#LiftEd initiative
easterneyenews · 5 months
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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My rendition of @tempo-takoyaki's DTIYS!
Congrats on the milestones! And to everyone else, please go check out their 'Drawing TGCF (except I haven't read the books)' series!
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fisheito · 10 months
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They both try to take each other's shirt off at the same time while saying: let me-- if you--- i can----- (every day i think about THE CHART)
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sysig · 7 months
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Some highlights from a tense but still very Winterkov-y scene (Patreon)
#Doodles#Adventure Time#Fionna and Cake#Simon Petrikov#Winter King#Winterkov#The first five are all in sequence and then from there it's a bit sporadic#I dunno if this is one I'm gonna finish by they did both turn out very cute so I wanted to show some of them off lol#It's mostly a headcanon comic about how they differ in attractions (basically how much influence the Crown has on Winter)#I initially compared Winter to a slightly more chill Bill Cipher - a non-human entity inhabiting a human body#Probably tempered by how much Simon is still left over - not a lot but even a little does make a difference!#In that there's a lot of things the Crown might get out of a human body while still experiencing an entirely alien interpretation of stimuli#It's all just a lot of character analysis headcanon stuff lol - the Winterkov is still the main focus! Here anyway lol#I am very endeared at the idea posited by some fanfic writers that inviting Simon to the lab was just a pretense lol#He /did/ have to get out of his clothes before getting into new ones lol#They really do both have such lovely designs ah <3 They're fun to draw!#This was a lot of settling into them - I love the little floof-lifts that Winter has from Simon#His hair is long but it's still not completely able to weigh itself down from his voluminous bob! Very cute#The nose ears and shape of Winter's glasses really set him apart but their similarities are so fun#And while it's not featured here Simon's shy little smiles vs. Winter's big and loud expressions! Their contrasting features are so neat!#Very enjoyable character design
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imagineitdearies · 26 days
Hey y’all, just an update that personal life has jumped in front of everything (recovering from a break up) so I may have been too optimistic on ch38’s arrival. We shall see 💙
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Zelenskyy awarded Zaluzhny and Budanov the title Hero of Ukraine
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mastcrmarksman · 2 months
[ text: C. Barton 💜 ] Hey, if you've got any plans for the weekend, I recommend clearing your calendar. [ text: C. Barton 💜 ] Only because if things go according to *my* plans, you won't be walking until Monday. But for fun reasons this time. [ text: C. Barton 💜 ] Also, we finally have coffee again at the Sanctum. Sorry about that.
( assuming this is sent mid-week. also, i'm sorry for his dull contact name, but clint getting a heart is about as romantic as he gets as far a tech goes 🤣 )
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[ Contact ; Stephen S. ⸺ Note ; Cute Stranger 💜✨]
[ sent ] ⸺ done calendar has been tossed out [ sent ] ⸺ friday counts as the weekend right? [ sent ] ⸺ do i get any more hints to your plans? [ sent ] ⸺ its just such a long two days away [ sent ] ⸺ i need something to tide me over [ sent ] ⸺ coffee my beloved :D [ sent ] ⸺ you are forgiven <3 [ sent ] ⸺ that deserves a thorough reward on your part
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that-birdy-chick · 2 months
To all fellow podcasts fans, if you're a fan of Red Valley and horror-sci-fi with a twinge of great comedy than I highly recommend you check out Down.
It's only 24 short episodes and I promise you it's amazing!
It has flawed characters that quickly really grew on me, gripping writing and a perfect balance between the horrors™ of the deep sea and hilarious moments to ever so slightly lift the tension and feelings of dread when it needs to.
Also the voice acting is fantastic and the sound design is great too.
So please please check it out! It deserves all the love and more people to appreciate it!
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sodamnbored · 9 months
Pick an autumn scenario to put TFW 2.0 in? 10 points if it becomes inexplicably dangerous along the way.
Oooft. You’re definitely the ideas guy between us. I’d quite like to hear YOUR ideas for their autumn shenanigans.
I’m not sure, I think I’ve seen people say apple picking in an orchard is a fun autumn thing to do, but I don’t think Dean would enjoy that much 😂 Could get very dangerous though with the right Pagan god in the neighbourhood.
Is it cheesy to jump right to Halloween? Perhaps pumpkin carving and Sam starts with a normal or even small pumpkin and a normal little knife. And Dean gets a bigger pumpkin (of course he starts sniggering and pointing out smugly that his is bigger) and whips out one of his crazy big military grade hunting knives to carve it with.
Sam says that’s both stupid and dangerous and only makes it harder to carve. Dean says the fun is in the challenge.
So Cas finds an even bigger pumpkin and tries with like an Angel blade or a machete or something.
And then Jack brings home like the Grand Pumpkin or something and takes it on with a full on broad sword from the bunker walls - or maybe the fancy dragon killing one?
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taiwantalk · 13 days
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rowavolo · 3 months
Really amused imagining the visual of Itto just grabbing my s/i by the scruff of his neck like he's an actual cat. Itto doesn't handle cats ever but it's just instinctual. Grab That Fucking Thing Right There instinct.
I imagine my s/i to be quite nimble when the need arises and Itto gets easily frustrated by him slipping out of his grasp so often and so early on in their friendship he realises he's just gotta fuckin Grab. And usually the back of his neck is a good spot since Ro can't bite him from there and usually acts pretty normal about it overall.
Sometimes he'll just grab handfuls of my s/i's shirt or cloak and wobble him about while he's speaking about whatever.
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holopossums · 4 months
pro tip for all my fellow nerd artists out there who have trouble with exercising or staying active: motivate yourself by imagining your favorite characters cheering you on or being so proud of you after you do! it's surprisingly a great motivator.
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cakesdown · 6 months
Having a special interest in a character with an unfortunate design means when i see redesigns that lean into the unfortunate aspects I am fully aware that I'm the only one who is aware of this and I have to bear the knowledge and just keep scrolling because it is not worth it
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do you think beatrice would be into the height difference between her and lilith? like probably not much and not often, after all there’s just two or three inches between them, but then sometimes beatrice will be abruptly reminded of it in a vv in your face way and it’ll fluster her more than it should or something maybe?
what are things about lilith and/or things she does do you think would fluster beatrice? and if you’re willing, please do spare a few general/misc & random bealil hcs that you may have 🤲
me looking at every scene between them i've ever written where bea's internal monologue is pretty much
TALL TALL i should tell her a fun fact TALL TALL
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ajournalingtrex · 1 year
i would love to relate to “all of the girls you loved before” but the only person my boyfriend has kissed other than me was a guy in a game of gay chicken
and if you think i let him live it down, you’re sorely mistaken
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Read the prompt with the teacher request wich was pretty similar to your amazing fic „A running Leap“ and wanted to ask if you still would do the prompt request but like a special prompt to your fic? Like a bonus chapter?
I hope you can understand how I mean it, I’m sorry English is not my native language! :)
The idea sounds pretty fun but if you don’t want to do it it’s alright too!
"They're really goin' at it," Druig noted as he joined his wife on the bleachers.
It was the beginning of the season, and as usual, the team captains were demonstrating some basics before the first game between the boys and girls volleyball teams began. It was a friendly competition, meant to be a teaching moment and help inspire the kids.
Supposed to be friendly, at least.
"Mine went farther!"
"You had a better angle!"
"Yeah, because I can jump higher than you!"
The familiar squabbling of the two team captains filled the gym, even with the teams warming up around them.
"Kids, please," Kingo sighed, holding a hand out between his own captain and the captain of the girls' team. "Is this not about the children?"
"No, it's about Ikaris eating his words about being able to beat every single person here," Thena growled back, obviously having taken the statement personally.
"Just a fact, T," he grinned at his fellow history teacher (and friend, despite what they both would say about that). "I'm the strongest of us, the fastest-"
"Thena's faster," Sersi informed him without an ounce of remorse. "And obviously Makkari is faster than all of us."
She was the gym teacher and track and field coach, as well as cross-country coach.
"Okay, fine," Ikaris shrugged, "but I'm stronger than everyone here, including Gil."
All eyes went to Thena. It was no secret that she and Gil were inseparable. And surely the overly-competitive teacher would not take any remark about him lying down. "What?"
"I said," Ikaris repeated, even grinning as Gil came into the gym, "I'm stronger than Gil, and I bet I can prove it."
The newly arrived English teacher just laughed, though. "He's been saying that since college."
They had even been on their college volleyball team together, after all. It was how Ikaris had met Sersi.
"Sersi," Thena handed over the ball she had been practising her serves with earlier, "do you have a life insurance policy on him?"
"Okay, okay, easy there, T," Kingo attempted to calm the blonde firecracker. He looked at Ikaris with a snort, "there's no way you're stronger than Gil."
"What?" Ikaris balked at his friend's disbelief in him.
"Look at him!" Kingo pointed freely, making poor Gil blush.
"Stop it," Thena smacked Kingo's hand out of the air. "He's right, though, Gil could beat you any day of the week."
"Well," he murmured, wandering over to them as Thena jumped to his defense. "I don't know about that."
"Yeah," Ikaris chuckled, looking over Thena's head at Gil (much to the blonde's frustration). "Maybe all those muscles are just for show."
"Thena, really, I don't care," Gil attempted to soothe her temper, which he knew was probably just about at a boiling point now. He put a hand on her shoulder, "he's always like this."
"His muscles are not just for show!" Thena argued in Ikaris' face, grabbing a handful just to illustrate her point. "I bet he could blow any serve of yours out of the water."
Gil's blush had only gotten worse as Thena gripped his bicep. Although, his friends noticed, he was no longer arguing his way out of it.
"Oh, really?" Ikaris growled right back in his fellow coach's face. It was one thing to argue like they always did. It was another thing entirely to drag their beloved volleyball into things. "What are you willing to bet?"
"Gil is going to win," Thena proclaimed, still holding onto Gil, "so ask whatever you want."
Ikaris crossed his arms at her, "you do my bus duty for all of december."
"Thena, are you sure?" Gil asked with a frown, mostly because he hated the thought of her out in the cold any more than necessary. As if he wouldn't be out there with her, offering her hot chai lattes everyday.
But Thena yanked his face down closer to hers by the arm. She had that look in her eye, and nothing was going to stop her now, "you can do this, Gil."
The two coaches walked to the end line, glaring at each other all the while. Gil sighed, unbuttoning his vest and handing it to a grinning Sersi, "I guess I can do this?"
Sersi just winked at her old friend, "y'know, I'm sure Thena would be extra impressed if you showed off a little. Just...as a side note."
Gil blushed, but he was already doing this on a silly whim. He was already letting himself get dragged into this little competition, and why?
Oh, right, because Thena had grabbed onto his arm and looked at him with those eyes of hers.
It was the same reason he would stand out in the cold with her to watch kids get off buses and bring her chai lattes in the morning. It was a reason everyone but Thena was aware of.
"Kingo, you better measure impartially!" Thena yelled down the court at him.
"I'm watching, I'm watching!" he yelled back, although they all knew he had the best eyes for the job.
Ikaris freely elbowed Thena out of his way as he tossed up the ball and took a running leap. He really did have decent form for it, hitting the ball so hard it was basically a spike.
"Man, Coach Ikaris is so cool!"
"Coach Thena can spike better than that!"
"No way!"
"What's Mister G doing playing volleyball?"
"Not bad!" Kingo waved from where Ikaris' ball had hit just on the side line.
"That's borderline out," Thena declared needlessly (just to piss of Ikaris). Sersi was already dragging him back with her when Thena handed Gil the ball.
"You know, jump serves were never a specialty of mine," he admitted sheepishly with all his nerves showing.
"You'll be fine," she smiled at him, letting her hand brush over his arm gently as she stepped out of his way. She kept her eyes on him as bounced the ball a few times. He always wore a vest to teach; it was rare to see him in just a t-shirt.
Gil tossed the ball up, his back muscles moving under the tightness of his shirt. He ran up to the line and jumped, curling back to let his dorsal muscles pick up some slack. He had beautiful form.
Thena stared as his arms flexed before hitting the ball. Even just his palm meeting the ball was loud, and it rocketed to the other side of the court with the sound of canon fire. It even bounced off the back wall hard enough to come back to their side of the net.
Gil sighed, stretching out his back and arms after the first serve he'd made in more than a decade. "Man, that rust is real."
"Gil that was insane!" Kingo laughed, rushing back over to them.
"Measure the dam thing!" Ikaris complained at his assistant coach.
"Oh, he blew you away," Kingo patted his buddy's shoulder without a hint of remorse, already poking Gil in the arm. "You, though!--where've you been hiding skills like this? Why aren't you the assistant coach instead of me?"
Gil shrugged sheepishly, though, "I've coached before, but I don't really know if it's for me."
"I shouldn't be surprised, I mean," Kingo shook his head, holding up Gil's arm, "look at the gun show, here!"
Sersi bumped her hip against Thena's, "you seem to be way ahead of him on that."
"Stop it," Thena grumbled at her, although her eyes inevitably drifted to Gil as Kingo poked and prodded at those arms of his. "Everyone knows Gil is strong. It's no...it's no...no..."
Sersi raised a brow at Thena's uncharacteristic mumbling. But then she looked over.
Gil pulled up the bottom of his shirt, swiping off his forehead with it.
Thena turned around completely, blushing red at the sight of Gil's unclothed torso, a perfect mix of muscle and fat, tapering down to plump hips. She had even caught a hint of dark hair leading down from his bellybutton.
Sersi rolled her eyes at her poor, flustered coach. "You started this."
"Shut up," Thena grumbled, toying with the whistle around her neck in nervous habit. She turned, hoping her smile seemed natural, "I knew you could win!"
"Oh," Gil blinked at her enthusiasm, tugging his shirt down again with a shy smile, "thanks for the faith in me. And now you don't have to do bus duty in december!"
"What?!" Ikaris squawked.
"That was the deal," Sersi patted her husband's shoulders.
"That was if I won!"
"And Gil did, so he gets to decide," Thena stood resolute, offering Gil a towel (because her silly little heart couldn't take him flashing his happy trail again).
They all knew what the verdict would be: Gil wouldn't ask Ikaris to cover his own duties, but he would have him cover Thena's.
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