#Like I wanna write a fic where they DO get the implications and part of me wishes they were written to be more like involved
What I really love about the Vees + Angel dynamic is that if Angel does get redeemed or even just finds a way out of his contract, they are FUCKED and they don't even know it. They don't get it.
Angel is, most likely, their top earner. He's famous as shit, won accolades for his work, and judging by the way his face is the only non-Vee mug pasted on their building's lobby, he's the real breadwinner here. Trends come and go but Angel Dust is fucking here to stay. Yet none of them really seem to take that into account. Sure, Velvette + Vox work to keep him under Val's abusive control, what with the perfume + cameras in his room, but the question of "if sinners CAN be redeemed, and Angel is the poster boy for that hotel, what does that mean for us?" never gets addressed. They are all so short-sighted in their dickishness, so fucking petty, that the only thing they give a shit about is (a) Alastor being back + (b) Angel pissing off Val for daring to leave the studio + daring to have someone who gives a shit about him vouch for him at the studio. Your empire is a house of cards, Angel is the bottom corner of the pyramid, and every little temper tantrum thrown is a gust of wind. I am literally waiting with the popcorn to see it tumble
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angelfic · 1 year
Howdy! Could I request a Theodore Nott, secret relationship, “don’t leave me… please”. ❤️
here u go!! i actually really like this idea and kind of wanna recycle it for a longer fic maybe.. 🤔 thank u for the request! 💌
theodore nott x reader + secret relationship + “don’t leave me… please”
➺ part of my 2k milestone writing game
You’re stressfully stirring sugar into your tea in the kitchen of 12 Grimmauld Place when Mattheo and Theodore turn up, bruised and bloody in the hands of Alastor Moody.
The Auror had sent a message in advance through his Patronus, alerting members of the Order that he was heading to headquarters with two death eater defectors. An hour of hoping it’s who you think, and three cups of tea later, you breathe a sigh of relief when you realise Mattheo and Theo are alive.
The way Theo is leaning his weight on Mattheo doesn’t slip past you, and as soon as he finds you among the others, you rush forward.
“Hi,” Theo whispers, the greeting reserved only for you despite the numerous others in the dining room. His eyes are drooping slightly as he sways on his feet. Nonetheless, he gives you a weak smile. “I’m okay. I promise.”
You nod slowly, brows furrowed in concern despite his reassurance. Ignoring Moody’s confused stares, along with the whispering happening behind you, you do a quick scan of Mattheo and find that he’s definitely had worse injuries from spontaneous fist fights during your years at Hogwarts.
“Are you okay?” you mouth at him, just in case. He winks at you in answer.
Moody, seemingly snapping out of his confusion, turns to you and raises a brow. “You know these two, then?” he asks gruffly, a hint of suspicion creeping into his voice.
“We all went to school together,” Dean Thomas pipes up, saving you from having to stumble over your words in an attempt to explain your relationship with Theo.
There’s no doubt in your mind that everyone in the room suspects you and Theo are more than just schoolmates, but you don’t move to address anything. The implications of you being in love with an ex-death eater aside, it’s none of their business. Moody doesn’t quite seem to accept this immediately.
”School,” he mutters, nodding begrudgingly. “And how well do you-”
“Alastor,” McGonagall cuts him off sharply. Peering at him over her spectacles, she purses her lips. “You can get to interrogating them about being Transfiguration partners after they’ve recovered. These boys need a healer. Now.”
“Yes, yes,” Moody replies grumpily, reluctantly letting them go to open the door to the hall. “We’ve got Poppy in the living room. She’ll fix them up, nice and quick.”
You step back to give the two boys space to make their way to the Healer, but Theo catches your hand and grips it tightly. “No. No, Y/N can do it. Just give her some of the medicine, I’m not seeing anyone else.”
You open your mouth to object, wanting Madame Pomfrey to assess him properly, but the pleading in his eyes has you hesitating.
“Don’t leave me…” Theo’s voice becomes lower, quieter and earnest. “Please.”
“Okay,” you exhale, cupping his face with your hand and stroking your thumb over his cheekbone. You look over at Professor McGonagall for confirmation and when she sighs and nods, you respond with a grateful smile before turning back to Theo. “I won’t leave you.”
Mattheo clears his throat, popping the little bubble you and Theo have found yourself in and making you look away, cheeks warm. Walking over to where Moody holds the door open, Mattheo gives you both a knowing look before speaking to the rest of the room. “I guess I‘ll be seeing dear, old Poppy alone then. Nothing she hasn’t fixed before.”
Taking this as your cue to leave, you wrap an arm around Theo’s waist to support him as you make your way out of the room and up the stairs to an empty room. You help him to sit on the bed and disentangle your hand from his, dropping a kiss to the inside of his palm. “I need to go get the stuff from Madame Promfrey, I won’t be a minute-”
“Not yet,” Theo pleads, hooking pinky finger around your own and tugging lightly. “I’m not that injured, just… come here for a second.”
Your resolve crumbles immediately due to not having seen Theo since school ended a month ago, during which he was trying to leave the other side of the war without getting himself killed. You sit next to him on the bed, but he immediately reaches over to manoeuvre you by the waist until your legs are wrapped around him in a straddling position. Theo presses a soft kiss to your lips and the pure love radiating from him makes your heart jump to your throat. When he pulls away, he looks more relaxed and content than he has in months.
“Hi,” he says, a gentle smile playing about his lips while he fingers the hem of your shirt where it sits at your back. Tingles run down your spine where his cold fingers brush against your skin and you end up leaning into his chest even more, causing his smile to deepen. “I missed you, darling.”
“What, Crabbe and Goyle weren’t good company?” you tease, tilting your head. Theo scoffs in disgust, lightly tugging on a lock of your hair and looking at you expectantly. “I missed you too, Theo. So, so much. I’m glad you got out.”
“Me too,” he sighs, dropping his head to rest on your shoulder. You both stay in silence for a few minutes and you bask in the warmth of Theo’s breaths fanning over your collarbone. He nestles his face into your neck and seems perfectly happy just to stay there when he speaks. “It was torture staying away, you know. I’m never leaving your side again.”
You run your fingers through Theo’s hair, lightly scratching at his scalp and biting back a smile when he lets out a sound halfway between a sigh and a groan. “You being glued to me is probably going to make it clear that we’re more than ex-Transfiguration partners, by the way.”
“I bet you anything they all already know,” Theo murmurs distractedly. You frown and sit up straighter to look at him, raising a curious brow in questioning. He looks at you like it’s obvious. “Mattheo is downstairs, unsupervised. If he hasn’t told everyone by now…”
You shake your head, shifting to move off Theo’s lap. A pout forms on his lips, but he reluctantly lets you stand. “I better go do some damage control while I go get the stuff from Pomfrey. Merlin knows what embarrassing things Mattheo is telling them right now.”
“I can think of a few things,” Theo says, his innocent voice contrasting with the devious smirk on his face. “Like the time we were in the Astronomy Tower and you were too loud, so-”
“Right, okay!” you interrupt loudly, screwing your eyes shut in embarrassment as you try your best not to relive that particular memory. Taking a deep breath and ignoring the way Theo is cracking up, you smile sweetly at him. “You haven’t had any injuries to the head, have you?”
“No, love,” he replies, grinning. “Why?”
You grab a pillow and swing it into Theo’s face, knocking him backwards on the bed. Crossing your arms in satisfaction, you falter when he stays laying down and moans in pain.
“What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” you rush out, panicked as you move the pillow out of the way to climb onto the bed and hover over him. Theo cracks his eyes open slightly, his face scrunched up in discomfort and your stomach drops. “Theo, where does it hurt?”
“Here, come closer,” Theo winces, gesturing you forward, closer and closer and you furrow your brows in confusion. When you’re close enough, he snakes his hand around to the nape of your neck and pulls you into a deep kiss, burying his fingers in your hair. You don’t bother admonishing him, your head getting dizzy from the feel of his lips moving against your own. You only pull away when you hear sudden laughter coming from downstairs. Theo doesn’t look ashamed in the slightest when you do. “All better.”
“Not yet, you’re not,” you say, rolling your eyes and sitting up again. You make sure you put all of your weight on the mattress to do so, just in case you actually do end up hurting him. “I’m actually going downstairs now, okay? The idea of Mattheo talking to McGonagall is driving me crazier by the minute.”
“Come back quickly?” he asks lightly, but there’s a hint of pleading in the way his hand circles your wrist. You give him a reassuring smile and another quick peck on the lips.
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
can i req miguel and sunshine where she has a BUNCH of hickeys but shes too nice to make fun of so the spiders tease miguel instead?
Just A Taste
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(Miguel O' Hara x Female! Reader)
A/N: Omg this is so funny and cute!!! I was kinda struggling writing this because I was like, 'How much is too much for hickeys?'. It's currently hot as hell where I live and so you can tell where that inspo comes from this can be read as a part 2 or a sister fic to Just A Bite. I almost made it an unofficial part 2.25 to Our Girl, but I changed my mind. Also, I'm sorry it's a little short, but I hope you like it.
A/N: I also really wanna try that sorbet thingy where they come in the fruit shells if you know what I'm talking about. If you love this then please check out the master list and if you wanna be kept informed about updates on the Miggy and Sunny series, then comment on this taglist and you'll be added.
WARNINGS: Grumpy x Sunshine, Female reader/ Female pronouns, Barely any use of Y/N ((Sunny is her nickname, not her actual name)), OOC Characters, Flirty Miguel, Some implications of NSFW content, and Google Translated Spanish.
It was very rare that it would get so hot that Miguel would be laid back with the rules. He held everyone to a certain standard when it came to being a part of his elite task force and he was a stickler for them to act like it. Despite this, he only expected three rules to remain to be followed at all times.
All Spidermen can’t travel to other worlds without notice.
Spidermen can’t travel without a mask on to protect the identity of all Spidermen.
Everyone has to wear their spider suits at all times.
Unfortunately, certain circumstances don't really allow certain rules to be followed reasonably. Especially when it involves people with special circumstances.
Such as this.
“Miggy!” A soft whine emits from the chair beside him as the woman sat upside down. Her unmasked face felt hot as a light sheen of sweat made her beautiful face glow against the soft light of the monitor. “It’s so hot…I thought you said Lyla would fix the air hours ago.” 
Miguel rolls his eyes at the sight of her feet lightly hanging over the top of the chair as. “Mi amor, if you stay like that, you’re gonna have a lot more to worry about than a heat stroke.” He playfully pinches her ankle as he grabs a tablet from the table, fanning his own burning skin.
Due to a massive heat wave, Earth-928 was experiencing the hottest summer it has ever had in history, causing Lyla’s A/C system to malfunction. The Lobby was left a broiling mess with Spidermen refusing to come by until the AI’s systems are rebooted. Only a handful of spiders were on base with the residential sweetheart suffering the most since she lives there.
“Can I please take this off?” She moans as she swings up and shoots him those dreaded puppy dog eyes. 
“Oh?” Miguel quirks an eyebrow as his eyelids lower. A playful smile graces his handsome face as he chastises. “I didn’t expect you to be so risky, mi sol.”
A flurry of butterflies spread out in her gut as she glares at Miguel. His response is to chuckle as that pretty glossed lip pokes out as she scolds him, “Not like that, Miguel, and you know it. This suit feels like a furnace and I just want to relax…”
The idea of his cute little lover prancing around in the nude would be an interesting idea to Spiderman, but he knew that his love would never agree to do that with others in the Head Quarters. Miguel bites his lip as he contemplates torturing his arañita some more, but he decides to show mercy as he relents.
“Alright, mi amor.” He sighs as he allows his own suit to dissipate, exposing the tight black tank top and tight athletic pants. “Pero tendrás que cumplir esa pequeña fantasía mía más tarde, mi niña bonita.”
His remark is ignored as she stands up from her cheer with a quiet “fuck yea”. After tinkering with her gizmo, the black and white suit disappears revealing her white tank top and black running shorts, but Miguel couldn’t help but smirk at the blotches of bruises that marred her skin.
Just before he could comment on it, the door opens as a voice complains, “YO BIG MAN! You need to tell that computer to fix this air!”
Another voice accompanies the new yorker's as the tall Brit yells out. “It’s sweltering here, man!”
Ben and Hobie came to a halt as they see their friend smile at them. “Hey, guys!” Sunny calls and waves at them while their faces grow ten degrees hotter.
The poor woman’s entire body was covered in hickeys. Her shoulders and collarbone were littered with several little puncture wounds while her neck had multiple light scratches dragging down. A distinct handprint was present at the base of her neck like a necklace with matching bracelets on her wrists. Her exposed thighs bared no better as the inner sides of her thighs had similar bite marks with a matching set of claw marks on the outside of her thighs. 
Ben swats a hand over his mouth as his hand slams over his horrified mouth while Hobie looks at Miguel in an amused expression. The urge to throw himself into another dimension plagues Miguel’s thoughts as he realizes that he will never live this moment down for the rest of his life. Rubbing his hand over his face in frustration, the oblivious spider turns back to her lover as she tilts her head at why everyone was acting weird. 
“Miggy, are you alright?” She mumbles as Hobie joins them up there with fake concern wrapping around his voice. “Yea, boss, are you alright? You looking a bit flushed, yea?” Hobie struggles to hide the growing laughter in his voice as Miguel throws him a nasty glare. 
The punk was never afraid of getting under his leader’s skin, but his ego really took over when he knows his boss would definitely not do anything while his missus was right there watching him. Ben also decides to join the fun by remarking, “Yea, you look like you need something to blow off that steam. Maybe a little taste of something sweet, right?” He teases as he figures he was safe.
Unfortunately, he unknowingly sparked an idea in the naive spider’s mind. She claps her hands in excitement as she exclaims, “That’s a great idea, Ben! I think I have some sorbets in the freezer of Miguel’s apartment.” 
Miguel wickedly smirks as he realizes that he may have an opportunity to exact some revenge as the two other boys tried to reason with her to stay. 
“Oh wait, Sunny, You really don’t have to..”
“Yea, Love. We are fine really!”
The boys try to reassure her that she didn’t need to travel all that way to get some ice cream before a smooth voice says, 
“Es una idea maravillosa, mi amor.” Miguel praises as his love’s smile brightens in response. “¿Por qué no vas a buscarme a mí ya ti ya que estos dos quieren ser miserables en este momento, de acuerdo?” He coos causing the woman to swoon at his soft tone.
“Alrighty, Miggy.” She grins as she opens the portal with her gizmo. The boys’ hearts stop in their chests as the little spider ignores their pleas to stay and happily skips through the portal to Miguel’s apartment. 
“Now then…” Miguel’s menacing voice twists around his cruel smile as he looks at the trembling boys. “What is it that you guys wanted to talk about?” 
Yep, they are fucked.
As the portal reopens on the observation deck, a smiling jumping spider comes back through with two packages in her hand and two spoons as she calls out, “Miggy, I’m back!”
“Llegando, mi sol.” His voice surprises her as he swings himself back onto the platform. She tilts her head as she begins to ask where he went when she noticed that he was now shirtless with the evidence of what she’s done to him now on full display.
His chest had small dark circles littering his pectorals that created a  trail down his abdomen and his abs, disappearing into the dark brown happy trail that began below his belly button. Upon seeing her stunned face, Miguel chuckles as he gently takes one of the icy treats from her shaking hands and a spoon before sitting down in his chair. 
“Gracias Amor.” He says nonchalantly as he rips open the packaging and starts eating the sorbet from its fruit shell.
“N-no problem, Miggy..” She sits beside him and opens her treat as she avoids looking at his powerful back muscles as they flex and move as he ate the sugary sweet. She almost drops the damned thing after the deep scratches on his shoulder blades reminded her of what they did just the night prior. 
“¿Qué pasa, mami? Miguel mocks as a mischievous smirk causes his fangs to poke out. “¿No te gusta tu sorbete? ¿O hay algo más que te gustaría probar?” He purrs as the spoon in her hand falls to the floor with him chuckling.
“Miguel!” She scolds as she begins to bend over to pick up the spoon as another spoon full of an icy treat. Her stomach flips as Miguel looks at her with his pretty apologetic red eyes as he pokes her pouting lips with his peace offering.
“I’m sorry for teasing, my love. You just look so cute and flustered.” He admits he gives her a soft curl of his lip.
Matching his smile, Sunny opens her mouth and happily accepts his apology with a small moan. She sighs as she lets go of his spoon with a satisfied smile.
“So good!~”
“I’m glad.” He smiles as he dips his own bite and eats it. “Es casi tan dulce como tú…”
“Miggy!” An embarrassed voice shrills as the man laughs with his love.
arañita - Little spider
Pero tendrás que cumplir esa pequeña fantasía mía más tarde, mi niña bonita.--But, you are gonna have to fulfill that little fantasy of mine later, my pretty girl.
Es una idea maravillosa, mi amor.- That's a wonderful idea, my love.
¿Por qué no vas a buscarme a mí ya ti ya que estos dos quieren ser miserables en este momento, de acuerdo? -Why don't you go get me and you some since these two want to be miserable right now, alright?
Llegando, mi sol.- Coming, my sun.
Thank you,love- Gracias amor
¿Qué pasa, mami?- What's a matter, mami?
Es casi tan dulce como tú…–It's almost as sweet as you...
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so this was a line in a fanfic I recently read but it has me fuckign crawling up the walls and watching D&W in a new light
it's part of a larger oh/oh moment paragraph rant wade goes on but the line is:
"I would have happily gone on assuming that this Wolverine is canonically a fuck machine who only sleeps with women ever and that I could hit on him to my dick’s content and never have to worry about the possibility of real rejection"
and that last line COMPLETELY reframed half of wade's actions for me in the movie.
Cuz on the surface level there's the hee-hoo deadpool hits on every single hero joke of it all, which is probably all the writers were thinking about when those lines and directions went onto the script. They needed the throughline of wade being seriously still hung up on vanessa for plot reasons but didn't want to give up all the ridiculous flirt jokes.
From a hollywood writer's perspective, the solution is an easy 'Okay, he flirts with dudes ONLY, no prob, there's a Logan shaped comedic 'straight man' for him to do that at for 90+minutes'
But like. There's Implications to that as a Choice, when you characterize a dude that's so rejection avoidant and purpose-seeking that an avengers' dismissal kills all motivation for putting the suit on at all.
Pointing affections at literally any direction other than people who MIGHT take him seriously. Flirt on his favourite heroes, antiheroes, maybe even a TVA employee or two instead. It isn't that he's not ACTUALLY into Colossus's giant metal ass or Logan's oiled up tits, I'm sure they rev the engines like anything else, but I'm super willing to explore the idea that he's way more comfortable in throwing himself in directions where the rejections aren't 'real' to him. If the writers never thought about that implication, I'm going with concept that Wade doesn't even realize he's doing it at all unless he's in a fanfic universe with a decent oh/oh moment.
It makes me wonder what style of bluescreen he'd go through the second Logan yes-and's in a way that might be interpreted as flirting back. It makes me think of the countless number of dudes he's hit on in the comics despite most of his longer-term relationships being with women. Don't get me wrong, I KNOW the Doylist perspective is likely that most writers go down the straight relationships, gay jokes avenue but it's SO much more interesting to play it watsonian here. it's just a really good fanfic direction to lean down, this fucker is made up of exactly 50/50 emotional anguish about rejection and shitpost dick humour and I just wanna read more works where they feed into each other instead of being tackled separately
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lanawinterscigarettes · 5 months
Period Cramps (James Wilson x reader)
Summary: dealing with periods isn't so bad with Wilson as your boyfriend
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Warnings: periods/menstrual cycles mentioned, reader is completely gender neutral besides the implication of them being afab (because women aren't the only people who get periods plus it's my fic and I'm transmasc so deal with it), basically just a bunch of fluff
A/N: this isn't long at all but I wanted to write something fluffy while my cramps slowly kill me (joking..for the most part) and I hate that the title is are so unoriginal but honestly who cares. Also the reader makes a playful comment about Wilson using menstrual products that could either be taken in jest or be implied trans Wilson (which was my intent when writing it but really it's up to you)
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"I brought you a heating pad and some painkillers," Wilson's soft voice called out as he entered the bedroom, setting them both on the nightstand beside you. "How's the pain?" His brow was bunched together in concern as he watched you shift around on the bed, trying to get in a position that was at least somewhat comfortable.
"It's not so bad that I feel like I'm dying, if that's what you mean." Your voice came out as a discontented grumble from the pile of blankets where you laid bundled up. "But I appreciate this, thanks." You took two painkillers with some water before grabbing the heating pad and placing it on your lower abdomen. "Ahh, that's much better."
He didn't say anything, but you noticed how the corners of his lips turned upwards into a slight smile while he got next to you on the bed. You never had to make a request for cuddles from him whenever you were hurt or didn't feel good, as they were freely given.
"I'm sure you've had plenty of experience dealing with these kind of things before," you commented playfully as you leaned into him, which he responded to by moving in closer. "You probably keep your bathroom stocked with plenty of menstrual products in case you have guests who come over and need them. And of course there's some in there for yourself."
At that, he let out a snort of laughter, shaking his head in amused disbelief. "You're absolutely right, of course. What kind of host would I be if I didn't?"
"A bad one," you said with mock seriousness before letting out a giggle. The two of you were quiet for a moment before you spoke again. "Do you know what would make this moment even better?"
Almost as if on cue, he pulled out your favorite type of candy from his pocket and handed it to you. A visibly gleeful expression lit up your face as you snatched it from him and tore open the packaging, happily devouring the cavity inducing treat.
"You're the best boyfriend ever," you managed to get out between chews, giving him a look full of adoration.
He simply smiled and replied, "I'm glad you think so."
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End notes: y'all have no idea how long it took me to find a gif I actually liked for this I almost gave up
Likes < reblogs | comments are greatly appreciated | requests are currently open
Main masterlist | House MD masterlist | wanna be added to my taglist?
🏷 taglist: @pigeonmama
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hotchgirlsummer · 2 years
Can u do a bimbo reader where her and Aaron get In a silly fight and she’s like “s’ok Aaron no one’s really stayed with me this long so I understand “ and he’s like 😖nooo
OH MY GOD YOU ARE A GENIUS 😭 can i give you aa little blurb for now before i write a full fic for this? also thank you for sending me a request
summary ⤷ a snippet from the first fight of hotch and bimbo!reader
pairing ⤷ aaron hotchner x fem!bimbo!reader
warnings ⤷ hotch getting mad (raising his voice), implications of walking out, previous bad relationships
word count ⤷ 781 words
title: fighting with a true love
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"Why would you do that, Y/N?" Aaron's voice was a bit deeper, harsher than she was used to as he was frantically trying to rid his coat of the little designs she sewn in earlier in the day. Biting through her lip to prevent the tears from spilling uncontrollably. "I'm sorry, Aaron. I got confused with the two piles you had, didn't think these were the ones that had to be sent to cleaners, thought these were the old ones I could design," She clarified as she tried to be helpful to him by kneeling down on the floor and reaching for another suit jacket that had pink thread all over it to make a flower. When the clothing article was snatched away from her she looked up with glassy eyes and was surprised to see his furious-looking ones.
"Let me help you, Aar. It was an accident and I wanna make things right for you," She tried to reach out for him but could not hold out the gasp when he swatted her away.
"Can you please just stop doing anything? Just because you can a mess does not mean you should make one," That was the final blow that made her quietly sob as she sat at the ottoman by the window. Helpless and miserable as she watched him walk their bedroom and dumping all of the altered clothing article in a duffel bag that was peeking out beneath their bed.
"I'm heading out, maybe that will help resolve this issue."
In Aaron's mind, the connection was clear. He'd be heading out to find a seamstress that could reverse what she had done and head down to the dry cleaners and fetch the old suits that Y/N can design on.
For Y/N however, it meant that he had put up with her antics for too long and will be walking out on their relationship. Which, to be fair, surprised her as this has been her longest relationship ever. No one has ever lasted more than eight months with her and honestly she was surprised that Aaron's patience hadn't run out much earlier into their relationship.
"It's okay, Aaron," Her sniffly voice had him stopping right by the door as he was taken aback with how small she sounded; as he turned around his heart broke upon seeing her wiping her tears and revealed, "No one's really stayed with me this long so I understand."
And just like that what little pieces his heart was dissolved into nothing as he empathized with her. Immediately, he dropped the duffle bag and quickly strode over to where she was sitting. Thinking that he would part final words that would undoubtedly sting — as was her previous experience with former lovers — she scooted away from him to give him space.
But she was shocked when he gathered her in his arms and placed her in his lap as Aaron lovingly soothed him, "Sweetheart, I am so sorry. I never had any intentions of leaving you, of walking out on us."
Sobs were taking over her whole body as she cried and held onto him tightly, worried that if she were to ever lose him if she slipped out of his hold. "But I made you mad," She hiccupped in between words as the effects of her crying caught up with her, "And it makes sense you'd get tired of me. I know I'm a lot too handle, and not in a good way."
"Look at me, sweetheart," Tilting her chin up slightly so he could look into her eyes seriously to get across his point, and he wiped her tears until she could see him clearly, "I love you. I love every single part of you. There is absolutely nothing about you that I would change. I'm sorry I lost my cool on you, sweetheart. Raising my voice and being vague with my words was not the right approach on things."
Sniffling once more before feeling like she was all cried out, Y/N looked at him and smiled a little, "But you weren't just in the wrong! I was completely in the wrong. I'm sorry for not paying close attention to which clothes were the ones I could play around with."
"It's okay, sweetheart. I know it was an accident, but even so," He tilts his head toward the duffel bag that contained the suits that she had sewn in and smiled warmly at her, "You did a really good job decorating those suits, sweetheart."
Finally cracking a genuine smile she nuzzled herself into his neck and hummed, "How about you help me choose the design for the right suits?"
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lightwise · 6 months
TBB S3E6 Reactions
Alright, in lieu of an analysis this week, you guys get some extra long reactions from me. Spoilers for Infiltration under the cut!
- Pantora: These onion-top spires are very cool.
- Nice poncho Rex but we can all see those tally marked scratches peeking out from underneath it.
- The Clone X theme hits HARD even when it’s only the first notes of it
- GS-8! Senator Singh! Howzer! Man the Kiners weren’t kidding with the Leo meme
- Okay Senator Singh maybe if you’ve been in hiding you shouldn’t be wearing your native cultural garb in case you stick out 🤓
- Tea?? Riyo?? I wanna have tea with her ☺️ also I want that teapot haha
- Always love the political aftermath of the clone wars and the humanizing of the separatist movement
- Singh has a little helmet recorder like Tech does…interesting
- One clone X boy coming up
- RIP Greer
- Rex is 🔥 catching that grenade…thankfully not literally
- Stripey helmet—that’s Nemec or Fireball, right??
- It really took 3 stuns to get that CX to drop. What has Hemlock been doing to them?? Are they pumped up with something to give them more endurance?
- Fireball mention!! So that’s Nemec with them.
- Wow Teth is gorgeous. I would not have remembered what this outpost means to Rex if it hadn’t come up during the trailer
- A clone base!!! This is SO FREAKING COOL (and has so many implications for the fic I’ve been writing)
- What is with the little knee socks on these bodysuits. They just look so silly
- Although Howzer’s extra pouches are also up there for hilarity points
- Ew they yanked out his tooth
- “You’re still one of us” is he though? Is there anything original left in there?
- Part of me feels like Scorch has been brainwashed too.
- “Why have I been activated” lmaoooo grumpy boi
- Internal homing device?? Greatttt
- How Rex says Tantiss 🥺
- Howzer ready to throw some hands (first of many)
- Rex’s face when he’s worried about Omega 🥺🥺🥺 he just wants to protect her and the Batch
- This is the story of Omega and her toothpick 🤣🤣
- Crosshair shaking his head at her even though he probably gave it to her 🤣 (also dear lord how does he look SO PRETTY here nursing that toothpick with his eyes glowing in the dark. Ugh I can’t with this man
- Gregor mention!
- Man Echo is not wanting to answer Hunter’s questions lol
- Omega is approaching her teen years now, Hunter. Of course she’s going to be copying her emo big (little) brother. He looks both glad that they’re bonding and also worried that they’re the reason Rex needs to talk to them.
- Still think Rex looks naked without his pauldron. I do love the detail that the paint on his shoulder underneath it would be much brighter and less worn than everywhere else, though
- “Good to see you, Rex” 🥹
- Hunter and Crosshair’s little glance.
- “Interesting contacts” what the heck does that mean Echo?? What have you been doing acquiring illegal weapons parts?? I mean they’re not illegal but they’re not exactly the norm either
- Their little salutes 🥹
- Lil stealth bomber jet vibes on this ship. Yes I will admit that looks like the Tech Turn as he touches down
- “You’re gonna have to back down Captain” the boys are so back. Only Hunter gets to mess with his brother and vice versa
- Lol everyone thinking that if you’ve been on Tantiss you automatically have the coordinates of where it’s located. Hemlock’s too smart for that, guys
- Crosshair looking solely at Hunter when he says “I’m not loyal to the Empire any longer” 😭😭😭 like his approval and understanding is the only one that matters
- Poor Omega does not want to talk about what she’s been through 💔
- Kind of surprised they don’t know what M-count means but it also makes sense. Obviously Rex has heard it mentioned from Anakin or Ahsoka but they don’t know the implications
- Okay, Rex, for the rest of this episode—I love you but WHERE are your security measures???? How does CX just waltz right in the front door and you don’t even have an alarm or key code or anything???
- Gregor canonically cooks!! Looking at you DJ 😄
- Crosshair’s description of the CX program is TERRIFYING. He can barely make himself talk about it. He was close to becoming one of them?? How is he walking around with all that knowledge and Hemlock didn’t wipe his mind if it? None of this is good. My poor boy.
- Gosh Rex sounds so tired.
- Crosshair sounds TERRIFIED.
- How does CX run so fast?
- Interesting that they give the woozy perspective of the other CX as Crosshair comes into the room
- Okay let me reiterate for you all—Crosshair is absolutely terrified here. Similar to Tech, this man is almost unflappable. If he’s scared they all should be hightailing it immediately. What the hell has Hemlock done to these clones??
- Does the CX truly recognize Crosshair? And why would Hemlock still use the designation “brother” as part of their programming? All this mind control stuff is making the chips look like child’s play
- Okay but in all seriousness, what if most of the clones being put through the undercover program still have their chips installed and those somehow can be reactivated or enhanced again? Crosshair does not, therefore it’s much harder for Hemlock to persuade him
- That sniper shot was insane. As was that creepy laugh.
- Some of the dialogue in these episodes is feeling unnecessary. Omega pointing out where shots are coming from is a little obvious
- Fireball 😢😢😢 at least you lived up to your name
- And goodbye monastery
- Woooooolffeeee. Armor as amazing as always. What the heck has he been up to to get put on missions like this. We’re one step closer to getting the old man Seelos gang together.
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Commenting on Meta: Quick-Start Guide
Inspired by a convo with @hergan416, I realized that while meta writers (me, at least) do still like comments/feedback on their writing, a lot of people probably don’t know how to respond to it very well. Responding to fiction can be easier.
But here’s a cheat sheet for, “Things I Like to Hear About” on my meta writing. I can’t guarantee all meta writers will agree, but I think at least a fair amount of it also applies.
This is not meant to be an all-inclusive list, but to give you ideas of where to start if this is a thing you’d like to do more of this, and maybe some general guidance on how to approach it.
This is divided into three categories: General Comments, If You Agree With the Meta, and If You Disagree With the Meta.
Meta writers typically use different writing techniques than fiction writers, but they do still use them. A lot of it will be in the persuasive or rhetorical category which people are less familiar with, but if you notice them: say it!
Any comments about writing style/voice. Personally, I mix a lot of creative techniques in mine, and there are jokes and asides in there. If they made you laugh: tell me, I wanna know! If a turn of phrase haunts you or really hit you well: let us know!
Things like tone: some meta writers are more clickbait-y or aggressive, some are more wishy-washy, some more authoritative, some more authoritarian—and all of that impacts how it’s received. They might be putting a lot of effort into it.
What is the meta writer’s general approach to meta/analysis/fiction—stuff about that!
Anything you notice that seems like it took a lot of time or effort. They will appreciate you noticed!
"I never put those together!"
"I've never seen it that way before.”
“I've never been able to put my finger on this and now it makes sense"
“I’ve never been able to articulate it”
“This would be interesting to explore in fic.”
“I wonder if this could tie into XYZ, too…”
“I wonder where the series might go with this.”
"This also has XYZ implications, too!”
“This is a similar concept I saw somewhere else"
“I really like the way this part of the story was written because XYZ”
“This is well put together because…”
Not all meta writers are gonna want these comments, but personally, I’m okay with them…in some circumstances. If it feels like you’re writing your own meta post, then…a little weird. If you’re opposed to my approach in general, okay, that’s frustrating. But you know what I do like?
Questions about how I got there!
“I’ve always seen it as ABC because of XYZ.”
“How do you think XYZ factors into this?”
“Do you think XYZ changes this?”
“XYZ is what I made of that.”
Stuff like that. Usually I can comment back on that and have a discussion. It’s totally possible we both have valid and yet different takes and both readings are valid! There’s a conversation to be had here!
I'm totally happy to discuss other valid readings and talk about what different readings add and why we might prefer one or the other!
The Most Favorite Comments I get on writing meta tend to be:
Anything about how this changed how you read or write, or think about reading or think about writing/writers
Anything about taking the time to sit down with stuff I write—in this world of infinite scrolling and quick bites, knowing I can entice someone into stopping that for a few minutes is better than gold
Anything about how you got more excited about writing/reading
Anything about what it makes you think of me as a fiction author (I mean…hey, I’m a person and a writer, too)
Anything about how this made reading/writing different or more fun for you
Anything about sharing my meta to discuss with other people
Anything about it making you love the media more
In Conclusion:
There’s lots of ways to interact with your meta writers, and they probably want you to.
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Rare(ish)-pair Yuumori ideas that I may or may not ever write (but they're like, bottom of my ideas list, so if anyone is inspired by these have at it, I can always do my own versions later lol. Tag me tho, I wanna read stuff!)
(These are for the most part absurdly off-canon and varying degrees of cracky. Roll with it.)
Bond/Albert in which Albert is a virgin and Bond has never had sex post-transition. Bond tops. It's like a very affectionate friends-with-benefits deal where they're learning new things together.
Billy and Louis friendship fic where Louis expects to find Billy annoying because he's kind of boisterous and overly familiar and whatnot, but instead finds himself surprisingly charmed and then they're buddies.
Billy and Bond fic where they bond over being Americans who faked their deaths and changed their identities. They may or may not kiss, idk.
Jack Renfield/Queen Victoria 😂😂😂😂
Mycroft and Miss Hudson have an incredibly tame, mature, and vanilla romance that is absolutely fascinating to everyone around them because they're all crazy people (affectionate). They do gentle missionary for the first time on their wedding night and have a baby precisely forty weeks later and everyone claps.
Mycroft/Moran. Has anyone done this? I literally have no reason for it other than that I was playing around with the character profiles trying to see which people might actually have anything in common based on age etc, and huh. I could find a way to make this work. They never have sex beyond handies because they can't agree on who would top. 🤣
John and Moran fic. Probably just a friend fic. Frankly this should be considered more in general in Holmes adaptations: these two are foils of each other, each the loyal soldier at Holmes' and Moriarty's respective sides. They should be drinking buddies in the Yuumori-verse, but in everything else they should be enemies with belligerent sexual tension.
Mycroft/William set in between A Scandal in the British Empire and The Final Problem, in which they have a lot of technically very good but very miserable sex while pining over each other's brothers and picking apart each other's brains brutally.
William/Billy thing where William after the coma is still working things through and is kind of emotionally distancing himself from Sherlock because he's still not Okay, and Billy is there for him. (Vermissa gets pushed later in this.) They get quite emotionally entangled in bonding over their similarities, but nothing actually comes of it, and Billy is the one to ultimately give William the push he needs to open up to Sherlock. It ends on a bittersweet note with the implication that Billy is more than a little in love with Liam, but knows Sherlock is who he should be with. Sad gays.
Bond/everyone where he's at the center of the most successful polycule in recorded history. 😂
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warmaidensrevenge · 1 year
Love and pinball
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Pairings: Eddie x Chrissy x Fem! Plus size reader
A/N: Look at me buuuuudddies! Another part. I've been writing so much when I can. You guys can expect some spiciness coming up on existing fics. Ones that I haven't touched in a while. But boy oh boy am I excited. Okay...okay I'll shut up now. As always thanks for reading and feedback is greatly appreciated. Feel free to comment and share your thoughts. No pressure though. Kay love ya byeeee.
I do not give permission for my work to be posted anywhere else. Please respect all creators.
Word count: 5,000+
Warnings: 18+ No minors, thank you. Angst, slow burn, language, sexual situations/implications, oral(m receiving), hurt/comfort and not proof read.
Summary: Eddie's trying to build a friendship. But quickly wants more.
Part 2: No doubt about it.
The next morning he woke up in a good mood. He turned around and Chrissy wasn't there.
" Hey Chris? Where are you?" He called down the hall.
" In the kitchen."
He smiled and jogged over. He went to her and tried to kiss her.
" N-no Ed." She pushed him away. "You'll mess up my lipstick."
"Oh common Chris. I miss you. And you look so pretty today."
She gave him a thin lip smile and kissed his cheek. " I gotta go."
He looked at his watch. " This early? Where are-"
" I have a breakfast date. Then I'm going to work."
Eddie watched her grab her purse and head towards the door. 
" Don't wait up." She said right before she closed the door.
He sighed. Where was the girl who loved to be in his arms? The one who couldn't get enough of his lips? 
Deep down he knew that the relationship was over. But he refused to accept that. He still loved her. And he wanted to make things work. He just didn't know how.
Later that day he wanted to see you. Fortunately for him, he didn't have the right part for your car so he had to drop you off last night. Your house was small. But nice. And seeing in at night made it look kinda haunted. Well to him that is. But when he pulled up that afternoon, he saw that it was actually painted a charcoal gray. With a black door. It looked nothing like how your colorful self was. But surprisingly it was more like him. He liked it. Actually loved it. The front yard was big and had a tire swing. The wrap around porch was incredibly nice. He could picture you sitting out there, drinking lemonade and reading or listening to music. The thought made him smile. And secretly wished he could sit next to you. Holding your hand. 
He quickly shook off the thought and jumped out of his van. He walked towards your garage that was wide open. That's when you came up from the basement. Holding a laundry basket on your hip. You looked amazing. Sure you were in black tights and a gray shirt with the sleeves cut off. With your hair in a crazy messy bun. Nothing fancy. Just comfy. You looked great though.
" Hey bud. Uhhh whatcha doing here?"
" H-hey sweetheart. Umm I uhh." He scratched the back of his head and nervously laughed. "Wanted to see if you wanna grab lunch… with me?"
You pressed your lips together and gave him a 'no' look, that made him feel so stupid and a bit bummed.
" That sounds great. I would love to."
He raised his brows and was surprised.
" But…"
Of course there's a but.
" It's cool. Sorry I-I shouldn't have come." He turned around to leave.
" Eddie?" You softly said.
He stopped. His name never sounded so good coming out of someone's mouth before.
"I was going to say I would like to. I'm kinda babysitting right now…my niece is here. She's actually napping right now. But she will be up soon."
He turned around. " Oh. I'm sorry. I hope I wasn't being too loud."
You laughed. " Please. That girl can sleep through a marching band in her room."
He grinned. " So can I."
" Awe. then you two would get along just fine."
You guys stood there quiet again. But it was nice. Like the silence didn't need to be filled with nonsense. 
" So umm if you're okay with Mac and cheese and dino nuggets. We could still have lunch." You offered.
He licked his lips. Trying so hard to not show you how excited he was to say yes.
" That sounds amazing actually. Do you have juice boxes?"
You nodded. " Those are for my niece though…However, I do have my own personal stash of Capri sun's that I may or may not be willing to share."
He laughed and looked at the ground. 
" Common bud."
He glanced at you and you nodded towards the door.
Doing a slight bow, he held out his arm. "After you."
He followed you up the 4 steps and was immediately hit with the smell of cookies. His mouth instantly watered. 
" Jesus. It smells so good in here."
You put the laundry basket in the next room and came back. 
" Thanks. Just making some cookies for later."
Eddie looked around the kitchen and smiled at all the cow decor. It was very cute. 
" Uhh yeah." You said when you noticed him looking. " I have a thing for cows."
He clicked his tongue. " I see."
You tilted your head and narrowed your eyes at him. " Are you judging me?"
He smirked at you and held up his hands. " No. Not at all. Cows are cool."
" Uh-huh."
He chuckled to himself and watched you pull out stuff for lunch. 
" Do-do you need help?"
You looked over your shoulder. " No thanks bud. I-"
A little voice cut you off.
" Tee, I'm hungry."
Eddie looked over and saw a little girl with messy brown hair rubbing her eyes. 
" Hi sleepyhead. Good afternoon baby."
Eddie watched your face light up when you went to her. You picked her up and put her on your hip. 
" I'm getting lunch ready right now baby. I'll be done in a few minutes."
She nodded and pointed at him.
" You want to say hi?" You asked.
Eddie smiled and waved at her while you put her down. Holding her hand.
" This is my friend Eddie. Eddie, this is my niece Natalie."
He looked at you before he squatted and held out his hand for her.
" It's nice to meet you princess."
His heart melted right away when she grabbed his hand with both of her tiny ones and flipped it around. Her eyes got so big when she saw his rings. She then met his gaze and reached for his hair.
" Your hair is pretty."
" Aww thank you princess. I like your hair too."
Natalie giggled and gave him a hug. He looked up at you to silently ask if it was ok that he hugged her back.
" It's okay. She doesn't bite. Just really friendly."
He gave her a hug. " Is that right? Just like your aunt huh?" 
Natalie pulled away and ran to another room. She came back with a handful of toys. 
" Want to play dolls?" She asked.
" Oh baby. Eddie doesn't-"
" I would love to." He gave you a big ass smile before grabbing her hand and leading her to the living room.
As he played with Natalie. He kept stealing glances at you. When you would catch him you would make him blush from the look of joy on your face.
After lunch all of you watched a movie. 
" Is Bud gonna take us to the park now?"
Eddie turned his head towards you. 
" Oh no baby. I told you we can't go today because I don't have my car."
"What park?" He asked.
" Umm, just one on the other side of Hawkins. Near Forest Hills. They have-"
" Water fountains."
" Yeah." You furrowed your brow. " How-"
" I used to live out there…if you want, I can take you guys."
Natalie jumped up. " Yes! Please, please! Tee please!"
" I-." You grabbed her and placed her on your lap. " Bud, you don't have to. I can take her another time."
Without thinking he grabbed your hand. " Let me take you guys for ice cream and then we can work off the sugar there."
You looked down at his hand and then at Natalie. She was giving you a pout.
" Okay. Let's go."
Eddie had never felt this way before. Sitting there watching you and Natalie sharing an ice cream. Laughing and making random noises. It was something he wanted all the time. You were sweet with her. So loving and happy. It was a side of you he was falling for. Though he knew he shouldn't. He did. And he didn't want to fight it. 
When he took you guys to the park he raced Natalie to the water. But before they took off Natalie started to count."One…twooooo…..five."
He looked at you and grinned.
That's where you got it from.
The laughter you made from him figuring it out made his heart skip.
Once you put down the stuff, you came and picked up Natalie. Spinning her around and wetting her a bit. 
She squealed and you put her down. She then quickly ran and hid behind him. 
" Help me bud." She pleaded.
He put his hand on her head. " Don't worry princess. I'll protect you."
When you came towards them he grabbed your hand and started pulling you towards the water. Your's and Natalie's giggles sounded angelic to him. The sun was envious of how brightly you smiled. 
" Oh my God!" You yelped as he held you over a fountain. 
Getting you and him completely soaked. Both uncontrollably laughing. After a minute there was this moment where you looked at him and he looked at you. Without a word being said he knew you wanted what he wanted. More days like this. With each other. 
As you guys went back to the house, you offered to dry his clothes for him while you gave Natalie a bath. He of course agreed. Not wanting one of the best days of his life to be over just yet. 
When Natalie was squeaky clean, you took a quick shower too. After, you asked if he would like to join you guys for dinner. Which he did. Before he knew it, it was almost 9. Natalie was in bed and he was sitting with you on the couch. 
" You're really good with her."
You took a sip of water and nodded. " Yeah. I guess you can say I love her."
He grinned. " I hope so."
You let out a small nose laugh.
" So uhh. Tee?"
You grinned putting your cup on the coffee table. " Yeah. She had trouble saying auntie. So she's called me Tee since she could talk."
" That's cute. But do you ever get a day off?" He asked.
" What do you mean?"
He looked at his lap. " I just mean. You have 3 jobs and you babysit. Don't you ever just get a day to relax?"
You put your legs on the couch and covered them with a blanket. Turning your body towards him. " This is how I spend my days off. This or spend a few hours at the lake with friends. But whenever I can, I try to spend time with Natalie…she umm…she lost her mom when she was one. I try to be that womanly figure in her life. And well she's really fun to be around. So I would take a day with her than have a day all alone. "
" That's sweet."
" I try."
Eddie and you grinned at each other. A few seconds passed by when you grabbed his hand. 
" Thanks Eddie. You made Natalie's day. I haven't seen her that happy in a really long time."
His grin turned into a soft smile. " It was a pleasure. Honestly, I haven't had that much fun in a while too."
You gasped and pulled your hand away. " What about the lake? I thought we had a great time." 
He shook his head. " No. That was a good day too. Just today was better."
You beamed at him. " I guess you can say I'm pretty awesome."
" I could. But I won't." He joked 
You gasped again. " Alright. Break a lady's heart." 
It happened again. That moment. But this time it felt like you wanted him to kiss you. Should he? Would you be okay with it?
He cleared his throat and got up. " I uhh better head out. I want to make sure your part comes in tomorrow."
The look on your face broke his heart. It was fast but he saw what looked a lot like disappointment. But within a blink of an eye. You were smiling again. 
While walking him to the door, he thanked you for lunch and dinner. 
Before he left you called out his name.
" Yeah sweetheart?"
" Umm do you want to hang out sometime?"
His heart jumped. " Yeah. Definitely."
" How about next Saturday?"
He wanted to say yes. More than anything in the world. But he had plans. With Chrissy.
" Umm could you maybe do Sunday?" He asked. Praying you would say yes.
You hummed and crossed your arms. " Yeah. I think I can do that. We could go to this thing I heard about. It's called Age of Horror. The theater shows all the horror/slasher films all day."
Eddie could have ran and hugged you. He always wanted to go to that. But he didn't want to go alone. And Chrissy hated scary movies. 
" Absolutely! I love horror movies."
" Cool. I'll see you then bud."
"Looking forward to it...Goodnight y/n."
When he got home he threw himself on the bed and smiled at the ceiling. He closed his eyes and saw you. He replayed the whole day over again. Wishing he could do it again tomorrow.
Why did he feel like this so fast? Why were you just so…perfect and beautiful? How was it he didn't meet you sooner? 
Why couldn't I've met you before-
He opened his eyes and shook the thought away. No way should he want to have met you before Chrissy. But he wanted to. He really wanted to.
Having enough of his selfishness he hopped in the shower. 
" Ed?"
" Chris?"
He took a couple of steps back as Chrissy climbed in the shower with him. 
" Hi Ed…I'm so sorry about yesterday."
He gave her a thin lip. 
" I canceled my date to make it up to you."
Gee thanks. 
"It's fine Chris. I'm kinda tired."
He watched her get down on her knees and grab him. Putting his flaccid cock in her mouth. He wanted to push her away. He wanted to get out. But he just closed his eyes and thought of you. It was wrong. And he felt real shitty for doing it. But he did it anyway. His thoughts weren't sexual at first. It was just you laughing and looking at him. 
" Mmm that's it Ed." Chrissy said cupping his balls.
He ignored her and kept thinking about you. Only this time he thought of the first time he saw you. The way you had your tongue out. The way your tits bounced. Then at the lake. Stand there in your tight red bathing suit. Sweat dripping down your skin. Then when he was holding you under the fountain. How your soft body molded to his. The smell of strawberry shampoo filled his nostrils. 
Before he knew it, his body filled with goosebumps and his toes curled. 
He opened his eyes and saw Chrissy spit out his cum and smiled up at him. 
" That was fast Ed."
He swallowed and tried to smile. Catching his breath. " S-sorry." 
When he got out he laid in bed with her. She was fast asleep. With his eyes fixed on the ceiling tears fell. 
I'm so sorry Chris.
After Eddie left, you went to check on Natalie. Once you knew she was okay you went to bed. Looking up at the ceiling you were lost in thought. The day at the lake was nice. And you liked all your new friends. Especially Eddie. You were lying when you said he wasn't your type. He was most definitely the type of guy you would fall head over heels for. Only saying  he wasn't to save yourself from the hurt of rejection. Then the whole car thing happened and now today. Today was amazing in every sense of the word. It's been so long since you felt comfortable with someone. Ever since your college relationship ended 2 years ago, you haven't felt like you needed anyone. You had enjoyed being alone. Being free to do whatever you want. You had dropped out of college when the break up happened and decided to travel until you missed your family. This labeling you as the troublesome one. So a few months ago you wanted to finally settle down in a little town. Be closer to your loved ones. It took a bit to find a good paying job and with help from your brother. You bought your first house. And boy did you love your little house and the silence that came with it. You wanted this to be your forever home. So you worked other jobs to pay your mortgage off faster. A relationship wasn't something you had time for and was the furthest from your mind.
But today hit you differently. All day you kept repeating to yourself that Eddie in fact had a girlfriend. To stop looking at him like you wanted him. Because…you did. He was beautiful and funny. And he made the best faces. Most importantly he was really good with Natalie. You actually loved seeing him with her. It honestly made your heart melt when he called her princess.  Still, he was unavailable. So you cursed yourself for basically asking him out on a date. Not that you would ever actually consider it a date. But he also didn't say no. Even though he maybe should have. 
You sighed heavily while turning to your side. 
I want to get to know you on a deeper level…Maybe we could-
" Tee?"
You rolled over and saw Natalie in your doorway.
" Yeah baby?"
" Can I sleep with you?"
You softly smiled and sat up. Pulling the blanket back. She ran over and you picked her up. Once she was comfy you laid down. 
" I like bud, Tee."
You laughed a little and moved her hair behind her ear. 
" Me too baby."
The week dragged on for an eternity . Eddie looked forward to Sunday. He only saw you once during the week. When you picked up your car. You didn't stay long. But the few minutes he got with you got him through the week. 
On Saturday, Chrissy tried and failed making dinner. Like always. But hey at least she still tried. The date night was quiet. The night consisted of pizza and a movie. He sat there watching one of her favorites while she cuddled up next to him. 
He should be here. He should be enjoying the time he has with her. And for the most part, it was a good night. However he kept thinking about tomorrow. Should he pay for the "date"? Could he put his arm around you? Does he offer a shoulder for you to hide in when you were scared? 
All the unanswered questions came to a halt when Chrissy started kissing his neck. Everything got pretty heated. Before he knew it, he was taking her from behind. He tried not to think about you. He was trying to focus on her. What he did last Sunday wasn't right. He shouldn't have been thinking about you when he was with her.
About 30 or so minutes later he finally came. He laid there while Chrissy went to shower. A few minutes later he heard her moaning. When he went to check he saw her pleasuring herself with the shower head. 
He went back to the room and sulked. Now he couldn't even make his girlfriend cum. His mind went to the other guys. We're they bigger than him? Did they make her cum? Was he bad tonight? How often did she do that? Was it after every time they had sex? 
Then his questions went to you. Could he get you there? Would you accept his size? Would he even be able to fit because of how big you were?
The second after he thought that, he felt like a shallow piece of shit. He didn't think you were fat or anything like that. Sure you were definitely bigger than him. But you were beautiful. Inside and out. He knew that because even though he only hung out with you twice, those two times was all it took to see the real you. 
The goofy and sweet, competitive and strong willed, outgoing and loving you. And though tomorrow wasn't a date. He was going to treat it like it was. 
Chrissy finally came to bed and she gave him a kiss on the cheek. When she turned around he cleared his throat.
" I uhh have a date…tomorrow."
Chrissy smiled. " That's good. Have fun. Good night Ed."
He wanted her to be upset. To hear her say something other than have fun. But when he heard her steady breathing he knew that she didn't care.
When he agreed to meet you at the theater, he wanted to pick you up. But, you said you had to do stuff before. So when he got there he was expecting to see you alone. He was wrong. Somehow instead of a night with you two, Steve, Gareth, Robin, Dustin, Lucas, Max, and Mike were there. His heart sank. You didn't mention this to him. 
You locked eyes with him and smiled. So happy that he came. He looked a little upset at first. But that faded when he saw you. Sure tonight was supposed to be just you two. And you really wanted that. However, you didn't know if it was the best idea. As much as you wanted more time alone with him. The thought of his girlfriend changed your mind. So you invited everyone. Hoping that he wouldn't be upset that you didn't tell him.
Tickets were bought, and snacks were in an abundance. Now it was time to find a row to sit in. Dustin picked the perfect seats right in the middle of the theater. When everyone was about to sit, Eddie was hoping to sit next to you. But his luck just ran out. To your right was Robin and Steve. To your left was Gareth. When you looked at him, he could see that you were apologizing with your eyes. So he forgave you for whatever you thought you should be sorry for and grinned at you. Taking the seat next to his best friend. 
Everyone was getting settled in, passing around popcorn and chit chatting. The lights flickered and the audience cheered. Once the lights were off the opening scene to Suspiria played. That's when the exit door opened up and a couple came in. 
When he saw her, he sank into the seat. 
What the hell?! What the fuck Chris?! You said you hated scary movies.
Then he saw her date and was pissed.
Jason fucking Carver! You've got to be shitting me!
If it were anyone else, anyone who didn't give him hell in highschool. He would have been okay with it. Well, as okay as he could be. But it was fucking Carver. Chrissy knew how badly he was bullied. And she was out with the prick. Like this situation wasn't bad enough. Now she was fucking him too.
Eddie took a couple of deep breaths to calm down. His eyes followed them to their seats. He was disgusted. Then out of nowhere he felt a hand on his thigh.
You were sad that you couldn't be close to him. God you wanted your thigh to touch his. You wanted to be overwhelmed by the scent of his body wash and faint cigarette smoke. You wanted those glances. Silently telling each other they rather look at one another, instead of the movie. But Gareth hopped in the seat before Eddie even got the chance. And Robin didn't want anyone else to sit next to you. So she slipped into the chair on the other side. 
Slightly annoyed with both of them you accepted that it was probably for the best. Sitting there, doing those things would only aid the feelings that were growing. 
When the movie started you looked over at the cute blonde couple that came in. In the darkness you could still see Eddie's face. The look he had scared you. Then you saw his fist clenched and jaw flexed looking at the couple. 
" Hey Gare." You whispered.
Gareth looked at you and smiled. " Yeah?"
" Switch with me, yeah?"
His smile turned down. " You want to sit next to Eddie?"
You nodded and leaned in to kiss his cheek. " Yes please. There's something wrong."
He turned to Eddie and followed his glare. " S-shit! Umm." Gareth looked back at you and got up.
When you sat down Eddie's eyes were still fixed on the couple. So you reached over and put a hand on his thigh. When he looked at you, his eyes softened. His jaw slacked and his fist loosened.
" You okay bud?" You asked just above a whisper.
You saw his Adam's apple bob.
" Y-yeah. I-I'm good."
But you didn't believe that. " Who are they?"
Eddie looked away from you. He was embarrassed. He would be so humiliated if you met her this way. He didn't even want you to meet her. He could lie and say the shit about Carver. But he didn't want to lie to you. He wanted to be utterly and completely transparent. 
" Uhh." He sighed. " That's uhhh Chrissy."
"Chrissy...Your Chrissy?"
He nodded.
You were quiet until he saw you turn your gaze onto Chrissy. You sucked on your teeth when you saw what he saw. Chrissy was kissing Jason. You didn't say a word. You just got up and started down the row. Gareth must have known what you were planning because he was just a few steps behind you. Right when he passed Eddie, he gave him a look.
" She's gonna fight." 
Eddie's eyes nearly popped out. He quickly got up and went after you. Pulling Gareth back.
" HEY! CHRISSY!" You shouted. 
She looked right at you. " Uhh yeah?"
Eddie saw you smile. But it was anything but happy. Then you laughed sarcastically. 
Chrissy stood up." Do I-"
You then raised your fist and mid swing Eddie grabbed your arm.
" ED! WHAT THE-" Chrissy screamed.
" LET ME GO EDDIE! YOU CAN'T HIT HER. BUT I SURE AS HELL CAN!" You yelled trying to get out of his arms.
Next thing he knew Jason got up and pushed him. Gareth jumped in and threw a punch. 
While holding the very tenacious you back, all his friends came to help. People were throwing popcorn and ushers came. 
Finally everyone who was involved got thrown out. 
Eddie had to pick you up and carry you outside. While you cursed at Chrissy the whole time. When he put you down he cupped your face and made you look at him. All the while thinking how incredibly sexy you were for doing that. 
" Y/n please. Calm down."
" No Eddie! How are you not pissed?! She is such a dick for cheating on you."
You tried to push his hands away but he then decided to give you a full on bear hug. It only took a couple of seconds before you hugged him back. 
" I-I'm so sorry bud."
" Don't be. I-"
" Oh my God! You totally were gonna kill her!"
Eddie didn't want to let you go. But Mike interrupted the moment. When you guys pulled apart everyone was staring at you two. 
The young ones that didn't know the situation praised you for what you did. The others that knew looked at Eddie. Clearly understand that he hasn't mentioned a word of this to you. 
Eddie turned his focus on Chrissy who was standing behind Gareth.
" You have a lot of nerve you-" you started to say but Robin jumped in front of you and grabbed your arm. With Steve grabbing your other arm. Pulling you away.
Eddie quickly looked at you. " It's ok sweetheart."
You shut your mouth and nodded.
He then went to walk with Chrissy. 
" What the hell was that?!" She said, smacking his arm.
He sighed. " I'm sorry. She doesn't know about our arrangement. But... what the hell are you doing with Jason? And here?"
Chrissy looked like she was gonna cry. " Look Ed, he's changed. And I was going to tell you. But I barely see you."
He scoffed. "And who's fault is that? I'm home every night."
She looked away and wiped a tear away. " Ed, okay I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But he's different now. And I want to get to know him."
He should've been mad. He should have argued more. But he glanced at you and he knew he didn't really care to. He just wanted to be with you.
" Chris. It's fine. Have a good date."
She smiled weakly and nodded. He was just about to join his friends again when Chrissy grabbed his hand.
" Though she tried to kick my ass, I like her…you like her too. So you need to be honest with her…I'm not gonna be home tonight. So maybe bring her back?"
That's breaking a rule.
He didn't say anything and watched her walk away. When he came back you looked apologetic. 
" Alright, so now that the movie's out of the question-"
" I think we're banned now." Steve interrupted Robin.
She rolled her eyes. " Yeah whatever. So what're we gonna do?"
" We could go to The Palace?" Max suggested.
" Or the Hideout?" Gareth offered.
Steve scoffed." The kiddos can't go there yet." 
" I kinda just want to go home." Eddie said.
" Me too." You said
He looked at you and you still looked sad.
" I umm rode with Gareth…could you take me home instead?" You asked him.
You rode with Gareth?
" Y-yeah. Of course."
Once the goodbyes were said, Eddie held open the door to his van for you and offered his hand to help you up. 
" Such a fine gentleman."
" Ehh I try."
Both of you smiled a little. 
The drive was silent. Well, except for the sound of him tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. When he pulled up to the house you sat there for a minute. He kept telling himself to say something. To stop being so weird. But nothing was coming to mind. Then you shifted and turned your body towards him.
" Eddie, I am so sorry you had to see me like that. And I'm really really sorry about Chrissy. You don't deserve to be cheated on…no one does." You reached out and put a hand on his knee. " Everything's going to be okay. You're a great guy. I'm sure you'll find someone who treats you and thinks you're with the shits."
He grinned.
" Y/n, I have to tell you something."
When he was done, you sat straight forward. Eyes fixed towards the dash.
" Uhhh wow. Okay I'm a dick."
He laughed a little. " What? No you're not."
" No seriously. I'm an asshole. I should have minded my own damn business."
" Sweetheart, it was very cool that you stuck up for me. People don't normally do that. And it was badass."
You tilted your head and widened your eyes a little." Well I don't feel like a badass."
He put his hand on your head rest. " You are."
The second you looked at him with those beautiful eyes of yours, he wanted you then and there. Unfortunately, he didn't know if you would be okay with having a relationship with him.
Now that it's out. Might as well.
"S-so does it bother you that I am..I guess you could say polyamorous?"
" What? No." You shook your head and averted your gaze. " Not at all. To each their own."
He withdrew his hand when you seemed to not pick up what he was putting down. Still, he needed to know. Needed to ask questions.
" Have you ever been in a relationship like this before?"
He tilted his head. He was just about to ask you that. " Uhh no. Chris is the only girl I've been with."
You gave him a little smile. " Aww that's cute."
You're cute.
You looked back at him. " Bud?"
" Yeah sweetheart?"
"As much as I love sitting in your van. Cuz I do…like more than life."
He chuckled.
" But I need a drink. And my belt is digging into me like it's trying to become a part of me."
He laughed again. Then you hoped out. Just before you closed the door you gave him an amazing smile.
" Coming curls?"
@marsmunson86 @browneyes528 @themultiverseofmars
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bubacorn · 9 months
alright, so this is gonna be so cheesy, but i wanna make a post with some of my favorite ST fics i've written this year, if for nothing else, just to remind myself that i can arrange words around, and they can come out half-decent. so, yeah, sorry in advance to anyone who has to see this, i wouldn't dare put the fandom fanfic tag on this, this is only for my dear followers, you are lovely, i apologize if this appears on your dash.
Come Beside Me (This Won’t Hurt I Swear) okay, so i remember being so in love with the last part, especially the whole morning sunlight thing. that was (is?) my favorite piece of writing at that point (which really wasn't hard, cause there wasn't much to pick from yet)
God Gives His Toughest Flus to His Sleepiest Vessels this is just pure mush, but stubborn sick Vessel being taken care of is very close to my heart
And I Don’t Wanna Get in Your Way this all started with the "Get comfortable" "I am" and the "You're allowed to take up space". in my mind, they're watching either The Matrix or John Wick at the end for some reason
I Got Problems Down in My Bones gods, this one. the little parts just wrote themselves and there was this common thread between them and i loved this one so much (still do). there's some pieces of me in this and it makes me feel sad, but seen that people related to this one (i love you, i hope you're doing well)
I Will Shield You from the Waves, if They Find You this is very sweet and all, but i always think of it more as sad
Break and Bend to My Basic Need didn't plan on writing this, but the brainworms made me and then it turned out kinda good
It’s All Your Fault, Even When You Don’t Mean To this. this and the next one are twin fics for me, i always think of them in pairs (probably cause i wrote them back-to-back). can't articulate, but it's also very close to my heart. IV holding the back of Vessel's head and wiping his tears and making him feel worth it make me feel very normal, i almost feel like it wasn't me who wrote it
This Is the Start of Something this!!! i made them watch worst cooks in America cause why not. this one's also very close to my heart, definitely one of my favorites i've ever written
I’m Frantic in Your Soothing Arms okay, the implication that Vessel knows nothing makes the transformation easier from his own experience suffering, but he still tries anyway, cause he would take a tummy ache from III without hesitation, if he could. also, rubbing his stomach is just so intimate and he's so desperate to help, even though he knows he can't, but still tries. and Vessel calling III 'my heart' and 'my III' just came to me and they made me lose my mind so of course i had to include them. feeling very normal about this one, too
And the Pain Still Hates Me for some reason i love the base idea of this, i don't even know how it appeared in my head, but i'm so glad it did. blowing kisses was a last-minute addition, also didn't know where that came from, but it's so cute
And Honey, I Only Appeared So I Can Fade Away this one! i had half an idea for this and like one sentence typed in, then just started writing and i loved writing this, it was so much fun and i adore the end product, one of my favorites. now that i'm thinking, maybe i could expand on this
I Believe I’m Not Alone this was kinda based on one of those posts that was like 'you deserve to be loved and chosen, not almost loved and almost chosen' and my brain went 'Vessel!' and then i wrote this. again, pieces of me, pieces of him
Come Squeeze the World and Drip It Down My Throat Again i was a bit afraid with this one, cause i felt it was a little clumsy (?), with the way the smaller parts revolved around a main idea but weren't all very closely connected. but gods, i made my own heart hurt with this one a lot. also, love this title, some of my favorite lyrics. loaded with layers of trauma, but it's very dear to me
I’m Doing What I Must, Which Is Attempting to Kill the Little Boy Inside (But as Hard as I Try, the Child Will Not Die) again, loosely compiled together around an idea, but this took a shorter time to write i think. it flowed well for me, and again, it hurt right in my meow-meow, but i love this a lot. also, the title just wouldn't leave me alone and i wanted to use it for something and i felt that this was a perfect fit. then at the last moment i added a parallel, cause my brain thought it would be nice. i have to say, it is
okay, so this is just pure self-indulgent rambling about my Sleep Token fics, but writing gave me a lot these past months and i really love it and still have ideas that i wanna share. huge, huge thank you to everyone who's read anything i wrote, left kudos and comments, you are wonderful, i hope you are doing okay! 💕 drop by my dms/tag me if you want to yell at me or something
not gonna say have a great next year or anything like that, cause i don't like making a big deal out of the beginning of a year, as it just puts pressure on it and that's so unnecessary. have a lovely day, i hope you got some rest and could do something you enjoy and i wish all the best to you! see you around! 💖
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bulletbilltime · 3 months
Seeing someone say they hate Life is Strange fanfics where Rachel is alive because she's "supposed to be dead" is WILD to me. Like sure you can prefer stories that stick to canon, that belongs to you. But to insist that people shouldn't deviate from it at all is such a strange thing to me.
Sure, I get that in the game Rachel's death has thematic implications. I can respect that. But when it comes to fan content, this is the space where people can take the source material and create the stories they want to see with their characters. Changing events in the canon and seeing how it changes the story is literally one of the coolest things you can do with Alternate Universes. Why would you want to limit that creativity for people?? Some of my favorite LiS fics involve Max going back in time to try and save Rachel from her fate. In fact, a good chunk of my favorite fics overall hinge on 'what-ifs' that change the canon quite drastically. That's the fun part of fanfics! You can play with the story and build upon what is already there, and explore NEW themes that are either glossed over or straight up not covered in the original story! Even if in the process you undermine or disregard the canon.
Now I know people have complained about fanons that go too far in the other direction and make the story and/or characters unrecognizable from the source material. And I am more sympathetic to this issue to a certain degree, since people that love a character for who they are in-canon might be frustrated to see the fandom flanderize them into walking cliches. And I get that people who like certain thematic aspects of the original story might be annoyed to see an over-abundance of fluffy tropey romance fics. But I will always be hesitant to call for restricting what people make of their stories, since at the end of the day these stories do belong to the people who write them, and so do their interpretations of the characters/themes/lore. And if people want fluffy romance, why should they not make that?
That isn't to say people aren't allowed to criticize bad characterization. Sometimes people do some really stupid things with characters, things that can even be genuinely just misogynistic/racist/transphobic/etc and that does deserve calling out. As much as I respect the freedom of creativity, I do also strongly preach for listening to people when many people tell you you've fucked up. Beyond these extreme cases though, I think that the best thing you can do is to simply write the stories you wanna see! Odds are that others also want the things you're wanting, and you get to exercise your creativity! And don't let the fact you "don't know how to write/draw/etc" stop you; that's where all creatives started their journey.
tl;dr: Demanding that people stick to canon in fan media is needlessly limiting and it prevents people from being creative with the setting/lore/characters that they love. I know there might be an overabundance of things you don't wanna see, but that's par for the course with most things unfortunately. Besides, you can always make the things you do wanna see!
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leopardmask-ao3 · 4 months
Tell us about a fic you're really proud of!
ooo ok ok 👀 There are a few that I'm particularly proud of but the first one that comes to mind is Against the Clock. It's a little bit of a "fix-it" I guess? The thing about mcyt plotlines is, they don't always take themselves seriously, and also, especially with Hermitcraft there are people who just don't wanna take part. And that's absolutely fine! But this is a case where something was about a step away from being a really interesting exploration to me and then just. didn't do that. What was the ending of the Evil X season 8 plotline anyway. what was that. did Ex just suddenly lose power because of Moon Big. (although actually I don't think the plotline had ended yet when I started writing, but it was pretty clear that X was probably not going to explore some of the heavier implications of what was happening. That's just not how he does things.)
I'm not sure I can articulate why I'm proud of this fic in particular, honestly. I think I wrote it well, but a lot of what ends up working well in whatever art form I'm doing tends to be at least partially accidental lol. But also, it tackles the idea that X was getting actually abused by Ex. There were a lot of canon signs that looked an awful lot like domestic abuse. And I don't have a lot of experience with that, but I've been told I did a good job of portraying it, and of helping X out of it without the ramifications magically being cured like they kinda were in canon.
Also I really like how I brought together a bunch of tidbits that Could have fit together, like getting Worm Man involved, the Jeff moments in the Pooka animations, Hypno's whole magic Thing (the pocketwatch is potentially canon! It's from his Twitch screen and channel banner!), all of the Evil Empire having been manipulated into what they're doing. I almost wish I'd found a use for those wither totems Jevin was selling (seriously, what WERE those?) but that wouldn't have really fit the rest of the story. It just felt like it came together very well. And I got to write a few awesome action/drama scenes with one of my favorite guys, so <3
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prismatoxic · 5 months
omg Laios being sad that the baby bump isn't there very long makes me think he would get on his knees and beg Chilchuck to let him get him pregnant again. And Chilchuck is like babe I've already have FOUR kids please let me rest... maybe Laios convinces him to have one more or maybe they just do some pregnancy role-play lol
-curiosity anon
OH I also just remembered that I AM writing a fic where chil gets pregnant. That's what the monster!Laios fic is about. I just forgot because I wasn't writing it today I was working on tangled path instead and apparently I have no object permanence -curiosity anon
i'd love to give them more kids but part of me does think chilchuck would say no LMAO. but they'd for sure play with it!!! chilchuck begging to be knocked up during sex...
and i'd LOVE to see a pregnancy fic from you... i almost wanna be like "damn how many wips do you HAVE?" but it's not like i'm not doing the same thing. if promises didn't have me by the throat maybe i'd have finished more of them. fascinated by the implications of monster!laios being the one to do it...
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wooahaes · 1 year
hi hello here to talk abt the masterpiece that is uts ☀️
are there any deleted scenes that you could tell us about? or scrapped plots/scenarios?
hi hiii skdfhsdf savv calling it a masterpiece... i owe u my life...
anyway uts spoilers technically
yep!! i have scraps leftover from mingyu's part where i wasn't sure what i wanted to do regarding his injury. i had one idea where mingyu would have pushed reader out of the way of a falling, cracked glass jar and ended up with it shattering as it hit his hand. it'd be incredibly messy and painful and i dont really remember why i chose the burn over this? i think i just picked the one i wanted to write more. there was a slight vague part of said 'how gyu get hurt?' process where i considered something like him fucking up his leg while pushing reader out of the way.
actually now that i think about it, i think i chose the burn because it wouldn't have been so 'mingyu saving reader.' i didnt like the idea of reader having to deal with the guilt of being the reason mingyu got hurt and i felt it'd be cuter to just have reader decide to take care of him because they truly cared for him--not out of this sense of obligation.
uhhh the original original ending of cheol uts would have p much outright stated that he and reader had sex (i think i implied it in a few endings but left it entirely up to readers choice on whether they did or not--it was left very very vague). i scrapped the idea entirely because i felt like the emotions in the scene were too high and that they didn't need to take that step, and then later i scrapped the scene entirely (and shared it here) because i wanted reader to be the one who confessed to cheol. like idk i just Really liked the idea of reader taking initiative to confess to cheol and do something special (+ i really like the sentiment i wrote into it where cheol found everyone, but reader found cheol). plus idk my blog is almost entirely sfw (save for that one hosh fic i wrote where its outright stated he and reader bang + i think some sexual implications in my own bday fics that i wrote For Me lol) so it felt weird to end cheol's part of a series by outright saying "yes they sex" esp since im p sure i have some readers who are ace and i didnt wanna alienate 'em if they don't want sex at all
plus also something something reader was still recovering from being sick so i felt like cheol would be Very vigilant about not pushing reader too hard & making sure they were taking care of themself. banished to cuddle in his arms for one million years until he knows ur better >:(
in said og og ending there was a mention of there being a mix of bliss and regret because it felt like reader and cheol had rushed into this kind of relationship when like... he felt like reader deserved something softer. sweeter. to take them on dates and sneak kisses when the others weren't looking. but that he'd ultimately feel relieved in being there next to reader. maybe ill release it at some point haha
i DID however take the part where cheol breaks down crying in the ending of his part from it (the whole 'it's not beautiful to watch a person crumble' thing) as well as the following bits. the line w the 'love itself was an uncertain beast' and cheol admitting that he thought he needed to hide his feelings because hes supposed to be strong and reader makes him weak.
technically i scrapped the idea of doing moodboards to introduce everyone. i was going to do a lil moodboard + have a litle blurb with their alternate name & a little about each. i think that was before i wrote the 'before.' chapter that pretty much said everything + i only finished seokmin's before i changed gears.
i thiiiink i considered 'fawn' as the nickname for reader in the very beginning? but joshua was supposed to be the deer of the group so.
aside from thaaaaat.... im not sure? i think i followed most of my fic plans for UtS pretty closely.
OH OH i can talk about maybe scrapped poly au endings since i know how im ending it now haha
so the original poly au was gonna go fully delulu tbh? one by one they would have all disappeared until it was just reader and cheol, ultimately 'facing the sun' and accepting the memories that have returned to them (and the fact it meant they would disappear from this world). it would have branched off into two endings i think? one where reader refuses to let go, and both reader and cheol agree to just... stay there forever. together.
and then reader would have woken up the next day in a field with a blindfold over their eyes. they take it off to see a pretty man with brown eyes. who is he? and... for that matter, who are you?
and if they chose to let go, accepting that they might never see cheol (or any of the others again) bc as much as they need them, the world needs them more, reader would have woken up in their apartment, annoyed at how long they felt they'd slept. they find a little mouse plushie they don't remember buying, and they can't really remember the dream they had--only that they went to bed sobbing and wishing life would be simpler.
weeks pass. reader ends up getting coffee at a place and overhearing one of the guys behind them whispering about how their drink order sounds good and they forget to give their name for the order. the order gets called out, reader goes over to get it, only to run straight into said guy--who recognizs reader instantly with a quiet 'mouse.' and reader turns to realize they've come face-to-face with vernon (and seungkwan, who was with him), bc i liked the idea of it coming full circle to be reader seeing vernon again and immediately recognizing him as everything started to come back.
the three of them ended up going back to someones apartment while calling all of the others over bc "dude its fucking important" and they all reunite, unsure of what will come next, but glad to be together again, even if only for a little while.
aaaaaand the other ending was going to just be a time loop. reader fully confesses their love to the group and then wakes up in the field the next day, remembering nothing.
BOTH OF THOSE ENDINGS FUCKING SUCK THO-- bc they don't fit the idea of what UtS is to me. a huge part of UtS is the acceptance of grief in a sense and moving forward and i kinda hope to dig into that far more with the poly fic once i finish planning it and get around to writing it. although i do like the split idea? honestly if i bring it back... pretend u all never read this.
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cloudyyoimiya · 1 year
omg hi, i’m the anon who requested the continuation of the yandere ranpo fic! i absolutely loved it!! 💜 i’m so glad i was able to brighten your day, i truly do enjoy your writing a lot :)
i reread your continuation post 3 times to really take in the little details, and i am once again obsessed with the subtle implications and feelings of despair in your dark fics! the bit about the ruined pants being darling’s favorite was such a punch to the gut on top of everything else, you’re so good at setting up little instances of tragedy to further darling’s suffering..i love the way that just one or two lines can carry such a dreadful impact!
ranpo is so well written too, his surface level actions are deceptively sweet, but they drip with selfishness and manipulation. he can’t just comfort his darling, he has to use the opportunity to drag them into codependency little by little, associating loving him with safety. yandere ranpo’s childish words take on a whole new menacing meaning that only his victim can truly understand. it’s so easy to rationalize that he simply really doesn’t like lies, until you realize that he will bend this sentiment in whatever way serves him best. he’ll starve his darling if their lie is something he doesn’t like, but the moment the lie is something he wants to hear, suddenly his attitude completely changes. he may like to make ‘romantic’ gestures, like offering to get food for his darling, but it’s still all about him because he immediately accepts the offer that pleases him, even though he's clearly smart enough to know that it's not his darling's true wish. you just capture the selfish nature of a yandere relationship so well, even beneath the layers of faux romance!
ranpo is my favorite bsd yandere because he’s terrifying and virtually inescapable, but he also does it all while maintaining that eerily innocent appearance. he’s literally the most dangerous person his darling has ever met, but somehow he’s also so immature, and that’s scary as hell in its own way! he reminds me of that meme that’s like “please release the hostages” and then the cat with its tongue out is like “blegh, i’m not doing that!” because that’s literally ranpo with his captive darling 💀
the prison threats also distinctly made me picture a scenario where ranpo’s darling snaps at him early on and calls his home their prison (rightfully so), and he’s just like “oh you think THIS is a prison? because i could easily put you in actual prison with a murder charge 😊”
anyway, this isn't a request and you don't even need to respond if you don't feel like it, I simply wanted to drop by and share more of my thoughts on your work 💜 thanks so much for accepting my original request, I was delighted to see it! i hope you have a great night 💜
i know you said that i don’t need to respond but i wanna let you know this made me really happy!
i’ve never really had anyone step back and analyze my fics, so it really makes me happy oh my lord. when i first read this i had a big goofy grin on my face
thank you so much for enjoying my work. it truly means a lot 😭
i won’t lie to you some of the things you pointed out were unintentional for the most part. i knew what i was writing and i knew that it would affect the story, but it was kinda like my brain was on auto pilot as i was writing those things. i’m unsure if that makes sense though LMAO
anyways i’d like to thank you again. have a good day/night anon!
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