#Beware: Valentino
What I really love about the Vees + Angel dynamic is that if Angel does get redeemed or even just finds a way out of his contract, they are FUCKED and they don't even know it. They don't get it.
Angel is, most likely, their top earner. He's famous as shit, won accolades for his work, and judging by the way his face is the only non-Vee mug pasted on their building's lobby, he's the real breadwinner here. Trends come and go but Angel Dust is fucking here to stay. Yet none of them really seem to take that into account. Sure, Velvette + Vox work to keep him under Val's abusive control, what with the perfume + cameras in his room, but the question of "if sinners CAN be redeemed, and Angel is the poster boy for that hotel, what does that mean for us?" never gets addressed. They are all so short-sighted in their dickishness, so fucking petty, that the only thing they give a shit about is (a) Alastor being back + (b) Angel pissing off Val for daring to leave the studio + daring to have someone who gives a shit about him vouch for him at the studio. Your empire is a house of cards, Angel is the bottom corner of the pyramid, and every little temper tantrum thrown is a gust of wind. I am literally waiting with the popcorn to see it tumble
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iicarused · 5 months
##my wife, my wife, my wife, my wife
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y!vox x ex!reader / alastor x reader also because he stole vox’s bitch if you squint
part ii
synopsis: from this ask / reader is vox’s ex and he’s not too keen of the separation — you were supposed to come back to him! not run around with his rival and get rid of his only access of looking after you (removing any/all electronics from your life)
beware: DARK THEMES / heavy yandere aspects, obsession (vox’s end), territorial aspects, manipulation, implications of a toxic relationship / let me know if i missed anything!
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he’s been watching you. what, did you think you could just leave? no, that will not do for him! you’re his wife, his lover, his other half that he cannot live without! you brought him fame and so much fortune with just your pretty face.
through the camera of your phone, the security cameras that litter hell, he’s been keeping an eye on you. however, you know that.
after a year of maintaining a relationship with one of hells overlords, you finally snapped and broke it off. the press were eating it right up. “y/n, can you tell us why you and vox are no more?” “y/n, who broke it off first?” “y/n, is there a chance you’ll both get together again?” you laughed at the last question
there was only one place in all of hell to hide — a place where no electronic bothered to exist — hazbin hotel
you came tired. hair a mess and a fluffed robe over your shoulders. “i’m begging of you, please take me in, i prefer learning some shit redemption arc than to deal with a crazy ex.” you cried. of course charlie said yes.
since then, vox has been searching for you:
“i swear to FUCK — !! “ vox heaved. when valentino walked in, the tv host seemed to pause on his theatrics. “she couldn’t have gone far.”
“face it, at this rate she’s done with you.” the moth insisted while getting comfortable on the couch.
but those words didn’t sit right with vox. the multiple screens in front of him flicked through different channels, eager just to find a clue of your whereabouts.
to say vox was pissed when finding out where you were was an understatement. a camera zooming in on the sight of you having some fresh air — right outside that stupid hotel
picking at a daisy, someone else came into the frame. alastor knelt to your side with a cup of tea, or so he assumed, sitting down next to you while basking underneath the stars. vox couldn’t hear any audio since the radio demon seemed to mess up the frequency, but he could see that familiar smile that pulled at your lips
you used to smile at him just like that
in less than a day, vox came straight to the hotel. demanding for you to come out. come on home! you both can work through it! this is just another bump in the road, there’s no need to hide!
from the balcony, your gaze settles on vox down below. you almost feel sorrowful and your heart begins to ache. sometimes you miss him, and sometimes you miss the comfort of his arms. he was a hurricane just as he was a summers day, and that was the man you fell in love with. you knew his love was sick, but that was expected from demons… right? not his though, it was far too gone to be considered a daydream.
“doll, we were meant to be!” vox pleaded, his gaze never leaving yours.
you never answered to his pleas.
“it’s that fucking radio demon, right!?” vox accused. here comes a tantrum.
you turned to face away.
“please, we were going to be overlords — together!” back to broken promises you were unsure if it were true.
a yandere is someone who is in love with you, and that’s a dream come true for anyone who wishes for love. but god, do you wish it wasn’t you.
vox never stopped sending gifts to the hotel after that. nor has he stopped coming by to the building just to try and convince you to leave. his heart is aching, and only you are his medicine.
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Hazbin Hotel Characters React to You Asking for a Hug (PART 2)
Buckle in bitches, its time for some COMFORT
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Guys he’s SO nervous
“Oh really? You, uh, you want a hug from me? Are you sure?”
Nervous laughter 100
Takes a hot minute for him to adjust, but DOES give good hugs
Y’all gotta remember he’s a dad
So good, firm dad hug
His hands are clammy af, but don’t mention that pls
Gives you the opportunity to talk out whatever’s going through your head
Actually has really insightful advice
Like his daughter, honestly so honoured you chose to come to him
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“Must I?”
Begrudging as FUCK
But she’ll do it
If she has to
Stiff, awkward hugs that last for 5 seconds tops
No wing hugs :(
“Human souls are weird”
Tries to teach you how to fight so you can use sparring as a “normal” coping mechanism
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As much as I hate him, would give BANGIN hugs
“Fuck, you wan’ a hug? Fuck yeah bitch, get over here!”
Super enthusiastic about it????
Like, gives you shit, but its still one of the tightest and most excited hugs you’ve ever received
Very very warm
You will probably overheat if you stay there too long
WING HUGS!!!!!!!
Will be extra touchy with you from here on out
Arm around the shoulder, etc
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Is she mom, or mommy? Jury’s still out on that one.
Will never ever refuse you if you need a hug
Will, however, try to pull you aside and make it a private moment
Not a big fan on PDA, but your wellbeing takes priority
Makes you rest your head against her chest, no matter how tall you are
If you tell her what’s going on, will fix it
You don’t even need to ask.
She’s gonna check up on you after at LEAST twice
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Is she mom or mommy part 2: electric boogaloo
Ushers you into a sunroom and brews you a pot of tea to share
And grabs snacks, of course
Definitely forgets if cannibalism makes you queasy
Holds you hand from across the table and encourages you to talk it out with her
A lil bit pushy about it, but its from a place of love
But if you need it, will definitely hug you
Another one with bone shattering hugs
Her hands are cold af tho, so beware
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Tbh doesn’t hear you the first time, he’s super focused on whatever else he’s doing
Once he hears you/it registers to him, he’s pretty confused
“Why do you need a hug?”
Only hugs you if y’all are really close
Generally not a touchy person
He won’t stop whatever he’s doing though
Most likely will just sit you in his lap, so he can cuddle And work
Multitasking, bitch
Don’t do it while he’s actively broadcasting though
Super against PDA (bc he’s embarrassed) and will probably snap at you if you break this boundary
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“Wot. Why?”
Also confused
Like Vox, usually to busy to properly hug you
But will let you stick around and lay all over her while she works
Anyone who questions it dies Very quickly, and Very grotesquely
Very protective
“Babes, do I need to hurt someone? Coz you Know I’ll do it”
Probs takes selfies of you hanging off of her bc she thinks its cute
Will dress you up to try and make you feel better
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Seek psychological help 💕
I know he’s got a sexy voice, but you know I’m right
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milfism-blog · 4 months
“Sarò La Tua Bambina Di San Valentino”
“I will be your Valentine baby girl”
Summary: While on vacation in Sicily, you ran into a hot readhead. What might happen when a bolt of electricity will go through both of you? Will this relationship only last at the resort? Is it just Melissa's first sexual experiment or the unexpected beginning of a blissful relationship? You should probably find out…
Warning: Comphet, Melissa being confused over her sexuality, mention of Gerry, a little bit of angst, fluff, smutty, explicit content. Read at your own risk!
Word Count: 5,3k
Author's note: It is my first smutty fic! Feedback is always appreciated! Have fun reading!
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02.01.2023. Sicily, Palermo
You went on your first trip to Italy, Palermo specifically. You heard a lot about the beautiful city and of course the food. So in one click you booked tickets and of course a luxurious hotel. In addition, you lately noticed you have a type for confident Italian women so you planned to go all crazy for the trip. It was your vacation after all. No one knows who you are there and you can do anything without worrying about your work colleagues making videos and making fun of you later. You were already embarrassed at the working New years party with your co-workers. You are like a big family of best friends and of course, you all were drunk and made a lot of stupid decisions. Explicitly flirting with an older Italian woman you met in a club that night. Even though it was one  month ago. Your friends are still making fun of you. 
Actually screaming: “Beware milfhunter might steal one of yours moms!”
And if god heard your thoughts about hot Italian women. You saw one in the lobby of a hotel. Bright red hair caught your attention immediately. Dark squared glasses were keeping her hair from covering her beautiful face. Her massive golden earrings were reflecting the warm sun. It took some time for you to take in all her gorgeous curves. She was in a jumpsuit with a deep V neck which caught your attention. You were shamelessly staring at her gorgeous breasts without a bra. Your fantasy was running wild. You would not be surprised if your mouth was open. Without exaggeration, she looked like a goddess with olive skin you wanted to desperately touch and find out how soft it would feel. Is it as soft as it looks? Oh god this is going to be a ride.
You probably were staring for a good amount of time since she noticed and now she was looking straight into your eyes. They were a deep shade of green. You felt like a bolt of electricity went right through both of you. As if she was sending lightning bolts through her gorgeous eyes. And gosh her glare sent chills on your skin. 
The next day you went for breakfast and again you saw her there. She looked even more magnificent than yesterday. The morning sun was giving her olive skin a natural glow. Her deep green eyes were shining a light shade of olive. She had minimum makeup on. Just mascara to highlight her eyes and clear lip gloss. Her lips looked so full, so juicy as the most desired fruit. You wanted to taste them so bad.
When you left your table you went straight to your hotel suite. Unknowingly for you, she has followed you down the staircase. She was quietly observing you. You felt a strong gaze on your backless dress. The chills were back again. When you were about to open the door she pinned you down that hardwood door. You were shocked, to say the least. When you looked at the stronger woman. Her pupils were delayed. Not a single hint of green, only black. You were just staring at her eyes. Your heart was beating so fast as if it was going to jump from your rib cage. You missed the satisfied smirk on the redhead's lips. She was enjoying the power she was having over you. You looked like a lost mouse caught by a cat. So lost,so innocent, so deliciously accessible for her to use you. You tried to move but she pinned you harder. 
“You are not going to escape me, little mouse, now are you? Pretty innocent girl is scared now? Where did all the courage go?” She asked in a mocking tone.
Her voice sent you into a starstruck phase. So raspy, deeply rich voice. Fitted her personality so well. Dominant Italian woman pinning you against your room door, what can be better? 
Your eyes traveled from her beautiful eyes to her deliciously juicy lips. You gave in to the urge to passionately kiss her. And you went for it. Since she pinned your arms you tilt your head and went hard for the kiss. Your lips were desperate to get a taste of her. Her lips were as soft as silk. You couldn't hold the desperate whimper. She tasted like sweet Italian wine. Her delicate lips sent you into a euphoric state. When you took a needy breath closer to a moan. You smelled her sweet yet mucus sent. That you're gonna remember for sure. When you went again so desperately neddy for the taste to bite down her lip. So she would remember the next day who she kissed. And with that, she stopped you.
“No, no little mouse, that's not how deals are made. You are gonna listen to me and do everything I am telling you to do. Understood?” She rasped out.
Your knees buckled at her voice and demanding tone. You were not sure if you could even speak. You just nodded in surender. 
“No, sweet girl, I need to hear your voice.”
“Yes ma`am" You said with a trembling voice. 
“Good girl. Now open the door for me” She said in her deep voice. With a smirk on her face. She knew the effect her voice, her hands were having on you. 
With weak, trembling legs you opened the door. Almost instantly you felt strong arms on your waist. She suggestively walked you down to your bedroom and pushed you on bed. You started to take your clothes down but she stopped your actions. 
“No, bambina, let mommy take down all the clothes. You need to listen closely, baby. I have some rules for you. No touching mommy without asking, you're gonna listen to my instructions and behave.”
Oh if she knew the fire you were feeling all over your sensitive skin. Her delicate yet strong hands were tearing your clothes apart. The warmth from her palms was burning your skin. You already were at the edge since her first glance. You were so eager to please a marvelous stranger. The only thing you wanted her to do is use you so the only thing you will remember will be her title, her taste, her scent, her, only her.
“Come here bambina, let mommy ride your face”
You could not believe your luck, a stunning woman asking you to please her. How can you decline this delightful offer? It felt like a fever dream. She was teasingly slow taking down her clothes. She was purposely swaying her hips as if she was a predator and you were her prey. Her mouse.
She gave your neck a few bites here and there, not even bothering to smooth them. when she glanced at your face. You were totally blissed out. Completely at her mercy. 
She took down her ruined panties and took a seat on your face. Your senses were filled with her significant scent. The first lick was experimental to taste her. Her taste was a little mix of salt and sweetness. It was like blessed nectar. Your warm tongue licked her delicate labia. Her hips rolled at the action. You tried to steady her with your hands, but she slept them away.
“Remember the rules little mouse” she said, sternly.
You liked her again this time with more force. You made it your goal to memorize every curve, moan, whimper, curse. You wanted to drink her nectar, you're gonna take anything she is gonna give you. Her mind blowing taste was addictive, you wanted to eat her all. To give her the best orgasm in her life. You were softly nibbling at her sensitive skin. Swirling your tongue on a fragile rose. You gently pecked her clit. She groaned. You suck on it licked it and kiss it. She was slowly losing control. She was whimpering over you. 
“ahh, yes, like this, good girl!” She cried out.
Your tongue went diaper into her core, you were restless. Setting the faster rhythm. To send her over the age sooner. Since the goddess above you forbid you to use your fingers. You decided to challenge her with your skilled tongue. Switching between the suction of her bundle of nerves and going in teasing techniques of her core. Your face was covered in her sweet arousal. You were practically drowning in her scent. juices and moans. 
“Don't tease miele, mommy is going to reward you, ahh like this!”
You find her spongy spot deep in her core. You gave it a few light licks. With these actions, her hips were bucking back. Her moans became louder. She was playing with her full breasts to add more pleasure to her body. Your hands were scratching the olive skin of her thighs. Leaving red marks behind on a warm flesh. Giving more sensations and stimulation. Your tongue was skillfully going up and down her core. Small kisses here and there on her overstimulated clit. With each passing second her hips were swinging, she was trying to escape your experienced tongue. Your hands were clutching her thighs diligently. Every lick, suck, nibble was bringing her faster to the edge. Her breasts were bouncing. Her nipples were screaming for attention, she tried to pinch them in hopes it would make the ache to go away. She tugged on your hair. This action made you groan at the sensation. Long lasting vibrating suck of her clit sent her over the edge. She was desperately moaning. 
“You are such a good girl, little mouse” She praised you in pure bliss.
She fell on your torso. You gently kissed her. Letting her taste her pleasure. She moaned at her taste. You kissed her cheek and went straight down to clean her up with your delicate tongue. You cannot waste the sweet nectar. She whined at the overstimulation. You tenderly lapped the remains of her juices. Firstly on creamy thighs occasionally sucking on the skin. Finishing with a tender kiss right on her clit.
“That was the best orgasm in my life. You did pretty well for a little submissive mouse.” She said truthfully
“Now it is your turn bambina, mommy keeps her promises.” 
With these words she crawled over you. Her usual demeanor is back. She is ready to make you squirm and cry. 
What was supposed to be just a one night stand for both of you became something more, such as regular meetings, mind blowing sex, breakfast together, drinking wine together, deep talks. Simply just enjoying the company of each other. Just two of you against the world. Hell, you even moved in together, if you can call it like that. She was staying in the president lux. Big rooms, personal pool, jacuzzi, amazing balcony where you had the best talks. Her green eyes will haunt you forever. You already were feeling like you were falling in love. But you had to remind yourself, “It is just resort romance, nothing more, at least for her.”
Here comes your last day together on the 14th of February, day of love. But you could not escape the emptiness in your heart. Last day until she will disappear forever…
To your surprise, she ordered fruits and candles to set a romantic atmosphere. When you walked into the room soft jazz music was playing. Melissa walked to you with the bouquet of flowers in hand. You almost cried at the site. This is so sensual, beautiful. No one has ever done this for you. But she did. Maybe she was the one?
This gonna be one of your core memories. She already stole your heart. The goodbyes are going to be really painful. 
“Are you okay? Hon?” She repeated nervously, trying to figure out what was wrong. You were just staring at her beautiful green orbs. 
“If it is too much I'm so sorry I should not have to make it!” She sounded nervous, almost panicking. 
You whispered, resting the warmth of your hands on her shoulders.  
“I adore this so much! I've never had somebody do this for me. I really appreciate it.” You gave her assurance. caressing her and kissing her on the lips.
That final day gave you the impression of being a married couple right out of the honeymoon stage. She was carrying and completely open with you. You were both extremely delighted and nauseous from it. Tomorrow you will be flying to your home and family in a few hours. But somehow, without her, none of that made sense. Melissa was a tough woman. You figured that out while technically living together. But that specific night she let her guard down for you. And you could see the sadness in her eyes. Especially in the intimate moments when she was feeding you with a strawberry, kissing became more slow and desperate. That night was no power dynamic, just pure love and sensual kisses.
“I'm going to miss you little mouse” She spoke with obvious anguish in her voice as she conveyed her thoughts.  
With these words, you shared a last kiss. You felt like part of you died with you that day…
3 months later 
When you came back home you were in absolute despair. You were missing her so much it was physically hurting you. Everything, absolutely everything was reminding you of her. You were checking your phone every day in hopes of seeing a message or even a call from the redhead. Even your friends were worried for you. You spent the last three months by yourself mostly doing all your job responsibilities from home. You were looking through her pictures you took when she was unaware. Completely without makeup, happy. She was a big softie with you. One time you heard her perfume on the street. You looked like an absolutely lost dog looking for its owner. She was the only owner of your heart. 
Melissa was going through one of the most challenging crises in her life. Her vocation in Palermo completely changed her as a woman and as a person. When she booked the tickets to Italy she hoped she would find a hot young guy to hook up with. That fresh blood and dick will make her forget asshole Gary. That random stranger will make her feel loved and finally, she will cum. Because apparently Gary did not know anything about a woman`s body. He was a clueless idiot and she was simulating her pleasure, he did not notice the change at all. The idiot proposed to her even though they talked a lot about the subject. He just could not or did not want to hear what his woman wanted.  She was so tired of being lonely and sad all the time. Her love life was a wreck. But then you came into her life. Shamelessly staring at her but strangely she liked it. You were different, not like all the men she had been with. All her life she blocked the part of her that was thinking about experimenting with girls. Just the one thought of experimenting with a person of her gender was sending her into a panic. 
But. You.
She was not ready to share with you that you were her first woman she slept with. To be completely honest she thought she was just gonna use you as fulfillment of her needs and that would be it. But the way you were looking at her, so pure, so innocent, so happy. It broke her heart to think that she was just gonna use you so she just gave it a go. “No one is going to find out” she was saying to herself every day. Of course, all her thoughts and behavior were just echoes of the stigma. Liking women at her time was counting as something she should be ashamed of and better work this problem out by marrying a man. So he can cure her.
She managed to hide that “dirty” part of herself.
But then you appeared and showed that being loved by another woman is rather a blessing than a curse. The love was so gentle, understanding, and calming. And after all, nothing bad happened, she did not die on the spot as she was told. None of the bad things she heard were true. And then she saw all the great things about you such as you understood her by just looking right into her eyes, you were gentle and honest with her no one has done this for her. The guys just did not care about her pleasure and her as a person in general. Oh and your soft gentle lips, kind eyes, humor, everything about you…
While she was lost in her thoughts, realization struck her like a frigid wave. She fell in love... Just in two weeks with a mischievous stranger. Firstly she blamed herself for letting her guard down she let herself be emotional, feel emotions, experience emotions. That's what she mastered during her life. Put the guard up, be emotionless and life will be easy. Her exes used to tell her “Why are you acting like a bratty girl, stop being so emotional, jeezz are you on your period again?” So she stopped being emotional at all. But now her well-being was dependent on her happiness, on you. So she decided to break this circle of negative emotions and call you and tell you how she feels about you, and maybe ask you to be her girlfriend. To become hers.
 United States of America, South Philadelphia 
It was Valentine's Day again. You felt a sense of dejavu reliving all the memories from the past. It took long enough for The Melissa Ann Kathrine Schemmenti to finally ask you out and ask you officially to be her girlfriend. But you didn't mind. You would wait for her as long as needed. She was like your special delicate, sensitive flower, you were a caretaker, you were patient and loving to see her blossom for you. When she did you were stunned by her true colors and personality. There were no masks, facade for both of you. Just pure love. You wanted to make her feel extra special on this day, which was also your anniversary (almost, but nonetheless). And it is going to be your first Valentine's as a couple. So exciting! 
But since you want to make this day special that does not mean you will not tease her. You like to push her buttons and see her reaction. And today was even more thrilling. You bought special lingerie for the occasion. Of course, you like to spoil your girl by buying new lingerie and see her reaction. You created a plan, you went to buy a new undergarments set. To your luck on Valentine's, there are a lot to choose from. One looked specifically spicier than the others, that's what you need! It had heart-shaped cutting on the nipples, with a light pink lace. It gave your breasts amazingly good lift even though this piece did have a push-up effect. To finish the lustful garment there is a cherry red thong with a small heart with a text that says “Eat me”. You put that on, you looked absolutely amazing. Reds and pinks colors were bringing accent to your skin tone, the thong was giving your ass more roundness. Mel would definitely like it. You also found light pink stockings, oh you knew how this look would make Melissa go absolutely crazy over you.
Your mind visited a naughty thought. You took your phone it lit up with the photo of you and your girlfriend laughing in Palermo. Your heart swelled with love. You opened the camera app and began to pose. The first one was you touching your unique bra, using your other hand to cover your nipples a little bit. The other one was you bending down and putting your ass up purposely to give it more roundness. Maybe it was not smart to take these photos and send them to your beloved Melissa during work but just thought about seeing her flustered and a little nervous. The thought of you turning her on was seducing you too much. And of course, you wanted to have fun tonight. In no time you got a response.
La mia dea italiana (my Italian goddess)
“Oh bambina, don't start something you can't finish, but the set look exquisite on you or I rather should say you look exquisite my darling.”
But you know her tough response is a facade. In reality, she is sitting in her classroom in her free period trying to play it cool because right now her mind is getting crazy by just one look at the amazing bra or the thong. You literally set fuel to the fire. But again, you are gonna worry later, or you might enjoy restless Melissa Schemmenti…
The sound of soft Italian jazz music welcomed you when you arrived home. The memories of your last night with the fiery redhead in Italy came flooding back, but now you realize you have plenty of time to spend together. You smiled at the realization that she is yours and you are hers. Hearts tied together. While taking off your boots, you noticed the path made of red petals heading towards your bedroom. And it clicked, Mel was recreating your last night in Italy. The roses, the music. You decided not to waste more time, excited to see what your beautiful girlfriend prepared for you. When you went upstairs there was an envelope with text on it “Open Me”. You eagerly opened it, it had instructions for you. “Hello again my sweet mouse, read closely, take off your clothes, stay only in your new lingerie set, and head upstairs!” 
You rushed out of your clothes, even the nickname “mouse” She definitely was recreating your night. You assumed she wanted to make things right this time? No more sadness, just pure bliss.
You opened the door to your bedroom and your mouth fell open at the view. The gorgeous redhead had a proud smirk on her lips. Evidently pleased with the reaction she got from you. You were too stunned to speak. The smoking hot Melissa Schemmenti had nothing but a pair of dark red lace thong without any bra just her exquisite breasts. Soft creamy skin was calling for you to kiss, caress, lick, touch it. When you looked more closely you noticed that her rosey nipples were covered with chocolate. On the bedside table were strawberries waiting for you to use them, fresh melted chocolate in a bowl was ready for use. You walked down to her as you were enchanted by her breasts. 
“Come here little mouse, I might need your help.” she fake paunted. Her eyes were telling you the other story. They were glistering with lust.
While you were occupied by shamelessly staring at her breasts, she was taking in your form with the new lingerie that you bought for her. She was practically eating you up with her eyes as if you were her prey.
“I figured you might like this il mio dolce tesoro, do not contain your stares. I absolutely love when you look at or touch my amazing tits. I know you love them. It is still vivid in my memory how you were eyeing my girls in that hotel lobby. Absolutely shamelessly, you are such a naughty girl. But I love you for it. My naughty mouse”
You could not believe your luck. Mel prepared all this sweet yet spicy, to be honest overly spicy, and all of this just for you, just for your eyes to see, your tongue to taste, to devour. 
“But we have some rules here, like last time. Rules for my favorite little mouse. First, you are going to address me only as ma`am, mistress, and mommy. Second, you are not allowed to take off my thong, this night is only about my tits and my titis only. Since you were brave enough to tease me during my work hours. You get a challenge if you can make me cum by just using your skilled tongue and hands on my breasts. Today you're gonna make me finish by just eating and admiring my breasts.” 
She announced the rules. Her beautiful green olives are gone in a lustful gaze. You can see how her breathing is erratic. Her eyes are focused on you. Almost silently asking you to start. 
“Yes, mistress” you breathed out. Your thighs are pressing together in need of any sort of friction.  
You sat on her lap. Melissa could feel your ruined underwear on her thighs. While she was streaked with the new sensation of your clothed pussy on her warm inviting thigh. Oh, how you wanted to take a ride... But just one stern look from your beloved Italiano made you behave. You wanted to be her good girl. Melissa, unlike you, could not take the tension any longer she yanked a fistful of your hair. Passionately inviting you for a bruising kiss. You whimpered at the sensation. She was restless. Biting hard on your lip just to slide her dominant tongue into your warm mouth. This action made you unconsciously desperately grind onto her soft creamy thigh.
“Ah, ah little mouse is breaking the rules again” She stated with a sly smirk playing on her puffy lips. 
Still having her hand in your hair she pulled you straight into her tits. You moaned at the action right between delicate skin. Melissa was completely drowning you in her exquisite breasts. You were totally blissed out, your face pressed between her tits. Giving up any sort of control, you give in to the desire to bite down soft flesh. Smoothing down with your warm gentle tongue. Melissa responded with a groan. Her olive skin was covered in shivers. Just from one action. It was no secret for both of you that her breasts were subject of admiration. She also loved them, loved the attention she got from you. Now it was a research question to see how sensitive her breasts are and how many minutes, or hours would it take for you to make her cum?
“Tesoro, do this again!” she groaned out.
You bit her again. Taking the heated bowl with the meted warm chocolate you covered your tits in the steaming liquid. You shivered at the warm tingly sensation. Making your rosey buds harden almost instantly. Mel licked her lips before launching her tender lips and sucking on your right nipple. You let out a cry at the delicious feeling. Of her lips on your nipple softly nibbling on the pointy flesh. Her other hand palmed your left tit. Using her nails to tease the nipple. The sensations were sending you into bliss. Her scent, her warm inviting skin, warmth radiating from her big breasts. You closed your eyes to focus more on the pleasure she was giving you. 
“Agh, mommy, please, bite me again agh, rougher plaeaase” You screamed from the sensations. The pool in your underwear was no help. You became more needy with every passing second.
You practically glazed more chocolate on her inviting breasts. Slowly licking the tender olive skin. You started with the top, kitten licking right breast, gently sucking on the skin around her areola. You were teasing, changing speed between agonizingly slow to faster with your tongue drawing different patterns. One of them was the word “mine”. Caressing the other breast with your nails. Giving a firm quiz here and there. Melissa was getting overwhelmed with feelings. She was so sensitive, everywhere. Firstly her breasts were on fire, pleasantly carried away with your skillful tongue, you sweet words you were drawing with your tongue on her breasts. The warm hand that was palming her left breast was sending light pulsations straight to her pussy. She became so putty in your hands. 
“Like that, good girl, you are doing so great, just suck nipples, they are aching for your experienced tongue” She cried out. Pressing your lips closer to her overstimulated nipples. 
Her praise was making your pussy clench around nothing. You were so happy to please your mistress. So eager to make her cum. Like no other men on this planet will. The sweetness of chocolate was mixing up with the significant taste of your gorgeous girlfriend. Making you want to devour her without mercy. Her fragrance was interacting with a sweet scent of chocolate. Revealing new muscusy notes in the air. Her strawberry lip gloss was like a cherry on top of the sweetness. All your senses were blessed with her gorgeous presence.
Your velvety lips were gently sucking on her exuberant nipples. Redhead responded with a breathy moan. She harshly pressed you into her exquisite breast. Too lost in the moment to care. You started to bite down slowly on the puffy bud. Changing the frequency of suction and biting. Gazing your teeth over a chocolaty-covered nipple adds more dopamine to your system. The taste of skin with sweetness was an amazing combination for your taste buds. Switching to another nipple you bit harder, smoothing harsh sensation with a lapping of your tongue. Taking a break from her nipples made her a whining mess.
“Amore…” Melissa whined out, while squirming her hips.
“Please, do-dont stop” She complained.
You took more strawberries and chocolate. You covered her reddened buds with chocolate and squirted strawberries over her breasts. Not caring where it will lend. As if there is no tomorrow you began to follow down the drops of juice. Making patterns, softly nibbling, and harshly biting down the pinkish flash.
“Tesoro please, I am so, so closeeeee” she was a crying mass. The overstimulation made her brain get foggy. She became more whinny. Desperately trying to get her release. 
You were practically sucking out her buds, areolas, using your tongue to tease, smooth, irritate, and get a reaction from a hot beast. Your delicate hands were palming her puffy tits. Your nails were gazing over and over over sensitive pointed rosy skin. One last suck of your tongue, one lust swirl of your hand on her nipple sends her over to the sweetest release she got from this type of stimulation. Her eyes got lost in the back of her head. Her hips are uncontrollably bucking against nothing. Her hands firmly tugging on your hair, pressing hard into her tits. Her thighs are moving intensively which makes your hips join her rhythm to saddle over her thigh. You were following her movements to make you reach your desired release together. You collapsed in bed. Heavy gasping for air. 
“ Well, well you did pretty good for a little muse, il mio amore” 
With these words, you shared a passionate, loving kiss. And that night you had the best sleep in each other's arms. Melissa finally felt content and loved. She did not regret her decision to start a resort romance. Now she has her girl. Sleeping right beside.
What a Valentines…
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aiastrox · 5 months
I’m begging for some hellborn!reader x hazbin content😩 like I’ll take anyone- Adam? Lucifer? Vox? Rosie? Velvette? Alastor?,,, ANYONE.
Anyone but Valentino, keep him away.
For you Hazbin hotel x reader writers out there, beware because i WILL invade your asks.
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kirame90 · 2 months
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"I should have known not to trust Valentino"
Just my top ten clips from this little thingy. I'm in love with these three <3
This and much more on my charity Patreon
The charity of April 2024 is going to be Committee Against Bird Slaughter
Unfortunately poaching of migratory songbirds is still going on in numerous countries despite it being unlawful. CABS forms bird protecting camps where volunteers go out there to locate poachers and their traps. From the very beginning they have specialized in the work against bird poaching - a small but important field of activity in the field of environmental protection. They are the only European organisation with this specialization and they are active in most hot spots of migratory bird hunting in the Mediterranean basin.
You can read more about their work here and here you can find their annual report for 2023 (some of the images may be disturbing, dead birds ahead so beware)
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dododan · 5 months
Alastor is a character I really like. Not only for the mystery we see in the series, but also for his design <3
Alastor resembles a deer, and I think deer have something dark and disturbing about them which is perfect for Alastor's character.
Certainly, the deer antlers that hang at my grandmother's house did not contribute to this….
I'm a horror fan and I listen to creepypastas or other scary stories to sleep, so it's no wonder I like Alastor so much.
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And here are some small thoughts on the Hazbin Hotel finale! So much has been going on that I'm having trouble getting my emotions and thoughts together! It came out really great!
And if you're curious then beware because there are spoilers below!!!
So many things to think about and analyse after the Hazbin Hotel final!
Lilith - and her lounging on the beach in (presumably) heaven. She didn't seem happy to be interrupted by Lute. But how? What is she doing there? From Lute's words, it seems that Lilith had some sort of deal with Adam, who, through his death and Charlie's antics, their deal lost its power. It's hard to say what that might be about, because I find it hard to believe that Lilith would just lie back and have a go at everything. She loved The Hell and from the pictures you can see in the series she cared about her family. Maybe she made a deal with Adam to walk away from her family and go back to Adam and he wouldn't touch Charlie and Lucifer?
Sir Pentious - just excellent character development. Vivzie did a nice number with his story. Death. He dead in the name of friendship and his values. He experienced redemption! And everyone was betting that Angel Dust would be first XD But Sir Pentious deserved it. I'm sure the rest of the hotel team will find out very soon that Pentious is alive. Emily I'm counting on you! Sera's face was priceless!
Vaggie and Carmila's song was beautiful and wonderful. And I like how Charlie and Vaggie's love is so pure. They have something really special and strong.
Rosie was great too! I didn't expect her to be so charming and supportive. I'm not surprised that Alastor likes her.
Alastor… My favourite deserves a separate post to analyse his behaviour. But there we have it! Alastor is on a leash! He's got a deal that scares him and he's trying to get away from it. But I am increasingly doubting that he is relying on Charlie's help…. Al seemed terrified, although it's hard for me to tell at the moment in these emotions whether he was terrified by the very deal he'd made, or that the deal was taking away his freedom. It seems to me that Alastor craves power and authority, but rather not because he is narcissistic. It's more because more power might give him the ability to break this deal.
Just who did he make it with that it scares him so much? My theory was Lilith, but it's hard to tell now…. We just don't know what Lilith is like and we don't know her motivations, so it's hard to say if she was the one who made the deal with Alastor. If so, what is the true nature of this deal? I think the favour Charlie has with Alastor will be related to his deal. Maybe he will ask her to help him break it? After all, Charlie is a princess of hell, maybe she has the power to break such a deal?
Alastor also seems to be attached to the other residents of the hotel. He is changing! Perhaps he is mellowing through Charlie and becoming slowly good, or at least less cruel?
And his relationship with Niffty is just adorable!
The next season promises to be really exciting. There will definitely be more of Vox, Valentino and Velvette battling for power. Lilith will be back, there will be a new hotel…. There's so much going on!
I can't wait for the next season! As for Alastor, when the excitement subsides and I calm down a bit I'll be sure to analyse our radio demon in detail.
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twisted-sickfics · 4 months
Tough Day
a lot of content warnings in this one for angel-typical sexual content and violence so please skip this one if that’s not something you’re comfortable with! this still has lots of caretaking and comfort, there’s just also valentino so please beware!
content warnings: MDNI, emeto, language, valentino, violence and sexual content
Angel knew it would be a tough day when he woke up feeling like shit.
Well, to be more specific, his stomach feels like shit and his entire body aches all over. It doesn’t exactly take a genius to figure out that he’s probably coming down with something.
But he doesn’t have time to worry about that. Valentino needs him for a shoot and he’s not exactly going to take “I’m sick” as an excuse. He’s been higher and felt worse than this and completed shoots just fine. If he’s lucky, he doesn’t even remember them when he’s that out of it.
This is just…uncomfortable. Inconvenient. A fucking drag.
Getting to the set isn’t an issue but actually having to film? That’s another beast altogether. Having a bunch of dicks shoved in his mouth isn’t exactly the best idea when he’s already feeling like he could puke at any second. Thankfully, it doesn’t seem like that’s the vibe Valentino wants to go for today.
Filming isn’t actually that bad, but it’s during the short break he’s allotted that things start to take a turn for the worse. He takes a drink of water and practically gags, feeling his stomach rebelling against the liquid he tried to introduce into his system.
“Angel, baby, we haven’t even played with your gag reflex today,” Valentino says, obviously having fun reveling in Angel’s misery. He just has to suck it up and take it, trying to fight back now would just be stupid. “Don’t tell me you’re losing your touch.”
“Not at all, Valentino,” Angel swears. “I’m fine.” The last thing he’s going to do is open up to Valentino and admit weakness. If anything, the creep would only want to exploit his misery even more.
Valentino looks at him intensely as though poring over every little detail of Angel’s body. It feels slimy. It feels violating. “Back to filming, then,” he commands and the stagehands and actors get into position. Angel follows suit.
It’s when he has a demon’s cock up his ass and his brain is being pounded out that the nausea gets worse. He lifts a hand to cover his mouth, but Valentino immediately yells, “Cut! Angel, what the Hell are you doing?! We need to hear you loud and clear!”
“Valentino, I—” He isn’t sure how he would have explained himself, but even fumbling over his words would have been better than doubling over and vomiting all over the bed. Which is exactly what happens. He hears the stage crew gasp and shout around him, pictures being snapped, and Valentino yelling at him.
It all gets fuzzy after that. Maybe it’s the fever he’s positive he has at this point or maybe it was all so awful that he blocked it out of his memory, but he doesn’t remember much of Valentino’s wrath, just being thrown out of the studio and yelled at by some stagehand to call a cab because the shoot is over.
That didn’t end very well.
Angel still has the cognizance to do exactly what that stagehand told him to do because he needs to get home now. He’s lucky a driver even lets him in the car with how rough he looks, but he manages not to throw up in the backseat for the entire ride. That’s a win in his book.
This late at night (or early in the morning), not many of the hotel’s employees are still awake. Alastor might be lurking around somewhere but that doesn’t really count. Husk is the only one up at this hour, but that’s about the only person Angel feels comfortable showing himself around while he looks and feels like this.
“Hey,” Angel greets, his tone noticeably less excitable than usual. “‘m not feelin’ great today, you got anythin’ other than booze here?” He hasn’t eaten or drunk anything since the previous day now and he knows he should at least get some non-alcoholic fluids into his system.
That…definitely wasn’t what Husk was expecting. He thought Angel would immediately ask for the strongest drink he could make, but for him to admit that he’s not feeling well? Husk decides to keep a close eye on him out of concern. “I’ve got coffee, milk, tea, and water,” he offers. “Take your pick.”
Angel’s stomach rolls at the thought of drinking anything other than plain water right now, so he opts for that. Husk eyes him for a moment longer than usual before handing him a glass of water. “How was work?”
“Terrible,” Angel admits. “I threw up all over the bed during the shoot and Valentino threw me outta there. Guess I ain’t getting paid this time.” There’s no way Valentino will pay him for screwing up. He’ll have to resort to other means to make ends meet for the month, then.
“What the fuck?!” Husk shouts, and he immediately lowers his voice because of the way Angel flinches. “That bastard did this to you? Because you got sick? The next time I see that guy, I’m gonna fucking kill him.”
“After today, I think I’d like that,” Angel says, taking a swig of his water like it’s alcohol and immediately regretting it. His stomach still isn’t feeling great. “Listen, I’m gonna head to my room now. You have any drugs I can take? Like, the actual medicine kind?”
He must be feeling worse than he’s letting on if he’s actually asking for medicine. Even now, he’s performing. “You head upstairs and I’ll meet you there. I’ll bring you some meds and some water.”
Angel looks like he’s about to say something for a moment, but stops himself. Instead, he nods and heads to his room. Husk knows the bitterness of the tea would probably upset his stomach even more, so he pours him a glass of water instead. He gets some nausea medicine and some fever reducers (just in case, the guy was looking a little worse-for-wear) and heads to Angel’s bedroom where he’s immediately greeted by the sound of retching from the bathroom.
“Angel?” Husk calls out, setting the glass of water and medicine on the nightstand and opening the door to the bathroom only to be greeted with Angel hunched over the toilet, expelling what little is left in his stomach. “Hey, ‘s okay. Just breathe.”
Angel gags, bringing up a small amount of stomach acid. “I feel like shit,” he moans, eyes streaming with tears from the strain of throwing up, his voice hoarse and raw.
“I know,” Husk sympathizes, “but you’re doing great. Just lemme know when you’re done and we can get you cleaned up.” He takes this opportunity to check his forehead for a fever and sure enough, he’s burning up.
It’s tough to see someone who’s usually so strong in Husk’s eyes barely able to keep themselves up in front of a toilet bowl, and he really feels for the guy. If he had any kind of power over Valentino, he would kick his ass into oblivion for working Angel to the bone while sick.
“Think I’m done,” Angel says, looking absolutely miserable. He looks like he might pass out, so Husk wants to get him to bed as soon as possible. Husk rips off a piece of toilet paper and uses that to clean around Angel’s mouth. It might just be the fever, but his face looks really red.
“Think you can stand up?” Husk asks. He’s surprised when Angel nods, attempting to stand up on his own, but he leans on Husk for support as he walks to bed.
For the first time that night, Husk sees Angel visibly relax and close his eyes. “No going to sleep yet, sweetheart,” he says, apologetic since he knows the only thing Angel must want to do right now is go to sleep. “I need you to take these.”
Angel swallows the pills with some water and sighs. “If I have to go into work tomorrow, I think I’ll actually die again. I feel like shit, Whiskers.” How honest. When he’s not feeling well, Angel tends to be a bit more truthful. Interesting.
“I know you do, Legs. Tell you what, you sleep in today and get some rest. If Valentino comes knocking, I’ll set Alastor on him. Sound good?”
“Mhm,” Angel mumbles affirmatively, but he’s already half-asleep and very out of it. He probably doesn’t know what he’s agreeing to, but there’s no way Husk is letting him go to work tomorrow when he’s this sick. He’s already thrown up twice and his fever felt pretty high. Whatever Valentino is going to do to him won’t be good.
Husk turns to leave when he feels a hand grip his wrist. “Wait…please stay…” Angel mumbles. How could Husk say no when he’s asked like that? He isn’t completely heartless. Just mostly heartless.
It doesn’t take long for Angel to fall asleep. He must have been exhausted, because it usually takes him much longer. Husk sits next to him, reading a book he’d been meaning to catch up on.
Husk flips through the pages of his book when Angel begins to stir again. He doesn’t appear to be awake but he looks distressed, as though he’s having a nightmare. Husk doesn’t wake him because he doesn’t want to disorient him even further, but a large small part of him feels badly seeing him like that.
Eventually, Angel wakes up with a gasp. “You’re alright, Legs,” Husk says, a steadying hand on his back. “You just had a nightmare. You’re in your room and you’re fine.”
He doesn’t feel fine, though. His stomach is in knots and he’s starting to sweat but he feels cold. He just dreamt about Valentino and he has to go to work the next day like this. There’s no way he can work like this! He’s going to get in so much trouble.
Husk can see Angel starting to work himself up even more, but he doesn’t know what to say to him to make it better. It’s only when Angel’s breaths start to morph into nauseous hiccups that Husk goes to get a trash can and places it under Angel’s mouth.
Angel starts to gag unproductively, bringing up strings of saliva. It isn’t a pretty sight, but Husk wants to be here for him. He has to. “It’s all right, Angel,” he says, “just let it out if you have to.”
Eventually, Angel finally does bring up a mouthful of bile and Husk winces. He hasn’t seen him this out of sorts in, well, ever. And he’s seen Angel in many different states.
It seems like that’s all he’s going to be able to bring up because the rest of his retches are dry and unproductive. Husk has to help him sit back in bed as he moves the trash can out of the way. “How’re you feeling?” he asks tentatively, though he has a feeling he already knows the answer.
“Like shit,” Angel says, as expected. “I think I threw up the medicine you made me take. Sorry ‘bout that.”
That’s when his phone starts blowing up. Husk is able to see the contact labeled “Valentino” on his phone, followed by several messages with some very aggressive language. He doesn’t miss the way Angel tenses up when a new text comes in.
“I-I should answer that,” he says, reaching for his phone before Husk snatches it out of his grasp.
“No way,” Husk says, “you’re not answering that asshole. I’ll take care of everything, promise. You deserve one day for yourself. Worst case scenario, tell that Valentino to shove a dick up his ass because you’re not going and that’s that.”
He’s worried he crossed some boundaries there, but Angel’s lips turn upward in a small smile. That’s enough to make Husk smile too. “Just get some rest, sweetheart.”
Husk isn’t stupid, he knows that means more work and possibly more punishment for Angel down the road. But for now, he’s in no state to show up for a shoot. Anything that comes later, they can handle. For now, he can just focus on resting and feeling better.
Angel doesn’t have to ask him to stay this time.
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flynnarts · 4 months
Valentino Pencil Sketch 🦋
(CW: A blue pencil sketch of Valentino. If you don’t like/love him, please keep scrolling. This is his outfit in Masquerade, so there is open chest. Inappropriate-ish language, minors beware!)
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Yes, I draw my beloved with blue. For some reason, I do better if I draw Vox in red and Valentino in blue (because they are fucking soulmates)
Click for higher quality!
Idk man, this outfit did something for me broshimiskies. Like have you seen him?! Serving cunt frfr. He’s such a bastard and I love him so much-
Funny thing, Valentino was the one that got me hooked to the Vees. (Haha ParanoidDJ reference.)
Vox kinda made me trapped in loving them even more, and Velvette is such a badass queen I love.
“How are you this Hellish evening?”
“Wrist ruffles? Is this 1750? BURN IT like the witches who wore it!”
Anyway, hope yall enjoy this arts, I’ll probably render it in procreate but idk.
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shojo · 7 months
Wish Review/Thoughts/Stuff
Not a formal review, just some bullet points of my thoughts on Disney's Wish. Letsa go.
So. I liked it. It was sweet, gorgeous to look at, and a simple fairytale. But I think that's the movie's biggest weakness because
There are no consequences. Just like Frozen, Raya, Frozen II, etc. the heroes go on this big quest and the stakes are freaking high like oh shit are they actually gonna go there an- Oh. Wait. Nope. Everything and everyone is fine and there's a happy ending and the movie's order and nothing was lost and will never be lost the end. When Magnifico crushed Asha's mother's wish I thought for a second that he killed her. Straight up. But then no she's just... really sad. And that sucks but she's fine. And those other three citizens are fine. Their dreams are literally crushed but, yeah, they're fine. Simon betrays Asha. He says sorry. They're friends again. They're all fine. Magnifico body slams a 17 year old girl into the stone floor more than once. She's fine. Whatever evil that has taken hold of Magnifico is just.. defeated. That's fine. This is fine. Everything's fine. Which brings me to my next critique that there is
So much set up and little to no pay off. What was the deal with the burned ends of the tapestry? What terrible fate was Magnifico trying to avoid? What's the deal with the evil book? Why did it have it? Does it have something to do with the story in the tapestry? Why did they mention Asha's grandfather's age multiple times (did you know he's turning 100 years old and can still ride a horse and play the guitar) and then do nothing with that information? Were they hinting at grandpa not living to get to see his wish granted? Was Asha trying desperately to get his wish granted because she knew he wouldn't have too much longer to live? What's the typical life span of a citizen of Rosas? Is 100 the new 40? Why was Magnifico so suspicious of granting grandpa's gift of playing music? Does this have to do with the story of the tapestry?? Why does Dahlia have a cane? Is she injured or is it a disability? Why are we trying to represent a person with a disability and then never mentioning it throughout the entire run time of the movie? Does her wish have anything to do with why she has a cane? Does her wish involve making the best damn cookies this kingdom has ever seen because to hell with her disability because she's got kickass friends who love her for her and don't want/need her to change but will the movie ever address this? If Dahlia knows about the inner workings of the castle does she know about the story in the tapestry??? What happened to Asha's dad? Why don't we get to see him, not even in a flashback? Why couldn't he have been the stand-in for Walt himself? Was Asha's dad the one to inspire her to draw and create animation just as Walt inspires us/a new generation of dreamers to this day? (Are we just going to gloss over the fact that Asha created her own snippet of animation? And that she must love to draw because she has so many pictures in her notebook? Can we please have a Disney heroine that loves to not only draw but animate?) And if Asha is about to turn 18 and her grandpa is turning 100, how does that work?! How old is her mother? Did they not have kids until they were in their 40s? Is he Asha's great great grandpa instead? If he's turning 100, should he know more about the city's history? Should he be older than Magnifico? DOES HE KNOW ABOUT THE STORY IN THE TAPESTRY THAT MAGNIFICO IS TRYING SO DESPERATELY TO NOT HAVE HAPPEN TWICE? JENNIFER LEE, I HAVE QUESTIONS AND I WOULD VERY MUCH LIKE TO HAVE, LIKE, FOUR OF THEM ANSWERED PLEASE.
*deep breaths*
Valentino is Olaf without the heart. Let me explain. Olaf is a comic relief sidekick. He's also the reason Elsa and Anna reconnected after years of isolation and is a core memory for the girls. He's their holiday tradition. He's their friend. Elsa made him. Olaf, whether you love him or like him, is an essential part of the story of Frozen. Valentino is a comic relief sidekick. He's Asha's three week old friend/pet/buddy/cute animal. Um. He talks now. He's super cute. Love his outfit. Says some funny lines. Alan Tudyk. .... That's about it.
Chris Pine knocked this out of the damn park. Excellent voice acting on his part, loved his inflections and growls and everything in between. Very nice. Handsome king is handsome. Yes.
Asha and her friends are a better retelling of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs than that live action movie will ever hope to be (if it ever gets finished).
Like I said, I did like this movie. Being the Disney nerd that I am, I was a sucker for all the references to previous Disney films (heck, the freaking opening text got me) and I'm going to go through this movie with a fine tooth comb the second I get my hands on a pause button on Disney+ to find them all. This movie seems to be getting a lot of hate which I don't think is warranted but there's obvious flaws and holes a mile wide in the plot. I'm hovering between a 6 or a 7 out of 10 or a solid B rating at the moment of writing this.
Also Asha is a tour guide and I am a tour guide so we're practically twins.
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valentinoappreciator · 3 months
Tell me about your WIPs!!!! You're awesome!!
thank you, dear anon!! I'm ALWAYS happy for a chance to blabber about my WIPs, but beware, for they are plentiful, and this will probably be a semi-long post 😅 For the Hazbin WIPs, I'll leave links where available!
Hazbin Hotel WIPs:
I have two (three) Hazbin Hotel WIPs that are sooo so so dear to me. One focuses on Vox x female OC, the other on Valentino x female OC. Yes, I have a type, and so what 😔 anyway - the Vox one actually has Vox as a good guy, although he fumbles a lot with his relationship with female OC. He's VERY new to loving and healthy relationships. Vox and his lover flee to the Hazbin Hotel to seek refuge from Valentino's wrath, and he even forms a semi-sorta-kinda cordial, albeit strained, friendship with Alastor (who will ALSO have a partner!). Character development all-around, yippeeee!! Tonight I'm Saying Goodbye Valentino is the title, and it currently has two chapters up on AO3!
The Valentino x female OC WIP focuses on female OC as being new in Hell and landing in Valentino's clutches. Quickly rising in the ranks of sex work, she eventually becomes a top earning girl, "competing" with Angel Dust although they're actually really good friends. At some point, Valentino becomes so unbearably infatuated with female OC that he accuses her of working succubus magic on him. Eventually, she knocks it into his thick skull that she's not a succubus, and that if he's feeling this way about her, there must be some good fucking reason. Long story short, they become the evil power couple of hell that makes everyone cower <3 This one has the (mouthful) title of As the sun sets on your mortal life, the moon will shine on your afterlife! 3 chapters up so far on AO3!
The third Hazbin Hotel WIP focuses on Vox AND Valentino as they stalk and harass female OC in true staticmoth fashion. I haven't really written a whole lot on this one, but I can already tell I'm gonna LOVE it 😭 Since it's still very new, there's no link for it yet 😔
Original WIPs:
Hitman-inspired novel, my beloved 😭 this one is incredibly dear to me. It focuses on this female straight-A student whose only career wish is to become a hitman. She gets into a crime syndicate where she starts working as a brothel girl, and then steadily "grows" throughout the book. I'm thinking it'll be two books, at least. The first one to kinda explore her background and her relationships with everyone around her, and then the second one to focus on her as an actual assassin / hitman. Eventually, she does reach her goal, and having hitman'ed for a good decade or so, she has accumulated so much money that she can settle down with her partner and their army of dogs in the Swiss alps 🥺 It features some LGBT (bisexuality and trans people) and mental illness without outright demonising either. I'm very proud of it so far! It sits at like... 108k words 😅 just for the first book. I plan on getting this published - whether traditionally or self-published, I dunno yet.
I also have this other original WIP that's a sci-fi / romance novel idea. It features a bisexual / pansexual lady who gets gifted a state-of-the-art phone by her work. This phone has some seriously well-developed AI (think Siri from Apple, only far better), and since this leading lady is quite handy with engineering and very crafty, she fixes up a body for her phone's AI, and kinda like takes the AI and installs it into the frame? It's made of scrap and old janky robot parts, but neither of them cares, because now that AI has arms and a body, they can finally hug and kiss each other 😭 ❤️ eventually, the AI-turned-android will get upgrades. An important part of this story is the fact that android-human relationships are VERY frowned upon, and our leading lady and her android """friend""" will be the leaders in a revolution, of sorts, to make android-human relationships legal. This story will, maybe obviously, very much be a social commentary, but made to cater to me and the robotfuckers 😎 I do also plan to publish this one, at some point!
Okay I'll cut it here 😅😭
thank you so much for letting me talk about my WIPs 🥺 Writing is the passion of all time, and I could talk for HOURS about any and all of my projects
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"porn studios" "porn title starring ANGEL DUST" "Gay Boyz strip club" WHERE IS THE FUCKING. RAZZ-A-MA-TAZZ?????? THE CREATIVITY HAS FUCKING ABANDONED SHIP. VAL IS A FUCKIN HACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 notes
iicarused · 5 months
##you are so divine
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alastor x reader / vox x reader
synopsis: general love interest headcanons
beware: obsession, yandere aspects , implications of manipulation
envelope from the author: i love them. man i feel like dating alastor would feel like being roommates instead of a lover💀
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old fashion, but something to expect from him. you sit your pretty face down and let him do everything. all you have to do is make a meal and make the house a home. it’s funny because you barely get to do that either, as he would often take over and just spoil you.
though, you are not allowed to touch him. it comes slowly and naturally, so you often have to wait for him to initiate it. even then, it’s quite rare. you catch him hovering over your shoulder so often that it became normal.
his love language is words of affirmation and gift giving — but he started to stick around you like a lost dog much more these days
while you aren’t shown off to the world, he will talk about you to anyone who would listen. you are his most prized possession after all. quite frankly, that’s all you are, a trophy to show off and not a lover. he just enjoys the sound of calling you his.
this man gives you mixed signals while being straightforward, and you tried to leave but he insists that you are a lover. a kiss on the lips and a trip to the bed is all it takes to have you melting under his eyes again
“my dear, can you bring me my coat?” my dear. alastor never forgets to add the first word while addressing you. “it’s over on the couch — i have to hurry on out in a minute.”
“are you going back to that hotel?” you asked while fetching his coat. you remember the day when he first asked you to get his coat, and it was like a goal to reach after months of dating. while being the partner alastor is quite slow, you almost appreciate that he is still by your side.
“where else, my dear?” he asked in return when you handed him his coat. “the hotel is —“
“— is your finest project, i know, al.” you shared a look of question before he nodded at what he knew you were beckoning to do; dust off his vest and fix up his tie. it was like clockwork at this point. “you have a good day.”
“not a good day — a great day.”
while his relationship was never established with valentino, everyone knew not to ask. you came to the vee’s under the wing of velvette, and my, what a catch you were! eye candy, a prize, something the public would love to see around vox’s arm
began to whisk you away from modelling for velvette, but instead brought you in for interviews and made you the face of future designs (velvette was not very keen of the idea of vox doing that without permission.) introduced you to the world of fame
your pretty face next to his was all it took for hell to go crazy. everyone was all about the new power couple that streamed on every tv and the affection he publicly shown. an overlord? in love? everyone was gossiping
you were all he needed to overshadow alastor and make the radio demons “yesterdays news.”
public affection, public pda, you were public. he showered you in front of the camera, he spoiled you in riches where every paparazzi could see! often gushed about it inside the penthouse and the fame you both were receiving. praised you for doing so good in front of the camera
“doll, you were a natural! the press were eating you up!” a hand came under your chin, his fingers squishing your cheeks so gently. “keep doing what you do and i might make it to the top.”
“our story will put lucifer and lilith’s to shame!” you chirped. oh, how delusional you were to think that it was a love story that vox was writing. “maybe we’ll even have our own castle like a proper overlord of hell.”
“yeah, maybe we’ll even be the new rulers.” the emphasis of “we” always seemed to make you happy, and maybe he used it to keep you under his arm. that’s where you belong after all.
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bnbc · 1 year
Miss Nobody (Kou Okada's bio)
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I rarely post lore dumps (mostly because my docs are a mess) but I had some time to write down almost coherent Kou's bio for some discord server, so let it be here too :3
BEWARE a lot of letters and spoilers to my main plotline fics
Born in Vista's slums, Kou Lin Mendez had a few life perspectives. A neglected kid, she found herself mostly being on her own, with no one caring about her safety and education. Happily, there were enough good people in Vista's community who felt for her, not enough to interfere in her family drama, but lending her a safe space and extra food from time to time was already a lot. Mostly it was the parents of her friends, so Kou grew up with the realization that blood relation means nothing, family is who you find, not get by default.
She took the most obvious career path for a Heywood girl and became Valentino's street soldier. She never was impressive muscle-wise, but she was young, angry and ruthless, and made a useful tho a problematic asset to her gang.
Later tho she got fed with gang's propaganda and opened her eyes to people's problem, and started her little vigilante shit, trying to make life of the people better. She didn't care about consequences and didn't realize that her little vendetta made the relationship between 'tinos and The 6th Street even more complicated. She was about to get eliminated by her own people, but Padre interfered and traded her life for some ‘services’, and made her his personal merc.
Around the same time, Kou lost her eye, protecting some stupid corpo kid who ended up in the wrong district at the wrong time. She didn't expect any gratitude, but to her huge surprise, she was found by the kid's parents and taken to the real clinic to get an optic. She was allowed to pick lenses herself and since that day they became her eyes, she never changed them.
The kid stayed around, too, and she became a very important person in Kou's life. A daughter to European scientists, she came from a completely different world and turned Kou's one upside down, i.e. introduced her to conceptions of personal borders and self respect.
But nothing good lasted long in Night City, and when parents’ contracts ended Kou's corpo gf came back to Europe. They stayed in touch calling each other quite regularly. Soon, it was time for Kou to leave too: a person who she tried to kill in her vigilante days came back to the city, shining with self assurance and fool's respect, and she broke the promise she made to Padre, and went to kill this asshole, and this time she succeed.
Padre's people woke her up in the middle of the night. She was ready to die for her decision, but they only took her to the bus station and gave her a ticket to Atlanta. Padre called her to say she'd better not be seen on the streets of Night City ever again, but even tho the death of the asshole caused him a lot of problems, he wasn't really pissed with Kou's decision.
Atlanta was... meh. She tried to find her place in the city and was going well for a while. Even fell in love, for real, but wasn't ready for serious shit so she broke up with her gf in panic. After this, the city felt empty and staying there was meaningless, but she had no place to go so when her corpo-ex called her and promised a job of the guard in one of the space colonies they recently moved to, Kou hit the road once again.
The rocket that should've brought her to the new future was launching from Night City. Kou came back to her home just for one night... and met the next sunrise on the pier of Pacifica showing her new friend Jackie the rocket piercing the morning skies, saying she lost her only chance to see the stars.
She belonged to Night City after all, and this bond was not easy to break.
What happened next is known: the Konpeki heist, brain parasite situation, and long chase for chances to survive. Eventually she caught feelings for her ally, Goro Takemura, but was rejected.
The year 2077 was really special, since she got a whole tree of people whom she trusted. But Jackie died, Johnny turned out manipulating her for his own needs, so when she had to make the final decision she went with the only person whom she trusted deeply... and ended up as an engramma in Mikoshi.
Seven years later Arasaka fulfilled its promise and brought her back as an artificial human... whose body and soul was the corporation's property. The conditions were straightforward, she had to work her debt out as a corporation agent.
Goro was here for her while she was coming through all the stages of accepting the inevitable. But when she thought she had no way out, the chance appeared. A fixer named the Hound contacted her and promised her a way to escape. They were hard to trust, but Kou clenched to the chance and learned how to separate her body and soul from programs on Arasaka's satellite, and was free to go... except for the fact, that old flame was here again, and this time he also couldn't pretend he doesn't care about her.
Gladly for both, in the very last moments Kou realized that the corporation agent who helped her fixer with a plan, was Goro himself. During these seven years Arasaka did what Kou didn't manage back to Night City: turned one of his most loyal members to the traitor. He wanted to save her, no matter the price, and developed a plan of her escape.
Unfortunately, for the sake of the plan working, Goro had to stay behind and most likely die. Fortunately, Kou managed to persuade him to run away with her instead.
After a year of hiding they came back to Night City for a short time, just for Kou could see Vik and Mama Welles, but they both were tired of living on the run, and an awkward joke lead to unexpected consequences: they bought out a ramen shop near the Cherry Blossom Market.
To do so, Kou had to restore her connection to Wakako Okada, who was pleased to see her alive and could certainly use two very experienced solos to her needs. It took another joke to get Kou into a situation when she accidentally called herself Wakako's surname, but to her huge surprise instead of kicking her ass, Wako confirmed their relationship, so Kou Okada and her partner became respectful members of the Japan Town community.
So, born as nobody, Kou made a full circle, and became a nobody again, and she couldn't be happier. She got her place in the city, her chosen family and her peace, though sometimes she still needs to use her new merc identity, Bakeneko, to help her adopted grandmother and her ‘sister’ Rachel Vogelman with their biz.
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commenter2 · 6 months
My Hazbin Hotel season 1 trailer breakdown
Been a while since I’ve done a breakdown for anything made by Vivziepop and with all the recent news about the first season of Hazbin Hotel, I thought I do one if not to just make a thing containing all my recent ideas I have about the upcoming season. Beware of “spoilers” and M rated content. Also long post warning
So I know the first season is going to be 8 episodes long, just like the first season of Helluva Boss, and the episodes will likely be 30 minutes long, which I strangely like more than the idea of hour long episodes. I recently discovered a Amazon series called “Vox Machina” and it’s also a series with 30 minute long episodes and if they can do it while being fun then so can Hazbin Hotel. I also know that the titles of the episodes are out, which I might bring up here and there.
We start with Alastor filming a commercial and I want to point that the knife doesn’t seem to be having an effect on that wing guy’s victim, fitting since besides angelic weapons, sinners are pretty much immortal so nice detail there. Heck the guy being stabbed doesn’t seem to mind XD.
It looks like the Extermination clock from the pilot is now a kind of Heaven Embassy, likely also acting as a portal for angels to go to Hell to talk to demon royals like Charlie and of course for the annual Exterminations. I wonder if it is possible for demons to enter a part of Heaven through it, like for meetings? I do recall an old Instagram pic of Vox and Val getting ready for something where they wore all white and I thought it strangely was telling us that there are meetings between beings of Heaven and Hell. Just a random though I wanted to put here.
Yeah it’s not a shock that Angel is still working for Valentino, but based on this trailer and other pics it looks like he will quit and though Valentino and Vox fail to get him back through a fight in one episode, it looks like Val will tempt Angel from a distance, giving us a story arc for Angel.
There’s Travis, who gets nervous at Angel talking back at Val. I wonder if he has a bigger role in the show, and in this case Val is going to blame him for Angel’s back talk?
Looks like Alastor is on friendly terms with that fear based Overlord. He is also with some Egg Bois likely trying to teach them something during that “Scrambled Eggs” episode.
Razzle and Dazzle! Also look at Husk trying to pull off a smile XD.
Yeah it has been made clear that Sir Pentious is now a member of the Hazbin crew, which is still a bit odd considering him and Angel fought last time they met and now they are going to interact a lot. I bet Pentious X Cherri shippers are happy about it through since it will lead to them interacting more.
So Adam is indeed a jerk. Not surprising but a bit worrisome when it comes to that leak from some time ago. Actually I wonder if it is one of the reasons why he is in charge of Exterminations and that he has to go to Hell (maybe live in it) when asked by people like Charlie.
I know Charlie is likely making that “I really hate this guy but I’m going along with it” face because Adam is annoying her, but I really like the idea that this is the Lilith part of her reacting to Adam, given the popular “Lilith and Adam were previously married” plot point.
It’s hard to see Charlie cry. SOMEONE CHEER HER UP!
Cherri! Again I wonder what things will be like now that her bestie is in the same place as Pentious, who doesn’t like her.
It is nice that though Charlie is still nice, she still curses and isn’t scared to say things like saying a cannibal’s diet is disgusting.
Like I predicted in my season 1 premiere theory, it sounds like Charlie and the others have a goal to accomplish before the next Extermination, though it looks like they will cut it close given we see scenes of an Extermination, unless this is the one that took place before the events of the pilot OR a year has passed in the series since the end of the pilot and we are looking at another one. Either way I now think the goal for Charlie and the others will be recruit enough people for the redemption program before a deal she made with Adam ends on the next Extermination.
We will be getting an episode where Charlie and Alastor interact with Rosie and her Hellborn cannibals. Looks like Charlie will ask them to support her which Rosie seems to be into. Now like others I have a feeling that Overlords and such will try and use Charlie for their own ends throughout the series, which I don’t mind but I’m hoping it won’t be too predictable and I hope Rosie won’t try to do so as I have a funny idea for why she would want to help Charlie redeem sinners. Since their cannibals I could see them saying that sinners who have done very evil things taste better than those who are decent people so helping Charlie redeem those kinds of sinners would leave them with better options for “meals” XD. Maybe they join Charlie in the implied season finale fight with Heaven as the cannibals believe that they will be able to eat Exorcist mean XD.
Its Lucifer, and he has some BIG WINGS! I want to take a moment to talk about something that I hope will happen with him and Charlie in the season or series.
There is an episode in season 1 called “Dad beat Dad” which will definitely have Lucifer in it and he will likely being mad at Charlie based on the recent IGN pic of Lucifer looking threatening to Charlie, showing us that he has flaws when it comes to parenting, but I hope that the scene shown here takes place near the end of the episode where he apologizes which again involves this very scene as he sings his apology to Charlie. It be fitting as I see the entire episode being about how after her conversation with her father, the characters talk to Charlie about their dads and maybe Charlie thinks that Lucifer will never change for her, only to be proven wrong, a benefit for a season with so little episodes as they have to do a lot in a short amount of time.
I know “bad relationships between child and parent” is a theme in Vivzie’s work but after the bad fathers in Helluva Boss, I’m getting tired of that theme and wish to see different levels of bad parents. I once read a comment of Vivzie’s somewhere saying that Lucifer is a A+ husband, but a C parent, and I want to see that here like as I mention in previous works he states that though he loves Charlie, he can’t officially support this but maybe hints that there is a way for Charlie to do it and wishes her luck. That or we later find out that Lucifer pushes Charlie away because of the popular idea that he made a deal with Heaven so in exchange for the Exterminations, Lucifer and Lilith were able to have Charlie and fears that if she ever found out or the Exterminations stopped he would lose her, giving him a lose/lose situation.
Heaven got a redesign. Now it looks like that kind of angel that looks like gyroscope rings with eyes and multiple pairs of wings.
Charlie is getting mad at Adam which I don’t blame due to his attitude and singing, but I’m hoping her breaking point here is that he said something really bad about her mom.
I want to take a moment to talk about the song playing in the trailer, as it sounds like a fight is going to happen, and though I think there will be one in the season finale I’m hoping it’s a small one that doesn’t start a full blown war between Heaven and Hell.
When I first saw this, I though the new lady character was Lute (Eve in my headcanon) without her mask or maybe that one Overlord (https://hazbinhotel.fandom.com/wiki/Overlords?file=Ballerina_Overlord.png) revealing she was a spy for Heaven but I know it’s someone named Sera and she is a play on the Seraphim angel and likely based on an old Vivzie character of an angel who LOVES to torture sinners. I’m a bit meh about her being in the story as I feel like she could either put a stop to or aid the series idea I’ve talked about before of Charlie slowly convincing angels her redemption plan is a good idea as the series progresses.
Speaking of which, I’m not a big fan of the idea of Hell and Heaven’s hierarchy in the shows being 100% accurate to details from real life mythologies about demons. That would mean Paimon outranks Asmodeus one of the seven deadly sins, and do people really want that? I mean it looks like it doesn’t since Vivzie did give us a hierarchy where sins outrank goetias like Paimon but I wanted to bring it up since I see people talk about it. The Sera character is a similar thing as I personally like the idea of Charlie’s biggest problems when it came to angels was with the archangels such as Michael who not only defeated Lucifer in stories, but the fandom likes writing as a twin brother of sorts to Lucifer. I could see this working if the writers make it so that the archangels I’ve mentioned go promoted to seraphims over the millenia making them equal to Sera who would then be a part of Charlie’s mission.
We see a sample of Alastor’s power, killing some people likely sent by Valentino to attack the Hotel but who cares about that when we have MIMZY!!! Admittedly she is making an odd face here, but her design looks pretty good. I’m also glad that the inclusion of Pentious didn’t get rid of her and hopefully the others like Baxter and Crymini could appear soon too. Admittedly Mimzy is the only other character I learned about through the leak and (spoilers) Im kind of hoping the writers changed her since then or will as the series progress as there is one thing I read about her that I didn’t like that much.
Adam being mad and is flying to punch someone. Could be around the time of the implied fight hinted in the trailer. We also get a scene we saw before of him getting mad and breaking something, maybe cause Charlie is close to proving him wrong/winning deal and he will have to take drastic measures, AKA sabotaging her so the Extermination can happen.
We get a shot of all of Pentagram City losing power, but we do get to see some landmarks too like the Extermination tower in the center, Hazbin Hotel near the top, Val’s place to the left, but the most interesting one is that of mansion in the bottom right with a circus tent in front of it which I think means its Lucifer and Lilith’s place.
Some might think Adam caused this, but I think the power out was a result of Vox as I recall another post from Vivzie saying that Vox could cause power outages that can affect all of Hell and now that we know that he has electricity powers, I can believe he can do stuff like that.
We get a dramatic scene of Charlie wondering if she’s ready followed by a funny scene of Angel and Pentious (who is really into that lollipop) trying to act out Charlie’s script.
The trailer has gotten me both excited and a bit nervous for the first season of Hazbin Hotel, which is just a little over a month from releasing. Can’t wait to see what will happen, and till then I’m hoping we don’t get any more trailers and such as I feel like any more details of the season would spoil it but that’s just me.
What were your thoughts on the trailer? What do you think could happen/want to see happen in the first season?
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katsukissy · 2 years
perfumes matched up w deftones songs bc im annoyingly obsessed:
sextape-> caramel, demeter fragrance library.
cherry waves-> lost cherry, tom ford.
beware-> donna born in roma, valentino.
risk-> delina, parfums de marly.
mascara-> black opium, yves saint laurent.
rosemary-> fucking fabulous, tom ford.
be quiet and drive-> vanilla cake batter, demeter fragrance library.
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