#Like nada
redrobin-detective · 10 months
I keep turning over a sad little thought in which if all of Simon's memories from the time he put on the crown were stored in it. So when he is magically separated from the crown in CAWM, he retains no memory of any of the events while he was controlled by it. One minute he was teasing Betty in the 20th century and the next he's surrounded by candy people, vampires and talking dogs. How absolutely devastating would that be to everyone involved?
Simon is in a state of shock and it probably takes him months if not years for his brain to mentally catch up with the fact that his civilization died and a new magical one sprang up in what was to him the blink of an eye. Not to mention he knows he lived and experienced in that thousand year interval but when he pokes that spot, it's all a blank. People keep talking to him like he's familiar, bringing up stories and it's like they're talking about a different person. And they ARE in a way, Simon Petrikov PhD student was a very different person after the War and the force of the crown's madness.
Can you imagine Marcy's devastation, that she gets her father figure back and he once again can't remember her? He's normal and sane but he looks at her like she's a stranger. They're back at the same point when he was Ice King. They both work at the relationship and Simon cares for her, but this man didn't raise her, didn't give up his sanity to keep her safe and keep coming back to her even when his mind was gone. They make it work but it's different than what it had been. Marcy looks at him and sees a friend and a mentor but not a father.
Finn too had slowly, despite himself, become fond of Ice King. Especially when he learned of his tragic story. They had developed a relationship and Finn was eager to meet the human behind the magic. Much of his life is defined by loss and here he experiences another one. A man he had beat up, then pitied then against all odds befriended looks at him like a lost kid. This Simon doesn't understand Ooo and Finn's status. He's a man in his 30's to 40's, it will be hard for him to see a teenager as an equal without having developed the relationship over time. He would probably try to fill in the mentor/father role like he did Marcy but Finn would feel cheated. This man was, but also wasn't, the friend Finn knew.
Just a Simon who has to crash course adjust to the literal entire forces of the world changing under his feet with no prior knowledge. He has to cope with the joy and the grief of people who loved him (this other him) dealing with his existence. He has to learn about Betty's sacrifice all over again and not really comprehend just what she went through for him to return. Simon will lie awake at night and try his hardest to remember being scared and starving in the apocalypse, losing himself to madness and becoming a joke, a pointless nuisance, for the people of this world for centuries.
He suffered under the crown but he would give anything to have those bad memories back if it meant he could actually feel connected to the new world he was trapped in.
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caralara · 2 years
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spitblaze · 15 days
If you’re gonna care about prison abolition and justice you are necessarily going to have to care about the people who DID do those crimes and just want to reintegrate and live a normal life without hurting anyone. You're gonna have to be cool with the fact that the guy scanning your groceries might’ve raped someone. You're gonna have to relax about the possibility that your bank teller used to be a career criminal. The person sitting next to you on the bus might’ve committed three different murders, and as long as he's not about to commit a fourth right now, that's not your fuckin' problem. People don't disappear from society after they commit crimes, and most of them really just want to live a normal, stable life instead of going back to that. And the best way to make sure they don't relapse is to ensure they're able to live that peaceful life instead of freaking out because the guy next door used to run a dogfighting ring. You don’t have to be friends with them, you don't even have to like them, but you're gonna need to be okay with them existing in society. Sorry.
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wolfythewitch · 6 months
Jon I love you but I hate drawing transitionary hair growth with a passion
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five-and-dimes · 8 days
Listen. Listen. In no universe will I pretend that Dream wasn’t in the wrong when he condemned Nada to Hell. That was fucked up.
But bear with me and trust that I know that while we take a step back from that for a second to talk about something else.
Nada saw Dream from afar, fell in love with him, and went on a quest to track him down. Once she finds Some Guy In A Mask (not realizing who he is) she talks about how she loves this mystery man so much. Mask Guy is like “For real?” and she’s like “For real for real!!” Then he takes off his mask and is like “this is amazing I absolutely love you too!!” and Nada is immediately like “oh shit, Dream?? Of the Endless??? Nvm gotta go”
Everything after that is 100% shitty of Dream. Not arguing that. However, treating this as fictional characters in a story….
A woman saw Dream, claimed to love him enough to track him down, and then as soon as she found out who he was she was horrified.
So anyway when I think about Dream not wanting to reveal his identity to Hob that’s what I’m thinking about.
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asleepinawell · 2 months
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fine and normal things to see after eating mystery meat
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ryllen · 8 months
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live up ur sillies
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avelera · 2 years
Calliope in Sandman is the Muse of Epic Poetry, right? Not the Muse of Haikus. We mostly see her in captivity but the few times we don't even in the comic I think we've got some evidence that this goddess likes to talk.
So now I'm imagining that Dream of the Endless has an even more specific type than we realized: not just gorgeous brunets with dark eyes (Nada, TV version Calliope & Hob, and Comic Alianora)
No, Dream's type is in fact gorgeous brunets with dark eyes who will also talk at him for hours about their special interest so he doesn't have to. All Dream has to do is sit back, relax, and listen to his love tell him stories all day.
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upperranktwo · 6 months
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☆Orihime Inoue☆
Happy Birthday Nada ♡ @shinixgami
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roychewtoy · 1 year
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clouvu · 1 year
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Missing them fr
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mothidocandart · 4 months
hold on do people normally just fucking. Drop their stitches for cables or is that just my friend
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specialagentartemis · 26 days
“This Planet Needs a Name” is another fun one where the premise is fantastic and then the execution completely falls on its face.
TPNaN is the story of a cryo-ship launched from a dying Earth to try to re-populate humanity on another planet, out of the fear that Earth is not going to be habitable for much longer. It’s a one-way trip. The people who volunteered for this mission can never go back. It’s unclear if, when they wake up, there even will even be an Earth in any meaningful manner anymore. They’re going out of any reasonable communication range; they’ll never know.
This ship is flying to a distant, selected planet with a compatible atmosphere for humans. Aside from the atmosphere, though, it’s expected to be a bare lifeless rock. The core crew of seven are awoken from cryo-sleep once they arrive, preparing to spend the next decades terraforming the planet to meet human needs, and only then wake up the ten thousand humans in cold sleep below to have a new planet to live on.
But when they arrive at the planet, when the crew wake up… it’s not a lifeless rock at all. It’s a planet with a complex, vibrant, living ecosystem, full of complex, vibrant, living beings.
This is a GREAT setup. What a difficult story there is here about hope and horror, wonder and fear, trauma and duty, the realization that you’ve committed the rest of your life to a plan that’s been blown out of the water, that your responsibility to the people in your hold cannot be your only responsibility anymore, that you have so much to learn about this place and you can’t just change it to your will, it already exists. What is your duty to the people you brought with you for a promise of a new, better life, vs. your responsibility to the forests, the oceans, the animals, the whales and the dragons, that already live here? What do you do now when this is not what you planned for at all?
And TPNaN answers these questions by going :) it’s fine :) the fact that it’s already ready for them is awesome and great :) they’ll just terraform a LITTLE bit of the planet :) just enough for a human city :) they all compromise very quickly on this plan :) every conflict is resolved quickly and easily by being nice to each other :) these people do not owe jack squat to anything that already lives here and they are perfectly in their right to treat them like wild animals, curiosities at best and threats that need to be fought off at worst :) they never ever once wonder about their responsibility to learn about this place before they plop down and start terraforming it :) this is a wonderful gift just for them :) this planet needs a name. nobody ever once even slightly wonders if the inhabitants of this planet have a name for it. They’re not people after all
(when they learn that oops these native inhabitants are conscious, thinking people, this prompts a reckoning from nobody because hey look they’re friendly and happy to help)
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demeterdefence · 7 months
i have a lot of bones to pick this chapter and i will get to that but i'm still really pressed by how rachel depicts kronos apparently grieving having to kill hera in her vision
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rachel does this really gross thing where at some point in the narrative, she'll have the male abuser depict some kind of sadness in regards to his female victim, but it is not remorse. it really reads like whitewashing the abuse itself because "can't you see how upset the abuser is that he has to do this :("
apollo got that really disgusting pov chapter talking about his perspective on persephone after raping her and that was bad enough, but then you also see kronos and his relationship with hera being sanitized or even shipped, when hera said verbatim that he abused her and she did not want to sleep with him, she had hoped she could just charm him. the narrative explicitly points out that kronos is a chronic abuser - he kills or severely injures rhea in a fit of rage after using all her powers, he frequently drives away any nymph or consort who approaches him, and he spends who knows how long mentally torturing hera.
there's another essay tucked into that but i just find it so fucking egregious that rachel wants to portray kronos as being upset he has to kill hera because of his own feelings for her, when the fact of the matter is he is choosing to kill her, just like he chose to kill rhea, and swallow his sons, and tear hera in half. depicting an abuser (a serial abuser, in this case) as being upset over an action he's choosing to do for his own benefit is ... a choice, and a disturbing one. why are we centering the abuser in a sympathetic light when he is still ultimately abusing someone???
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marnorourastar · 3 months
About the name of Orel's son... well, I know I went a bit crazy a while ago (days ago).
When uh I said that Orel's son would be named "Arthur" after his grandfather, I was completely wrong LMFAO, (I watched Beforel Orel again, yes, I lost count of how many times), I had forgotten that eventually at some point someone...
Maybe... Bloberta? I'm sure that at some point Clay would "vent" or rather complain to her (like he did at that bar scene) about his past and how abusive Arthur was as a father, and in the future (when Orel grew up more idk), she would tell Orel everything. (just to make sure that Orel knew what his grandfather was like, NOT VERY GOOD AT ALL HUH), as I am completely sure that Arthur would prefer not to talk about how he truly treated Clay as a child, saying that Clay was just a "spoiled and rebellious" child (I think we all know that Arthur prefers to overlook problems, ah)
So... no, Orel's son would definitely not be named that, even if Arthur was not a bad grandfather to Orel, it doesn't change the fact that YES, he was a bad father to Clay, and well, Orel still loves Clay despite everything... because he is his father, he wouldn't name his son after the man who hit and psychologically abused him, yeah... (He is not like Clay, he still feels that he can seek forgiveness for him)
So I think his son's name would be "Samuel," meaning "Heard by God," and I know Orel would call his son something like that! Also, the girl would be named... Holy? well, we already know what it means. "Holy" was completely decided by Christina. (Or... Holy Hope? Not sure)
Forgot to add this (more reasons to name him like that);;
Samuel means... "heard by God." Samuel (in the Bible) was considered a righteous and pious man (with great faithfulness towards God) (memories of when my great-grandmother used to talk to me about the Bible, lol). Furthermore, his mother was a woman who couldn't have children, so his birth was a blessing!. (which is what Orel considers his son, after so much chaos in his life)
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ripjaws · 1 month
going to see Nada after every big revelation in the autophage questline feels like this
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