the door, with the intent of stopping by the kitchen first. 
Turning the corner you made sure to check the time again, worried that if not you might run into Beel. Thankfully for you, it was just after his midnight snack raid, so you would be able to enjoy a meal quietly. 
Since you still felt a bit groggy from sleep you decided against putting together a full meal. 
Instead, you threw together a sandwich with what was left from the raid and washed it down with an energy drink Levi kept in the back of the fridge. Finishing you placed your plate in the sink and walked in the direction of the twins’ room wondering if they also happened to be asleep. 
However as you passed by the common room you found them both passed out on the couch in each other's arms, but as they lay there you noticed Belphie moving around a bit uncomfortably. 
Well of course that was to be expected due to the way the youngest was laying, half of him was on Beel, while the other half was just barely on the rest of the couch. 
Sighing, you walked over to the couch and pushed the youngest onto the couch more, then you proceeded to cover him with a blanket that was resting on the opposite couch.
You smiled bittersweetly at the youngest and leaned down to give him a small kiss on the head. “Sweet dreams Belphie,” you said, pulling back. Then you turned to his twin doing the same thing. 
Even though these weren’t your twins, they still deserved to be cared for. 
As you made your way back to your room the faint sound of classical music could be heard, which could only mean one thing you thought.
 Lucifer was still up. 
You stood there for a moment contemplating what to do. Of course, like usual, you could visit the eldest and keep him company during the early hours of the morning. But then again, he isn’t your Lucifer. 
“Well it wouldn't hurt,” you thought. After all, knowing Lucifer he would continue to be up for a decent while. So you had decided to head back to the kitchen to whip something up for the oldest since he’d most likely skipped dinner again. 
But just like last time it was nerve-wracking walking to his office. 
And again that thought plagued your mind, “he isn’t even your Lucifer, why were you being so nice to him?” 
Well, he may not be your demon but he still resembles him to a certain degree. Well except for the fact that this Lucifer is way more stressed than the one you’re used to, not to mention he isn’t one for physical affection. 
Disregarding the bundle of nerves that sat in your stomach you gently knocked on the half-opened study door. 
Knock, knock 
“Come in.”
You slowly appeared in his doorway and smiled at the demon sitting at the desk. Lucifer’s breath hitched the second he saw you and he blinked in shock a few times.
“Oh, good evening Mc, you’re awake? Did any of my brothers see you?” he asked, a bit confused. 
“Good evening Lucifer, and no they’re all asleep in my room, well minus the twins they’re on the couch” you laughed. 
“Oh, I see, well they were supposed to inform me when you woke up, but apparently they’re all asleep,” Lucifer said, leaning down to sigh.  “Those idiots”
“Hey don’t get too mad at them, they all seemed tired. Not to mention you look a bit rough yourself Luci” you responded, putting the sandwich and teacup on his desk. 
Lucifer looked a tad confused at the nickname but brushed it off, turning his attention to the plate and cup in front of him. “What’s this?” he asked. 
“Sorry it’s not much but it’s what’s leftover from Beel’s fridge raid, and the tea is one Barbs sent over a while back. It helps relieve stress.” 
“Oh well, thank you. I suppose that’s very generous of you. Anyway, how are you feeling? Everything’s okay, are you in pain anywhere?” he asked, taking a sip of the tea. 
“I’m doing fine. Well, I do have a bit of a headache, but that’s all.” 
“Also sorry I would have put the tea in the cup I got you for your birthday, however, I haven’t been able to find it at all, which is really weird.” You replied, taking a seat on one of the plush chairs in front of his desk. 
You wondered if this Lucifer knew something about this whole timeline switch, he has to after all, Lucifer is one to know many things but never share. 
Well, time for you to do what you do best. Poke your nose into the said topic until you get some answer that will satisfy you. 
“What tea cup are you talking about? I have never received one from you Mc." Lucifer said, placing the cup down.
“What do you mean? I bought you a cream and royal blue teacup for your birthday this past year. Did you somehow forget?” You asked. 
“Mc, I regret to inform you but I’ve never received such a gift from you before” 
“Are you sure? I could’ve sworn I bought it. After all, I saved up quite a bit to buy it” you laughed, turning to face him directly. 
“I’m positive, Mc” he said sternly. 
You could tell he was beginning to get annoyed. So possibly another push or two would make something slip since he was always one to rant about some problem the earlier the morning got. 
“Well, you must be lying because I’m positive that I gifted it to you. Unless there’s another Lucifer I’m unaware of?” You replied, rolling your eyes. 
It could’ve been missed if anyone else was watching him, but you knew Lucifer and the slight widen of his eyes after that sentence gave you all you needed to know. 
“How could you imply such a thing? Perhaps you should get some more rest, you’re beginning to make up things now” Lucifer said, regaining his composure. 
“Do your brothers know.” you deadpanned. 
“Are your brothers aware that I’m not from here? Or have you told them” 
Lucifer’s voice got caught in his throat as he met your eyes. What would he say? What could he say? The one topic he had been tiptoeing around was finally being brought up by the one person he hoped wouldn’t find out. Clearing his throat he then spoke. “So it appears you’ve found out what’s going on. And to answer your question no they don’t know” 
“I thought as much, even in a different timeline you’re still never one to tell your brothers anything” 
“Hmph,” Lucifer said, crossing his arms. “You speak as if you know me” 
“Oh believe me I do, besides my Lucifer is almost the same as you.”
“Almost? Whatever could be different, we’re the same person.” Lucifer asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“On the contrary, he’s not one to be so strict with me as you are ” 
“Well you’re not my human so why should I change my attitude just because you’re nicer than they were” 
“Your human? Do you perhaps miss your timelines Mc” you asked. It felt weird talking about yourself, or as one would say, another version of yourself. 
“Don’t be absurd, what made you come to that conclusion?” Lucifer replied. 
“So you’re not too fond of them then? Well if you’re not on good terms with them then why don’t we start over” 
“What do you mean?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“If you and this timelines version of me got off on the wrong foot then why don’t we start over? I hope we’ll be able to get along” you smiled. 
Lucifer studied your face for a few moments before he then released a sigh. He swears you will be the death of him. “It’s not that we had gotten off on the wrong foot, it’s the fact that they haven’t forgiven any of us after the incident. So that’s why I’m experiencing difficulties with this Mc” 
“The incident you say? Mammom called it that too, are you perhaps referring to when Belphie killed me?” you asked, looking back towards Lucifer who gave you a rather shocked face. 
You have never been so blunt about the incident before so it took the Avatar of Pride back a bit. If you reacted like this then he already believed that Belphagor had already killed you in your timeline. However, the only difference is that you forgave them. Clearing his throat Lucifer then spoke. “So I assume that you also met the same demise as our Mc. But you are rather forgiving don’t you think so? I would advise against being so understanding in the future.” 
“Forgiving? Are you under the impression that everyone from my timeline apologized?” you said a bit confused. 
“I would have believed they did? After all, we’re still apologizing to our Mc, and they have refused to forgive any of us” 
You laughed a bit loudly and sighed looking a Lucifer with an expression that he couldn’t make out. 
“What’s so amusing?” he asked, growing slightly annoyed. 
“They never apologized to me. No one ever asked me how I felt after, instead, they chose to pamper and suffocate me after they found out I was partially related to their, well your sister. The fact that you all refer to that as the incident or even tiptoe around the topic is laughable.” 
“I have no place to say that the other timelines Mc’s feelings aren’t valid” you stated, “But they should be grateful enough to even get an apology from all of you. because I’ve loved all of those damn demons for so long and not one of them has even apologized to me” you could feel tears start to form and cursed under your breath in response. 
How pathetic you thought, of course, it made it worse that it was Lucifer who was watching you cry, but you couldn’t help it these emotions were to strong to be suppressed any longer. 
You felt pure envy because how dare they reject an apology? You would have killed to have one or to even have the topic brought up for discussion in general. Of course, you loved your demons but the fact they just swept the incident under the rug hurt. 
No one came to check on you late at night after you had recurring nightmares about being choked to death, and waking up with tears dripping down your face in cold sweat. Sure you would seek the brothers out for comfort, which they always returned but you could never bring up how their dear baby brother was the cause of your night terrors. 
Belphie never realized how uncomfortable he made you those next couple of months. Sure he was cute at first but how do you expect to feel safe cuddling with someone who just killed you a few weeks ago? Or when he wanted some alone time and he would drag you to the attic, in the back of your mind you hoped he wouldn’t end your life again. Belphie never noticed all the ‘naps’ you both took were him just holding onto you as you watched him sleep, too nervous to let your guard down in fear for your life. 
None of the brothers ever helped as you died, they all watched and panicked, of course, Mammon’s tears were appreciated but no one ever stopped the youngest. Weren’t they all supposed to be stronger than him? 
So how dare this version of you be so picky about an apology, they should be thankful they even received one at all your thought bawling your fists together.
“Mc, I understand I’m not your Lucifer…but I apologize on behalf of what happened to you and the fact that I allowed my brother to harm you like that.”  
Your eyes finally met his and the emotion he held was almost unbearable to look at. Someone, no Lucifer had given you an apology. A genuine one you had been hoping for, after all this time.
The tears continued, however this time they were falling more rapidly now shocking the demon in question. “Thank you” you smiled bittersweetly. 
“No thank you, Mc” 
At the sound, you and Lucifer turned to the study door being pushed open to reveal six demons crying as they all barged in. 
Lucifer’s face morphed to one of anger and he quickly grabbed you pushing you behind him to shield you from his obnoxious brothers. “Have you all been listening in between Mc and I?” he yelled.  His main worry currently was you, due to the fact he didn’t know if you wanted the rest of his brothers to see your tear-stained face. 
 “Lucifer don’t be like that! Please let us apologize to Mc too!” Asmo wailed 
“Yeah, they deserve it! After all, this human has been nothing but nice to us!” Mammon yelled. 
Soon more yelling was brought forth as the brothers tried pushing Lucifer out of the way to get to you. This again angered the oldest and soon he changed into his demon form pushing all his brothers back. “I understand you all feel that way but have you considered how Mc is feeling right now?” 
At that, all the brothers stopped to watch as you wiped the rest of your tears and sighed. “It’s ok Lucifer, if they want to apologize then let them” 
Changing back into his original form Lucifer sighed and then spoke, “if you all wish to say your apologizes to Mc then go ahead” 
And just like they said each brother including Belphie apologized for everything that occurred at the beginning of your stay till the incident, of course, it surprised you, to say the least, but it was nice hearing them all admit to being in the wrong. 
However, no amount of apology from them, no matter how thoughtful, genuine, or sweet it may be could ever fill that hole in your chest. 
Simple really,
it’s because they're not your demons.
Next part
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makiaan · 9 months
Erwin's Sister!Reader x Levi
Erwin with a sister who joined the scouts, and eventually gets engaged with Levi ;D (Note: 3 year age gap)
TW: Scouts bullying reader mentions that get physical in Erwin's section.
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Being Erwin's sister was not a easy task!
Erwin's parents had always taught him to take care of you, as it was his duty to protect his little sister from harm, and he took that job seriously
So when he had heard that you wanted to join the military he internally lost his shit.
"Perhaps you should reconsider." He'd smile, giving you a light pat on the shoulder "Because there's absolutely no way that I'm letting you join."
In the end you did!
With many conversations turning into arguments he caved in with a frustrated sigh.
By the time you graduated and joined the scouts Erwin had already became the commander.
Rumors were quick to spread of Erwin's little sister joining the scouts, and a lot were skeptical of her.
A lot of people tested your patience..
"Sorry Y/N, the spots already taken!" When no one had arrived to sit on the seat for the entirety of lunch or
"Sorry we forgot to leave some for you!" As the women would giggle amongst themself hiding extra packs of the rations behind there backs
Of course you never reacted to there bullying but it sure did frustrate the hell out of it. You knew what they wanted, and it was for you to run back crying to your brother for help.
You weren't gonna give them that satisfaction!
So you trained hard, harder then anyone else to prove that you deserved respect, and that you didn't need to use Erwin to hand everything to you.
It also served as a good distraction to people who approached with ill intent
Erwin of course knew everything that was going on, he had a conversation with you about it but you insisted for him to lay back. You didn't wanna risk rumors spreading of him being bias.
Though when things got rough, and expeditions were risker then ever, Erwin couldn't help himself.
If you got grabbed he'd dive into hordes of titans just to get you, losing you would make him go insane, and when it came to your safety, his dreams, and public image quickly became the least of his priorities.
The day the bullying became too physical he happened to pass by the room with Levi trailing behind.
Hearing your cries, and the sound of there boots kicking into your body, made his heart drop.
These were one of the times in which he got genuinely pissed off.
Slamming the door open, and stomping over, he quickly picked you up from the floor, giving the group a ominous look.
"You stay right where you are." He'd glare carrying you bridal to the infirmary
When he came back to the room the sound of his angered voice echoed throughout the HQ, and ultimately the group left the military after being put through grueling weeks of none stop physical training. (led by Levi himself!)
Well moral of the story Erwin tries his best to keep those professional boundaries, but when it comes to your life he'd do anything to protect it.
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Levi (3 year age gap, reader started the military late)
Oh boy.. Here we go!
Erwin would've never expected for Levi to be interested in his sister.
But here we were, behind a building where no one could see, the wind blowing strands of your hair forward, getting all over your face. Levi gently brushed the strands behind your ear, his touch lingering for far too long to be considered as a friends innocent touch. "Levi?.." You spoke in a hushed voice. He couldn't help but stare at your pumped opened lips, leaning in and-
Well, Erwin ran into the two of you... He was as frozen as a statue with his eyes wide, and his mouth stuck in the shape of a O.
I think he might've even forgotten how to breathe
The up-coming days between Erwin, Levi, and you became extremely awkward.
Erwin didn't have the heart in him to ask about the situation, Levi didn't give two shits, and you were scared of Erwin being mad at you.
Though this wouldn't be the last time Erwin would walk into the two of you flirting.
This would happen 3 different times.. Catching the two of you kissing in the office, catching the two of you holding hands, and last of all catching the Levi having an emotional moment hugging you.
Erwin was absolutely MISERABLE, it wasn't the fact that he didn't like the idea of Levi dating his sister because Erwin trusted him, BUT it was the fact that he ran into personal situations he had rather not have seen.
poor dude...
Well anyways... When the day had come that Levi asked Erwin for his blessing for marriage, Erwin once again froze.
After he was done melting though, he casted his eyes downward, his lips curving upwards into a small proud but sad smile. It was hard giving his beloved sister away, but he was sure he'd make her happier then she's ever been.
"Treat her well ok?" His once clear and strong voice begun to crack, patting Levi on the shoulder.
man.. Erwin foreva...
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