#Life is Strange 2 fanfic
ph7soy · 28 days
mega angsty grahamscott college AU fic❗❗
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College was supposed to be a fresh start for Warren. A chance to rebrand his geeky high school self. Hell, maybe he’d even have a shot at being cool this time around. But of course nothing ever goes his way, because he’s Warren fucking Graham.
~ wc: 71k-ish ~ status: ongoing (chapter 11/?) ~ tags: enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, hurt/comfort, fluff/angst, coming-of-age
helloooooo to all five grahamscott shippers out there!! my super supportive gf (who is also my only beta reader) suggested that i promote my fic on tumblr so here i am;;
enjoy the vandalized driver’s licenses i made for warren & nathan + a lil what’s in my bag college student edition for these two dorks (clearly not hard to guess which belongs to who lol)
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arthursfuckinghat · 3 months
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Let death be a lesson to you.
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somedeadbeatloz3r69 · 2 months
CUZ YALL LOVE IT SM!! (yk who u are) Daniel probably went days if not weeks without saying a single word not only because he wouldn't have anyone to talk to in the first place but also because he probably hated his voice cuz it reminded him too much of sean One day he woke up and his voice was all deep and he was surprised because he didn't know he went through puberty because he wasn't able to hear his voice changing because he never talked. He kept seans journal, but burned some (not all) sketches of younger him that sean drew. (maybe idk) He dyed his hair because it reminded him too much of sean (unoriginal idea) He tried to write in a journal, but most of the pages just end in scribbling. He continues to draw every now and then though because sean asked him to that one time. He still writes like a kid because noone ever taught him how to improve his handwriting. He robbed/destroyed a place out of anger the first month he got to puerto lobos because he saw something in the store that reminded him of sean.
He sneaks into zoo's (if they're there) to look at the wolves. he tried writing a book about him and sean but ended up losing it during a heist, he lost motivation to write ever since. He hesitates when he smokes a cigarette because when he was at the camp in ep3 sean refused (thankfully) to give him a cigarette. It took a few tries for him to bleach his hair because he kept missing strands. He vandalizes cop stations He hates halloween, yet whenever it is halloween he always goes out and make sure kids are behaving right. Ex : if kids stole a bowl of candy, he'd make them put it back. If a adult refused to give a kid candy, he'd make them. He once let a kid stay with him for a week or two because his parents were on vacation and he kept getting bullied. He would probably start crying if someone hugged him or put a hand on his shoulder.
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adrealucia · 1 month
New Beginnings
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tags: post Blood Brothers ending, Sean Diaz x Reader, might contain smut in future chapters, lots of fluff, romantic fluff, overall just fucking wholesome, obviously mentions Daniel quite often, sfw in the beginning, maybe nsfw in the future idk, definitely slow burn, female reader
chapter summary: cooking, cleaning, walks on the beach, and secret drawings
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Chapter Eight
As you drive home, your mind drifts to Daniel’s powers and the brothers’ hard journey to Mexico. Despite the initial shock, you feel a sense of awe and respect for their resilience. Their story is one of survival, courage, and unbreakable bonds, and you’re grateful to be part of their lives now. You ponder on how extraordinary it is to know someone with such unique abilities and the strength it took for them to get here. It's a tale that could inspire anyone, and it fills you with a sense of optimism about what the future holds for all of you.
The next morning, you wake up feeling refreshed and eager to see Sean and Daniel again. You decide to visit the Diaz garage, this time with a plan to spend the day together. As you approach the garage, you notice the door is slightly ajar, and you can hear the faint sounds of clattering and laughter from inside.
Curious, you push the door open and step inside. The sight that greets you is both endearing and chaotic. The kitchen is a complete mess. Flour is scattered everywhere, mixing bowls are tipped over, and what looks like an attempted batch of cookies has gone horribly wrong, resulting in blackened, misshapen blobs on a baking tray.
Sean and Daniel are standing in the middle of the chaos, covered in flour and laughing at their failed culinary attempt. Sean notices you first and gives you an embarrassed smile. “Uh, surprise?” he says sheepishly.
You can’t help but laugh at the scene. “What happened here?”
Daniel grins, wiping his flour-covered hands on his jeans. “We wanted to make something special for you. Turns out, baking is harder than it looks.”
Sean chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, we might have bitten off more than we could chew. But it’s the thought that counts, right?”
You walk over, smiling warmly at them both. “Absolutely. And I appreciate the effort. How about we clean this up together?”
Sean and Daniel exchange a glance, and then Daniel’s eyes light up with a mischievous glint. “I think we can make that happen a bit faster,” he says.
With a wave of his hand, Daniel uses his telekinetic powers to lift the scattered ingredients and utensils into the air. You watch in amazement as the kitchen begins to clean itself, flour dusting off surfaces and bowls and spoons floating back to their rightful places. Within moments, the kitchen is spotless, and you can’t help but applaud Daniel’s impressive control.
“Wow, that was incredible!” you exclaim. “I think you just revolutionized cleaning.”
Daniel grins proudly. “It’s definitely useful for situations like this.”
Sean steps closer, giving you a grateful look. “Thanks for being so understanding. We wanted to do something nice for you, and we kind of made a mess instead.”
You smile, feeling a warm rush of affection for both of them. “The effort means a lot. And hey, at least we got a clean kitchen out of it.”
Sean laughs, reaching out to take your hand. “How about we try something a bit simpler for lunch? Maybe a nice, easy pasta dish?”
You nod, squeezing his hand. “Sounds perfect. Let’s do it.”
Sean and Daniel exchange determined looks. “Alright, team, let’s conquer the kitchen once more,” Sean declares, a playful glint in his eyes.
Daniel grins and wiggles his fingers dramatically. “This time, with a little telekinetic assistance.”
As you move to the counter, Sean pulls out a bag of pasta and a jar of tomato sauce. “We’ll keep it simple. We can’t possibly mess up pasta, right?”
You laugh, nudging him with your elbow. “Famous last words. Let’s see how you handle boiling water first.”
Sean raises an eyebrow, pretending to be offended. “Hey, I’m a pro at boiling water. Watch and learn.”
As Sean starts filling a pot with water, you and Daniel begin gathering ingredients for a salad. “So, Daniel, any other tricks up your sleeve?” you ask, curious about his powers.
Daniel smirks, lifting a few tomatoes into the air with a casual wave of his hand. “Oh, you know, just the usual—cutting veggies with my mind.”
You watch in amazement as the tomatoes slice themselves neatly in mid-air, landing perfectly in the salad bowl. “That’s impressive! You’re like a living kitchen gadget.”
Sean glances over, trying to hide his smile. “Just don’t get too comfortable, Daniel. We still need to make sure the pasta doesn’t end up as a sticky mess.”
You catch Sean’s eye, and the playful banter continues. “Sean, you focus on the pasta. I’ll make sure Daniel doesn’t turn this kitchen into a scene from a sci-fi movie.”
“Deal,” Sean replies, giving you a wink. “But if I manage to cook the perfect pasta, I get extra brownie points.”
“Deal,” you say, laughing. “But only if you don’t overcook it.”
As the water starts to boil, Sean carefully adds the pasta, stirring it with exaggerated precision. “See? Boiling water—mastered.”
You clap your hands, pretending to be impressed. “I’m amazed. Truly, you’ve outdone yourself.”
Daniel finishes the salad with a flourish, and you help him set the table. “Alright, Sean, moment of truth,” Daniel says, peeking over Sean’s shoulder.
Sean drains the pasta and mixes it with the sauce, a proud look on his face. “And voila, pasta à la Sean.”
You and Daniel applaud, and Sean takes a dramatic bow. “Thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all week.”
Sitting down to eat, the three of you share the meal amidst laughter and light-hearted conversation. The pasta, surprisingly, turns out delicious, and you can’t help but compliment Sean. “Okay, I admit it. You did a great job.”
Sean grins, leaning back in his chair. “Told you. I’m a man of many talents.”
“Don’t let it go to your head,” you tease, enjoying the warmth and camaraderie.
After lunch, the kitchen is once again a mess, but this time it’s a happy, manageable chaos. You roll up your sleeves, ready to tackle the cleaning. “Alright, team, let’s clean up. And Daniel, feel free to use your powers for this.”
Daniel’s eyes light up as he nods. “On it.”
With Daniel’s telekinesis, cleaning becomes a breeze. Plates and utensils float to the sink, where they wash themselves, and leftover ingredients find their way back to the fridge. You watch in awe as the kitchen tidies itself up in no time.
“This is the easiest cleanup ever,” you remark, shaking your head in amazement.
Sean wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. “Welcome to life with the Diaz brothers. It’s never boring.”
As the kitchen sparkles once more, Sean turns to you with a gentle smile. “How about we take a walk along the beach? Clear our heads a bit?”
You nod, feeling the warmth of his invitation. “I’d love that.”
Daniel waves you off with a grin. “Have fun, you two. I’ll hold down the fort here.”
Sean grabs your hand and leads you outside. The sun is beginning its descent, casting a golden glow over the horizon. As you walk hand in hand along the beach, the rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore brings a sense of calm.
“How are you handling all of this?” Sean asks after a while, his tone serious yet gentle. “I know it’s a lot to take in.”
You take a deep breath, feeling the cool sand beneath your feet. “It is a lot. But I’m trying to understand it all. It’s just... so incredible and overwhelming at the same time.”
Sean squeezes your hand, his eyes searching yours. “I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable or scared. If you have any questions, or if anything doesn’t make sense, just let me know.”
You stop walking and turn to face him, your heart swelling with affection. “I appreciate that, Sean. It’s definitely a lot to process, but I trust you and Daniel. And I want to be here for you, no matter what.”
A smile tugs at Sean’s lips, and he pulls you into a warm embrace. “That means the world to us. To me.”
You continue your walk, and as the conversation drifts to lighter topics, you both dip your feet into the cool water, laughing at the sensation. The playful waves lap at your ankles, and you feel a sense of freedom and connection.
“Look!” Sean points to a cluster of shells glistening in the wet sand. “Want to look for some sea shells?”
You nod enthusiastically. “Absolutely. Let’s see who can find the most beautiful one.”
As you both search for shells, the friendly competition turns into more playful banter. You hold up a particularly pretty shell. “I think I’ve got a winner.”
Sean chuckles, examining the shell closely. “Not bad, but check this one out.” He hands you a delicate, spiral-shaped shell that shimmers in the fading light.
“Okay, you win,” you laugh, handing it back to him. “That’s beautiful.”
Sean grins, pocketing the shell. “A memento of our walk.”
You sit down on the sand, close enough for the waves to occasionally splash your feet. Sean sits beside you, and you both watch the sun dip below the horizon, painting the sky with shades of pink and orange.
Sean turns to you, his expression soft and sincere. “I’m really glad you’re here with us. With me.”
You lean into him, resting your head on his shoulder. “Me too, Sean. This feels... right.”
As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the ocean, you and Sean make your way back to the Diaz house. The cool evening breeze carries the salty scent of the sea as you step onto the veranda, settling into the comfortable chairs that overlook the tranquil water.
Sean stretches out beside you, his gaze wandering over the horizon. “This is nice,” he says, his voice soft and content.
You nod, taking in the peaceful scene. “It really is. The perfect end to a perfect day.”
Sean reaches into his bag and pulls out a well-worn sketchbook, its edges frayed from years of use. “I haven’t had much time to draw lately,” he admits, running a hand over the cover. “Life’s been... busy.”
Your eyes light up with excitement. “Well, tonight you do. Come on, show me what you’ve got.”
Sean hesitates, a shy smile playing at his lips. “I don’t know...”
“Please?” you plead, giving him your best puppy-dog eyes. “I’d love to see you draw. It’s been a while since you’ve done something just for yourself.”
He chuckles, shaking his head. “Alright, alright. You win.” He flips open the sketchbook, revealing a blank page. “What should I draw?”
“How about the ocean?” you suggest, leaning back in your chair. “It’s so beautiful tonight.”
Sean nods, his fingers deftly moving to grab a pencil. “The ocean it is.”
As Sean begins to sketch, you watch the focused expression on his face, the way his brow furrows in concentration, and the slight smile that tugs at the corner of his lips. You feel a warm sense of contentment, happy to see him immersed in his art.
Minutes pass, and the sound of the pencil scratching against the paper blends harmoniously with the gentle lapping of the waves. You close your eyes, letting the soothing sounds wash over you.
Little do you know, Sean’s eyes aren’t on the ocean. Instead, they flicker to you, capturing the serene expression on your face, the way your hair catches the fading light, and the gentle rise and fall of your chest as you breathe. He sketches quickly, trying to capture the moment without you noticing.
You open your eyes and catch him glancing at you, a hint of mischief in his gaze. “What?” you ask, smiling.
“Nothing,” Sean replies quickly, his cheeks reddening slightly. “Just making sure I’ve got the details right.”
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued. “Let me see.”
“Not yet,” he says, holding the sketchbook protectively. “It’s not finished.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “Alright, I’ll be patient.”
As the night deepens, Sean continues to sketch, stealing glances at you now and then. You sit in comfortable silence, the bond between you growing stronger with each passing moment.
Finally, Sean sets down his pencil, closing the sketchbook with a satisfied smile. “All done.”
“Can I see it now?” you ask eagerly.
“Not yet,” he says, his grin widening. “It’s a surprise.”
You pout playfully. “Fine. But I’m holding you to that.”
Sean leans back in his chair, his gaze returning to the ocean. “Thank you,” he says softly.
“For what?” you ask, turning to look at him.
“For making me take the time to do this,” he replies. “I’d forgotten how much I love drawing. And for... well, just being here.”
You reach out and squeeze his hand, feeling a surge of affection. “Anytime, Sean. Anytime.”
As the stars twinkle overhead and the sounds of the night surround you, you both sit there, hand in hand, cherishing the moment and the promise of many more to come.
As the night grows late, the tranquil sounds of the ocean and the stars overhead signal that it’s time to call it a day. You stretch and stifle a yawn, feeling the contented tiredness settle in.
“I should probably head home,” you say softly, glancing at Sean. “Thank you for tonight, Sean. It was... perfect.”
Sean smiles warmly, standing up and walking you to your car. “Thank you for being here. Drive safe, okay?”
You nod, giving him a quick hug before getting into your car. “See you tomorrow?”
“Definitely,” Sean replies, watching as you drive off into the night.
Meanwhile, back at the Diaz house, Daniel is rummaging around in the living room when he stumbles upon Sean’s sketchbook, left carelessly on the coffee table. His eyes light up with curiosity as he picks it up, flipping through the pages filled with Sean’s artwork.
“Sean!” Daniel calls out, excitement evident in his voice. “You haven’t drawn anything in ages! Can I take a look?”
Before Sean can even respond, Daniel is already engrossed in the sketches, his fingers turning the pages eagerly. “Daniel, wait—” Sean tries to intervene, but his little brother is too absorbed to pay attention.
Then Daniel’s eyes land on the last drawing. He stops, his eyes widening as he takes in the intricate details of your face, captured perfectly on the paper. The surprise quickly shifts to a mischievous grin.
“Sean, you’re so, so in love with her!” Daniel teases, his voice dripping with playful exaggeration. He holds up the sketchbook, pointing to the drawing. “Look at this! You’re like a lovesick puppy!”
Sean’s cheeks flush crimson, and he snatches the sketchbook from Daniel’s hands. “Hey, give that back!”
Daniel laughs, not missing a beat. “Come on, Sean! You don’t draw someone like that unless you’re totally head over heels. Admit it!”
Sean tries to stay composed, but a shy smile tugs at his lips. “Alright, maybe I do like her. A lot. But you didn’t have to go snooping through my stuff, you know.”
Daniel’s grin softens into a genuine smile. “I think it’s cool, Sean. She’s great. And you’re happy. That’s what matters, right?”
Sean nods, closing the sketchbook and setting it aside. “Yeah, you’re right. Thanks, Daniel.”
Daniel wraps an arm around Sean’s shoulders, giving him a reassuring squeeze. “No problem, big bro. Now, let’s get some sleep. Tomorrow’s another day, and who knows what it’ll bring?”
As they head to their rooms, Sean can’t help but feel a sense of excitement and hope for the future. The night had been special, and with Daniel’s support, he felt more confident in the growing connection he shared with you.
authors note: I have been so busy lately and don't have much time for writing (which makes me sooo sad) but at least I can post this chapter to feed you at least something :) !
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miguelmeiai · 1 month
Life is Strange - What if Esteban hadn't died? - Part II
Sean goes to the garage to check on his dad, who is beneath the car, fixing it. ─ How's it going? ─ It's going fine, son. What about you? ─ I'm… I don't know. ─ Do you need to talk? ─ No… I mean… nevermind. ─ Whenever you need to talk, just reach me out, son. I understand you might be going through a difficult phase. I get you, I've been there too. ─ Dad, come on… I'm not a kid. ─ Okay… since you're there, could you please give me the wrench? ─ Which one? ─ The 16th millimeter one. ─ Okay, let me find it. Sean looks everywhere. He finally finds the wrench and hands it over to his dad. ─ Gracias, hijo. ─ Dad, don't you think you need to rest? ─ Well, maybe… I miss spending some time outside with my amazing hijos. You know, it's been a long time since we went to the woods. Sean stays silent for a few seconds. ─ Ehm, dad, are you hungry? ─ Kinda. ─ Follow me. ─ Okay, Sean… They go upstairs. Esteban goes to the bathroom to wash his hands while Daniel and Sean put the pizza on the table and grab the plates and forks. Their dad comes back.
─ Wow… it seems we are having pizza for dinner today. W-w-wait… where did you get it from? ─ I actually bought it. ─ With the 40 dollars I had given you? ─ Yes. It was Daniel's idea by the way. ─ You didn't need to… ─ Come on, Mr. Diaz! ─ Let's eat, I'm hungry! Sean laughs. ─ You're always hungry, Daniel! They all sit and eat the pizza. Sean looks at his father. He wants to suggest something. ─ Chef Diaz… ehm… why don't we go camping? Tomorrow is Saturday after all. ─ Hm… lemme see… what do you think, Daniel? ─ I don't like camping… the forest is cold. ─ Ugh, come on Daniel! ─ Sean complains. ─ I know the forest might be a scary, cold, and dirty place ─ Esteban comments. But it gives me a relaxing sensation. ─ But dad, it's so late! ─ Daniel complains. ─ Can you stop being so annoying, Daniel? ─ Hey, Sean, be patient with your little bro! Besides, he is right. Let's go there tomorrow. But I want you to get up earlier and prepare everything so we can enjoy every second of our "little trip". ─ Yeah, dad… we will. They finish eating. Esteban goes outside while Sean goes to his bedroom. ─ I can expect dad to become very chatty tomorrow during our trip ─ Sean laughs quietly. Daniel opens the door suddenly. He scares Sean a little with his zombie mask. ─ Woah!!! DO NOT ENTER MY ROOM WITHOUT… ─ I scared you, didn't I? Daniel laughs. ─ You didn't scare me… well, maybe… maybe for one second. ─ What are you doing? ─ Nothing. I was just thinking about life. ─ About Jenn, you mean? ─ No! I mean… it doesn't matter. I need some privacy right now, Daniel, so leave me alone, please. ─ But… what did you think about my mask? I did it myself. ─ It's cool. Now leave me alone. ─ Are you sad because you didn't go to that party? ─ No. I stayed with you and my dad. You're my priority. You two and my best friend Lyla. ─ Well, I'll leave you alone. But… can I ask you something first? Sean sighs. ─ What do you want? ─ A hug. Sean sighs again and hugs Daniel. ─ I love you, Sean. ─ Me too, Daniel. ─ Even though you're annoying sometimes… and a bad big brother. ─ And you're an annoying little brother. Now get out of here! Daniel leaves Sean's bedroom and goes to the living room. Esteban is watching a movie. ─ Dad, wanna play now? Sean expelled me from his room. And I feel lonely now. ─ Alright, son. Esteban turns the PlayBox on and holds the joystick. ─ Daniel, look, I know you're too young to understand it, but Sean sometimes needs some time alone. He's going through a hard phase in his life. You'll go through it in a few years too. ─ He used to be funnier in the past. Now he's become annoying. Esteban laughs. ─ Teenagers. You'll never understand them. The next day, in the morning, Daniel and Sean put everything they will need for the trip in the car. Sean and his dad are super excited.
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redpool · 9 months
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handicappedwriter · 4 months
What if we were siblings, and we are so very codependent on each other that we don't want the law to separate us, so we decided to commit a double suicide
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00ops1e · 1 year
beth‘s links
im pretty slow and even more inconsistent :))
coming soon
taskforce 141 + könig x sick! reader simon riley and fatherhood pt 1 simon riley and fatherhood pt 2
padriac my prince pt 1 - ghostsoap angst, mission goes haywire and johnny is forced to deal with the fallout
NSFW konig drabble
shirts keegan fish theater! before and after keegan embroidery :)- in progress
life is strange
Sunshine for Everyone pt.1 Sunshine for Everyone pt.2 part three coming soon...
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messblr · 2 months
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veaspo · 3 months
we need more Finn from LiS x reader😾
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ph7soy · 5 days
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[IBHWS] warren & nathan’s dorm ~ chapter 11
Warren is hit by a sudden wave of sobering realization as the cold, hard reality of the situation dawns on him. He’s in a very compromising position right now and if Nathan found him like this–well, to put things as simply as possible: Warren would be colossally, supremely fucked.
warren finally (& possibly very irrationally) returns to his dorm room for the first time since that cursed™ frat party, where he may or may not run into nathan, his angry roommate who’s on a ragefueled rampage?!
guess whose side of the dorm is which (difficulty level: impossible) :P
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revengesthings · 9 days
guys pls pls pls request some stuff guysss pleeeaase anythingggg ahhhhhh
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Oh yeah, Lost In the Crazy Town of Puerto Lobos has a playlist now!
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adrealucia · 2 months
i wanna write a little fan fic sean x reader in mexico, where sean is also older and maybe even with a little bit of smut idk… first of all would that be okay??? idk i know he’s an adult, but will people have a problem with that?
also if i would be to write it i would most definitely post it here and i am thinking about posting it on wattpad or ao3 as well. i just haven’t seen any sean x reader fan fics on ao3 and just weird incest stuff that i am not comfortable with. but also i haven’t uploaded on wattpad in years.. so what do i do?!?
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jsidetickles · 5 months
still taking requests for tickle headcanons or a scenario for a tickle fic involving Sean, Daniel and/or Esteban. The creative juices are building up but they need a jump start. Lol
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miguelmeiai · 26 days
Life is Strange - What if Esteban hadn't died? - Part IV
Esteban and his sons are by the fire. They are eating marshmallows. The wind blows gently. The atmosphere around them is soothing. The sound of the crickets, the water, and the leaves can be heard. ─ Dad, why did my mom run away after she gave birth to me? Was it because of me? Daniel's eyes become watery. ─ No, Daniel, that's not it. It's just… she was unhappy with her life. It's not your fault, Daniel. Maybe I, as her husband, could have done more to… ─ Dad, it's not your fault that that selfish woman decided to abandon us for no reason. ─ I know, Sean, but I was her husband, I shoulda… Sean looks at Daniel. ─ Promise to me we won't talk about this ever again! ─ Come on, Sean! ─ You two, please, don't get into a fight! We came here to relax a bit.
─ Dad, I deserve to know about my mom! Why does Sean forbids me to ever ask about her? ─ I do that to protect you, Daniel, but you're so heard-headed. ─ Okay, Sean, enough. He is only nine years old. ─ This is so unfair. Why do we need to care about her and pity her? Dad, I remember all those nights you stayed up and crying because of her when she left us. Don't you remember how much you suffered because of her? ─ Case closed, Sean! God teaches us to always forgive people, regardless of what they have done. It was hard for me to accept the truth about what happened, I even doubted many times if I could handle all that, plus take care of you and Daniel. Daniel yawns. ─ I think I'm going to sleep. I'm so tired from all that walking. ─ I imagine so, son ─ Esteban laughs. ─ But I kinda have to pee before I sleep. ─ Hm, you can pee behind a tree. But please don't go very far, or else you'll get lost. ─ Okay, dad. Daniel gets up and search for a place to pee. Esteban looks at Sean. ─ Sean, we need to talk. You have been acting so immaturely and aggressively with Daniel. What's happening? ─ Dad, you only stay by Daniel's side. And the lame excuses are all the same. Esteban sighs. ─ I know teenager years aren't the easiest. I know you might be stressed out. I get you. Daniel has been complaining about you. ─ Complaining about me for what? ─ He wants your attention. All you've been doing was pushing him away when he needed you the most. He almost got hit at school and he tried telling you, but you didn't listen. ─ I'm sorry about that, really. ─ I know you hate to babysit him, but listen, Sean: having a brother is one of the most amazing gifts God can give us. ─ But dad, I do love Daniel. It's just… he is annoying sometimes. ─ You were annoying too sometimes when you were younger. Yet I didn't push you away. Sean sighs. ─ I get it, that. I promise I will try to get closer to him. ─ You know your behavior directly influences his. You are his role model. ─ I know, dad, I know. You have been saying this to me like every day. Daniel comes back. ─ Woah, Daniel, you really took a long time to come back. ─ I got distracted by some cute dogs. Esteban laughs. ─ Great, little boy who never runs out of energy. Now it's time to sleep. Daniel lies down on the floor and shortly after falls asleep. Esteban looks at the stars and Sean looks at his phone. As he is about to text his friend Lyla, it runs out of battery. ─ Fuck, my phone ran out of battery! ─ Take it as a positive thing. It feels good to be disconnected from everything and just seize the moment sometimes. That's why we came here, right? ─ Yeah… They both lie on the grass and look at the clear sky filled with stars and a crescent moon. ─ Another thing I enjoy about the wild is that we can see way more stars. Sean looks at his dad and notices he already fell asleep. ─ Dad… you must have been tired as well. He yawns. ─ I think I'm gonna sleep too. Sean closes his eyes and begins having a nightmare about him and his brother at the front of their house and that same police officer from the previous day. Dad comes, and the police officer shots at him, instantly killing him in front of them. Anxious and highly emotive, Daniel accidentally activates his telekinesis powers and ends up killing the cop. Sean and his brother run away from the city as fast as they can, afraid of the police.
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